##VIDEO ID:X6z_llP3tNk## good evening or afternoon everyone and welcome I'd like to call the City of Homestead special call council meeting for the purpose of the second public budget hearing for the fiscal year 2024 2025 budget today is Tuesday September 18th 2024 and it is 50:1 p.m. Madam clerk would you call the rooll please councilwoman abula here councilman cannibal here councilman Davis here councilwoman Bailey here councilman Roth here vice mayor Fletcher here mayor Lawman here Mr manager are there any additions deletions or deferrals none thank you our first order of business is item four um we have a resolution under tab uh one Mr attorney uh yes before we begin if I can just read the statement into the record uh the city of homestead's operating millage rate is 5.9 604 Mills which is 1% less than the previous year's millage rate of 6.26 Ms and the final voted debt millage rate is 0.258 Ms the roll back rate excuse me millage rate is 5.14 Ms the operating millage rate of 5.9 604 Ms is 18.88% above the roll back rate of 5.14 Mills very good would you read the resolution please certainly uh tab one is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida adopting the final operating millage rate of avalor Taxation and adopting the final millage rate for Debt Service on the general obligation bonds for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 thank you sir Mr manager Mr mayor council members staff recommends that the mayor and Council adopt the attached resolution that provides for a final operating millage rate of 59604 ,000 of access value of ADV valorum taxation for real and personal property within the city this millage rate is 1% lower than last year's operating millage rate and is to be implemented beginning October 1st 2024 and ending on September 30th 2025 which which is the fiscal year 2025 a final voted death Mill range of 0.258 by $1,000 of assess value of ADV valum taxation for real and personal property within the city this mill rate reflects a 0.485 reduction from last year's debt military rate of 0.375 males and is to be implemented beginning October 1st 2024 and ending on September 30th 20 25 pursuant to section 20.08 one Florida Statutes limiting maximum operting millage ratees that municipalities May Levy to 10 mills we are actually expecting a gross taxable value of 6.61 450 321 billion an operating millage rate of 5.96 04 Ms we yield at valorum revenues at 95% for the city of $30 million $931,000 and for the CRA of $3.39 million for a total of 34 million $322,200 at a gross taxable value of 6 b61 m450 321 a debt Mill Rage of 0.258 Ms we yield revenues at 95% threshold for The Debt Service of 1,485 661 at the first budget hearing on Tuesday September 3rd at 5:30 p.m. we propose operating at Deb millage rates of 59604 and 0.285 respectively and this passed approval by the Maran Council so tonight we're asking Maran Council to consider approving those uh Rat that have been established at the first hearing thank you thank you Mr manager I will open it up to questions or comments from Council first and then we'll open the floor for public comment all right hold that to bance is there anyone here personally or online wishing to speak to the adoption of the millage rate for the coming fiscal year all right seeing none I will close the public hearing and if there are no further comments from Council I'd ask for a motion to approve tab one which is a setting of the millit rate moved by uh councilman cannibal second by councilman Roth there's nothing further let's have a roll call vote Madam clerk councilman cannibal yeah councilman Davis yes councilman Roth yes councilwoman Bailey yes councilwoman aula yes vice mayor Fletch yes yes the motion carries and moving on to tab two Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor tab two is the second reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida adopting the budget for each of the several funds and Departments of the city for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 approving Capital Improvement plan providing for repealer severability and an effective date thank you sir Mr manager thank you Mr Mayor uh at this juncture I would like to thank everyone for joining us today for this important budget meeting our goal has been to ensure that our City's financial resources are allocated in a way that best serves our community needs and priorities while utilizing transparency to promote public trust today we are presenting what is the final version of our City's budget for the upcoming fiscal year this budget has been carefully crafted based on extensive analysis and input from our elected officials and professional City staff as well as feedback from the general public in our Collective commitment to addressing the community's priorities as we walk through the details you will see how proposed allocations reflect our shared goals enhancing Public Safety investing in infrastructure improvements supporting local businesses enhancing parks and Recreation focusing on Citywide efficiencies streamlining and elev city services to promote elevated Service delivery and strategic Investments geared at elevating quality of life for all residents we've worked diligently to strike a balance between these needs and fiscal responsibility ensuring that our budget is not only sustainable but also responsive to community priorities while being proactive in anticipating future needs of the community with that I would like to ask Council and the mayor to adopt the the budget for several funds and Departments of the city of homestad for the fiscal year beginning October 1st 2024 to September 30th 2025 the total fiscal year 2025 proposed budget is $274 million $16,995 in revenues and expenditures this ordinance was passed on first reading on Tuesday September 3rd 2024 I'm asking Council to approve it today thank you Mr manager any initial questions or comments from Council all right let me open the public hearing and ask if there is anyone who would like to speak to the adoption of the budget for the City of Homestead including the community redevelopment agency portion of the budget Journey anyone online right I'll close the public hearing then Mr manager I just want to sort of repeat what I think each of us have said the prior couple of meetings this is an entirely different feeling of confidence and satisfaction and true transparency and an effort of a professional manager and his staff and all of the department heads most of whom are here tonight and for those of you who are here I want to thank you for being here and and not being on vacation and uh seeing through this important uh event as uh your office uh ordains um real feeling of confidence in the uh in the room and I think optimism too that uh we can do more with less and we've we've shown that it's it's not just a catchphrase Carlos we can do more with uh with even less so with that I'll ask for a motion to approve tab two the budget I move it and I want to say thank you Mr manager okay I feel very proud with this okay thank you very much thank you do we have a second second by councilwoman Avala if there are no further comments let's have a roll call vote Madam Clark councilman Davis yes councilman cannibal councilman Roth councilwoman Bailey yes councilwoman aula yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lawner yes the motion carries what a difference incredible all right is there is nothing further for this special call meeting let me ask for a motion to adjourn so moved and seconded all in favor I Mr attorney do we have to wait until 5:30 or can we roll right into the CRA meeting we have a few minutes the meeting was noticed at for 5:30 so we're going to wait very good so we will convene the CRA meeting at 5:30 thank you all good evening everyone and welcome I'd like to call the City of Homestead community redevelopment agency meeting to order it is Wednesday September 18th 2024 and it is now 5:30 p.m. Madam clerk could you call the role please V member Rong V member B member cannibal here board member aula here board member Davis Vice chairman Fletcher chairman La here thank you Mr good do you have any deletions or deferrals no Mr chair all right we have before us the uh James no this is uh C oh okay we have before us the minutes from September 3rd do we have a motion to approve moved by the Vice Chair seconded by board member Ava all in favor any opposed all right moving on to tab two Mr attorney yes Mr chair tab two is a resolution of the board of the community redevelopment agency of the City of Homestead Florida approving the allocation of commercial enhancement grant program funds approving the grant agreement providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you Mr good thank you Mr chair uh so this is a commercial enhancement Grant award to