##VIDEO ID:36p2IwUc6uI## I'll get some that way there's uh one more I'm sorry I cut your head off B okay see you p good evening everyone I hereby announc that pursuing to section five of the open public meetings act the adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in the notice which was sent to the Asbury Park Press to Two River times and posted on the Bolton port in township hall and filed in the township Clerk's Office on January 3rd 2024 mayor impr preva dudo here Mr Foster here miss L Mountain here Mr lucarelli here Mr Romano here mayor you have a quorum thank you Wendy uh Chief Alo would you like to come up and say a few words oh pledge allegiance I always do this out of order pled alag the United States of America to the repblic for it stands Nation indice of silence for our men anden in uniform that protect us at home and abro now Chief Alo if you'd like to say a few words [Music] mayor preva dudo members of the township committee administrator Jay Delaney I thank you all for allowing us time at the beginning of the township committee meeting this evening and I bring before you two of our newest officers to be formally sworn in this evening the first officer I'd like to introduce badge number 18 May Cosgrove officer Cosgrove is a lifelong resident of Spring Lake she resides with her mother Moren brother Frank and father Daniel Cosgrove who is a retired major of New Jersey State Police ma graduated St Rose High School in 2019 After High School she attended the University of Alabama graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in criminal justice in the summer of 2023 ma was hired by Spring Lake Police Department as a Class 2 officer and attended the mammoth County Police Academy graduating in May of this year we are excited to have mave join our department and I'd ask her mother and father to come forward for her swearing in and mave please come up mayor's coming in I swear that I will support the constition of the United States unit States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith in allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States United States and in this state under the authority of the people of people and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform of a home Township police officer according to the best of my ability [Applause] [Music] con [Applause] our Second Officer this evening badge 119 is David duset although new to our department Dave is a 5-year veteran of policing coming to A from Keyport Police Department Dave resides in Middletown with his wife Danielle and their two children Seline and Alexander Dave graduated Keyport High School in 2003 he later joined the army in 2011 and was honorably discharged in 2019 Dave was appointed by the Keyport Police Department in 2019 he attended the mammoth County Police Academy and graduated December 2019 Dave comes to our department with five years of experience he's an active shooter instructor defensive tactics and radar instructor we welcome Dave to our department and I'd ask that Danielle Seline and Alexander come up and join their father um and her husband for the swearing in will support theti of the United States support states and theti new JY that I will bear truei and Al to the to the government EST unit states of people and that I will Faithfully partially andly perform support to the best of my ability you [Applause] [Applause] a I just want to say that um I I look forward to having these two new officers join our department I know they're going to do a fantastic job in protecting our residents of Homedale and the residents of the state of New Jersey and I want to thank you for giving us the time this evening to swear them than you Chief thank you chief congratulations to officer Cosgrove and officer du set excited to have you guys on board Wendy do you want to move to the approval of minutes yes sir um next on the agenda would be approval of minutes for the July 15th executive and public sessions and the August 13th executive and public sessions which were forwarded to the township committee for review prior to this meeting do I have a motion to approve motion second Mr Foster yes Miss L Mountain yes Mr lucarelli yes Mr Romano yes mayor and preva dudo yes both sets of minutes have been successfully passed thank you thank you Wendy we are now moving on to public comment for agenda items only anybody has anything to say before we get rolling you are welcome to now going once going twice sold moving on to the consent agenda do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda motion second Mr Foster yes Miss lamountain yes Mr lucarelli yes Mr Rano yes mayor and preva dudo yes okay resolutions 2024 211 through 2024 218 have been successfully approved thank thank you do you want me to keep going okay next is Introduction of ordinance 20248 which is an ordinance approving conveyance of interest in Access easement for Crawford Hill property to County of Mammoth motion is to adopt on first reading published in the Asbury Park Press and set the public hearing for September 24th 2024 have a motion motion second Mr Foster yes Miss lount yes Mr lucarelli yes Mr Romano yes mayor and preva dudo yes ordinance 20248 will be set for public hearing for September 24th 2024 next is hearing on ordinance 20245 which is an ordinance appropriating 24,000 from Capital fund fund fund balance for costs and expenses to purchase the listed equipment the motion is to adopt on Final reading and publish in the Asbury Park Press according to law just a note mayor uh there was a apparently a typo and the amount is 24,000 not 42,000 I did look at the ordinance and because the um the breakdown added up to 24,000 I didn't view this as a substantive change so I think we could adopt tonight without having to reintroduce thank you counselor I have a motion to no oh public hearing I always get those pesky public hearings uh anything from the public on this ordinance going once going twice moving on can I get a motion motion second Mr Foster yes