good evening everyone and welcome I apologize for the delay this evening executive session went a little longer than expected I'd like to call the City of Homestead community redevelopment agency meeting to order uh today is Tuesday June 11th 2024 and it is now 5:59 p.m. Madam clerk you call the rooll please member canal board member aula here board member Davis board member Roth board member Bailey Vice chairman Fletcher here chairman lawon here Mr director are there any additions deletions or deferrals no Mr chair Thank You tab one we have before us the board minutes of May 1st do I have a motion to approve move by board member Roth second by board member Bailey any further questions or comments all in favor any opposed next time tab two car number 4279 triangle development negotiation update presentation Mr director thank you Mr chair uh so this is an informational item bringing you all up to speed on what has happened since our last meeting so at the May 22nd 2024 city council Workshop the CRA provided an update on several projects including the triangle development negotiations at the time staff had received updated financials from the developer Luna development Corp and was pending an updated massing diagram of the site Luna provided the diagram later that same evening staff met internally on May 28th to discuss the financial proposal and updated site layout which calls for a more aggressive construction timeline and better Financial viability for the project the discussion required additional clarification and input from Luna which was received on Wednesday June 5th a follow-up negotiation meeting is set for June 18th and in your packets this evening um you'll find the draft updated site layout uh for your consideration as well okay thank you Bo members any initial questions or comments so essentially this is before us to discuss the the new layout the massing kind of the the configuration of the project is that generally correct yes sir um the developer is still working on you know final renderings all of those things but just to make sure that you all are uh okay with the idea of moving from the separate buildings into the um more combined form that you see tonight okay thank you board members any questions comments I certainly the the massing along Railroad Avenue along the busway is at whatever height it's ultimately going to be I'm not in love with with five stories there or anywhere for that matter but to the extent we're going to have height it seems that that is a more appropriate location takes it off the main frontages that I know the community was concerned about on uh four Street and some of the Cross Avenues so you're just looking for some consensus to continue moving forward based on this layout yes sir any objections Bo member raw just a question this originally was set to be a mixed use project with affordable housing in it yes uh this was originally solicited as a mixed use mixed income development and you'll see that there is uh still that character there's commercial and office included in the in this layout not sure I'm seeing that when you look at the each of the maps for the buildings it talks about the mix to the right hand side of the oh this is the pink this is commercial okay yes got it fair enough thank you all right yes B Bailey thank you chairman um just what we spoke about just to make sure that now as they're saving some money with clumping those buildings together to make sure that those little poos or whatever we're calling them um along with the additional Green Space that they really put some extra detail into there um to make sure that it doesn't lose the charm that that original design had yes definitely board member ARA thank you um I I'm a little I don't know I thought that we were going to have another presentation with the um with the are they an applicant at this point still yes they're they're the selected proposer so I I thought that we would we would be having at some point soon another presentation with the proposer to um review kind of do over their initial um presentation because the last time they had a presentation they didn't have a lot of answers to questions there was a lot of confusion as to who was going to answer what question and so I was okay with you know starting the process process for discussion but with the understanding that we would have a a new presentation sometime in the near future and so like this point we would be agreeing to a re redesign of the layout and continuing to negotiate for a final terms or and then there will be another presentation before the final terms are approved on or what's what's the plan here yes so uh once we have our negotiation meeting on the 18th uh we'll be able to um come back to you all with an update uh the intent would be to to bring back a fully formed presentation before a final agreement is presented to the board okay thank you I I'm I'm just I'm not seeing the vision right now um I as as councilwoman Bailey mentioned about the posos I that was something that was important to me to have the the the walkability of the project now we're looking at a project that's all kind of put together I don't see the and it's probably because I don't have a presentation really to look at yet so um at this point I don't know if this is requiring a motion or not it's just Direction but I'm still not I'm not with with the project right now thank you I and I think I think as Mr Good said earlier you know they're going to be coming back with the renderings the elevations and you know I don't know that and I I agree with with you and I don't know that this this would necessarily include all that it's just kind of the the view from 10,000 ft as to what the general layout will be that we're going to have an opportunity to look at a lot of different details before final approval so thank is there any any objection to the CRA continuing down this road with the proposer a none is that what you needed Mr good yes thank you all right very good Mr good okay so next item would be uh tab three car number 4274 the Chrome Marketplace development and lease agreement tab three Mr good thank you Mr chair um similar to the previous item this is uh for information and discussion purposes so on the August 25th 2023 um the homestead community redevelopment agency issued a public notice soliciting proposals for the acquis I and development of 204 220 and 230 North Chrome Avenue as a destination Food Hall Restaurant and entertainment venue on October 20th 2023 Society 8 Hospitality submitted a proposal for the acquisition and development of the property as a food Hall Entertainment and nightlife destination at the February 21st 2024 CRA board meeting the board authorized the executive director to negotiate an agreement for the development of 204 and 22 20 North grome Avenue and bringing back a final version prior to execution since that time staff and Society 8 have negotiated uh largely the terms of an agreement that will result in the elimination of Slum and blight in the CRA provide annual revenues to the CRA and contribute to the economic health and vitality of downtown Homestead as well as fulfill the CRA board's vision for increased dining and entertainment options the fiscal imp impact of this item is that the CRA would contribute $1.5 million to tenant buildout plus $80,000 in EPA Grant funds for required environmental cleanup the agreement would result in an estimated firstyear revenue on excess of $80,000 subject to annual escalation throughout the 15-year initial and 5-year renewal terms after CRA tax liability is accounted for the net income to the CRA for year one would be $20,000 354 the economic impact overall is estimated at $3.8 million supporting the creation of 26 jobs these are just initial uh projections and staff will continue to negotiate and analyze in order to increase the cra's return on its investment um a more detailed summary of terms is attached to the item for information discussion but before that I do want to note that Society 8 recently opened another Food Hall in Hollywood and uh we have a short video I would like to share so that uh you all can see the kind of amenity that would be coming soon to downtown Homestead went to Hollywood to a Hollywood opening last night it wasn't in California and there were no stars on the red carpet No Sur but for South Florida Foodies the event was a blockbuster make that a block 40 Blockbuster all you hungry residents in downtown Hollywood listen up block 40 Food Hall is here block 40 Food Hall is Hollywood's first food Hall with over 10 different concepts a gaming area as well as three different bars the hall didn't just pop up out of nowhere there's a reason block 40 has opened its doors well Hollywood's developing immensely with great residential life work life and now it's time to develop the play life there are plenty of places to play here whether it's Jenga or darts you can also hang out at the Center Bar if you want to take in all the action and with 10 food kiosks how can you go wrong choosing the right kiosk is really important because you want to hit a little bit from every region you want to give the consumer the ability to come in and really get what they want and the best part is if you come with friends everyone gets what they want feel like some fetuccini make it over to DAL Mor we are a fast casual pasta restaurant that serves homemade sauces pasta and homemade tamiso you can watch your pasta being made right before your eyes the food Hall is the perfect place for their first South Florida location so it's good to have in this environment where you can take it walk to the next station walk to the park that's over here at class Luxburg it's all happening Between the Buns we specialize here in sliders we have one specialty Burger that's a combination of fet Minon riby and skirt steak all hand ground to save you some time we ask the chef what he recommends right now I would have to say our lamp slide is one of our biggest it's it's a it's it's mixed with rosemary Teragon and Sage we cook it to about medium it's served open face with a little salad on the side did someone say dessert I hope so because Hollywood crey is waiting for you I make my own ice cream I make it in a small batches and often I change the flavors so always something new and different on the menu you will never go thirsty at block 40 there are over 150 kind of beers and the wall of tequila awaits you in this slice of Mexican Heaven and of course you have Loco oo our signature full service restaurant everybody wins at block 40 Food Hall and that's a proper Hollywood ending local so we always looking for a new place to eat and have a good time and looks like this has it all Deco went to Hollywood to a Hollywood opening last night it so that was just a taste of hopefully uh what