esoteric networks LLC DBA y reboot um esoteric networks is located at 211 North Chrome Avenue Homestead Florida 33030 um they applied for a commercial enhancement Grant in the amount of $25,000 the location of the building within the downtown makes it eligible for a 90% contribution by the CRA and a 10% contribution or by the applicant the grant scope will cover the replacement of windows and doors from their current old style with the accordion shutters to being impact glass and staff has recommending the CRA board approve this commercial enhancement Grant award for esoteric networks LLC for the maximum allowable amount of $25,000 the um owner of Y reboot Mr B Jensen is here present in the audience if you have any questions for him um it's my understanding that they are in IT company they're building the space out for an office where they will have their current 15 employees working and they're hoping to grow up to 20 or 25 employees after the completion of their buildout very good well welcome to downtown um Council any questions or comments okay so uh move by uh board member aala second second by board member Bailey uh if there's no further comments uh let's see do we need a roll call on this one yes we have to have a roll call on this one member Davis member Davis yes board member cannibal yes board member Roth yes board member aula board member Bailey Vice chairman Fletcher yes chairman lner yes the motion carries look forward to the improvements thank you all right let's move on to tab three Mr attorney yes Mr chair tab three is a resolution of the board of the community redevelopment agency of the city of homestate Florida approving the allocation of residential Improvement grant program funds approving a grant agreement providing for implementation and providing for an effective date goad thank you Mr chair so Miss Cynthia Harvey now Miss Cynthia Thompson um is the homeowner at 1794 Southwest 6th Street Homestead Florida 33030 she has applied for for a residential um Rehabilitation Grant in the amount of $20,000 the are no matching funds for this Grant and her Grant scope will cover a partial fence installation exterior painting and driveway repair um so staff is recommending that the SI board approved the attach resolution authorizing the allocation of a residential Rehabilitation Grant the amount of up to $2,000 to Miss Cynthia Harvey at 1794 Southwest 6 Street and miss Thompson is here in the audience hi good evening welcome we just need the record to show that you were here thank you all right we have a motion to approve moved by board member Davis second by uh board member Bailey roll call Madam Court board member Bailey yes board member Roth board member cannibal board member aula board member Davis yes Vice chairman Fletcher yes chairman La yes the motion carries and tab four Mr Pearl uh yes Mr chair Tab four is a resolution of the board of the community redevelopment agency approving the conveyance of property to the City of Homestead providing for implementation providing for an effective date very good this is a housekeeping item um as we were reviewing the inventory list of CRA owned properties we discovered that there is a property um identified by folio 10 7812 029 0120 which is located at the corner of Northwest 15th Street and Northwest 2 Avenue uh this is actually outside of the CRA boundaries and is the location of a Wastewater Pump Station so it's appropriate for the CRA to uh Grant this back to the city um so we're asking for your approval tonight um to authorize that transfer and there will be a sister car on the uh Council agenda car number 4342 that will be accepting that transfer good thank you questions uh Mr Vice chair yes thank you as we uh had this discussion U I know we recently renewed our CRA status with the county uh but uh I did mention to the staff that maybe we ought to think about expansion of the CRA in some point in time but that would take us to have a Collective uh agreement and then forward that to the county and get their approval as well but uh put that in your minds and think about it a little bit and maybe let the manager know what your thoughts are maybe we can meet again here in the future thank you you appreciate that all right move by the Vice chair yes I just had a quick question uh sir for the city manager that I know that corner and um you know it's a bit overgrown is there a way for us in the city to put now that it'll be under our umbrella can we police that up make it so kids can play you know soccer under there what have you okay we look into that sir thank you really this is just a an erroneous conveyance into the CRA many many years ago kind of drag netted into a stack of of other other Parcels all right is there anyone in the public wishing to speak on this matter didn't think so we'll close the public hearing did we have a motion second already I think we did yes yeah Vice mayor's motion yes all right roll call Madam clerk board member rard member Davis yes board member canall board member aula yes board member Bailey Vice chairman Fletcher yes chairman lner yes the motion kyries anything further Mr good no Mr chair and then I will invite any public comments with respect to C matters okay entertain a motion adjourn all in favor I any opposed all right we will convene the council meet regular council meeting and just a uh well another 20 minutes at uh 6 pm thank you all good evening everyone and welcome I'd like to call the regular city council meeting for the City of Homestead to order today is Wednesday September 18th 2024 and it is now 6: p.m. this evening we'll have the invocation by lunel Alvarado pastor of ministerio Pentecostal aroka Eternal Church followed by the Pledge of Allegiance with councilwoman Bailey and the Homestead police explorers Pastor I still control that mic from here no good morning everybody well good afternoon sorry let us all stand and bow our heads in prayer um if you permit I'll read a Bible verse on Proverbs 163 which which says commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established dear heavenly father we come before you today with grateful Hearts thankful for the opportunity to serve our community As We Gather for this council meeting we seek your guidance and wisdom in all in all the discussions help us to listen with open minds and speak with speak with respectful Hearts May our decisions reflect Justice compassion and a commitment to the well-being of our residents grant us the strength to face challenges with courage and the humility to learn from one another let our actions Foster unity and Inspire hope within our city we ask for your blessings upon every effort that's spoke of today that they may lead to progress and prosperity for all amen thank you [Music] Right Guard right face to the flag of the United States of America to the it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for [Music] all forward thank you please be seated Madam clerk would you call the rooll please councilwoman abula councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal councilman Roth councilman Davis here vice mayor Fletcher here mayor lawner here all right we now now have the public comments uh section of our agenda I will first invite those up who have uh registered to speak and I'll do so in the order in which they were clocked in at the clk's office so first I'd like to call Susan sorantino forward and uh ask all of our speakers tonight to uh respect the three minute time limit quantino 2610 my 2610 is it right you can pull it down a little bit there you 2610 Northeast third drive I'm here because you're going to be talking about and voting on amending the art in public places um the information I want to share with you is the contributions uh of two art in public places from the developers uh Miami Daye County delr Beach Miami Beach Miami Gardens North Miami and kis Kane they have 1.5% we have .5% we should be 1.5% there are other cities who only collect 1% but we're not in that category in the state of florida5 5.8 billion dollars is spent on art and culture in the state of Florida that piece of the pie Homestead gets nothing what we need to do is keep the money in Homestead that artists can contribute let's look at the big picture here you're also be looking at in lie of in Li of funds you want to revise it don't revise it eliminate it you can eliminate that the developer should not have the ability to make make their own decisions on their art simply because it's never worked in our city never it's never worked it ties up departmental services because then they have to deal with all the things that have to happen for in lie of funds they need to concentrate on getting the Chrome sculpture finished and placed and dedicated the wall the mural wall they need he needs to concentrate on that and the ban sculpture