[Music] do all it was flood management all right ready go all right here we go no yeah no okay I want to use the Mallet ready ready go I'm ready to go let's do it you all set yeah I'm sorry oh that's okay I'm just want ready to go all right all right good evening everybody and welcome to the township committee meeting of January 9th 2024 uh Miss break please call the role committee woman hand here committee Lani here committee woman P here Deputy Mayor tarelli here mayor bring here administrator Ferrera here attorney Willard here okay please join me in a salute to the flag to the flag flag of the United States of America and to Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible and Justice okay please be advised that in accordance with Section Five of the O of the open public meetings act chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was made by posting on the Bolton board at the Hillsboro Township municipal complex and notifying the officially designated newspapers that this meeting would take place at the Hillsboro M uh Township municipal complex at 7:30 p.m. on today January 9th 2024 okay so first approval of the minutes may I have a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of December 12th 2023 I make a motion to approve second okay roll call please committee woman hand committee woman hand I will abstain from the December 12th and 28th minutes committee leani yes committee woman pay abstain Deputy Mayor trelli yes mayor bring yes okay now may I have a motion to approve the special meeting minutes of December 28th 2023 so moved second okay roll call please committee woman hand abstain committee M leani yes committee woman Payne abstain Deputy Mayor Chelli yes mayor bring yes all right now we're going to go from reports from committee liaison and receipt of reports petitions and our Communications we will start with committee woman hand thank you very much all right I have two committee reports the first is forth health and the second is for soci social services all right from a health perspective radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is the second leading cause of lung cancer prolonged radon exposure can kill as many as 500 people in New Jersey every year families who reside in homes with elevated radon levels are at risk for developing serious health concerns any home could have high Ron levels even if your neighbor does not um radon testing can be done easily and um with little expense to the homeowner the cost of reducing rate on concentrations um can be comparable to a home repair the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection as well as the US Department of Environmental Protection are collaborating during January to promote awareness for radon testing to help save lives of New Jersey residents keep in mind um the health department would like to REM uh remind residents that their homes can be tested there are approximately 100 to 200 radon kits available at the health office beginning in February I know personally my house was tested for Radon and I had to put on put in a system so please check it out could be a health risk all right rabies clinic there will be a free clinic January 20th at the Hillsboro public works department on um 21st East Mountain Road it is on the 20th of January from 10: to noon um the clinic will be free and it will be rescheduled in the event of inclement weather any questions please call the health department and there'll be more information in the mayor's newsletter e newsletter tomorrow all right next one last one social services so the Hillsboro Community Action excuse me Community Assistance Network can um the food pantry housed in the social services department we' like to thank the holiday program donors many individuals organizations and groups who purchased gifts ran collections donated food and spent their time towards these efforts um during the holiday season deserve our GR gratitude and thanks the program serves residents who are current beneficiaries of can food pantry and experiencing food insecurity um despite the challenges that many holiday Shoppers um went through this year the donors showed up and were very generous and helped create wonderful holiday memories for the clients thank you thank you committee woman and good job for your first time good job all right um so committeeman leani thank you mayor I know doesn't it so good um just a couple brief here uh so in case you haven't uh in the past we were blessed to have the um New Jersey Motor Vehicle uh mobile unit come to town and again we are having it uh again uh at the municial building on January 22nd through January 26th uh this is a great opportunity to make appointments to get your real ID uh they're they want you to start to transition over to get the real ID as far as an ID uh versus your normal license or to renew registrations those you do need appointments for but to get handicapped play cards and or plates you don't require appointments so you could just show up to do those um so it's an opportunity to come in to someplace local instead of having to um go into somville or Flemington but I'm also going to utilize it to return some old plates that have been in my car for like three years years so I think I'm going to utilize that um but you can see more about it in tomorrow's e newss and Hillsboro Township website calendar for registration for the event again it's at the municipal building here January 22nd through the 26th uh and just note your calendars for those who may be looking for work or a business owner that is looking for employees the Hillsboro Business Association is excited to announce our second job fair we're going to say annual because the first one turned out so well Anthony