##VIDEO ID:QZ96r8EqHUc## hello and welcome to the November 18th 2024 Hillsboro Township Board of Education meeting in accordance with the state Sunshine Law of New Jersey adequate notice of the meeting of the Hillsboro Township Board of Education was provided on November 14 2024 to the Hillsboro Beacon and The Courier News can we please take rooll Mr Davis here Miss Jackson Miss Craig here miss Lanning beer Mr Lee here miss nurse Miss stats here Mr triio here and Mr Marini here we have a quorum I'll not take a motion to move into executive session whereas the open public meetings act chapter 231 of the laws of 1975 provid the public body May exclude the public from the portion of the meeting of which public body discusses certain matters for which confidential is required as per permitted in section 7B of the ACT resolved by the Board of Education of the township of Hillsboro and the county of Somerset in the state of New Jersey as follows the matters to be discussed are a Personnel matter and negotiations with the Hillsboro Education Association the matter matters discussed in executive session shall be disclosed to the public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists can I get a motion in second so move second all in favor I all right we'll be back around 7:30 thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e yeah e for for for e e you e welcome yous R oh yeah yeah yeah probably then are you enjoying this [Music] class probably feeling like she she is that you're senior correct yes all right so you're sort of trying to ahead oned you know she she's also taking physics anatomy And it physiology right she dos to be a nurse so hopefully she's gathering information yes she will be nurse nurse what about so are you looking to study international business or interest relations or how what major s are you V Street person yeah you doing good see are got [Music] think a lot of interesting things going on with the election yes I Pastor a church it's a small group wait did you say sorry I Pastor a church oh and it's interesting both interesting and disturbing to see how here are people who generally speaking have long-term relationships friendly all these kinds of things and one person who was voted for Harris I mean this is very between hello and welcome back to the Monday November 18 2024 Hillsboro Township Board of Education meeting we are now back from executive session uh Mr Egger can we please take a rooll Mr Davis here m Miss Jackson Miss Craig here miss L beer Mr Lee here miss nurse here miss stats here M tro here and Mr Marini here we have a quorum will we please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the of the United States of America and to the I would like to acknowledge the correspondents as listed and we will move to the board president's report so um I do love good news and stuff like that so uh we are going to recognize some of our staff tonight uh first I would like to I would like to recognize anena a uh she was named a New Jersey teacher leader policy fellow by Jersey Ken this Fellowship is an opportunity for New Jersey teacher leaders fellows to learn about and engage in education policy and advoc advocacy in New Jersey [Music] all right next um we have Chris Everly uh class of 2020 alumni John seatan came back to Hillsboro High School with a surprise for his former teacher Chris Everly who influenced him Mr Everly received a prize package from chits and $10,000 uh $5,000 goes to his classroom and an additional $5,000 goes to Hillsboro High School congratulations and I think if we're giving out Awards we have to give one out to Mr Bob fencer seems to be common place he's not here he's not here tonight but uh we want to congratulate Hillsboro High School teacher Bob fener who was selected as the winner of the 2024 New Jersey state Amstead Exemplar award for high school for the high school category in addition to this honor Mr fencer has brought a prize of $2,500 home to Hillsboro so thank you again to all the teachers including BR and we will continue to do this I think quarterly twice year twice a year twice a year twice a year so look forward to our next uh collection of teachers um uh for the rest of my board president report uh for those who were not able to attend we did have the community engagement night uh last week it was um from my perspective very well attended um it was our first time doing this and we actually one point in time got the question of why are we doing this so people showed up they were happy to be there but wondered what prompted this if they had missed the previous times I know this is something that we started um recently we ran one session on uh armed versus unarmed security in the schools uh which was a good conversation and then miss nurse ran a session separately that was kind of an open topics uh for the public to join and ask questions and that one went the full the full time period a lot of good conversation um people asking how they could advocate for the district and a lot of good good uh communication from the community so we will continue to run this probably three times a year is what we're going to look to do um and we'll continue to probably have one topic and then one open topic session as we move forward with what's current in the district so thank you again to all those who attended all right and the last but not least we do have uh a Red Ribbon Week Proclamation whereas New Jersey has the sixth highest rate of fatal youth drug overdoses in the country due to inexpensive and highly pure heroin in New Jersey and whereas opioid dependency can begin in just 5 days and whereas 