##VIDEO ID:LNUCvfES1nk## e okay um can I get a motion to reconvene regular meeting motion second all in favor back in okay we're going to start um with the oath of office for nicken um for the full membership into the fire department so um do we have the stuff down there great I'll bring my pen okay can I get a motion to swear in our motion motion second second okay let's do this okay that I will support the Constitution I will support the the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will to the same to the and the government's established the government EST in the United States states and in this state under the authority of the people author of people as you Solly swear Faithfully partially and justly perform all the duties all the of the office of philsdale volunte [Applause] [Music] like to say thank you mayor uh so I want to start by congratulating Nicholas on becoming a full member of the Hillsdale fire department but I'd also like to acknowledge his his parents John and TZ uh Nicholas is Third Generation in town here uh in terms of living as John grew up here and John's also been a member of the fire department since he was a teenager so John thank you um and and his mother TZ is a longtime Elementary School teacher in Bergen County so the family has a very wide and and and and and and Broad tradition of community service so i' just like to thank the Nigerian family for their continued community service thank you anybody else okay great we're going to move on to the approval if you don't want to yeah why don't we wait a minute I'm sure I know you guys really love staying for the policy but we'll give you a minute to on beh of the Ambulance Corp I'd like to he's one of the newest EMS on the ambulance thank [Applause] you before they all leave that's it okay a second going to clear out okay we'll we'll try to tackle these quick we got no we haven't done public comment yet but it's all right because they were walking out the door it happens um we're going to approve the minutes we'll start with the October 1st um Council minute meeting from October 1st can I get a motion motion second second is there any comment clerk please read the r council member ooso yes council member ruko yes council member troh Muk so you were absent council member klei yes council president esar is absent and council member Fox yes great that's approved Council minutes from October 8th can I get a motion motion second second will the clerk please read the role council member ruko yes council member choim Muk yes council member ketti yes council president Escobar's absent council member Fox yes and council member ooso yes great okay that's approved the closed session meeting minutes from October 8th can I get a motion motion second second any discussion seeing none will the clerk please read the role council member choim yes council member kti yes council president esort is absent council member Fox yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes great okay that passes we're going to go to special council meeting uh special Council meetings for October 23rd 2024 can I get a motion motion second I wasn't there I wasn't there either so no he was there I got a second you got a second there you were therea was not there 23rd October 23rd yeah any discussion other than the stuff we're doing now no okay clerk please read the role council member kti yes council president ESC abson council member Fox yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member choim Muk AB I was absent yep there you go okay so that's passed now the special council meeting minutes from November first can I get a motion motion second second okay any discussion no will the clerk please read the role so council president Escobar is absent council member Fox yes council member Oso yes council member ruko is absent council member choh Muk yes council member klei yes that motion those minutes pass as well we'll now move to the initial public comment do you have uh can we get a motion open motion second and all in favor I okay we're we're initial public comment does anybody wish to comment I you made your comment okay we'll close that now motion to close motion and everybody signify I I okay um no we the professional monthly reports the burrow engineer is here hi Nick hello good evening mayor and Council uh so I'm going to keep it pretty short tonight just a couple projects um for Paving projects the Melville Road and jdot fiscal year 2024 um we had the bid opening on October 8th that was awarded to Smith Sandi they were the low bidder their uh bid came in lower than the engineers report or the uh the engineers estimate rather uh we had a pre-construction meeting on October 23rd um they're going to be starting construction next next week so that's anticipated to take 2 to three days um and they'll be they'll be in and out and just just pave that road for the 2025 dot grants we're expecting to hear about Awards this month so within the next couple weeks we should have an idea of what the the grant award is and then we'll coordinate with the administrator on uh designing that project for Centennial Field I'm sure you're all aware that we receive D permits um uh that was really good news we just had the pre-con meeting this morning the contractor is ready to start immediately uh they should be starting as early as tomorrow um and we were told that construction would take 3 to four weeks and that the field would likely be ready for the spring or would be ready for the spring so uh that's that's really good news there um on Memorial Field we completed the concept plan we're going to be holding the uh the town hall meeting tomorrow night that's going to be presenting the concept plan and then we'll we'll hear feedback from uh from the residents from there we will um we'll move on to a final design of that project so that's that's all I have thank you okay anybody have any comments or questions for yeah I've got a couple of questions thank you um the renovation of um I'm