administrator FR did a great job in his team of attracting people that it will be Thursday February 29th from 10 to 12: p.m. here at the municipal building last year's job fair was attended by 35 businesses and over 100 job Seekers I'm imagine this year probably a little bit more uh with the uh economy the way it is so if your business is looking for some quality people to hire or or you're in the community and you're looking for a new job or opportunity we encourage you to stop by attendance as is free as always and registration for businesses will be open soon please contact the Economic and Business Development Office at 908 369 3533 for more information again that is Leap Year day Thursday February 29th that's all mayor all right thank you sir committee woman Payne first announcement is from the courts the shared Municipal Court of Hillsboro Township Manville burrow Montgomery Township and Branchburg Township is open from 88: to 4:00 Monday through Friday although the office closes at 4: staff will continue to answer the phone calls until 4:30 for inquiries received after hours please leave a message at 908 369 3532 or email them at Court Hillsboro nj.org and your inquiries will be promptly returned on the next business day for the police residents who utilize social media marketplaces can make safe Exchange in the police parking lot or inside the police Lobby Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for those of you who don't know the police Lobby is located at the north end of this building Christmas tree safety the National Fire Protection a Association reports that more than a third of all Christmas tree fires occur in January as live trees dry out there's an increased risk of fire Hillsboro residents are encouraged to dispose of their live Christmas trees as soon as possible avoid leaving dry trees in a garage or against your home the Somerset County Parks Commission is offering a free Christmas tree recycling service through January 1st that's all very good thank you uh first one down so with Deputy Mayor chiarelli good evening thank you mayor uh from the building department uh be advised that with uh a build a building inspection cannot be performed in an area that's covered with snow for obvious reasons uh if an inspection site is covered with snow it's unsafe and the inspectors are not able to perform their inspections uh and they will be have to be rescheduled similarly from the engineering department has a similar cautionary tail um the the in winter months if a resident is doing works such as additions or driveways or or starting inground pools which some people are um if they're in the process of being constructed it's recommended that the site work be completed uh before the ground becomes snow covered it's kind of a moot point at this point but they can't do the inspections without uh when this uh ground is or site is covered in snow uh if a resident requires a a certificate of occupancy and the final site inspection must take place with snow on the ground the engineering department May issue a TCO or temporary certificate of occupancy with a cash escrow deposit and then when the work is completed in the spring or when it warms up the the cash escrow can be returned uh when the permanent certificate is issued um so that's uh that that's with respect to uh snow on the ground if we do see more this year uh also from the engineering department we just wanted to give an update that both the brown a and the Aon road repaving projects are in the plan design currently being prepared for proposals and for subm mission to the dot for the state aid so those jobs are those engineering projects in town are are progressing and we'll give you some updates as as we know more and as those as they progress uh Planning and Zoning on the uh on December 14th the planning board held a public hearing where the Township's first climate change related Hazard vulnerability assessment of the master plan use element was adopted this is a key part of the master planning process and the first document that we're required to do as we update the master plan uh it's on it's available online for public view we we got some input from the public and Incorporated in the plan and again this is an important step we'll be um going forward we're scoping out everything for the Master Plan update including how we obtain feedback from the public and from the committee various committees um and other interested parties throughout the area so uh uh stay keep your eyes open for Master Plan update uh input and again you'll be hearing more about this in the future uh Public Works who were busy tonight um they're actually experiencing an increased call volume concerning above average amounts of water puddling in yards that should be no surprise to anybody um much of the puddling is because of the winter uh conditions winter temperatures don't allow the ground to absorb uh water rain water as quickly um and especially true with this the frequency of uh storms recently so now's a good time if you recognize an area of note in your yard or area of concern in your yard to consider regrading to ensure proper pitch is achieved when War warm weather arrives uh also being sure to inspect and repair all gutters and down spouts I was out cleaning leaves today out of mine just to make sure we've they operate properly um the DPW also uh given this Rec Rec snow we had in plowing operations um investigates every complaint where a mailbox has been damaged during snow removal uh if an inspection shows that a mailbox was hit by snow a snowplow or other DPW equipment the township will rep will replace the broken mailbox and or the post however if the damage was caused by thrown snow or ice coming off the plows the