##VIDEO ID:kfG-2n3SfyU## good evening everyone and welcome to the holy o school committee meeting today is Monday September 9th 2024 and we are starting the meeting at 6:02 p.m. roll call please miss Feliciano here here present present she is online up and raised her hand so I got to figure out here here here oh there all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible justice for all righty welcome back everyone so on March 29th 2023 Governor Hy signed into law and act relative to extending certain state of emergency accommodations which among other things extends the expiration of the provisions pertaining to the open meeting law to March 31st 2025 specifically this extension allows public bodies to continue you holding meetings remotely without a qu of the public body physically present at a meeting location and to provide adequate alternative access to remote meetings the ACT does not make any new changes to the open meeting law other than extending the expiration date of the temporary Provisions regarding remote meetings from March 31st 2023 to March 31st 2025 pursuant to Mass General laws chapter 38 section 20 I am hereby informed in all attendees that a video and audio recording is being made of the meeting and the meeting is being live streamed and run live on the city's Community TV channel so I know the next thing on the agenda student showcase we do not have anything for today Miss tensley Williams you look like you want to say something no I'm glad to be back oh okay y welcome back everybody thank you sweetheart lovely summer vacation all right next on the agenda is public comment Miss Feliciano do we have any public comment submitted no sounds great moving on to next on the agenda Communications and reports we have student reports we want to welcome back our students so we're going to go ahead and start with Holio High School North Nicholas Samantha Rodriguez right hi um so this year as you may or may not know hokai North installed a new schedule which includes four blocks a day an hour and a half each um there's a new block called reach block where it's a structured study hall with some other school events that may happen during that time period um one of those events includes nighttime which we have um at the schoolwide morale booster for some kids who may or may not be feeling it that week um students also have the opportunity to win howler of the week which includes like um their academic performance up they're hero every day like it's just something small for the kids to be into it for the week um we're also working on proving attendance Friday is are the day of the week where kids mostly stay out um so student government is will be hosting majority of the Friday events this past Friday we've had tug ofar The Faculty won unfortunately um we will be having just some little like snack snow cones cotton candy popcorn Fridays and some other whole school activities to be planned throughout lunch it will mostly happen during lunch um yeah I'll pass it on to Nick to read the rest uh the hooai school theater company started with their auditions today uh September 9th for their fall performance they are excited to perform the very popular children's book Miss Nelson is missing dates for the performance will be announced soon we hope you're all there the shortes to see clean up will be at the end of this month upper classman in the community and Global Studies Academy will work in partnership with the Department of Conservation and Recreation and Connecticut River Conservancy to clean the Watershed at Springdale Park thank you so much I have Miss Wilson so I know there was the uh schedule changing and I'm wondering um you know based upon you know the two weeks um what is the student feedback I'm sure it's a significant shift that everyone's feeling not just the Educators and students but it's it's a big shift so what are your feelings or what have you heard I should say so me personally I personally don't like the schedule I think it's too long of a block to have um I'm a fast worker I adapt very fast to like my work and I'm just sitting there for the rest of the 30 minutes with nothing to do um with advanced placement classes there's enough to get through the entire hour and a half but majority of the class especially CP classes where there's not an honors based education in there they're just sitting there for majority of the time uh yeah I would say the new schedule panders more to the higher level classes where there's so much work to be done so you get a lot more time to in each block to work in on those assignments any projects it does also relieve a bit of stress off of students because they only see half their classes each day so if they have any homework assignments or things to do at home they can better space out those projects so what it sounds like is like the Educators need to get used to the rhythm of it to figure out how much work to give so that we're you're using all of the time okay thank you thank you Miss tensley Williams the book Miss Nelson's missing who wrote that give me one second I'll look it up really fast it's book by Harry Allard thank you are there any other questions or comments nope all right so let's hear from Holio High School Dean campus Evan Kennedy all right so I recognize that over the past couple months I haven't been giving a whole lot of um CTE updates um and I'd like to point out the fact that I've been at game for for four years and I've been through four different Career and Technical education directors and don't anyone tell them I said this but our current Career and Technical education director Joel mccauliff is probably the best I've seen and is doing extraordinary work for the school so I'm just going to highlight some of the things that um Dean has done recently so Dean Tech initiated a multi-tiered marketing campaign over this summer to recruit CTE teachers this is this was our attempt to address the critical need for vocational Educators in the region these efforts result in the success result in the successful hiring of three Educators with another hire pending a note from our Dean Team Dean Tech appreciates the superintendent support in facilitating these uh creative recruitment strategies which have positioned the school to better compete in with other districts for qualified Educators in the news of Co-op last year we had over 40 students placed on co-op with 10 seniors retaining their placement in the 202 for 2025 Academic Year as of now 12 seniors have secured placements with ongoing interviews and Outreach to expand the program Juniors will become eligible for Co-Op placement starting in January as a part of our new multi-tiered efforts that have