[Music] good evening everyone we're going to get started welcome to the April 2024 Hoboken Board of Education meeting thank you all for being here if you are joining us this evening to speak on agenda or non-agenda items please use the signup sheets located at the podium right down in front miss good can you read the statement of compliance please this meeting is being held in Conformity to the open Public's meeting Act njsa 10 col 4-6 proper public notice of the meeting was published in the local papers on January 5th 2024 which was the annual notice if any board member or member of the public in attendance believe that the meeting is in violation of the open Public's meeting act the Hope oen Board of Education requests that they make a statement at this time the board wishes to make those in attendance aware that this meeting is being recorded on video and will be broadcast by the board at a later date on catv channel 77 and files channel 46 the full meeting recording will also be made available on board docs which can be accessed to the district homepage the Hoboken board of education is committed to preserving the decorum of the public process and is mindful that we live in an electronic age of computers cell phones and other electronic communication devices nevertheless we respectfully request that all meeting participants kindly silence their electronic devices during the course of the meeting and if use of the device is necessary we ask that you please leave the meeting room if you need to conduct personal business bu thank you Miss please rise fored to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under godible with liberty and justice for all miss good would you please call the roll Miss Angley here miss camori here miss here Mr delator here Mr Grana here miss Conor here Mr clle here M Norwood here M mcer here you have a corner thank you Miss good we are going to begin our meeting as we usually do with student recognitions for the month of March student achievement is at the heart of every decision that is made here in the Hoboken Public School District and we're so grateful to have each and every one of you here this evening to kick off and run our recognition section I turn the podium over to assistant superintendent Sandra Rodriguez [Applause] Gomez good evening and welcome to the student recognition portion of our meeting we hope that you all had a restful and energizing spring break and are continuing to be as focused as ever we're excited to honor our students tonight and curious to learn about their accomplishments and those that they will aim for in the near and distant future I extend a heartfelt welcome to the members of the Board of Education superintendent Dr Johnson administrators faculty community members students and of course their special guests their families it is always such a joy to stand before you and introduce our inspiring principles as they come up to the podium and share detailed information and anecdotes about the students being honored here this evening as the students of the month for March we all realize that it is quite an accomplishment to be honored by your school and District community and if you are one of the students tonight who will be honored please don't ever forget this day and let it Inspire many more winning moments you are role models and peer mentors to the students in your classrooms and to those you pass in the hallways daily thank you for inspiring others and continuing to to thrive in school and Beyond we are all very proud of each and every one of you and can't wait to hear at regarding your academic Journey usually we begin with uh Joseph F brand and its principal Mr Bartlett but his oh she is okay good then we'll begin as usual as has been our process we will begin with the Joseph F brand school and its principal Mr Bartlett he will then introduce the Connor's vice principal Mr Hamlin and he will follow this same pattern introducing our present our next presenters principles Shannon sorine and Pika Petra of Wallace Hoboken middle and Hoboken High School each will celebrate both each will celebrate their school's selection and of course pause for an important picture opportunity again thank you for your attention and for being with us here this evening and with that I would ask principal Bartlett to join me at the podium thank you Mrs Rodriguez Gomez good night uh good evening Dr Johnson and members of the board at this time I would like to ask Summer Martinez to come join me at the podium congratulations to Summer Martinez the Joseph FBR Elementary School student of the month for March 2024 summer was nominated by her second grade teacher Miss B Bonia Miss Babylonia said summer has truly grown into an empathetic and understanding student she works very hard on her work to understand that she needs to not only complete it but be very thoughtful about everything she puts her mind to she is extremely helpful to her friends and understands compassion and resilience on a whole other level as principal I've had the privilege of watching Summer grow socially and academically over the course of this school year as well as her kindergarten and first grade years I can say she's definitely not a second grader anymore she is an almost third grader with the maturity and Leadership skills that go along with it previously Summers received the kindness award and was recognized as a student of the week summer represents the definition of leadership students gravitate towards her she