sorry the resurfacing on Melville right um I know the last time we did it on one of the other streets Louise were in the street it was last fall you've made arrangements to have those leaves cleared out before you're going to be resurfacing I hope right that's correct yeah so we coordinate that with the DPW to make sure the leaves are cleared okay uh Centennial Field uh yeah we got the DP approval um it imposed some testing requirements on us if I read correctly um Sumer quarterly um so several years ago we convinced the D to reduce the quarterly testing requirements that we had then which were very expensive they were like 30 grand a quarter so we reduced it I think we were down you may know better than me Nick um I think we had a twice a twice a year something like that we had reduced we cut it in half the testing expenses so now we're going to be subject to Greater testing requirements do you have any idea what those testing requirements are going to cost us on an annual basis so that would be for the lsrp for the site Lois Spagnola um she's going to be handling all the test so you don't know but she will know correct when the next meeting could you come back and let us know what that is or if I can add that she will be doing the testing while they're working on Centennial Field and if she doesn't get any hits any major hits then she'll go back to the DP and ask for the reduction of the so it's not it's not set yet we won't know yeah so they require us in the the EP permit but she's going to go back to them based on the headset that she get as they're doing the work okay okay cuz I I I mean I really think we we should know what those requirements are because they are they're going to be new they're going to be a re-imposition of the old of somewhat of the old expenses that we had and I would like to make sure that our public knows what that is going to cost okay um the memorial uh meeting tomorrow on the on the Memorial Field um is there any reason why we could not have sent that ear out to the residents so that we could so they could see it I know you're going to hand it out tomorrow and there going to be I presume on the screen you're going to put it up but I I I don't know the answer to that question okay I I yeah but in in your professional opinion it wasn't I mean other than it would change as you as we all know it's likely to change after tomorrow right but there wasn't anything that you know prevented you from giving it out earlier changes to the plans that some stuff was on some stuff was moving around so what we have for tomorrow actually got finished earlier actually early in the week so yeah we had some final changes we had to put on there okay I mean I'm still I'm still disappointed that it wasn't sent out and I'm not pointing necessarily about you but you know um we got we got input and we wanted to add those in to have it so that all the final input that was provided us was addressed M so that we have the most up to up to date I understand right can mic and um the last uh question I have is on the municipal storm water plan you say it needs to be updated and that's been in your engineering report um the master plan was reexamined in 2022 so when should we be concerned about updating the municipal storm water plan is it should we work on that immediately or it it is it is something that's past due it is past du correct okay and who who you guys do that or we can do that yeah okay would you be working with the bur administrator to in view of the fact that it's past due to try to move that ahead we he's got a lot of other stuff obviously but if this is passed through is there no penalty to being weight uh typically there there are not penalties but they're they're pretty lenient about these things but it is it is something they'll point out in our annual tier recording when we submit it and you know they they could do an audit so there there are situations where it could escalate further but yeah it's something that you should care it's not as critical as affordable housing we have deadlines there okay thank you Nick I understand the scope of the project for Centennial will be drainage irrigation and resurfacing right um is there any way as part of the delivery of this project um to completion that we have a uh maintenance plan on how to maintain this field so we can protect the investment that we made I A lot of times when the Handover happens a year or two from now it's not in the same state that it was left off at right so I something that the buau has in hand that they need to adhere to going forward so that we can ensure that whatever money that we do spend there the 377,000 that we get return on it for years to come and not just the year that it's delivered right correct so yeah that that was an item that was discussed at the precon yeah um the uh the the contractor is is planning on providing some advisement on how how to go about doing that and we're happy to help also if we're needed to um but yeah I I would agree that is that is critical to maintaining that field part of our plan this morning uh the contractor will will do five cuts after they finished and then hand us the key basically which will be sometimes end of around May is when it'll be ready and then you by then we will have a maintenance and which will not be cheap by the way based on what we heard this morning between the fertilizing and the chemicals and the cutting and the different techniques that they have to have we're talking maybe six figures annual annual but that's what you need to maintain field mhm and we haven't been spending that no on the older field no no no we've been just running the lawn M over it okay anybody else any questions okay let's move on to committee reports uh we will start let's start down at the far end with councilman ruko okay thank you mayor uh the access for all has not me recently but the next meeting is going to be uh I think it's December 8th I have here 118 but I think that's wrong I think it's 11 18 