we have to open the meting first Jimmy we have to open the meeting first right wearing in ceremony for the city council members can we have your attention thank you first Ward councilman Paul pres prevan maybe I'm reading it wrong my son was all dress up for it again we anually that must be a decent question because I know we went through the most of the budget's 26.5% for the temp right but some of it had to be paid all up front oh maybe that is but I thought it was all right I would check with yeah some of them I know weren't exactly proportional to the year car wasn't uh optimistic I say hey what's up hi Carmen how are you Happy New Year Phil you want to do that one alio and JK you needly swear you Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully impartially impartially just perform per all the duties all the duties First Council first council member for the city of Hoboken for the city of Hoboken according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability me [Applause] God re in person the other way perform perform all the duties all the of second coun M second the city of to the of my [Applause] I'm going blind thank you reelected council member what what is the four time or third fifth time fifth time fifth time time third W councilman Michael Russo thank you Jim thank you I'll swear you win hi Michael Russo hi Michael rouso do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of Third Ward city council member of Third Ward city council member for the city of Hoboken the city of Hoboken according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] Jimmy take a picture than reelected council person Reuben go really slow my son's Ruben Ramos for the what do you the fourth time or the fifth time uh also assembly F six sixth time this is like my ninth swearing it overall like brown Hogs it never gets old prise you right KS just get bigger hi Ruben Ramos hi Ruben Ramos Junior hi Ruben Ramos junr thank you to Solly swear to Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform form all the duties all the duties of Fourth Ward city council member of fourth W city council member for the city of Hoboken for the city of Hoboken according to the best of my ability according to the best of my abilities so help me God so help me [Applause] God Thank You Fifth Bo council member Bill [Applause] con yeah okay I'm an attorney thank I don't need one now all right uh Phil's mom's going to swear meil I Phil Cohen do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform the duties perform the duties of the fifth W city council member of the fifth W city council memb for the city of hobo for the city of hobok according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God help me [Applause] God good us thanks guys you it's Jen [Applause] again i j gtino i gentino do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of six Board of six board city council member city council member for the city of Hoboken for the city of hoken according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] thank wait I got one more thank you Jerry thank [Applause] you missing one though yeah we have to open the meeting though officially I like to rotate them okay ready I would like to advise all those present that notice of this meeting has been provided to the public in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting act and that notice was published in the Jersey journal and the City website copies were provided in the record The norstar Ledger also placed on the Bolton board in the lobby of City Hall written objections if any shall be made to the city court please rise to salute the flag the United States of America the it stands one nation godice Mr fre please call the role Mr con here Mr Doyle M fiser here gtino here Mr uh pranano present Mr Cano present Mr Ramos pres Mr Russo pres president Jabor here before we start the uh reorganization meeting i' like to make I'd like to make a presentation to uh council president Emily to board for all her humanitarian initiatives not only as president but as a city council member and she handled the C presidence of the city council excellently thank you thank you very much very kind and now nominations are in order for president of the uh City Council of if I could just before I just wanted to say a word of gratitude and thanks um for the privilege of serving this past year as council president thank you uh thank do we want to do the public art we're going to sa and do the public art presentation after nominations then nominations me yes we'll do the public art presentation after nominations just to confirm okay nominations for president Mr finina I'd like to recognize councilman Cohen like to nominate Jen gtino for president of City Council second any other nominations before we close do we have a motion to close nominations Mo second second President of the city council Jen gtino Mr con I Mr Doyle i m fiser yes Mrs Jabor yes Mr prano I Mr Cano I Mr Ramos I Mr Russo hi president gtino uh Mr gtino not pres you forgot me I'm more swearing in all right oh thank you i j gtino i j gtino do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully impartially impartially justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of council president of council president for the city of Hoboken for the city of Hoboken according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help God thank you thank I have something for you too thank you good okay now that's funny Sor congratulations emo nominations are now in order for vice president of the city council Mr F I'd like to nominate councilman Doyle any other nominations move the nominations be closed for vice president motion second vice president of the city council Mr Jim Doyle great Mr Cohen I Mr Doyle I Fisher yes Mr Jabor yes Mr president president Zano I Mr ganto I Mr Ramos I Mr Russo hi president gtino yes [Applause] congratulations hi Jim Doyle hi James Doyle Solly swear to solemnly swear I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly performed and justly performed all the duties all the duties of council vice president of council vice president to the city of Hoboken to the city of Hoboken according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me [Applause] God do we leave anybody out okay okay now the next order of business we have uh uh oh we have a present presentation for the Hoboken public art plan correct director Gonzalez hopefully this is the glad I glad I brought my glasses it's actually a cool they're only doing a brief one but it's what your screen Jerry recognize the am at some point I think it's Jesus my eyes are getting worse I no longer need the prescription and they wouldn't they wouldn't give me piece of glass like my only friend This Is War Parker you know yeah I can I mean sort of see what's happening there yeah first of all I don't need this is piece of but I'll do that and I'll like scratch my ey okay that's okay I'm fine I can sort I have one I actually have one that's okay I don't think it's that I think it's the computer that needs to be not on got put that one was working but I mean what happens sponsor your first official sponsored res I get ini what your midle name what yourd you you do like when when I emails it's it was wrong yeah it just it doesn't even say when you appoint them it just says two's gonna come off H Jimmy right in well we have it they can see it over there all right so that that one works right one is better than none yeah may we proceed yep whiskey ready uh council president thank you so much uh for having us here this evening um joining us this evening is uh Eric galipo from FCA Architects they have been working on the public Arts plan um in partnership with the city several stakeholders as well as the Arts advisory committee um for about the past year now and they would like to present a draft plan that is up for adoption this evening plan itself and also the presentation are available uh online as well I'll turn it over to ER thank you um hi good evening happy New Year and congratulations to all of you thank you for taking the time to allow me to present to you this evening my name is Eric gallipo and I direct the urban planning studio for FCA an interdisciplinary design firm based in New York City uh this evening I'm presenting in my capacity as a planner with a specialty in arts and culture our firm has produced strategic plans and public space designs for cities and institutions across the country most recently uh the historical Philadelphia Vision plan the launch Hoboken plan for Innovation for your own City and the Asbury Park arts and culture plan uh we've been working with you the city over the past year to develop a public art plan that provides the city with an administrative framework for selecting implementing and stewarding hoboken's growing public art collection tonight I will provide an in an overview of the inventory research and engagement that establish the goals and objectives of the plan then I'll give a brief overview of the recommendations of the plan as Jen mentioned a copy of the public art plan was made available to you and posted on the city website for public review prior to this meeting thanks uh as I mentioned the creation of hoboken's public art plan included significant research and stakeholder engagement to to establish both the goals and recommendations of the plan our process began with creating an inventory of public art and sculpture in the city this included murals painting sculpture memorials and other statuary that are visible to the public uh the collage shown here gives some examples of elements of the cityscape that may be defined as part of hoboken's Current public art collection while Hoboken may not have an established brand as a city replete with public art we found a range of art forms and expressions that throughout the city that represent an emerging collection of public art assets that could be thoughtfully augmented and maintained as part of our inventory work we also mapped the locations of observed public art assets as you can see the current collection is unsurprisingly clustered in public spaces such as Parks plazas and Commercial corridors it also shows that up to this point public art has been Lar largely limited to mural paintings and certain forms of sculpture the current distribution of the city's art assets speak to the importance of public and Commercial spaces as settings for public art but one of the purposes of the plan is to provide a strategic framework for the city to invest in diversifying both artistic forms and equitably distributing investment in such artworks throughout the city the process of creating the public art plan also included extensive engage M that uh were with uh representatives from various parts of the city Administration partners and stakeholders and the public we conducted multiple focus groups and stakeholder interviews to understand the state of the city's process and strategic framework for investing in public art members of the city council multiple City departments committees and commissions were engaged there was General enthusiasm about the potential for public art to enrich the cityscape but a clear need need for more coordination in implementation and maintenance of the city's public art collection we also engaged multiple stakeholders that provided an understanding of the role and needs of institutional partners and other collaborators also engaged in in the production funding and implementation of public art after all it is not only the municipality that may consider incorporating public art into their facilities or programmatic activities finally we also conducted an online public survey that received more than 240 responses the survey probed perceptions about public art among residents and respondents and sought to understand aspirations and concerns the public may have about public art the detailed findings of these engagement efforts are documented in the public art plan but broadly speaking we found General support for augmenting the city's public art collection provided that implementation is managed in a judicious Equitable and transparent manner manner there was also a strong desire to engage hoboken's existing Arts community in the creative process of implementing new artworks altogether the engagement phase of the planning process provided the context for establishing a vision goals and priorities for the public art plan considering this is hoboken's first effort to create a framework for managing its public art collection the goals of the plan were established to be one to define a trans arent and Equitable process for funding implementation and maintaining public art two augmenting uh Recreation interpretation education and placemaking activities throughout the city supporting Economic Development and the local creative community and enhancing hoban's brand as an inclusive and creative City so before I move on to the recommendations I want to take a pause and let you respond or ask any questions that you might have up to this point do any council members want to ask questions now or you want to wait question there you probably have a lot of them yeah so I'll just be moving on yes all right no problem so uh once a vision for the public art plan was established uh we worked with the city to develop recommendations that provided a framework for managing the process of implementing and maintaining