could be to come for downtown Homestead and um as I I mentioned earlier we will continue to work with Society Homestead to increase the um the numbers here so that the C is getting a uh a better Revenue stream and that this becomes a a more even sided deal um but I think the importance overall of this project is that it would be a catalyst for uh further development and um further night life and entertainment and dining restaurants in our dumptown thank you any question questions or comments from the board board member Davis and then board member Robo thank you uh same topic that we brought up in the in the office that for a a million five almost a million six and there's more money out there the income to the C for the first year of the lease would be $220,000 that's a that's a whole lot of squeezing not a whole lot of juice you know um is this the best deal we're to get because you got this big bag of all the money we're providing and then this teeny tiny little purse of the money that we're get so as I mentioned um we're going to continue to work with Society Homestead to see what other uh terms we can negotiate and these are this is based on a very conservative projection um that we're uh going to also revisit member AA thank you chair I want to thank staff for doing the hard work in negotiating with the proposer and you you're working at our direction we told you to go ahead and start and to and to see how far we can get with these figures as time has gone by honestly my position has kind of shifted I have a bigger Vision when it comes to what a f Food Hall style should look like for our downtown that's not withstanding how awesome you know what products he's brought to Hollywood and his other locations I think they're beautiful but um I'd like to kind of explore what what other options might be able to come to fruition especially now with our new city manager at the helm so I'm I'm in favor of kind of reopening the the opt the options here so I'll go with the majority but um that's kind of where I sit right now thank you thank you councilman is that is that conclud your comments board member cannibal okay let me go to the vice mayor and then board member r or the vice chair thank you very much and uh you know initially I was uh not really on board with this project but uh I've done a little research over the last few months and uh like this particular opening alone had multiple news channels at it you know we're seeing one one opening here but it was spread over many news channels and it was a pretty big deal and I I too think that we need to have something that's going to be that Catalyst for downtown is this it I don't know I think it could be uh I'm willing to keep moving forward a little bit but I'm also willing to keep looking out at other options as well because we have to keep our our our eyes open because you know we had two different people Here Wanting the space and then it went down to one you know so I think the opportunity is there for us um one thing we we might ought to look at is I I know there's a a restaurant just north of the city LM of Homestead that is getting ready to lose their lease and they're looking for a new location k out and they want to be in Homestead and right now we don't have any place for them so something to think about as well but uh really excited to see what I saw happen in Hollywood and I did look do some other looks in other larger communities that have a little different demographics and Homestead but were all pretty well attended and uh continued uh people continue to go there on a daily basis I'm open to this but uh let's not close us down to one option that's all thank you board member raw uh thank you chair so in in our one-on ones we talked about putting together the uh the rois we turn on investments based on the dollars that have been invested into this property so I didn't give you a lot of time but eventually I'd like to see what the return on investment is similar to what uh Council uh chair um board member uh Davis was talking about the $220,000 and I look at it a little bit differently than than than others do at times that this is more an investment on the city's part to bring quality of life items or attractions to the city but we can learn from what we spent um for the future development of other spaces that that we may acquire for the same purpose right um The Keg South is a good good option right The Keg South needs about 4,500 square feet and that's about 18,000 foot building right so um you know there's there's plenty of things to think about um but what I saw on Deco Drive and other news stations can you imagine them coming to Homestead and doing that kind of an opening and the rest of the business World seeing what we've put down here right for quality of life issues and um I think it's it's an exciting start for I guess it's phase two of the downtown Redevelopment package and I also believe that eventually we have to stop spending money and let the private sector take over um because just based on basic calculations we probably have 6 million plus dollars into that 18,000 squ foot building with the cost of purchase the cost to build out uh the the roof structures and all the other things we've had to spend to do that so but I and and I understand it's still part of trying to create some additional quality life downtown and I do think that the the return on investment uh would be good to to have for us in the future to look at okay we spent six million what did we create with that $6 million so thank you that's all thank you member Bailey thank you chair um so I I have been a fan of this since the beginning um I had a couple thoughts I don't know now if maybe the deals with Hollywood is a public record that we could look at and see some of the specifics um that they negotiated yes we can um get the that document and um and work through that for sure um and you know we've discussed this portion being the food Hall and another one being a restaurant I would love to see nobody else more than Peg South that would be amazing um so definitely reach out to them to see if that is uh if that's an option but I think that this I think this group you know they've done quite a few of these um if something comes along that's better for us then most definitely but I would I would try to to negotiate a little more and make sure that it is a deal that that is in our best interest um I'm not sure if it was the news um but you know saying that there are games and then going to like a giant Jenga I expect a lot more in the games Department um you know he talked about either the pool tables or or um a small bowling thing you know just something that really does offer um something for the kids to be to have fun with that's U that's always a win-win for families that the parents can can enjoy their meal as well for a while and the kids are not um are not bored um so definitely to make sure that the games is is a little more than than Jenga yes and uh I had the occasion to visit the location myself there was more than Jenga I was hoping that was just Eco Drive dropping the ball so thank you thank you Mr chair I have a question if we were to um explore other options are we allowed to do that under the RFP status uh so this was not done under an RFP this was done under a 163 notice um however I don't think we would be negotiating in good faith if we were to start soliciting other proposals for this exact same Bay um I I think it's a a better course of action for us to try and get the best deal possible obviously if we don't come to terms we can pivot and there is still the 230 North Chrome space which we are actively marketing and reaching out for the full service restaurants so even though we we initially our idea was to have some kind of food Hall style there we would have to forcl shopping around for that type of concept if we don't enter into a contract with Society 8 no I'm saying that while we're still negotiating it would not be negotiating in good faith to then start entertaining other proposals okay have any of you ever visited Julia and Henry's in City of Miami no it's pretty phenomenal is that a food hall or a restaurant it's a food Hall multiple stories um quite quite elevated in terms of the experience of a food Hall and so that's something that that I you know have kind of been able to take into my inventory of of ideas of what a food hul is and so that's kind of where where I'm not I'm not fitting with this concept right now the original idea of Food Hall absolutely all the way but if we would be able to have something of of a you know of the caliber of a Julian Harry's or something in between or maybe Society 8 could Elevate their concept to kind of bring something more like that I would like to get us there in terms of a a project that we're investing in on that corner it's kind of prime real estate on Chrome Avenue so just for consideration I encourage you all to take a look at it you know there's going to be people who say that could never work in Homestead or we're not Coral Gables but I kind of have a higher a higher bar for you know for our projects down here so I'll leave it at that thank you thank you let let me add I've call me the old guy I've never really been wanted to be the cheerleader for a boot Hall there I don't think people in our community make those differentiations between a food court and a food Hall um but just in sound financial principles we're a long way I think from having the best deal possible here I mean to have at least $6 million wrapped into this and let's not forget P of the conversation I had in our briefings was that and I'm sure it's with any other proposer that the ball is on our court to improve the park paring lot that came with this acquisition so in addition to buildout concessions in addition to the roof in addition to the purchase price we're going to have to do that par that parking lot so you know and E I think even including those kind of intangible and tangental uh benefits here um we're way off the mark on any even a municipal analysis of a return on investment and I have to agree with with board member aala I'm thinking that with a new CRA director and a new manager If This Were advertised differently today and I've used the phrase cast a wider net I think that we would have a far different and better product than what is before us now and I'm glad you asked the question because it's it's not really dealing in good faith when we're we're saying okay let's go to the next step with Society 8 but let's keep our our options open um I think the message from the dis tonight to society 8 is is you better sharpen a couple of pencils and come back because it looks like we're ready to to move we're we're not under a the gun of of time here like we are you other projects other than we want things to go