is the first step to uh to go forward with with that this is a uh a condition if you will to to final action so I'd ask there any questions or comments from Council yes councilwoman bayy thank you mayor so I guess my only question would be if we're saying this to be without cause what is the cause shouldn't we have a cause I I I mentioned in the last meeting I know that we all have different interactions based on the things that we are dealing with And discussing um you know as far as PD is concerned all of my work with together for children and the new initiatives and the gbi and my conversations with the city manager I mean I've I've just never received an answer that that they didn't either already know what was happening or that they would look into and follow up with right away so my question would be if we know what we have why are we risking what we could get so that would be my question that's that's that's a good question um I can only speak for myself and I've said this publicly and privately um we're on the cusp of I think having a lot of new development and Redevelopment and a lot of good opportunities for our community um across the board it's my opinion well let me back up and say that the manager and I philosophically agree on a majority of of items we think alike in a lot of ways for me it is and again I've said this before the failure in my you to hold staff accountable to do their jobs quickly properly and efficiently and I you know I could have a whole laundry list of items I know it's been look Solid Waste was a nightmare code enforcement was a nightmare um I don't share the love for the chief of police that the manager and many members in the uh and the public do that's no reflection on the rest of the department it is uh with respect to uh the style and philosophy and ethics there it's been over two years since I first heard that we had a lot of federal money to redo the entire streetcape of of chrome Avenue and Washington Avenue with sidewalks drainage curbing lights and nothing it's just for me we cannot survive under the go along and get along mentality I think that uh we would be better served with a manager with a background more in the real world with um a public works background with an engineering background for um example um they can dig in and so we don't have to to send things things you know outside to consultants and and spend money things can can be done more quickly and and think more proactively rather than than reactively um you know I spoke to the manager early this week and we had some extensive conversations and you know I don't think either one of us want to to air any dirty laundry or get into a a public spitting contest this is just a uh it's my business decision it's it's it's my position I'm one vote but if we are going to hire a new leader and take a little stronger and different direction this is the first step that we that we have to take and this is no disrespect to Jerry's 30 plus years of service to the community and in many other positions he was here while the wind was still blowing after Hurricane Andrew and and didn't go on to other jobs he he stayed here and uh if you go back and you read the minutes or at least listen to the tapes when as a non-agenda item late one night his hiring as the city manager was proposed I expressed then that you know not everybody's the top madana there's good second fiddles um I think we need a a different uh a different Top Banana if you will and that's that's just where where I'm I'm coming from um there's just for me in a working relationship there's just too much Gap um we don't have forever here and we're on the cusp of being just Homestead or being really great Homestead and I'm I'm hopeful that uh we can make that change and and can only do so with new management I don't know if that answers your question but that's that's what I've got right now Council yes Council wman my my concerns um you know they fall along the lines of just the amount of projects that I have worked on since 2020 when I was appointed and now you know four years later I've had extensive experience working with staff when it was Kate mcaffrey and then now under Jerry Estrada and I haven't I haven't had an experience that would um you know trigger concern for dismiss a dismissal of of a position like this I mean yes I've had to follow up on items I've had to call and and say Hey you know we need to keep painting the B the the things on the light poles on District Five and you know those are definitely not you know top of the priority on the list of things that we need to get done but you know from from to being able to come here as a council member and have an idea and it come to fruition it takes it takes expertise it takes talent and this is Talent we have and we have it now and I'm I'm in fear of of not being able to continue to do the good work that I want to do and that I that my community wants me to continue to do if we change management um I've got projects in Waterstone I I you know we do work in the nonprofit sector um we tonight we just unloaded a massive amount of tasks for staff to work on for Jerry to to lead on and it just seems you know like we're we're going to be putting ourselves in a position where we're going to Halt a lot of progress so is there is there anything and I want to trust you mayor I want to be able to continue to work alongside you I think from day one I have always always wanted to um enjoy working on the de with my colleagues and of course not we don't always agree on everything but in something like this I want us to be unified and be able to to work to together with a manager that we all respect and that we all feel respected by and so maybe there needs to be some Grace issued or you know applied in the matter but is there anything that you can think of that Jerry can do now to win your confidence back I mean if you name it no no no he was in the room most of the time during my first two years in office with manager mcaffrey he he's known my perspective on a one-on-one basis we spend a lot of time together on a on a weekly basis and it's a personality thing I just don't look you know probably from your perspective and I've heard you know uh sometimes you just can't change some things are are ingrained and I and I've tried to to adjust but you know to answer your question it's as much about unqualified and inefficient staff that he refuses to hold accountable or move away from as it is the manager and we've got to have someone I feel you've got to have across the board staff that's brigh eyed and bushy tailed and energetic and enthusiastic about coming to work every day let me let me give you an example we talked about in one of our most recent conversations um about the transitioning of Code Enforcement into its own Department with its own director and the manager shared with me that he and his staff had spoken with two folks who work for the city now who declined the position based upon the uncertainty as to whether or not Jerry was going to be the manager so for me I interpret that as they know that there's leeway there's the ability to loaf on the job that there's no accountability there's no demand for excellence because if you want to be the code enforcement director and do your job and if you're in this room I'm sorry it shouldn't matter who the city manager is you should be excited to do that job and not have taking that job conditioned upon knowing that your friend the manager is going to continue to be the manager so for me that's that's the most latest example that that I can give you that that I just I have no no confidence that things are going to go forward expeditiously under this manager and you know a lot of us are are in our final years here we want to to build things we want to do good things we want to leave a legacy of of progress and based upon my last two years with this manager with all due respect I do not have confidence that we're going to accomplish anything I fail to understand for example why the city of Cutler Bay can build a city hall and a huge community park for $37 million yet the price tag for our Sports Complex has grown from 50 million to $75 million and they don't bat an ey about that where's the thought of treating it like it's your money and finding a way to Value engineer and get something done is is they seem to be kind of numb to the real world of of money and numbers um there's just examples that I find every day that well it's about trust mrada once shared with me when we were having a conversation about some of of his assistant city managers and and Department directors and he said it's a matter of trust that I trust them okay and I can respect that and appreciate that well if I use that same template I have no trust that we're going to go forward efficiently and expeditiously in this city with a manager and some of the staff that we have now and it's it's time to partially wipe the Slate clean and try a different angle Council pardon we can take public comment yes I was want to give Council a chance vice mayor yes thank you Mr Mayor and uh first off you know you want to say this is not personal but it's per you take it personal I get it but I have some of the same concerns uh staff has recently provided more input than they have in the past I'm not here to have a out andout you know rough end match with