##VIDEO ID:QmiM5tGYRCg## e e e e e e e e okay I think we're ready to go this evening good evening everybody good evening and welcome to the township committee meeting of October 15 2024 Miss lenzo please call the role committee woman hand here committee men the pony present committee woman Pay Here Deputy Mayor chiarelli here mayor bring here administrator Ferrera attorney Willard here will you all please join me in a salute to the flag pledge algi flag the United States of America indivisible andice for all please be advised that in accordance with Section Five of the OPA public meetings act chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was made by the posting on the bulletin board at the Hillsboro Town Municipal complex and notifying the officially designated newspapers that this meeting would take place at the Hillsboro Municipal complex here at 7:30 p.m. tonight on October 15 20124 approval of the minutes may I have a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of September 24th 2024 so moved a second second roll call please committee woman hand yes committee man leani yes committee woman Payne yes deputy mayor chiarelli was I present uh yes oh last one no no well this is September 24th abstain yeah mayor biring yes all right may I have a motion to approve the executive session minutes of meeting minutes of uh September uh November 28th 2023 three joh moved second second roll call please committee woman hand abstain I was not here committee men leani yes committee woman Payne abstain Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes mayor bring yes may I have a motion to approve the executive session uh minutes of January 23rd 2024 so move a second second roll call please committee woman hand yes committee men Le Pon yes committee woman Payne yes Deputy Mayor Chelli yes mayor bring yes may have a motion to approve the uh executive session minutes of March 26 20124 so move a second second roll call please committee woman hand yes committee men the P yes committee woman Payne yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes mayor bring yes now reports from committee liaison of receipt reports petitions or Communications we will start with committee woman hand thank you very much mayor all right first of all happy New Year shanatan to those celebrating and I hope if you had a um if you celebrate yam kapor as well I hope you had a meaningful fast also just a thank you to those that invited us to recent um Garba events very fun for the community um really enjoyed participating and hoping that um everyone has a happy and joyful Diwali and that there are many that your holiday is full of Lights um as we move into that holiday before our next meeting from the health department we have um the final household hazardous waste drop off for 2024 is October 19th time to open the cabinet under your sink see what is in there and consider dumping that stuff um it is from 9:00 to 3 at the County Public Works facility at 410 roycefield Road here in Hillsboro and please contact the somerset recycling for a list of um things that will be accepted from the wreck department Halloween events parks and recre department is brewing up a cauldron of Halloween fun this year with a spectacular event for everyone check out the rec department website and the mayor's ews to learn more about these wickedly fund programs I cannot take credit for writing this by the way she Deb ases a nice job all right um winter basketball registration is open for winter basketball leagues for boys and girls in grade three through 12 register your child today secure a spot and volunteer coaches are also needed at all levels um it is a wonderful way to interact and get to know your kids friends so please consider doing that from the social services department so Amazon Prime grocery bags if you get Amazon Prime grocery bags and they are overtaking your laundry room or Pantry wherever you're keeping them um the social services department needs them so if you can consider donating specifically these Amazon reusable bags they are unable to accept other types of shopping bags at this time but they are able to accept these so if you have a bunch um please consider helping out the hillsbor um can food pantry and uh dropping those off also senior yoga the Hillsboro senior residents relaxed during an instrumental meditation and yoga class it was led by Christina from Avalon Assisted Living if you are a Hillsboro resident who is 60 and over and interested in participating please call the Social Services Department I do yoga on a daily basis it is wonderful give it a try um all right and from the senior arts and crafts Club sponsored by Foothill Acres local Hillboro seniors spent an afternoon creating a diamond art project The Craft um is just one example of enrichment activities provided for the seniors by our social services department and our partners and if you are a hillsbro resident again over 60 who's interested in participating please reach out to Social Services Department and from a donation perspective in addition to regular donation Drive Hillsboro uh Social Services is about to Embark upon our annual Holiday Drive arrives please see the E newss this week and social media for a list of needed items and I will tell you as I think about social services and I had the pleasure of meeting with our social services um coordinator Cathy recently and it just brings about the thankfulness as we go into this time of year I think a lot of us are very start to reflect on um how lucky we are and um how much we could be doing for others so I would like to take a moment to think couple people who have helped make Hillsboro a better community so we work with Partners um every day in and out so whether you are the police department here in town um it's fire prevention month whether you're the fire department or First Responders just even the Municipal Employees we thank you for all that you do we also recognize the challenge of the route 206 project and we thank the efforts of our assembly members Rory Fryman and Michelle drulis as that project thank goodness is back on track um I know they worked closely with the NJ do advocating for that project Project's resumption and while it is um it's also really about developing longer term relationships with the assembly colleagues we also recognize that open space is key to maintaining the quality of life here in Hillsboro that we all cherish and recently together with our Somerset County Commissioners including directors uh Chanel Robinson and deputy director Sarah suoi over 400 Acres of the sand mountains were purchased ensuring they remain pristine and open to the public for future Generations it is beautiful if you haven't driven up there it's very nice um and being able just really to work closely with our state and County Representatives as a privilege and we appreciate trying to um work for the betterment of the Hillsboro Community and I just don't know if we