##VIDEO ID:lzVeD-JZIyc## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening hollon and welcome to the September 12th 2024 uh meeting of the hollon school committee apologies for the uh somei late start um we were just trying to figure a few things out um I want to start by uh just uh we have a bunch of things to talk about uh a lot of good things to talk about but I just want to start by acknowledging the uh the incredible support and turnout on Tuesday to our uh override vote um as anyone watching I'm sure knows it it passed and we really appreciate the um the support and um just uh you know incredible showing of of um interest by the community it was a 35% or so turn out which you know does not seem great but is much higher than most Town elections um and I think it's important to also recognize that uh saw a lot of people come out who may or may not have had kids in the schools it was a very broad um you know base of people that that that came out and uh well we don't know how everyone voted obviously you don't get to 66% um without a lot of support from a lot of different groups in town so I think that was that was exceptional to watch um saw a lot of people with young kids very young kids who weren't in the schools yet um and then people who came up to us and said you know I didn't have I don't have kids in the schools anymore but people supported the schools when my kids were in school and I want to make sure that I that I pay that pay that back so um that that was uh that was incredible and so and so we also have now a sort of a final contract or you know the contract you know is in place because we the override passed so that's also that's also great so um and we'll get to if you guys want to talk we get to that during a s school committee comment but um I just want to to start the meeting by acknowledging that and uh thanking everyone um we'll now get into the consent agenda um before we do that I did have two small things um with in the uh on the um minutes the first was to add uh Dr Jordan uh to the list of Administrators present and the uh second was to change Dan navorski to Don bski we do mistake you for each other sometimes so if you open yours up they in red those just those two changes I don't know if anyone else um any others but they did see it but I was like what happened here other than that I thought it was I thought it was fine but if you if you want to take a second to just review that's fine too anything else okay so uh with that we do have gifts did anyone have chance to look at the gifts they seem pretty uh you know standard yeah all right so I will now entertain a motion to approve the consent agenda which also has warrants in it move by Cynthia by Sarah in favor that carries five to nothing um moving on we we do not have uh student Representatives tonight uh we're trying to I think we might have our our signals crossed there so we'll work to to rectify that to make sure that they they can uh participate now on to a individual comment so Sarah I'll just Echo the thanks to the community um it was really impressive to see everyone turn out yesterday and again I was especially the young families clearly you know young families and then older people and I was just really grateful and it was a nice message I think for our community to send to our schools that we are here to support you so that was great and other than that that's all I have right now hi agrey um over 4,000 people come out to support a single ballot uh question what spoke a lot to to community engagement so thank you I just wanted to uh commend uh my two colleagues on the communication subcommittee for uh such a job well done actually getting all of that information out there to the community um there were a lot of questions and a lot of concerns and I think that um you know as a committee we did a great job um addressing those and um kudos to Sarah uh for keeping us on track and and getting that getting that up there yeah I think that really helped drive out participation at the polls it's a great Point Joe so thank you you're going to send a theme happening here so I also want to um thank Our Community Partners between the Town Administrator who did a lot of work on this of Liz Greendale man she's been you know how many elections can she do in one season and her team um the select board for partnering with us on the override um and I also want to thank people who stop by my office I work at the senior center which many of you know and there are many people that just walk by my office to tell me that they voted in favor of this um override because their kids got to enjoy being part of hollison schools and it was really important to them that the next generation gets an opportunity to have what their kid kids had and I felt like that really spoke to the value that um they place on education and education of our children regardless of whether theirs or their grandchildren or their neighbor kids and I just wanted to thank them so much for that great absolutely one more thing yeah sure I also want to say a thank you to um we had quite a a little group of close um community members who really really worked hard to um kind of spread the word put the signs out um help with Communications to the broader audience in places where we can't quite get our hands quite as dirty so um can I Lisa and Carrie just huge huge thank you so and Amanda and yeah I mean there's a whole there's a whole list Lisa Lisa kosan and were just tremendous supporter so thank you that was a lot of work over the summer and a tough time to do this stuff you know to get people engaged while we're on vacations and summer and beaches and all of that so truly appreciate all of that support yeah know that we couldn't have done it without their their advocacy so thank you so many people that think that if we've forgotten you thank you um so um I'm going to reserve uh school committee individual comment just in case Don has something later but um for right now we'll just move on to the central office updates umor Dr Cusco yeah oh sorry are there any public are there any people on I don't see any no okay no I I'm going to Echo Sentiments of the committee um it was certainly quite a relief when I found out from Our Town Administrator not only that the vote was positive but the 65 or 66% of the people came out and voted positively so we are very excited to be able to move forward with the work that we're doing and we're going to get to work on some of the changes that come with the contract and I know you're going to talk about that as well but it makes me proud to be a superintendent in a a community that clearly values education and um and continues to help us move forward forward as a district so thank you everyone and then I will mention which Jan's probably going to get I'll get our first PD day our first full day PD day is tomorrow she'll give you a little more details about that but this year we're doing only full day PDS and then um at our next meeting she'll be able to probably give you some more details about how it went but we're excited have some great offerings tomorrow that's great uh Mr B I have nothing thank you you're deep in the numbers though and getting everything going right for what exactly Dr Berard I also wanted to thank the community for supporting our students and teachers um it's heartwarming um that so many of you came out to support the important work that we do here um I wanted to say yes we do have our first full day day PD day um some of the big things that are happening the elementary schools are having all Learners networks come in and work with the Math teachers so we're starting that Journey with them or continuing it actually um so it's very exciting and pairs are going along with that as as well as special Educators we're having L training that Mr McLoud arranged for our um secondary and principal Liss is doing a lot of important work kind of setting the groundwork for neas work that's happening this upcoming year and all of the work that he needs to do for that but I will give you more details at our next school committee meeting but we have a great day um Paris it really is a a lot of people are providing professional development to different groups of people so it's really exciting that people are getting specific things for them um so hopefully we'll continue to do that can I just add and one of the reasons we shifted to the full days this year in particular is we were really struggling with the four different schedules with half days and then for our power Professionals in particular if they're in four buildings and they all need the same PD we couldn't get it to them with four different schedules of start so the full day really is very efficient because we can move people our smaller groups like adjustment counsels speech pathologist similarly the half days don't work well when you have four different schedules even teachers we wouldn't have been able to do Mr McLoud wouldn't have been able to do theel we would not have been able to afford it so yeah so it's a really where we'll we'll see how it goes around you but I think you're going to find the theme of that this works much more efficiently as a school district to get people in those smaller populations of teachers that don't get to high school that need to catch up with people vertically at the other buildings or whatever it is and we don't get to do that when we don't have the same time schedules to deal with so so that's really helpful great thank you Jordan okay um it's just quickly Dr what you said it was really uh pretty incredible because hson has a history of voting yes on on on overrides but it's always been very very close and so I went back and and I looked and OB the the past overrides that have have uh the past overrides that have passed um have done so between by between 12 and 72 votes and so it's like you know 50 or 51% yes and so uh to get 66% or 65.5% is just you know truly uh incredible and this is Al also the the largest one absent one other one which had some expiring sort of uh debt that sort of helped offset the the tax cost so um again just really an incredible uh you know show of support from the community and I know we're sort of you know beating a dead horse but uh I can't say that enough um don't always have such good news right right you don't exactly um so we'll get started with uh with Mr list and uh on some of the some of the things we can talk about the high school international trip to start with and then um maybe one of the recommendations for the bell schedule committee the trip first trip first okay um so continuing on with um wanting to expand our global citizenship program and providing um opportunities for students um the uh teachers who um run that program have propos a trip to Japan in 2026 um the company that they're working with and the reason for asking now is so that there's um plenty of time you can do like monthly installments to make it an affordable trip so um comes down to maybe a couple hundred bucks you know a month for a family um and the company that we work with ef allows us to use what are called credits to provide scholarships um