you Mr manager I like you personally I think you're a great guy I just don't think you have the right tool pouch to continue in this endeavor the police officers here have a belt on they have their handcuffs they're they have all the tools they need to perform their I don't think you have that within your St let's go back to two and a half years ago when a late night conversation your name was forced upon us and I held you up for a week because I didn't have a chance to chat with you I don't think our our chat at that time really covered the entire basis of what my vision was for the city but I don't think your your your vision at that time has come to fruition yet either we talk about we talked about contracts tonight I've always been against contracts from day one I know somebody in your position needs a little of that Clarity and that little comfortableness to to be there and and I get other individuals wanting to have somebody that they know in a position but I can tell you change is not always bad if you're worrying about your job then you're not doing your job if you're doing your job you have nothing to worry about that's how I look at it coming back to accountability we have yet to have a management review meeting with you we' have been unable to to host a quorum so we can have that do you do annual reviews on your employees I worked in the the private sector for 30 years I had an annual review every year and I didn't worry about keeping my job because I went in and did my job I think it's important that we as a body have that opportunity to sit down with you as a group Collective group in a sunshine meeting be it paired down and have those discussions with you and we've have we have not been able to do that I don't know what everybody's thought is here of of your your daily activities we had some items that have lingered on for for a couple of years now where nothing has been done the time frame for a lot of these issues uh just is not timing as I stated before I like you personally but it's time for somebody with a new vision to come to this city and build it for the future future I give you all the accolades for your 30 plus years of service but it's time for change I get the uneasy uneasiness of all the employees in here but like I stated before if you're doing your job you don't have anything to worry about I'll hold there for now thank you vice mayor well said can I just add yes Council W thank you I I hear everything that's being said um I I would love the opportunity to to you know have that meeting and review and and be able to hear you know Sean you know Vice mayor's list of items mayor's list of items Larry's list of items councilwoman Bailey's list of items councilwoman Roth's list of items and you know hear what's still pending what's not completed or what was a home run what was is really not uh you know what really didn't work and come to fruition and and we haven't we haven't had that opportunity I do recall at least there was one one meeting requested to do a review and we couldn't make Quorum but I don't recall more being requested and not being able to make Quorum um I do recall you know conversations about giving staff 90 days to get to know new council members and to clean up you know the the community or to try to check off as many boxes that were not checked off but we're we're not at the 90-day Mark yet so is Mayor is there an opportunity to let staff finish out their 90-day transition period and then and then re revisit this item because it does feel like you're you know we're we're we're create you know we're having the Judgment prematurely and it's it's just seems if we're going to do something like this let's try to be as respectful as possible in the process and let's give them their full 90 days to try to make the best impact as possible I think it's respectful to councilman Davis councilman Clemente Canal to give them the full opportunity to get to know staff the way that the that at least three of us on thisas has been able to get to know them and then make a decision for themselves and and maybe you know I'll be praying every night maybe there will be something that might change your opinion about Jerry and staff and and maybe there might be something that will change Jerry and you know staff's mind about whatever employees that are in question there there is still more time to try to fix this for the sake of continuing the progress that we have started we have done so much since 2020 in a time where there was a world pandemic we have done a a ton and it just seems like you know we're going to go we're going to go backwards but um I don't know I'm trying I'm trying to I'm trying to reason in my mind why this why this makes sense and if you know and and if it doesn't work out I'm I look forward to working with you know with my colleagues to find the right fit but I just I just don't feel like we've allowed the process to do what it's meant to do and to to address your question and you're absolutely correct there was that discussion about the 90 days and there's that 90day cooling off period more toring period today's January 24th the 90 days expires on February 5th so that's 12 days the action tonight is preliminary in nature but it's required under his employment agreement Miracles can happen we have the vote tonight we we will have a final vote I have called to notice the special call for February 6th for an actual vote of termination that's the 91st day so if the manager and his staff can pull a rabbit out of their hat for our two new members in the next 12 days God bless them um if not we'll we'll go forward if if there is an affirmative vote tonight we the floor for public comment good evening sir evening um my name is Reginal Joseph Pastor Reginal Joseph um 2480 Southeast Fifth Court in Northgate Village um I'm the ex president of the homestead past Association and a current member of that Community as well my I have a few questions and then some comment on city manager issue here um first when is um I don't have to get the answers but you can discuss it when will be the deadline or will be the ending of his contract current contract as of now about a year from now a year from now correct that means January 2025 correct okay so if it will be in January 2025 how much is that going to cost the city to change um the city manager now as opposing to let him finish his contract next year um I've heard this question of changing or replacing our city manager since um last year it's not a new item that I'm hearing because I've heard it in campaign I've heard it um many times starting September October so it's not a new issue so um I think a city staff is the reflection of the city council and I truly believe that if there's some changes that needs to be brought into the city disree no hold on okay um that's what I believe and and I believe that as we are crowning the city as the city council mayor vice mayor and Council um there's a lot of things that can be brought into the city through the city manager um as being imposed by the city council I know that the city manager has a lot of um a lot of power but I feel I truly believe that there's a lot of things that can be done um as opposing to change the city manager right now and then just because we having personality differences like I'm hearing now um I'm hearing there's a lack of trust but the city has gone from from AAR and we have come to this place right now and there's a lot we can do still with this staff I truly believe in the staff of City Homestead and I believe that they're doing a great job they can continue to be better under your leadership thank you thank you sir greetings again everyone um councilwoman aala I I could not have said it better when it comes to the appeal on what I think is right in this moment I think back in November we spoke the same language in regards to Fair uh and due process of the gentleman and I said then I don't know him personally but I do believe in the right thing to do and if that 90day process is something that can extend to what the pastor just said going into another year of a contract TR that would be phenomenal because one of the things I've heard of and this is heay I don't know him personally is that when it comes to diversity and equity and inclusion that the current staff has been happy in this Administration I know that because as a black man I talk to people of the community it means something for the community to trust someone that is not only doing the job as Council AA said but also what it means to Dem makeup of this city so I think that is very important and I'm not even speaking on the behalf of nap right now I'm leave that to Harold Ford I think I just want to speak personally on what is the right thing to do and so I won't say much but what matters most I like to keep a good eye on this and I'm going along the same line as a I hope that you guys um you know really can get a chance to know what the process is and what's been going on and at the time of any voting that you vote correctly for the right thing to do so thank you thank you I'm Joe cordino and I want to give you a little bit of my perspective as a staff member um I'm a bit of an naly in the sense that I'm not an employee of the city I'm a consultant I've worked with Jerry for about a decade and a half on some of the things we've done um on the