say thank you enough so I just wanted to say thank you for that um and my last update is the senior balance information session so again if you are a senior over 60 here in Hillsboro and you're concerned about balance and stability the physical therapy and balance Center of Hillsboro is sponsoring a free informational session an individual assessment for seniors I think I shared with some of you especially at the senior meeting that I went to recently um my mom in her mid-70s unexpectedly fell fractured her skull and it was all about balance so I think at that age it's not a matter of if you're if you will fall it's a matter of when you may fall so again great opportunity um to check out the the physical therapy and balance Center to do all we can to remain healthy and happy so thank you very much mayor back to you very good thank you uh committee man leani thank you mayor uh couple important things to talk about first obviously um the election coming up November 5th there's some important dates to understand regarding the upcoming election the deadline to apply for a mailin ballot is October 29th samp sample ballots will be mailed on October 23rd the mailin ballot drop box is in front of the municipal building by the front entrance is now open and accepting mail and ballots through election day which is November 5th early voting here it's m building begins on Saturday October 26th which will take place in the back of the multi-purpose room and runs through November 3rd see details in tomorrow's e newss the voter information page on the Hillsboro Township website is a helpful portal for everything you need to know about the general election so a couple important dates if you want to apply for a mail and ballot you got till October 29th sample ballots will be mailed October 23rd droping ballot again at the front of the municipal building in a Ballot Box if you'd like to put there through through November 5th and October 26th is when early voting starts here through November 3rd um obviously it's going to be it's a presidental election so it the lines will be long and those who park or come to the missile building in particular parking is limited so please be prepared if you're coming on Election Day to wait in line to cast your ballot um and also I would say that try and come off peak meaning not first thing in the morning when everybody comes on their way to work or on their way home if you can come in during the day or by all means take uh advantage of early voting I do it it's literally takes you longer to get out of your car and get in the building than it does to cast your ballot um it's the same machines that you'll use on November 5th it is you'll get a receipt uh with your uh with your with a tracking number so it is a a very viable way of casting your ballot hope to see you all there and then we encourage your support scarecrow Festival fun stuff the fourth annual scarecrow Festival is underway if you came in the front building I'm sure you saw our lovely uh participants out there if you didn't please uh stop by with committ hen um and commit pay while the parti was setting up display we were there and we all took pictures there's actually one picture of me riding the snake there but we decided it probably wasn't a good idea to post that um Corum was the uh the winner there but uh listen the the every year the uh the scarecrows are of great uh quality and originality and I really appreciate the township uh um putting out that so come by and then cast your vote that's the second part Go Walk It cast your vote and then uh we'll recognize them later in the year the festival runs through the end of October The Economic and Business Development is hiring a full-time Administrative Assistant this is a 40 hour per week class one afcme Union position uh that focuses on all aspects of data day administrative task community outreach and event coordination so if you're looking to that you can see the portal on the township website uh and find the information regarding that position the finance department is hiring an assistant to the CFO this is a part-time job offering flexible hours up to 29 hours per week not to exceed 116 hours per month uh so that is also on the site and lastly sorry Sean just to be clear I'm sorry committee minani that's a parttime parttime job okay it say fulltime on the slide I just don't want to confus part time up to 29 hours not to exceed 116 apologies I wasn't looking at the slide thank you I know you're welcome I know um so much to say that's it uh and uh a the rotary is running a um a fruit sale so this our little little tidbit here is an apple day may keep the doctors away but a fresh box of fruit purchased from the Rotary Club at Hillsboro helped fund multiple community service programs all year that's the goal of recently announced fundraising effort launched by the Rotary Club of a hillsbor in partners with PJ's fresh fruit is a distributor out of Florida uh a purveyor of nation's largest selection of fresh fruit and fundraising um the fruit is driven up the one day to us uh here in the township so is it's really really fresh uh you can go and see information on ews you can buy it as a gift so you don't have to buy it for yourself so you can buy it as a gift and uh pick it up here uh or have them designate it um and then also I have also done and bought it and brought it to the food banks so it doesn't necessarily have to be for you it could be for a relative or obviously to the food banks I'd also like to reiterate K woman uh hands uh thanks to the invit for all our uh time at the gerba events the last two weeks my hips are sore from doing all the dancing uh but the spirit is is great the camaraderie and the love of family and togetherness is is apparent uh and Ness is now my I think sixth or seventh Garba that I've attended and uh everyone is is a special occasion and I'd like to thank the hu Community again for inviting us um at the end of the meeting last time there were some residents that came up to talk to us about the impacts of idas had on their community and some of the frustrations they've had in dealing with FEMA um we didn't talk much about it on on a camera um we decided or I decided they would probably not to make comments but best to talk to them independently because they had specific questions and we addressed that specific question of getting in touch with the people they need to talk to by holding a meeting with all those residents today in the multi-purpose room with the residents and the decision makers of FEMA they had one-on-one talks we had a group session everyone had an opportunity to sit in in a private setting with a FEMA representative to talk to their individual concerning case um that is what we felt the least we could do to help these residents it's a very trying time for all of them uh and we looking to support them any way we can and I was thankful for the female residents to come and meet with them independently