for students because we have a trip going um this spring so for that amount of students we have a few thousand dollars in scholarship that we're able to provide uh to students who might be interested in this trip so it was uh they have hundreds of trips um but we choose trips that um have some service um component to them and then also um educational components to them as well so and the fun travel stuff that goes along with it but uh that's the trip they chose and so we're proposing that for the 2026 spring time last year think we provided a little bit of like a brochure or some little more details about the trip is that something you can yeah I can send that yeah I can send that along as yeah I have that in my email so I can send that too um who goes on that Juniors and seniors s so it's so they first open it up to students in the global citizenship um program um so that's the that's the first group and then after that they open it up to other students but it's because of the time frame it ends up being mostly Juniors and seniors because it's kids who are signing up now for the trip in the spring of 26 so which I think is probably a good move anyway yeah given the French trip the bran trip and it's over April break is that it's over April of 26 April 26 and then speaking of the French trip we do have joining us in October um we do have the students from France coming here for a month um so that's very exciting and then our students will be going over there in the in the spring so but you'll be bringing back the field trip information for that for approval the um other one where it's over the vacation week and it's not our like we're not sponsoring it are we because it's it's it's a school sponsor SP CIP it's right so it's so they it ties into their program and so they're as a part of their program they students have different um requirements and so they can meet them in many different ways and so some of them are doing service on on a trip um but there are other opportunities that exist within the program itself to do community based trips because not everybody can U manage to do the international trips and this is fully paid for by the family of the students it is and so yeah and so we have but that's why I saying we partnered with this one company because what they do usually is they give teachers points but in Massachusetts law you can't take like Kickbacks for things so they instead of providing the teachers with those points they use that to turn that into funds to provide scholarships for students so you'll give when it gets close you can give us the um the school committee will vote on the Sha information and all the details so you do not need any sort of vote tonight I I mean I can send I mean it would be great to have that so we can have cuz the sooner that we if we can get that meeting so that parents who are interested in kids are interested start making monthly payments but if you need to wait till next time I can provide like the more um like the itary and all that well I think you they could there usually a process yeah I think you could you could vote yeah the moving forward with it but you still would have to come back for another V the details they provide you know when they're going how many shop own right and so that and that all comes with like there's a meeting that first is held and we get all of the final finalized details from them so so this is more to get interest on the parents and you may not have enough to move forward anyhow right right that's possible okay so maybe then we can vote on initiating the process for the high school international trip for 2026 to was there a city or just it's Japan right now just Japan I didn't know if it was specific City multiple cities Tokyo um with that um I so I'll entertain that motion so move second okay all those in favor that carries five to to to zero um let's see Miss um so why don't if you could uh give us so now so there are two things that we're not going to talk about um one is more directly well they're more directly related to you but that are part we're part of the the reason now the contract that we're going forward with one is that uh the language are on the committee to look at a potential scheduled change for either the high school or the Middle School obviously you're here to speak for the for the high school um so do you want to give a little bit of sort of an update on just sort of things that are going on there and then the language was a little ambiguous about who the members would be for the school committee SL Administration so I think you have a recommend uh for the administrators and um I'd like to to take that up as a just to sort of clarify and make sure that everyone's on the same page so yeah so now that and we're so grateful that the you know that it passed and and everybody came out to vote and now um we have meeting scheduled um starting next week um with the the union we obious have to finalize the members but meeting scheduled next week to start conversations um regarding the um the the schedule at the high school um and shifting to away from the the block schedule um so that process as soon as we can get the um members finalized here we'll start that process and I'd be happy to come back and give updates to the committee um as the meetings move forward because it'll be a a fairly quick process because the back end of a high school schedule um is is uh and building that into the the student management system is a pretty daunting task um and so it's something that uh hopefully um we can move through quickly with the with the members of the of the meet of the committee um and and bring that forward to uh school committee um and the union for a vote but as I said I'd be happy once we have the members selected and the meetings happen to come back regularly you know in the next you know month and a half two months and give updates right so just for anyone at home um so looking for timeline about this uh so the the mo MOA that we we signed with with this with the teachers union stipulates that a proposal needs to be um put forward uh by by January 1st of of 2025 so three and a half months um and then there is a a April 1st uh date to to have it ratified though I think that we would all hope that we could do that sooner IDE and the ratification would be between the the school committee would have to ratify it and then the um HF membership at the high school would also have to ratify yeah and Mr Liss would hope to come up with a plan much sooner just because Logistics as he's described it's um quite a change power school redoing the entire process and there takes quite a long time so and getting getting that out to students for choosing classes and all that well obviously the quicker that we can get to an agreement with everybody everyone on board the better but those are the dates that are you know contractual dates and as I said I'd be happy to come back and give updates as we have meetings and Dr Jordan um on the side of just understanding what happens through schedules and being here sitting here can speak to that as well yes so with that if there's no other questions I was going to recommend um that we appoint Mr list and Miss kaaf at the high school along with uh Miss Condon for special education and then while Dr Jordan is now a central office leader his historical context in the district for so many years as well as his role as a principal would be really helpful so that would be the team of that I would recommend to you tonight okay um I don't have any opposition to that okay anyone else questions I think that makes sense I'm glad that we're including someone to keep the the special education services I think that's very important and also Kim is our longest um she's been here now this is her sixth year I think in the district so I think having her having that role in high school for six years as well as helpful and actually just for your information Dr CA went through this in West boil Center previous school last year a switch from a block schedule to different schedule yeah and that's why I think this team would be the best to compile with with a team of four because obviously one of the concerns with the block scheduling is the equity with with special ed and so that's you know obviously as we take a look at it that is important and actually elll as well and if you think of I mean that's that's where because it's a smaller District our elll population special ed all fall under student services as well even though Dr overseas the teachers it's still part of student services okay anyone else so that'll entertain a motion to appoint uh those individuals that uh Dr Kusa uh recommended move by Cynthia second by Sarah okay those in favor passes 6 to Z um just uh Le watching home I believe Don joined us at 7:25 if you're keeping keeping track of that um David would you be able to give us monthly updates as to what's happening with that absolutely great that makes sense yeah um so we'll just jump quickly to the uh calendar discussion for the high school so um massachusett state law um requires that um the high school graduation um be no more than 10 days from the initial final day of school it's on the count snow days um and 10 school days sorry um from the final day of school um and um obviously that is brought here to the committee and so um that would make the earliest possible date for graduation because of our calendar uh June 6th um and so the the request was to have graduation take place normally it's the first weekend in June um but to have it happen June 8th um the Sunday so still the normal time that it would take place but um a week later than it usually would but just based on the calendar it's how it falls so does that mean that the that senior last week changes as well so right senior dates change everything changes for seniors yeah it just has to do with the calendar and how it falls and this is a lot of districts if you look around us are having graduations on like some some are having I think like f like copi and moveed theirs to the Friday night of that like that sixth I think I think Ashland is Monday the 9th something like that so um most districts are are are having to move uh graduations based on the calendar this [Music] year tough calendar year yeah it is ABS first on a Sunday yeah so any takers for a Friday night graduation no we did say that it could have been Thursday night it can technically be like Thursday night yeah it could technically be Thursday night you know it would be a week night other than that Friday we didn't recommend just because we know that we have um a lot of neighboring towns graduating and then obviously that impacts staff we have a unique Factor here is that our staff um give out diplomas so that's pretty unique to Holliston and for a staff member to have to choose between their own child and darn them you know which still could happen on a Sunday but I just think that uh so if we were going to do a week night it would probably be a Thursday night to be that Thursday night something that we could do there's something we do and I know that there's the the the one thing that um the senior