##VIDEO ID:OioyC6SO04w## [Music] welcome to the October 2024 Hoboken Board of Education meeting thank you all for being here if you're joining us this evening to speak on agenda or non-agenda items I'd ask you to sign up at the sheets located at the podium directly in front of me um and with that we'll get started Miss Lopez can you please read the statement of compliance yes this meeting is being held in Conformity to the open public meetings Act njsa 10 col 4-6 at SEC proper public notice of the meeting was published in the local papers on January 5th 20124 if any board member or member of the public in attendance believes that the meeting is in violation of the open public meetings act the Hoboken Board of Education requests that they make a statement at this time the board wishes to make those in attendance aware that this meeting is being recorded on video and will be broadcast by the board at a later date on catv Channel 77 and FiOS channel 46 the full meeting recording will also be made available on board dos which can be accessed through the district homepage the Hoboken board of education is committed to preserving the decorum of the public process and is mindful that we live in the electronic age of computers cell phones and other electronic communications devices nevertheless we respectfully request that all meeting participants kindly silence their electronic devices during the course of the meeting and if use of the device is necessary we ask that you please leave the meeting room if you need to conduct personal business thank you Miss Lopez please rise for the pledge of allegiance aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Miss Lopez can you please call the rooll yes Miss Angley here miss C muring here miss Dela Mr delator here Mr gr oh here M Conor Mr cliffel here miss Norwood here and Miss vicker here thank you Miss Lopez uh as we usually do we're going to begin this evening with the recognition of our September students of the month so I will turn the meeting over to assistant superintendent Sandra Rodriguez Gomez thank you and welcome to the student recognition portion of our meeting we are so excited for all of our brilliant students to see what all our brilliant students and talented staff will accomplish this year we are confident that it will be yet another great year to that end I extend a heartfelt welcome to the members of our Board of Education superintendent Dr Johnson administrators faculty who might be present community members and of course students and their special guests their families it is a joy to once again stand before you and introduce our principles as they take the podium to share detailed information and anecdotes about the students being honored here today as September students of the month these students started the Academic Year on a super strong footing and have worked diligently since day one and to them we say thank you for being peer mentors to the students in your classrooms and to those you pass in the hallways daily we are also very proud of each of you and can't wait to hear about both your academic and social accomplishments we will begin the recognitions with the Joseph FF brand school and its principal Charles Bartlett he will then introduce the Connor's principal Miss Addie she will follow this pattern introducing our next presenters principal Shannon sorfin and Petra of Wallace Hoboken middle and Hoboken High School each will celebrate their school's selections and pause for a picture opportunity again thank you for being with us here this evening and with that I would ask Prince principal Bartlett to join me in the podium thank you Mrs Rodriguez Gomez good evening Dr Johnson members of the board and our guests and I was going to ask Monroe paluso to join me at the podium but she is already here congratulations to Monroe Palo the Joseph F brand Elementary School student of the month for September of 2024 Monroe is nominated by her fifth grade teacher Miss Constantine Miss Constantine said she nominated Monroe because she has proven herself to be a superstar fifth grade student she consistently implements new routines procedures and expectations and therefore has been an excellent role model for her peers she works hard in school every day and shows a genuine interest in learning and growing even completing challenge problems each day for math Monroe is a kind and Cooperative student who contributes to a positive learning environment for herself her peers and her teacher Miss Constantine went on to say Monroe is a sweet and compassionate student with a sparkling personality she comes to school with a smile on her face each day creating a positive classroom environment for all Monroe is a diligent worker always challenging herself to go above and beyond I've known Monroe as principal for quite some time as she's ascended through the grades at Brand school and I am extremely proud of her leadership skills and her capabilities in a crowd or in a small group she exhibits the work ethic and empathy for others that we prioritize in our Learning Community this year Monroe currently has all A's in fifth grade she won the US finals competition for cheerleading and received a certificate from the mayor and last year in all four marking periods as a fourth grader she earned the principal award meaning she had Straight A's for the entire year she is a hardworking student who is eager to learn and grow academically she demonstrates a strong commitment to her education and is consistently a positive role model in class additionally Monroe has a funloving and light-hearted spirit which is a pleasure to be around each day outside of school Monroe is a very dedicated competitive cheerleader she also loves music reading and spending time with her friends and family she dreams of going to college at Princeton University and pursuing a career in fashion design when told she would be honored here tonight Monroe said I am proud to be student of the month because it's a big honor and I'm