##VIDEO ID:gn8J2LYmZBg## handle crisis and to address uh issues that come up some of those providers are Baptist Health the Veterans Administration the homeless trust Miami date County and the court system uh they offer a Continuum of Care with counselors treatment individual meetings group meetings and that I think is is the key to their success they're able to comprehensively address the needs of their clients these stay at one of their facilities including the one we want to build is typically 30 to 90 days and there is a waiting list for this uh program for New Hope and that's the reason that they're embarking on this this is a large project for New Hope it's about an 8 million project and if we're successful tonight we think it'll take about 36 months to build we wish we could open it tomorrow New Hope is right next door uh from the prop and I'll talk talk a little more about the property in a minute or two they are at 1,200 Chrome uh they have been there for about 20 years and they have 60 beds in that location that location is only about 4/10 of an acre and the building is only about 7700 Square ft it is really insufficient to handle the waiting list and the demand that we're trying to address with this new facil we will be building if we're successful a building that's about 3 and 1 half times larger on a property that's over double the size and as I said earlier it will be an $8 million facility we will be adding about 20 to 25 employees and Mr Alvarez will talk in a couple of minutes about the employees and the really strong base that they have have of employees that reside in the city in in addition to being a much bigger facility that that will open the door for a number of improvements for New Hope they will have better sleeping quarters and rooms for the residents more space to have group meetings and individual counseling meetings and better Recreation spaces they are a little bit cramped where they are located now and we'll we'll show you that aerial photograph in just a minute the 1020 facility on Chrome will be converted if we're successful to all offices and that will help us breathe a little bit from an administrative and office standpoint and move the residents next door and be better for the residents better for the workers employees and so on this is the project site it's three lots in the middle of this picture on 11th Street and the existing facility which I referenced on Chrome is right next door to the east uh this is an area that is designated in a comprehensive plan for professional M mixed use professional mixed use permits commercial of up to six stories and it permits and encourages office services medical health services and we are certainly providing a medical as well as a mental health need uh we we're not building six stories we don't think that's necessary for us and it might not be compatible in this area this area is predominantly Zone R3 there are a lot of apartments and duplexes in this area particularly along 11th Street uh there are a lot of four unit buildings there are some duplexes as well directly to the north is the Sunrise Community uh which is a group home facility that we'll talk more about in a minute uh and we have in in the immediate area we have a 12 unit apartment building located on 12th Street the this is an area photograph site in the surrounding area I think you can see the apartments particular one large to the South there are Apartments over to the West on both sides of 11th Street the sunrise facility is located to the north along along and we are as as I indicated on 11th street right in the middle of this picture the housing stock in this area some of it was built in the 1940s and 50s and there's a smaller group of apartments that were built in the early 2000s uh even that is 20 years ago there has not been significant development in this area for the last 20 years we are hopeful from a value standpoint and from an enhancement standpoint that we uh will Revitalize the area uh we'll talk in a minute about our plans have a twostory development most of the buildings and the development is on story in the area there's one twostory apartment in the immediate area we think a two-story building will be the parking is located along the east side next to our existing building uh we do not have an ideal parking situation where we're located now this will be one of the major benefits to to us and to the community we believe if this is approved we've placed the parking over on the east side a lot of the visitors and employees not all but a lot come in of and on from Avenue they don't necessarily come through the neighborhood um that will we think will continue and those employees and visitors will come in largely off they will not intr large numbers we all think into the neighborhood you see the building which is two stories there is a outdoor recreation area on the West Side covered area where you can have outdoor activities people can get fresh air and it's an enhancement over what we have now next door because we have more property to work with we have the ability to provide this kind of facility I don't have the floor plans but as I mentioned earlier the building being so much larger we have a lot more space to have Individual Counseling group counseling first floor will have 12 rooms for residents and second floor we have 18 a lot more meeting downstairs it's just a lot a lot more conducive to Modern Way of providing this service dealing with our clients and our the landscape plan I want to highlight What's happen between us and our neighbors to the South we have a 25 requirement for setback building at4 Buton woods and and the recreation space as I mentioned along the side development your code has a menu of design requirements things such as perits having color changes having articulation of the building so that it's not one flat building with just one kind of material and different materials overhangs and so on and we have comped those requirements in the code there is a menu that the code provides where you have to provide a lot of items on the menu not necessarily all and we have complied with those requirements this is just another rendering shows and this is looking to the south iate parking on the east side I mention earlier building oriented more on the center and the west side we are in agreement with staff reports we have reached out to a number of our neighbors the ones we have been able to speak to have been been very supportive uh we have not been able to speak to some neighbors despite our attempts that said I have a letter of support from Sun Community which is located directly to the north as I Illustrated earlier they operate an intermediate fac and they've been there a long time and they are in aware of our plans our hearing tonight what we're asking for and they are in support um I will wrap up shortly but I would like to ask Mr Alvarez to come forward and say some things probably better than I can say thank you mayor alast Street uh I am superious I would have to say that Mr did terrif job I know we have at least one in the audience I don't know that speak okay that's that's fine let me open it up to questions or comments from from Council here DAV uh thank you very much for coming forward today I I just wanted to to thank you for coming forward and thank you for having this project uh New Hope is a valued member of our Homestead Community for the past 30 years I I think that it started by the wind Dixie right uh 30 years ago or so was in has moved downtown since that time yeah First office9 Street us and in that period in that inum they've done a wonderful job providing a a range of mental health initiatives um reaching out to Miami day County an excellent relationship with our Police Department uh veterans and as as a veteran and myself you know we had a we had a uh veteran suicide here a few weeks back um a guy under the radar you know what I mean and and we have such a need for what you provide thank you so much for it one thing that didn't come out I think you have about um 70 employees and how many of them are homestead residents we have uh 82 employees and I would say about 50% of Homestead res that's Homestead jobs that we're promoting here as well this is an appropriate development of that parcel I think it's an an appropriate development and it's a development that will go to the betterment of our community and I hope colleagues will join with me in voting for this thing as as in a few moments thank you thank you councilman Davis councilwoman Bailey thank you mayor um I'm also in Full full support I'm sorry that I wasn't able to speak with you this time around but I love the additions um the extra focus on the wreck area um that was one thing that that we talked about I know that that's so important in the recovery process as I've I have been there with a friend of mine and uh that moment when they are allowed to bring their family and their friends over um for them to have a nice peaceful spot to reflect and spend time with the family I thought that that was a a wonderful addition um I just wanted to encourage staff to make sure that we keep the conversations open with businesses like New Hope um when thinking of the issues that we have with our homeless population you know making sure that those those relationships are there and that we are are having all those conversations and making sure that we are using each other in the best way po um possible to be able to um to help those that we can thank you mayor okay thank you Council woman Council AA thank you mayor I I do appreciate the faith-based approach that New Hope um has as part their their system and their process um of course I can appreciate the physical emotional social um assistance that you're offering and the focus you have on that and the jobs of course are very important um I'm going to be basing my decision mostly tonight on um on my colleagues' comments and uh recommendations because unfortunately I was not uh requested a meeting for so that I can review discuss maybe take a site tour of the existing operations I do have some reservations regarding the daycare that's immediately behind the facility but it's it's been an existence and I would think they'd be here to oppose if there were any issues um during our briefings on this item I was told it was an Al I assumed you know elderly people needing assistance so it would have been nice to have been told that there was a difference here and maybe it would have given me more um more of a reason to maybe Reach Out directly but for future applications or for any other applications here tonight please kindly reach out to my assistant into my office uh so that we can have a conversation um but on the surface this this definitely looks like uh something that's um bringing a lot of benefit and value to Residents in need and uh we we need to continue to support those kinds of initiatives uh for staff is this a a one and only reading or how many readings are there this will be the only reading okay thank you so as you can imagine you know I would have loved to have some more opportunity to discuss and to review so I can be wholly committed to the decision I make tonight but I will be relaying heavily on my colleagues as I respect their opinions thank you thank you Council yeah councilman Campbell how you doing well just to let you know you have my full support on this project okay and As Told David say is the appropriate de development for the land okay and I believe okay that the word that you do in this place is the future mental health treatments for the whole United States that's the way we're going to be treating mental mental illness okay and no I'm happy that you're here and I'll support you thank you councilman vice mayor yes thank you and I too uh did not have an opportunity to sit down and talk to you on this particular item we did speak at length uh about a year ago on another property but it was still this one okay but it's been a long time so again I appreciate my colleagues comments of being reached out to again and having further discussions a little closer to the uh uh the agenda item uh I am in full support these are services that are desperately needed in the South bate area and again it's also starting that Redevelopment phase in our Northwest portion of the city that I think is additionally uh great for our community so again thank you for expanding your your footprint uh including some new jobs and we welcome to look forward support you thank you thank you vice mayor yes go ahead sorry mayor I would like to to know if the site plan has an American flag on the site a flag pole flag pole your is your architect I think it does now it does now yeah if you're willing to do that I would really appreciate it our current facility flag thank you thank you my only concern is this not going to be taxable so I would I would encourage you to keep the building really cold run that meter Off the Wall I think we're going to be spending a lot water there we go we'll take it we'll take a tradeoff for the uh services that are provided that are you know as has been noted much and sorely needed in our our community so thank you all right so let me open this up to a public hearing and see if there's anyone who wishes to speak on this item going once going twice okay we'll close the public hearing and I'll ask for uh mooved by councilman cannibal on Tab 10 which is the special exception do we have a second with the flag well that's the site plans next this for the special exception to permit that second by councilman Roth let have a roll call on Tab 10 for the special exception councilwoman Bailey councilman canni councilwoman AA councilman Ross councilman Davis yes vice mayor Fletcher yes may L yes motion carries all right so do we have a motion on Tab 11 with the uh with the flag poll with a commitment for a f call move it moved and seconded roll call Roth yes