##VIDEO ID:wVIFGV7MEW0## good afternoon everyone and welcome I'd like to call the city of hostad uh City Council budget Workshop order today is Tuesday August 13 2024 and it is V please call the councilman cannibal here councilman Ross here councilman Davis here councilwoman aula here Vice May sletcher here may here right time of year we have before us a have one a discussion ously titled friendship Workshop presentation Bar number 4358 Mr manager yes sir good afternoon uh Council and mayor and also my professional colleagues and members of the public today we start off with the budgeting session with a workshop some something that is novel something that is new something that allows us the privilege of taking a deeper dive as to the proposal for the next fiscal year 2025 I'll first of all start off with an introduction that the administration is proposing to have a council Workshop to review the IDW status uh just a few several weeks ago we received notification from par regarding the status of the cies IDW and the city followed up with a petition to seeking Direction and guidance from the state as the rest of the ibw that response came back two weeks ago without being definitive clearly stating that there is a pending litigation against the state from various unions around the around the state that the state is unable to render an opinion as to the status of the city ibw so we are asking that we will schedule a special session with the city attorney and Council to go into details as to the letter that we receive from the state and also I propose as a followup to this Workshop to have a personalized individual briefings with each elected official to go into further details I don't presume to think that this evening will be enough timeline for anyone individual to get a good graas as to what we propose so I would like folks to digest the presentation today and we come back to individual council members and take a deeper dive for you guys to give us further guidance uh the presentation tonight is going to revolve entirely about the general fund and Capital Improvements the CRA budget will follow subsequent to this unfortunately our interim City director for C is uh I think he's bered uh he left the city yesterday to go back to Michigan and also the assistant director is in displ as we speak I think she's probably here Lesly here she I think I was speaking to her ear she's under the mask so she's not feeling well so I will destroy the C project presentation as well let me start off by again acknowledging the valuable contributions of my colleagues on the administration side it's been four months of fous painstaking efforts to embrace process improvements to propose new ways of doing old things and also to roll out new programs the city Administration with my assumption of office was saddled with responsibility of resolving a very major challenge that I have calleda to be the city's priority number one which is the sanitary SE moratorium as we go along with Capital Improvements from from the private sector we were saddled with responsibility to find a solution to an imposition of a conent decree by Miami B County durm that no new development will be allowed to connect to certain sanitary s Wastewater basins in the city there were hostly of them we have worked very very carefully within the timeline and successfully as we speak today who two major bases Waste Water Treatment Plant Basin and pump stations out of the moratorium that's Pump Station number 46 and pal station number 15 with the associated Wastewater collection systems they are now back to active temporary moratorium status which means new development can actually seek building permits and obtain building perit within those uh pum station as of today as of a couple of weeks ago Pump Station number 22 is the major pump station with a large basing which is the one that has posed the greatest amount of challenge to the city uh we are working strenuously to bring an item to council I believe it should be if not at the next council meeting it should be the first meeting in October in September to bring in an emergency legislation as well as a contract that will address pum station number 22 why P station number 22 is critical is because there are close to seven additional basins of pump stations that tie into Pump Station number 22 so there is a dynamic effect a dyal as once you fix Pump Station number 22 all the other pump stations get resolved and that would be huge relief to the C we I impos an internal deadline on ourselves that that pum station and the associated pump stations and their basins will be fixed by December of 2024 we've already identified a pathway and we intend to have an expedited delivery method with a contractor walking around the clock to get our comption back to service upon Assumption of office as the city manager back in on March 25th working in concert with my colleagues we rote out an interde departmental task force to tackle quality of life issues primarily illegal dumping and Associated slum and blight issues and to date working with Police Department public Works PS and Recreation Cod compliance solid waste and of course a very valuable Pio will be the city has secured 474 illegal dumping uh citations have been issued 108 overgrown lot citations were also issued four felony arrests were made by the police department thank you Chief as well as 12 misdemenor arrests and nine vehicles have been impounded about last week about a week ago the was given custody or ownership rights over one of the vehicles through a forfeiture hearing another important factor to consider is that upon Assumption of office we rolled out a new procurement method called job order Contracting where we canceled already procured three minor or rather mediumsized contracts and repeat them under the job order Contracting process to that allows