##VIDEO ID:OwQ0LDM6WJQ## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome to webx press one to be connected to your meeting e e e e e e e e we have it was the old one e e e e e e ready want a wiress or okay let me have that down well good evening everyone and welcome like to call the City of Homestead um presentation portion of our regular monthly council meeting to order and first I want to apologize for the delay I know we were supposed to uh begin at uh 5 we had some meetings upstairs and uh again our apologies for the uh DeLay So first on our agenda tonight is the city's presentation to the homestead soup kitchen uh as we began working in the the budget year last year uh we began with the the thought process of of picking a a service organization and not for-profit and assist them with their Endeavors and our award e this year is the uh the homestead soup kitchen and I see we have the contingent so uh if yall want to come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up so the soup kit you know so many times you know it seems that everybody has their knot for profit and somebody promises you something and maybe they deliver and and and maybe they they don't but the soup kitchen has been a staple in our community for 43 44 years3 83 okay so so 41 years now and last I spoke to you Karen you were talking about you were on track for 33 35 38,000 meals last year we did over 41,000 41,000 and we'll probably do more this year so over 40,000 meals three times a week three times a week Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Friday at the soup kitchen that has been in their current home home for decades now providing a meal ready to go to whoever comes in the door and says they need it all done with with volunteers dedicated volunteers and I know many times other organizations come and they they try to help you and over the years you've you developed U other Partnerships so uh we want to uh the city we uh want to you know commend you for all that you do and and assist you in your endeavors and we have the ceremonial check to the homestead suit citchen the counsel if you want to join me down here in the presentation this is the last come on get up [Applause] than you except for today uh so we have we work solely on a volunteer basis so everybody in here just comes because they want to help out their community so this is Kitchen Karen I'm office Karen we have two of us so she's one of our main people that works in the kitchen and this is Maria who does pretty much everything and works really quickly uh this is Mary You Can Tell She's All Decked Out and she does does a lot of the kids meals and the desserts and gets everything organized for us here's Greg we call him mcgyver because he is our fix it man and server and cook and everything else and uh Vicky's not here tonight but she's like our main cook and there's a few others that are missing but uh they're awesome and I love them so uh thank you so much for for supporting us because we definitely need it serving lots of people thank you well and and and before you leave I get the uh the honor of representing the Rotary Club of Homestead here tonight and I have in my pocket a check from rotary for $2,000 to assist you and we've got got the big ceremonial check here well the the not as big ceremonial check here from uh rotary you I just want you know I just want to say that you know from the beginning of the soup kitchen uh the Rotary Club and its members were very instrumental in the uh the instituting of of the organization and uh helped fund it and helped it find its current current home uh many of those members plus Bob Jensen have passed on now but they're uh their good work continues and and we thank you for everything that uh that you helped to do for the for the folks in need in our community again thank you [Applause] all all right very good councilwoman Bailey I think you've got the next thank you you mayor good evening everyone so we say it often this is the very fun part of our meetings we get to do things like donate money to wonderful organizations and we also get to thank pillars of our community and it could not have worked out better because the lady we are honoring tonight has also donated much of her time to the soup kitchen so I love how these two come together we have one of our other swack members here Pastor Joseph our vice chair if you will please join me in presenting this next Proclamation oh and Mr penon perfect timing all right so before I read this Proclamation I would like to invite Miss Janette mallerie to join us as well so before I get into the details you know that we have City committees and these three members up here are part of the best city committee called the Southwest advisory committee they have donated countless hours and just time to make the lives of those in the southwest better so if we could take one moment to thank these board members here so now on to the lady of the hour um the proclamation today reads in recognition of over 45 years of dedicated community service and Outreach we hereby Proclaim Janette s mallerie for her outstanding contributions to the Southwest advisory committee for over 10 years 10 years Janette has been a beacon of support for the homestead Community through her Ministry work and her role as a public servant under several of the city of homestead's Mayors including the honorable Rosco Warren Steve Shyer Steve baitman Jeff Porter and our mayor Steven wner whereas Janette mallerie's impactful initiatives include spearheading food drives with Farm share to serve the Elders of the community organizing back to school events Christmas toy drives and feeding programs her commitment to the community extended to her role as PTA vice president at Laura C Saunders Elementary where she was a pillar known for her Outreach to underserved populations she served D alongside Russell black and Brock Schiffer in the prayer in schools initiative and the Hallelujah Night In the City of Homestead providing a safe Halloween experience for the Youth in the community Miss mallerie is also the founder and serves as president of the Outreach and Community engagement at intentional provis Provisions Outreach corporation whose mission is to ele Elevate edify and educate underserved communities through after school tutoring and they do this at Homestead Gardens and Cutler Manor Miss mallerie continues to demonstrate unwavering support by supplying the homestead soup kitchen with goods for over 20 years an initiative that began under the leadership of Mrs Juanita Smith this initiative continues in honor of Miss mallerie's late husband Mr laurian mallerie senior who also served alongside her and providing Goods to the homestead soup kitchen for over a decade Miss mallerie's dedication to the City of Homestead has been unwavering serving as a Trailblazer for her community her role as a community advocate in our city has been acknowledged and and awarded many times showcasing her commitment to making a difference Miss mallerie has served on boards for the south east Dade ministerial Alliance as Deaconess of service and acted as a school Ambassador for Miami dat County Public Schools and received several awards for her outstanding service it's almost over it's not all in here but it's almost over she has also been an ambassador for citra's health health network and recognized for her support of the military through the Memorial Sloan Cancer Center volunteer program today we commend Miss mallerie for her exceptional service and dedication to the community and we express our deepest gratitude for her tireless efforts in making a positive impact on the lives of many miss mallerie your legacy of service will continue to to inspire and uplift the community for years to come now therefore our mayor Steven D lner of the City of Homestead does hereby Proclaim August 21st 2024 as Janet Mal L day MERS any family members please come up so we can take a picture together please come join us e e thank you so that concludes the uh printed agenda for our presentation ceremony tonight but I understand that we we need to have one other recognition today and little birdie shared with me that one of my colleagues as a birthday today so hey don't be I don't think it's what that Milestone birthday yet so you're the 25 one yes the 25 thank you thank you mayor that one so I I think we should sing to the council woman don't you birthday thank you all very much and I was here for Andrew so that might give you some timeline thank you so with that this meeting is adjourned and we will convene the regular council meeting at 6: p.m. again thank you all for being here all that you do e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we'll open the meeting just as soon as the clock hits 6 e e e e good evening everyone and welcome I'd like to call the City of Homestead regular city council meeting to order today is Wednesday August 21st 20124 and it is 6: PM uh tonight we'll have the invocation by Pastor Nick ha pastor of the Miami Vineyard Community Church followed by the Pledge of Allegiance with councilwoman Avala and our great Homestead police explorers you all rise please is the pastor here welcome thank you mayor let's pray God we thank you so much for this day that you've given us we thank you God for your grace and your mercy and bringing us all here together and God I thank you for this city and God we come together and collectively uh pray for every single person that calls Homestead their home and God we pray for every person here that represents so many we pray God for your favor for your love to reach each one of us and God I pray for our leadership