forward and succeed things have changed so dramatically since we acquired this my preference would be is is to put Society a on a short time frame to come back and I know we had these discussions that the component of the tap room is not built into these numbers either that that was was omitted so on a very short time schedule we're going to have to have have I guess the terms we use with the old city hall site was your final and best offer and make the decision as to whether or not we can live with this or we need to go back to the drawing board and see what else is out there and also not limit it in my view to a food hall because just as more than one of us are aware of that entity in nanja being very interested in in Homestead I don't know if that's the spot but they're not the only guys in in town so to speak either I just I perceive that our options are far wider and better than they even were whatever it was six months ago when we advertised this so would it be accurate to say to to the CRA director and the manager let's let's bring this back with some final members so that we can say go forward or we're going to throw this out and start over again we'll do is that the message we we want to be carried to society a yeah we'll we'll uh make sure that we bring back a a much better deal right not not that we don't have to go forward with a parking lot and a roof for any use but I think there's some some potential here so is that what you need Mr Good Mr manager is that that the direction you need yes sir um any poent that's one week or two any potential of having a a session before our council meeting in two weeks let's drive toward that and if we have to have a CRA meeting the following late but there's a new day here where we don't drag things out forever uh yes we'll get her done we'll see we'll uh we'll see what Society availability is and um make sure that we put it on a quick timeline and we'll update you uh on whether or not it's feasible for that date yeah so okay let's let's try to keep keep moving forward all right so that takes us to Tab four Mr director car number 4280 the Southwest neighborhood new home ownership made Equitable initiative have at it thank you Mr chair so the C board launched lached the Southwest neighborhood new home home ownership made Equitable initiative as a way to promote affordable home ownership create a thriving community and is a gateway to building generational wealth the first step in this initiative was intended to be the construction of four new homes on CRA owned lots that would be sold to firsttime home buyers making 80 to 120% of area median income and offered up to $20,000 in down payment assistance from the C unfortunately the selected developer minority Builders Coalition notified the CRA on May 24th 2024 of their intent to terminate the development agreement because they would be unable to proceed with the construction of the homes tonight staff is seeking direction from the CRA board in regards to their vision for CRA owned Lots suitable for building single family homes if the board wishes to continue with the new home initiative options available include but are not limited to to number one authorizing the executive director to release an RFP Andor 163 notice for the development partner to construct homes on the identified lots and for the partner to sell the homes qualify buyers and do so subject to sales price and income restrictions number two authorize the executive director to Pro to procure services for the construction of new homes utilizing traditional construction method with the CR ra acting as a developer and then selling the homes to qualified buyers subject to sales price and income restrictions or number three authorizing the executive director to procure services for the construction of new homes utilizing modular construction techniques with the CRA also acting as the developer and selling those homes to qualified buyers subject to sales price and income restrictions thank you board initial questions comments word member Bailey thank you chair um again what we went over in the oneon-one on the one-on ones I would like to hear from either development services or Planning and Zoning what the pros and cons would be obviously we don't want to be in the business of being a developer um but for th for these four specific Lots I know that prices are just so ridiculously high right now um what would it look like for us to partner with a contractor um that builds those homes for us and then that gives us a little more lenience when we're wanting to um see who they go to um so that would be the piece that I would like to see is is what those pros and cons would be um either the fee of hiring a contractor and developer um or us doing it through the C we can definitely get back to the board with a full list of pros and cons a more complete analysis on each of these options um just speaking off the cuff the major advantage of the CRA acting as the developer is that the CRA would not need to take a developer fee right which is what um is often a limiting factor in utilizing a developer is they need to make a profit um so that is challenging ing when there are uh sales price restrictions yeah no I see that um but then what are the headaches that would come along with being the developer you know I think that those and have we ever done that before are there any instances that we have play developer as well um and how that went because as far as I can remember I don't uh can't think of anything uh not in in my tenure at the city um has the C uh or the city constructed a a single family home and sold it as a developer we have managed various construction projects including the building we sit in now um uh but to your point one of the major disadvantages would be then the um the staff and administrative burden of of taking on that project they have a fee for a reason so do we want to you know how does that uh all right thank you Vice chair thank you and the kind of following on uh Miss Bailey's uh line there I think we have a little bit of an upper edge here you know we've been dealing with these Developers for the last four four and a half five well longer than that but for some of us only four and a half years here and uh how come we can't twist their arms a little bit and say hey it's time to work with us and let's let's build some affordable houses in the City of Homestead and I'm open to different types of construction you know we looked at that in the past but 300 ,000 is not an affordable house you know and those are the numbers that we were thrown out 3 360 380 there's ways to get those costs down we can build a great product we can provide a good Workforce housing type initiative start and that's the beginning and that's where we need to go and I want to see something happen with this we've been sitting up here for too long and we haven't seen a whole lot of progress so hopefully with your new Direction and the new city manager we can move forward and make this a reality thank you thank you sir for memor AA thank you chair I was just thinking like between your your experience constructing homes and all of us combined we could probably manage the contractors but I like your idea better Sean let's see if we can negotiate some kind of pro bono agreement with some of the you know contractors that um or developers that we've done business with here in the last couple of years and see if we can get uh a project done completed soon and affordably so I'd like to explore for that you can there you go you see we've got a designer an architect all right I'm fine with uh with moving forward with exploring that idea thank [Music] you I like the fact that we can control our own destiny I like the fact that we could potentially get um some of the developers that are working in our city now to pro bono some homes for us um I don't know how you work that out into an agreement you know as it comes along with zoning or whatever else we got to do for them um but I also think that they could help us build them at cost versus at retail too so um with some of the materials may be donated but um it is a big deal to build four homes if you've never done it before I've never done it before um I don't know that our staff is prepared to oversee and do that but if you hire a GC generally that's what their job is is to make sure that the house gets built in a timely fashion so uh I think the only thing we would be up here talking about would be the architecture of the buildings right you know the number of bedrooms the number of baths how many square feet for each lot I think the lots are different in sizes too so it'd be a little you know but um I'm sure somebody would want to do that for us as well so I just I like the the thought process of it I mean I'd love to be able to sit up here and say hey we just gave four homes out to four deserving families that um are affordable in our city so that's that's all I got thanks mayor and I'm I'm glad we're at this point where we're talking about doing it ourselves that is not a foreign concept it's conversations that I've had with the two prior managers to get something off go and I think fin realizing we're cutting out the middleman and we're able to make these homes more affordable more coste effective but I think what would be important for us to see rather than just the hot air that I've gotten from prior administrations is what's the real difference in time and money versus traditional construction versus the modu I've seen some really neat modular that they're using in the keys that they're building in south Georgia and trucking down to the keys for doing habitat and affordable and Workforce type housing hurricane approved and yes we would I would think it would be incumbent on us to enter into a relationship with a general contractor to to oversee the project with whichever it is and maybe we don't have to do all four at once that if we have the financial constraints you do one you sell it you recoup those proceeds and roll it into the next one um you know there may very well be some some cost advantage to you know out of the uh altruistic uh motives for one or more of developers who have been here in town for a long long time to do a home but it's going to have to look like what we want it to look like not something that's been parachuted down into one of the other East Side neighborhoods that are out of out of character so I think that what I'd like us is to to direct staff to come back with that analysis time and cost and I think I've been led to believe they did the research but we were all led to believe that a roads plan was in effect too and found out that wasn't the case um to find out what that that difference is because I think time is an important factor that if there's not that much difference in cost