##VIDEO ID:UQ0jQE_uJZA## right ready will they take the lead let me uh you do them all and then I'll oh I would like to advise all those present that notice of this meeting has been provided to the public in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting act and that notice was published in the Jersey Journal City website copies provided to the record The norstar Ledger also placed on a Bolton board the lobby of City Hall written objections if anying shall be made to the city clerk please rise to salute the flag flag United States America the na indiv roll call Mr con here yes Mr Doyle present M fiser yes Mr javor here Mr President Zano pres Mr Cano pres Mr Ramos Mr Russo pres president gtino here okay um Mr Brina we're actually going to suspend the agenda to have the proclamations first since we have okay Proclamation receivers here recipients come up right no I'm done din hey like you say just complimenting I was here all the time man well as we know 15 October wonderful I just ask you guys this right for they did be dirty uh and as we know Hoboken has an extremely rich and vibrant uh Hispanic Community especially over the last from the 50s up until today and we're always proud to honor all Hispanics from all various cultures that we make up right we are a rainbow of various cultures that we all are extremely proud of but we come under one umbrella and representation and culture and family and most importantly of love for our for our backgrounds and our communities and so so one of the great one of the great things for our first recipient which is Miss Margarita Garcia there's something that [Applause] we is I think when we think about the American dream we think about the home the family Business and Entrepreneurship and to watch Margarita from a personal perspective Thrive as a as a small business owner in the city of Hoboken over various obstacles just to get a business open through town if you know how that process is right we get to calls all the time go through zoning and planning and to see that and to see that business Thrive and the uniqueness of what that business is is teaching Hispanics and non-hispanics how to speak Spanish at a very young age is the foundation of what she's striving for and that ultimately is spreading our Latino culture and love through language and we know Margarita and a food and a food for all of our friends and families and her clients and her business so Margarita Garcia it's my honor to give you this Proclamation the B of the city council and the mayor of Hoboken welld deserved and especially for your vibrancy right vibrancy and love and a backbone that we need to have to do what we do so thank you Margarita and congratulations we love [Applause] you I promise this Garcia will be quick quick speech the most dangerous place between a microphone and a gar yes but I'm going to be quick I'm going to be quick okay first and foremost I want to thank God because to me he is the goat good evening council members respectfully I want to take a moment to thank each of you individually so thank you Jen Paul Jim Tiffany Joe Ruben Emily Michael I get anybody you too Jim um and thank you mayor Bala this is truly an honor and I'm completely humble and grateful for this recognition as for me I don't ever think that I do enough but what whatever I do I always do it with a full heart and with the purest intentions congrats to my fellow honores thanks to my rock my husband my four children my GG my family my friends my mentors and my entire team at little linguist without you I wouldn't be here my mother um I want to dedicate this proclamation to my real real life Wonder Woman my super Latin m my mother traveled from santus Puerto Rico to Hoboken over 55 years ago with 12 siblings and my grandparents she's never left since and never will so here's to you a single mother who survived domestic violence persevered through poverty but still and always kept the roof over our heads and a plate of food on our table growing up we didn't have everything we need or want we didn't have everything we wanted but we had everything we need so thank you and thank you for loving my and ie unconditionally um I remember back in middle school I began to feel frustrated that my name was Margarita to me it sounded like such an old Spanish lady's name um I remember going on field trips going through the gift shop and there was never a keychain in my name never I would go and find Margo Margaret Marge but never Margarita but at this age I've come to realize that I'm so proud of my name um let me see I'm sorry I lost it because being named after You My Mother My namesake makes me so proud to be named Margarita I've always because of you Ma I always strive to be a little better every day I try my best to stay grounded and humble regardless of whatever storms come my way and I've never been alone it truly takes a village a village that continues to pour into all parts of our community more importantly our underserved Community our underserved youth especially the community that supports that one kid that needed just that one person to see and believe in them regardless of their circumstance me and growing up Hoboken really truly was that and I want to always be a part of that and do my part helping where I can going all in so that Hoboken continues to remain that Village for all of us regardless where we come from thank you [Applause] thank you thank you that's awwesome [Applause] very happy first you're good thank you we have two more recipients or or four three more recipients two more presentations our next recipient is uh someone I've grown to appreciate I've known him since a a much younger age him and his wife uh but I've really gotten to know him as an adult over the past two years or so with his organization and his wife's organization what Hoban sounds like and for uh someone again if you grew up in the late 70s early 80s that I did and the foundation of Hip Hop is African-American based coming from Bronx New York but also many people forget the role that Latinos play specifically Puerto Ricans played in the growth in the foundation in hip-hop culture and Hip-hop music that grew up that that again has taken the World by storm and Victor has and G Hoboken Hip Hop was a huge part of my youth and and hobok and growing up and obviously hip-hop kind of dies when certain segments of population get older but we had a lot of talented artists growing up in Hoboken through that in that genre and Victor has really with lisis Aledo when we had a program in the city of Hoboken really nurtured a lot of Youth through through hip-hop culture and Hip-hop music and Victor has really taken that from like 15 20 years ago and brought a new vibe to it and really giving a a platform for a lot of young Hoboken hip-hop artists or Jersey City hip-hop artists and giving them uh a safe place to promote their music to promote their culture and to bring us along for the ride and I think uh last year last spring in the Arts and Music Festival for the first time in hoban's history hip hop played a large role and a large part in one of our performances our hook Arts and Music Festival that's our first time ever uh in our festivals and that was big part for Victor bringing that to the table with the city of Hoboken as well and also as a partner in a Southwest festival for myself and the Southwest Community he really played a big part in organizing that event and obviously he has his uh your own event I'm forgetting the the summer blockfest that he also has hosted for the second time so Victor on behalf of all of us we're looking forward to you and your wife and your organization doing more wonderful things for the city keep on Shining that light on the hip-hop culture on our culture and uh on our culture in general in the city of Hoboken and keep on Shining for all those artists so thank you Victor and Amanda and please come up sh and and and Vicor promise city council members that he'll get all of us a free [Laughter] sweatshirt got to bring this down a little bit okay all right first and foremost before I get into my speech I want to thank my wife she's been the backbone of this organization for the longest amount of time I don't know what I would do without her for the last 9 months we we getting ready for the pregnancy of our fourth child and even through that she's helped me throughout everything with this organization even down to my days of wanting to give up but I thank you and I love you see tonight is a tremendous honor to be here our mission first started with what Hoboken sounds like not just to spread the awareness of music or events in the city but to create a platform to showcase the many talented and often neglected commun uh creatives within the Hoboken Housing Authority see it's not hard to acknowledge I'm a firm believer that every voice deserves to be heard especially in the place where I was raised to see this Vision recognize at a city level is not just a win for me it's a win for my community a win for my dedicated staff and a win for my family thinking back to three years ago I can't believe how far we've come running this nonprofit hasn't been easy and it's meant making sacrifices even letting go of those who couldn't see the vision but I believe God put this mission in my heart for a reason and tonight I'm grateful and proud a big thank you to Mayor Bala and the City of Hoboken the city council my senior advisers Carmelo and Margarita Garcia and councilman Ramos for this honor I'm proud to be a Hispanic man tonight thank you [Applause] everyone so [Applause] [Applause] oh my God Mike okay could you pop that up a little bit thank you okay okay great okay that I'm not that tall okay so the last set is actually two for the price of one um which is how they would prefer it I think um I'm really excited to have the opportunity to recognize two amazing young women in this community um Jordan and Joelle Hernandez who are with us this evening um these two women are accomplished in their marketing field they have full-time jobs they work very hard and they have extremely impressive track records to prove it um but the thing that I found along the way that I encountered them with was all of the extracurriculars that they have engaged in in the name of supporting their Community um you may recognize them because these entrepreneurs have a very successful baking business called Double D and in fact competed on a National Baking television show uh and did an amazing job representing Hoboken there but then there was more they also are contributors to Hoboken girl and help represent stories and tell stories about underrepresented populations and talk about the importance of diversity in our community which is near and dear to my heart but beyond that they are also board members for party with purpose they serve as mentors to Girl Scouts they were this year as part of national Girl Scout Day spoke to a panel of local Girl Scouts and they are just the most incredible loving and just they everywhere they go they bring happiness and joy and I just can't say enough about the energy that they bring to our community um in particular I also wanted to highlight um Jordan is the founder of completely booked um which is a community a national book community that celebrates and elevates um diverse stories and celebrates authors who are under represented um again which just is incredible to me but then even on top of that there's more um they wrote two books called twin tales that my daughters love um again in the name of telling stories that they didn't see as children and having the opportunity to put their story into a children's book to connect with kids who maybe didn't feel represented in the books that they were reading um I'm just so honored to have you in the Hoboken Community because you do so much good everywhere you go and I'm so grateful for all the many ways that you serve our community and speak as mentors to other people and continue to celebrate the diversity of our community so to Jordan and Joelle thank you so much for everything you [Applause] do like to speak of course yes good evening everyone thank you so much of course first giving honor to God who is the head of can SP speak for both of us head of both of our lives and of course a big big thank you to the entire Council Emily in particular thank you so much for this incredible honor um we are proud We Did Not we're not born and raised in Hoboken but we've been here for almost eight years and we are proud proud residents um always excited and happy to be a part of the community no is not a word you hear from us very often um so we are always uh you know ready to jump in wherever we're needed um whether that be Hoboken girl