us to take advantage of a count of Nationwide procurement method that meted the City of Homestead additional ravings of $411,000 in savings and what we propose to do in this budget as we go along is to propose to have the savings of 411,000 profited into New Capital Improvement projects not in operating items with capital Improvement so that as we make these servings we'll continue to demonstrate that process Improvement has an advantage to it in terms of capital impr uh those projects that we were able to rebuild were William Dickson Center roof Replacements we got a savings of $125,000 JD red Park roof Replacements we got a savings of $70,000 and to for the C crew Marketplace roof we got a savings of $216,000 so in a nut share what this means in elementary terms is that we would have lost those monies if we had proceeded with a contract that had already been PA by stopping it from Council from awarding the contract we were able to net this service and one major promise I made and I keep making to staff this is at basic minimum contract must be judiciously procured and there must be savings according to the city as of August of 20124 we've successfully obtained about four Grands totaling $1.1 million uh in the electric sector we have 132,000 EBG the urban forest was 755,000 the safe Street for all $200,000 grants and the historical resources for semal theater was $107,000 we have completed 16 Grant applications today between March and today with a total value of about $18 million $18.9 million we're praying and hoping while we work with our lobes to see whether how much of that $18.9 million we'll be able to pull in again this is one of those great initiatives we are committed to to see how we can leverage OPM which is federal funds or state funds to procure and perhaps SE to the conclusion of Citywide Capital Improvement projects in the pipeline we've already earmarked the processes of Grant applications for additional Grant opportunities totaling about $20 million so we hope and we believe that continuing this thread that we are maintaining will be successful and that actually is the platform why we want to create a new office of Grant Management in the city something that has never been done here before to centralize standardize and make uniform the processes leading to Grant applications Grant Management and Grant compliance audits so it's so that when anyone comes in here we don't have to battle ourselves we have to be remain focused that there is a process in place the protocol has been tested and it's been found compliant in terms of compliance audits some of those grants have to do with environmental and climate Justice CR Homestead rising and Trail gr programming these are some of the new programs that we tend to find that will be able to secure funding there are also four additional grants totaling $1.7 million that we' already received preliminary notification from the federal government that the C has been he marked and identified to receive so we are waiting on the concered effort of our lobes in talahasse and also in Washington DC working in con with Congressman jenez to see how we can finalize those Grant applications we hope and we believe that those Grant application will be finalized in the next few months because they are tied to two major projects in the city that has to do with the wte water compliance of the Conant decree now to development services the city of homestad is lacking in some of the basic templates for seeing to the conclusion of water of our Development Services Group some of those are basic templates that we have working with development services folks as well as public works and Warr SE we are and also al electric we propos to have a comprehensive infrastructure master plan for the city of homstead something that the city has been lacking for which is the basis of the new budget this budget is actually a what I consider a baseline budget that next fiscal year you will see that all the templates are in place we're not going to be going after Department directors asking to create something out of the Blues now we will have a template in place a master plan for the city's infrastructure will add identify the gaps the deficiencies and the missing LS there are several locations in the City of Homestead that are lacking on basic minimum standards of water and sewer infrastructure the minimum pipe size for residential locations is 8 in water pipe several places in the city have 1 in pipes servicing them so we want to leverage our ability to go into the 21st century by bringing everybody up to minimum standards at least so we've identified consultants and vendors that will address the warrant SE master plan the transportation master plan and the stop warrant master plan the three of those Master plans will work together to constitute an infrastructure master plan for the city of homestad that we tend to complete before the moratorium that the building moratorium imposed by councils is lifted so we given each of the vendors a timeline we know that we have roughly about 9 months to 10 months in the moratorium so we hope to finalize these plans before before we come back to council so that before you leave the moratorium we've established the Baseline of the city's infrastructure if you coming in you have to know this is what is existing what is this is what the master plan calls for if you want to build it's obligatory on you to work with us to bring the all the master plans to standards that service your location and also one thing that we're missing in the City of Homestead is a pavement management system which is a platform established by a vendor that we're hiring to establish what is the condition assessment of our roadways sidewalks what are the locations where are sideworks are missing the standard side work size is 3T wide for ADA compliance and no City that