##VIDEO ID:vl9TMAFFD4M## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone and welcome I'd like to call the City of Homestead city council meeting to order today is Wednesday December 18th 2024 is now 6 byon Al Catholic Church followed by the pledge of aliance please stand everyone with let us pray Heavenly Father we come before you today with gratitude and the opportunity to serve our community we thank you for the leaders who gather here this evening the dedication the commitment to our people and great of H grant us the wisdom so that we can continue to serve you in TR and spirit and also remember those in need wi this Christmas season all the families Lo we ask you your guidance and address in the need of our community as well we also thank you in advance for allowing us to see the end of 2024 and also the beginning of 2025 bless our effort and the commitment that we have so that we can continue to live in humility and respect not only for today but for the rest of our Liv our Jesus Christ your son Liv the Holy Spirit one God forever andever amen thank you all please be seated have a call Madam cler we are now at the we are now at the portion of our agenda where we take public comments I have no one pre-registered is there anyone in the audience wishing to speak on a general matter you'll have the opportunity to speak on a specific matter at the time we we deliberate this would be just general matter is there anyone online good evening name and address for the record please Martinez Miami just want to take time introduce myself I'm here representing FL department will be partnering with the City of Homestead council members mayor May and everybody affiliated with the city I bring 27 years of experience from FL light our former our former external Affairs manager Bal we all work with for many years relocated the pr so I'll have big shoes to fill so I'll be coming in and I'll make sure to do a great job and uh I excited about the future for the City of Homestead with the future development and the future projects we have um some things that we do have going on are underground project that we are going toay the in the time frame that's going to take and then as to work you happy holidays everybody thank you appreciate you coming down and introducing yourself I know we we got notice a few weeks ago and it's always good to put a name with the face and just ah heads up I think the most common concern or issue we have are street lights that are under your jurisdiction Florida par light jurisdiction within the uh the City of Homestead and I hope that we can resolve some of that in the coming months saf USS get on right away my desk matter very good thank you excuse me anyone online okay so I will now close the public comment section of the agenda Ander now to the city manager who would like to make an introduction good evening mayor and councel it's an honor and a privilege to make the formal announcement to to this body on the record about the appointment of a new general services is director for the City of Homestead Mr Israel M Israel the GU comes to the City of Homestead from I believe Ocean Reef where he will had a similar State as the general Services administrator there he's going to be tasked with overseeing the cities the infrastru is in terms of buildings the semal theater the cium and of course City Hall M you're welcome to City hestad and also it's a privilege to introduce Mr Mario nap who started work on let me interrupt you do we need to reboot pause REO start do a quick reboot or whatever okay okay so let's uh let's recess get the uh the audio squared away for just for [Music] e e e for e e t one testing testing one two testing one two can't been e e e okay for testing testing one two one2 testing testing mic check M check M check two one2 for [Music] okay Mr Mayor members of the city council it's an honor and a privilege to introduce you to the new general Services director Mr Israel Sado Israel counil City stad from Ocean Reef where he had held similar positions and assignments for many years he's going to be Ted with the new Department of General Services which is Task with maintenance of City facilities especially City Hall seminal theater cium and uh all other City assets that is going to be placed under his care responsibility thank you Mr Israel and welcome to the city of additionally it's also an honor and a privilege to introduce Mr Mario nap Mr Mario nap is the new incoming chief of police for City of Homestead uh Mr Mario nap was successfully selected among a elite group of applicants that uh appli for the job after extensive back and detailed conversation and interviews Mr Mario uh qualifications experience uh Outreach and his especially his say uh niche in the public sector of over 27 years of law enforcements uh made him to be the primary selection for the position his leadership will be instrumental in driving the Homestead police future growth as well as smooth transition he's going to oversee the elit department that we have here and and I've asked him to ensure process improvement from the day one he started work on December 16th which is the past Monday as a public safety professional specialist walking out of my office to work with the Command Staff of the PD during the transition period that will end on December 31st when Chief Alex Ro was expected to formally disengage there on the end of his contract then on January AR 1st midnight hopefully he's going to be awake he's going to start his formal appointment as the chief of police for Homestead uh Mr Marin you're welcome and we expect that you going to carry the and show that the responsibilities that are quite honorous Chief Ro has played a fundamental pivotal role in championing and piloting the C PRD department for several years has a big SHO feel I wish you all the best and sell smooth thank you and welcome thank you Mr manager and to both gentlemen welcome to the deep end the pool uh Mr manager do you have any uh additions deletions or defer [Music] tonight yes Mr Mayor um um the first item on the tab which is tab 13 car number 4469 this is to be withdrawn based on the request of the applicants c number 4469 T 13 is being withdrawn also card number 4425 app 15 is being deferred to the council meeting in February 2025 car number 4425 app number 15 refer to February 19th 2025 thank you Mr attorney do we need to take any formal action on Tab 13 of the thr what you can do is just I can get a motion to approve the agenda as amended and that'll be all-encompassing okay and then a formal referral on uh 14 15 15 okay so first um I need a motion to amend the agenda to to delete T 13 it's been moved and seconded have any public