50% of New Jersey teens admit to drinking alcohol for the first time before age 13 and 39% of New Jersey teens admit to smoking marijuana at least once daily and whereas it is imperative that visible unified prevention education efforts by community members can be launched to reduce the demand for drugs and whereas the national Family Partnership for drug-free youth the Hillsboro School District and the Hillsboro Millstone Municipal Alliance are sponsoring the national Red Ribbon Campaign which will be celebrating ated October 23rd through 31st offering citizens the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to drug-free Lifestyles and whereas the Hillsboro Township Board of Education further commits its resources to ensure the success of the Red Ribbon campaign and its 2024 theme life is a movie film drug free and whereas business government law enforcement schools religious institutions service organizations youth Physicians senior citizens military sports teams and individuals will demonstrate their commitment to drug-free Healthy Lifestyles by wearing and displaying red ribbons during this week-long campaign now therefore be it proclaimed that we the Hillsboro Township board of education do hereby recognize October 21st 25 2024 as Red Ribbon Week and encourage the citizens of Hillsboro Township to participate in drug prevention activities making a visible statement that we are strongly committed to a drug- free community all right and that includes my president's report thank you Mr President couple things for the superintendent's report first uh anena and Chris I just really want to say you guys are exemplary at what you do and certainly worthy of this honor anen when I started my um beginning of the year get together with all the staff I mean your your face appeared there twice once in a picture once in a video and then I took a quote that you said in the video to kind of kick off the year the things that you bring to this school really can't be measured and I know we're going to be bringing you back here again because we've brought you back several times already Chris I love the fact that I was there when John came to to bring you your surprise and I don't even remember I said at the time I said I wish in my experience as a teacher I had somebody come back and let me know what a positive influence that that I had on them and to see the joy um for a student who really had no reason to come back um but he did and he came back because of you you should be very proud of the work that you do and I hope that you continue to influence students in the same way so thank you very both a lot and can you please give them another round of applause their outstanding staff MERS on to more of my business report um at the last board meeting I put together the uh 2324 uh reporting period two student safety data system reporting and there was an error uh and I was brought to my attention by a member of the community and the error was at the Amsterdam School uh so that data there has been revised and uh buck stops with me when there are mistakes made a lot of times we don't have the incidents at our elementary schools so uh my administrative team doesn't know necessarily all the right ways to enter that data into the state system which is where we pull the report from I'll be remedying that shortly there was no uh effort on our part to try and hide any data or anything it was simply a data entry error so I wanted to come back to the public and we will be re-uploading this into the state system and thank you to anyone who can bring something to my attention that we can make it a little bit better for the almost last part of my uh superintendent report Mr record I'm going to kick it over to you to uh discuss uh well to introduce our audit uh yes um we have Andrew kachinsky here from natea he is the partner who oversees the team that came in and did our audit for the 23 24 school year so I'd like to invite Andrew up to uh go over audit with the board good evening everyone uh as Jerry said I'm here to present on the 2024 audit tonight um I did make one mistake when I gave all of you the handout for some reason it said November 21st 2024 and I frantically checked my phone as I got into the parking lot to make sure I wasn't here on the wrong night but better early than late um so I'm going to start off by going through the financial highlights for the year the handout that I gave you is about four pages long the first two pages are all the financial highlights and the back two pages are from the management report the first of those two pages includes the amendment suggestions and the last page includes the recommendations for this year's audit excuse me so to begin at the top of the first page in the center column that's highlighted in bold um you'll see that the overall fund balance for this year went down by about 1.2 million to 22,27 th000 that fund balance is comprised of $6.3 million in our capital reserve $1.5 million in our maintenance Reserve our ex excess Surplus for that was generated in 2023 is year which is being used currently in the 2024-25 budget was 45331 15 and this year's excess Surplus that we generated was also $4 4,533 11115 normally I round that but for the last three years we've been consistent um and that's a very good thing for a district is to be consistent in that fund balance that you're using year-over-year and your excess Surplus it shows that we're being consistent and that we're essentially Towing the line we also had $494,000 in the unemployment we had $1.8 million of incumbrances and we ended with $2.9 million in our unassigned fund balance