[Music] [Applause] good [Applause] evening good evening everyone we're going to get started welcome to the March 2024 Hoboken Board of Education meeting thank you all for being here if you're joining us this evening to speak on agenda or non-agenda items please use the signup sheets located at the podium down in front miss good can you please read the statement of compliance this meeting is being held in Conformity to the this meeting is being held in Conformity to the open public meeting Act njsa 10 col 4-6 proper public notice of the meeting was published in the local papers on January 5th 2024 which was our annual notice if any board member or member of the public and attendance believe that the meeting is in violation of the open Public's meeting act the whole welome Board of Education request that they make a state at this time the board wishes to make those in attendance aware that this meeting is being recorded on video and will be broadcast by the board at a later date on catv channel 77 and files channel 46 the full meeting recording will also be made available on board docs which can be accessed to the district homepage the Hoboken board of education is committed to preserving the deor of the public process and is mindful that we live in the electronic age of computer cell phone and other electronic community ation devices nevertheless we respectfully request that all Mee and participants kindly silence their electronic devices to on the course of the meeting and if use of the device is necessary we ask that you please leave the meeting room if you need to conduct personal business please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all miss good can you please call the [Applause] role Miss Angley here miss katamori here miss delira here Mr delator here Mr Grana here miss kanana here Mr kful here M Norwood here M mcer here you have a quan thank you so much Miss good tonight is my favorite meeting of the year and I think I can say that on behalf of everybody who is up here in addition to recognizing our students of the month for the month of February we will also be recognizing our Governor's teacher and Educational Services Professionals of the year we are so proud and grateful for all of you so for the recognition portion of the meeting I'm going to turn it over to our assistant superintendent of schools Miss Sandra Rodriguez [Applause] Gomez good evening members of our Board of Education superintendent Dr Johnson administrators faculty families and students let me Begin by wishing you all a Happy women's History Month the the theme this year is women who advocate for Equity diversity and inclusion as we celebrate women's History Month in our classrooms and at home we reflect upon the advances women have made including increased earnings educational attainment and job opportunities I want to thank all of the women on our Board of Education our superintendent of schools the women who are Educators and leaders and those here with us today to honor our students now while all of our board meetings are special tonight is as our president has shared an extra special one as we will [Applause] be as y okay good as we will be celebrating both our students of the month for the month of February and our governor teachers and Educational Services Professionals of the Year tonight Hoboken Public Schools will have yet another reason to show off we will Begin by honoring our students of the month and then transition to our Governor's awardees in a seamless fashion as always I am honored to stand before you as our amazing principles come up to the podium and celebrate our students first and our staff later in the words of Marva Collins success doesn't come to you you've got to go to it please give us your attention as we celebrate our students and all of their heart work their dedication and their desire to Simply put go to it we will begin the recognition with Joseph F Bran's principal Mr Bartlett he will hold the Applause he will celebrate his selection at the podium and will then introduce the Connor's principal Miss Addie she will follow the same pattern introducing our next presenters principal Shannon of Wallace Elementary principal sorine of Hoboken middle school and principal Petra of Hoboken High School once the students have been honored I will come back up to the podium share brief comments and then each principal will return to share thoughts on their schools Governor's awardees as the children will to take pictures so will the adults They will receive the governor's awardees will receive their Awards and flowers and will stand by for pictures with their administrator and families with that I will ask the principal of the Joseph F Brans School Charles Bartlett to please join me at the [Applause] [Music] podium thank you Mrs Rodriguez Gomez good evening Dr Johnson and members of the board and our guests tonight at this time I would like to ask Emerson Marsh to come join me at the [Applause] podium on the side you got to do we stand here all right congratulations to Emerson Marsh our brand Elementary School student of the month for February 2024 Emerson was nominated by his fourth grade teacher Miss rism Miss rism said Emerson is a diligent and kind-hearted student who cares deeply about his role in the classro he is a role model consistently de demonstrating commitment to growing as a learner and Community member Emerson is so deserving of this award the growth he has shown since September both academically and socially is commendable he puts everything into everything he does he has an extremely kind heart and is funny and is simply a good person I couldn't agree more Emerson is one of the students I've had the privilege of watching grow and mature over my time at Brand to say he has grown by Leaps and Bounds is an understatement and I cannot be more proud of him for exhibiting maturity and social emotional and academic growth Emerson is a straight A student constantly striving to do better he's been awarded the principal award which means he got straight a at our school pep rallies he pays close attention to lessons and often shares his Insight Emerson brings so much to the table at Brand not only does he care about academics but he also takes special interest in being the best version of himself he leads by example the skills he have he has will prove useful in years to come Emerson loves video games exploring outside rocks and seag glass basketball and soccer he especially loves Legos Emerson wants to become a Lego designer creating new pieces and sets he loves that you can make an entire creation out of little plastic boxes when told he would be honored as student of the month Emerson said our school is really good we work hard and try our best and do what we can to make others feel good and try to be our best selves this honor is really great for me my mind is blown that I got picked but I'm not surprised since I know who I am but there are so many other people who could have been chosen we admire your com confidence and belief in yourself Emerson and it's been a pleasure to watch you develop over the years please join me in a round of applause for Emerson Marsh our brand school student of the month all right [Applause] bu back here [Applause] for you at this time I would like to call to the podium the principal of the Connor Elementary School Mrs Juliana [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Addie we are first going to recognize our January student of the month as he was not able to come to the last Board of Ed meeting at this time I would like to call up Kieran cross the Connor student of the month for January Kieran cross is a fifth grader in Miss Lauren Shy's Home Room class Miss schy shared that Kieran is a star student in class he is always focused on his classwork and strives to always do his best when Kieran is confused about something or wants to know more about a topic he is not afraid to speak speak up and ask questions he treats others with respect and is a role model for his peers academically Kieran is meeting and exceeding all expectations whenever Kieran learns A New Concept he is ready and prepared to participate and ask questions in order to get a clear understanding of the topics presented Kieran takes all of his assignments seriously and always wants to do his best while pushing past his goals k is a thoughtful and caring student to his teachers and Friends he is respectful and follows all classroom and school rules Kieran treats everyone kindly and makes others feel welcome and included Kieran shared that when he grows up he wants to be a lawyer he said that he really enjoyed the mock trial last year in fourth grade not counting Jim recess or lunch his favorite subjects are math and cryptology in cty his favorite book series is a Diary of a Wimpy Kid because it's funny and entertaining his favorite book that he read in school is BFG because he loved the idea that the Giants are a secret outside of school Kieran is on the hobooken United soccer team and plays the right back defensive position he plays deener in the Harry Potter theater production and has had the theater bug since kindergarten one of the fa one of his favorite parts of Connors is that it super diverse and that he has friends at school from all over the world he shared that he loves all of the students and teachers Kieran shared that he's going to miss the small feel Vibe of Connor's and the closeness he has with his teachers but he's looking forward to making additional friends when he goes on to Middle School his mom and dad are so proud that Kier Kieran is such a caring person and that he wants to make a difference in people's lives and really help people for example last night when his friends lost a basketball game he wanted to come up with an idea to cheer up his classmates so he decided to make treat bags for all of them he is such an amazing big brother to Sean and loves and cares for him so much