as tost to telephone conversation an email or a zoom so uh the overall um feeling of the people who left felt better at least they felt more informed and they felt heard which was what the object of the meeting was supposed to be the answers are hard and sometimes may not be what they want to hear but it's the answers and the questions they need need to ask so I wanted to thank them for that uh that's all I got mayor thank you great thank you committee Lani we have now committee woman pain thank you so um it's not Robert roues but I would like to third the um the gerba for the past two weekends the aih did an amazing job and really it's just it's such a beautiful religious ceremony that I was like very thankful and felt very special to be part of so thank you for allowing us to do that we appreciate it okay more formal news um for the police we have the DEA National takeback Day the United States Drug Enforcement Administration has declared Saturday October 26th National takeback Day a data dispose of unneeded medications unanimously and at no cost in addition to our normal red collection mailbox uh here in front of the PD there's also a medication drop off container at the Hillsboro um at this same location the program will run from 10: to 2 p.m. uh drop off is confidential and Anonymous please do not drop off sharps or liquids coffee with the cops is back so join us at with uh local Starbucks with the Hillsboro PD October 16th from 4: to 6:00 p.m. for coffee and conversation there is also a fundraiser that is amazing it's called Stuff the bus the local Hillsboro PBA 205 will once again be stuffing the bus members of the Hillsboro Township Police Department will be collecting food and other items for the community Assistance our can Network here um please come by shopright uh November 3rd from 9:00 a.m. to 1 to pick up a list of needed items and it's a really fun opportunity to meet some of our local law enforcement also from a Halloween safety perspective uh next week please wear light colored clothing that is short enough to prevent tripping add reflective tape strips to the sides and front and back in costume if it's possible make sure that children can see well through their masks or makeup and other Garb uh and adults you know should accompany young children especially if they're Crossing major roads in town and make sure that they have um a flashlight with them on their person I've always like I've three kids too so I've always hit up the dollar store for glow sticks just crack them throw them in their pockets you'll still see them like that and it really keeps them visible we live off a Hillsboro Road and twice Crossing Hillsboro Road on Halloween we have gotten hit actually hit so it's dangerous people don't know and like if you have teenagers at home especially like that not to pick on them but I have one now so the college age kids like they forget it's Halloween right so remind your older kids that like there's Littles out tonight and this isn't a night to be just like driving willy-nilly anyway so examine all the candy before you allow your kids to eat it only give an except wrap and packaged candy I give out whole bars if anybody's interested um fulls siiz bars keep control your pets um another thing too is dogs are going to like animals are going to react unexpectedly to children and costumes so be mindful of your pets honestly it doesn't hurt to benad drill that night I have two of them too so they get a little benad drill stay in the living room away from the door uh Hillsboro Police would like to remind residents that it is illegal to steal political signs signs posted on private property may only be removed by the property owner and signs posted on public property may only be removed by state or local Personnel who maintain that property anyone caught stealing these signs can be charged as a disorderly person fined up to $1,000 and actually serve jail time up to six months is that worth it um veterans there will be a Veterans Day ceremony on Monday November 11th the time of the ceremony will be announced closer to the day on social media and the mayor's E news so please keep posted on that that's all mayor Deputy Mayor Chelli thank you thank you Mr Mayor um the master plan study uh the first survey for the Master Plan update which focused on the plan's vision and goals has been closed completed uh thanks to everyone who participated ated I think we had 600 or so residents and 1,600 uh pieces of information uh which is actually pretty part for the course it's a decent response um now the uh planning board planning and zoning department is excited to announce the date for the master plan informational session uh this will take place here in the municipal courtroom on October 30th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. and the session will give insight into what the master plan is a breakdown of the vision statement goals and elements a summary of the findings from the first survey uh and time for questions about the plan and the process that will be going forward we encourage all community members to attend and learn how your voice can and will help shape the future of Hillsboro uh visit the Planning and Zoning page on the township website for more information so this this is an ongoing process the the master plan and uh um we have you know all the all the results we got the open-ended questions some of them are relevant to the vision and goals others are relevant to other elements so we're parsing through that information now and hope to explain it in a little more detail at this session which I believe will be recorded in addition to uh um you know the the the town H the town hall format so uh please come if you can on on Mischief Night um the building department uh has an online permit process now and the building department has uh is accepting permit uh submissions via the sdl portal there are eight different permit templates available and are being accepted currently with more scopes of work to be added later on at this time only homeowners performing the work are eligible to uh submit it not I guess that's not the contractors um and the construction Department is hiring so if you know anybody with an interest in Electrical Plumbing multiple lures uh please contact the the uh Human Resources page on our website um you could be retired and and and do it but uh the construction Department is hiring and needs help uh the engineering department the New Jersey DOT is replacing American American with Disabilities Act ramps on sidewalks along the existing Route 206 to bring them up to the latest ADA requirements a formal schedule we will be forwarded to the township when it's available uh this is a state DOT project and is not being completed by the township however it benefits Hillsboro to have these ramps updated to meet the latest safety standards the ramps will be uh the ramps being revised are within the Town Township Town Center area between