the city's public art collection oh I'm sorry there we um yes the public art plan makes three broad recommendations list them briefly and then cover each in Greater detail one at a time the first recommendation directs the city to create a comprehensive public art program with the administrative Personnel to manage a cyclical process for defining selecting and implementing new public art projects in addition the public art program or Pap is responsible for managing the stewardship and maintenance of current and future public art assets the second and third recommendations provide guidance on the mechanisms policies definition and evaluation criteria that should be documented and adopted by the pap to support an accountable transparent and Equitable decision-making process for investing in public art so first I will cover in more detail the general components and structure of the comprehensive public art program or P um typically municipalities who approach public art implementation seriously and strategically have some form of a comprehensive public art program that may have several components including Administration which are specific staff or Personnel who are responsible for managing requests to implement new public art and maintenance projects processes that are clearly documented and transparent for receiving evaluating and prioritizing public art projects that include those initiated by the city collaborators institutions land owners and private citizens policies clearly documented guidelines parameters and definitions that provide a framework for evaluation in proposals determining needs and establishing priorities for public art implementation and maintenance inputs and approval a transparent process for soliciting input from stakeholders partners and the public in the cyclical process of selecting and prioritizing public art and maintenance projects under this model a comprehensive path for Hoboken is managed by a designated person or persons within the city Administration that are responsible for over seeing the process of identifying and prioritizing new public art and maintenance projects this is known as the pap administrator or administrators the pap administrator is responsible for interfacing with the rest of the city Administration all partners and collaborators to oversee implementing new public art projects as well as a stewardship of the collection through routine conservation and maintenance the pap administrator is responsible for facilitating the documentation and revision of the process policies and guidelines for identifying and selecting new projects including the input and approval from relevant stakeholders committees commissions regulatory bodies and the public on to the second recommendation once the structure of the pap is established the pap administrator will be responsible for managing the process of identifying and selecting public art and maintenance projects as an overview the pap administrator will be responsible for coordinating the development of an annual work plan the pap administrator will be responsible for Co coordinating the activities of the annual work plan task force to be formed and dissolved annually that will review proposals select projects and Define the basic parameters of the public art initiatives the city plans to undertake in the coming year the annual work plan will be reviewed and updated each year to document the completion of projects from prior plans and to adjust parameters or needs of any projects that are still working towards completion second once the priority projects for the year are established the annual work plan in the annual work plan the administrator will uh will be responsible for coordinating the city Administration stakeholders and partners in the creation of individual project implementation plans each project implementation plan will establish and track the individual needs and components of a discrete public art or maintenance project this includes artist selection reviews approvals detailed planning design and engineering and the physical implementation of these projects finally the pap administrator will be responsible for maintaining and incorporating a cons a conservation and maintenance plan for the city's public art collection this begins with a periodic assessment of the maintenance needs of the city's collection approximately every 3 to 5 years that establishes maintenance needs and cost estimates for consern serving the city's public art assets each year the highest priority conservation and maintenance needs of the city's collection should be considered for inclusion in the annual work plan and for the development of their related project implementation plan this diagram outlines the general relationship between each of these parts showing the pap administrator working with a task force to develop a current annual work plan which may include new projects or updating the parameters of ongoing projects this will lead to the development of project imput implementation plans that results in the execution of all types of projects including conservation maintenance and new public art finally the plan recommendation provides guidance about the definitions policies and criteria that the pap may need to establish to provide the right level of transparency and predictability when evaluating and selecting new public art projects while the public art plan makes some suggestions one of the roles of the pap and the app administrator will be to formally document and adopt many of these elements which should be done with the input of relevant stakeholders and collaborators elements of the public art plan that require some definition include but are not limited go back one include but are not limited to policies what are the methods and Pathways for creating public art locations and sites prioritizing and selecting locations art and artist selection which is about how you identify artists and then themes and creative directions which is about aligning the content of public art and styles with your own Civic values next slide as an overview the plan recommends establishing clear guidelines and a procedure to receive requests from for public art projects from a variety of sources including projects that are initiated by the city the public art program the Arts advisory committee Redevelopment plans or private land owners next documenting sorry documenting and implementing clear guidelines about how available funding may be used and in what contexts for example the funding received by executive order from Municipal bonding ordinances also known as your percent for art funding may only be used for implementing permanent public art or conservation of existing assets similarly if a temporary performing arts or programmatic event includes a public art component such funding must come from other sources including special improvement district hoken business Alliance funding or from Grants Partners or collaborators regardless the uses and sources of funding should be clearly documented and by the pap and the pap administrator to provide Clarity and transparency to the process gifts and Loans um it will not be long before somebody tries to give you some art possibly of questionable Aesthetics the city should establish a clear process and a valuation criteria for accepting gifts and Loans of public Arts important questions should be answered before the city accepts a gift or alone including review of the aesthetic qualities the financial responsibility of the city insurance and danger to the residents and the maintenance needs of the objects next one of the primary questions that people ask is where does public art go while it's tempting to create a definitive list of potential sites for public art it is more productive to Define the types of places where public art should be prioritized defining the question in this way allows a greater level of flexibility and creativity when evaluating proposals based on Outreach performed and best practices from other cities the public art plan identified several typolog spatial typologies that begin to establish a framework for focusing investment in public art throughout the city City they include gateways and arrival points like train stations and um your train trestle which already has a painting on it uh commercial corridors like Washington Street through streets and linear parks that are connectors across the entire city parks plazas and open spaces and Views and Vistas as public art projects are conceived and considered for implementation the locations that fall into these categories should be considered as priority locations for public art how ever site specific installations that do not conform with these parameters should be be considered on their own merits rather than being rejected out of hand next artist and artist selection evaluating proposals for public art no matter who generates them will require some parameter setting to evaluate who qualifies to produce such work and how the work can be qualified as art the plan makes recommendations for a variety of artist selection meth methods that should all be conducted in accordance with local labor Contracting regulations but provide the city with some flexibility on when to use a general call for artists which may favor local and or Regional artists with less established credentials other selection methods may be employed for highly visible projects that may attract concept submissions from artists with national or International profiles regardless of the method select ing artists should have some parameters to establish the capacity of the artists to address the complexity of the project by establishing their bone aides and reviewing their portfolio of past work to understand the application of their media and style among other criteria finally establishing what qualifies as eligible ART versus things that are not eligible to be considered art will ensure the quality and content of the submissions received during the selection process we can clearly identify painting sculpture and media work such as sound and light installations as public art however the plan recommends limiting the inclusion of reproductions mass-produced objects and things like decorative elements of architecture as being considered eligible for public investment as you can next as you can imagine um a recurring theme of our Outreach was creating pric predictability around the content and or message of public art that the city chooses to invest in similar to the issue of identifying locations the content and form of public art is highly subjective as such it is often more productive for a municipality to define the general themes and creative directions that should be prioritized during our Outreach and engagement activities stakeholders and the public were queried about their preferences related to themes they found most appropriate for public art to that end the plan recommends the city should focus on four primary themes when selecting public art projects for implementation as noted fully in the plan they are cultural and Civic Heritage which includes historical events and figures community and civic identity which includes artistics themes related to creativity inclusion Equity Justice and other Civic values Urban and natural systems such as Transportation sustainability and the city's relationship to its natural environment and connectivity and legibility which includes conceiving of public art installations as part of a wayfinding system of the city through the Strategic application of public art as elements of things like linear parks and Pathways such as a green circuit or Waterfront Greenway so that concludes the majority of my presentation I hope that has provided a useful overview of what the public art plan aims to do um and with that I open the floor to discussion and questions council members any questions counc councilman R from then Russo thank you uh it sounds like one of the most important roles here is the administrator so who is the administrator how are they selected is a new position being of the whole thing they're like the quarterback everything goes through them that that's correct a public a comprehensive public art program or a Pap generally includes somebody who is designated as responsible for maintaining the kind of General motion of work the answer to your question is do you have a public art administrator at the moment no I'm going to let Jen um so in as our current uh head of cultural Affairs transitions to retirement we are in the final stage of interviewing for her rep Pat Pat Pat can't hear for for for her replacement and what the visioning process for the rest of that staff is going to look like that's the most important thing out of that so the per whoever the new Jerry is will also be overseeing this is that what you said or someone in thatment be either it would be either the person who immediately backfills that role or um a restructured of that specific division to have more than one person managing the cultural Affairs so of the city so let me understand so we're talking about either backfilling a position and incorporating this as a new job Duty or we're talking about backfilling a position and and adding additional staff to oversee this it it's potentially both councilman council president so then when you're done sorry yeah I just have some other questions so you talked about funding um and