were interested in continuing their um boat cruise in the evening and I know that's important to them uh so um you know in consideration of sort of their um their week shifting a week later than usual and uh and wanting to continue that tradition um uh versus the because we don't have really like a it's hard to pull together those all night graduations um now and so that that but that was uh I know that was voiced by the seniors that that's something that they really want to continue okay and then I know when we were putting together the agenda there was some not debate but uncertainty whether we need to vote on that or not it looks like you don't think we do um I didn't change that so I'm not I just it's I think I brought it to Dr kuska because I think in Pre my previous District it always came from school committee to approving the F like graduation date so I think that's where it came from I think we do do that it's just so we also changed end of school if you if you feel like it should be voted on we had we weren't quite it's never come up since I've been here or any other District we've never officially voted because it's in most cases it's been like the same weekend of time this is just a change so if you do want to vote then and where it's not on the agenda you might forego that to next time but we could get some consensus in the group so that he could we could at least sure I just to be honest I also want to bring It Forward here and very publicly because I think it's important for families to be able to hear when it is because I know that people start to make plans for graduation very early and they're been people thinking oh the first weekend in June is the first and so I just wanted to have it out here um this way and so that we can get it out to the the senior families so let's get it on the agenda for next time to vote on but I don't hear any opposition is there any opposition the one thing I would say is it is on the high school calendar now is tentatively the first so right as soon I think you should change that you know immediately we will yeah um and uh um but then we'll officially officially vote okay next time all right but I I don't foresee that being a problem okay and I don't think it's on the district calendar anywhere right so it's not okay but the high school online calendar but the high school yeah we we'll change that one yeah um okay and then so I think I think it take think that we're all so organized cuz teachers are so organized that like you know I have a graduate am I planning a graduation party right now no the answer is no tickets for family yeah get I'm still wouldn't be planning it now any I I bet you there's some people that have you know what how about it well especially for vacations like yeah if you're going away for February break but like more people are but there's only one like there's only one historical society so so trying you know that's what you're um that's a wedd that's right now graduation I don't know I think as much noce as possible sure no I think it is to um okay so the let's go back up to reports from the the subcommittees and then we'll get down just Mark Frank is going to join us with his engineer at 8 and we'll do that under fall Capital request so just want okay get that um so uh reports from the uh the subcommittee's communication is is [Music] first I can do bud sorry I was asking if I was done yeah you did one I forgot to put apolog sorry Communications is that what you're yes but you've done a ton but we don't have a meeting scheduled we'll have to put one out soon um we've just been there's a lot in the summer a lot in the summer so um yeah we'll get back to it I don't have any updates um under under the communications updates you want to cover the the letter then and do we want to the the letter the the F letter to the community uh the thank you letter yeah we want pull that up that now or do we want to wait well we have the time now we have the time now I say we we were Smith it now so this is the election thank you [Music] letter we don't we don't nobody has edit access oh okay see uh how do I do that you just s share it with all of us I mean that doesn't mean that all us mess with it but editor how Frank editor he's not [Music] here you should all have edit I need to refresh or [Music] something um so I can just read it quickly and then we can just discuss what um so uh to the residents of Holliston I can tell about who to address it to but that was uh the hollon school committee would like to thank the community for its strong showing of support for the override this past Tuesday the passage of the override finalized the funding of the successor contract with the hft Educators Unit A with this passage we now have a three-year contract with our largest bargaining unit uh the hollon school agency would also like to thank and recognize the hard work and dedication of many other individuals and groups that helped make the election possible specifically we would like to thank our town clerk elab withth Greendale and her staff both the employees and election volunteers uh for their countless hours that they put in between the state primary last week State primary election last week and this week's special election special election prob special Town election um we would like to also thank the Town Administrator Travis aarn and his office for the work that they put in helping ensure the community received information about the special election further we would like to thank the select board and finance committee for the important roles that they both played in this election and finally we want to thank the teachers par professionals staff and administrators of the hon public schools for the work that they do every day educating the children of our town we especially appreciate the patience that the teachers had with the uncertainty and and public debate surrounding the future of their contract while we are grateful for the support and and excited about the outcome we recognize that much work remains to be done at our September 12th 20124 school committee meeting now uh we began that work and look forward to communicating the progress we are making to the community in the months ahead sincerely the H School com okay so uman i' happy to make some [Music] um I just wanted us to kind of flesh out the community members who came out to support it okay more if we could do that sure um where you like up the first one yeah yeah um what do you mean so I was saying earlier that you know mentioning that you know people who had kids in the school district came out to support it people without kids in the school district were grandparents that was a broad um cross-section of our entire community that came out in support of the of the override so something just being more being inclusive including a strong contingent of those without schoolage children or just including senior C and young families call them older adults now we're now we're getting is it yes okay if we're going to be you know yes older adults so all of those including top including older adults and uh parents of young children what want and I think parents are young children I'm writing cuz you're thinking you're writing over me may not um folks we need and between older adults and parents I was doing a a list of them okay do you want me to put and in between every single one no is there something else Beyond older adults and parents with young children um parents with young children there's parents that have children stuff what we're call I thought we were calling out the oh I just wanted to include okay okay including older adults [Music] parents and parents that seems a little parents of infants and toddlers um and parents of graduates school age children I don't know alni and and and recently uh recent uh new voters new and new voters yeah new voters yeah why not just say new voters I did well new voters perhaps voting for the first time in local election yeah I'm being wory okay okay um four there the community including just a very long sentence now I did yeah I I was just putting my thoughts in where's Lisa okay would like to thank the community including older adults parents with young children parents of school AG children current students and new voters perhaps voting for the first time in a local election for strong strong showing of support for the override this past Tuesday the two long it's to long okay maybe take perhaps person but I like that I like that too new wouldn't new voters be voting for the first time yes but it's a local election versus it's you know cuz local elections are very important personal local Global you could put new possibly first time voters you really want to stick that in no no more comments I'll leave it to Sarah's discretion Sarah you fix it yeah I think just me voters I tend to be a little verose not quite as much as Dan but than the commun [Music] for put grandparents well but technically it's this is what not helpful okay we got time we got 15 minutes before Market's here okay don't rush it I'm not rushing [Music] anything [Music] oops do you want to do a period at the after Community can we do footnote and then footnote who we're thaning takes it out of the main asterisk included that was resid are we are we ready to move on this one yes we still have a budget update and all right so any other any other changes no no all right we'll leave it and new voters there's got to be a comment after new voters in there yeah um for strong showing should it be in parenthesis no no we could have done a colon at the community no because then you can't get into it ready to vote people keep moving okay and the one thing I do just want to discuss is how we're with when we get to the second sort of communication I don't particularly want to send out two Communications at once tomorrow yeah um but they both need to go out so maybe we can attach this one to the second h we can talk we can talk about that the logistics of it later but I just can we just send them out at different times Friday and a Monday yeah oh yeah send out this one out like tonight or tomorrow and then send the other one out on Monday just preload it to go out no wa actually we Dan could you send something out tonight if we okay so we'll do that tonight and then tomorrow we'll do that's fine tonight tomorrow y okay all right so I will uh entertain a motion to approve the the 13th which one are we sending out tomorrow what if we're doing we're doing this uh tomorrow nobodys tonight so that's I thought yep thank you that was a good catch and the only other thing is at our meeting tonight yeah [Music] yeah okay okay everyone good with this sure yes I'll now entertain a motion to approve the uh Rel the sending of this communication to uh the residents of hollon from the from the full school committee good by Sarah second by Hillary all in favor pass this unanimously D you have access to it it's in our share folder for tonight just thank you I think school age has we make the changes now if you're going to make it okay um so we did that under communication so moving on uh to policy uh we're schedu I'm going to schedule a meeting