Andrea AV and the Hillsboro border uh it it's also not noted that the the uh current route 206 widening project will also have the new sidewalks in installed that will conform with ADA requirements uh and public works as always the leaf collection program will begin the first week of November I know my yard already is covered uh a minimum of two rounds will be performed in all areas of the Town schedules will be posted on the township website to give residents an idea of uh of the progress of the DPW Crews uh residents are advised to place leaves at the curbs Edge and not in the street uh for more information about the Lea program please visit the uh Township website and uh I guess I'll save my comment on the uh the recent gar celebrations uh and focus on the food because that's what I do um so they've been outstanding hosts and in including feeding us uh with samosas and uh other assorted Indian food so that will be my my uh input to these great celebrations and that's all I have all right thank you sir and I will just keep that going and say thank you very much for the invitation it was really and the reason it's incredibly important because I think if I were Hillsboro Township is probably the most inclusive town that I I've ever seen I think we we we accept and we are um celebrating every different group Culture and um it just feels very good to see people come together and um smile and and it's just a very great positive thing not only for the adults but most importantly for the children to see that because that's the world they live in and it's really important that we move forward that way so thank you for your hospitality there and happy holidays to everybody CU it's it's the holiday season is starting I know the Hindu Community just ended one of their major holidays now Jewish Community is starting up and the the Christians are starting up and it's it's a uh a very very know the Muslims so it's a very very big time in holiday season so I just want to wish everybody a happy holidays and we'll continue to do that throughout the year so just thank you all for your hospitality and continue to uh to ask us to to be involved because we want to be involved all right so uh mayor's Wellness Walkin talk so I'm pleased to announce the annual mayor's Wellness walk uh walk and talk the annual mayor's Wellness walk and talk is back and I will take it will take place on Saturday November 9th at Duke Farm starting at 10: a.m. this event is part of the mayor's wellness program which happens every year uh it gives Hillsboro residents a chance to walk and chat with uh with myself and I think I don't know who else might be joining me is it you yeah Deputy Mayor chick be there too well getting some exercise and enjoying the beautiful views at Duke Farms it's a beautiful beautiful place to go if you haven't been uh it's a great way to connect to with the community stay active and enjoy nature it's just another great way to connect and that's really important you've seen this year we've done a lot of connecting and we're going to continue to do that um first responder Mass uh there's been some some great things that we've we've uh um worked on this year with the police department and uh we and and also the other the the First Responders and this was just a a really terrific opportunity and and thank you for the invite as well to um to Mary Mother of God last Sunday myself um committee Leon and committee woman Payne um all joined in at the First Responders Mass it was just a wonderful event um it was a great way to honor those people who put themselves in in front of us and that's just God bless them and thank you for doing that which is great to be a part of that uh Miss hopson's third grade class at Hillsboro Elementary School so I had a chance to join those guys I'm actually going to Woods Road on Friday as well and um just want to thank Miss hopson's third grade class at hillsbor elementary school for inviting me to come in and talk about my job as the mayor uh it wasn't just her class but I talked to literally all the whole third grade class and they had some really good questions and the teachers were saying well we're going to try to get them to not ask you what your favorite color is I'm like well you know what that's what they should be asking right so we talked about what what being a good civil servant is and and and being a part of of trying to help your community and the little things that a person can do and they can aspire to be anything they want to be everybody so this just a great opportunity to help help motivate the children I have three boys almost 9 seven and three so it's nice to see other children's eyes let up when you're there all right so uh we have um ashash atani troop in 7 1776 recently I met with him and his father he stopped by the mayor's office uh this is just another example we have a number of you guys here tonight from the Boy Scouts so we have so we have some some great young people we do a ton of work also with the Girl Scouts it's a great great way to uh build yourself up as an adult my middle guy Christian is actually his first time as a Boy Scout starting this year he's part of the Woods Road Road troop so that's a great thing it's just great to to give an opportunity and honor for uh for for all the young men and young women who are are serving their community and trying to make themselves the right the right mindset as an adult um now we also we talked about the Garba event which is the next one but here is just a picture we have here Mr Ral thank you for being here as well too he's been a terrific culture leader for the Indian Community in Hillsboro he's here tonight as well to accept one of the pro proclamations with with the whole Community as well so thank you for the invit is again too this is just a small picture of what all five committee members were it's a massive group of people was very cool at the high school very very cool dancing was fun all right pickle ball ribbon cutting all right I don't know if you saw the videos um my communication's been a b big deal for me this year if you haven't had a chance to notice that I'd ask you to please go to the YouTube channel or sign up for re news I've done one every single uh almost every single week at least one every week since the beginning of the year and I had the chance to do a volley with the the superintendent Mike vulpi we did a cage match and we only did a couple of volleys back and forth that was okay it was in a suit but think it's one of those new X suits so it stretches a little bit so I can do it um we had a good time doing that so this is a pickleball court that is on Amsterdam Drive uh that is a pickle ball uh it was a tennis court but now it it's now both pickle ball and Tennis so you could do both and I know if you play P pickle ball the net is just a little too high please bear with the this with the school system in the township this is a collaborative um situation we have