that goes for Parks and Recreation that's important let's finish the projects that are already approved so I urge you to take the funds from inl of that's out there now I know there's a 100,000 from Florida's City gas and I know that so there's more I'm sure there's more I haven't been in in uh involved here in two years so um if if in Li of funds in they have 90 days to get an approval for an art project hasn't happened they have nine months after completion when they open whatever the project is to install the project hasn't happened call the funds in get it out of the uh Reserve that it's in right now um we have one person in art and public places David Hennis who handles everything as you add things to his of things he has to accomplish is that over all right finish up with David thank you no go ahead and finish up your comments on on Mr Hennis okay uh you all wanted uh 10 things to be um put on the plate I'm sorry to put be put on the plate for art and public places money uh we have $1.4 million right now had we revised it to 1.5 years ago when it should have been we would have had three or4 million do in that pot right now so what should we do with that pot not the 10 things that you recommended for 2025 2025 your work plan should be two or three things but let's finish up what we've done I suggest that we open a gallery so that artists in Homestead which is south of Kendall and north of uh kargo would have a place to sell their work we've have over a thousand uh homes have have um opened on the East side this Gallery should be on the East Side location location location let the people see that there is local art to be purchased and we could do that with art and public places funds you hire a a manager for the gallery and they could hand handle it without involving poor David you know the person could work within our system here to make it happen so I would just urge you to consider that thank you thank you all right our next registered speaker is uh Cardell Hayes good evening everyone Cardell Hayes 3910 North East 13 Drive first I want to tell everyone on the DI thank you thank you thank you black business month was a success well all of you um contributing making everything across the street what we planned it to be we had over $20,000 that was given out in Grants to small businesses here in Homestead Florida City thanks to you having that advent putting together what was necessary meant so much we're now in a space to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and so this is something from an organizational standpoint for South day connections it means so much for us it's for the community the Multicultural Community as we know is growing particularly from the economic empowerment perspective I want to introduce to you Mary Dominguez she is part of South de connections as a collaborator Miguel ulo he is the owner of the all brand new Chas burgers that is right above the base area a Colombian restaurant and I'm going to give him a chance to speak real brief about it you guys how you guys doing good afternoon um yeah um me and my family have had this business for a while you know we started with food food trucks you know now we've been blessed to Branch out into a restaurant you know something that we want to bring to the community you know to bring uh more light you know uh so you don't have to drive so far to enjoy yourself you know something that everybody could come and enjoy and have a good time and feel safe you know so a lot of different flavors and tastes and you know we're here to make our stamp and create something that is going to last and it's going to be something good for everybody not just you know onesided Miguel andul oh Che was burgers and very briefly I'm Mary Dominguez the proud owner of parenting moments and a member of South date connections I am here representing my Hispanic heritage as Colombian as well excited that our event is going to take place at Chas restaurant and I know you're going to get a few more details just set up my Hispanic heritage here's my book it's claas and I'm happy that we're going to be able to share that she is always trying to get that shout out thank you Mary so what's more important is for the community the event is on September 27th Chas Burger 6 PM I know I spoke with councilwoman Avala so the support is real real when it comes to the diets um nothing on the level of financial but just the support because what the community loves is when the leaders come out and see that there is love in the room um so we're planning resources for access to Capital we're planning informational when it comes to continue continue business training all of these things that are necessary for businesses to sustain we just don't give money for no reason right we look forward to always continuing to improve what is necessary here in the far south area right here in Homestead this is where it started so again this is next Friday next Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. so due to the work that the City of Homestead has done for us sou day connections the entire Administration including the CR and everyone of the diets is free let me repeat that that goes a long way it is free did you hear that in the C all right well thank you um but it so important for the community to come together and and talk about what is necessary for economic empowerment and to see our leaders in the community particularly for something as rich as Hispanic heritage so there's any questions please reach out to me I'm going to be here for probably another 10 to 15 minutes before I leave uh we do have a flyer out there I apologize I didn't get the flyer to you soon enough so it can be displayed but we do have our newsletter other platforms that we're going to post it on and also I'm going give it to uh ambassador to day so that hopefully we can get it on homestead's channel also so thank you appreciate it where's the this restaurant what's the address of the restaurant 278 Southwest 127 127 yeah okay right next to the heste okay very good thank you thank you guys all right all right is there anyone in the audience wishing to uh make a general public comment not geared to anything on the agenda Mr Powell come on down Miss has she's passing out for your convenience a handout which is a 4-year plan by the alliance for aging of which Clara my wife and I are on a um supervisory committee to the board of the alliance that Alliance for aging the feds the older Americans Act the funds that come down for the elderly come to the alliance I am an advisory to that board that board is entrusted with carrying out the demands the laws the regulations of caring for elderly now you'll look at I I just took out four or five pages of an 84 page plan and a while ago I thought on one of our agendas was what do we do for seniors in case of emergency well I'm a senior I'm not bedridden I'm not disabled I understand English and I didn't know what to do to ask for help where do I go if I need some Transportation I'm sick I can't pay my mortgage I can't I don't know look at page two you will see that there are a number of hotlines that are available one is the for the alliance the other one and I don't know if you've ever heard the term shine but that is a program to help people get on and understand Medicare Medicaid that's the shine program okay the county of Dade has the highest percent of 65 and older population in the state it's 26% 65 and older Miami Homestead I don't know I don't know if it's got an AG aged population or not but your concern was what do we do with them we've got Transportation issues we've got loneliness we've got separation we've got covid we've got so many things for these Elder people they're disabled they're trouble with with the language where do you go well you go here and what I did put it for you is this prepar in case of emergency back here the third page and if you look the next three pages are the places that get involved in the emergency with phone number so I am offering to the mayor to the councel to the city manager to be a lead in Homestead to push for help for our seniors a hotline meals Transportation I don't do we have pickup for seniors to to to take them places uh do we have meals for them I know we just gave the soup K kitchen a nice little donation I just donated two five gallon pots to him and and she had one to she could do her thing in but um are we doing enough for our seniors and we also need you to go to our legislators the older Americans act now that Co come down they're cutting into that they're not expanding the monies in that pot and the demand is now doubling and tripling this group that answers the phone gets over 160,000 phone calls a year for help okay I want you to allow me if you will to be the homestead bearer of let's get the word to all the