m l Mountain yes Mr lucarelli yes Mr Raman yes mayor and preva dudo yes ordinance 20245 has been Su successfully passed thank you next is public hearing for ordinance 20246 which is a bond ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements and the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and Machinery new information and technology equipment new communication and Signal systems equipment new additional furnishings and new Automotive Vehicles including original apparatus and equipment in by and for the township of homow in the county of Mammoth state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of 2,932 500,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in the anticipation of the issuance of such bonds the motion is to adopt on Final reading and published in the Asbury Park Press according to Law Public here thank you anything from the public on this ordinance on the bond ordinance going once going twice do I have a motion motion second Mr Foster yes Miss L Mountain yes Mr lucarelli yes Mr Romano yes mayor and preva dudo yes okay ordinance 20246 has been successfully passed it will be published in the Asbury Park Press according to law thank you thank you Wendy Mr ministrator you have anything for us this evening uh yes thank you mayor um with the adoption of the the capital ordinance for the year um two-thirds of which will uh Finance the uh Road Improvement program for the year um with the adoption of the ordinance uh I had previously distributed a a resolution awarding the contract for uh Road pay and I would ask the uh governing body to consider that for approval uh this evening councel do we insert that do we go up to this now or do we want to uh go through do it now I certainly think you could approve it now mayor and just for the record it's a resolution awarding contract 2024 Road Improvement program to the low bidder discover Construction in the amount of 1. 1499 million perfect do I have a motion move second thank you Mr Foster yes Miss L Mountain yes Mr lucarelli yes Mr Romano yes mayor prev dudo yes the 2024 Road Improvement program resolution has been successfully passed which will be 2024 219 thank you thank you and mayor thank you with the adoption of that resolution awarding the contract we will proceed uh uh with the uh preconstruction meeting and the various components in preparation for uh Paving improvements which are in ated to commence um in in October thank you uh additionally as a result of a discussion that was uh held during the executive session I would ask for uh the council's consideration to adopt the resolution discussed uh regarding a salary adjustments for designating employee I think we're in favor of moving forward with that and so can I get a motion motion Mr Foster yes Miss L Mountain yes Mr lucarelli yes Mr Rano yes mayor and preva dudo yes the resolution authorizing salary adjustment which would be 2024 220 has been successfully passed thank you thank you Wendy anything else Mr administrator that's it for tonight thank you mayor all right Bill how we doing F1 item today we had our note sale for the 2023 Bond ordinance it's a renewal from last year uh last year if you remember it was 4.5% this year it's at 3 . 75% a little bit less but not as cheap as it used to be thank you counselor um I don't have anything by if want to get home for the presidential debate so I'll spare everyone all right Bob uh nothing at this time mayor great thank you moving on to the committee Mr Romano you want to get us kicked off starting with the library uh the library hosted an intro to Java computer program event that had 25 teens in attendance the library held 1 Story Time and steam events with over 300 children in attendance aella the service dog will now be a regular part of the hell Library visiting once a month from the Board of Ed The District Welcome Back faculty and staff on on September 3rd hell homeo hedo School staff participated in a lecture by guest speaker Dr Reggie Wright who spoke about character education and development the district opened its doors to study on September 4th and 5th this Academic Year the school district launched a combined and revised starting schedule for the high school complex and other schools thanks to a summer of planning and collaboration with the Homedale Township Police Department the district is now able to effectively receive nearly 1500 students and 150 staff members daily with the Ingress lasting approximately 30 minutes the school district is pleased to report that the outstanding support of Chief alako and the htpd traffic management division the daily arrival process has been concluding within minutes of 8: a.m. with Crawford's Corner Road entirely clear the district encourages those arriving at the school complex to arrive early and utilize bus transportation services to help alleviate any remaining traffic delays Board of Education will hold its public Action meeting on Wednesday September 25th from the Heritage committee the hell Heritage day will take place on Sunday December 8th from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Hell High School the Heritage committee continues to recruit volunteers to the event and any hell residents who are interested in offering their talents or helping at this Multicultural celebration event please contact Heritage committee at homedel Heritage gmail.com thank you mayor thank you Joe M Mountain Community develop Development Department no new updates for this meeting the hell Green Team the members of the Green Team attended the second meeting of the environmental resources inventory update a few of the green team members met with Township Administration and an electrical contractor to walk through potential sites for Ed charging stations continuing to gather in information the township was recently awarded a New Jersey clean energy Grant in the amount of $10,000 to create a community energy plan which will identify emissions reducing initiatives and the team green the green team excuse me a