his level of empathy is topnotch and always wants to be there for everyone Kieran truly has all of the qualities of a Conor's koala we are so proud of you Kieran and we will miss you when you move on to Middle School can everyone please join me in a round of applause to congratulate here in Cross the Conor's District student of the month for [Applause] January did Laya if she comes back we're going to do hers in a little bit at this time I would like to call up the Wallace principal Mr Martin [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Shannon good evening we are here tonight to celebrate Lucas garzone our Walla school student of the month for February 2024 Lucas was nominated by his pre- teacher Mrs Felino who describes Lucas as a student who has shown tremendous growth since September not only academically but socially and emotionally as well he is always willing to work loves to try new things and learn participates nicely in class and is often seen helping other students with their backpacks or when they drop something Etc Lucas is also improving on his speech and working hard to express himself more Lucas is a sweet boy who is always smiling and happy rarely is he ever upset or disagreeing with other students he's a great asset to the to his classroom as well as the Wallace school as he is a role model and someone other students can look up to and emulate as his principal I appreciate his hard work how he supports his friends and his overall kindness being a wildcat means not only being academically on point but also to treat classmates teachers and staff with respect by valuing each as an individual respecting differences and appreciating the work that others do Lucas's favorite thing in the whole wide world is Mickey Mouse he absolutely adores anything Mickey related a fun fact about Lucas is that he has a brother Christian in Miss Lanza's class so he's always excited to see him on the playground or at dismissal Miss Diana one of the classroom Paris says he is very sweet he loves to show us anything he brings into school and he is very nice to the other students he's also very good at cleaning up Lucas is truly the epitome of a Wallace Wildcat he is kind he's determined and a role model to all and because of this we are all so very proud of you let's hear for Lucas our Wallace school student among [Applause] [Music] thank you thank [Applause] you I'd like to call back to the podium Miss Addie from Connor's Elementary School [Applause] [Music] at this time I would like to call up Laya Co the Connor student of the month for [Applause] [Music] February [Applause] Laya Co is a student in Miss aro's fourth grade home room we cannot be more proud of Laya Miss arero shared that Laya is a determined eager learner who comes to school ready to take on any challenge laaya has really set an example this year for her classmates around her when she is not the first one in the room volunteering to answer a question or the loudest voice leading the class through whole group instruction Laya is quietly putting in tremendous effort because she wants to be successful Laya is a kind friend to those around her and will always be your biggest supporter and cheerleader she knows how to put a smile on her friend's face or pick you up when you're feeling down M Maya has an incredible character and always has your back Laya is a great friend to those around her and is loved by her classmates laya's friend Liam shared that she is a great friend and is fun to hang out with lingay shared that Laya helps me with my work and calls me 24/7 she is lovable Kimberly shared that Laya is kind beautiful and helps people when Lamaya grows up she wants to be a firefighter or a police officer because she wants to save people's lives Laya shared that her favorite thing about Connor's is that she feels like it's a quiet place where she can focus she shared that she loves her principal teachers and friends she said that all the faculty and staff are warm and caring she is also so proud of her reading progress she said that when she transferred to Connor she was struggling with reading and now she absolutely loves reading her favorite book to read is grumpy monkey her favorite core novel is Wonder and can describe the personal personality traits of every character in the book her mom shared that she is most proud of laya's progress she said that she now loves to read at home every day she teaches her 5-year-old brother Lamar everything she is learning at school she loves cooking and helping in the kitchen at home her favorite hobby is baking cakes she loves using math measurements that she learns at school for baking at home laya's Caring Heart that we see all the time at school carries over to her being an incredible citizen in the Hoboken community her mom shared that Laya is the first one to help any of the elderly in her building by holding the door for them and bringing in their groceries and giving them a friendly hello we could not be more proud of you Laya and everything you have accomplished this year you exhibit all of the character traits and qualities of a Connor's koala we are so excited to see you continue to soar and we will be cheering you on every step along the way can everyone please join me in a round of applause for laaya [Applause] Co at this time I would like to call out Mr Ryan sorine principal of the Middle School [Applause] good evening please welcome to the podium Hoboken Middle School student of the month for February John P esposto John is a sixth grade student nominated by Miss Jetty for his enthusiasm for learning and willingness to help others John is respectful courteous and gives 100% every day in class John's math teacher Mr Zas describes John as a model student John is punctual to class and starts his work right away Mr Zas States I can always count on John to assist other students as needed and help others understand the concept being taught Mr Zas also shares that John is studious and he knows the sky a limit when it comes to his education our guidance counselor Miss Falone years in the short time I have gotten to know John I can tell he is an asset to Hoboken middle school he always has a smile on his face motivates others and says hello to his teachers and pairs on a daily basis these small actions leave a major and positive impact on our tiger Community it is also evident that John's friend value friends value his friendship John's friend Alex shares that John is caring and is the first person we can go to when we need help in Civics Miss hard describes John as highly engaged and and motivated student he is very helpful within the classroom and I am thrilled that I have John as a student Miss COV also added um that she shares that she can always count on John to have some of the most clever and creative vocabulary slides in the laa which his pairs enjoy Miss chov adds that John is extremely self-motivated and displays a maturity that is rare for children his age his conscientious work ethic and exceptional character serve as an extraordinary model for his peers to follow John is a member of the Hoboken Middle School academic team he also enjoys soccer lacrosse and basketball Mr Deo shares that John is a great athlete and competitor but also demonstrates phenomenal sportsmanship he is always encouraging his teammates and wants what is best for the team John is a pleasure to have in class and I look forward to having John in fiz ed in class in the next couple years when we asked John how he felt about receiving student of the month John said it was very surprising because there are a bunch of other students in school who do as well as me this alone demonstrates John's respect for his fellow tigers at HMS John thank you for being such a great role model within our tiger family the impact you are making is truly admirable and I look forward to watching you write your story please join me in celebrating John esposto Hoboken Middle School's February St of the month [Applause] take this down [Applause] yes at this time I would like to call to the podium the principal of Hoboken High School Miss Robin [Applause] Patra good evening Uka Figaroa is Hoboken High School's February student of the month he wasn't sure he could make it I was hoping being hopeful but I want to share a little bit about osar he joined Hoboken High School after moving in his sophomore year from Mexico each year Oscar gets stronger and stronger as he pray prepares for graduation many students get a case of senioritis but not Oscar as he had a GPA of 3.75 after the end of the first semester nominated by Mrs Gleason he stood out to her because he is continually helping other ESL students become acclimated to our building most recently he attended the fast f night his father could not be there but Asuka was there and he was the only student that came on his own cord and took notes throughout the meeting Miss Laughlin shared and put it best when she said that Oscar makes Hoboken High School a brighter and Kinder place he is always the first person to lend a hand students know that if they ever need a smile or a kind word Asuka is the man in the classroom his curiosity and his humor Mak students feel comfortable and welcome and he is a joy working with with him being around Miss Lisa his eell teacher for the past two years said Asuka has continually shown a strong willingness to learn and adapt academically Asuka has continuously performed above average and has shown tremendous personal growth he is active in extracurricular activities and has taken on leadership roles in the classroom and formed strong connections with his classmates Mr Fernandez a man of very few words shares that he has gotten to know Oscar pretty well over the last two years and can say this nomination is very well deserved Oscar is one of the friendliest students in the entire school and isn't afraid to strike up conversation with anyone because of his outgoing personality I