I know of does that these days everyone had gone up to 5T wide sidewalks so we want to establish those minimum standards again for best practices in the city of homestad so we are also implementing a Citywide permitting and electronic plans review solution what is that it means that we're able to centralize our permitting processes that even council members can go on their computers and use a dashboard to know the status of a perit application using two things either the address or the folio number or under thee circumstances if you have the processed number of the applicant you should be able to see it yourself that allows for visibility it allows for transparency everywhere I've known this is the minimum standard for permitting section so this is something that I've taxed my assistant C manager kimar BR to Champion so we hope to roll this out by the middle of the fiscal year so these are some of the great initiate initiatives we are also proposing as we said in our Upper Front presentation that the cium interior infrastructure upgrade should happen this fisal year in order for us to be able to rent it out and generate additional Revenue so back in July early July the State of Florida designated the greater area as a space sport region we've already commenced discussion with the state Florida space sport Administration group the space Florida we had an inal meeting and something I must proud be proud to say that the space Florida had actually admitted publicly that Miami B County or any no other entity had reached out to them yet except the City of Homestead and they made a a lot of recommendation to us with Propet that beneficial to the City of Homestead and I've personally reached out to my immedate County Office of innovation and economic development in the mayor office to kickart the countywide space Homestead space sport uh platform where we can get together to establish what they we are told is the minimum requirement a master plan for Homestead space ports and what that does is that it allows us to is it time for me to stop what the countywi platform is going to enable us to do is to have a multi-party platform of myate County City of Homestead the Homestead Air Reserve Base and Industry Group to be part of the stakeholders to establish what the minimum standards of the master plan for the space for the homestep space port and leverage available resources and funding from the space the state is willing to fund the preparation and development of the bomep space port so it's not going that's not going if you look at our budget there's no all allocation for us to spend City funds for this because we've been assured by the state that is something that they can fund so and also we met with the EDC so I'm going to come back to council at some point in the next couple of weeks at the next meeting preferably or meeting in September to ask for a resolution of support for the EDC to be part of the group of the homestad regional Spaceport uh as a pull up that the current budget that we have in Cisco 24 we've rolled out a standard loone code and Code Compliance department and hired a new director and also there's a reorganization being proposed in the new budget for Parks and Recreation what do that means it means that we're taking out of Parks and Recreation certain responsibilities and functions that has nothing to do with par and Recreation which was located and house in that department and they were never given any resources to Champion that for example Facilities Management Asset Management maintenance of buildings has nothing to do with pars so I look at my colleagues in Parks and Recreation and I feel really concerned that these guys have been set up to fail so what do we do what is the solution we create a standalone facilities Department that will roll over flip management asset management and all that good of so that seino theater City Hall and other City assets and infrastructure can be has Under One Roof with proper professionals that can address this but a month ago the air condition in this building went off who was responsible for Resto restoration of the AC system Parks and Recreation that's totally unfair on them these are people that are professionally trained and set up to handle programming in parks and not Asset Management so I want to create that relief for our friends in Parks and Recreation by creating a new department that is dedicated for that and also red designate the name of the department to the parks recreation and Open Spaces just like the kind he has it which is Pros for short what does that mean it means that the plaza in front of City Hall here is under the parts and Recreation the building itself is under the asset management group so we are now putting Square pets or rather run pets in run hes which which is a good fit for process Improvement and we are also going to rename Finance to finance and budgeting by creating a new division in finance department that has to do with budgeting so that we don't have to wait until the county did what they did to us this year by throwing a curve ball and by the way by the way com is the only city that happens where the county gave us a number to work with only to remage after the council had already set the millage rate to tell us that that was a wrong number so we'll be creating a new Department of Pros or rather redesignation a new Department of General services that will be responsible for Asset Management Fleet Management and Facilities maintenance and also implementing for the first time City's strategic plan by having a strategic Retreat to be championed and cored by a professional where we have to start Citywide strategic initiatives and Milestones and presented Council for consideration and adoption that is the basis of budgeting anywhere you go which was one of the very first document I asked for when I got here