##VIDEO ID:NvJCBszgbRM## of the United States of America One Nation indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all I do this first I read this first pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as follows by having the time date and place of the meeting posted on the bulletin board and the administration bill in October 14th 2024 by sending a copy of the meeting notice to The Star Ledger newspaper and the local Source on October 14 2024 and by filing a copy with the township of Hillside in Hillside Public Library October 14 2024 roll call please miss [Music] CEO Miss aiti pres Miss hardgrave present Horton given present Mr Howard Mr Lofton M Parks Mr Shapiro president best present thank you um do we have any announcements nothing at the time okay we're gonna get right to it let's have our superintendent report by Mr Glover all right peace and blessing good evening everyone good evening everyone thank you for coming out on this beautiful sunny evening as we are ready to jump into the superintendent's report we're gonna always begin by letting our student representative from the high school come first Mr Young Cole is your time to shine so our student representative is here to give feedback and a report on behalf of the students of Hillside Public Schools the mic is yours [Applause] [Music] sir good evening everyone good evening my name is Olay Cole and I the Hillside High School student council representative for the Board of Education of Hillside as a student council representative of the board of UC ation for Hillside it is my job to make sure that the voices of students are heard as best as possible I along with the student council president Ashley do Santos and the adviser for student council Miss Deutch have come up with a method to accomplish a school the idea that we came up with was called tell me Tuesday the idea of tell me Tuesday is that every Tuesday will'll have some sort of list that students will be able to fill out out and give their suggestions to me that I could give to everybody here for the Board of Education meeting the information that we got this past Tuesday is that there the lunch the lunch uh the students uh greatly appreciate the Improvement for the lunch door in the past few years and they greatly appreciate the efforts that the teachers are going through to educate them and last uh meeting I informed you all of the Fall Pepper we have scheduled for uh another pep rally schedule for the winter and once again only Juniors and seniors will be able to attend what suggestions do you all have for future prep Ries so that the school the entire school will be able to attend and nobody will feel excluded thank you for your [Applause] time young Mr Cole want to say thank you once again and I know as you continue to get more and more comfortable in that chair there will be more things coming to us from the students across our district I do have a couple of announcements that I do want to share many of these have already been posted on social media we've also been recognized in the Union County newspaper and it acknowledges the fact that Hillside public schools has been one of approximately 155 schools across the country that have been accepted into the league of innovative schools the article was in the most recent Union Source newspaper and it's a great accolades and acknowledgement to the district to the work that we're trying to do this is actually speaking again about Innovation and great things that are happening with our students and for our students so acknowledgement and kudos to this board as well as to the staff the students and the administration for this prestigious honor the second thing that happened and there's a member in the audience who I'm going to put on the spot and make her stand up is that we have been talking about our importance of sharing and spreading language arts literacy and about a week and a half ago all of our students in our Elementary grades went home with a book a Ser a set of books set of five books that are meant to increase their home libraries students tomorrow if I'm not mistaken under the guidance and direction of a young lady here in office in audience name is Candy RWS will be having some of those books and many others read to them as part of our mentoring program Miss Candy rolls would you just stand so we can acknowledge you a pillar in our community her efforts along with several of the members of the directors in the office of curriculum and instruction have made sure that the book distribution went out all of our students received books and if they did not they will because they should have and this just continues to share and Spark that love of literacy and that love for reading tomorrow's I'm going to have Miss Candy Miss Candy please come to the mic you're not afraid of the mic give a little brief announcement about tomorrow's experience so our parents and those in the community know what's happening for our students led by our students from the high school and many of our community members sure excuse my back [Music] everybody Shireen Del 63 Clark Street and uh 15:30 Leslie Street Ola Edwards we will have our kickoff for the um real Mentor reading program tomorrow it starts at 9:30 we have most of our Hillside High School students as mentors as well as Community leaders as well as some of you on the board who are able to make it it's going to be a fun day each um it's going from Ola Edwards to Dean Taylor to her and looker to AP moris and then to little bears and mentors will be reading to them and whatever book that they read to the the scholars is the book they get for that particular reading period and then we're going to do it again