other side of it I've worked for the majority of cities between Palm Beach and Key West and I can tell you that Jerry is one of the top city managers that you'll find out there um as a staff member you know working in the municipalities is can be quite difficult and Jerry's provided us as staff with the leadership the to to get up um and kind of get to work every day and do the difficult things that we have to do and um it's really critical to us as staff to have somebody with that leadership capability I mean he's got character he's consistent in his decision making um he is uh he's got a lot of Courage he does a lot of what he does for us I know that that uh you know some things in these cities don't work uh as well as they should but I think in Homestead if you compare it with a lot of the Cities out there I mean it really does work well I'm proud to have worked with him I I I you know I want you to consider that I understand your role as elected officials I understand the need for change and how that can be beneficial but uh from the staff's perspective and I know a lot of us would be intimidated to get up here and speak on behalf of of a great leader I think Jerry's a great leader and he's done wonderful things for the city and I thank you for the opportunity to be here thank you mayor Cordina Brandy Ramirez 2231 Southeast First Street um like several said it's nothing personal we need a better Homestead uh residents voted for people that would be bringing that change so thank you mayor for bringing this forward uh to talk to the even in front of public transparency but let's all be honest here I've talked to several employees in different Departments of City of Homestead including the police department many are looking for this change they're looking forward for new leadership um they know and believe in the new mayor and Council people who are stepping up to their positions and making that change it's not easy change is good sometimes we're looking forward to that change if we have a city manager that is allowing ing people to be hired that are not City residents that have backgrounds that's not good for us there's Consultants we shouldn't have Consultants we should have employees City residents of Homestead that's what we are assured by this mayor and Council here I hope that we look forward to seeing that happen um it's nothing personal it's about what we want for a better Homestead and I think tonight when we see these votes happen we're finally going to get that but please know that the community employees of City of Homestead including employees that are inside of Homestead police department are ready and looking forward for this change we have confidence in our mayor and counsel to do what's right and I think tonight you are doing that you're making it in front of all the employees here in front of the city manager you're giving a notice you're going to give the proper days or amount of time that it's going to be a good transition and I hope that the city manager and his staff work together with you guys to make that transition smooth so we look forward to it from the residents of Homestead and employees are looking forward to it thank you evening cannibal Burton 2251 Southeast 25th Avenue chair of Miami dat economic advocacy trust board member of South day connections and member of NAACP South day chapter as well as concerned Homestead resident I heard personality I heard fear for employment I heard others say that they know what's happening inside of City of Homestead in terms of Staff uh I also was in the meeting in November when you all sat and said we're going to look at this 90 days give everyone on the desk an opportunity to become familiar with not just Jerry Estrada but the employees and staff within the city so that they have some knowledge of what's actually going on going on uh you step into a courtroom you have a defense attorney you have a prosecutor they both stand in front of the same judge they both are dealing with the same variables in that courtroom yet they have highly different perspectives and protocols and how they handle their side of the case and they don't know what the other one is thinking on those until they've actually been in that on that side of the courtroom as that individual I don't know Jerry estrata personally I had to try to find out about Jerry in the last six months and actually get a feel for what's going on and I can sit here and tell you city employees want change or people on the forest want change that would depend on who I was talking to okay I implore you as a council as a whole to one stand by what you put in motion and said last year and to actually give this a fair process uh and then also I think there needs to be a layout of what the alternatives are if this does come to fruition because now you're looking at a a situation where you're changing the variable so who's changing the variables and who's operating what you said it was personality personality means personal you said you don't really care for chief role we know there's a direct link there this whole situation needs to be looked at from top to bottom left to right and those that aren't familiar with whatever's going on need to be allowed to have that opportunity and then I think as councilwoman Aila has said then you should be able to look at this and make some decisions and come to it as a as a group because you're saying you haven't sat down and had a review with this man I don't think any of us in here that are employed have gone through a year without having an evaluation and then if that's the case then how does that happen is it is it his fault that he didn't get the evaluation thank you thank you may if I may let me see if there's any more public comment yes you're next good evening mayor vice mayor councilman councilwoman I can't go home tonight in good conscience and not tell you in direct terms I am City staff this face is City staff I love my job I come here every day to do good work for the people and the residents and the businesses in this city and I am thankful that I could work for a good manager I've worked for three managers in this city I've had the support of all three of them I've had the support of the people that sit on this Das and I'm happy to come to work every day since November it's been tough it's been tough because the message out there to the public is go attack staff and I don't appreciate that personally I'm proud of what I do I stand stand by my ethics my morals and I come here every day to do good work and I feel like I'm getting the support of the manager my co-workers my bosses I don't have the support of the elected officials to do the good work do the right thing respect the position respect the man that not an easy job and it's not a job any of you I think would sign on for but we do the good work every day I'm in support of this manager thank you Council woman off thank you mayor you it's only oh I'm sorry I didn't see you well let's let's let's let her finish her thought and we'll come back to you thank you just you just hang right there thank you for your patience and I've spoken a lot tonight so I I do appreciate the time um you know mayor I respect your tenure in previous years and previous councils as well vice mayor I want to I want to assure you that my goal here is not to vote in contradiction or to vote in favor of a friend or to vote for um any perceived preference but I encourage you to delay the defer this notice for the 12 days you can still give the notice on the day of our special meeting and if if Jerry doesn't satisfy significant enough concerns then I will vote in favor I will vote in favor to give the notice but I just I just feel strongly enough about the perception of already making the decision without giving the opportunity you're it's like already being proven guilty without the trial and there's also the option to just not renew the contract we don't necessarily have to not renew and cancel and put in a temporary manager to then try to create the fate of our city while we search for another man this just the chaos that ensues I've been through management changes not on the city level but in the private sector and in association levels when you have new man management come in all the new management does is blame the old management for everything that goes wrong in the transition of the new management and new Administration coming in so prepare yourself for that nothing's going to get better right away and I never heard Jerry blame anybody for anything when he took over that position he never blamed I mean we blamed Co for a lot of stuff I think we all blamed Co for a lot of stuff but when we didn't have garbage getting picked up we just did not have enough garbage cans that wasn't to blame on or garbage trucks rather it wasn't to blame past administration for not planning properly I mean if anything we're we're the ones to blame for not charging enough money to be able to buy enough garbage trucks and buy enough of the resources we need to have we haven't we didn't raise rates forever more but finally we are and that's thanks to a lot of the guidance I'm not happy with the way our community looks the City of Homestead looks like trash when you get off an exit too and when you get off a Speedway it looks like trash our bus stops are ridden ridden with weeds and