[Music] good evening everyone we're going to get started welcome to the January 20124 Hoboken Board of Education meeting I hope that 2024 is a year of good health and continued accomplishments for our school Community if you are joining us this evening to speak on agenda or non-agenda items please use the signup sheets located at the podium miss good can you please read the statement of compliance this meeting is being held into Conformity to the open public meeting Act njsa 10 colon 4- 6 proper public notice of the meeting was published in the local papers on January 5th 2024 which is the annual notice if any board member or member of the public in attendance believe that this meeting is in violation of the open public meetings act the Hoboken Board of Education request that they make a statement at this time the board wishes to make those in attendance aware that this meeting is being recorded on video and will be broadcast by the board at a later date on CA TV channel 77 and files channel 46 the full meeting recording will also be made available on board docs which can be accessed to the district homepage the Hoboken board of education is committed to preserving the decorum of the public process and is mindful that we live in the electronic age of computer cell phone and other electronic communication devices nevertheless we respectfully request that all meeting participants kindly silence their electronic devices during the course of the meeting and if use of the device is necessary we ask that you please leave the meeting room if you need to conduct personal no business please rise pledge of aliance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all miss good when you're ready can you please take the RO off miss m Angley here miss camori here Miss Dela Miss Del Mr delator here Mr Grana here Mrs kanana here Mr kutle here miss Norwood here M mcer here you have a corn all right thank you Miss good uh we are going to do our December student recognitions at the February meeting so right now we are going to move on to our reports from Student Government representatives and tonight we have Madison Walia Peters here to talk to us about all the great things that are happening at Hoboken High School so Madison please take the podium first of all happy New Year to everyone uh my name is Madison W Peters and I'm the Hoboken High School student government secretary uh Stu School Board representative Jenna Serio is getting ready to board a plane currently to San Francisco for uh Harvard model Congress so I'll be filling in for the evening it is an honor to speak to you this evening and provide you with an update on the latest key achievements from Hoboken High School now for the class of 2024 congratulations to the members of The hokan High School class of 20 24 that received 177 acceptances to colleges and universities and earned 10,729 540 in academic scholarships at Hoboken High School's instant decision day this is an extremely noteworthy achievement now for the National Honor Society the National Honor Society led the effort to make holiday cards for senior citizens who receive Meals on Wheels we along with other members of our school Community made over 180 cards and dropped them off at the senior center during last week before the break hobokin Public School schooling District fine and Performing Arts Statewide thespian competition on January 6th the hobok and high School thespian competition team attended the speech and theater Association of New Jersey Governor's uh wait New Jersey Governor's Awards in arts education and theater competition held at Mont Clair State University there were 34 schools there with over 750 students in attendance we won a School record 10 Awards with first place comedic pair and the governor's award in arts education going to Kendall mcdo and Mabel blish Veno the first first place character analysis monologue going to Naomi cook the first place musical theater Ensemble going to Kendall mcdo Naomi Cook Daniel winb arcadio Torres Lucas Daly Gabriel rias Miguel caelin Mabel blish venio Alana Rivas Ry dman Haley Benway Hannah Morley Tyler Mara Kevin Melendez Fern Rosario and Mara Riva uh furthermore the second place dramatic pairs went to Haley Benway and Lucas Staley the third place dramatic pairs went to Miguel kin and Naomi cook the fifth place musical theater pairs went to Daniel wchob and may Mabel blish Veno the finalist Music Theater pairs went to Kendall mcdna and Kevin Melendez the finalist musical theater pairs went to arcadio Torres and Lucas daily the finalist musical theater solo went to Benway and the finalist com comedic monologue went to re deanii congratulations to all of them now for sports we're starting with Red Wings basketball congratulations to the hobokin high school boys varsity basketball team who defeated Cliffside Park 5836 at the nest nir lamir Boxley finished with 20 points and five rebounds to lead hook into the victory the victory marks five straight wins for the Red Wings Nick petrielli tallied 16 points and five rebounds for Hoboken and they took a 2413 lead in the first half they would further escalate their lead in the third quarter winning the game by 22 points now the girls basketball team is 6-3 on the season and 5-1 in their HD National division they've just recently defeated Memorial High School on the 6th and are playing beloved Charter this Thursday at the nest now for hobokin high school wrestling Hoboken High School wrestling went 22 this weekend with wins over Hillside and bearinger Jonas eart beat his own School record with a 67 uh 6sec pin improving his season record to 142 Cody feifer and Shane bbana both went 4 and0 this weekend Cody now has a 13-1 record and Shane has a 13-2 record Noah Rey has improved his record to 124 newcomers Junior uh newcomers Junior Lucas Jimenez placed up uh picked up his ninth win this season freshman sha Medina picked up his fifth win and both junior