is extremely positive and hardworking and she leads everyone else to be the same way leadership is a skill that is needed especially when it comes to difficult situations or topics and summer is emerging as a true classroom leader in those instances Summer's hobbies include painting playing Sports Cheerleading Gymnastics and yoga her favorite subjects are math art and music her favorite music to listen to is Drake cardi B and Ice spice summer wants to go to Princeton University because she said it's definitely a top three college and has good rankings after college she wants to be a police officer veterinarian archaeologist or doctor when told she would be recognized here tonight in front of the Board of Education summer said it makes me feel really nice because I feel like when other people get student of the month I'm happy for them at Brent it's okay to express our feelings and I've been wanting to get student of the month it makes me feel good inside because my teachers like me and stick up for me especially Miss Babylonia Miss hernick Mrs aello and Mrs youu I feel really good about being student of the month and maybe other kids will want to get it so they need to work hard and they will get it like me and there is another fantastic example of Summer's burgeoning leadership skills great job encouraging your peers to reach their goals please join me in a round of applause for our brand student of the month summer Martinez congratulations [Applause] [Music] that's for you conratulations at this time I'd like to welcome to the podium the vice principal of Connor's School Mr Jack [Applause] Hamlin thank you Mr Barlett I would like to call up Josie margolus our Connor's Elementary student of the mon [Music] Josie Margolis a second grade student in Miss Garcia's class is being acknowledged for her exceptional academic dedication creativity and commendable character traits Miss Garcia shared that Josie's remarkable speaking skills creativity and strong work ethic serve as an inspiration to her peers her respectful demeanor towards others showcases her bright future aspirations Josie's interests span across various subjects such as science math and reading which she eagerly engages in she actively participates in class discussions and collaborates well with her classmates Josie values her family dearly especially her sister Sydney who's here with us tonight and cherishes moments spent with her sister and her parents Josie's passion for reading is evident through her variety of genre choices her favorite books include diary of whiy kid and the Dork Diaries her consistently positive attitude and determination to do well make her a standout koala within the Connor School Community when speaking with Josie about being awarded student of the month Josie explained that she loves art she shared her aspirations to become a teacher or work in an animal hospital in the future she was described by her peers as kind helpful and caring and having known her for the last two years I can wholeheart edly agree with their assessment Josie's accomplishments in both academics and character are very commendable she's a valuable member of the Connor's koala family and so deserving of this award please join me in congratulating Josie Margolis the student of the month for March 2024 [Music] [Applause] open thanks I'd like to now introduce the principal of Wallace Elementary School Mr Martin shaman [Music] [Applause] [Applause] good evening everyone we are here tonight to celebrate Alexandri sham our wall school student of the month for March [Music] 2024 Alex is a fifth grade scholar at Wallace and was nominated by her teacher Miss rhau who said Alexandra is a shining star at Wallace school she goes out of her way to get to know as many students teachers and staff members within the school building so so she could greet them when she sees them daily she always has a smile on her face and helps out her fellow classmates when they are sad or feeling down as her principal I appreciate her hard work caring nature and willingness to connect with everyone in the community her combination of positive energy and infectious happiness is the perfect compliment to our school I am very proud to be her principal Alex makes everyone feel included and plays with everyone on the playground at recess she has made tremendous progress in deel Ving her math and reading skills this school year she loves participating in science class with Miss Versace and fiz Ed with Miss Lisa she loves to make small paper dolls and mermaids when she earns free time at school she enjoys pottery class Sports and skiing on the weekends Miss Dawn her power professional had this to add about Alex I have known Alexandria since she was 3 years old I have watched her grow up into this hardworking caring funny respectful young woman Alexandra loves meeting new people when she comes into our when they come into our classroom and makes them feel welcomed everyone at Wallace knows how much I adore Alex and how happy I am to see her to see all that she has accomplished she will be moving on to Middle School in September and Wallace will not be the same without her I definitely Echo that sentiment Wallace will not be the same thank you Alex for being such an amazing person we will certainly miss you but always remember once a wild cat always a wild cat let's hear for Alexandria our [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] March excellent give [Applause] me great job next I would like to welcome