which is 2% of the expenditures for the year with certain statutory adjustments that the state allows us to do as I always like to say that 2% of unassigned is as healthy as the state of New Jersey will allow us to be that's the maximum amount that you can have in there so we're at the max um again below that you'll just see kind of highlighted again the consistency that we've had over the last several years now where we've been at that $ 4,533 11115 year over year over year um really speaks to how much effort that Jerry and Michelle and the rest of the staff in the board office put into uh keeping keeping the ship straight um down below that you're going to see the activity for the maintenance and the capital reserves for the year so to start out with the capital reserve we started out with $5.6 million at year end we were able to transfer almost $1.3 million into that account and we used 61,000 in our 23 24 budget leaving us with $6.3 million in the m in the capital reserve for the maintenance Reserve we started with $1.9 million we had $158,000 of interest that went into there we also took out by board resolution $101,000 during the year for maintenance and in the budget we took out 500,000 for maintenance as well which left us with the $1.5 million that we had at the end of the year onto the top of the next page we're going to talk about your Enterprise fund uh so to start out with your food service fund I'm just going to go quickly through the activity here we had $2.2 million operating Revenue those are our sales and we had $949,000 of non-operating Revenue that's our participation in the national school lunch program as well as interest we had $3.2 million of other expenses leading to a total decrease of $14,500 in our food service we ended up with 1, 572,000 of net position in food service out of that $328,000 is for our Capital assets and 1.2 million is our unrestricted balance in the Food Service fund the spe the summer enrichment program we had $274,000 of operating revenue and $277,000 of operating expenses leaving us with $3,500 of a net decrease in the summer enrichment program and a $69,000 net position below that you'll see your long-term liabilities for your long-term liabilities this year our serial bonds ended at 32,42 5,000 our net pension liability was 22 22,400,000 a net increase of $542,000 the compensated absences just a quick note on this there was a new gby this year um they changed the way that we were required to account for this and basically whereas in years past the amount that went into there was employees that were closer to retirement only um now that that changed we early implemented and the new standard is that you have to take all employees that are within the district and assign a probab probability to the likelihood um that they will retire out of the district um so as I've told all of my clients um we're not actuaries we do the best that we can with this we just have to be consistent in the way that we apply it um Jerry and Michelle undertook that and they did a great job they got it back to us faster than most as is typical with them but um that's that's the reason for the the big change there just so you're all aware uh so again that that number went up by 2 point almost $2.2 million and then we also had $198,000 that we paid out leading us to an ending balance of 5.1 million Finance purchases payable we paid off $1.2 million this year and ended with 1 uh $9.9 million excuse me leases payable we had a new lease of $449,000 and we paid off $1.5 million in leases and ended with $2.7 million in leases payable at the end of the year so now if you go to the next page these are your management suggestions um so we're just going to concentrate on on the first two the federal grants receivable and the covid-19 federal funding um for those of you that have been here you know that the covid-19 federal funding has been in there for quite some time it's just making the board aware that um they are doing desk reviews we feel that now that all of the co funding has come to an end this is the last year that we're likely to include this within the report um the reason not being because it's out of the realm of possibility the reason being that it's out of their own of likelihood you know two different things but um we think that we've had it in long enough that everyone's well well aware of the the possibility of a desk review so we think that next year is the time to finally pull it out uh the Federal grant receivable this is something that again similar to the covid-19 uh suggestion that we've included in all of our reports because as these programs are coming to an end for covid-19 um we just wanted to make sure that everything was getting submitted that the board was aware uh that has past the end of September actually everything's been submitted you're in great shape nothing to worry about again Jerry and Michelle can't stress it enough Jerry and Michelle uh and and again let's go on to the last page here for as long as I'm I'm building up jry and Michelle here um you have no recommendations again this year uh there were no recommendations last year so no update on those um I do want to just make mention that and I know I've probably done it about three or four times already during this presentation um but Jerry Michelle the rest of your staff over in the in the business office office really do an amazing terrific job uh they're very quick uh and and they get us everything in full as we request it um and they're extremely helpful they make our job a lot easier year to year um so we do appreciate them for that and I just wanted to