mailbox repair is typically the responsibility of the property owner but the DPW does not and they do not fix U leaning mailboxes residents are encouraged to make temporary repairs to damage mailboxes I would suggest taking photos and Reporting as soon as possible as soon as it happens um especially after storm cleanup is is completed um only mailboxes that are broken will be repaired and uh the requests must be received by June 1st of each year but I suggest that you do it as as soon as it happens at least get that in right away contact DPW at 908 369 395 zero if your mailbox has been damaged during the recent storm or any subsequent storms and the last part is from our sustainability office they like to thank every artist each artist for the Creative Design submitted for the sustainable Hillsboro logo contest do we have that we do not have a slide we do not have it I saw it last night um so the contest is now closed the winner will be uh the winner I guess maybe it'll be announced at the next meeting maybe that's why it's not up there but but we have a new logo for sustainable Hillsboro um I guess we're keeping everybody on edge it's going to be yeah there's going to be a big unveiling yeah we'll unveil that oh yeah um so yes it is green I'll give it I'll give you that much uh the office is also gearing up for the first submission of the 2024 uh sustainable Jersey program in 2024 is the 13th year the township is participating which is the longest for any municipality in Somerset County uh last year we received the ninth straight silver certificate the highest level awarded for the sustainable Jersey program and had a record-breaking 730 points uh and I think we were second place for our weight class for the size of the town uh so uh we we had a meeting kickoff meeting last night or a reorg meeting for that organization and sustainable uh sustainable uh office will again be looking to to to uh take first place Miss sustainable Jersey so that's all I have mayor thank you thank you sir all right so I'd like to um just start off just with a few few comments right there have the slides up there Sarah yep all right so I just wanted to start off before I before I go any further just again thank everybody for the support um this is uh taking the position over as as mayor and thank you all for for your support and just thank you for your leadership the past three years I think it's incredible my family is incredibly excited about this my boys can't wait to do their their homework in the mayor's office which is pretty cool like that that's a motivation then I'm doing something right so thank you for that um if you don't mind going to the next slide as well too um I just wanted to congratulate everybody here as well too I put all your family pictures up and I know Tara didn't want to be in any pictures right now so I didn't didn't put her I had a picture of her but I didn't do it because I didn't want her mad at me but I just wanted to say thank you guys and Cong I know I know and congratulations and I think it was important to highlight that picture at the bottom uh with mayor leani as well too with all the service award that his his entire staff had had presented to him so thank you and congratulations to everybody um next slide please if you don't mind um so what I did here was I this looked a little different I I presented on on in white background um but here I want to make sure I reaffirm my commitments to the township and I'm not going to share this every meeting but I wanted to follow through in my presentation as I'm getting to know uh committee woman hand she and I had a nice conversation earlier today I know the rest of you for a while I want to make sure everybody recognizes what I say I mean and I follow through on it and I wanted to put my signature there to prove to you all that that's how I truly feel so um this is how I will operate the remainder of the year uh Sarah if you don't mind going to the next slide thank you so um okay so this the structuring on that changed a little bit but in the end when I did outline in the in the conversation um or the presentation for the the first meeting these are the the the five items that I had that I had mentioned with uh people as well as the six but I made sure to put that at the top because that's what we're going to do uh we're going to put them at the center of everything that we do um we're going to focus on fiscal responsibility Public Safety infrastructure open space and new business ratables and you're going to see this slide more often than not and each meeting um you're going to see more information and I have followup um as we move forward we'll focus on each one of these these different areas of attention that we're going to put towards the township each meeting to keep it very organized and structured as we move throughout the year so the residents and anybody else interested can be informed and what how we're going to move forward so I thought that was important to put up front Okay um let me go into some of the other comments that we had so uh I had the the great honor with uh Deputy Mayor chiarelli to uh to attend the robo Raiders event I think there were over a hundred children in that event they were all high school students um as you know Deputy Mayor Chelli is a is an engineer he's actually a world known engineer in in certain litigation matters in other areas as well too um Traffic Safety whatever it might be um but uh he had a great opportunity to speak to them and to to help motivate them and and just share with them the the value of what they're doing and how they can use the robotics mindset as they move forward in in in their future so it was a great opportunity right yeah it was nice anything else