with the school typically the town has their own courts the school has their own but this is one that we worked on together to upgrade to make it a better place for everybody also quick news on Amsterdam because that's leave that up there for me because that's right off of Amsterdam as well too originally October 18th was the day to get Amsterdam Drive complete it's about a week later now because the weather dropped under 40° so we have to push back a little bit to make sure that the che the the materials that that solidify the ground do that so just give it an extra week or so you'll see people out there again they've already done the sidewalks for the Ada so wanted to make sure I didn't forget about that about um Amsterdam okay what do we have next we have uh uh red womb Red Ribbon well sound like Elmer fud Red Ribbon we at football game here we go yeah Wally rabbit that that was my cartoon as a kid so on October 4th myself and kit leani kittee woman pay Township Clerk s break join the Hillsboro uh Millstone Municipal Alliance at the annual Red Ribbon Week football game I said it right that time uh they had a chance we had a chance to really go out there it's it's really um it has to do with making sure our youth makes good choices on all levels and this is just a a terrific group of people that work very hard to make sure our children are safe and you see my kids in a lot of pictures that's not by accident I want them to experience this as long as I have the opportunity to do this so they can learn to do the right thing as well too so you'll see them in a lot of pictures they had a chance to carry out the um one of the uh banners my little guy Grayson who's three actually carried the banner out almost by himself and I was very proud of him because he acted like a big boy so um so Red Ribbon Week is being celebrated in Hillsboro from Monday October 21st through Friday the 25th right before Halloween red uh Red Ribbon Week is the largest and longest running drug prevention campaign in the country we celebrate Red Ribbon Week they're doing this to me on purpose uh at at the end of October and we use the Red Ribbon as a symbol of our commitment to raise awareness about living healthy and drug free life please see more information about Red Ribbon Week the the 2024 theme and a poster contest on the Hillsboro Township website and in tomorrow's e- news so if you know anybody or you want to be involved please sign up for the E news every Wednesday it's terrific to do a wonderful job of getting all all the information if say again when they're not torturing the yeah to this is that was torture that was a tough one so all right so daylight savings oh boy here we go it Daylight Savings Time ends at two it gets like dark at 3:00 in the afternoon now the daylight savings time ends at at 2:00 a.m. on November 3rd uh please remember to fall back before you go to bed on the second this is that was really corny but that was good um this is also a good time to CH change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide uh detectors that's that's actually a really good message to do because a lot of people forget to do that and that could be a life-saving thing so don't forget that that happens uh 2 a.m. on November 3rd okay so that was and by the way the batteries only go off at 2:00 in the morning yeah yeah they do and that's what we call the fire department yeah we oh and in earlier mentioned was 206 as well too because there's been a lot of work that's been done this year as well as it relates to communication so since uh January what was it 26 or 28th uh there's been videos on there so now on the Hillsboro Township website you can go to Hillsboro nj.org roadwork and that will allow you to see everything that is working uh within the township we doing a significant amount of roads this year and we've put an immense amount of pressure on the state and the NJ do and in many cases we were running alone on this and it's good to see the politicians now jumping on to try to help out so it's a good place to go so thank you and if you want more information please do so and uh it's a great place to learn about what's going on so all right we have some proclamations to do all right let me turn this off here all right yeah no music here right okay Heritage Month you can bring up everybody who came here for this evening is this on yes it is wow yeah come on up even if you're here for the Boy Scouts and you want to be a part of this please come on up if you celebrate yeah we'll bring we'll bring everybody up let's go back a little bit because there's a lot of people here come next hey guys wor good to see Oh Come everyone can come yeah come on up come every can join that's our lady down there here yep hey how are you good to see you I'm giving you something oh thank you thank you thank you let me read this first so I don't drop it all right so you can see the the the Hindu community in Hillsboro is is strong is this on properly okay yeah okay it's it's a very strong Community a very tight-knit community and um we've done a lot of work this year to help help the community feel completely connected to the hill Hillsboro Township and this year was the first year that we launched the the Holly Festival which will be every year the Festival of Color um we also have Hindu Heritage Monch which we started last year and we're doing that again this year and that's every year moving forward um and this year also with the help of a good friend of mine Vivic row who is a cultural leader in Hillsboro Township and helping bring in the Indian Community and helping others learn more about it um uh we're doing a a huge a u huge dwali celebration as well this year as well too I believe at the middle school in a couple of weeks and you can say that when you come up and chat so let me just read off for you and then we can move forward with this so Hindu Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world with millions of followers in the United States including many and Hillsboro represents about 15% 15 15% of our population the practice of Hinduism seeks to promote Unity along all dharmic communities increased awareness of the Heritage values and educate Society on issues affecting the Hindu American Community the Hindu American Community has made significant contributions to the social cultural and economic vibrancy of our community adding to Hillsboro's diversity and prosperity and I know many of them is and they're very good friends of mine this is a a wonderful wonderful group of people I'm just very happy you're here now therefore be a proclaimed that we the mayor and Hillsboro Township committee do hereby recognize October 2024 as Hindu heritage month and encourage all residents to join in on celebrating the many contributions of Hindu Americans thank you very much [Music] well you hear Mr Mayor yeah I'm here I'm here okay so we welcome everybody today some people maybe see us as a Hindu Heritage Month