comment all in favor any opposed and then I need a motion to defer tab 15 to the date certain of January or February which what date February 19 yeah mov by Council lais by the vice mayor public comment all in favor the opposed all right so are we are we back online we back online test test hello hello hello all right so the podium is GNA need that one all right so the next item is the uh consent agenda comprised of Mr Mayor Mr Mayor before you vote on the consent agenda car number 4464 which is tab two just a FL clarification at the last Council car meeting it was stated that the entire generator at City Hall will be replaced uh that is not the case any longer we will simply install a brand new ATS which is automa trans transer switch with the required electrical connections which will maintain the capacity that we need just a clarification very good thank you for the clarification uh do we have a motion to approve motion by councilman Roth to approve the consent agenda second by councilman cannibal all in favor any opposed Mr White yes this public hearing section of your agenda please be advised the following the following item on the agenda is qu judicial nature wish to comment upon this item please indicate that you'd like to address this item when the announcement regarding this item is made an opportunity for persons to speak on this item will be made available after the applicant and staff have made their presentations on this item swearing in all testimony including public testimony and evidence will be made under oor affirmation additionally each person who gives testim gives testimony may be subject to cross-examination if you do not wish to be either cross-examined or sworn your testimony will be given its duate the general public will not be permitted to cross-examine Witnesses but the public May request the council to ask questions of Staff or Witnesses on their behalf full agenda packet on each item is hereby entered into the record persons representing organizations must present evidence of their authority to speak for the organization further details of the quazi judicial procedures may be obtained from the clerk in accordance with code section 259 any lobbyist must register before addressing the Council on the following item at this time I'd ask council members to disclose any expar Communications concerning tab 12 on this evening's agenda any disclosures no disclosures very at this time I'd ask anyone in the audience who's wishing to speak on Tab 12 please stand raise your right hand to be sworn by the clerk do you hear by swear or affirm to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help be God thank you you may be seated tab 12 car number 4467 this is a resolution of the City of Homestead Florida granting final plat approval as requested by East group properties LPA for the development of an approximately 398,375 located on an approximately 288 acre parcel of land within the homestead Park of Commerce generally located north of Southwest 336 Street and West of Southwest 147th Avenue as legally described in exhibit a and providing for an effective date thank you all right um know this is a final plat any unless there's something new to add or is there any objection to waving the staff report I know the applicants council is here anything to add would you like to enter an appearance okay so then in the spirit of the Season while we have a little uh break here uh a double dog dare was issued to me and that's just something that you know cannot be declined so for the rest of the meeting so I met I met the dare I didn't have to stick my tongue to the Frozen flag pole some of you will get that others won't all right do we have a motion to to approve uh the final plat on this item mooved by Council AA second by vice mayor Fletcher I don't think I open the public hearing so is there anyone wishing to make comment on this matter did think so roll call Madam clerk councilman Roth yes councilman Davis councilwoman AA councilman conal vice mayor Fletcher yes may yes motion carries thank you thank you for coming down Council look forward to uh 100% occupancy of this project I understand things are going well all right moving on to tab 14 this is a first reading of car number 4407 Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor this is the first reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending chapter 7 of the city code entitled code enforcement by amending articles 1 two and three of the code changing the term code enforcement to Code Compliance clar the city's codee enforcement procedures and courtesy notices for certain violations providing for inclusion in the code providing for severability providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date thank you sir who's going to give us a staff report on this Mr manager so M mayor and Council um the item is actually being presented to make changes to chapter 7 of the city code and on code enforcement in order to facilitate a more streamlined process uh I will ask the current director of Code Compliance Mr to give us a quick quick and quick presentation no more than two minutes thanks two minutes okay let's not give short shrift to the most pressing matter in this community um okay uh Santa losner uh councel uh Mr city manager Madam clerk uh thank you for the opportunity I'm just going to kind of run through uh this kind of presentation that I have here there are a number of amendments that we're making but they kind of uh fall into basically seven categories um I'm kind of just going to read these off right away uh the first thing that we're doing is basically we're heightening the qualifications and the pay for special Masters moving forward um currently basically you can you can be a special master just just basically on interest in codee enforcement we want to actually push that envelope a little bit and and kind of use uh specialized areas like architecture engineering General being a general contractor being an attorney so that we can create those qualifications and and basically heighten the pool that we have uh for special Master along with that obviously we want to increase the uh the um the cost for the special Master the pay um we're going to push it from 75 to 125 for meeting um which is a net change of $800 per year um which we're going to get from the general fund um moving forward uh we're going to kind of implement a new process for uh you know and limit for fine reductions and lean reductions um right now the special Master basically is beholden to all of that they basically uh can do all of the lean reductions we want to implement kind of an administrative process where the city manager has uh the ability to