make sure that I got that out there if anyone has any questions I'm more than happy to address them I had a quick question yeah what do you think of Jerry and Michelle I kind of like them I mean they do they do a really great job they really do you you're you're very lucky to have both of them any other board [Music] members and thank you and I believe board members if you didn't receive a a full copy of the book and you want a book of the entire audit uh we have copies of those available for you but I think most people have that already Mike if I could for one second oh yeah sure I just wanted to Echo what Andrew said as far as this the staff we have in a business office uh Michelle and I couldn't do this without all their hard work and dedication so thank you to everyone who helps us get through uh you cheer thank you absolutely thank you and that's going to bring me to my concluding marks a remarks as a part of the superintendent report and I was inspired to say a couple more things after I heard somebody um speaking on Sunday and I just wanted to express this to the board as well as the community um As We Gather this evening the Thanksgiving holiday approaches offering a time for reflection and gratitude I know many of us at this time of the year feel overwhelmed uh perhaps even just at this point in history the challenges we face can feel immense but it is precisely during such times that we must ground ourselves in gratitude recognizing the good that surrounds us before negativity despair or complaints can Cloud our judgment tonight I want to express my sincere thanks for the remarkable things that I witness every day in our district I am thankful that our children know they are welcomed into our classrooms exactly as they are they are not constantly shushed or glared at as some of us adults myself included might have experienced when we went to school instead they are met with warmth encouragement and a genuine celebration of their unique spirit I am thankful for the courageous conversations taking place throughout our schools conversations where we bravely and honestly put students at the center of our decisions Rising above the fears or unprocessed Impressions about what is best for them these conversations are shaping a brighter future for our children and I am deeply thankful for our extraordinary staff they extend themselves tirelessly not only in their work but also in welcoming new members to our community and forging genuine connections with each other and our students families their dedication and compassion inspire me every day as we we move into the season of Thanksgiving I invite each of you including the board members to take a moment for personal reflection what are you most thankful for in your work in our schools and in your lives perhaps it's the laughter of a child the support of a colleague or the quiet satisfaction of a job well done whatever it may be let us hold on to those sources of gratitude and allow them to guide us forward on that I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving because I won't see you again until after of the Thanksgiving Holiday and Mr President that concludes my superintendent report all right thank you very much all right um we will move on to committee reports um if we could start with operations yeah good evening at the uh operations committee meeting which we H was on Friday uh we had quite a lengthy meeting with Kathy major who's the Food Services uh representative and um the meeting was actually spurred by concerns or questions about the board being able to mine data about what is being sold what volumes of things are being sold which is really fueled by a concern for healthfulness what kinds of foods are the students buying and so on and so forth and so uh Kathy major came and spent a good amount of time with us really going through in detail how the Food Service program works how the inventories are taken how sales are recorded and uh some of the concerns about being able to track fine details of how many bottles of Snapple uh specifically are being bought and sold are still elus iive but uh Kathy was able to share with us steps that have been taken uh to make the offerings and the cafeteria more healthful uh and they're also popular with the students it was really all very enlightening and very helpful uh there are still some questions that are lurking there in some of our minds that are somewhat academic in nature but uh we will keep looking at that because our desire is at what happens in the cafeteria is uh both healthful but also meets the goals the financial goals that are laid out uh some other things that came up uh just some emergency repairs the Woods Road needs a financial panel a fire panel repaired and these kinds of things uh there's a long range finan uh facilities plan that needs to be updated periodically that was uh under review and uh we've asked uh the land organ ization to update the the plan and those things uh the redistricting study is underway that's been under discussion here for a few months now and uh some initial results should be forthcoming uh and again back to Jerry and Michelle uh a a helpful survey of possible options for increasing miscellaneous Revenue venues how might we lease out the buildings what kinds of groups could be invited and so on has been put together uh by Michelle and that will be going out soon and uh we did also talk about the community engagement night which had just been the previous evening and that was uh very productive and helpful and we look forward to making that a regular part of our routine and that was it thank you all right I