##VIDEO ID:ocqtnadPyTY## Mary would you like to proceed yes please good evening this is the meeting of the burough Highlands mayor and Council regular meeting on Wednesday October 16 2024 the notice departments provided for in the open public meetings act have been satisfied notice that this meeting was properly given by transmission to the ASB Park Press and the two retirements and by posting at the B highing municipal building and filing with the burough clerk all on January 1st 2024 items listed on the agenda are subject to change please stand for the pledge of FL United States America I will now do roll call council member right here counc Council here counc president ji here mayor bran here um first we have approval minutes September 30th 2024 special meeting minutes I'll offer them I think Joanne has to Second yeah are you waiting for me yes I asked for a second for the September 30th meeting I'll second it thank you council member Sam Council Council melck council president chesy yes mayor br on yes motion carries to approve September 30th 2024 special meetings minutes next we have October 2nd 2024 meeting minutes all offer all second all second council member SES council member jaac Council melik yes council president shki yes mayor Bulan yes motion carries to approve October 2nd 2024 meeting minutes next we have October 7th special meeting minutes I'll offer second Council memb council member mck let council president Shi yes mayor BR yes motion carries to approve October 7th 2024 special meeting minutes next we have resolution r24 1881 providing for the transfer of surplus funds A offer and I will second it Council memberes yes council member melik yes council president shki yes mayor ban yes motion carries to adopt resolution R 24181 next we have r241 182 authorizing and directing the burrow land use board to investigate whether the property identified on the tax map of the bur of Highlands as 84 did you skip 182 did that change you have the older version okay um lot 2.01 constitutes a condemnation Redevelopment area pursuant to the local Redevelopment and Housing law njsa 4A col 12 A-1 St gotcha I'll offer that second council member sanses yes council member melck yes council president oesi yes mayor line yes motion carries to adopt resolution r24 1882 next we have r24 1883 authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for professional planning services in connection with the captain's code Redevelopment study and plan I'll second council member s yes Council M yes Council pres chesy yes mayor bran yes motion cares to adopt resolution r 24883 next we have consent agenda mayor would you like me to read the resolutions by title yes please R 24184 authorizing execution of an agreement between the burough of Highlands and the county of MMO R 24185 authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for professional planning services in connection with the New Jersey asset activation planning PR program for the JT white shellfish clation plant R 24186 appointing members to the highlands Housing Authority Board of Commissioners R 24187 authorizing execution of the New Jersey asset activation planning grant program agreement between the Bro Highlands and the New Jersey Economic Development Authority R 24188 authorizing payment of bills R 24189 authorizing the execution of share services for the brush disposal services between the bur islands and the township of Middletown r 24190 property tax cancellation and I will second council member saman yes Council Mel yes council president sheski yes mayor bran yes motion carries to adopt resolutions r4184 through r241 190 next we have Oath of Office you we're still here hear me now [Music] [Music] and if you can repeat after me I state your name I for do do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States Constitution of the United States and the constit the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and the governments and the government established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office all the duties of the office of Housing Authority Board of Commissioners chairperson of Housing Authority Board of Commissioners chairperson according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so so congratulations [Music] I Christmas Ed do do swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith allegiance to the same to the same and the governments and the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office all the duties of the office of Housing Authority Board of Commissioners member of Housing Authority Board of Commissioners member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so to help me gu thank you so [Music] much awesome thank you so much next we have reports and other businesses uh administrators report and best practices uh thank you a quick update on the report and then I'll get on to the best practices um the county that finally is looking to pave and bay on the 22nd I don't think they changed it yet again but that's what we're looking for they did just like this much now they're it's going to be the 23rd to the 25th it's like if you if you you know hiccup or something they'll change you to day so hate to steal your thunder but those will be supposedly those are the these are the rock hard days that it's going to be yeah or nights I should say since it's going to be evenings so it'll be Wednesday through Friday okay and then on Monday they're going to strike beautiful yeah uh met with sebrite uh we're discussing more shared services I'll be able to report back more on that in the next few weeks uh had an additional meeting with the New Jersey film commission so we're we're moving forward on becoming a film ready town for the state um and we had our preconstruction meeting for the Portland Road draining project um and I guess we're looking to start that in the next week or two and on to best practices this is something as you know that we have to do every year for the state in order to receive the final 5% of our state aid you have to get greater than a 34 to get the final 5% we got 41 so we comply again um some of the questions I'll go over just a few of them that they ask um one of them for budget is to make sure the CFO before the end of the first month sub submits his annual Deb statement um that's done before January 31st of every year and that we comply with uh another couple of uh more questions that they asked in the in the last couple of years regarding cyber security is that we have multiactor author multiactor authentication for remote access to our Network and that's a yes we have to comply with that as part of our U membership in the GIF um also we require a password policy for all Network users that we have to change I believe it's monthly that they make us change that um another Financial Administration does your municipality post totals all funds for