glad I'm at Brand and I'm glad you're at Brand too Monroe keep being your one wonderful awesome self and great things will follow please join me in congratulating Monroe paluso our Branch school student of the month [Applause] at this time I'd like to welcome to the podium Miss Juliana Addie the principal of the Connor elementary [Applause] school thank you Mr Bartlett at this time I would like to call up Audrey Stans the Conor student of the month [Applause] Audrey stens a second grade student in Miss Garcia's class is being acknowledged for her exceptional academic dedication creativity and commendable character traits Miss Garcia shared that Audrey's remarkable speaking skills creativity and strong work ethic serve as an inspiration for her peers her respectful demeanor towards others showcases her bright future aspirations Audrey's interests span across various subjects such as math reading and social studies which she eagerly engages with Audrey loves art and loves to draw dogs in her free time she actively participates in class discussions and collaborates well with her classmates Audrey's passion for reading is evident through her variety of genre choices her favorite series is Dragon master described by her peers as kind helpful and caring Audrey's accomplishments in both academics and character are truly commendable Audrey shared that her favorite thing about Connor's is the pep rallies she also loves playing Gaga with her friends at recess Audrey wants to be a kindergarten teacher when she grows up her consistent positive attitude and determination to do well will make her successful in anything that she sets her mind to Miss V her first grade teacher from last year shared that Audrey Audrey is the hardest worker she always came to school ready to learn and was so excited when she learned something new she has always been a leader and will continue to do amazing things this year as a second grader Audrey values her family dearly especially her little sister Avery and cherishes moments spent with her sister parents and grandp parents who are all here celebrating with her tonight Audrey is such a valuable member of the Connor squala family and is so deserving of this award please join me in congratulating Audrey Stans the student of the month for September for Connor's Elementary School [Applause] at this time I'd like to call up principal Shannon from Wallis Elementary [Applause] School good evening we are here tonight to celebrate Charles Feldman Charles stands out as an exceptional role model in the classroom earning the admiration of his peers with his unwavering commitment and enthusiasm his active engagement in classwork showcases his dedication while always going the extra mile in completing ass assignments and homework Charles thrives on challenges particularly in mathematics consisting consistently striving for academic Excellence Charles participates in class discussions with both enthusiasm and insight which reflects on his eagerness to learn Charles interacts with his classmates and teachers with remarkable politeness kindness and respect while creating a positive and inclusive learning environment beyond the classroom Charles demonstrates empathy and Leadership by assisting classmates in need and extending his support to the new students in our school Community his compassion his compassionate nature and willingness to help others is truly admirable Charles enjoys collecting baseball cards and has a strong interest in sports particularly baseball and soccer one of his favorite books is Diary of a Wimpy Kid Charles plans to attend Alabama for college he aspires to become a soccer player a passion supported by his achievement of winning the state cup additionally Charlie is proud to have never broken a bone in his life he also sells sports cards as a side hobby his personal motto keep on trying reflects his determination and resilience Charles's positive attitude academic diligence and exceptional character have made made him a pleasure to teach we are immensely proud to have Charles as part of our school community and we have no doubt that he will continue to thrive and Inspire those around him let's hear it for Charles Feldon our Wallace school student of the month for September [Applause] [Music] one at this time I'd like to welcome principal soran of Hoboken middle to the [Applause] podium thank you Mr Shannon good evening everyone please join me in welcoming kamora Beals to the podium as hobok Middle School student of the month for September [Applause] kamora was nominated by her math teacher Miss Bruce who has known her since elementary school at Connors Miss Bruce shared that kamora has all always exemplified the qualities of a teacher all qualities a teacher could hope for in a student maximum effort kindness towards her peirs and a willingness to help adults Miss Bruce loves seeing how Kamar is growing up and adjusting to middle school and she is so proud of her Miss L Miss lamir kar's Ela teacher has has echoed this sentiment saying in the short time that I've had the pleasure of being kamora's teacher she has proven herself to be a role model for her classmates her dedication and work ethic exemplify Tiger Pride kamur consistently goes above and beyond her in her academics and is always prepared for class I am so proud of her and can't wait to see what she accomplishes next Miss Falone has added that kamora's positive energy and smile were the first things that she noticed from day one she could tell she body's perseverance respect Integrity dedication and Excellence which makes kamora the right decision the right selection as our first student of the month recipient this year it's been a pleasure getting to know her this past month and I look forward to watching her succeed at Hoka middle school kamora's friends also wanted to congratulate her her friend Carlos said kamora is helpful cheerful and not afraid to stand up for what she believes in congratulations kamur that's from Carlos Fay and Kendra agree