we kind of just quickly went over that but there was one particular bullet point that you really didn't speak a lot about and that was the Public Funding portion of that yeah am I to understand that in that one little bullet point Public Funding means money from the city's budget specifically or is this funding outside uh So currently the wave the Public Funding is provided for by the city is that uh up to 1% of your uh bonding ordinances can include can include an additional 1% to fund public art projects that's executive order 18 yeah that that was bullet point number two but number one the one above that said just Public Funding if there were other forms of Public Funding it would be up to the city council to make that decision in the future the only current source of funding is through the percent art funding okay so right now that's the only source of funding correct yes and then it also said something about um potential funding through the uh business Alliance so the Hoboken business Alliance makes their own decisions about how they spend their money on public art and they that's that's within their own budgetary process what the what the HBA or other SIDS can spend money on is different than what the city can currently spend money on using 1% funding 1% funding must go towards permanent public art the HBA has the latitude to spend their budget how as they see fit um on temporary or permanent public art so we're not creating a redundancy here where we we have potentially two entities one within the city and one outside the city that are actually performing the same thing not at all no the Hoboken business alliance's primary role is as a special improvement district representing the businesses of you're downtown they may initiate public art projects and provide funding to them but they definitely coordinate with the city on the engineering placement maintenance you know selection of artists so they are providing the funding and may be a partner but they would still be included in the annual work plan the project they would be proposing would be included in the anual annual work plan the sources of funding for that specific project may be partly HBA funding partly % for art or maybe you got a grant from an outside source as well and then uh just one final question about the selection process are we limiting uh most selections to Hoboken artists that is part of what the annual work plan task force will have to decide when you look at the profile of projects that you plan to take on in that year you may make decisions about which projects should be targeted towards local artists to um provide opportunity for your own creative community and which projects should be targeted for higher profile more wellestablished National or International artists and then who's making those final decisions is that is that the administrator again they they'll have their final say as to the selection no no no no no no no the administrator is the administrator and the process of creating the annual work plan um in the in the in the plan document that uh is the actual this is not the plan the actual plan document um what it shows is that um that annual work plan task force includes members of the city council different city agencies the Arts advisory committee maybe the planning board or the uh the uh the historic preservation commission um it that's the composition of that so they would select which projects they want to take on that may be very specific they they they may say we're going to use this artist in this place or they may have a general outline of a project that in and the selection process comes later all of that must be done through calls for artists that are advertised on your City website and in accordance with local Contracting laws right and and then finally the city council will not have the final say as to those types of projects the city council will so each project would have to come back before the city council for a final vote as far as the funding the the the artist so on and so forth you keep in mind sorry one second it's the same as we've done over the past two years with Council that's correct yes the city council will be uh responsible for reviewing and approving a project but that probably will not be until they're up for consideration in your annual work plan so the city council should at least approve the annual work plan which is kind of the concepts like we're going to do these five projects it's located here here's the style you kind of give the general outlines and then when those project implementation Task Force t task forces form to deal with a specific project the city council will then be responsible for also approving the content The Proposal the artist the budget the location all of the details okay thank you yeah councilman Fisher yeah I um we uh in our subcommittee we had the opportunity uh councilman Jabor gtino and myself um had an opportunity to ask a bunch of questions and had a more detailed presentation I I I look at this and and say this this is a strategic framework and it's going to take us from kind of an ad hoc amateur approach to a more professional Citywide approach I would I would argue and we we talked about it in our committee we didn't talk about it um with our business administrator that like our first year we shouldn't have a full-time person in this role we should be having um we should hire a consultant to kind of advise us through this first year because what what they like what you're not seeing um which actually was probably the better part that you didn't show us sorry there was too much right the important part of it is how art goes from you know we all envision like a mural on the side of a wall but when you think about how we can incorporate art Citywide it could be something um like when we when we do a park that the benches in the park can have you know sculptures on the benches if we have a Redevelopment area and we have a private developer we can work with them to in you know some of these um public spaces in front of the buildings and stuff we can work with them to incorporate art into those projects we can bring create art on the entrances coming into the city and it really is a holistic approach to how to incorporate incorporate it Citywide so it will be pervasive in to like our zoning and development departments right like when we think about it and we don't have that experience and our art advisory Council doesn't have that experience and whoever they're thinking of hiring for the cultural Affairs does not have that experience they could have that experience at some point and so I feel like this first year we talked about not actually identifying someone on Peril for this maybe having having cultural Affairs have have this responsibility but really working with a firm like yours so that we can learn it I mean they walk through a whole bunch of other cities that have this and they're very visible and they're very obvious and it's not a bunch of well-intended you know residents sitting around a table figuring it out it is people experience with how to incorporate art across an entire environment and we just need to decide if we want to do that or not we've already made the commitment of 1% of bonding and I think we do and I think everyone should support this and we can figure out the specifics and I hope the administration's open to you know we we can fail at this if we hired the wrong person and allocate salary dollars or we can really succeed and it would be really amazing for our city and I hope we are all willing to get around the table and figure out how we do it in a successful way because it was pretty cool so Council councilman doy and oh thank you council president um as you were describing the process of being of having art donated I couldn't help help but think of uh of Richard Sarah in New York City um The Tilted Arc and um you know how you deal with the analogy to The Nature Conservancy you know they accept donations of land and many things and then they sell them and then they take that money and buy the art that they want so uh I'm not necessarily advocating for that but you know the the problem of me painting a mural or a paint and then magnanimously donating it to the city so long as you put it up for you know forever um if you if you take the approach where you can get these donations and you could do whatever you want with them then is that is that an option that's out there um it's highly unlikely that a gift would be given to you with the idea that you could regift it this is you know it's just not mostly the agreement to accept the gift would include that you maintain it and keep it in your collection if somebody were to give you a gift and didn't put that in your contract then sure couldn't you dictate the terms of that I mean you know most people if their egos aren't quite that large like I'm going to give you a vase that you know that I inherited and but you must promise in all perpetuity to never get never sell this to generate revenue for something else but it's not common it doesn't typically happen that way most uh monetary donations are given in money most material donations are given in materials and they usually come with quite a few restrictions on them um in most cases they require attribution and dedication which is a process by which you accept it into the city's property um and that can come with its own type of legal requirements those elements are typically not available for resale but you know if somebody gave you an asset and then said you could resell it sure I I don't you may want to keep it though right Frank Stella is not going to give you a sculpture and you you can sell it or or or Richard Sarah for that matter councilman Cohen uh I want to thank FCA for the presentation I want thank you for the presentation uh I think uh just to Echo councilwoman Fischer's remarks uh that it's it's about time that we professionalize our approach with respect to public art uh that I think we've done okay up till now uh there's and I want to acknowledge the people who worked on these issues including the business Alliance uh and all the people on the Arts committee who've given a lot of their time to to create a lot of public art which exists that people enjoy and appreciate and which actively beautifies our city but I I totally agree that you know we need to have the map we need to have a plan we need to have a set of terms that we agree on as the way to proceed with respect to the process yeah and that doesn't exist right now it's too ad hoc and by doing it in this way it just smacks of best practices to me the way I you know that's what I'm reading and me I think that's why your presentation was so detailed and long and it's interesting that you cut things out because I think the people who sat through it thought it was not short but but but I but the detail with which you're going through on these critical terms as to how to define the process how to define the procedure how to define the stakeholders how to how to lay out the map is the very most basic elements that I think the city needs to get behind yeah you you have to walk before you can run and um just first I want to make sure that um we are clear that Hoboken has done an excellent job and in many ways Hoboken is in a much better position um for implementing something like this than many other cities I have never worked in a city where the funding exists before the plan it's always the plan that is seeking the funding and so you've got the funding in place to start small and grow and grow and grow with that I would here's a ad hoc recommendation is that you actually revisit this plan in three to five years and sort of see like what's next how are we doing what needs to be updated what do the next version of this Vision look like so then the second thing is that the work of the Arts advisory committee and many well-intentioned people sitting around you know kind of do doing something is why you have even sought to address these questions the work of that committee the Arts advisory committee should continue they should be the ones presenting to the annual work plan task force um proposals they should be involved in understanding what the types of you know like how how do we diversify The Collection so the gut re actually it's uh among you know in the in the business we often talk about when you say public art the first thing people will say to you is mural it's just like a kind of pavlovian response well there are a lot of other forms of public art that transcend two dimensional painting they can include elements of certain Parks um you know railings and decorative features that are custom designed for that space you know all of that can sort of be part of how you brings public art into the City and you know that's where it is I had one question about the map uh it showed Vision points that were sort of uh yep at the tip if sort of the furthest East tip there's a red dot that's up on the hill is that on the waterfront or is that on the Stevens campus because uh that's on uh it's near the Em's what's cave sibl cave right it's near that and and also the Vista on um Steven's campus may also be a really great opportunity for public art they would likely be the one to implement that project but you should work with your institutional Partners to feel included in the sort of what looks like has the potential to be a rather rich