principal sorin of the Hoboken Middle School to the podium ni see [Applause] you good evening everyone please welcome lakmi diali gella to the podium as hobo [Music] Miss rosm nominated deali for this honor for several reasons although new to Hoka Middle School family this year Dali's sweet and kind disposition coupled with her determination our assets to our school Community Tali consistently strives for excellence in all her Endeavors she maintains an A or higher average in ela and math completes assignments diligently and often challenges herself with El Ela ISL skills at a 10th or 11th grade level her willingness to lend a helping hand to others and her positive role model uh modeling are commendable contributing to a genuine sense of support among her peers deali consistently upholds the hok and Middle School expectation with a positive attitude making her a pleasure to have in class as we watch her shine and grow in social studies deali demonstrates kindness intelligence and generosity daily she maintains an A in class and actively assist classmates after completing her own work her Eng engagement in class discussions and her cheerful demeanor brighten our learning environment making her a valuable member of our community tali's curiosity and interest in science have led her to explore various content areas with enthusiasm her intention to detail friendly personality and creativity have resulted in excellence in Hands-On projects with group Partners her caring nature nature and positive contributions make her an invaluable asset to any classroom Mr MF shares that he believes Dali has a bright future ahead and will be achieving great things in the Arts uh preap dance or preap dance teacher consistently shares that deali consistently demonstrates motivation preparedness and her and her pursuit of excellence and M and mature demeanor set a positive example for her peers embodying Tiger Pride accountability within our school Community it has been a pleasure to have Dali in class and we look forward to her continued success Beyond academics deali actively participates in after school clubs such as yera club and student council in student council student council she shows initiative in event planning and ensures inclu inclusivity among members reflecting her leadership qualities and commitment to community involvement Dali's friend Amber describes her as a good friend due to her kindness excellent grades and active involvement in clubs the's recognition as soon of the month reflects her dedication and contributions to HMS and Amber is glad that she is being recognized when asked about receiving student of the month deali expressed pride in herself and gratitude for experience at HMS especially given the challenge of moving from another country in her Spare Time Tali enjoys playing the saxophone reading and playing chess she aspires to become either a cardiologist or a neurosurgeon in the future thank you to ply we are grateful that you joined our school community and I look forward to your continued efforts in excellence please join me in a round of Applause for Hoboken Middle School student of the month lakmi deali [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gella at this time I'd like to invite the principal of hoken High School Miss Robin [Applause] [Music] pip good evening everyone standing here is the Magnificent P delatori Hoboken High School's March student of the month I didn't think she was here because I'm so used to looking back to see if my kids walked in and I'm like oh my God Alex text or do something and then all of a sudden I saw them sitting there p is an amazing young lady who I have had the pleasure to get to know over the past 3 years it really is hard to believe that she is finishing up her junior year as it was only yesterday that she came in wide-eyed as a freshman she has not stopped since challenging herself with preap and AP coursework she boasts a 3.96 GPA and with her first semester of a junior year has a 4.40 GPA so I'm confident we'll be well over four this will serve her well as Mr Terry shared p is a dedicated student with an ambitious list of colleges that she looks forward to applying to next year including University of Southern California and Clemson among others she's involved in a host of co-curricular activities and is a three- sport athlete volleyball swimming and Lacrosse and according to our coaches gives 150% she does all of this and holds a job Miss Delarosa had a lot to say when does she not she said she's a leader among her peers and she is a joy to have in class she is currently in Miss Del Ro's Spanish 3 Advan course she's a very versatile student determined meticulous responsible and dependable among her wonderful characteristics one that is rare in high school students is her fantastic way of planning and organizing herself she is knowledgeable in many topics such as history economics political science and current events she also has a strong sense of identity with her culture which she uses to her benefit P has shown High dedic ation and motivation through her actions in class and school she is honest genuine and trustworthy she's a mature young lady and she always impresses me with her talents Mr hugin shared that she is responsible curious and a kind student she wants to learn she is a pleasure to have in class and her thoughtful comments and questions served to improve the academic rigor in our AP language and comp and our AP Capstone courses her questions often clarify