##VIDEO ID:XYUPSYARApY## okay good evening everyone welcome to the Hillsboro Township planning board meeting of October 10th 2024 please join me and salute to the flag Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please be advised this meeting has been duly advertised according to section five open public meetings act chapter 231 Otherwise Known or public law 1975 otherwise known as Sunshine Law NOS of 2024 annual meeting schedule has been provided to the officially designated newspapers Township Clerk post on the Township's website and available here at the Hillsboro Township municipal complex application documents and plans have been made available on the Township's Civic clerk website at least 10 days in advance of this evening's meeting complete application files are available in the plan and zoning department for inspection in accordance with the public meeting notice with that may have a roll call of plan board members and also board and Township professionals Please Mr Dev is absent Mr Wagner here Mr vanderly here Mr rtz here Mr scobo here M Smith here Mr vitell here Lani pres mayor Chelli here Vice chair P present chair here Mr Co pres M ball here Mr Bernstein here Mr May here and myself the videographer here okay thank you I just want to quickly mention Mr Deb's absence is due to that his son is being commissioned and officer in the United States Army so want to thank his son for his service and for fine parenting job that Mr Deb did thank [Applause] [Music] you okay got a few things before we get to Applications first up consideration of meeting minutes first set of meeting minutes September 5th of 2024 Mr Bernstein who's eligible the eligible members Mr chairman are Mr Wagner Mr rtz Mr scobo Mr Vitali committeeman leani Vice chair PE and yourself thank you may have a motion to approve I'll make that motion there second second any discussion from today yes hearing none roll call please Mr Wagner yes Mr rwit yes Mr scobo yes Bali yes commit in the P yes chair PE yes yes next up meeting minutes September 12 2024 Mr berstein Mr W I don't know why Mr Wagner Mr vanderly Mr scobo Miss Smith committee man Leon I have a motion to approve um second okay any discussions roll call please Mr Wagner yes Mr vender yes Mr oo yes Smith yes the P yes okay next we have a resolution for consideration it's Homestead 239 LLC redcom 79 H 7979 what did I say 239 oh that's a 4an slip okay 279 stand corrected file number 22- pb-05 DS mspv Mr burn this is the memorialization for those of you who sat through of the denial of the application for a warehouse on this site the back and forth ongoing issue uh I think we adequately set forth for those eligible members in the 44 page resolution exactly what occurred and why the board took the action it took okay thank you the eligible members Mr chairman and Mr Wagner chair protm rtz Mr scobo Miss Smith committee man leani [Music] okay it's all good I move that motion thank you is there a second okay we have a second any discussions hearing none roll call please Mr Wagner yes Mr rtz yes Mr scobo yes Smith yes Comm in the P yes okay and next up planning board bid business it's announcement of the master plan informational session scheduled for October 30th of this year got plug in real [Music] quick okay yep so um it wasn't ready for that so as chair of the master plan subcommittee uh we're going to do a workshop on October 30th um for uh the purpose of soliciting input from the public uh and to educate the public uh to a great extent on what a master plan is all about and uh it's also results of uh engage Hillsboro which was an online uh portal that the public can uh put their input and answer questions as to what's important to them as as uh residents and uh employees that may work in Hillsboro and not necessarily live in Hillsboro so uh I'd invite you all to uh be there and to uh participate in the information session uh on October 30th from 6:00 to 7:30 it'll be in this room right here uh as there'll be early voting going on in the multi-purpose room and uh it'll be more of a uh informal type of uh Arrangement where we'll have information session down uh down here uh and it'll be uh I think it'll be a worthwhile effort anything I'm missing NOP that that was great okay thank you thank you and I see we have a QR code okay excellent excuse okay we do not have any consideration of ordinances uh so I will open up from business from the floor for matters n this evening's agenda if there's anyone from the public that would like to provide comment to the planning board feel free to do so at this point I do not see any takers in the audience so we will move on to this evening's um applications uh first up will be TV LLC with file number 23- pb-2 dsv with time of decision January 31st of next year um the application or the applicants requesting to be adjourned to December 5th of this year with notice due to a scheduling conflict and also the extension of time provided through the end of January of next year Mr chairman I would make a motion to approve that with those conditions okay so is there a motion to approve the request with those a motion okay M SC made a motion second okay M CH rley made a second any discussions okay hearing none roll call please Mr Wagner yes Mr banderet yes Mr rewitz Mr scobo yes Smith yes commit in the py yes May Chelli yes Vice chair PE yes yes Mr chairman uh for those board members who are not used to this kind of atmosphere this evening um this the remaining applications do not begin with the word letter W or the letter A so um this is the kind of meeting for some of you who remember we used to have in a time not that long time long long ago right and another era right Mr Co yes Mr chairman thank you okay all right first up Evergreen energy LLC Foothill Estates L LLC file number 24- pb-05 DSP time of decision November 1st of this year block 12 lot 27.0 otherwise known as 39 Hamilton Road the applicant is Seeking a minor site plan approval to install a ground mounted solo array at the rear of the existing facility with fencing and Landscaping uh on the property and the location of the property is in the agricultural district and with that I will turn it over to the good evening Mr chairman uh board members may may I be seated stay seated oh that's what we have them here for very good sir uh for the record James burns the law firm of demo Brown and burns on behalf of the applicant energy uh Evergreen energy LLC if we seem a little off-kilter tonight it's because we are from South Jersey and we are all Phillies fans so uh we hope that you take that into consideration tonight as we proceed um that being said uh your council is correct uh this is not a warehouse application or affordable housing application we're here tonight requesting minor site plan approval associated with a proposed installation of a grounded solar I hate to interrupt you no for those of you I Mr Burns and I spent time on the zoom together out of Camden I didn't recognize him it was he was normally this uh for the purpose of the record some members of the board pointed out on the agenda we lost Mr KO um it is not 39 Hamilton Road for which for some reason is on the printed agenda is 39 East Mountain Road right so thank you the whole crew of Mets fans over here ands fans mo i baseball football too s sorry Jim no that's okay um we are tonight as as Council indicated here for minor site plan approval associated with the proposed installation of a ground mounted solar array uh and related improvements including fencing and Landscaping to the rear of the existing Foothill Acres Rehabilitation and Nursing Center which is located at 39 East Mountain Road it's also known as block 12 lot 27.0 on your tax maps uh I'm happy to report that there are no variances requested or required with this application um and it really is a very um simple application to provide solar uh cost-saving green alternative energy to the nursing center that meets all of your ordinance uh require requirements we have received your planning director's review letter dated September 25th 2024 uh we are prepared to address that tonight we really do not take any issue with that letter and we have received your uh Engineers review letter date of October 1st 2024 uh it has been reviewed uh with your engineer our Engineers have gotten together and talked uh and we believe we really have no issues with that letter um and um I have with me tonight Mr chairman um Ryan VY our engineer from stantech engineering and Jacob susman uh from Evergreen energy and with your permission I would ask that they be sworn [Music] Jason we go one at a time Kim right just we go one at we go one at a time ttim truth the whole truth nothing [Music] truth it's