in January we're going to do it again in March and we're going to do it again in April and then we will start all over again possibly next year so if you have time and you like to be a mentor please see me because it's very important reading is fundamental so we want to get that out to our kids and thank you uh Dr Mr Glover soon to be doctor but thank you Mr Glover for the opportunity to um widen that reading scope for our students because it's important we used to take time at school and take a day and at lunchtime each kid would have a reading period and after lunch instead of talking they would have to bring a book to the cafeteria and read so we want to keep going with with those implements to get the kids um interest in books because a lot of kids if you talk to them they tell you I don't like to read they don't like to read because they're not introduced to anything that they like so thank you very much for that opportunity to enlarge kids mental capacity before you before you take a seat real quick off the top of your head approximately how many mentors do we have across that will be out across our district tomorrow approximately um if can I say 116 116 is fine okay thank you very much 116 members of our community many of them high school students who will be reading to our students again so parents when your students come home and say I was read to today by superintendent of school by council member board member family friend teacher union representative president whoever it may be you can say yes that's true in addition to that they came home last week with five books no they were not stolen as one parent asked me no they were free they did not have to pay for them and they're going to get 10 more throughout the course of this school year so the mission and vision of our district always important some people don't believe we live by this however if you walk into our classrooms we invite you to come into our classrooms and see what's happening you will see that we are truly driven by our mission and our vision new Pathways new possibilities and new Pride passive learning is instructor centered while Active Learning is student centered if you walk into many of our classroom most of our classrooms you will see how enthusiastic our students are about the learning process and those classrooms that are not as enthusiastic those students who are not as enthusiastic about being in that learning space we are on it we're monitoring it and we're trying to make sure that love for learning remains today's Learners learn very differently than traditional ways of the past doesn't mean that we throw out all those things that many of us sitting on this day has have learned however in a day and age when many of our students attention span for things does not last more than five minutes you have to keep them engaged in the classroom in unique ways that's why we think about Innovative practices that's why we think about those resources Beyond technology that's why we are also in conversations and I hope by next month I have another surprise to launch we're in conversations about how we use artificial intelligence the correct way with guard wells around it we're in conversations with a few other partners to make sure that our students are consistently being allowed to be innovators and creators of their space and not just consumers it's better to be a Producer instead of a consumer understanding your role your why and your drive we talk about this I give these five goals it's important that we continue to keep them at the Forefront of our mind many people do not believe that we live by this but I tell you each one of our departments understands the importance Student Success is ultimately the reason why we all are here if our students are not first then why are we doing this work the health and well-being of our students and our staff is essential if you're not healthy in mind body and spirit then how are you coming to school to be prepared to learn engage Workforce I'm gonna talk about this in a few minutes in my presentation um an Engaged Workforce is one that wants to be here it's not just about the contract that we recently sign that gives more money in your paycheck it's not about the opportunities to get additional stiens it's about being here for the students and loving to be in this district and I can tell you that I know many people have been here for many years many years love being here because the options to be a free agent and go someplace else they're out there so I have to applaud those folks who are engaged and understand the importance of being here but I also have to applaud those who have recruited folks to come here many of our young workers have recruited others to come here the landscape of education today is ultimately going to be determined by those who sit in front of our students but there's a reality they have options to go the places because of money Closer Closer proximity to their own their home and sometimes just the quality of life for them needs to be a little different and we understand that doesn't mean we're not recruiting does not mean that we're not trying to invest in our staff in fact when you look at the amount of dollars we've invested in professional development we are definitely caring about the growth of our staff so engaged Workforce is definitely important operational excellence and Partnerships core value students are first clear communication and integrity I always love to put this one up because especially in this season hopefully you find something to bring happiness in your life well next week is Thanksgiving for those that celebrate it look at it as a day of family bonding look at as a day