l Dixie and freshman Angela Bruno picked up their first career varsity win this weekend congratulations to all of them now back to Student Government itself in the past month we've had class Council meetings a holiday movie pajama jam our Redwing on the Shelf campaign and organizational meetings we are currently in the process of planning a winter pep rally pedestrian safety videos and social media posts going alongside format formulating a partnership with local businesses to address food insecurity in our community creating a laundry detergent drive for those in need and working with the Hoboken High School student center to create a healthy relationship seminar in February and finally to round out this report our monthly lunch in with the Hoboken High School administration will be held on Monday January 22nd 2024 at 12:00 p.m. thank you so much for this opportunity to speak and thank you for always supporting our student government and hob high school as a whole we look forward to seeing you at our events thank [Music] [Applause] [Music] you thank you so much Madison for that very comprehensive report it is much appreciated and it's so great to hear about all the exciting things going on at Hoboken High School both uh academically and athletically this evening we are joined by Mr Richard bar of bar and Company accountants of Union New Jersey Mr bar will be presenting the audit for fiscal year ending June 30th 2023 Mr bar thank you so much for joining us this evening and we'll turn the uh floor over to you thank you uh uh Joyce uh good handed out uh the synopsis of the report that we put together for the board so I'll just uh briefly go through it and if anybody on the board has any questions uh please feel free to ask uh I'm going to start out on uh B1 one uh this is your uh governmental balance sheet uh the uh governmental funds are the general fund and special Revenue fund uh we uh the board ended up with total assets of 11 million 17,370 and the majority of that was uh your cash balance of 8,1 199 256 you had uh an interfund receivable and also uh receivables from federal and state governments conversely you had liabilities of uh 1 milon 67,341 the majority of that was accounts payable at the end of the year of a m170 and20 the net of those two numbers gives you your fund balance for the uh year ending uh June 2023 uh the district ended with a fun balance of 9,563 32 now uh the majority of that fund balance is going to be used for subsequent years expenditures which was uh 4,321 665 and that left you an unassigned balance of a, 45,2 43 you you also have a capital reserve fund with 2,523 48 as well as a maintenance reserve of 301 433 uh you have an excess Surplus at the end of the year of 444,000 moving on special Revenue you had uh receivables in the amount of 1,724 se7 you had accounts payable of U 599,000 25 yeah interf fund payable to the general fund of a milon 358 450 you had Student Activity balances of a million uh I'm sorry 178,179 281 now that deficit is caused by the way the state requires us not to recognize the last state aid payment uh so therefore it generates a deficit uh moving on to the second page so we're not really in a deficit it's just the way it's reported it's a timing issue with the state they we can't we can't recognize the receivable for the last state aid payment it's a budgeting issue at the state it's a timeing issue yeah the the state doesn't budget for it therefore we can't recognize it actually we receive 11 payments a year and the 12th payment comes in July as opposed to it being delivered in June great okay on the next page we have the statement of revenues expenditures and changes in fund balance uh in your general fund you had a total revenues of 7 79 mil 76395 the majority of that uh revenue is from your local tax levy of 5 55 mil 259 837 and state sources of 21, 057 292 expenditures amounted to uh 78 m579 4 your uh revenues exceeded your expenditures by a mil 18 18421 you had some transfers in and out which netted to uh 6,249 uh and leaving you a change in your fund balance of a million 123 772 leaving a total fund balance of 9, 56332 on your special Revenue fund you have a revenue of uh 21, 37463 the majority of that is federal and state with the state revenues of 16 M 16, 711 528 the majority of that is your preschool program and then your federal sources of 4,113 349 you spent 21 milon 6999 you had uh a deficit of $249,500 add that to your begin begin balance you're you're left with a deficit of a million 61166 uh there was no recommendations for the board office this year and uh that concludes uh my [Applause] presentation anybody has any questions I be happy to answer any questions from the board I'm just going to ask one question for the record good evening good rainy evening um you have had you found no findings or risk that warrant um action on our part in this report is that correct no thank you very [Applause] much any other questions before we uh let Mr bar sit down thanks rich thank you we'll be talk thank you so much Mr bar we appreciate you coming out this evening Dr Johnson do you have a superintendent report I do I have a brief report um good evening everyone as I mentioned at the last meeting um our district is going to be going through the blue Riven Schools of Excellence assessment process and I have a a brief update on that this past week our principes participated in a call to discuss the first part of the journey which is surveying stakeholders um our schools have also been assigned the two specific weeks in April that the assessors will be on site to review our schools programs curriculum and data uh we're very excited to be working with the professionals from Blue Ribbon Schools and are happy to welcome them um in our schools in April I'd also like to take a moment to congratulate the class of 20 um 24 um as we just heard about the instant decision day uh we were very uh pleased uh when