been launched to promote Dean's Co-op program including a TV ad which is scheduled to air during the presidential debate on ABC where was say the goal is to showcase the skills of Dean Tech students and en encourage new Partnerships this Innovative NOP this initiative was also partially funded by grants Dent Tech culinary students in 11 and grades 11 and 12 are participating in a unique work based learning opportunity at the Big E the partnership with Bean restaurant group students will be working at the White Hut during school hours for the entire duration of the fair Dean Tech is hosting Massachusetts pre-apprenticeship program for the first time in many years this one-we program provides uh seniors in con ruction trades and Automotive related programs with a direct path to employment and Co-op opportunities students in grades 10 through 12 were issued new uniforms specific to their trades at no cost I will say this was a big point of contention when I first started uh I spent a lot of money on uniforms so this was a huge huge huge deal um additionally dech received a generous donation of 480 pairs of construction boots and non-slip work shoes from Redwing shoes valued at over $120,000 I believe if you would like to know more about this western Mass news did do a story on it okay last week freshman kicked off their exploratory program ninth grade class not ninth grade class last week explored four programs and next week they'll finish exploring the five programs pretty soon they'll be choosing their top four shops to deeply explore which one they will be their final Choice de Tech successfully created the greater Holio vocational after dark pilot program in June six students graduated with industry recognized credentials in advanced manufacturing and health assisting this program was a big part aimed at studying the feasibility of a fullscale after dark program with plans to apply for a two-year um for a year two Grant DCH received a $30,000 donation from Stanley Black and& Decker to upgrade tools um and equipment for the electrical program ensure students are trained with industry standard stools stools tools they aligned with uh Massachusetts Frameworks I sorry in other news student council will be making will be meeting for the first time this school year on September 17th um this year we will be taking a new approach without titles with hopes of creating a stronger structural uh specific structure specifically around Community volunteer work and creating more W schoolwide events in other words we took away the title of president vice president secretary and treasure to essentially create a bigger show of unity in the school um that is all of the updates and the electrical team is not training with stools I'm sorry but they do need those okay they're important as well also I I represent the school I don't I don't um control the temperature so I'm sorry any questions or comments for Mr Kennedy thank you so much for that information and the update to all three of you we're gonna go go ahead and move to superintendent Communications update on back to school and fall Sports yeah I just uh wanted to give a a brief update um we welcome back um all of our students uh we're we're now in week three of the school year and I'm very pleased with you know the energy that I'm seeing in schools I've been able to visit every single school um and and just walk around walk a few classrooms but I've I've gone to every single School uh within the first week of school and um I'm hearing the same kind of feedback from our building leaders and teachers and even students that um this year felt definitely like one of the strongest starts that we've had you know normally around this time of year you're hearing a lot of Transportation issues and things like that so our transportation team definitely worked really hard to to plan the routes and and we we just got off to a pretty smooth start makes me think about you know how much disruption you know rezoning was because uh last year for sure was like a a a rougher start we had we moved a lot of students around we moved a lot of Staff around we had principles in different locations and and it definitely felt different than this year this year you know folks were settled in we had a lot of teachers returning um not as much change as we did in the previous year um and the overall the feedback was great we had a strong convocation I want to thank uh Devin and Dr Rivera cologne for attending was the first time we did convocation in person since uh prior to the pandemic um the energy in the room was was amazing amazing you know schools were just showing a ton of school spirit um and you know they they some of the schools brought their own shirts they brought um you know their own their mascots and it was just a a very fun ex way to kick off the school year we had our Sullivan cheerleaders there students participated in you know the uh Pledge of Allegiance and closing us out um we we had there it was just a lot of really really good energy and um there was a lot of excitement and I got a lot of really good feedback um Dr Rivera cologne was able to uh give some some um some notes and representing the uh the school committee we had the mayor talk and um we just had we had some fun and and got to set the tone and Direction and um definitely felt that in the first couple of weeks of school our staff were really excited to receive our students um and the energy was just a lot different we do have a a copy of the full video for those of you that are interested in watching it um it was it was it was just a good time uh pbta I wanted to provide a brief update you know probably the F the entire first week of school where normally we're dealing with a lot of Transportation issues that was an issue that that I know the mayor personally worked on um with with Lo other mayors in the area and other uh you know our state reps and and and senators and we were able to you know avoid something that could have really been uh very disruptive especially to our our two high schools um particularly those students that don't live in Holy Oak but rely on pvta transportation to get to school I was we were really worried about not having a plan for for those students um we did you know uh Durham was able to step up and provide us with with some you know alternative remedies around how we were going to get kids that live in Holy Oak more than two miles away um to school but um for those those other families I was really worried about but uh I want to thank the mayor for all the work that he put in we were on the phone you know there was I think even one conversation we had around midnight um when new as new developments were coming up