##VIDEO ID:6tfy_aIPzp4## good good can I get a motion to reconvene motion second all those in favor say I I we are back in session let's start by the approval of minutes uh the close session minutes from September 10th 2024 please review it and when you're sufficiently satisfied with it somebody please make a motion all motion approval second second uh court please read the role council member Fox yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member choim Muk I think I was out right you're Iain you doain council member colleti yes council president Kar yes the closed session minutes for September 10th are approved it is time for the initial public comment limited to 3 minutes items only on the agenda one topic per speaker please state your name and town of residence for the record having seen nobody in the room let's close the initial public comment uh and move on to any correspondence no uh professionals monthly report none committee reports let's start this time all the way at the end uh councilman ruko uh the only thing I need to add from the reports I made last week uh Board of Health um the situation as you know we had Town nurse depart we participated in a meeting with the county health officials arranged by uh the burough administrator on October 3rd to discuss what options were available to us in addressing the departure of the Town nurse um in addition to myself and the ba in attendance with several members of the Board of Health uh and the burough clerk uh presently the county is providing key services to approximately 35 towns and believes that they could service Hillsdale adequately in a manner similar to those other towns Board of Health and the ba would also uh like to have similar discussions with Northwest Bergen Regional uh as they they offer an alternative to the use of the County so I think that's where we are unless the bur administrator would care to add anything further okay yeah and the second just for seniors they have a 50 plus meeting coming up October 10th at the United Methodist Church at 11:30 and there is a monthly senior lunch on October 16th at St John's at 11:30 as well Hillsdale residence El on that that's all I have okay compl alsoo yes um the fire department is hosting a poker tournament to uh raise money for the facilities over there it's going to be held on uh Friday night if you go to the fire department uh Hillsdale fire department we uh website or Facebook page you could pre-register for it um also we had a a wreck uh commission meeting last night where a second concept plan was uh offered to the commission um it was created by C uh by cers uh what come out of the meeting was uh that we uh have the need to host a town hall meeting which is going to be scheduled in November um Mike may want to add a couple of points to that uh where the engineer will be available as well uh we'll have the uh residents will have the opportunity to get their questions answered um and the date and the time for that will be communicated to the the the population okay CIA uh nothing to report tonight okay thank you uh council president Escobar nothing mayor I gave my rep last week okay councilman Fox I just recently attended the uh first annual car show at Stonybrook it was a success 47 cars lots of awards were given out um they're also having a rage sale uh 1019 between 9 and 3 it's $15 to bring all your items you want to get rid of and sell you could sign up on community pass and that's it okay Council M kley few updates in terms of the fields um just building off of uh councilman oo summary of what happened with the rec board just happy to see that the recreation department the environmental committee um and now we're engaging the public to review the plans for Memorial to make sure that we get this right the first time uh in terms of the environmental commission they are taking an increasing interest in ensuring uh that the recently adopted tree ordinance is adequately communicated to the local residents contractors tree service companies and landscaping companies our ba and staff have already and diligently uh pushed out that ordinance and communication of such uh into what's happening emails as well as via the town's website uh however the environmental committee is also going to continue to work with the ba to make sure that we take a proactive approach uh in reaching out to local contractors to make sure that they're aware of it since they're the ones most likely to be impacted by it um in terms of the Board of Education uh locally in Hillsdale not much movement from last week on George White they are interviewing contractors on October 30th for uh for the construction uh and U our superintendent and our Board of Ed uh president Justin Saxon they met with the bond Council and they started to discuss the timing and the different methods uh in which they can fund the project uh may or may not know uh our George white principal is retiring uh Donald um bergamini uh his last day will be on January 31st so they'll start uh looking to place that position immediately and finally uh on the regional level from the Board of Education had a good discussion with jeie VAR he's the president there and they're taking a kind of unique and add of the Box approach to really focus on the continuing Improvement of our school ranking uh to the point where one of the initiatives is where districts and identify work with them only to help the students coming into the high school uh to really give them a a step ahead of maybe where we've been in the past or are now when I was on education I had spoken the uh the school had gotten passed and uh possibly share with the plan for next year November dece calendar of events with uh mobile classrooms and you know what the police are going to do to right so and how to find the resources these grants yes I did have my flowery lunchbox with me I said uh for to days uh join the mayor council members and the ba at uh the grand opening of a new business at 144 Broadway uh it's Kayla celto uh luxury Beauty Services uh October 10 at 5:00 p.m. uh if you're available to attend U we would love to have you there uh we are looking to do a town hall meeting uh to get feedback from the community on the on the Memorial Field plan uh to Turf it and to rebuild it with uh with lights and amenities we're looking at the week of November 12 I'll be working with the clerk and with the council members to pick the best day you know that week uh the idea is to uh announce it it will also be on YouTube live uh we will invite the community uh the surrounding homes uh the coaches the students and the players we'll have the engineer here and we'll be going over the plan step by step and