with Carlos noting that kamora always looks for looks out for others is very sweet smart and full of great ideas outside of school kamur enjoys listening to music shopping and spending time with friends her favorite subject is math and she aspires to become a doctor or a track star in the future personally I've known kamora since I think she was in kindergarten she was a student at Connor and hearing of her nomination came as no surprise her warm smile calm demeanor and genuine care for others have always made her a standout she's grown into a remarkable young person and her focus on academics and her personal growth made this decision an easy one for our committee kamora thank you for setting such a high standard for our future student of the months this year's at hobok Middle School let's all give a round of applause for HMS the student of the month [Applause] [Music] please welcome to to the podium the uh principal of Hoboken High School Miss Robin Patra [Applause] good evening it is my pleasure to stand before you today to honor our remarkable student of the month for September Ava [Applause] pin Ava is a junior at Hoboken High School and has left strong Impressions on everyone that she meets I had the pleasure of spending 10 days in Ecuador and the Galapago island with AA and I got to see firsthand what an amazing young lady she was a sense of humor kindness and for sure a sense of adventure her teacher shared with me Eva embodies everything that you hope to see in a student not only in terms of academic success but also in her character and how she interacts with her peers she is caring and dedicated individual who goes above and beyond to support those around her whether it's in the classroom or in Social settings Ava stands out as a leader she doesn't just shine on her own she lifts others up with her one of her greatest strengths is her ability to bring people together during class discussions she ensures that everyone feels included often directing the conversation to encourage input from all members of the group this speaks to her ability to lead by example and create a sense of community in the classroom Ava is not only thoughtful and determined but also highly focused on learning her polite and kind demeanor brings a positive energy to every classroom that that is contagious her classmates can always rely on her to offer a helping hand and her dedication team teamwork sets a strong example for everyone in in addition to her impressing impressive achievements academically Eva also shines outside the classroom this past Saturday she won the Cupcake War an event where her baking skills truly took Center Stage it's no surprise that her passion for baking like everything else she does is approached with creativity focus and determination she won first place as an active member of our student government Eva is the driving force behind many of our activities she has a natural talent for planning and organizing events always ensuring that her fellow students feel included and engaged aa's willingness to help others and her commitment to making our school a better place is commendable I asked a a few questions so I'd like to share a little with you one of the highlights for for her years in Hoboken High school was her classroom Without Walls trip to Ecuador that experience opens her eyes to New Perspectives cultures and possibilities she will never forget how much she learned outside the classroom while on that Adventure she also mentioned planning and participating in our School's First annual cupcake Awards awards um were really important as well as a passionate Baker she felt this event was perfect it had a combination of creativity and competition and it will always be one of her favorite memories in addition to her academics and extracurricular activities she also enjoyed being involved in other areas of school she loves being the team manager for the girls volleyball team it gives her the chance to support a sport she loves work closely with her peers and be part of the team success her role in the student government especially as a co-chairperson of the fundraiser committee has taught her valuable leadership skills and how to work collaboratively to make a positive impact in the school Community as a junior she has recently been focused on her future particularly exploring colleges and planning visits one of the schools that really impressed her is Drexel University in Pennsylvania their programs in business and culinary arts caught her attention because they align perfectly with her passion for baking and her desire to pursue a career in the business world when she has downtime she tries to strike a balance between self-care and her love for baking both activities give give her the chance to recharge and do something that makes her happy she spends most of her time with her friends Kylie Sasha Sarah and Sebastian she likes to think they would describe her as funny and generous which I I am more than confident they do she also feels feels lucky to have such a supportive group of friends her motivation comes from a deep desire to be successful and happy in the future she wants to look back on her life and see that she worked hard and stayed true to herself she has worked since she was 14 and that experience has helped her grow she learned the valuable value of dedication and is committed to continue in that hard work as she's buil connections for her future career AA is eager to pursue a 4year degree in business and culinary arts and I have no D doubt that she will excel in her studies and contribute positively to the College Community her blend of creativity leadership and humor will always be an asset for future endeavors congratulations AA [Applause] congratulations to all the students who are recognized this evening we are so proud of you before we transition over to the business portion of our meeting we're very honored this evening to have uh joining us members of the New Jersey Amistad commission we have Dr Patrick