actually the board of health uh their next me is November 19th um so they did not meet in the past month um with respect to the recognition committee um after Consulting with the environmental commission a request from the S family to plant the magnolia tree um in Veterans Park in honor of Bob san Senor who was the clerk prior clerk W standing CLK here in Hillsdale it was a favorably referred to the a it's now in his hands and the of DPW I think they found found a spot in Memorial Park or they're working on finding a a spot there in not Memorial I'm sorry Veterans Park um so that's I just want to inform the Council of that and um the finance committee uh reports as of October 31st have been distributed to all the members um by the CFO next meeting is going to be I think believe it's next Monday did put the date in but uh it's like the last I think it's the last week of um of November um and um finance committee members if they have any concerns about the October 31st reports uh will mail in any emails or questions to the CFO and the ba uh here it is the next meeting is December 2nd I knew it and that's it okay Council manoso yeah I wanted to um congratulate Bill Farrell um who's become the new chief of the fire Hillsdale fire department and also a big thank you to Dan Schuster um who's uh completed uh his years of service and uh I want to thank you for everything thank give him a big thank you for the everything that he's done um Nick provided us an update on the D permit and the work that's going to uh happen on Centennial uh hopefully in a few weeks that work is completed and um we'll have a a great field for the spring of next year um also want to remind all the residents out there to attend tomorrow's uh meeting at Burrow uh burrow Hall um where we're going to go over that New Concept plan uh for Memorial Field it's going to give uh the residents a great opportunity to provide feedback which I think is is very important uh for this whole process uh and make sure that uh the information is disseminated across the community okay Council woman Mr yes um last Library board uh met um actually last night and um so just a few points um the hillsd Hillsdale 125th anniversary Journal is uh for sale at the library for $15 and if you haven't purchased one yet I would suggest that you do because it's actually a beautiful Journal um the other thing is that the library had conducted a survey they've received about 550 responses and the key takeaway was that residents would like to see the library open on Sundays and also they would like to see more children related activities and of course the library board uh has met and has discussed those points and they're going to be doing everything that they can to uh try to make that happen for um the residents um also on the library board we have a new person and then I just wanted to to mention um the uh school superintendent has an alternate on there and it's Kelly pakor and she's joined the board um and uh also there was a lot of conversations about the digital resources that are available at the library and for people that don't know what that is and I was one of those people um you can actually um like if you have a Kindle or um I guess some other sort of device you can borrow books on that device from the library which um I didn't know that we even had that so um if you're into that uh you know you should go to the website and check it out again I always end this by saying please go to the website there's so much information about all the upcoming programming that's going on at the library right and that's it oh and of course they're working on the budget for next year that's it thank you okay councilman Fox uh as far as Stony Brook pools they were closed and winterized as of November 5th the rest of the facility will be winterized uh by the end of the month um the new main pool pump motor will be installed over the next couple months the snack bar went out to bid is is uh currently an inter review um the upto-date numbers for revenue for the pool this year uh was one is $1,148 474 uh 47484 2023 was 1,1 128,648 61 next meeting is uh November 19th okay Council M kley start with environmental committee so the environmental excuse me commission environmental commission worked with the ba to apply for the PSG sustainable Jersey Energy Efficiency partnership program uh Grant that's $2,500 plus support it's up to $12,000 500 Max per calendar year and the aim there is to increase Energy Efficiency and energy resiliency in the burrow uh the application deadline was 10:31 and they submitted on 10:16 also from the environmental commission they worked uh with the support of the DPW and in partnership with the pasak Valley High School Honor Society they organized the fall trash cleanup that took place on Saturday November 2 there were nearly 50 high school students uh residents and local officials there that removed almost a full dump truck load of Street trash scattered around the downtown uh and going down into the industrial zone so it was a it was a good result and in regarding the further communication of the new tree ordinance the burrow created uh the committee commission continues to work with the ba on on notifying the public and contractors they recently added um the posting of it to the electronic bulletin board in veterans Park uh since the ordinance went into effect 51 trees have been removed by permit and approximately 85 trees planted so so far pretty successful ordinance and with results uh the the commission will be providing other suggestions and materials for getting the word out to contractors to ensure compliance and one one more thing to note on the environmental commission is that due to the evolving drought uh further tree replanting will most likely be delayed until the spring uh Board of Ed a few updates here uh not at the regional level but locally George White Construction so the board met with two different construction management firms about two weeks ago the interviews went