##VIDEO ID:kAhea3EGScQ## [Music] good evening everyone if I could ask you to please find a seat that way we can get started with our meeting and our [Applause] recognitions we have a lot of people coming into the auditorium so if you can all uh bear with [Applause] us something's over [Applause] if you could hear the sound of my voice clap once if you could hear the sound of my voice clap twice if you could hear the sound of my voice give me three please all right thank you Miss Rodriguez Gomez good evening everyone we are going to get started welcome to the September 2024 Hoboken Board of Education meeting thank you all for being here with an emphasis on the all CU I had no idea there would be this many of you um if you are joining us this evening to speak on a agenda or non-agenda items please use the signup sheets located right in front on the podium miss good can you please read the statement of compliance this meeting is being held in Conformity to the open public meeting Act njsa 10 colon 4-6 proper public notice of the meeting was published in the local papers on January 5th 2024 which is the annual notice if any board member or member of the public in attendance believe that the meeting is in violation of the open public meeting act the Hoboken Board of Education requests that they make a statement at this time the board wishes to make those in attendance aware that this meeting is being recorded on video and will be broadcast by the board at a later date on catv channel 77 and files channel 46 the full meeting recording will also be made available on board docs which can be accessed through the district homepage the Hoboken board of education is committed to preserving the decorum of the public process and is mon mindful that we live in electronic age of computers cell phones and other electronic communication devices nevertheless we respectfully request that all meeting participants kindly silence their electronic devices during the course of the meeting and if use of device is necessary we ask that you please leave the meeting room if you need to conduct personal business thank you Miss good please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all miss good can you please call the role Miss Angley here miss katamori here miss Dela Mr delator Mr Grana here miss Conor here Mr cluck here miss Norwood here miss mcer here you have a quarum thank you Miss good we are going to begin our meeting this evening with a recognition ceremony for our students who participated in the international schools academic Olympiad and I'm going to turn the meeting over to assistant superintendent Sandra Rodriguez Gomez to present the recognitions [Applause] this is a very exciting evening last Academic Year and during the week of Monday March 11th Johns Hopkins cty students in grades 2 through 8 throughout the district participated in the international olympiads Global academic competition the international schools Olympiad is a distinguished competition that brings together brilliant young minds from around the world offering them the opportunity to showcase their talents across various disciplines including mathematics science English reasoning and general knowledge it is designed to encourage critical thinking problem solving and a passion for learning in a fun and challenging manner our cty students were able to Showcase their Knowledge and Skills in the above mentioned subject areas the engagement process provided our students with International accolades and recognitions we are proud to honor our Stu our students who Excel tremendously on these assessments earning a total of 129 medals 117 of them 117 of them being Medals of excellence and 12 being medal Medals of international distinction their outstanding achievements are a testament not only to their hard work and dedication but also to our District's commitment to fostering and empowering gifted children at this time I would like to be joined at the podium by our supervisor of English language arts Miss gudo and the principal of Grant the school to go first we will follow with the principles of Connor's Wallace and Hoboken middle school students will be called up their recognition will be shared and they will remain by the stage for a group school picture after the individual schools are done I will call up those students receiving the medals of Distinction at the international level and ask that principal sorine remain to help with th with those with those metal distributions for the final group and here we go I would like Aiden pachard to come up to receive silver in math and bronze in science Bronze in science Alex Wang receiving silver in English bronze for reasoning Alexandra montelli receiving Bronze in English and gold in science that's the way you come up and get a medal next I would like to see Anna Otero receiving silver in math and bronze in [Music] reasoning next Gabriel y yunan gold in English [Applause] Martin Petrov silver in math Mira padmanaban silver [Applause] English Stella May bronze English [Applause] okay wait second thank you brother arav ragavan silver English bronze [Applause] science Anika Naik bronze math [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Benji aner bronze for math Here Comes Martin lameir Bron English [Applause] Mina wo gold [Applause] English Nicholas Zas receiving three gold English silver math bronze for [Applause] science Avery sliger silver [Applause] math EMA Fuji bronze English Bron [Applause] reasoning gel Pasqual Bron [Applause] English Isabella Lee gold English [Applause] Madison Johnson silver [Applause] English Maria Otero bronze English bronze math [Applause] Mason stugo bronze English gold [Applause] MTH [Applause] Mason Mahari bronze English bronze math [Applause] Patrick mahat English silver silver Sebastian Sue bronze math bronze reasoning [Applause] toor Sagal bronze [Applause] reasoning Victor Sabal silver math Adele Smith Bron English [Applause] Ariana Merlin silver [Applause] [Music] English Conor Pang bronze [Applause] math Dro Tara gold [Applause] English Evan Vasser bronze English silver [Applause] math James Hana silver English bronze [Applause] math Luke May bronze English Myra gahani silver [Applause] math and viika du gold English Bron smth [Applause] should see from Grant came late see if anyone from Grant came late [Applause] oh we're in it I know everybody's [Applause] smile hold them Bron are there any students am I on any students that arrived a little bit late please see sorry if there are any brand students that arrive late please see principal Bartlett at this time I would like to be joined by the principal of Connor's Elementary School Miss Addie [Applause] first student Adam Chan gold in English bronze math bronze [Applause] science eor Coy silver English silver science Anika gupti gold English Michelle Gallagher bronze English Michelle [Applause] Gallagher venzo BAGI gold English silver math nozo Sophia Ren silver English bronze math Ava La bombarda silver English silver math silver reasoning Bella Wong silver English bronze math Ethan schneid Muller silver English Joey Loa Los shavo silver English bronze math Lucas Fang silver [Applause] English Mina Tomac silver English Oliver candil gold English gold math stone dusin silver [Applause] English Nicholas gell bronze English silver math and lastly Noah renoni silver English [Applause] Sara Vivic silver math thought it [Music] was all right Connor's picture time [Applause] I would now asked to be joined by the principal of the Wallace School Mr Martin [Applause] Shannon all right first for Wallace Emmy Cavo silver English sanvi Pell bronze math Archer Atkinson bronze [Applause] math Delila Francis bronze English Gabrielle Solano mon BR bronze [Applause] English Sutton rra CH silver English Grace McMullen bronze math Morgan Kohan bronze [Applause] English Alexander wank bronze math and last for Wallace Logan power golden mask picture time for Wallace [Applause] okay okay okay job I would ask that the principal of Hoboken Middle School Mr sorine join me at the microphone [Applause] I will not Thomas Camari bronze math Tommy answer over math Gavin Watkins bronze math raaga Haring silver English Adella horn gold English Nathaniel you Bron math s Co Carney bronze English bronze [Applause] ma Elena laru dfus bronze English Jonah liberman bronze English bronze [Applause] mathul Agnes PKA bronze [Applause] reasoning Martin shadero sudro I'm sorry Martin sudro bronze English and lastly for the the Middle School briia Wang bronze English oh no not last pardon me not [Applause] last Bria also gets a bronze for reasoning for reasoning Samuel Decker bronze for general knowledge VI Violeta Martin silver English and last for the Middle School is Jonathan offer silver for [Applause] math may need to double it up a little bit [Applause] all right thank you Middle [Applause] [Applause] School all right and for the final round these are our medals of Distinction principal soring please help [Applause] me your attention [Applause] friends Alex Wang gold math Eli lington silver [Applause] English Billy Billy Rosado bronze English amaa Fuji silver [Applause] math Gael Pascal silver math Madison Johnson gold [Applause] math to Seagal bronze math [Applause] Ron Berger bronze English vun Hari silver English [Applause] Sophia Petrov bronze math Lucas Fang Lucas Fang bronze mask and for the final awarde Tristan Kim gold Old [Applause] English [Music] [Applause] pictures parents thank you for everything you do to make this happen we're very proud of them and absolutely proud of you thank you very much and last round of applause for the AES [Applause] [Applause] we had if you give us a I want to honor Chon januari with a bronze in English he arrived a little bit late okay [Applause] congratulations to all of the students who were recognized this evening we are Beyond proud of you and all of your efforts keep up the great work in this school year we cannot wait to see what you do next we'd like to call up Jackie Dow and Allison Strobel on behalf of the Hoboken public Education Foundation to talk a little bit about what the ladies at hpep and gentlemen at hpep have planned for this upcoming school year thank you I'm Allison Strobel executive director of the Hoboken public Education Foundation here tonight with president of hp's board of directors Jackie Dow before I address the main reason we're here tonight I'd like to just make a quick plug for our first fundraiser of the school year which is just days away our first annual back to school Community run will take place this Sunday with nearly 600 