Lamy who is the executive director of the New Jersey Amistad commission as well as Miss Annie iard who is no stranger to folks here at Hoboken middle school but she is also a New Jersey Amistad commissioner so we'd love for you to uh come to the podium thank you so much for being here with us thank you um Board of Education of Hoboken for having us um before we start I want to again congratulate all the students I want to congratulate all the teachers if you all the teachers who work with them the administrators please stand I like to acknowledge you as well and all the parents of the students who are here please stand parents grandparents the community and I think the reason that we're here is because of the excellent work that's happening within this District I had the opportunity earlier this year to meet with Dr Johnson in her office with her staff um to learn about what was happening in Hoboken and following that meeting or joined me in that meeting was commissioner Annie who's appointed by the governor's office as part of the Board of Commissioners for the amsa commission we learned so much about what's happening Hoboken I decided to invite Dr Johnson to do a session at the 2024 summer Institute she led a session to help other superintendents do the work that's happening here so congratulations to this board and congratulations to you I'm going to ask Dr Johnson to join us down here as well as I talk a little bit about her as you move your way down here we have a history that goes back to um College undergrad when we knew each other as young college students at Carwell University which was then Carwell college and um I had an opportunity to watch her growth over the years and I'm most impressed what's happening here um this is the first time we're recognizing an administrator of the year for the commission for over 22 years the amasar commission has acknowledged teachers the governor um signed into law the exemplary bill on August 31st 2021 and the purpose of that bill was to recognize two teachers one from K to 12 one from grades 9 through 8 um to do the work that's happening within this district and we've acknowledged four teachers over the past 4 years um understanding that the teachers work within the districts cannot be done without your support Awards like yours without superintendent like yours we decided to create a new award and this is the first time it's being offered congratulations to our New Jersey amasar commission exemplary administrator of the Year Dr CHR [Applause] congratulations to Dr Johnson and thank you so much to Dr Lamy and commissioner everard for being here with us this evening we greatly appreciate it and we're so honored to have Dr Johnson be the first recipient of this amazing recognition now we'll be switching over to the business portion of our meeting Dr Johnson do you have a superintendence report this evening yes I do uh okay good evening everyone and this evening um I'm going to begin with thanking uh Dr Lamie and Miss everheart for coming here this this evening and for all of the work you do to advance the Amistad legislation uh our school year is underway it's a very busy year already um and our School departments are um already entrenched in in the work that we uh have set forth for the school year our fall Sports programs are doing extremely well um our boys and our girls soccer teams are girls volleyball team at Hoboken High School they're all recording many victories our boys football team is improving every single week we could be more proud of them as well and I think it's important for I think the first time ever in school history to announce that our girls tennis team at Hoboken High School has not only won the first rounds of the New Jersey state tournament but the second round of the New Jersey state tournament today so they will be facing the number one seated Highland Park on Thursday so uh we wish them the best of luck and if they played the way they play today uh I'm sure they're going to come home with a victory um our middle schools fall sports teams are also doing extremely well I think uh everyone can agree the establishment of an in Scholastic sports program at Hoboken middle school has brought a real sense of school uh pride and spirit um to the school it's just it's so nice to see on game days the kids walking uh to school in their uniforms and um I know it's something that our sixth graders um for the sports that they are not playing yet until they hit 7th and eighth grade it's something to look forward to um and it's it's really uh kind of have given the school a totally new sense of excitement um we've also had a very busy two weeks at Hoboken High School last week we had Keith bamp come to our district and for those of you who don't know Keith bamp is a filmmaker of the movie till um he had worked on the project for years and years and years uh with uh EMT Till's mother in order to get the uh true story of what happened to emit till out to the public after the screening of the movie uh during the day to seventh graders and eighth graders along with all of our us2 and us2 AP students Holocaust students um and also our AP africanamerican History students at night he came back and did a screening of of the movie and a a Q&A for members of the community and for Miss eberhart's sixth graders uh who were able to attend um bamp artfully walked students through the abduction and the lynching of emit till in Mississippi in 1955 uh it was powerful it was thought-provoking and most of all it was emotionally moving to everyone who was in attendance following B's visit uh to our school District uh last Friday we had a visit from the South Korean education delegation um they came to Hoboken High School to observe classes uh we were able to get them into our Aviation and Innovation labs to see some classes we were also able to bring them into our Hydroponics and aquaponics lab to see a class and also into the preap uh Calculus class that was taught by uh C tank and in all of their