and exciting collection the view of New York City is not the best thing about Hoboken you know and I think you can use the view to bring people to objects that you want them to experience and remember why they came to Hoboken so you're thinking that institutions like I didn't I saw that Stevens wasn't listed as one of the the stakeholders but it could it's it could be expanded I suppose to to include other you know because clearly they have some Miss and Parks up there as well and they may they may be willing to contribute to this yeah anybody with the desire to contribute to your public art collection should be considered and they would know to go to the pap administrator to begin that conversation it gives an entry point to every potential collaborator or partner who might engage in that type of public art production which is not necessarily something initiated by the city but would require on some level city thank you yeah um on a conservative number and an aggressive number I I don't feel I could answer that question the what's needed to start that plan is the salary of a person you know of an administr but let's say to put your art in place like to kind of get things going let's assume the Pap is separate what do you think a conservative number on how much funding is available from your current percent for art funding what you want to do is make sure that you're judiciously spending the money that is accumulating from those Bond ordinances and any percentage that is reserved for public art and so the first annual public art task force the annual work plan task force should look at that budget and figure out out how much they are willing to spend in one year and that and then partial out that amount to the certain number of projects locations and initiatives that they think are worth funding now again that percent for art funding can only be used for public uh for permanent public art temporary public art and programmatic events that include public art so temporary public art is like the home and Hoboken sculptures by Tom fuan that were located in four locations throughout the city last year that was not eligible for 1% funding and so the issue of cost may start with city funding going to fund permanent projects but as you gain more traction you may see funding come from other partners and collaborators at very low cost to the city other than coordination with like um the city engineer or you know the things that you need to make sure that you have the right widths of your sidewalk the slope of the ground the engineering associated with it you know I can't put a number on you okay and do we know what we have currently in the budget or currently saved up I guess you want to say about $2 million okay sounds like we can get a pretty robust plan for two million bucks well you can get some really nice projects my recommendation is that you should spend well you can't spend that percent for art money on the creation of a maintenance of a maintenance assessment but you should have a maintenance assessment of your current artworks done which would one catalog the locations and condition of everyone and what is required to bring them up to a state of good repair as well as an estimate of when additional um repair work would be needed and that is really where you probably want to take some funding immediately and start get get to conservation you know things that are are out there in the world that have probably not been touched in many many years statue of Christopher Columbus yeah there just like there's many statues throughout the city that as long as you're extending the life of a uh existing asset some of your funding may be used for that but then you should decide how much funding you're willing to dispense in a single year and within that you also want to understand what your goals for those different projects are you may want to spend uh a small amount on a project that prioritizes participation from a local less established artist but then you may also have a marquee project say a resiliency Park um that might benefit from a rather wellestablished artists work in that Park and could be incorporated into that larger Capital project through the dispensing of some of that available percent for art funding yeah and to that to that point I was on the Arts Council for 2 years and having a plan would be so helpful and with the plan we could the people on the council could then say like you said the resiliency Park maybe we want a million dollar to put a million dollars of Art in there but on Washington Street we're willing to spend 50 grand and I'm just using that as an example but having a plan that would give people the framework to follow would be extremely helpful yeah essentially some point you should be reaching a steady state where you have available funding which is sufficient to maintain the collection you have and initiate a certain number of art projects every year and you have to start spending you know at some point you so to to you don't want that money building up without a judicious plan for how it's used and again it's important to distribute those artworks and expressions throughout the city and to engage the residents in what they think is going to be most impactful and inspirational to them councilman contero uh thank you councilor president um first I'd like to thank you for acknowledging that the best thing about Hoboken is not the view of New York City thank you I've heard a lot of people argue maybe a handful of people argue that the best thing of New York City is the view of Hoboken they may be right and second I'd like to ask councilman Fischer to buckle up because I'm about to agree with you almost completely for the second time and here you I'll repeat it Tiffany I'm gonna ask you to buckle your seat bels because I'm about to agree with you for the second time in the row um I support this completely because frankly it's it's it allows us to be purposeful with our spending um there's countless studies that indicate when you beautify the city and various respects it improves the quality of life of all income levels uh we do have money set aside side for this but it is finite and we need to be purposeful we need to plan it this will allow us to be very thoughtful about how we approach our installations um smarter guy than me once said if if uh you failed to plan you plan to fail and so what this is going to allow us to do for years to come is really take those resources give give the city an a good amenity that will help everyone frankly and be really thoughtful about it so I appreciate I appreciate it I'm excited uh to to support it and I look forward to see what comes from it thank you council president I I end with a comment if I this conversation right I think we move on uh I think Dr Freeman Dr you probably and your yourself probably part of the interview process for the administrator or the consultant whoever is respons for this project uh you mentioned something about maintenance I know we've spoken about this about the on this de and on other agencies throughout the city uh priority for me like another Penny should be spent on another art project and so we redo the train trestle coming into Hoboken it's it's our welcome it's our hello L says welcome to Hoboken and it's literally falling apart yep so no Penny anywhere on any other our projects should be spent in my opinion and if the person interviewed doesn't agree with that they should be disqualified interview process that is our welcome hoken so that's my for warning for everyone hopefully the person agrees with me they're here listening You' be disqualified if I was there uh well I would say that that is um certainly one of the things that uh the pap administrator's first jobs should really be um or even before an administrator is brought on board you should hire uh a firm to do a condition assessment of every of of your entire collection including the train trestle and that would start what is needed to actually repair it which is understanding the parameters of those repairs and a cost estimate more complex than most yeah yeah but you know what you essentially need is a cost estimate and an understanding of the techniques involved um in order to do that so the conditions assessment is the first step and then uh maintenance plan than just one one quick question um the 1% from the bonding are we are we authorized to pay for anything other than the art as far as soft cost or any staff any planning anything like that or is that just the art the what the 1% can be used for so I've tried to be very creative in the ways that I've talked to bond counsel about ways to utilize that funding it's pretty stringent um there are a few things where you can pay for portions of of the staff that implements the actual project that you're referring to but in terms of anything related to anything outside that scope it's pretty minimal so for example assessing all the current art and things like that that wouldn't be covered in that 1% I don't believe it would but that would be an additional cost for us to even start this process uh start the process of the conditions assessment correct yeah you need to and you may you may you may decide to break the conditions assessment up into multiple tranches maybe you can get $30,000 to do what you think are the most needed right you you send a city staff person out and say look at these five things and decide which ones are in the worst condition and what do we really need you know make the decision so you don't have to like do it all at once you know it can be broken up certainly right I no I I certainly understand that but my my concern is before we really get under way with implementing any new art throughout the City you're suggesting that we should do that that assessment first uh no there's funding available to produce public art through the 1% funding that exists you should you should start using it you however you need to get an understanding of the conditions assessment so you should like you know high on the priority list should be understanding the the condition of your current collection and its maintenance needs right and and to put together the the team and all that stuff so again that's all soft cost that can't be used from that 1% correct correct correct yes but that's not what I'm talking about what I'm talking about is is what was presented to us as an overall plan to start the this process right there's not just the administrator but there's potentially a whole group of people that are going to sit in a room and make some decisions and some of those may be paid or may be unpaid but we cannot pay for any of that out of the 1% is what I'm trying to find out here correct not a general there's not a generalized overview that is correct okay but this plan is a generalized correct this isn't about a specific project correct okay I just want to understand what we're paying for what we're not paying for yeah because it sounds great that we have this2 million from the 1% but it sounds it also sounds like we're not going to be able to pay for a lot of the start of this with that funding so well the I would say a in the scope of public art the conditions assessment is not a high dollar value contract it no but that's only one piece of that right so there's there's other things that you presented to us tonight about how we're going to set the the stage Curr I don't believe I don't believe it requires I don't believe it requires any funding at all so in order to form a task force doesn't require funding um and the work of that task force is the salaries of the city employees who would participate in it and any other volunteer members like members of the Arts advisory committee or you know so so that doesn't the creation of an annual work plan is a zero is a is a is a sunk cost in your own in your own staff time yes sure and and again goes back to my other question of trying to find out how this is going to be staffed is it one person that we're backfilling or is it multiple people that were going to be hiring into the future so that could be a current current salary or it could be 500 $1,000 worth of more salaries so I want to make sure that I understand where we're going with that well let's separate what the plan says the plan says there should be a Pap administrator the plan doesn't tell you how to create that Pap administrator nor does it suggest how much that Pap administrator should be paid understood I appreciate it thank you thank you so much for the presentation of course greatly appreciated and I do agree with councilwoman Fischer and councilman quento this is definitely the route we need to go if we want to have and produce great art and Hoboken so thank you wonderful thank you so much thank you thank [Applause] you oh thank you well no because they're GNA not on the presentation okay because they can speak on public portion trying to make the meeting as we move on we have uh pretty uh uh public portion well agenda items on agenda items Tony sorz on C5 and C6 resolutions they'll move it Tony don't touch it don't touch it oh jeez how it works I don't need a microphone but anyway thank you I'm here tonight to talk on these two issu these two uh resolutions for the appointments um there's two people for two different positions but they're listed as the same position um and I'm just going to talk about I was a former former Council P president and I was