participants and Counting we hope Hoboken residents of all ages will join us we have courses for every one including a 100 meter Kids Fun Run a 1em walk run stroll and a timed 5K on a USA Track and Field certified course this event will feature entertainment by District employees parents and students as well as prizes and giveaways and participants will receive exclusive t-shirts with a fantastic design created by seven district student artists hope to see you on P for this exciting event on Sunday morning there are postcards by the entrance of the auditorium by the agenda for tonight's meeting now the primary reason we're here we are very proud to share that Hoboken public education F foundation will fund over half a million dollars in new initiatives for the Hoboken Public School District in the 2024 2025 school year this is [Applause] thanks this is thanks to the generous contribution support and time of District parents local businesses corporate sponsors and the broader Hoboken Community the foundation's board has worked closely with superintendent Dr Johnson to identify Innovative and impactful funding opportunities in the areas of stem and experiential learning College and Career preparation fine and Performing Arts Athletics skill building for staff and families special needs programming and essential technology our annual report coming out soon will provide more detail on hpf funded programs and activities and at this time we'd like to present superintendent Johnson and Board of Ed president mcgurk with hp's funding for the 2024 2025 school year [Applause] [Applause] you sorry say something we are going to take a brief moment to let some of the families if you'd like to leave get out of the room so we can um make your way out of the room so we can continue the business portion of our meeting thank you all for coming out and a special thanks to hpf for the remarkable presentation tonight all right it is 7:42 p.m. and we are going to resume the business portion of our meeting Dr Johnson do you have a superintendence report for us this evening I do I have a brief uh report so I just want to welcome everyone back to the 2024 2025 school year uh this evening's recognition was a wonderful way to kick off the start of school by honoring our students and I look forward to uh the upcoming months with uh all of our students of the month that we'll be honoring as well this school year after all of our ads and drops kind of uh shook out we welcome 969 preschoolers 1,617 Elementary School children 444 middle schoolers and 658 high school students uh 40 of which are from our three Hoboken uh charter schools in in the city um freshman class that's the Freshman Class the 40 students um we had a a wonderful opening in convocation day uh as well as a uh following teacher professional development day our staff was engaged in a lot of different professional training opportunities and had the chance to meet with uh their principles with some of our content area supervisors they also had the opportunity to meet with their associations um and that uh proved to be very successful I'm also proud to say that we have a number of new courses and initiatives this year that I think throughout the year you'll hear a lot more about but as the opening uh Board of Education meeting in September I thought it was important to just report out that um uh a portion of grant money that came in from the New Jersey Department of Education and some other sources along with the Hoboken public Ed public Education Foundation um has made it possible for us to offer some of these new courses and initiatives so this year at Hoboken High School students will see for the first time um an advanced placement uh college board course in africanamerican studies also in AP Computer Science and AP Statistics uh so we're expanding our advanced placement offerings we're also building upon last year's uh opening of The Innovation Science and Technology lab along with the aviation program and so we have some new courses that will be offered this year uh so we have forces in Flight that uh have just has just started along with an innovation and Community leadership course and an innovation Kickstarter course um the uh teacher of that course Manny Fernandez is already working with um some local business owners uh to get them involved and engaged in uh some of the uh course um projects and the kids seem excited about it already we have a new course in studies in climate change resilience and sustainability as well as uh in Innovation and environmentalism those courses are linked to um a grant we received of a little over $70,000 from the New Jersey Department of Education in climate change education so those courses will be at the high school as well and we're rolling out for the first time a new dual enrollment uh program uh in partnership with NJIT um in the area of architecture um though that program uh begins with uh a foundation of Project Lead the Way courses and ultimately makes its way up through an engineering and Graphics course in introduction to CAD applied uh computer AED design courses all offered um as dual credit high school and college um credit enrollment type courses through NJIT so we're excited to to roll that program out as well we have a couple new electives