##VIDEO ID:brboV93Cw9o## how you doing sir for good evening I hereby announce that pursuant to the section five of the open public meetings act the adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in the notice which was sent to the Asbury Park Press the Two River times and posted on the Bolton port in township hall and filed in the clerk's office on January 3rd 20024 mayor and preva dudo here Mr Foster here miss L Mountain here Mr lucarelli here Mr Romano here mayor you have a quum thank you Wendy if you'll please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance all right Wendy guess moving on to approval of minutes do I have a motion to approve minutes from September 10th exec public sessions motion second Mr Foster yes Miss L Mountain yes Mr lucarelli yes Mr Romano yes mayor and preva dudo yes thank you the minutes have been successfully passed and now uh public comment for agenda items only at this time going once going twice no public comments want move on to consent agenda do have a motion to approve resolutions 2024 D20 221 to 202 24-22 n motion second Mr Foster yes Mr L Mountain yes Mr lucarelli yes Mr Romano yes mayor and prudo yes thank you resolutions 2024 221 through 2024 229 have been successfully passed next is hearing on ordinance 20248 which is an ordinance approving conveyance of interest in Access easement for Crawford Hill property to county of mammoth do I have a motion ah public hearing I keep skipping the public hearing line public hearing on 202 24-18 going once going twice Mr Blumenthal come on down good evening Ralph Blumenthal 41 Stony Brook Road uh I find the title of this ordinance a little bit deceiving in that it says it's an ordinance approving the conveyance of Interest attached in the materials was a a resolution that you're adopting and it did not say anything about the easement other than it authorizes you Roco and Jay to to sign off and do whatever formal steps are needed for that to happen but it did not contain a definition or explanation of just what the easements that you're granting to the county are I'm certainly aware that by virtue of the fact that the county provided a bunch of money and they wanted some strings to go with it that there are some things that they wanted including something about the historic preservation and the like that is going on but the attachment in the agenda item for this did not explain any of that could you please describe a little bit about what's going on sure Mike I'm going to defer to you on this I wouldn't call them strings necessarily but I'd say probably considerations with the with the money paid but go ahead Mike yeah and I do think what's being conveyed is addressed in the ordinance but to better explain for you um when the taking occurred as set forth in the first uh whereas Clause the township filed a declaration of taking which acquired the fee simple title to lot six and lot 6.01 and it also took an access easement interest in the current roadway that crosses lot seven so that the township could access lot six and lot 6.01 um the township has closed with the county um so the county possesses um a deed of open space easement that encumbers lot six and lot 6.01 in exchange for the generous funding that the county provided the township and the township is in receipt of those funds um as part of the closing the county did ask that we uh provide them with an interest in the easement so that they can access the property to which they have the easement rights and they're not landlock which seems perfectly reasonable so all this does is the housekeeping of um ensuring that the county can use the access easement that hell possesses across lot 7 which in layman's terms is simply the roadway in front of the former Nokia building so this all is only related to the easement on lot seven is not with regard to the rights that you've given them with regard to and 601 correct this is strictly with respect to lot seven lot six and 6.01 is already done and that was approved in a previous ordinance okay thank you for the clarification sure any other questions comments from the public regarding 202 24-8 I guess not uh I guess we're good Mr Foster Miss L Mountain we have to can I get a sorry can I get a a motion move second Mr Foster yes m l Mountain yes Mr lucarelli yes Mr Romano yes mayor and preva dudo yes ordinance 20248 has been successfully adopted and it will be published in the Asbury Park Press according to law thank you Wendy we'll move on to our administrator Mr Delaney thank you mayor uh just one announce ment followup on previous discussions uh beginning tomorrow the uh 2024 Road program will uh begin uh with uh milling and Paving in the area of Hawthorne Avenue uh the full program will continue for approximately 5 to six weeks in various locations throughout the municipality uh depending on weather and uh any obstacles that may be uh encountered during the construction process Jay do we want to we discuss some resolutions do we want or is that something we're going to be tackling this evening or is that for the next meeting thank thank you for that reminder uh following up on the executive session um I have distributed a resolution authorizing a contract with the CFO and additionally uh resolution was distributed uh authorizing uh contract with the CME engineering to provide Traffic Safety I'm sorry traffic uh uh study services in relation to ongoing litigation thank you uh the members of the committee have had I think an opportunity to review the resolution so can I get a motion to approve motion this is for both of themel Mr Foster yes Miss L Mountain I'll abstain because I wasn't at executive session Mr lucarelli yes Mr Romano yes mayor and prev dudo yes the two added on resolutions have been successfully passed thank you thank you Wendy you uh you done Mr administrator yes I am thank you uh Mr Euro uh nothing mayor okay thank you counselor I'm good mayor thank you all right moving on to the committee committee Romano thank