of relaxation look at as a day of coming together without further ado the great Dr Roy T Wilson principal of W middle school has a presentation for us your time to shine have a I'm just GNA move the mic is that okay operate how you so choose I should have broke my own Podium next time I will it is nice greetings superintendent Glover vice president Howard president best distinguished War members Community Family trusted colleagues and Community would like to spend some time with you talking about our wonderful School WK Middle School presentation overview we're going to give a school overview talk about the complexities of middle school students student center goals new initiatives for 2425 and what we seek to accomplish as a school and as an organization our mission at WK middle school is to provide a supportive and dynamic environment in which students develop the academic and social skills they needed to succeed in an everchanging Global Society we will accomplish this Mission by engaging families and the community encouraging character development and ensuring a rigorous and revent curriculum and culture for all so that is our drive that is our why that is why we do the work that we do at WK middle school and again as we know our world is ever changing and we have to ensure that our students understand the concept of global citizenship what it means to be a global citizen how they interact and engage with each other some educational philosophies my non-negotiable leadership beliefs I believe in the establishment of a collective vision for Success utilizing all of our stakeholders to engage in the work of establishing a collective Vision I believe in the philosophy of servant and transformational Leadership servant leadership being to Encompass the importance of Nur nurturing and advancing the personal growth of individuals within the organization whereas transformation leadership centers on motivating followers to unite their efforts toward achieving a shared objective so those are my beliefs that is what I bring to the school I believe schools should be learning organizations we should have professional development that is focused on curriculum instruction and assessment and social and emotional learning data drives curriculum and instructional improvements schools must address the needs of the populations they serve our populations are changing within the hillside Community we have to adjust how we work with and work toward achieving the goals within our Collective vision and organization we have to make sure that we are constantly tapping into our community to find out what their needs are what their desires are for their children because that is a shared philosophy we all want the same for our kids and that's success but we want to make sure that we're providing the proper instruction and support to ensure that that happens and stakeholder engagement make sure that we are engaging all of our stakeholders within our given Community custodians um main office staff cafeteria staff everyone that makes up the entire School Community we must engage all of them to have their voices present within our schools the complexities of middle school students as we know Middle School is a very interesting time I see some of my former middle school students here on their phones right now nevertheless uh Middle School is an interesting time in the lives of our kids so we have to make sure that we're providing a well-rounded education in regards to Social and emotional learning and also instruction that is geared toward making sure that they are fully prepared to enter into Hillside High School as we know WK is a two-year school so we have two years to work with the kids that we have and prepare them to success toward success at Hillside High School and Beyond as conversations about race and freedom and health and werness and death flood the news we must incorporate instructional shifts to ensure that students are culturally emotionally and socially aware and healthy okay we want cultural awareness we want them to be healthy healthy we want them to be socially aware in regards to how they show up within their given peer groups and relationships okay what's most important about this is that early adolescence is a window for opportunity in which we have a wonderful wonderful opportunity to engage our students at the highest level and prepare them for secondary and post-secondary opportunities and we need to make sure that we spend time in doing that along with that and what's really key in terms of working with our middle schoolers is the five complexities of Social and emotional learning self-awareness they understand who they are how they show up in the world and feel very confident about that self-managing management being able to manage their emotions manage their thoughts manage their behaviors manage their ideas is manage stress develop some coping skills that enable them to function properly social awareness having empathy towards others having empathy for members of their Community regardless how they show up on the continual relationship skills formulating positive and constructive relationships with anyone that they engage with and encounter along their way and responsible decisionmaking making sure that they make responsible decisions that lead to a success in the future in regards to our curriculum I'm not going to go through all of them I just point out a couple we have amplify Andel for ELA science a new initiative open CAD which is the multiple Pathways in order for the kids to understand the concept of Science and apply some necessary skills within that we have Construction and design we have robotics we have a growing ESL