have seen him several times offer help to those in need including myself during the volleyball season he is constantly involved D with extracurricular activities and never makes any complaints or excuses for himself he always has a positive outlook on life and that is a quality that is going to help him succeed Beyond his time at Hoboken High School what will Oscar do next well he has a lot to choose from he has been accepted to FY Dickinson University Felician Georgian Court Kean St Elizabeth St Peters and William Patterson he's undecided but he has earned scholarship amounts total in over 300,000 for the next four years great things will come to you Oscar just continue being you [Applause] congratulations [Applause] at this time we will move into our governor awardees our educators are truly at the core of all that we do and all that makes this school district not good but great to have been nominated by your peers students families and members of the community tell tells us that those being honored here this evening are exceptionally skilled highly dedicated experts of the content who Inspire students of all backgrounds to learn they are collaborators partners with colleagues students and families and they bring a strong culture of respect and success they are leaders and innovators in educational activities in school and Beyond we admire them for that and for so much more they are truly rock stars as they make all of the above seem effortless the principal testimon the principal's testimonies and no doubt once you hear them you will be moved will be coming up shortly again with that being said I would ask principal Bartlett to join me at the podium for his first [Applause] awarde thanks again Miss Rodriguez Gomez I'd like to ask Mr Andrew Mendes to join me up here at the [Applause] podium [Applause] and I've just been informed by our awesome assistant superintendent of schools if you have homework to do or if you need to get to bed early our students don't have to stick around you can go and before I begin my official remarks um I'm only used to seeing Andrew in his fizzed gear but I got to say excellent choice on the waste coat it's a very good look so with that being said We Gather here tonight to honor someone who embodies the essence of dedication passion and excellence and education this individual has not only shaped the bodies of our students but has also nurtured their minds and Spirits it is great pleasure that it is with great pleasure that we recognize Mr Andrew Mendes a member of our brand School physical education department as our teacher of the [Applause] year Andrew is more than just a teacher he's a mentor a motivator and a role model every day he inspires our students to push their limits to embrace challenges and to strive for greatness through his Innovative teaching methods well planned and thought out activities and unwavering enthusiasm Andrew is part of a team that transforms our gymnasium into a place of learning growth and empowerment through games like Cosmic bowling that's the brand school take on laser light bowling and hungry hungry hippos and I have to say it's amazing what you can do with a handheld School and some laundry baskets he helps create a culture in our gymnasium where students love physical education beyond the bran gymnasium Andrew instills in our students the values of teamwork perseverance and sportsmanship he teaches them not only how to win graciously but how to lose with dignity lessons that extend far beyond the playing field this is exhibited by and large by our student athletes at Hoboken High School where Andrew coaches during three seasons for cross- country winter track and Spring Track Andrew goes above and beyond to support our students whether it's through organizing activities providing guidance and mentorship or lending a compassionate ear he embodies the spirit of care and dedication that defines our school Community he's a fixture at our early morning breakfast program he's a fixture in the cafeteria and on the playground at lunch and recess and he's an integral part of why our field day in June is one of the most organized and exciting events on our calendar as we celebrate his achiev achievements let's also reflect on the profound influence Andrews had on the lives of the children entrusted to the Hoboken School District tracing his career path all the way back to his early days as a power professional back in my early days as the vice principle at Wallace and his time as a substitute on his way to becoming a certified staff member Andrew's passion for Education commitment to Excellence and dedication to this community serve as an inspiration to us all especially as he is a homegrown hobok and Redwing of the class of 2000 it's been an honor and privilege for me to watch him on his educational Journey from the very start Mr Mendes you are a teacher guiding our students toward a brighter future on behalf of our entire School Community I extend my congratulations on this well-deserved honor thank you for your unwavering support and your endless inspiration here's to many more years shaping minds and bodies building character and building and making a difference in the lives of of our students congratulations [Applause] [Applause] Andrew looks like and at this time I would like to ask Mrs Elizabeth Pullman to come join me at the podium thank you and now we come together to celebrate an unsung hero of our school community she may not always be in the spotlight but her impact on the lives of our students is immeasurable it's with great pride and gratitude that we recognize Mrs Elizabeth Pullman one of our esteemed kindergarten power professionals as our Educational Service professional of the year in the bustling Halls of our kindergarten classrooms Liz is a pillar of support kindness and Guidance with boundless patience and endless compassion she plays a vital role in laying the foundation for our students academic and Social Development as a power professional Liz wears many hats from assisting with classroom activities to providing one-on-one support to students who need a extra help to getting the lunch orders ready making sure homework goes home her dedication to ensuring that every child feels valued supported and included is truly remarkable her warmth and genuine care create a nurturing environment where our students can Thrive and grow she is especially Adept at supporting Miss pedoro during instructional centers and the manag she approaches that task is one of the underlying factors why the students entrusted to Home Room 204 develop a love of School Miss pedora will be the first one to say that Liz is a tremendous factor in that classroom being a success if my expectation of our kindergarten teaching staff is that they become the light and shining star of a child's School experience par professionals like Liz make the sky a more beautiful shade of blue for that light to shine in in that role as par professional Liz embodies empathy and patience she inspires us to all approach our work through the mindset that even the smallest gestures can make a world of difference today as we honor Liz for her outstanding contributions to our school Community let us also express our heartfelt gratitude for her tireless efforts her dedication and compassion Mrs Pullman you are a part of the heart and soul of our kindergarten program and your impact on the lives of our students is beyond measure on behalf of our brand School Community I extend my warmest congratulations on this well-deserved honor thank you for your selfless service to our students and their success and congratulations on being named brand school's Educational Service professional of the [Applause] year [Applause] I'd like to welcome back to the podium principal Juliet Addy of Connor's Elementary [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] School at this time I'd like to call to the podium Miss Cassidy Hall teacher of the year thank you Miss Hall has a big cheering section out there within the Realms of our educational Community Miss Hall stands as a beacon of excellence and inspiration her embodiment of rigor relevance and relationships illuminates the path for both her students and colleagues through her unparalleled dedication she forges deep and meaningful connections with her students and their families Miss Hall radiates positivity fostering an inclusive classroom environment rooted in genuine respect warmth care and Trust for every koala by seamlessly integrating academic rigor with empathy and support she empowers her students to achieve their Highest Potential both academically and emotionally as principal it's my utmost priority to ensure that every classroom mirrors the nurturing environment that I would want for my own children Miss Hall's classroom transcends mere instruction it encap encapsulates a realm of magic and wonder where learning is not just a task but a captivating Journey her unwavering commitment to her students growth and success as well as communication with parents sets her apart as a true Exemplar in the field of Education some of the teachers at Connor's shared especially your cheering section back there shared that Miss Hall is so deserving of this award because she's so approachable compassionate and has an incredible loving demeanor the warmth exuding from her captivating smile and the gentle inflection in her voice voice serves as an enchanting Embrace for every Connor's koala she is every child's dream teacher and ideal educator almost belonging in the pages of a magical Disney fairy tale story book if you know her you know what I mean has anyone ever seen Ella Enchanted Miss Hall is Ella Enchanted in teacher form a true teaching goddess not only lighting up her entire classroom but also the hallways of Connor's Elementary School one of her parents put together a video um that they are going to give to Miss Hall later tonight and if you watch it it's