can I see the city strategic plan and there was none then how do you build a budget we ask folks what they need but that's not how Council needs to be working with conccept with Administration to create a template of Strate iic road map that will see the city where you want to see the city the next 5 years and we tie a budget to meet those milestones and that's called the visioning of the Cities Administration so we want to refocus with the core mandate and those new departments will be information and technology is being re designated to Innovation Innovation and Technology Finance to finance and budget procurment and Fleet Management to procurement ta and Recreation to Pros in order to be able to create the Strategic plan then comes this the city's legislative priorities we will work in constr to start early to work with Council this is not an administration's uh cing Council needs to provide leadership provide guidance and participate in developing and preparing a Citywide legislative priorities that will be handed over to our lobbies as well as to the legislative group of South B when you go to Tallahasse or you go to Washington DC these are the elements these are the mission are the cor values of what H said wants you guys to Champion so we will be doing that coming in the next FIS schal year there are certain other what I call miscellenous changes that will help us to achieve process Improvement in the city such as the in development services department as well as the city's City attorney's office which you will see as we roll out the presentation shortly um we are also proposing some of the major Capital Improvement programming to see how we can work with the CRA to do what the CRA does best in other cities which is to participate in Capital Improvements especially within the C area as a matter of fact most of the undersized water Ms we found in the city were in the old section of the city and the good chance of the of that area is within the CRA so in addressing slum and blight you will not be able to have businesses Rel relocate into the C if you have undersized infrastructure B so these are some of the initiative we talk to the CRA folks and they're willing to Champion with us at this point let me hand over to my colleague the finance director to give us a rundown of the proposed budget in comparison with the current fiscal year 24 budget allocations so that we can see Apples to Apples as to take a deeper down before we start I assume that council is comfortable and familiar with what happened between the city and Miami de County in terms of the military setting and how we were advised to make Provisions in our budget for what I consider a check that the county will issue to us which will never C cash so we give us a check and we what we do is budget for it and expense it out again it is not fiscal money is the proverbial 19.7% growth in property value that the county came back about a month or so after the fact and told us oops we made a mistake it's not actually 19.7 it's about 12% so that translates to $2.4 million in Revenue loss that we're not going to see by that time we've already gone so far our budget cyle that there was no way we could go back and so we went ahead and prepared the budget plus the 2.4 million but at the bottom expense it out because it's not going to come in here so zeroed it out so I just want to call attention to that before you see it on the screen okay car okay the overall budget for all the funds is 27334 again proposed just to keep in mind the budget the adopted budget does not include garpa fund does not include fund 120 which we call fund Grant fund or cdbg and the reason for those is those don't follow the annual budget adoption they they follow their own deadlines as far as when the start date of a grant is or the end date of a grant so therefore those are not included as part of this budget even though you will see in the CIP there are several CIP projects that are funded with with ARA funds as the manager stated um $2.4 million when we budget and when we advertise we have to adverti based on what the pr4 20s which is what we had to certify based on the the millage rate that we adopted in mid July we have to advertise on those revenues based on the Valu that we certified knowing what we know from the County those are going to change we've already calculated based on those numbers what that potential L manager said $4 million so what we did is we developed this budget we knew that we couldn't spend that money so even though it's in the revenue we isolated it we developed the budget that was put in the contingency account said devop the budget um the this budget is based on a millage rate of 6.26 which is the existing rate I know that there's an appetite for Council to reduce the migrate and we'll get to that towards the end of the um other increases to note is for the water and sewer rates we are increasing it basically by 4 33% and that's a combination of two things the CPI adjustment of 4.57 and then what we call the MBC was the pass through of 2613 per. what we do is we wait for what the county comes up with with their rates to us their increases what they actually did is they increased the water rate by 13.6% they decreased the Wastewater rate by 3.35% but both of our expenses are with waste water so that's why the net increase to the rates is not as significant it's only 26.3% um also the other increase is for solid waste rates I don't know if you remember last year when we approved an increase of 32% for residential and 35% for commercial we also approved that we would index the rate to the CPI and every year we would increase it automatically without having to come back to the council the water ins rate we will be coming back to council because by State Statute we have to do a public hearing and now if that will be one of the agenda it we have