councilwoman AA yes councilwoman Bailey councilman Davis yes cannibal yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor ler yes motion carries thank you all appreciate it thank you all you and moving on to a second reading on Tab 12 yes tab 12 car number 4400 is the second reading of an ordinance in the City of Homestead Florida approving the resoning as requested by Homestead business Asset Management LLC of an approximately 13,500 ft parcel of land from one family residential R1 Zing District the restricted retail commercial V1 zoning district for property located at 29 Northwest 14th Street as legally described in exhibit a providing for conflicts providing for severability providing for an effective date the second and final reading again we'll wave the staff report do I have a motion to approve by Council Ross second by Council cannibal roll call on Tab 12 please Council Bailey May hey mayor I need you to open the public hearing okay so we're doing them together a moment ago but I'll open the public hearing on the site plan approval no I'm sorry on on the second reading of the resoning that's right second reading of res I'm sorry second reading of the rezoning close the public hearing all right so now let's have a roll call C Bailey councilman carnibal councilwoman AA councilman Davis yes councilman Roth vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor ler yes motion carries all right moving on to a second reading of tab 13 school zone speed enforcement yes Mr Mayor tab 13 is the second reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending chapter 18 motor vehicles and traffic to create article 3 speed detection systems and school zones of the city code of ordinances to authorize the placement installation and operation of speed detection systems on roadways maintained as school zones establish traffic enforcement procedures when speed detection systems are utilized for school zone speed limit violations and create hearing procedures relating to such school zone speed limit violations providing for Corrections severability conflicts implementation codification and an effective date thank you sir who's going to do staff report on this so um Mr Mayor and Council back in May 22nd of 20124 Mayor and Council approve resolution r224 d05 5- 46 authorizing the manager to negotiate an agreement with rest speed Florida for the installation and operation of speed detection systems in the city uh we have a representative of res speed and I believe you have a short presentation or you want to just speak briefly briefly yes sir a brief breef good evening Mr Mayor vice mayor council members city manager first of all thank you for having me here we put together a presentation and I'll just kind of go through some of them uh first let me introduce myself my name is David that I'm currently the vice president of client relations for so I'll be partnering with your point of contact here in the city in order to get your program up and running I have to commend you from the start to to have taken this step School zon safer I think for me the mission of red speed Florida is to change driver behavior in school zones one school zone at a time to make it safer for the children and for the parents that go in and out of school zones throughout the school day prior to coming on board with red speed I came on board in July I was the assistant chief of police for the City of Miami Beach was by the way conratulations and so I was the assistant chief of operations so for me this is this is just another extension reti I always thought I had loud voice um after retirement this is a perfect segue for me because it's still within the public safety realm something that I that I truly enjoy doing so uh anybody unfortunately when this uh when this bill was being uh negotiated and debated in Tallahassee some of the uh the data that was presented to the legislators and by the way when this law passed House Bill 6 657 it only had N9 toen votes total between the House and Senate so in terms of bipartisan --------- ##VIDEO ID:G0BMdGzkRqM## that do not that are not designated school zones we can only install these systems in designated school zones so red speed is going to work hand in hand with with your city staff in order to uh get the county state you know whichever jurisdic it is in order to get those school zones design they should be uh these are just some of the highlights of the of the state law like I said house 657 Statewide obviously must be a designated school zone uh we will be doing the installation of the signage which is requ by when you enter it is only a $100 fine and I say only because when I used to write tickets 10 miles hour we cannot enforce they have to be going at least 10 miles over the speed liing in order to get one of these citations 10 miles per hour from a police officer I know brother's here back me up on this 10 miles hour in a school zone over the speed limit is not only points because there's no points for these civil violations but it's probably close to $400 so the fact that it's $100 is I hate to say but it's a bargain for the B um they can be enfor we enforce 30 minutes before school starts or 30 minutes before a breakfast program most public schools have a breakfast program so it's whichever is earlier throughout the entire day to 30 minutes after the end of the school Z and then what gets cited is depending on what what the speed limit is at the exact time that it gets the violated violation this is a little bit about us like I've kind of already mentioned basically handle from the start to the Finish from permitting engineering construction of the uh of the equipment um working with the different jurisdictions whether it's a state road County Road or dist City Road making sure that all of our technical uh aspects of this are completed uh and then we begin the mandatory warning period and educational Campaign which we complete we do from start to finish um and then like I said we we have demonstrated over the years especially in Georgia where U we have some cool results these progams right go back a line go back one more no I think you missed a very important point that that we focused on the last point on the right hand side whatever our portion of the fine is must be used to fund local law enforcement incentives and I think that's very important for the public to understand this just isn't going into the black hole of a general fund this is dedicated statutorily mandated to law enforcement initiatives yes Mr Mayor the way that they statute the way they wrote it into the statute was it has to be utilized for Public Safety initiatives and then it allows you as as the um as the Council of the city to to Define that they don't put definitions on what Public Safety is but has to be used for Public Safety inies I believe a little bit further in the slide is the breakdown of the $100 and where each one goes and so we'll see this one more time this we're very proud of the Florida police Chiefs Association we are the only vendor that has been endorsed by the Florida police chief association with preferred vendor um our senior vice president Greg Parks worked hand inand with the Florida police chief Association the three years leading up to the passage of this bill in order to get this bill passed really modeled after the Georgia Bill very similar it's almost exact and so uh because of that those efforts and um just all of the things and the vending process that they put all the vendors through we're very proud of this uh this endorsement and for transparency safe I'm very involved with the Florida police chief Association I still serve on their rewards committee um and on their public partnership committee and I was a past president of the association so a lot of ties still we're very proud this uh this partner designation uh in our our cameras uh industry leading we use like say ledin we don't have any flash on our equipment so no flash drives by color video day and night high definition all of the the latest technologies that are out there one thing that I know police departments and my Police Department loves this as well to integrate with flock flock is a license plate reader and so for every camera system that you get from us we will be supplying A Flock LPR along with it so I think we were 24 I believe so we're going to be eventually 24 cameras unless we actually get the extra five zon might be a little bit more there'll be 24 lprs to go with that that is an invaluable tool for your bu I don't have to tell you that um but I'll say that you know in my time as as when I was a major of crimin Investigations in Miami Beach we had phenomenal success rate in apprehensions because of our extensive videos video cameras system and our license it's an invaluable tool for the police department to uh reduce crime because those networks talk to each other and they know okay don't go here because you're going to get caught either on the camera or your LIC this I'm going to skip this video Bas Florida is the most Community benefits obviously it improves the school safety that's that's the given um it does it's not about the money I like to say it's not about the money but you do get money coming in based on the violations that captured and it eliminates costs for the municipality because there's abely zero cost to you all in order to put up and running the benefits to the police department uh I think is even outweighs the community benefits it's a force multiplier it it puts an additional eyes out there so now the law says that you cannot use the speed cameras for active surveillance however you can use it for incidental issues so for example something was to happen in the school zone and one of our cap our cameras captured it the benefit of red speed is we we have video as opposed to still photography for our and de video for up to 45 days so if there was an incident that was being investigated by the police department all they would have to do is U all it would have to do is keep is actually they'll be trained on how to just go into the system and pull down look first to see if they find what they're looking for and if they do they'll be able to pull it down and utilize that as evidence so that's that's huge officer safety we all know that the most dangerous thing a police officer does is pull a car over so by utilizing the in your school zones these officers are not going to be exposed to having the cars over unless they want extra visibility in the school zones because you're going to have a system in place and a technology in place that's going to do it for them that also U adds a an equality type of mentality because it's not going to matter if the car is going 10 plus 10 or plus they're going to get a citation doesn't matter who driv um and then we spoke already about the benefits of the for police department so here's the breakdown of the funds I think this is important for everybody to just make sure you completely understand so the f is $100 $60 goes to the municipality and from that $60 is where red speed gets gets our portion so what we do is we we get $21 of the 60 and so the municipality will get 39 I believe you all manage your own um crossing guard program right so you will get that additional the will end up getting 44 of the 100 $20 goes to the state general fund $3 goes to Florida Department of Law enforcements from Criminal Justice and training fund which is depleted every year that and then $12 will go to the Miami G public school system so that is the breakdown of the monies and as we spoke earlier we said earlier the money that you all get has to be utilized for Public Safety and the money that the school district gets they also have to utilize it for safety initiatives uh pedestrian safety those kinds of things so they they put a lot of thought into the uh distribution of the funds and what they can be used for uh as I've mentioned a couple of times it's B it is a turnkey uh system from the point where we're at now where we're going to start with the engineering all the way through the program um to include and and I will show this little short video in a second here but to include a public awareness Campaign which for me is very important you really got you got that your residents know uh that this is coming and so one of the things that we do is an extensive Communications plan we will work hand inand with the city uh in doing this uh including uh hosting a virtual type meeting that we can invite whomever it is that you all would like to invite that could be principles it could be parents it could be whomever you all want uh just as a side note I already have a very good relationship with the school district uh we've already have Partnerships actually with the police academy of police Mi public schools and um we we've already been in communication with those safety director who will notify every school as we come online he's helping me to notify all the principles so that they're aware and they can blast the Flyers that we're going to prepare for you and it's going to have your branding red streets nowhere on on any of his branding it's going to be strictly City of Homestead branding um that it'll be emailed out to the parents to the all the different distribution groups and we will help in design that one of the things that we are very proud of is the public um the public service announcement that we will produce we will bring a videographer uh down here to the city and working in conjunction with your manager's office we'll figure out what it is we want to do the example that I'm going to show you is from the city of Pine Crest right now live in dat county is the city of Pine Crest city of South Miami and we've launched batch of the first phase of the Miami D County Public Schools unincorporated Public Schools they have they have over 200 schools that we're bringing online know in faces so this is what you're going