going to make you cry it's so many of her students sharing so much of their positive feeling in your classroom um you are TR your students truly adore you and the impact you have on them is tremendous and Miss Hall I'm truly grateful for you please join me and a round of applause from Miss Cassidy Hall so beautiful thank you so [Applause] much such [Applause] a congratulations at this time I'd like to call up Miss Kelly cofrancesco the educational services professional of the [Music] year what Miss kof Francesco is a reading specialist at Connors she has been instrumental in instilling a passion for reading amongst her students through her guidance she has not only improved the reading skills but has also alleviated any previous struggles that they may have had with reading formerly struggling readers are now able to delve into books and embark on exciting imaginative Adventures her dedication has transform students who would read sometimes with tears into successful book enthusias Miss kach Franchesco transcends the role of a reading specialist she embodies the essence of a reading leader at Connor school it is because of Miss kof Franchesco that reading has become a part of the heartbeat of Connors while many Educators May confine their focus to their specific students Miss kof franchesco's Vision extends Beyond encompassing the entire student body at Connor her dedication shines through as she meticulously records her Orton Gillingham OG lessons serving as a Guiding Light for her fellow teachers to emulate best practices as they perfect their three-part Trill vow tense vowel tent series and redw scripts she gracefully LED an engaging professional development session at Connor's skillfully immersing teachers from the perspective of students from kindergarten to fifth grade all teachers including those special specialized in science and related arts had the opportunity to experience what it was like to be a student progressing from kindergarten through fifth grade using the Orton Gillingham this experience enhanced the pedagogical skills of all of our teachers and we are truly grateful Miss kof franchesco's commitment to Student Success is unwavering she meticulously monitors the Dr developmental reading assessment data of each student collaborating with their teachers to to identify those who would benefit most from RTI initiatives as a pivotal member of our interventions and referral services inrs team she continuously Pioneers new strategies to support every student on their educational Journey ensuring they received the tailored interventions necessary for their success her demeanor exudes warmth care and calmness she exhibits exceptional organization and attention to detail in all of her tasks Miss kof franceso consistently exceeds expectations in supporting students teachers parents and administration myself her influence stretches far and wide permeating every corner of Connor's the ripple effect of her dedication and expertise is truly Monumental fostering a culture of continuous Improvement that resonates throughout our entire school and also your students put together a video as well well for you when you see it it's going to move you to tears again everyone is just so gratefully appreciative I'm incredibly grateful to you for your partnership and you are so deserving of this award I invite you to join me in congratulating Miss Kelly cofrancesco our Educational Services professional of the year [Applause] at this time I'd like to call up Mr Martin Shannon the principal of [Applause] Wallace good evening everyone tonight I have the distinct honor and privilege of introducing an individual who exemplifies the very essence of dedication passion and excellence in the field of Education As We Gather here to celebrate and acknowledge outstanding contributions to the wall School Community is with great excitement that I present to you our teacher of the year Mr Benjamin Butler Mr Butler comes to us with a degree in health and physical education and a masters of education in kinesiology with a focus in adapted physical education from the University of Virginia Mr Butler embodies the spirit of inspiration constantly challenging both himself and his students to reach new heights of achievement in his gymnasium Ben's enthusiasm is contagious creating an atmosphere where learning is not just a task but a thrilling adventure students under his guidance don't just absorb information they engage with it question it and ultimately they understand it at a new level one of our parents had this to share about Mr Butler on a daily basis Ben is the first person to greet every family as they make their way to drop off his energy and enthusiasm help start each day off on the right foot as it is clear that he has built many special relationships with each of the students and their families in the classroom Ben brings an enormous amount of energy in teaching the kids a variety of Sports and Fitness skills including weaving in important lessons to build a healthy and balanced lifestyle by incorporating his Fitness work from outside of school his compassion for the kids is evidenced in the way that he talks to them teaches them and guides them and he wraps up each day by bringing the same level of excitement and energy to pickup beyond the curriculum our teacher of the year has been a driving force beyond Behind numerous initiatives whether it's it's organizing extracurricular activities like his role as a strength and conditioning coach for the Hoboken High School leading Community projects like CrossFit Hoboken or volunteering his time at a developmental sports camp for children who are visually impaired in Anchorage Alaska Mr Butler has invested not only in academic Excellence but also in character and well-being of each and every student but perhaps what truly sets Mr Butler apart is his genuine care and concern he shows for every Wildcat his is a Haven of energy encouragement and empowerment students feel not only challenged but also valued understood and respected Mr L had this to say of Mr Butler Ben was made to be a physical education teacher his knowledge of the human anatomy shines tremendously and his patience truly make every one of his students feel not only comfortable but confident as well his energy creates an enticing classroom and motivates not only his students but his colleagues as well let's Express our deepest gratitude for the positive impact Mr Butler has made on the lives excuse me of countless students and as a whole the wall School Community please join me in giving a warm Round of Applause to Ben Butler our teacher of the [Applause] year [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank once again it is my honor to stand before you tonight to introduce an individual who plays a pivotal role in The Wallace school community a person whose dedication compassion and unwavering commitment have earned them the title of Educational Service professional of the year I present to you Miss Juliana senten okay our honor our our Honore has woven threads of support and encouragement making an everlasting mark on the lives of those she touches as We Gather to C celebrate her outstanding contributions let me share a glimpse into the remarkable qualities that Define this exceptional power professional first and foremost Juliana possesses a genuine and boundless love for helping others every day she brings not only expertise but also warmth and understanding to her interactions with students and all with an amazing smile creating an environment where learning is not just a process but a shared journey of growth in the classroom her impact is immeasurable she provides invaluable assistance to the classroom teacher ensuring that every student receives the attention and support that they need to thrive academically and emotionally at Walla School whether it's helping to provide one-on-one Assistance or fostering a sense of belonging Juliana goes above and beyond to make positive difference one parent commented you wish for someone to be kind to have patience and above all love your child Juliana surpassed all of my wishes as a power when I think two years passed I remember all the Beautiful Moments she helped create for my child she is patient loving kind funny and a burst of sunshine my son's face radiated with joy every morning when he saw her and at dismissal always had the biggest smile on his face Miss centenno is a Pillar of Strength for both students and colleagues her ability to connect with individuals on a personal level creates a sense of trust and security fostering an atmosphere where all wild cats feel valued and supported Miss centeno's Miss uh I'm sorry Miss dcastro Juliana's Home Room teacher said Juliana contributes positively to the classroom environment and the children adore her she is nurturing and loving and cares for all the students in her classroom she is always willing to lend a helping hand in any way she can her smile and warm personality light up the classroom we are lucky to have her when Juliana learned of her appointment she had this to say I feel fulfilled in my career path and I come to work and leave work with a smile on my face I am looking forward to continuing my work as a power professional and helping students reach their potential I am lucky to have a job that makes me feel good and enables me to make a difference today as we honor this outstanding power professional let us express our deepest gratitude for the compassion dedication and positive influence she brings to Wallace school please join me in extending a heartfelt Round of Applause to Juliana senteno our ESP of the year [Applause] [Applause] at this time I'd like to call principal soran Hoboken Middle School to the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] podium it is my honor to Welcome to the podium hobok Middle School's Governor's educator of the Year miss Emerald rosm 7th grade ELA teacher and much [Applause] wooo