population therefore we have a really comprehensive ESL program that we're utilizing to work with that particular population in our school medical Detective we have a new dance program and we have instrumental as well as chorus uh in regards to music clubs and activities again I won't go through all Service Learning robotics as I said previously dance school newspaper art My Sister's Keeper My Brother's Keeper which focuses on particular uh genders and working with those students in those particular ways really recruiting a lot of our kids to just formulate positive relationships with their peer groups within the school and leader in me which talk about a little further but leader me is really about leadership development uh within the entire School Community focusing on developing leaders because as we often know a leader is not the person that may find uh an opportunity to maybe step forward sometimes we have to find leadership qualities within individual students and give them the opportunity to be successful but again we have to see them as Leaders because we can have students that can lead a class in one particular way and they have leadership qualities we just want to redirect that leadership in a positive way y'all with me all right student Focus schools what do we want for our students Health okay good health habits emotional Wellness responsive instruction and engaging activities we want them to have command of fundamentals writing reading and mathematical applications we want to make sure that we have positive and constructive home school and Community Partnerships making sure that the only time we reach out to parents is not for something negative we reach out for what's happening in a positive way we talk about what we want for our kids and how we can best support our kids through the support of our parents and our entire Community identifying individuals that exist within the child's life that we can bring in and help them grow for the time in which we have them vocation we want them to understand about careers and career opportunities that could exist based upon their time here within the hillside Community we want them to connect with businesses that a local within the community that show them and have them understand what it means to run a business what it means to be a professional all of those particularized aspects that go into a professional and how they show up we want kids to have access to that beginning in Middle School civic education so they understand local government because they need to understand how their presence and their um environment is affected by them within that given Community we don't always have to say we're going to look at this community and try to find a different place to live we're going to work on changing the community that we live in right now worthy time of leisure which is always a wonderful conversation I have a middle schooler myself and I want to redirect her in regards to how she utilizes her leisure time but again we want to have those particularized conversations about our kids in terms of how they use their time in a constructive way ethical character making sure that they understand what it means to be ethical what it means to have morals what it means to have values and how that governs particular communities some of our new initiatives so 2425 national teacher Network we have coaches that are providing modeling data analysis co- teing PLC and curriculum implementation support for our teachers so we are working with our teachers providing them with great professional development and coaching opportunities to retain them within our school we have to invest in our teaching force in order for them to stay we have to let them know that their growth and maturation process is important to us and we are investing in that the win program we have a special uh personalized support program for ELA and Mathematics that provides in-class tutoring and incorporates I ready uh which is a computerized program that enhances the learning opportunities for our kids so we've Identify some students and are giving them tutoring three or four times a week specialized within our Ela and Mathematics classes and again leader and me talking about making sure that we give leadership opportunities to everyone that exists with in our entire school and identifying leadership amongst our student population so in short what we seek to accomplish we will collaboratively develop a unified Vision that encompasses the aspirations of students staff and community members this process will actively solicit input and insights from a diverse array of stakeholders to ensure that everyone's voice is heard I believe in all of our stakeholders having a voice within our school I want to hear the ideas and thoughts of everyone that exists within the entire organization that's what makes us grow that's what makes us relevant that's what makes us productive our goal is to cultivate and nurture constructive and functional relationship with students through respectful engagement and positive reinforcement strategies students don't always agree with us that's okay they need to understand that we have a vision for them and we want them to develop a vision for themselves we want to give them the proper instruction and the proper latitude to grow intellectually socially and behaviorally we will establish and clearly communicate high expectations to every member of the school Community forcing an atmosphere where students feel empowered to take ownership of their learning and personal growth this will be achieved by creating an environment rooted and accountability and responsibility accountability and responsibility and that's