the hearing of September the [Applause] 3 just an overview of the uh last year's adopted bud on the type of funds um just a couple of things to highlight special Revenue what does that include that includes impact fees it includes the CRA and it includes the the PTP and the reason for the big increase is that with both PTP and CRA whenever you have unused funds those get reappropriated into the next year so that they can be spent so that's part of why you have such a big increase in those and you'll see it as we get into more specifics for each fund um that ser service um this includes basically the three uh The Debt Service funds for the uh hero fund which is a c uh loan it includes the Geo Bond it includes the um was the PTP PTP Bond and it also includes fun 477 which is for the CRA so I mean for the uh electric utility so part of the increase is basically for the new bank loan that we will be coming to you uh probably in about two weeks to approve um capital projects includes um included in 2024 this is important included uh the homestead station it included the CIP fund and included the cyar and the reason that you see that big dip is because the homestead station is no longer there and if you recall we received $5.7 million from the county which was basically used to give back to all the funds like we gave 1.7 million pack to pppp and basically we also used $2.8 million to to the CIP fund the capital Improvement fund to fund a lot of the requests the general fund had so you kind of it looks like it's kind of in both places but that's part of the reason why you see it in 24 and you don't see it in 25 and 25 it's predominantly just the uh F 397 and the CP fund um Enterprise funds part of the reason for the decline or one of the reasons for the decline is I know purchase power costs went down about 1.5 1.6 million um and then the internal service funds those include Health property insurance workers comp customer service and Fleet and those pretty much remain kind of the same this just a reminder that the major Revenue sources for the cities at theor revenues which by law we have to budget at 95 % part of the reason is anybody can take theage of the discount will extend November and also with the uh value adjustment board we may get reductions so that's why by law we have to budget 95% of whatever normally would be um other major revenues that the city has the have sales tax St Revenue Communication Service tax and the L which is the local option gas tax those are predominantly can only be used in the street uh for transportation type cost this just an overview of the general fund by type of uh costed Personnel cost for both of the the operated budget um Capital outlays basically pretty much remain the same um again that's mostly for streets which is funded by the uh local option gas tax death service the reason that this one went up is and mayor I know that that's 667 that's for the uh New City Hall loone so you're thinking what went up uh gby which is the government accounting standard board made a change treatment came up with gby 87 by law something that before was not treated as a debt service has to now be recorded as a Debt Service it has to do with a new market tax credit in the qu so therefore that's why you see the increase otherwise the Deb Remains the Same so um other just includes other inter fund uh transfers for instance the $400,000 transfer that we transfer to CTP to help pay for The Debt Service on the bppp one and I doubt that you can see that but basically this is outlining the major sources of of revenues and over the years you can see there's been increases some of them uh decline a little bit um but again the municipal uh Revenue sharing is one of the most significant as well as the um the sorry oh one thing to point out is the franchise fees if you notice that one went up that's basically because of the SPNL franchise fees for the annexed areas for years we were not getting that because the county was getting that portion of it when the county when that agreement ended that from that and that was significant amount 1.2 million any questions on okay um again just based on the uh the military 60206 is just is showing the comparison this number the the revenues that are showing here are based on what we received on July 1st at 95% that would be 30 4, 66888 that's both the city's portion and the cra's portion compared to last year's which was 28 million the difference is basically 5.7 in additional revenues to the city um which represents 19.7% the truth will be is that the increase based on the real uh values the revenues would be 32,2 42,3 305 and that would be an increase of 3,2 maybe 3,350 which is really like 11.3% difference so you can see the Delta between the values that they gave us and what the True Values are going to be and what that does and impacts the the budget just the history of the uh the city's mill rate since years where remained for about six years then when we introduced the library tax which unfort it's not a separate tax because we don't have a special taxing district for that so that's built into our operating millage rate so as it stands today and what's being proposed in this budget is the operating portion is 5.73 66 and what we call the library tax Remains the Same at 2840 now here I'll try to give you a rundown of each department just was just maybe highlighting what some of the changes are by Department it's just an overview so basically for the for the mayor and Council minimal about uh $2,000 in additional public relations cost for the council and 2500 for for the mayor um for the City attorney the amount Remains the Same although there is a change in the way that it structured I guess manager you want to speak on that or yes um there is a discussion going on between the city Administration and the city attorney's office our proposal is