Ryan vzy last name be is in victor e as y Jacob we're g no Jim we we swear each as we go very good oh I'm sorry I apologize no problem all right with your permission Mr chairman we can start with Mr vzy y um Ryan if you could State your full name and affiliation for the record it's Ryan vzy civil engineer with stantech and um sorry and you are licensed professional engineer in the state of New Jersey correct uh and is your license in good standing yes and have you been accepted uh by by and testify before planning and zoning boards in the state of New Jersey uh I would ask that Mr VY be accepted as a expert in engineering please is there any objections okay we accept and get close to the mic it's not long range and very good now Ryan did you hear my introductory statement yes um was my statement true to the best of your knowledge yes um if you could please describe using uh the exhibits that we have if you could just describe the site and then just tell the board what's being proposed with this solar array okay just having a technical diffic it was [Music] connected I restarted to you restart not chairman we do have handouts that are identical to what would be on the screen if that's permissible we're going to mark this [Music] A1 what it is with my bar today I feel like I'm barking okay you want to keep the [Music] [Applause] mar Mr Burns is it your intention to introduce all of these documents in before the board this evening uh that would be the plan but we can keep them all A1 it's just a really individual I guess very good so if Mr vzy would please once everybody has had a chance to get copies and Mr KO again attempts to show his electronic capabilities we have enough copies folks [Music] okay for purposes of the record Mr Burns can we have Mr uh vzy indicate what A1 is and who the author of it is absolutely oh we thought we had it I think he's in the back trying to get the camster to graev up and should weart just with this yeah yeah so the first exhibit A1 is a aerial exhibit with the proposed layout over laid on the uh the site that's the items in the upper leftand corner yes okay and that was prepared by your office correct correct and the purpose of this exhibit is to clearly establish for the board exactly where the solar mounted array will be placed correct yes you want to go on the next one yeah the uh second exhibit that's included in the packet is the uh submitted site plan that was the [Music] application and could you indicate the same thing Mr vzy who the author is who yes so the uh plans are prepared by stantech from our office and the date on them is actually here June 14th thank you sorry Mr Burns and ran with this A2 that's been presented there are no variances requested or required as it relates to the placement of this ground solar array correct correct uh and um if you could describe A3 for us please A3 is our instruction detail sheet which uh is also prepared by our office marked uh June 14th 2024 and this uh just includes a uh detail of the proposed Security Fence and a detail of the typical solar panel array and if you could describe A4 for the record yeah so the a A4 is an actual cut sheet provided by the manufacturer for the array itself just to uh provide additional detail on the look of the array and it also establishes how the ground Med Solar Ray will be connected connected to the ground correct correct uh next exhibit A5 is the landscape plan that was prepared by our office as well from stantech and it is also dated uh June 14th A6 if you could describe that uh A6 we've included is an existing conditions plan also prepared by our office uh indicating the removal of just some vegetation in in the area of the proposed array and uh A7 A7 is the uh cover sheet that was included in our set which includes all the zoning data and A8 uh and then A8 is our boundary and Topo survey that was also prepared by our office and that is uh dated uh March 22nd 2024 so if we could if you could go back to A6 and just describe for the board existing conditions what exists currently on site yeah so the existing uh facility is the uh Foothill Acres reabilitation Center uh right now it just consists of the existing building and parking in the rear there is an existing dwelling uh and then there's a storage building that uh is connected with an emergency access or with a gravel road and then circulating around the rear of the building there's a garden area behind the building and then a emergency fire Access Lane around the uh existing building and then in the area of the proposed array there's just um some lawn area with a couple trees where the U array is proposed within this uher we are not we are not proposing any changes to the existing Nursing Facility correct cor the only proposed change for this property would be the placement of the solar ground M solar array in the area identified uh on this plan correct correct now um You did note that there are trees that are noted on this plan will those trees be removed as part of the solar array installation they will and a uh a tree removal uh list and compensatory required trees was a included on the landscape plan indicating the additional trees required to be planted on site so it is Our intention to work with the board engineer as it relates to uh placement of trees on the property and uh uh also address the compensatory replacement of trees that are being removed with this application correct yeah we we agreed for the uh remainder that we can provide the additional uh Landscaping on along the southern property line now if we can go to exhibit A1 I'm sorry exhibit A2 describe for the board exactly what is being proposed as it relates to the ground mounted solar array yeah so the uh array that's proposed consists of uh it's 1,634 panels the panels themselves are uh consists of a there's a uh the max height of the actual array is uh 30 in and then it's a low ground um array and it's it's mounted uh with thin brackets and then there's a screw foundation for each of the arrays that goes into the ground to Anchor it um within the facility and then surrounding that we have an a uh clear area and then a proposed 5 foot high uh galvanized chain link fence to secure the um array itself and then there's a at the um what's the Eastern corner of the array there's a 10-ft wide chain link gate in that area so for the ran self there's no variances but we will require a waiver for the proposed Security Fence correct correct yes the uh the actual Security Fence Falls within the landscape buffer along the southern property line uh but that fence is required to properly secure the the solar array and correct we work with the uh the board engineer to make sure that its placement is um well um you know properly placed and well screened in the buffer correct correct um is there anything really else related to this application um I mean that's it I mean nothing nothing more related to the uh proposed solar array um so when I said it was rather straightforward and simple I I guess I wasn't kidding correct a little closer to the mic Mr Brooke I'm sorry uh so it is it really is that simple we're simply looking to place the variance free solar array on the property for the benefit of the nursing facility correct yes very good I have no further questions for Mr VY right here thank you Mr chairman uh as Mr vzy stated uh we spoke on the phone earlier today um he indicated and I think he's mentioned this evening that they um would agree to address the comments that are listed in our letter of October 1st um and our office is willing to work with the applicant to address those um I just want to bring one item to attention there was a review letter from um Chief Wier um and I understand Mr VZ has agreed to install the KNX box on the gate um that we would work with our office to make sure there's no obstructions to access and then the last comment Mr wieger had was provided emergency access roadway around the array I tried to get in contact with the chief before the meeting but he's on vacation this week um there is on the full right hand side existing Gravel Road which would can act as an emergency access so I would submit that uh and I think the applicant has agreed that we could work out and address whatever the chief's additional concerns are that that is correct we're happy to work with the chief uh we believe that we can provide that or emergency access does exist that would enable uh the fire department to utilize it God forbid the event of any fire so but we're happy to work with the chief and with um penon to make sure we can um meet satisfy their their needs okay uh and I forgot one more question for you Ryan uh the engineer's letter indic called out certain ordinance um uh