but there's a big time difference in doing the first one as modular to get that going let's let's do that and I understand there's there's a fifth lot now we had four with minority Builders but we've determined that there's a fifth buildable lot as it exists now is that correct uh partially so there is a fifth lot that is current currently two lots but is undergoing the unification process the application is in development services so potentially by the time we've uh performed this analysis and brought it back to the board that fifth lot could be available so we have to ask ourselves for permission to do that yes we do did you have to pay cost recovery yes we did wrong answer okay that that's a whole other can of worm for another night so do you have the direction and consensus you need from Council to go forward yes sir and maybe we can put it on that same agenda the night we talk about 204 North Chrome okay I think that concludes the business for the CRA is that correct yes Mr chair I just also would like to share that the CRA will be hosting our Pathways to home ownership event on Saturday June 22nd it will take place uh right across the street at Miami college that will be the One-Stop shop for anyone who is interested in becoming a homeowner for the first time or the first time in a very long time uh and we'll have representatives from various lenders uh agencies that provide grants and um agencies that provide counseling for uh those who are looking to make the financial commitment good thank you appreciate that board members anything further for the C motion to adjourn so moved and seconded all in favor I Adam clerk if you'll let me know when you're ready to roll into the workshop is that a yes or an okay okay the finger up means one minute I know what that means from wives and mothers I know what that means just wait a minute ready okay good evening everyone and welcome I'd like to call the homestead city council um Workshop to order today is Tuesday June 11th 2024 and it is 6:41 p.m. roll call Madam cour member Bailey councilman cannibal here councilman Roth here councilman Davis here councilwoman aula here vice mayor Fletcher here mayor lman here all right very good our first order of business tonight is car number 4258 the Chrome Avenue Improvement projects Mr manager so good afternoon uh Mr Mayor and council members uh this item Chrome Avenue Improvement project is a federally funded uh project from Department of Transportation federal Transit Administration back in 2019 September 20th the federal government awarded the city funding for the design construction of 20 bus shelters or trolley shelters within the city limits along the corridor of chrome Avenue with the associated signage safety lighting sidewalks and pedestrian access improvements back in July of 2022 this Council approved the architectural and Engineering Services uh contract that was awarded to the consultant kimly horn today the consultant is here to seek direction from Council and the mayor as to the selection of the different uh Street Furniture the elements as well as the method of uh delivery for the bus shelters the benches trash receptacle the bike racks lights fixures and Landscape improvements in inclusive of the sidewalks the pavers are to be replaced so at this point I'm going to ask the consultant Kim lehon to take it from here and uh guide us through the process of the various elements of the design and what we are asking the council to choose various options various amenities and the street Furniture the types the color the texture as well as um the expectation as to when we can conclude the design design work and go into construction my recommendation is to see if we can finalize the process as quickly as we can so that we can get into construction real quick he before you go forward let me clarify something Mr manager we talked about you generally we we've been advised and talked in terms of that this Federal Transit money was for generally the Chrome and Washington cordor core downtown that's correct Mr Mayor okay so but then you just spoke of 20 bus shelters is that limited to that same core it seems to be a lot I don't know if there are a lot I think we're using the locations of the trolley stops along that Corridor correct me if I'm wrong Zach yes so in addition to the uh Washington and chrome Avenue areas there are uh trolley stops that are located along Mali and um I believe Sixth Avenue that are also included in the scope the bulk of the um improvements are to be concentrated on Chrome Avenue as far as the new landscaping and um new uh Paving Services surfaces but the transit stops will occur all throughout that trolley route area as well as um pedestrian improvements to uh to make sure that those sidewalks are up to code well are we married to the 20 because I don't know how advis I'm sorry for getting out the weeds how advisable it is to spend the kind of money that needs to be spent on these shelters when the trolley needs and and and stops are always more fluid you know if this were a County bus shelter very rarely do they change those routes or or move the the given stops to inest in today's trolley stops I don't know if if that's advisable now having said that let's go ahead and pick a design but I don't know that we really want to go forward and give any inference that we're going to install these shelters at all of the existing trolleys so if I may um I don't know if the consultant has the the plans this so that we can look at the locations of the trolley stops uh the rule of Tom is to combine a trolley stop with a bus shelter at the same location they are always fluid like the mayor mentioned they tend to change with time perhaps the public doesn't like the current location we tend to move them with time uh that will come into construction and delivery what I suggest we do is to limit ourselves to selection of the type the color and the elements then at the final design stage we are currently at 60% design before the plan is finalized let's make a round among the elected officials and get additional input in terms of location so just to explain further on what Zach mentioned once you locate a trolley or bus stop on a main Corridor you are required to extend it on the adjoining side streets within one block because the trolley TOS tend to go into adjoining streets if there is any bus stop or shelter stop within that one block you have to include it within the corridor okay welcome back city council thank you for your time um I'm Jackie Kino from kimley horn we're with the design team um and we're here to discuss the design of the city's FTA funded Transit stop and streetscape Improvement project that also includes pedestrian facilities um and the improvements to Chrome Avenue from north of busway to Northeast 4th Street so first we'll be present presenting the four alternatives for bus shelters the next six alternatives for each of the amenities that are included with the shelters that includes benches trash recepticles bike racks and light fixtures these will be proposed both at the transit stops and along Chrome Avenue for the streetcape improvements um some background information for the features we selected three of the highest selling manufacturers in the state outfront media Brasco and Toller and collaborated with the city staff to provide these four options for you all the options one and two were prepared renderings with customization based on the city's logo and color scheme so these two options can all be customized um they have Miami Dade County's notice of acceptance which would not require any additional County approval so exhibit one is shelter option one that's an NOA option and two is shelter option two this is also NOA approved so no additional County approval option three is Brasco recommended traditional option um it can also be customized with roof style glazing side paneling advertisements solar lighting USB ports this is their recommended traditional option and option four is toller's modern suggestion Um this can also be customized with roof glazing side paneling advertisements solar lighting Etc um the streetscape Alternatives were developed interactively working with the city and staff and through the feedback we received from our schematic plan submitt the design intent is to create a vibrant low-maintenance comfortable pedestrian environment that celebrates native South Floridan Floridian landscape the use of various sized shade trees in contrast with curved palm trees creates a visual interest from both the sidewalk and the roadway I'll show renderings of those as well not up here we also are proposing 8 in raised planting Beds which allow for implementation of ground cover shrubs and integrated seaing areas the RIS bed are medium-sized canopy trees within with tree grates allowing for the use of more sidewalk and outdoor seating The Hardscape features are two types of finishes exposed aggregate and sand blasting which emphasize alternate patterns of planting beds and tree grates to create a dynamic streetscape experience the goal of this workshop and meeting uh is to get feedback and a selection from the Council on the shelter the associated amenities and any streetcape feedback to be proposed with this project so we can start with the shelters and then go through the amenities um listed on each of the shelter options are the customization that's available the footprint the price um some of them are inclusive of trash receptacles or bike racks and some are additional cost um they can be integrated the two NOA op options which are exhibit one and exhibit two um cannot be modified beyond the panels that are shown there for win loading um for the county approvals and Exhibits three and four um those manufacturer drawings would need to be submitted to the county for their review and approval which takes about it's about three months of review time for them to get noas councilman Roth would like to uh interject your question yeah just start talking I'm I'm kind of lost with all of this because I'm not sure even where they're going to be placed anywhere within the city so it's hard for me to even think about a design factor when I don't even know where they're going and if we even really need that many plus shelters um we can pick a design but uh does this does this also incl some of the modifications I think the mayor have been working on with expanding some of the sidewalks on Chrome Avenue so that we can allow for outdoor seating and eating and things like that and then where these fit into that that design um are you putting them right in front of a potential restaurant that would not probably be suitable for the Ambiance of that restaurant I mean I have a lot of questions about where they're going to go we can pick bus benches but I just I'm kind of lost with that