early on in my career I had the pleasure of getting to know Emerald as one of my students at Hoboken High School even e even as a high school student I saw the kindness motivation and drive in Emerald that has evolved into the master teacher that she is today I am not only proud but deeply moved by her remarkable dedication to her students and her unwavering pursuit of excellence and education Miss rosm Miss's classroom is a sanctuary of learning a place where every student feels not just accepted but truly valued her exceptional classroom management skills create an environment where students Thrive academically and develop a sense of respect for themselves and others her meticulous attention to detail particularly in her students weekly night rights sets a standard of academic rigor that is both challenging and rewarding Beyond her impressive academic achievements Miss roses's impact extends far behind the beyond the classroom she's a beacon of positivity in our school Community always ready with a smile and a word of encouragement her involvement in extra ccal activities such as the sunshine Club Fall Festival HMS Bingo night demonstrate her commitment to the holistic development of her students and our school Community one of Miss Ros M's most remark remarkable qualities is her ability to inspire others her colleagues look to her for expertise in teaching and guidance in developing relationships her unwavering dedication to her students is an inspiration Miss Ros M's Ela teammate Miss painter shares since my first year at HMS Miss Roser has been someone I can rely on for everything Emerald puts all others before herself whether that is whether that be her students or her colleagues when you walk into her room her first question is always do you need anything whether it whether it be help with planning an air to listen or a piece of chocolate Emerald is always there when you need her she is not just a teacher but a mentor a friend and a true role model for all who have the privilege of knowing her in the words of Mya Angelou I have learned that people will forget what you said people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel Miss Roser embodies this sentiment imparting knowledge to our students and instilling in them a sense of confidence kindness and empathy that will stay with them long after they leave her classroom Miss Roser is more than just the teacher of the year her passion for teaching her unwavering dedication for to her students and her commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others makes her truly deserving of this honor please join me in congratulating Miss Roser as hobok Middle School's Governor's educator of [Applause] what did [Applause] she [Applause] at this time please welcome to the podium hoki Middle School's service professional of the year and good friend of mine Mr Tyrell [Applause] dorch this recognition is a testament to Mr D's un wavering dedication to our students and teachers and his exceptional ability to connect with and inspire all those around him I have had the pleasure of working with Tyrell throughout my career in Hoboken in various capacities we have coached football together collaborated on summer programs and now as part of our leadership team he works to encourage motivate Inspire our Hoboken Middle School Tigers despite his numerous accolades high school All-American and still recognized as one of the top five best running backs in the state of New Jersey and earning a full scholarship to Michigan State Michigan Mr D's true calling has always been to serve his community his decision to return to Hoboken and become a firefighter was not enough for him his decision to return to Hoboken Tyrell became a support specialist and dedicated himself to our students for the betterment of our school his selflessness and his desire to make a difference are evident one of Mr D's most notable contributions in this lead in the leadership is the leadership of tiger talks a program designed to improve School climate by fostering open honest communication among students through this initiative Mr dorch has created a safe and inclusive environment where students feel heard and valued these talks continue to reinforce the importance of students caring for one another regardless of their race gender culture or socioeconomic background in addition to his work with students Mr dor is also a pillar of support for our teachers his willingness to lend a helping hand and his ability to lead by example make him a true role model for our entire School Community his colleagues all share the same sentiment Mr dorch has an amazing ability to connect with our student body on a level that is uncanny he holds students accountable while simultaneously treating them with respect he is a positive role model for our students and we are lucky to have him one student who has twice as lucky is Amora his daughter and an eighth grade student here at hobok Middle School Amora says his tough extera is built out of love he wants the students to do well know right from wrong and most of all succeed not unlike the way not unlike the way he is as my dad he instills a level of trust in me as his daughter and I know I can always go to him talk things out and the other students feel the same way about him I am proud to share my with all students at hobok middle school he makes us better it is my honor to stand before all of you and share my gratitude to Mr dorch he is more than deserving of the title of Governor's educational specialist of the year his passion dedication and unwavering commitment to our students and teachers make him an invaluable asset to our school he is also a trusted friend who I can count on daily and the words of Mr dorch I'd like to Simply say thank you my brother please join me in a round of applause as we congratulate Mr dorch on this [Music] [Applause] well-deserved yeah [Applause] at this time I would like to call up to the podium miss Robin Petra the principal of Hoboken High School um my student of the month came so if you'll bear with me I'd like to welcome our February student of the month Oscar Figaroa [Applause] Oscar joined Hoboken High School after moving in his sophomore year from Mexico each year Oscar gets stronger and stronger as he prepares for graduation many students get a case of senioritis but not Oscar as he had a GPA of 3.75 after the end of the first semester nominated by Mrs gleon Oscar is constantly helping other ESL students become acclimated to our building most recently he attended my fast for night his father could not make it and he was the student that came on his own accord and took notes throughout the meeting Miss Laughlin put it best when she said that a Oscar makes Hoboken High School a brighter and Kinder place he is always the first person to lend a hand students know that if they ever need a smile or a kind word Oscar is the man in the classroom his curiosity and humor make students feel comfortable and welcome it is a joy working with and being around Oscar Miss Lisa his ESL teacher for the past few years said Oscar has consistently shown a strong willingness to learn and adapt academically Oscar has consistently performed above average and has shown tremendous personal growth Oscar is active in extracurricular activities and has taken on leadership roles in the classroom and form strong connections with his classmates Mr Fernandez a man of few words shared that he has gotten to know Oscar pretty well over the last few years and can say this nomin is welld deserved Asuka is one of the friendliest students in the entire school and is not afraid to strike up a conversation with anyone because of his outgoing personality I have seen him several times offer help to those in need including myself during the volleyball season he is constantly involved with co-curricular activities and never makes any complaints or excuses for himself he is always positive on life and that is a quality that is going to help him succeed Beyond his time at Hoboken High School we wonder what Oscar will do next will he has a lot to choose from he has been accepted to FY Dickinson University Felician Georgian Court Keen St Elizabeth St Peters and William Patterson his scholarships are totaling around $300,000 for over the next four years great things will come to you Oscar just continue being you [Applause] okay okay at this time I'd like to welcome up Miss Hari dear Roa the broken High School's Governor's educator of [Applause] the whole family is here come over here miss elosa miss elosa has been an exceptionally skilled and dedicated educator in Hoboken High School since 2003 she has shown commitment to the educational profession in many ways including achieving her ma her literacy certification and attending many profession Prof development opportunities including annual conferences of the American Council on the teacher of foreign languages she inspires students of all backgrounds and abilities to learn she differentiates lessons and makes use of educational technology to bring game-based engaging learning into the classroom with the program Senor woly and garbanzo in addition she organizes field trips to museum cultural activities for her students she was the founder of our classroom Without Walls international traic program to expose our students to places they might not otherwise encounter I can only say I attended that last year in Ecuador and every day she would wake up looking like this every day 4 hours sleep every everyone else was hair on fire no makeup she was done up with with the coffee at breakfast every day every day and going through the airport with 40 kids and passports I was shaking like a leaf Miss delosa cool as a cucumber she handles it well she's doing the right thing she has offered fundraises to the students so they could overcome the financial difficulties which would normally make these experiences Out Of Reach for some her own