requirements certain sections of the ordinance um you've reviewed the ordinance requirements and the sections called out and are we in a position to address all of the uh conditions and requirements of those ordinance sections yes and have you discussed that with the with the board engineer as to how we can address those yes and we're will to work with the board engineer to make sure that those are complied with correct correct very [Applause] good well it is we have no further comment well [Music] [Laughter] done board members questions comments yes I had a a question I believe it was on exhibit four where you have the picture of the solar panel yes yes sir um what did those screws what do they screw into is there a footing underne so there it's just a screw Foundation it's just got it on there and it's just anchoring into the ground how deep does that go I believe the uh there's two options and I believe on this one it's only uh 20 in so a little less than 2 fet it just goes into the ground there's no casing there's no cement there's no nothing yeah so nothing we get a strong wind seems to be a topic as of the last couple of days these things are not going to come flying out of the ground not that we have have them here in New Jersey but correct yeah all right and from the manufacturer they include uh the wind testing that they've included based on the anchoring on there and they're to what wind speed um you know I'd have it says wind tunnel tested I see that yeah i' have to verify from the manufacturer exactly what they have on there we can pull that up and where are the panels manufactured are they in the United States or are these outsourced outside of the United States that would be a question for Mr susp okay when when when you come up I guess I'll answer if you want to answer it now that's fine'll wait'll wait wait because we need to in first okay and about what percentage of this solar field what percentage of power will this provide the facility that's there another question another question yes sir okay so we got two questions for the next witness thank you yes [Music] siress the SS greaten oh all right so no one else is asking about this so it's probably a dumb question but so I just looking at this one plan the 75 ft sidey yard it looks like the array and the fence go across that is that not an issue because it's not a permanent structure or well the ordinance has for solar it's a 50 foot set back all right thanks yes [Music] [Applause] sir anyone else um is there any concern so if you have a broken panel is there any concern for any um I know there's lead cadmium and so on in the panels when they're manufactured and especially if they're manufactured in some countries I don't think their manufacturing standards and are as strict as ours um is there any danger of any lead contamination or any other contamination on the surrounding soil that again would be another question for for Mr suspect oh I'm sorry you're right that's fine you skated on that one I'll ask an easy engineering question so is there any um soil disruption in this plan or they just putting the panels on the existing grade correct the panels are on on the existing the only disruption screws and then the fence you don't need so conservation nobody CU you're less than 5,000 fet corre we' agreed to uh include the total disturbance on our plan to demonstrate good to have flat land yeah sir anyone else yeah you said you're going to remove those trees that are located in here yeah there's uh several trees that are located within the uh Solar Ray I'll bring up if you go to um the existing conditions plan which I believe was A6 A6 yes usually when you remove trees you have to re replant trees somewhere correct so we're we are going to do that yeah on our compensatory or on our landscape plan we have additional trees going along the northern property line thank you can we get an indication of what that how many trees are being removed and what's being replaced [Music] yeah so the total number of compensatory trees required are 28 and then there's a total of I want on the [Music] record there's a total of seven trees that are actually alive that are being [Music] removed thank [Music] you any other questions yeah I have a question about I'm curious about the screws I find this intriguing the last time we had somebody drilling pre-drilling holes into the Shale here in in Hillsboro so are these tested in like what type of soil because the soil in your part of the state is different from the soil here in in Hillsboro so I'm just curious yeah and I know there's right of refusal here or what on on these on these screws going in I mean once it's in it's in I was going to say for these we actually have several applications now throughout the state that are now using that I'm used to the typical Post in concrete foundation so I me intrigued okay I got a question just based on curiosity here um the direction of the solar panels I'm assuming it's because just for efficiency oh yeah it goes from uh south to North so if you look at like even just the first exhibit the property's running the Southern Property line is along kind of the clearing where the existing uh there's an underground pipeline there and the northern property lines on there so that they're aligned to got it it would just seem you know if you were to turn it a little bit it wouldn't go over the buffer but I understand why it's that thank [Music] you if there's no other questions may have a motion to open the public who do you want to hear from Mr susman we do it each one at a time we we do things here a little you know little back a little backward second all in favor if there's anyone from the public that would like to question this witness on his testimony don't wor forward yeah I know we're just not used not having much public so all right there's no taker so thank you very good so uh your permission Mr chairman my next witness would be Jacob susman yep Jacob if you come up [Music] yeah can I one question can I affirm instead of s sure youir any testimony you give tonight the truth truth nothing but truth yes spell your name Jacob susman j a o b s u SS man and Jacob if you could just uh State your uh position with Evergreen energy Chief Operating Officer and as Chief Operating Officer I hope you're in a position to be able to address these questions that were raised by the board they're questions uh the first one that I wrote down was uh how much power is generated by the panels okay each panel uh generates 400 watts um and the the plan is to build that the whole site um enough power to generate 1.2 million kilowatt hours for the year so I just uh right before we headed out on the trip we uh I Che I checked a file on the the the nursing home nursing homes in general consume a lot of power uh they consume north of 2 million kilowatt hours a year so we we we we're aiming to you know generate about 60% of their power which would be a benefit certainly to the nursing home and to its residents correct cost correct um and if you could uh question was raised as to Broken panel and what if any uh concerns there are or any contamination concerns there may be did I direct that directly then very good I will say that I I'm not an expert on that matter um I do want to say that these panels are manufacturer by South Korean company uh really Premier uh Bloomberg Finance tier one company Hana cels um it's one of the largest and strongest it's one of the biggest solar panel manufacturers um very highly reputable company um I do not have a lot of information [Music] on on any of the any contamination but like the drawings indicate the panels are lifted off the ground so even if I don't think there's not I never heard of any lead in solar panels but I I even if there would be like it wouldn't get into the ground because they're raised off the ground if if it's broken they say it rains that that that's how it can happen um um I know there's also issues with the heat generated um by them and I forget exactly how that occurs I mean I'm trying to remember the details of it I read this a while back um uh as the panels I think they kind of like panels themselves kind of heat up as as this the process is going through and there's something and then there was something about how it affects the soil and the plant life around it so that was also a concern and I I should have I'm sorry I should have um tried to locate that article again and be a little more aware of a little be able to give more information as to what the potential hazards are Jacob you aware of any potential hazards as it relates to to I am not aware of anything um and um far as heat generation fire that's something that people talk about but it's really not