um he was keeping me informed and we were working collaboratively just trying to figure out a way to to support our students and getting them to school um while this is this was getting resolved but thankfully you know it it it wasn't something that actually ended up happening so um we were good first day of school we had uh a lot of teams we had representatives in every single school we had police fire we had school committee members we had just a lot of people in the area welcoming our students as they walked in first day of school that was really uh really good to see and students were all excited to come back I want an update on enrollment I did provide in your packet um an update by school by grade on where we're at where we were at at the end of last week with enrollment it's you know especially the first few weeks of school those numbers change um but we did experience we are experiencing some tight classes at at Kelly School in some grades in their in their SEI class um not their dual language classrooms but the the ones that aren't dual language classrooms so um we're going to continue to monitor that but there are some grades that are already capped where then students would that would if students move into the neighborhood and I'll use Lawrence as an example uh Lawrence for fourth grade if we get get more families move into to the Lawrence neighborhood that have fourth grade students uh those students would would be going to Morgan school because there's just no space in the fourth grade Lawrence is one of our schools that has you know they're they're tight on their classrooms aren't as big as all of our other schools all of our other schools have much bigger classrooms but Lawrence's are are are smaller so um we're going to continue to monitor this on a weekly basis but this is a snapshot of of where we were at the end of last week and for fall Sports I just wanted to make sure everybody had a link to where you can find the schedules um we use Arbiter Sports to help us um there it's not easily printable but if you click that link that's in the packet you can see all the the you could see our schedule for all of our Sports and I wanted to make sure um that that every school Committee Member had it that's all I had any questions Mr Kennedy not a question but I do have a statement um I noticed this could just be that I'm a senior and only have four classes but I've noticed that this year does feel you know very different and I think that has to do with maybe um like we got some new staff I know just like personally me personally got quite a few new teachers and maybe it's not adding to the population of teachers but it's definitely kind of helping maybe some some spaces where students may not have felt the most comfortable you we put a really good teacher in that position that you know makes students actually want to go there um and that's all the way up from I have two new teachers my in my shop to a new student sport coordinator right so I think that this year is starting to feel very different and again it could just be that I only have four classes but um I think that so far this year is starting off very strong great thank you Mr Shen yeah I have a couple questions about enrollment um looking at the report report that we got for the schols or the class the grade bands that are C so if like looking at Lauren the estimate per class is 25 right and the just max 26 so if that goes down are you putting a new enrollment at Lawrence if it goes down are you moving a student from Morgan what happens if it goes below the where the decision was made to cap it yeah we would have a conversation with uh we would have a conversation with the family to see if they want to go to their Zone school um or if they want to stay at at Morgan for the rest of the school year but um that's how that would happen Devin we would we would talk to those families first that that had to go to a school outside of their Zone and see if they want their um their child to come to their Zone school or if they want to stay there for the rest of the school year and then if a family moves in and one of the children is in a capped class you split the family or could you let the whole family go in this case all Morgan that were dealing with cops um that that's a conversation we would have with the family Devin um we would look at would look at space at Morgan and um if that's something that the family wants to do we would we would see if we can accommodate that you know given space at Morgan and given you know transportation and all that so we you know it's something we would want to work with the family on before making that decision for them and then could the student that was capped this year continue at Morgan or do they have to go back to their Zone School the year after if there's room they would be able to continue but they would have to go through the Zone appeal process which those students would get preference you know essentially like what would happen is if they if if there's space in their Zone school they could stay at Morgan through the Zone appeal process the biggest difference there would be Transportation would not be provided next school year because they're you know because their space at their Zone school so I guess my issue with that is that if we are all about One attendance and two we know that research finds that students who have the least amount of or the most amount of consistency within their education Excel why would we be making a student and parent who we have already displaced an inconvenience because we're capped go through an entire process if we know if studies tell us that the best option child would be to remain in an environment that remains yeah I mean so like first of all their Zone appeal wouldn't be denied like they would be allowed to stay the biggest the biggest issue would be the transportation I mean it would be denied though if it was full right if if this is a like what do you mean I mean if the so first grade students from Kelly are now would are Captain going to Morgan if for some reason Morgan next year is full at second grade then a Zone appeal would be denied wouldn't it not if they were already there because we placed them there the year before is that a guarantee yeah we would just we would run that class a little tighter than than it normally would have been okay so anyone who wants to say stay in their school that's displaced because we have cap them and stay in they would be able to stay the the issue becomes like when there's space in your Zone School the transport you know if it's on a on a Zone appeal which in this case it would be the transportation would be a problem and for capped students