we we found out that um the class of 2024 received uh uh over $1,700,000 in academic scholarships as a result of the instant decision day process just so everyone knows in the past we've done instant decision days one at a time so we've scheduled them throughout the year um and students could sign up for them at any time this year uh we decided to do it a little differently with where we had one specific instant decision day where we scheduled multiple schools all in one day um and we do have a spillover of a few colleges and universities for other inant decision days but the bulk of all of the IDS were on this one particular day so in addition to this uh 10.7 plus million dollar there will be other some additional instant decision money we take that scholarship money and we add that to the academic Merit and Leadership money that the students receive from their own um application processes outside of the incident decision days and that's how we come up with our scholarship total so this year uh the high school is confident that their scholarship totals will exceed those of last year uh this past weekend as we also heard uh the high school and the middle school theater departments participated in the New Jersey speech and theater Association of New Jersey governors Awards in arts education theater competition at Monclair State University we're thrilled um at how well the students did and we congratulate them on their record 10 awards at the elementary and middle school levels we're in the process of registering over 350 students um who will be taking five tests in March in the areas of math English general knowledge reasoning and science Testing um where they will actually um uh see their uh scores and their their knowledge be kind of compared to against peers internationally so it'll give us well this is not necessarily Nate testing um it's it's a little bit different it's the international schools Olympiad testing uh so our district is going to participate in that at the elementary middle school level for um our gifted and talented students so we look forward to what those results reveal and how it'll help us better program not only for our gifted and talented uh students but for all of our students holistically on Monday our district is going to be hosting a commemorative ceremony honoring The Life and Legacy of Dr Martin Luther King Jr we're going to begin the program at 9:00 a.m. in the morning at Hoboken High School and it's going to be followed by by a Unity breakfast upon conclusion of the program the district is going to be hosting a day of learning to bring meaningful learning experiences to families every hour on the hour in hopes that every household whether they're in Hoboken or whether they are uh traveling um by some chance outside of Hoboken can actually uh take some time together and reflect upon the life Legacy and um contributions of uh Dr King and how the fabric of American society was ever Changed by his words and his actions the day of learning is going to be kicked off with a full overview of the Amistad legislation in New Jersey what its purpose is who the Commissioners are and why its work supports such supports learning such as as this um all of our hourly learning activities are going to be posted on so all social media Outlets um and will be highlighted in an opening Tik Tock in hopes of engaging all of our students our community swim program is going to begin on Saturday uh January 13th um from 2:00 to 4:00 uh we will be hosting a family swim time um and from 4:00 to 5:00 in adult lap swim time all of these sessions will be of no charge to Hoboken residents um finally we're in the process of um putting the final touches on um a program for the summer through the YWCA uh for a CommunityWide summer camp uh that will run uh from June 24th through August 16th that's going to be offered by the school district um but through the yua to all children ages 5 to 12 in the city of Hoboken um at a weekly Camp rate of $300 from 8:30 in the morning to 5:00 which is actually significantly cheaper than what we've been able to offer in the past um also with a swim component the camp will also have a before and an after care option and the Avenues for um students for assistance for students that qualify for a free and reduced lunch uh the same way that we have for our um uh summer LEAP program um the camp is also going to enable the District to operate its own morning spash into math and reading along with jump start to literacy staffed by District certified teachers uh for those Hoboken public school students recommended for extra support in those areas and for those parents who opt for the additional service separate from the YWCA camp or Incorporated within the camp so the YWCA is working with us to allow that partnership um which is fantastic and we are currently in conversation with that same type of partnership for our extended school year program for there to be that collaboration as well so we look forward to the registration information for this camp program and the district's summer academic support programs to go out to all families prior to February 1st um lastly I'd like to thank the Hoboken city council and the Hoboken parking utility for actually helping the Hoboken Public School District on December 20th the Hoboken city council passed an ordinance providing dedic at parking around the perimeter of our schools during school hours for um hobok Board of Education staff members the stress felt by staff members during the school day um as a result of parking is a very real stress um and as a result of this measure that was taken it will not only lessen that stress for all staff members but provide some stability during the day and allow our staff members not to feel that they have to run out and move their car during the day multiple times um so we we thank them for that we're in the process right now of um printing off and we will be