also um one being the social political and economic history of Hoboken in which the high school staff is partnering with the Hoboken Historic Museum um we also have as a result of the hp's uh generous donation the opening of a new uh College and Career Readiness lab that new College and Career Readiness lab gives us the opportunity to offer approximately 45 different career ready certificates uh for our students to go through in Paths of one year 2year and threeyear certificate programs and so our students will have the opportunity to leave Hoboken High School whether uh to the career Workforce or to uh the college world uh holding certificates in their hands for a number of career opportunities whether it be for a long-term career for a short-term potential part-time uh opportunity while they're away at college but it's a great opportunity for them to explore different careers that they might be interested in before heading off to school or entering the workforce uh we also have an elective course that's running at the high school um called screen it's a screen writing course um and it's based on a novel that a teacher Sharon Melinda at the high school uh worked on last year with her class and this this year they are not only working um on learning more about screenplay writing but actually potentially uh producing a screenplay to present to the author of the novel um and she is very excited to receive uh the script from from our students uh We've also expanded our dual language uh pilot program from just kindergarten to kindergarten in first grade this year we've opened 10 classrooms across the district um and we are uh very excited about those courses in all of our uh elementary schools as well um we have a new Middle School advisory curriculum and program that is being uh rolled out uh for the first time this week on Wednesday um so I look forward to um visiting actually tomorrow morning uh a couple of the classes to see the first lessons um being unveiled so there's a lot of new opportunities and and uh learning experiences for our students so we're really excited about that this year um in addition to the recognitions and accolades we had this evening uh regarding the um International assessment that the students took the Olympiad assessment um our students will continue to participate in John's Hopkins CTI for both Ela and Mathematics and this year uh we have 192 students participating in John's Hopkins cty Ela courses and we have uh 287 students participating in mathematics also really really um happy uh to say that we have opened our first twice exceptional class at Wallace Elementary School uh the twice exceptional program is new to the district um so we're starting small with one cohort of of children um at Wallace and we anticipate that that program will only continue to grow and our goal is to learn as much as we can about twice exceptional children and programming and make it the best we possibly can for the children that need that service um and then finally we're rolling out uh a number of classrooms with trained teachers in Orton Gilling multi-sensory reading um our principles are working through some of the bumps along the way in terms of scheduling uh students in those classes and of course anytime something is new um people bring up some ideas and thoughts and concerns and we're hearing all of them um and some of them have actually uh cost us to kind of rethink some things and um some of them some of the thoughts have uh given us the opportunity to really provide uh deeper and more information to to parents so those conversations have actually been pretty pretty successful um and beneficial and the schools are working right now to continue to balance the classrooms both with um their demographic and academic Footprints um and so you'll see the principles will continue to have conversations with families uh probably for the next uh few few weeks um in order to kind of uh finalize and smooth everything out but really the goal um was to provide uh the highest quality reading instruction and support that we could for all children um at the elementary grade levels and I'm really happy to say that um we have trained teachers at every single grade level um in every one of our elementary schools um as as well as not only in the General Ed field but also in the special education space um and I think we have the ability to meet the needs of every single child that's in need of multi-sensory reading instruction at this point so we're very very happy about that and then lastly for those of you who maybe made their way made your way to the um football game the other night I hope you sense the same level of excitement uh for the school year and if it was symbolic of our Athletic program and um our high school community in general uh I think you would say it's going to be a a really uh exciting and spirited year that's for sure all of our Sports and clubs are underway at all of our schools and I'm going to have more updates on those along with passport to learning um as the months come throughout the year so thank you thank you so much for your report Dr Johnson we're now going to move into committee reports miss good do you have a business administrator's report this evening no thank you so much we'll move to the curriculum