today America is a great country to celebrate all kind of people Hindu Heritage Month Hispanic Heritage Month Jews Heritage Month African-American Heritage Month so Hillsboro is taking new step for last year to allow Hillsboro Community we have 15% plus and this all credit go to Mayor committee woman committee man and administrator give them a big round of applause and [Music] firsty so as a Hindu Heritage Month there's a one good sloka that's I'm going to do you and everybody can sing with us so people know this SLO is allow us to give us peace of our mind doesn't matter we come from who we are we are one big family we are one big family with everybody under one things so I'm going to sing that Sanskrit Soka and I'm going to sing this in English so we can start om sah om shant shant shant so you can hear this sloka and give you some spiritual elements to you right so I'm going to see this in English I will try English is my second language but I'm going to try maybe we are pro protect from together may we be nurtured together may we work virly together and may we are study eliminated to us may there be no dislike between us let other be a peace peace and peace amen Hindu Heritage Month the core value of this what I said last year also the core value for this is spreading love be a peaceful and Harmony within us all human together not we stay there we also consider the plantation on of Earth there part of our family the animal of this Earth part of family and also climates they also with us also so this is the core value Hindu heritage month is providing Among Us providing the society and providing the hills Hillsboro Township we are very good in educations lot of doctors lot of Engineers lot of uh it pharmaceutical we have a doctor sale also we have it uh people and all business people and a good part to the Mr Mayor we have a small two or three big group in Hillsboro they're running Hindu heritage month we all welcome and thanks to bavis dhandra dtia Manan uh kiman shuai and if I forget everybody's name uh Mr President of a Mr President is an mral everybody of course anui she's with me more than 10 years to doing this kind of events in Hillsboro Township we welcome everybody to come and join me us our festivals and our religious things and spirituality again behalf of Indian Community Hindu heritage month I will thank you all Hillsboro residents Hillsboro officials Mayors committee man police officer fire department and everybody who's living in Hillsboro thank you Om Shanti shant shant thank you Mr Mayor all right let's stay here guys stay here we're going to take a picture stay here boys oh I'll get it one second I'm stay here going just take a picture let's move this all the way out of the way because we're going to try to all we're going to football term is skinny up going to be all right we the chead here they exactly what to do all right it's a challenge one one sorry got a lot of people here I take we have a su group that's here they're also coming from Township and they do lot of event as well as so this you see the group here this a core group of hbor representing Hindu Heritage and hind commun thank you all for G [Applause] come to me's it okay National diabetes Awareness Month who do we have you yeah you could stay yeah if you'd like to stay yeah anybody here for National diabetes Awareness Month yes yes come on up that's all all good there you go you can hold or you can give it to someone else to hold I'm I'm just the worker be you're the worker B okay Round of Applause for National diabetes awareness month and the people were coming up come on in all right National diabetes awareness month is celebrated every year in November to to raise awareness about diabetes and to support people with diabetes the focus for diabetes awareness in 2024 is is on taking action to prevent diabetes health problems the Centers for Disease Control and prevention also known as the CDC estimate that over 38 million Americans have diabetes new jerseyans are increasingly feeling the effects of diabetes as approximately 76,2 people suffer from the disease and 207,000 people may have diabetes and not know it an increase in awareness of risk factors and symptoms related to diabetes can improve the likelihood that people with diabetes will get the attention they need before developing the dis disease and its devastating complications now therefore be be resolved that we the mayor and hillsb T committee do declare November 2024 as National diabetes awareness month and do encourage all residents to help fight against this disease by creating awareness all right I think our months are a little it's October but we're we're celebrating in November I assume there we go would anybody like to say something the pressure to speak yes the pressure um so uh I am the CEO of Michael's Miracles we focus mostly on type one diabetes which is also prevalent and our focus is to bring awareness and to educ and education about type 1 diabetes if anyone has any questions you could check out our website Michaels miracles. net we offer um medical supplies a support group um and we send care packages to the children in hospitals who are newly diagnosed um and we are currently training over 200 nurses on helping support the children who are in the public schools with type 1 diabetes so we appreciate you recognizing this thank you e if I might uh M Mr Mayor um November 14th is diabetes awareness day and I think we'll have a there'll be an event at the township committee like last year where we'll we'll hang the blue circles around so I expect to see you then thanks okay so we're going to go to this next one here so National wh National Women's Business Council established Women's small business month to celebrate the growth and accomplishments of female entrepreneurs recognize the vital role they play in our economy and Spotlight successful women business owners who have been the Trailblazers for future generations of women now can I ask for uh the group that was invited here or or as to be here invited here to come on up there's a chance there you're here come on up yeah come on up yeah good good great oh I yeah here we go yeah all right kiky d I guess right yeah I know who you are you are here you go you're represent the whole Community there you go thank you very nice big big big round of applause all right so yeah it was actually you actually that's good good tonight we celebrate women's full business uh businesses of Hillsboro by presenting the certificate of appreciation to Kiki's dress shop um would you like to share a little bit more about your journey and getting into the bit into to business and also where your business is and promote it a little bit yeah sure um so I'm from Hillsboro originally I grew up here went to school here did all the things and um I went to fit for school so I've always been into fashion and I saw an opportunity to continue someone else's small business and I wanted to bring it to