trash and and V vagrants and you know the issue that came up or that the video that's being circulated that's not a that that situation unfortunately happens all the time councilman us had a meeting about this very same issue that's a constant thing we've brought up the homeless issue in the city there are things that Jerry can control and there are things that he cannot control but we have to be real with the facts on what is within the control of the deis and the city manager and staff I don't know if if if Jerry is able to give any reassurances or or be able to change your minds and I agree mayor that Sports Complex it is way too expensive but but let us also be part of the solution of trying to figure out how to cut those costs I don't know if getting a different city manager is going to change the cost of creating the sports complex but I mean I almost don't want to do it until we can figure out a cheaper way to do it it's really expensive but we are getting a lot of Grants speaking of Grants there's a lot of Grants out there that I hear about that you know we we should be able to tap into and we're maybe we're not but that that annual review should have happened and I blame my I blame myself for not being available for that meeting but I don't I don't recall being offered another opportunity to do a review and so I blame myself for not being the one to say hey we need to do a review and bringing it up but I just I respectfully ask for councilman mayor vice mayor to bring your notice on day 91 let's let's just give a little bit more grace here I know you've given a lot of Grace mayor we we vot I feel as I have you you have we voted to approve Jerry's contract I think at midnight that was not the right thing to do in retrospect and I was was a young Council woman I was a young Council woman at the time and so I can feel I can I can tell you that I can relate to a lot of the pressure that new the new councilmen might feel because you want you need to follow a lead it's not that you want to you have to follow a lead and so we do but we do the best that we can with the information we have at the time I don't regret the decision I made but I do regret how it was done and I want to offer you you that experience to try to save you from having that same regret so I'll rest with that yes ma'am thank you Council woman thank you Mr Mayor Mr vice mayor and council members uh I uh appreciate the councilwoman's uh regards I'm sorry my name is Carol Jackson with the South day NAACP and I'm here because most of our many of our officers our members and our con constituents are members and residents of the City of Homestead uh our concern is um deep concern is of the reported targeting of not only um you know people with contracts but also staff without contracts I I've been a member of this community not not Homestead I've never lived in Homestead but I've been a member of the South day Community for the past 51 years and I remember Homestead uh very very well from my first visit when I was in um uh junior high school um so we don't want to have targeted uh people people targeted for dismissal it doesn't do anything good for the City of Homestead it doesn't help you get good staff because if people without contracts see what happens to the people with contracts they're not going to feel secure if you were a government employee and you had uh you know employee uh reviews every year it's because you had to it's part of the contract they have to do it you have to do that with everyone your your constituents want good service but they also want people to be treated fairly so as an organization the NAACP that is dedicated to promoting fairness and equality and equity in all areas of public life not only for minorities but for everyone we urge the City of Homestead to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and without prejudice we're also concerned that the mayor already has the votes for this and so we are concerned about possible violations of the Sunshine Law thank you please don't turn your back and walk away after making allegations of criminal activity I I said I invite you I said potential okay I invite you it's an inference and you're you're parting the letter that Mr Ford delivered a couple of days ago I invite you I encourage you I will take you to the State's Attorney's office and let you lay out your case for a Sunshine Law violation I welcome that scrutiny because it's funny that of all the lopsided votes that have happened all of these many years your organization that it has accused me of of race-based targeting without justification your organization is now singling out this one vote out of thousands that have been taken over the last four years as a potential Sunshine Law violation your organization by virtue of the letter and your comments here tonight have zero credibility with me when you stand here and make allegations unfounded allegations of criminal activity you do realize that the violation of Sunshine Law is punishable not only by a fine and removal of office but also by jail time and as I've told folks in the past I invite you and I welcome the scrutiny that is totally unfounded and off base in this discussion tonight sir are you saying that you're going to refer me to the states attorney's office no I'm saying I welcome you to go to the State's Attorney's office and ask them to scrutinize me scrutinize this Council and scrutinize those who may not vote in a way that you agree with I'm not talking about referring you I'm talking about you're making allegations go back them up you just can't say that kind of stuff I have an opinion we have an opinion we have a right to voice it so your opinion is is we're engaged in criminal activity okay so let's let's put that on the record an officer of the South branch of the NAACP is of the opinion that the members of this Council who may vote to give the manager notice have somehow um been engaged in violation of the sunshine laws that's that's what was said here so let's let's be real clear as to what those of us who may may vote in favor of this item under my business um have may be accused of and again I invite you to run downtown and see Miss Fernandez Rundle first thing in the morning I'll Take You There Is there any further public comment you've had your opportunity sir yes Mr bran good evening uh Julio Bera director of Public Works city engineer I just wanted to I guess just mirror some of the the the statements that have been made by staff uh regarding Jer EST Strada and staff in general um just to give you some background I've been with the city working with the city for close to 30 years now 20 of them as an employee before that as a consultant and um I do believe that Consultants help out the city you know staff cannot do everything that that requires you know action immediately we need staff to we need coun uh we need contractors and and uh and Consultants to to do that for us L say I've been here for 20 years as a as a staff member i' I've been under six Mayors and I think six city managers I was a city manager for a little while also as a interim city manager uh so I I see the issues right I see the the questions right and I see um the hard decision that this is for everybody but just from my point of view again I've been I worked under six different city managers I felt that I was respected by all of them and that my work showed that right uh you know like I always say respect is earned is not something that's given to you so um and I think that that all also speaks to the rest of the staff as well you know we come here to work and again I came from the from the Private Industry to the public sector most people do it the other way I did it you know this way and a lot of people would ask me why are you going to work for government when you know the amount of money that's out there Etc can I get some extension uh I'm a man of I'm a man of few words but you know every once I gotta make up for all the other times so anyways um so people would always ask me you know why why are you going to government you know uh you can make so much money outside Etc and this and that and the thing is because this is what we love to do I mean we love to work for the citizens and when I get a call uh and I get and I get it most of the calls we get are always complaints you know you never get like a good boy you know you did a great job uh but when you get that call when somebody says say we appreciate what you guys did you know your staff was underwater water up through here trying to fix a water line etc those things you know we take pride in that and we take pride in working for a city manager like Jerry because he takes pride in the work that he does as well and we could name countless of things you know that we've done here that are good yeah you know we're not all perfect I'm not perfect there's there's been issues you know I we you learn from them and you hope you don't do them again right that's the whole that's the whole process so just in closing I just want to say that I you know I respect Jerry as a city manager um like I said I've been through a lot of them and I could say that for some and not others but with him I respect what he's done and I know that he has respect for what we do and the sacrifices that we' you know taken on to work for a government and and to to be always scrutinized