now we guarantee transportation to them if we are displacing them because they Z if they need it okay but it's but there's no we're not giving you Transportation anymore because your Zone school has less student not for the current year no they would get it all year and then next year that family would be able to decide okay I want to stay in this school even though it's not even even though we're not zoned for it I want to stay here and I I recognize that Transportation isn't a part of that Mr wahan oh i s I thought I saw your hand up Mr cmore yeah I'd like to just thank the staff at Sullivan school for inviting me to open house that morning it was worked out wonderful I chance to visit the school the outside and the inside and the custodial staff did an excellent job preparing the school opening day the parents were there the cheerleaders were there like superintendent says and it was just a wonderful wonderful day for me and for all the students that attended that day and I just want to thank principal of that school for inviting me that absolutely Miss Wilson I'm I'm wondering where did the numbers for the suggested Max come from how are those arrived at uh it's through our staff allocation model so we you know we have a minimum maximum Target ratio when we develop our staffing allocation so um if uh if you have any interest we have we have a manual that like basically says in these grades we'll have a minimum and a maximum Target of this much and that's how we were able to equitably distribute or allocate uh Staffing to schools as opposed to there being you know gray areas and and inequities in in how we're developing Staffing that was something that was really important to me when I first came on board um I noticed that some schools were getting staff just based on you know I without any Rhyme or Reason there were some schools that were very well staffed and some schools that were severely underst staffed and um it we wanted to create an equitable way to to uh to to allocate you know both human and Financial resources and we created a staff allocation um using you know Target you using a minimum and maximum and that's how we ended up allocating Staffing and we've been we've been doing that for the last eight years now thank you Mr Sheen I think you said you have more just going back to the athletic uh know I was reading the email that I think either came out today or yesterday the back to mon District out how many athletic events regular season non uh non championship games are we charging it talks about being able to buy your tickets online yeah I'm GNA have to get you that in so you want to know how many athletic events we're charging and Sport by Sport and gender well nonp because I know Mia sets the for any of the championship games that's separate that we have nothing that and does all of that Revenue go into the Athletics revolving account 100% of it yeah it's supposed to for sure okay can we get the balances anything that anything that we collect from from ticket sales has to go in the revolving revolving account Miss Wilson so you're gonna so you asked for the balance on that account in the Revol in the athletic Revol yeah thank you well actually I'm gonna speak to that go ahead Miss wion thank you um it is a concern um for you know charging to get into athletic events um you know I know my understanding was historically in some cases it was if it was nighttime you would charge um and then other things it's like the JV and the varsity you know get charged and it's more Indoor Sports get charged because you can kind of Corral how they get in versus outdoor venues and it's was more football but now other teams are charging and it's it is a i it can be a financial burden for families when they want to take you know the parents Guardians want to take the entire family to watch a sibling playay play and it's you know going to be $10 for that so I would support absolutely getting that information and seeing if we're Equitable concerning um you know based upon gender as well as Varsity JV and throughout the seasons for so fall winter and spring Athletics thank you thank you any other further questions all right so we're going to go ahead and move on to Vice chair just with that can we also get the breakdown of how much money we're losing by using the third party to sell tickets through for processing so how much money it cost for that third party yeah I'd love to know what we lose or are we passing all those fees on to the people purchasing tickets are you buying a ticket and then also getting charged because we're using an online so then wouldn't that also go with the the um no um the theater are students from Holio High School North that's also purchased through a third party mhm I guess I'm was on the agenda so that's why I was asking about athletic and then I would also like to um ensure that there's an opportunity for uh individuals to pay cash because not everyone has access to a credit card in order to make a purchase online I'm going to try this one more time moving on to Vice Cherry for I'm okay taking a risk there all right training dates this is part of our capacity building plan so the first training is the budget process including development of guidelines and priorities so it's a working training because that's where we're going to also work on developing those guidelines as well as looking at the warrants looking at that policy and everything that'll be September 23rd we're going to start our regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. brief and then go right into our training okay then the next one is the superintendent evaluation training that'll be on October 15th at 6:15 p.m. same thing brief update at the start and we move right into our um our training as for the new members that will be appointed once we do the joint meeting because we would have already done one training which is the budget process um including development of guidelines and and priorities they're going to have the onetoone training on that by masasa okay so they're still going to get whatever we already done they're going to get it on a onetoone basis and we'll schedule that just for the two members um we cannot continue delaying process for us to move on with the plan when the plan was created we already had specific timelines of dates when we were going to accomplish things we're not going to keep pushing things back we continue working with what we currently have are there any questions Mr Shen so when you said there'll be a quick meeting and then the training so is everything starting at 6:15 or are we supposed to be here at 6 for the quick meeting with the training to start at 6 so it'll be 6 PM our regular