Distributing to the schools tomorrow um placards for staff members put in the windshield of their cars so um that they can actually take advantage of those spots around the schools obviously there are not enough spots for all of our staff members but um hopefully it'll provide some relief on a daily basis for different staff members as they come and go on a first come first serve basis so we do thank the city and the parking utility for uh that that gift um for for our staff that's all I have for this evening thank you so much Dr Johnson next we'll move to committee reports miss good do you have a business administrator's report tonight no was my auditor thank you so much um uh next is curriculum Mr gr could you please share your report um thank you president um the curriculum subcommittee met on January 6 in in attendance were Mr KL miss mcer Mr delator Miss Johnson Miss Rodriguez Gomez and myself uh the district presented um a handful of items for the committee to consider um or to be aware of one is science link it um the students in the district and uh and families are familiar with linkit testing which is currently as an Ela module and a math module we will be introducing the science module um the benefits to us are one this is helps us be even more predictive about how we will perform on njsla um as well as starting to allow us to collect data on how we perform on the science module so that's new the the next thing is um the program of studies in the high school will have a number of changes it won won't impact any students currently enrolled but it's it's not it's about uh really three things one science Explorations will be retired but the balance which includes diversity World Language Holocaust and computer science engineer biomedical will be repositioned between the freshman and Senior years um the purpose of that is is three-fold one um it removes a break in World Language that occurs in the fresh year um and then the break that occurs after Middle School the second thing is um it allows all of the Project Lead the Way courses which are 1 2 3 and four year courses to begin in the freshman year and uh we will be adding uh two new units of the aviation program due to demand but the reason for moving those up is the goal of these is to prepare students as either matriculate to college or choose career After High School um to have Readiness skills as as well as credited skills um as they move on um the Blue Ribbon process has kicked off and just a general announcement which is that the family curriculum event uh that I think was last weekend will be rescheduled to January 21st thank you very much uh we recommend as a committee approval of 9.01 9.2 and 9.03 thank you president thank you Mr gr Miss kanana do you have a facilities report yes I [Applause] do good evening the facilities committee met on January 4th at 2 p.m. in attendance were Miss delara Miss Norwood Miss mcer Miss katam matori Dr Johnson and Mr cagi we have one request of facilities from hobok and Catholic for their field day which will be held in may we recommend for approval work on 14 bathrooms districtwide are being completed once this work is is completed we will be scheduling work to begin on another 15 bathrooms Connor's exterior door is being replaced in addition an interior door will be added at the top of the stairs similar work will be done at Brandt Elementary School including a brand new vable lastly work will be done at the L tag Stadium sidewalk area behind the bleachers by the wait room slbs as that area is uneven and that concludes my report thank you very much next we'll move on to finance Mr kall uh thank you the committee met on January 4th joining me were Miss Angley Mr delor uh Miss Norwood miss good and Miss Lopez um the committee did uh review and discuss uh U all the agenda items and recommend them for approval uh of course the big uh topic this month is the the audit report which I don't need to go into at this point um it was presented um thank you thank you and Governor miss catori good evening the governance committee met on Thursday January 4th in attendance were Dr Johnson Miss Angley Miss cona Miss Norwood and myself committee discussed all agenda items and recommend all for approval as is typical throughout the school year there are a number of appointments res ations this month uh for the purpose of retirement leave requests trans and transfers of staff and faculty as well as approval of new substitutes um tonight's agenda includes specifically the following that I want to note uh 10.06 is approval of modification to a previously approved appointment to correct a clerical error and the recording of the stien to be earned by Miss Ilia Cruz for her work with the high school International Club two numbers were previously transposed which makes a big difference um 10.07 and 10.08 is approval of various staff members for passport to learning at the elementary level as well as the districtwide musical Harry Potter looking forward to that um 10.09 as you may know starting January 1 of this year New Jersey's minimum wage Rose to $15.13 an hour as a result the number of employees salaries will increase to match the new minimum wage requirements across from across the state um um and also 10.13 just want to mention again there's usually on the agenda approval of various workshops um the workshops are there for our District staff and faculty to uh learn new skills achieve and and maintain training certifications and collaborate with colleagues in their field um they go through a process and are then approved to go and uh improve their skills and that is my report thank you so much Mr delator do you have a report for wellness this evening nothing this evening thank you so much I have a very brief president's report this evening first of all I would like to encourage everyone districtwide to please come out on Monday to the Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Day