party with purpose of course our business double D which Paul has actually knocked on our door to ask for a vote in the middle of US baking so he has seen the the the the operation uh in in full action um yes so so for the Hoboken girl party with purpose our other endeavors um as volunteer coordinators with hobok and girl we've been able to speak with and touch the lives of so many people so of course we have to give a big thank you and I'm sure most of you all know to uh jent Chuka who is the founder of local girl media she I tell her I would follow her off of Cliff if she asked me to go with her um she is incredible and of course to our family family who is watching at home they are live streaming this right now it was sent out to a family text of about 20 people um so they're all I'm sure live streaming right now so of course to our parents our aunts and uncles cousins everyone um who supports us and who is behind us we have a big big Village who we would not be able to do all of this without so thank you so much to everyone here tonight and thank you all for allowing us to receive this honor [Applause] than come on got back don't you get it we do it now we do it on purpose now you have the whole end actually want yeah live stream scores Lo what's the score one one nothing still very well no that's just one that's right oh that's just one yeah that's the that's the amendment for if her um uh the D yeah the D came in basically and said just want to be able to work on every Saturday yeah we'll do it we'll definitely do it 6m if it's too hot 10 seven of the 10 F home yeah that I don't really care that much about but I was like no no no they changed it they went back and ended it it's not Saturdays it's a yeah which is fine I mean they'll they'll listen he says yes every time Mo CL you come got a game watch couple games actually I didn't ask to be go back no I definitely did oh I don't remember at all you can keep it at you can keep it yeah yeah just you can put it back next meting yeah yeah oh are we good yeah we're just missing Phil Phil's on his way no here he's here he's here start you ready yep public portion uh a public portion public portion Patricia Waiters Emily will you scooch that down this agenda items only no public portion I can say anything I want without getting arrested no I'm joking um but then reason wait but um I just learned that blue eyes is pulled so that's one of the main things I had circled on here and the legal fees I'm a little confused at the end of the day I want to know these prosecutor fees and these legal fees with the not to increase Mr soble on here again and a few others with the not to increase one two three A1 do I got to say all of this cuz I circled a lot uh council president I have this is public portion you you can you can talk about this but this isn't on the agenda items but you can talk in public whatever you want cc4 cc5 will I get opportunity y'all not doing agenda items we have to do agenda items we all right son hi my friends wait sorry I thought you I thought you were done hi my friends out there in TV Land I'm here on tonight tonight to speak on the issues that's taking place in Housing Authority I need Ruben in here but I hope y'all his colleagues will share this with him um I'm getting some very disturbing phone calls and threats but y'all don't fear y'all know I'm not I'm not afraid of anyone I've been getting some serious phone calls but I'm standing here tonight every member of the public that live in Hoboken I want you to see this this is my face on here with the word yes we need affordable my people in the HHA has been deceived again a nervous wreck people down there that don't even live here from outside Jersey City and you guys got to get on this I'm not going to let this one go away I understand in election is coming y'all seats are up and y'all should not let them play politics and let us fight against each other the ones that live here I don't care who come up here today to this microphone and want to discuss this issue I called the elect they had the nerve to report me guys again pay for by Pat way is the pay for sticker on there pulling the stickers off doing all kinds of crazy things threatening me I need you council members to explain to people yes mean yes yes mean yes it ain't no they going to get evicted we live in Housing Authority we live in Marine View all of those places are covered by Hud okay which is HUD guidelines that no vote do not consider us okay so I'm telling y'all again stop being nervous okay on here it says current tenants will remain protected by Pat waiters Ruben you wasn't here but they'll inform you cuz I don't want to use up all of my minutes HH is being threatened I want applied housing okay we live on subsidy where was all of these people in the rent control when they don't even let black people or people look like me live there you couldn't get an application to live in those houses and everything they built the last 15 years none of is Affordable so you don't blame the people and have us fighting each other you City Council Members could have been had legistlation in place but you cannot touch housing authority and other affordable housing cuz they have legislation mandate ated and there's a lot of lawyers in here mandated by the state so we are protected I'm asking again support me and vote Yes for affordable housing thank you and I'm ready to box anybody thank you Sonia is there Sonia here legible last name no all right Manny Rivera Manny Solair Manny rer that just say Sonia right yes noes good evening council president council members of the public uh council president um I would like to first um if I could for a moment just take a moment to solid um be in solidarity with our uh fellow Americans um who are In Harm's Way um in Florida um due to the uh hurricane that's um approaching their Shores so our thoughts and prayers are with them we pray for everyone to be safe and for this to pass over quickly um also council president I was a little confused because I thought uh public portion was going to be changed for the end so my remarks might be a little uh mushy so don't play me because I wanted to say before the end but um I would also like to say that um again October is Italian American heritage month so again to council president and forgive me those Italian speakers who may be in the audience uh B seor Pres again maybe I'm just bucking for a honorary Italian award since uh uh I didn't apply for the Hispanic one this year but maybe I'll get a street after I'm de but that's for another day uh council president also I would like to say um being that I'm keeping a track of my time I I do have enough at this moment um I would like to say to the people pardon me see I got a little emotional mushy uh again to all of us who have been speaking about this for a year now um I remember the first time I got up and I spoke and and um Madame President uh council president Jabor was uh council president when I asked um for all of us to pray um for the people in Israel those that were kidnapped brutally and those that were um killed unnecessarily and violently we still stand a year later and we still pray for the release of the hostages I know that again as I always say this is not the United Nations but the voice can't be heard even in the wilderness so again um we should all stand in solidarity with them and again pray for all of their their family members and the residents of Israel to return home safely as they should be um as well as I always pray for our sister city in the Ukraine we pray again for them their struggle again is equally horrifying but someday Justice will be done but Americans Wherever We Stand we must be in solidarity with freedom and democracy everywhere so again uh I wanted to save these for the end because again they sound a little um Melancholy but it is important for people to hear it to continue to hear it to keep these people in their prayers and all our fellow Americans as well in Tennessee uh South Carolina North Carolina again we want to pray for their uh safe uh recovery and quick recovery and council president again I thank you and uh before I leave uh This Moment uh I also want to uh Unite with the people who will be our Hoboken KN nights um who will be commemorating again uh on I believe it's Friday uh the holiday of Y kapor so to all of them we also Unite with them and I do have something to say here I was going to say it again in Hebrew but I I haven't been able to study up on it too well maybe next year for sure I'll try but I want to say this this is a greeting may you be sealed in The Book of Life gam TOA I tried it so with that I you back council president and thank you and God bless you and God bless you all and again God bless Hoboken thank you thank you Manny Mary Andrea Lord please so tired where's that clock I can't see it Mary on Draco 1599 Street I was here for a couple of reasons but Patricia way is causing me to talk about something else the word affordable does not resonate with rent control you have rent control properties that could be $5,000 a month but it just assures you that your rent will not go up more than the CPI affordable housing it's a it's not a reality in this town this get real and I will read you we have a flyer that will be coming out one of the lies that the landlords the corporate landlords basically it's not the mom and pops that stipulate this the LIE is the landlords say they're November ballot proposal will increase affordable housing there is that word again affordable misused so much this is the truth that the poultry $2,500 per unit payment that these landlords would make to the affordable and there's that word again a housing fund after a vacancy giv them unlimited please pay attention people vacancy decontrol totaling removing existing rent protections from the unit for future renters it would take 100 of those poultry $2,500 payments resulting in 100 units no longer under rent control to pay to build just one new affordable replacement unit rent control has become affordable for people that are in a unit but it's not affordable housing rent control is a control over how much the rent can go up when they decontrol it like these corporate landlords want to do and some probably Mom and Pops are in there they will remove it forever from a reasonable type of rent there's so many of us left that aren't even that it's not even worth talking about because the most of the rents I understand the average rent in town is $44,000 so hey man if somebody's paying 2,000 or 2500 that's affordable for them so I'm sick of this abuse of voting yes in the Hoboken Housing Authority I was told that the Hoboken Housing Authority said don't vote on the ballot issue it's not important that only voting for president and by the way I don't think it's important voting for president because they're both lousy choices so therefore I think the most important thing to vote on is this issue it's a necessity of life to be kicked out or to be forced out by landlords that are tempted to decontrol a unit there's greed in this damn town and you know it all of you do and I must thank the mayor for his flyer that I saw which was designed relatively well coming from a design standpoint that is benefiting will benefit us and I know there's a few of you up here that can't stand rent control and I know who you are so you don't have to keep up the lies all the time although you do to stay in your place that's okay everyone has a right to their own opinion and I'm not going to shove it down your throats but I do mind being shoved out of my apartment like everybody else because I'm not paying $4,000 rent that's not fair and it's wrong I came to this town in 1987 not even paying a cheap rent I didn't get in on that it all depended on when you got here now on Friday this Friday we are showing a film devop delivered vacon at the Sixth Street and garden church that hasn't been shown in about 11 years it's a incredible film if you've not seen it it's an incredible depiction it moves me every time I've seen it because it shows what the town used to be like and we are no longer that way lastly the only thing that we are still seeing that we see in that film is people like me and every other tenant in some degree is trying to be pushed out of this town you know what that makes me effing mad and I'm so sick of it because I don't deserve it and neither do any of the other tenants that live in this town so please come and see the film delivered vacant you've seen maybe some of the signs around town it's an opportunity to spend with your neighbors of donation is asked but please it's worth seeing because we aren't built upon the delivered vacants premise they want us