board meeting and then we transition right in at 6:15 any other questions comments nope okay moving on to updated changes of committee assignments obviously as you know uh we're down two seats right now so um because we created we brought back the leadership accountability and measurement subcommittee and we we all voted to approve the appointment of Dr um cavayero Hoka she's no longer with us so um I would like to appoint Dr yadet Rivera cologne to be the chair of the leadership accountability and measurement subcommittee and before I'm asked as to why um she does have a lot on her plate she has been a huge team player but looking at the fact with the local control subcommittee and being the chair of that and and having worked into the and being part of creating that plan um when we're looking at this leadership um subcommittee that is the group that's going to be working directly with kind of picking going through the interest letters of the community advisory team and they're the ones that are that are going to choose who that person those people will be who the stakeholder group will be and then they're going to be working with them on what it is that they would like them to do be it oh she went that went away I can't see her but you can see her go um okay so um whether it's forms that are going to be done to collect data whether however the case may be that is the group that's going to to be working on the superintendent evaluation process and hiring process she has proven so much that she is so willing to do this and really carry it to the fullest and making sure that it's thorough and Equitable across the board um so that's why I wanted her to do it um Miss Wilson I'd like to make a motion to to uh approve the appointment of Dr yadet Rivera cologne to the leadership accountability and measurement subcommittee as the chair okay so I have the motion set by Miss Wilson seconded by Miss tensley Wilson and because we have Dr Rivera Williams didn't I say that or did you said Wilson we're gonna be cousins my bad kind of started with a w l so Wilson Williams kind of Blends close um because we do have Dr Rivera cologne on discussion I know but I'm just want to let everybody know we're going to have to do roll calls for any votes from here on out okay any discussion tensley Williams Oh Miss Wilson so my question is um I feel as though we're overburdening um Dr jlet Rivera cologne I know she's very willing but um she's also the chair of the um diversity equity and inclusion subcommittee the chair of the um you know gaining local control so this would be the third uh group that she would be the chairperson of okay so here's what I'm gonna say as for the DI subcommittee yes um we do have that subcommittee but we need to start embedding that in all the subcommittees it should not just be a designated subcommittee that just works on that so the expectation moving forward is that each one of you that is the chair of your subcommittee when you're looking at policies when you're looking at processes when you're trying to make decisions making sure it's Equitable across the board for each student not just a select group so with that being said she is still continuing the DI subcommittee for right now as we are working still with the naming of the of the middle school because that we refer to to them but after that um it's more so that she was going she want she was going to continue on like the the DI task force which is um directed by um Mr Mogel right Mr mogal so she'll still be a part of that um because that way she'll bring back information um to the subcommittees on what you know you guys could do when it comes to your respective subcommittees as for the local control subcommittee the committee is still going to be there to give the follow-ups to desie they're not going to be meeting as regular as before but they are going to be meeting with desie to give them the update on the work that we are doing because technically the work doesn't fall in the local control subcommittee each one of us um in your respective subcommittees has a task to do so when when you're looking at the finance Mr wahan has tasks to do when you're looking at policies Miss Wilson you have tasks to do uh when we're looking at the superintendent process um hiring an evaluation process then that would be obviously Dr Rivera cologne and the rest of the team it's not also just the chairs it's also the team that you have um I did not want to appoint anyone who came on new because that would be throwing a lot to someone who may not have ever been a school Committee Member First so they have to learn their role um and like I said being that since she's done a great job with the local control subcommittee and really working at um with the rest of her team to create that plan and it was a plan that we all agreed we can accomplish and we're looking forward to finally getting our district back and to our local control um I thought that she was the best candidate at this point unfortunately I do not serve as a chair um of subcommittees because I am your let's just say when you don't have Quorum I'm there so I'm on everybody's committee um any other questions Mr wellan thank you um welcome do our rules even say that we have to your appointments to the subcommittees you look at get our governance policies yes they do I know like the city council and the president points Point members I mean I know the past we haven't approved you haven't or you have we haven't yeah well it says it there so we're trying to do things the way that we have it until we start changing we did start with some policies that we brought forward um and I think I just put a few more in on this one let's just start doing things I know change can be hard sometimes and can be quite confusing but I think this just goes to show the state as well that we are ready to take back our district we do know what we're doing and we're going to do it to the best of our ability thank you you're welcome any further comments or questions no so roll call please miss Feliciano and the you you heard what the what the motion is right okay sorry working is can you hear me okay perfect um mayor Garcia yes Miss lefave yes Mr Sheen yes sensley Williams C Dr um rera cologne yes we were all waiting for her to say yes Mr wellan yes Mr Kore yes um Miss Wilson yes great motion passes unanimously the next um is the joint school committee and city council appointment of WS 1 and four that is set for October 2nd at 6:m at the city hall council chambers I have sent you all um just like a text reminder to check your emails because Miss Curran um did email all of us um the folder where the applications will directly go into to just keep checking