to see the likelihood and possibility of creating onsight representation from the city attorney's office instead of being on call uh that will help to streamline processes uh the one of the major plank of this Administration is to engage Eng in robust process Improvement instead of electronically engaging a c attorney's office with all the likelihood of cyber security issues we want to have representation on site so that would be a major change in process Improvement to have the City attorney service either designate an individual to be on side as part of that contract which will just be a rewrite of what we have existing or if they choose to perhaps uh take a different route to it they were open to conversation now the individual that's going to be on site is specifically going to be focused on general counsel type of work uh review of documentation legislation all those kind of daily chobs that an attorney does um and also it creates what I consider one of the finest points of process Improvement if you look at the current invoicing process we have in place uh the city atton office invoice is on individual items emails meetings so we don't want to get into the weeds we want to have a long s s's office general counsel item maybe let's say x number of dollars however they choose to get paid they have divided a into 12 every month you just collect one 12 instead of sending me an invoice every day that I read 12 emails three goes to three go to police and we have to send those invoices to the respective departments to confirm that this happened I think that's not an efficient way of doing business we should have absolute trust in our city at that when they bill off this representative of the services they render by taking them out of that process of giving me detailed up to ninth degree of what I did I I don't expect at his level to tell me he read five emails last week just take it on a higher level lome let's say $250,000 a year General Council work that covers everything that has to do with general counsel I think that's the best way to do it and that's way most cities have done business then litigation any other specialized work is considered special project and they build you on time and material basis just like they're doing today if they spend 12 work hours they p l 12 work hours just like they're doing today but anything that has to do with reading emails reviewing legislation reviewing agreements this are General Council work just pay in a l some and that's s he doesn't have to sit back and start take a PL sheet of paper trying to acemiz what he's doing every day he does that then at the end of compiles and give to us to review that's that's toally inent so these are some of the process in we are having a conversation it has not been finalized which way to go so we still talking to the city attorney's office how best to deliver that if they choose to do the lome approach they will designate a deputy City attorney that stays that comes to work in the building on a daily basis if they say they don't want to do that they want to take that part out of their business model then the city can hire a deput city place to do that aspect of the work so this is a conversation that ongoing can I just point them out based on this form yes sir C attorney took a huge cut in Pay that's $1,000 not $1,000 well I think that's a type you didn't even see disappear thank him complain he didn't complain he lost it man uh no we want to be thanks for the catch yeah I think it makes sense to recognize that they are doing a great job for the let's take off some of this addition Bren of trying to watch themselves as to how many hours they spend here I think no no Attorney office should be doing that if you choose to have yourself a time to clock yourself as you come in you clock yourself out but I don't think it's necessary to do that right I'm happy to go to a fix Fe and we're working through it depending on the demands and we can St some that I've already been working on it internally and we'll provide some options um you know who who the best fit to be here moving on city managers lighting it's uh $113,000 for information technology for the city clerk we have this every other year I mean or every year the elections cost it goes up or it comes out so that's pretty standard otherwise it wasn't much much change in the uh city cl's office um for the building there is an increase in Professional Services 179,000 that's predominantly $50,000 for inspection services another 50,000 for a structural plan reviewer um and there's one position that's uh proposed to be funded from the C it's like another coner or homeowner and small business uh individual um for the Planning and Zoning um basically there just one second c will probably will based on my conversation with the office this afternoon will increase that position count because I've Ted them to have an internal budget position in the C as we speak that office does not have any one individual that prepares the budget manages the budget and oversees the budget so I've asked them to create a position that will be solely responsible we talking about a more than $10 million organization that has no individual overseeing this budget so I have asked them this afternoon to increase their position C to create that for process Improvement go ahead sorry um and as I do this as some of you doing the math and I'm mentioning certain things and you think there's still a Delta part of what I'm not mentioning is there's an increase remember most of our budgets are personnel and as the manager had mentioned our Personnel cost on up there's something in there uh so if I don't mention it that's what that Delta is um for Planning and Zoning um $67,000 in Professional Services and that includes $50,000 for an arborous um and then there's $122,000 for a subscription for the Arts and public