e e I love the way you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening and welcome everyone like to welcome you to the uh Homestead city council presentation ceremony and just for the record that we have to keep today's Wednesday March 20th 2024 and it is what is it 5:05 p.m. uh so we are now in session and I'll turn the mic over to councilwoman Avala hello good evening we are going to be recognizing a Girl Scout Troop troop 1855 of which uh we have leader Claudia Zamora in the house and parents go ahead and come on up girls we're going to introduce you one by one and we're going to talk a little bit about what a cookie business is come on up come on up and I see you have uh some boxes hiding on the floor over there why don't you go go ahead and grab those boxes so cookie season is technically over and how long was cookie season it was around six weeks six weeks and so during that time you probably saw several Girl Scout Troops out front of Publix's in front of AT&T what were other places that you sold cookies on Dixie where else Texas Roadhouse so plenty of Community Partnerships um aligned with the Girl Scouts organization to give them the opportunity to sell and so what are some of the fun functions or activities that you girls get to do as a result of selling cookies and raising money for your troop let's give the mic toeller and what's your name my name is Sophia Zamora and I'm a Cadet well with all the money that we earn we get to go on little troop trips that we decide together as a group like camping or going to Girl Scout conventions that happen every four years 2026 it's going to be in Washington DC so we are going to be recognizing The Troop as a whole for being the top cookie selling troop for Hometown Cookie donations which are going to be given to police officers firefighters doctors nurses and that was a total of 920 boxes so they were the number one in South Florida so let's give it around of Applause thank you so that's for troop 1855 as a whole but specifically Miss Sophia Zamora sold let's see here we have her total at 701 so out of the 920 that were sold in South Florida as the top cookie selling troop for Hometown Cookie donations Miss Sophia Amora sold 7001 of those so here are some more Girl Scouts coming up so can you give us a little bit of like a reenactment when someone came up and they wanted to buy one box of thin mints what would you say and then how did you get them to pay more for hero donations well what I would usually do is is that I would usually say my quote four for 20 and if they wanted to buy a $6 box if they had any extra cash I would tell them to put it in our local Hometown Heroes jar I wanted to get enough so we can so we can give out to our local Hometown Heroes to give it to everyone [Applause] around very good very good so we also have Sophia Zamora being recognized as the number two two cookie selling Scout as a whole for all of South Florida including the Florida keys so congratulations [Applause] Sophia and a little bit of cookie math okay in one box of thin mints there's 32 delicious chocolate thin minty cookies okay we're not going to talk about C calories okay but there's 32 cookies in a box of thin mints The Troop as a whole sold 13,520 boxes of cookies of a of a variety but if you just take thin mins for a moment and you multiply that that comes out to 4 32,9 128 cookies individual cookies that's a lot of cookies girls that's almost half a million delicious chocy thinman cookies sold right here in Homestead so if your belt is a little tight it's not our fault only right but congratulations girls you moved a lot of cookies a lot of money which supports the troop 1855 congratulations to the parents and to all the Girl Scouts Across America that are selling and being little entrepreneurs little leaders and uh we hope that the heroes in our community get to enjoy those cookies that were purchased by people just like all of you here in our in our audience and if anybody would like to participate in Girl Scouts you can look us up online there are many troops here in Homestead that we're very proud of and congratulations to the parents that are dedicated making sure that they sign up for booths pack all the stuff in the car haul it off and you guys are doing a great job so keep it up I'm very proud of you [Applause] congratulations each Scout is going to get a pin and Sophia you have your certificate and the troop as well Claudia if you want to come up and receive the certificate and are these cookies going to be uh Left Behind or taken with you what's the plan I brought since these cookies were for our Hometown Heroes we also have city hall employees that work very hard so I brought a little bit of every flavors yes there samoas there you are so we have nine different flavors and like they said we were able to reach these big numbers thanks to everybody I think everyone here has had or has donated in some way or another girl scout cookies correct is there anyone here who has never bought a Girl Scout cookie that's what I thought good that was a trick question by the way so thank you so much picture and then you'll be on your way and um if anybody would like to learn more about Girl Scouts please see e and can we have um maybe mayor mayor and Council also take a picture with them probably out uh out to the side if you're going to stay for the meeting that's perfectly fine perfect we're safe for the rest of the presentations yeah perfect thank you yeah because I know mayor and staff bought a lot of cookies too so thank you for that real quick about the cookies we were also at commissioner McGee's event for women's month and in our goodie bag was Girl Scout cookies so I thought that was pretty cool good evening everyone our next presentation is for women's month and this year we asked each department to nominate their Superwoman of the month to be presented with a little gift tonight so congrat oh we've got a we've got a quick video first okay so as we call you ladies if you'll please come join us here from the police department is Christine [Applause] Hodes from electric utility Ali withal from P procuran Britney [Music] MZ from cust mer service Deb Lee Thomas unfortunately she's not able to join us tonight but we congratulate her anyway from Parks Nancy [Music] [Laughter] air from City manager's office Pam springle from city clerk's office Julissa Chavez [Music] from the Solid Waste Department chrst [Music] oliv from it it Department roxan figa from Human Resources Priscilla Thompson from the CRA Department Malika Carter [Music] from Finance Carla Zavala and from development services Gladis [Music] Salas congratulations to these wonderful ladies that make business and the day-to-day operations within the City of Homestead happen you have been recognized and honored tonight and it was well deserved so congratulations to all of you I think we're missing one Department I wonder who we could be missing I think we are missing the office of Mayor and Council oh I think you're right Jasmine day get up here please yes and lovely Janet our chaos coordinator someone who solves problems you never knew existed in ways that will blow your mind see also ninja rockar and Legend she helps put all of these things together and Janice please come up we've got something for you too yes we count on you all the time the lovely ladies of the City of Homestead on behalf of Mayor and councel thank you your chaos coordinator C congratulations ladies thank you for working so very hard for the City of Homestead and thank you for encouraging your whole departments so happy women's [Music] month out in your standing in your Ence your beauty is a blessing you stay in high vibration your life your [Music] manifested through us your world is changing your energies are F I love the way you glow Queen [Music] glow I love the way you glow [Music] Queen I love the way you glow Queen glow [Music] I love the way you glow Queen sit on that Throne Queen know you got that goddess ener in your soul Queen manifesting your reality words for me I am perfect well protected I Am So Def I attract with smile sexy beautiful confident blessed was very nice magal love I stay in high vibrations my life I'm manifested through US my world is changing my energies evolving I love the way you close [Music] I love the [Music] way I love the way you glow [Music] Queen I love the way you glow [Music] Queen sexy beautiful confid abundant blessed [Music] groundable [Music] magal I love the way you glow Queen I love the way you Queen's get spiritual this is for my que sh the self liity something that run out lightning in your standing in your Ence your beauty is a blessing you stay in high vibrations your life you're manifested through us your world changing your energies are F I love the way you glow [Music] Queen I love the way you [Music] Queen I love the way you glow [Music] Queen I love the way [Music] Queen on the queen you got that God en your soul Queen manifesting your reality me I am perfect well protected I Am So Def I attract with SM sexy beautiful confident abund blessed ground disable sa magical [Music] love I stay in high vibrations my life I manifested through my world is changing my energies evolving I love the way [Music] you I love the way you [Music] que I love the way you [Music] glow I love the way you glow Queen sexy beautiful confident abundant blessed groundable sa [Music] magical I love the way you glow Queen I love the way you Queen let's get spiritual this is for my shin Sun out the self something run out lightning in your standing in your Ence your beauty is a blessing [Music] you stay in high vibration your life your manifested through us your world is changing your energies are fulf I love the way you glow [Music] Queen I love the way you CL Queen I love the way you glow Queen [Music] glow I love the way you glow [Music] Queen sit on that Throne Queen know you got that goddess energy in your soul Queen manifesting your reality words for me I am perfect well protected I am so F I attract with SM sexy beautiful confident abund blessed ground is Sac magical [Music] love I stay in high vibration my life I'm manifested through US my world is Chang my energies I love the way you [Music] Queen I love the way you [Music] Queen I love the way you glow [Music] Queen I love the way you close [Music] que sexy beautiful confident abundant blessed groundable [Music] SA e e e e e e e good evening everyone and welcome I'd like to call the City of Homestead local planning agency meeting to order today is Wednesday March 20th 2024 and it is 5:30 p.m. roll call Madam clerk board member Bailey yes board member aula yes board member conal here board member Ross here board member Davis here Vice chairman Fletcher here chairman LNA here ex official Lawrence Ventura here thank you madam clerk uh Mr director are there any add additions deletions or deferrals no sir thank you all right we have before us the minutes of December 133 2023 do I have a motion to approve those minutes moved by board member Roth seconded by Vice chairman Fletcher any further questions or comments all in favor I any opposed all right Mr White yes mayor this is the quiz I just quazi judicial section of the agenda please be advised the following item on the agenda is Quai judicial in nature if you wish to comment upon this item please indicate uh that you would like to address uh this item when the announcement regarding the quaz item is made an opportunity for persons to speak on this item will be made available after the applicant and staff have made their presentation on this item swearing in all testimony including public testimony and evidence will be made under oath or affirmation additionally each person who gives testimony may be subject to cross-examination if you not wish to either be cross-examined or sworn your testimony will be given at du8 the general public will not be permitted to cross-examine Witnesses but the public May request the LPA to ask question questions of Staff or Witnesses on their behalf full agenda packet on each item is hereby entered into the record persons representing organizations must present evidence of their authority to speak for the organization further details of the quizi judicial procedures may be obtained from the clerk in accordance with code section 2590 any lobbyist must register before addressing the local planning Agency on tab two at this time the local plan agency members must disclose any exart Communications concerning tab two I only need disclosures on tab two I'll disclose tab two any other disclosures with respect to tapto uh board member Bailey board member cannibal Vice chair so at this time M Roth thank you so at this time anyone in the audience who wishes to uh speak or be heard on tab two please stand raise your right hand to be sworn by the clerk do you have I swear a firm to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God thank you you may be seated mayor council tab two and tab three are related items uh pertaining to the same parcel property tab two is the resoning request and tab three is the legislative uh future land use Amendment request um I can introduce both starting with tab three followed by tab two you could have a collective public hearing ing discussion and then take a separate vote yes please so tab three is an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the comprehensive plan future land use map designation as requested by VAR Camp Group LLC of an approximately 16875 foot parcel of land from low residential use lru to Light commercial use lcu for property located at 60 Northeast 16th Street as legally described in exhibit a providing for conf providing for cability and providing for an effective date the related application is tab two it's an ordinance of the city of hom Florida proving the resoning as requested by VAR Camp Group LLC of an approximately 16875 foot parcel of land from R1 one family zoning District to restricted retail commercial B1 zoning district for property located at 60 Northeast 16th Street as legally described an exhibit a providing for conflict cability and an affective date thank you Mr gordino Sir we're we're recommending that you approve both the uh the comp plan Amendment and the zoning code Amendment again we're moving from from the in the in the comprehensive plan we are moving from the uh light residential use to the Light commercial use in the zoning code we're moving from the uh from the R1 District to the B1 District that's the lightest residential district to the lightest commercial District we've evaluated both of these changes to our uh our comprensive plan and our zoning code they're compatible with the neighborhoods so we would be recommending approval again we're going to hear this in Greater detail or not at the next meeting good thank you um any questions or comments from Council mayor I needed to um disclose experte on this item just very good okay anything further on this item uh for this board now with respect to the uh the comp plan change um Light commercial encompasses zoning of b1a and B1 correct yes mayor the Light commercial future land use uh map uh designation is implemented by the b1a which is the professional business zoning District the B1 restricted retail commercial R4 hotel motel and R2 which is commercial retail but with limitations right on those uses all right um hypothetically if if in the course of events the comp plan change were made but there was no finalization of a change in zoning where would that leave the status of the residential use could that continue as a non-conforming use pending a zoning change to sure one of those other categories so with respect to the Future land use the comp change comp plan change if you all change the comprehensive plan to Light commercial use by law the applicants entitled to a to a rezoning consistent with that future land use category now they may be they may ask for something that's a higher intensity of uses but any one of those implemented zoning District I mean any one of the zoning districts that I mentioned could be implemented right so um if you were to change the future land use designation to like commercial use you would then be left with uh rezoning and a residential property that's non-conforming right and let say even the of a rezoning is granted and the proposed Redevelopment or reuse is not accomplished where does that leave the legality of the residential use the residential use would be non-conforming and can continue to exist um pursuant to your non-conforming regulations all right that's yeah there's always uncertainty with you know tenants or or Redevelopment um although I believe the you know the comp plan needs to be in consistency with the rest designation needs to be in consistency with the rest of the uh the neighborhood um any public comment Mr Moss you want to go ahead and uh enter your comments for the record John Moss I'm my address is 44 Northeast 16th Street I am immediately adjacent to this property to the West when I received the notice the zoning notice I thought there was an error I thought that it was supposed to request b1a a professional zoning not restricted retail and I called the um development services and they said no the applicant is asking for a a greater use than uh the professional office use I then called the applicant to discuss it with the applicant and I was told yes I need a a greater use number one it will improve the value of my property as well as um I'd like to put in a daycare there well that kind of set off some concerns for me because if you're familiar with that area area we've had major problems with parking parking on the swes as a matter of fact the city across the street has had to put up seven no parking signs all across there to stop the parking I've had problems with the property to the west parking in our place parking out on the Swale the traffic is dangerous as it is you cannot leave uh Chrome Terrace and try to go to 15th Street to make a left uh around five o'clock it's just it's it's dangerous it's way too dangerous and to see children being dropped off and picked up and a lot more traffic in the area I don't think that neighborhood is conducive to this I've checked every single property in that uh neighborhood and they're either zoned residential or professional office use not for that particular type of use um if you go down to I I go over to the Windixie there's a daycare that's only a couple doors down from L's where I have my breakfast they are continually backed up in the fire uh Lane there dropping off and picking up children and it's it's dangerous you got cars going through there and stuff and that's a huge parking lot that they could be utilizing I don't know how they could um in any way stack cars so that they could have safe and convenient drop off of the children and pickup of the children in this area um so that's that's a very um big concern so anyway uh another uh thing is once if this is if the zoning is uh changed then that would permit things like bake shops Banks cafeterias uh cigar shops clothing stores ice cream stores convenience stores with gas pumps um the daycare of course department stores uh drug stores furniture stores grocery stores Hardwares hotels motels uh sporting goods stores theaters open air cafes and restaurants and any commercial retail use under 10,000 square feet you're opening up a Pandora's Box I think you're starting down a slippery slope if you do this everyone else is utilizing the offices for either doctor's offices accounting offices um attorney's offices things like that professional use and I think that the uh zoning should stay the same and I don't think you should change the Zoning for one property in the