something that that this these are topof the line new generation panels correct correct and there's a lot of safety equipment everything's compliant with the most current right now I believe it's the NEC National Electric Code 2017 so everything will be compliant with that and um you know this fault protections and all these different types of protection that if the system sense anything wrong it would just you know power down everything to to safe levels but your intention to comply with all related Yes Federal Regulations correct [Music] yes um you research on that the hazard bed on the last meeting uh another question was wind capacity yeah so we we actually did a site test with these screws on the specific site um to see you know it's called a push pull test bought a uh tripod and attached a metal like a metal uh you metal rope and they attach it to the back of a truck a pickup truck and drove it to see uh if they could pull it out of the ground and and they were unsuccessful um so you know we definitely wanted to have that you know the the the manufacturer of the of the racking system told us that typically there's no issue but you know exactly how you had that question we wanted to have that level of uh comfort as well so we uh you know we did it a real life uh test and thankfully everything was uh very secure just a follow-up question on that is that then the first of this type of array to go in with that type of uh anchoring and mounting system for forevergreen energy yes is the um Power that you had made reference I guess you said about 60% of the power would be going to the nursing home facility is it kind of a closed loop system so if there's extra power generated is that going back out to the current utility provider is it staying on site or how does that work okay it's a bit of a combination of the two so so the way it works in New Jersey something called net metered so we have a net Board of Public Utilities is something called net metered program so the way it works is like this and again a nursing home might be a little different just because it uses so much power it's not necessarily ever being a situation that there's there's export but you know think of a different solar array on a business let's say you know July 4th um not a lot of people in the office and you know the electricity gets generated the electricity has to go like it can't so what happens is is that the it generates electricity like you're saying goes back to the grid however a net metered means that the when you finish a solo project the utility puts in a new meter a net meter and it can measure electricity going into the facility and also out so let's say you deliver to the utility a th000 kilowatt hours of generation that you didn't use it would offset your future purchases so everything will be to the benefit of the facility even if you know physically there is something being delivered on certain days out okay so there's no storage there's no storage capability but in lie of that you have this flexibility to balance out the exactly exactly power okay and that's why the utilities um you know there we already have uh approval from psng and one of the first things is that the utility has to review the application to make sure because of this because that the power potentially could go back they always view it as well what would happen if the facility building whatever you're proposing you know would close operations or what happen to all the power and they have to make sure that the that the grid that their circuits and their transmission lines could handle 100% of all the power being generated and we have that approval [Music] already throw a question Mr Mayu just kind of relate it does the construction code um talk about wind I'm going to say wind resistance I'm going to say for black better award for solo race or there some requirement that they need to meet you know well when they go for a building permit they're going to come under those regulations but there's nothing in the Land Development ordinates regulations that would regulate that but I'm confident that the building department will be looking at that when they submit for their building permit okay yeah that's been our experience as well yes okay and just kind of getting back with these anchors they're not there's no is there any concrete or is it just strictly they're getting twisted into the soil there's no concrete to just yeah Twisted into the soil okay okay have you installed these in the state we have not used this product yet it is we have I mean this AO compact the the manufacturer has installed and they installed in the state you went to check it out right there's an existing one in North Jersey went you were there yeah so there are installations of such in New Jersey uh not where they were not perform installations have up been by Evergreen energy okay now I'm just curious because 20 inches I know typically with footings you got to go three feet yeah below the freeze line I mean I did a lot of concrete work years ago you know for foundations for uh Power Equipment so I mean to me I'm thinking it should be set in concrete so are the at least on the say the threads on the bolts fairly long I mean so at least it has something to grab on yeah they're yeah they're they're not like a typical house screw that you hang a right we're talking yeah very very thick and rugged threads yeah [Music] uh is there who's going to maintain it or is there a plan and is there a plan do every three months every six months just go out and kind of Kick the [Laughter] screws in terms of in terms of mechanically electrically everything everything yeah we actually monitor like our systems weekly um and so we could you know nowadays you know with with with internet you could actually monitor sites remotely so we're constantly checking to make sure that everything's working and we're able to notice any deficiencies and and address them when needed sure remotely but I so I guess the in conjunction with that literally going out and putting eyes on the just walking up in down the array just make sure that that some screw hasn't come loose or something hasn't been d is that is that you do a physical think question yeah I mean different sites are different we could you know we could come once a year but you know typically what happens is that through you know every once in a while we have to go to the site anyways to to tweak something to fix something so you know sort of constantly at the site regardless so we're we're there would would the own would the foothill Acres maintenance people be responsible for for doing that or is that we we're resp part of our contract it includes an initial fiveyear maintenance onm everything so we're we're fully servicing it for the first five years regardless okay so would Foothill Acres of their maintenance saw something they can put a call in for an unscheduled visit yeah sure okay so um I'm looking at the and back to screw was just trying it appears in the break down there's a screw at each end of each panel in the picture how long are these panels say 6 feet four feet I'd say about 6 feet by 3et I mean so theoretically every six feet there's a screw basically holding this panel down right yeah exactly so that's a lot of screws that's so I was trying to understand looking at the breakdown how far apart when we're talking about anchoring this system down so um every every Spar is at each panel is 6 feet rough correct okay and I think this is a good exhibit because it shows you how big those screws really are and they do have a very significant thread to them um and then my follow question to miss miss question are the panels UL listed or has any s they are of a government approval right yeah that's all anyone else do I need to do a reopen to public we're already open to the public so good anyone from the public would like to question this witness on his testimony please come forward still no public videographer you can come in if you want some we get the planner to come forward he's enough okay [Music] all right thank you for your time thank [Music] you Mr chairman that's really all we have with the application um we appreciate the questions um for not for only doing warehousing uh applications they were I'm impressed with the questions you've asked so I just want to say very impressed with the questions that were asked and we hope we addressed them and as we've indicated we are happy to comply with your professional review letters and we'll work with your Fire Marshall to make sure that he's uh he's satisfied with what we're proposing okay so now I actually have to ask the public since they've rested anyone from the public would like one last bite at the Apple