thought so um a typical bus shelter or try shelter is usually required not to be located at the front entrance of a existing business it's always at the property line and uh there's a minimum dimension for the sidewalks usually it's about 10t wide there are locations that they didn't get the minimum requirement and they're looking at perhaps looking at easements or uh we find a couple of locations that didn't me the requirements and if obviously the property the side Property Owners encroached into the public rway so we are working with them to see how we can make adjustments so that they can remove the encroachment on public R away in order to fit the the shelters uh there's a reason I asked them originally to see if they can find the plan where the locations are so they can see that it's adequate spaces for them but again the rule of t is a minimum of 10t wide sidewalks appreciate and I agree we need to know where they're going to go I mean we can pick the design but I think that we need to have some specific as to where they're uh where they're going to go and I don't think this was in our package and it's really hard to uh to decipher for me anyway on this the screen um not only that it looks they look like they're like right on top of each other mhm and I just yeah I just think that we could pick designs and all those things and and I guess review locations because I think you mentioned um that some of these will be placed in uh conjunction with the county bus stops as well so there'll be dual use right it'll be City use for the trolley and for the city bus stops so I mentioned that because there's always a a a a situation where you find a County bus stop at the same location of a trolley stop it doesn't always happen that way but you're going to find that uh in some situations and you don't want duplicative uh bus stops and bus shelters at the same location no I understand that but is this drawing that we're looking at are these already scheduled stops along the way I don't think this this plan that showing us actually shows the actual locations of uh this is actually the bossway you got Flagler yeah you got Flagler which would be the busway would run parallel to Flagler yeah and you have all of these locations throughout all the way it looks like all the way up to Second Drive which is just outside of our building here actually no they go further we got 28 29 and we're talking about 20 so I I I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm a little confused as to what this this layout that we're showing up now is all of the roadway Improvement projects including the transit stop locations so this is a full map of the project limit which includes all of The Pedestrian facilities um the milling and resurfacing that we're doing on three of The Avenues um as well as the transit stop locations but the 20 stops that we are proposing right now are currently the ones that are shown on the try route on the city's website just I okay so I think you know we're going to have to stick to picking the design but you know we're going to need some better schematics on what's what's going where Council woman thank you mayor does it have to be green um no no it doesn't do you haveed do you have some visual examples of like other colors that make match our color scheme that we picked for depending on the manufact lectures um there's a wide variety of colors that you can select okay so looking at the four options I'm I'm inclined to pick option two because it has the advertising capability of it but I'd like to hear from our police dep department on you know how they you know which one they think would be better in terms of managing um some of the issues we have with with people living outside sometimes you know and some of these stops so is there a pro and a con or do you have any input you would like to add to that before they weigh in though I think we're going to get into that on the bench exactly that the the benches that we choose are largely going to impact that so with that said are we able to pick a different bench for option one and two so option one and two have an integrated bench which means it's as it's shown in the photo is how it's approved but for NOA it it could be you you could change the integrated bench but then it would need um County approval um they also have inserts um that you can put for seating so that you avoid laying down on the benches or they going to need to be divided that's yeah those are no polite way to say it okay so that's my two cense option well and I would tend to agree because it's my understanding based on the briefings that there have been some municipalities who in exchange for the right for people to advertise those advertisers or the The Sign Company If You Will has actually funded the construction of the entire Bunch bus bench which allows us to take that money and put it into better Landscaping is different you know to really enhance the project absolutely and and we've talked about trying to get some Revenue stream out of advertising in general with some of these um companies that have um you know sponsored the right the other projects so absolutely that's where my but again thinking out loud that it appears that the only difference between one and two is that side panel and I guess the policy decision we're going to have to make is do we want that much advertising or do we want a mix of panel stops versus non- panel stops and looking at the appropriateness of of the location of of the advertising I would need to see the the layout the footprint for that but I like the idea of mixing both options versus having to marry one that's a possibility yeah you know because and again for me as a lay person the frustrated architect it appears that the only difference is the the advertising panel I like the light and the clarity that comes in with option one and if I were on Chrome Avenue I would prefer option one but if I was at a more you know spaced out area I'd prefer option two so so is oh anything anything further yes Council woman thank you um I definitely would like to see more of option two because it's very important to protect yourself from the elements um my only issue with that is having the full wall of advertisement in a downtown area I wouldn't want to be standing somewhere where you can't see anything so if there are options where it's a smaller not not necessarily but I don't think the entire thing would have to be the ad you know as long as there's something where it could be like 4 by3 the advertising um not that you're just blocked completely from being able to see what's on the other side so if I may so the geometry of the advertising panel is dictated by the by the owner of the property so the city can Define that advertisement should not be more than 3T by 4T right and keep in mind that the side panels the side panels are glass so you see through you can it's transparent you can see somebody sitting there and it always has a lighting which is solar so at any time of the day is lit so the cops can always see somebody sitting there definitely if you're we want to see who's sitting in there but as a rider I would want to see what's outside of the bus stop as well so that was my point about having that uh that BL wall thank you well and I guess in that regard perhaps I'll ask the question are the panel sides interchangeable it may be appropriate to have a panel on one side in one location versus a panel on the other side and a and another I mean depending on which way your bus would be coming from from even so you you want the open open end um it depends on the NOA documents that were submitted I think that they can be interchangeable um based on based on those approved documents that's what we would have to check do you know do you know if that side panel can be different sizes the actual entire advertising panel can be smaller we can I can look into it as well without Reinventing the wheel at the county the the only beauty of one and two is that those are ready to go um three and four would have to go through an entire uh approval process sorry just to be clear it doesn't mean that the panel needs to be a different size it means that the poster that's inserted needs to be a different size so it leaves a border around I'm not saying change the size of the of the side I'm saying that there's at least who knows two three feet on either side that you can see somebody standing on the other side that's that's assuming if the perimeter of the sign around the advertisement is clear glass that's assuming yeah um those two would be probably easily maintained as well because the county has just recently um proposed and installed 330 of the option two shelters within the city limits um so those are the most common as well do you know is is one a flat roof and two's two appears to be a slanted roof or is that just a perspective that's just a perspective that so yeah the canal lever option has a has a smaller footprint that's why it's more popular because you can um meet your Ada clearance requirements based on the locations of of the poles um but that is either one um so it again you know option two could be with or without the side panel is that correct well I'll check with on the NOA documents because I think you know and again advertising Overkill but anyone else any any other comments just looking at it from this perspective you know the side panels on option two and option one doesn't have a side panel that appears to be the only appears to be the only difference but I think a mix of both throughout the city as well well e either option two if they are different structurally you go if we can do it option two but without the side panel on some of option two we don't need advertising on every one of them I have another question on option two is that side panel um compatible with like electronic advertising or is it only poster um I'm not sure the the shelter itself is can be solar LED it so it I can I can find out if that's a customization can I can I can I answer that question so you're correct they are not digital so they flip them I think on a regular routine based on the purchases of ads there is a standalone kiosk that does digital advertising that we're speaking to as well at some point we're going to come back to this Council to do the presentation very good okay so do we have a senses as to option two with the option of the option two not having the advertising panel in each one of them now let me pour out the can of worms a little bit you ask about the color can you bring us that manufacturer's color palette yes okay but structurally that's the one that's ready to go at the count correct all right next what's next um the amenities we can look at as well you can do integrated um as associated with the manufacturer or not we can before we finalize