to see here real quick is the PSA that we filmed for Pine Crest what I like about them is that they Incorporated some of the principles from their schools to talk about the program and the benefits our school's own speed cameras have been proven to reduce speeds and improve safety around our schools our speed enforcement cameras are located at our public schools and at Gulliver Preparatory Academy True North Academy and RAM bam Day School at Temple betham we want our students and our families to know that we are watching out for our children and we're doing that in all aspects while they're out of school coming to school and inside of the school drivers will be notified with signs that photo enforcement is being utilized in the area school cameras are active whenever school is in session enforcement hours begin 30 minutes before the start of the school day and continue until 30 minutes after school ends drivers traveling in excess of 10 mph will be cited the notice of violation is a civil penalty it will be mailed to the vehicle's registered owner and it includes a $100 fine the driver's license will not incur any points and it won't affect your insurance Ider the village of pinest will retain 60% of the funds two administer the speed detection system program it's just going to build a safer and better Village of Pine Crest be part of the team that's going to make this community bigger better and safer the Pine Crest Police Department encourages all drivers especially in school zones to put down their phone pay attention to the roadways and be a responsible driver and and we'll tailor that message however we all decide however you all decide that you want it to look like and whever you want to be involved in that so here's our our our projected timeline for implementation conservatively I always say it's 60 90 days from issuance of permits or a lot of variables depending on the specific location of where the system is going to go the school zone um there's also a lot of variables when it comes to the power um finding sources of power from from Florida Power Light and then once we get to the point where we're done with construction ready to flip the switch getting that switch flipped on sometimes especially after this very busy hurricane C that Florida powerl had has been a bit of a challenge we do have some Alternatives and if we get to that point we'll discuss that with with the city manager's office and make those decisions but this is a generic timeline as to where we uh are envisioning to be uh come mid January late January when we get back from um holiday break to at least have started the 30-day warning period that's required anding that 30-day warnings violators only get just a warning piece of paper says you got caught they don't get cided and then afterwards start so I as I mentioned early at the beginning The Proven results 90% reduction we've seen that continuously year after year in Georgia uh we've got over 70 clients in Georgia we've been there for almost six years got over 70% of that market there uh and so uh repeat offenders only 10% and then year improvs those are those are really good numbers that's getting to where we want to get to which is really most me school zones uh this is just some of the um statistics and data that we've seen in some of our bigger clients in Georgia Al and County and as you can see they're you know High 90% reductions that is me and I am open for questions if you have any I want to congratulate the can I congratulate the fireman that won the fire that fireman of the year I got in the wrong line 30 years ago Convention Center when I went to apply I should have got in the fire line but I got in the police line that's okay I'm blessed you Council Council Bailey thank you mayor um a couple questions to clarify so I assumed that these violations would happen only during that school zone time so explain what happens when it's past that half an hour the children are in school it would be 10 miles over what the regular posted speed limit is it's always 10 miles over so if it's the 15 mph flasher time M then the trigger is 20 we we program it at 11 miles because radar and Laser you always give a plus or minus one mile per hour in in the calibration so um if the speed limit is 15 miles per hour during the Flasher times it'll be 26 miles per hour the trigger and then let's say that that speed limit that school zone goes to 30 then the trigger will be 41 and you know and and over and and really the the intent of the legislature by for doing it the entire school day is kids are coming and going with parents all day long and really 40 plus miles per hour 10 miles per hour over around a school which most schools are residential areas anyways it's way too fast way too fast so that's that's the int well I'm H I'm happy to hear it um you mentioned the handful of schools that are not currently designated the ones that are designated do they all have the flashing lights uh I believe they do um I know that some may have some issues um can I come in so yesterday we sent a letter to my immediate County public W director asking for a comprehensive review of all designated school zones in City of Homestead to ensure for maintenance of traffic and all the signalization and signage are proper and to ask for an upgrade if there's any um malfunction in or ineffective or inefficient signage in addition we also ask for those three School locations that have five corridors with t flashers to also be considered for upgrades so that they can qualify in phase two of your deployments the and I'm not sure this manager you knows but one of the benefits um our contract with Miami g county is with public works so my direct contact at Mi county is direct public works for contract so the ability to assist uh any of our other clients in Miami Kate County when it comes to flashers and signage and all that should be facilitated super because I would like to see that any of the areas with the cameras has the flashing lights there are many times you you just make a turn you're not you you don't know you're in that area yet so to be fair for and and in addition ma'am there's also other additional signage that is required at every entry point to wherever the cameras are going to be running that that I don't know you saw it on the video it says speed enforcement uh photo photo enforcement and then we put the times that half hour before and half hour so they know what time specific to each of the schools each School Z is going to have its time time frame no perfect um the other thing I was going to mention is that we make sure that we get some type of campaign out to the principles to share so I'm glad to see that and very lastly it is my first time dropping off at a high school this school year and it's a whole another world okay um so it's not pick up and drop offline it's children just running wild so I would like to suggest that one of our first um initiatives that we do with these funds is explain to some of these high schoolers what jaywalking means because it is a nightmare all they do is they just they just walk across the street and then the turning lane misses their opportunity to go and it's just a backed up mess and I would imagine that educating for public safety reasons would definitely fall within the public safety uh I would assume so too it's not only good for while they're in school but hopefully leading to smarter smarter decisions as adults thank you thank you and I know the vice mayor wants to speak but along that line councilwoman I saw that a portion of this goes to the school board for improvement of walking conditions and I would imagine that a lot of you get some of those same emails that I do that why aren't there sidewalks in these areas where school children are walking to school so that would be a really really nice thing to be able to to partner with them and tap into those funds for sidewalk construction where they don't exist definitely it took Cohen higgins's office over three months to cut the grass the kids were having to walk on the road for an entire block and um yeah definitely Mr vice mayor yes thank you and uh one of my questions has already been answered in regards to the times because I I noticed the wonderful world of social media media there's a lot of people out there that talk about different times of getting tickets in the middle of the day so uh with that uh time changes spring fall you know uh we got to make sure that that happens because I think the flashing lights is a big problem with the county at those time periods uh they tend not to change immediately so they don't get recalibrated so we need to make sure that happens uh I'd asked this the staff previously I noticed you do have some private schools in Pine Crest that have this so we have a couple of small private schools here within the City of Homestead that we need to look at designating those as school zones methodists Catholic school there's a couple of places we could look at uh I know I've spoken with uh our district uh commissioner in regards to expansion of the school zone around Homestead Senior High School on the westbound Lanes of Palm Drive but if that happens in the future you're able to come and add that absolutely and I was looking at your map in regards to some of your uh speed zone testing when you did it and the radar location on East Palm Drive on the eastbound Lanes typically is not part of the school zone because it's a divided road so the eastbound Lanes heading out typically are not part of the school zone the speed limit is 45 miles an hour but coming westbound it's 15 so we need to make sure that they're in the proper location which school was that keysgate Charter School you had a radar location on both east and west sorry Keys gate charter school I'll be happy to I talk to you about it thank you um are we still going to do Personnel enforcement with our police officers as well very important that we're still visible out there and being seen and uh with that I can't wait to get this started I think it's a great opportunity for all of us thank you real quick I know Council avalance want to speak if you have the lifts there at hand is St John's on there it's not that's one and and that is a marked and flashed speed zone and that is a target-rich environment on Northeast 11 Street and and that hob we we can definitely if there's any schools that were not on there we can definitely go back and do studies on them again or not again we haven't done it yet so we'll definitely get them done just need we'll definitely get it done all right Council woman thank you mayor yes thank you for mentioning the private schools it's very important um that we try to keep all these areas safe for our children children uh question regarding the portion of the funds that goes to Miami date County Public School are those funds earmarked for uh to be spent in the areas that generated the funds that is an excellent question I'm sure I'm not the only one that's asked you're not the only one that has asked it and not the only County that has asked it I know top my head Palm Beach County also a couple clients there are inquiring that as well so the law doesn't specify that however uh we are advocating and in Communications with the different County school districts uh to figure out a way to get that done can that be stipulated within our contract I a statute governs that and they deal with stat overes okay but we I would assume an attorney we would have a way to know what fines went to the school board from the homestead school zones and make a case for I'll say this it's kind of like the road fees we're doing right so I would like to make sure that we have some kind of during our maybe quarterly reviews as we're identifying the funds that are coming in that we are questioning and asking for accountability of those funds being um sent to the county and how we're planning to request utilization of that and would you be the person assisting us oh I'll definitely assist you for sure absolutely um I have a couple of clients in Miami Dade that have opted for us to move the money over to the school district in cooperation with the school district we've set this up and when we do that it designates which of our clients that money is for and the reporting that we do specifies uh how much exactly went the school board for cityx so there might be a way uh to get that accomplished but that will have to be a discussion with the school board great thank you and then um maybe it was in a slide but with regards to capture rate let's say a thousand cars are exceeding the speed limit how many does how many do the cameras pick up 100% well I w't say 100% because that that that would be accurate um because there are a lot of variables why we would capture one of the benefits of red speed is we we have video right we don't have we don't take pictures we have video so in terms of the way that we review the violations before the police department reviews it it affords our reviewers the opportunity if they need to to go front and back in the video in order to capture the license way now if a license plate is illegible you know some people cover their license plate or they've got something on it that makes it so the cameras can't pick it up or it's just a really bad license plate or for whatever reason the camera was shaking that day or it was a windy day there there's a lot of variables and reasons why it's not 100% however because we have video um that is a 30 or 40% higher capture rate when you compare it to just the just a photo um I'd have to ask to see what the capture rate is yeah I'd be interested to know about that and then um with regards to our call for principles when we do that that call I appreciate my colleague um you know mentioning support for it let's also ask if there's interest in any of those principles to be part of that video uh video launch so that'd be