you want to mention more than it's more than just robotics it's uh they set up an entire business structure and they do marketing and fundraising and uh so it's it's a it's a a pretty amazing uh group of kids with they the marketing part again the the girl the young lady who did my portrait is actually the one in the marketing team for the for the robo Raiders so it's it's a small Community we made her stand up and barer for the picture she did such a good job said you make John look like Brad Brad Pit so uh so they all laughed they thought that was fun Girl Scout Girl Scout yeah she was yeah that's right oh yeah here you go there you go and Tara thank you for sending that email so quickly while I'm presenting I see it's coming through it's great there's a lot of movement going on here this is good um all right so uh next slide please we're going to go to the storm update um so so storm update in general so we'll jump into Cod red in one second CU I have some some some comments there um we are going to do everything in our power for this storm and every other storm or situation in Hillsboro to make sure you're informed hopefully you had a chance to go on some of our social media pages today Hillsboro Township Facebook page with our social Media Group has done a wonderful job of getting information out there I posted a few videos to make sure you heard it directly from me and how I felt about how we've organized uh we had a meeting with the office of emergency management yesterday along with all the other public groups with the police department um and also had a chance to uh sit down with the uh the governor's office and uh Mayors throughout the state for us to share share our concerns and to gain their perspective as to how they would help us we do have Route 206 which is a state road growing up through Hillsboro so they've committed to helping us anyway we can because they are concerned about the ran the ran River so uh uh and the implications across the board for the area so um in the event of a power loss uh Hillsboro Township will open a warming and charging station at the municipal building that will come through if that is to be to be a realistic situation um as it relates to to to code red um so this is a critical system for for Hillsboro Township and we had we had implemented a change to the to the system alert through this new vendor code red uh not too long ago and it's encountered some some challenges up front and the team here is now working through those challenges and as they work through those challenges we ask that you still maintain close contact not only with code red because I'm getting the alerts myself um but also uh through the township Facebook page and the township website on the main page uh the team is literally 24/7 updating as things go through which is great uh the implementation implement ation uh for code red it has not gone as as the team had originally planned and they are working to fix that uh they're working to make it right and they're committed to keeping our residents informed and safe and we're using every means through media possible to do that while we're rectifying that um okay so NJ do so uh so we have been in contact with the NJ do and have provided them with a list of our concerns a meeting will be scheduled in Trent in February so this is with regards to 206 so I mentioned that you saw it in into it is a very important uh uh very it's probably the most critical item that is hitting Hillsboro uh every single person that lives in Hillsboro right now because we all drive on it and we know how unsafe it is and how it needs to be fixed so we've been in contact with the NJ do and they are open to having a discussion with us and we're going to be meeting with um Governor Murphy's NJ do team in February um and that will be down in Trenton um so in general I'm going to read off a couple of details here because I think it's incredibly important that uh Hillsboro residents are made aware of so since Hillsboro Township sent a a a legal letter from our our attorney Bill Willard of safety concerns to the NJ doot or all correspondents must now go through the deputy Attorney General's office that is their process since we sent that from our lawyer they have to go through and look at from their legal means this has now created another layer of review and longer response time that's their process this however was necessary after not receiving numerous response actions that we deem necessary and I have a whole book of all the different uh how we've communicated ated um thanks for doing everything you did last year to try to get through as much as you could mayor um the deputy Attorney General's office uh reviewed all of Hillsboro Township safety concerns and provided feedback to the NJ do that their findings found no emergency safety concerns at the time and speaking with um with with uh um with uh a person at the NJ doot um we advised her of the issues of the drainage and detention basins and uh the concerns um for potential with children could potentially walk down in those basins there's some serious safety issues that we need to be made them aware and they understand that um so now uh that that group is going to be reaching out to um uh uh so the the njdot representative will be reaching out the sh to the sh company and provide us with an update um they also will be reaching out to the deputy Attorney General's office to follow up on the um our Engineers maintenance request on triangle road that started in June I believe it was and we still have not heard U much response back which they are the person who uh uh Mr farrara has been in contact with is is seems to be more than willing to help us out which is great um so another person from