bunch of tongue twisters tonight conate and commend the township for committing to this important work the Green Team Will review the planning materials for Sustainable New Jersey they have a meeting coming up on Monday October 7th at 700 p.m. MERS of the public as always are invited to attend please feel free if you can attend to email your feedback or questions to Green Team at Homedale township.com thank you mayor thank you Kim Mr lucarelli thank you mayor September 15 through the 21st is child passenger Safety Week parents are encouraged to read the instructions on how to properly install a child's car seat check the child's properly fasten seat belt and keep your children under the age of 13 buckled in the back seat of a car the police department reminds Homedale residents that disasters can happen at any time it is important to have a plan with your family to ensure that you have all the important supplies medications and documents ready when disaster May strike there's been a scam alert throughout Mammoth County uh with callers claiming to be from the mammoth County Sheriff's department and asking for donations this is a scam the county is aware of it these calls are not legitimate and they are not coming from the Sheriff's Office uh you should please not give out any personal information or send money urgent um from the first aid Squad um unfortunately there have been encountering more and more drivers who are not pulling over when they see the ambulance coming this can lead to very dangerous situations trying to outrun the ambulance or passing on the vehicle that has pulled over for ambulance creates a very dangerous uh Road situation there have been increasingly too many close calls that we are trying to reach out to the public we greatly appreciate our neighbors and that is why we are trying to keep everyone safe Public Works has begun picking up brush this is the final time of the year section A was just completed and section B will be started this week residents should refer to their blue postcard schedules to when they are due for pickup large item drop off there are two dates for September it is Saturday September 14th and Saturday September 28th from 8:00 to 2: p.m. at Bell Works uh Public Works will also host a paper shredding event at for hille residents on November 2nd at the Department of Public Works building on corett Corner Road fire department a member one of our members had just graduated from the mammoth County firefighter Academy on August 5th another member is currently enrolled in the middle sex County fighter fighter Academy and will graduate in February three new members are being approved at tonight's meeting and three more new me member applications are pending um National Fire week prevention the national fire prevention week is October 6 through the 13th the fire department will be hosting an open house on Saturday October 12th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Crawford's Corner station there will be station tours live demonstrations activities for the kids and light Refreshments the theme of this year's National Fire Prevention Week is smoke alarms make them work for you that is all I have mayor thank you and I'd like to also again congratulate our two new uh police officers that we swore in tonight thank you DJ Deputy Mayor thank you mayor couple of updates from the Department of recreation registration is is now open for kids art and teen art fatherdaughter campout the bayonet Farm trail race yoga at Bell Works green screen and animation open play chess for kids mommy and me story time and sensory stations and coming soon pickle ball and Tennis clinics at the courts at Bailey Lane to find out information on any of these programs or events or to register please go to the recreation Department's wesk registration portal on our website The Swim Club completed its 50 second second season last Monday 565 people attended the final day of the club on Labor Day which included some live music the 2024 season was a successful one with many fun events including superhero week Christmas in July trick-or-treating live music nights and DJ nights the recreation staff is now working on closing the pools and starting plans for the 2025 season which is only 256 days away that's great news from the veterans committeee the home veteran of the year is awarded annually at the Veterans Day ceremony in November to a veteran who has had honorable military service has contributed their time and energy to the hell community and has made a commitment to encouraging and supporting fellow veterans nominations are solic solicited from members of the public and the recipient is selected by the hell Township committee if you know a deserving veteran who meets these criteria please fill out the veteran of the Year nomination form on the hell website or by filling out a paper version of the nomination form at the Homedale Recreation desk Department window and that is all I have mayor thank you Brian I do want to start by uh recognizing that tomorrow will be the 23rd anniversary of the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center in the Pentagon this week as we should do every week we pause to think about and be grateful for all the police officers firefighters EMTs military members and other First Responders who put their lives on the line to ensure that we all remain safe healthy and free in particular I do want to remember the citizens of Hell who perished on September 11th 2001 along with the immediate family members of Hell residents who perished that day hedo residents who perished on 911 Christopher e allingham Paul V Barbaro Evan J Baron Michael P lefor chman Dennis Fu Robert L horo Jr Matthew perero Gregory M prosi Greg REI Eric Adam stalman immediate family members of residents who perished on 911 Eric T Allen of the FDNY Peter Paul Apollo Brett T Bailey Dominic e CIA Lieutenant Lieutenant Peter Lewis frund FDNY Frederick Khan Brendan m lang Rosanne P Lang Robert andal Jr Eric Steen and James J strain