a great opportunity there um when when a violator receives a citation is there a link to the camera footage and to picture that they can immediately go to they don't have to request for an appeal in order to see that okay great all right so I would appreciate the the the information to come back and but I do support the item thank you thank you back to the vice mayor just quickly to the city manager and staff uh the funds that come in will this be one of those things like we talked about to have a special trust fund for this These funds to the city and therefore it's set aside specifically for it in an interest pairing account that we can spend on those Public Safety offs I think uh Council vice mayor I think the legislation the state stat is very clear that it's for Public Safety so couldn't really I know where you're going but I don't think this captures that okay there there's also an annual requirement of the city that we will provide the data for uh but you're going to have to show at a public hearing how you used the funds yeah yeah so that that's that is written into the statute so I think they were trying to really improve on the red light camera statute transparency wise and so they put in a lot of things into this legislation that it it really makes it very difficult to challenge in fact just in terms of challenges for for administrative hearings if if someone wants to request an administrative hearing we're seeing that that's only 2% of the violators 1% 2% of the violators request administrative hearing vast majority pay I think there's a lot of reasons for that but those decide not to pay what happens if they completely ignore the violation then it it'll eventually convert into a uniform traffic citation no point still but uniform traffic citation and then what we've done is we imple we have a reminder system so well then with that morph into that when it comes time to renew their driver's licenses they've got to pay it in order to renew a car registration or driver license unfor unfortunately that's written into the red light camera statute they left that out um and I know that you know we're trying to amend that in Tallahassee um right now the the only alternative would be sending it to collections if they just completely blow it off now in terms of the magistrate here for the administrative hearings the law allows for you to charge up to $250 for someone to request an administrative hearing so if somebody doesn't show up and that magistrate imposes that $250 uh administrative cost now collections is $350 and that that becomes a little bit more manageable in terms of the collection side very good thank you thank you mayor so many cool little in integral parts of this thing right so if you've ever had a red light camera ticket um I was G to ask for a show of hands but I won't do that to see who's ever had one before um but you do get to review it online and you like I didn't run that red light yes you did did and before you even even get the citation with the red light ticket cameras is it similar with this program that our officers will review each of the citations that you guys suggest to be issued before they issue those yes sir it goes through basically three reviews before a violation is issued two internally with us so initial reviewer a supervisor reviewer just to make sure and then it goes to the police department in our backend system called red check where they will have a police review bucket so to speak that they go through and then they also the ones issuing the violation so they confirm yes in fact that is a violation now there is another Nuance in the law which is interesting is that the the rebuttable presumption in the law is that as long as our equipment was functioning when the violation was issued it's it's valid and in order to um in order to to to get to that level the law requires a monthly check of the equipment and an annual certification we do the annual certification and we do a daily check as opposed to a monthly check so every day before our camera start enforcement they do an internal check and after they do you know a post check and as long as those things are working sure and then as far as like the um the promotional video the only thing that stood out to me that was a little bit not transparent was that the city receives or the municipality receives uh 60% of the the ticket we do get that 60% and the assumption is that we get to use use that 60% for the um law enforcement initiatives um maybe a different way to word that because if somebody actually requests a public records we're not actually using that 60% for those initiatives because we're paying that 35% out to your service so um maybe just come up with a different way to present that to the public we can work with the manager we don't um we don't have final say on the script of the PSA you all do so you all have final say on the script for the PSA will however you all want it to to sound we will and then you guys have mentioned uh St John's and um I travel back and forth 11th Street quite often and and our officers are out there from time to time during the school uh zone times uh pulling people over so I have witnessed it myself I'm going to put my assistant chief hat back on for just a minute there is a value in the high visibility aspect of the officers uh but this just allows the chief to reallocate if he has to because he knows that he's going to have enforcement still in the zone but tremendous value in in having your police officers visit so let me ask the manager then so we're going to have to have dedicated staff to review these videos and based on your numbers we may have thousands per month to review so is the cost of bringing people on to review this going to have have you run some models as to whether or not the cost of review will exceed that 44% that we're ultimately getting so I think it's something that PD is going to look into in terms of resource allocation as well as internal reorganization of uh task assignment uh if there is any overreach in terms of uh cost exceeding uh uh City's uh budgetary impact then uh we may have to do a uh a review in terms of what we have to do and perhaps even uh get involved with our lobbyist for perhaps next legislative year to ask for a review of the FL that so another Nuance in the law it it doesn't have to be aor off to be a traffic enforcement so my in my department we call them PSAs don't know what you guys have here csas csas uh just it doesn't have to be a sworn also so from in terms of a cost perspective when be looking at that however I can pretty much guarantee you your personnel process is not going to exceed the revenue okay hold you to it that's right yes Council thank you mayor yes I am I am con concerned about the cost so I'm I'm interested in getting that report back as well um on non-school days this is uh off it's off the the enforcement is off all right so they're safe next week for Thanksgiving I know for Thanksgiving yes we're going live when uh after Christmas are we into January mid January January yes ma'am okay all right thank you we we program in the back ends U it's one of the one of the onboarding processes we get the calendars for the different schools well the public schools is easy because it's a singular calendar but for St John public school at private schools we get individual calendars for them and we program that into their specific camera so it knows in advance like something pops up so we had the hurricane come through that's go in and in two seconds I turn off the camera so we have specific day and who do I complain to when the signs start to fade or fall down or bent over to the sign yes we can help with that as well call you if you'd like to okay thank you absolutely call me well you're talking about the photo and force signage you know de with the county is a constant ble correct so you know it's just another sign that I have to be looking again because of our relationship my relationship with miamia County thank you you know we have a new direct well the old director leaving the who yeah but the but the I worked with the the incoming Co okay was my city manager and the interim is the was my Transportation director very good I know them very well all right so so let's open the public hearing very quickly on the second reading of this item none appearing I'll close the public here we have one online we have one online go ahead ram ram uh 240 Southeast 19th Street I question in regards to the red light but before that Council I want to acknowledge you guys you guys are doing an amazing job keep up the great work we're all excited and happy with with what you guys are delivering as a council as a whole thank you for that now in regards to the um to the red light cameras because that's what it sounds like that we're bringing back the red light cameras even after the public voted out because they weren't happy with the process um And in regards to your studies at keysgate at Gateway and at um keysgate school I want to know when exactly were those studies done who did those studies and because it's a little misleading because I don't know if you actually been to keysgate 15 minutes before school or after school you can't speed there it's impossible um so I just want to know what roads were the studies were conducted and what have you and then how often are these cameras calibrated because of course like every other radar that the cops have they need to be calibrated how often are they calibrated and the appeal process because you guys didn't touch on that I mean I hear yes 2% appeal but what's the process who holds those hearings is it Homestead PD is it code or is it the county who is it that holds those appeals because you're going to have a lot of appeals and that's more manpower that you're going to need in the city to review so if you can please answer those questions that'll be great thank and what we can do Romero is we'll get you the uh the whole agenda packet on this item that's that shows you the study areas when they were studied how they were studied and I also suspect in here that's probably some detail as to the appeal process is that correct uh I I don't think there's anything in that agenda packet in terms of the appeals but the appeals is very simple someone gets a notice of violation and they wish to appeal it to the magistrate we provide all the information on the notice of violation they can mail in the request they can uh call in the request uh and then it would come in front of a magistrate that to be determined in terms of the you know once a month once every other month and then that's where that up to $250 administrative costs can be assessed to cover the cost of the magistrate for the city very did you hear that Romero uh so you're saying that it's going to be the homestad PD who deter so that's more manow and then you're going to add an additional 250 to the to the appellant um when it comes to that hearing so and and actually it's going to end up being 350 if you appeal it is that what I'm hearing no we there will be a magistrate process it is not dedicated to being the police department you know I you may be familiar with the process we have with respect to code enforcement violations where f can come in and we have a special ma a special master that hears each case that can be scheduled you know that that is a process yet to be determined but that is not going to to pull someone out of the police department to uh to do that many times it's a citizen volunteer with with training and and we and how often oh sorry no go ahead and how often are they calibrated I'm told daily well we have we do internal checks daily and then by law we have the calibrating once a year which we do and we use the same calibrating uh company out of Jacksonville that at least my department used I think many of the police departments in South Florida use the same calibrating compan okay so we're told that yeah that internally they do a daily calibration inhouse and and review of the system but by Statute they're only required to have it done independently once a year gotcha and what days exactly um specifically are they off are they turned off they are only on when school is in session so Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4 P p.m. depending on the hours of the school yeah depending on the school's hours half hour before and half hour after depending on the the but not during the weekend okay okay thank you so much I appreciate that here's the tip Romero just slow down you won't we have a problem funny funny I don't SLE I just want to know because there's gonna be a lot of questions in regards because many of the residents a years back voted the red light cameras up because it wasn't a fair process and this kind of smells like that so I just give me the head up that you kind of get some some feedback from the residents especially in keysgate because in keth State not only do you have off duty office but it's impossible to speed there in school zone I mean 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after I don't think your studies were done in between that time period I think it was done after that because it's impossible to speed there I mean I live here and trust me I see it every day all right we'll get the we'll get the agenda packet information to you though about the the methodology and and and when and where these these PR Min Ary surveys were done that determined the number of speeders during school hours I appreciate that man thank you so much thank you have a good night thank you appreciate good night anyone else yes do you ever do the cameras Oh Randy con I just want to mention that this shows the quality of what our new city manager and the staff is bringing to City of Homestead I feel that residents of Homestead is going to appreciate this safety for the children in the schools um I hope you guys can consider um including the