experiences in the classroom um I think uh someone that was at my table maybe it was Miss katamori or Miss Angley um when we were having some lunch asked them what what the most important thing or the most powerful thing was that they saw while they were here visiting um and I I think um they mention that one of the most important things was um so many of the kids were engaged in course that were not only academic but would also potentially help them in the future um and I think when they left Miss Tank's classroom they saw what classroom management is really all about that's for sure um and um it was just it was really a great opportunity to also hear that some of the same things that we're struggling with here not only in the United States but in Hoboken such as um efforts uh for True inclusion in classrooms and um all of the new initiatives that we have with special education are things that in South Korea their educators are um also uh experiencing and and are probably um some years behind the implementation of those initiatives but they are um actively seeking to learn more about them so it was it was a really wonderful visit um our back to school nights um as know are all finished but we have some pretty uh exciting things that are coming up our parent teacher conferences are coming so we encourage all parents and Guardians to participate in those at the K to 5 Elementary School level at the middle school and the high school level and for the first time this year at the middle school level we're going to be participating um in or not participating but actually hosting Showcases of Excellence open houses um the middle school will be hosting theirs a little bit earlier than the high school with a about a half an hour overlap between the high school start time um on October 23rd um and we encourage all members um of the community to come out and see the schools um but most importantly we encourage our elementary families to come and see the middle school and the high school and we encourage our middle school students to and parents and Guardians to get out um that evening and come and see all of the programs and opportunities that are offered at Hoboken High School uh Hoboken High School is also going through some interesting and exciting Renovations um I would call them maybe facelifts um more than anything our library media center um is um going to be open probably I would say in a week and a half or so uh with um all new um equipment and furniture and um a whole range of things for um our high school students to enjoy and um even students from across the district particularly our middle school students as well um our College and Career lab is a new initiative that we started this school year the College and Career lab um is actually located right next to the library media center and it's um going to be such an Innovative space for students who are participating in the national certification uh program which is called the E Dynamic platform we have over 80 students that are already electively taking um one two and threee uh courses in order to earn National certification in career oriented um courses that they're taking and and programs uh we also have our award-winning debate uh classrooms um have been moved to a location in which um we've kind of uh put two classrooms next to each other removed a uh wall and um are installing a uh um electronic accordion type wall um in the room so that the over 125 plus students that are part of the debate program can uh not only take their classes in there but also gather after school and practice for Harvard model Congress competitions model un competitions and mock competitions as well um and then finally our athletic Suite um has uh been uh renovated as well um giving an opportunity for all of our coaches and our athletic director to welcome uh colleges and universities who have been visiting our school for years and will continue to do so and meet with potential scholarship athletes um so we're excited to see that and Wallace playground for those of you who might be interested will be open tomorrow and Mr Shannon back there is saying hooray uh it's been it's been closed for the last couple days with the resurfacing project taking place um and it is it has been complete we haven't been able to let the kids on it yet but it is finally set uh there's no sticky surface surfes left anymore and it'll be open tomorrow for the children today I attended the Connor PTO meeting on Thursday I'm going to be attending the Wallace PTO meeting and on Friday the brand PTO meeting um and at those meetings I'll be presenting uh some of our Focus areas for the school uh for this particular school year I'll also be um answering questions that um parents may have also providing an overview of the hpf initiatives that we're going to be implementing this year and giving a sneak peek of uh some of our student achievement data our student achievement data will be reported out by principles at the November um PTO meetings and will be presented uh to all of the Committees of the Board of Education as well in early November uh and then lastly uh I was really happy when I left the Connor's PTO meeting today and went upstairs for a second to miss Addie's office to be able to see uh Christy gudo and S Sandra Rodriguez Gomez who were visiting the school and had done a tour of all the elementary schools this morning with Dr Fedora from the Orton Gillingham Academy Dr Fedora um attended every or visited every classroom pretty much of every teacher that was trained uh this summer in uh the classroom level educator training as well as the associate Level Training uh she was extremely impressed with what she saw already and she is excited to begin the practicum hours with all of those teachers on October 24th uh I would like to report out that the international Spanish Academy will be visiting um the Board of Education offices uh to have a conversation with myself and Miss Rodriguez Gomez about our dual language program and