okay or hopefully next week Bou okay budget meeting we had one on September 11th that was just yesterday yes the morning after the override we went over a number of things um and the uh we talked about the High School auditorium wall and the completion of of that work um we had a grounds maintenance discussion we got an update on the playgrounds um and we discussed um the high school track and um some repairs that would be made and then when the resurfacing would occur so so I bill uh I'm sorry um an estimate for that has come in um it it's been at least seven years Keith nine nine years y wow and it had a five year life expectancy five about five five you know 5 to 10 5 to seven you know we thought a um and so we expect the resurfacing to occur in June um but some um uh patchwor will occur before that as well um and we had a discussion about um and I think this is on our agenda to bring up as well the uh Adams roof project um as a capital request you know we put in the msba um we had submitted for msba uh funding on that and we hear Kei is it October 30th uh 30th 31st end of October was the meeting um and obviously before that we have October town meeting so we are making that request um at October town meeting or it's it's budget subcommittee's uh recommendation that we make that request and obviously that is um contingent on getting msba approval uh for the you know part of the funding on it we are we voting on this tonight we're voting on that to make that to make that request to the capital subcommittee yep okay um that won't be finalized so if we want to change things if people want to hear have more information but it would be good to have a voter request tonight when is the capital subcommittee meeting they just had one yesterday and then well the the next one will be before our September 26th because just given the timeline and when they sort of make recommendations um it's getting tight okay Don can you recap that process just for everyone else to understand where we were and where we why we're at the place we are right now with the roof project in terms of the RO project I'm going to lean on Keith a little and and Dr Jordan a bit on this because this is something recent that you have gone over as well but we had discussed this as far back as last spring and maybe even I remember January February is um and when did we submit our msba rec that was due in January so um yeah we made a submission through the accelerat repair program through msba um I recently found out that for this year we're going to qualify just over 50% 50.1 something per of a reimbursement if accepted if accepted correct um the the board is voting uh at the end of October um to and again they they have to blend the number of projects versus the amount of money that's available and it's a little more difficult at times for um acceler repair projects because one roof doesn't isn't the same as the next roof isn't the same as the next roof so there can be other problems that could arise from it so they they're a little more conservative on this making sure they have enough money that being said um you know they they the program didn't exist again two years they took two years ago they took the program off offline for a year they have enough money to support the regular program for a building school so um it's good that it's back and you know we're hopeful that we'll get to participate and um you know the thing that we discussed the budget sub was to cover our portion of the what the anticipated cost would be that you know James ke had a back of the envelope better than the back of the envelope but um quote on what it would be so uh but it's not a formal bid so we still would have to go through that process so and just for the community's information this this what we were saying msba this is a completely separate completely independent process from the msba SOI that we've submitted for the high school correct you you you have a a core program which is either renovates or builds schools you have the accelerator program which does roofs uh windows and boilers and if we're accepted into the accelerator program it has no varying just just two separate pools of money two separate governing subgel is different the um msba thei for the high school project that we put forward was done in April and would be um voted on in December by lsba so what we're asking for is our support to vote for um the roofing project at Adams which is contingent on matching funds from the msba so are you looking for us to vote to move that forward because the warrant closes next week yes well that that that doesn't matter but um no no because the the the warrant is closing the warrant has the article for the capital but the but it's still they still want to have as much ducks in the row before right and so we were going to do that under the fall Capital discussion but we could we could certainly do that we can we can I thought we were already in that sorry we budget blend the one thing I'd like to say is we did have a discussion about patching um a section of the TR I had some further conversations with with Keith today and that is additive so if we did just this resurfacing um in the spring we wouldn't need to to do the patch so I think we might want to reconsider that there I guess there are three meets so we may just want to have that conversation yeah we can talk about it again um so why don't we just we'll get into the fall Capital request in just a minute just to break everything up yeah be more confusing um though actually I mean actually why don't we just be I don't believe we have a superintendent update so um so we'll just continue on with the discuss fall Capal request and um by the time we're done maybe is that maybe uh Mr Frank is here so yes so so 1.25 and um do you want to go over what our recommendation was Million total for the Adams roof but the portion um yeah the request would be for 1.25 I'm sorry but you wonder what our recommendation is for the vote as as far as it's a that it's um contingent on uh receiving msba uh funding within 2 yearsing correct yes I believe it's actually contingent on receiving um but what the language it was contingent on receiving mat matching we're not matching on receiving support from the msba support from that okay support from the msba within the next two years so we sort of did a an expiration um I think that it's important to let the community know we're not right now at the point where it needs to be replaced but we're not at the point where we want to go alone and do the the full amount um but I think that for anybody who has uh kids or Works in both you know Rams and the plastino Miller um campus there are a lot of leaks there's cons you know they now 20 plus year old uh roof um and this is very important to do and I I personally think that you know one of the core functions that we need to make sure happens is that you know teachers and kids are not being rained on while they uh you know try to teach and learn so it is a lot of money um but it is one of those things that we need to continue to invest in our buildings to keep them uh you know operating so the reason why you're saying two years is because if we don't get invited into the process this time we would apply again in January hoping to get into the next just trying to clarify two years from when town meeting yeah okay yeah um so it well because because we won't find out until yeah it could be after the town meeting because October we just find out on October 30th no yeah we should have some wiggle room on that that right but if we find out on October 30th of next year that's be on okay so you want you but in theory no no no that won't be be on next year in theory you could we could open up a third one if we just said two two years from November 15th or something something like that yeah yes yeah yeah so within two years of of November 15 say that just on the safe side in terms of you know when they might just in case so that gives us three cracks at the exactly but then releases the funds yes are you looking for a motion moved move by second by all right all in favor I will relay that to the chair to the town Min and or you can to the to the town and chair of the budget subcommittee who Canen is that Mark is he supposed to be coming in person he is and then the engineers online okay is that is there a policy update until no sorry we just have that one last one it looks like um David point is he the engineer okay check see here he is there he is star of the day perfect timing can you there either way can I move do you want to come right here can you go up here Mark do you mind I don't like having to do this here yeah and then if you could so um are you going to do the presentation or do you want to I'll start it and then um if David wants to jump in and kind of okay yeah Dr Jordan can you bring up the um the adamsfield Dall PDF and share that with the monitor so just to bring everybody up to speed um last at Maytown meeting CPC funded a $50,000 engineering plan based on some work that we had done uh the flag for for the old flag School space that um was demoed in 2017 yes 17 uh to just make it a little bit more useful in in sort of bringing the goals together from The Parks and Recreation Department and the schools um to try to make it sort of a partnership project um The Parks and Recreation Department is really looking for better basketball space because we're having trouble with the space at Goodwill Park and then we wanted to incorporate some of the uh priorities that the school uh team that we had been working with had brought forth so um we ended up facing some challenges with the initi what we initially did was Parks and Recreation hired a landscape engineer to do a concept drawing for us we brought that to the school committee they took a look at it that included a walking Track a basketball court a little Outdoor Classroom space and Pavilion um and a walking Track that kind of went like down to where the around where the ex in staircases that uh concept required us to change the grade a little bit there it proved that after some soil testing that's a big challenge for us because of the existing conditions underneath there so we've altered the plan a little bit here to what you're looking at um this would be keeping everything at grade so a basketball court with a full court and then two half courts uh a walking Track that would included some track and field elements that um was one of the things that we was brought to our attention as of a priority and instead of bringing the track sort of around to where that existing staircase is keeping it all at grade and then creating a ramp so that students could just get up to that that space so um that's sort of the basics of it David I'm sure I'm leaving a bunch out I don't know if you want to jump in and cover anything that I might have missed but that's sort of the concept um and if David if you want to get into the concept more we can or I can talk about sort of where we're at with it yeah I think I think you pretty well covered it um the basketball court um was a typical size CT as well as then Hoops on the sides