entire neighborhood it's almost akin to spot zoning okay thank you thank you Mr Moss um we typically don't get this far out and deep into applications at this level but I think it's pretty going to be one of those exceptions has the applicant offered any Declaration of of restrictions to to limit the uses in B1 no sir because you know this Council and some prior councils continually rebuffed B1 designations even on Chrome Avenue in this Corridor for 15th Street northward we have consistently rebuffed that more intense B1 and uh you know I Mr Moss makes a good point that that one corner particularly that corner of that size would seem to be inconsistent and out of proportion with with the rest of that neighborhood north of 15th Street in that Chrome to Chrome Terrace uh Corridor so you know without without aering of any restrictions of uh of use um yeah if if the applicant wishes to to come forward and and weigh in at this point welcome the applicants representative to come forward hi good evening good evening thank you mayor councel my name is uh Karen Campbell and I am the uh company representative I actually own as I'm a member of the um owners of the property we are here because yes we've applied for the uh rezoning of the property uh the daycare which was mentioned by Mr Moss is a potential tenant that we have and to put them to jump through hoops through the special exception is going to be an issue for them to be able to open up a business and the daycare falls under the b1a special exemption but it also falls under the B1 so we're just looking for a more ample um ordinance so that we can make this easier for a tenant we've had a lot of tenants or prospects who are fearful of the process with the city and that is the reason why we're asking for the for the more ample um ordinance any questions from the board with respect to that that conversation yes Mr Vice chair that's not really a question more of a concern again I think it's out of character for the area to be utilizing that location as a daycare I'm sorry that is out of character for the neighborhood that it's currently at uh a daycare in that area you have residential right across the street you have a a busy City uh facility that's also right across the street that I think is uh not conducive to safety for a daycare facility as well as some of the concerns that Mr moss and some of the other uh persons in that area have uh have told us about so I will not be able to support this particular uh item at this time thank you to clarify that's the rezoning I mean the the the comp plan designation is currently inconsistent with with the rest of that entire uh entire Corridor um may I ask a question I'm sorry so we talking we're talking about the resoning from the from the residential to the commercial because the entire block is b1a we're the only parcel that's residential the only parcel on the entire block everybody else is a b1a we are residential so let's forget about the daycare you want to talk about a a professional I don't have an issue a chef is a professional and under your b1a you have professional Personnel but a chef can't open up a restaurant because the restaurant falls under the B1 so there's a lot of inconsistencies as well here and what we're asking for is to be equal to the rest of the of the neighborhood and right now we're beneath we're residential we're not commercial and again I I have to agree with Mr Moss that equal to the rest of the neighborhood would be b1a okay you know limited to professional office without those heavier commercial uses you know without any restriction of record a B1 allows you know scores of uses that I think we can all agree are not not compatible with the neighborhood or even appropriate for that location but just a blanket B1 zoning would provide you with the right to do that if you could fit them within that that box that's I think that's what we're struggling with here is the distinction between b1a generally professional office and B1 which is you know exponentially heavier than than b1a and certainly I think that my opinion is is that if we we can find things that from our outdated code find uses in B1 that are probably more appropriately in b1a and maybe that's some future code amendments to to resolve that that inconsistency for for example b1a attorney's offices B1 title companies and Abstract companies in this day and age there's you know title companies there's those of us who are attorneys say there are differences but what what we do there and the traffic it generates is is really one and and the same so you know in that regard I think it's fair for us to look at meshing b1a and some of the B1 uses but as b11 that's that's applied for at this point is is written uh I don't remember who said it but it it really would open a a Pandora's Box there and and there's been been no profer of any limitation of the uses in in B1 mayor may I if you don't mind thank you um is there an opportunity to to defer the item so they can try to go back and consider reconsider some potential profing versus I I'm just thinking along the lines of the amount of investment that has been made and paying for the application the processing the time and the effort in trying to um submit a complete application and that maybe there there really wasn't enough time to think about okay let's go over the uses let's continue the conversations let's figure out what is best for this particular pocket of our downtown that would be a a more you know cohesive um uh plan for for Success what what I don't want to do is have you walk away with a a rejection tonight so if you want to call the vote then it probably is going to fail but if you want to get a referral have some more time to keep the application alive and work out some of these wrinkles and then bring it back and that would be with respect to the rezoning I suspect I mean I don't know that any of us have an issue I think we have more of an issue with the incompatible land use designation that currently exists on this property is that an option mayor that we can let them do that the two separate two separate applications and that's that's the first item we have to address tonight anyway is the The Flume designation so we could go forward with that and upon request we could defer the resoning request I'd like to ask one last question though um under the b1a you have as as I mentioned professional Personnel by trade I'm a musician I have a degree from the University of Miami a master's in music so I am a professional I've actually actually performed at the seminal here years ago but if I wanted to open up a conservatory or a School of Fine Arts I wouldn't be able to as a professional under b1a because conservatories fall under the B1 so who has the weight NE the professional or the company and that's a very good point and again as I said a few moments ago think conceptually there are are items that are precluded under b1a that should be included and we can get to that absolutely you know you're right conservatories music schools what what have you um we we can address that but a blanket B1 um I don't feel as though that's in the cards for you tonight you you she's so the applicant has requested a deferral of tab two the resoning okay we can right thank you all right so we need a motion to defer tab to the resoning request so that's moved by board member AA seconded by um board member cannibal any further uh questions or comments from the board any public comment all right so let's have a roll call on on the deferral of tab two board member cannibal board member Roth yes board member Davis yes board member Bailey board member aula Vice chairman Fletcher yes chairman lner yes the motion carries so now we have before us a tab three which is amending the comp plan uh future land use map to from low density residential to Light commercial use you moved by a board member M Bailey seconded by board member Avala any further discussion public comment close a public hearing roll call Madam CLK board member Roth board member Davis yes board member aula board member conal B member Bailey Vice chairman Fletcher yes chairman lner yes the motion carries very good so at our regular meeting we will not hear the resoning but the the amendment to The Flume designation we'll we'll go forward in a few minutes right thank you thank you very much okay Mr White Tab four yes moving on so Tab four tab five and tab six were all interrelated um pertaining to the same proposed uh project that's touching Miami with love um in order to achieve their proposed affordable housing development it necessitates changes to the comprehensive plan to the Southwest neighborhood master plan and to the zoning code so I can introduce each one of those collectively discuss and take a vote let's go for it Tab four is an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the City of Homestead comprehensive plan by amending the text of the planned Urban neighborhood future land use category contained in objective to policy 2.1 to permit affordable housing with a maximum net density of 25 dwelling units per acre or property within the Civic government sub area of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood providing for transmittal of this ordinance to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity and all other units of local government or government agencies is required under chapter 163 part two Florida Statutes providing for adoption pursuant to Florida Statutes providing for inclusion in the comprehensive plan providing for appeal of conflicts severability and providing for an effective date tab five is an ordin to the City of Homestead Florida amending the Southwest neighborhood master plan by amending regulations governing building frontages General standards sub area zoning and building type for the Civic government sub area and providing for confli conflicts providing for severability inclusion in the southwest neighborhood master plan and providing for an effective date and finally tab six is an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the city code of ordinances by amending Chapter 30 zoning article 3 District regulations division 19 19 GP government property District section 30- 382 affordable housing division 23 planed Urban neighborhood District section 30- 39640 maximum density section 30- 39644 maximum density section 30- 39661 affordable housing section 30- 39662 sub areas Article 4 supplemental District division 3 density section 30-4 57 maximum density established Article Five non-conforming Lots uses and structures section 30-5 53 exception of affordable housing all to permit affordable housing with maximum net density of 25 dwelling units per acre on property within the Civic government sub area of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code providing for complex and providing for an effective date thank you sir Mr Gino thank you uh to simplify matters um no what what what the attorney said is exactly correct in the southwest neighborhood to make changes we have to change three things we have to change the comprehensive plan we have to change the master plan then we have to change the zoning code so this does all of those three things um what the applicant wants to do is develop a 100 units of affordable housing on about 4.2 acres of land right now that land um is again is in the southwest neighborhood um to permit the affordable housing they want to do it with a maximum density of 25 dwelling units per acre right now dwelling unit the units per acre in the southwest neighborhood are about 15 to 20 it can be 15 it can be as high as 20 so this would be five higher than the highest the proposed text Amendment um would again permit affordable housing for for uses uh for for permits affordable housing use for parcel Zone Civic government within the Southwest plan unit Urban neighborhood District a sub area and establishes the maximum density for affordable housing uses in that area uh as 25 dwelling units per a per net acre um provided that all those uh residential units shall be reserved dedicated and restrictively restricted exclusively for use as affordable housing for a minimum period of 15 years so we're re since this is discretionary we're recommending that you consider it um but it is in it is roughly in line with your densities that you currently have in the neighborhood uh which the high right now 20 thank you sir any questions or comments from the board sure board member Bailey thank you um a quick question for staff are there any other Parcels that if this does go through that we would have to worry about that might not fit it would be all of the the Civic government parcel so if we find our map in the well let's see if we have the Southwest area map um actually in in our map that we have here we're just showing the Southwest neighborhood we're not showing all the specific Parcels but yes here we are on on page um two of the uh of the car the Civic government I believe is the uh is that the purple so they're about is that is that but this is limited to the Southwest neighborhood it's limited to the Southwest neighborhood and in all those Civic government I believe there are about four large Parcels in that area that would be impacted by this most of them are I think we own a couple of them so I just wanted to say in case uh that should be a discussion item if there was an opportunity to only um approve it for this specific uh lot if we wanted to consider that this is about as detailed as you can get because you're just specific taking one specific um category right um and and otherwise it you might it might be spot zoning okay if we're going to discuss it further at the council meeting that's all for now thank you thank you I just you know conceptually you know this is a little bit higher density than I'm generally comfortable with okay but for me this is an extension and complimentry of the Homestead Gardens project that was before us a year and a half two years ago that this is fing that need it's helping provide to replace most mostly replace and provide just a few more units for the residents of of that area so you know I the phrase that I've coined is locationally appropriate but Mr good is there anybody here from public works or as this goes forward are we going to run into any in are they going to run into any of these lift station Wastewater type capacity moratorium issues that that others seem to be facing throughout the city so I'll defer to um Mr Gonzalez in public works there are a few areas with restrictions I'm not sure which Basin this particular parcel Falls in you know we need to all be very clear that this this faces that additional issue after these approvals hello mayor uh quick answer no I'm actually working on the Basin uh plan for all of our lift stations right now this particular lift station lift station 15 which should be coming off of the moratorium list here within the next month or two very good I think that's good news for Homestead Gardens in this project as well so thank you just wanted to be it's a good update appreciate it okay is there any public comment all right hearing none then and we need to take them in the order they're presented four five and six is that correct all right do we have a motion on Tab four move by board member Bailey second by board member cannibal roll call Madam court with member Davis yes member Bailey yes with member Roth yes board member conball board member avula yes Vice chairman Fletcher yes chairman lner yes the motion carries all right do we have a motion on Tab five moveed by board member Bailey second second by uh board member Davis roll call Madam Court board member aulo yes board member canall board member Davis yes board member Roth member Bailey Vice chairman Fletcher yes chairman L yes the motion carries and we have a motion on Tab six moveed by board member Bailey seconded by board member canall roll call Madam clerk board member rth board member Bailey board member aula board member Davis yes member cabal Vice chairman Fletcher yes chairman lner yes the motion carries right very good and the final item on the LPA agenda tab seven Mr White yes tab seven is an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the city code of ordinances by amending Chapter 30 zoning article 3 District regulations division 12 B2 retail commercial District section 30- 276b uses permitted as right by removing selfservice storage facilities as a permitted use in division 23 planned Urban neighborhood District section 30- 39634 permitted uses prohib prohibiting self-service storage facilities and section 30396 42 sub areas prohibiting self-service storage facilities within the commercial industrial sub areas of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood article four supplemental District regulations division 2 off street parking 30-4 33 off street parking area requirements in all districts by modifying the off street parking area requirements related to self service storage facilities and division nine mixed use and non-residential development standards section 30- 542 self-service storage facilities modifying the development standards related to self self-service storage facilities and further amending article six plan unit development section 30-5 70 permitted uses prohibiting selfservice storage facilities providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date thank you scordino yes sir in January we received the request of direction from the council to to kind of look back into the code and and uh kind of regulate the oversaturation and proliferation of self storage facilities so in doing that we went back through the code we comb through it uh and as James said we remove them as as a as as a right use we removed them from the mixed use in non-residential areas we removed them uh and we and we set parking standards and made sure that we understood that they only parking standards are there for things in the drri so with that I think we've kind of narrowed the scope of where these things can and uh can be and um recommend uh you consider this we're here to answer questions good thank you sir okay questions or comments from Council all right Mr Proctor let's go ahead and air this one out and uh maybe you can be home before dark rather than wait for the regular agenda thank you uh Mr Mayor and Council Jerry Proctor attorney 7600 Red Road South Miami um Mr Mayor and councel uh I'm joined by my client Brett Houston tonight Mr Houston and our team have had an application pending in your development services department for an as of right Self Storage development uh that has been in the planning stages for about 15 months the application has been in development services for about 12 months we've been through two DRC Cycles we've satisfied all of the comments of the Departments we have one issue remaining that deals with a pump station problem which we knew about coming in and we're working to solve that issue together with the the city and the county um we are asking therefore uh to the mayor and councel that applications that are complete that have been through this level and length of review be exempt from future consideration of change of zoning uh for Self Storage that we be allowed to complete the process which we will do and hopefully be successful it is an administrative process and we hope to be in the administrative permitting process certainly this year uh to develop under the code we have been in the process as I said for quite some time and we think it is fair and Equitable to allow us to complete that process thank you thank you so let me turn to our attorneys or the development director do we have that fail safe in place for this kind of situation or so gate closes