well and the Board of Ed will consider onboarding a firm at the end of December 2024 in that meeting uh the George White Bond resolutions the Board of Education approved two resolutions allowing for an initial round of funding to launch the referendum project in the amount of 15 million and those initial funds support the startup of the construction project with the remaining balance of the project cost to be bonded in the summer of 2025 and finally uh they did receive their district testing report that's the njsla uh New Jersey student learning assessment those scores were received in communicated on September 30th to the parents uh that test focuses on math Ela and science overall the scores were strong and and in all cases were meaningfully higher than the state average the superintendent and staff have been analyzed in noted strengths and areas where we need Improvement or enhancement and they've already drafted their plans to address these areas and we'll start executing on thank you for administrator thank you Mr Mayor um on a social services uh we moved the the cases uh to the county in July uh just want to give you an update on what we're doing since we do have liaison that's working with us currently uh and it's on the payroll for Hillsdale there are five Hillsdale families um for different reasons uh they use uh the food pantry we're working with them we're working with two to three times a week with Hillsdale woman uh who is homeless we're working with uh with the county on that uh we also have had contacts with a disabled woman needing home health aid a disabled woman needing financial assistance um and U and a man needing assistance food and financial we have a senior woman needing a advice on housing and financial help a few disabled residents we're working with uh to have assistance to fix their homes some Plumbing issues uh we have a cancer patient needing advice on financial assistance uh we have a family of four that have been needing financial help and we've been helping them uh with different means we do have three of hillsdale's welfare clients uh that are with us on uh regular basis and we're dealing with the county on how to have them on more sustained way so they can get off the uh the assistance with the county I would like to congratulate uh the environmental Commission on a really successful cleanup day uh like the councilman mentioned about 50 50 members uh were there the DPW and uh so the leaf the first round of the leaf pickup was completed we're starting the second round uh tomorrow the mechanic shop has been completely moved to the 4 Bay Garage in the back on Higher Ground uh it's 100% operational we're fixing we're fixing uh cars changing oil uh we have two more things to fix there uh we're changing the four uh the four garage doors there is a resolution on the agenda for tonight uh we are going to be replacing uh some Sting uh just to make it uh better uh we have a brand new 18 ton lift ramp installed about two weeks ago and the mechanic is very happy we have heat we will have a bathroom we will have an office there and um it will be above the flood area unless it really floods 6 feet or more if the water won't reach there we are in the budget season as Council maruko mentioned uh we're asking uh we are meeting with all the department heads to challenge their budget for 2025 I can tell you from initial look at the budget it's going to be very tight here next year so we will have to make some uh difficult decisions and that's what we're challenging the department heads on uh the brook drone study uh was received and forwarded over uh to Westwood where they're dealing with uh the school uh we do it it shows many Fallen trees in the brook and many at risk trees that we we have to deal with which will require some D permits again hopefully not another trip to Trenton but uh we will be dealing with the D again and mayor I'm going to leave the ambulance meeting update to you unless you want me I'll to cover it uh Memorial Day uh Memorial Day Memorial Field uh town hall meeting is tomorrow and just uh so the council understands uh we will take some feedback on the turf field and the lights uh the parking the traffic noise and all that that feedback will be collected by the Recreation Commission who will be seated at the day yes tomorrow I will I will be leading the meeting taking all the feedback in it'll be on YouTube live we will also have a secondary camera to record it that feedback will come back to the field committee which are three members of the council the field committee myself and the engineer will go through what direct commission worked on the field committee will then make their own recommendations again then it comes to the council the council will either take it or reject it uh and they'll vote on okay go ahead and let's start the ordinance to fund it uh so the public will have at least four opportunities to speak on on the matter and they they they will be heard on the record at least four times after tomorrow um the reason why we didn't disseminate the actual plan because it's such a fluid plan and it's been changing all along the final plan we got uh we made some uh minor changes to it tomorrow morning we will post it it'll be ready for tomorrow night we will have paper copies in color we will also be using the screen uh and the screen in the in the lobby and it will be shown on YouTube uh again uh we will be as transparent as we are going to be we hand deliver the flyer to every home around the field so they know we're talking about Turf artificial turf we're talking about light we're talking about extra number of parking spots we're talking about additional noise late into the night 9:00 curfew we can put um and it's an as is as we can get uh again the feedback will come back the final copy that you will have will be the cleaner the cleanest copy after direct commission and the field committee and the engineers put the final touches and you'll have the clean copy M as far as the