it frequently and looking ask for Mr cmore and Miss tensley Williams Because I know you're having issues with connection you're going to get your packet of everybody it's just not going to be every single day if we get one every single day we're going to look at least three days before October 2nd or at least a Friday before the 2nd to get those but anything that comes in after that up until that same day you'll have to receive on that same same day okay any questions no great we're going to go ahead and move into new business first is the resignation letter for award for school committee seat is there a motion I'll make a motion that the school committee vote to receive the resignation letter for the W four and the W one school committee seat so we're taking them as a package okay I have a second by Mr colore okay any discussion all right roll call please mayor Garcia yes Miss Le fa yes Mr Sheen yes Tinley Williams C Dr Rivera cologne yes Mr wahan yes Mr Kore yes and Miss Wilson yes great thank you motion passes unanimously um section c policy revision and this goes back again to our Retreat time um so the next policies um are three of them and it is policy BBA school committee powers and duties bbbbbbb school committee I don't know whoever came up with these letters but School Committee Member qualifications oath of office and BBC School Committee Member resignation um those of you that have the link that you can see it straight on the computer um the red areas are the ones the recommendations of what we're going to be putting on there and um the lines across are the words that we are going to be eliminating or replacing so I is there a motion I'd like to make a motion to take these as a package and I think we put them as a package cu the motion is that the school committee vote to recommend that the superintendent receiver review recommendations and post for feedback and comments for two weeks you'll do the motion make the motion thank you okay so motion by Miss hson te seconded by Miss tensley Willams is there any discussion Mr wellan real quick thank you yeah I um read the U proposals and they were well done and I just want to thank the committee for the work that they're putting in thank you thank you Mr Willam Miss Wilson I think the only thing we need to do is make sure that our city clerk is aware of um their responsibility within our policy um as it speaks to um the ethics training that needs to be done every two years and um I would assume that it would be her responsibility to track that information so I just want to make sure that we communicate that um to city clerk uh she does she's the one that that sends us out also the email like hey you need to send me back the info any further discussion no so roll call please miss Feliciano mayor Garcia yes Miss fave yesen yes KY Williams C Dr Rivera cologne yes Mr willan yes Mr colore yes Miss Wilson yes great motion pass unanimously updates of committees policy and governance subcommittee so we were not um I have not been able to schedule a meeting um but I'm looking at September 25th at 6 o'clock um at suffk Street and also October 9th again at six o'clock on suffk Street um and you said October 9th and yes I know there's a Holio comprehensive plan being held at Holio high school that day just FYI anybody and then October 9th at 6m okay great I'm just wondering if members would like an invitation or just by notice is this enough I'm just wondering if they would would like the invitations to be extended to all school committee members I think just so everybody's on the same page we all know okay thank you I think that'll be great thank you and I'm sure miss Feliciano can just send it to all of us um when she goes to post it on to the city website great um finance and operations subcommittee thank you yeah um we have a meeting scheduled for September 16th next week at 5:30 at 67 suff Street suff Street um the agenda has been finalized I made a quick correction or addition to the agenda our um Lano will post that um if she could maybe I'm hoping she could forward the notice to the entire membership they can they can tune in to watch it on Zoom if they want or appear it's up to them um I touch space with our finance director um so he's on board and he'll be assistant with the the meeting um I think we're all set thank you great thank you next oh and just just a quick question um the meetings the subcommittees just make sure that you also keep reflecting back to the capacity building plan and look at the dates and stuff as to what's there and what you may have to be working on already within your subcommittees so that we can bring that to the next meeting because then that's going to be the information that Dr Rivera cologne's going to need when she meets with desie every other month but the first one starts now in September so then her next next update to them would be November okay great next we have the Joint City Council school committee um Mr Colmore yes uh I'm waiting for Mr jordane to uh get that copy to me and I'll get it out to all members is soon as possible the minutes of the last meeting okay great and you do know you have a meeting on October 10th at 6:30 I believe that's when they're doing it 6:30 p.m. at city council chambers I think um counselor jordane let me just go back that email um 6:30 okay so it's 6:30 p.m. city council chambers thank you and that's the The Joint City Council school committee meeting not the not the one about the Awards that's separate that's October 2 should have a different oh there is a different name this is a joint convention or something like that not the joint convention meeting no all right great thank you now I'm going to pass it over um to Dr Rivera cologne to give the updates for the local control subcommittee and the leadership accountability and measurement subcommittee well for the first one for the second one we haven't met yet since I was just appointed but um for the local control sub for the local control subcommittee um I just sent the dates to desie so so that they are ready for our updates and I'm excited to have our first one and let them know about our training coming up and anything else that you guys have been working on just let me know thank you great thank you so much all righty moving on to ongoing business is the nameing of the new of the naming of the Middle School building so it's the authority to rename PEC school we received an opinion a legal opinion from the legal department of the city of Holio I'll make a motion to receive the legal opinion so we have the motion by Mr Sheen seconded byce and refer to the so receive and refer that's so beautiful Miss Wilson and you seconded that so I didn't