reduce pursuant to the guidelines that we've that we've stated and um then the special Master can go further but only to 15% of the total fine that would be the the maximum that you could reduce it based on um you know whether you have good cause you know financial hardship Etc and then after that it would be a city council um hearing agenda item where they would come before you and basically plead their case if that's so what they would want to do um that's basically one of the reasons why we're pushing this is for efficiency uh at this point the special Master basically has to handle all these reductions at a hearing which actually increase costs for the for the Violator and also increases time the next uh change that we're proposing is kind of an official way for for violators to extend their compliance States uh this is sort of uh right now you can kind of do it informally but we kind of want to codify it and by doing that we basically create two administrative 30-day extensions but only if the violation suits that and also if uh you know there's progress that's demonstrable um and there's evidentiary progress of that right we're not going to allow you to extend if you're not doing anything right um but pursuant to that further extensions can be done by special Master the um the next uh change is basically um a noticing cleanup with with a state statute it's pretty straightforward um the noticing language that we have right now in the code doesn't meet State Statute so we're just cleaning that up so that it matches and the following change is basically the codification of the courtesy noticing process right now there's basically a uh I guess it's up for interpretation whether a code enforcement officer can issue a courtesy notice if not in this case what we want to do is want it to be streamlined right every violation should have whether you can issue a courtesy notice or not and there should be a process for that which we're which we're codifying through this amendment um and this is kind of the biggest change uh for the the the chapter basically right now every violation can go through two processes either a notice of violation process or a citation process um which kind of leaves the door open for interpretation right if neighbor a has the same violation as neighbor B they can go through two different processes which doesn't really make sense and it opens the door for a lot of arguments of of targeted enforcement and also you know inefficiencies Etc so we basically took every violation and made basically a codified streamline process for that some are tickets some are novs they can't be both um and that allows for every violation to be treated accordingly and as such and I'm almost done I promise um what's the next one oh yeah there's just some limited language uh in the state statute for repeat violators that we're going to be adding so we can have a little bit more teeth in in dealing with repeat violators who are basically trying to you know circumvent the system and keep you know doing the same violations over and over again and that's it I have any questions you know let me know Council any questions comments Council woman thank you thank you mayor thank you to staff for preparing this is a lot of work and I do appreciate the clarifications in the process and making it more streamlined and more predictable and that's beneficial to both sides um I do need clarification with regards to um what we're calling an noov a notice of violation and what the column of courtesy notice in the uh pages that precede the presentation in our packet so in the column that says courtesy not is where it's yes or no in the in the column does that that is not the same thing as your noov correct correct correct it's different it's two different things the courtesy notice is basically going to be actually we just uh ordered a bunch of courtesy door hangers which are basically going to be it's just a notice that says listen this is a violation and you have this period of time to correct it with no fine it's really just a way to educate homeowners really or and businesses the notice of violation is much more official at that point point you usually get a a summons to appear before the special master and and basically a clock is ticking or you're going to start getting PDM fines or or a fine Etc so the currency noticing process is basically like the beginning process to and again not all violations at least in the code that is proposed are going to have curreny notices obviously for more dangerous violations you we'll say health and safety violations those don't get a courtesy notice you know you're you're automatically into a citation or nolv process right and that makes sense and so I just want to also clarify that in our packet for my colleagues um there are examples of yes and no options here but then the pages following the first and second page are all listed as no because they haven't been identified so I I really am going to defer to all of us to kind of work together to identify what we would like to have as a courtesy uh notice um identified in these for for the second reading or did you do that already no no no let me clarify a courtesy notice is not a required step that's that's in the discretion of the officer as the language says May issue so is it accurate that you either issue a courtesy notice or go ahead and issue a notice of violation but there are only a certain group of violations that even are permitted to receive a courtesy notice Mr Mayor it the language does speak to me uh the additional uh column that talks about courtesy notice is from a training and implementation perspective the intent is if it says yes that we would utilize the opportunity to educate the whether it's the resident or the business by issuing that door hanger um if it says no we would forgo the um courtesy notice because of the gravity of the issue and we would either enter go directly to an noov um alongside uh summons to a pair or a citation depending on the path and a cur and a sorry and a courtesy notice would give how long to remedy the violation so it also it depends if it is a you left your uh garbage uh Bin out front that is a 24-hour time frame we were intentional in not um prescribing those timelines um within the code but rather we will manage it as a as a method of an sop internally because it varies depending on the violation so the concept of a courtesy notice is really to drive compliance through education it is not um intended to be always punitive um so that is that is one of the intentional shifts that we're we're looking to accomplish by introducing the courtesy notice concept typically that's for easily curable exactly