of it as well to provide additional opportunities for free throw practice and that sort of thing um like you mention six Lanes of kind of a 50 yard dash type track uh straightway as well as then the long jump uh Runway and pit on the left side of the plan there and then I don't know if youve mentioned um that shade structure as well um which just would we provide uh an area where you could put some picnic tables or benches underneath for spectators or just other events to have a little U uh area out out of the [Music] Sun so you know we met last night with CPC who funded the uh who who funded the engineering plan um I think there's some willingness for them to look at funding for this uh in the next probably I think they would like it to be a joint funding mechanism some some Town money and some CPC money you know that sounds it's all the same kind of thing but some probably Capital money and some CPC money being invested into it we got there's a lot that we need to work out on that end of it I I'm confident that we could figure it out um but I think it looks like it's going to be a May request probably so I think the most important thing is to make sure that we're together on the concept and we can still make changes to this that's kind of the point of this is to make make sure that everybody feels really good about the concept so that when we approach whatever the funding mechanisms end up being that we're coming at it together and feeling good about it so I think the focus of tonight should be to make sure that we feel good about the concept and this is just kind of a draft for you guys to look at give input to and then you know we can come back with any changes or you know different things that we think might might make this space make the most sense for everybody and I think it's important to know that this is a a compromise um solution to broader strategic plan with the parks between the schools and also I think it dovetails really nicely and I've spoken to Tina Hine about this with the lyen street Corridor that they are planning they have that they have received a grant for I think was about $500,000 for that so I think along with the other field space on that same street um I think that that's it makes good sense for the community I think it is a big partnership between all of those pieces and I think so so I think it should move forward and I'm hoping that the CP will be supportive of the program moving forward right so so Mar you're envisioning for for um May is uh is hopefully CPC funding and then potentially a request from the parks with the endorsement I guess of the schools I can definitely see it going yeah that's that's kind of the tentative that's how I have it penciled in right now so um yeah but there's also ongoing discussion with the finance committee as well and the select board exactly because I think they're trying to get in put from all the constituencies and departments the last few years we've also been given state allocations for certain projects so that's been almost three out of the last four years we've gotten some money from State allocations and that could be an Avenue that we look to for this too so I think there's a different few different mechanisms that we could potentially um look to to kind of put this together and we can scale the project you know to if we have to to make it fit within whatever the budget is I mean you know I don't know David if we're ready to talk about numbers here but um you know I don't think it's a crazy expensive project can I have ask a couple questions that are not financially related um because I know it's different than the other drawings and it's harder to see without the color sure David is probably better David can you hear Susan David can you hear me not very well okay I'll try to speak up so I just had a couple questions about the the design the one of the things we talked about was that during school hours we wanted to make sure we were keeping other community members off because we've going to use it during school hours as additional learning space I can't tell if there's a any kind of barrier on this is there a barrier as we talked about in the past uh we haven't included any sort of barriers um I guess that would be at the the walkways kind of leading into the the property we haven't shown any fencing or anything like that around the perimeter um I think we talked could be something that be incorporated but okay yeah I think that that when we talked before with the previous um engineer that they couldn't do a fence for some reason but we did talk about maybe some kind of barrier because that's one of the concerns we have at the high school is people walking on the campus and now we're talking with middle schoolers so I if we could think about that somehow and then on the shade structure is that going to have tables in it because I that was supposed to also be kind of an outdoor learning space would they be having some seating in there I think that was the intent yes is that there would be some tables underneath that shade structure to provide some seating for various purposes what kind of seating would you envision Susan just out of curiosity like picnic table seating or like row seating like what would be ideal for that kind of a space I think um probably more the tables right I I think what you're looking for is similar to what they have in the Middle School Courtyard is you are looking for like your steel rounded bolted to the ground like uh rubber kind of dipped um industrial grade kind of seating um and they have the individual seats around them don't get that are attached uh they're they're like small bench they're like kind of like kidney shaped seating they usually sit two to three um at each one of the spots they're common in most Parks they they last a lot longer than like your clastic wood picnic table also the rounded structure just as conducive for collaboration um and then for for our use for or the Middle School's use for um use during lunch but also for classroom I I would see this basically identical to what exists within the Middle School Courtyard for at the moment and we can even take pictures and show them and David we usually Source a lot of that stuff from Parks at least through Mass core so that would be a good place to start I think looking for and I think that's where we've gotten some of ours haven't we so probably be this and then the only other question is on the accessible ramp similar we I think we talked about if they were having an outdoor learning class with someone in a wheelchair being able to get them in the building in an emergency situation as soon as possible is that the only location that it can be is that like because of the grades and things that the the ramp is along the side there versus I think there's a and David you can correct me if I'm wrong but there's an accessible ramp at the top and then an accessible walkway on the bottom of it so on either side there's accessibility back down to where the school is is that correct d exactly okay that that's exactly correct yes the the intent was to maintain the existing set of stairs that are in the middle but then provide access roots on the top and the bottom on the and Mark to kind of add to that those are those are our primary exit points too from the Middle School one is for lunch and then outside the there's a door on the accessibility walk right there that leads to the library um and then the band hallway and then there's the walk from the actual Courtyard uh so that way you get your greatest use and on the other side uh where the art room is in the back the back parking lot um that would be your other main accessibility point so I I do like the locations of those those two points and the other thing I think we need to Loop in DPW in the conversation the grounds and just talking about the future and and Main maintaining the the cynth you mentioned that Tina was aware of this the last walk through we did with um safe roots to school was actually eliminating those parking spots yeah okay I just want to make I just for warn is forearmed so yeah I think we're going to lose those what is it six spots there there's will still be the parking down by the baseball field but I think we do lose those to keep's points is it showing that the spots sh here the spots are the spots are shown but again I know they were talking about with that with the safe to school building yeah they do I don't know that part of it but yeah okay and I don't know if that's finalized yet as that plan but I do believe that that is where that was headed last time they were on campus that okay and does it so the accessible walk that you see kind of snaking in front of the parking spots that wouldn't be an alternative to putting that that accessible walk is really related to the school this is a this is a sidewalk that basically could extend from Washington Street to Woodland Street yeah so that you get parallel the wall the parallel in Direction not yes but yeah okay mhm if we're eliminating those spots it's a lot of extra space over there right is it graded is the grade I'm trying to remember there's a little bit of gr relatively flat therey the grade drops down near the school okay because there's an old staircase from the days when flag was there being the one person still here who live actually worked in flag um saw I didn't but no it it's again the grade is is hide in that area from the school to that hill to to where the property is but it does slope easily and softly towards the parking spots so I'm not a fan of getting rid of the parking spots but if that's already part of another plan so be it but if we are getting rid of those parking spots then can we could we extend the walking Track uh I suppose so it's I guess that's possible David we would have to look at that but and and I can see where they're at with that plan I think we're further along in this plan than that I don't know how much the of the engineering's been done on the sidewalk plan yet but I I suppose it could be possible David any thoughts on that if you could hear what we're talking about yeah yeah if those if those parking spots are eliminated then that does open up some additional area there that as was mentioned is reasonably flat so that that walking path um uh could be extended further down towards Lon Street to make it a little bit longer loop from a middle school education perspective you know if even just to extend the the the length of the walking path to gain green space in the middle for PE use or 7v7 soccer or whatever um you know I don't know how much it would need to to get the space that we need but just just to kind of open up the Green Space there Additionally you know we're or I I've as principal was always looking for additional safe ways to run a cross country um track or include that into versus using the hollon streets y um and then also just kind of being able to round out turns so that the middle school track team can be able to and even cross country team can can use that for running do do Mark do you have a is it is the shade structure if you scroll down on that there's actually some um specs on little