out maybe you personally don't but a lot of people do and you have said all of you have been quoted few of you have been quoted to vote no and I hope that the Housing Authority would get some sense in their heads and vote no because they're in a situation that not everybody can be thank you thank you thank you and it does not apply to us thank you alisette alet Russo alisette say it again alet all Ally I could do that um I'm here to talk about um oh sorry Ali Russo I'm here to speak about the resolution that's being passed later on in regards to cheer Dynamics All Stars the non-for-profit uh donating the equipment of 13,500 to the city for our youth um I just wanted to ask how I go about um with some help in regards to getting it built and put in the multi- uh multi-service gym for our kids to use right now it's in um one of the closets with our spring floor um we had spoken to Jessica and Diana in regards to uh demolition of the brown closets that are on the far right of the gym they were supposed to be demolished and then the spring floors that are also in a closet locked up were supposed to be put on that floor and then um the tumble track was supposed to be built and that area was supposed to be like a gymnastics area for the kids um and for the cheer Dynamics girls to be able to do their tumbling uh right now they're doing it on a a hard mat and with cheer becoming so popular and uh become uh more tumbling is involved in it and um the limbs of our children you know it's it's better for them to be on a tumble track and a spring floor so this was spoken to with Jessica and Diana um about a year and a half ago and right now uh the tumble track was delivered recently and a lot of the other equipment that uh we were able to donate um and now we just we can't use it yet so um I think I think director I'm not going to ask you to come up now but we should organize a meeting with director avales I think that's the best out for this yeah and find out what the cost is for demolishing and said and you said they already have everything already so yeah the equipment is there um and it's in a closet right now but it it can't be built or put out because as you know I don't know if you've been to the multiservice center but there's a lot of things like around um and there's a lot of sports being played in the space so there's not much you can do with it unless that area is like demolished and built up for that equipment if you just can you give Jerry your email and I'll set up a meeting sure perfect thank you we oh you did yes okay but I will anyway that's fine just give Jerry your email and I'll Debbie Oita hi I'm here to talk about uh the rat situation at the north end of town uh we have an enormous amount of rats running through our Courtyards our backyards our streets and I've lived here for 25 years neighbors have lived here for 52 years we've never had a problem like this and I'm getting very very concerned that as the weather gets colder that rra problem that's now on the street is going to end up in our basements and so I'm looking for the city to help us with the food source if you go in a radius from Willow to park to Garden to Bloomfield and look at the restaurants and the condos they are not adhering to what they should be doing with their garbage there may be containers but they're overflowing there may be containers but there's no um bottom to it so the rats can get underneath if we don't stop the food source we're never going to stop the rats now I realized with the construction on 15th street that that's Disturbed their homes but what they're doing is coming into our backyards and our homes and tunneling and we've we just have to stop the food source if we can stop that and if the if each individual home can put out traps or poison we I think we can conquer this problem but it's it's overwhelming and like I said I'm very concerned that as the weather gets cooler these rats are going to find homes in our basements thank you councilwoman fiser do you have her contact information yeah no i' I've spoken we've spoken a few weeks ago and this neighborhood daily is sending me things and I'm part of like the rap Pat conversation and we share it and they've gone out I mean they've gone out and inspected a bunch um they've there's a few situations in particular that have not been addressed um I I think I sent an email around I'd like to have an update on you know are we cleaning the um the street Aries because they don't seem like they're even being cleaned and trying to get an update we're just trying to get our arms around what's happening up there the city has done a lot um we they have not inspected or have not we've not seen changes in at least three of the condo situations where there's garbage cans in like shed you know the small boxes but the garbage cans don't have lids and they're and they don't have bottoms and we have numerous pictures that we can supply Supply the city and we've been told that the board of health is going to come around we haven't seen that at all no I I haven't seen Tiffany I haven't seen anything done I'm sorry and it's it's a huge problem y i I'm I can't walk my dog in my I can't put my dog in my backyard because I've got rats and then at night I'm afraid to walk outside because I'm running into the rats and now we've got one that's smashed on the street and nobody's come to clean it up so I know I'm complaining but let's take a look at what the solution could be maybe more pickup for the garbage maybe each home has to put out a box with a route trap um the board Health has to find these restaurants that are not complying or condos it doesn't it doesn't matter if it's a restaurant or a condo but if we don't hit them where their pocketbook is I don't think any they're just going to give us lip service I agree um it's just terrible we live we have beautiful homes and we're living with rats I mean it's just not and look we have been I can tell you we have been successful in other areas so I think just taking that approach like there were in Midtown um we had the health department went and inspected yards told them what all their problems were and businesses and people cured those problems and we did see a definite Improvement so I think the same thing just has to happen in your neighborhood and I'm sure that councilwoman Fischer can work trying to get that schedu with the health department to do that and they're really great at giving like Direct advice on what the issue is when they see it that would be great I I would like to know when we could do that you no I will follow up again we've tried to talk about getting something scheduled we just haven't so I'll make sure we get it in the next couple weeks we'll get that scheduled uh Tiffany we have to do it quickly the weather's going to turn and these rats are going to want to be warm MH okay thank you thank you for listening thank you we have no other members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public all in favor I ordinances I have a hearing on an ordinance B 699 an ordinance amending Carri just so everyone knows blue eyes um B 699 is carried to the next meeting sorry airing on an ordinance B 703 an ordinance amending chapter 192 D four entitled parking for persons with disabilities to add a general space for persons with disabilities on the west side of Garden Street between 6th Street and 7th Street Manny Rivera Solair thank you council president I'll be quick um I just would like to know if members of the public could understand a little bit more I understand it says general spaces and I believe it says here garden and and uh sixth but can members of the public have a little bit more information because I've been asking I don't know how to explain it to them correctly in regards to when it is a general space obviously any member of the public that is a person with a disability can um um Avail themselves of the spot um but does the spot have a determined set of time that it needs to be there the car needs to be there and if it is um a visitor um they obviously have or do they have have to proceed with the same parking rules in paying uh the parking meter as normal it's a kind of an obvious question but do they have to I'm assuming yes that they have to pay yeah no yeah you only have to pay what the how all hand all um parking spots for people with disability it's the same exact that you would have to do in any of those which is pay once right the initial fee and then you do not have to pay again so if it's a paid space you pay the F you pay the first 15 minutes that's it that's it okay that's correct thank you for thank you council president um uh yeah that would be important because again uh as a uh a member of the public um that is with a disability then sometimes I'm walking down the streets and people say hey do you do you know if I could park in this space and I don't know exactly the correct information to give them I do tell them to park it you know take a chance say I was going to if it's on six Street I would say I was going to say your name but thank you I appreciate uh the clarification for the members of the public and a yel back and thank you thank you we have no other members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion all in favor I there's the woman oh sorry ordinance kind Mr finina call the vote Mr con hi Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr President xano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo I president gtino yes hearing on an ordinance B 706 an ordinance amending chapter 192 D4 parking persons with disabilities to add and remove Reserve parking spaces we have one member of the public signed up to speak Manny Rivera Solair all in favor I call the vote Mr finina Mr con thank you hi Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes Mr Jabor yes president xano Hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president Cho yes ordinance hearing on ordinance 707 an ordinance amending chapter 19-9 entitled stop streets to designate to add multi-way stop controls to the intersection of Garden Street Second Street Garden Street Fourth Street Garden Street and Fifth Street Garden Street 9th Street Garden Street 12th Street Park Avenue at 9th Street and Willow Avenue and Second Street we have no members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion second all in favor I Mr finina call the vote Mr con hi Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr President Zano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes hearing on an ordinance 708 an ordinance of the city of Hoboken county P and banning the use of gapas site within the Hoboken City Limits it is eight we have no members of the public signed up to speak motion to public portion oh that's funny second hi Mr finina call the vote Mr con hi Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr President Zano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos Mr Russo hi president gtino yes public portion on agenda resolutions Patricia Waiters CC CC1 this any agenda items is Mr soble still Lieutenant Advocate attorney with this yes no vote going on and the mayor okay the last speaker stood up here and said Rie supporting it all right and I and I give all of y'all courage tonight because this is so personal that I don't feel that this should even be on the agenda with the mayor's support in the yes no vote but he's supporting no we all know that and taking advantage of those vulnerable people like me that lived in a housing and in applied housing and other things it's not fair to give this man an increase a payoff I'mma call it $80,000 all right so you understand where I'm going with this guys CC1 uh Miss Fisher CC1 no I know and it's a little bias all of y'all know y'all undercover voting no just seriously come out of the door cuz this is ridiculous and you know I lived in your ward Tiffany for 23 years and I strongly supported you and came out when they tried to play dirty politics and I lived in those applied buildings and I will always come to you with respect because y'all know that we are protected I feel bad for the people that live in a regular rent control I'm not saying I'm against rent control what I'm is against when the people that look like me be ignored day in and day out then you turn around and take advantage of us when you want to support you you want us to come and support the rent control crowd but yet and still we don't count yet and still and it's wrong don't give this man a penny and I'm serious not with what's going on now cuz it's not having us protected with almost 400 people in the house and getting ready to face eviction 400 people come on now yes I got a October 15th day Tiffany I will share that with you but