Jing Community Schools that house a lot of families in the areas especially the one off of us one but this is amazing this is just quality things that you guys are bringing as a team as a whole and with your city manager and the amazing City of Homestead staff these are the things that residents are you guys are putting priority safety and what I did love is the key that the police are going to continue to be at the schools that is very important and I know that our local schools will support still having them there because there's been incidents that t has happened and the officers are there to radio in rescue and are able to you know help what's going so thank you again for what you're doing and just continue the great work thank you all right so we'll close the public hearing now and go back to council woman Bailey I don't think we've ever received so many Kudos in one day um no sorry but it was it was going to be a question to see if you ever included dayc carees or preschools or if it was only elementary through it's anywhere where there's it has to be somewhere that has a designated school zone so if whatever daycare has a designated school zone then we're allow to install don't think than any usually don't because typically dayc carees they're not walking to school they're being right yeah unless they go through okay correct okay thank you Mr Mayor yes you mentioned the power of social media you can I get one more minute I want to read something to you real quick absolutely so this was posted Miami D County um put a post out announcing the beginning of their warning period for the 10 10 or so cameras we put up and this gentleman I'm not going to say his name but this gentleman wrote in as a comment a hack to avoid speed camera tickets to all those concerned about the new school speed cameras I have a foolproof method to avoid getting caught unlike obstructing your license plate this hack is entirely legal however there's one crucial piece of information you need before applying it the exact speed limit on the road in question here's how it works as you approach the camera equipped school zone force your speedometer to read or at or below the post limit there are various methods to achieve this depending on your vehicle if you're unsure about your vehicle's workings this meth this method will work on all vehicles first locate the long skinny pedal slowly lift your foot as the pedal lifts you'll notice that the speedometer is displaying a lower speed if it's not working fast enough gently press down on the wide flat pedal once the speed reaches the speed limit lift your foot and maintain constant pressure until you exit the school zone voila you successfully tricked the camera into thinking you're not speeding this method works every time it goes through what you had said reminded me of this post which I obiously kept thank you thank you do we have a motion to approve on second reading moved by councilwoman ala second by councilman cannibal roll call please councilwoman biley councilwoman AA councilman Davis yes councilman br cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor law yes motion carries all right so we need to do some business I think we need to uh move to extend the meeting until 9:30 let's say 9 9:35 let's take a 5 minute break and take it to 9:35 move to 9:35 and second it all in favor five minute recess so tired for for e this e than e am e for e for all right we're on recess is over I think we're on Tab 14 car number 4409 Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor chab 14 is the second reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the budget for the general fund for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 by decreasing the total budgeted revenues and expenditures by 2,372 264 providing for severability and an effective date thank you sir Mr manager so I think this is a very self-explanatory item we got gu ided by the county that we receiving certain level of addition of revenues from the property values they were deemed incorrect so this item is simply to amend the budget to reflect that reduction very good moov by Council AA seconded by the vice mayor any public comment not appearing I'll close the public hearing and uh ask for a roll call councilman Davis yes councilwoman Bailey councilwoman AA yes councilman Roth vice mayor feter yes yes cares and first reading of tab 15 regarding the installation of temporary construction fences with screening Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor tab 15 is the first reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the city code of ordinances by amending chapter 6 buildings and building regulations Article 4 fences to establish requirements for construction sites and temporary perimeter fences providing for cability providing for inclusion in the code providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date thank you sir I know we had some comment at one of our last couple of meetings uh Council woman AAL you've brought this forward is there anything you'd like to add or brief us on I just want to thank um the estate's uh owner the next day the fence was up so it works okay um I appreciate staff again for helping me to um curate the the and legal thank you very much and to my colleagues for supporting the item I appreciate it good so move thank you any public comment didn't think so we'll close the public hearing motion by Council woman AA second by Council woman Bailey let's have a roll call councilman Roth yes councilwoman Bailey yes councilman cannibal councilwoman AA councilman Davis vice mayor Pletcher yes mayor lner yes motion carries and first reading of tap 16 which is lobbyist registration and principal fee Amendment Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor this is first reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the city code of ordinances by amending chapter 2 Administration article 8 lobbying activities to increase lobbyist registration fees and principal fees providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date thank you Council I know we've all been briefed individually on this is okay way of the staff report all right I don't see any lobbyists in the room so let's stick it to them while they're not here move by the vice mayor seconded by councilman Davis um any public comment okay I'll close the public hearing let's have a roll call vote councilwoman Bailey councilwoman a councilman Ro councilman Davis councilman cannal Mayo Fletcher yes Mayo La twist that night yes motion carries all right first reading of tab 17 the uh true up of last year's budget Mr F yes Mr Mayor uh tab 17 is the first reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the budgets for each of the several departments within the general fund with an overall Net Zero Effect on the total budget of the general fund of the city for the fiscal year being October 1 2023 and ending September 30th 2024 providing for repealer severability and an effective date thank you mayor and Council this is uh traditionally it's done annually in November this is considered the true up by state statutes we have within 60 days after the end of the fiscal year to True up any departments or funds of the city that are possibly going to be going over their budgeted amounts and this year we had basically only two divisions within the general fund that being the city managers and the city attorneys the city managers was for obvious reasons when we had the outgoing city manager we had a severance pay that was paid out that was unexpected and then with the uh City attorney we traditionally budget a million dollars but historically we've averaged about $1.3 million usually the million dollars covers the normal stuff the other it's usually litigation and other special projects and again this is just precaution we're not saying that that's what's expended but but it's just a projection and we leave it as a cushion so very good thank you questions from Council anyone from the public wishing to speak or ask a question we'll close the public hearing and ask for a motion to approve of tab 18 moved by councilman Ross second by councilwoman aala let's have a roll call councilwoman AA councilman Roth councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal councilwoman Council Davis vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes motion carries and tab 19 which is kind of related let him read let him read the title first we're um on 18 now this is first reading of 18 this is the first reading of an ahead of myself already the first reading of an ordinance of the city of homestad floridaa amending the budgets for each of the several funds and Departments of the city for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 September 30th 2025 by increasing the total budget of revenues and expenditures by 17 m845 69 providing for repealer severability and an effective date thank you sir Mr Perez this is basically amending the 25 budget for unexpended funds from 24 that had been encumbered for mostly capital projects a perfect example of this is for the new substation for the electric utility if you recall towards the the end of the fiscal year we did two things we went out and we borrowed some money about $5.1 million and we also awarded a contract for about $7.2 million those were done towards the end of the year the budget had already been prepared so basically those funds as an example it's being reappropriated in 25 very good thank you anyone wishing to comment on this item hey the public hearing is closed we have a motion moved by Council ran Bailey second by councilman Roth roll call Madam Kurt that's right councilman Davis councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal councilman Roth councilwoman ABA yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes motion carries now we're at tab 19 yes sir tab 19 is the first reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the budget for the general fund of the city for the fiscal year meting in October 1st 2024 September 30th 2025 by increasing the total budget of revenues and expenditures by 1,132 450 providing for repealer severability and an effective date thank you since we only get to hear from Mr Perez a couple times a year this is the last Amendment for the night this is an accompanying uh car item to the next Tab and basically it's to provide funding for the Citywide permitting licensing um we had set set aside $400,000 in arpa funds we also had $138,000 on hand from previous years uh but unfortunately the expense is a lot more than those um so basically for fiscal year 25 what we're asking to is a budget amendment using reserves from fund balance normally we don't come to council and try to ask for that that's usually for recurring items this is one of those examples where it's primarily like a one-time cost the recurring cost for 25 and 26 will be folded into the budget when we prepare those those the budget for those years good thank you any comments from the public close public hearing Council questions comments removed by councilman second by councilwoman Al roll call on Tab 19 councilwoman ABA councilman Davis yes councilman Ro yes councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal vice mayor cletcher yes mayor lner yes motion carries and moving on to tab 20 Mr Burl yes Mr Mayor tab 20 is a resolution of the city council of the city of home state of Florida authorizing the city manager to negotiate and execute a software service agreement with title Technologies Inc for Enterprise permitting and Licensing software exempting the transaction from competitive bidding in accordance with Section 2-4 111.1 A5 of the city code providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you May so Mr Mayor and Council this item is actually a companion item to the one you just voted so this is going to give us the ability to use a piggyback contract with sell uh for Citywide electronic permitting uh we had a budget already established for $400,000 using Apper funds and the CIP fund of 138,000 the shortfall is what we are asking for which he just voted for us to use so this is simply to award the contract for the procurement anything you want sure assing some of the unfamiliar faces are here to uh to talk about this item I you had to suffer through our whole night for this well as long as you came down and you sat here all night you might as well come up and tell us about it we'll be here for the first five I'm sorry well good evening Mr Mayor vice mayor council Adam cler and Mr city manager my name is Magnus I'm a senior account executive Tyler I've covered the State of Florida for 20 years hard to believe it's been that long I'm honored to be here tonight um put together a brief presentation as I said 45 minutes um you should have a copy I think of a handout in front of you as well um I'm going to talk briefly about U information about the company our footprint here in the State of Florida um as well as the products that we're proposing to implement here at the city um to help modernize your operation for of all the services Cod compliance um public works right away and uh online Citywide payments so you I'll take questions at the uh at the end so first I'll begin with a couple of comments just about company um so Tyler is the largest public sector software company in the United States uh we're a public Trading Company we do about $2 million in Revenue annually our sole focus is on the public sector all we've done for 30 years um and about 40% of our employees actually came from the public sector that gives us a very unique uh perspective into what modern agencies like the city of homes expect out of an application such as um we invest about 10 million every year back into our product to make sure it's always remaining relevant and modern to our customers um that's very important to us your current application is fairly Antiquated I think that