take that feedback then take the feedback from the commission combine them both together and come up with a final plan and that will be the go plan once we have the go plan we will commit uh the money to it uh it's going to be between four and $6 million depending on what we put in there we will be receiving our affordable housing housing obligation on October 20th so the next meeting that we meet uh we will have those numbers announced and that's all I have Mr Mayor okay at some point we're going to have to Circle back with our group maybe right after the 20th yes um the housing group and yes sit down and in this room and talk about or in that room talk about where we are okay um great uh we're going to move to the consent agenda uh resolutions 24268 through 24 272 can I get a motion motion second second would anybody like to remove anything from the like a separate discussion on 24269 24269 anything else okay so let's deal with everything but 24269 um we've got the motion we've got the second with the CL please read the role council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member choim Muk yes council member klei yes council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes 24268 through 24272 with the exception of 24269 has passed um can I get a motion to discuss 2426 9 on motion second second okay uh yeah I think we all know up here the difference between a school resource officer and a slo3 uh I'm not sure the public does the SLO 3s are in the schools primarily for law enforcement um the srl the school resource officer is a combination of law enforcement but more uh counseling to the Youth of the of the educational institution the role is very important uh and it has proven to be so Nationwide and on all the school districts that have instituted sro's this burrow has been inconsistent in some years coming up with an officer to serve as an SRO and it depended largely on uh the chief's assessment of the Staffing uh levels that he had um I commend the uh the police department and the ba um for planning to move ahead this school year uh despite not having U either I guess a captain or on-duty chief at the moment um the agreement though calls for the police department a burrow employee and not an employee but the Board of Education according to the agreement is ,000 to the burrow that over 10 years least 2015 when I joined it was inadequate then um Department only assigns experience assuming roughly a five-year experience level that officer is going to command a salary of about $91,000 Plus benefits be about $125 $127,000 you prate that for 10 months that officer um you know we're looking then at an obligation of somewhere like 105 110,000 and it's a severe underrecognition of the worth by having the board of education pay us only $40,000 by not paying more the Board of Ed is basically saying to all of us Hillsdale residents yeah we'll chip in the 40 but the other 65 of the SRO compensation for 10 months work is all on the Hillsdale tax payer U by not stepping up to run the expense across all four towns as part of their Regional School District budget Hillsdale taxpayers are essentially subsidizing an expense that should be paid across the whole burrow region um I plan on voting yes for the resolution because I hold the SRO position in high esteem it's necessary but shame on the board of education for not being willing to step up and pay more than $40,000 which is the amount 10 years ago they they hung on to and they didn't want to pay a cent more then they don't want to pay a scent more now I don't think that's right um so that's really you know what I wanted wanted to say also you know this is something the council may want to think about in subsidizing the other three towns we have the mayor rontel as a bur administrator Mr ba you might want to recuse yourself from any further discussions on this point because your town will benit benefit by having Hillsdale sign this agreement I don't vote no you don't vote but in terms of discussions on this it might be better if you're not so can I ask or a point um but is there anything that we can do about that at this level at this point can we kick this back and say to the board of V we don't want this number we want a different number or is that not an option I couldn't I couldn't tell you that's the mayor's I don't know that's an option I don't in in in um in defense of the Board of Education the 40,000 was already budgeted in this year's budget and the year started when we decided that we we will have an SRO they are going to look at increasing into to 54,000 next year which is the starting salary of an officer uh your numbers um are incorrect just just a little bit the current officer we have his salary he's at $74,000 now not 9 5,000 so he has less than 5 years experience because at 5 years that's officers will be making 91,000 well it's always a balance because you don't want to put somebody Green in that's making the minimum thank you and so you're not going to put somebody but but the idea is if you're hiring somebody it sort of offsets because you're going to have somebody at that at that lower level why why doesn't the Schoolboard pay the all-in cost for the offic and not just the base out you can that's part of that's part of the negotiation for it this was a we only we only were in a position to do this at the last minute so that's why we are where we are um it really isn't that we're in some ways yes the other three towns are getting a benefit from it but this is a negotiation that will be with the with the Board of Ed uh for the high schools and not with the other towns so the other towns are are out of this yes they're benefiting from it but it's it's a negotiation with us and uh the board of pay that's it so they are paying but if you if it's if it's if it's $40,000 and it's four towns each town is paying 10 in theory then the other three towns are paying 10 out of the Board of Ed budget may I say something yeah Hillsdale is paying 10 of that 40 but we are also paying 60,000 more I understand that so the choice was either having the SRO yeah or not having the SRO for this i h i held very little hope that we can um that this council is going to say no to this that's why I'm prepared to say and vote for it because I think the SRO is important but you know shame on the board Ved for taking the position that they have for the last 10 years yeah but so I'm still not clear I understand we're here to vote on this particular item right now but for a future time or conversation who is negotiating with the uh Board of Ed regarding this contract who it was the chief and myself who did the original negotiation bring him back uh bring one back whenever