yet and still they come to the house in the Authority coming they better not come in church towers Mike and I'm telling you now that's subsidy we have nothing to do with a no voter no rents increasing and we ain't trying to force nobody out my family down there paying almost two and $3,000 rent and rent control people paying 80 and $90 $600 $700 and they got the money okay Mary okay I'm not going to go back and forth I'm talking to the city council members okay about rent and Tennessee every time I see it on the agenda I'm going to be upset please y'all think about this tonight that y'all voting on this thank you thank you Manny Rivera cair what is she show you no I told him already yeah can you um lift up sorry that's okay once again thank you counc president um MERS of the council I would like to take the opportunity to also unite myself and congratul congratulating the uh members of the public who recognized this evening especially uh Margarita R Garcia and Victor M Lopez for the um their contribution to Hispanic heritage in Hoboken it's greatly appreciated as a member of the public who's born and raised here Latino Hispanic Puerto Rico uh I was going to say something else but I changed my mind but again congratulations to them felices uh council president in consent agent I just have a few questions in a few things I will try to make it brief but if uh you all would just like to take a a moment I'm going to say a few numbers and I'm just going to go back to two that are are my conc concern um Administration 1A climate action Innovation ca4 ca6 ca7 ca1 is very important if members of the public could understand um uh the one for 207 209 Jefferson Street um in regards um the reason why that bid was um sent back was it uh because it's urgent to try to get that um build that's the only reason I'm asking because that I believe that's um for the fire station if I'm in correct please let me know uh again these are just questions and I also would just like to know over here this one that I keep losing which is very important it's in regards to the um I'll get to in a moment cc5 which is the settlement that uh you are agreeing to this evening or you're voting on uh are there any um specific um information that can be provided to members of the public without it being breaking confidentiality uh members of the public would appreciate that and in clerk CL 2 CL 3 again uh just thank you on those two especially um cl2 and the one that I really have interested in and understanding for members of the public and I am trying to find it please forgive me uh yeah ta T4 which is the contract or the you're awarding a contract I guess to the um the person who or the company that's um or overseeing the recommendations for the applications of persons with disabilities um uh their applications for their um vehicles um just a quick a quick aside is this amount a a not to exceed of 13,000 obviously are are is that the the contract for the year is it for 6 months um what is what are we hiring what is the time frame for hiring these due to the fact that obviously we need them for members of the public throughout the year even though we're we're almost to the end of the year so those those are the questions for now there are there would be many more but in Le of time I will um I will yield back them but I would also like to remind um Council council president that um as the agenda keeps getting um larger you keep um offering members of the public more and more time to speak so um it should um come to no um surprised that members of the public would Avail themselves to speak on any of the ordinances in second reading um next meeting there will be 8 so that's 40 minutes I just like to just give us a heads up in case a member of the public decides to speak on all of them thank you council president if you could member of any member so I'm going to yield back but I hope that anybody can answer something thank you he has three initials thanks wait are are you signed up to do you want to speak on this or on this ordinance I I you can miss I'm so sorry but there we have an agenda right now we are on a agenda items uh resolution agenda items I don't understand everything agenda item that's I know she want to talk about the handicap right I know they know they have all the fa the guys know you know when you come for V you ask me then you know what around with ma'am I'm sorry I just I just can't allow you to come up here and speak it's not fair to everyone else because everyone else is going to want to do the same thing and I cannot allow them to do that but if you there is resolu I don't mind speaking to you outside of the council chambers I don't I see you in the street all the time I will gladly speak to you there but this is not the appropriate time sign up sign up no because we're through no we already did that I I understand and I I I understand but this is not the appropriate time I will gladly Jerry you can can you give her my cell phone [Music] number Jerry will give you my cell phone number you can call me I app thank you and I here Jerry why okay thank you no thank you very much I have 10 time when I leave I could have wrot people yes perfect thank you very thank you pleasure thank you really Susan kimelman everyone's my my um father inla partner hi think it's really thank you for letting me speak to you tonight I'm a resident of 77 River Street so I am speaking about resolution I forget the number but you know what it is about the rezoning of the area across from the path to allow for more development and you know it's a hard concept for all of us to understand exactly why we're doing that I understand that there have been studies and things that have happened within the city that recommended not to do it and now all of a sudden I think there's votes to do it and as the neighbors of those buildings we're trying to see what the impact is going to be for us when our neighbors right next to us are kind of going to box Us in with giant buildings we're a Condo building so there's nobody that owns that building so I don't know that it affects us and says oh we can also build up 20 floors I don't think that that works in the kind of building that we have nor do we want that there's a reason most of us live in Hoboken not Jersey City not in giant highrises I am not against development at all I'm looking forward to a lot of the Redevelopment that's going to happen downtown but to represent the people that live in that building I have to let you know that we feel very much we're the only residents down there so things happen down there that we don't really get consulted on I know there's not a lot of Voters in that building and I'm not saying that that's why but little things like losing our parking in front of the building so that we could have City bikes and we tried our hardest as you guys know to keep that from happening to move it anywhere but in front of our building so we got given a a one parking loading zone to make up for all that parking that disappeared instead of them putting the bikes across the street or somewhere else so we feel a little slighted additionally I have written to the city to talk about that area where I live and some of the issues that that we have there and it seems that we're all about development and going bigger and Bolder and bringing in all this money into the city which is great but we can't even keep that area clean I have written through the website to the city on numerous occasions about the garbage that's there in front of our building in the alleyway that runs between our building and the Hoboken land Building I am not I know it's private property there I could be at turn here but I believe the people that want this resolution to pass to build their buildings up they're the owners they own that they're probably responsible for that alley it's besides the trash that's there just you know if if a homeless person sleeps there and leaves their encampment it stays in perpetuity if the restaurant or whoever right behind the imperian restaurant there's a big giant pile of AstroTurf just there rats are an issue because they're running in and out they have little places to hide in there but there's always a mountain of trash in there after the weekend my husband and I we've been watching this one spot on the Hoboken land building with piles of garbage bags for weeks on end not being picked up so we're just asking if you're looking at our area of town and thinking you know it's just commercial and it's just people passing through getting on on the path it's not we live there and we want it to be nice we want to be respected as residents of the city so I'm asking you to vote no on that resolution because we feel that it's going to affect the neighborhood that we're in we don't see any reason to build that large in front of us the the people that do face that direction the people that are on the top floor of our building will be completely Boxed In by those buildings going up they again I'm not against development there's all kinds of buildings going on it just seems right as you get off the path the quaintness of Hoboken the beauty of it what we're going to do with the whole alaana and make that all beautiful and then we're going to add just giant buildings right there for what I don't see as a reason anyway thank you thank you Mary Andrea and then you sorry Mary I did somehow skipped you that's all all right I always stick around don't worry I'm not going to get sick from touching it um Mar on Draco 15 1599 Street that's seven minutes my dear friend it is seven first of all I have three that I want to speak out and I I'm actually going to I think speak about the one that that prior speaker spoke about the woman at 77 river is this the c91 resolution CD C cd1 rather did I say n tired cd1 okay I see it was put forward by Mr Ramos and uh Jabor uh who's pushing this uh I I remember listening to different development plans and why does it need to be in a is that part of the bus station no it's on the other side so why does that need to be redeveloped it doesn't it doesn't at all I I'm on her side because you come out of that train station and we don't need to see a wall I she has her reasons but so do I and that whole area is filled with rats I go to the post office just a block away go down there at night you'll see a whole party going on all the time I'm not scared of rats but some people are and they're filthy and there is a lot of trash down there she's right you bring more people you bring more trash because lots of people are not clean they take out a lot of food I'm also speaking about uh I don't think it's a very good idea Mr jaor or Mr Ramos but you have your reasons to push such development uh the next one is CD4 that's the resolution the city of Hoboken authorizing the planning board to conduct a preliminary investigation of conditions of blocks 35 Lots one where where is this on the tax Ma I didn't have time to look where this was where is it by the um say it again the P by the Sky Club the one that we got back from pite that's not anymore the city owns it oh oh okay where is it between what what right behind the Sky Club Sky Club okay gotcha gotcha okay what's there now nothing nothing empty okay so it says but the word here is non condemnation We Own It We Own It We own it okay so you're not going to okay you're not going to condemn it but you have ideas and plans to put another luxury highrise there no no really whoa I'm shocked off of my feet well that's a good one there who the hell would want to live down there anyway me uh it's a very busy dirty place down there it's busy it's got a lot of traffic I wouldn't want to live with all that traffic it's very loud and noisy okay so that's what that is you you just don't have it on the agenda the last one is um number c a d resolution amending Professional Services contract with Remington and vanck Engineers for Engineering Services to demolish structures at the former Union Dry Dock okay you've got an addition to I assume the amounts of money that it's going to cost because there an increas inre amount of $3,284 42 correct what I want to know is what is the total cost of the demolition I know but well it's not going to cost just $3,000 to knock it down no this is the design this is part of design not part of demolition oh but it said it said the engineers oh we got to pay everybody their little bucks here so this is before the demolition yes okay and are they removing all the structures there you the total is 55,000 thank you Mr Doyle 55,000 and yes the all the structures eventually will be but you're only doing partial for 55,000 no I I we get that's all right okay when is this supposed to start what demolition oh the