the subject matter for the entire class Miss Perry shed that passes down to earth which I can really totally see she really keeps things at a very honest level she is happy when things are going well and she asks thoughtful question when she does not understand a topic she works well with others has confidence and is conscientious about her grades a delight to have in class last but not least Miss nellan shared p is a strong leader in the class she is definitely the leader in her lab group hard worker and she has such an even personality she takes responsibility for her own learning and can be relied upon to follow through she also has a great positive at attitude and Outlook she keeps things in perspective and so she does not not overreact overall an amazing person with a bright future ahead of her and I think everything that was said here is going to serve you really well along with that fabulous GPA we couldn't be prouder of p and we congratulate her as our March student of the month [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay and I'll give you the right [Applause] out congratulations to all our students of the month we are so proud of you and it's just always a thrill to get to hear from your school Community how much you mean to them and what great examples that you're setting and just all the wonderful things that you were doing we will now hear from our student government representative I'd like to welcome the Hoboken High School student government representative jenio to the podium for her report highlighting current events good evening my name is Jenna Serio and I am the Hoban high school student government School Board representative this evening it is an honor to speak to you this evening and provide you with an update on the latest key achievements from Hoboken High School I would like to start by congratulating the members of Hoboken High School class of 2024 and received acceptances to 104 colleges and universities both nationally and [Applause] [Music] internationally next on the red care Red Wings Care Coalition the National Honor Society student government and Spanish Honor Society are three student organiz organizations are hosting the tradition of the senior citizens prom on May 2nd 202 for at Hoboken High School we are inviting 100 Hoboken senior citizens to come enjoy our dinner dancing and music more details to follow on this amazing event the Hoboken High School Red Wings are at the Hudson County teen Arts Festival today and tomorrow and if there are any questions please email Miss Miller about questions and tickets about Harry Potter for some recent news on Athletics we'd like to congratulate Red Wings varsity baseball team on the 13-3 win over Lincoln High School Peter Stelly picked up his first win the offense was led by venzo Tor who went two for four with a triple and Max caza's three-run Home Run for the for over the right field fence next home game Thursday 4:30 versus snd High School our hobok and Red Wings varte softball team had dominated the field recently with an outstanding victory over Hudson Catholic High School with a final score of 171 our team soared to Victory on the road this afternoon and huge congratulations to all the players coaches and supporters for this impressive win let's keep up the amazing moment momentum as we continue to strive for Success this season the Hoboken Varsity Red Wings emerg Victorious against the Lincoln lions in two sets in Jersey City and the record for the season now stands at 5 to1 but back to Student Government this past week the Hoboken High School student government philanthropic committee made 232 sandwiches and donated them to the residents of the hobok and homeless shelter we would like to thank Megan Stelly Haley Dobson and jeved fin for their tireless Organization for this yearly event and finally to round out this report our monthly lunch on will with Hoboken High School administration will be held on Monday April 19th 2024 at 12: p.m. thank you very much for this opportunity to speak and thank you for always supporting our student government in Hoboken High School we look forward to seeing you at our events and go Red Wings thank you so much Jenna that was a really thorough report and it's always great to hear all of the wonderful things going on at Hoboken High School especially all those very exciting college acceptances so next we'll be transitioning into reports I know some of our families probably have bedtime to get home to so if you want to take a moment and leave us but Dr Johnson do you have a superintendent report this evening wonderful Dr Johnson okay [Applause] oh it's really okay [Applause] [Applause] it's walk them care of the there's like no good work in a me and then now drink it I'm sorry Sor okay we're good okay so good evening um I do have a brief report this evening uh the as you know we've kind of uh talked about it a few times but I'm excited to report out that the Blue Ribbon Cort ification process um in the district began today uh at Grant Elementary School uh this morning it was the first school in our district to be visited by our assessor uh we look forward to each of our schools being visited uh over this week and next week and we look forward to the feedback that we're going to receive as each of our schools strive to become Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence uh on this agenda this evening you will also see a revision for the 2024 2025 uh school year calendar after our governance committee