that's present here I pray God that you would give them wisdom and I pray God that you would give them everything that they need to lead our city well into the vision and the future that you have for us God we pray all this in your name amen amen [Music] on guard Hope by fa aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all forward thank you all please be seated have a roll call Madam Clark councilman Davis here councilwoman aula here councilwoman Bailey here councilman cannibal here councilman Roth here vice mayor Fletcher here may law here thank you all right we have now the uh time of the evening when we invite uh members of the public either online or in person to make General Public comments not necessarily with respect to any agenda item um please uh give us your name and address for the record and uh we'll limit you to uh to three minutes first we have a registered speaker uh Claudia Gonzalez Gonzalez are you with us here Claudia Gonzalez with the uh Farm worker Association okay do we have anyone online is there anyone else in the audience wishing to speak make make a uh a general public comment seeing none I will close the public comment section section of the agenda Mr manager are there any additions deletions or deferrals good evening Mr mayor council members at this time the administration would like to delete uh car item 4323 toab 7 F do tough and Landscape Maintenance joint participation agreement we intend to have a meeting on Friday this Friday August the 23rd at 2 p.m. with the district Secretary of fot to explore possibility of enhancements in the type of reimbursements that the city is entitled to thank you sir do we have a motion to defer tab seven move by councilman Bailey seconded by the vice mayor any discussion all in favor all right any opposed all right does that complete the uh deferrals that's cor sir thank you all right our next item is the consent agenda which consists of tabs one through nine with the exception of Tab 7 uh do we have a motion to approved moved by vice mayor Fletcher seconded by councilman cannibal any further questions or comments all in favor any opposed all right next item is our public hearings ordinances land use items Etc Mr White yes please be advised the following items on the Quai judicial nature on the agenda or qu judicial nature if you wish to comment upon any of these items please indicate the item number you would like to address when the announcement regarding the quazi judicial item is made an opportunity for persons to speak on each item will be made available after the applicant and staff have made their presentations on each item swearing in all testimony including public testimony and evidence will be made under oath or affirmation additionally each person who gives testimony may be subject to cross-examination if you do not wish to either be cross-examined or sworn your testimony will be given its due weight the general public will not be permitted to cross-examine Witnesses but the public May request the council to ask questions of Staff or Witnesses on their behalf the full agenda packet on each item is hereby entered into the record persons representing organizations must present evidence of their authority to speak for the organization further details of the quazi judicial procedures may be obtained from the clerk in accordance with code section 2590 any lobbyists must register before addressing the Council on any of the following items at this time it asked council members to disclose any expar Communications they've had concerning quazi judicial items on this evening's agenda that would be Tab 10 and 11 any disclosures on for either tabs 10 or 11 nothing new but so this time I'd ask anyone in the audience who wishing to speak on any of those both of those items either 10 or 11 please stand raise your right hand to be sworn in by the clerk do you hear by swearer firm to tell the truth and nothing but the truths will help me gone thank you may be seated Tab 10 car number 4340 is a resolution of the City of Homestead Florida approving a special exception as requested by Kamal partway for the development of a single family dwelling unit on an approximately 6,850 foot parcel within the multiple apartment R3 zoning District located at 846 Northeast 5th Avenue as legally described in exhibit a and providing for an effective date thank you Mr Cordina yes sir thank you very much count um staff recommends the mayor and Council approve this special exception it's very similar to something we heard just I think last month uh in in these cases um an applicant is allowed to put a single family home in the R3 District uh if it is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood that's done through special exception so it's not by right you guys have to approve it in this case um we we looked at the property the property is vacant it's surrounded by another vacant property two single family homes and a multif family uh property so we believe this is compatible with the neighborhood because of because of that condition is a vacant home and two single family homes and we're recommending approval good thank you sir you're welcome all right are there any questions or comments from the public a public comment okay I'll close the public hearing and I'll ask the applicants representative to uh come forward good evening Mr Proctor 57th Avenue um we uh like the staff recommendation um this matter is uh was filed several years ago so it was filed in advance of your moratorium it is less than a 7500 square foot lot uh but it is a grandfathered uh lot and as Mr coradino explained this is uh an application really of an underdevelopment a development in a multif family area of a single family home um uh the property is at 8:46 Northeast 5th Avenue uh and as Mr cordino also mentioned there is a multifam use a 4unit building directly to our South uh in the picture that's on the screen I hope you'll be able to see that the 4unit apartment building to the South also the proximity to Campbell Drive and to the busway uh my client has owned this property for about 5 years he wishes to develop a one-story single family home and we would uh ask for your support and be available to answer any questions thank you Mr Proctor questions or comments from Council we have a motion to approve mooved by councilman cannibal second by councilman Davis roll call Madam Court councilman Roth councilman Davis yes councilwoman aula yes councilman cannibal councilwoman Bailey Vice May mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries thank you thank you Mr pro thank you and good all right Mr White second reading on Tab 12 tab 11 tab 11 tab 11 is uh resolution of the city of Home C Florida granting final plat approval as requested by DR Horton Inc for the development of a new residential subdivision totaling 74 single family dwelling units on an approximately 37 acre parcel of land generally located at the northwest corner of Southwest 3004 Street Street in Southwest 192nd Avenue as Le described an exhibit a and providing for an effective date thank you hi good evening hello good evening uh mayor council it's great to be before you today Meritt Haro office at 200 South bestest game Boulevard uh we're here on the final step for the Aspen Estates uh subdivision uh the final plat I have a brief presentation but you're all familiar with the project uh this is really just um the last step in um before uh final approval so the this is the site it's 37 Acres it was approved last year with 74 uh luxury estate uh homes on the screen you'll see that's the tenative plat uh that was also approved last year and before you this evening is the final plat which is consistent both with the approved site plan and the approved tenative plat has 74 Lots uh and two tracks for private roads in mail the maale kiosk as required by USPS uh and that's it I'm available for any questions thank you any final questions from Council I this is just for the public mostly an administrative process this project was approved long ago all right this mve by by councilman cannibal second by vice mayor Fletcher before we have a roll call vote is there any public comment hearing or seeing none I'll close the public hearing and ask for a roll call vote councilman rth yes councilman cannibal yes councilwoman Bailey yes councilwoman aula yes councilman Davis yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor LNO yes the motion carries thank you all right next item tab 12 yes moving on to your legislative items this evening tab 12 is a second reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the city code of ordinances by creating section 30-55 4 exception for existing schools to Article Five non-conforming Lots uses and structures to allow certain expansion exceptions in whole or in part within a property or onto an adjacent property or onto a contiguous property onto a contiguous property not already containing such use to existing schools having already received site plan approval pursuant to section 30-47 of the city code providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date this is second and final reading thank you um Mr Cordina you're going to pass me by second reading so yes sir we are recommending the mayor and o consider this proposed code Amendment uh to chapter 30 of the non-conforming uses essentially what this does is changes the the zoning chapter the map um and allows the schools um to expand within this district and so that's the change they were prohibited before we had an issue where we allowed schools in these districts um then there be was too many schools we stopped them now the uh the current schools