of learning at Hoboken High School I think this is such an important event for us to embrace as a community especially in these very um uncertain times and one item of note the work for this evening's meeting was done in our 2023 committee assignments so between now and our February meeting we will have new committee assignments for the new year I'd like to thank our committee chairs and all committee members for their hard work in 2023 I'd also like to congratulate our business administrator miss good our assistant business administrator Miss Lopez and superintendent Dr Johnson and everyone who works in our business office on a clean audit that kind of solid Financial decision- making has greatly contributed Ed to the success of this district and uh it goes without saying that the better finances are controlled the more money there is to put into the classroom for student experiences so I will say I'm very very proud to see the results of that audit this year i' also like to congratulate the high school seniors on the great results from instant decision day and all the Hoboken High School and Hoboken middle school students who competed and uh won so many awards at the speech and theater New Jersey competition so next we'll move on to public comments on agenda [Applause] items and just a reminder before we open for public comments over the years and recently the board has been asked why it does not prohibit or stop comments that are about School District employees from individuals who speak during public comment portions of the meeting the short answer is that the law present prev prevents the board from censoring comments made about District Personnel the board does not condone nor is the Bo board a party to those comments as such however just because a speaker may have the right to say what he or she feels it does not absolve that speaker from liability for any comments that could be feuded is defamatory by a district employee should speakers say something that subjects them to a civil suit the responsibility Falls squarely on the speaker and not on the board board policy requires that all speakers please state your name mun Municipality of res pres and business affiliation if any speakers are allowed 5 minutes and vice president Angley will quietly motion when you have 30 seconds left we ask that you please address all comments to the chair policy states that the board welcomes comments on matters of interest to the board but this is not an opportunity for dialogue or debate between the speakers board members or the superintendent do we have any speakers this evening Miss good yes we have Miss waiters thank you Miss waiters please come to the vum thanks for your patience Patricia waiters um I'll be speaking on a few agenda items that uh parents students and some teachers have called me to come and speak on these items my about to speak on but first I want to let you know for quality assurance purposes and possibility of ongoing litigation I'm going to be recording you guys I don't see the football coach situation on here was it pulled tonight anybody before I could save time to speak on something else not on this evening's agenda thank you you okay so that let's eliminate that um the audit the guy that just did the audit report do I have his name right Mr George ballet Bartlett and online Richard bar okay and on line to where as Clause can you please follow me on the line to the paragraph to where as Clause the first paragraph also states that members of the public is to receive um a said udit so can I get that before I leave tonight or do I have to have Miss administrators it to me you want a copy of what the board received the actually the full audit will be on the board's website tomorrow yeah but it says it says clearly this after he sent his speech which he did and um the administrative Cod required that a synopsis of the order be present to members of the public after thereafter he SP spoke to this board in its entirety and he did so I'm going to accept that as him explaining to you exactly what the legislation is say and I would appreciate I tried to write the numbers down he was going too fast so I appreciate it if I could get a copy of this you don't have to answer me back and forth I'm not here to do a dialogue few questions all in one day okay so that's very important and the settlement agreement on action 12 the legal actions I noticed that he did say something about a deficit and also legal fees on I want to know if that's part of this order he reading and this legal action is it the case that happened with the police department and the whole kicking the door we can get this as members of the public on the Oprah but you didn't go in detail what this approval of this settlement agreement is I would like to know that that's action 12 under legal under and these are employees so please I hope that they don't be retaliated against and it almost take courage like I tell them to come forward because you don't see a crowd behind me we not doing this this year I'm hoping like hell that these new board members do your due diligence okay because you the people that live here in this city is counting on you guys um subject uh 8.02 approval of the students Community open pool lessons can any of our children go there yes okay you say yeah all right I got two letters from two parents they was turned away and told they could not go there okay two people that look like me was said they all right you going to take care of it two people that looks like me was told they cannot go there and I need to know is Mr delor is these your all relatives that's running the program my daughter it is right okay I figured that cuz if you look at the debate when we debate it that's what you mentioned the pool so what I'm saying tonight and way I'm going with this is you guys are here to serve our whole Community okay we had the housing authority on purpose