seniors anybody know senior 65 and older in Homestead anybody know them well I'm one of them okay and I'm here and there is a lot available but you got to know where to do it and if you couldn't get out of the house where do you go to get that help I I think that uh city manager I'm willing able I'd love to have a committee if you give me a room you give us a phone uh we'll get out some flyers maybe we put a flyer in the utility bill that says hey folks you're 65 and older here's a phone number for you you know get that word out to somebody thank you very much thank you Mr pal thank you all right anything further anyone online anyone further in the chambers with a general public comment hey good evening good evening my name is Travon Brown first off I would like to thank the city for allowing me to have my first annual Breast Cancer Walk uh last year in October on this year I would like to have my second annual Breast Cancer Walk um over at Rosco War Warren Park October 26 um it's a free event for the community um just to spread awareness of breast cancer for everyone in the City of Homestead um first off the main reason reason and purpose of the event is uh my auntie was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago and she's still a Survivor so just to let other survivors come out um I'm now connected with different organizations who I wasn't connected with before uh breast cancer survivors such as sisters sisters in pink and prayer prayer in pink which our organizations will be gathered in with me to make this event bigger than what it was last year and to get assistance from the city to make the the event bigger to be able to host more thing more events at the park and make the Su walk of success very good so is there something that you need from the city or from the council or um just to get the the park the park secured I'm I'm working with councilwoman Jennifer Bailey just to get the park secured and also just want to spread more word of the event that's that's coming on October 26 okay very good so so far you're under control of getting the park secured all right and for the record let me let us have your address 1740 Northeast 35th Avenue thank you appreciate it thank you for letting us know thank you good evening sorry good evening mayor and Council manager and staff Brandy Ramirez 2231 Southeast First Street um on behalf of pray and pink organization we just wanted to invite mayor and councel to the upcoming survivors brunch it'll be October 12th from 11:00 a.m. to 3 P.M I'll definitely be forwarding you guys by email the information in case you guys can be in attendance that would be great also the other item I wanted to mention through together for children for the nonprofits we have many nonprofits in the audience today um just want to ask mayor and Council to continue supporting SOS they're part of our Coalition um they do great work in the community and just so they can continue their home in the police department so thank you very much and have a good evening thank you thank you br anyone else anyone else wishing to make a public comment all right seeing none I will close the public comments portion of the agenda all right Mr manager do we have any additions deletions or deferrals yes Mr Mayor uh tab number 10 is uh pH 2024-25 final plot uh is for Mr for Adrian Builders at nor Canal Drive LLP is being pulled from the agenda and deferred to a date yet to be determined a defer good we have a motion to defer this item moved by the vice mayor second by councilman cannibal um indefinite deferral that would that be the correct terminology Mr Mayor or Mr attorney yes we don't have a date certain for this ITA all right we need a roll call Matt do we need a roll call on that no we do not all in favor any opposed does that conclude the additions deletions and deferrals manager does that conclude any of the changes to the agenda okay all right we have uh before us the consent agenda I'll entertain a motion to uh approve the consent agenda moved by councilwoman AA second by councilman Davis any comments all in favor any opposed all right Mr White yes please be advised the following item on the agenda is quazi judicial nature if you wish to comment upon this item please indicate that you would like to address uh this item when the quazi judicial item is made an opportunity for persons to speak on this item will be made available after the applicant and staff made their presentation on this item swearing in all testimony including public testimony and evidence will be made under oor affirmation additionally each person who gives testimony may be subject to cross-examination if you do not wish to either be cross-examined or sworn your testimony will be given its due weight the general public will not be permitted to cross-examine Witnesses but the public May request the council to ask questions of Staff or Witnesses on their behalf the full agenda packet on on this item is hereby entered into the record persons representing organizations must present evidence of their authority to speak for the organization further details of the quazi judicial procedures may be obtained from the clerk in accordance with code section 2-5 90 any lobbyist must register before addressing the Council on this item at this time council members must disclose any exporte Communications concerning this agenda item which would be tab nine any disclosures on Tab nine no hearing none at this time I'd ask anyone in the audience who's wishing to speak on this item please stand raise your right hand to be sworn by the clerk you here by swear firm to tell the truth and nothing but the truth to help me gone thank you you may be seated tab n car number 4381 is a resolution of the City of Homestead Florida approving a special exception as requested by the CLA Elite Properties LLC for the development of a single family dwelling in on an approximately 6,850 foot parcel within the multiple apartment R3 zoning District located at 904 Northeast 5th Avenue as legally described in exhibit a and providing for an effective date um before we go forward with the staff report we had kind of set a policy that the applicant needed to be present I didn't see that the applicant stood applicant's here okay all right now that's that's fine I just want to make sure that the the applicant representative was here before we went forward good thank you all right Mr gordino sir thank you very much staff recommends that the mayor and Council approve this special exception um to the city code section 30-2 206- one permitted use is what this is we've done this I think for the last three council meeting this is the allowance of a single family home um in the R3 District the code allows us by special exception to permit it if it is um um if the surrounding neighborhood uh is similar uh to that and what we have here is that that is exactly the case uh surrounding the property are three single family homes a vacant site and a multif family uh medium residential use uh use so we felt that the that the surrounding neighborhood was similar to what they're proposing and so we're recommending approval again for this thank you very good thank you um Council any questions or comments on this one all right sir if you could just come to the uh Podium and give us your name and address for the record you've identified yourself as the applicants representative we just want to put you on the record being here uh my name is Orlando kasar is Northeast fth Avenue um that's basically the address gu very good thank you it's all we needed I want hang around if there are any questions all right um any public comments public comments I'll close the public hearing ask for a motion to approve this item moved by councilman cannibal we have a second by vice mayor Fletcher roll call Madam Clark councilman rth yes councilman Davis yes councilwoman aula councilman cannibal councilwoman Bailey vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries thank you have at it thank you all very much thank you okay Tab 10 has been deferred moving on to tab 11 Mr Pearl or is it s white okay tab 11 is the first reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the city code of ordinances by amending chapter 32 design guidelines Article Five public art program providing for cability providing for inclusion in the code providing for conflicts and providing for an effective dat and who's going to give us the staff report I can so at your um July 9th Cal meeting uh there was a discussion that you all had regarding um the the um Chrome Avenue statute uh during that conversation you all um also discussed making modification changes to the existing public art guidelines uh so this ordinance uh reflects uh those requested changes uh and they are simply to roll back um what you all had originally adopted in 