because he changed it but I will again I second it all right so with that Amendment um any discussion Mr colore yes uh when it comes to us very vote we vote for a certain person has to be sent to the city council for approval what is the procedure if they don't approve it I'm going to pass that over to Mayor Garcia well Mr calore there's an opinion there that we that you received then we just voted to send to committee so I I I'm I'm going to I guess it's would be appropriate to allow the committee to um uh ask those questions and then come back to the body with a full report including an answer to that question so that way they can do the work and and let me know when the meeting is so I the the opinion of the solicitor I can see if they can participate at that subcommittee I think it's important I think we should do it on the 25th 25th September what time 6 6 at suffk Street December 20 6m so um Mr colmer just one other question uh dein help about uh the selection of the two new member that is Citywide and not board I think the only thing that I can help with that is that I know that the charter it says if if any shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term in the same manner as the me member whose office is vacant elected right I'm not an attorney but I would say in my opinion saying that the words in the same manner as the member if I personally am making an assumption that that term means that vacated person so Ward one was the manner in which they were elected was by Ward I would personally make an assumption that the person elected but that's Deon Sheen's opinion I mean I'm not sorry I yeah uh Dr Vera colog can't hear me I was sitting back but that's my personal opinion that's not necessarily like I don't know if you were to go to court and bring this to Superior Court if they would agree with that or not but um I assume that I'm hoping that maybe the city solicor would agree with me um with that and I think the mayor probably did research on this on the first vacancy um no maybe not I know in the past I mean we have had people I mean I can't think of a time that we've filled in my mind a seat that wasn't from the W I think I know like Dr Rivera colone lives in W 3 filed W 3 uh Lopez War ated Ward 4 and Miss Feliciano I'm joined from Ward 4 uh I don't know who else on the committee got in a different board Mr wahan thank you yeah I agree with mren again I'm not a lawyer either I know we did have applications I remember I think for the ward four seat was vacant number of years ago I remember we had we had applicants that did not reside inward four there were applicants thank you uh Miss wison I'm wondering um based upon this question if we uh need to get a quick legal opinion because I just went under the assumption that if you if if you're in a ward it would only be you have to live in that Ward because our policy speaks to if you do not live in that Ward let's say for me our policy speaks to if I move out of my ward I give up my seat our policy does that's what the policy says if you move out of your city you automatically lose your seat we have had people whove their War move out of their Ward it's if if you move out of the city you don't even have to resign you're just automatically out like going to use him again Mr Lopez when he was on the committee moved and therefore automat that he didn't need to even submit a letter though he did um but it's if you move out of the it is yeah yeah Ward you and we actually we've had another person that moved out of their Ward to another Ward that remain in their Ward seat until the election and then you're not eligible to run again for that seat but I would like to get legal opinion on this since it was brought up that um discussion as to who can weo who can we vote as a combined city council school committee to take over these seats if it's Ward one do they have to live in Ward one is it Ward four do we do they have to live in Ward four I mean I just made the I'm the same thing I make the general assumption it's by the same way they would be voted in which you have to be a resident if you are representing a Ward and I get what you're all saying and I'll right here need legal opinion but also also we need a motion okay but I also just want to say that we already have some applicants so far I think they live in those words um Mr wahan I'm sorry point of order I have a motion pending I think we should be address that before we move on are you putting it as a motion I I did I said I'd like to make a motion to so then I need a second second so we have that'll be for the legal opinion so the motion is set by Miss Wilson seconded by Miss tensley Williams you both have to stop doing this back because I'm gonna end up calling you tensley Wilson and I don't want to hear a complaint [Laughter] afterwards all right we have a second any discussion on the motion Mr Wan thank you um I think the Law Department just did a similar opinion for the city council um with the last year or two on on the same uh situation for the for the ward for a ward seat in the city council so there might be already a opion floating out there um thank you anyone else Mr Kennedy um sorry I I actually I agree that we should get a definitive answer because we have to well you have to appoint um two people that night and that meeting is going to be already long as is I'm not saying it's a waste of time we you just appointed Mr Sheen and he's already proven to be a very valuable me member of this committee but we don't want to appoint someone who if there is an applicant who lives in a different w we don't want to appoint them and then realize that their appointment wasn't legal so I I agree that that is a a good resource Mr Shen can we also just be I don't know if the mayor can confer with the city clerk or not regarding so there's two seats I don't know what order M lefave or uh M Murphy rametti are going to do the wards but once one's elected just Clarity is the clerk going to swear that person in right away are they going to wait till the whole process is over because once we appoint them they technically would have the legal authority of sworn in to participate in the next round of interviews just keep that to yourself man what you got so like I just think we should get clarity ahead of time so we're not scrambling around at that meeting like looking just staring at each other so that's another motion and right now we're still on her motion oh okay geez everybody wants some motion Okay so let's finish with this motion any further discussion on this one no okay roll call please um mayor Garcia yes Miss LEF yes Mr Shen yes Miss tensley Williams see Dr Rivera cologne yes Mr wellan yes Mr Kore yes and Miss