it's run its useful life and our goal is to make sure that we the last software you to ever buy from a permitting and licing perspective uh our software designed specifically for the public sector um it's not a CRM system that's been manipulated or modified to track permitting and Licensing Operations uh we have an expansive client base um and expansive user community that plays a a key role in how to develop our application over time um as I mentioned on the last slide we're committed to being Innovative and making sure that our solution again is always modern serving the needs of your constituents um and uh and your employees here Tyler is a a onstop shop so what does that me that me design develop Implement and support our products um the benefit of that is there's an issue with it you're coming to one company for resolution as opposed to four or five companies and that can be a huge deal over time with a software company so ultimately that's going to provide a better experience for yall and certainly illustrates the value we on the client relationship um as I mentioned a couple of slides ago our our footprint is expansive we know understand um public sector um we have clients in all 50 states um in the US Canada Caribbean baruda Australia and several other International locations um again that just solidifies our understanding of what modern local government organizations expect furthermore we understand Florida um footprint here in the state is unmatched by any other vendor we have a total of 436 local uh and state level government organizations that are using our solution here in the state um again this gives us a unique understanding into the specific rules and regulations um that are applicable in Florida um as well as what Florida clients expect and so that's that's important to us I also include on the next slide just some local cities and counties close to you guys that are benefiting currently from the solutions that we that we proposing you probably recognize many of those already so now turning our attention specifically to this engagement I think as uh Mrs Brown noted earlier um so the goal here is to implement what's called Tyler Enterprise permitting and Licensing to replace the city's existing Community Plus application as well as several other shadow insul shadow systems um there are several departments that are involved in this with respect to scope so I wanted just to mention those very quickly first is development services that's going to be permitting planning uh BTR inspections of those folks as well as compliance um public works with respect to rideway permitting um solid waste with respect to rolloff functionality and uh energy with respect to solar permitting um and then lastly a huge part of this initiative is to move to a Consolidated Citywide online payment provider and we're providing that functionality under the Tyler umbrella as as well I'm going as quick as I again um and then lastly so over the past few months we've been here a lot um I cannot count the number of times that I've been down to meet with you folks and had a series of of demos and workshops and we worked collectively with kimar and her team to identify a core set of its outcomes that we think uh really define success with a project like this I wanted to just to point out really two or three of these not all not all five um but the first one so the city's current development services environment is fragmented um and it's really not standardized around single system there's no there's no Global source of truth I guess is a good way to say that um which creates a lot of inefficiencies redundant data entry um and many manual processes so one of the primary objectives is for us to provide a singular comprehensive integrated solution to manage your business functions um and our EPL solution certainly is going to fulfill that objective um secondly U the city's current online presence with respect to development services um is fairly Limited um I would say uh it doesn't provide the accessibility that customers expect this day and age um so again another objective for us is to make these Services more available online um in an ADA Compliant perspective um and our Civic access portal certainly is going to meet that objective and then lastly again a huge part of this as I mentioned a couple of slides ago is to centralize the payment processing online Citywide using credit cards a and that sort of thing and the cool thing about we do that as well as a company so we're we're an authorized merchant services provider we handle all aspects of the onboarding process um so again that's that that'll be transformational I think for the city as well um I have other slides I was going to talk about but you guys are tired so I'll take any questions Council questions Council W thank you um I'm very happy to see that we're moving forward into what feels like should have been done many many many moons ago um will this fix the instances and probably a question for staff will this fix instances where for example we heard testimony from a from someone from the public regarding a restaurant um they were paying their BTR renewals paying the fees we were billing they were paying and guess what they were not getting a BTR in the mail they didn't know that it was because of a um a violation or whatever issue but will the system fix those kinds of problems I think it provides it will provide a level of transparency that maybe does not exist currently so they'll understand there's an existing code violation um or maybe a fee that's outstanding that prevents them from getting that VTR um and there's a lot of automated notifications that happen so if there something's not happening it will notify the business owner to remind them You' got an outstanding fee there's a code violation so I would say from that perspective so it's uh councilwoman it's layered with the system and the processes that we Define right in the specific example that was mentioned earlier our processes which is facilitated by the system um does not have a way to distinguish at the time of renewal if I have a violation and therefore the system sends out we we send out notification and only when they pay do we block right so systematically yes but um above and beyond the system it really becomes a matter of the processes that we Define and configure within the application so the the intent is to provide um better processes and utilize or leverage the system for the functionality that it affords thank you you know not only is it important for us systematically have the integration for Speed and for uh efficiency within our within the different departments but at the end of the day the end user is the public the residents the the business owners and when we're investing over $2 million into programs I would expect for those nuances to be easily easily uh um avoided so keeping up with that I I did have some other questions but that could be between um us and addition briefings but thank you for sticking out through the evening for US vice mayor not a specific question for you sir but uh more so uh welcoming this product to be uh moving our city forward um I did notice that we have phase one and phase two through 2026 again you know me I'm Mr efficiency if there's a way we can do it faster quicker better let's try to move as quickly as we can as always thank you other comments from Council questions well my only comment would be is that you get the prize for the understatement of the night your system is fairly Antiquated that's the understatement of the uh I want to be respectful so that was that was accurate in 2001 be that as it may so do we have any public comment close the public hearing and ask for a motion to approve all right move move by councilman cannibal second by councilwoman Bailey roll call councilwoman Bailey councilman Brock councilwoman aula councilman cannibal councilman Davis vice mayor Fletcher yes lner yes motion carries and thank you all for sitting through the uh first part of the meeting thanks for coming down I just want you know we've deferred tab 21 I just want to make make you for me and and I I requested this I haven't had the time to finish my review academically I think and philosophically it's a good plan and architecturally I've got to have some assurances and I'm going to have my questions ready and I would encourage all of you to have your questions ready as to the the relationship between the if the plan were to be adopted containing the height and densities and the the density and height bonuses that are within that plan what is the interplay with that with with local the rtz are we defeating some of the safeguards we've we've already put in place and are those really Heights and densities that that our residents really want to see adopted so that that's where I would kind of like to see that's where my my conversation will go on December 4th and those questions I know between now and then uh Matt and James will you know be tired of hearing from me yeah went on so that's you know that's kind of like that's where I would like to go I if it were put in front of me tonight to adopt as is I could not support it just with with those unanswered questions so I hope that we can have some real detailed review and and back and forth on uh on the fourth All Right Moving On to uh tab 22 uh car number 4448 and this is a transportation Alternative Program Grant um yes Mr SP tab 22 is a resolution of the city council of the city of homestad Florida authorizing the city manager to apply for the transportation Alternatives program Grant with the Florida Department of Transportation providing for an effective date move by councilman Roth saying goodbye to vice mayor any further questions any public comment we'll close the public hearing and have a roll call vote councilman exactly that's what it is it's simply a resolution to allow the administration to app yeah it's people it's money cman Davis councilwoman a vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor L yes har and tab uh 23 Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor tab 23 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida approving the Consolidated annual performance evaluation report for the fiscal year 2324 the Caper authorizing the transmitt of the caper to US Department of Housing and Urban Development providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you it's been moved councilwoman Ava second it by councilman Roth briefly Mr Man maner is there anything we really need to know that uh I think he's good okay when this manager says no I think it's good that's an understatement of the day too so let's have a roll call Road on Tab 23an Rob councilwoman AA councilman Davis councilman carnal councilwoman Bailey vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes motion carries and tab 24 Mr Pro yes Mr Mayor tab 24 is a resolution of the city council of the city of homestate Florida approving a an an addendum to the agreement with enko utility services for call center Support Services pursuance of city code section 2- 411b exemptions from competitive bidding providing for implementation providing for an effective date right right we have a motion move by councila second by uh cannibal his turn um public comment let's have a roll call councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal councilman Roth councilman Davis councilwoman AA vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes motion carries okay so does that take us to 25 yes sir all right Mr tab 25 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida approving the settlements of all claims made by Urban green providing for implementation providing for an effective date move by Council law say good bye the vice mayor we've been briefed on this litigation matter any public comment we'll close the public hearing and have a roll call vote councilman Ross councilwoman ABA councilman Davis councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayner yes motion carries all right Mr manager any further business yes a friendly reminder that on Saturday November 23rd Council and the city will be hosting the orange ball uh turkey giveaway 9:00 in the morning right I think it's 9 9 to noon 9 to noon fall supplies last well well before N I guess we'll get some some information through your staff or our Council assistance to details yeah they'll be lined up before before 7 attorney I believe uh councilwoman uh Jennifer Bailey is going to be advising us on event on Thanksgiving Day your business right all right Mr attorney yes Mr Mayor I'd like to request one executive session in the matter of of Asbury and homes VI the City of Homestead it's case number 22538 in Miami D County Circuit Court very good let's make it happen all right I conclude Your Business Council aala thank you mayor I have several thank yous I'm very thankful this month of November um for staff our parks and recs our our team for the beautiful Veterans Day celebration event thank you mayor and Council for uh supporting that item and being president um to our sponsors Homestead Hospital Bright View kianes mayor leine Cava commissioner Keon McGee and uh and of course the south Florida youth Symphony for putting on a tremendous show great caliber of entertainment and uh just an opportunity for the Youth in our community to see things that they might not otherwise be exposed to and what a fantastic ending with that drone show fabulous uh so just thank you for that the popup eateries you know it just it really all came together very well and I was hopeful for a good turnout based on last year but I was I was wildly impressed with the the show of support from the community so um I look forward to next year so thank you for that um thank you to staff and my colleagues and the mayor's youth Council for supporting the spotlight on D5 tonight with our Chick-fil-A dinner service I hope you