he's got to look and Well normally if if you were to approve this the gaple drops and the project is still in play then the law that is on the books supplies in this this case I I've spoken to Mr Proctor he his he and his client have been in the process for a significant amount of time I think the only thing to my understanding the only thing that is left to be addressed is um the sewer issue with respect to the pump station uh moratorium and um issues between uh what is client going to do for Wastewater in the interim um so if you are inclined to um wave or exempt the application of this to Mr Proctor's client's administrative site plan application um I could add language or or provision to this ordinance for second reading that would do that are there any others similarly situated nothing this is this is the only one the reason it's been in so long is it's just it doesn't have Pump Station capacity so it it won't really won't go anywhere till that's cured well you know and making the analogy to our moratorium discussion it only seems to be fair and Equitable and right to to draw that line in favor of this application if that's the so you would as we adopt this you would need some direction a motion that would include that that exemption yes okay and then I could I could just address work out that language between now and second reading very good anyone want to make that motion I will happily make that motion by Council woman Bailey with the requested uh Exception seconded by uh board member cannibal any public comment I'll call Madam Court Bo member cannibal board member Bailey board member Davis yes member abula yes board member Roth Vice chairman Fletcher yes chairman lner yes the motion carries good thank you thank you for coming down tonight any further Mr director No Sir Mr attorney nothing nothing further so I'll entertain a motion to adjourn the local planning agency meeting moving to second it all in favor we will adjourn the regular council meeting in just a few moments about self self service Tom app the letter yeah e here good luck a a whole lot of people oh yeah for you're going to my oh my God it hits you the second paging councilwoman Bailey good evening everyone and welcome like to call the City of Homestead city council meeting to order it is still Wednesday March 20th 2024 and it is now 6:15 p.m. this evening we'll have the invocation give by Pastor Howard Harden pastor of the First Baptist Church of Homestead followed by the Pledge of Allegiance with councilman Cannibal and the Homestead police explorers you please rise let us pray Heavenly Father we pause before you to acknowledge you to thank you for being the giver of good things we thank you for giving us life life we thank you for the gift of your love we thank you for the gift and the blessing of living in this great City and we thank you for who you are you are all powerful able to strengthen Us in every every trial you are all knowing able to guide us in any situation you are all wise able to solve any problem and we do face numerous challenges those challenges are real but God God we thank you because you are greater and on that basis we lift up these public servants and the business that is before us tonight scriptures remind us that the governing authorities are your minister that you use in order to carry out your purposes and so we ask therefore that you would guide all that they say and do and give them wisdom from on high for every decision that will be made that they would be made in the best interest of this community we thank you for them and I pray these things in Christ's name [Music] amen [Music] hello I place the flag of the United States of America and for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all thank you all you may be seated roll call Madam clerk cman Davis here councilwoman abula here councilwoman Bailey here councilman cannibal councilman Roth here vice mayor Fletcher M lman here all right it is that time of the night where we have public general public comments limited to two minutes per speaker uh of items of general interest if you are here for a specific item you will have uh agenda item and opportunity to to speak at that time um the first registered speaker tonight is Mr Manuel Mendoza uh regarding World Theater day are you here Mr Mendoza good evening and welcome give us your name and address for the record please hello hi hi my name is Manuel Mendo I am uh theater d director and producer and uh I I represent the rut theatral organization we promote every theater in the south Florida and every March 27 celebrate the World Theater day in the south Florida okay the next Wednesday we have H 10 shows in different city in Miami day County okay and Doral halalia Little Havana downtown Miami candal and here in homestad we have um a play in the seminal theater free for the community okay every place is free for the community so H this is our third edition so we need support with the pay for for the theater and talent fee so if we we need support for differ er um er private companies and cultural Miami day County Florida div artart and different cities what's the play that you'll be presenting at the semal the name of the play yeah the play Mr Hate is the play is is is a play about emotion is for it's a familiar familiar place it's a play for every people it's a beautiful play very thank you we certainly want to promote the arts and culture here in Homestead and thank you for partnering with the seminal to do that for us okay app yes councilwoman thank you mayor um if if I don't think I'm not sure if anybody um attended any of the previous ones but I know that the first year I helped sponsor um he Manuel has done a great job with reaching out to nursing homes all of the plays are Al always multi-generational um and I think everybody would agree that to be able to have something of this caliber for our Hispanic Community um is a great thing so I would like you to consider if you would all help me and pitch in $150 that will help with most of the fees that uh that he needs to pay for the seminal theater he does a great job reaching out to schools the nursing homes so I think it's a great than you thank you okay thank you all right next is Mr Carlo Martinez Mr Martinez are you here hi come on down good evening and welcome good evening Mr Mayor commissioner Council staff nice to meet you Carlos Martinez 2132 uh Homestead uh I'm a resident of Homestead and a homeowner at Redland Reef a small community located on the county borderline in the Northwest area Homestead this beautiful and peaceful community has been impacted by the recent addition of 13 traffic calming devices speed bumps that were placed without a permit and no notice to the homeowners we were notified the morning of that they were installed I know these considered private roads however they are not restricted access and are used by neighboring communities it is a thorough thorough Street between Southwest 187th 192nd AV the permit was applied for after the speed bumps were installed and only because the community members complain to the building and Zoning more importantly there are serious issues with bumps that were installed and I would like to bring these issues to the commission uh the issues are the bumps extend all the way to the road edges with the SW with no swell or sidewalk they have no break them for bicycle Riders no act uh for people walking or handicapped especially Ada members that we have in our community they impede drainage as we're in a flood zone and the community includes number of French drains they were installed during a seal coating process which the seal coating material was sprayed on and into the French drains possibly coating the bottom of the materials and making them impermeable also Northwest 21st Street is has a speed limit of 20 m per hour and these bumps reduce us to 5 to 10 and my final concern as a fireman for 22 years is that these 13 speed bumps severely increase the response times for emergency vehicles bumps can increase up to 3.25 minutes to the farthest home in our community I have a lot of research from the Florida DOT the process of the calming devices was not followed according to the Florida do green book chapter 15 traffic calming devices and other local requirements emergency services and entities were not consulted the permit is now in review process and I'm asking that this matter is looked into for the safety and well-being of our community when emergencies occur access to critical patients or homes on fire are Paramount I've been there and witnessed it before over my 22-year career life and death can depend on a matter of minutes I'm not against these speed bumps we do have a speeding problem down 21st Street so I want to see the project done correctly if it needs to be redone all over and we have to pay for it it is what it is but definitely when we call 911 my biggest concern is that when you call 911 we need immediate not delayed response with that being said thank you very much I appreciate have a good night thank you so was this installation initiated by your HOA or was this done okay so they did it this was not a city project correct it was not a city project it was an HOA but they completely went under our nose and they the day of they notified us saying they were doing seal coding they had an opening today and then they installed these without a without a permit I'm the one that found the violation from the city I pulled it off of the entrance I took pictures of it I contacted the author uh the HOA management company and I've done my due diligence and research to ensure that the project gets done correctly so a violation has been issued is that correct sir I have all the documents and records with me I can email them to whoever in the city good and if you'd like to um Mr Gonzalez from our public works department we'll speak with you after this so that we have all of your information have per permit numbers and everything thank you very much for your time wonderful evening appreciate it all right that concludes the pre-registered uh speakers is there anyone else in the house or online wishing to to speak hi good evening welcome hi good evening can see you that allows us to see you and probably hear you a little better thank you my name is Tama Smith I'm the owner of gety old on ice cream located here in Homestead Florida the reason that I am here is because of the incident that occurred February 29th where an attempt was made to retrieve a grief shout from my property and officers turned the individual away because he did not have a proper court order document nor did he have a permit to remove that on febru on March 13th the individual came back with a piece of cour a piece of paper that was not a court order nor with a permit Homestead police department allowed them to take the equipment not only did they do that the officers did not honor my Protective Services my my protective restrain and order against an individual my business has been closed since febru since March the 13th um my business has been fined by Mii day County and durm um today the owner and myself has received a fine from the City of Homestead and has been um siss the court um after I spoke to this officer and I told him that that was what he was doing was violation and that I asked him can they contact developmental services and I asked him can they contact Code Enforcement Officers they did not listen to me the officer allow him to remove the equipment without proper documentations or anything so now I am left with all of this mess and I would like to know who's going to be here responsible for this because I did not dig that up I did not give authorization to do that thank you is there anyone who could shed any light on uh on this incident either Police Department or development services so was was this I I guess an eviction or a repossession is that this was a civil matter something that was supposed to be handled out in Civil Court which I tried to explain to the officers the responding officers and my restrainer order was placed it was I had a restrainer order in place as well that didn't get so typically this uh the grease traps AR aren't a development service is issue I believe they got to go through durm in the county to permit that so um you know we wouldn't we wouldn't be involved with this from from an approval point of view unless it was in the site plan originally this was a retrieval of a portable grease trap is that no it was not it was dug up with a bulldozzer it was dug up with a bulldozer now she has rocks and she's being fined daily because it was not done properly right the repossession was done without proper notice it should have proper protocol where she's supposed to call someone before she digs so now there is debris there is rocks and she is being fined daily because of this incident the first officer that came out told them that they did not have a permit they did not have proper protocol or anything to dig when they came with an amateur police officer he did not accept her uh protective order she had the restraining order against the individual he told her that the paperwork that he had was sufficient and it was not okay uh the address of your business again 1541 Southeast 24 um 12th Avenue Homestead Florida 33034 mayor what commercial of my curiosity is what what areas okay the the old Plaza Behind The Villages okay all right Mr good uh mayor we'll have um PD Captain JN will will meet with you all now and get your information so that we can follow up on this matter and anything that uh we need to do on the city side we'll make sure it gets done thank you I appreciate it thank you all sorry about that thank you sorry mayor I just wanted to say please keep us posted also that was one of our business incentive grants was for that shop so I would really like to know what happen thank you all right good evening honorable mayor council Dr James here at MCD 32320 Southwest 199th Avenue um you guys might have seen some of the emails I sent out recently I filed a public records request it appeared there was some confusion in the city I had emailed City attorney Matt Pearl and he said he would look into and get back to me the next day and instead of acting in good faith Mr Pearl then went with attorney Eric stetton behind my back and filed an emergency motion for protective order which is a violation of the law which I made Mr Pearl aware of this is under prominade the Iberville LLC versus Sunday you cannot delay production of Records to seek uh Court challenge to disclosure Mr Pearl emailed me and told me that the city would follow the ruling of the judge the judge ruled and block the plff and the plaintiff's family this is related to the case where the three kids were chasing into the canal and Homestead police officers watched them drown um I'm trying to get the deposition of Ryan colie because I'm fairly sure Ryan colie committed perjury in his deposition the same way he falsified his reports which we only were able to determine when I sued the city another records request and city was found unlawfully if withheld the records and give them to me um I gave the city uh deadline till 5:00 p.m. last Friday um because you guys were not involved and these are employees that work directly for you that um I I'll give you guys till 5:00 p.m. this Friday to have that deposition provided to me or I'll be forced to sue the city again and I'm going to win and then I'm going to seek an injunction to stop your attorneys from continuing to violate the law because they are knowingly willfully and deliberately violating the law in your name thank you good even thank you if you wish just to clarify a few points because there were some inaccuracies in the statement the motion for protective order was initial motion protective order was filed for in January long before Mr mcana had filed ruling had not been rendered when the request came in which was predicted in the initial motion for protective order the city sought a ruling and filed an emergency order to encourage the judge to do that and the judge issued an order which you were all copied on the same email um saying that those the deposition should be sealed until further court order now I don't tend to comment on ongoing litigation but we go to court presented a case the judge agreed it may not hold forever but in the in the short term this is what the judge has ruled and we're going to honor that very good I know you'll keep us up to date thank you any further public comment anyone else wishing to speak any other public comment I will now close the public comment section of the agenda our next item is tab one and that's a presentation regarding the South quter bus Rapid Transit project update thank you may evening welcome we have the miam county department of Transit and public works here to present on this matter uh good evening mayor and the council members uh I'm here from dtpw to give present the South Corridor Rapid Transit project and I have my colleague Patricia she's with cultural Affairs Chief and she'll be presenting the art in public places y so the key elements of the project are we have a central level board boarding stations we have signature wall design that is distinguishable and we have allowed expandability to rail vestibules are vestibules are situated to one side of the station allowing expansion to occur in opposite direction and we will be there'll be reduced noise disturbance to surrounding residential communities by deploying all electrical buses and the bells will be silenced near the neighborhoods the cost of the project is $284 million we have three funding Partners which is Transit Agency fdot and the county for the project it provides a significantly enhanced Transit service to the sth DAT and we already have achieved the silver measur Invision certificate and we are trying to achieve the gold standard for this project on on the right you may see some pictures of the stations uh lit at night and we have a parking garage that's on 168 Street uh five level story it's part of the project this this uh slide shows the the operating of the buses uh it's pre in the mornings and in the evenings on the on the peak Peak Direction whichever the the peak and off peak we have 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. and it will be tsp in the morning and on northbound we'll have preemption and on the south side and in the evening on the south bound will have preemption we are trying to achieve uh the headways in both direction is 7.5 minutes we'll have that and by doing this we'll be going from Southwest 344 Street to Dand South Station in about 50 minutes which takes about a little bit over an hour now and we have some animations here of the of the can you can you repeat the time that you just said to the dline North Station about uh by in the mornings during the peak hours we have doing preemption that will trigger the signal and give priority to the buses with that it's about 50 minutes 50 5 5 and these are the animations showing different scenarios of how the buses will operate during the peak hour during the afternoon Peak period 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. the Metro Express service heading in the southbound direction will activate a traffic signal preemption When approaching the intersection at a predetermined distance from the intersection the bus crosses the Geo fence check in point transmitting a signal to the nearby traffic controller to initiate the preemption phase this preemption phase will immediately override the normal signal Ty cling sequence of the intersection the lights on the gate arms will begin to flash and all cross street traffic will come to a stop via the