committee with Mr gr Mr gr do you have a curriculum report for us this evening yes thank you chair the curriculum meeting the curriculum committee did not meet this month we were very busy earlier in the summer and now as we launch the school year um we only have one agenda item that we recommend for approval which is 9.01 and that is the approval of field trips as submitted by the superintendent and that is our report for this evening thank you Mr Grana uh Mr delator is not here this evening I don't know if he passed his facilities report along to anyone if you give me a moment I can pull it up um bear with me I believe he does um he did send a he a report um can't I remember at that time there wasn't any facility requests but um unless something's been added okay so there were I have the I have the report Miss cona and I'll happily read it um there were no new requests since the last meeting some of the summer projects are still um wrapping up there's some new furniture and accordion doors accepted expected at hok High School Safety surfaces at Connor's and collabro were finished in this past week Wallace is scheduled for the beginning of October um there are some issues with the HVAC at Wallace in the gymnasium there's a temporary HVAC unit in there now um testing was done of the new sound system at JFK Stadium last week there were some complaints through the noise level but they were testing it full intensity and it will not be as loud during games although if the Red Wings play like they did on Friday get some earplugs um and this it was loud and it was great um HMS scaffolding we're still awaiting the engineers report plus an additional site visit um so that will take a little bit of time and that is all for facilities Miss kanana do you have a report for finance yep uh good evening the finance committee met on Friday September 6 at 10:00 a.m. in attendance were Miss good miss gamori miss Angley Mr clel and myself um it was a very it's a very short report um we discussed and reviewed the agenda items and we recommend all of them for approval and that's it and I'm going to take a moment to go back and amend the facilities report because I forgot to say when the committee met because I didn't think I would be reading their report the committee met on Thursday September 5th and in attendance and this is again for facilities we're Miss Angley miss delara Mr Grana Mr C Mr calie Dr Johnson and Mr de laor next we will move on to governance with Miss katori thank you the governance committee met on Thursday September 5th 2024 in attendance with Dr Johnson Mr clil Miss Norwood miss mcer and miss delara the committee discussed the agenda and recommends all agenda items for approval as is typical throughout the year there are a number of agenda items relating to faculty and staff including um acceptance of resignations approval or modification of various appointments um as well as the usual items relating to training and workshops and other cleanup all of which are detailed on the agenda among other things in addition today's agenda includes the following item of note or really it's two items um at uh item numbers agenda numbers 1021 and 1022 you will see the long awaited settlement for a new contract and agreed upon salary guides between the Hoboken School Employees Association and the board I'm happy to say that the negotiations went very smoothly and we were able to come up with a 4-year contra contract that was unanimously ratified by the HSA last week which is why we are able to bring it here today for approval among other things the contract includes salary increases starting with the previous school year through the year through the 2627 school year in the following percentages 5% for 2324 5% for 2425 6% for 2526 and 3.5% for 2627 as with each of the previous contracts the board has negotiated in the past year or so the increases for the first three years are meant to reflect our acknowledgement of our District staff and faculty's work and sacrifice during the covid pandemic when we were one of the only school districts open on a full-time basis the dedication of all of our faculty and staff played a large part in ensuring that our district and our students did not experience the learning loss that much of the country's children experienced during this time and all of our district faculty and staff deserve to be thanked and to be proud for their part in making this possible the memorandum of understanding is attached to the agenda and we proudly recommend approval um of these agenda items by the board today that is my report thank you thank you thank you Miss katamori Miss Norwood do you have a wellness report this [Applause] evening thank you so much Miss Forwood we will now go into um the president's report I'm going to try to keep my report brief this evening I think the superintendent report and the other reports have kind of covered the bulk of everything but um I hope that everyone has had a productive first few days of the school year and are settling back into um familiar routines since our last meeting there has been progress on several funds first as mentioned by Miss katam matori on the agenda this evening includes the contract with the Hoboken service employees Association I want to thank the HSA leadership for their