also on the zoning board and I had a pretty good reputation for killing bad things and proving good things but one thing I never did as a public official even though I may do it privately with people is you know or on Twitter um is be Terri awful to the people who come before boards and if any of you are pointing one of these people tonight I hope you looked at past videos because the way the public is spoken to and applicants are members of the public and some of those people are international designers and Architects that come from all over that come before our city and they're talked to like they're dirt and one of the appointments tonight has that's up for just have never seen it something so bad and the way they're spoken to and that's a representative that's that's taken everywhere and you know I'm in real estate and I work with developers and they say to me like we went before the board but why do they have to be so me ne mean why did it be so rude to the public and and then we say it's that one person so the the appointments you you can do what you want but if anybody else acted like that if any of you acted like that you'd be voted out if any one of you you acted like that you'd want the you'd probably want to censor the other person or you know and I just don't understand and by the way Ruben Ramos 25 years on the council right the other person who's up tonight second longest serving person in the city of Hoboken 21 years since 20 22 since 2001 on this on the on the zoning board really like Not Elected appointed by various people but like why are what is it like we I when I make an say something people say to me oh well Tony we have 60,000 people in the town there's lots of people for these boards it doesn't seem like zoning is one like only two people in the whole city want it or only two people are qualified I am 100% behind Mr Firestone because I watched him in meetings um which are still on Zoom for some God knows what reason since the emergency was lifted a year ago um and the public can't really participate in the zoning board properly because you can't see the zoning plans on zoom and that is all under the the direction of the person that's coming up tonight one of the other people that's not Mr fir so I'm sorry you know you put your name up for public you can get public scrutiny I I really I'm not it doesn't matter U I'm just trying to say that don't hold the public to all these standards that you and you hold yourself to all these standards but you're not going to hold the appointments you make up to the same decorum that you want yourselves you hold your I don't hear any of you speak to the public like this nominee speaks to the public and I don't care if they're a developer or they're a t or they're or there's somebody they don't like they're rude and they're wrong and I can go through a list of dead businesses that couldn't get open or got denied after being dragged through the zoning board meetings and then denied after the Z after the applicant agrees to everything and it still gets voted down by a one deciding vote that's not the will and that's not the purpose of zoning bar Es are just like I use it it's it's almost like um a parole board they're giving you release of of something or or relief from a restriction based on your based on your your your application you can't go before a board and just say you know I'm I'm against everything because that that chair that nominee is against everything and I know I served on the board with Mr Cohen we had a great board we and I will say it again we approved the beer garden which was one of the toughest applications people were against it that didn't even live in the neighborhood and there were no residential there but we knew that you have to put the beer Gard in here now if you want outdoor thing because there's nothing around it so everyone who comes later on understands what they're getting into but I've seen Tuda Pesca denied I've seen bakeries denied I've seen I it's making you know making you national business real estate news that Hoboken got a ice cream shop at Ninth and Washington denight in the old Georgio space that at a tough time I mean drag out through the process now I might think it's the zoning it's not the zoning officer it's the Z we're not changing the master plan we're not changing the we're not changing members of the board you either have to say Okay this is the zoning we want and codify it all into the master plan as is and then the board doesn't have to vote the board can vote down variances but right now we have people that use the master plan to deny variances but but even even though we've updated the master plan we've just never codified it so the so we I mean some of the zoning board members they looked to the chair or the former chair what to do and now we're going to put that person that's basically drives every good application I've seen in the last couple of years into a ditch and one of them was dark Pines which was going to go on 12 Street which is a first class butcher shop getting written about and was in the top five businesses in New Jersey food in New Jersey monthly magazine it was denied in hobok it's thriving in Jersey City businesses that are thriving in Jersey City want to come to Hoboken because they make more money in Hoboken they actually do they want to be here but when they come to our boards down in that basement it might as well be called a grave because they go to that board and they get destroyed and they can't even get through a meeting in one application per night every other City gets multiple applications set they're picked apart it's almost like a cat that plays with a mouse and and then they and then it kills it after it plays with it that's what they do to the applications they they destroy people they it's it's it's so you know it's so Soul crushing to watch this great City I mean I saw this plan tonight great we're going to have great art what buildings are going to put it on what what lobbies are you going to put it on what you know you're going to put you're going to paint another electrical box I mean like come on you know I mean let's be honest with it like you either have to admit to yourselves we just want two family homes all over Hoboken or one family Brownstones and everything else were just going to hopefully distract I mean I I wish you would go back to revisit that corner ordinance because that corner ordinance ordinance was going to bring you exactly what Empire Coffee is that building five stories over 10et ret 10 foot of retail a six-story building on 100% loot coverage and I think there's plenty of people in this room and that think Empire Coffee is a great business and if you want to be an urban city and you kill the street life and you only relegate it to Washington Street you're going to have dead zones all over Hoboken and that's all part of zoning so that's why it applies to my to these two resolutions tonight thank you thank you very much Patricia waiters Patricia waiters and as you know by now yes I'm team Tony um um I I spoke I got opportunity to speak to Tony before this meet and not like y'all normally do it because y'all know the vote is already called it is it's a huge disrespect respect to people especially like me that apply for every board all the time but I don't have the vote but it don't bother me I tell yall that all the time because I'mma stay involved yes I will be at the zoning board I don't care if it's Doyle or whoever else I will confront you when you're wrong and it's very rude again tonight you whispering to president jingen natino and all of y'all it's a big disrespect okay y'all got to stop doing that and want respect from us members of the public you bringing these boring prison ation in we go do the same thing at this owner board am I right Manny all night long sitting there and the deal is already cut how disingenuine I am so happy with the exception of you Ruben I'm so happy that none of you never support me and none of you will and I would never want to be with nobody in no pictures on a team on a ticket that don't have integrity look like a bunch of greedy bums it's disgusting what I witnessed tonight I worked hard I had conversations with I even backed down and got beat up and abused with you miss fer and I can't simply be on the zoning board I reached out to all of y'all y'all know I go for every board there is every it ain't about no experience half of them been there damn near 30 years and ain't nothing getting done because they got to listen to a political interest or Ravi or who have the majority and the back door deal that was already cut I'm here to tell my 2,900 and something people that voted for me and support me I don't care about none of y'all it's too much hate going on in the world and I'mma take them boxing gloves off of my D on uh website because I'm not about anger I don't even want to you and whoever post tonight go ahead pack keep up the fight I'm not even fighting y'all no more I'm G sit right up here and look in all of your little crooked faces and think about all the campaign promises everybody hated Robbie like Everybody Hate Chris and we get here tonight and y'all cut deals and sitting here looking in our face so dising genuine and you still can't even appoint people to these boards with a little bit of Integrity so the people that live here could benefit y'all know this man don't need to be on the board again miserable Vendetta's in his heart and vote no on every single thing y'all got to stop voting no without an explanation I want to know why is no just because you don't like them or Ravi said we make the decide and vote so we going to put this one on the zoning board we got the majority vote on the planning board so we're going to put this one on the planning board all of the family and Housing Authority Pat please beg Emily Jabor and the mom's group so you could be on the Housing Authority board I don't want to be involved with nobody with no integrity and no ethics because I'm going still help the people without being on the board I'm going to still help them I'm going to still be that voice and I'm G Fight Hard and I'mma pray hard in May when Menendez go to court and shame on all the Democrats I hope he starts spitting out names I hope he spit SP out names and I hope people be expelled because y'all so cocky you don't care about members of the public you need a qu cuz you don't need nobody doing a presentation because it's a grand and money and everything is money and you don't care about us care for us out here sleep waiting to speak and the decisions is cut I'm hurt cuz I apply for the zoning the planning the hospital the preservation I'mma sit here anyway just so y'all can call somebody else to see how dirty you guys are why even posting that these boards is open why even post it and you already know who's going to be on the board Tony is the best candidate chevro was the best candidate because we didn't play into y'all politics rent control leveling residents got to suffer but Mr so will getting all the money still you're not going to put people on the board that want to do what's right and it's totally wrong and shame on everybody besides you cuz you ran on the pose and your work speak for itself you didn't need no politics ition you didn't need nobody to portray and got our whole Board of Education screwed up Mike and tonight you put Sheila on the stage to take a picture with you our kids ain't get no education they all home suspended the public school system failed and you could stand in the picture and put a big smile on your face that's like pouring sword in our wom man it hurts it hurts I don't want to come across angry I am very emotional it's a nationwide problem with the hate and the disparities that's going on in the R is it's sad come on y'all please do better do better especially you poor we went over hell in high water I knocked on Strangers doors that I don't even speak to do what's right if you know this ain't the right decision no you don't have to jump on nobody bandwagon and be that deciding vote do what's right for the people that live in Hoboken thank you thank you Manny Rivera seven soir thank you very much uh Madame council president uh congratulations uh I'm a little bit confused here I believe I speaking in consent agenda not speaking um on the presentation that was just made I didn't know that there was no public uh portion I guess we're voting on it thank you madam council president I was going to ask that very question uh I want to express myself again in this consent agenda as last meeting there was a a lengthy meeting and for some reason members of the public or a member of the public got uh uh beat down on it because it took very long it to took 3 hours well when you make a presentation that takes an hour and a half and then um people want to ask questions on 13 18 19 ordinances or uh consent agenda then there should be some patience and even if the meeting goes five hours it is not members of The public's fault it is whoever made the agenda council president so for this time I'm going to take it light but I will say this there are a lot of things in this agenda once again that were spoken by members of the public in regards to the people who are being appointed to these councils and to these boards and to these commissions and they do not they do not come before the people ever and they do not have the process of having an