the general ledger on a monthly basis yes and one of the other questions I'm not going to go over all of them there's 53 of them um personnel as we reviewed and updated our employee Personnel manual handbook in the last three years that's yes we did it October of last year and as part of this requirement I have to give a brief presentation about it every year also and that is all I have for this evening so that final number was 41 41 out of 53 is really quite well done yeah thank you um just one other thing about uh the paving um I'm sure Mr savantes is going to be very happy to hear that um Ocean Avenue is uh the last streets of those streets over by the community center and that is in the process of reconstruction right now and they are expected to finish the Reconstruction and doing the first 4 in of the basee uh pavement by Friday and then they're going to come in on Monday and do the loop around those three streets Central Beach Boulevard and ocean with the final top coat of the 2 in and then hopefully if the county sticks to their revised schedule we'll be done with this before the end of October which would really make a lot of people including myself very happy to make this job be final and done in in the punch list phase that's all I haded to add do you have anything to add from an engineering SP standpoint Mike said we're starting on about Monday CH other items reporting the chief at school lay down area for the piping okay does anyone have any questions no questions uh statements statement reminders uh this this weekend this Saturday uh o clean ocean action as their Beach sweeps across the state of course we have our Highlands location down at St Harbor which will be from 9: until 12:30 so if you'd like to go to clean ocean action.org uh you can register for any one of the sites including stud Harbor because it's the fall and it's time to do the clean up absolutely she very happy that we're moving along with all this process exactly they're finally see people happy and you know excited very good very good all right then the public portion statements okay individuals wishing to address the council shall be recognized by the presiding officer and shall give their name address and the group of then need to represent although the council encourages public participation and reserves the right through his presiding officer to terminate remarks to and or by any individual not in keeping with the conduct of a proper and efficient meeting if any individual refuses to conduct themselves in a proper manner they will be removed from the meeting the council will not during the public portion of this meeting discuss matters involving employment appointments terminations of employment negotiations terms and conditions of employment evaluation of the performance of promotion or discipline of any specific or perspective or curent employee there's a 3-minute time limit for your comments does the public have a comment Mr [Music] dor good evening uh Joseph Dorne 102 Valley Avenue um here about the uh 14-32 North Peak Street project um this is the flip side of the record that I played last meeting um I viewed the YouTube video of last week's meeting and I'm sorry for being redundant but um I've been redundant for 3 years now almost three years now about the same thing um is there anything to tell me at all that's happened in the last two weeks since I was here has anything happened from any Communications from Mr baru to the town that I should know about or anything I haven't heard any of that since the last time Nancy gotten anything okay right I do have a question specific though to uh the right away which was uh brought up as a separate separate um part of the uh enforcement that I was uh disappointed to the hear that the town is is is not going to enforce at the at this time anyway decision has been made not to enforce the Steve slow coordinance [Music] um so it appears to me that the town is at this time choosing to not do anything um I don't know the reason for that but that seems to be the direction the town is going to take right now or the position the town is going to take right now um no one has told me that it's not a steep slope and if the burden is going to be put on me to prove this a Ste slope um and the cost to that is uh going to be put on me U I think is very unfair um so my question goes back to the right away is is anything going to be done to fix the right away which is Town's property and and and by the way the the water that comes down the hill quote unquote steep slope goes through the right away and then onto my property it first flows onto the RightWay and then down onto my property there's a there's the open trench in the RightWay was dug in January of 20 I guess my time is up yeah yeah go ahead I'm sorry I can chime in and address the right way I I've had a conversation with Mr brunt about that I can't tell you much more than that at this point um but I I would think by the time we have next meeting uh we'll be able to have some update at least as to the right way okay I'd appreciate that I would hope that we could at least get that fixed um if nothing else at this time because there's an environmental problem there and as I said last week and I'm going to be very short there can be a an environmental catastrophe there that nobody else seems to see but me I'm the one who lives there okay I live at the bottom of that in in the middle of it the water flows directly toward my house not to the sides but at where my house sits in regard to the to the crater and at the bottom of the deep slope I'm in direct line to the water flow from that hill and uh it didn't exist before well last thing I want to do is have to come back here and and and and who's responsible I I mean it just it's incredible to me that as of this at this moment neither Freehold soil or the town is willing to address the matter directly and it's just going to sit it's going to sit there forever if nothing's done to compel the Builder to do something yeah I can go to court I can do this I can do that those are long drawn out things and extremely expensive and I'm not going to belly ache but I am about how much money I've already spent to get to this point I'm not going to throw the number out it's not a small amount of money that I've already incurred because of a mistake that was made the mistake can be rectified maybe Mr faru will sue the town if the town forces slow fors I don't know what he's going to do just seems everybody's afraid of Mr farou and I I don't think it's I'm not asking for special treatment I think I I don't think I'm getting I mean you're listening to me and everything but nothing happens there's no action it seems that everybody's hands are TI and thank you for listening thank you Mr dor I will close public portion I will offer to ajour Second all in favor I thank you meeting adjourned at 7:22