soly and easily curable you're parking on the sale that is not something that is a 24hour 48 hour resolution we would give you maybe two hours to remove the vehicle um and that would happen by way of a courtesy notice that address your concerns anyone else coun thank you um section 75 about the special Masters system in reference to the qualifications of each um member of the special masters board how many do we have now special Masters I believe we have three three special Masters let me double yeah three we have three currently and what would be the maximum number that you would want to carry so we are looking to uh put out an RFP for a pool a new pool of special Masters that should the um Amendment be adopted includes all of the um persons who meet the the requirements um we have not dictated a cap at this this time but uh let's assume attorneys we would want to at least have three to ensure that we have um the ability to have continuity in the event that something happens to one right we don't we don't want to create uh where there's one individual to meet this requirement and we cannot have special Master meetings has there ever been uh in the recent past a meeting cancel because you didn't have a special Master available not not since I've been here and how long's that been that's been since July and then because my my only my only concern is that you're you're you're creating a very small pool of people when you go to an architecture engineering contractor an attorney that live inside the city or operate a business inside the city we've had problems filling spaces in the past uh perfect example was the planning and zoning board right we had to take that over because we weren't able to get Quorum now they don't need a quorum um but you need people and I knew at one point we got down to maybe one or two and we might have had some issues trying to get uh those those meetings you know in so and how often do they meet twice a month yeah most of the time it's twice a month sometimes it's once a month so I just would think about that part of it the Recruitment and you'll you'll learn down the road if you need to modify those changes or not um um that's just part of what I you know I think may be an obstacle in the future to to try to make sure we have enough quality people because once you lose the three that will be grandfathered in then you really get to the tighter you know credential so just a thought that's all thank you mayor yes and yeah go ahead sorry mayor and I I do agree with what councilman Roth is saying and just in my experience working on the association boards for example we have grievance committees and so it is always hard to find uh residents willing to even serve in those Capac so I would recommend that you do expand this list of um of criteria to include individuals lay persons that have experience on uh Community Development District boards or homeowners association boards that have worked in the capacity of reviewing violations hearing grievance committees and hearings Etc thank you well I appreciate and looking at the language here it says shall be residents which is you know obvious and owners of businesses within the city limits you know I I think that would serve to to place too great a restriction I mean we're not a mom and pop Community anymore you know there used to be for example there used to be far more attorneys practicing profitably in the city limits and there aren't a handful of of attorneys in in town just as as an example not to pick on anybody we have a lot of Realtors who are residents but they typically don't own the business and I don't know that we want to foreclose those those opportunities um you know for you know retiree activism um I don't know maybe something along the lines of of someone who's lived here for not less than five years and doesn't doesn't own a b you know not a business owner but at least lives yeah well I think they all need to be residents but the ownership of a business unfortunately is I think too too restrictive Mr Mayor yes Mr May so the if you look at other cities and jurisdictions good enforcement boards usually comprise of residents in the city or not and or business owners in the city or people who work in the city you don't have to be living there you don't have to be a resident as long as you walk in the city and I'm I'm fine with that if you a lot of folks live in the Redlands and have businesses in the city yeah so and also if you look at the list we hear you between first and second reading working with the attorneys will expand the the list of criteria perhaps include planners include retired police officers who are conversant with law enforcements to be part of this and I think that will give us the real band weeds where we can setel up people thank sir okay vice mayor yes thank you I just uh I always get scared that we're handcuffing ourselves when we use the word shout you know Andor or you know I would I think we're putting ourselves into a pickle by doing that I think we should expand this because it says a special Master shall also be a professional in one of these areas should should rather than shall or preference preference yeah prerequisite you know these are what we prefer but you may not have this and we can expand the categories correct but get get rid of the word sh sh puts us in a lot of potential legal issues thank you all right any public comment on this item is there anyone online no all right we'll close the public hearing and I'll ask for a motion to approve this on first reading subject to the input of council here tonight with the the proposed changes moved by Council AA seconded by councilman Roth roll call Madam clerk councilwoman AA yes councilman Roth yes councilman Davis yes councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor ler yes motion car and moving on to tab 16 first reading of car number 4460 Solid Waste franchise ordinance Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor this is the first reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the city code of ordinances by amending chapter 23.5 Solid Waste Article 1 in general to include definitions for franchises creating Article 2 regulation of persons engaged in commercial waste collection meaning article three collection by the city to include special Collections and charges providing for conflicts providing for severability and providing for an effective date thank you sir Adam Solid Waste director are you giving the presentation good evening mayor councel Mr manager um the Amendments thank you the amendments to the um Solid Waste code section uh mainly address there's some minor code cleanup and also the main purpose of the