open presentation I for one have been on all those meetings I for one I'm in my perhaps sophomore year in going to as many meetings as humanly possible and I do see some people being mistreated I do see some people uh trying to also use as was mention and I mentioned the last time and I'm glad somebody else mentioned it the master plan to favor whichever side the master plan could conformed to at the time and at the moment that a presentation of an applicant is being done so I think that it is disingenuine when a new council is sworn in or almost a new Council that we do not get we the people who voted for you do not get the clear answers that we need we need them now Council president we're asking you to be that voice now we're asking new members to be that voice let us hear the names of these people let us know why you believe these are the correct people why does a person have to be 20 years 60 years when there are people dying with all their hearts to be volunteers to any of these boards the art board the shade tree trust me I for one and one of those people but also there are many people like Miss waiters and others Mr sorz would be a great choice if he would choose to serve again but this is what I am saying we need more transparency now that we starting a new in 2024 there were a lot of things that were not answered in 20123 because the agenda was too long but today I would like to know before my time is up being that you had a presentation and no one was able to speak when you vote on that presentation can you tell members of the public where all your question question satisfied in that resolution that you're going to vote to tonight which is uh I believe is E1 in environmental services are there any loopholes in there do we know exactly that is written that you will not be hiring another head of department for $100,000 will it be for sure in that resolution that is going to be for the cultural Affairs is the 1% that million dollar or 2 million that was mentioned is that going to be appropriately appropriately allocated because and by the way that number seems very low considering all the bonds that went through in 2023 and you can start with just one that was like 4 million another one you know there was a lot of money being allocated so this is this is too much I don't even want to go again to be the broken record to ask corporate counsil why the this money is being spent to ask Environmental Services just please when you vote on things let us know council president let the members Express themselves we need more transparency or else what is going to happen why do we come and ask you questions it's not because we want to hear or see or or try to grandis ourselves for anything it's because neighbors ask us the questions or at least my specific person and sometimes I say well you know you need to go to the meetings and I ask everybody to come to the meetings again not to be abused like I was and many others were last year on Zoom meetings and otherwise and shut down when we are going to ask a question to an applicant and we're told you cannot ask that question why can't I ask a question I could ask the question the applicant has the full right to say no and by the way almost 95% of the applicants come with a lawyer meaning if the lawyer says do not answer that question they will not answer the question so let members of the public speak in all of the meetings open up the Arts commission to the people so at least they can see it Madam counc president if if that's something that the council could do let more people into the process so that way there is more confidence in all of you I believe that this is the time to start a new I believe that each and every one of you has the best intentions possible but if the people do not hear it and if the people do not see it in your actions they will not they will not trust you again so thank you Madame council president I will come back later in public portion thank you thank you we have no other members signed up to speak in public portion motion to close motion second all in favor I oh I did your part uh resolution CL three resolution appointing Jim do as c224 clar 3 city council representative representative of the hobok and planning board any council members M you just spoke you already spoke on everything oh no see I thought you're doing the resolution sear we never do resolutions separately they're all together thank you Mr finina call the vote Mr con I Mr Doyle i m fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr pranano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo I president gtino yes resolution cl4 resolution designating official newspapers for legal advertisements for the city of hobok for 2024 council members please call the vote Mr Kina Mr con I Mr d i m Fitcher yes Mr Jabor yes Mr Pano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo I president Geno yes before you before you read cl5 which is the appointment of John brancher Forte to serve as a full plan a regular planning board commissioner for four years uh I'd like to amend that to be a first alternate and I believe councilman Doyle has provided you with that Jerry um for a two-year term first alternate two-year term and I just want to say I did speak with um John brancha Forte and I was happy to see that he's willing to take a step back to give other people the opportunity but his voice which we all not all but many of us appreciate over the last 20 years on the zoning board will still be there so hopefully this can be a unanimous vote council members uh Mr Pina call the vote uh cl5 as amended Mr con hi the Dole I fiser yes Mr javor yes Mr provano no Mr Cano I Mr Ramos no Mr Russo no president gtino yes uh resolution cl6 resolution appoint ing Steven Firestone for serve as commissioner for the hoken Zoning Board of adjustment for 4year ter please call the vote Mr pinao Mr con I Mr Doyle I Mr fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr prano I Mr Cano I Mr Ramos I Mr Russo I president gtino yes uh c l seven resolution confirming the appointment of Lardo aor as fourth alterate commissioner for the hobok City Zoning Board for adjustment for two-year term isn't just just to confirm it's it is the term is two years but this is just correcting that he was only appointed to a one-year term so it does have expiring in 20 24 December it's not a new nomination correct it's a correction M call the vote Mr Mr Co hi Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr perano yes Mr Cano I Mr Ramos I Mr Russo I president gtino yes resolution cl8 resolution of the city of Hoboken appointing Ruben Ramos Jr for the hokam business Alliance Board of Trustees please call the vote Mr finina Mr con I Mr Doyle i m fiser yes Mrs Jabor yes Mr President Zano I Mr Cano I Mr Ramos I Mr Russo I president gtino thank you yes cl9 resolution appointing Tiffany fiser to the Hoboken University Medical Center board of directors please call the vote Mr finina Mr con I Mr Doyle i m fiser yes Kino yes I'm sorry Mrs Jabor oh yes presid prano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes cl10 resolution of the city of Hoboken city council appointing Emily Jabor to the Cannabis review board please call the vote Mr Kina Mr con I Mr Doyle hi Fisher yes Mr Jabor yes Mr prano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes one second Mr finina Corporation councel can we just vote on cl1 through cl13 at the same time if Mr frina reads all three of their names yes thank you so just read all of their names and we'll vote on all three is is Council okay with that yes yes uh representative city council appointing Diane imish Ralph cap Paso and medalia pan Milano the city council representative to the Hoboken Arts committee please call the vote Mr frina Mr con I Mr Doyle I Fisher yes Mr Jabor yes trevano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes um f F1 resolution authorizing temporary Appropriations for the calendar year 2024 council members um m m director for frean there was one on here that I did have a question on sure that service yeah but let's find it yeah The Debt Service on principal I thought that was by annually is this the total amount and then on the ne yeah is this just the total we yeah we allocate all 100% of our debt service at the beginning of the year what's that dollar amount council president if you could read it 6.9 million 20 for 2024 yeah 6.9 million but wasn't the question do we do it every other year yes could we pay it in the beginning of the year so it isn't by anually I don't know why I thought it was yeah no so did someone else say something no oh okay Mr finina call the vote Mr con hi Mr Doyle hi Mr Fisher yes Mr Jabor yes Mr prano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes council president ARR is a consent agenda uh council members on items to be pulled just CC 14 council president A1 and E1 F5 uh councilwoman uh what did you say what number A1 cc14 cc14 thank you no I I hurt the others I just want to let me just real quick who said E5 F5 I was goingon to say because there is none Frank don't put the bottom just so Mr F please call the vote on everything but A1 E1 F5 and cc14 Mr Cohen hi Doyle hi M Fisher yes Mr Jabor yes Mr President Zano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos I Mr Russo I president gtino yes a one A1 resolution awarding a contract for stop loss Insurance deoya councilman thank council president um did we uh in this finalized contract did we remove the um aggregate amount the aggregate coverage we did yes so could you just explain for for the benefit of the public what the aggregate does and why it's there and why why we made the decision to remove the ACT sure so the aggregate coverage um enters the equation essentially when we hit a certain threshold of dollars spent so our stop loss coverage is essentially the city's Insurance on insurance so any individual claimant that uh has medical bills that exceed $300,000 for the Year this is when our stoploss program kicks in in the event that we were to spend over I believe 30 about to get to $33 million is when the aggregate coverage um would kick in um in conversations with both our broker and our thirdparty administrator and our finance team we don't believe and are not concerned that the city is going to hit that $33 million Mark so we made the decision to remove the aggregate deductible which would essentially save the city about $135,000 annually so we've removed our the one thing that protects us just in case we go above a certain threshold in dollar amount spent on insurance coverage yes okay have we ever needed it in the past we have not used it no thank you other council is Voya new no we've used Voya for the last four years Mr finina call the vote Mr Cohen he stepped out he stepped out Mr Doyle i m fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr President Zano I Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos I Mr Russo I president Jan you know yes E1 resolution to adopt the Hoboken art plan councilwoman fer no councilman Russo oh thank you thank you council president uh and it's really just for a vote and and a quick comment I'm just I'm just concerned about where this goes and how we're going to fund this uh into the future I don't know who's going to be that administrator I don't know what the cost is going to be associated with that I don't know what we plan on doing when we can't use our 1% in our bonding uh I just feel like it's going to wind up becoming another another thing in the city of Hoboken that's just going to cost the taxpayers a lot of money so I in good conscience cannot vote on this tonight councilwoman Fischer yep um what I would say is the the plan actually doesn't require us to do anything it's um just putting in place a framework for us then to think about if we want to be a serious um art installer within our community and we have the discretion over time both in the budgeting process as well as just um as we think about how much resources we want to spend we we will always have the discretion um to make those decisions and this isn't committing the city to do anything it's just being able to put more professional resources and a framework in place so that as we grow in and decide even if our starting point is something as simple as spending the $2 million if we want to spend the $2 million we need to think about not only the $100,000 for the piece of art that we want to put in one of our Parks but what does it cost to maintain that beyond that we've not really done anything of that we've put some beautiful mural murals up and really nothing else and even our consultant um said to us probably one of the most expensive maintenance types of art to maintain is actually murals right they start fading they can be destroyed and and trying to get in and maintain an upgrade and brighten a mural is very difficult we drove by my dad and sister and I drove by um the big David Boe one in Jersey City and you could see that it's so faded right there's no way that they're going to be able to go and brighten it so um just even having that simple piece of advice as we think about how we want to install art around our city um I just think this gives us a path and we can decide how fast we want to go down that path how it gets funded one of the things he didn't talk about about was here today was having their experience can also identify like grant funding we can look and see what other