the d uh NJ do office had uh that we had been engaged with has been promoted so we have to engage with a new person and um we'd advise that person at the the new person at the NJ do that Hillsboro Township uh myself the mayor and administrator and also the deputy mayor um and Township professionals um hopefully also with the county uh will be heading to Trenton in February expecting an update um to the NJ do widening project um I'll be advising all of you the public at the township uh uh meetings as we move forward um you know it's a very important feature sorry to read off the details if you're listening but I think it's sorry not sorry I told you be unapologetically honest I think you have the right to know what's going on and how hard we're working to make that work um to get it moving and that's really going to be an important feature for us so two more items for me and then we're going to celebrate a few people here who have done a wonderful job so ask the mayor um we're going to have a new feature on the uh new weekly ews uh from the mayor so we're going to do uh answer one question per week and we'll send out a video um we're going to be asking Hillsboro residents um to submit questions and we assume there's going to be numerous a plethora of questions that will come through so we're going to choose the ones um that that that that we think were the most helpful across the board for Hillsboro uh Township residents and I'll answer them for you um so and also actually Mo most importantly um we live in a new Matrix world so uh staying connected is extremely important you can always stay connected with all events and more via the Wednesday mayor's E news so it's every Wednesday and the Thursday's experience Hillsboro Bolton be sure to follow and like the official Hillsboro Township Facebook page Twitter and Instagram turn into tv29 in the Hillsboro YouTube channel and sign up for Hillsboro Lo for traffic and emergency notifications and that's how you can get in contact with us or see what see what we're we're promoting so hopefully we can make sure that uh you're you're extremely well informed on on what's going on in Hillsboro so that's it for me all right now I think it's time to do some some proclamations so I'm going to come down and call a few people up and we're going to celebrate some people need need mus doing W there you go all right here yeah all right who we have here let's see let's see where's charlot where's charlot Charlotte Bret Oh Charlotte Bret oh no wire here family can come down everybody come down family come down come on down other people take her picture you get in it come on here you go pictures thank you you're welcome can you guys hear me in the mic is that coming through if I'm I have to get real close to it though right gotta be like Elvis and get real close to it right all right here we go all right so come on come on no come on come on it's a family thing right this is what it's all about all right so Charlotte bruche a graduate of Hillsboro High School and a freshman at Gettysburg College congratulations was a member of Girl Scout Troop 60022 and earned her Gold Award Charlotte's Gold Award project consisted of re reconstructing an outdoor classroom behind auton Road Intermediate School which included clearing the area marking Trails demolishing two existing classrooms oh interesting rebuilding one and renovating the second Charlotte also created six lesson plans the project took over 85 hours to complete fet with the assistance of 20 volunteers that's a great leadership opportunity Charlotte is a double major in Environmental Studies good for you and public policy with a minor in public history now there therefore be a Proclaim that we the mayor and Hillsboro Township committee do hereby recognize and extend our sincere congratulations to Charlotte bruet they actually had me say it that way for having earned her Girl Scout award I'll show you how they spelled it too to make me say it that way an honor for both her and for those who have guided her and we wish Charlotte all the best in her future endeavors congratulations [Applause] sure um I just want to say that this is was an incredible passion of mine I am an Environmental Studies major so I love everything outside um I want to thank Miss O'Brien first for being a wonderful project advisor um I want to thank my mom Mrs Hurley and M parola for all of their work um I want to thank committee man leani for his generous mulch donation um and all of my volunteers um and I hope that this classroom and my lesson plans will be used for many years to come so yeah thank you congratulations thank you a [Applause] picture it's okay if we never see mulch again right all right and what we'll probably do we can actually call everybody up at the end and they get take a picture together they're all from the same we'll just go like this I'll go closer all right Claire [Applause] Murphy and family all right now Claire Murphy is a graduate of Hillsboro High School and a freshman at Ruckers which is there for the football game uh the uh wrestling match uh was a member of Girl Scout Troop 6022 and earned her Gold Award Claire's Gold Award project consisted of increasing education and awareness on flood safety very timely while driving in Hillsboro uh by creating a website containing flood safety information that was linked to the township OEM page the information was also integrated into driver eded curriculum and linked to a QR code on business cards for realtors this project took approximately 85 hours to complete with the assistance of 15 volunteers Claire is attending Rucker business school and was named to the dean list for fall 2023 getting your money's worth good for you all right now therefore be a