you mayor uh from the hell Library we had 2,491 items checked out in the month of September over 3570 visitors 711 reference questions and 160 people used the private rooms from the Board of Ed um transportation and busing issues as the district closes out the month of September some of the initial challenges experienced with Transportation have largely been resolved the district continues to Gras more individualized concerns about busing on a case-by Case basis once again the Board of Education and administration extend their thanks to the Homedale Police Department for their ongoing assistance not only in keeping our school safe but also in helping with traffic management and the daily arrival and dismissal of students in the athletics department the district's fall Athletics teams have been competing with commitment intensity and of course good sportsmanship the high school field hockey team collected its first two wins of the Season our girls tennis team remains undefeated the football team earned a convincing Victory against manisan last Friday with a score of 410 Middle School sports have also begun and we wish our SATs Middle School student athletes the best of luck this fall season the school district will hold the last of its annual back to school nights this week these events have been well attended by parents and Guardians and the tone has been one of positivity and enthusiasm the high school theater Guild recently completed additions for the fall play Romeo and Juliet which will be performed in November they also announced that the spring musical will be curtains clubs and activities across the district are now in full swing with club and activity fairs being held at booths the middle at the middle and high schools Indian High School is excited to offer additional extracurricular activities this year including an entrepreneurialship Club a school newspaper robotics clubs and of course the school plays Board of Education will hold its public Action meeting tomorrow Wednesday September 25th at 7 p.m. from the hell Heritage committee October is is Italian Heritage Month a few ital a few hell Italian families will be putting up displays at the hell Library about Italian history and culture please stop by the library in October to check out their hard work the hell Heritage day will take place on Sunday December 8th from 2: p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Hell High School the Heritage committee continues to recruit volunteers for this event any hell residents who are interested in offering their talents or helping at this Multicultural celebration event please contact hell Heritage committee at homedel Heritage gmail.com thank you Joe M Mountain thank you mayor um Community Development Department there are no new updates for our meeting tonight hell Green Team the green team is reviewing the community energy plan materials to prepare to meet with sustainable Jersey any hell residents who would like to participate in this important initiative are invited to reach out to the Green Team or attend the next meeting the team team is planning to be at bellworks Market on October 23rd to perform community outreach and share sustainability information including Community solar with the public members of the Green Team have been working with Village School and SATs middle school science teachers on the topic of native plants and also with a local high school student who has offered to help with hell sustainability projects and the team continues to plan for our sustainable Jersey 2025 certification their next meeting is Monday October 7th at 7 pm members of the public are invited to attend anyone that can attend in person can also email their feedback or questions to Green Team homedel township.com thanks Kim Mr luuk Ry thank you mayor the Homedale police department has received an increase in traffic complaints from the cross Farm Park on weekends visitors to the park are reminded to follow the correct traffic patterns absolutely no vehicle should be driving on the grass the home Deale police department will be monitoring uh for infractions Public Works uh has completed the final brush collection for the year the next collection for brush will commence in April of next year large item drop off uh we have uh the next two dates well it says the next two dates but it only says one so the next date is Saturday September 28th that's this Saturday right yep so this Saturday the 28th from 8:00 a.m. to 2: P p.m. at Bell works and then fall leaf collection will begin uh approximately November 4th and will run through the months of November and December and then finish up in January each resident is entitled to two rounds of leaf collection during that period please refer to the blue postcard you received in the mail to know exactly when your section will be picked up and then lastly the public works department will host a paper shredding event for Homedale residents on November 2nd at the Department of Public Works building at 14 Crawford's Corner Road this is a free service and limited to Hell residents only proof of residency is required and there's a 100 pound limit and that is all I have for you this evening mayor thank you committeeman Deputy Mayor Foster thank you mayor good evening everyone couple updates from the Department of recreation this past Friday night the recreation department hosted its annual father daughter camp out at bayonet Farm there was 100 participants this is the largest crowd since the event started back in 2018 thank you to the rec department staff for their hard work on this great event Harvest Fest is back this year it will be held Saturday October 12th from 12: to 7:00 p.m. at bayonet Farm the day will include food vendors vendors local businesses live music a petting zoo BMX shows inflatable attractions a beer and wine Garden as well the night will conclude with the showing of It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown followed by fireworks show to close