packed this Auditorium and came to you with is issues everything on here is important to us okay so when I come up to this Napoleon and speak this is how I'm going go moving forward I'm not here to fight regardless to what Mr gr or anybody else want to share with the council members that Patricia way has come to the board and do the same thing excuse me you're being very rude right now and I need your undivided attention and this is what I get so I'm glad people watch this and this is the sarcasm if you could leave politics out of it for 5 minutes cuz when I share what I'm EXP experiencing thank God people watching this could see it it's disgusting and I ask you nicely again give me respect your your chair says that in the beginning of her statement so I want to be respected too Miss waiters you have to address your comments to me okay yeah I'm going address it to you and the body as a whole you're not seeing what's happening down here right now okay so that's why he ignored me I'm not here to impress none of y'all you guys are here for us okay everything on this agenda is important to us and and we deserve it as our board members the approval of the substitute excuse me the substitute teachers is five substitute teachers I spoke to uh Dr Johnson and a few other people concerning and I could give her name number four Mrs Williams and in this correction do they get I need to know do they get um retro pay she said they will be retro and for the legal fee too for the um $15.13 an hour and including myself as an employee will we be retro from the time the legistlation took place saying that that's the minimum wage okay so miss waiters that's time for agenda items okay thank you you're welcome and I will get my questions to my and just to answer you on 12.01 that's not related to this year's audit that's a legal settlement related to special education so that has nothing to do with any employees or this year's audit and with regards to the pool hours there have not been been any open pool hours at Hoboken High School yet this year so I can assure you that if someone was turned away it was simply because the pool was not open and there was not a lifeguard no it was the summer the summertime but so I'm glad to see it back on here to open but I need to order it anyway okay okay for your 140 I want the audit I know it's we we will happily provide you with a copy of the audit thank you so [Applause] much and just to note in the summertime it is the city of Hoboken that uses the pool it's not run by the board of education so if someone was turned away I would suggest those comments get directed to whoever was running the program for the city with that uh moving on to our consent agenda do I have a motion motion do I have a second Leslie with the first I got one in miss good will you call the rooll Miss Angley yes Miss camori yes Mr delor yes Mr Grana yes Miss Conor yes Mr kful yes Miss Norwood yes Miss mcer yes moot motion passes now we'll move on to public comments on agenda and non-agenda items do we have any speakers Miss [Applause] waiters I wanted to acknowledge the latecomers if they was going to speak all right I just want to put a few things into the record to give my people that's watching this all the people when I say my I mean Hoboken in its entirety the whole 3,000 people that's going to support me Justice delayed is not Justice Deni don't get discouraged don't get depressed my fight only just continues long time overdue We Will We Will justice will prevail I am sick and tired of being sick and tired to come to board members that because their friends and their colleagues are friends we suffer we the one that vote we deserve respect I'm sick of the taking a known disregard when we bring and addressed our issues they're being addressed but not being taken care of but board members children and I witnessed this yes I'm an employee and I work in the district is treated with preferential treatment now if you want me to prove that I could do that too Madam president all right it takes courage patience and discipline but discipline comes with pain and we all seen that in the district the last 30 years okay pain have no weary when it comes to pth cuz the key to my pain is success and I will continue to fight because okay and this was a comment made by a board member on those horrific website black people can't afford attorneys don't mean we be attacked and don't mean we not going to be served Justice okay cuz Justice is not based upon the ability to afford an attorney okay what I'm trying to do is keep people grounded and tell them don't give into the hype don't continue to act to every give a reaction to everybody's actions it's disgusting the way we being treated and ignored and I'm not having it and I'm hoping that you took the presidency Madam president okay I hope that you took the president to hold your board your entire board accountable for their actions please take me very serious cuz I'm not going nowhere what's happening in this District I don't care how many people you bring to this microphone and I'm watching my five minutes it's not up cuz people of the public want to hear this we don't want to wait till we get to a council meeting and you accuse me of coming to the border ed saying racist statements I don't have to be racist I'm being treated that way so don't misconstrue my words when I share my experience I'm black I live in black skinn and I know what I experience and the people that come to me so don't take it wrong if you not racist and the shoe Don't Fit Don't Put it on but that ain't going to stop me from coming up here talking about the disparities and the disrespect that's imposed on me and my people please take me serious thank you you have no more speakers so we will not be going into executive session tonight um that concludes our meeting do I have a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor say I I meeting [Music] ajour o