Proclaim that we the mayor and Hillsboro Township committee do hereby recognize and extend our sincere congratulations to Claire Murphy for having earned her Girl Scout Gold Award and and honor for both her and and for those who have guided her and we wish Claire all all the best in her future endeavors congratulations you like to say something sure this is really perfect timing since Town's kind of flooding but um not that that's funny but um thank you to Mr fol for all the help he gave me and insight on the town um Dr feltre for working with me to get the information into the driver Zed curriculum um all the realators who worked with me um yeah um oh and of course Miss Bret and Mrs O'Brien this would not have been possible without either of you thank you so so much okay thank you all right you guys want to do a quick picture let's get a picture for the Town come on on oh yeah a family kiding me another one all right you got it all right last one see McKenzie McKenzie Reef here you go congratulations up front how are you McKenzie Reef a graduate of Hillsboro High School and a freshman at the University of Delaware was a member of Girl Scout Troop 622 and earn her Gold Award McKenzie's Gold Award project consisted of of assisting new transfer elementary students uh to adjust to a new school by holding a student session at Hillsboro Elementary School creating a pamphlet for parents creating welcome bags for the first day of school and painting a mural on the outside of the school stating everyone is welcome at Hillsboro Elementary School that's the beautiful white background right with all the great kids I see it all the time when I'm when I'm when I'm going to get my haircut and there when I'm on the road twice a day you can't miss it it's beautiful McKenzie is attending University of Delaware and is majoring in early childhood education now therefore be a Proclaim that we the mayor and Hillsboro Township committee do hereby recognize and extend our sincere congratulations to McKenzie Reef for having earned her gold Scout her Girl Scout Gold Award an honor for both her and for those who have guided her and we wish McKenzie all the best in her future endeavors congratulations it's a great picture um well this project is very um I was very passionate about this project cuz I was once new to Hillsboro and it was very scary so being able to help students get adjusted and stuff like that was a big deal for me and I'm grateful to help them um I want to thank Mrs Bret and Mrs O'Brien for helping me through this project I want to thank principal exin over at HS for letting me leave my Mark at HS for the new students Mrs Hopson for guiding me the HSA for helping me um the teachers of HS as well for helping me make this all possible so thank you McKenzie conrat McKenzie I have a question for you so Eagle Scouts of the Boy Scouts equivalent of is it a gold Girl Scout is that the official title or what is your like title as like the eagle scout equivalent Girl Scout Gold Award Scout Gold Award okay perfect thank you I that was an ignorant question I apologize absolutely I would love to we're ready yes all right let's do a quick picture and then what we'll do is we'll have all Girl Scout so you guys can take a picture together or gold a war Girl Scout sorry all right come on up come on up thank you yeah you're welcome congratulations guys one more picture yeah all the parents come on up too why not well come on come on Erica will take everybody's picture come on family Tara get in here come on you're you you're the reason why so many people do so well yeah you all right good job okay I've never been really you never thank you ladies cies the cookies are are not yet but if you show up at the I've seen them online next Friday is Cookie rally might have all the cookies there for sampling okay so this concludes our proclamations and presentations congratulations as we said to all of our recipients we're incredibly proud of you thank you for joining us this evening we will take a brief pause if you'd like to leave so we can finish if you want to be a part of the remainder meeting you could stay or if you'd like to go home and fight the rain and if you'd like to swim home have a uh it's up to you thank you all if we'll give you a minute or two we'll hang thank you okay thank you guys great job I had a daisy falling asleep in the Pew last week so sorry we had to leave can't my hat here don't in the B you beat us twice in the go blue but two of our old boys wion their college football games the last season that's right yep Tommy ruers and West Virginia my two boys have a good night thank you have a great night okay in the back we're ready to go okay so now we're to the consent agenda 1 through n um would anyone like to take any of the consent agenda items out of order mayor I'd like to have nine as a separate agenda okay so we are going to I make a motion to make sure second I second it okay all in favor I okay okay I all all favor okay so the consent agenda items we're going to take one through eight first you want a motion to approve a motion to approve consent agend items one through eight so move second motion approve second second okay any comments from the uh from the deas MR far thank you mayor just wanted to uh welcome aboard the hiring of uh Gretchen marsenic to position a part-time assistant to the tax collector uh very happy to uh bring her on board to Phil uh that 29 hour position she'll be job sharing um with another individual so uh not a new position not new hours nothing to the budget just to help job share uh that position so we can fulfill that 29 hours uh to help the CFO so just wanted to welcome her board thank you any other comments from I'd like to make a comment just to