and to be always you know look like a bad guy Etc uh and we do it with pride we do it with pride that's all I got to say thank you thank you Mr thank you Mr BR any further public comment thank councilman Davis thank you mayor I I just um wanted to make a a short comment i' I've been taking my time um uh listening to to everyone's comments of of of our Council our citizens our city workers and I've listened very carefully Y and then I get to hear as well that uh as a new guy I'm I'm thought that I need some kind of a uh lead in my decision making and now an expression of my potential or the of our city council's potential violation of the sunshine act as for me let me tell you I've been around the block I've been in tough tougher situations in this I have to say that um I've also talked with a lot of our our citizens during our election period And I have to say though after careful consideration of all those items I have to say that I support mayor lner in this action I spoke with the city manager early on we had a very nice conversation correct uh oneon-one in the office and you know who you are who are you you know what do you do and um you know it was delightful conversation but but what was I hearing the whole time uh gesus this Bell that uh you know whatever reaching back reaching back there was no vision of this is where we're going to be this I'm the city manager and this is where we're going to lead this city to be we've talked a lot about various issues tonight um uh the sports complex grant money impact fees for roads uh you know lack of we haven't bring up tonight but it came up before lack of standard operating procedure the answer is always that's the way it's always been done that's the way um uh gesus did it you know what have you as for the impact fees for the roads I was one of those guys that was stuck on Campbell Drive when they had that um uh leak at the just before Christmas uh when they had that leak at the gas station uh and there was nowhere to go because our roads have never been improved for the number of people people there was there once that artery shut down there was nowhere to go because all the all the uh adjoining roads had never been have never been uh improved the things that things that we're listing didn't happen overnight and although I hear my colleagues say wait another 12 days whatever they didn't happen overnight and they're not going to get fixed overnight um but they should have been actioned and and I have to say that they were not okay I think it's time for change I think that um without angst without any any ill will but I have to say that I think it's time for change and I think it's time for a um a new vision and a new leadership in the city manager uh position and and as for for me ma'am I I I just must say that those types of words like potential Sunshine violation that's undignified of of a person who with your caliber of experience and reputation in the in the city within our community that is undignified stuff and at that point I mirror the mayor you drop my name all you want with Fernandez Rundle you you have my permission you have my encouragement to do that but by God don't make that inference that I'm a that I uh conduct myself in an unprofessional manner thank you thank you councilman Davis Council Roth would you like to close it out oh okay no go ahead I'll go lastly always he's been afforded that opportunity so yeah there's been a lot said tonight um you know with retrospect I I I do want to uh clear up how Jerry actually was presented to this Council and how this Council unanimously voted for Jerry to be in that position uh it was a late night that I brought the idea of preparing a contract it wasn't that night that we voted for Jerry's contract everyone had ample time to review the contract and not make a hasty decision to name Jerry as the next city manager and again it was a unanimous vote the current mayor voted for him the current vice mayor voted for him along with AA Bailey myself and the previous uh people that were here so that has changed tonight that can't happen anymore in that process but uh to say that Jerry was forced upon this dis in this city is a false statement everyone had opport opport an opportunity to review and vote Yes or No that night with that being said um sometimes leadership reflects attitude and I think that us as Leaders up here excluding councilman Clemente Cannibal and Mr Davis um we failed to collectively come together and sit with the manager and air our differences maybe I think I think there was one attempt to put something together for that but there again we as Leaders up here failed to make that happen I've known Jerry for for I don't know 25 years I've gone through the different things with what what my job does and things that I do um I've never met someone that was as passionate as professional as Jerry is even during this last 90 days or 87 days whatever we're at day we're at today Jerry has maintained a love for the city for his staff for the police department for all department heads and he's never wavered one time on helping any of us that reached out to him for any situation that we needed to cure in the city he's never not called me back um he's always been responsive uh it's it's it's it's hard for me to understand and you know why we're at this point I understand change is good I see the writing on the wall tonight I know that shortly Jerry's not going to be here anymore I see that and we have to come to the reality of that as well in the 100 plus years of CI has have been EX existence managers come Council comes Mayors Come and Go Chief you've been a blessing to this city you've been here longer than I have been here you've been the chief for 20 plus years Colonel likewise I've known you 30 years and the one thing I can say about my relationships with anybody in this room is I've never had lunch never had a beer never socialized and I've always kept my relationship professional with all of these individuals so it's not to me about is Jerry a good manager or not it's about stability within the city it's about about giving our employees as we are the leaders elected to run this city but what a lot of people don't know is we don't run the city none of up here none of us up here can give any direction to anybody on staff that's the manager's responsibility the right writing is on the wall change will come and all of you that work for the city now you'll go on you continue to do your jobs with the City of Homestead you go on to show your bosses your your supervisors your Council your mayor as I love the City of Homestead I know you all do too I wish we could have more time I think Jerry's done uh an extremely good job um he's come a long way in two years we had a lot of issues in between with covid and things and this and that um I I certainly hope that making a change [Music] um will be a good positive thing for the city if that's where it goes and I think my final comment's going to be is you know everyone's spoken about Jerry the mayor has spoken about you know his wishes to you know terminate Jerry's contract and I have to respect you know that as well but I haven't heard anything about what's next who's going to be the next manager or interm manager um the mayor doesn't get to make that decision on his own he may make some suggestions on who that may be but we have a disas up here get to make that decision um and that's going to be a very important decision for for us going forward if Jerry is terminated on February the 5th or 6th whichever day it is we still haven't I haven't been shown a plan uh uh who's going to do what how's it going to be um and I talked about stabilization um I think somebody else mentioned you know chaotic situations happening I don't believe it's going to be chaotic I believe our staffs are very professional and they're going to carry on their duties but I still haven't heard how we going to what's the next step if Jerry is terminated next week or whenever how many weeks he's got but um what what what is the next thing we do we just don't have a city manager I I just don't understand that process let me let me chime in here if I could um you know by virtue of of his his contract the manager is entitled to remain on the payroll and in in place for a period of time and you know I don't know if anything has changed since our conversation earlier in the week but he and I have an agreement that following you know in the in the coming day or so after the vote tonight that we will sit down and talk about his aiding in the transition um that his cooperation with the next manager he J yeah look we can all agree and I'll say Jerry is not the kind of person that is going to light a match and walk walk out of his office that's that's that's not going to be the case he will uh I I believe based on our conversations be there to to be a professional and courteous and integral part of of a transition um once we take the vote tonight I have provided the city clerk with a with a package of information about an IND individual I have met with extensively and councilman Roth you are right the mayor has very little power on his or her own get to sign proclamations like we gave out tonight get to call special call meetings but beyond that you know we all know this and for the public and for the staff and contrary to the narratives that