traffic signals changing from green to Red the crossing gate arms will then be activated to come down for additional safety measures this action is estimated to take approximately 10 seconds to provide time for vehicles to clear the intersection box additional time is Prov provided before the signals on the transitway change from a horizontal bar signifying stop to a vertical bar signifying go the timing of the sequence is designed to allow the Metro Express service to proceed through the intersection without stopping at the intersection after the bus passes through the intersection the transit way signal will change from a vertical bar to a horizontal bar the gate arms will be raised and the normal signal timing sequence will be reinstated this is a scenario two where we have a tsp during off peak hours during the morning Peak period 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. the Metro Express service heading in the southbound direction will activate a traffic signal priority or TS P When approaching the intersection at a predetermined distance from the intersection the bus crosses the geofence check-in Point transmitting a signal to the nearby traffic controller to initiate the tsp phase the bus will have to come to a complete stop until the request is granted this tsp phase will alert the traffic control system that the bus would like to receive priority the normal signal timing sequence of the intersection will make Provisions to include the request once granted the lights on the gate arms will begin to flash and all cross street traffic will come to a stop via the traffic signals changing from green to Red the grade crossing gate arms will then be activated to come down for additional safety measures this action is estimated to take approximately 10 seconds to provide time for vehicles to clear the intersection box additional time is provided before the signals on the transitway change from a horizontal bar signifying stop to a vertical bar signifying go the timing of the sequence will allow the Metro Express service to then proceed through the intersection after the bus passes through the intersection the transit W signal will change from a vertical bar to a horizontal bar the gate arms will be raised and the normal signal timing sequence will be reinstated and this is the last narrow where we show you the bus tack coming to a station and how it's How the station looks inside the vest during the morning Peak period 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. the Metro Express service heading in the Northbound direction will activate a traffic signal preemption When approaching the intersection from the perspective of a Transit passenger individuals looking to ride the brt Metro express service will proceed down the center walkway and enter the fair collection area where they can purchase a transit pass at the ticket vending machines or continue through the fair Gates either by using smart cards credit cards or transit app on their phones immediately after passing through the fair Gates passengers will enter the air conditioned vestibule where they can either wait for their bus or proceed directly to the platform while in the vestibule waiting area or on the platform passengers can view realtime bus information on the monitors located overhead a public address system will also announce pertinent bus information with the platform height set to provide level boarding passengers can easily exit and enter the buses through all doors ultimately enhancing service efficiency upon leaving the station the bus will transmit a signal to the nearby traffic controller to initiate the pre-emption phase this pre-emption phase will immediately override the normal signal timing sequence of the intersection the lights on the gate arms will begin to flash and all cross street traffic will come to a stop via the traffic signals changing from green to Red the grade crossing gate arms will then be activated to come down for additional safety measures this action is estimated to take approximately 10 seconds to provide time for vehicles to clear the intersection box additional time is provided before the signals on the transitway change from a horizontal bar signifying stop to a vertical bar signifying go the timing of the sequence is designed to allow the Metro Express service to proceed through the intersection without stopping after the bus passes through the intersection the transitway signal will change from a vertical bar to a horizontal bar the gate arms will be raised and the normal signal timing sequence will be reinstated thank you so any questions what when when are we going to see the brrt vehicles right outside our window here going up and down the uh the likely by by summer end of this year summer of of this year have the car have the have the bus has been ordered huh have the buses been picked out and ordered yet the we we have started to receive pilot buses and we are testing that as we speak we have received the pilot buses the test buses and once all the bugs are taken out we'll be going for full production on the buses right and I know this just happened I guess yes yesterday but is there any thought of how the county changing vendors for the synchronization of all of the intersections in the county will impact this synchronization and the start date of of brt it seems that they you know almost going to go back and reinvent the wheel with a new with a new vendor based on their action at the commission yesterday I think they're working out how how they will doing that I don't have the details but as soon as I have that I'll inform you the people yeah and I'm sure councilman Roth would probably want to jump in here because I know outside of his office window there's terrible synchronization and and and issues that that have got to be resolved not only synchronization we we did meet with the county um was it last I think it was last week you were with us again and staff was out there to evaluate the backup that was occurring from from Flagler all the way back to Chrome Avenue uh the next day they sent out four or five County vehicles and the timing on the light has been corrected but it wasn't a busway light it was the light that was on Northeast on first first road um the other issue we have there and I mentioned to him this today and I've already mentioned it to Zach of the the numerous numbers of accidents we have in that specific area with not the timing of the lights but being able to see the lights as you approach them and we met with the county and do I don't know six or eight months ago and with no offense to those that are standing here today it was an excuse Fest of we can't do this because of that or we can't adjust it because the engineers say that these are the proper lights for people to see and I'm like well if you drive this road on a daily basis in the afternoon when the Sun is setting you can't see the lights at all uh there are times during the day that you approach and you're within 15 20 ft of the light to traveling at 30 35 miles hour and you can't stop in time um and I know that the police department would back us up that um I think the day that we actually did the correction or the next day that we did the correction on the timing of the lights we had four or five accidents in that intersection so uh in the same day yeah so um not very serious ones uh there have been some serious accidents there but um that's just something to continuously work on um you know because I I know that the timing and the adjustments they've been making now that we had the light fixed they're doing construction right there on the road they're blocking off one of the lanes so that helps with accidents that you just can't get through there anyways at this point but um I do have to give them uh and commend them for actually getting out there the next morning and at least correcting that the timing issues that we had there so I don't know what happened at the council at the Comm at the commission meeting yesterday with changing of vendors um whether they were the old vendors or these were the new vendors or who who they were but they were County trucks and they did come out and address that situation for us and for that I'm thankful once the project gets completed that's another whole another story so my thought was is it the synchronization of these gate arms and and and the signalization on the busway all have to be tied to the synchronization yes of the intersection light there will be yeah some of that and I and I and I think that the county will probably have a good hand at that and they're not going to close all the gates the same day they're open intersections as they go along to make sure those things get worked out um as we look at the the conceptual uh videos of what is supposed to happen it's going to be interesting to watch to see what really does happen until they get it worked out because I know it's a big project we've been waiting a long time for it uh we much rather all have Metro Rail overhead and not have to worry about traffic stopping and all this but uh we we'll see and we'll have to adjust as things happen well and we're you know one thing I think one intersection we're going to probably be talking to you about in the future is 15th Street in US1 when you add the factor of you that little stretch between the Burger King and you at where that one's bad and also 11 Street is pretty bad right now too so um as well yeah so maybe there'll be coordinated effort between the county as you open up these Gates and our staff so we can help monitor traffic flow and things like that because it's been pretty rough the last three or four months in the evenings on 11 Street and uh Campbell Drive is a little bit clear now but 11th Street seems to be backing up because the timing on the US one light so the the US1 light is not allowing the the East the East West flow to go so um and un let somebody's sitting there all day long they don't realize those but I know that's not your yeah your department but I appreciate the the the quickness and our staff getting out there and helping us get this rectified we know again we know you came down here talk about brt but we've got a high level County employee in front of us and we're g to no problem get our two say and just a quick observation you talked about 50 minutes from here to Dand North and cost of driving aside yesterday morning I left my my home right at 6:00 in the morning to go to a 9:30 Commission meeting it took me about 50 minutes to get to Dand North by driving so you know T time is value just like paying for gasoline and insurance is is a value and I hope that we can accelerate those times to provide incentives for more people to utilize the the brt I mean says clearly either you underbuilt the D Land North garage or you've got a lot better ridership on metro rail now because if you get there after 8:00 in the morning there's no parking spaces left yes s we'll look into that sir but tag you're it we get to vent so so let's hear about your art and public places in connection with the question if I could before we start with the art on the intersection of 29 296 and us one where the parking ride is off to the side there's just a you know where all the uh debris is piled up I'm assuming that'll be removed is that going to be an extension of the parking ride at that in into that area is that going to be properly paved over no no we are going that is construction debris from my project we'll be removing that correct but in after it's moved is it going to be used as a continuation of the parking ride lot that's already existing I have to look into that but it I I don't think so I think they have some other plans but I'm not sure on that and I can address that real quick and unfortunately and I this was part of our transportation planning organization agenda last week there was a you know a replacement of the 200 space Park and Ride lot at that brt station where there doesn't seem to be a lot going on lately other than more debris piling up the department of transportation defunded that someone convinced them that it would be underutilized and now that site together with the old Sunset English and Western Wear site and the the site to the north of that are slated for one of these ridiculous Transit oriented developments that'll bring nothing but more crowding and congestion and crime to our community so to answer and I was only commissioner gar cni dug in and and voted against that um not only that the $1.7 million or whatever it was it was allocated for that project gets put back into what they call a contingency box which means money that was at least finally allocated for Deep South Aid goes back into the black hole of the Ft bureaucracy well that's a shame too because that 29 six parking lot before all this construction began that place was packed you couldn't you couldn't park your car in there there's so many people in that uh in that 296 parking parking ride that's a that's a real shame that was that was a latest development that that the TPO um consented to fdot's defunding of of that parking lot project yeah that that's a real shame I hope that be in favor more subsidized housing at that location I hope that could be addressed because as we continue to grow that that one's is going to be packed I mean once once this thing is finally fully operational the second question I have was one of security uh uh before you know before all this construction began there was no security at each of these stops particularly in the nighttime hours uh what is security going to be like at these we we do have we are going to deploy security 24/7 on all the brt station that we are building we already have a plan in place and a contract in place okay thanks on to Art no sorry really quick I promise um thank you mayor no you guys already covered all my venting so um I was just curious because we often use the bus lanes for emergency vehicles um is that something that would still continue I see police fire rescue Sometimes using the bus lane yes and they would they would uh set off those Geo fences the same way has the bus yes there there's uh there are some Provisions made for the emergency vehicles to go through the bus to the bus bus okay thank you so we promise Art thank you so much I promise to be quick um good evening everyone thank you so much for the invitation I'm Patricia Romeo I'm here on behalf of the Department of cultural Affairs um I'm the chief of the AR po places program program as part of what we've been doing with our partners at dtpw it's ensuring that the brts are going to have um an actual signature of the municipalities that we're representing so we are actually commissioning a work of art by Miami Bas artist hanana vales um which is called seminal Patchwork and it is a work of art oh actually hold on let me move the cursor okay here we are this is uh Hanes she's a well-renowned artist from my neighborhood and she's been commissioned to do a work of art called seminal Patchwork the patchwork is actually brings together the original and archival footage in a vibrant collage that captures the cities of Homestead daily life and cultural heritage inspired by the geometric waving traditions of the seminal tribe the artist work reflects the rich diversity of nationalities ethnicity cultures that make up the fabric of Homestead this is actually going to be a tile work uh installed in the face of the brt station at the platform where everyone will be waiting the idea of the call to artist and the collaboration we're doing with dtpw is to ensure that every station that main station at each municipality has the flavor and the look and the feel the historic relevance to each of the municipalities um hanana will be coming to uh Homestead to meet with the community to talk about her work and wanted to take advantage of tonight's opportunity to let you know that as part of what um you know we're doing with the dtpw is that we would like to extend an opportunity for your artist Community for the visual arts Community to engage with us in a workshop that will be held on June 21st at the Dennis seos Cultural Center which is one of our cultural facilities we are going to be providing um handson um expertise on how to apply and benefit from the county public program we would encourage uh the city to distribute the information and we will connect with the municipality to ensure that you can invite your visual artist Community to take advantage of this opportunity the intent is to create a a tighter bond between our County program and your city's uh public art program which we know you do have one uh to create opportunities for your own Community um with the county celebrating 50 years of public art and we do know that there's little representation on the program in your in your area we want to make sure that we're able to um uh to enhance the opportunities um so as soon as we have this artwork on Vil we will come back and uh show you the actual photographs finished thank you so much it is a pleasure to be here thank you quick question and I don't know what your process was of choosing that location but if there was any way to move that to this station that's right right here on the other side of Miami Dade you know our vision is is that visitors from other parts of the county to our future downtown would utilize this station and this would kind of flow with some of the um tribute statuary we've we've done other murals we've commissioned for this this downtown core so pardon the pun but has the train left the station on having this piece installed closer to our downtown at our downtown exit yeah we we understand that this would have been the I guess the proper opportunity unfortunately by the time uh we had our part selection the station at 312 was the one that was available to be able to work on now the good thing is that the stations the way that they were designed they can actually be um they can actually be have artwork add to them especially we can do something in the future uh there is an interest from the Department of Transportation to spread the dollars that being generated through some of these public housing and developments to actually the locations that are generating the use of public transportation so we have actually started with eight different um commissions along the South day Corridor but there's more uh work coming to each of the municipalities this is just like the I guess the the flagship of the brt in Homestead but we will be coming back with more in the years to come as more dollars become available okay thank you Council any further questions thank you yeah I heard that you guys were at Florida City's meeting and I was jealous I was like why aren't why aren't you come in here um can you share with us how much this budget was for the tile work uh the budget for this commission was uh 90,000 for this specific for this one is 90,000 for each brt it was 90,000 we actually have the four municipalities and then we also have one in the unincorporated and then we also have a light based work that there is a possibility that the light based work will make it to other stations when you see it if you like it please reach out to us and we would definitely put you in for a check list to come back well I agree that uh at Homestead station would have been the best place do you think there's an opportunity to work with the county if uh we find some money in our budget to be able to put another certainly can take it on yeah okay thank you definitely thank you so much thank you of all nights for Susan not to be here well thank you all all right moving right along um so I skipped are I don't think I ask uh Mr good are there any