design why just designing how I I heard you just for Designing and this is the the what follows that will be the demolition Y where can I get the information for the design room ask Jennifer gonzale oh she's shaking her head she really wants you to come chat no I'm not she's a paid public servant she should listen to me no yeah she's good EG all right I think I've said enough thank you thank you Mary pardon David kimmelman Mary hi David kimelman 77 River um my wife pretty much covered it pretty well I just want to add that at the end of New York the the lights that are at the end of the it's like that little historic part with the statue that lights that lamp's been broken so it's super dark right there and maybe we can add address that what the end statue I know exactly what talking about by the water yeah yep um the only thing I'll say about the the vote if you're going to take the vote tonight would you know maybe it'd be nice to read what the the the final findings of the original um study was between historic and the zoning or whoever did the study out loud so that people can hear it goes on the record I would say vote no thank you thank you Mark Willie Willis sorry how you doing name is Mark Willis okay um this my first time humbly speaking to everybody I see a lot of hostility a lot of frustration I'm concerned about that um I have a lot of ideas I came from hoken I live here and I'm here to help the individuals so it don't affect me CU I already experienced a me being humble and staying away and working but I see affecting my nieces and nephews so when it affects my family I'm have to step up because a lot of us like myself doesn't step up I'm so used to stepping back so now it's time for me to step up so I'm just hoping you respect me like I will respect you and I not going to waste your time I'm not going to waste your money but I'm I'm really serious about the grant that way I don't like have a party and that's it instead of having counsel for the kids or the old senior citizen a lot of stuff that I have seen that I have a lot of solution to it you know um so I don't bring a problem without a solution that's who I am I always been like that so um I just want to let you know it's my first time here so I don't want to be high out and go crazy whatever but it's a lot of tension so um I'm praying that you can help the people out because I see the lawers back there whatever might be but um I know it's process I had to take care of and I will go through the procedures and do it the proper way and a professional way so I just want to let you know hope yall doing your job I don't know how long you've been in the seats so the ones that been in the longest I hope you motivate the ones there because I'm going to motivate the people to motivate theirself to come up here to get the job done together as one because we have a problem so it need to be fixed I just want to share that with y'all thank thank you we have no other members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion all in favor council members on resolutions consent agenda oh it's yeah to be pulled cd1 ca1 cd1 and ca1 and then ca1 no I'm sorry ca1 and cd1 uh claims and payroll and cd13 and ca5 C CD3 C ca5 yes CD3 there is no CD3 sorry it's probably you mean c 13 yeah okay sorry my a and a d looks wrong n ca5 or yes okay Mr anyone else um P1 just yep two three yeah so Mr finina please call the vote on everything except claims and payroll you ask y claims payroll ca5 ca1 ca13 cd1 and P1 Mr con hi Mr Doyle hi M Fisher hold on I a no on cc4 and I am a yes on everything else Mrs Jabor yes Mr President Zano hi Mr ganto hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president Je can help yes uh ca5 resolution amending a contract with CDM Smith and the additional amount of 89,000 for enal General water engineering support systems calendar year 2024 Council woman councilman preso [Music] um that contract is a it's more than doubled this 89k the enk war is this something that we increased only because of the budget was late or is that something different why is it double the amount of the original it's the budget okay all right that's thank you any other council members Mr Pina please call the vote Mr con hi Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr President xano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr so I president Geno yes ca1 resolution Grant W noise ordinance noise Control Ordinance for the New Jersey Department Environmental Protection rebuild by design project councilwoman Fischer yeah I um so this is for the rebuild by Design effective I just want everyone to be aware of what it is because it's uh a change and when the DP potentially can work um on this Pro or the they can work on this project including Saturdays and holidays so they came in um asked for approval to have a lot more flexibility to work on holidays um work on Saturdays and in certain situations start as early as 6: a.m. and where we landed um is there are certain federal holidays that are not Union holidays so they're asking to be able to work on those days which we've approved with regard to Saturdays um recognizing that everyone especially in the north end where the Project's weaving in through a residential area um there's a lot of fatigue around the noise and the construction I'm I'm not sure it's as big of a deal in the South End yet just CU it's not directly next to residential buildings um so we've created a process where they don't have to come to the council to get approval um for uh um to work on the weekends um the burden is going to sit with Mr Freeman over here who's very excited to take this burden on um but he will reach out to me as well and we're just going to do our best to make sure that that yep that work is going to be emergency only or critical path um and we'll be able to um warn residents um with regard to the 6:00 a.m. they asked to start early on days where it's ridiculously hot um and we just said no there just is no way we're going to let loud construction start at 6 a.m. period but this resolution has a paragraph in it that we have to strike is that what it is so then now here therefore it being resolved that we will take that paragraph out Brian sorry um I apologize you did just point out a very valid typo that should have been removed um in the initial resolution we had talked about the heat waiver we discussed removing that and I removed it everywhere except for the very last uh sentence um so we should [Music] remove um that says uh during days when the heat index is forecasted to be at or over 90° fah excessive heat that Clause needs to be removed from that sentence okay all right so and I'll happily provide that to Jerry I I apologize thought I caught every single reference that's okay we I just want I have it in my yeah I have it in my hand I mean which one am I Crossing off yeah I'll cross it I'll amend it we can vote I'll amend it while we're yep as amended and I'll give it to you and you can amend it's a resolution though we're good yeah and by the way yeah just you know this does apply for the um all of this applies to the South as well so Ruben and and Paul where it impacts most um that's why I wanted to say it out loud so everyone's where I just don't think it has as big of an issue in in the south is the north any other council members Mr finina call the vote Mr con I Mr Doyle i m fiser yes Mr B yes Mr President xano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gen Tino yes CA 13 resolution awarding a contract to William B oh William J guani gini gini Incorporated in accordance with Bergen County Co-op BC bid 23- Z4 in the amount of $66,500 for the resiliency Park to be funded by B 395 uh director I have a question what are we fixing that's broken already I mean I think yes this we've talked about this at least not even in committee because I know about it it's from from the earthquake we've determined it's from the earthquake I think we have no there is no determined cause of it but what we do know is that there is a break in the sanitary line could have been caused by any number of factors but certainly soil has moved this is not this this is not the fountain this is the sanitary line so a lot of stuff is okay and one other question I I applaud that it's 66,000 versus the other quotes that we were given I am curious or wondering when usually a bid is so low relative to the other ones they come back and they ask for more is there a history with this vendor that we have that has done that or is the first time we're using them or no this is not the first time we're using them they actually did a a substantial amount of um work through the same Cooperative purchaseing contract at the Public Works facility okay um and all that work was done satisfactorily okay um in fact uh when we received such high quotes um we actually talked to North Hudson sewage Authority who happens to do a lot of work on sanitary sewers and they said you know we usually get really reasonable quotes from these other vendors we requested additional quotes they were quote okay all right thank you um and it is per a co-op pricing so the pricing is set okay and was reviewed by our Architects thank you thank you Mr finina call the vote Mr con M visher yes oh yes yes sorry Mrs jaor yes Mr President Dano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ras hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes cd1 resolution designating block 230 Lots 12 3.01 3.02 45 and 6.01 and adjacent rights of way of the Hudson Place and River Street as an area in need of Rehabilitation pursuant to local Redevelopment and Housing law njsa 4A colon 12 A-1 rolls right off yeah long one yes councilman Doyle yeah um and I I I feel the need to give some background I know this Council or maybe not uh everyone but uh this is sort of a complicated background in the history here and I want to afford especially Sue and David I can't read your last name but um you know the Redevelopment law the purpose of the Redevelopment law starts out with a a finding that talks about how conditions of deterioration have to be addressed and they cannot be addressed without the P this public effort meaning not using allowing the private effort to cure it that's what the purpose of this Redevelopment law it's an extraordinary power that allows for things like eminent domain it and it's meant in my opinion and I believe in the state legislator opinion for extraordinary circumstances um in January of 2001 A report was con was prepared to evaluate whether this half a block essentially 2001 um 202 in J I'm 2021 I'm sorry um thank you uh hey don't interrupt me when I'm on a roll I'm sorry so in in 2021 uh there was was uh a study conducted to determine if this area should be designated and um that study concluded that it was eligible be because there are six criteria in state law um and these the six criteria which are in the resolution tonight um reflect the nature of the extraordinary circumstances um and they they talk about the structures are are deteriorated or substandard conditions um the there's a pattern of vacancy abandonment underutilization of this area the persistent aage of proper failure to pay property taxes by the property owners because of these conditions the environmental contamination is so bad that it's discouraging Improvement these are four of the six the the last two deal with 50 years one being that the housing stock is over 50 years old the the other being that the water and sewers are old are older than 50 years old and I going through this because I'm trying to emphasize that this this Redevelopment Authority is something that was intended to be used when there's a a blighted area that that that has problems that is and we need to step in to help uh essentially prime the pump to get someone to be interested in helping repair these conditions that have deteriorated our substandard I don't know about anyone on this Council but I I I think if you go down by the PATH station probably the most expensive real estate in the state of New Jersey right near a multimodal hub with the ferry with the train with the path with the bus station this is not an area certainly the four criteria that I mentioned first about underutilization abandonment available pay taxes none of that applies here but when this went to the planning board the planning board said we we do not recommend that as David mentioned that the findings in the resolution said we do not recommend that this be considered designated as an area in need of Rehabilitation and it the at that point um then it it that was three three and a half years ago 3 years 3 months so why it's come back good question um I don't know I mean there's a rumor of a 23 story