something I tell my kids all the time you are accountable and you are responsible for your own learning you have to invest in yourself we're committed to fostering a school culture that values sharing and collaboration encouraging us to take risk in our pursuit of Excellence so we want to spend time working with our varied committees within our school we have PLC committees subgroup committees that work on a particularized areas curriculum cultural responsiveness and Equity School climate ESL parent involvement advisory and staff spirit so each of the teachers has an opportunity to join a different committee and provide some uh input in regards to Growing those particular areas that have been identified we will prioritize ongoing communication and involvement with our parents and Community stakeholders and so they are engaged in our school again we send out something weekly in regards to our different events calendar things that are happening within our school that affect parents and their uh supervision of children if we have a drill if we have anything going on pretty much within the school we try to get that information out consistently to again make sure that all of our stakeholders are aware what's happening within our school schools we will collaborate as a school Community to keep parents informed and updated on school activities and developments through various communication platforms we will work together as a school Community to consistently create a new narrative for W middle school this is my fourth year at W middle school I found it to be a wonderful place full of inspired and motivated children a committed staff of individuals who want to see the school become a model within the state of New Jersey that's what we have within our school so whatever you might have heard about WK Middle School previously it's not that way anymore this narrative will reflect our commitment to Excellence and the Vibrant Community that we are building within the school and with that I say before I go thank you to my entire staff thank you to our entire School Community thank you to our board for all of your support throughout my time here I really appreciate your efforts and to all of you in the audience thank you very [Applause] [Music] much thank you thank you Dr Wilson principal W middle school so for the remaining couple slides and I do have a few brief brief slides I think it's important to continue to make sure that we're all on the same page about the direction of our district and sometimes it's necessary to dispel some of the misconceptions that are reported and while I know those misconceptions have agendas I don't choose to have this the great students staff and those in the community who are doing it right every day as well as parents to be scarred by some of the things that are portrayed about our district I don't take it personal about urin Glover I take it personal about our students our board members who don't get paid to do this work I take it personal for those who get up every day and travel the distance they have to to make sure our students are receiving a quality education and even in our areas of missteps it doesn't mean we're not aware of what we're trying to do these academic goals have been up here consistently they're meant for the whole Community to understand they're meant for you to share when you go out and about this is how we combat the negative data that people try to portray of our district I rarely do this but I felt it necessary to read something and to share some things that were sent to my office on the last few days this is on one of those social media platforms I will not give it the Credence of announcing it but I will say this is what's out there about our district sometimes I wonder about our children's educational future this isn't my words this is the words of someone else maybe more than before one thing about Hillside they will keep on adding on more taxes year after year yet our children are still in classrooms with no certified teachers once again our education system needs an overhaul where are our taxes going if our children's if it's not going to our children's education phone call came across my office today sharing and wanting to debate with my staff in regards to the lack of educational opportunities for the students here in Hillside now Dr Wilson just shared just what's happening at his school alone last month principal Willard shared I think if you ask the students you'll find out that there are many things happening that allow our students to be independent Learners and tell their own story I want to show you a couple slides since someone said and another phone call to my office hillside's the only District that has teaching vacancies I just want to make sure the that is correct on us now I love my colleagues across the state of New Jersey so I did not put any of the district specifically for Hillside currently we have 16 teaching vacancies across all of our schools it doesn't mean there have not been active recruitment because it's been a lot you can go on our website and see what's open and if you have some friends or family that are interested please let us know I've reached out to just found out today I have a young man I'm GNA hire in about a year and a half and you say that's a long ways away but he changed his major to become an educator we are actively recruiting and we're also and I applaud my human resource department we are picky who we put in front of our students I don't want average and below average Educators in front of our kids well Mr Glover you have substitutes in there but the substitute teachers have a many of them are coming back every day they're building