partnership in developing this contract we are grateful for all your members and what they continue to contribute to the Hoboken Public School District um and we are very thankful for your efforts in getting this contract executed uh secondly I want to say a giant congratulations and unfortunately they're not here anymore uh and a thank you to the Hoboken public education foundation for the over half a million dollars worth of initiatives they are going to be funding in our schools this year um the hpf does amazing work and they are constantly looking for ways to bring Innovative program and support the Amazing Ideas that our superintendent principal's assistant superintendent come up with and I know for myself I have seen these programs in action you know as a board member and as a parent so we cannot thank the hpf enough and secondly a shout out to all of the students who were recognized here this evening uh I knew we were doing recognitions I had no idea there were 129 medals to be handed out and I think it just speaks to the quality and the excitement and all of the good things that are happening at all levels of this school district CU 129 medals across four schools it's it's to me it's just breathtaking next the pilot trust account ordinance was on the city council agenda for second reading um last week on Wednesday September 4th so representatives from all three charter schools and myself attend ended that council meeting to speak in support of the ordinance I'm pleased to report that the ordinance passed unanimously and we thank the mayor Administration and city council for finally getting this done lastly I would love to congratulate our girls volleyball team girls soccer team and football team for their very exciting and might I add winning starts to the season I was lucky enough to be at the football game on Friday night and I can't wait to see where the rest of the season takes this team I was saddened that I missed the first girl soccer game of the season and the second one which was tonight but luckily When Miss katamori entered she alerted us that they had won so I would encourage everyone who loves to watch great competition to come out and watch our teams in action this season there is just so much exciting stuff happening and the electricity that's coming from volleyball from soccer and from football is something that everybody should take part in I felt my faith in humanity was restored on Friday night at that football game it was it was really fun so um that's all I have for my report we are next going to go into public comments on agenda items and before we get started like with that a reminder before we open for public comment over the years and most recently the board has been asked why it does not prohibit or stop comments about School District employees from individuals who speak during the public comment portion of the meeting the short answer is that the law prevents the board from censoring comments made about District Personnel the board does not condone nor is the board a party to comments as such however just because a speaker may have the right to say what he or she feels it does not absolve that speaker from liability or from any comments that could be viewed as defamatory by an employee should speakers say something that subjects them to a civil suit the responsibility Falls squarely on the speaker and not on the board board policy requires that all speakers please state your name Municipality of residents and business affiliation if any speakers are allowed 5 minutes and vice president Angley will quietly motion with 30 seconds left please address all comments to the chair board policy states that the board welcomes comments on matters of interest to the board but this is not an opportunity for dialogue or debate between speakers and board members or the superintendent miss good do we have any speakers signed up this evening Miss [Applause] waiters Patricia waiters thank you uh business administrator good I really appreciate you you just don't know how much um I'm going be speaking on a few agenda items and I'm very very impressed that you read that into the record every time the public portion began because I want you to know today that the importance of Integrity okay very important of Integrity cuz on December the 4th I have your picture again miss mcer when you said Patricia waiters allegedly got a gift I was gifted and I didn't record it with that being said I have integrity even though this was intentional to tarnish my integrity this is a shame even with you coming up today to take a picture okay it questions Integrity I want to say this and I'm serious I am sick and tired of being sick and tired miss good I want in detail with you with this agenda today I get here today and this ain't transparence and this not Integrity I don't see the HS EA on here it's not on here it is not wait let me finish please please do not interrupt me cuz I'm only taking my 5 minutes it's not on here and not only is it not on here I will be speaking on that specifically because each and every one of you and even in the mix of an election from 2022 to 2023 up until now when they did a fake election to name Erica the boy president I trusted you guys I came to each and every one of you and y'all know I was removed