experience as an English language learner upon immigr to the United States from the Dominican Republic at age age 12 gives her a very unique perspective on second language acquisition Miss delar Roa has brought in software programs mentioned above and shows how she demonstrates leaderships in innovation in and outside of the classroom she piloted these with her students PRI a covid-19 pandemic was able to quickly pivot to integrate in them in instruction she has introduced classroom novelettes for the students recognizing that reading brings language Learners to high level of comprehension and leads to Greater fluency in addition she has initiated the schools chapter of the national Spanish Honor Society and has fostered its growth she has been asked multiple times to write curriculum showing that she has the respect of the administration and her colleagues another way she has earned the respect is by serving as a Lead Teacher in the pass for for learning program at Brand school for several years she is highly organized and is an excellent problem Sol solver who can think on her feet managing a very large student staff and vendor population Del within our school she has volunteered to be on so many committees including our school climate committee the fact that parents trust her to safely take their children out of the country demonstrates the respect and admiration she has from our parent Community she plays an active role in our community as well as our PTO she participated in the Statewide Amistad commission summer curriculum course this course educated teachers about black and New Jersey history to help them Pioneer diversity equity and inclusion in public school systems across New Jersey at the end of the course they wrote part of the curriculum for the Amistad C Commission of Education in this way she has had such an amazing impact on schools across New Jersey I am really not quite sure where Miss celosa gets the energy from I am exhausted reading what she does one other thing I would be remiss she also piloted our seal of biliteracy um how many students did we have this year here miss Rosa 37 37 students will be earning that at graduation we are so proud of you we cannot thank you enough for what you do um I can't think of anyone more deserving in this honor than you we love you at Hoboken [Applause] High [Applause] conratulations [Applause] okay at this time I'd like to wel welcome up Miss Simone Braxton hoken High School's educational specialist of the year um I feel like Miss Simone is not new to the high school but somewhat new and I'm really getting to learn how well-loved she is um I've seen it in the past few years but hearing everyone here I know she's really really a special woman um Miss Simone I'm going to call you cuz that's what everyone calls Miss Simone um has been a dedicated paraprofessional educator in our school for several years assigned to the students in our transition program her smile lights up the room and she comes in with such a positive attitude it's contagious I often wonder if she ever has a bad day she never ch hires and is always willing to go the extra mile whether she is walking our students to the W Hotel or supervising a student in another school she does it all willingly and with a smile she treats the students not only with respect but with love I can tell from the way she guides and directs them that she is committed to them achieving their Highest Potential her tone is consistently positive and encouraging in our interactions with them Miss Braxton is only not revered at Hoboken high school but at the passport to learning program in which she works with third graders to complete homework and engage in structured play she brings those same high expectations to this population she assists the students with understanding how to complete the homework and also how shows excellent classroom management the devising systemss to keep structure in place from showing them how to place their backpacks on entering in to assigning groups for homeworks she is a problem solver as well and she's a collaborator she works very closely with Dr Carr who's our supervisor of transition programs she also is a collaborator in the after school program um the students I was Shar someone shared that the students were having a hard time completing homework she suggested we group the students differently and implemented a ticket system in which they needed to sit where she placed their ticket and that they needed to stay at their tables until the day's homework was ready for checking only then could they return their tickets and go to the structured play area Miss Simone is a Hoboken native and well-known in Hoboken she was born and raised so she has deep roots in this community she knows many of our students and colleagues families and I've heard her spoken about by families staff students and administrators alike with fondness and admiration the students faces light up when they see her and they cry Miss Simone she has a playful sensibility while always maintaining a professional demeanor she volunteers with family members collecting food for our hobok and shelter she can attends many extracurricular events today she was down at dare to dream with our transition students and they did a presentation and we were all the rage there for our work and Miss Simone is a big part of that she is a huge part of the Hoboken High School Community the district community and the community at large she grow she continues to grow as a huge part of our school Miss Simone thank you thank you thank you for all you do we love [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] congrat congratulations to everyone who was honored this evening we are so proud of you we're going to take a two-minute break just to let anyone who has an early time to get up tomorrow to get moving and we'll continue with the business portion of our meeting at uh 8:17 all right we are going to get back to the business portion of our meeting was Dr Johnson do you have a superintendent [Applause] report miss good do you have a business administrator's report no okay then we will move into committee reports uh for curriculum we go to Mr gr thank you president okay okay good um the curriculum committee met on March 4th in attendance were myself Dr Johnson um Mr KL um Miss Kori Miss mcer we have two items only on the action item tonight that will be 9.01 and 9.02 both of which uh we recommend for approval this is a um 9.01 is is a partnership with far Fairley Dickinson University for expanding professional development um we did this last year and um we have received a second round of funds we recommend this continue 9.02 is the approval of our field trips which has been sent via link and PDF so that is the action agenda and the party continues in the other room um and and uh for the for the non action agenda uh a couple things to bring to everyone's attention if you had seen it through some of the notes um qac requires a review of ela standards and math standards we will be working on those through the summer um and those will be ready for the coming school year um we are doing uh three phases of high impact tutoring that will take place uh during the day and some in the summer and this will be for students that have always been identified uh to benefit from these programs um the Dual language information sessions which have already been hosted were packed we had 70 attendees at each session we've got about 175 interested families and I I think the committee talked about the fact that there was a lot of questions in the last year about were we ready to uh deliver uh a program of this Innovation well um kudos to our Administration for not only delivering it uh but for having made it so successful that we would have this level of demand um for people who were interested in participating we will actually not be increasing the number of classrooms this year um because in cander it's finances Logistics and space um that that are some of the reasons but the demand remains High um we've had our new parents uh kindergarten kickoff and then just for a little uh just a little kudos for ourselves um for everybody knows the Seal of biliteracy is an award given by school school district or state and recognition of students who've studied and attained Proficiency in at least two or more languages by high school graduation we started tracking this 2017 with seven students in Spanish this year as you heard from the floor we will have 37 high school students and that will be in Spanish Dutch French Portuguese and Italian seals of biliteracy uh we can anticipate in the coming year both Chinese and Arabic and that is the curriculum Point report for this evening thank you back to you president thank you Mr gr now we'll move on to facilities with Mr delatore the facilities committee met on Wednesday March 6th in attendance were Dr Johnson miss mcer miss delara Mr Grana Mr gagi and myself we discussed all agenda items and recommend all for approval in addition I did want to share a few other updates uh two more bathrooms will be updated in the next couple of weeks bringing the total number of renovated restrooms to 41 across all our schools security doors for the top of the staircase at Connors have arrived and will take 4 days to install the installation will happen over spring break three custodian hires were made recently two will be going to Hoboken High School and the other to Brandt their schedules will be Wednesday through Sunday because of the weekend work we should see a decrease in our overtime expenses scaffolding scaffolding here at HMS Engineers recently tested the Hoboken Middle School structure and found no additional damage since the bridge work went up no new stone has come off the building recently awarded SDA funds will be used to repair damage to the facade lastly energy audit the Hoboken public school district will be participating in an energy audit