since we are utilizing a grant to do the construction I would suggest we buy additional spares to keep in storage because we are responsible for the maintenance these things get vandalized all almost every month in Miami and the th County so we should have the ability to restore them and replace them if they get damaged the so the panels yeah the panels because they're glass for option two the benches are integrated um so those we can add on to them um with the dividers but we cannot change the bench that's proposed right now um the trash recepticles we can we have um surface mounted tra trash recepticles or the recepticles that are attached to the side of the shelter both of those are also included in the price of the shelter um so the the associated trash receptacle for that option is the top left on this board the top left is what comes with the shelter correct built into that price yes okay now let let's well but let's let's think bigger picture as we think about the receptacles and the benches let's think about the receptacles and the benches that we would want to place along the roadway way in front of businesses you know not in not in conjunction with the shelters but General seating and and trash opportunity that I'm sorry it no it all it it all needs to to match both in terms of whatever color palette we choose for the shelters probably needs to match with the benches and the uh and the receptacles um you know and look and and if a different receptacle comes with the shelter that's one thing but um you know I was I was looking at the bottom right trash can because it Shields water from getting into the uh into the garbage yeah that's bottom row bottom bottom right with the the umbrella over the uh the recepticle is kind of what I was partial to for for General Street stuff you know above and beyond the shelters do those come in different colors too or yes okay and then yes vice mayor need to make sure that our employ out surfing things having MS and break having the right oh absolutely and I understand that most of these have better finishes and are powder coated rather than the painted finishes that are out here on the Plaza but are not holding up at all that these would be when you look at the price tags attached to them they better be more durable than what's out on the uh on the Plaza um but we have you know we've dealt with the bench the the bus shelters but we also need to be thinking about the general streetcape as well and again just personal preference would be the trash can the bottom right trash can that keeps the weather out of of the trash bags that our guys have to go pick up and and keep empty I like the sleekness of the two Center ones that are the silver but I feel like they're going to rust eventually even though they're probably stainless steel and what not and they looks and you can see the dirt faster on those lighter ones so but if I had to pick the top two um I would say the bottom right and then the top right if I had to narrow it down to two yeah and I those were my preferences and really kind of broke with you know you see when I when I travel you see those covered cans more more often than not now in in nicer areas right any further any more input on the trash cans all right so moving along to the uh well the bus racks I'll let yall figure that out the bus the the B I'm sorry the bike rack the bus racks the bike racks I think what's common is that bottom right one usually right I mean I I think so in my experience I'm not an so I wouldn't be able toine as to what's more comfortable and more ideal for the bike rider themselves anybody and that that one fixture accommodates more bicycles than having doubles all up and down the street that should be the decid yeah so the the B the bottom right for the bike rack they will be proposed at every at every shelter they don't have to be what aesth Point View well they don't have to be everywhere yeah exactly there certain areas we might be able to Adit them they just they're not recit right well and we'll determine you know I think inhouse we can determine the the appropriate placement just as we're going to do with these these shelters um we can we have the lay we can set up the layout so that they can accommodate it and then you can decide if you want to place them or not and then uh let's Okay so the best shelters come with the integrated seats and we'll have to come back and make sure that dividers can be installed without Reinventing the wheel so I'll just say for my taste for the benches the bottom left I I like benches with a back for for the for the stre stre it's got the dividers there and again if we can match you know the color palette if that's what we want to do uh given the the more traditional style again my personal preference would be the uh the bottom bottom left the bottom left with the dividers with with the back okay moving on to the hard part the lighting oh just for this out there I'm not in love with any of them but the bottom center is the only one that's historically accurate for downtown now some comments you've made vice mayor and observations we've all had about fixtures that fill with water and I I would agree with some of the vice mayor's prior comments you know in unless these are you know the current or next Generation LED with the directional stuff inside the lights that we have downtown now that are similar to this shoot the light sideways rather than down we seem to still have dark sidewalks so I think whichever one we pick we need to be sure that either the light is diffused downward or and I noticed this I don't know but because sometime within the last year there's some really nice new lights throughout the parking lot of the hospital you know they're on the on a goose neck arm and they're kind of the dome lights where it's all focused downward and there's nothing like that here you know so if we're going to go you know to be historically accurate and not too over the top for me the bottom center would be the only one I'd like to know how that light is focused or let's look at some other examples of of fixture styles that clearly Focus the light downward uh onto the sidewalks and spilling out into the uh the parking areas so any any inside knowledge on um on the focus of the light what we have now is not cutting the location of the poles will be run with the photometrics and that will meet the County's design criteria for lighting pedestrian and Street um if you have a preference of luminer that you want us to include in addition to meeting the county requirement we can we can do that all right so for now depending on what the photometrics are um any other contrary comments uh a choice among these six I say I'm leaning toward the bottom center yeah no and I had the same concerns on our one-on ones just with the you know these types of Lights where you can see the dirt accumulating the bugs the water the the burnout but I I think they're LED now so they probably won't have the burnout look anymore but I if there are some other options you can throw at us between now and the next time uh we meet that'd be great but off of these six bottom center for me too yeah just you know if you have a chance go through the hospital parking lot at night with that style of light that clearly focuses everything downward it's it's nice clean light it's like daylight but it's not obnoxiously is are we having with regards to the Landscaping is that in this discussion too yes yes I'll wait that's next you ready to move on to landscaping or something else I think we've gone through the furniture and lighting that's it we're done with the amenities so we can move on to the Landscaping section your Landscaping consultation like the the um irrigation requirements for it all and everything yeah we um Rebecca is here doing the landscape she's our landscape architect so I'll let her speak to your question specifically welcome uh yes uh irrigation would be included so um we provided two options originally and after discussion with the city uh manager we decided to meld those two options together um we propos six in or 8 inch raised planting beds with integrated benches um and um alternating with tree grades so you get a bit of a variety um The Hardscape would be um we're proposing Concrete in two different finishes exposed aggregate and sand blast um they could be slightly different colors or they could just change in finish that um but it would kind of accentuate the alternating pattern of going from treat grates to the rais Planters and and let me ask staff because I don't know that you all know the answer to that are these finishes similar to the walkways in wner park is that what we're talking about here kind of with the the flat pebbles in the sidewalk is that are y all familiar with the finish that they're proposing for the sidewalks outside of or uh they're talking about the sidewalks that are inside of laar Park I I know that they're concrete I haven't been there actually but I think that they were they've got aggregate in them they've got the texture finish the exposed aggreg that you're talking about is I believe it's still a flat finish it's yes yes it's a flat it's a slightly rougher texture so it's a minimal intervention um that we've seen um really positive results when it's actually installed it's minimal but effective so talk to me about I think you mentioned the species I didn't I didn't catch it uh tell you the truth if you took all the Palms out it wouldn't hurt my heart at all that are in here I think we need to be looking at canopy cover but more importantly I think to councilman Ross Point are we reconfiguring the planting beds and reconfiguring and adding and removing parking spaces to that's that's what I really need to see is kind of the overhead drawing of what the configuration will be of the landscape islands versus um so parking or no parking on both Washington and and chrome that would that would be kind of my thought too is what are we removing from there now and what are we replacing it with because unfortunately we don't have real live uh pictures of our streetscape it's animated but it would be nice to know similar to the bus punches in their placement what are we removing and then what are we replacing it with so I mean because we're going to obviously have to remove some stuff real world segments yeah to view here yeah so we have um this is just a snippet um of this combined option we wouldn't be we're not proposing the removal of any parking spots we are proposing the removal of all existing palms and trees um we will be possibly uh relocating some existing specimens and putting them back on site uh that's a we plan on having a little later the essentially it'll be alternating between the raised planting beds and the and the tree grates the intention for the tree grates was