amendment is to include franchisees to address the need on the east side of the city with the large population increase so it's uh creating article two establishes franchises for new residential and new commercial Solid Waste Services a franchisee is a qualified private Solid Waste Company that's granted a non-exclusive franchise by the city to service our customers so the franchisees will go through a bid process um they will have to be qualified they have reporting requirements they have all of the things necessary to be able to operate within the city the city will receive a minimum of 24% of the gross revenue of the franchise um after some meetings and under the direction of the manager we will limit it to three franchisees for the city um also we will address the need for the commercial when we say a clarification and point that I think um when we say new commercial right people think that's new business is automatically a lot of the new developments are residential in nature but commercial in Solid Waste Services meaning you're on a dumpster so you have a common garbage shoot in your condo association that you throw it down and that's a commercial service so there was a little bit of ambiguity on what is commercial and what is actually residential residential service which will also be encumbered with the new residential is the side loader can that you have at a single family residence or a res res that's a townhouse with a driveway but the common area that has the the dumpsters and the the different trash removals like the compactors that is considered commercial solid waste no matter the living situation um the a little bit of that is they will have to follow the procurement process um they have reporting requirements and um the homeowners associations and the property owners are going to be the ones to contract with with the franch franchisee so that in a little quick brief overview is how the process is going to work so the next this is what we were talking about what I was talking about before the code cleanup there's some things that are a little ambig that have a little bit of ambiguity in regards to bulk service um that when you place out 10 cubic yards of landscaping that's addressed in the code um what is not addressed is the total limit that we're allowed to put out so the total limit would be a combined 10 cubic yards meaning if you have 10 cubic yards of landscaping you can't then put 10 cubic yards of furniture out on the same pickup day just wait we'll be back in two weeks so those are some of the things that aren't addressed in the code and also when there's a hurricane people tend to have the habit of now is the time to clean up my property and put it all out on the soil whether it's my pickup day or not that will be prohibited so you will follow a code process and then in the end we if we are able to pick it up in time we will however there will be a fee associated with that because you are getting for an extra pickup depending on how many storms there are you could pick up you know three extra pickups a month so we kind of want to tighten that up a little bit to have people be a little more responsible for the property not just their property but in the event of a stor it affects everyone in their neighborhood so those are some of the cleanup language that we have and any questions I think that was fast Council any questions and then I guess to make the jump is that there'll be a determination in the in the final version of the ordinance that basically all these subdivisions approved after a certain date yes we're looking at the date shall choose from among the approved ing them now you're correct we are servicing them them now because the need is there can't tell them to keep their Jos um we're servicing them now but there have been in the pipeline this past year there's been quite a few residential developments where part of the people are living in there but the whole development isn't closed so we'd like to get those like there's um some residents in Parker point right now Parker Point's going to be over 300 units right now we're servicing 10 people 10 people's manageable when the development is filled that'll be a little challenged yes councilman ra I I just have a a a curiosity question in reference to billing right so when you mention the commercial um residential components who actually pays us franchisee no I'm talking about today who pays Us and how is that regulated so if you live in let's say Villa at uh Villa at Carmel that's a good one right they have dumpsters right yes the condominium townhouse area it's all dumpsters now we can't control who puts trash into those bins but do they pay it through their association fee or does it pay directly they pay it through their utility bill they pay it through their utility bill so when you do the transfer they'll have to be trained to pay their bill to somebody new is that right no we're not the Comm commercial customers that we have we are keeping we are keeping right so for new developments what they will have to do is the association will be the one that works with the franchisee the city will be removed from that equation so whether they add it to their homeowners association bill like there other assessments that they have for yard cleaning and you know trimming and lighting and all of that the association will work that into the homeowners bill minimum of 24% yes of the gross receipts yes Council woman thank you mayor so the on that slide does it also say gross revenue on the updated slide yeah okay yes it the code does say the gross okay and um did you mention the Ador charge no so those new customers will not get the charge on the tax R right no you won't receive service from us right they're paying a third party right perfect thank you somebody's paying a third party thank you for the clar all right so let me any further questions or comments from Council let me open public hearing is there anyone online or in the audience okay so let me close the public hearing and ask for a motion to approve on first reading move by councilman cannibal second by councilwoman Avala let's have a roll call vot Madam Clerk councilman BR councilwoman a councilman Davis councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes yes motion carries thank you moving on to a second reading for tab 17 car number 4431 this regarding the installation of temporary construction fences with screening Mr furl yes Mr mayy this is the second reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the city code of ordinances by amending chapter 6 buildings and building regulations Article 4 fences to establish requirements for construction sites and temporary