residential building that is somebody wants to build um and so w with that uh I mean and the the City Community Development Department and Chris as an aside um I I I take issue with the memo that was drafted the the the the report the 40 plus page report was not amended um the planning board cited reasons why they felt it was not recommendable and those reasons dealt with the the the duration of the housing the 50 years for the duration of the housing questioned whether that was actually satisfied statutorily and I still believe it wasn't and it also talked about the sewers and the water issue which some of which has been rectified and was rectified at the time in 2021 so I I I said to to director Brown I I feel that um I'm I'm not trying to be critical of you and your department I think I think uh you were asked to put lipstick on a pig and you did a pretty good job of it but um you know the facts don't really support in my opinion um the outcome of the memo the conclusions keep in mind that satisfying any one of these six would make the property eligible to be designated as an area in need but if you satisfy them you don't have to it's not a mandatory thing it's it's it gives you the permission to designate as such and I would urge so in 7 77 River um your building it was renovated in the80s from a full commercial building into a cond building and so the the residential dwellings did not exist until the the the uh 1980s by my math that's not 50 years ago and so in the memo it says because the building was there where the condos are now the condos have been there since for 50 years which you know I again that's the lipstick um so where am I going with all this um I you know the last thing about the the memo is the water and sewer uh and the I see Mr Barry I think he left but he was here the the the elor or I should say the Hudson Yards Project part of the obligations under that agreement are to address the the U sanit the excuse me this the storm sewer line in Hudson place the river V portion has already been remediated so to some extent but not fully I acknowledge uh the water and the sanitary sewer are not addressed so that's the the little hook that we're hanging our hat on here in proposing that this be designated under the law and and somebody who lives in my house is an expert on Redevelopment law uh not me by the way um under the law the idea is as I started with that this is something without the governmental intervention you cannot cure it all if there's a if there's a members of this legislative body who want feel that a 23 story residential Tower is the way to go here all we have to do is amend the zoning law and allow for dis building I I don't know that this this Council has the political will to do that I don't know that the public is too excited about that but this is one step and it's it's almost a sneaky step heading down that path and I would urge everyone that there's notwithstanding the fact that a portion of the water in sewer um or under the statute still need to be remediated that's not enough to justify a designation uh of this property as an area in need of Rehabilitation and I would urge my colleagues to vote no tonight and allow the existing zoning if someone wants it's zoned for six 60 feet which could accommodate five or six stories if somebody wants to do that there or if somebody on this Council wants to propose legislation to increase the height and density then let's have it out in the public forum so I'm going to be voting no on this tonight in case there was any question on that thank you council president yes Council so um just to add a few points to count what councilman Doyle said um so people are clear on one issue um you know as as Jim mentioned um typically across New Jersey designating something a Redevelopment Zone like when you think of a Brownfield or an area that is very difficult to develop you can designate it as an area in need of development and it gives you an opportunity to have like bilateral conversations specifically with a property developer and come up with the incentives for them to develop an area they wouldn't necessarily develop and I and I think to Jim's point you know the area um around the path is probably the most valuable in the state of New Jersey there's there's no reason for us to give any any incentives especially on this side we gave incentiv to elor because they're building on top of um live tracks and they they have just huge infrastructure issues there's really no reason on on this side so then you say well then why are we even considering this well the reason why we as a city have or we've seen Redevelopment designations happen is when honestly the we want to we want to be able to negotiate zoning outside of our zoning laws right it gives the administration and when they have support from um a willing city council the ability to do whatever basically they want outside of our zoning laws so as as Jim mentioned we this area is zoned it's our commercial area it's zones uh for 60 ft and residential is not allowed uh it's mixed use it's not allowed it's not allow so residential is not allowed but if we were to put it into a Redevelopment zone right then we could do whatever we want the mayor can do whatever they want and they can they can upzone this and change the character of it from six stories commercial to or five stories four five stories commercial to 23 story residential which is supposedly what the property owner wants to build there the issue that I have um in addition to that first of all we shouldn't be giving him you know any mayor the ability to do that especially one who's indicated he's not running for reelection um the ability to hand a huge up zoning to any property owner it's just not right but more importantly elor was here earlier elor was here because we made some minor amendments to the Redevelopment agreement for them nothing uh nothing material um but elor we spent decades right Decades of putting a plan in place at the terminal that that was significantly impacted by rebuild by Design we came back and we've agreed to have two big buildings right on the terminal they're building a residential one first it's 27 stories I think um but they're building a commercial tower on top you know right their main property right by the terminal and this was something that was supported by this Council supported by multiple Mayors to ensure that our commercial district is anchored by commercial property commercial tenants we need employers um to be to you know a place for people to come work we don't need additional residential in this area what we need is a daytime population people don't don't need our city services they they contribute to our tax base you know Etc so we spent a lot of time it's a difficult office Market elor is working very hard to find tenants we've had some recent successes so what do you think it says when we rezone the area directly across the street and allow 23 stor stories of residential you know what it says to elor it says you can come back and have another bite at the Apple and you can come back and ask for residential and we shouldn't do that we don't need to do this right now just because the property owner wants to get this approval in before this mayor leaves office doesn't mean that we have to vote on it that we have to move forward we should be allowing elor to kind of progress they're going to totally redefine this area let's see more progress there and once we see that progress we can come back and revisit so I would just hope tonight that that my Council colleagues recognize that we don't have to do this tonight just because the administration wants to do this and wants to give a favor to a friend we don't need to do this tonight I hope everyone votes no other council members councilman Ras yeah uh I'm going to go the opposite direction for a couple of reasons and reason number one if you go directly south it's re development Zone one separate huts and yards elor is spoken about earlier if you go one block west CVS site separate re development Zone you go one block north hotel we development Zone if you go another Block North police department Municipal garages Redevelopment Zone all done in isolation all done in isolation as opposed to doing it more in a holistic fashion and hopefully Hudson yards gets developed soon and when they start the development process let's face it five years from now maybe none of us on on the city council a different Council sees that elor is going up the Hudson Plaza gets redone who's going to revisit then and rip up the plaza for another construction site to take place unless we start planning both at the same time we made a huge mistake not looking at all these blocks together and I think tonight it may be an opportunity to try and look at all these things at one time the CVS portion of it the municipal garage portion of it with the police department and the hotel which hasn't which we approved five years ago and isn't out of the ground yet so maybe that's my desire and as far as what's going to be there I think we've he strictly residential it's it's New Jersey Transit I would say the more more important property is the elore property right and new J and and the elcor property received this huge Grant right the most expensive property in New Jersey is probably over the Rail Yards received a huge Grant from the state of New Jersey to develop that site why did New Jersey give it to them because it's a valuable property and they want New Jersey to shine there why we should we not want the property directly adjacent across the street to me maybe shine a little bit I'm not in favor of residential housing on that side either but I'm in favor of doing everything at once maybe let's look at the needs in town that's also what Redevelopment plans are for right let's what do we need we speak about CVS needs a theater site came through there right what do we need last Council meting patting ourselves in the back for money for our public and Charter Schools right we need new schools I would say yes to that right School needs to be paid for I would say yes to that too right roads need to be paid pipes need to be fixed how we're paying for this folks but a holistic plan make everything Universal maybe maybe the CVS site isn't the proper site for a theater maybe it's by one of Municipal garages on Second Street but looking in isolation doesn't solve that problem for us looking at holistically may solve that problem for us so and I don't want to see us come back two years from now saying this should be done when elor is already out of the ground I think are happening there no one the work we did in that Plaza that committee we did a lot of work on that Plaza we're going to come back 10 years from now and tear that up I don't think so rather than working together to see it done the right way one time right I don't want to live in a permanent construction zone either so that that's my piece on that let's get planning together as opposed to an isolation yes councilman uh thank you council president um I'm going to agree in Parts with uh councilman r here you I also believe in in taking the holistic approach and really taking the time to since this is going to be a lot of work being done in that area being thoughtful about what we want the area as a whole um to look like uh I think councilman Fischer mentioned that we don't need more residential in that part of town and that's for us I think to think about and talk about I think we do need more residential in the city from a affordability perspect perspective you know we talk about um how you know this town is getting increasingly unaffordable for renters or homeowners alike we do a lot by way of uh government controls on pricing which has a definite role right and we have that referendum coming up right now it's as a result of it but we can't ignore the market forces if we don't add Supply we're going to only rely on on on the government controls and that leads to uh issues when when that's our only uh Avenue uh and then the last bit is you know we're talking about we're presuming that you know the tallest building in contemplation right now is definitely going to get built I'm personally not in favor of a 23 story building going there so uh what I do like about this approach is that the council retains control if we approve this uh we will Shepherd this process along in good faith with Community Support with uh Community input uh Community Support I should say as well uh with with the neighbors of being involved along the process you know I'm committed to to uh to ensuring that transparency there and that input uh approving this today does not guarantee that anything gets built it just allows