as they as we would call it okay still no public so I will ask for motion to close the public motion to close to the second all in favor I this would be a motion Mr chairman to approve Evergreen energy LLC also known as Foothill Estates LLC file number 24- pb-05 DSP block 12 lot 27.0 39 East Mountain Road uh pursuant to the application submitted all exhibits all conditions approved upon uh com uh confirmation and compliance with all Prof board professional reports and any other statements that were placed on the record during the pendency of the hearing okay thank you I'll make that motion thank you Mr sco is there a second second Mr ragner made a second any final comments okay roll call [Music] please remember roll call Michael Mr Wagner yes Mr vanderfleet yes Mr rtz yes Mr scobo yes Smith yes commit in the pony yes Deputy Mayor Chelli yes Vice chair PE yes chair yes very much very good thank you thank you Mr chairman yes sir uh we have our IT director in the back he was asking if he could take a recess just for a few moments he believes he could get the system back up on running okay want to take what 10 minutes all right I'm going by my computer time it's 7:55 so we'll reconvene 10 minutes 8:05 again for round two okay we're back in session so next up RB manufacturing LLC solar array file number 24- pb-8 DSP with v in parentheses time of decision December 12th should that be 24 or is that 20 or is 2 says 12225 uh probably 24 but I'll leave that to the assistant Planner yeah it's work okay you got the right address well we'll see that a blow well I I know it's the right road because I know where ret Biser is isn't a motion to dismiss I ain't going there block 2011 lot 11 799 Route 206 the applicant seeking minor site plan approval SE bulk variants requested and waivers to install a ground mounted solar array in the front of the existing Warehouse facility and then that's not the W word but it's for recken Bay Kaiser existing it's a manufacturing facility so with fencing and Landscaping on a property that is located in the LI otherwise known as the light industrial Zone and I will turn it over Mr Burns thank you Mr chairman good to be back for this application good to have you uh for the record James burns from law firm of demo Brown of burns on behalf of the applicant RB manufacturing LLC uh as a chair indicated we're here tonight requesting minor site plan approval associated with the proposed installation of a ground Mount of Solar Ray uh and related improvements including U Landscaping some sign relocation and fencing and buffering on the existing building located at 799 US Route uh 206 also know as block 2011 lot 11 on your tax maps this uh solar array is actually an existing solar array uh on the roof of the building uh the apkin is proposing to uh relocate it off the roof and place it uh on the ground mounted uh solar uh as a ground met a solar array uh when we initially filed the application we were under the impression that a variance was required for the 6 fo high security fence were 5 foot maximum fence is permitted as it turns out that's not a variance it's a waiver so we do not need any variances as it relates to this application closer to the mic oh sorry um and with your just like your prior application um uh we believe this is rather straightforward as well it's very similar as as it relates to the type of panels that are being proposed uh and is to provide uh green alternative energy to the existing uh building um we have received your planning director's uh memo and your engineers review letter and your Fire Marshals re review letter we have no concerns or comments as it relates to those letters subject to the testimony that has been requested and we can comply with all the ordinance uh uh requirements uh and um notations or that were provided uh in the engine report uh so with that Mr chairman I would like to reintroduce Mr vzy our engineer from stantech engineering ver do we need to before we we swear Mr VY and Mr Co for my own edification the proposed location of the solar array in relation to other potential uses on nearby property where this is nowhere near the other property thank you I'm getting the shaking of the head from Mr leani I'm sorry I don't know what you're referring to the property owned by the RB property where the shop right made oh no no no no that that property is only that name because record Biser sold it to that entity correct yeah for purposes of the record yes for the purpose of the record the record I assume we are still having technical difficulty pleas oh we are unfortunately the uh it's not going to be working tonight we we I was going to say in another era we used to have them boy this this is this is like the old days the only thing missing is the uh you know they can put it up on the easel right I'm yes if you need that we have it all right this is going to be we swear Mr VY and again Mr lomber do here's Samantha tonight the truth truth I do it's Ryan vzy it's v a s y Mr vzy um again Mr VY in the last 20 minutes has any of your professional situation changed Andor your licensing not that I'm aware thank you okay I'll take thank you please continue Mr vzy did you hear my introductory statement yeah yes uh was my statement true to the best of your knowledge yes uh and going to the exhibits that we've handed out to the board if you could start with the cover sheet uh and Mark we'll mark that exhibit A1 if you could describe uh what we're seeing with the first page of the exhibits yes so the uh first exhibit A1 consists of an aerial of the uh property and includes the array that is placed along uh 206 and it uh also includes the landscaping and um and buffer that's proposed and this uh plan was prepared by our office so this array will be placed along Route 206 but it is Our intention to significantly buffer this array correct correct and there's a 60 foot wide buffer required along 206 uh and um that this exhibit shows some trees that currently exist at the front of the property those trees will be removed and they will be replaced with a compensatory tree replacement uh plan that will be reviewed and and coordinated with the board engineer is that correct correct all right if we could go to the second page if you could describe that as exhibit A2 so the uh second plan is the proposed site plan that was included with the application that was prepared by stantech and this plan is dated August 21st 2024 and again that shows the exact placement of the ground mounted solar array correct correct exhibit A3 if you could describe that so exhibit A3 is the construction detail that was included uh as our plan set oh we're back to the this includes uh the proposed uh fence detail and uh solar array that's uh being placed on here and this is also dated uh August 21st and if you could using this exhibit if you could just tell the board the exact height uh from the of the bottom from the bottom of the array to the top and the height from the top of the aray yeah the uh proposed array the max height is 95 in and from the bottom it's 24 in for the minimum height for the purposes of the record Mr chairman apparently technology has one and therefore there the exhibits for the moment are also up on the screen so that the the reason I make this comment is because this meeting is being video videoed Etc so the public should understand that the prior two exhibits that Mr VC indicated were provided as part of a package that the board also has on paper thank you sorry Mr Burns no thank you Council uh and if you could Ryan just this is these solar rays are being installed a little differently than the prior application these are not being screwed in no these are also screwed they screwed yeah this is the new technology that's being utilized I just look like a different is it a different type of screw that we're working with or is it similar to what was it's different and this is actually the post itself contains the screw at the bottom it's all one continuous uh application whereas the other one was uh just directly driven in the ground with straps this is part of the post itself very good thank you for clarifying that and this also shows the gate uh that's proposed to to the security fence is that correct correct uh next exhibit please before we get to that can we go back to A3 for a second do we uh A3 yes right there uh the screw proposal is in the upper leftand corner is that Cor correct correct thank [Music] you we got one more thing can we go back to A1 the color picture you said A1 yes okay can you indicate if you're aware Mr V where the current solar array is on the roof at RB manufacturing so it's actually uh it's covering a majority of the roof it's uh spread throughout the roof