permanent fences providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date and this is a second reading so there's no objection we'll wave the staff report ask for any final public comments seeing none I'll close the public hearing and ask for a motion to approve on second reading well it was her her brainchild moved by Council Wen AA seconded by by councilman cannibal roll call please councilman cannibal councilman AB councilman Davis councilman Ro Vice maych yes mayor yes motion carries and moving on to a second reading of tab 18 which is car number 4452 lobbyist registration and principal fees Amendment Mr Burl yes Mr Mayor this is second reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending chapter 2 Administration article 8 lobbying activities to increase lobbyist registration fees and principal fees providing for separability providing for inclusion in the code providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date thank you and as a second reading we'll wave the staff report we open the public hearing close the public hearing and ask for a motion to approve mooved by the vice mayor have a second by Council Davis no no nobody wants to but what was Stick it to it and to any obvious I offended I'm I apologize but I'm in every word now okay so we have a motion and a second on Tab 18 let's have a roll call councilman Davis yes councilwoman a yes councilman Roth yes councilman carnal yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor L yes motion carries and moving on to 18 this is a resolution car number 4486 U advocated by councilman Davis urging the US Department of Veterans Affairs to locate a Tricare advisor in Homestead Mr furl yes Mr Mayor tab 19 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida urging the United States Department of Veteran Affairs to locate a TR care advisor at the homestead Veteran Affairs Clinic providing for implementation providing for transmittal providing for an effective date good thank you quickly Mr manager uh with the permission of the mayor let me defer to the sponsor of the item cumman Davis very good thank you uh colleagues the the veteran the military and Veteran Community uh in uh here in Homestead need your help the VA Clinic that's been uh on Chrome Avenue for over 20 years is sorely insufficient for what's needed for our veteran community and and also the military Folks at our Homestead Reserve Base recently I was approached by Special Operations Command South uh that they're having difficulty uh using the VA or using Tri care Tri care being that bridge between a military Hospital the VA and the private providers uh they asked for our help and this resolution is a step in that direction we can't tell the VA what to do but by the terms of the VA with the with the cach the community-based Outpatient Clinic they're supposed to be responsive to the general need of our community and by doing this resolution that I hope you will support we'll be telling the VA what's going on isn't working it's just not working you need to get a TR care advisor so when these people for examp using Special Operations Command South as an example when they come into town they have a TR care advisor that that helps them get their kid to a pediatri nutition that helps him get to a general practitioner that helps these things to get going all those things that the VA currently is not doing so I would I would uh and where does this go I'm sorry this of course goes to the director of the Miami VA that has that Authority and additionally are the intent is to send it to Congressman Jimenez as well soliciting his support on behalf of our veteran population that what we're doing is not working and we've got to put that pressure on the VA to be responsive to the veteran on the south end of the County so I would I would uh at this point I would move it Mr Mayor and let and I I uh hope for your support thank you councilman Davis and uh may we have a second uh any further comment Council woman thank you mayor thank you very much for bringing this item uh for us tonight I absolutely support it and I um I really look forward to seeing quick and Swift resolution so we can have more support thank you right let me open the public hearing very quickly is there anyone online okay we'll close the public hearing and ask for a roll call vote councilman Davis yes councilwoman AA yes councilman cannibal councilman Rob vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor yes motion carries and moving on to uh tab 20 car number 40 thank you colleagues for that support to our veteran Community thank you very much for taking a lead on on this all right car number 4449 2025 legislative priorities tab 20 Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor tab 20 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida adopting the city's 2025 legislative priorities providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you and I understand what's before us is reflective of the comments I guess from the prior Committee of the whole uh meeting any further staff report Mr manager so there will be a minor change in the critical Le uh the priority list which you have on pages four five and six of the attachment a couple of the items are going to be moved to be Pa and parcel of the supplemental project list uh the first one is a land acquisition for District 5 and the second item will be the Human Services they will be moved to the supplemental Capital project list now keep in mind that we are going to transmit both copies of the reports to everyone one including the legislative delegation the lobbyist and any stakeholder that might be of help uh there's no limitation in terms of consideration of any of these items they're free to look for available funding our Appropriations and focus on that thank you thank you sir I no questions or comments from Council Council woman thank you mayor I just want to state that um land acquis land acquisition in District 5 is very very important but I did not want to Cloud the major Capital Improvement projects that we need attention for but um given the success that we've had with working with the county in acquiring some land in the Waterstone Community and with our um administration's vast list of contacts I am confident that we're going to be able to acquire some OPM to continue to get those projects funded thank you very good thank you all right so let me open this for public hearing is there anyone online nope yeah I'll close the public hearing and ask for a motion to approve moov by cannibal Beach two at this time seconded by Avala roll call Madam clerk councilman raw yes councilman carnal councilwoman AA yes councilman Davis vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor yes motion carries and moving on to tap 21 car number 4488 the American Rescue plan act arpa funding allocations Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor tab 21 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida authorizing the city manager to obligate the city's American Rescue plan act funds remaining balance providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you Mr manager I'm going to ask my assistant city manager to handle this item Kim thank you Mr manager good afternoon again mayor council uh this as you as we are all aware we're quickly moving to December 31st 2024 which is where when uh we need all our P dollars to be encumbered uh the team has worked very hard with the supportive Council uh to get those dollars encumbered we have about $882,000 remaining um that we need to um essentially identify projects for there are projects that have been identified and this item is intended to um give the manager The Authority that if we receive a proposal back above the $50,000 threshold um that we are able to engage encumber the dollars and bring it back uh in January for council's approval um the only thing that is uh that or the the the the only item that we're thinking maybe over that $50,000 Mark is a proposal uh for the upsizing of um I think the upsizing of pipes on Chrome uh spec that is complementary to the FTA Chrome project so we are waiting on proposals but we do want to make sure that we have council's authority uh to engage with a consultant beyond the 50,000 if needed and we will bring it back to counseling in January for ratification good thank you questions or comments from Council was Ro all right so the very good so it's been moved by Council Roth seconded by councilman Davis let's open the public hearing close the public hearing and have a roll call vote on Tab 21 councilwoman Aila councilman Roth councilman Davis councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes motion carries and moving on to tab 22 car number 4437 um strategic plan Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor tab 22 is a resolution of the city council of the city of homestad Florida accepting the proposal of Barry Dunn mcneel and Parker LLC through the national Cooperative purchasing Alliance for the development of a Citywide strategic plan authorizing the city manager to enter into and execute an agreement with Barry dun providing for imp M ation and providing for an effective date thank you sir is there any objection to waving a staff report on this one okay hearing none let's open the public hearing close public hearing any questions or comments from councel moved by vice mayor Fletcher second by councilwoman Avala let's have a roll call please Council councilman brth yes councilwoman AA yes councilman cannal councilwoman chman Davis yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes motion carries moving on to tab 23 which is car number 44 83 uh the uh Department of Justice phisical year 24 Edward burn Memorial Justice assistance grant Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor tab 23 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida accepting a grant award from the United States Department of Justice for law enforcement Wellness programming uh approving Grant agreement authorizing the city manager to execute the grant agreement establishing a budget in the amount of $55,000 for the expenditure of Grant funds and providing for an effective date good thank you uh comfortable waving the staff report think we've all been through plenty of these council do you need to hear any uh further info no but I just wanted to make comment on the that this is one of those grants that I look forward to hearing about in first quarter of 2025 and regards to how we are effectively fostering employee Wellness within our Police Department thank you right let me open the public hearing anyone online okay so we'll close the public hearing and I'll ask for a motion to approve tab 23 move by vice mayor second by Council woman AA roll call Madam clerk councilman Davis councilman cannibal councilman Roth councilwoman AA vice mayor Fletcher mayor ler carries and moving on to tab 24 which is car number 4205 Award of RFQ 2023 28 architectural and Engineering Services for wastewater treatment project backup generators CPO 165 Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor tab 24 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida accepting proposal pursuant RFQ 2023 28 approving Professional Services agreement with Hazen and Sawyer PC for Aral and Engineering Services for wastewater treatment backup generators authorizing the execution of the agreement providing for implementation providing for an effective date thank you sir may we wave the staff report all right open the public hearing wishing to speak on this matter he I'll close the public hearing and ask for a motion to approve moveed by Council AA second by councilman Davis roll call Madam cour councilwoman abula councilman Davis councilman Ro councilman Canal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor ler yes motion carry and moving on to tab 25 car number 4481 water and sewer line improvements Mr furl yes Mr Mayor tab 25 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida accepting proposal and approving work authorization for Engineering Services required for the city's Chrome Avenue Water and Sewer main project between the city and kimley Horn pursuant A continuing contract awarded under RFQ 2013-07 providing for an effective date very good and unless the manager needs to put anything on the record may we wave the staff report good all right let's open the public hearing anyone online close the public hearing any final questions or comments from Council I'll ask for a motion to approve move by councilman cannibal second by councilman Davis roll call Madam Court councilman bra councilwoman AA councilman Canal Davis vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor Lo yes Mo car and coming down the home stretch car number 4485 four fer cases under tab 26 Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor T 26 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida authorizing the city manager to direct the City attorney to commence forfeiture cases on behalf of the City of Homestead when deemed appropriate providing for implementation and providing for an effective date good wave staff report that let's open the public hearing and we'll close the public hearing any questions or comments from Council moved by the vice mayor have a second second by councilwoman Avala let's have a roll call Madam CLK councilwoman Aila councilman Davis yes councilman