want to be able to expand this will allow that okay thank you you all right so let's open the public hearing um any one onlineer in the public wishing to speak on this matter we'll close the public hearing let me ask the attorneys I privy to and understand that there was a request to amend this item by the addition of another School site is is that before us or do you have something to circulate I have language I I can I we we uh Mr Mr arza who represents the application uh requesting this changes here this evening um there was a minor uh request to um add language to the uh proposed language that's before you for second reading um where it talks about allowing for the expansion uh to happen onto adjacent or contiguous property um there's also a request to include language that would allow uh or property across a minor Street that's defined in our uh our uh our code um so the language with respect to a minor Street and the geographic area uh would uh remain the same however um there's also a request to expand the current geographic area that's uh identified in the language that's before you to also include a secondary geographic area that would be defined uh west of chrome Avenue south of Northwest 6th Street East of Northwest 1st Avenue and north of Northwest Fifth Street so that would be an easy way to do that would be to uh just say located within the following Geographic areas and then where uh and then have a and b which would be defined to Geographic trffic areas and then also if you were to approve the minor Street then there would be um a further stipulation that any existing School expanding across a minor Street can only expand in One Direction so other words if if you have a site and there's a minor Street on one side then you wouldn't be able to take advantage of expanding both east and west or north and south you could only do it one way so that's the requested change to the language that's before you good so procedurally um do we need a motion in a second on the proposed amended language would be correct okay all right so before we have that any questions or comments from Council we have a motion to include those those uh items of amendment into the uh to the item move by Council and coun second by vice mayor Fletcher all right so let's have a roll call vote on the amendment councilwoman avula councilwoman Bailey councilman Roth councilman Davis councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries so now we need a motion to approve on second reading the uh taxt tax next Amendment as just amended moved by councilman Roth second by councilman cannibal it's a a roll call it councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal councilwoman aula councilman Roth councilman Davis yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries very good moving moving on to tab 13 this is the second reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the city code of ordinances by in chapter 15 housing standards to provide for unified minimum residential dwelling unit size requirements providing for conflict severability and providing for an effective date this is second and final reading there no changes between uh between first and second reading any objection to a waving of the staff report all right there any public comments we'll close the public hearing and I'll ask for a motion to approve on second reading moved by councilwoman aala second by Council cannibal roll call Madam cour councilman RS councilwoman abula councilwoman Bailey councilman Davis yes councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lawner yes the motion carries good thank you all right moving right along to tab 14 this the second reading is that you Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor uh tab 14 is the second reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the residential area Council seat descriptions is authorized by section 2.03 C of the city Charter revising updating the boundaries of the six residential areas providing for inclusion in the code providing for severability and providing for an effective date um the CH changes were made based on the council's direction between first and second reading um to seat one and SE for the boundaries um to lower the boundary from Campbell drive down to the canal um at at the council's direction good Mr Crowder thank you mayor um so just this will be very brief but what we have are the Aerials that'll show you more of the detail of the areas that are moving including the last one that was just mentioned um this is the overall map just shows the the donor areas that are and where they're going to so the first one is from district 6 to District 5 out the eastern most part of the city um mostly vacant or Agland you can see there's some residential there at the north um and if I move too fast just let me know if you want to stay on one this one is over at the Florida turn pack the north northwest corner moving from district one into District 5 uh from District Four to District 3 moving to the South um this one area to the north of the turnpike from yes from District Four to District three and then just above it again from District Four this one moving East into District six um and these are uh individual block groups from District Four to district one so this is moving to the West uh from District Four to district one also moving to the North and then this is the one that was the subject of the amendment last time which is moving from 6 to 5 uh the area between camel drive and the canal again this is what the the final map would look like and then in looking at the differentials and what's the variance between the average Target you know wanting to be under 10% this gives you the shows you where each one of them is compliant either over and over or above really less than 5% district one being a little bit above that all right and just you know to bring this forward the original concern was that um the Southwest District was so overpopulated and and so widespread geographically that uh it fell outside of of those margins and this uh this corrects that and makes some adjustments to reflect neighborhoods that just didn't exist when these lines were drawn in excuse me in uh in 2002 um couple items I want to to bring forward is that and I I recall we had the discussion I don't think I was hearing a little voices in my head at that moment we talked about um bringing sandero the sandero site into the villages and I'll admit I misread the map the map that was before us that we forwarded did not include the movement of sandero into the villages and I've asked Mr Crowder to uh to come up with that to give us a number of of residence in this one little apartment complex here at the northeast corner in this photo that would be moved into the villages and the the West boundary line of of what we you know generally refer to as sandero continues Southward that that lines up with the the westward line of The Village's seat as it now um exists and then addition to that a little bit of of trading between the Northwest and the Southwest to uh to kind of make up for the loss of of those units from the southwest to to to keep that Equalization um do you have that graphic there we go um the Southwest is everything to the uh to the south of of that purple box now going forward um you know this is very technical like a very close in nature to a a charter change and these were um initiated over the last couple of days and just as we find with the charter if you push here something else pops up there so the concern from Council the our legal council is that if we want to move forward with these changes that we signal that and allow uh Mr Crowder and the attorneys to come back and we adopt the map in full once they've they've clarified any glitches um next Tuesday the 27th Tuesday 27th 28th 28th I would I would have to join virtually I would have to join virtually on Tuesday 27 Tuesday the 27th when I I believe that um you know the the manager may have another item to bring but you know there is a concern that there' be absolutely no mistakes you know given that the time frame that we uh that we have um there so you know I need your your your input on whether or not we go forward with the map that was brought forward or with the the proposed um so that we can uh can go forward you know on a very quick special call bases once once the technical gurus have have concluded that um you know all those t's are crossed and the eyes are dotted so that there aren't any hiccups later yes Council Bailey thank you mayor um can we have a copy of these slides here because that's exactly what I was asking for at the briefing a few weeks ago um I just kept getting these two are brand new these are new I understand that but to be able to see the residential areas compared to some of the apartment complexes because I think that if we do a little bit of a deeper dive the Southwest is losing a lot of more a lot of single family or areas where more permanent residents seem to be and that's what worries me the most we already have such a small turnout that well and to your point this proposal would bring in a single a purely single family neighborhood I understand that that's why I want to look at it and see because yeah just to make sure that that it we're not we're not hurting ourselves um because I don't feel like that's something that we can go on population solely if we can get some type of stats that that look at what the East Side compared to the West Side um renters versus home ownership I think that we're going to find that it's there's a very big difference thank you and and I completely agree and that's how