structure of the meeting there'll be cers will be presenting initially and then there'll be a a a segment of time for public comment yeah I will I will start the meeting with uh some of the information on the field and and what I just went through that the public will have four more opportunities to speak on the record uh and then turn it over to the engineer to go over the actual detail of the plan uh the sizes uh the dimensions and all that we'll we'll have u pictures of before and after after we will have picture of the actual lights uh and its Effectiveness MH uh we will have some some pricing and we're going with uh the co-op so we don't have to go to bid just like we do with our suit Paving so we don't have to depend on the lowest responsible bid these are vetted contractors that Kier actually works with um so all that will be shown tomorrow again we will take all that back and you'll have a more um uh more information once we have all the feedback and all this information will be laid out to you with actual numbers right but then will be about 30 minutes for people to speak or we we will try to have as much time as as they need again the feedback will be just on the turf the lights the noise if someone says that they don't like Turf we will not that but that won't really help us we want feedback because we gave one task to the engineers Mr Mayor we told them give us a concept plan for turf field with LED lights right with these Dimensions they they came back with exactly what we asked for so all we are presenting you showing tomorrow is a turf field uh the issues you know for and against and then some pricing on it we we will have a slide on uh we did some analysis on the turf versus the grass for long-term use and cost that'll be part of it so the maintenance the ongoing maintenance will be part of that discussion right and again it's going to be very fluid whatever we show tomorrow is not the final right we will we just want everyone to know that this is just what that's what we have so far the final will will be probably totally different okay okay okay and that's all I have Mr Mayor that's enough um we're going on to the ordinances we're going to pull 2415 which was for adoption a question mayor yeah didn't the be ba Mike that you said you would have the mayor talk about the ambulance report yeah but I don't get to talk during this period I'm going to do it during the comment period okay well let me let me uh well because I don't got yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just tell them I I just what I just I was going to ask for a status but if you're going to cover that I'm going to give you that thank I just can't do it now um okay so um the ordinance for the uh Hills patteron Street development plan has been pulled um and we will get back to you soon on that uh so we'll move on to the introduction of 2416 Capital ordinance for to appropriate the sum of $185,000 for the Improvement of Melville Road in by and for the Barrow of Hillsdale in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey and providing that such sum uh so appropriated shall be raised from a state Grant and from the capital Improvement funds for the burrow um can I get a motion to consider motion second second okay we will discuss an adoption so can the clerk please read the role council president esar abson council member Fox yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member chimu yes council member klei yes be it resolved that ordinance 2416 does now pass a first reading and that said ordinance be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the mayor and Council in the municipal building 380 Hillsdale Avenue Hillsdale New Jersey on December M 3rd 2024 and at said time and place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same and the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish said ordinance in the Ridgewood news once at least one week prior to said hearing with a notice of its introduction and of the time and place when and where said ordinance would be considered for final passage we will now move on to the consent agenda 24279 through 24297 can I get a motion motion second second anybody like anything pulled or is there any discussion I don't want to necessarily pull anything was the agreement on resolution 24280 and 24281 was that agreement uh modified not yet so the ones that are on there just disregard them just okay so so let me so why should we vote on an agreement agreement that's not complete well we are agree we're going to vote you're going to vote on the extension of the contract to use them based on the bid that we've already did it's just it's not to I mean it's the extension of the contract we already went out to bid we're using them we know what the costs are we're just extending that contract so we just have to come up with the contract based on the bid that we've already awarded correct within the financial parameters that we're designate right but I mean I I mean to me it strikes me as a bit of illogical to to say here's the agreement that I want you to extend but that agreement is incomplete and it's been incomplete apparently for a couple of years so there's a page missing in the agreement and it's right in the very beginning of that agreement so why would I want to vote on something that's not complete normally we don't have contracts right beforehand but we already know what the costs are going to be we already know what the work's going to be we just have to write it up in a contract to send it out but this is allowing us go ahead and extend the contract into 2025 we already have the prices because it came in the bid we already know the work because it came in the bid now we just have a contract to say hey we're according to our bid we can extend it a year so that's what we that's what we're doing here okay okay um okay any other comments yeah on 24 299 can we uh do a separate vote on that want to make that nonconsent 249 is off consent off it's off consent oh sorry sorry