Wilson yes okay and I'll make a motion um requesting that the mayor confer with the city clerk regarding the saring in procedures the the mayor confer I second city clerk all right so the motion by Mr Sheen seconded by Miss Wilson any further discussion I think that's interesting because if you're not if if if you're not sworn in at the moment you know I guess technically if Brena did the city clerk did swear them in and then we jump right into business for the next vote but we'll we'll we'll see if we can get some sort of clarity on that avoid a debate it's more like I don't personally to me yeah yeah well I do care but I would just like to see what the process is so there's no like confusion because we can easily go down a rabbit hole for 10 minutes talking about it somebody can mention it like we're doing right now3 I think we go down rabbit hole for 25 minutes talking longer no problem all right do you no further discussion roll call please mayor Garcia yeah um Miss Le fa yes Chan yes Williams yes Dr Rivera cologne yesan yes Mr colore yes Wilson yes a motion passes unanimously I thought this is going to be a much easier meeting yeah make it very interesting right at the end we're going to move on into announcements Mr Sheen so I neglected to bring this up at our last meeting but we had a pretty momentous um occasion occur on August 15th and that was the 90th birthday for one of our members so no you mayor um Ellie Mr Kore happy birthday to you happy 9ia happy happy birthday Mr colore that's it 90 looking sharp all right should we sing the date is wrong oh it's not the 15th I thought it was the the 15th yeah 15th and it's not 90 it's only 60 60 okay an upside down it's upside down there you go happy birthday to to you happy birthday to you happy birthday Mr happy birthday to you cha chaa chaaa cha chaa all right excellent um another announcement for those who said that you'd be participating the Springfield Puerto Rican parade is set to kick off on September 15th so this coming Sunday for those of you that said yes you'd be attending I did forward the email from the mayor that indicates all of the instructions where to go Mr colore I'm not sure if you were going to participate you had said you weren't sure about it um but if you have any change of heart please let me know so I can give you the time and where to be go ahead Mr colore just question I had is transportation is it going to be from the city of hoo to the location or do you have to go to the location first and then get it and I'm hoping get in cars or something we're meeting at the location and on the parade route there is a Emergency Management vehicle that will be um there's two vehicles there's one from PD one for Emergency Management so if you want to participate but want to hop on a ride and not walk I can make sure there's a seat in there for you rosley was in the same situation I was just wondering if she needed she needed a ride from oil down there put them in the back seat of the cruiser yeah so we we we meet at the location if if if you're going to participate I'll let Jeff tras know so that there's space in the Emergency Management vehicle to ride so you don't walk walk in the parade but it's the whole thing is about getting there oh getting there right so I'm not sure if there's any other member that's going to be attending I know I'm out doing my patient visits and then once I'm done with the last one I Rush right over to Springfield so um we'll we'll figure something out okay and I'll give you the the times and locations uh Holy Oak day at and it's not on here sorry about that I just kind of found out so holy o day at the Big E is set for Tuesday the 17th um for those of you that would like to attend um and and be a part of it I did bring some waiver forms that you have to sign off on so um see me at the end of the of the meeting so that you can fill that out and I can send it off um to Jeffrey at um over at City Hall any other announcements are there any like uh committee meetings like special education or anything that we know of no none none between now and the next school committee meeting but I did want to let everybody know that an invitation was sent out to everybody to for a tour of the Middle School building that's it's going to be on on Thursday if you if you want to just get a a look at the the building and how the construction is coming along we're you know we're going to be meeting on Thursday uh at no it's in the afternoon 330 3:30 is the time um we already have like 30 people that that signed up and registered um so we're working with the construction crew to make sure we have enough hard hats cuz I think they only have like 15 so um they did ask us to make sure that we park on the outside part um like not inside of the of the area right but right on the out there's plenty of ample parking we gonna say something else oh that was it go Mr colore just a question uh Aaron was supposed to get back to me whether I was going or not and I didn't get any report back uh and what time is that 33 3:30 3:30 right okay yeah 3:30 so I'll be there yep 3:30 Mr Kennedy no you're good all right oh I think oh okay mer Garcia she's reading a poem am Garcia oh yeah uh just a quick fun fact if you haven't followed me on social media and read it already 146 years ago from today September 9th 1878 Hoy water power donated land for what later became the site for Morgan school so that was a fun fact wow good job uh school board members before us and thought I'd share with the committee listen um can we talk about that I'm going to make this quick I was asked several times not to give up on the kids with the poems so I'm going to go into the school as a volunteer um we will paint we will use the coloring books that's the poem I will be doing and we will color pages and I will teach them how to frame them um coloring books have you ever wondered why coloring books are so much fun it could be when you color the Crayons do not run coloring books have so many pictures and lots of things to do the crayon colors that you use they are so pretty too coloring books come in all sizes some are large and some are small when you finish coloring the pictures you may frame them for your wall when coloring time is over and you put the books away put them where you can find them to color another day that was nice we have a a motion to adjourn we got a second roll call Mayor Garcia yes uh Miss Le fave yes Mr Chen yes Miss tiny Williams yes um Dr y Rivera cologne the name yes U Mr wellan yes Mr Kore yes Miss um Wilson yes okay meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. thank you everyone we'll see each other on September 23rd and some of you I'll see uh this Sunday