some of these districts were originally drawn the type and the mix and you know historical demographics and so forth but seemingly as some of these projects come online in the next couple of years we're going to be have to revisit by necessity because so long as we have residential area seats population is is the yard stick for that and those numbers are going to change but right now I felt it was important to bring balance to the maps and make some of those East Side adjustments uh between uh you know with respect where where the northwest and and water stone and I can't can't think of two entirely more entirely different areas than the Northwest and and water stone and where those boundaries uh intersected so you know for me this is a uh a phased approach you know as as keysgate has those 2,000 new units as sandero is built we're going to need to readdress this in uh not later than than 26 but I just wanted to uh you know to to have your input as to whether or not there was an interest to to go forward with with these changes and and come back and have the final adoption at special call on Tuesday yeah okay do you need anything formal from us Mr White I would um one um a motion to amend based on the two and I don't you're fine with them collectively you can take that vote collectively if you want to do it one by one that's fine as well and then at the end to preserve the advertisement if I can have a motion to defer this to the date certain date and time certain for Tuesday at I assume 5 o' um but you know whatever whenever everyone's available if we could we could have a motion to um amend well but okay motion to amend further with adoption to be considered on the 27th at 5:30 at a special call you and and you know for example you you've got the ability to you after you reviewed these to uh between now and then to deal with that or do we are we available is that 500 I'm sorry 5:00 5:30 what's 6 what's better for you I could do six o' I have open house so we could do six six on Tuesday for a special call but what I'm hearing the attorney say we we need to to give them the instruction to bring this package back with these the mapback that contain these two amendments yeah we're going to need to know what the final product is going should should look like right Council Bailey sorry so if if we're motioning with the Amendments of these slides that we just saw right now are we still able to vote at the special call meeting yes to what was prior to this what you'll be voting if if you make a motion to amend then what will happen is and and that motion is adopted we will go back and we will change what's currently in the agenda to reflect the proposed changes and you will vote on the final product incorporating those changes at the special call next week next Tuesday at 6 o' or not well you'll or you will vote on it one way or the other well okay let's Incorporated let's just say that both of these amendments failed given publication do we have the opportunity to adopt the map that's in front of us tonight next week yes but if the proposed amendments if if the council does not wish to incorporate these additional changes and make the proposed amendments you can just vote on what's before you tonight and that would be the end of it because there would be no further changes to what's on your no no no but what I'm saying if upon if tonight these amendments go forward and if upon further reflection someone has a change of mind what's what's the I mean I and I guess and I guess what I'm saying is is at some point we either got to adopt what's in front of us or what's in front of us with the Amendments is that do we have that leeway next week I would like to minimize the back and forth to the extent that we can I'm I'm trying to make the I want to incorporate whatever the council wants to incorporate with as little back and forth as possible um I would like to minimize any procedural questions at the end of this so my preference would be that we decide on the Amendments tonight and we vote on a package one way or the other next week so if we can look at the Amendments and evaluate them take a few minutes tonight we can do that I think it's worthy of the discussion but if we're going to hold a special call and preserve the advertisement and we are on a truncated deadline if whatever if whatever changes are going to be adopted need to be adopted before September 1st so the reason the reason I'm pressing is because we really only have one more chance to get together on this before the the charter imposed deadline expires and then you you're left with where you are today that Council we have a motion to forward the Amendments let's let's have Bailey first and then the councilman Roth oh just quickly to I mean maybe I'm overthinking this but I I have been driving around and just really looking at the neighborhoods just because I've I've taken the Southwest very seriously as far as the areas in the neighborhoods that that have part in in certain things that we do through swack and and other things so I would just appreciate enough time to be able to to see what these extra pieces are I was already having an issue with some of these moves um just because I think that that percentage is way off and it isn't fair to the Southwest um I feel like there's a piece for the Northwest that that is the same but I don't know it as well as a Southwest so that would be my only hesitation is that I have enough time I know that there has to be a change but that I have enough time to just to look at what what these new slides mean for that that's my only hesitation and just for discussion purposes just because it's not clear on the slide but the slide in front of us as I say everything to the South is the Southwest to the left is duplex City these are the railroad tracks to on the west boundary Campbell Drive to the South 11th Street to the uh North and um I guess 8th Avenue to the uh to the east of of this par and sandero speaks for itself okay I'm sorry councilman Roth thank you so instead of I'm trying to figure out the white part that's coming out of the Southwest and going into the Northwest correct why would we just leave that in the North in the southwest section and alleviate the change to 180 residents and it looks like if those numbers are 242 and 110 that would increase the the number of I guess houses is that are those are those numbers houses in those boxes those are population population that's just population correct so there's 242 and then 110 people there so I mean because to me it looks more uniform and I think everything to the south of Campbell is actually addressed the Southwest section is that right they have Southwest addresses and then everything to the north of that has a Northwest address is that right that's correct I think that would to me make a little bit more sense and so in that little block of 180 homes you're saying there's 2245 people that live there uh no sir the in the one that's proposed to move there are 180 residents I think councilman Roth is looking at you forget about the Amendments the the notch south of Campbell that was moving up into the Northwest right over here on the the left quadrant of the map you got the where the numbers are 110 and 242 with the arrow pointing upwards that's population within each of those two white areas that's a population that would be 3522 and so the the entire section that's asked to be moved over is can you bring that one back up it says 180 180 resident so in this 110 and 242 so it to me it would just make more sense to leave the southwest and the southwest and leave the Northwest and the Northwest does that make sense so I would I I would rather see that change than putting a finger into the Northwest when it's actually would be considered the Southwest for districting purposes well yeah my and I get your address nomenclature because historically that's what we have called them I think we need to evolve into referring to them by their District numbers because clearly there's going to come a point when keysgate is not all keysgate the villages is not all the villages you know Oasis part of what we consider Oasis is proposed to be in what we call Waterstone and and Malibu Bay um so I don't think that would cause any any confusion in the future and again the point of this exercise was to to more equalize and particularly the uh the southwest and my thinking here was you know I think Council Bailey made a comment last week about single family opportunities being added to the uh to the Southwest I you think about it I don't think by any stretch of the imagination folks in sandero are going to think they are part of Southwest homestad yes Council War thank you mayor so if we adopt these uh amendments tonight we're still going to to be able to digest review tally up have more questions and take a vote next Tuesday and we could I know we're trying to avoid additional defers and additional amendments but if it if it doesn't pass next Tuesday then we then it doesn't pass I I think that the attorney saying it's an all or nothing proposition that none of the changes that we have brought to this point and we can't pass two options to be in consideration for next Tuesday it is cleaner if we can get direction and read final second second reading on you know what is before you and we are not because one of the things that happens and you know we're trying to address this right now is you know as we make these amendments you you're moving one thing here and what does it affect over there and you have to look at each boundary in the descriptions and I know Kevin and I were sitting for the last couple of hours