those building so if you I think on the bottom one has some uh just kind of ideas of what those could look like but I think those are still up for discussion too so so Keith do you know where Where the Sidewalk project is I I know they were I mean I haven't we haven't done a walk through since then um I I can say that I know that they were uh pricing things out and again it was a question of when the funds would become available from the state level so so perhaps we can connect the the two groups of well I no right I'm saying if they're going forward obviously we don't want to devel Vel or plan something around something that's not going to be available especially if there's actually a a potential Advantage by increasing the Green Space right so you know again we may be able to take advantage of the the safe lot to the school piece to kind of know where everybody is and what potential timing and David I didn't think about that because it's been a while since the Middle School cross country days but we do just for people who haven't seen any you might have anywhere from 30 to 75 kids running to a Finish Line which is the street Lon EXA so you're trying to you know take times they're running to the street for the down um to finish so that does make a lot of sense that they could finish up on this piece of track yeah the the rounding of the how tight those turns are are important to I think the Middle School yes just promise me one thing for all this there will not be a back ho or a piece of Machinery doing anything on lyen Street until the Woodland Street bridge is open I'm not I'm kidding because I can't do both right now but I I'm just saying if nobody raises it just let's all make sure that that doesn't happen is there a potential timeline in mind on this I mean the only time we could construct this in my opinion would be summer we can't I don't think we could ever do it this this project as it is right now I wouldn't I don't think be an issue with with L done over the summer I'm talking about the other part like well this still be problematic if you've got a lot of trucks going in and out and dealing with the but there's a lot of access roads back here where they could near the wastewater treatment PL that they could stage from and stuff like it's it's putting in ripping up Lyon Street and putting in sidewalks and stuff that just that that let's make sure that that does not happen my goal would be this summer but um I've been in town government long enough to think that if it was done by next summer I would feel about either of those but I'm saying we could if the plan was to put sidewalks there we could probably rip up the the parking without impacting the roadway and doing all that type of work right and and sort of get some of that going as long as there there's coordination between that's what I'm saying I think there needs to be a lot of coordination work on this project but my point is the the stuff that any any changes to to the quarter on L Street either can't be done when school is in session or has to wait until Woodland is open that would be a select board yeah that would be yeah I don't know what their plans that that wasn't part of in part of of uh the engineering plans as as we're seeing them um here now and I see a lot of great use um by this for the schools but I also see this as a great area for the community to use right um and a downtown space for them to use right I mean we we're always seeing community members out on the high school track up here this gives um another space downtown um I mean I know there's a a men's 35 Plus basketball league that runs um in inside during the winter I could I could Envision maybe during the summer months being able to play outside I know at least girls varsity travels to Franklin or menend in just to play outside on court sometimes and this might give them um that kind of opportunity to stay here in town so I I'm fully in support of this and I think that so this piece of IT addresses some issues with Goodwill that Mark was telling us about before where they want to be able to create four Tennis Courts at Goodwill currently they can't do that but they can't take out a basketball court and not replace it somewhere and that location has been Frau with issues in terms of vandalism trash you know a place for people to hang out with not with poor sight lines and you know neighbors have not been happy about that space I think this space is a a more logical space for this to be where there's just more basically just oversight you can see just way way better into this so while this might have not have been our Dream scenario as a school committee to have the basketball court space there and maybe have had more green space I know that was my preference but I think it's really important that we are partnering with our Community Partners to make this work for the whole community so that's my endorsement Keith just back to the lon the street thing for a second any chance any you know that's not my project exactly I'm like it's not and I'll I'll talk to the chair of the select board but is any chance that that's turning Lyon Street into a two-way street the entire to no that would be that would be helpful for the schools no to bring more bring more traffic there and my buses can't go up that hill that it's the hill that's the issue to go on to 16th okay can I ask more questions Susan you have mentioned barriers are you thinking like plantings or like what other fing alternative barrier that you would I know we talked about and was when Chief Cassidy was part of the conversation yeah maybe a swing gate up on the top swing gate that could be closed off and then you could put signage during school like that but to try to show that it's separate because I think if you do nothing it'll just exact okay all right we can think about that um and if if there's no other questions I mean you guys can reach out to me and I can pass anything along to David Le Point um our Point person at bills and Thomas in the meantime and uh yeah I appreciate it all right thank you all all right great night you too thanks thank you David thanks David thanks so many David so many David answering the questions David [Laughter] David okay um so that uh finishes our our fall Capital request are we done now I think we're done nope we're not we have one more critical piece and this is Again part of the the Sprint that we now need to uh to get through um but is the creation of we have to figure out what the we want to name the advisory committee but uh it is uh do you see me not it Oh no you're it uh but is the creation of a sort of a bus SL start times advisory committee um my God you're killing me and um my proposal would be to do this under our policies sort of like along the lines of what was done 10ish years ago with the tuition free full day kindergarten um committee 20144 yeah so 10 10 years um where I think that was at the recommendation of of Dr Jackson but um the school Comm voted to create into this advisory committee it was a um it was an official sort of committee if you will reporting to the school committee um Falls underl posting so I meant to touch base with with uh Liz Greendale today to to sort of give her a heads up give her a heads up maybe next week we have time because we won't actually be appointing all the members now but um and so that's under BDF is our policy for that um and basically this this BDF allows us to create these advisory committees for essentially short-term very targeted um goals and my thought was so we're talking about uh you know it's a very complicated dance um we we had a lot of discussion around this during the the override but when you put 15 minutes on at three of the schools and then 10 minutes additional time at uh at placentino uh all the sort of the star times need to be changed and so you know we're also looking to uh go from essentially three star times to to two star times um though there could be a few minutes in between but but um and so I put um uh Sarah wrote uh sort of an initial letter because what I the membership of this Committee in my vision but this is up for the committee to decide would be U members of the administration I would think uh Dr Jordan Keith um probably just in their roles of finance and operations make sort of sense um a couple two or three probably two or three school committee members some parents uh and then um teachers and staff uh and preferably as much sort of um as many buildings represented as as possible especially on the on the parent side but also the staff side um though if we if interest was a little off and we can find a school commit member that's also a parent in one of those schools there at least could be some some overlap there um just remember the larger you make it the more of a quorum you need right so well so the true the the intent here though would be I mean this is really going to be need to we really need to lean on our experts yeah um to sort of drive that conversation come with proposals and discussions and then it's going to be the the the um Educators PA professional whoever is the staff is on there and then the parents to vet these ideas bring up their what they see as as potential issues B just based upon their own um lived experiences um and things that maybe the perfect plan on paper has issues with but and I think that it will add uh a significant amount of transparency to it but it also it needs to run quick right this is this is not going to be a a committee that is doing the research and doing the work when we're not trying to recreate the Wheel from what was done in 2018 and 19 like as far as the the benefits of a later start time for the high school that's not that's that's not the intent it's to to solve the problem at hand um though I don't think any of us people can voice it if they have any intentions of reversing you know like going back to a 7:30 start time for the high school or anything like that um no no um resoundingly so um this is a a letter uh we can we can read it and uh go through it um but basically essentially it's seeking um volunteers from from the community to sign up for it um and then we would uh collect them I think I I think we put on there the date of the sort of response date by next Friday and then we I would look to on the 26th to sort of appoint the final sort of members of the committee we could reach out to uh Jamie katone to try to figure out how to seek uh okay HF staff um members um and then when are we looking to vote on the proposed time so we have to have it done by January 1st that's what I thought yep so along with the other yeah going to be a busy fine I just ask a question is usually you know when I'm forming committees for whether it's a hiring committee or something else we usually state in there how many volunteers of each group we're looking for so I'm just my worry would be that having it open-ended yes then people will have no let's let's talk about that because I think it's um I'd like more more parents and but at the same time we don't want it to be uh shift schedules challenging right so um I was thinking myself four to six parents four and two school