my community here in hillsbor and do something for the town um it's an honor to play such a small role in women's Journeys and finding the perfect dress WEA that be a mother of the bride a bridesmaid for prom um really enjoyed having a committee woman hand and her daughter in for prom and everything so they're lovely to work with um so yeah I'm just really honored to bring it here to Hillsboro and um hopefully Inspire other young women to kind of take the plunge where where's your business oh um it's a in Mountain View Plaza um right next to Joe's Pizza got it so open 206 right yeah all right awesome thank you congratulations thank you okay now now we have something called the Hillsboro Township credit card advisory committee and we give out grants to local organizations and I believe this is 13 organizations I'm going to call each of them up one by one and then we'll do a group picture make it that way is that fair okay we'll do it that way and I think what we gave out this year is just under $10,000 in Grants to these organizations that's fantastic all right so first can I please call up Boy Scout Troop 89 come on up boy scouts come on up yep go ahead come on up good yeah oh and the people from the credit card advisory committee come on up I'm very sorry Maria come on up please want you come on up I saw the long list and I was like oh my goodness yeah and then you could you could speak I'll bring them all up and then you can present present it all is that all right here we go we'll do it that way okay so we're going to have to make some room because there's 13 groups all right so you guys are going to have to be in formation all right all right so you boys are going to have to like scoot your boot we're going to figure that out all right so Boy Scout Troop 489 you're next come on up congratulations come on up big round of applause for these [Music] guys Dance For the Cure congratulations feeding hands [Applause] GG's Hillsboro baseball league if they're not here I can stand there all right they're coming up there they are very cool Hillsboro Education Foundation Hills Municipal Alliance now let's see what happens when I call these ones out these ladies up Hillsboro rockets and Rocket let's see you dance your way up let's see it come on there you go nice nice very nice all right now we have Hillsboro VFW 8371 thank you gentlemen all right it's a lot of people here all right Hillsboro Youth Lacrosse all right you got baseball up here you got lacrosse up here you have competition for spring Sports nanic in Club come on up and the last one we have this evening is Project gradu Graduation Resolution Run Maria will you please come on up with the can everybody just take a little step back is that possible and then we're going to have the the the credit card advisory committee come up and I didn't introduce them up front I made a mistake so Maria's going to be mad at me so we'll give her a moment take a deep take a deep breath there we go yes we gave out or the committee Township committee gave out 13 grants totaling almost $10,000 this year we'd like on behalf of the recipients and the committee to say a special thank you to our mayor Robert bring and AR Lea is on AR Lea is on that's back there Sean leany who sits in our Sean leany uh we would like to give them a special thank you because they always remember the seniors and the Youth of our community so let's give them an [Music] eyes okay what I will do is I will list off the amounts that everyone gets and what they put in for and what was approved first G's Playhouse they're getting an iPad $950 Boy Scout Troop 89 uh they are getting camping equipment totaling $1,000 Hillsboro baseball league this is the Buddy League uh they're getting $450 for a speaker for speakers for music to play during their uh games it keeps them engaged uh the youth lacrosse new equipment I believe it's helmets $1,000 the VFW where are you guys because it's almost Veterans Day yeah the two old guys in the back they have they're getting new Flags new American new American flags and BFW Flags right yeah I think everybody's up here there's not anybody in the audience uh the Rockets we always give the Rockets money for new uniforms but this is special this year because this is for additional members I believe you have new some new members so they're continuing to um perform for uh the assist the living etc etc right Boy Scout Troop uh 489 uh sponsored by Mary Mother of God they're getting equipment tools for their up upcoming camping season of1 th000 the nanic Garden Club they're getting money for new I believe rain barrels and we know the uh how nicely they keep all of our Gardens the municipal Alliance microphone system $750 Hillsboro Education Foundation they're getting upgrade in some of their um advertising items and Project Graduation Resolution Run impairment goggles they'll be working with the Hillsboro Police in these goggles uh they'll use them at Project Graduation and it's an instruction tool Dance For the Cure they're getting folding tables so that they can make those wonderful back baskets for their um auctions and feeding hands color printer and some accessories so we thank everybody and particularly the township let's move that thing out let's get this thing out of here here let me put this behind you guys sorry somebody who it would be I don't know anybody here you guys KN sorry guys I'm making another badge to get no congratulations everybody [Applause] did cath right on the end of that row [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're going to take a two-minute break while everybody has a chance to go home and then we'll reconvene for e e e e e e e e okay thank you appreciate it thank youp Chris close the door okay everybody we are back in session it's about 8:40 or so all right so we have consent agenda items 1 through 26 through here may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda items 1 through 26 can I ask one clarifying question before we do sure just on number nine on number nine which was the iron Peak game of chance is that for their current operation with the arcade Etc or are they they're not looking to do additional No gambling game CH I just wanted to clarify okay fabulous yes believe it or not because um I mean it's old archaic laws it has to do with gambling laws the fact that like Chuck-E-Cheese and that if you're giving out tickets and you're getting prizes or whatever it's like and you serve alcohol yeah it's it's like game okay okay I just needed to hear that I never win G's Play House does it all right have a motion to approve consent agenda 1 through 26 second there comments from the deis comments from the floor yes Miss Gord spin the mic around yeah but yeah sorry you can oh you let me get the uh that red thing I left that up there that's my bad the mayor just a notebook um Susan gulford H Hunt Club Road I won't spell it uh number 10 the re resolution on the bids for installation of the thermostat