additions deletions or deferrals uh yes mayor tab number 16 car 4189 will be deferred per Direction at the LPA very good okay so do we need a motion to defer here I think the fact that we deferred it from the LPA agenda takes it essentially takes it off the table yes I believe you're correct all right very good all right our next item is the consent agenda tabs uh 2 through 14 moving right along we have a motion to approve and a second all in favor any opposed and moving right along Mr White yes please be advised the following items on the agenda are quaza judicial nature if you wish to comment upon any of these items please indicate the item number you would like to address when the announcement regarding the quaza judicial item is made an opportunity for persons to speak on each item will be made available after the applicant and staff have made their presentations on each item swearing in all testimony including public testimony and evidence will be made under oath or affirmation additionally each person who gives testimony may be subject to cross-examination if you do not wish to either be cross-examined or sworn your testimony will be given at du8 the general public will not be permitted to cross-examine Witnesses but the public May request the council to ask questions of Staff or Witnesses on their behalf full agenda packet on each item is hereby entered into the record persons representing organizations must present evidence of their authority to speak for the organization further details the quazi quazi judicial procedures may be obtained from the clerk in accordance with code section 2590 any lobbyist must register before addressing the Council on any of the following items at this time I'd ask council members to disclose any expart Communications concerning the quazi judicial items on the seatings agenda that would be [Music] tab 15 17 18 19 20 21 [Music] 22 Yeah I have all with the exception of um tab 18 for me that's the uh the honey Factory yeah nor did I talk to uh 17 17 and 18 He everything other than 17 and 18 for me same for everyone else all right so at this time I'd asked anyone who wishing to speak on any of the quaz adal items uh please stand raise your right hand to be sworn by the clerk do you hear by swear a firm to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me gone thank you you may be seated first item for consideration tonight is tab 15 it's a resolution of the City of Homestead Florida granting final plat approval as requested by lenar homes LLC for the development of a 51 dwelling unit subdivision under an approximately 10 acre paral of land generally located south of Southwest 328 Street West of Southwest 152nd Avenue as legally described in exhibit a and providing for an effective date thank you cordin just a final plat we've seen this for months and years and uh to bunny we recommend approval turn it inside out do we have a motion to approve moved by councilman Roth seconded by Council Wellman Avala further questions public comment roll call Madam Clark councilman rth yes councilman Davis yes councilwoman aulo councilman conip Bal councilwoman Bailey vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries and tab 16 has been deferred by virtue of our prior meeting on to tab 17 Mr White yes tab 17 is a resolution of the City of Homestead Florida granting a variance request as requested by first Home Alliance LLC from section 30-1 1275 re rear yard requirements of the city code of ordinances to permit a minimum rear yard setback of 17 fet and 10 in where 25 ft is required for the development of a single family residential dwelling unit under an approximately 09 acre parcel of land generally located north of Northwest Fourth Street east of Northwest 4th Avenue South of Northwest 6th Street and West of Northwest 3rd Avenue as legally described in exhibit a and providing for an effective date thank you Mr gordino yes sir we are actually recommending denial of this variance the first Home Alliance has requested that the rear setback variants in order to continue the building permit review process for the development of one single family dwelling unit on a vacant pars of land um the property was granted a waiver of plat back in May of 2007 which created the division of property from approximately two point 0.2 acres into three independent different folio numbers um for potential development and so basically the waiver plaque created Parcels a b and c can consisting of about four 4, uh 78 square feet lot size a partial C is indicated um is the fio folio number um uh that that would be in question so essentially we review this um they're trying to go from 25 ft to 17 ft it just it's you we have a hardship variance in the code I don't think it meets it doesn't meet all of the criteria I think it meets two of the criteria so again we need to meet all of the eight criteria we're recommending denial very good is the applicant or the applicant's representative present well I we need you to come to the podium and give us your name and address for the record good evening good evening I'm Maria Ponte I'm the permit manager of blest development which we're the developers and um also the owners of this property so I'm sorry can you repeat um regarding the setb uh you're requesting 17 of Point 17 feet 10 Ines where 25 fet is required okay and then you also stated about the um the plotting of the lck correct well it was there was a waiver of plaque granite in 2007 which divided the the original property into three different folios so the one in question now uh is asking for a a variance in the setback and U that's we're we're the variance in the setback again is to go from 25 feet to 17 feet 10 in okay okay so then you guys recommend denial correct no I I recommended denial and they they will make whichever decision they see fit based on um their an that's and this is due to the configuration or the depth of the proposed residence well essentially there's it's it's where they want to put the house they don't have to have um they they can reconfigure the house on a lot and still meet the setbacks and so this is just the something that the desire it's it's what we something that's self-created and in our code it says you cannot self-create a hardship is not generated by a self creation needs to be something that was generated out of some unforeseen circumstances some irregularly shaped lot some something with the property that makes it unusual I mean this property is Not Unusual in shapes uh size or anything that would require um you know the the setback variants in that case the the the codes U the code when you in Homestead and many many other cities it's a hardship standard and so the hardship standard requires that you meet each of the eight criteria uh or you can't get Grant the vary this this simply does not U meet those criteria because it's it's really um a self-generated issue doesn't have to happen sure councilman Ross so uh let me ask you this question they're allowed to build on this lot they're just they need to reconfigure the footprint of the property the house they want to build is that what you're saying reposition just need to reposition the house on the property now just maybe to to look at things more practically the two aspects of the code the two the two of the eight criteria um that it does meet is that the granting of the rant is not expected to adversely impact the surrounding development I mean you're giving them if you were to Grant this variant it's a matter of uh 8T um the other one is uh it again it's not not in harmony with the rest of the neighborhood so outwardly speaking um if you're looking at it from a neighbor's property or something like that um you know it's it's not devastating it just doesn't it just doesn't meet you know it is a self-imposed hardship they could replace the house on the lot in a different place and and meet the setback uh and all those other things it's not irregularly shaped it's just there's no reason not to replace the house differently on the lot right so I'm sorry no just so would would you be willing to do what they're suggesting you can consider it we would have to speak with the architect and the Builder so you're um you're saying to like the location of how we're yeah you you just need to place the how what what we would do is we' just draw you a square of where the setbacks are and you just need to make sure the house is within that square not and not extending the setbacks any further than they already are okay yeah but we also have to meet the 1200 square feet required yes single is that getting in the way yeah yeah you you yes you can meet the 12200 ft required just with different um if you built up and you're only building a one house I believe and you could do two and meet the requirements from from the survey in our package it looks like there is an extra six feet and change in the front it demonstrates the 25t setback line but it looks like there's about 6 feet between the 25 foot setback if I'm reading this right the 25 foot set book backline to the sidewalk see where I'm and I guess a question I would have did did this are the other two lots developed already the other two lots developed no they're they're still vacant they've not been developed because if same ownership do you no we don't no because we we would have houses really out of alignment with with each other if this one were to be allowed to be so far back um you know it seems that there there could be some different splitting there with that six feet and change to reduce the the rear setback unless you get into setback issues with the radius turn at the corner this appears to be the the corner lot but it it looks like you could just move the house forward a little bit yeah yeah I I think that's that's the point you just the front set back is 25 ft so they just need to keep it 25 ft away from the uh the uh the property line right from the front property line correct um would you like to uh defer this so you can go back and work with your architect and see if there can be some adjustment yeah that because okay so we we're allowed to do two story to show the 1200 square okay then that's fine we can okay so you're ask requesting a deferral yeah we can look into the option of the all right very good and and you may re configure or go to story and and not need to come back and and finish this hearing but you know pending that we've got to take action which can be approve deny or defer so do we have a motion to defer move by councilman Cannibal seconded by B by one quick question vote so before this whole process of uh of approving a of of suggesting a denial how did this conversation not come up to offer such an easy fix I think it did come up right I mean that we we had they submitted the application we gave our review comments which are that you're you have the setback and we offer solutions for those types of things move the house and so I don't know we're here for whatever reason but uh didn't want to address the the comment which was Meet meet the setback and you didn't understand that from their notes no that seems very unnecessary okay in the beginning it was told to us to uh comply with the 1200 square feet 1200 square feet requirement so we went we went back to that but once we complied with that we have the setback issue but I was never recommend we were never recommended the twostory option but it doesn't seem that you would have a setback issue whether it's one story or two story if you just move the house more or less 6 and 1 12 ft forward yeah you got to move the footprint of the house but they got to conform to a certain amount of square footage so I get that and that's what's reflected here yeah yeah you you would still have a very uh di Minimus rear setback issue that we may have to address but it won't be so significant that's really out of character and compatibility even in in that neighborhood and certainly with the alignment generally of of future development there so so we'll defer this and and you can try to uh to reconfigure okay all right so we have a motion in a second to defer a roll call Madam Clark yes yes Council woman abula vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries right thank you so moving on to the next item for consideration tab 18 and 19 um or corresponding applications um related to the uh same uh develop property development um tab 18 is a site plan uh request and tab 19 is the corresponding T of plot I can introduce both of these um you could have a collective uh public hearing discussion and then take a separate vote on each tab 18 is a resolution of the City of Homestead Florida granting site plan approval as requested by Dar group LC for the development of a 19,000 ft warehousing and bottling facility under an approximately 725 AC parcel of land generally located at 212 Southwest 2 Street as legally described in exhibit a and providing for an effective date tab 19 is the corresponding tenants plat application to resolution of the City of Homestead Florida granting tenants of plat approval as requested by Dar Group LLC for the development of a 19,000 foot warehousing and bottling facility on an approximately 725 acre parcel of land generally located at 212 Southwest 2 Street as legally described in exhibit a and providing for an effective date thank you Mr gordino yes sir thank you we we are uh recommending approval of this site plan it conforms with everything in the code this is again about 19,000 foot warehouse for the bottling uh and distribution of Honey which is pretty cool um the structure is going to be about 17763 Square ft it's going to have two office spaces in it roughly 500 ft a piece it's going to have a one-story building uh on story tall about 34 feet in height it's actually interesting enough Flora Bean architecture so I thought that was Flor be and the b b issue with the Hun get it so um we're we're here all week um it's going to have the required 21 parking spaces 11 of those located within a gated parking area um and 10 on Street parallel parking spaces it's in the southwest neighborhood and it conforms with all the aspects of that code and we recommend approval very good thank you all right so long as you sat through uh or the show and have the applicants Representatives just come up and introduce yourselves and uh say hello still daylight we have plenty of time good evening Mr mayor council women and men my name is William steel I'm the CEO of B natural honey and I'm here to represent as a lobbyist our Group LLC you got it there we go um and uh I'm here with my architect Steve Seth ylo with Stephen Co and Associates architects and interior designers um we've been a bottle honey Bottling Company since 1969 wow uh we've been first established in the uh GS area uh Princeton and then we moved to a location we've been renting since 2008 here in Homestead uh been a long established honey Bottling Company bottling majority Source South Florida honey sourced from honey beekeepers uh that manage hives everywhere from Fort Meers to Fort Pierce south of the Florida Keys and um we've been a well established business in Homestead for now better part of a decade and looking to continue that with potential build of this site that we have before you appreciate let me just say we welcome you here as the First new job creating commercial construction project in Southwest Homestead in most of our memories and uh you know I think you're a really good example of local business doing really neat things in our our community so you know we like to keep it sticky and sweet like we like to say yeah I'm here all night too had a mayor had a they don't let me talk that way um you employ currently we employ directly five but we Source honey from over 50 beekeepers that range anywhere from 300 hives to 3500 hives very good thank you okay yes Council baile thank you mayor I was just curious if you have any hives at that location like maybe for educational purposes um so I like to say I live vicariously through our beekeeper network but we're not beekeepers ourselves so uh I just thought it it might be a nice opportunity to get you know be able to host some field trips and explain to to kids how important it is to protect protect our bees um I do know a number of beekeepers that do do educational um like the bearded bee experience and a few other things so I could I'd be happy to put you in touch with a whole slew of beekeepers i' would be happy to do that educate kids and anybody else that wants to get into beekeeping it's a really cool thing it's probably cheaper security than rawers anything for yes councilman uh yeah thank you is there going to be a a retail component to there can we come buy honey there um I mean we do take walk-ups we don't really advertise it as a walkup situation but you know anybody that wants to buy wholesale directly out of our facilities more so it's wholesale you don't do any retail really out of there um all of our retail is primarily commercial so we we sell to Publix we've been in Publix since 1970 we're a legacy vendor we're all 1,200 locations across the United States we're also in about 400 Walmart stores and a number of associated Independents through uh UNFI which is United Food Group International nice yeah and and in the beekeeping aspect of it um I used to be a huge honey Guy and um they probably can't do it here because there's no source for the bees to thrive on so they have to have the natural trees and plants that they feed off of and they that's where they divide the um the different flavors of Honey right you can have the um the uh Brazilian pepper honey right which is people would a lot of people are allergic to it but once it turns into a honey form it actually tastes similar to Brazilian Peppers so it's it's interesting to go through that process of what these guys do and they position their hives next to specific plants to to to create that flavor so it's very interesting it'd be good to go out and see those things cuz usually these bees are very gentle they don't want to hurt people they just don't bother their hives but it's it's really cool cool thing to to to see in nature thank you thank you mayor thank you all right so we'll take them in the order as presented 18 and then um 19 is that correct all right do we have a motion on Tab 18 the uh site plan approval move by Cannibal seconded by Bailey roll call Council woman aula yes councilwoman Bailey councilman rth yes councilman Davis yes yes councilman cannibal yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries and tab 19 ATT tenative plat for this project mooved by Council cannibal is it illegal gift giving to give you guys an 8 O bottle of our honey depends on what it's it's less than $25 all right I brought a case I just wanted to ask I depends on what it's worth Che but I don't know since he offered it before we voted I don't know all right so we have a motion to Second any public comment okay um roll call Madam Clark councilwoman Bailey councilman canibal yes councilwoman aula yes councilman raw councilman Davis yes Vice May Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries very good thank you congratulations we look forward to it so maybe when you come in to get your permits just carry a hive with you and uh you'll get those instant approvals all right moving right on you very tab 20 Mr White yes moving on to uh the next items on the agenda tab 20 21 and 22 are all related applications uh pertaining to the same proposed um Palm Cove Reserve residential subdivision uh consisting of 296 uh town home dwelling units tab 20 is a variance request tab 21 is the site plan plan request tab 22 as the tenant of plat we can open them up have a collective discussion public hearing and then take