2010 with regards to the thresholds and applicability and contributions for developers um so if you look at your ordinance the packet um the two sections that are changing are sections 3238 and section 3239 um and those thresholds amount um reflect uh the original uh 2010 ordinance uh when you adopted the public art program what those dollar amounts and thresholds were um subsequent to the initial adoption in 2010 uh I think a couple years later you all modified to reduce the threshold numbers um given the economic downturn um and those that's what's been in place for the past um several years so this uh rolls back and uh increases those threshold uh dollar amounts and contribution amounts to what you originally adopted so if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer those all right thank you Council yes Council Bailey thank you mayor um so as much as I would like to jump up to 1.5 um I do think that uh that that might be a little too big of a jump but I would be interested to hear what you all think about considering eliminating the inl inl of funds especially since we sit as that board now um and we have quite uh a nice groupings of things that we want to to see happen I think that we could consider getting rid of that uh of that piece um if 1.5 is something that that we are seeing close by and is something that that you think we could realistically do then then by all means um so I'd be curious to hear what you think about jumping to the 1.5 if we if we should keep at one and again if um if you would be okay with eliminating that piece of it which piece is that the inl of funds well but I I think and and correct me if I'm wrong I have Miss stino addressed the inl of but I believe she was addressing the placement of art on the site by the developer and you have three choices either pay the fee to our fund donate a piece of art and we decide where it goes or placement of the art on site so I think the while the the lay term is in lie of I think I think what was intended was to eliminate the placement of art on the site by the developer that so that we would have the remaining options of either donating the art piece then then it would have to be agreed to and accepted by Council or pay into the uh to the fund is is that is that correct Mr mortino let me invite you down to to clarify what just what your thoughts were as the the longtime chair of the art and public places committee my thought is to eliminate it all why have someone donate a piece of artwork that maybe all of you would not be in agreement to I say eliminate it let them put the money into the major fund all of you decide how to spend it so no donations just the 1 Point five into the art and public places funds and you decide how to spend it just just so you know that the donation of public art language in the proposed amendment says the option of donating art which has been approved by the public art committee and city council which is which is us having a documented minimum value of that since the beginning of time there hasn't been any approvals Okay so it doesn't work eliminate it just to finish real quick that was one of my first questions when we when I had my sit down with staff but who knows what who knows what somebody has that we we might want and they don't feel is uh as beneficial so nobody's proposed it so I don't think it hurts but I would agree with uh with them strictly contributing to art in public places funds thank you and pull in the funds that are in escrow now what's that there's funds in escrow now correct in inl pull the funds into your major funds well they're all in the art fund they're all accounted in that four and that one fund yeah but if it's not going to be used in Li of it should be used in general funds well you're I think you're speaking to the Florida City Gas project that they were going to do their own right and that's what they availed themselves of under the ordinance it was in effect at that time you know we can't change that without their consent it hasn't been approved it hasn't been presented in the timeline that our city requires our timeline is 60 days from when they pulled their permit their timeline is when their project is complete it has to be within n months years have passed what are we waiting for okay so and and that's something we'll probably have to deal with with the attorneys I mean you can't build that specificity as to that project into into this amendment but we can prevent someone in the future from having these same issues but the but the requirements of the things that happened before haven't been met that's all I would okay want you to consider fair fair enough so and and and I would agree and I I'm not a fan of allowing the Builder to place art on the site and I use the example of the parking lot sculpture well it's a it's a kind of a neat sculpture it's hidden in a motel Park Hotel parking lot off the main out of the main public view it really doesn't serve a lot of purpose so I think that councilwoman Avala wanted to chim in thank you mayor thank you Mr Santino um I was asking St in my briefings about the um consistency of a 1.5 compared to other uh entities and it's pretty to par so I'd like to see um us make that increase and uh I don't I like the I like the opportunity of having options within the within our policy for art but I do want development services to implement our timelines so if we do have uh any funds out there or any promises to to turn in art and it hasn't been done we should call that we should call those funds due um but in general either they pay or they donate and weed decide where it goes so I think that's what you were recommending mayor those two items so I was just yeah you know if we're going to have the the option for someone to donate we don't want to for and we don't have to accept it exactly that would default back then to exactly a payment right and then I would like to increase it to the 1.5 thank you okay oh sure councilman Roth yeah why not so I agree with Mrs Santino that if they want to donate a piece of art to us we have to make a decision on that why can't we eliminate it from the code now and if they want to present art to us prior to them having to pull permits or whatever the process is then that Council whomever that may be at that time can make a decision whether they want to accept that art or not I've seen it fail in the past and I think if we take that option away it it leads to Clarity right you're just going to pay us one and a half percent of whatever the project is we make a decision on what we do with that public art money so I think I think it just gives Clarity to the department as well that they don't have to argue with anybody well they said they can no you can do this but if you want to go before Council and present your piece of art to them then they can make a decision if they want to accept that in lie of the payment so my two cents kind of on the analogous to a special exception uh yes no I I I think the because the way this is structured right this is a fee we're making a determination that it's not an impact fee it's public art fee and so there needs to be some certainty with regards to the applicability and what the threshold is right so you can't have it set up where it's a special exception but if you don't accept the art then they have to come back and they have to pay the fee I think you just have to set it up as they can choose um I think that's important for the legal viability of this program so correct me if I'm wrong what I'm hearing is is we either well let me ask it this way if someone came in and proposed option A2 the donation of public art and the council rejected the piece of art is it clear then that the option well under the current ordinance would be either pay the fee or place the piece of art anyway on on site so so let's say that we move forward and amended this ordinance to remove option three the placement of art on site what would be the scenario then if the council rejected the proposed donation of art Then I then I think the applicant would be left with having to pay the inl fee okay the option one just to pay the fee yeah and well do we de should we still call it the inl fee how about an inl donation rather than the inl fee well the the whole thing is that you're not me this is a program in which there are options built in right so you can an an applicant can choose right it's unlike an impact fee right because person just pay right so the Nuance here is that there are options built in now reality is most people don't choose option two or three they choose option one think you've only had two or three instances in the whole time frame since 2010 where an applicant has proferred public art on site that you all have approved and I don't think in any case as anyone proposed a donation of