uh discussed it uh the revision actually moves next year's spring break from the week of April 21st um back to the week of April 14th giving the district one extra day at the end of the school year um just in case there's any kind of weather catastrophe um making our last day of school Wednesday June 18th as opposed to Friday June 20th um next week is the Hoboken public Education Foundation gala we are extremely uh excited about what the evening is going to bring funding plans this year range from Wellness to safety to fine and Performing Arts initiatives and to stem and diversity programs um sat and AP Prep and college tours field trips and technology and professional development along with a year dedicated to the Sciences so April 25th is sure to be a night that we're all going to remember um and because of the work and generosity of the hpf the Hoboken public school district is going to be hosting its first annual districtwide art show over the weekend of April 27th and April 28th um more uh is going to come out about uh the art show there's already been one invitation that's been sent out but um families will receive some blasts of emails uh invitations as well as the community this art show is going to display over 3,000 pieces of original artwork from students across the district each piece of artwork is inspired by a field trip to a museum that was funded by the hpf this year and supported by curricular learning in the following units of study the show is going to be spectacular so I uh would definitely say Mark your Calenders and don't miss it um and finally staff appreciation week is scheduled for the week of May 6th through May 10th there's a number of nice surprises that are scheduled for our staff um on each day from central office the principls and vice principls and also the pto's um so also Mar mark your calendars for that if you would like to send a special thank you to uh a teacher to a power professional a clerk to a custodian to anyone in the building uh buildings that you would like to uh just send a a warm thank you to we're all really excited to show our gratitude to all those uh that do everything they can to support our students day in and day out and that's all I have for this evening thank you Dr Johnson miss good do you have a business administrator's report this evening no I don't thank you Miss good next we'll move into committee reports we'll start with C curriculum with Mr gr um good evening and I uh do not have um a significant report to share uh to the board tonight um I will state that the subcommittee did meet on the 11th of April and in attendance were myself Miss kadori Dr Johnson Miss Rodriguez gz and Miss angle um the only thing that I would add in in addition to what Dr Johnson said is um that the Department of Education um has taken an interest of you know we've had a a noticeable increase in school performance we've reported it here it's been in the press and the Department of Education has come to examine us and they're visiting brand Elementary School in something that we inside the committee affectionately call the Hoboken way um other than that the only other action item is 9.01 we have approval of some additional field trips and I encourage you to vote in favor thank you very much back to you Miss mcer thank you Mr R I will turn it over to Mr delator for facilities the facilities meet uh committee met on Wednesday April 10th in attendance were Dr Johnson Miss MC k m delara Mr cige and myself we discussed all agenda items and recommend all for approval I did want to share a few other updates uh facilities use requests as you'll see in the agenda the pulse with Peter B will be hosting the Bala Menendez debate here at demeris on May 15th um doors at Connor School due to supplier delays a door installation for the top of the scare case at Connor has been postponed to a later date uh scaffolding SCA ing here at HMS uh there's a meeting with an engineers in two weeks to survey the building one last time once we receive the okay the scaffolding will come down most likely closer to the end of the school year and that's my report thank you Mr delator uh for the finance report we turn it over to miss kanana thank you good evening the finance committee met on Wednesday April 10th at 11:30 a.m. in attendance were Dr Johnson miss good Miss catori oh sorry Miss hangley Mr Kell and myself we reviewed and recommend agend agenda items 11.01 through 11.15 for approval uh there are two items I would like to point out 11.2 is the renewal of the food service provider contract with Chartwells and last but not least is 11.15 the approval of the revised tenative budget to be submitted to the committee and just to remind the public subsequent to the county superintendent's approval of the tentative budget the board will welcome Community input at its annual public budget hearing which has been rescheduled to take place on April 30th the Hoboken Board of Education will after the public hearing vote to formally adopt the proposed School District budget for the 2024 2025 fiscal year at a public meeting to be held on May 14 2024 thank you and that concludes my report thank you Miss cona will'll turn it over to miss katamori for governance good evening the governance committee met on Wednesday April 10th 2024 in attendance were Dr Johnson Mr keld Miss Norwood Miss mcer and myself the committee discussed all agenda items and recommend all for approval um as is typical throughout the year there are a number of appointments