thank uh those named in resolution number seven who are part of our OEM team and obviously they're going to be uh busy tonight so uh these are people who uh are up all night helping us stay safe I like to thank them for what they do thank you I'd like to second that Miss break and this is on items one through eight on one through eight only yes okay committee woman hand yes committee lean yes committee woman pay yes Deputy Mayor Chelli yes mayor bring yes okay now uh consent agenda number nine um committeeman leani would you like to make any comments with regards to this yeah um the reason I brought this out separately is because obviously um we had put this out earlier um over the holiday break um but didn't get it on the on the we sent a letter out to the state as when I was still mayor urging the state not to pass the a a what is the A4 for affordable housing though I appreciate the fact that it appears that it is dead in the water I would just uh reiterate that this is an important decision that is long overdue that needs to be corrected but that I would hope when this is brought back to the assembly for vote that they give the municipalities ample time to review it and give their comments so that we come up with a plan that is fair and Equitable to all sides um and uh we felt at the time that two weeks was not during the holiday break uh we are all about open and fair government here in Hillsboro and I would hope the state is the same so I would um I'd like to just introduce this in to the record even though it is a dead bill but to reiterate the importance of giving the municipalities and the counties the time to review and put in their input as to what is best for all concerned both the residents of their communities and those in need thank you thank you committee Leon anybody else on the deas have any comments I would just like to concur with that I absolutely agreed that the municipality should have input and I think ample time um will will be forthcoming uh I don't know that this is needed now I don't know that the resolution is needed now since um it is dead in the water it's got to restart the process in the next um legislature so I don't know that we need this um but I think the sentiment is uh is well well taken thank you both and I would agree with you committee man leani as well too I think and and and and committee woman relates to the the situation it's in at the moment the reality of it but I I I do agree with committee B Leon in the sense that I think it's important that we make our our our own votes on this but make our our statement clear that we reserve the right to to do what we think is right for Hillsboro Township as well too so I think that's very important the state needs to recognize that and I think this sends that message so um that's just my my my opinion any other comments okay motion motion please I make a motion to approve uh resolution number nine second second spring committee hand no and that I don't believe it's needed committee leani yes committee woman Payne yes Deputy Mayor jelli yes we're sending a message mayor BR yes okay okay public hearings I see there are none on the agenda so now the introduction of new ordinances so for the new for the new people on the on on the day to this is an introduction um this is more of a we're sharing with the audience uh or or with the township that this will be forthcoming and you'll hear the time frame and we'll have more discussion in coming meetings just so you both know um 20 uh uh 202 24-1 ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled salary range ordinance setting forth the salary ranges for the classification set forth in said ordinance further consideration and public hearing will be held on February 13th 2024 may I have a motion to introduce ordinance 202 24-1 motion to approve may I have a second second it roll call please committee woman hand yes committee leani yes committee woman pay yes Deputy Mayor Chelli yes mayor bring yes all right um so now we have ordinance 202 24-02 an ordinance amending section 188-pound of Hillsboro titles sign Review Committee membership further consideration and public hearing will be held on February 13 2024 may I have a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 4-02 all moved second second this break committee woman hand yes committee leani yes committee woman Payne yes Deputy Mayor CH R yes mayor BR yes all right claims list may I have a motion to approve claims list 2023 D21 motion to approve second okay comments from the deis okay comments from the floor seeing none roll call please committee woman hand yes committee woman pay yes committee leani yes Deputy Mayor Chelli yes mayor bring yes uh new business I see none so we'll move to public comments for matters not on the agenda Miss break please read the statement regarding public comment the township committee welcomes input from the public please state your name and address and please spell your name for the record you will be given one three minute allotment for your comments please understand that this public forum is not structured as a question and answer session commenter to be addressed to the mayor again please keep your comments to three minutes thank you not seeing any comments take me anybody Mr BR no okay Miss break move on to the to the next all right so a German may I have a motion to adjourn a motion to adjourn second second I think I think P got P got that okay roll call please committee woman hand yes committee Comm committee the pony I'm not used to saying that that's just a tongue twister now committee woman pain yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes mayor yes thank you everybody it is 8:15 thank you so much for being here [Music] tonight