trying to pin this down to this point I would like a little certainty before we walk into a second reading because if it's you want it it needs to be correct we don't have an option this isn't something we can come back and fix later whatever we have on September 1st or you know August 31st those are the lines we will not have you don't have an option to cure for a whole other for another year past the election cycle and and I think what the change needs to be made one year prior to the first day of qualifying of an election so for these changes to affect the next election cycle our cut off is the end of the month let me try to put some of their issues into more lay terms it's easy to draw lines on a map but what controls is the written description of the actual boundaries and and that's the concern that if we were going to adopt these amendments that we give them we we signal to them we want these amendments to the map that we passed on first reading to give them time to ensure that the written description of the amended boundaries are correct let let me ask this way then let's let we have a conversation this way your your individual thoughts on the propriety of moving the sandero project into what we commonly refer to as The Village's seat mean if you if you go go back to the to the map all right so sandero is this block here here at the bottom right hand corner of what we typically call the Southwest 2021 yeah where says 2021 so geographically that seems to square off the North End of what we typically call The Village's seat and we know right now there are okay like 300 and change in Residence in that small apartment complex up in the northwest West West Corner that would be those numbers would be taken out of councilwoman Bailey's District so I guess let's you know thoughts on you know Amendment one taking sandero and moving it into uh into the purple seat into the village seat so my question would be how many people own their homes in The Villages any guess 95% not that many I don't so maybe I have maybe I have the wrong Outlook I'm I'm happy to do this I just would like I would just like to sit down with City manager's office and just be able to look at the map again just because I know firsthand how tough it is to to find people who are interested who are and that is just just that is the that is the history with downtowns and with the less well to-do areas is is the shorter end of the stick and I just want to make sure that it's something Fair all right so your thought is is that you'd like to have a potential political gene pool in the future from among home homeowners is that no I'm just thinking to lose all of sandero to The Villages for me in my mind is is not fair for the Southwest well and and I come at it from this direction is it fair to the traditional Southwest to potentially have a representative who lives way on the other side of the highway you know those are some of the concerns I've had where the Northwest meets Malibu and water stone and uh you know I well you know I recognize your issue but you know the folks in what we and I don't mean this in a demeaning way the true Southwest are very remote from what we believe is going to be in sandero I just that's my thought process there's definitely no very easy and clear solution it's not and when those wherever we end up with those whichever District ends up with those 1100 sandero units there's what about 700 Dr units coming online in the current Villages configuration councilman the Parker point the stuff to the north of traditional Villages yeah well no yeah yeah the the the recently approved DR Horton projects that are within the current Villages boundaries and yeah to together with the let's call it 2000 units that are coming online the last 2,000 units that will be coming online in um in keysgate I mayor Porter used to use the peanut butter analogy you know for density it's just where you spread it around I'm going to use the toothpaste analogy you squeeze one end it's got to go go somewhere else and we're gonna have some real issues I think in a couple of years where I think by necessity Keys Gate's not going to be all keysgate the villages is not going to be all Villages nor is uh Oasis going to be all Oasis I mean it's just massive massive growth coming where you know until such time as we have wholesale Redevelopment in District One let's let's say there's 250 Acres left of vacant property out in the northwest corner at worst that's only going to be 500 100 more units so you know we're really kind of constrained there um and again you know I think we're we're discouraged from taking into account now and drawing future units or considering future units but we got Hest Gardens coming online and touching Miami with love and so long as we're going to have atlarge elections for residential area seats we do have to be mindful of the numbers so again I'll go back to to my question thoughts on moving sand Arrow Into The Village's seat I do you know given given the squaring off and the remoteness of the true Southwest I think that's that's appropriate which one's at to the north well and that's something we're probably would look at in 26 as the build out continues down in southeast Homestead and and other lines need to uh to change um just it for me I think what we've come up with now is good and then we can look at this in 2026 Sendero is not going to be built out probably till 28 29 so that doesn't affect anything kind a wager on that yeah I mean we could so I'd be in favor just the work that's already been done let's let's approve this for next week or if we can prove it tonight whatever if if we're not going to make any of the changes we can approve it tonight be done with it yeah so I would that would be in favor just this is good and then we can look at it I guess we'll review it again you said in 2026 well we can do it any time it just can't be effective you know depending on time yeah future election I got you right so this were whatever we adopt will be in effect for the election of 25 okay and then we are on the same time frame in 26 to the extent we would make changes for 27 which don't affect couple at least couple of us right I I think I'm good with that just I think I'm good with that all so councilman cannibal you're moving what's before us second it all right second it by um councilman Davis all right anything further from Council and the motion is to adopt the maps as presented in the agenda okay it yes Mr vice mayor so I've been kind of remaining quiet on this a little bit uh I'm all for fair and equitable distribution of what what needs to be done uh you know but come 2026 I going to be fighting for every seat that's currently in the keysgate uh District at this point in time because I believe other areas are going to be plenty because I'm losing people now compared to everybody else my numbers are lower than everybody else's oh you're going to have 2,000 new I'm going to have 2,000 new rooftops but you know geographically and the way it's going to lay out and it says Keys gate on most of those until we change that and go to District elections I think we're going to have to we're going to continue to have this fight well I don't believe District elections are fair and Equitable they certainly don't in gender accountability that's when we're going to you know we'll have that agreement or disagreement at that point in time but I I think we're going to have to do that I think we're going to have to get away from the parochialism of my subdivision or I represent the city Homestead sir there you go however there you go still got to look at it what way it currently is listed on the map all right so we have a motion in a second to adopt the maps before us any further discussion among Council give the public one more opportunity to weigh in we'll have a roll call vote M CLK councilwoman Bailey yes councilwoman aula yes councilman Davis yes councilman Roth yes councilman cannibal yes vice mayor Fletcher no mayor lner yes the motion carries thank you all right that takes us to I find my place here tab 15 tab 15 tab 15 is a resolution of the city council the city of homestad Florida appropriating the balance of the city's American Rescue plan act orpa funds for priority projects providing for implementation and providing for an effective date you Mr manager sir Council and Mr Mayor staff had on July 17th made a presentation on reappropriation and de appropriation of certain items concerning the upper funds and uh a couple of council members had requested for a deeper dive which we have since had and I think this item is right for proceeding I'm going to ask my colleague to give you a quick heads up as to some of those uh changes that we had explained to you previously on July 17th ACM uh m brown good afternoon mayor council uh so we have a created a concise one sheet uh exhibit exhibit a that outlines all the projects that have been compl has been completed to date so uh that amounts to about 7$7 million uh we have about three projects that are considered in progress um which is outlined in the second cell of the Excel uh that is before you uh so we are actively working on about $2.4 million uh worth of projects then we move and now I want to give your focus to uh the cell number three that talks about project or projects that we are looking to reallocate dollars from to a proposed list of projects which is the final cell u in the in the in exhibit a um you've all for the most part everyone has seen this breakdown before um there were some concerns around the allocation so I want to specifically hone in on a few Parks uh project that we got feedback on on July 