us to begin the process of of thinking about this area and how we want it update it improve it so that we have a better you know infr structure and and living and working space uh for our residents I I'll wrap it up since it's my word you have something to say oh I'm wrapping it up oh you wrap it that is your prerogative council president if I may okay nobody yeah I I just want to add a couple things and and I don't want to kind of reiterate a lot of the things that councilman Ramos and and councilman contero said but you know I want to point out that along the way everyone on this day has voted for a Redevelopment Zone at varying Heights 33 stories 12 stories 18 stories I mean it happens all the time right um so anyone who pretends that this is just a bad thing in general is not being they're just not being honest with themselves right we have to look at these projects that come before us individually however we do need to look at it holistically there are massive needs in this city of Hoboken when it comes to our housing crisis the Housing Authority opened up a weit list for 600 slots we had 9,000 applicants 9,000 applicants there are people that are housed in the Housing Authority right now that can if available afford a middle income type of housing unit we need to start to shift what our house housing looks like across the city of Hoboken so that we could house all of our residents all the residents that not only currently live here but the ones that work here and want to want to live here so they could contribute to our local economy I am 100% in favor of passing this tonight but I think counsilman quento is 100% right we now have control to start to have that conversation we now have control to talk about what type of housing goes there how many units goes there as an a mixed use type of a development and I understand some of my Council colleagues will want to shake their heads right after voting on a Redevelopment Zone that put up 19 stories I get it I understand it because they don't want they don't want to hear about it they don't want to hear about it right now right but let's be honest with ourselves let's be honest with the public let's talk about these projects when they come forward and let's make the city of Hoboken the best place we can make it that's all I have to say thank you councilman councilman president preso uh I did a lot of uh conversations with residents of 77 River uh I've done a lot of reading on the master plan and the master plan was done by great minds supposedly when they set it up 181 19 whatever you read all the things and it was designated as our commercial Zone C1 so people before me felt that this should be our commercial district and the First Ward is the commercial District and the idea of having a master plan is for future growth and development it's kind of a road map and so people beforehand saw things maybe a different way or where things were going to go but it was designated for that if they wanted to have residential and there are mixed use things would change now I've heard the comments that do everything at once when is anything in Hoboken ever gone at once if we just looked at the elor project took 15 years there's no way we're going to get everybody on the same page my big concern here is I talked to elor today and I had asked them do you have any tenants lined up no what happens if we suddenly pass this tonight and the city which will do this in housee as I'm told the the agreement so that means it'll be it'll be moved quickly um what happens if they come back and then we see see a building that's up there mixed use and suddenly elor doesn't have a shovel in the ground yet and they're now coming to us saying oh wait we want to do something different we don't want all commercial and then we didn't we forgot about the baker building at at uh Second and Hudson we got to that 2021 report because they were after us uh they were and correct me if I'm wrong here because it was before my time uh they were chasing us around town every time we had a Redevelopment or something high they came in and they tried to sue us to appease that uh we did this Rehabilitation study that the planning board you know I I correct me if I'm wrong here we we allowed money to do that and they went away there was also a death in that the owner there so when the patriarch of the the whole thing there it seemed to dissipate there but the baker building may also want to do things so in a in a place that's uh zone is a C1 uh and we have uh one full 20 plus story building going up this just commercial and not even a tenant lined up not even a shovel in the ground uh and we're going to do some other things and expect that everything lines up I'm struggling with that uh so for me I have no problem coming to revisit this after I see elor with a couple tenants and a shovels in the ground and we've got a foundation on that building done um my my issue is quite oh yes go no you can go Council on okay oh got it okay thank you council president sorry um so I'll just add um I don't agree with the argument about elor um I understand why that's being used as an example but I don't think that should be what informs our decision on this because um similar to the remarks from my colleague councilman Ramos um I think if we don't include the discussion of this piece of property as part of the larger discussion of what's going on for that larger neighborhood we're missing the boat and I think we need to think about a general approach to what's going on in terms of the moving pieces there whether it's additional you know commercial uses it's residential I'm a fan of more residential in some ways because of the need for additional housing which several of my colleagues have cited I'm not opposed to that um I think that we need to have a larger conversation and I think what we're voting on tonight to be very clear is the opportunity to move that conversation forward it is not a vote on a specific project and to be very clear I know people have referred to some 23 story I don't know what that project is I have not been presented with that project I've been presented with what is before us tonight which is the specifically just the designation that conversation comes next a discussion of what those pieces look like what features would be included that's later down the road and so I understand all of the concerns that have been raised I just don't agree that this is the proper time and opportunity for those to be raised and I think councilman did a good job of spelling out the opportunity this then provides in terms of where we go next looking at possibilities and looking at different iterations of what that could look like um so I think I just want everyone to be very clear what's actually on the agenda tonight versus some of the things that I think this is getting conflated with thank you thank you president gtino I have a question and maybe you guys were on the council before me how much do we spend on the master plan how much money like 600,000 I think was I think it would wasn't it 600000 it like that master plan is a no the re-exam was in 2018 is when it was concluded and it was it was T more than that well the master plan does call for high what's the reason less than it was less than six more than 10 it was no it was more than that well what's the reason for the question the reason for the question I just wanted want to know going forward when I do my homework do I look at a master plan or I just throw that out the window we make up things as we the master plan is is not legally binding a guidance it is a policy document corre that sets Force the planning board's aspirations for the development of our city we regularly ignore the recommendations of the master plan which we're allowed to do yes so it's not the law correct but I'm just I'm saying that since the first W's going to be ripped up left and right for the next 10 15 years I just wanted to know if I should just ignore was don't waste my time reading the master plan going forward I because I spent a lot of time do you should definitely you should use the master plan for the needs of the city going forward blueprint for the plan the future for our city as well there'll be another one have to go in certain locations they could be moved around other locations of the city so it's a good tool for that but but the point is that it would when we initiated was 2001 the the 88 04 2018 was adopted in 2004 initiated in 2001 so the needs change right correct so so it's a guy it's a nice guy don't get me wrong but needs change every day we do we redo it we review it every six to 10 years so we're coming up on another re-exam yep probably next two years one one thing that has been consistent through all the iterations of the master plan was uh having height be on the edges of the city and not in the internal that has been consistent throughout all right councilwoman we're done yeah I just want to correct I just want to correct the record on something councilman Russo said um I know right the uh uh they they they identified multiple Redevelopment um Zone designations around this site um and he said that we all voted on it and I'm pretty sure I voted against every single one of them I'm pretty sure Jim probably voted against every single one of them because every one of them was this situation where there were conversations specifically with the property owner and the administration to change the zoning and allow for up zoning every single time and not withstanding that we are you know theoretically looking at a holistic we're not theoretically we're not looking at a holistic this is yet again another situation where we're looking at one set of property if we wanted to look it holistic we should bring them every single one of those little plans we should not vote on this tonight we should come back with a proposal to relook at all of them into one so like councilman jbor just said we can actually look at the area but that's not what this is this will be not only will this be separate like we we can't touch the elor plan and we won't touch it this will be a little separate isolated discussion for the property across the street Street there is literally nothing that we have done ever to tie all of these together yeah what' you say go to the zoning yeah I mean the the property owner can go to the zoning board right now and ask for like they want whatever they want they can ask for a variance there's no reason for us to do this yet again and you're seeing the same people are going to vote against it and we voted against every other one that has come before this uh come before this day so no almost every one of them I'm I'm just moving don't touch your mic so I think everyone knows although it's not true um including several people that are here tonight if someone gets me in a room and has an idea that's different than mine I am totally willing to change my mind that being said we were never given that opportunity with this we had a subcommittee meeting at the last council meeting I asked that it be carried and we have another subcommittee with all four subcommittee members there to discuss it and I don't know the reason why but it was like no no no we've met it's going on and we now have a sponsor that's not even in the subcommittee um and that's just unacceptable to me that we cannot have a conversation as a subcommittee on something that's important and I again don't know the reason why I don't think it's anything personal with any property owner I just think that it was complete oversight and it's not this is a Redevelopment plan this is not how this should should be working so on that note Mr finina call the vote M Mr con hi yes Mr Doyle no M fiser no Mr Jabor yes Mr President Zano no Mr Cano I Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president jeano no Okay resolution is adopted next resolution yeah yeah yes no yeah 54 yes yeah oh Paul forgot about you yeah I forgot about those sorry uh what are we on P P1 yes P1 resolution to accept the donation of the extreme tumble track donated by cheer Dynamics Allstars for the city's recreational use and cheer tumbling and gymnastics programming councilman R thank you council president the only reason I pulled it is um I hear it every day uh in my house so I most certainly wanted to just I have it reiterate what I think the concern is I think the concern is that originally they talked about removing the storage closets at the Multi Center and then putting these uh pieces of equipment where those storage closets are um and I think the the overall concern is that cheer season has started at least the preparation of the cheer season so the timing of how we could demo those closets