cities do um and how they raise funding this is not a burden on doesn't have to be a greater burden on taxpayers um than we already have which is the 1% that we've already um committed to it's what we want to do with it but it just lays out a path for us to consider taking and one that is professionally prepared and I hope everyone else I hope councilman Russ rep it but he said he wouldn't but I hope everyone else does thank you other council members yeah I the cultural Affairs uh position was that parttime or full-time full full full-time and if we approve this tonight it basically gives we can hire a Pap or the person that they want to put in charge or is this just we're just saying that we're going to take this plan just the framework it's just the framework there's no money whatsoever no and through but there's also they can't spend any money without coming to us so okay okay if they come back and they say yeah we want to hire someone for half a million dollars I'm pretty certain we will all vote no on that okay I'll take that job other council members Mr finina call the vote Mr con I Mr Doyle i m fiser hi Mr Jabor yes Mr pres president Zano I Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo no joro yes F5 resolution designating depositories for the city of hoboken's funds yes it was me um I wanted to make sure that we're doing some Prudence here with um with svb failure with the regional banking system that we're not putting all our eggs in one basket I looked at some of the lists on there um I guess can't see Jason through sorry sorry yeah no it's it's our constant struggle that we're looking at things here that we're kind of spreading our funds across everybody only because I don't want to see us have an issue that some people did in that situation um it's not it's not everyone it's not all of them but there not all not all of our money is in one bank account no okay that's what I wanted to make sure thank you Mr finina call the vote Mr con hi Mr D hi Mr fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr President Zano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes what am I CC CC 14 it's actually missing from mine missing C oh no that's CL sorry it's not missing from mine cc14 resolution awarding a professional service contract to the tailor Law Group LLC and the amount of $35,000 for special Council General litigation it's just such a big number I was curious what it is and I don't recognize the name sorry I don't recognize the name and maybe they've been there before they it just so all the attorneys that are on are on from work like that's continuing from last year yeah um so I can get you a list of all the things that they're assigned to is there and they just do more than everyone else they have the biggest number um some of that might just be because of the activity so the question that was posed to all the firms and we did an analysis on what's your activity going to be in the next three months so sometimes litigation like stalls like if you're just in the discovery phase or um like for instance I know this on one particular case they're assigned to which is public record the culture case and they're going to court tomorrow on that so they having their Cas have aced anything canis councilman just to add the reason you don't recognize the name is it was an attorney working on the case that then left the firm he was at carried the case with him to a new firm got it thanks Mr call the vote Mr con I Mr Doyle I tacer um I am obs stain on cc9 no on cc2 and yes on the rest voted on the other one we already voted oh you're right I it's a new don't yeah M Jor yes it's too late that's right president I Mr Cano I Mr r i Russo hi president gtino yes ordinances not amending we reopen A1 for A1 for um councilman Cohen to vote resolution awarding a contract for stop loss insurance for Voya please call the vote Mr Bina we're just reopening it for him uh on the Mr con hi yes Doyle I Fisher yes Mr Jabor yes Mr prano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president yes council president can we reopen cc9 I need to abstain on it cc9 resolution awarding a contract renewal with cron now yeah LLC in the amount of $5,000 for General litigation special Council please call the vote cc9 cc9 cc9 Mr con I Mr Doyle i m fiser abstain I think uh Mrs Jabor yes pavano hi Cano hi Mr Ramos abstain I have to obain Mr Russo hi president gtino I think you have to abstain abstain and and just to clarify cc14 I was a yes did I say no I meant to say yes you yes you said yes okay Jerry public portion Jerry I I did it no we got two okay oh forgot about those let's do the two ordinances yes all right ordinance I on that one as much ordinance introduction and ordinance amend in lease le brono pizza cor Corporation Al alyso please call the vote Mr Pina Mr con I Mr Doyle I Mr fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr Pano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes for introduction I get it right now okay ordinance for introduction ordinance amending North End Redevelopment plan for the North End Rehabilitation area please call the vote Mr fro Mr Co hi Mr Doyle i m fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr Pano I Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes public portion oh no one we got one more resolution I'm sorry cd2 resolution of the city of hobok and referring ordinance amending the Northend Redevelopment plan for the North End Rehabilitation area that the city of hobok and planning board for review and Report pursuant the local Redevelopment and Housing law njsa 48 colon 12 a-7 please call the vote Mr con hi Mr Doyle hi Fisher yes Mr Jabor yes Mr pres ano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes Public public portion Steven Dunn Mr dun welcome back good even nice to see you all microphone good evening nice to see you all um I have a modest proposal which is I propose that the portion that any one speaker uses of the public portion be limited to an aggregate of 10 minutes we have some people that speak several times using masses amounts of time and the problem of that is it's cruel to you all because you're stuck here you're and you it's not like you're overpaid you're paid something like $30,000 or something and given that you some of you might be tempted to say take this job and shove it because of the inconsiderateness of using consuming that amount of time so that's all I have to say and thank you all for what you do you're outstanding group and I appreciate the service that you give thanks again thank you Steve welcome back Steve happy Pat Patricia Waiters yeah don't tell me now about three years ago Pat waiters about three years ago I stopped speaking on every agenda item and evidently it rubbed off on Manny but Manny is a little different from me cuz see I would have spoke anyway cuz I'm a resident that live here okay and I deserve to know what's going on in my community so if it take all night I suggest that the council members with all due respect it work for Jersey City it work for Union City it work for C caucus it work for the freeholders have a caucus y'all Babble back and forth have a caucus some of y'all sit up here and talk a dead out of sleep and y'all talk a long time too especially with those presentations it's a disrespect to us so feel our feeling feel our pain have a caucus get all of the business out and then On th on Wednesday it's our time read the open Sunshine meeting laws a public meeting is for the public okay so if if you don't want to do it and you don't want to hear people talk or Babylon stop running for most of you running cuz y'all know y'all can and don't give two cents about members of the public I got to get up here and argue with you and point people out I can't lose my chain of door I'mma start speaking on every item Manny and use every mid of my five minutes thank you I don't even know if I could even ask Mr Russo I mean I it's hard when you hope people could give you true answers the $33 million that you mentioned earlier about the is that the employees medical insurance and is it linked anyway to A8 under resolutions cuz that's employees insurance U Jason please can you just continue wait it's it's his resolution but I want the answers from you Mr Freeman if you don't mind business administrator council president waers just continue no I I really want to know cuz I'm going go on to my next thing I marked it together A1 and um A8 is the same go into your next thing and I did just so you know four resolutions I gave you s minutes to speak because you signed up for all of them if you sign up for one you get five minutes right but I can still talk about you talk about whatever you want and this all I want to know is the there is no back and forth between okay I want to know the numbers for that but we want answers too council president with all due respect this ain't your first time being council president again I don't want to come up here for a boxing match I just want simple answers and for Jerry Fall's job is that Jerry Fall's job I'm saying it right where her job is not on the agenda it's not no could you tell me when you're going to put it on the agenda so I can apply I would like a chunk of change it won't be on the agenda all right let me let me okay let me finish and Mr Ramos congratulations I I know business owners is clapping today for you and a business owners oh I want to apologize to whoever said Pat when my daughter and me made an outburst it's a little embarrassing that was my daughter sitting in the front with me she came to the meeting and she left and I have I told her I I would regret if I don't say this cuz she worked for the school district my 26- year old daughter she said Ma I'm a you a proud product of me she worked at the she graduated the charter schools and the public school systems and and she said it I'm I'm a educator sitting here working real hard 26 years old pay her own bills pay everything does integrity really matter mine she got up cuz it turned her stomach and she walked away my daughter had conversations with you Mr Russo me and you when we went back and forth before the election we sat right here both my son and my daughter and it's a little disappointing because they still want to know why I still love and respect you because that's what I'm trying to instill in them we're going to get people that lie to us we're going to get people that hurt us and she works in the district and she know how her mother's being treated and she couldn't take it no more she got up emotionally you can ask the cop about to cry I said I told you before mommy strong I'm strong I want you to be a product of me I don't bow down to every little thing the way we be mistreated we don't do it in return we return it with love so I apologize for me and for her that sat here she paying her own master's degree we don't have privilege okay she got her bachelor's at monla we work hard so it's hard to tell my daughter have integrity and respect and she see people standing here willing and dealing like Doyle and Delila that did not want to run for office and ran and they not going to serve of us I'm closing saying this proverb a African proverb thanks to Vanessa Falco too and this is how we feel and this is why I got emotional I want this definitely Place African proverb I'm not going to say the writer's name there are very few things as painful and destructive to our psyche as being rejected from a community that we depend on I'm closing it with that cuz I will never stop depending on Hoboken and it shouldn't be the old versus the new cuz each and every one of you that was with Robie and most of y'all came from Wall Street tarnished Peter Camaro talked about all of that and all yall doing the same thing all of y'all doing the same thing good night old hoken will stand strong and that's me have a good night thank you have a good night Roberto we have the answer one question she had with I'll just do it at the end thank you I appreciate the reminder sorry um only one I am uh fully with councilman Russo I think he he he I I would like to know um he asked the question uh about the assessment of Maintenance and that's not covered by the 1% what about the actual maintenance is that covered by the 1% or has to be U new Arts Works only that are covered by the 1% funding um I think we are very fast and and as you can see in in uh today's resolution we are giving money to consultants and law firms like there's no tomorrow and uh and that's got to stop I think we got to really think about this we've already gone through a number of um you know art beautification projects in the past and without needing to balloon the the budget in excess um on the two points that uh uh councilman fiser talked about uh with the developers the developers pay for their artwork so that should not come out from the 1% and the on the parks if we have a park we already paying a huge amount for the design and development of the park if there's any art it should be included in that it should not be a separate we we already are paying way above the market for the uh the parks that we already have um on alyso lease this is just a curiosity you amended it so that the 500 ft that is uh the seating area is no longer uh you charge rent and the unusable space I I want I understand the unusable space I guess the uh 500 square F feet is because it's public seating and um okay so if there is an occasion where