would just like to emphasize your point about Kathy Major's presentation was very informative very informative very informative all right we will move on to education we're meeting Thursday meeting Thursday right okay uh HR Miss nurse our committee met on Wednesday November 13th um in the afternoon we started with a discussion um of two approval approval of two clubs one was 3D printing and modeling and the other anime and mang manga Club um there was a Personnel matter that we discussed and then um we received information about the mandatory need for opening up an ABA preschool class by code which would include two teachers and two AIDS and with the expectation of starting in January we had some discussion on an hpsa proposal and and then we discussed the board of Board of Ed recognition um of Staff members that we just had with our president's report um and we also talked about the community night Logistics um we had one other Personnel manner to discuss and then we um closed out our open uh topic of teacher retention um with an end result of being able to discuss the exit surveys twice a year as we move forward all right thank you all right we'll move on to governance may I ask question I'm sorry about education committee is there on the agenda at all discussion for option two oh wonderful thank you all right we'll move on to governance uh meeting minutes so uh again another busy uh agenda item with extra individuals joining so we did have Mr Doo and Miss poval right yeah join um and discussed the random drug testing policy so um they presented some data on the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the policy um spoke to the fact that per njsa njsia AA rules schools are randomly selected with students randomly selected uh for drug testing so whether or not our policy is in effect um there is a random drug policy for athletes uh in New Jersey that participate in njsiaa sports um but the discussion was basically with the money being spent that we weren't getting a great return on investment they presented some options on better ways to use that money in the future once they have a formalized plan in place uh the net result of that was that the governance committee unanimously agreed to continue the suspension of policy 5131 the random drug testing and uh Mr V will review the policy with the board attorney um and look for uh an update to that policy with some recommendations that the committee will review before coming to the board and of course that would require two full readings before that went into effect uh we talked about Community engagement night as I think most did um then we talked about a request from a board member for a survey about budget priorities um and while that specific survey would not be uh used as presented which I don't think was the necessarily the intended goal we will um query the board members with uh feedback around um budget items so that we can gather some perspectives from board members um next uh action that Mr AC Missi will start to plan days and times for the long-term budget committee the advocacy group uh meeting with the advocacy group um in place and defined and then open items um the carryover interboard member Communications we will H have at the next Retreat um with an external facilitator um and that was it for that meeting Mr y the thank you for the report that made me think about um also with Red Ribbon Week just something in the years past there was um breath bizzers that I think the Municipal Alliance paid for in conjunction with other organizations and I hadn't heard anything about the use of it at the high school and I was just wondering if that had come up I don't think specifically breathalyzers there was a talk about the municipal Alliance providing some funding to support some activities I think uh some of the focus was going to be more around education with parents and some other groups um I think there was a feeling that every time a student got called to the nurse even though was it for a drug test students were panicking that they didn't want to go to the nurse they thought it was a drug test coming in so I think that was more of the discussion but there was no specific mention of breathalyzers the reason I mention it is because there has been some transition at the high school so this was probably done in the 2017 201829 time frame and with the you know the change in administration I'm just wondering if if those breathalyzers are still being used and if we can just kind of maybe just I just thought of it as you were talking about random drug testing and then is Red Ribbon Week okay I guess we we can follow I can look into it yeah I really don't know at the top of my head it would have been um so the breathalyzers when they were implemented they were used randomly at football games and I believe there's a policy on that I don't remember all the details of it but it was so that as students were entering the football game they would be randomly selected to have the breath lier that they'd have to submit to that yeah in the football games I've been now haven't been at every entrance I have not seen that since I've been here but I can look into that okay right stats I think they also uh maybe use breathalyzers at dances um but as far as the random drug testing is there any data to show the efficacy of it of it for extracurricular yeah they they went through a whole presentation we could probably have that data shared with you okay because I didn't see that mentioned in the in the minutes um okay I'll have it attached to the minutes and as far as uh call there's a I think uh that uh there's we got