##VIDEO ID:lwlrndQs_90## another minute we won't do go back in this we are back in please note that c has arrived closed as well um we're GNA wait on and we are going to of minutes um we have the council minutes from November 12th 2024 we have the special meeting Council minutes from November 15th the Clos session meeting from December 3rd and the Clos session meeting from December 10th can I get a motion second second second council member Fox council member m TR yes council president esar absent the motion passes Section 3 minutes one topic per speaker please state your name and town of residence of record does anybody wish to speak seeing no to speak Let's uh let's move on to the ordinances 4:15 for adoption County of Bergen New Jersey Patterson Street motion motion this to open the this can we comments in the public hearing okay hi public hearing okay second second all those in favor I okay um want to go through this here council member collect yes yes adopt is authorized adoption of part nine of the burrow code the public I great discussion seeing no discussion uh can we move on let's get uh I a motion to close the public hearing yeah second okay all those in favor I okay will the clerk please read the role for adoption for adoption Council woman adoption ad council member Fox yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member choim Muk yes council member kti yes council president esar absent now therefore be it resolved that this ordinance is adop advertise to provide amount and Method office and position County of bur New Jersey can I get a hearing to Second those in uh seeing n please read the great all okay motion 2418 okay now read the RO yes council member K yes council president council member yes now therefore be cler adver the same towards adoption of the Hillsdale New Jersey motion get a motion let's get council member Fox yes council member ruko member kti yeah resolve authored we'll now move on to the one resolution funds can I can I just receive really get a chance take like a five minute that particular objection to a couple minutes to allow attemp in front of me now just um mayor if I may go back on the um the steep slope ordinance of course that has to be filed uh I'm sure as Denise knows has to of course BEC comes effective in 20 days and it has to be filed with the cting as a development ordinance and I'm sure if any call me but of effective Mr Mayor I've done I've completed my d diligence yes I have and are you comfortable with that uh motion member council president the consent agenda passes it's now time for Council commentaries I a wonderful year a great job councilman service you know ever comes out for office the public and uh that should be commended and remembered no matter what else so I and let's start ccil commentary wish everyone Mr Mayor able Cates right which understand it may be running yeah appreciate the U your Indulgence me to read the 24 32 this morning and I'm a little red okay um wanted to wish all the uh be safe out there uh looking forward to uh and healthy I want to say again and um start January 7 looking for looking forward to the tree was very well attended uh children out there and uh it looked like everybody had a great time thanks to Dan kanty for running a great show Hanukah New Year to everyone that's it thank you is there something that you Merry Christmas I just wanted to welcome now there you go way to do the mayor in the 202 uh years as and I know there'll be we thank you what it was team should get a lot of right DPW the res uh but