all enjoyed it um God said get chicken and I was like okay and look at the amount of people that showed up tonight totally unexpected and I have no leftovers well I think there's some solad left over if you guys want but but that was uh that was something that just kind of came to mind and I saw I thought to myself what a nice way to represent my district support our new business encourage people to attend our city hall meetings and so I encourage my my colleagues to do the same let's pick a district a restaurant in each district and and bring some uh some to to City Hall in that way um I want to also thank staff and and councel for your support in The WaterStone tree lighting ceremony that happened last weekend beautiful event I know many of you were out of town or not able to attend but my my colleague councilman canaval was with me with his beautiful wife Senator Anna Maria Rodriguez and it was a it was a treat to see the The District Five Community come together um it's open to the public event but we supported with in many ways and so I appre appreciate um all of all of that that was done and to the Waterstone Community for recognizing uh me for for their you know and their their um appreciation in the way that they did I I do appreciate that Happy Thanksgiving to everybody um happy birthday to my husband Arnold who tends to not get to enjoy his birthday during Thanksgiving but this weekend it's on Sunday so happy birthday to you honey and I look forward to Holiday in lner park on December 7th so see you there thank you thank you mayor a couple little things one quick question to staff to um tomorrow is the official give Miami day how does that affect organizations that we typically sponsor things for would would that be something that both the state and us would you know if we're if we're already supporting these local businesses that are part of give Miami day can we as a government entity Don to them and then the state is matching something I think it's something may have to look into the modality you don't want to give money true you give myid day and give again because M can twice I was curious about that because it just dawned on me you know we've never taken that into account and it's a lot of organizations especially now perhaps what we can do going forward is for Council to decide whatever location or appropriation we make in the budget direct staff to hold it until we get to give Miami day and do it through give Miami day to get the extra credit super well if you don't mind putting something together and then share that information with all of us because um I know that that their terms change a little bit each year um that we can know how much additional um these organizations would be getting so on that note tomorrow through together for children we're hosting a give Miami day um Cafe at the fop it's going to be our second our second year thank you very much to PD for for um lending us the building again uh last year it was a great success a lot of these organizations are small it's single people sitting in their office just sending out U Mass messages throughout the day to encourage people to donate towards their their causes um so this is just a fun way and speaking of supporting local businesses we will have yardi spice there um we'll also have get your roll on we'll have an ice cream cafesito social at around 3 p.m. uh the event itself is from 1 to 5 and I would absolutely love if my colleague City manager's office can stop in um a lot of these organizations are the ones that are doing great big things for us in our city so I think it would mean mean a lot to them the second thing is our second annual Thanksgiving Day breakfast and lunch at Fel Williams um last year the Schultz Foundation who are now going into their 18th Annual they that they wanted to do something down south and we had a great partnership last year so they decided that they wanted to continue this I know that on Thanksgiving is a big ask but nothing starts your Thanksgiving day off better than knowing that you helped serve some families who might have not been able to afford their own Thanksgiving or didn't have anybody to share in a meal with um so please come volunteer for just a little while whether it's breakfast or lunch we're going to have three different stations um celebrating Mexican Haitian and American style uh thanksgivings so I'm very excited about turkey enchiladas not tacos enchiladas turkey enchiladas so yes um if you want more information please please reach out to me but there's a morning a morning uh time and an afternoon time and the very last thing is that Homestead is wonderful at networking and sharing information and helping each other out and one thing that we are not doing a good job at at all is with reporting crimes on November 16th there was a nine-year-old boy who was shot and killed off Lucy Street no information has been given and that it is it is appalling it is disgusting um and I urge you all to please share on your social medias the crime the Crim stopper flyer um because we need to change that mentality of of not sharing information somebody must have seen something and for this 9-year-old boy's family to still be trying to find answers is is terrible so please on this Thanksgiving consider what we can do in trying to uh to help this family at least close that thank you very much and Happy Happy Thanksgiving I'm thankful for you all have a great night thank you Council can happy thanks year counc Davis thank you uh mayor I just have a couple points I would I would uh concur with my colleague this was an outstanding Veterans Day event and a lot of the veterans we get up and we talk we we talk smack about everything but uh I'll tell you I couldn't talk smack about that that Veterans Day celebration and uh it was so well done and and I keep saying the homestead's the most supportive community in the nation the military and I mean it because it really is so thank you very much to staff and colleagues for it together and and just having such a a great time with our community I do have two requests um on behalf of a of a constituent I was researching Career Source uh that and I found out the Career Source no longer comes to Homestead uh that they used to have an office then they used to have a um a mobile unit uh but they no longer come here and uh that has a big impact it has a big impact to our military spouses uh as there as uh the military side uh PCS is in spouses are frequently looking for positions also that means that the unemployed in our community got a trek all the way to Cutler uh Cutler Bay um uh to go there when you're when you're unemployed you don't have money for gas for that it needs to come to us and I would I would request city manager if you would please to uh research that um because I can't imagine it's too tough to do uh but they need to come back here at least their mobile unit needs to come back to Homestead um I'm sorry go ahead sir so um Career Source is actually captured in the current budget so I have already reached out to the executive director Rick basley he's going to be coming to the city I think next week to discuss the modalities for them to reestablish their presence in the city so to the effect of our funding we have money already in the budget so it's just for him to come back and tell us the modalities and U what kind of programming location schedule and timing in order to effectuate is coming back so I have it on good authority from him that they coming thank you thank you very much my second issue is again uh between the police department and the uh city manager first of all uh Colonel and team thank you so much for a great tour of the um of the police station of all the various departments in the police station I'll tell you it's so reassuring to see so many people so proud of what it is they do and uh from the from the highspeed low drag detectives to the guys who view the body cams you know and and blur out the faces everybody's proud of what they do and get the impact of what they do to our community that was a great tour and I thank you very much for that in the briefing along with that um I would request something and uh through the city manager of course I think it'd be very wise for us and and uh councilwoman Bailey brought up the issue of crime there's always going to be crime in our city correct but you know what we need to be getting those types of crime reports again and and a cly report by monthly report for example that shows um you know levels of crime for between you and the city manager you can select those things that most represent the city we can look at that we can see what's going on um know you can dice the numbers up uh you know variously with your computer programming but we would very much like to see that and perhaps a presentation to the city council to say this is where we stand in Homestead um and I would say that is not at all pejorative that is saying this is an outstanding job the Homestead police is doing and we need to publicize we need to show everybody what a good job is going on I would say that in district one we had an issue where a fellow was um uh going down the street and jumping out and going into cars that were unlocked that kind of stuff what 96 hours later maybe that guy's in handcuffs and uh good job good on it that's the story we need to tell to our community along with sometimes it's unattractive things as well but there's no way for us to deal with it until we get it until we get them out so thank you very much you sir counc Roth i j sorry very very quick thank you Colonel Kennedy just let me know that there was an arrest made so thank you very much for that information and thank God thank you thank you mayor and I just want to recognize PD for their recognition by the FBI for that bank robber hello thought he could get away we didn't thank you for what you do I only got like 30 minutes worth of stuff you guys ready for that nobody's here they all left uh just just a couple of things first of all um thank you for the city staff the police department parks of wreck everybody who was involved in not only the Sunday Veterans Day celebration but the parade on Monday um the flyover was spectacular um I don't know about that guy but um it it was a good event I think it showed um you know that as councilman Davis said Homestead really does support the military uh active in in veterans and um if you didn't get to the ceremony part um that's usually very moving and I got to be the MC for that and uh I wasn't prepared for what they gave me to read and when it started when it started to talk about the service members that were killed that lived in our area it got really touching and it I and it said it a few times and I just wasn't prepared for that but you know muscled through it and we got through it so thank you for all everybody who did that this is also the time of Thanksgiving and there are aside from the give Miami day um thing that's going on tomorrow um if if you have the ability to share some of your blessings with others I encourage you to do so I'm not going to recommend any specific organizations but um if you do have blessings that you can share please do that with somebody especially this time of year as we go into Thanksgiving into the holidays um I do want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving um I'm blessed to know all of you and to work with you and um I wish all of you the best and your families the best great health and just enjoy that turkey thank you mayor thank you coun vice mayor yes thank you and uh I too uh Echo the thoughts of my colleagues but I do have a few items tonight that are it's going to extend us hopefully not past 9:35 I don't want to take out of your time um uh I did get some notifications late today that's I'm sorry for the late notification but there was some questions about bicycles on sidewalk enforcement on Chrome Avenue we have signs that are posted but we've had a couple of close calls I guess with some people walking out of businesses is there something we can do maybe look at installing some Ballers or something to prevent the bicycles from getting on the B on the sidewalk something to look at don't need an answer tonight um pedestrian sign now this is something I asked the previous city manager and staff and not a whole lot happened with it but pedestrian signage with the blinking lights along Chrome Avenue uh we definitely need to look at that again and see where we I believe there's some State permitting issues we have to go through in order to get that done on the on the state road but let's look at that again please along with Road striping along at the uh intersections and I know we have some new things going on in Chrome Avenue with the Landscaping but uh you might have to put some temporary measures in place in order to safeguard some of the community um the parking lot behind Edison Furniture where are we at with moving that forward Paving it Walling it off I don't need an answer tonight but it's it's a it's not in very good shape and we could use some additional parking downtown um we made a big step tonight in moving forward the uh the electronic permitting process I'm going to jump on my original statement from five years ago when I first got elected the city code the city code the city code we need to start budgeting to move forward with rewriting the city code again more assignments lots of fun we got lots of work to do here in the City of Homestead so we have job security uh this just popped up as well again tonight whatever happened to the lighting replacement project here at City Hall the outside we we talked about it we we took took it down because it was like one and a half million dollars and we said go redo it this was before your time so you may not even know about it but we need to relook at that there was talk about redoing all the electrical Lighting on the