a big chunk of money from the opio opioid settlement uh and I think the missal alliance handles that so maybe we can reach out to them as far as addressing uh the cost concerns about I think it was mentioned that there was an offer of of financial support from the municipal Alliance that was that was mentioned during the meeting and there's been attempts at uh providing education for parents Etc uh but there's not a lot of people that show up okay so I mean it's they they do a great job planning and everything but you know parents are very busy so just to clarify there's going to be no more random drug testing till a formalized plans come up with I'm sorry it missed the last part of your um until a formalized plan has come up with we've abandoned the policy of random drug testing it's been temporarily suspended by the governance committee so it is still a policy um what the governance committee has asked me to do um is to work with the High School administration and see if they can come up with a better policy that may eventually replace this and if not the random drug testing may be reimplemented that's where we are right now but that's that's just for extracurricular that that we still have to randomly test uh athletes right yeah so the drug testing policy for athlet has nothing to do with with us we have to comply with the rules for sports so yeah athletes so Bas what happens is the the state randomly selects schools and then I think we give a list of students by ID number and they randomly select students to be drug tested so that's that policy by participating in njsia sports we have to comply with um but yeah other than that this would be the random Club student policy all right see other questions we will close uh committee reports and we will day all right we'll move to the first public comment period public input on the 2025 2026 budget and AC action agenda we very much welcome input from the public during board meetings there'll be 230 minute periods of time that the meeting will open public comment where members of the public are invited to comment which they may do if they're attending in person during the first public com period members of the public May comment about items that are on listed on tonight's agenda for the budget before the board votes during the second public comment period members of the public May comment at any school or School District issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the school district as per 0167 before you say your com best provide your name and address there's a the limit in public comment please understand that a public fors are not structured as question answer sessions but rather offered as opportunity to share your thoughts with the board inance with the board of leaders misunderstanding or in accuracy the word president or superintendent will address the comment many times a member of the public makes a comment or has a question about personal hiring decisions kind note the public meeting Act and the Privacy rights of public employees Encompass there and do not permit the board to discuss personal issues in public session okay seeing none we will close the first public comment session any board members comment before we continue okay we will now move to the approval of minutes 10.1 motion to approve public minutes 10282 24 can I get a motion in second so moved second all in favor hi all right we will move to the action agenda thank you Mr President I ask for the board's consideration to approve the following motions in the area of Education professional travel related expenses affirming the superintendent's Hib determination for the cases as listed submitt of a Grant application accepting funds accepting safety Grant funds and approving the continued long-term suspension of a student can I get a motion in second so second uh can we uh any discussion by the board I just have a question for Mr eard I forgot what Mr fery said about um so I'm on the board of the hillsbor Education Foundation am I supposed to recuse myself or can I just abstain that's a good question that's for we're talking about for 11.3 correct yes yeah I'm not sure of the the difference but you should probably abstain okay that would be my recommendation thank you okay see no other comments we'll move to roll Mr Davis yes Miss Jackson yes Miss Craig yes Mr Lee yes Miss nurse yes M stats yes Mr yes and Iain on 11.3 and Mr Marini yes motion passes and with that being said I do want to thank the Hillsboro Education Foundation for now they're now accepting Grant um we wanted to have them here tonight uh but I'm actually meeting with them tomorrow when they meet with the girls who code people at the high school to take a picture and we will help publicize them so Mr herio thank you for your work with the HF and also thanks to Linda Cummings and everybody else who's involved I'll be seeing you tomorrow in the area of Human Resources I'd ask for the board's consideration to approve the following motions an increment withholding resolution to create unbudgeted positions as mentioned by Miss nurse in the HR committee retirements and designations appointments change in employment status leaves of absence coaches co-curricular advisers student teacher TurnKey Trainers for 24-25 7eventh period coverage extra coverage Raider track Camp a Treasurer and transfers and changes in assignment can I get a motion in the second so moved second any discussion by the board seeing none we'll move to Mr Davis yes M Jackson yes M Craig yes Mr Lee yes Miss nurse yes Miss stats yes Mr yes and Mr M yes motion passes in the area of operations I'd ask for the board's