public art for you all to accept so guess to be on good legal footing we need to leave at least a second option on the table which from my perspective should probably be the option to donate public art and we decide yay or nay and where it goes and to clarify on that um James would we be would would be would we be in the right to have it appraised and to verify that the value they are suggesting is in fact the value and make that as part of how we determine to reject or accept right corre correct it has to be a docu it has to have a documented minimum value of that of that 1% who pays the appraiser they would have to and and I would also say that that art the donation of art would need to be in line with your master plan along the type of art that you all have already set out in your master plan even better but it does still strike me as a concern of of the idea that there were um promises to provide art and the timing did not it wasn't done within the right timing so I'd like for staff to look into that and just so we can get some clarity and and some um understanding on where there might have been some breakdowns in our process so we can improve that in general thank you councilman James I have a question do we have we have to give them two options is that right at least two so can we give them an option to pay 2% or one and a half per that's a good one well I think you just you need to mandate a minimum of what whatever you want the percentage to be I'm not sure I understand your question we get paid either way and there's no inl of no donation of art yeah if we have to give them options those aren't real options I guess is the answer can we get can we get some creativity with can we get be creative with the options does it have to be cash or donation or could there be something else that we can consider well the other option is that they would donate they they would place they would come to you with a proposal for a art piece of art that they place on site that you all approve um based on evaluation and based on the location okay what about if there's um pay in full or have a payment plan are those two valid options just asking so there's just one option in terms of no donation you have to contribute but you have options on how you contribute you can pay in full or you can pay in two over two years is that a valid option I mean that's up to you all how you would like to do that but I mean if you're trying to have an applicant pay at the time when they have to pay all their other fees right like I'm not sure how I've never seen that I'm not saying that you can't do it but I I'm not sure what a payment plan would look like good luck collecting it once they've got their CEO and they're up and running Mr vice mayor I think we're taking this way out into the weeds yeah and we're overthinking this uh I would I would offer that we we follow the original motion by councilwoman of Ava to uh increase to 1.5% and add the eliminate eliminate option three and all other inconsistent Provisions in this draft so is that your motion Council woman yes Council and cannibal has seconded it no go ahead any anything else no okay all right let's open the floor to the public 1.5% right 1.5 cross board thank you all right nothing further we'll close close the public hearing and ask for a roll call vote on first reading councilman Roth councilman cannibal Council M Bailey councilman Davis Council abulance vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries all right thank you I have a question to clarify that also includes properties and development within the CRA right yes this is applicable Citywide okay all right I got quiet all right moving on to tab 12 Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor tab 12 is a resolution of the city council of the city of home state of Florida approving an amendment to the employment agreement between the city manager and the City of Homestead providing for implementation providing for an effective date all right and as I understand it this is necessary to implement the supplemental payment the supplemental payment payment that the we approved to be included in the budget correct this by State Statute must this provision must be included in the manager's contract this accomplishes that correct questions any public comments all right it's been moved by councilwoman AA seconded by councilman cannibal roll call woman Bailey councilman Rong yes councilman Davis vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries and moving on to tab 13 Mr Pearl tab 13 is a resolution of the city council the City of Homestead Florida approving a change order to the roof repair agreement between the City of Homestead and Garland DBS Inc providing for implementation providing for an effective date who's got the staff so um Mr Mayor and Council um this resolution is to accept an amendment to an existing uh contract with a vendor for the replacement of the roof at 653 Southwest 4th Street this is the proposed location office location for Code Compliance and also the administrative office of Parks and Recreation uh the contractor had requested for an additional 20 $7,881 157,000 with a 10% uh uh additional Services uh overhead so we are recommending Council to accept the change order request and to approve it so that we can finalize the installation of the roofing so that our folks in Code Compliance can move into their office as well as Parks Council any questions or comments any open the public hearing I'll close the public hearing do we have a motion to approve moved by councilman Ross seconded by councilman cannibal let's have a roll call vote Madam CLK councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal councilwoman aula councilman Roth councilman Davis vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries and moving on to tab 14 Mr Pearl this Mr Mary tab 14 is a resolution of the city council of the city of home State of Florida confirming a declaration of a state of emergency authorized by the city manager providing for implementation and providing for an effective date Mr manager so M mayor and Council I'm happy to report that the contractor for this work has mobilized to sight even though he's yet to receive a notice to proceed uh he seems to be ahead of the line uh in order to meet the compliance deadline that we impose on this project uh I will encourage folks to go out there and look at the construction work uh it's novel is something that has never been done inside it it's called a directional drilling where majority of the work is going to be trenchless they're not going to be digging up the street except at specific location where the pipe is going to be inserted into the ground and at the end of the location where it's going to exit uh however there will be a lot of uh traffic uh reil routes through maintenance of traffic what we've done is to send that Flyers to folks who who live within one mile radius of the project site as well as businesses within that area and if you notice if driven around the area of the project which is Mari and Southeast 6th Avenue you will probably will see project signage that is being installed to show that the City of Homestead is being transparent it gives you the project information it gives you a email address to send us complaints if you have challenges and also it gives you the project description and it gives you the cost of the project so that everybody sees where the tax dollars are going and also it gives names of all the elected officials this is in the spirit of transparency and congratulations councel woman bayy for being the TR Blazer in the new signage program for the city of homesteads Capital project this is good for visibility if visibility and Optics people will see they don't need to call you they stand there and they know what exactly is going on now there will be a lot of traffic impact as this project rolls back so we encourage people to be patient and to see that the greater good is being accomplished to dig us out of the moratorium we find ourselves very good thank you sir any questions or comments from Council any public comments close public hearing and ask for a motion to approve mooved by councilwoman Bailey second by councilman cannibal roll call Madam cour before the roll call I've just been corrected that the Flyers were sent to properties and businesses within 300 ft of the project not one mile right roll call councilwoman aula councilwoman Bailey councilman Davis councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes may law yes the motion carries and moving on to tab 15 Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor tab 15 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida accepting the property conveyance to the City of Homestead by the community redevelopment agency of the City of Homestead