have been spun out there by I believe city employees on City time trying to motivate the downtown business owners um mayor's just one vote of seven and I you're you're absolutely right I have a package of information that I'm going to ask the clerk to share with you all um regarding my perspective as to how the transition could work and giving you all the information you need to make contact with the person I've had extensive meetings with and I also welcome each of you to bring candidates forward to be named as a city manager I I believe that that this transition can occur without an interim or temporary manager so to speak so th this is not a situation where there not a Speaker of the House of Representative situation where a bunch of folks decided to fire the one they had with no plan of of who they were were going to have as the next one I have thought that through and I welcome the input of each and every one of you and you'll have the opportunity to uh to know what I know and then we've got uh uh you know time between now and the six that you know the attorneys and I have spoken at length and Jerry and and I have spoken and and I'm confident that we'll come in with if the vote if tonight's vote and the vote on the sixth uh proceedes with with a clear plan of transition that this Narrative of of chaos and confusion and a rudderless ship is just not accurate so that that's that's my response and and those concerns are are are are very valid councilman Roth I I agree with you that that it's it's not just about taking this action it's about what comes next and I am for one am not unmindful of that okay so without disclosing any information about this applicant or not applicant this is somebody that you've actually gone out to to speak to um in the past you've mentioned doing National searches to bring in Talent so what would be the process uh if the decision is made to terminate Jerry's contract and somebody asked a question earlier about what's it going to cost the city does anybody know what it's going to cost the city to terminate Jerry early we're clarifying those numbers yes approximate approximately and this is a function of a contract that we unanimously approve in round numbers $300,000 okay but I have to ask myself what is the cost to the city of not taking this action okay so that's where I come from that's fine I understand so the process of seeking a doing a national search for a new city manager would be would be what in your in your mind how would that work um because just to bring one person to talk to is not I don't think adequate for most not for me for sure it was adequate when you made the motion for Jerry Steve Shelly in the middle of the night threw Kate mcaffrey at us and we see how those two two items have have have worked I at this and it's laid out in my memorandum to each each one of you um I don't think that we we have the luxury of time to do a national search I believe there's local C talent but again I'm going to come back to you I'm one vote in my belief if four of you decide to do a national search and want to spend that time and money so be it well go it goes back to what you said about the cost to eliminate the manager too I mean we are going to spend that kind of money to eliminate him but we're not going to spend the money to to adequately vet a new city manager that may come from a national search so I get it we have talent in the area as well I get that yeah but I think we Short change ourselves if we simply say we're going to go with one Prospect no that's that's for the majority decide and I don't think we ought to engage in the spitting contest get it it's going to be what it's going to be and the chips are going to fall where they fall I agree with you 100% thank you for my time thank you thank you though councilman Roth very very valid and and important important points mayor if there's nothing for okay Council woman thank you um just a a few comments um additional thank you councilman Roth for clarifying that it was a unanimous vote it's just you know in past meetings and so long ago it it obviously was a sting a sting big enough to continue to be brought up um but you know it was it was unanimous for good reason for good reason um you know I just I respectfully ask maror that you just just defer it for the 12 days let let's see what comes of that and you know and I respect you for defending yourself I respect you for defending yourself against accusations that were made tonight and I and I'm watching you and I look to you for that leadership because if that were to happen to me I'm probably going to Echo the same words and councilman Davis when I made the remarks earlier about meeting a leader the mayor is my mayor he is the mayor of the City of Homestead and I want to have a leader we need that so and I say that respectfully so I meant no disrespect so I want to clarify that and and I think acknowledge ing that that there is a leader and being able to be led by that individual that's that's a humble a humble quality that I I respect from anybody here the way that our police officers are led by the chief the way that our staff is led by our city manager that's a quality I don't I don't think any less of our staff members for respecting their leader and looking to them we yell at jul OA a lot we yell at I mean we we try not to yell at Mr Blanco too much we need her to approve our our application she yells back but you know and they still smile and come to work and continue to take the beatings voluntarily and they don't go working for the county and other places because Jerry helps lick their wounds not that that's a bad image I don't want you guys to think about that but he helps them recover from the damage of working for the City of Homestead so things can improve I absolutely agree I just just I beg that you try to allow us the the additional grace period to fulfill the 90-day period to give Jerry any extra benefit of the doubt to work with you to work with vice mayor to work with our council members to try to get to a resolution and I'll rest there thank you thank you um yes Chief sure long night long night yeah and first of all good afternoon again uh I don't never say that much about anything I just do my job and I just want to say to you all tonight tonight that everyone in this room here tonight that's the city employee supports the Jerry estra every person in this room City employee I don't know whether y all know us that well or not but we all bust our butt every day to do the best job in the City of Homestead uh everybody come to work they do their job they listen to Jerry they try to do the best they can but I want to back up a little bit because I'm not here to Pro myself I I've done it all more than half my career making Homestead a butter place to live and I'm not going to sit here and and and ask beg for a job I'm not going to even you know promote myself I'm not I'm I'm not about that my daddy told me before he died your work speak for itself supposed to Jerry has a hard job okay very hard job and the job is and maybe y'all didn't think about it or not maybe you have the worst way to become a failure is to try to make everybody happy you got seven people in this Council it's hard to do that everybody got their own ideas about what they want done and this guy is sitting here pretty much I guess playing runaround because he don't know what exactly everybody want and maybe he does can I can I keep speaking and and and and and and and and maybe he do but like I told councilman Fletcher the way I run my staff first of all people that came here tonight and been coming here for years and everything thing I would not stoop that low to make my guys come here to support me I got too much self- pride respect and dignity to stoop that low like that that's not me and anytime that somebody think that I can't fulfill my job I walk out the door I'm I'm not here for a paycheck I was born and raised in this town I've been all my life I've seen all kind of things happen here I could have gone anywhere back in 1980 when I became a police officer I stayed here you know why because I thought I could make a difference and guess what 40 something years later I have look where we were when I walked in the door as a patrolman and look where I am now and look at this city of 1980 when I walked in the door and look where the city is now it's nobody nobody in the State of Florida is afraid to come in Homestead to live work and do business not one person that's a fact the little things people people said and I'm gonna get back to Jerry in a minute little people said about you know oh you know the chief role you know he he he he he he support you know he don't deal with the guys that do brutality in the city and everything I've been doing that since since 1998 by myself taking care of any police officer that did anything I thought was wrong because you know why I saw this a kid growing up here in Homestead I saw it as a teenager I saw what went on in Homestead you think I'm going to sit in as a police chief and just turn a blind eye to somebody doing something wrong all you got to do is go back and look at my history in 1998 up until today that's something that I never accepted and I never will and people got a problem with that you know because I took care of business but they deserved it I'm not going to let it happen