consideration to approve the following motions monthly bills monthly financial statement or financial status line item transfers the acceptance of the 2024 audit which you heard about uh res resolution to use excess extraordinary state aid for 2425 Appropriations approving a quote for the fire alarm equipment replacement at Woods Road Elementary School as mentioned by Mr Davis from the operations committee approving the 2425 esy parent Transportation contract revised building fee schedule accepting donations and approving out of District placements can I get a motion in second so moved second any discussion by the board all right seeing no mo to rooll Mr Davis yes M Jackson yes Miss Craig yes Mr Lee yes Miss nurse yes Miss stats yes Mr hio yes and Mr M yes motion passes thank you in the area of policies and regulations I'm recommending that the uh board approve uh policies for second reading which were the um Title One School parent compacts can I get a motion a second so move second any discussion I seeing none we'll move to roll Mr Davis yes Miss Jackson yes Miss Craig yes Mr Lee yes Miss nurse yes M stats yes Mr triio yes and Mr Marini yes motion passes we'll now move on to the second public comment period we very much welcome him from the public during board meetings will be 2:30 periods of time at the meeting we public comment where the members of the public are invited to comment which they may do if they're attending in person during the second public comment period members of the public May comment on any school or School District issue that member of the public Fields may be of concern to the residents of the school district as per B 0167 before you say your comment we be ask to provide your name and address there's a th limit on public comment please understand that public forms not structur as question session but rather offers opportuni to share your thoughts with the board with the board of Le misunderstanding or in accuracy the board president superintendent will address the comment times remember the public makes a comment as a question about personal hiring decisions count not de meetings Act and the Privacy right public employees and com there and not the board discuss personel issues in public session okay seeing none we will close the second public comment period and I'll open it up to any board members before we close the meeting for any comments they may have stand uh I attended the Friday night performance of radium girls um which is a very serious topic of real uh real events um and of course as usual the acting was amazing and uh you I applaud the students and also the staff and volunteers that made it happen awesome thank you um I was able to attend the first student council meeting and I did release a form asking about what students thought the biggest issue was at HHS um most of the responses they're still coming in but it was mainly about the lack of flexibility around bathroom schedules and also school starting time um a lot of students had issues with the five minutes that they had to wait after the period started and when the period is ending as well as not being being able to go to the bathroom um bathroom pass bathroom passes as well so yeah I will continue to update with responses from that form all right thank you very much if I may San too your predecessor was in the middle of um discussions of that with Mr Doo so it shouldn't be a surprise to him because I think that is still something that's being refined there so if that does tend to be I would I would still speak to your principal he'll be well aware of that um if I can comment as well uh there's one other thing I wanted to say that I was thankful for and it is for the woman sitting to my right um the board earlier tonight approved the resignation of Dr Kim feltre from the school district she has been part of the Hillsboro Township Public Schools since December of 2005 um and I started in January of 2006 right after you and she has been my right-hand person uh since I have been here and I'm GNA say more about you in December so I'm not going to go on too long but then in January when I'm here two years you're you're not going to be here you're going to be off Berkeley Heights and what I want to say is I started to look at the things that I want to talk about about my two-year anniversary here and Kim because of you I'm going to have um gotten through a lot of work and accomplished things that I wanted to do by the time I retired and I'm G to have that done in two years and that's because of a lot of the work that you have done uh the work will continue but when I look back at at the things that we have done here in Hillsboro together um and what I thought I would personally accomplish by the time I was ready to retire you have helped uh along with many other people to uh push me and get me there so I don't want you to think that your resignation tonight was simply glossed over although I'd like to ignore it um and we will speak more about you at the December meeting but as it's the spirit of Thanksgiving I wanted to thank you very much for what you have done for this District since December of [Applause] 2005 I would second that as well because without other than you you you've been more Super intendent time I think than almost anybody else as well without being superintendent so you put in your time and and yes I was going to say thank you to her ruined it for me so we got next month got next month fair enough but thank you again all right so with that we uh any other board members before we close Okay so we will take a motion to adjourn so second all in favor thank you