resignations retirements leave requests Etc approval of new substitutes and uh workshops um and today's agenda includes specifically the following uh 10.01 through 10.03 includes the acceptances of resignations including the retirement of Mr Edwin Johnson head custodian at the high school we wish Mr Johnson a happy and long retirement thank him for his service to the district and to our students 10.04 through 10.06 and 10.3 9 through 10.12 include various appointments for the current school year and next school year as well as to support our summer programs of certified par professional and volunteer staff 10.07 includes internal transfers between the district schools um 1013 10.13 through 10.14 cover the prision of an appointment and a new appointment of Staff in connection with the district's production of Harry Potter 10.15 and 10.16 cover appointments of Staff related to the district's esy summer program um 10.17 and 10.18 um cover the required annual appointment of the district's tenur certificated staff and administrators for the 2425 school year uh 10.19 includes the revision to the 2425 uh school year calendar that Dr Johnson described a short while ago moving the spring break to the week before and allowing us to end school on the on the 18th as opposed to after um the juneth holiday on the 19th um 10.20 covers approval of leave requests and uh 10.22 and 10.23 um are approval of staff and connection with passport to learning for the current school year as well as approval of additional compensation to certain staff in connection with the district Black History Month celebration and finally 10.22 or 24 includes the approve approval of various workshops and conferences to be attended by our staff and faculty and that is my report thank you Miss camor Miss Norwood do you have a wellness committee report I do thank you good evening the wellness Wellness committee met on Wednesday April 10th in attendance were Dr Johnson miss mcer Mr delator Miss darara and myself there are no Wellness items on the agenda however the committee discussed a number of items Hudson County will be holding a health fair in the high school gym on April 27th the county will be offering a variety of Health screens and conducting Outreach for services they provide to the community in June the district is planning a clean eating event led by District Parent Melissa benesi owner of baked by Melissa cupcakes the invitation only event is intended to support District families with food insecurity the goal of the program is to reduce food scarcity in our community and help teach easy strategies to convert convenient Foods into healthier options with the gener donation from Acme supermarkets participants will be given cooking tools recipes ingredients and a cooking lesson some of the ingredients will have been grown in the district's Urban Garden aquaponics Towers which are being tended to by students in the transitional program for 18 to 21y Old special needs students the Hoboken public education foundation will be sponsoring a 5K run in September as a fundraiser and to encourage Wellness we encourage all to participate Hoboken High School will be holding a football camp for younger students the afternoon of June 17th which is a half day in the district and the second to last planned day of school on July 21st there will be a second um football camp a different one that is sponsored uh by Flex Works featuring Giants quarterback Daniel Jones um and uh that will uh there's one more uh the hobok and High School wait room will be getting on makeover this summer before the start of the football season the cost of makeover will be largely covered by uh $5,000 remaining from last Summer's football camp a $10,000 donation from Planet Fitness and revenue from the Summers football camps thank you very much thank you Miss Norwood thank you everyone for your committee reports much appreciated um I'd like to turn to my president's report and before I start I'd like to remind everyone if you haven't gotten tickets to Harry Potter already get them while you can um it is coming up next month open night is on uh Wednesday May 15th there's a Wednesday show and a Thursday show both at 5:00 p.m. Friday night which is the 17th is at 7:00 p.m. and then there are two Maes over the weekend on the 18th and the 19th at 2 p.m. this is the North American uh High School premiere of Harry Potter and the cursed child so do not miss your opportunity I know I went on to grab some tickets for some relatives the other day and it's slim Pickin out there so get your Harry Potter tickets while you you can um much like and transitioning completely because I had forgotten about that and I didn't add it to the beginning of my report um much like our students invest time in their studies throughout the school year with the summer months nearing professional development training is something that as a school district we must continuously invest in knowing that literacy drives our students success in school we place a particular focus on ensuring that our teachers have all the tools in their tool boxes that they need to meet the individual need of each and every student so during this upcoming summer we will be sending all new kindergarten to fifth grade teachers to the institute for multisensory education training for multisensory reading so that they too will have the same level of knowledge and the same strategies that their colleagues do when teaching 90minut literacy blocks that we have in