and kind of move that forward is the bigger concern at least that's those are conversations I hear when I'm sitting on my couch at night um but I was wondering if the administration through our DPW staff have the ability to kind of just demo those closets rather than having to go through a whole bid process of getting a company in to remove them and then you know make that a big long drawn out kind of a conversation rather than just utilizing our current Workforce to go down to the multicenter demo those those closets and build the tumble tracks or whatever it's called that they need councilman R are the tumble tracks in those closets right now they're being stored in those closets right now but make understand more of a semi-permanent kind of structure that will be there right right that will take what's in the closet on a basketball court either yeah has I mean I'm ignorant of gymnastics come on Jim you could do back spring oh that's true but I mean as far as the programming is this already been decided I I'm not being a wet blanket but do have we decided we want the Trumble the Trumble tracks permanently on the floor in the gym from my understanding that was the conversation with the the cheer team and the administration I don't know if that changed but I think that's where it was going at one point I mean does it interfere with like basketball have on Thursday versus volleyball pickle ball any other number of you have to move stuff around well it would it wouldn't interfere with that because let's hear what the director has to say the closets are there right now well unless it's the closets plus additional space we're ready for you yes good evening Council so just to clarify a little bit on the timeline that was brought up earlier in the evening so this conversation was not started a year and a half ago since I have only been in this position for about a year so this really started um last February when cheer Dynamics was just applying for their Grant I believe that they were issued the money uh April or May of this year and during that time we discussed with them in order to have the tumble track on the floor because it's not one of those things that we could just pick up and put away into a closet or a storage wi it's a 30ft tumbling track that was delivered last week to the multi-service gym so I explained to them this is not something that we can do inh house we're talking about a steel met uh divider in the middle of the gym that has to be completely removed in addition to the eight closets that are extremely heavy that we cannot just pull apart we can't even get the doors to run right now uh where they are so that some of those doors are completely broken we can't move them so we are not utilizing those storage closets because of the danger that it poses to others um with that said we I started uh seeking for quotes from contractors we did get a couple that came out to do site visits two of those contractors actually came back and said they are not interested in the job because of the complexity of removing those storage closets the doors are extremely heavy we have only one fire escape door and one main entrance door that has the stairs and the elevator but the doors would not fit into the elevator so they ultimately ended up pulling out we did have other quotes we will present at the next council meeting a contract for the demo from one of the contractors were wishing to award a contract but ultimately this was a discussion that did not happen a year and a half ago we did tell them we did explain to cheer Dynamics when I say we myself Jessica locano was also in the room that we can't just have a tumble track show up one day without having a plan of action and I explain to cheer dynamics that in order for this to work the closets have to be removed otherwise we don't have a place to put them will it impact the activity in the gym yes it will because once the tumble track is put in there's no taking it out so it will impact volleyball basketball pickleball um granted it's going to go into the space where the closets are currently but that means that everything that is against those closets has no place to go so we're working right now on finding alternate locations to store our equipment But ultimately the tumble track will just be placed place there and there's no moving a but if it's placed there you said it will impact basketball isn't it behind the basketball court place that won't impact basketball it's off the court the it's off the court but that space won't be able to be utilized for any other sport other than for the tumbling track and is that is that space utilized for any sport right now no no other than having the trampoline the mats the cheer mats everything goes against there so it I'm saying is that that space can't be used for anything else other than the tumble TR we have a volunteer and how much is it how much is the early quote that you got I can demolish that the contract for yeah to demolish want to say it's around 33,000 I'll do it for 30 33 buy me a circulus so and give me two guys I mean I invite all of you to go and try to move those closets they're they're not easy to move at all I'm in too no I don't think they're going to be we're not wa let me make sure I understand you we're not trying to salvage the closets correct we're trying to demo the closets correct yeah give me a circular sore no I think I would I think we should have a better discussion on this but if you're trying to find someone to do it I think it's a step in the right direction we do have a contractor that is capable of doing the job they've done other work in the city uh very reliable very knowledgeable and this is just a demo work just keep in mind this is just demo because we don't know what's on the floor conditions the wall conditions Behind These closets right now this is simply just a demo um and this contractor that we will propose at the next council meeting is capable of also removing the metal divider which is the biggest hurdle because a lot of contractors just did not want to take that on having very limited entry and exits thank you well helpful Mr finina please call the vote Mr con this is accepting the donation he fell off oh he's gone he's gone Mr oyle hi M fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr President Zano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes uh claims oh claims councilman president claims and payroll right I don't know which department this is at the multi-service center I have a question you know there's water on the I mean I didn't it was the best part to talk about the there's a water cooler at the multi-service center and the seniors are losing their minds on this they don't have any water water jug it's it's nagan and I've heard water cooler yeah the water coolers I was wor okay we could get we'll just put new water the water cooler that was there was no longer there got it okay I don't know hydration all right that's it that's my only thing he roll that was the easiest one all night Jay I I I was like too I'm like there's a water water I was like oh my god oh it's been a couple months that's why that's good to know payroll uh payroll we'll vote on them together okay so uh this one I believe director Freeman you owed us a list correct three weeks ago uh if I use Oprah it's one of the 7day things where you're supposed to provide it uh well I mean seven is it's one of the quicker things because it's literally they say if something you could press a button and print out a report you're supposed to get it so in that time I don't know if this is accurate information or not I believe there was another round of raises uh on October 1st I'm not privy to this so I don't know I'm only hearing it third fourth hand so I was curious if tomorrow morning when you come in the office can you send us the list that you promis to us last yes I apologize for forgetting to do that absolutely thank you with any updates good there one but Mr finina please call the vote on both claims and payroll Mr con oh gone Mr Doyle Fisher yes Mr Jabor yes Mr pres Zano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president G Tino yes or for introduction Lorden amending chapter 147 Mobile retail food vendor modifying license options replacing four day license with weekend Friday Saturday and Sunday license and providing halfe pricing for permits purchased after July 1st doesn't matter please call the vote mrina Mr Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes yes Mr pres Zano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gentino yes introduction or amending Hulan city code chapter 86 uniform construction code at section [Music] yes or for introduction amending city code chapter 166 storm water management to add new article four regulatory ordinance please call the vote Mr Pina Mr zo M bisher yes Mr Jabor yes president Zano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes B for introduction amending the Hoboken city code chapter 166 of Article 2 storm water management measures and controls to comply with private storm drain Inlet re retrofitting and correctly reference the latest ms4 here as standards please call the vote Mr Pina Mr Doyle hi M bisher yes Mr Jabor yes president Zano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos Mr Russo I president gtino yes War for introduction to to amend chapter 190 entitled loading zone to add loading zone on Washington Street in front of Hoboken City Hall please call the vote Mr finina Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr President anel hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes no not one more read number six all right an order for introduction amending chapter 168 1100 entitled bike share location designated the air City bike docking stations to the sidewalk in front of City Hall please call the vote Mr fer Mr Doyle I M Fisher yes Mr Jabor yes Mr President Jano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes thanks so director Brown um do we have a minor amendment to number seven before just hold off for a secondus oh they that's what I was thought okay thank you no no Chris I'm director I was just waiting for them to exit had a problem yeah so the ordinance that's on first reading amending the Western natur R development plan States language that is from a previously adopted Redevelopment plan so uh if you'd like I can just read in the record what the adopted Redevelopment plan States along with the um proposed revision if that's acceptable however you want to communicate you're just going to communicate what the change is for the record and just for the record um the this language is reflected on a Cella U it's been updated and in the approved version so it should be online um for for for for adoption there'll be plenty of time between now and second in a hearing two weeks from now so absolutely um so the sub so the subsection title should be Madison Street sub area in parentheses block 10611 that's not changed that's the existing language and then the section reads within the Madison Street sub area bonus development for public Recreation and public pool Community benefit may increase the total allowable F to an amount negotiated within a Redevelopment agreement and may increase the allowable height for any building to a maximum of it says currently 158 over DF that should read to a maximum of 208 over DF okay so Jerry you're G to make sure you have it right yeah L literally just crossing out8 put in this was envisioned the whole time you that was just an omission of yeah it's the Lang the the language that's on first reading now is from probably the first first the original Redevelopment plan we're not voting or you're not changing the 50 Feet additional height it's just you're reflecting that it did change oh no yeah it the um ordinance Amendment increases that height from 158 to 208 yeah exactly director just remind me what DFE is on the site design flood elevation no no I know what what the he is it 14 it's probably 13 or 14 13 or 14 yeah that's all thanks okay great Mr fre FR intruction amending the Redevelopment plan for the Western Edge Redevelopment area mad Madison Street sub area Mr Doyle i m fiser present Mrs Jabor yes Mr presen Zano hi Mr Cano I Mr Russo no okay okay and then we have one additional resolution yes resolution of the city of Hoboken referring the proposed ordinance amending the Redevelopment plan for the Western Edge Redevelopment area Madison Street sub area to the city of Hoboken planning board in accordance with the municipal land use law Mr Dole i m fiser present Mrs Jabor yes president Zano hi Mr Cano hi m m Russo hi that's it okay so new business motion close wait there's a second we have a second second