that is we're going to do a separate vote on that anyway yeah okay um uh well yeah so 24293 the resolution designating time and place at 2025 Council meetings uh the paragraph in the beginning of that states that there the first and third Thursday of it should be first and second Thursdays correct Tuesday Tuesday first and Tuesdays excuse me Tuesday Tuesdays yes so it shouldn't be first and should be first and second and second first and second yeah but it says first and third okay um J I know you're talking about the um the um uh consent agenda but I didn't know when is the right time to ask why was 2415 pulled those are the comments can answer so those are other comments from the planning board we actually have a meeting on schedule on Thursday with uh the attorney and the architect uh the planner uh to go over those comments before we bring them to you so they were put on um prematurely okay sorry and that's and that's because the planning board's comments weren't reflected in the correct yeah okay and that's what you're going to decide when you meet in the future you're going to decide what is accept because they didn't make comments yes and so you're going to so the right the attorney and the planner and myself will go through the comments discuss them also with the developer uh there's some there's no issues with the developer um fine tune them put them back into the ordinance and bring them back okay thank you and Mike is speaking of the Redevelopment attorney you should really look at the planning board's comments and be 100% AC Mike and I have reviewed them but it really would be Mr Bowman's area of expse any other comment that okay can we had the motion in the second will the clerk please read the role on the consent agenda council member Fox yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member choim Muk yes council member klei yes and council president esar is absent it passes unanimously the non-consent Agenda 24 298 resolution to authorize transfer between budget Appropriations requires a two3 vote can I get a motion motion second second is there any discussion seeing none will the clerk please read the role council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member chimu yes council member klei yes council president as for absent council member Fox and that resolution clearly passes the two3 majority unanimously okay uh 24 299 can uh resolution authorizing the signing of an agreement with callers engine engineering and design for Engineering Services for the construction oversight and coordination regarding Centennial Athletic Complex Renovations can I get a motion motion second second any discussion yeah Mr Mayor I have a couple of comments if I might um so going back to my records we've spent since 2018 and this is with the help of the ba who gave me some of the the numbers a few months ago we spent about $874,000 trying to improve this this field particularly the drainage aspect of of the field in response to the coaches and the parents uh complaints um 314 as per you know environmental investigations Chris to's cost Ker's cost 146 to I think it's Balano who did the drainage work uh the last time yeah whatever a few years ago um now we're spending 377 to Dakota approximately and uh 37,000 I guess for administration and management fees that that cers will naturally charge us and I just hope when all this is done that we're going to get value out of these efforts um which to dat we really haven't seen because the drainage work that was done a couple years ago just really hasn't uh satisfied a number of the constituents here in town and and um you know it it it's why I asked uh you nick uh some time ago could you quantify the um the improvements in the drainage and you said it was really sort of difficult to do that um and I hope we get a measurable Improvement after we've spent all this money going forward and that's all I want to say okay um yeah can can we get a motion uh for 24299 we did oh we did yeah please read the role council member ruko yes council member truk yes council member klei yes council president esar absent council member Fox yes council member Oso yes resolution passes as well we'll now move on to the public comment time limited to three minutes any topic please state your name and town of residen of the record can a motion let's do it anybody please come on up Rick and state your name and address let know Richard Savino 64 Westdale Avenue I realized that the Redevelopment amendment was pulled but I just want to ask the council when it comes up again next month I don't know why it was pulled um that there needs to be more transparency as this proceeds I had in order to I looked at what was printed in red in the Amendments and I noted two three items that really jumped out at me um ESP especially after the review in the en environmental commission several years ago that was the building height increased significantly and that was done in the residential part as a bonus and so my question is and it's not explain there is the burrow getting anything back for that increased height and you can answer that next month but in order for me to find that little tidbit I had to go back into the records look at the original development plan 165 pages and see what that section had said in the original plan that's a lot of work for most residents it was originally discussed several weeks ago at the planning board where I went to the planning board minutes and there well there were no minutes up yet and there's no video well there was a problem with the video yeah so I can't tell from what goes on at the planning board and this have you but it needs to be you it could be voted on and well the same thing for the uh impervious surfaces this was sold as it's a very high level of impervious surface and I know I for one heard it and I said okay it's less than was there when it was largely all concrete and that's how this this project was sold to the town to pave over so much of it on and now when