a separate vote on each item in the order in which they're presented tab 20 is a resolution of the City of Homestead Florida granting to wave the requirement that each twostory town home ding unit provide an attached storage area that is at least 40 square feet inacessible from the exterior for the development of a new residential subdivision totaling 296 res idential town home dwelling units located on an approximately 59.8 acre parcel of land as requested by jfm Development Corporation from section 30-1 159a building Site Area requirements of the city code of ordinances generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of East Palm Drive and Southeast 12th Avenue as legally described in exhibit a and providing for an effective date tab 21 is a resolution of the city of homestad Florida granting site plan approval as requested by jfm development core for the development of a new residential subdivision totaling 296 residential town home dwelling units located on an approximately 59.8 acre parcel of land J located at the northwest corner of the intersection of East Palm Drive and Southeast 12th Avenue as legally described in exhibit a providing for an effective date in tab 22 is the corresponding tenant of plat application resolution of the City of Homestead Florida granting tenant of plat approval is requested by jfm development Corps for the development of a new residential subdivision totaling 29 96 residential tenum ding units located on approximately 5908 acre porcel of land generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of East Palm Drive Southeast 12th Avenue L described in exhibit a and providing for an effective date thank you Mr gordino yes thank you uh this is a a bit of a tricky application so we've got a we've got a variance of site plan and then the plat plats ministerial the uh site plan has been reviewed for the 269 town homes and it matches it meets everything within the code uh and it it it is totally approvable but we have this variance and the variance that comes about uh because they're they're they're seeking a uh a parking waiver essentially they're to wave the requirement for each townhouse unit to provide an attached storage area where the uh where the code unit uh requires so they don't want to put the attached storage area um at least 40 feet I think we've run into this kind of multiple times before or uh and done the same thing again they I think don't they don't meet all but one of the criteria and so staff is compelled to deny uh to recommend a denial of the variants because it's just we just couldn't do it any other way um but essentially you know we've gone over this the piece of code that doesn't work we'd love to be able to get the direction to kind of modify that um and bring back an amendment but until that time uh we keep getting these variances and then we keep recommending denial so that's where where it sits you really can't approve the site plan If you deny the variance and then the whole thing goes compl so with that I'm here to answer any questions thank you Mr arza thank you all good evening Hugo arza 701 Brickle Avenue um appreciate the time thank you to staff for um their explanation recommendation I think we all feel similarly sort of uh frustrated by this sort of technical application of this um this one variance I think but for that think Mr cordino um acknowledge that we do meet the code in every other respect and would likely have been before you with two items just a sight plan and a tentative plat I'll run through a presentation briefly I want to thank you all for your time um so I've shown this to all of you um pretty straightforward application um this thing just buzzed on my hand um property that I'm I'm sure is well known to all of you on the North West corner of palm Southeast 12th Avenue 167th Avenue uh on the east side of course of 167th is Homestead High I kept saying I was going to like shrink the picture to show the new Publix which is caddy corner on the south I guess that would be the southeast corner of palm and and TW Southeast 12th Avenue there I I drove by the site today and the publ looks like it's about to open in the next I don't know two three four weeks I mean it's they're uh wrapping it up it looks it looks really really nice um so we're you know in a in a in an area that I'm sure is very familiar to all of you um subject properties a total of 60 Acres of which um 54 Acres um are part of the residential and and preserved property there is a 5 acre parcel for commercial on the corner we're neither seeking to get it site plan approved today nor changing anything about it that uh commercial parcel will come in my uh you know if I'm wearing my developer hat which there's a reason I'm a lawyer um is that they're going to you know probably wait to see Publix open up and then start to see the folks who come to Publix and need to run other errands and then you know see what kind of businesses want to come in but the expectation is that that corner piece will be uh you know will'll have some additional uh commercial uses in the future existing uh land use of medium density residential except for that little corner which is light density changing nothing there we're sticking to what we have existing rth zoning Within the the residential portion again we're developing a Town Home Project we're not seeking any uh change from that zoning uh category uh the changes to this uh parcel were made back in the very first meeting of 2016 so it's been about eight years since this property was redesignated um to the medium density with the exception of the corner commercial piece and at the same time the the rezoning occurred so despite the fact that the zoning and the land use was put in place about eight years ago had made its way through the development cycle now it's before you with the site plan the tentative PLA and the variance that I'll explain um shortly um just a little bit behind that um one additional um element from the 2016 approval was that there was also a profer declaration of restrictions copying it at 296 units and we do not exceed that so we we meet your Declaration of restrictions um limit um stay within the medium density land use category stay within the RTA H uh category um we are seeking site plan approval for the 296 Town Homes the variance and we'll get into that I have a couple slides about that and then the tentative plat approval which um is obviously much more technical in nature and follows the site plan um here is a rendered site plan give you some highlights and I walk through U you know this with with with a good number of you you see again kind of the commercial on the on the corner no site plan yet sorry about that didn't mean to do that um then the the Wetland area as designated by Derm we'll we'll kind of envelope that uh commercial parcel uh but pretty substantial both you know uh on the south and on the Eastern boundaries and then we're proposing in this site plan that we would access the property would have two access points both on 167th and 344th on Palm Drive um but we have situated the entrances not um exactly you know where to enter into the community where we've created this kind of concept of the spine road with then the the circular entry points into the into the community we thought it gave it a little bit more um of a neighborhood feel to do it that way um and also removed traffic from folks having to necessarily turn from the major roads they get onto a spine Road and and wind their way over to their Community rather than having to turn from the busier Road um we've got a a project with um fee simple Town Homes uh again meeting all of your code requirements with the exception of the attached outdoor storage with an entrance from the outside that's my short hand of how I describe it uh but beyond that we've got um you know you can see in the uh think this is the right there the uh Tot Lot with h with a pool area and uh and and also the mailbox kios so kind of a central point and then to sort of the South and the west of that you see kind of an open area it's uh meant to create kind of a linear Park we also wanted to separate the buildings those residential buildings that were closest to the um to to the to the spine or that we're creating give them a little bit more of a buffer and so we create this kind of linear Park area there um and and continue it up right up here um to give again a little bit of um separation within the property also to those um to those particular homes um beyond that again fully landscaped fully setback fully um lot size all parking requirements met um just some more of the information that I just walked through and and just some some additional details and again the parking um you know ample U parking um both Street additional street parking plus the the parking you would have as part of each home um some of the elevations let me let me get to the uh we always show these because they're kind of the the granular building blocks but um the clubhouse elevation but I think the pretty pictures tend to do a better Justice and so um here you see the design again the units um with um with garages and that'll come into play in about a minute when I talk about the variants with garages with um the um I guess I was correct that I I called it modern but it's contemporary or I called it contemporary but it's modern I forget which one I was corrected and I still don't know exactly what but it does not look um you know obviously like some of the more traditional Spanish style type stuff so you see some some changes in the in the architecture there um an elevation or rendering of the the pool area with um you know in the pool area we'll have changing rooms bathroom area um and the like to try and um you know obviously for for families to to utilize and this will be for this community obviously um so we get we buried the lead right um the variance application and so this is the section it is I guess it's technically a parking variance because it's in the parking code but it has nothing to do with parking um we provide the onecar garage and this is the section and then each unit shall provide an attached storage area that is at least 40 square feet accessible from the exterior um we are providing and I will show you um the 40 feet we are providing 40 feet of additional storage beyond our garages and you can see it in the area we we've highlighted the garage and the storage area so we're providing the storage area we tried the the the concept or idea that the access to the storage was through the garage door we thought that that was meeting the spirit and intent um staff felt that we needed to have a separate entrance or a direct entrance um and so you know just in that back and forth and candidly in in light of the fact that I've stood before you and had this uh same variance approved in the past because I think it's a frustrating one to have to try and Implement I think it's also one from a times past um that we felt like okay well we'll you know we'll roll our dice once again with a variance but I I made sure that we did not remove the storage area you know which at that point you're asking for the variant we could have removed it um we did not remove the storage area um whatsoever um and I have heard um requests of of whether we would um consider doing impact Windows I'd love to hear I mean I've expressed to all of you that my client is open to that suggestion so if it's the will of of the council we certainly could consider that which would practically speaking probably render the original thought process behind the storage area a bit unnecessary because it really was intended to provide people for that storage for their shutter utters you wouldn't need the shutters anymore this will become as I I've lovingly come to call it the Christmas tree ornament area because this will be where people are probably going to put their their tree and and and holiday decorations um but it's okay some extra storage for these homeowners um so we kept the storage um can't access it legally or technically speaking we can access it it's it's it'll be somebody's town home legally they can access it but it won't meet the code to go through the garage door so we asked for the variance for that reason um and these are some the explanations again keeping the garage at the full size in addition to the 40 square feet um and then going through some of the other stuff that that I explained sensative plat which you know is is um obviously super granular in detail but again really the important things of all of these creating our our lots and blocks to self Fe simple homes but all of them meet your code requirements lot sizes and the like so all of that is standard and your staff has has reviewed it all and here you have some of the details of what some of the different tracks will be again a level of detail that's um necessary for the project but but typically you know the site plan covers the conversations that we all typically have um the um you know staff recommendations and reviews I love to put up a picture up there of you know staff recommendation of approval can't do that today and I think Mr gordino explained the reason for that um but I do want to remind everyone we've addressed all the comments all the city's infrastructure reviews City traffic review Miami Dade fire Derm approval public school system everyone has done all of their review the very the denial is not because we fail to meet any of the other criteria I thought it was important that we all be reminded of that and then again the denial um kind of domino effect from the variance as a result of the denial of the variance everything else has to be denied um but we have been successful in securing these kinds of variances in the past this code provision is probably right for some reconsideration I I hear that often and and maybe it will be changed at some point but for this project here tonight we think that the fact we're keeping the storage we're certainly open to a suggestion of of of impact Windows um to kind of even ameliorate the need for it um we hope we'll you know we'll carry the day for a project that otherwise really just meets every other um criteria so I want to thank you all for your time um happy to answer any questions that you may have and I would ask for your favorable vote this evening thank you thank you Council questions comments yes thank you thank you mayor um a question for staff if um if we were to strike that piece out of the code would would we be able to have an exception that then impact Windows would have to be provided I I I wouldn't Tinker with that I mean I think I just deal with the garage and and not deal with the windows the windows are more of a not necessarily a zoning issue and we're trying to deal with zoning which is this zoning code talks about having the having in the garage in a certain place so I understand but as somebody that has to go to the back of the garage to get these heavy shutters out and put them up on my windows and then take them back through the garage I understand the need for that exterior door so that's what I'm saying if if we were to strike that there is no way to require impact Windows if that exterior door is not not from a zoning perspective maybe I think if we got into the building code or maybe we put our heads together with the building official and and the applicant figure out what a what a an appropriate piece of code was we can come back with something but on its face I I don't think we can do that it's really not a zoning issue if you all don't mind can we give them direction to please look preed under the Florida building code so we can't require but the applicant can profer to do it which is what he's done so if we have to continue going this way and then saying okay as long as you have impact windows we can approve the just to yeah that's fine thank you right further questions Vice May I'm not directed specifically at uh the applicant but uh want to go back a couple of years so Southwest 344 Street uh had some approvals in Florida City that that expanded the roadway and the county also acknowledged they were going to go and do those improvements all the way to 167 Avenue do we know the status of where that is in their budget and when that's going to be done which you know affects an additional 296 dwellings plus another 12200 down the street plus another 770 so this all if you could let us know if you know the status of that please can you give him control I do not have uh I do not have a a status on that for you tonight but I can certainly go back to the county and find out those those details for you okay thank you and then just one final thing so since 2016 over you know about 2600 units have been approved in the City of Homestead uh they've all passed our development Review Committee with really no comments from public works or Police Department you know we we've we've hired some new police officers over the years but we're adding you know 6,000 new residents here potentially or more and uh We've slowly improved on that number but we're nowhere near the number we need to be at so let's start thinking about that in the future too before we start approving these uh developments in the future that's all thank you thank you yes Council wmer thank you mayor and thank you vice mayor um definitely timing is perfect because with our incoming moratorium discussions and passing that it'll give us ample time to uh make sure that we are budgeting properly for our police department and adding additional positions yes uh so I think that for for this particular property with the fact that it's kind of like a pre-approved from back in 2016 yeah um and uniquely to this one is The Preserve that's going to be buffering it which you know kind of feels like you're going to be in the woods when you go drive back there um but I would like to see if how you can kind of maximize that for the benefit of the community and for the the neighboring areas is there anything that can be done to add to the park you know the park or amenities your mic on please um thank you um you had asked me and um when we met earlier um the the conversation we had was related to the usability of The Preserve area and and we've been down this road before durm you know can we have a viewing platform can we have something to try and integrate the use um the knee-jerk reaction from Derm not surprisingly often is no we don't do that no we don't I we were looking at the site plan and on the sort of if I guess I can go to the site plan on the um what would be the east side of that spine road I'll try and get there pretty quickly um there appears to be you know we're putting the spine Road in an area we can build and there's a there was some Landscaping that we're placing to kind of give it a nice Boulevard feel and one of the the commitments that I gave was I I can't commit to saying that durm will allow us to do this but we're going to look to see if we can do some sort of like walkway along that area that is still you know bu buildable is not inside the durm wetlands area but would probably provide for you know kind of a nice walk where you're walking on the side of an area that is a Wetlands you know preserved you know untouched Natural Area and this is probably going to take too long to get there but I think that one would have shown it but maybe staff can find it faster yeah can you find the slide that shows The Preserve and the corner and colored rendering slide I think I went too far I'll just zoom in to you to the um yeah this has got to speed up um but while they're looking for that um so yeah so so the idea when we find it I'll I'll zoom into where it is but yes we we are happy to um as part