system in the municipal building okay um I had a question on that when this came up uh the municipal building thermostats 185,000 it was ordinance 2024-the um I know I had asked about what that was covering and it was apparently the software and the items that had to be installed but the removal and the actual installation the removal disposal of old existing systems um was going to be done inhouse because we were lucky enough to have employees who were able to do it so I was wondering looking at number 10 tonight was that something additional or did it turn out to be something we weren't able to handle in house that's a good question I don't recall I believe it's an upgrade Mr ferer is feeling very ill tonight so he's not here um I think that is an upgrade can we can we follow up with you on that because I I that's a good question I was actually concerned about it the first time it came around too so that's why we did ask a lot of questions around this specifically I remember we had a discussion yeah so um one we could obviously go back to that night's recording but it was for the upgrade and there is software pieces that need to be like co- fitted with it um so there's a lot of retrofit but there is also a lot of new that has to go into it because there were rooms to Anthony to um the business administrator's definition that needed to like work independent as well as with like coordinated with so that this room is not being utilized it would be turned down and then it would know that this room is not being occupied to turn down so there's some like smartness to the system that's what that was for it it did seem a lot at the time that's why we had this discussion yeah I have a note that said there might be some initial adjustments needed but I wasn't sure if that's what this was or not we could have used the new system this evening yeah yeah thank you see you later yeah and this resolution is just to go out to bid at this point in time I think this is going to be for the equipment and installation yep sir and I believe the F funds for this were appropriated last year I believe that's what you referring to I believe that was probably the capital ordinance yeah correct yeah not seeing any other comments from the floor roll call please oh oh oh would you like make up yeah come on up come on up com comments got be about it's about and it's about the consent agenda items oh well in a little bit there will be more for public comment yep absolutely just on the consent agenda yep yep so any uh so doesn't look like any more comments from the floor roll call please committee woman hand yes committee men leani yes committee woman pay yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes mayor bring yes public hearings I see none introduction of new ordinances I see none claims list may I have a motion to approve claims list comments from the floor roll call please committee woman hand yes committee men leony yes committee woman pay yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes mayor bring yes new business I see none now this is for public comments for matters not on the agenda Miss lenzo please read the statement regarding public comment the township committee welcomes input from the public please state your name address and please spell your name for the record you will be given one three minute allotment for your comments please understand that this is a public forum is not structured as a question and answer session comments are to be addressed to the mayor again please keep your comments to three minutes thank you and any comments yeah now it's your turn yeah okay my name is Helen Wong uh 628 Robin rad um I just wanted to thank the committee for bringing 206 back to life um especially you Bob because you made a lot of effort um you put pressure on Murphy and his administration and um I A lot of people are noticing and they really really really appreciate that I just that's all I wanted to say thank you Susan Gord hun Ro your name is g u l l i f o r d follow instructions um okay I know you're not answering questions but I wanted to mention a few qu comments on the um lar and entities resolution the settlement agreement and the items that came up was I couldn't find it the I was looking for the definition of s smallscale Logistics facility if the effect was on the named Lin properties and not any light industrial district and would it open us up to any legal problems or settlements in other Li districts and whether the question was have any applications been filed by Lin for the Lin properties that were affected by the agreement at some point maybe that could be addressed thank you thank you any other well that's sir well so you're referring to the Len settlement uh the Len settlement all it did was um instead of having Warehouse uses there was a definition um for small scale logistic facilities that the planners came up that came up with um but the whole purpose of the settlement was to resolve the Len claims but he doesn't have any applications pending or anything like that it's he has existing facilities and the way the ordinance will be structured when it comes time to implement the settlement will be that his existing facilities there's a description in the ordinance that will allow them to exist so basically it's facilities that are already constructed and are there yeah no no pleas take your great question you you you're grandfathered in but you are a pre-existing non-conforming use and if you're a pre-existing non-conforming use that does have some legal implications that Lin was particularly upset about um anytime you want to expand or do something or or do something else or change a tenant you end up having to go to the board of adjustment um so he was like you know this is unfair I I I don't want to be a pre-existing non-conforming use um so we're trying to resolve that particular issue because I think the issue was we're trying to prevent the large scale warehouses and we didn't want to hurt existing businesses wasn't there also like specificity around like if there was a fire and there was a total loss of unit like rebuilding would be Troublesome also correct under um if if you are non-conforming use in the zone and let's say your uh property s sustained a complete loss you wouldn't be able to reconstruct that particular you'd have to conform with the zone so that was also part of it Susan okay any of the public comments if not may I have a motion to adjourn to adjourn motion to ajour that's first motion I have a second second second roll call please committee woman hand yes committee Min Le Pony before I say yes I'd like to also uh we missed it recognize that October is Pastor our appreciation or awareness month so uh take uh time to thank your your religious leader um for what spiritually give you some and yes committtee woman pain yes Deputy Mayor Chelli yes mayor Brit yes the time is 8:48 have a great evening everybody happy Halloween everybody those e