outside of City Hall U it was crazy money we could did we'll take a look at that again so I may on the outside lighting I've had conversation with staff to look into there's a permanent lighting system that we implemented at Miami city hall that has different types of coloring depending on the celebration and the month you can change the color if it's uh Breast Cancer month you change the color to that if it's lgbtq it changed to the rainbow side so that was the way we spend heavy Capital initial that saved us a lot of headache and a lot of extra money to keep on doing it every other months so it's a permanent installation or it's just to use a switch inside the building so I had asked one of my colleagues to look into that and uh I follow up with another colleag since is no longer with us but to the vice mayor's point also a lot of the ground the surface mounted lighting was improperly installed and what well yeah water intruded and it was a ridiculous amount of money and but again in those days we were not on the more beneficial bid platform that those numbers came in outrageous numbers yes yeah so just just to keep that on everybody's uh back burner uh I too wanted to uh ask the police department in regards to the crime reports I had a request from one of the homeowners associations they used to get them quarterly uh keysgate and they're just asking to to get those again uh this was Mr Gonzalez with keysgate sir we'll uh go ahead and make sure that's taken care of and and I don't know if everybody's gotten this yet from the from the city manager staff but this this great little B monthly report is uh excellent information maybe we can put those Prime stats in here but there's a lot of good information in here that that that that follows up on things we've asked about so I really do appreciate that and it helps you realize the progress we've made the projects we're doing yes um one of the things I would uh I'm going to bring it up tonight uh don't want to go into a real detail about it but because I'm not going to be the most uh popular guy when we do go into this but um when we start looking at selling some of our city assets uh and and things down the line or or when we do auctions of equipment and things of that nature typically I don't know where those funds go go back into the general fund what have you but uh long-term I'm a fisal responsible person and I'm looking at at trying to save the taxpayers money so I would like to look at providing a resolution in the future that when we sell City assets that we take a percentage of that would that be one to 10% or what have you it goes into a special Council fund a trust fund that we can utilize for these give Miami days for for special events we need to start looking at the money that that the taxpayers give us and and we're we're giving you know personal each of us give give money to these different organizations from our our accounts and and I think it it would be more apt if we do it from a large account rather than indiv individually and we're starting to really look at the at the dollars that the citizens of Homestead are paying us and we're using those for City activities and we're lowering their taxes in the future we're lowering their their costs um so let's have that discussion but uh it's definitely one of those things it seems like when we give these these individual uh groups from our own personal accounts it's almost like a political favor and I don't I don't like that look so I think if we do it all together and we're making that move together as a group uh it looks much better so uh last night I had the opportunity to meet with an outstanding group of young people here at City Hall and it was the mayor's youth Council uh I had had my briefing with the city manager I stepped in we had we had actually taken their meeting space so they actually had their meeting in Miss Bailey's office but uh I can tell you that they were uh very engaged uh individuals uh they're interested in how the city is growing it's their future uh I asked them to to tell me what they would do different and better and they're going to get us a list and they're going to start coming to them but one of the things they they pointed out to me that was uh you know one of the things we've been asking for forever they said we need safe entertainment in the City of Homestead they're tired of going to Kendall and Miami for fun we don't have that entertainment district for them so as part of our look down the road and the charet and things of that nature but these are the these are our future and they're the ones uh asking about this um and finally again the manager already accepted it but the uh or already told everyone about it again but the family Fall Festival Saturday 9:00 a.m. uh last year there were 500 turkeys they gave away this year it's going to be a thousand there were a thousand people in line last year 500 people left with nothing but let's hopefully we're able to get uh get everybody out there and have a great event uh I'm thankful for each of you and what you do as well um I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend a couple of events due to some illness and I'm going to be out of town for some of the upcoming events uh and I'm going to show my veterans Pride as well I'm going to go to the Army Navy game in December which is a outstanding event if you ever get the opportunity to go but uh with that Happy Thanksgiving everyone and sorry to take your time Mr Mayor that's fine I don't need any more time shorter than thank you vice mayor so um that so many of you know I had the opportunity recently at the request of the manager to go inspect and ensure that the uh William J Chrome statue was properly done and and ready to ship and I'm just so happy to report that it is we don't want to post any pictures of it we want to have a big unveiling it it's interesting though when you go to different towns you know I mentioned some of you may have heard me talk about I had the opportunity to go to some of the what they call the northwest suburbs of Chicago how they they do things and uh I made note that all of their public parking was free even a parking garage well in downtown sou Falls that's thriving there are oldfashioned meters at every every parking space and it worked it was a thriving downtown but I did realize that they have two things that we really need billionaire sugar daddy and a river running through to the downtown there's there they they've got a benefactor out there whose name is on hospitals schools and all kinds of buildings and hey tell the art the I don't know what the roots of it are but the art scene out there and I'll get you the information I brought get you the information I brought back they have a sculpture walk and they they have a national call to artist and it's a jured selection and they have permanent it's really big pieces of rock the uh Native Rock there probably three or four in each block up and down their Main Street and the winning pieces get mounted on that rock for a year some of the businesses sponsor them but you have information about the piece and the artist and quite frankly the the artist the sculpture was telling me that what makes it work is you take elected officials and City staff out of the mix and let private people deal with it you set the parameters and keep your hands off of it and it's been a successful program for about 20 years so in case anybody ask I think we're looking at probably unveiling and dedicating the Chrome statue mid-February um obviously you know the artist lives out in sou Fall South Dakota he is more than happy to come to South Florida in the Deb of of winter you know he sent up and and volunteer for that uh December 7th our holiday and Homestead tree lighting I've been involved in some of the planning meetings it's just going to be incredible an enhancement of everything we have um by this coming Monday afternoon afternoon we're going to have a fantastic Christmas tree and Decor in the lobby of this building I know we've advertised pictures with Santa for Saturday the 14th and the 21st here is a gingerbread contest online is that on our website we're going to have a gingerbread house contest it is I've been to places where that's that's been very successful we really really want to be festive and are you know addressing the needs of the community and finally I I want to give a shout out to our district 8 commissioner Danielle Cohen Higgins and our district s commissioner Raquel Regalado who today at the commission meeting stood up and defended what I believe are the best interest of Homestead against the proposal that I'm not going to sit here and say there's malicious intent behind it but I think there are a lot of unintended con quences possible and as as this progresses we're all going to have to be in the loop as to the impact of the new multi-purpose venue that included a new home for Rodeo um don't know that that's still in the cars with the county after what what happened today you know obviously our our Homestead Regional Park so that's you know an everchanging scenario but I've I've said this privately I'm going to say it publicly I view commissioner regalato as our third commissioner she goes to bat and is really a champion for Homestead against proposals that in my view that I tried to express today at the commission meeting are just not not well thought out not in the best interest of Homestead again Happy Thanksgiving can't wait to get beyond that first eating holiday and get right into the uh the end of the Christmas season and uh all the other holidays that go along along with it yes that's right uh Friday the 6th the Rotary Club of Homestead is having its uh annual uh it was an excuse to have a smoked prime rib dinner and what we do is we honor a couple of community leaders and and and makers this year we're honoring Dennis Barry and Robert mulling and Robert Is Here it's at harrisfield at 6:30 that Friday night kick off really of of the holiday season um you know in years past we've had four or 500 people there and we expect to have the same again so if you're familiar with it or you're not invite you to come out appreciate that all right so with that again thank you all yes yes vice mayor I'm sorry guys U you know I think I think the mayor is way underplaying what happened today at the county we we have to really start thinking and working with our our County Representatives because I don't think they're doing everything in our best interest um I would like us to look to have the staff uh the manager and staff uh you know inform or work with the county and tell them our story again and why we believe the proposed location this new County facility is not the ideal location and what we were looking at previously is is something more to our our benefit and to the benefit of the community and the Homestead Road Association um I think the mayor of the county might be willing to work with us a little bit on this one too I based on conversations I had with her very early this morning and at 9:30 last night she will be involved in um again it's it's a big deal and and I just think that we we definitely need to work together as a as a group to to ensure our stories being told and how we wanted the City of Homestead and our Parks and Recreation places want to be developed and we get tired of being in The Dumping Ground for D County um I would also like to to ask through our through through all of us that we start having the manager look at annexation of some additional areas out east um that help help us create a buffer zone you know for some of these areas uh there's a lot of potential in in this city uh in the future you know we have the space force designation um you know we have all that land which was ignored today which was ignored again uh we have things that go all the way out to the to the bay to the to the Bay that we we we haven't really taken into account that would really benefit the City of Homestead um we have the potential for for reigniting the foreign trade zone out there near the the speedway uh all of these things to help the commercial development out east and and and better our our community um I'm sorry I wasn't able to go with you today to the county uh again I think it's it's incumbent Upon Us each that we need to start going individually uh and I know we can't all go at the same time but I think it's very important that we go and show our face because we're the future of day County and I'm going to cut it off there again I know it's getting late but it's important that we definitely let them understand where we stand vice mayor mayor if I may the county meeting was not on my calendar today so that's one thing that can be done to help us I mean shame on me for not following it and putting it on the calendar myself this was a last minute item that in late terms was snuck onto the agenda that happens but if there's a way we can have our our our assistance make sure that these meetings and any meetings that mayor and vice mayor would like us to have our presentation present for or on our calendars then then it just allows us to try to plan to be there it's not always going to be an option we have the day jobs but it it's not even there I'm taking it back this that's the understatement of the night uh it was an extraordinary situation and the way it came to be heard today tells me that uh it's not a good idea it didn't go through the process of the county and it was way through by the outgoing chairman if you want me to be brutally honest our other commissioner does not support this community he failed to speak with us to cooperate with us and I believe misled us while he was all sunshine and rainbows talking about this new venue this competing project was being promoted by him on a dual D I think an utter lack of respect and I'll leave it at that we have a motion to adjourn yes sir thank you all good night