of the permitting that we need to do with durm um speak to them about what options we have to maybe incorporate a walkway or something where we can better integrate if you guys can find the the rendered one Sor then for staff where would they for the interior units where would they put the door for the extra storage in the back in the they would have to put the storage in the rear of the property where I think is like max value for your your layout on your property you got the bedrooms back there you've got Windows to see your backyard so I I don't know if I mean it was the intent in the spirit and I mean I'm a little I think I'm too young to remember why it was there in the first place but is it only for the purposes of storage shutters in addition to the garage because it just feels like Overkill I am as well too young to remember when that was put in James I think was James is not though he was I can tell you the Genesis of that you calling me and James old the the Genesis I mean at one point the zoning District regulations for Town Home developments were very very loose didn't have um didn't have a lot in them and as a result of things that were popping up out of the ground on the east side um that didn't have the amenities that didn't have the details that didn't have all of these things that you all would like to see in a townhouse development that was the Genesis of those um Land Development regulations related to town homes um I don't necessarily remember that storage of uh hurricane shutters what I mean it was in the list of things why a townhouse product needs some storage area but it wasn't the be all end all of why the storage was there um that's come up over the years and conversations as you all have evaluated V various products or projects that have requested a variance um and have shown that there have been adequate storage interior that would address those concerns very well and you're profer the windows uh the impact uh windows do I I'm happy to include that in our site plan if it's your wish um it is my wish thank you have a a site plan um condition that we would uh have the project with impact windows but we found the slide um so you see how like on on the sort of east side or the right side of the road there is an area that we're Landscaping so that area is obviously not a preserve we wouldn't be able to plant trees in an area that Durham is keeping as a preserve so since we're showing that my I believe that we did that because we're obviously not going to have the road right on the edge there is some room there where those trees would be I'm going to work with you know both our our team and our um and durm to see if it's possible that we could incorporate some sort of walking path or do something along there um and if that's possible if they are able to allow that if you can just make sure you have enough you know signage and uh nice crosswalks that are you know inviting to be able to enjoy it no sense in having it and nobody realizes it exists but I think that that would help improve the uh overall amenities uh for the community and um General you've got the the garages for each unit and a nice backyard too so and I look forward to that commercial component that's exciting and we'll be hopefully in with the commercial and um I know we discussed it but um we'd be open to a uh condition we talked about Flags in this particular project at the two entrances where the roundabouts are located um cell phones on that point are you the one that has the contact for the cell phone tower Flags I we've done work for the cell phone tower folks that yes can you share that please with Zach and then um I'm not sure how the cell phone service is over there by Yonder but that might be helpful yeah we worked on the one that is that you see on Campbell the cell phone tower that you see just south of Campbell oh that might be too big for those spots but but I think those things can scale but we did work on that one thank you um so we're happy to include those uh conditions Council Council Bailey thank you mayor sorry two more quick things you made it sound like the linear Park was included when we met the linear Park that I was referring to and it says it on there is it's there on this side see that says linear Park we we do have a linear Park on this side okay I the request the request from the councilwoman is to see if we can do something on this side of the street I got it like a boardwalk yeah like a little right like if we got to talking about like a viewing platform but we've tried that in the past and I don't know for some reason Derm just gets insulted so um we we'll try again um when we have these discussions on the moratoriums with um regarding residential then maybe what we should consider is requiring these impact windows for these types of projects for can't require impact Windows we're preempted under state law pursu you me tied in to taking away the we can predicate we can predicate the grant of a variance for the storage area or the exterior door but you can't mandate it after you brought up the interior the interior units then I started thinking of course you know if somebody then decides not to put up their shutters that also affects the neighbors you know flooding would affect all right well we'll keep trying thanks okay okay so real quick to councilwoman ala's question in the early days of of this requirement Ry recollection is is you know realize that a lot of town homes were built without garages so folks were literally having to store and you know impact windows were not as prevalent and you know relatively more expensive than they are are now so that that was a big factor because people were having to store their their panels on the back porch or leaning against the side of of the unit and that was something that evolved it you know and for Access and and and that made sense when there wasn't a garage so that you know this has been kind of an evolution of of design and amenities here um two question well I guess a question or a comment so and this is not an impa Road impact fee question are there any other authorities that are requiring any improvements on um was it 12th AV 167th not um as part of this project we were not I mean staff and public works and traffic reviewed it we weren't asked to provide for any because you know Common Sense tells me you know um 344th is one thing and we know that's in the pipeline but at least some shoulder widening and additional stacking at uh at the intersection of of Lucy Street and and 160 62nd you know to the north to the oh I'm sorry I was thinking so not yeah that's that's really a tight tight intersection I mean Once Upon a Time with Lake Shore and San Remo and so forth were the only ones there but we're really talking so I guess you know the reality is is and our next city manager is also probably for a while going to wear the hat as the Public Works director and the roads Guru and just as we are doing with other developers to recapture those impact fees for projects I think we need to because they'll be paying dearly some Road impact fees and we really need those fees rolled back into to that north south roadway and this you know again you know barring the potential units on the potential alra property project this project really again brings to the Forefront our need and I I know the next city manager is going to work on that that that interchange at uh the turnpike and and Lucy Street this will really ease a lot of Burden for a lot of folks okay so do we have a motion with the uh condition of the impact windows and well and the flags and the uh the traffic cice do you do you sorry do we attach the condition what's that attached what does that where does that need to be attached plan we can make it a condition of the site plan okay all right so that's item 21 so we've got to start with uh 20 all right so we have a motion on Tab 20 by councilen Bailey second by the vice mayor you have any public comment roll call Madam CLK ra councilwoman Bailey yes councilwoman aula councilman Davis yes councilwoman c u councilman Canal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries and now time for the site plan motion with the condition of go ahead well no I just want to make sure we the the impact Windows impact windows and the the flags at the two entrance and our commitment I don't know how the attorney feels I mean I you know I I can't tell you durm will allow us to do something but we will work with durm to see if further enhance the edge of the so however you all want to word that I just want to make sure we capture the three right that's your motion councilwoman okay okay second second by councilman Roth any public comment close the public hearing roll call on Tab 21 Madam Park councilwoman aula councilman cannibal councilwoman Bailey councilman Davis yes counc Roth yes ice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries and tab 22 the tened ofat approval for this project you have a motion mooved by councilwoman Bailey seconded by the vice mayor any public comment roll call Madam CLK councilwoman Bailey councilwoman aula yes councilman Davis yes councilman Roth councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor L yes the motion carries thank you all good evening all right moving on to tab 23 Mr White no that's the not The Flume was it yes that concludes your quizi judicial items moving on to your legislative items tab 23 is the first reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the comprehensive future land Manus map designation as requested by VAR Camp Group LLC of an approximately 16875 ft parcel of land from low low residential use to Light commercial use for property located at 60 Northeast 16th Street as legally described in exhibit a providing for conflicts providing for severability providing for an effective date good do we have a motion on this moved by councilman Roth second by councilman Cannonball he jumped first I saw in that corner clarification Mr White should we not go forward with second reading until there is a rezoning application brought back should we hold second reading in abeyance of this until she resolves some of her zoning issues rezoning issues you you or we just have to do that when the time comes I mean you can but okay I don't know the applicants I mean we didn't defer it to a date certain on the resoning I don't know how long the application's going to take so you all may decide that we go forward with the redes okay all right so I think we have a motion a second is there any public comment close the public hearing roll call on Tab 23 Madam CLK cman Davis yes councilwoman Bailey councilwoman aula councilman cannibal councilman Roth yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lman yes the motion carries okay thank you and I think our next and pardon the pun cluster of items are 24 25 26 is that correct yes these are all applications as we uh uh discussed at the LPA are uh related to the same touching Miami uh with love proposed affordable housing project uh in order to um achieve development of that the first step is a change to the comprehensive plan the Southwest neighborhood master plan and corresponding um zoning code amendments I can introduce each one of these collectively public hearing then vote on each let's do it tab 24 is the first reading of an ordinance to the City of Homestead Florida amending the city of comprehensive plan by amending the text the plan Urban neighborhood future land use category contain an objective to policy 2.1 to permit affordable housing with a maximum net density of 25 dwelling units per acre on property within the Civic government sub area of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood providing for transmittal of the ordinance to the for Department of Economic Opportunity all of the units of local government or governmental agencies is required under chapter 163 part two Florida Statutes providing for adoption pursued to Florida Statutes providing for inclusion in the comprehensive plan providing for repeal of conflicts severability and providing for an effective date tab 25 is the first reading of ordance to the city of homestad Florida mending the Southwest neighborhood master plan by mending regulations governing building frontages General standards sub area zoning building type for civic government sub area providing for conflicts providing for cability providing for inclusion in the southwest neighborhood master plan and providing for an effective date and finally tab 26 is the first reading of an ordinance of the city of homestad Florida amending the city code of ordinances by amending Chapter 30 zoning article 3 District regulations division 19 GP government property District section 30- 382 affordable housing division 23 planned Urban neighborhood District section 30- 39640 maximum density section 30- 39644 maximum density section 30- 39661 affordable housing section 30- 39662 sub areas Article 4 supplemental District division 3 density section 30457 maximum density established Article 5 non-conforming lot uses inst structures section 30-5 53 exception for affordable housing all to permit affordable housing with the maximum net density of 25 W units per acre on property within the sovet government sub area of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood providing for severability providing for inclusion providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date thank you gordino these are the ones we went over in the LPA and essentially what's happening again is that to change anything in the southwest neighborhood you've got to change the comprehensive plan where the text Amendment comes through you've got to change the uh the um master plan which is an additional step and then you've got to change the zoning so effectively What's Happening Here is that the applicant wants to build about 100 units on 4.2 acres and they would like a density of to be uh 25 dwelling units an acre which is not radically different from the existing densities in the southwest neighborhood which is ranges between 15 and 20 and so we are recommending that you uh that you consider that as as you uh as you make your decisions good thank you Council any further questions or comments we address this at the uh LPA as the applicants representative here if you want to come forward and just enter your appearance long as you're here good evening good evening mayor lar uh vice mayor Fletcher council members and staff thank you my name is Adele Valencia of LSN law with offices located at 3800 Northeast 1 Avenue site 200 Miami Florida um I'm happy to start with a presentation if you'd like or if you'd like to go through public comment whatever you prefer goe and do the presentation okay um I'm here on behalf of tml Homestead LLC as applicant and property owner who has partnered with DBC proa a well-established developer of high quality affordable housing we appreciate the opportunity to seek your approval today for an Innovative proposal We Believe will enhance quality of life in the the City generally and particularly in the southwest planned Urban neighborhood District while addressing a critical shortage of affordable housing options for Homestead residents and supporting a wonderful nonprofit the property is located at 1350 Southwest 4th Street and is approximately four acres the property is zoned Southwest planned Urban neighborhood District within the Civic government sub area the land use designation is planned Urban neighborhood please note that there are a total of 12 Parcels zoned Southwest planned Urban neighborhood District within the Civic government sub area to which these amendments would apply they're highlighted in purple on this slide this project emerges from a collaboration between touching Miami with love a nonprofit that was founded in 1995 and has been capably serving families in Homestead for nearly 30 years you'll hear directly from Trina Harris the executive director of touching my me with love shortly this project proposes adding a 100 unit affordable housing project um to the existing touching Miami with love site while preserving the existing building thoughtfully designed to enhance this community this new campus will integrate well with the existing nonprofit surrounding parks and other multif family developments nearby enhancing pedestrian connectivity and enriching the neighborhood with new vibrancy we truly hope that this housing will provide opportunities for teachers and staff at nearby School schools and nonprofits to live near where they work and play to accomplish this Vision we are requesting amendments to the city code Southwest planned Urban neighborhood master plan and the comprehensive plan the city code amendments seek to permit affordable housing in the Civic government sub area of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood District provide for a maximum density of 25 units per acre within the Civic government sub area of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood District um Define affordable housing by the the Florida statutory definition add affordable housing as a permitted use within the Civic government sub area of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood District include affordable housing developments on Parcels designated Civic government sub area within the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood district and finally to permit affordable housing units within the Civic government sub area of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood District at a maximum of 25 units per acre try saying that 10 times fast the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood master plan Amendment seek to allow 25 units per acre of affordable housing within the Civic government sub area of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood District provided that the residential units are restricted exclusively for affordable housing for a minimum of 15 years reference affordable housing as a use included within the Civic government Subara of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood District allow apartment Condominiums as a building type within the Civic government sub area of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood District allow a maximum Building height of five stories for apartment condominium building types allow flexibility and the materials deployed in the construction of the apartment condominium building types within the sub area and allow flat roofs for the apartment condominium building types within the Civic government sub area of the Southwest pun finally to allow a building Frontage of 60% for the apartment condominium building types within the Civic government sub area of the Southwest plan Urban neighborhood District finally we propose one amendment to permit density in the southwest planned Urban neighborhood uh land use designation to establish the density for affordable housing developments as 25 affordable housing units per net acre in the Civic government sub area of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood only the proposed site plan which integrates the proposed affordable housing respectfully within the existing nonprofit campus has been designed with an eye towards upgrading the entire campus to maximize quality of life for residents and neighbors please note the two additional applications associated with this project the site plan and the plat will come before you at a future date and with that I'm going to bring up my colleague Mario P who's the developer to share more about the project from his perspective thank thank you Adell uh mayor vice mayor members of the council good to see you all uh I'm here joined here tonight by our my