Florida providing for implementation and providing for an effective date and if there are no objections we'll wave the staff report you get a public comments been moved and smoo by counc Ross second by vice mayor Fletcher roll call Madam clerk yes councilman cannibal councilwoman abula councilman Davis councilman Ross vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries and tab 16 Mr PE yes Mr Mayor tab 16 is a resolution of the city council of the city of hom state Florida authorizing the city manager to approve all budgeted new and replacement vehicle equipment purchases for fiscal year 2025 providing for implementation and providing for an effective date have staff report uh this is actually being done by procurement and in the spirit of Expediting the acquisition process very good thank you all right do we have a motion moved by vice mayor second by councilwoman Bailey any public comments close the public hearing and ask for a roll call vote Madam clerk councilwoman aula councilman Davis councilman raw yes councilman cannibal vice mayor flet yes yes the motion carries and tab 17 Mr F yes Mr Mayor tab 17 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida approving purchase transaction for the installation of protective relays for electric utility line number four between the City of Homestead and power serve Technologies Inc providing for implementation and providing for an effective date any problem waving the staff report didn't think so any public comments on this item close the public hearing this item has been moved by the vice mayor do we have a second second second by councilwoman Al roll call Madam clerk councilman Davis councilwoman Bailey councilwoman aula councilman cannibal councilman Roth vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion cares and moving on to tab 18 yes Mr Mayor tab 18 is a resolution of the city council of the city of homestad Florida approving a license agreement between the City of Homestead and start off Smart Inc for Access and use of the police facility to assist victims through Community Based programming providing for implementation and providing for an effective date and wave a staff report right move by councilman Roth second by vice mayor Fletcher any public comment close public hearing roll call Madam CLK Roth councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal councilwoman aula councilman Davis vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lawner yes the motion carries tab 19 please yes Mr Mayor tab 19 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida accepting a grant award from the children's Trust of Miami D County for contractual Support Services to families exposed to violence approving the grant agreement establishing a budget for the expenditure of Grant funds in the amount of $700,000 providing for implementation and providing for an effective date um hasn't this come before us we've we've been briefed on on the background there any questions from Council on this item no questions from Council is there any public comment comment seeing none I'll close the public hearing this items moved by councilman cannibal second by councilman Roth let's have a roll call Madam clerk councilwoman Bailey councilwoman aula councilman Ross councilman Davis councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lawner yes the motion carries and tab 20 yes Mr tab 20 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida authorizing the city manager to issue work authorization to Southern corrosion as an author sole source purchase for the painting of United States 250th anniversary logos on the city's elevated water tanks providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you and in short this is to paint our adopted 250th uh the American Revolution on each of the water towers move by the vice mayor have a second by Council Bailey is there any public comment I have one comment Mr manager and looking at the one seal that came in that I was looking at with the assistant today I think to set it off a little bit on that scale the band around the edges needs to be a little wider to Define it rather than kind of a white seal on a white White Tower let take it yeah all right it's been moved in seconded roll call Mam cour councilman Ross councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal councilwoman uh councilman Davis vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor laar yes the motion carries and have 21 Mr Mayor tab 21 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida approving an update go ahead an update of the homestead Regional Park master plan to include soccer mini pitch and updated pickle ball area providing for implementation providing for an effective date thank you Mr manager so um there are a couple of items that we need to amend the master plan to reflect the new Grant funded socer mini Peach close to the track as well as an increase to the count of the number of pickle ball courts so we just want to reflect that in the new Master Plan good thank you move by the vice mayor have a second second by Council aala any public comment a none I'll close the public hearing let's have a roll call Madam Court yes councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal councilman Roth councilwoman aula vice mayor Fletcher yes may laa yes the motion carries and tab 22 yes Mr Mayor tab 22 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida approving an addendum to a professional service agreement between the city and bermillo and J and partners Inc for RFQ number 20221 Architectural and Engineering service for the homestead Sports Complex designed providing for implementation providing for an effective date very good and if I might paraphrase quickly do the discovery of soil conditions where we ask the Architects to extend the Shaded area there's got to be more uh research done due to the to the findings in that uh a very unexpected findings in that area move by vice mayor second by uh counil cannibal a public comment Ain none I'll close the public here hearing and roll call vote please councilwoman aula councilman Davis councilman Roth yes councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries moving on to tab 23 this Mr mayy tab 23 is a resolution of the city council of the city of hpad Florida awarding a bid for avocado Villa's water system improvements to jva engineering contractor Inc pursuant to ITB 20244 authorizing the transaction providing for implementation providing for an effective date and we'll wave the staff report we've all seen this in the past any comments from the public any none I'll close the public hearing did I hear a move move by councilman Roth seconded by councilman Davis roll call Madam Court councilman Roth yes councilwoman aula yes councilman cannibal councilman Davis vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries very good Mr manager anything further yes sir I'm happy to report that I will be out of town to attend the icma conference that is starting up on tomorrow so I'll be coming back to the city on the 25th of this month in my absence assistant city manager kimar bran will be deputizing for me and also like I said earlier Pump Station 22 and the associated Wastewater Basin construction notice to proceed is expected to be issued tomorrow uh also I'm happy to report that the administration had uh worked with the DMV Department of Motor Vehicles to come to the City of Homestead and start the issuance of driver's licenses and renewal it's going to be on the 8th of October and it's going to be at the William Dickson community Center we are try this is a pilot if he's successful we want to make it permanent so that folks don't have who folks who live in Homestead don't need to travel out of City to go renew driver's licenses you can do it in the City of Homestead um I think we were granted 40 slots and now 45 and we started the Outreach two days ago and it's almost taken up by people and folks are calling asking uh can we get more so if you've recently tried to go to any of the existing uh DMV offices to renew your driver's license it's a big housle you can't really get an appointment so we are trying to see if we can institutionalize this and make it permanent in the City of Homestead for us and also the Miami dat County Clark of the Court will be hosting a second flow which is Florida licensing on Wales just like we're doing on the 8th they hope to do theirs on the 28th at the same location as well so this is really bringing business and bringing Municipal Services closer to the people that need it and I want to also share with Council that the mayor and the city manager and staff of the city of Princeton Texas visited the City of Homestead on the August 20th and they just sent us a postcard extending their appreciation for the warm reception