Brock yes councilman cannal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor ler yes motion carries very good any further business under item nine Mr Mr manager yes Mr Mayor and councel on January the 3D here in City Hall at 11:00 in the morning we have a lural event to carry out the swearing ceremony for the new police chief here in City Hall January 3rd I believe it's been sunshin as a sunshine meeting already and also we have an ongoing event of taking pictures with Senter some of the council members were here last Saturday we still have one more shot on this side today in case you want to take pictures with Santa and uh last but not the least I informed councel that I'll be proceeding on vacation starting Friday I'm almost on a vacation mode already so I will have the assistant city manager kimar bran be the acting city manager for the period I'll be absent and thank you and merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone so wait a minute is that is that a lump of Cole and her stalking to uh have her in the first chair for the last two weeks of the Year okay Mr attorney I'm sorry I'm going to have to request one executive session in the matter of St Clair V City of Homestead it's case it's ojcc case number 02-04 2895 in the division of administrative hearings Office of the judges of compensation claims let's make it happen does it need to occur this year or early next year yeah we'll set the for early next year okay very good thank you I conclude your business for this year very good councilman Roth you're first thank you I want to say thank you for the chairs the new chairs Mr manager I like the green green green expels and exudes intelligence so you're helping us look even better uh just want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas Happy New Year and as I said back at the employee Christmas lunch in uh we're all blessed try to bless somebody else this holiday season as well merry Christmas thank you councilman councilman Davis everyone I wish I do wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our new employees that are here uh welcome aboard it's a great team and I'm sure you'll be I'm sure you'll be very happy to everyone give your families a big hug enjoy this season of the birth of our savior and we look forward to jumping back in the pool next year thank you go thank you sir Council woman thank you mayor merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy holidays um I want to just thank everybody for making this year pretty fantastic uh lot of lot of work has been done I want to congratulate all of the nonprofits in our community that are really making a difference in children's lives and uh making a Christmas uh happen for for many um and you know Mr manager thank you for working alongside me on many initiatives and making them H happen with your team it's been great so um God bless you all and I'll see you in 2025 oh yes 2025 thank you thank you maam all right councilman cannibal just wanted to wish a Merry Christmas to everybody and to thank all the employees over here that have helped us with all the issues that we have had especially to Josh that b like every day so Merry Christmas okay thank you thank you councilman vice mayor thank you Mr Mayor i' uh my warmest holiday wishes to everyone uh Merry Christmas I do have a couple of quick questions though before I we defer uh do we have any current uh pension board openings still remaining if not I think we need to read vertise those I believe there is still an opening for a resident member of the police pension board we should probably read advertise that because we haven't have any yeah um and if I could could ask the manager prior to his vacation can I get the status of the Pump Station 22 bypass that's supposed to be done by December 31st uh The Pump Station the installation of the pipes for the pump station is already done uh we submitted the bodr which is the basis of design report to the county and uh they came back I believe two days ago with had something that is brand new comments asking us to certify on that penalty of pay jury that the construction of the remaining work on the actual PP station will commence in 30 days and we told him that's no human being can give you that attestation in riding so we hope to continue to work with them and by the way the contract for the installation work was supposed to end on December 31st the contractor received an extension of time because of the hurricane and the Declaration of the emergency by the governor so they have until believe January 23rd or thereabout to finish the aspect of that work all the pumps are in the bypass pumps are in they've already been delivered on site and also the generator emergency generator and all they need to do is for the county to give us a green light thank you for the update and again uh threeyear leadership we've had a a large project that was supposed to be done and it's almost substantial completion Point uh also just again uh remember the reason for the season and everyone take care and hug your Clos your closed ones as good as you can thank you thank you sir again let me add my seasons's greetings I don't think we've used that phrase yet tonight and you know when I look back on where we were as a council one year ago tonight and how far we come and the progress and the collegiality and the cooperation has just been a 180 degree term and it's just been a very for me personally a very fulfilling and exciting and even academically stimulating year with the new manager and his staff and I want to thank all of them you know we we work every day in the fog of of battle these battles unexpected last minute battles with with the county so if I don't say enough I want to say thank you to each and every one of you uh new members of Staff existing members of Staff who have worked very hard together to make things happen in addition to the phenomenal Halloween event all of the the end of year holiday events the Christmas tree in the lobby the gingerbread contest the tree lighting everything thing you know it's the little victories are really starting to add up and and be noticeable um if we could ask Santa Claus to bring us some pothole filler we'd be in uh we'd be in uh in in great shape but I just wanted to take a moment to express you know in this season of joy and thanks my my thank yous to to each and every one of my elected colleagues and a shout out to councilwoman Bailey because I know she's sitting at home watching yeah right um to everyone that that that makes this city work each and every every day so with that thank you all see you next year all right do we have a motion to adjourn all in favor 2024 is adjourned for