relationships with our students and they're also attending professional development and they're trying their best to become stronger in the content and it's a misnomer they're not certified because in order to be a substitute teacher in the state of New Jersey you have to have a certification no it's not a four-year certification that you see from a standard um teacher with a standard certification but they're still there and they want to be there so this first data point are districts that look like us some that are wealthier than us from Central Jersey to Northern New Jersey we have 16 the highest on here who actually is from one of our more wealthier districts has 35 so that statement that we're the only District that has teaching vacancies I'll let the data speak for itself the comment about what is our educational dollars going towards well Madame President and board members if I'm not mistaken we've only had one tax increase over six years one in six years based on the school district I can't speak about any other aspect but we've only had one in six years where's your money going it might be small print for you to see that's just a snapshot of where the money is going but profess development is happening we're investing in Innovative Technologies we're investing in resources that allow our students to expand their creative new juices if you look on our social media you see our students are doing Hands-On exercises that's just a snapshot so that's where your tax dollars are actually going open sad students to science students are actually sitting next to Industry partners and scientists I say this to say that we can account for where our dollars are going to and how it's being invested in our kids I will say unequivocally I'm not happy when we have a vacancy but life happens and our goal is to make sure we don't interrupt the learning of our students high impact tutoring started last year we continue it this year that's a significant investment Dr Wilson just stated that it's now in the middle school last year it was only in third and fourth grade this year it's in third fourth seventh and eth we also have tutoring that's going to begin for many of our fifth and sixth graders who need it as well we're investing in our students there are some things that we do need to Sunset we need to let it go because I don't see the value and I don't see the impact but part of the work is not to discredit the things that are happening but to find out the facts and see if it's actually working Scholastic Reading an investment in a partnership significant investment books that went home to children no charge to the parents impr proven in libraries mentors coming in to reading the classroom so that students can find books that are diverse I'm leading with the educational space not to even talk about the extracurricular activities that our students have opportunities to participate in so I want to arm you with data points so that when you're out there talking with your friends and they're out there putting things in platforms and spaces that aren't true you can arm them say listen these are the facts that I know of and I can prove it to you because my son or daughter has brought these things home are they talked about it or I've talked to the teacher that says they're in NTN training and learning new math strategies or they're traveling to Northern Valley to get professional development I could go on and on all night but we can point to where the dollars are going and how it's being spent and for those that still have more questions please come out on December 17th as we are coming closer and closer to having a strategic plan that outlines the direction and the portrait of a graduate of Hillside Public Schools as I do appreciate one social media post that said an individual did come out to one of our conversations and to her surprise the superintendent listened and heard her convers and heard her so her voice was recognized we do our best to make sure that we do not turn a deaf ear to anyone so on December 17 please come out it'll be posted on the location board members I have two other announcements as I close one our High School National Honor Society will be taking place at the high school on December 17th I do not have an exact time as of yet do you have a Time start 5 so board members can just put that on your calendar that's again December 17 2024 National Honor Society and I ask that you keep our principal Willard in prayer him and his family as um at this present moment going through a little something in their life but he is definitely and the family are going to definitely pull through so just keep them in your prayers please concludes my presentation for for this evening thank you Mr Glover and thank you Dr Wilson as well for your presentation may I have a motion to open public comment all in favor residents are requested to State their names addresses and subject matter in the event it appears the public comment portion of the meeting May exceed 15 minutes the presiding officer May limit each statement made by a participant to three minutes duration issues raised by members of the public may or may not be responded to by the board all comments will be considered and a response will be forthcoming if and when appropriate the board asked that members of the public be courteous and mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking specifically comments regarding students and employees of the board are discouraged and will not be responded to by the board students and employees have specific legal rights afforded by the laws of the state of New Jersey the board Bears no responsibility nor will it be liable for any comments