colleague Beni uh Power and by my partner Trina Harris we're happy to be here and present the project uh as Adele alluded to this project is being developed by a joint venture between DBC pra and the touching Miami with love uh campus um we are located or the the property is located at the southeast corner of Southwest 4th and Southwest 187th Avenue and we have focused our development how how do you highlight you want to click ahead no wanted to highlight and we've located the property down at the at the uh south east corner of the site um the project consists of 100 units of affordable one two and three bedroom apartments for households ranging with incomes ranging from 30 to 80% of area median income and area median income is qualified by the mediate income in Miami Dade County which rang which is right now about $55,000 a year for a family of two uh the current design has 24 one-bedroom apartments 53 two bedrooms and 23 three bedroom apartments uh we have 103 on-site parking spaces 14 of which and we have 14 spaces off site for a total of 117 spaces which I believe exceeds the Cod code requirement of one space per unit go back building shares the site with the touching Miami uh uh Community facility space which was I believe formerly a school but uh Trina can comment on that the site's been carefully divided to separate both the school campus from the building and as you see we've also located the parking to the rear of the site to Shield the view of the parking from the street a view of the entrance to the parking garage from Southwest 6 Street and again A View From Southwest 6 looking North on 187th Avenue we have residential units on all floors of the building ground floor has amenity space for the units um and for the residents and the property will be built in accordance with ngbs um silver standards for sustainability um I think that's about it for me to be quick I'm now going to turn it over to Trina Harris who will uh talk to you about touching Miami and their involvement with the project good evening mayor vice mayor and Council thank you guys for allowing us to present this this evening I'm joined by my some of our staff members here and a residents from touching mind with love touching mind love has been in existence for 30 years and we've been a staple of serving the community of Homestead way back since Hurricane Andrew and in our process of serving children youth and families in the communities of Homestead um and also Overtown and another marginalized Community we provide holistic and much needed services in our community that's well-rounded programming education Al socially emotionally and also job training with this project after surveying hundreds of our families in our community regarding the need for affordable housing it has been number one on the list of need and this project will definitely fill the gaps that are needed to one retain our staff right now we're facing a staff turnover because residents in our staff can't afford to live in home Homestead or they can't find decent housing in Homestead we're losing a 17-year employee next week that is moving out of the state he is born and raised here in the City of Homestead have grew up through our program and he's moving out of the state because of housing issues and his family has decided to make that move we wish this project would have been here sooner to be able to retain him so we're asking for your support in this project as we seek these these um amendments but then also when we come back for our site plan thank you thank you Council any questions comments on this proposal I think we uh talked it link earlier all right so do we have a motion to approve the first item here which is tab 24 yes moved by councilman cannibal second by Council woman Bailey is there any public comment close the public hearing let's have a roll call I'm sorry okay jump the gun there come on down good evening mayor council men and Council women my name is De marol Lee I'm a homestead resident I've lived in Homestead pretty pretty much my whole adult life um Homestead Senior High orange and blue I know some people are South dians here I'm sorry for you guys about that um I'm a community guy so thank you guys so much I did a black lives matter protest here in the city I'm always bothering you guys about something I'm an advocate for kids and education um I will go to B for all the children in our community being a community guy directly in our communities working with touching Miami with love working with the students in our community I realize housing is an issue so I am an affordable housing kid I'm not ashamed of it my mom came from Mississippi very young with my older brother then she had me then she had two other children so we benefited directly from public um I'm sorry affordable housing so I understand the need um going home after a long day of work and knowing there's a home to go to as a constant conversation I'm having directly with the individuals within our community the increase in in the rent even with our staff members we have this conversation all the time what's our next move what's the next plan I wish I had an answer for them and I do believe God grace is sufficient because I was literally having this conversation wildly over the last couple of months I had an opportunity to speak with our CEO Miss Harris and I really wanted to Advocate and get behind this project because every kid and every family every person who works and they're giving their best to make it happen to have a home to go a home to go home to um and it's affordable housing project I'm going to support to get something running because I want to retain staff I want our families to feel safe quick story I want to give you guys really quick um at our site there's a mom she's living in the zoo Miami area can't afford to live there she's bringing her kids down down to our area to the homestead area because of what touch and Miami would love was able to do for her boys and her family so we're trying to figure that out with our family so we're a constant Resource Center for them whether it's housing job placement whether we work with system involved youth so it's more than just affordable housing with this project we're able to cater to an entire community and all of the needs the community may have so I'm going to Advocate this project again like I said I'm an affordable housing kid so almost made it thank you so much for your time I have a question councilman uh Roth question just a comment no um you know they they mentioned we're having a in aordable housing crisis and until I think not just us collectively up here uh but people like touching Miami would love other organizations that are dealing with this every single day um we Face issues that we can't control right there driving the cost of living in our area extremely high and its insurance and its taxes and you don't ever hear anybody speaking about trying to Lobby our legislators in Tallahassee to rein in some of these uh increases that we're experiencing every year with insurances um the taxes just to give you an example when somebody buys a single family home anywhere in the city that was occupied by somebody that lived there for 10 years or more their taxes are tripling and quadrupling to the new buyer and it's only because of the appreciation they take for the assessed value on the property it's going to it's going to affect a lot of people so it's it's good to come here and ask us for variances and those things to help a 100 families but if we truly want to make a difference we have to point it out to the leaders in Tallahassee that we need help down here we need help in South Florida Miami day Broward and Palm Beach counties or else we're going to lose a tremendous asset and those are residents that have lived and grown in the South a area all their lives the perfect example was when Trina told me the story of the 17-year employee who's leaving to I think you said Tennessee because his family can no longer afford to live here so it's not that we're losing just the 17-year employee we're losing their entire family because of affordability and I challenge people and I'll be the first one to stand in front and March with you um if somebody will put together some kind of Coalition of leaders down here that will Lobby the state our County to help control some of these increases that we're facing um those that live in places uh their taxes won't go up much but that doesn't help the affordability factor for those that are coming to the area those that want to stay in the area that have lived here for a very long time and those that are are you know don't have the the the the the ability to to maintain and and do those things so um I'm sure my other colleagues up here would do the same thing we would get behind any kind of actions that would put pressure on the state lobbyists the state legislators to to just pay attention to what's going on down here because one story that Trina shells is I'm sure there's other stories out there that are going unheard and it's going to totally affect the the the entire area so I just wanted to put that out there may that this is a good thing it's it's not a it's not even a Band-Aid to the problem that we're all going to be facing later down the road with um with with those that have lived grown up raised their kids and they no longer can afford to live here but we've got to bring it to the attention of those that can help us especially with the insurance crisis thank you mayor thank you councilman okay is there anyone else wishing to speak in the public on uh this application all right so we'll close the public hearing we'll have a roll call on Tab 24 councilman R councilwoman Bailey councilman Canal councilwoman abula councilman Davis yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries need a motion now on Tab 25 which is a text Amendment necessary for this project moved by councilman Cannibal seconded by Council wman Bailey roll call Madam clerk councilwoman Bailey councilwoman aula councilman Roth councilman Davis yes councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes motion carries and finally tab number 26 the uh code Amendment for the Southwest plan to Urban neighborhood zoning District moved by councilwoman Bailey seconded by councilman cannibal roll call Madam clerk councilwoman aula councilman R councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal councilman Davis yes vice mayor Fletcher yes may lner yes the motion carries thank you thank you all so when are we going to see dirt moving July July very good thank you very good June July very good thank you one quick thing mayor yes and please don't forget our discussions to I know there are the requirements for affordable housing but our discussion is to see how we can reach as many teachers so that we can retain our grade teachers in the southwest and even bring in some new ones Count Me In okay you appreciate it Mr Mayor yes go Buccaneers he didn't hear me he chose not to hear you I'm so old they weren't even Buccaneers okay tab 27 um that you Mr White or Mr furl tab 27 is the first reading of an Nance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the city code of ordinances by amending Chapter 30 zoning article 3 District regulations division 12 B2 retail commercial District section 30- 276b uses permitted as of right by removing self-service storage facilities as permitted use and division 23 planned Urban neighborhood District section 30- 39634 permitted uses prohibiting selfservice storage facilities and section 30- 396 42 sub areas prohibiting selfservice storage facilities within the commercial industrial sub areas of the Southwest planned Urban neighborhood article four supplemental District regulations division two off street parking Section 30-43 3 off street parking area requirements in all districts by modifying the off street parking area requirements related to self-service storage facilities and Division 9 mixed use of non-residential development standards section 30- 542 self-service storage facilities modifying the development standards related to self-service storage facilities and further amending article six planed unit development section 30-5 70 permitted uses reting selfservice storage fac providing for severability inclusion in the code providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date first reading and this also comes to us with a uh an amendment from the LPA to exempt the identified project the final final ordinance all right moved by councilwoman Bailey seconded by the vice mayor any further discussion any public comment R call Madam clerk councilman Davis yes councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal councilman Roth councilwoman abula vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries thank you thank you all big step forward all right next item is tab 28's a resolution Mr furl yes Mr Mayor tab 28 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida authorizing the purchase of Hardware software and services for the Homestead police department from CDW government LLC pursuant to city code section 2-41 111.1 A5 exemptions from competitive bidding Prov fting for an effective date thank you any objection to the reading of the staff report on this item I will wave the read it's been moved by the vice mayor seconded by councilwoman Bailey roll call Adam clerk woman aula councilman Davis yes councilman Roth councilwoman Bailey councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries tab 29 Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor tab 29 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida approving the settlements of all claims made by Jonathan Ingam providing for implementation providing for an effective date any objection to waving the staff report move appr didn't think so move approval by the vice mayor seconded by councilman cannibal further comments roll call Madam clerk councilwoman Bailey councilman Roth councilwoman aulo councilman cannibal councilman Davis yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries thank you that brings us to business from the city manager none mayor thank you this would be a good time Zach you got unexpectedly put in the hot seat you've been in the hot seat you've think you had to get you some asbest underwear just to balance the uh the role that was thrust upon you temporarily and I want to thank you for your uh your your stepping up and uh keeping all of the balls in the air so to speak I appreciate that thank you mayor thank you to all of you for your support through this time and a huge thank you to the staff the directors the attorneys um it's a team effort here and uh we all try and make each other look good very good you kept us a flute for a few weeks all right Mr Pearl very good Council M cannibal that's what I like to hear councilman Davis councilman R just real quick I want to just uh reiterate what I said earlier about the staff coming out and making the arrangements with the county to come take care of a priority situation we had it was getting a lot of lot of mentions in social media about this traffic issue we were having on Campbell Drive and um just appreciate the um the quickness and what we were able to put pressure on them to come out here and to address uh the needs of the people that live on the west side of the city because it was you're right I see it every single day my office is right there and um it just it's unacceptable for that to happen to our constituents in the city thank you thank you councilman Council a councilwoman a thank you mayor I'm going to try to make it quick I I want to Echo the sentiments great job you have not skipped a beat uh you have been responding to every email and every phone call which have t ticked up over the last coup hours at all hours exactly and staff as well great job so um keep up the good work thank thank you um a reminder that the Kiwanis Good Friday prayer breakfast is coming up next Friday on Good Friday it's a Sunrise Service at the homestead Pavilion uh thank you to Mayor and Council for your sponsorships it's the 49th year that this uh event is going on in our city so um the guest speaker is uh Dr Reverend Audrey Warren pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Miami so we look forward to to having her and then finally seeking support I'll be um I'm I'm working with uh staff to bring a resolution uh next month regarding the blasting that is occurring at the Quarry um the the town of Miami Lakes created a um Advisory Board to funnel complaints and to um you know try to bring uh recommendations uh to to the state for studies and things of that nature um these types of events are seismic in nature they um create shock waves that can cause damage to properties and um for a long time we really didn't you know hear a lot of complaints but for some reason it's it's picking up more and more so I think that this is something that uh we should um we should work on so I'd like to have support from mayor and Council you'll hear more about it next month thank you good thank you Council Bailey thank you just one quick update we finally received our last um submission for the crb so you will all have that in front of you for approval next month we still do have one available spot but we do have enough to to begin and the same thing goes for swack we do have an available available seat on the swack board thank you very good thank you vice mayor yes thank you so uh on April 3rd my birthday we're going to be having a charet in the City of Homestead uh SLI had to throw that in there uh but uh at one or 2 pm we have a one-hour session for small business and organizations I think we need to look at expanding that and also uh you know promoting this with the small businesses in Homestead because I had a discussion with a couple of small businesses this week who have had some issues with the City of Homestead and the bidding process one vendor who signs up for one specific item or or a certain area is getting bid requests for Relay Protection Systems and it has nothing to do with his business so I think we need to have that discussion and I ask for that that list last week if we can get that forwarded to all of us here in the next couple of weeks so I'd appreciate that prior to this meeting certainly and lastly please fix the microphones and the sound system in this room I hate having to lean over like this to talk so that's it thank you thank you uh my one agenda item of business is uh need your confirmation of uh vice mayor Fletcher's nominee to the faith and Community Based organization Advisory Board of Pastor uh Gerald laass all right very good I just want to uh again reiterate and the council members if you don't have the PDF of the invitation uh jeneth has it ask her for it so you can circulate it uh to those who you wish to you know personally invite just a reminder that on um Monday morning the 25th Dr AA quaba who will very quickly just be known throughout town as Ziri will take over as city manager we are having an installation ceremony uh honoring him uh here in these Chambers at 6 o'clock on that Thursday evening followed by a reception in the city hall Hoyer um we'll formally thank all the sponsors of of that reception at that time and uh good things are ahead I know if any of you happen to hear about or see the the going away uh presentation they had for him him at the city of Miami commission meeting before their last meeting it was very heartfelt and and moving and I hope I'm hopeful that we can give him a welcome befitting of the farewell that he received at the uh the city of Miami so with that do we have a motion to adjourn so moveed seconded all in favor thank you all good night