committee members and two administrators and then you know three to four teachers if or or staff if we can get it it turns into a big group and but at the same time I want to make sure that there's opportunity for for as much input from the community as possible it's a delicate Balancing Act can we recommend that potentially one one parent from each level and then one educator from each level to try to keep it at the four and not get too unwielding but yeah it was sort of yeah I was leaving for I was leaving a little wiggle room in case of some weird yeah but we and we can also decide this next time to the final sort of yeah but but I think we would go yeah we would look for one from from each and then the two school committee members okay or we ask them a question about like why they want to be part of it or anything or is it just like putting a name in you can open up the S I didn't get Chance gole form yeah I did an initial form but happy to happy to adjust it as needed so but ask for thank you why are you interested and what thoughts do you have to make not only the change but also to ease the transition but whatever and I would like to to set the school committee members uh tonight if possible because i' I want we want to get where the responses the Google responses go would be to myself and the two School committe members that are on it Frank raised his hand he told before and he wasn't able to be here tonight but he volunteered um it's Tri it's well and Cynthia I I I I realize I realize I realiz this is not something but you do have that you know institutional knowledge and you know Battle Scars you know where actually really even for me I mean I don't consider it but I have a lot on my plate personally right now so I can't necessarily commit to that so is there any else is there a backup while you consider it we're not letting you off the hook yet we can we can is there a backup that's in one well I guess we could always appoint another person and then consult with Cynthia yeah I'm like I'm still here still have all my data stuff I'm here just wouldn't be in the room all the time and then I'm just wondering where Keith is going to be transitioning and should I was wondering would it be better for David and I to be the the two administrators and then Keith be an alternate something as well Keith in the room what say I was like yeah I want to do that I think we can remote in I mean I I I hear what you're saying but I think you know Keith's got the 24 years of of of of Battle Scars and and then Dr Jordan's going to be taking that over so I you know I really do think it it it's crucial to have both of them in the room and we do think we're I mean we've got to have this resolved before January right right so before we I wanted to kind of chime on on that part is the timeliness yeah is essentially you you can only conceptualize the high school schedule and the middle school schedule is going to change and the elementary and like all those stay as a concept until the times are agreed on cuz you don't physically build it power school until you have the start and end time of the school dayb which is a multi-month process of building it and you have to build it when with the known times no we need to move fast and so that's why the administration is going to drive this and you know be bringing the information to the the committee to then discuss I mean it's it really is an advisory committee and to be honest we may be coming back with the conversation about the middle school schedule just because some of the language that's in theou also could impact the current schedule so I mean just to be that yep for different reasons than the 15 minutes sure hopefully we don't need another I me I know we have it built in for for a large change to the schedule to to be that through that process but hopefully we won't we'll hope to get well it depends on who defines major that's right we we would hope to make minor but I just don't know until we start putting it together if multiple factors okay so do we have another volunteer don't don't raise your hand all at once Don why does Don have to do it there are several new people on the committee that need to get their feet wet Joe I'll do it put Joe and Frank together okay there you go all right or Hillary sure thing raising your hand I'm sorry if I I'm not raising my hand for that when do you envision the meeting okay I think I mean we'll have to be respectful of of the administration's time the teachers time but also for parents I mean my guess is it's going to have to be at least late afternoon if not if not early evenings you know and sometimes having the dates or at least some of the dates ahead of time gets better buying because people will already know that they can or cannot do it so I don't know if you want to out yeah it would almost be helpful to house I don't think we can we have to put the letter out tonight or tomorrow and I know but maybe we can I'll talk with David and Keith and maybe we can put together potential dates that do we could maybe put a kickoff date yes in there and and make sure people understand there's going to be at least what would you say four additional meetings after that kickoff at least at least a minimum of four in addition to that just so they understand the commitment I I don't know that it's to say I'm just just thinking about this we're not rehashing why and where and when it's really about logistics so I'm not really sure it's really helpful for us to have a large group of people trying to decide Logistics isn't it better for us to have the people that know and understand the logistics come up with a plan and then we survey the community as to the options we give them which is three or two options or whatever thing that we learned from from last time is that we need to get input earlier before we have a a sort of a final solution I mean and and well we did and we had a solution it's just that when it came down to financing that solution there was a no on the financing solution which Le left us with the only solution we could do which was to flip but having more people in the room to go through the whole process and understand that will will make it so that those people can also help explain to the community all the different options all the things that we did do and looked at right to to because some of this is is is coming down to to trust and to to you know yeah I don't know that it's a Reinventing of the wheel as much as as letting people collaborate on the why behind it and the impediments to doing different things and getting that input of of how these things impact and even some of those conversations can inform a survey like you're talking about too right because if if if just the people in this room had to sit down and write the survey we're probably going to miss some things right but you know with that group um educators are going to have other ideas um parents that placentino are to there's only so many absolutely that's why I was that's why I wanted to leave it open to a few more parents if we if we got them and I think we don't have to necessarily decide tonight I think the goal is for um but we have a lot of people in the community right now that you know we're around in 2019 and and did a lot of work themselves and and have thoughts we we've looked at a lot of those thoughts for for many reasons most of them weren't all of them really weren weren't feasible but I I don't think it's I it's not worth changed though I I don't NE think it's changed but I don't NE think has it it doesn't mean that it they shouldn't at least be be broached now that we sort of have some money to go toward that's my point is that we we have the ability to look back at those scenarios that we had before but I don't know that there's much wiggle room on those those and there may not be but now you have a group grp of people who are in the room not just school committee members that will will be part of there need to be a very tight timeline then and it needs to be like this is what's happening oh no yes and you're going to have to do your own homework outside of that go go find the website and read through all of the past so that we don't have to rehash it cuz we're not going to we don't have time right no no we're in Sprint here we're absolutely in Sprint because with this it's also we've got to bid the contract out we' got to get there's a whole slew of different things if we can bid the contract out we have to bid it out it's a question of whether we get more than one you know probably looking at about four meetings between October November and getting a decision by the like before so here's the question do we want to move up the timeline for for parent um and teacher interest and have a quick very quick special school committee meeting to just appoint so we don't wait till the 26th this is this is really kind of a decision for for for Keith and Dr Jordan as far as when they want to start having sort of those I I mean to say this is going to be FastTrack maybe an understatement yeah no I know that's and the the options are going to be limited and people aren't going to like the options in some instances and there's we again we have to find out what's the most palatable because there are I mean we're struggling already as as many of you know like with Athletics now we release students early from time to time etc etc because of meats to move the high school appreciably back because again this is this is a situation that we had back in 2002 or three I know most of you weren't even born yet but um when when when we had to when we had to move when we move the C when we move the schedule this way by combining Roots it's the same sort of thing that's going to happen it's just that it's not going to be a situation where something's fixed and then something else buttresses up against it it's going to be it's going to go this way and so the question's going to be in some instances you know do how do we look at Athletics how do we look at after school activities etc etc it's be it's going to change and so it's it's again there's going to be there's going to be some untenable Solutions and there's going to be some solutions that is the the best we can do with the situation so right and so saying but saying it's got to be fast tracked so yep so so that and that's why I I want people in that room talking to you and and getting that feedback and not that they necessarily will represent everybody obviously no more than we do but um so the question is how how quickly do you want to meet I mean realistically I think it's if we met Say by last week in September first week in October and planned on meeting weekly um some schedule would meet weekly so that people even if they had to miss a meeting they wouldn't be that far out of kilter I would think that that would be a pace to try to get us done possibly no later than beginning of November certainly no later than Thanksgiving yeah I mean I anticipate your first meeting is just to explain the constraints for the most extent it's not even like y you're kind of explaining all of the constraints on the schedule to kind of everybody has a