itself and uh right now in just the aerial that we pulled which this is a uh Mr Sid aial doesn't include the array showing on within the rooftop thank you right if we could go to A4 is this y we will mark this next one is A4 can you describe this exhibit please yeah so A4 is the proposed Landscaping plan uh showing the uh landscaping around 206 and also along Hillsboro Road and using this exhibit if you could please identify the amount of trees that are going to be provided with this application to buffer the solar solar array yeah so the uh there there's actually several existing trees mature trees within this area that are being removed as part of the aray installation and right now there's a total of 14 six compensatory trees that are required we've shown on the plan currently 98 trees and then we've uh discussed uh working with the engineer to provide additional trees uh throughout the site to try and make up the uh additional 48 compensatory trees that are required and it's my understanding you wanted to work with the engineer because you wanted to make sure that the replacement or compensatory trees would be placed in an area that did the had the most benefit correct correct and you didn't want to make that judgment you wanted to work with the with the board engineer to with them to make sure it was done proper between the applic applicant for operations and then the board engineer for placement as well so the notation at the bottom of what's been marked is A4 which indicates total number of offsite contribution trees at 48 is no longer applicable correct we uh work with the engineer to try and place as many of these trees throughout the facility itself and the the exhibit will be revised accordingly corre be revised accordingly after discussion with our engineer and if there is any shortfall we can work with the contribution but it's Our intention to try to replace as many trees as possible thank you uh if you can describe A5 for us Ryan uh A5 uh just shows the existing conditions the existing trees that are out here um there's also uh and I'll point to it on the screen within the approximately center of the site there's an existing identific sign that's being relocated slightly closer to uh 206 just to be outside of the array footprint and then uh we've actually just shown the ground disturbance on this plan which is where the uh conduit will be um going in from the end of each array and then connected back to the building and uh relocation of the uh freestanding sign would require a waiver because the placement will be in the um relocated in the residential buffer is that correct correct uh but that's the best placement for this sign correct based on visibility and uh the impacts of the solar array correct uh and we also need a waiver for the proposed six foot high security fence given its location uh you felt it best to provide additional foot height above the maximum required of 5 feet correct just based on the uh the much taller panels that are up to 95 in okay and then the purpose of that fence is to green into to also provide security for the solar arrays correct correct and with this one being in the front yard this one's proposed to be a black vinyl coated chain link fence um very good next exhibit would be A6 I believe yes and this just uh depicts the uh it's a cover sheet that includes the zoning chart for the property uh and uh A7 if you could describe that exhibit and A7 is just the boundary and too survey uh for the facility to sh the uh extents of the property itself and then the uh a detailed topographic survey of the front portion of the property so now that we've kind of giving the board a general sense of what's being proposed why don't you just describe um generally the existing conditions and then exactly what's being proposed with these solar arrays yeah so the uh facility itself um this is a open lawn area along Route 206 there we're not proposing any modifications to the exis ing access drives for both the warehouse or the manufacturing facility or the uh existing parking lots for the employees on which is accessed off of Hillsboro Road the um area in the front where the array is proposed we're placing the fence um out the array outside of the 60ft wide buffer and then um it just consists of an access that um with the gate that will be provided off the drive off of 206 there is um on this one just due to the larger array we do have an access roadway within the fence to stabilized Turf area and then there um there's just buffering proposed along 206 uh we are also proposing it's not shown on this plan currently but additional buffering along the front of the array on Hillsboro Road and then we've included some compensatory trees in the existing lawn area between the two parking lots off of Hillsboro Road and then there'll be some additional landscaping that's proposed uh the uh board engineer made some uh under Landscaping comments of his review letter identified certain species of trees uh that are um they would like to see uh planted on the property uh are we agreeing to work with the uh board engineer to to uh determine the proper species correct there the uh the trees that are proposed along there was deciduous trees proposed along 206 we're going to modify uh some of the trees there to propose um the recommended uh Evergreens and then there'll be additional Evergreens proposed along Hillsboro Road and we've agreed to work uh to provide you know several species so then they not all one and you testified that there'll be limited disturbance as it relates to the the installation of the solar aray so we do not have to worry about uh providing a soil erosion or sediment control plan is that correct correct the actual uh the posts themselves uh equate to about 685 Square ft based on all the uh posts and then between the the total or about 2,000 square ft between all the conduit and uh disturbance related to that and have you reviewed all the ordinance sections noted in the penon review letter and are we able to comply with the U ordinance sections outlined Under The Heading General comments yes is there anything you want to add as it relates to the solar arrays themselves um as far as construction or does the exhibit provide it identify the proper uh specifications that you'll be working with as these arrays are installed yeah I mean outside of the actual structure that the panels are going on the existing panels are just being relocated off the roof so they're um these were installed I believe um the applicant indicated about five years ago within the rooftop and then um outside of that these panels are there's 3,168 of that are being relocated within the actual array itself very good I have no further questions from Mr VY Mr chairman Mr Mayu thank you Mr chairman uh again um Mr vzy and I spoke earlier this afternoon and I believe his testimony tonight concurred with our conversation that they agree to work with our office and address all the comments in our letter dated October 4th 2024 and at this time we have no outstanding items okay thank you Miss wall thank you Mr chairman um one thing we noted when we were reviewing the plans is that seems like the monument sign is going to need to be moved uh it is that's proposed yeah that's proposed in okay it's in the plans yeah so I I'll go to the uh I'm going to go to the Landscaping plan just because it shows some lower landscaping around if you can see the hand right here that's the uh proposed located is it going to be the same sign or is it a new one yeah they're they're looking just to relocate the same sign and we're proposing new landscaping around it I may have called it a freestanding sign I apologize if I Mis misstated it that's fine yeah we have no further comments okay thank you board members I just had a a question um the panels are being relocated off the current facility I guess my question is why um from discussions with the applicant they had a uh a fire on the facility previously on the roof and then it was trapped with the panels and their insurers requiring them to relocate the panels as part of uh yes repair so it was part of their agre that would be the same for residential now if that seems to I know it's not I'm just curious why they were coming off because most like this building has them yeah uh most buildings uh have the most as curious as to why so it's an Insurance yeah this is required by their insurer and the fire was not just for the record R the fire was not related at all to the solar plel it was something that started in the building and that apparently the the insurance company would prefer to have them ground mounted so that it doesn't impact okay suppress any further future fires if they have any we hope they