17th and we have uh accommodated for about $524,000 worth of Park related improvements and I'll specifically call that out uh Started From The Top uh so previously we talked about some improvements with JD red Park um that is still at $155,000 um in allocation and that is cut across uh repairing several fences uh we're doing several uh resurfacing of courts in that space um an add as addition an additional uh small improvements that the parks department has identified uh right below that is a Broadband infrastructure and there are three elements to this project uh we talked about previously uh Wi-Fi in our Parks we talked about a providing a grant is how how I think we're going to program it for persons who are in who are in our CRA who may need assistance for WiFi for a per a limited period of time and then the Third component of the Broadband infrastructure project is increasing the city's uh bandwidth specifically internet bandwidth um from I think today we are at 500 100 megawatts to uh one one G one gigabyte and the intention there is uh the strategy is to move is to implement these uh cloud-based Solutions permitting being one of them and we need need improved speed to ensure that our throughput um is not compromised so that is the three component that makes up the Broadband infrastructure uh we also have the James Archer Smith Park restor restroom refinishing for $35,000 and then I'm going to quickly move to a the parks portable lighting we're looking to uh Pur purch four solar lights um primarily to be utilized at the homestead Regional Park site but they're portable so they can be relocated to any facility that needs them we also have the Rosco Warren Parks basketball resurfacing so it's about 520 $524,000 that is our dedicated for arpa for Parks project above and beyond that um as a result of some of the CIP savings that we've had this fiscal year uh we are also Al allocating $395,000 uh in CIP for fy2 and then we've identified uh several projects $1.4 million specifically uh that will utilize Park impact fee dollars so in total we have about 200 $2.3 million in Parks related improvements that will take place or that is budgeted between arpa CIP and our Park impact fee for FY 25 so I wanted to make sure I know that that was an area of concern for several of our uh council members so I wanted to make sure that we call that out that while the vast majority of the arpa dollars is dedicated to infrastructure projects we have accommodated for it through impact as well as the CIP funds as well uh so that was one area of concern um the second the second thing I'd like to call uh the council's attention to is in the published version of the agenda we had we had a pro a Flagler project that was defined as being arpa funed for a million dollars uh I think two days ago we received the final quote or the final proposal from the contractor that brought that cost which is our a Emer or Pump Station 22 super bypass so if we recall the through the conversations with the manager this particular Pump Station essentially uh it's one of the larger pump stations within the city and there's about seven other Pump Station Basin that feeds into it 13 13 13 thank you uh there's about 13 other Pump Station basins that feeds into this Pump Station 22 uh the proposal came back from the contractor at 4.2 million doll we've had to remove the Flagler uh project the million dooll Flagler Improvement project we're work we're working with our CRA to fund it as a part of the fy2 because it needs to be done and we are reallocating that million dooll line to our Pump Station 22 super bypass so you have an increase from I think the initial version was 2.4 now it's reflecting $3.3 million so can I can I just one quick note um The Pump Station 22 the initial estimate of 1 million approximately was when we thought of doing a temporary bypass but the county had asked us to connect at a location that was going to cost almost $2 million and couldn't spend that much money on a temporary solution which doesn't make sense so we reversed into a hybrid system to go directly to the treatment plant on a permanent basis on a super speedi which means in 90 days we should have the solution have the pipe in the ground so that explain why the contractor ask for more money uh thank you Mr manager so that encapsulates the newly proposed list of what we're looking to seek council's approval for as a reminder uh this all these projects the team knows has we have to commit these dollars by the end of this year so that's December 31st 2024 um and then we have to complete these projects by 2026 so that is the that is the abbreviated presentation and we're happy to take questions if there are any thank you Council C I thank you mayor I just want to thank the staff for doing a great job in you know meeting our concerns and talking us through it and moving things around so that we feel that all of the uh all of the issues are getting a little bit of attention or a lot of attention rather so thank you very much and I'll make the motion to approve councilman turn on your mic for that pump number 22 I think that's the most important item in this place a lot of business are dependent on that that that's pump to open anything else yes councilman Roth thank you um something reminded me of some improvements I think we're already doing at parks at JD red which was the conversion of tennis courts into um pickle ball pick ball and and the only reason I'm asking that is because I haven't heard any updates and I thought we try to get those done by September but the Rosco warrant resurfacing is also kind of crucial and maybe we can get somebody go out and look at the um the tennis courts in the otton park as well to see when the last time those were resurfaced and I think they were done pretty pretty recently but um the weather and everything and they that I was I walk through there every day and I'm just it amazes me how many people are using those facilities in in oton park so just just a update if you can real quick on the the pickle ball stuff yeah good evening so just to give you an update on the JD red Park project So currently we have eight tennis courts there so with this project that's being proposed up on on the screen we're gonna we're going to end up with four dedicated tennis courts two of them that are currently only tennis courts will be fully wiped out and converted into six pickle ball courts dedicated and then the back two will remain two tennis courts they'll be lined with six pickle ball courts with the availability of the portable netting so when we host tournaments we'll have 12 courts available for tournaments we don't have to do the temporary lines like we're currently doing and that's causing a lot of damage to the pts um aabon part was recently refinished I want to say six years ago and typically it's around every seven to 10 years depending on the use and wear um is when they're due but yeah Rosco warrant is definitely do already right right hand there it goes um so the completion date for JD red for the pick tennis courts so that's going to depend on the method of procurement currently have a meeting set with gordian we're going to look at this uh through the jock Contracting Pro uh process similar to how we're doing these roofs um I have a meeting set with them on September 3rd at that meeting they'll be able to give me an update if they can do it within our budget and how quickly they can do it these these type of projects typically don't require much um lead time they're readily available materials typically within a month you can get those things done once awarded if we have to go off for bid it'll be a little longer great thank you mayor yes uh so Council one of the things that um we will do given the time sensitive nature of these items we will provide uh a monthly update on where we are as we as we move forward because we have to hit this 12:31 um deadline so we will give you an update on the progress and the overall timeline subsequently and Mr Manor yes uh what I propos to do is on a monthly basis come back to council either by memo or an update during council meeting on the upper funded projects how we're doing thank you that's tremendous sorry but before we finalize this be given the truncated timeline to appropriate the funds and you lose what's not appropriated um I was wondering if the council would consider uh amending the resolution to authorize the manager to the extent funds that can't be appropriated for just things on the list to Grant him the authority to appropriate them for you know other eligible uses if you know in order to ensure that we appropriate the funds within the the required deadline if you know if the council is open to that idea motion to that effect and I I'll all right make that change all right so let's see if there's any public comment then we'll ask for that motion as amended yes please come down to the mic I'm down to the microphone yeah be close hi good evening give us your name and address for the record uh Lis Hernandez I live here in Homestead uh this is a question regarding what the gentleman saying about appropriating funds perhaps to a different area uh I'm talking about regarding perhaps all this building construction going on and getting approved what's going on with the building department uh taking a month two months for a small permit to take out any way that they could improve that the difference between a permit in Homestead and in perit day county is two three months difference way too much and if all these new properties are getting approved that's all this money that's coming to the city how come they could take the permit