common set of norms and understanding of the obstacles that we have then your second meeting has actually discussed okay these are really our options so the week of September 30th I mean do you want to try to set up first date and time would you want because if we we could vote it on the we could vote it the membership on the 26 we could also speed that up I mean it wouldn't take long if we just you know met for minutes to to officially vote the membership we can approve it on the 26th and unless the day unless you want to do the date before that that's the only that would be the only reason we would speed it up if you said that if you tell them the date next week right or two weeks from now right I'm saying are they realistically going to have the first meeting next week or on the 25th 24th or 23rd right but they did that and they have it before our meeting on the 26th we have to have a special meeting but I don't think I'm I think I think they'll have a special meeting I don't think that that's I think but I think be ready to vote on the 26th um well we're going we're going to vote tonight to to create the committee and then we're going to vote to to sort of fill the third then proba right I would say that we maybe try to have a meeting like on the 1 okay um we have we're we're trying to set a meeting on the first yeah but again they should know that if they're applying for it that to to keep the first at 4:00 or something like that available you know we just we just need to kind of put a stick in the and if you want to participate the meetings don't meet your schedule you're not going to participate it's you know okay so the first um we we're trying to attentively schedule something for the first at 6:00 so then why don't we um do it is it the first at 4:00 yeah yes do that work okay so then 4:30 better I mean well if if you me from 4 to 6 4 would work better for me 430 but also parents dring kids off if we end up having a placentino parent all right from so right so so 4:30 to 6 probably yeah I mean as an introductory meeting we just it's it's kind of starting as a meet and greet and really need everybody there you know um so if everyone wants to go into I I don't know if see here share and I would also like to encourage like voices that we haven't heard from like other people to participate who may have not participated in the past please join us like we need your voices too we need new I mean you know it's been 5 years so we have you know the Miller crew has there's been significant turnover there absolutely but there are a lot of people who still care about it and I'm sure some of them will I know but we can only choose so many people I understand I'm trying to add everyone's editors to this document um wait so are you a member now or is Joe well I thought it was Joe and me no Frank won Frank we'll make you we'll make you an alternate you can you can choose or do you want to be a member I was adding myself to it cuz we all giving me the stink eye over okay we can do three because we do if they want to join I think it's good it's good for all of them to join the party okay um it's going to be lit all right so I made everyone remember uh so sep 20th de say that at the 20 for your planning purposes first meeting of this committee will be on October 1st for what's the criteria choosing one parent over another is it just first come first or H me I get to sign I thought we were taking Kickbacks I mean I think Sarah there I we're going to answer we're going to look at the questions and see questions and representations are you we want to make sure we have as fair you know we want to try to get one person from each school so sometimes you might have someone that served in another community on something like help too if they have that experience from elsewhere that would be helpful ke you want me weekly for how many for to six weeks at least four to six weeks exactly exactly what I was thinking I think Tuesdays going to be the day I think it's going to be a similar time frame 4:30 4 6 weeks 4:15 k i put 430 okay I thought he was saying four I thought Keith said four to [Music] 4:30 is fine okay too much time you fill up the vessel too you know what I'm saying you know fine no you're right it's if we need to stay a little longer then we stay a little longer if the if we're done talking we go home um so does anyone want to edit the letter and thank you don't for getting that out the other one yes I know I don't have any edits do we have a name we'd like to call this Comm it's one of the things that we're we don't I don't particular want to call it a a St an advisory committee it's an advisory committee y I don't think I I don't think I call it star times necessar NE a different impression this is this is about it's about Transportation or bus schedule for something like that schedule additional instructional time schedule no I mean it's it's instructional instructional time schedule because that's what's going to change it that's too long acrm help us out here people um scho time advis committee school time Keith's retirement committee ADV send send off send off send [Music] offy um school day why don't school day advisory Learning Time advisory Lear no this is transportation Transportation Transportation advisory that between I know 15 minutes but it's really about school time school time school time advisory school time and transport advisory committee wait what does it do I don't know school and transportation ad that's school time and I don't know I don't like that we did Transportation advisor we just have another T not B time the bell schedule is is the intra period that it can maybe BNS or whatever stay on it bus in school bus in school um or you know we're going to we're going to allow the the committee to decide the name figure out name they no no the first the first assignment will be to come up with some name suggestions and within two minutes Keith will throw all of them out and call it what he wants also it's to we include in here that they need to be yes sworn in okay sorry I just want to make sure um keep looking at different group it will be an advisory grouped by the to a formal Advisory Group but it's advisory groupal they're advisory is it a formal it's formal Advisory Group Well formal sounds like they vote on it is they're advising are they going to end up voting no but by formal I mean like they're follow it's going to be you know correct we could be the bus route optimization team no CU it's not oh what was the name that you had before is that what you had before Keith no that somebody hated it was forly the committee bus efficiency and safety Squad Squad I like I want to be part of a squad me I was curious about we being a rod for other functions of of the committee at a continual so not that the group may change but even if it's just the transportation advisory because we um we also have issues that we want to unpack with like our transportation from this year and what would be kind of the long terms but that might be a different function of the group at a different point in time MH um if it had a continual name so [Music] thoughts it's an interesting thought it almost want to not I would say not this time around and we'll reform when we have more of a a a concept of a plan and then um just because I think we need to make it clear for people who are volunteering that this is like a commitment that'll End by ex what about transportation and uh schedule advisory committee we we still would need to reform if we're going to have figure this is this is Purpose Driven just this purpose I'm not opposed to that school transportation advisory Comm Solutions focused School transportation advisory committee I think I want Transportation yeah but it's transportation is schedule I mean I don't think you hide the fact that it's schedule starting and end times that's schedule and transportation satac I I I think let's just let it go yeah okay Shake It Off always have to have at least one t s ref I'm sorry I I heard you I got it we chuckled she's a she's a cat lady childless cat lady a childless cat only some will judge though we do need to title this uh this email we need to title email and we need to title for advisory committee nope no it's got to be it's got to give something about what the advisory committee is about to get people you know I I think volunteers for for transportation scheduled advisory committee why don't you just put what you have on the agenda right now bus SL start time advisory yeah sure that one just leave it it's fine we just need to title of the thing yeah I know okay okay so uh we'll need two uh votes I think one um so one would be to create under B where is it uh created an advisory committee under BDF uh for the purposes of of reviewing and uh data and recommendations on the uh transportation and uh schedule um with uh the initial membership from the school committee of Frank Joe and and Cynthia and from the administration uh Dr Jordan and Keith buay with um with uh staff teachers and staff and um parenting Guardians uh TBD by uh the 26th sounds good sah by Sarah what yeah that was approve the formation of the committee that's what this is yeah second by Hillary okay is there any discussion no okay not on the time all those in favor all right that passes 6 to Zer this committee this advisory committee has been formed now we need to approve the uh the email uh to go out tomorrow to be separate from the email tonight um is everyone good with the email as is all right but I will I will entertain motion to approve uh the the communication um while also allowing me to make minor make sure it's on unsubstantial uh edits um and to be sent out tomorrow um by m Mr moud sure do we have yeah need some move um approve move by Cynthia SAR thanks for doing the Google form there too yeah thank you yes Sarah thank you just let me know if there's is everyone good with the Google form yeah yeah okay I didn't want it to be too no it's too much quick yeah um and I guess s just have to come to me the responses you no what you're not part of the committee just but but we're we haven't put the members on the committee yet and that's going to be a school committee we just decided that um we just decide the makeup of the M the advisory the advisory committee is not deciding the membership the parent membership it's going to be the full school committee that's deciding so you're having the we're going to vote on Hall the people who are forming on on the the advis okay that's fine September that's why I was confused by all right so we'll we'll all decide as a group yes okay um okay so all those in favor yes that carries thank you um where's the agenda just fall Capital but I think you fall Capital but we did that um is there anything we missed that you wanted to discuss under any of our okay um we do have uh an executive session that was on here if needed thankfully we do not need it um so um because it was uh for uh strategy with respect to collective bargaining um so with that I will entertain a motion to Simply Jour move by Don second by Cynthia all those in favor that carries thank you very much Aon and good night e for