elementary school and that includes both our dual language kindergarten and dual language first grade teachers and if you haven't had a chance to kind of find out that multi-sensory reading is um the district had hosted a curriculum night I think back in December and I know I definitely did not know just how multi-sensory it was and I have seen the differen that's made in my own child and I think we can see the differences across the district in terms of scores we're extremely excited to forge a partnership with the dyslexia Institute for literacy and learning that highly regarded staff is going to lead 20 of our kindergarten through fifth grade teachers one at each grade level at each school plus special education teachers through their classroom certification prog process in August and in June they will lead eight reading Specialists and special Educators through the associate Master certificate program making the Hoboken Public School District highly trained and skilled to tackle literacy with the goal of ensuring that all students are reading at or above grade level our investment in teacher training and development does not stop at literacy our teachers will also engage in Project Lead the Way stem training advanced placement course training and training in the content area of mathematics over the summer months the Investments that have been made in Staffing and professional development over the last 9 years are a large part of why this growing school district is now the top performing traditional K to2 District in Hudson County as a board of education and our central office administrative team we want to invest in our teachers because what they give back to our students in return is priceless we recognize it and do not want to Short change our main priority educating hoboken's children and as many of you well know that priority is funded primarily by the local tax levy paid by the citizens of Hoboken and I think everyone in this room knows that budget season is really in full swing and as Miss uh Conor reported out earlier item 11.15 on this evening's agenda represents a revised tenative budget for the 2024 2025 school year back in March we approved a tenative budget for the year and that tenative budget included all school and Department requests with no Cuts or reduction uctions so between that time and really this past week there were budgetary requests are evaluated and adjustments that are made to mitigate the impact on taxpayers while maintaining investments in our students staff and Facilities that process is now concluded and we are preparing to present the budget to the community uh as Miss cona mentioned earlier we'd like to invite the entire Community to join us on April 30th here at 700 p.m. in an effort to provide an opportunity for community members to better understand the 20242 budget there will also be two Q&A sessions in addition to the public hearing the first will be held on May 7th at 10:00 a.m. at the cabro school and the second will be held on May 7th at 6: p.m. here at Hoboken middle school or the demoras building as it's better known you can also find updates on the budget on the board of education section on the district website when you go into that drop down there's a section that says 2425 budget and we also have an email address if people have questions which is hpsd budget at hobo . k2. nj. us I know the number one question everyone has is around that increase and I'm really pleased to report that the overall amount of the increase has come down so when we look at what the impact will be the average assessed valuation here in Hoboken for a property is $526,000 so the increase for a property at that value will be approximately $385 for the year or $32 a month and to give you some additional context homes that have that tax value valuation are typically selling here in Hoboken in the neighborhood of $820,000 a home with assessed valuation of a million would see an increase of $731 annually or $61 per month Homes at that valuation are typically selling for over $1.5 million and to provide some additional context to the community when you look at school tax rates here in New Jersey both General and equalized as well as the percentage of the overall tax bill that we invest in schools here in Hoboken Hoboken sits at the bottom of Hudson County and the bottom of the state of New Jersey the increase that's included in item 11.15 this evening which is an increase of 14.99% of the tax levy will not change that statistic by much we might move up one or two places but you're still at the bottom with our enrollment growing annually these responsible investments will enable us to serve our student body and keep achievement growing so that is my report for this evening and now we'll go into public comments on agenda items here thank you moving on to the consent agenda is there a motion motion second second miss good would you please call the role I will miss Angley yes Miss camor um abstain on item 14.02 as it relates to hobo and United and yes to everything else M delera yes Mr delator yes Mr Grana yes Miss Conor yes Mr kful yes M Norwood abstain on 11.13 and yes on the rest M mcer yes motion passes thank you Miss good now moving on to public comments on agenda and non-agenda items miss good do we have any speakers signed up no all righty we are not going into executive session so um that will conclude our meeting do we have a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor say I I meeting adjured [Music] oh