out the night come out with your friends family and neighbors and celebrate our great town trick-or treat at bayonet Farm will be held on Friday October 25th registration is free and it opens on October 1st on the wesk portal and is open only to home residents the bayonet Farm trail race will be held on October 20th the registration is open for both the one mile kids race and the Four Mile main race Runners are still needed for the main race registration can be done by visiting the recreation Department's Rec desk portal as well and we have last call for the new pickle ball and Tennis programs to be held at the courts at baly Lane all classes will be held on Saturday afternoons from September 29th to October 27th which is 5 classes total Foundation pickle ball for ages 18 and over will be either 2: p.m. or 3 p.m. Foundation tennis ages 5 through 8 at 2:50 p.m. and ages 8- 11 at 3:50 p.m. squirts tennis for ages 3 to5 will be held at 2 p.m. registration is also open for The Following fall programs adult beginner art classes mom and me story time and sensory sessions kids art teen art and yoga at Bell works and then just a final reminder from the uh excuse me the veterans committee the nominations are open for the hell veteran of the Year award currently being being accepted on the website or at the recreation department window this is awarded annually at the Veterans Day ceremony in November to a veteran who had honorable military service contributed their time and energy to the homed Del community and has made a commitment to encouraging and supporting fellow veterans so if you know of a deserving veteran please let us no that's all I have mayor thank you Deputy Mayor all right so this Friday September 27th at 4M we're going to do a ribbon cutting for our new pickle ball courts the courts at biley Lane um but beginning tomorrow Homedale residents will be able to make up to three reservations per week using the recreation Department's wck desk portal um we're having a reservation system effectively for the the pickle ball courts and the reason for that is to ensure the users are hell residents and Hell residents only um and we're limiting it at the start to three reservations per week because we just frankly don't know what the interest level is going to be um so we're going to start there if there's uh you know if there's room we'll expand if not we'll have to contract to give as many people in town with interest as much time as possible to to play on those courts um so we do look forward to home to Residents enjoying these facilities for many years to come they will be open year round um when the weather gets too cold I'm sure it's going to be a little bit prohibitive at this point in time but uh dawn to dusk is probably the uh the availability for it in the in the uh in the immediate term a reminder for hell residents that the final dat of register to vote for the November general election is Tuesday October 15th for more information including sample ballots and instructions on how to register to vote please visit the mammoth County Clerk's election website Mammoth County votes.org state law and the hell Township ordinance require that all dogs be licensed and that dog owners ensure that their pet is properly vaccinated from rabies to that end hell is providing a free rabies clinic for dogs and cats on Wednesday October 30th from 400 p.m. to 6 p.m at the senior community center and one final note I want to take a moment to recognize the passing of former hell mayor Joseph V Papo earlier this month Mr Papo served as mayor of Hell from 1983 to 19 1985 our thoughts and prayers are with his loved ones may he rest in peace and that is all I have for this evening so we can now move on to public comment Wendy if you want to kick it off in accordance with the open public meetings act this is a public comment period for public comment on any governmental issue of public concern in accordance with resolution 20227 public commenters are asked to raise their hand and wait to be recognized by the mayor before coming forward and making public comments commenters are asked to State their full name and address before commenting public commenters are limited to one comment not to exceed three minutes comments should be directed to the mayor and Township committee if appropriate the mayor may direct and recognize a staff employee or professional to respond to comments at either either at this meeting or in writing after this meeting thank you Wendy anyone from the public have anything to say Patrick trus 56 Line Road uh at a previous meeting there was supposed to be a meeting with the uh New Jersey Historical Society It Could you um give us an update if that meeting took place and what was um done at that meeting yeah the meeting took place I couldn't attend that day Brian I don't know if you have anything to report on that sure just uh answer your question briefly Pat three representatives from the state came and Met Myself uh administrator Delaney some of the other people in town Bob Ward Barbara kovaleski basically walked the site talked about the different things that are going on up there or that we intend to go on up there and basically all the other out houses and different you know structures whether or not they were part of the historical relevance of the property and just kind of getting an idea of what they're comfortable with us either getting rid of completely and and basically how to start moving forward with making this a park so nothing significant happen I think we were all very happy with what they felt about it Dr Wilson and his wife were there as well which is great cuz they explained and toward everybody around which they've uh been absolutely fantastic about so I think it was a step in the in the right direction and they seem to be behind everything that we're proposing okay thank you anybody else from the public going once going twice motion to adjourn motion second all in favor all right thanks everybody