to provide some more space for vendors potentially outdoor seating while the the rais Planters was more oriented towards shade and SE sitting um and it created a bit more variety rather than just having a single row row of tree grades and trees so and the The Palms that we are proposing uh would be more of an accent they wouldn't be primarily Palms they we were thinking curve trunk Sables which are usually low maintenance low water easily accessible for example when and I think when we went out and had the promotion for the acquisition of the 204 building there was some discussion about well why don't we take a parking space or two out from in front of the 204 building to create create to create that Gathering area or an entertainment area and it seemed you know and this goes back a couple years ago first time when I walked the street with the prior manager and Public Works director we talked about how to relocate spaces um not necessarily significantly reduce or even reduce the spaces but by the removal of some of the Landscaping Islands you could create a new space while you're removing a space over here to create those sidewalk widths and I'm really having a hard time conceptualizing from what you what you provided you know I'm kind of I needed on I need pretty pictures and maps and uh you know to have an idea of of what it may look like so we do have some more renders where you can see the um the areas that are much more open due to those tree Gres um and areas that are a little bit more enclosed and intimate with the the raised planting beds um there you say sea grapes here you oh uh they are yes we have included sea grapes as a potential these look like Queen crpe Myrtle trees here I was uh referring to the um the rais Planters these we were thinking and again this is just a render but we were thinking gumbo limos and Sables uh emphasizing native species so low again low maintenance we know that some trees while beautiful tend to cause stains on that our hearts remove on Hardscape so we're not trying to make anyone I might be wrong but gumbo limos are like tearing up the sidewalks we actually discussed this with the city manager opposing group barrier systems so that to avoid that kind of situation and um a lot of these planting beds are there's a lot of space um that will be provided normally they're given five feet I think a lot of these Planters tend to be over 5T so they should be we can install them and have them be quite happy yeah right but you know and again not to blor the point I going to have to have something that better shows me what's going where and what the the flow of the streets is going to be I I don't want to be construed as approving any time of landscaping or Landscaping plan tonight question yeah just one thing we also need to be very careful and cautious the canopies need to be kind of high for public safety reasons so you can see from and I don't want it to end up like our current Planters in the middle of the intersection all we do is come and throw more mulch in the next thing you know the mulch is in the street so we have to make sure we're able to contain that in and some of those intersection planners could go away to create another parking space or or entertainment area and I'd like I wouldn't be opposed to maybe setting up a walk with all of us walk down the areas that we're talking about to visualize and make some suggestions on so I think you've done that before remove this planner so we can widen the sidewalk to add the the the the the sidewalk um seating you know things like that get a visual of what we're actually talking about I mean filling in the plants and the trees and things like that is we can do that but I really I'm a visual person I got to see it I got to understand it with you and and you know maybe we can set up a time and just go walk it and have our thoughts and yeah put it together I mean yeah i' still like the before and after picture so we can see that on in future um discussions but I we'd be happy to do a walk through so we can kind of see firsthand where things would go and what not you have to Sunshine that meeting if we walk down the street and that's fine we can do that one of the questions I had as it pertains to the lighting is and maybe it's a little too expensive but can we do any Planters off the lights I see that in some beautiful neighborhoods you referring to landscape lighting just having it in the planting bed or would this be the time to be able to do it if you're redoing sidewalks and whatnot yeah we the integration of landscape lighting is definitely possible it is um oh no actual hanging planters with flowers in them off of the lights but they would need Irrigation in order to yeah yes so that would be too much to ask what you so when you look at those extra options for lights it would need to incorporate some of that thank you for the the roadway improvements for Chrome Weare milling and resurfacing the existing pavement um if you want us to add bul outs curbed bul outs or reduce the on street parking to make to make it more comfortable we we can look into doing that too with our roadway Improvement plan in combination with the landscape design well let's and again I agree with councilman ra you know if we can schedule a sunshine meeting where you know if you all can be there where we walk down the street and and have that visual of we don't just want to relocate new Landscaping where the old Landscaping exists I think this is a this is our generational chance to to make it better mayor it's a good time to see where those um bus stops will go in front of which build you know near or in front of which businesses Pan the new yeah yeah oh absolutely you know as we get into our semi Quin centennial celebration where we're going to have Flags line and our logo banners lining Chrome Avenue and Washington and ultimately Speedway Boulevard with oversiz but we digress what else do you have for us that's all we have for you well thank you appreciate you coming down I think we made great progress tonight on picking the furniture yes thank you all right does that conclude the workshop Mr manager yes sir thank you guys so we will uh bring this to a close with again with a request to the manager to schedule a preferably morning time before it starts raining and gets too hot Sunshine session to walk the streets all right so we'll now adjourn the workshop and uh when I get the appropriate signal from the city clerk we will move into the uh Committee of the whole all right good evening everyone I'd like to call the City of Homestead Committee of the whole meeting to order today is Tuesday June 11th 2024 and it is now 729 uh PM roll call Madam clerk councilwoman abula here councilwoman Bailey coun Davis here coun ra coun cannibal vice mayor Fletcher here mayor Lawson here thank you all all right Mr manager are there any additions deletions or deferrals none thank you sir we have before us at tab one the approve the minutes of the committee the whole of April 9th 2024 we have motion to approve moot moved and seconded moved by the vice mayor second by Council Avala any further comments all in favor any opposed next item is tab two motion to place car number 4246 on the council agenda a professional artist Services agreement with Kenny Maguire is that you Mr Hennis thank you sir at the April 9 2024 Committee of the whole meeting city council selected a submission from Kenny Maguire for design fabrication and installation of a public art funded mural on the rear wall of the semino theater the revised cder artist was originally posted for submissions on April 19th 2023 the mural timeline is up to 8 weeks following the completion of a separate City contract for resurfacing and waterproofing of the simal theater exterior building envelope the fiscal impact for this project is $68,000 and if you have any questions Mr McGuire is online good thank you Mr Maguire for being here Council any further questions or comments other than uh how fast and how long right so excited it's going to be beautiful yeah absolutely what what an addition all right do we have uh well let's take public comment close the public comment we have a motion to approve move by councilman cannibal second with a question second with a question just want to get clarification regarding the lighting there's going to be Lighting on both sides although one artist is doing the lighting for both corre that is correct the next agreement that you have before you is with AJ Davis and his contract will have lighting for the wall that Kenny is doing as well yeah very good so um all in favor any opposed all right next item tab to is a motion to place car number 4246 on the council agenda oh no wrong one we did that one T three 4247 on the council agenda Professional Services artist Services agreement with AJ Davis Mr thank you thank you mayor this is the tandem uh project with the previous one this is for the north wall of the simal theater where he's doing a blue heron uh scene uh very elegant as well uh he is online and his contract is for $151,000 because he's doing additional work in addition to just the fabrication of the law well thank you Mr Davis for uh calling in and being here Council further questions or comments anyone wishing to weigh in on this matter and public comments I'll close the public hearing we have a motion to place this item on the agenda moved by Council Bailey second by councilman cannibal all in favor okay next item Tab four is motion to place car number 4265 on the council agenda the Florida Department of Corrections trustee Squad Services agreement Mr manager so Mr mayor council uh this item is with the state uh Correctional Institution to offer the City of Homestead with up to five inmates to assist the city police department under the supervision of Staff internal staff for designated Services uh we do have two of these types of agreements one with the Parks and Recreation and this is with the PD uh in the past we had a cost impact but we're able to alleviate that by having internal certified Corrections Officers to be the supervisors at this time we're asking that Council approve a three-year agreement with an option to renew for one additional three-year period in whole and in par upon the same terms conditions and mutual rtin consent of both parties very good thank you it'll be a welcome return into the fold with the uh the assistance that these folks provide very cost effectively uh any questions from Council have a motion moved it's moved by vice mayor seconded by Council Bailey any public comment all in favor any opposed and finally tab five um adoption of the semi my uh Quin Centennial logo I guess ba based upon prior Council input and uh request we have some uh additional options uh before us um I kick this off let me let me do this this way I would