people are being ushered out because they're not purchasing that's a violation of the lease correct and the the curious and this is just to satisfy my curiosity um I saw a lot of Clauses in there in the leas including the prohibition to sell wax candy and gum I'm not sure what that but I didn't see anything about non-smoking but I imagine that smoking in Parks is forbidden so it's in that actual space is forbidden as well okay the last thing I wanted to bring out is uh something um that I it's been concerning me because it it it's getting closer um and um we had the news about C cauas receiving migrants and I want the council to start thinking what are we going to do if we get a shipment of migrants into Hoboken train station and uh and uh I don't know that we're prepared I know this is something has to be dealt with uh the uh the right departments the police department the security whatever the housing department but um I I think we got to be proactive because this is doesn't seem to it's going to stop so hopefully you will consider in some some fashion what what would happen if you know 400 or 500 people arrive in hokan train station um of undocumented arrivals anyway thank you very much Happy New Year hopefully 24 will be better than 23 thank you thank you Edward Ree hey everybody how you doing I actually wanted to follow up on that topic about migrants to kind of give some thoughts on that and I think personally we should be welcoming buses of migrants to Hoboken right now in the news they've mainly been talking about migrants going through New Jersey as a means to get to New York but here's the truth of what's Happening people are just going up to the Border they're surrendering to border uh they're they're surrendering at the border they're claiming a Asylum and then the government is like okay you can stay in America for however many years it takes in order for us to have your court date so the whole system is completely ridiculous that you just walk up to the Border in like Texas or Arizona or California or wherever else you walk up to the Border you Just Surrender at the border and then they say Okay show up in court 5 years later right and then go wherever you want in America and it doesn't make sense and those people just end up in the in the United States and you know they got to be taken care of and the federal government isn't doing enough to take care of them so um in the southern states or in Texas most notably they don't have the resources to take care of all the migrants at the border and they're sending them in to other parts of the country because you know it it is what it is so I say um I think uh you know why shouldn't New Jersey also take care of folks why does it just have to be Texas or just have to be New York or wherever else I think um if we're going to you know and yes in a perfect world the federal government would fix the issue in a perfect world we would have some better system where if you're actually fleeing persecution or freeing a bad fleeing a bad situation and you legitimately want to come to America to try to claim Asylum as a refugee there should be an like a proper process for dealing with refugees where it can't it isn't just like anyone who shows up at the border gets a dat 5 years ahead and then you just hang out in America for 5 years with no other um controls in place over the fact that over your claim to being a a refugee or seeking Asylum it it also doesn't quite make sense that there's a lot of folks who are coming from all around the world like it's definitely not just a case of Latin America it's every country in the world oh a lot of folks are supposedly fleeing persecution or hardship all around the world so they go to Mexico which is not necessarily as economically well off as America but is far more stable and economically well off than a lot of other countries they're going to Mexico which theoretically could be a place that could take in refugees too but instead they're coming to the Border they're being like hey I want asylum in America and we're just like come on in and um here's a court date in 5 years and you're here and then the people in Texas are like you know these people need to be cared for in terms of Social Services why should only Texas have to deal with it and for that matter why should only New York have to deal with it you know if there you know people down south and are sending uh the the refugees all around the country to spread the burden on different states like I think New Jersey should uh Embrace um you know the values here I think there was um the the mayor of um Hoboken recently commented about something that the mayor of Edison New Jersey said where the mayor of Edison was very much like you know don't send the migrants here we don't want them you're going back to the border and Ravi Bala what he said in his tweet was um you know we need to the federal government needs to fix the issue but you know you you should be nice and respectful or something along those lines but the truth is the federal government isn't going to fix the issue because the truth is that most people will vote for Democrats even though they know they're awful because they can't stand Republicans and I talked to my parents at Christmas I was like you guys want to fix this issue they're like we do want to fix the issue but we'll never vote for a Republicans so that's just how it is and that's the truth tons and tons of people out there just hate Republicans so much they will vote for Democrats even though they know at the federal level Biden and folks are not going to fix the Border issue and I just want to take care I'm a humanitarian and well okay that's a really pretentious thing to say but let me rephrase we should take care of you know we should be nice and respectful and anyone who comes in the Border take care of them but like we can't have this crazy system but it's never going to get fixed trust me we're never fixing the Border issue we just have to to State and local authorities just have to be loving and caring and take care of migrants and it's never going to get fixed at the federal issue no one's ever going to fix imigration it's too divisive and so the only thing we can do is open up Hoboken to migrants come on the buses open up your houses let migrants live in your houses as a spiritual thing maybe not practically but have the mindset that you would allow that you know so love and peace cuz it's never getting fixed because people will not vote for for for democ sorry people won't vote for Republicans even though the Democrats wrong on this issue I spoke to my parents at Christmas that's what they said thank you I like it Manny Rivera Solair sh sh oh yeah I mean have you seen what he gave me you're not what all right Manny con congratulations Madame council president once again council president must be unpr presidented congratulations we Hoboken knites are waiting and hoping that this year would be and will be different with your tenure once again and with the help of all the council members that there be Goodwill and I'm not even going to get into conversations with fellow members of the public who do not see who do not see the importance when a member of the public speaks tries to get and dig information get the facts even if it takes all night they are not being cruel the agenda is being cruel Madame council president are you are you able to hear me yeah thank you thank you I would like to now because I don't like to speak to members of the public individually I just want to ask all members of the public to please this year is important lots of things are going to happen in Hoboken I ask you to please join the planning board meeting it is on January 9th there is a topic in there that even the hobokin historic preservation commission is involved and would is dying to speak it's too 14 Hudson Street they're trying to demolish 180 year old building or at least move it and make it something it is not changing the architecture of the city the landscape that is so I ask members of the public to join that meeting and I ask also members of the public to come to all the meetings if they could or some some of them are on Zoom as was mentioned before the historic preservation and the zoning board are all important because they all change the Topography of our city I ask you to please join me I am just one person but with all of you I can try to help us save or at least maintain some of our City's architecture in place and and also I ask the people's help Madam council president there is a project also it is not historical but it is a landmark it is something that people come to Hoboken and if you tell them meet me at the Capital One clock they know exactly where they're going to be at so if you could help you Madame council president members of the council members of the public that meeting has not been posted yet but that one is going to be in the zoning board we are asking just for the developers to at least consider again I say it here because I can't say it there to consider placing some type of a clock a digital clock whether it be on the facade of the building if possible or inside of the building where is noticeable it's going to be glass there so they can do it the developers are amable it all depends on what what can be spoken of in that meeting but I hope we can help us save that or at least bring a clock back to the corner of third and Washington Street I appreciate Council for your attention I appreciate the members of the public for their attention remember the meetings are also being recorded and you can see them digest them at your own pace so with that have been said council president I would just like to say excuse me on January 6 those people who are of Catholic descent and those people who um enjoy the culture of Hispanic or Spanish history follow the tradition of the three kings so I would like to wish everyone hoken that celebrates happy Epiphany Fel again Happy Three Kings Day to you all thank you Madame coun President and good luck in your tenure to you all thank you Annie we have no other members of P the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion motion second come up James I missed you okay missed you too I don't mean like that I meant on the good evening um okay I'm going to work this microphone correctly uh I'm going to talk about the culture of the police because it's very involved with the city council as you come up to the budget season okay um people's lives are on the line when you talk about the police and the police budget we're coming up to a two-year anniversary of a policeman that died now it didn't happen it didn't happen in Hoboken but it happened in North Bergen the policeman's name was Julio Nora every article about him they spoke wonderfully about him him his family spoke wonderful about him he was 28 when he died in a car crash on the way to work I believe the culture of the police has become that we're acting like they're superheroes they're told they're superheroes and they're believing it themselves and they are putting themselves at risk and when it comes time for a budget you should walk into the process and undress it from the beginning and exactly understand what is happening in the police culture there is a lot of money on the line with police salaries it's a huge percentage of the budget when you go and look at the budget and you look at how much the police are are getting what's happening in that culture there is it a pressure cooker are they are they competing with each other to be perfect are they are they are they busting out at the seams with overtime and their quality of life is off and it's affecting them here's a young officer that died his background you know death in in rest in peace this officer Julio Nora two years anniversary coming up on Jan January 8th what was the what's this culture of police that were the that that's causing these police officers to die um it's too much and what else is how else were they reacting of course the public knows about the backlash with the police but I'm I'm standing up for their what they're going through and also how we're treating them all of a sudden we have a a parade one day over 200 businesses boarded up their their their their businesses with with with completely boarded up we have a parade down the street this is back in 2022 who are our cops now they're National Guardsmen I don't know they didn't sign up for that we've got we've got police that are protecting political political figures now they're secret servicemen they're they're they're being asked to do too much then we're we're telling them they're superheroes then we're paying them like superheroes and everything is spiraling out of control so with your power of the of the purse you can take it from the beginning and start over and and heal things and make it a better process and a better police force thank you thank you we have no other members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion motion second all in favor I um Ruben you remember the question councilman Ramos yeah 33 million million to health insurance correct for the health insurance correct yeah could you respond to that do you remember oh you're saying yes correct thank you thank you leing I'm I'm sorry the answer was yeah that was it not directly no we go close mot motion to close second all in favor meeting journ thank you what about the 1% question thank you