in this town not why I'm here that's why I stayed so long because people ask me to stay here I never go out the community and tell them hey come and support Chief Ro I've never done that I know my guys probably think I'm crazy because I don't say anything I don't say hey come to the police come to the city hall and and support Chief Ro I don't say that people know what I've done you know how many lives I've touch in 45 years in this city a lot of lives and I thought about it the other day I said you know that's why people come out and support me I have never done anything wrong in this Ted other than take care the babies the old ladies and people that can't take care of themselves I I had to make some hard decisions but you know going back to Jerry this man Started From The Bottom just just like I did nobody gave him anything he worked to the top why would you do that in the City of Homestead stay here 30 years and do all that to be kicked in the butt at the end of the day for making one simple mistake come on let's be real about this okay this man deserve a chance like everybody else suppose that was somebody that you love your son your daughter okay somebody that you generally care about your mother your father would you want to be treated like that after doing 30 years of trying to do the right thing in this community I watched Jerry I work with Jerry we did some things together that you all won't even imagine took down the people that was doing bad things in this city they went to jail he stick his neck out and y'all want to get rid of him I beg the difference that's wrong if y'all only knew I always tell people all the time long time ago when they when when they came out with them records the albums they had a side one and they had a side two everybody heard the side one nobody heard the side too nobody has come to me and ask me anything about myself about Jerry about any of his employees nothing one thing I'm not going to do I'm not going to lie I'm going to tell you the truth so if you don't want to hear the truth don't ask me right flesh you know how I am he come to me with with things I tell him the truth this man deserve a chance he started from the bottom he's to the top I told PR Fletch and I told councilman uh Cal the the way I deal with my guys if they do something wrong with something I don't like something I learned a long time ago and being an English being a teacher you praise in public and you counsel in private I put them to the side I said look this is what I want you to do do it this way do it that way I only to get rid of the ones that just create problem year after year after year everybody say chap Lord got a big heart because you give everybody chances what happen always been the police chief I came from a little black guy here in Homestead that had to scuffer and do everything in the world to try to get to the top I grew up in the homestead I couldn't even live across my that's how bad it was it it didn't bother me then because I thought it was a norm can you imagine living like that as a kid that's why I'm so concerned about these people in this community nobody should why I'm the police chief nobody should have to worry people pay too many games I don't get up here and beat beat my beat myself on the chest and everything but I'm just sick and tired of hearing all the lies and all the things that been said that's not the truth if you want to know the truth ask me I'll tell you the truth councilman Davis if Jerry didn't do what you asked him to do don't kick him in the teeth put him to the side in private and help him out help him do the right things give him a chance to show you what kind of man he can be everybody not born to be great you have to get to that point you know what I'm talking about you went in military started as as as a as as a private and you end up being a walking out there being Lieutenant konel if I'm not mistaken you walk that that line somebody taught you everything that you need need to know they gave you a chance that's all we asking you yall to do councilman Canter ball the same thing give him a chance it it's not going to hurt you know give him a chance if you don't work out then move on like it did me 1998 nobody wanted me as police chief in '98 I didn't want this job either so we would we were kind of like together on that but here it is 26 years later I'm still a police chief and I hav't done one thing wrong other than make these people in this city safe to the point where guys that incarcerated talking to jail and tell other guys if you want to do a crime and sell drugs or do all kind of crazy everything don't go through Homestead the criminals are saying that I'm not asking them to say that they are saying that all my God will tell you the same thing I weeded out all the bad people right SM F you you know what I did was it wrong or was it right you know what I did I stopped all the foolishness I took care of business I had people that I looked at that helped me and guide me the way to do the right things but at the same time I had common sense and I had family member my dad mom and dad told me what the right thing to do I got a job to do my daddy said you need to work until you walk out that door you do your job before I got sick last year Mr Mayor I came to work I didn't call in sick in 40 years so when people say you know I don't nobody don't want to be here I don't think nobody in United States never called in sick in 40 years I love my job that's why I came in working every day I was I felt good taking care of the the babies the old ladies the old men people that was less fortunate I feel good doing that and I told my guys if you can't do that you don't need to be here since 1998 since since I was police chief every employee that I hired dispatcher admin police officer correction officer code enforcement everybody in 26 years sat in front of me before I said yes you can have a job here I told him what I wanted most of them succeeded 30 years and retired and they gone the ones that I brought into the door and the ones that didn't do that they out the door but I gave them a chance I I didn't just kick him in the butt you know after knowing him 15 minutes you don't do that that's not the way to treat people so I can go on and on on and and I don't like to talk I like to take care of business that's what that's what I'm about but I'm just telling you all and I've told two Vice May and Council cabala I mean U Cabella give the man a chance he should have to beg for himself give him a chance Mr may work with him give him an opportunity maybe you have everything but listen you don't give up that easy the the thing they said about a a female the same thing you took to get her do it to keep it keep her so I'm just saying you know some people it takes a little bit more time if it's something that he's doing that you all don't like and everything put him to the side and tell him don't just run them out the door and it said you know you need somebody to live in the city and everything 80 80% of my department is from the city Homestead I've been there that's why I do what I do it matters to have people from this community as Road models Jerry don't live in in North Dakota he live in he live in K that's close enough for me he's here every day he's doing the best he can his staff don't get away with murder because if he did somebody tell him I know I would tell him I know she'll tell him I deal with B for she'll tell him hey tighten up Jerry I'm just saying forget about me get give this man an opportunity to do what need to be done in this city you don't stay on a job that long if you don't care about the community you don't stay on a job that long thank you do what everybody else do you pack your bags up and you leave when thing get a little hot and you said Mr Mayor oh Jer going to go I peace and everything he will but y'all do the right thing come on do the right thing that's all we ask everybody here right now is like this and I'mma say this real quick and I'm gonna sit down I've been through too many situations where people have brought their own people in and people who bust their butt and work hard lost their job and couldn't take care of their family and ended up in a situation that got caught up in politics for no reason these people are scared for their jobs whoever comes in here and takes you every place I've seen it happen this is the third time I've seen it happen that's what going to happen nobody it's nobody here feel safe I got a contract and everything but guess what I don't even look at the contract because it's like you said said I do my job every day come to work never call her sick in 40 years I come here and bust my butt my phone never stopped ringing thank God they got text message now I couldn't sleep at night I answer my phone all my all my guys know what I'm about and everything I never sit here and told them support me support me support me I lead by example they know what I'm all about but I'm not going to cut one of them head off they got to do something might bad for me to cut their head off and I've done that before after two years or watching somebody sit here and try to get somebody killed you know what I'm talking about right smell flush this man don't know more about the police department any anybody on on this dice he know everything I'm saying is the truth I'm not