ask for a motion to adopt option C is in Charlie version two with an adjustment that Homestead Florida not be bold and and slightly smaller so that we can put the emphasis on celebrates 1776 to 2026 version two yeah but no no I I agree but just to to make Homestead Florida a little smaller so we can increase the cell rates but not as small as it is in cv3 so that font style because Homestead Florida and cv3 I think is too small I agree okay okay so staff you got that clear's mud thank you our public information officer for uh working this through um s yeah all right so move by by Council woman AA second second by councilman cannibal before any public comment so it's my understanding at this point we'll be able to roll it out and unveil it on the Jumbo Tron at the racetrack the 4th of July and then following that we'll we'll talk about placing this logo on City Vehicles Flags water towers lapel pin hats whatever it may be as the next next two years roll out so we have a motion on the table for option C version two with the adjustment and the boldness and the font size to more to more emphasize celebrate 1776 to 2026 with a little less emphasis on Homestead Florida it's been moved and seconded all in favor any oppos Mr manager any further business just a quick couple of uh updates um starting tomorrow I be conducting a Citywide Ride Along inspection of our city streets and locations of illegal dumping with the police department Solid Waste Public Works and code enforcement code compliance uh the goal is to physically identify those locations on a bi-weekly basis make sure that all the direction we're getting from Council Members or notification from the public are being properly followed up and perhaps we will discover additional areas that we need to discuss disc uh address not just for legal dumping we'll be also looking at pow holes street lights as well as um the traffic signals thank you councilman Larry Ro here and had worked together in the past one week based on what a cany did on U on Campbell and flag streets which is still a problem up to yesterday so um we intend to do this which is best practices that every city manager does to physically go out there in the field and look at how the city is um so I'm going to and also you may have noticed that I sent out a Citywide memo I think it went out this morning or yesterday about the out of the new code compliance department so effective Monday we want to do a robust Code Compliance we' uh thanks to the PD we've made more than 12 arrests of illegal dumping folks we go to the dump we're able to discover addresses on some of those packages and we use it to go back and Trace who had dumbed them and you it's unbelievable what people are doing on our city streets and some of them are actually from outside the city coming in here to dump Ed Tire uh huge Furnitures mattresses and stuff like that and um a piece of good news I was able to speak with the TPO today and uh the new Turnpike interchange that we proposed made it to their long range Transportation plan and he going to go before the full Board of the TPO on the 27th of this month for approval and uh thankfully our mayor is going to be at the meeting to speak on our behalf and obviously we expect a full passage on the list of roadways that we had asked inclusive of 162nd to be included in the county priority project list they all made it to the list as well and the approval meeting is scheduled for September of this year September 2024 so these are the initial first step you must comply with for you to even hope to get C support for spending tax dollars so in the past we never made it to this list so we're able to cross this hle and we expect that going forward for proportionate faure those roadway projects qualifies if it gets approved in September but for the the turnpike which is on the long range Transportation plan if it passes on the 27th of this month then it goes to the state for approval and that's when we Eng engage uh State lobbyist Becca poliakov to assist us thankfully Becca is the same lobbyist for the TPO as well as the city so that's a good job thanks let me just interject don't be alarmed by the words long range planting planning you know we believe that you know the need is there the funds can be found and all of these road projects can can begin to go forward it's not some ambiguous aspirational list that may or may not happen one day I'm confident it's going to happen and we are going to see thank you mayor for that clarification what they mean by long range is 5 years so within the next 5 years we're good to go because our projects are already on the list thanks and and with the impact fee and proportionate fair share certainly our local roads can proceed yes Council just the the TPO meeting you said that they're going to be discussing the turnpike interchange right that's the one on North Canal yes the one that we propos that is fronting Dr hton project right so would it be helpful for any of us to be there in support of and to speak on the matter that of importance to our city our residents and to that development yes uh I already told them the mayor is going to be there as a member to speak I'll encourage other council members to be that well would you put out put out the information I will let you know I'll let you know okay yeah CU I I'll definitely go and support that effort because much needed um uh addition to that that Corridor there thank you right and just logistically those comments will be at the front of the meeting with under the reasonable opportunity to be heard so your burden will be getting there not having to sit through the meeting into until we hear that item you'll be able to arrive speak at the front end of the meeting on that matter and and Beat the Traffic back home hopefully thank you Mr manager M Mr attorney all right house a thank you mayor I do want to say thank you to uh the team who went out and cleared the graffiti off of those electrical boxes um near District 5 thank you for doing that very quickly um also I wanted to uh um extend a thank you from one of our residents in District 5 and Waterstone who mentioned that the lighting on 137th Avenue and 288th Street has seemed to have improved but they are still seeing that not all of the lights are working so it's still a problem but thank you for make continuing to make it a priority um one of our our items um Dr Z that you and I had seen when we did our drive around was um where the buses where we thought were buses were parking by Northeast Chrome Terrace and 15th uh 15th Street by Serano Brothers turns out I think it's a trolley stop and so all that like dirt and grass is all messed up there so in those particular areas are we able to do any improvements to clean up this the unsightliness because it's creating blight and that's our own trolley that's doing that right outside that business across from I think it's Redland company and and along uh well let let me interject cuz having having the opportunity to view that corner from my conference room picture window every day it it's typically patrons of that business on out on the the grass Swale there uh well you know we've got those problems all over the place that's particularly highly visible um you know our trolley may have been there at one point but it's not a stop it's their patrons you know just as I've seen right away parking at um with a new tenant there at the strip center that's opposite the entrance of South state bank teller line the drive-in tellers where that has gone from a nice SED area to a rock and dirt which I feel that creates a lot of you know dangerous situation on on 15th Street um I mean other businesses we've dealt with that had parking offsite on rights of way near the sen the community center um that's just one of the going to be one of those code enforcement checklist checklist items but but you're right that kind and and all over the place the parking on the sale creates unsightly conditions absolutely thank you and then um there was a light pole at Whit cop park on the corner of like the north east corner of the park that it had the electrical cores on the top and it's obviously not lighting anything but Palm PR so so that's one of the locations we'll be visiting tomorrow excellent thank you I'll rest there thank sorry just real quick um about the um the issues with the signalization on Campbell I think the same thing in the last couple days especially has been happening on Chrome and it's a little easier getting off of Campbell but Chrome there have been a couple times where you're just stuck there like I'm trying to cross Second Street going across Chrome and you've got one car in the middle so then you lose the entire road that could have gone and then the same thing happens somebody else is in the middle so just to uh to get on the county to make sure that that would happen sooner than than they fixed it on Campbell I rece those I received those same complaints the weekend of the uh Donna leave recital and so a lot of the visitors from out of town we're complaining about it so I think we might get used to it but then it's a good reminder Council Roth anything further vice mayor Fletcher important Public Service Announcement uh so today four of our County Commissioners were reelected without opposition uh our current District uh nine commissioner was reelected without opposition along with Ki um sorry Renee Garcia Eileen Higgins and Oliver Gilbert so make sure you're reaching out he's got four more years to represent us let's hammer and then make sure he's listening to what we need that's all thank amen cannibal counc Davis thank you uh Mr Mayor I just wanted to take a a minute to thank our our city folks for their suppor of uh Good Neighbor uh day this weekend that I was there I I rolled up about 8 8:15 parks and wreck was already there the tents were up the the uh garbage cans were out everything looked good few minutes later here comes uh Homestead police they had a they had a lid on all the traffic they did really well thanks so much to our churches and our our faith-based organizations that was a very very successful day and um but the and the city came together to make it happen just like that so it was it was good news all around thank you thank you sir absolutely and I'll just reiterate thank you again to uh these ongoing operations where we make these illegal dumpers think twice we put them in the Walk of Shame and you know the more Vehicles we impound I think we's going to travel fast and that is going to create some aesthetic positives as well as save us probably hundreds of thousands of dollars that our taxpayers eat by our community having to pick up dumping from outside the city so my thanks and compliments and with that do we have a motion to adjourn we say we all good night everyone thank you