out a lot quicker than a resident or small contractor one day permit is taking three months and one day permit that day County takes out that we could take in day County takes three months over here in Homestead that's I brought this up before too let me let me have the manager quickly give you an update as to what might be in this reallocation and what we have already authorized in terms of software and uh additional personnel and reallocation to to help move things more quickly so um the upper fund allocation has about $400,000 being allocated for Citywide priting which is an electronic permitting software program that allows us to Super speedi permitting processes uh development services department also in the proposed budget is getting new employees also being proposed for them and ultimately in the new fiscal year we hope to have a dual stream type of permitting small projects onings sidewalks driveway approaches driveways fences those are considered same day Services elsewhere so what we propose to do is create a dual approach if you come in for such minor projects or swapping out windows and doors you should be able to get an expedited process like it's done elsewhere electronic permitting allows you to have visibility and transparency that you can easily using a dashboard know what has just comeing in the last few days hopefully once we create that small unit which I'm working with the development services director sitting here to focus on maybe a new unit that addresses on a timely basis those L projects that we consider same day service elsewhere might not be same day might be a couple of days but that would be a huge Improvement to what we have today yes right now your same day project that's supposed to be approved on the same day it's taking three months that's why I'm telling you making a new proposal to your Q system doesn't work by the time the review sees it it's a month later we recognize that right now our Prem system does not have the ability to let our reviewers timely get those projects up front it's more like a queing system first coming first served it should not be that way thank thank you for the time thanks thank you all right is there anyone further from the public wishing to speak on this all right I'll close the public hearing then Mr Pearl I I just wanted because we got off track I didn't know if there was going to be a motion to grant that manager the authority to appropriate any funds as needed be as need be um and whether that should be incorporated into the resolution can I can I include it in my motion right well if you're ready to make a motion yeah yes I'll make the motion and include the uh with with the caveat of stated yes reappropriation or allocation the manager's discre i' I've got it okay you've got the language we need okay all right so it's been moved and seconded is there any further discussion so let's have a roll call vote Madam Clark councilman Davis councilwoman Bailey councilwoman aula yes councilman cannibal councilman Roth yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries before we leave this item let's not underestimate the impact of what we have just done to spend money that came to us as a result of the pandemic to better our community yeah the mistakes of management in the past are in the past through the expertise of this manager and his his staff this is the step to get things done so that folks can hook up to Water and Sewer they can get permits faster we can do the projects that have been languishing inexcusably for years I just really needed to to say that you know this is just not another another spending vote nothing to be trifled with this I'll paraphrase the president this is a really big deal all right moving on Tab uh 16 16 tab 16 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida authorizing the issuance of electric utility system Revenue note series 2024 of the City of Homestead Florida in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $5.2 million for the purpose of financing the cost of construction of a substation for the city's electric utility system and paying cost of issuance of the note award reping the sale of the note to South State Bank providing for security for the note containing other Provisions relating to the note making certain covenants and agreements and connection therewith and providing for an effective date and if there are no objections we've heard this before I think we can wave the staff report is there anyone wishing to speak on this matter okay I'll close the public hearing and ask for a motion to approve move by councilman cannibal second by vice mayor Fletcher roll call Madam Court councilman rth yes councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal councilman cannibal just say yes councilwoman abulo yes councilman Davis vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor La yes the motion carries and moving on to tab 17 yes Mr Mayor tab 17 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida authorizing the city manager to apply for and accept a beautification grant and enter into beautification grant landscape construction and maintenance memorandum of agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you Mr manager so this is simply a housekeeping uh item the state requires Council to pass this resolution to pre-qualify the city's ability to apply for a grant for landscape Improvement along state roads which inclusive of chrome Avenue Campbell Drive and US1 the application is due by September 1st 2024 with a deadline of October 1st for any type of uh Amendment to the application and is a reimbursment grants we have to spend before we can get it back uh this will form part of the discussion on Friday as well I want to create some kind of wiggle room for all commitments we make to the state if changes are expected to be made based on CPI don't hold us tight to a threshold of mainenance cost you establish today 5 years down the road cost has gone up so we want to propose to the state as part of all these Grant applications to give us the flexibility of adjusting the maintenance reimbursement cost based on CPI so we're asking the mayor and Council to authorize us and by resolution to apply for this grants and have the ability to come back in case they want to impose conditions that will consider stringent such as the type of spy of trees and the maintenance timeline so that we can all have a you know proper definition as to what our commitments would be right and as I understand we'll come back just as we're doing with the other Grant to come back and discuss location and species and and dispersement but let me get back up on the Soap Box two months in a row we have voted to accept or approve grants something that I hope happens every month from here on out so moveed by Council aala second by councilwoman Bailey second also and just take this opportunity real quick to thank you guys since you're here for the last rock your block I know that you didn't come to a council meeting after but you guys are great Community Partners and that was a really really wonderful Initiative for you to help out with so thank you all right so I'll ask for any public input close public comment section we have a motion a second let's have a roll call vote councilwoman Bailey councilwoman abula yes councilman rth councilman Davis councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries very good moving on to tab 18 Mr manager sorry um tab 18 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida approving a license agreement between the City of Homestead and start off Smart Inc for the use of the Police Athletic Facility League facility for the provision of Youth programming providing for implementation and providing for an effective date all right Mr manager so this is a housekeeping item no changes are being made this is simply to give them the Comfort level that they have a lease agreement which is a license agreement to use the facility for the years they've been there they don't have any type of legal instrument authorizing them to be there this corrects that that's just appropriate and fiduciary level housekeeping we have a motion to approve mooved by councilwoman Bailey second by councilman cannibal any public comment roll call Madam Court councilwoman aula yes councilman Roth yes councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal councilman Davis yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries all right moving on to tab 19 Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor tab 19 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida authorizing the city manager to award ITB 202 2430 for the traffic signal install installation project to AUM Construction Inc providing for implementation providing for an effective date he Mr manager so this construction work entails quite a number of things that are not clearly captured in the title of the item so in addition to the installation of new traffic signal light uh the construction work SC scope is inclusive of signalization components controller cabinets conduits cables and pool boxes the whole n yards in addition to that it also includes two existing light poles will be removed and replaced with eight new light poles and also the work is going to be performed through FPL and includes all necessary roadway reconstruction that is within that whole project area so I just want to make sure that we capture the full scope definition that the title does not reflect the timeline for construction is about 11 months from ntp which is inclusive of Permitting and any type of demobilization that is required and clean up I know cman Larry Roth