it was in the past and the idea is there is uh there are 1,000 people students and faculty in a very small space uh with one officer there and of course the other uh you know SOS but this one officer is really looking at a thousand people in small space so from the from the uh the public safety perspective uh the chief at the time said this is the right thing to do the school wants it yes it's not a question of whether they wanted it it's whether or not they want it but at at the proper funding letter and then that then that becomes incumbent upon the police department and the ba to talk for next year but this was this was a last minute thing and the question was whether we're going to do it or not do it and whether or not this board was willing to bite off a bigger portion of that to get it done and then next Year everybody knowing what the rules are to say 40 is not adequate right that's what so I agree I mean that's true what that's what um councilman ruko brought up and so I agree so for next year whoever is doing this negotiation in my opinion should be trying to divide the total cost up amongst the four Burrows equally well right but my mind I I think we're yes for the future but we also get we also get the officer half of the year because for it's for like 180 days they get into the school year but the other 180 days are ours and we okay so there has to be a coration formula that I don't know if that's being done adequately at this I'm not defending the board I'm just saying what I'm saying is when whenever it's not in in in school we use so there has to be an account did you have something right the agreement calls for a dedicated SRO from September 1st to June 30th he or she is entirely there the SRO so that's two months that we get for two months July July we get them for the summer right so you need 101 12ths of his full salary benefits Etc to be SP all the town I don't think we need to start talking about the towns because we're not going to be picking up and talking to the other towns it's the board of end because they're the ones that okay fine okay so we understand the parameters of it we've got a motion we've got a second can we move to a vote on 24269 counc member ruko yes council member choim Muk yes council member ketti yes council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Oso yes 24 269 passes um completely we're now going to move on to the introduction of an ordinance 24:15 um ordinance of the burrow of Hillsdale County of Bergen New Jersey adopting an amendment to the Hillsdale Patterson Street Redevelopment plan be resolved that ordinance 24:15 does now pass a first reading and that set ordinance be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the mayor and Council in the municipal building 380 Hillsdale Avenue Hillsdale New Jersey on November 12th and at said time and place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same and the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish said ordinance in the Ridgewood news once at least one week prior to the said hearing with a notice of its introduction and of the time and place when and where said ordinance would be considered for final passage may get a motion motion second second oh clerk please read the rooll council member ruko yes council member troh Muk yes council member klei yes council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Oso yes uh consider it introduced okay um public comment there's nobody here in the chambers so uh let's move on to council commentaries I'm going to begin um we this morning uh had a a uh mayor's meeting um through the league Bergen County uh and discussed fair share housing so we know it's coming October 20th we're going to get a number and uh there's still what what scratched my head the most was that there's still so much unknown um who is going to decide when who's going to make decisions on this process um how it's all going to shake out RBA as the mayor of Montville got uh his his recognition for the lawsuit that we are involved in to try to um bring the state uh to make some modifications to help uh well basically every municipality but there are certain ones of us that are fighting this anyway um so that's where that's where we are with that um stay tuned we have some targeted deadlines that we've got to meet by January the recommendation was that we don't wait till the last minute that we start talking about what our number is going to be what our RDP number is going to be where we think we are which is why I want to have um our group get together again uh and start this in January uh beginning of the year as opposed to waiting any longer than that the other thing I wanted to talk about was that for transparency we're going to start doing some videos Around Town um about the issues that people are interested in and we'll have sort of a Q&A I encourage members of the council to come up with ideas as well as members of the public if there's something that you want to know about and that we can do it we will try to put together a video we'll disseminate it through the town notices um and hopefully that will be a great step in getting our news out I'm sorry to see that Don is leaving from the white school I enjoyed meeting him almost on more than one occasion uh early at 6:00 in the morning as he's going to work and I'm leaving Ronnie's we always meet out there so uh he will be missed that is uh my commentary um councilman kti start there no commentary thank you okay councilman Fox no comment council president no comment councilwoman no comment Council manosa no comment and councilman ruko oh I have a comment two comments um I attended the wake and funeral mass of um Robert Sant senior age 82 he was a military veteran former Chief of the Hillsdale fire department longtime St John Baptist parishioner and he was also the former bar cork for I think 19 years there was a tremendous outpouring of Love sympathy and respect uh at his passing he always approached life with a smile trying to do good for this community and he'll be sorely missed second comment um yam kapor the holiest of days for our Jewish residents begins on Sundown October 11th it's a day of atonement and reflection as especially this year uh when all our hearts have been saddened by the events uh that are taking place in Israel and in the broader Middle East as a uh as a Christian I pray for stability and peace and as October 11th approaches I urge all residents to do uh do the same that's all I have to say great thank you um see no other business can I get a motion to adjourn motion second second all those in favor signify by saying I I we are adjourned we will see you uh on Tuesday November 12th 2024