don't thank [Music] you I have a go ahead go ahead all right I have a similar question of before just curiosity is the reason for the location based on efficiency of the Sun or something you know correct yeah so this is essentially 206 is almost running directly north to south and that's that's how the arrays themselves are laid out got it so once again it seems like in this part of the property it would fit just visually yeah and the just because you're asking the question there's actually they have a thing they call Helios Scopes and they lay them out to get the most efficiency that they can based on the sunlight that makes sense all right thank you okay um so you're asking for a a waiver to increase the fence height to from five to six feet yet your panels are almost 9 ft any reason why you wouldn't make the fence a little higher so that you um tically Shield the top of the all those panels yeah and this is really so it's actually the NEC code has different fence Heights required based on the um the actual panel height and that 6 foot's what's required based on that that height so that's why specifically I what NEC means it's a National Electric Code yeah for sa that's why we have yes would it prohibit it from being higher uh no there's nothing that's preventing us from going to 7t or 8 ft only because we have residents that live across the street from RB and though your Landscaping plan is admirable it's going to be years before that buffer becomes efficient to adequately hide the fence and those panels so I'm wondering and you said it's a blackened fence it's a black vinyl coated chain like so you can't see through [Music] it Mr Le you you can see through the you can see through it's a normal chain link fence but the the links are dipped in a enced a black you can see through it sir all right so it's it's not a it's a purly for security not for uh for hiding correct or or screening yeah the the screening itself is what we're trying to accomplish with buffering but we're actually what was showing on there were deciduous trees and we're I know you switch to more Evergreens correct to uh but still even the animal anchor and the that's what I do it for a living by the way that's all right uh Eastern Cedars and the Nelly Stevens you know what at your spec 8T high are going to be about a foot and a half to two feet wide um and 8ot spacing there's going to be a lot of a lot of see-through so to speak so I'm just I don't know if there's a way of screening better better where use better English uh either by putting slats or something on that screen on that fencing on that side of the road get a better um isolation of the view for the residents across the street and one of the things just to point out and I'll go back to the array so it's only one top Edge that is visible the the lower part's only two feet so it's only you're telling me the fences is not a solid fence you're going to see everything [Music] correct Mr May iser reason why we couldn't from a safety standpoint make that fence um less see-through there's no safety or engineering reason that would prohibit from creating a privacy fence from that side correct would they applicant be willing to make that side of the fence um not I can't say solid but with some sort of screening inhibited into that so you can't see through it yeah I we'll be happy to work with your engineer to find something that's suitable um really we were thinking I think the client was thinking more of Aesthetics but I'm sure we can find something that will be pleasing to the eye um you know the I think the goal Ryan was eventually the The Evergreens and the trees would become the focus yeah not the fence I agree and I just know that the the plan that you submitted though Amo is probably a 8 to 10 year turnaround before that becomes an amicable buffer yeah we're happy to to to provide slats or some screening uh that would be acceptable we just we'll keep we we'll make sure that we make it tasteful and make it aesthetically pleasing okay um so from I want to get some feedback from the board there's a lot of different privacy fences available with a lot of different price points I'm I'm assuming we don't want to do something as simple as putting slats into into the chain link I think it's got to be something a little bit more aesthetically pleasing than that yeah it's especially it's got to be a last number one right because we don't have to fall apart so um but something I'll leave it up to you and Mr Mayu um to come up with a plan and if there's some feedback that we want from the board you can always send it to us or to uh to the chairman or the David for us to to look at but I think that's essentially what I'm looking for I'm looking for something that's a Ally preing uh but also act as an adequate sight buffer okay that gives our office a good enough guy okay and and before you leave that topic did also the height Wise from 6 feet to perhaps at least 8 ft to cover the complete view because again with the property owners across the street and you see straight through the these units are going to be above 6 feet so the height of the fence would have to go up at least just along the Run of 206 MH and I would agree with the same concerns yeah that would still be I'm assuming that would still be a waiver and not a variance for the fence height Mr Mayo [Music] you're I understand your concern Mr rder which I'm not sure if we begin 8 foot high fence could start looking unappealing in it itself it's so massive I I don't know you have to balance only one end of these angled panels are going to be above the 6 foot and where is the six foot going to die hit hit that corner any idea you have a you have a I'm just detail I'm estimating more so this is the the 95 Ines to the max here so it's going to be somewhere around this area here so and this is Ryan this is what it will look like correct correct from the so that's the V that's the what you'll see side view correct side view so to put it 8T I don't know if it necessarily serves that purpose I think six feet if you can mark it again Ryan where that would land is roughly that top post so that little bit above it is what would only remain visible for a period of time until those trees you know grow in I we you know again it's just a matter of of I think taking the trade in of the of the screening over the height with the plants eventually filling in is I think in my opinion would be adequate instead of trying to get an 8 10 foot fence in there which might look more obtrusive and I don't know David from a waiver standpoint is that more appealing as opposed to or it doesn't matter once we go over the way the ordinance is set up I mean it's it's it's part of the design guidelin so there's no criteria set up where it may change from a waiver to a variant so still a waiver but they have to prove that you know the same thing for any other waiver that this board May Grant and I'll follow that up with maintenance of that screening if any plants die they're they're replaced yes sir agree to that I I have a question once again I don't know much about solar panels but are there no safety concerns about like a fast moving car or tractor trailer crashing into these things at 206 is has them them been studied or is there anything like I see the Fire official looked at this but did anyone question that I think appropriate safeguards are in place on the roadways to you know prevent people from running off the road and hitting a house or a tree or whatever the case may be this really I don't think adds any more uh effect than than a structure being there or a sign or a building or or a bus stop or whatever else could be you know anything else along your 206 so it doesn't affect visibility it doesn't affect driving or any of that so ask us another way if there happens to be an impact on this and there's a short does a system shut down as a safety Factor correct yes okay thank you regarding the the the screw mechanism here because I'm looking at the drawing yeah and it says Foundation depth but doesn't really give you a measurement so how far for how deep is this going below ground so so this one actually um for as part of the package the there's several different options from the manufacturer that we uh have proposed and the spec that goes in with this system for uh what the contractor chooses there's actually a uh requirement for them to test um the actual to do a pull test to uh then determine the depth of the screw related to this system so there's a as part of our actual the electrical package that's being proposed that will be eventually submitted to the uh building department they'll have to include the actual screw Foundation um data that's a TR it's an Aug it's