the growth of our dual language program uh they will then be uh visiting uh our dual language kindergarten and first grade classes um in each of our elementary schools so we're excited to see them and then finally um on the 14th of November the New Jersey Department of Education will be coming to the district to see our AP africanamerican History classes at Hoboken High School um in order to um kind of see the grant that they provided to us in action um this is the first year that New Jersey schools are implementing the AP africanamerican uh history program so um we're excited to be a part of the Department of education's visits on that day um and then to just round it out I'm sure everyone saw the hobok in high school was also um happy to welcome Governor Murphy um and uh he and our um Senator Raj mcgie um spent really an entire class period with our AP government and politics students um discussing um a whole host of um uh Supreme Court um decisions basically and um had the opportunity to interact with our kids prior to going downstairs to the auditorium for their own press conference so it was it's been an exciting couple weeks um and I'm sure the excitement will not die down in the next few months to come so thank you thank you so much Dr Johnson we'll now move into committee reports Miss Lopez do you have a business administrator's report this evening no I do not have a report thank you uh moving on we will go to curriculum with Mr gr thank you president mcer um tonight um my update is is short and quick as uh much of the items on that were discussed in committee on October 3rd have already been covered this evening or shall be shortly in attendants on October 3rd were M katori Dr Johnson Miss Rodriguez Gomez mangle myself um so let me formalize the consent agenda which is 9.01 9.2 and 9.03 these are the approval of the assembly presentations for 24 and 25 for the 2425 school year the approval of the partnership between hobok and high school Faith Youth Services Program with the Hudson County credible messenges program and the approval of field trips and that is my update for this evening thank you [Music] president thank you Mr grania now have the facilities committee report from Mr delator good evening everyone the facilities committee met on Thursday October 3rd in attendance were Dr Johnson Mr cigi Mr delara Mr GNA Mr M and myself all agenda items were discussed and we recommend all for approval a couple of notes as Dr Johnson mentioned earlier over the weekend the wall of safety surface was successfully installed and will be ready for use beginning tomorrow uh the frames for the new Connor's safety doors have been installed the doors themselves will be in over the next few weeks uh the scaffolding around the hobok middle school will begin to come down in the next week or so and will be replaced by netting and finally there are three new facility use requests that have been submitted and approved they are the hobok and family Alliance for the their special Olympic swimming and Hoboken bike camp both at Hoboken High and the pulse with Peter B will be using the Hoboken Middle School auditorium for debate on the rent control ballot measure that's it thank you Mr delator for the finance committee report this evening we have Mr kutle uh thank you I'm I'm filling in for uh chali Conor tonight uh the finance committee did meet on Friday October 4th attending were Dr Johnson Miss Lopez Miss Angley Miss Conor Miss Norwood and myself uh it's a only a handful of items on the finance agenda uh this evening U and the committee did review all the items and recommend all for approval thank you thank you Mr Kell Miss katatori do you have a governance report for us this evening yes good evening governance committee met on Thursday October 3rd 2024 in attendance for Dr Johnson Miss Norwood miss mcer miss delara and myself committee discussed all agenda items and recommend them all for approval um as is typical we have a number of agenda items relating to faculty and staff um as well as related to training and workshops all of which are detailed on the agenda among other things today's agenda includes the following items of note um 10.07 includes the general approval of local walking field trips for all of our students from prek through 12 throughout the school year it's sort of a blanket approval to places like Acme or the other schools or you know alesio things of local interest um 10.07 I mean 10.08 through 10.11 approve the appoint approves the appointment of and related stiens for co-curricular advisor at Wallace Connor the middle school and one additional position at the high school not the brand and the high school co-curricular advisors were approved last month um 10.6 through 10.7 cover the approval of various appointments and stiens in both the district's athletic and theater departments 10.20 covers the approval or partnership with the partners in school program a research-based project funded by the National Institute of Mental Health the program encourages and seeks to optimize parent and teacher communication and collaboration for young students with autism 10.22 covers the approval of the district's affirmative action team for the current school year 10.23 um includes the approval of qualitative and quantitative Merit goals for each member of our districtwide administrative team um for their respective contracts and uh 10.24 and 10.25 cover two sidebar agreements to the contract between the board and the haa regarding one the addition of assistant coach positions for the hobok Middle School's new and very robust competitive sports program and two the addition of positions in connection with the district's expansion of programming for students with disabilities including a chapter of the international best buddies to the middle school and a heart of Hoboken Club to the Hoboken High School and that is my report for tonight thank you very much and finally we'll turn it over to miss Norwood for the wellness report thank you the wellness