illegally but I was told by you Dr Johnson you can't have no ties or affiliation according to you veto the same thing with the HSA okay but it ain't over please believe me it's not over you knew under Omission laws Mr goiardi what they did to me and I was waiting tonight y'all said oh Victory we approve the budget we I mean I'm sorry the um contract y'all knew my contract was Limbo y'all knew everything that took place with me and none nine of you did not do a thing I want it to be said because it should be on this agenda and I came out tonight to speak specifically on that because I'm going to subpoena this board okay after the election I don't have a lawsuit yet but I gave it to you in 2022 when it wasn't an election and you allowed the HSA the administrator and 27 attorneys not one 27 Mr go y okay and you know my work right that too I'mma let that go now on here Chris Moo and I love you Chris nothing personal 10.14 every election season I set back and I said nothing but this year I'm winning I'mma show you how cuz I'mma expose each and every person that play a little dirty games with the security guard at the door giving all the moms the Flyers giving their numbers the Hoboken Foundation jumping in taking the support and hundreds of thousands of dollars backing up my opponents okay it's going to be question this election and questioning 1014 MOS is getting almost 9 no 10,876 and every election they start a page for my opponents why do y'all have to cheat to defeat me it's so funny I should have been in one of those seats and this is sad each and every agent up until the election I will be coming up here speaking on it I want to be respected Madam chair president I'm telling you again in spite of you being my opponent y'all bring some Integrity back into my district please because I got a lot lined up I got a paper trail and Dr Johnson let me give you another chance please don't lie to me cuz I'm not going away I need to get with you and talk to you cuz that's the chain of command okay these board members is your boss Tim is nobody's boss Tim is a facility director okay so I'mma tell you again this matter is serious me and my family was inflicted and everybody as Union president that I helped is watching this tonight was impacted terminated and hurt please guys take me serious thank you Miss waiters the um the HSA contract is on here item 10.21 is the memorandum of agreement between the Hoboken Board of Education and the Hoboken School Employees Association 10.21 and then item 10.22 is the approval of salary guides for the Hoboken School Employees Association for the period July 1st 2023 through June 30th 2027 so that is the hsea contract and if you feel that you would like to speak again on the contract I'm very open to giving you an additional 5 minutes to do so since you hadn't recognized that it was there uh so let's pause for a minute can we show Miss waiters the agendas that we have here that show that the contract is on here because I want to make sure that this is clear I think it's important that the membership of this Union know that the contract is [Applause] there it's on the agenda you can have mine [Music] [Applause] so it is on there I want to make that abundantly clear do we have any other speaker no 10.21 and 10.22 [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] miss good do we have any other speakers signed up for public portion uh no we don't I just all righty we are going to move on to our consent agenda is there a motion second who made the motion down there sh thank you all righty miss good would you please call the role Miss Angley yes Miss katamori yes Miss delira yes Mr delator is absent Mr Grana yes Miss Conor yes Mr kful yes Miss Norwood yes M mger yes motion passes we will now move on to comments on agenda and non-agenda items do we have any speakers signed up this evening Miss [Applause] waiters Patricia Wade is 15 Church Towers this is distinctly for members of the public guys I just want to show you cuz there's too many of them you see this this is why we right now at the meeting I'm not going to read everything but what I'm going to read [Applause] is I'm missing the debate doesn't start till [Music] 9:00 okay H role of a Boe Hoboken Public School District's Board of Education role of a bordered member the Board of Education consists of nine volunteer members three board members are elected each November for a three-year term the president and the vice president are elected by the board from among its members for a one-year term okay that's for the presidency what does you get on my ner I'm sorry what does your board do the board of educate and this is very important again go back to December forth with Miss mcer stressing how important it is to be honest and hold Integrity whether you running or whether you on the board the board of education is the policymaking body I didn't hear nothing about facility director again let me read that real quick and reiterate the board of education is the policymaking body which is the n to you and my dear Vos its primary task is to formulate an evaluation of all policies necessary for the operation of the school district all of y'all R for office did y'all know that everybody right yes we all agree okay for the operation of the school district your