made by members of the public members of the public should consider their comments in light of legal rights of those affected or identified in their comments and be aware that they are legally responsible and liable for their comments the floor is [Music] open good evening Angela Lawler 54 hden Street um I know last month we did a moment of silence for the staff members that we did lose um in the month of September I believe um I wanted to ask the board I guess and inform the board that the hillside Education Association would like to purchase um two benches um and place one bench at her and looker School in the front and then one bench in front of Ola Edwards school um for each of the gentlemen that passed away Mel Fitzgerald from Ola Edwards and Luke Moore from her and looker we would put a plaque on there and you know they were active employees they had been with us for a very long time and I wanted to do it last month but there was so many things going on that I was remissed so I do apologize for that um I have spoken to Mr Glover and Mr deori to make sure we do the right um specifications um so we we are proud to do that and hopefully it'll be there longer than I'm sure I'll be here um I also um I am part of the Lions Club and the Lions Club did a fundraiser not a fundraiser but a um a donation today um we had students and staff at the high school dress down and bring a can or a box of non- perishable food we collected it we collected a lot of stuff today um on behalf of the Lions Club we wanted to say thank you we will be Distributing that plus other items um that we have that have been donated from the community on Saturday um between the hours of 10: and 3: AT AP Morris ECC building um all are welcome but again we want to thank the Lions club would like to thank the board and the superintendent for the opportunity to do this on uh the premises thank you Serena down 63 clar Street I just want to thank the board for um participating in the trick or trunk it's not just giving out candy and and pencils and all of that stuff it's making sure that the children in our community are safe and I think uh miss Helen for donations and all of you who donated and came out and supported the trick or trunk it's it's just for safety purposes that we do it and we do it on Halloween we don't do it on a Saturday or whenever if it falls on Saturday then we do it then but I just want to say thank you because it it means a lot to the parents and it means a lot the parents came out and they you couldn't even see the other side of the parking lot it was so many people so thank you on behalf of the community thank you okay no more comments uh motion to close motion to close second all in favor hi to both of our community members who had public comment I want to say thank you very much for your words um definitely um we'll work in conjunction with haa to make sure we do the right thing by um the not just the purchase but the setting up of the benches and recognizing our staff members who passed away recently the liance club Saturday distribution I believe that announcement and that flyers on our website I believe so so that's a good thing I also failed to mention and I don't know if it's premature but there's a the Lions Club also had an art contest yes and I don't know if it's been announced I can't remember Unfortunately they have a meeting tonight as well so I should put that on some of them are not here but so I'll put that on hold but one of our students was okay I put that on hold a little premature there and and again I appreciate the framing of how people look at trick-or trunk it's about fellowship and relationships and in a small community small Township like ours it's a good opportunity for folks to come together and see that we we do get along we all come we all cut from the same cloth and we all believe in our kids and giving them a safe environment to play so thank you for announcing that as well thank you we will have our committee reports membership hero will you please take Finance Monday yes okay um member Lofton would you like to take buildings and grounds I know there's no there are any action items but yeah Monday we also met we discussed all the projects we are working on now and what we'll doing in um 2025 we uh we have a lot of great things coming across you guys are gonna be amazed thank you stay tuned yes thank you member Lofton member Horton given will you please take education yes good evening um the education committee met on this past Monday November the 18th and we discuss items one through five thank you and member Hargrave will you please take labor yes lab committee met on Monday November 18th and discuss okay thank you okay now I will take a motion to go into executive session board member CEO yes roll call roll call he's she said yes uiti to go in a close session yes Miss hardgrave okay now mix it up a little bit M Miss harre yes uh Mr Lofton yes said Miss Horton given no yes oh there you go yes yes yes Mr Shapiro president best yes did I miss anybody I don't think so okay be resolved pursuant to the open public meetings act that the Board of Education meet enclosed executive session at this time to discuss matters relating to Personnel anticipated or pending litigation labor enter contract negotiations and attorney client privilege the board will reconvene and public session at the conclusion of the Clos session the matters discussed in closed session will be disclosed to the public as soon as the need for confidentiality no longer [Music] exists um those people that are here for the hearing the disciplinary action hearing we will call you in once we finish our um meeting and close session that cool [Laughter]