committee met on October 3rdd in attendance were Dr Johnson M Angley Mr delator and M delara there are no Wellness items on the agenda however there was a number of items discussed the first item was voluntary medical screenings for staff and Human Resources is currently working with medical essential Diagnostics to bring a series of voluntary medical screening test to our staff for preventative purposes there was a discussion of a policy on bags in the stadium and gym the superintendent is working with the athletic director and the high school principal on developing a set of guidelines for what bags can or cannot be brought into indoor or outdoor games theater shows or events with large crowds these guidelines are becoming common place in many school districts across the country the metal detectors at games the superintendent athletic director and high school principal are researching metal detector systems that can be purchased and used at games and large scale events to ensure safety of all attendees it's becoming increasingly common in school districts there's been an update or discussion of an update to the policy regarding mental health clearance um principles have asked for input into the mental health clearance policy asking that specifics be added including the type of medical professional required to provide clearance for any student returning school we have a new nurse coordinator in the district who's working on additional parent resources for lice management to better deal with stopping the spread of light resources will include videos and hard copies along with the list of salons and shops that may be able to provide treatments we have a partnership with the American Heart Association to participate in the kids healthy heart challenge to provide resources to Children families and staff about healthy eating and effective exercise Vape detectors are going into the high school bathrooms a few to start in order to see if they have an impact on um vaping among teens and finally um there's a going to be a special education and um inclusion and awareness campaign um to educate our entire Community about spula education um the requirements the teachers with spul education degrees in the classroom and about all of our resources including our special education parent advisory group our best buddies Club um and uh everyone to talk about the the different classroom offerings in our district and the benefits of having extra supports in the classroom and teachers with additional trainings beyond the required thank you very much thank you Miss Norwood I have a brief president's report this evening um I wanted to thank the esteemed members of the New Jersey Amistad commission for joining us this evening and for honoring the work being done here in Hoboken and specifically work that has been driven by superintendent Dr Christine Johnson and I'd like to just take a moment for all of us to recognize how amazing this [Music] is watching the relationship grow between the New Jersey Amistad commission and the hope spoken public schools has been really inspiring and for those of you who don't know the New Jersey Amistad commission has its roots in legislation that goes back to 2002 with the goal of having African-American history and the accomplishments of African-Americans embedded in the state learning standards um this legislation has been updated with several different rounds that has strengthened the commission and by their own words the member of the New Jersey Amistad commission's strength lays and fostering robust collaborations with a diverse array of educational agencies and organizations all dedicated to advancing the fundamental goal of the Amistad legislation this requires creating curriculum that not only encompasses history and social studies but also integrates the profound Narrative of African-Americans pivotal role in shaping the United States across all curricular areas and I think it's really speaks volumes about the work being done here in Hoboken that you were the first superintendent to receive this award because I think as board members whether it's inur ulum committee meetings or in other committee meetings we hear about this work of infusing the stories of all folks who are present in our district into the curriculum but with such great attention paid to the contributions of African-Americans and and beautiful partnership with the Amistad commission so we are grateful to the commission for their continued partnership and we know the benefit that this brings to each and every student in this district and throughout the state of New Jersey uh next we'll go into public comment on agenda [Music] items so we have no um public comments on agenda items so we will move on to to our consent agenda is there a motion motion second Miss Lopez will you call the [Music] role Miss Angley yes Miss camori yes Mr delator yes Mr Grana yes Mr kful yes Miss Norwood yes and Miss mcer yes motion passes do do we have any speakers signed up for public comment on non-agenda items we do not thank you Miss Lopez so we are going to be going into executive session now for the purpose of discussing matters covered by attorney client privilege we will not be taking any action at the end of that time we will simply be coming back to close the meeting I think will probably be approximately 20 minutes to a half hour at the most uh do I have a motion motion SEC second second Miss Lopez can you call the role once again miss Angley yes Miss Kori yes Mr delor yes Mr Grana yes Mr KL yes Miss Norwood yes and Miss mcer yes okay it is now 8:41 p.m. and we are just coming back from executive session do I have a motion to resume the meeting motion second uh Miss Lopez can you please take the role Miss Angley yes Miss Cur yes Mr delor yes Mr Grana yes Mr kful yes M Norwood yes and miss m yes and with no further business this evening do I have a motion to close the meeting motion second second all in favor say I I I thank you and have a good night [Music] oh