that they received while they were here to visit this librarium thanks thank you sir Mr attorney yes Mr Mayor if I can I'd like to request two executive sessions um in the matter of Manuel Torres Ramirez and Violeta eleras Arona versus City of Homestead Miami D circuit court case number 2022 00154 and Diego CH vers City of Homestead Miami Dade circuit court case number 20240 17 48 thank you make it happen all right Council Owen Bailey thank you mayor real quick the applications are open now to submit for firefighter of the year that is coming up again soon so Chief centenno unfortunately had to leave but I wanted to tell him thank you so much for helping to start um that program last year we're excited to do it again last month I had the honor of presenting a proclamation for Miss mallerie one of our long-standing swack members who has um donated countless hours in many many years for all of her community service and this Saturday I get to present one thanks to mayor lner for another one of our swack members leanda Bragg she is hosting her Ninth Annual Sickle Cell walk um it'll be at Rosco Warren Park and um she is just an amazing person uh 14 years ago when I had my first born um the nurse walked in and said your son has CLE cell trait and I said what does that even mean um so obviously there is a lot of information that we still need to learn and help share um and she has just been such a great pillar in our community she works with homestead hospital they are looking to start more program she has hosted countless events um inviting the public out so I encourage you please if you are able to stop by Rosco Warren Park um this Saturday I would love uh love for you all to to um to join 8 o'clock amm it starts it starts at 8 that's registration so you could come in a little after that but not too much and then just real quick Kudos on the employee newsletter I know that we always do a lot for our city employees I love the little birthday parties um I didn't see in the last news thing if there were any birthdays today do we have any birthdays today h do we heard about that wow happy birthday I knew it happy birthday thank you mayor thank you Cil cannibal anything else all right coun Davis thank you I I just wanted to give uh a thank you to our city manager and team this budget process has been a great process uh to see how it works together to see how you're making changes to the benefit our our community and our and our city function Process Management is awesome to see those types of things coming together now Additionally the Northwest is so much better with The Dumping of you know the illegal dumping that that's really starting to work and well it's been working thank you very much for that that is that is uh so much nicer than thank you for that code enforcement a shot the code enforcement going out it is it's a change that is very noticeable to our citizens thank you very much you sir thank you councilman Council Roth I got another I find that hard I'll come back to you okay councilwoman ala wait wait a minute did we for time Jump here all right but you sta I do want to say sorry thank you so much to staff for answering all my questions and for reminding me of the things that I said I would forget that I wanted to bring up so I did um I did get those reminders and uh PD continue doing a great job I see you on the street more now than I have in the last six months which is great it means you're out there and you're you guys are showing the community that you're ready to serve which you always have been but I noticed it recently thank you thank you Mr vice mayor yes thank you Mr Mayor just a couple of uh short items here first uh I was contacted by a a colleague of mine who happens to to be a graduate of Homestead High School Broncos same year as I was graduated South day 1990 she happens to be the head uh pharmacist at the Valencia Gardens uh Publix there on Palm Drive just south of Homestead High School and she would like to work with the city and hold a flu Clinic with the City of Homestead so through the manager and through Miss uh through Wendy and HR that we uh take a look at that and see what we can do if possible um also I'd like to bring up October is prostate cancer awareness month uh we tend to forget about that sometimes uh as a as a proud uh Survivor of uh prostate cancer Let's uh try and remember those who've had this uh horrible disease and and uh make sure you anybody has any questions about prostate cancer feel free to reach out to me I'm more than happy to discuss it with you um I'd also like to ask my colleagues again uh I know we talked about this briefly um but with the holidays coming up uh the orange bll committee does an annual turkey give away just prior to Thanksgiving uh last year they gave away 500 turkeys and they were about 500 short this year they want to give away 1500 and if we can power together as a group uh we can join them and maybe give away two or 3,000 turkeys at one time in a couple of different locations through the city I think it's great if we work in unity together and let's let's make this happen if we could work through the manager office and figure what out what we have to do uh we can get a hold of Eric Palms at the Orange Bowl committee and make this happen um with that I'd also like to uh ask uh Mr pal brought up a very good point and I know we have some uh different breakdowns of ethnicities and and age groups throughout the City of Homestead but if we could Define and see what that senior number is it would be very interesting to have that number for all of us with that I wish everybody a a happy and safe evening thank you thank you Mr vice mayor well we've talked about it for four years and We've joked about it since uh assistant uh manager uh Brown was uh designated with the task I want to thank everybody who had a hand in bringing the portable Podium no more importantly getting rid of that giant I or that was in the way as the former Podium and bringing in this this PO affordable Podium that will make this area so much more usable when we have have groups here in presentations and uh you know I think Council Roth mentioned it sometime in a conversation that yeah this building's an evolution and we've been here a while now and uh you know we can fix some of the things that you know uh we're kind of overlooked and and maybe not thought through when it was done other than the flashing light up there that that was start of fing when the lift went out right literally 2 days later it killed me you know my 14-year-old brain wants to say I'll bring my Red Rider BB gun and take care of the flashing it would be fun after City Hall closes I might be here too you have to shut down the cameras though right um beyond that you know as said before the May the mayor has very little power and authority above and beyond just priding over the meetings but one of the things I do get to do other than sign proclamations is convene committees and I want to announce that uh vice mayor Fletcher and councilwoman Avala will be joining me in a thre member committee to look at um I understand there's a new proposal for and well let's back up if you don't realize it for the public the city council has perview over the City attorney not the city manager it is city council so we'll be acting as a committee the meetings will be published and noticed obviously all of you are welcome to attend there will be three voting members to talk about how we can better utilize the attorneys enhance the relationship and uh Main maintain some Financial Equity between uh the representation and and the and the payment for the representation it's been a a very long time since um anybody's taken a look at that and it's just it's part of that Evolution that we've seen in this budget process of doing business better and more efficiently and economically so uh just wanted to make that announcement and with that I'm sure if I had made some notes I had something else but that's all that I remember at this point so that do we have a motion to adjourn I may may favor Mr Mayor I just want to shout out to my Parks and Recreation director Pedro for finally making an attempt to fix the lighting even though we have one of it stay flashing but uh he's done well so we're hoping to finalize the the upgrades especially in the chambers and in the lobby thank you Pedro very good thank you and uh and and not to be vain but you know and again the modernization the photos of the council and manager that almost every other City Hall has and and County Hall so that when the public comes in you know a lot of people have no idea who we are they may know our names they may have vaguely remembered a campaign ad but it it helps folks know know who we are who come in here to uh to do business so with that meeting adjourned thank you all all