I look when I look into it though the impervious coverage is increasing to a very high level and again all it is the new number is printed in red but I have to go back and and research it and I don't think many of our citizens are going to go back and be able to find that in the buried document in the burrow minutes from from of the Redevelopment plan and that that's a discussion when it comes up for a vote it should be discussed these are the changes or it should be in the public documents so I can read that at home before the meeting as I sit here today if I hadn't looked at it ahead of time I wouldn't know what that the in the impervious coverage took a was making a dramatic increase the council could just vote Yes and I wouldn't know until I got on my computer to see well what did that increase by so I think that and I know every periodically I come here and give suggestions for transparency but this is a very good example of there needs to be more discussion the council can approve these amendments but there needs it needs to be discussed and explained so the public can tell a lot of people look at those Zoom or the now it's um YouTube but there's not a lot of people here live but a lot of people are looking at it for an explanation of what's going on so I don't know if that makes sense but just putting the saying we're changing this paragraph without an explanation of the change is not transparent Mr Savino can I ask you a question yeah um it was my understanding that the changes in red which I've seen because the CLK has sented them out they were initiated by the addition of the self storage unit wait I'm hard of hearing something they were initiated by the the addition of the self storage unit that's that's my understanding and it could be wrong I did not when you said that there were changes in there that increase the height of the remaining buildings no just the storage unit they wanted to go to stor okay but this is this is more commentary at this point so I don't want to get back no and this could be discussed when this comes up for real understand what he's saying but I'm I would just look for a little more more even if it gets approved month after month everything just gets approved you know that's fine a lot of the the consent agenda should be just approved but when there's something significant there should be a discussion even if it's pre you know everyone's already looked at it and UND you folks all understand why things are happening but I don't and I had to do quite a bit of homework to figure out what's going on here what's the bonus to the town for giving them another storage another story of storage and I hope there's something in it okay you can tell me next month okay thank you thank you very much okay uh anybody else no seeing no one let's move on to council commentaries I get to start um first of all I want to thank the board of education for doing such great and quick work with respect to the uneven pavement out by the Smith school and addressing that they've pulled a couple of trees that were not in good health uh I saw today as I drove up that way towards work that they were actually pulled up all the the concrete on the sidewalk there and were laying it flat again uh not cheap to do all that stuff all the work they did they did it they did it quickly um and our families are going to benefit from it so I thank them for it um as far as the ambulance stuff uh goes we had a meeting with Rivervale and with the township of Washington to discuss us the study that we all paid for a couple of months back um to talk about merging the services as shared service and right now we there is a proposal out there we took that proposal and it's going to go back to those other two towns to see if they want to get involved with it should we get into the numbers of it it's not really a well we will be the lead agency basically yeah we'll be the lead agency now and uh we'll be able to defay some of the costs Without Really impeding on the daytime shift because the daytime shift isn't fulltime as far as they're always out and about we'll be able to service that according to our expert that we've retained and we will still be able to retain uh those municipalities will still be able to rate uh remain with their volunteer cores for the 6 p.m. to 6: a.m. ships and they will serve as lead backups um for our primary paid service and on a parallel track we will uh explore the possibility of reforming us uh under a new entity so that's where things stand with that um any questions on that no are you permitting questions at this point sure okay has the MTP report been completed on am there was there was a group that we hired I think it was M yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's been it's been that report is completed it's just been it was just completed to the point where we had the three times was sit together but you have a complete report it's not complete yet it's not complete no it's a we have a three-page overview that is enough for the towns to consider inroad Concepts it doesn't go into the level of detail of what you would have to do for example if we decide we're going to going to go forward um and there's a leap grant that we're going to apply for it doesn't say what we would use to what we would go after an Le leap Grant what could be covered are we going to be doing Trunk radios are we going to be doing whatever it's going to be it's not at that level it's it's far more at the 30,000 foot level to say here are the concepts here are the things that we're going to do we have the people right we the council approved something in June right and then we amended it I think uh for different town it was always my understanding that we would get some sort of assessment of the various permutations and commutations and what would be best with three towns or four towns if we finally ended up I think we amended it with three towns right so that's what I'm looking to read uh we approved that we're spending