Jr these individuals are memorialized on the Open Hands statue in front of town hall uh in addition uh myself and members of the township committee will be there tomorrow morning to say a prayer of remembrance for those that were lost that day we are on a brighter note uh bringing Harvest Fest back so Saturday October 12th from 12: to 7:00 p.m. at bayonet Farm activities will include live music inflatable attractions food vendors Beer and Wine Garden petting zoo BMX show craft and business vendors the night will conclude with a showing of its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown followed by fireworks additional information will be sent out this week and please also check the recreation Department's website we are thrilled to actually bring that back that's going to be a lot of fun on September 16th uh we we are scheduled at this point to meet with Township Architects um with new and the New Jersey state historic preservation office for a site visit of Robert Wilson Park and the home de horn antenna in the interest of moving that project forward and then at the Alexander Ching dog park we'll be hosting its fourth annual howow howl oen K9 costume contest say that 10 times fast uh the event will take place on Saturday October 5th from 2: to 4m at the Alexander Ching dog park at bayonet Farm residents and their costume pets are welcome and encouraged to attend and that is all I have and I believe we can now move on to public comment yes ma'am hi Jenny Blumenthal 41 Stony Brook Road um number one you mentioned all sorts of recycling possibilities except styrofoam what is there anything planned by the town to get rid of Styrofoam bits and pieces it's not been top of mind um I don't know I'm aware okay so um are you aware yeah do you know if if you could still drop stuff off there at the uh middlet toown train station Middletown straight train station does accept styrofoam okay because I got a bunch and I there were occasional uh pickups here and then the second thing is you mentioned that there was a meeting over the Crawford Hill development with ioo and so forth is that open to the public you know what I I hadn't thought about it um I suspect I don't think there'd be anything preventing I'm not oh actually J I do you have any idea this is not a public session it's really a a tour of the site with the representatives from the state historic preservation office but can we can we follow you around and and listen I don't know who we must might be but um um it that question hadn't been anticipated uh we had not advised the uh the state representatives that there would be a public uh uh you know participation or presence um and I'm hesitant to uh indicate that it would be open without uh we had enough trouble scheduling this uh uh meeting so I might when you said it was going to be I I didn't say when it was going to be uh no but Rocco I thought did I I didn't happen to catch it CU I didn't know where he was going it it is it is on the 16th um I think you know to Jay's point I think um you know this has been difficult to get on the schedule um we' want to talk to the folks coming in from the state I think to let them know or or to advise them that there could be members of the public attending if we do that it just hadn't been something we anticipated oh I don't know why after all of the noise we made about the because it's kind of an inspection it's an inspection that's really why it's not anything celebratory um so how can we find out and you what time did you say it was so we could crash the meeting otherwise o' at at what time no I think it's 11:00 a.m. I don't have it on can we get back to you whether or not sure let's see if they're comfortable with it's really just a routine INSP yeah and I also will say to you DJ that a couple of days ago at 8:30 in the morning when I was still sound asleep the phone rang and it was one of these police guys trying to relieve me of funds really except I could hardly keep my eyes open to figure out who he was so I just sort of hung up on him which I would have anyway even if I was awake yeah so I I I mean he didn't particularly identify himself either I'm almost 100% positive he didn't say this was XYZ from the Homedale Police Department so it may have been what you're referring to I said I was about to say if you call me again at this hour I am just not even going to answer the phone okay thanks so I will await hearing yes what you have to say yes ma'am thanks thank you anybody else for public comment yes sir J 18 ladwood drive this um is a followup to my prior comments and and this is not a knock on DPW it's not a knock on our police force or or any Township employees but as I said I don't know three or four weeks ago I don't know why this is my job and I'm just going to give you a few examples um when you go up hell road heading from 520 say you're heading toward Haslet and you make a right on Robert's Road there's an absurd deep pothole there it's been there now for weeks again why am I reporting this why why do I have to report this when you come out of home delcom by over easy behind LA Fitness you come out there and you pull on 35 there's been a notable po hole there for four months why do I have to report this and this is a seasonal thing um Middletown Road there are now and this is important to catch it while there's still Greenery there are a lot of and I don't know if we're responsible for the trees over Middletown Road maybe that's the power company but there are a lot of materials sized thick branches that are basically dead and they will fall during the fall and winter uh particularly any storm some of which could really hurt someone or do damage to cars so I think we really need to take a look at Middletown Road at some of the big branches over the road that are completely dead and cut them and get rid of them thank you thank you Jay you got notes on those thank you thank any other any other comments from the public going once going twice motion to adjourn second all in favor