over the next few months Auditors from Schneider Electric will walk through every school building and upon completion will give our district and each of our buildings a rating and recommendations to help us achieve savings on our utility bills the main areas of focus will be lighting boilers and hot water heaters PSC and will cover 80% of the cost of the audit and the district will pay the remaining 20% however we will be reimbursed via Isa funds after one year of our previous audit cost decrease by 23% thank you and more to come thank you Mr delatore well now move on to finance with Miss kanana hello sorry the finance committee met on Thursday March 7th at 10:00 a.m. in attendance were Miss good miss katamori miss Angley Mr Kell and myself we reviewed and recommend agenda items 11.01 to 11.08 for approval which includes tuition technology and transportation contracts and that concludes my report thank you thank you Miss kanana we'll now move on to governance from Miss katamori good evening my report won't be as short as Miss con um the governance committee met on Wednesday March 6th in attendance were Dr Johnson Mr kufeld Miss Norwood Miss mcgurk and myself the committee discussed all agenda items and recommends all for approval as is typical throughout the year there are a number of appointments resignations leave requests transfers as well as terminations increases and uh approval of new substitutes this month's agenda includes the following um a number of appointments for the current school year in 10.01 10.03 10.04 and 10.16 um 10.02 covers the appointment of a dual language teacher for the 2425 school year 10.05 covers the internal transfer of two teachers between Connors and Wallace 10.06 covers the termination of employee um 10.07 covers the approval of an increase in salary for a teacher who has achieved a certificated milstone 10.01 covers the approval approval of and rates for certain for a certain passport to learning staff member changes will be retroactive to the beginning of calendar year 2024 10.10 covers the approval of modific to three custodial staff to bring them up to current minimum wage also retroactive 10.11 and 10.12 covers the approval of various staff for our CST and esy summer 2024 programs 10.13 covers the approval of ABA stiens and special education for two staff members 10.14 covers approval of staff to be compensated for their time and connection with the district's Black History Month celebration and 10.5 covers the approval of a leave request a modification of a previously approved leave request um as usual 10.17 um covers the not that it's always 10.17 but there's always the approval of workshops uh various workshops that our staff take throughout the year 10.18 covers the approval of board goals discussed and agreed upon by the board as a whole as follows one the board will provide support and resources to the superintendent in the development of a new 5-year strategic plan two the board will provide the superintendent with support and resources for the district's annual goals with a focus on student achievement including scheduled reviews of data dashboards three the board will continue to improve communication both within the board and externally four the board will conduct semiannual meetings with the ngsb njsba to improve board performance 10.19 covers changes to the current school year calendar to account for the snow day taken on February 3 133 specifically our current last day of school is Tuesday Jan June 18th with our typical halfday schedule beginning on Thursday and Friday June 13th and June 14th it should be noted that even without a makeup day for the snow day we took last month we still meet the state required 180 days in school however our contracts require 188 181 days in school so we need to make up time for the loss day taken last month because June 19th is the juneth national holiday we obviously cannot and would not add that day and do not want to require kids to come back for a half day on June 20th accordingly we propose that instead of adding a half day on June 20th to make up the 181 days in school we transform June 13th and 14th into full days to make up the time required under the contract and avoid extending the school year the haa has agreed to this change and the current calendar will be changed to make both June 13th and June 14th full days for students and teach teachers section 1020 10.20 seeks the approval of the calendar for school year 2425 as attached the agenda there's one non-agenda item that we'd like to discuss um and that is we want to report out on the current count for our school year 2425 incoming kindergarten class based on the pre prek4 transition survey sent out to All Families attending prek4 in the district note that this does not capture families who had their children in private prek or other prek around the city um and were not in our district during prek4 457 families responded the responses are broken down basically as follows 379 prek4 children families indicate that they will affirmatively be attending kindergarten within the Hoboken Public School District only 52 prek4 families indicate that they will not be attending kindergarten and District including 12 families that are moving out of Hope boken 26 prek4 families indicate that they are not yet sure if they will attend District kindergarten or go elsewhere with no indication of where the elsewhere is right now note the following in connection with this information on incoming kindergarten families the current 2324 kindergarten enrollment is 344 meaning that our kindergarten population is likely to increase by at least 35 students this is the lowest not returning number from our prek4 transition to kindergarten since at least school year 2015 2016 and the largest enrollment from that same period in addition I'd like to note that um as many of you may know there was a demographic study done in 2021 that demographic study stated that under two different um two different formulas that for the 24 25 school year our kindergarten class would be 346 students to 350 students we are outpacing that right now now with what I stated was the 379 known kindergarten children that will be here next year so just wanted to note that when you refer to that demographic study we are outpacing that demog demographic study's projections and that is my report thank you Miss katamori we now move on to miss Norwood for wellness the wellness committee met on Wednesday March 6th and attendance were Dr Johnson miss mcgurt Mr Del Miss darara and myself there are two Wellness items on the agenda and the committee unanimously recommends both for approval agenda item 8.01 is approval of a triop sports agreement with wehawken high school and sakas high school for inter Scholastic ice hockey as discussed during last month's meeting this triy up Arrangement will allow the team to practice at the ice rink in caucus which should reduce program costs agenda item 8.02 is accept of additional funding for the financial year 2024 school-based Youth Services Grant this additional $18,000 in state grant money increases the district's total school-based Youth Services grant for this school year to $ 31,36 this grant money funds a variety of mental health and wellness programs in Hoboken High School including the program director mental health clinician and Youth Development Specialists the committee also discussed another a number of other items as a reminder in accordance with State Law School nurses are conducting Health screenings for all fifth graders including height weight blood pressure hearing vision and scoliosis checks parents May opt their children out if they so choose also thank you to Hoboken High School students Nick Petrelli and Jordan GS who through the hearts of Hoboken group organized an inclusive night at The Nest on Friday evening March 1st Jordan and Nick recruited students to run sports games and other fun activities for Hoboken High School and Hoboken middle school students with special needs by all accounts the event was a great success and that concludes my report thank you Miss Norwood I have a brief president report this evening first I want to say a massive congratulations to our teachers and staff who are recognize this evening the impact you have on students and the school district is immeasurable we appreciate your dedication and we are grateful for your presence in this district and I couldn't help but notice that by my count at least four of our um recipients of Awards this evening are Hoboken high school graduates and I think that is amazing I think it speaks to the culture that has been present in this school Community for many years before any of us were sitting up here and that continues to grow under the stewardship of our current Administration principes and teachers and when you look at things like read across America week last week where Hoboken High School students were out in our elementary schools reading with our students I I think that just really shines a light on the kind of diverse inclusive community that is continuing to grow right here in hoken so I couldn't be more proud I wanted to encourage everyone to attend the potions and pasta fundraiser that's being held on Wednesday March 27th at 5:00 p.m. at Hoboken High School it is $10 for student students and $15 for adults and will include dinner um it is cash only with tickets being sold at the door and um there will be music dancing a magic show and more so if you're looking for a way to both feed and entertain your family on March the 27th you can come out and support the um the theater Department as they move forward with the North American pilot production of Harry ptter and the cursed child the high school edition those tickets will be on sale soon and I encourage everyone to purchase them early as it is sure to sell out and then one last item of note before we go into public comments is that we will be meeting next