taxpayer money on that where is the report why why can't the mayor and Council see that report so please so the the consultant is on retainer we pay him a monthly fee and up to this time so it's been a few months um he is to to the point where he has this concept where Hillsdale will be the leading agency and we will be providing EMT service to the other two towns from here from 6:00 a.m. to 6: p.m. we will not be billing uh as far as the actual uh like the technical side of it like the mayor mentioned as far as you the radios the frequencies that's you still being worked on where we at right now is we submitt it to the other two towns that they take it back to the council just the concept that we are the leading agency providing the services from Hillsdale and do a one-year pilot agreement with them before the Final Cut uh so we're waiting for them to you know to come back and say yes we agree then he will finish the actual detail of it so so essentially there there is no report yet he's still he's meeting with the various participants when that's done you will he will be producing some sort of we met with the Mayors and the Bas of the other two towns we haven't yet met with the Ambulance Corp uh this is just to you know for them to accept or not accept Okay and then we'll take it back here right yeah okay it's a good move by the way Mr Mayor I think uh yeah I think we we could not only we can we can utilize our existing paid Ser staff more um we have the bandwidth to do it Hillsdale is centrally located between the township and Rivervale and uh we can defr some of our costs which is always a good thing uh shared services that save us money is a is a good thing Council commentary for Council M kti um yeah I guess just to be redundant I want to urge residents to attend and participate in a Memorial Field town hall meeting tomorrow again 7 P.M in burrow Hall uh and just another message from the environmental commission just advising residents that the severe drug drought conditions exist and are forecasted to extend in the foreseeable future water saving measures are desired in advance of State restrict in advance of State restrictions that are expected soon uh and this and this also has resulted in tender dry fire conditions as I'm sure we've all witnessed over the past week or so what we've smelled in the air and have been subject to uh there is an open fire ban in place for all private properties and public lands and municipalities throughout the state great Council Fox no comment today uh councilwoman traim I'm starting with you no we're I'm I'm going you I'm mixing it up you got stay on your toes okay um actually I'd like to just make a comment in relation to What U Mr Bey was uh referring to um I have seen the Redevelopment plan where I mean we've made several amendments to it over time time um the original plan was signed in I think it was uh 2020 and we've made uh two amendments to it since then um when we're making changes to numbers like I would like to see the old number crossed out in red and then have the new number next to it so that when I'm looking at this document I can see what it was and what it's being proposed to be right now because otherwise as Mr Bey was saying I would have to go find I'm sorry Mr saino there you go I already read them sorry that you know then one would have to go find the old document to open it and do all this which isn't necessary you could just put a cross through here and we would see it all in front of us and I don't know who would do that but I'm just saying that would be a very good suggestion to do I think um and that's it that's all I wanted to comment on thank you yeah just to touch upon that though if you go through multiple iterations you're going to have multiple red lines and it could become a mess I mean to have some sort of Delta document where you're just managing the changes as they take place would probably be better so now this one would be compared to the one that was done on the July 22 July of 2022 these numbers have changed so then you would see the change now y I mean I'm thinking it's thing yeah okay yeah and again ATT ATT 10 tomorrow night's meeting 7 o'clock in this room this is your you're already jumping the gun I don't even have to recognize you you got it anything else that's it councilman uh I I wanted to congratulate uh Bill Farrell for his uh selection as the new Hillsdale Fire Department chief um and the only other thing I wanted to say is with uh thank we we don't have any more meetings until Thanksgiving at least any regular scheduled meetings um um so after yeah after but but Thanksgiving being a uniquely American holiday um and you know a lot of people don't understand that this was really done you know by President Lincoln in the middle of the the Civil War um and he urged everyone to basically uh uh give thanks after the Battle of Gettysburg he urged everyone you know give thanks for the freedoms you enjoy through our constitution ask God to change the hearts of angry Americans on both sides of of the issue there and to bring about a Reconciliation so that the nation could enjoy peace prosperity and equality for all of its citizens and I know our residents are going to be gathering you know in their homes um and perhaps in some restaurants on Thanksgiving Day to enjoy each other's company over a meal which is always a good thing to do and I I wanted to wish all our residents a very Happy Thanksgiving um it is a as I say it's one it's actually my favorite holiday because I don't have to worry about buying gifts or doing anything of that sort I just have to prepare a meal so and the meal is sort of sat I don't have much I don't have many options in the meal big fryer you've got with the bigu in the backyard is that I have a big oven I stick the the turkey in the oven that's it uh seeing that that is it for Council commentaries can I get a motion to adjourn motion second all signify by saying I I we are adjourned the next meeting of the mayor and Council