was really interested in this project since is uh something of his interest it's in the keysgate very good that'll be music to the ears of a lot of folks out there that have been that knew about the uh donation by the developer and been wondering what happened to all to all of that money well there we go yeah all right do we have any public comment close the public hearing we ask for a motion to approve move by councilman cannibal second by vice mayor Fletcher roll call Madam Clark councilman Davis yes councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal yes councilman Roth yes councilwoman aula yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor LNO yes the motion carries and moving on to tab 20 20 tab 20 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida authorizing members of the various boards and Committees of the city to work in concert with City staff to deliver supplies to the elderly and infirm residents of the city during a declared state of emergency providing for implementation and providing for an effective date Mr manager so this is something brand new in the city of homestad thanks to council woman Jennifer biley for sponsoring this item with the administration uh what this item is going to accomplish is to give us the ability to respond to the specific unique needs of our elderly folks that are inbound in firm as well as disabled persons as well during a legally declared an emergency such as hurricane if the city is planning to distribute sign bags ice and water we should be able to take it to those who need it most and who are unable to come out to come get them uh we intend to leave it open for participation of all that qualify under the eligibility protocol that will be developed and uh folks will be able to pre-register before that day before any declared emergency and a couple of uh local organizations such as swack and uh crb will be interested in participating as uh as a program Partners if any council member has any additional entity organization that would love to be part of this program you're welcome to suggest that this is something that is very big elsewh the elderly folks love it they don't have to worry about sand eyes and water the city will bring it to you keep in mind that this is a reimbursable item by FEMA so it's not any impact to our budget keeping the medications joing power outages and for people to preserve their their food as well tremendous that's what you do in a mature mindful City you public comment okay I'll close the public hearing councilwoman Bailey would you like to move this item do we have a second second by councilwoman AA roll call Madam clerk councilwoman aula yes councilman Davis yes councilman Ross Yes councilwoman Bailey yes councilman cannibal yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion car all right Mr manager any further business at this point the Administration has no additional point of information other than the fact that I'm build to schedule monthly meetings with each council member in addition to the regular agenda briefings which will give my both parties an opportunity to San on the state of the city Rob Minds you make recommendations for the good of the cause I think it's something that I proposed at the beginning of when I was coming in that I would love to have these meetings it helps to give you clear picture where we're going in the spirit of transparency and openness uh and also we propos to have the budget Workshop as I mentioned we've already started today councilman Davis took the first shot hopefully within the next one week we should be able to wrap up the the budget sit down deep dive with each of the council members thank you councilman Davis how did they do on their first crack of the bat a very good job if they can teach a knucklehead like me the bud all right councilman all right Mr attorney anything further Council aala thank you mayor um I wanted to ask for an update on the Chrome Avenue Improvement where we had met and looked at the roadways and the redesigning uh I think we've just been contacted by the consultant Kim Leon that they want to come in and do the presentation to council but I asked I think a couple of days ago that I want to have first an internal meeting to make sure that they did what council asked for them to do very good thank you and just thank you for spending your birthday with me or my birthday with you I'm ready to go yeah let's get you home for some cake all right Council and cannibal anything okay um councilman Davis councilman Roth uh just real quick um I know I mentioned to the city manager's office in the past and thank you for addressing some of the um woes on the streets when it comes to debris that the contractors have been leaving around and um I don't know what we can do about palm and 167 Avenue the lights been corrected there but those dump trucks and vice mayor Fletcher will attest are just messing that Corridor up and you can't go through that Corridor without getting getting your car messed up dust messed up on your car um I don't know who's responsible who can be uh you know held accountable to keeping that area clean because it's just out of control um and thank you to the police department for the extra watches on the area for the trucks that are coming through there that aren't covering their loads and they're dropping debris along the roadway um we we've got a few good things out there so appreciate you guys doing that out there for us because you can almost go by there every single day and you'll see a truck come out of that road and their load's not covered and they're not carrying grass they're carrying rocks so um just if we can get a little more attention over there and see what's going on appreciate it thank you thank you councilman Council Bailey thank you mayor just real quick a welcome back to everybody with children in school um I hope everybody had a good first few couple days um personally I had one starting kindergarten and one starting high school so I bet you can't uh beat those two Milestones um but on that note on the way to South dat High School um if we can find out who is in charge of the sidewalks on 288 between about 167 and 169 it is ridiculously overgrown and students are having to walk onto the road to be able to to get to school so just right around the perimeter there of um of South day high is is incredibly overgrown thank you okay thank you vice mayor Fletcher just uh just real quick uh the fdot areas are the Turnpike Authority areas as you exit off of the turnpike onto Campbell Drive uh typically our city is looking very nice except when you get off on those exits or go to get on the exits really overgrown if we could uh address that with the folks and have them take a look at it also there's a report of a coyote in one of those two areas if we can get somebody out there to take a look and there's pictures of it so uh get somebody out there to maybe remove the animal and put it where it should be uh lastly uh myself and the city man or the City attorney will be uh going to Daytona on Friday to discuss uh getting the championship race back so if you have any ideas or any additional things you might want to bring up please go to the city manager's office and he can forward it to me and uh we will be happy to have that discussion with the folks of NASCAR looking forward to coming back with really good news that's all vice mayor on the intersection of Turnpike and Campbell we do have intention of addressing that in location I've been talking to a councilwoman Eric AA as well however fot just recently informed us don't do any new plantings there we are coming in with roadway reconstruction of that area whatever you put in there we're going to remove in the next 18 months so don't worry about spending tax dollars so what we intend to do is to work with them to see as they develop the plans for that whole intersection as you crossing the CBO to get into the to Pike if you're coming from south you have only one L and the Marge as you cross CBO is a little messy there I've seen it and I drove through there yesterday as well and I don't know how people have not been crashing their vehicles at that point so which is what they trying to fix so I will simply focus on maintenance of existing Landscaping there cutting Gra by them since it's part of their work through their vendor we'll bring it up on Friday as well and whatever improvements we propose should be done subsequent to their construction very good okay we have a couple of uh ministerial items uh we uh confirmed the appointment to the community relations Board of Omari Williams any objections thank you councilwoman Bailey and two appointments to the Southwest advisory committee of Tama Smith and artavius Smith thank you again councilen Bailey any objections we're all good with that and a reminder that we have a position on the homestad police pension board for a resident to serve in the the nominee needs to be a resident we continue to uh to advertise that beyond that I want to thank the man manager and his staff and the folks over at the cium for coordinating and putting together a tour of the uh mayor and other City officials from the Metropolis of Princeton Texas they were here yesterday and are uh very interested in replicating our cium uh Concept in in their Community we're very pleased to host them and it's always always good to talk to other folks even from from out of state to to see what they're doing and uh and how they do it so again thank you Mr manager all right with that if there's nothing further do we have a motion to adjourn it's moved and seconded all in favor thank you all good night