Tuesday in order to approve our budget to be submitted to the county office um time to be determined either 6:00 or 7 p.m. so next we will go into public comments on agenda items and as M good is getting the roster I just want to give a quick reminder over the years and most recently the board has been asked why it does not prohibit or stop comments about School District employees from individuals who speak during the PO public comment portion of the meeting the short answer is that the law prevents the board from censoring comments made about District Personnel the board does not condone nor is the board a party to comments as such however just because a speaker may have the right to say what he or she feels it does not absolve a speaker from liability for any comments that could be viewed as defamatory by an employee should speakers say something that subjects them to a civil suit the responsibility fall squarely on the speaker and not on the board board policy requires that all speakers please state your name Municipality of residents and business affiliation if any speakers are allowed 5 minutes and vice president engley will quietly motion with 30 seconds left please address all comments to the chair board policy states that the board welcomes comments on matters of interest to the board but this is not an opportunity for dialogue or debate between speakers and board members or the superintendent Miss bace [Applause] good evening Roseanne Versace Hoboken Wallace school teacher um I touch the future I teach this is a quote by Christa mcauliff I found this article uh from Southern Living magazine surprisingly enough that very simply and eloquently describes uh teachers and I'd like to dedicate it to this year's governors Educators and support Professionals of the Year teachers are called many things Educators mentors instructors and sometimes accidentally mommy and daddy I've been called both no matter what they are called we can all agree that they truly have a gift for influencing lives inside and outside of the classroom everyone can recall at least one special teacher if not more who has profoundly impacted their life teachers are the or inspiring rock stars of Education they work tirelessly to enrich the lives of the Next Generation their devotion hard work and eternal positivity positivity never go unnoticed congratulations to this year's teachers and educational support Professionals of the year we are so proud to call you our colleagues and to work side by side with you every day as we watch you touch the future thank you [Applause] that's it I'm sorry oh thank you so we will move on to the consent agenda do I have a motion second second miss good will you please call the rooll M Angley yes Miss katamori yes Miss delira yes Mr delator yes Mr Grana yes Miss Conor yes Mr kful yes M Norwood yes M mcer abstain on 10.03 and yes on everything else abstain on what number I'm sorry 10.03 motion passes thank you we'll now move on to public comments on agenda and non-agenda items hello good evening everyone my name is Barbara Reyes some of you may know me as the Hoboken Housing Authority board chairwoman um some of you may also know me as a hopes employee but today here I'm not here as either I'm here as a parent and an advocate for my child for my children so um let me Begin by saying I have two two children who have attended the hobooken middle school and to date I must say that this year has been the worst experience yet let me just backpedal I want to congratulate all the teachers that deserved those Awards here today but we have some that don't and this is going to demonstrate that um the principal Mr sorus fi of the Hoboken middle school has demonstrated unprofessionalism and disrespect towards me in more than one occasion the last the last being last week when I was told I need to stop worrying about the other kids and worry about my kids I responded by stating oh I do worry about my kids I'm here and I look for my children and as a parent I'm looking for my children to be treated equally as the other children I reminded him that he failed to realize that in my community whatever happens at the school is spoken outside and I I'm sorry I don't have my glasses and I'm a little um outside and that he failed oh wait and that I was very wareware of what was going on I'm so sorry thank you forood of the traveling readers so sorry she did I reminded him my kid that my kids I'm I'm here and I look for my children to be treated equally as the other children I reminded him that he failed to realize that in my community what happens at the school is spoken outside and I am very aware of what goes on to which Mr sorine responded yeah yeah I know my middle school 13-year-old son was present at the time of this conversation and he actually responded to Mr sorim by saying that he would not allow him to speak to me in that manner let's not ignore that as a parent I have requested three Hib investigations since September which to date I neither have either have been ignored closed all with no written determinations presented to myself or my children's father the law in New Jersey states that the school has five school days from when the investigation is closed for the parents to receive a written determination of the investigation the child that requested the investigation on began bothering my child on September of 2023 and all these emails collaborate this and continued until a spitting incident that occurred on Jan anuary 23rd of 2024 today my child whom Mr sorine holds no medical degree for stated stated she was mentally unstable is being homeschooled and currently suffering not only from ad DHD OD anxiety but has now developed panic attacks the first happening here at the Hoboken middle school and I was only notified 3 days later after it happened and I was not notified by the administrator I was notified by Miss V who is a counselor let's fast forward to the current situation with my 13-year-old son who was suspended last week from school for cursing at Miss Anderson after being falsely accused of throwing a pencil the teacher who emailed the same teacher who emailed me a few weeks prior and stated that she was having an issue with my child in her class but turns out that when I further asked questions she was yelling at him and he was not in his class in her class he was actually going from one class to another she also failed when she notified me of the incident to inform me that while she was yelling at my child she clapped at him and stated I'm not the one where I come from in my community this is considered a threat God okay as right as you have 30 seconds I'm so sorry as a parent I am here to ask the board and the administrators if this was your child would you be okay where is the cultural sensitivity training these teachers should be receiving I requested an investigation and also asked for my child to be removed from the class immediately when it I became preview to information that Miss Anderson pulled another child out of another class who was not present to discuss the situation with my son and told that child that if he treated the child the same way for her to please speak up this teacher has demonstrated being biased towards my son and was trying to place whatever feeling she was feeling on my son onto the other student my son that's five minutes I'm sorry that that was your five minutes okay no problem um yes just for future reference I this is on Just for future reference um you know you shared your uh remarks and you tried to keep to a factual description but it is best that you not identify Personnel members within the school and it's also best that you attempt to address these issues within the school in the chain of command I would have loved to do that I have tried all of that I have tried to meet with the administrators I have emailed and CC the superintendent and everyone else and I only got a response to day which was the board meeting so this email would show you that what I'm saying is not I have everything outlined I have every in everything that I that I need and the only reason I'm bringing it to your attention is because these are situations that you guys may not be privy to and that do not know that happens and yes I'm I'm an advocate in this community but before I'm anything else I'm a parent okay and I feel that I have the time for public comment has concluded for you you I just wanted to give you that caution and that guidance and that suggestion for future comments that you try to avoid using identifiers when you're describing these scenarios in this meeting I think I mean it's my situation I I okay I perfectly understand again I'm sorry I'm not able to give you all the information but I would gladly email you guys all this information because I do intend to continue this this is these are my children they're disabled they special educ children and they're being Tre different thank thank you thank you Miss ryes yes so we will be going into executive session now for the purposes of discovering discussing matters covered by attorney client privilege we will not be taking action so we'll just be coming back to close the meeting we be approximately 1 hour 45 minutes maybe do I have a motion motion do I have Sheila do I have a second second miss good can you please call the role Miss Angley yes Miss katamori yes Miss delira yes Mr delator yes Mr Grana yes Miss Conor yes Mr kful yes M Norwood yes M mcer yes it is [Applause] 8:49 all righty it is 10:14 p.m. and we are just coming back from executive session do I have a motion to resume the meeting motion do I have a second second roll call please miss good I have a second motion Miss Angley yes Miss camor yes M Dela yes Mr delator yes Mr Grana yes Miss Conor yes Mr plel yes M Norwood yes m m yes and with no further business do I have a motion to close the meeting motion second all in favor say I I thank you and have a good [Music] night [Music] oh