an augur found not a screw like this is really an augur um but we'll the appropriate testing will be done that's usually what's used on most Center solar panels now right instead of either auger post or they pound them in right yeah I mean the there's still normal ones a lot are still using that we're doing that is the um typical post that goes in a lot of times though that's poured within concrete and who's maintaining this this this is owned by the applicant so RB's going to be yes correct maining it okay okay yeah the only reason I had the questions is because you know there was a common here it says refer to manufacturer specifications and we don't have those so but I'm sure they'll submit it to the building Point yes Mr Bernstein uh can you take a look at what's been marked as exhibit A2 and though I gave them up my engineering degree a while ago um the buffer on 206 at the bottom of the page there's a future RightWay line is is there a potentiality of widening 206 at this [Music] point not that we're aware of at this time how far off the highway is this array going to be when placed so the uh I can answer that the array itself is from the current property line is 69.9 7 [Music] ft correct me if I'm wrong either David or Mark 20 or Samantha 206 is to Lane down there yes yes correct applicant is aware that the possibility is that it may be closer to the road if the state of New Jersey does what it does so well and starts to widen this road and that you're going to need to come back at that point for a future at this point probably varans more than waiver on the setback I mean David I can say for us we can push this back to 03 ft so it would still be that would make 70t and if they take 10 ft we'd still be within the or outside of the 60t buffer so that's but when we lose all of our Landscaping that they did the widening no so the actually if you go to the landscape plan that's included we actually proposed the deciduous trees that are along the streetcape trees are located just inside the what would be the future RightWay line Y I was looking at the 40 foot right you took we took that into concern we designed the plant corre correct that's why the street trees are placed where they are okay also this this is on the inside of the bypass I'm not aware of any plans by NJ doot to widen I don't think widen this road after right they they they're doing the widening that's after the bypass I understand I'm just asking the applicant needs to be aware of while the while it may ultimately end up being a Municipal Road God knows when that will happen in the state I don't have to explain and I've got governing body members president former on this board the do Works in its own mysterious way when it comes to 206 so is the applicant understand I'm not asking the applicant to do anything with the current plan does the applicant understand that it may have to come back to this board seeking future variances Etc depending upon what happens if anything to this road should should what you're describing happen yes we understand that yes sir okay um just out of my own curiosity is the applicant aware maybe I I don't the board is aware and the reason this comes to mind the solar array that's currently located on 202 North in ridan in front of what is that Ortho or it used to be Ortho Ortho ethon yeah you familiar with that I'm not familiar with that facility that appears to be of a similar type of proposal so I would Mr Mayu you might want to take a look to see how they're dealing with though is not facing any residential property it is I think they're facing one of their former right the point but the point is I believe there is significant buffering and and fencing and coverage even in front of it I assume there is no problem in placing solar panels on this site at this level interfering with traffic driving north or south on 206 from glare that's correct Bri correct yes on behalf of the public I'm surprised if they so which way are they angled they're angled this way okay so it'll it'll it'll reflect on all the air planes flying over from New York good see it thank you Mr chairman okay thank you any other questions before we open the public they're itching I can see okay we have a motion open to public so move second all in favor I I going back in there seems to be fewer [Music] public okay there's anyone from the public would wish to come forward to question this witness on his testimony please come forward I see no takers thank you Mr chairman that's all the testimony that I have to present from Mr VY okay no other Witnesses no other Witnesses okay so now we go back out to public yeah beyond that motion one one final time any comments thoughts about this app ation again I do not see any takers so may have a motion to close to public I'll make that motion second all in favor I I is there a requirement that Mr Burns has to come to all future meetings now for future he he have has some Aura here that you if I could see Eric more I'd happily come he's a good [Music] man uh with that Mr chairman unless the board has any further questions this isn't this is a motion to approve RB manufacturing LLC solar array file number 24- pb-8 dspv block 2011 lot 11799 Route 206 as per the application submitted the rep conforming with all the reports by the board engineer and the board planner as well as all agreements made by the parties on the record this evening okay thank you I have a motion I'll make that motion second okay any final comments or thoughts okay hearing n roll call please Mr ragner yes Mr B yes Mr rtz yes Mr SCA yes Mr Smith yes commit M the pon yes mayor CH yes Vice chair P yes chair s yes okay very good thank you pleas to be here tonight thank you thank you Mr burn good seeing you always always a pleasure Mr Burns give me a call yes [Music] sir we R into each [Music] other all right [Music] okay so before we adjourn actually have to take one other action as well before you you have I I know but I wanted to take gonna turn over to M chairman and board um it's uh has come to our attention it's kind of a good and bad thing that one of our members is uh is going to have to leave us because he's taking a position another position in our town uh Mr Ron scobo who has been a great person and um loyal and patriotic American on our board sitting through all these Warehouse applications that we don't say but he is uh taking a position as our code enforcement officer so that prohibits from him being on the board so um has come to our attention that he's resigning from the board after this meeting uh because his new position starts I think next week uh right and I'd just like to personally thank you for all the time you put in um sitting on this board and uh helping Hillsboro be a a wonderful place thank you Ron well thank you thank you for those kind words and uh I'll miss these late nights here and all these smiling faces it was a pleasure and an experience and I think I learned a lot I hope I helped out in in many ways I I I know I uh made a lot of motions but thank you so much and with that point actually Mr chairman this will now require other board members to actually have to make motions in second that that that is true that you know it might be a little bit of a slower Pace though because scobo was always a little quick yeah you were the quick drawer so so yeah so i i m you know Ron I just want to Echo those sentiments you know thank you for your time here thank you so much it'll be but you can always see our smiling faces on YouTube so you know I'll be looking suffering from insomnia please join us through YouTube [Music] again my mic's open so again I'll miss everybody thank you so much it was a pleasure thank you see at the office so quick question do we still have a business meeting agenda or uh not once you someone makes a motion and second I I am going to let Mr scobo take his hat on this and and on the adjournment so thank you I'll I'll make that motion as to cancel the business meeting of October 24th 2024 okay any comments do we need to do a roll call or can we do affirmation all in favor all in favor I I okay Ron take us home I'll make a motion to close okay all in favor I I we are adjourned I remind the board that the next meeting of the Hillsboro planning board will be Thursday November 7th 2024 at 7 p.m of which the WW will be back uh for those of you who are still eligible to vote on the homestead or participate in the Homestead Road LLC application that is the item I believe that's on the anything else that may come up as well but nice night sorry keep going I think you're out sco out we may not have anybody um this trick or treat SE yes thank you Mr chairman okay so we are adjourned good night everybody see you on the S