board of education is also the legislative branch of the school district example of the board of education's legal responsibility including acting upon the administration is Dr Johnson Dr Christin Johnson acting upon the recommendation for any appointing and dismissing Personnel adopting and annual budget and formula policies necessary to smooth the operation of the school district smooth you know what smooth sailing is calm not no h hostile work environment on every campus not being harassed not being beat up not being disgusted what I just went through these two years I got a paper trail showing you that I cried for help I cried for help and I was not given the proper respect and dignity of this and this is a role that all of you took on you took this role on and this should be your mission statement okay secondly and I'm wrapping it up with this one because they send it too much what does the administrator do this is a good one the school district is managed by an administra team which works with the Limited limits of the board policy this team is Guided by the superintendent Dr chrisin Johnson the superintendent of the schools district who is appointed by the board so the board supersedes the superintendent the superintendent SS the facilities the facilities and her principles okay that's how it is nobody shouldn't fear nobody they should hold people accountable the district appointed by the board the superintendent serves as the chief executive officer administrator board policy administer board policy and keep the board informed of the needs and programs of the school district does the business administrative board secretary that does a phenomenal job I got to give it to you I got to miss good you've been doing real good keep up the good work does a phenomenal job financial officer and carries out the responsibility introducing all business functions of the school school district and then it got the building supervisor which is Mr calie the building director I'm not going to read that the building and the district administrators are responsible for planning coordinating whatever they take rent the buildings and that's St job with that being said you guys are all board members could we start adhering to this don't I'm not playing place to blame okay that's not what I'm up here doing this is not 30 seconds left this is asking you nicely could we start with this okay so then tonight I would have seen more people instead of still being ignored in the house and the DAR that look like me in this wonderful event tonight okay cuz they not getting the same resources they not getting the same attention y'all come on now please I'm asking y'all I'm pleading that each and every one of you take he to what I just put on the record thank you Miss Alvarez two seconds [Music] [Applause] good evening my name is Erica Alvarez 721 Clinton I'm the current hsca president I would like to take a moment and just recognize everyone that was a part of negotiating the memorandum of agreement and salary guides that are on tonight's agenda as previously mentioned it passed unanimously which was amazing I want to thank the superintendent and the board for working with the HSA I also want to thank the other members on our executive board that gave up evening with their family along with the superintendent administrators and board members to get this accomplished a special thank you to our njaa field rep Joe tandi that assisted us with training and guidance as well the membership agreed to the mo MOA and salary guides with a unanimous vote this is a testament to the Integrity of both the board and the association's commitment to reaching a fair agreement I am proud to be a part of the progress made and I look forward to working together to to further improve our working relationships I can't thank you all enough for your time and effort to getting this accomplished thank you so much good [Applause] evening thank you Miss Alvarez we will now be going into a brief executive session for the purpose of discussing matters covered by attorney PL attorney client privilege we will not be taking any action so we just be coming back to close the meeting we will be approximately 20 25 minutes do I have a motion so motion do I have a second second miss good please call the role Miss Angley yes Miss camori yes Miss Dela yes Mr Grana yes Miss Pana yes Mr puffle yes Miss lwood yes Miss mcgurt yes motion passes it is 8:44 p.m. and we are just coming back from executive session do I have a motion to resume the meeting second Miss Norwood I'm sorry a okay Miss good please call the role Miss Angley yes Miss katamori yes Miss Dela yes Mr Grana yes Miss Conor yes Mr kful yes m Miss Norwood yes Miss mcer yes and with no further business um is do I have a motion to conclude this evening's meeting motion to close second no no we were going it was stated at the beginning of the executive session that we were going into executive session for the purpose of discuss discussing legal ma matters covered by attorney client privilege and that no action was going to be taken as a result of that discussion no problem so I'm going to do that one more time just to be clear do I have a motion to close the meeting motion do I have a second second all in favor say I I have a lovely evening [Music]