going to sit here and like I told you brag on myself he know what I'm all about he's seen my action I don't play games when it come down to people's safety and making sure the right thing is being done I watch my Mom and Daddy go through that I'm G make I'm try to make a difference so I'm going to leave thank you Chief you all make the right decision give this man a chance okay honestly that's all we all in this room act thank you so much thank thank you sir I just want to the staff who's here in the room I want [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to Mayor well the staff who's in the room who who may be concerned I want to Echo the vice mayor's comments earlier tonight I think he hit the nail on the head you come to work you do your job you have absolutely no nothing to worry about no matter who the manager is and I've said it publicly before and it was confirmed to me tonight and steals my resolve to move forward that speech shows me who the real manager who the real person sitting on the throne is and it's somebody who's not accountable to anybody but the person who holds holds the title No accountability to to us whatsoever and what I'd like to do is I'd like to get a motion on the floor and then provide uh Mr Estrada an opportunity to make any comments he would like to make so with that do we have a motion to direct the attorneys to give notice of the preliminary notice of of termination effect of February 6th to 2024 we have that motion I'll second that motion gladly thank you vice mayor Mr Estrada thank you mayor first I want to take the opportunity to thank the staff that came up and spoke on my behalf they did not have to do that and it took a lot of personal courage for them to go ahead and do that so I've heard a lot of things tonight and you're right mayor I don't think we should go for a Tit for Tat um I respect your comments and your beliefs though I don't agree with them okay same thing with you councilman Fletcher now I've heard tonight my big negative is that I know the staff I came up through the trenches I started here I think the only lower position I could have started here was emptying out the garbage cans 31 years from computer operator programmer computer manager General Services director assistant city manager and manager and that somehow is some kind of weakness oh you know these people you know Joe you know you know Crystal you know kitra and so you don't hold them accountable that's not true I do hold them accountable but what I also know is being that I came up through the trenches what their challenges are lack of Staffing lack of funding being being beat up by the public being beat up by the council and so I take all of those variables into account and I act accordingly my staff is held accountable mayor you're not in my office when there's an issue with a director or an employee and that's not for you to know that's what I'm paid for whenever I reprimand someone or bring someone to task that's my responsibility big things happen hey I fire a director or get rid of the economic development person you know about that but the day-to-day operation we have over 500 employees here okay and so once again the negative that I came through the trenches that I know these people that I care about these people because this is a family these people at the last hurricane was here in this building prepared for after the storm it was Irma not Ian because it missed us to immediately deploy to take care of our residents to take care of this community they are all public servants at heart you don't stay here 20 years like right crystal how many years 25 years commun are not too much how many years seven years Wendy I know it's 20-some years Roxanna you got to be close to 30 years okay sorry I'm giving away her age but why are they here it's a thankless job but we love it it's a challenge you know I I don't know how many people I've had come from the public sector that says two things my God I I don't know how you guys do it you don't have money you don't have the resources and yet you solve the problems it's like I've never seen anything I've had guys that ran Waste Management south south regional literally tell me that the other thing I hear is my god I've never worked in a place like this a place that is not doggy dog that you got to worry that the guy behind you is trying to take you out right hey right I want to go up the the corporate ladder you know and these people care they care about each other they care about this community and to be honest they deserve a lot better than they get now they're demoralized and Colonel you should know what effect that has on an army right or an Air Force or Air Force they're demoralized they're scared okay and I'm not fighting for myself here okay this is not about me anymore but it's about them it's about this staff that every day come in here and make you guys look like Superstars and yeah we have the one or two that come up here and you guys are terrible and the Police Department excessive force I don't think those people even lived in Homestead but they were here to talk about us there's people out there that don't live in this community and are constantly constantly tearing in us down for their own selfishness for their own purpose so what I'm trying to get at in the end it's the end councilwoman thank you so much like the mayor said he has no confidence in me he's made his decision I think councilman Fletcher has made his as well um I don't think the 12 days is going to make a difference to be honest with you you know how we work you guys call us you guys need something we take care of it and if we can't take care of it we tell you we can't take care of it and why you know Solid Waste you want to talk Solid Waste understaffed failing equipment two years to get a truck what do I fire the manager manager you're not picking up the garbage hun Jerry I don't have the vehicles they're 5 10 15 years old they're constantly breaking down I have insufficient staff the amount of solid waste has gone up 40% because of covid and I hate saying that but it's the truth and so okay you're fired bring the next guy up he's going to have the same problem the previous guy had so it solves nothing once again multiple factors when it comes to dealing with the staff their situation what the conditions are and once again you're not in the room with me mayor none of you are when I address issues with staff I think I've spoken enough um depending how the vote goes goes I'm sure I'll have a question or two to Matt and hopefully here tonight to clarify it and with that you know I'll see my time for now thank [Applause] you so we have a motion in a second to provide the preliminary notice yes I just want to clarify because when you spoke to the notice you talk about you mentioned a final dismissal on the six which you may vote on on the 6th as we discussed the contract does provide for an extended period you know the manager depending on the outcome of the vote can request a hearing pursuant to his contract or wave the hearing and the final date of his employment will depend on how that plays out over the next week he he five days from the date of the notice right and I know you've noticed it for the the the sixth the sixth to to take a final vote depending on depending upon the actions that but you know we we will have to react to the council will have to react to the demands of the manager under the contract and whether he wants to pursue that hearing or not okay so I just for the purposes of the motion just to issue the preliminary notice prary notice so fatal to the notice that doesn't have a date no the dates will depend on what happens from gotcha okay thank you thank you for that clarification so let's just provide the notice it's not you for a final vote on a given given day all right Madam clerk let's have a roll call vote councilwoman avula councilman Davis yes councilman raw no councilwoman Bailey councilman C ball yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries okay so Madam clerk if you would uh distribute the memorandum with the attached resume um the individual I've had extensive conversations with who's had several visits to our city uh he been in City Hall I've showed him a lot of our facilities is Dr uh zarbe Iha kuaba and he is currently a deputy city manager for the City of Miami he has an engineering background extensive background in public service and the uh the private sector and as my cover letter to each of you that's now public record States I invite each of you to to meet with him and certainly welcome welcome the opportunity to uh to entertain uh any other individuals that that you may bring forward um for those in the cheap seats city clerk has has this it's it's public record and it will be available so with that do we have a motion to adjourn mayor I'm just sorry point of clarification okay Matt so I'm assuming I'll get a notice tomorrow I have five business stay to respond to that notice right okay so this depending on what I respond whether I do a demand then that is what triggers the February meeting if I do a waiver there is no February meeting no we'll have a February meeting no matter what we're having a febrary we have a February meeting either way okay thank you all right do we have a motion to adjourn moved and seconded all in favor thank you all good night