places uh for finance and budget I get to call ourselves out um the increase is pretty significant uh as the manager had said it's for a new assistant budget director um and then we also have some increases in in travel and training we have a lot of new staff my department is relatively new then we have some increases for uh subscription based technology items of about 18,000 and then Professional Services of 150,000 one of which includes a cost allocation study for years the what the utilities pay to the general fund for like bar service and everything we've been basing it on a 2005 study and every year we would just increase it by about 3% close to the uh the index and rightfully so I've gotten complaints from the electric utility director from the public works director that they feel that they're paying way too much now that's a double-edged sword because if the come comes out true that they shouldn't be paying as much that's a loss Revenue to the city but it's the right thing to do so that's one of the studies that we in there to to do that cost allocation and also the same thing for customer service how we allocate that among the four utilities that pay for those Services what's the Right Mix you know is it based on their budget is it based on uses it's it based on calls it's it's not an easy thing to do and if I can add one more thing to the cost allocation study it's going to line up with the manager uh Initiative for Grants because that will allow us to Leverage The indirect cost on federal Wars and not have to provide additional match dollars because the indirect cost in and of itself would be considered your match so no additional dollars and a savings to the city um procurement is next um there's a a new buyer position and also some funds for a contract P for bids administrator um they also have an increase property insurance of about 19,000 and they also have another 25,000 specied for open go training which is is their new platform for for contract management um for Innovation and Technology you like to call it the Do It um there there's a new position uh of an I support analyst there's also a conversion of an existing position that they had to an assistant director um they the phone that used to be paid for in the general Administration uh department has now been moved to it that's about $96,000 um they have Professional Service increases about 51,000 um a lot of that has to do with a lot of crowd strike um I know that that's like for um thank you thank you so they have significant amount of money set aside for that and a lot of other uh contracts that they have um okay so the next thing here's where the fun begin General Administration so you see that it has a reduction of about 373,000 but behind the scenes you had we transferred out facilities division we transferred out about $911,000 that was in the general Administration what we call the non-departmental those were identified as facilities cost predominantly for City Hall utilities repairs contracts for the AC contract so all those $911,000 was transferred to the new facilities to division under General Services another 264,000 was taken out of there and into the new division for the office of communication um two things that are budgeted in uh in this division are the pension and firefighters tax basically we get the premium tax monies from the state we have to report a measure Revenue but then we have to turn around and report it as an expenditure when we send it to the uh to the pension plan and those were significant for the uh for the police it was $366,000 I'm yes no I'm sorry for fire it was 366,000 for police was $175,000 um there's an increase for some Professional Services um there's $85,000 for the Strategic plan that the manager had pointed out basically to have a facilitat assist with developing that um there's some subas we call subas it's uh subcription based Information Technology cost uh 13,000 for uh C Cate fix it um theal D payment that we spoke about that Debt Service cost um is in there uh special events actually that was a decrease of $49,000 there were some increases through some exis one but the main decrease was it was $80,000 that was being carried for a New Year's Eve event that's been scrapped um oh and then Wings Over Homestead which is every other year we increase uh the contribution for that by $220,000 oh and Career Source that was taken out of there and it is now only be housed in the HR department okay so now the other three are the okay so now on the next page these are all the ones that didn't have anything last year because are all new division so uh new division 1840 Community Development Division basically all this has is $880,000 for Consulting Fe for somebody these in here one of the things that they're going to be looking at too is housing since we're going to have the home fund and possibly go after ship funds have somebody that's going to be responsible for for that um the next division the office of communication uh public information office um this was again broken out used to be housed in the general Administration and it also has for a new officer of communications and there were really no other increases to to the operations um and then the third division is the office of granted Administration which the manager spoke about at length this bu include two new positions a grant facilitator and a grant manager no real uh increase the operating expense and it does have 25,000 uh set aside for E Civic which is a grant management software anybody tired yet okay let me jump in maybe a moment levity a moment of somber reflection as some of you have heard me say before we got a lot of newcomers it's been 50 years since Hest had its own fire department and the obligation is still over $300,000 extrapolate that to all of our other Ono Pion will out live all of us by centuries May did the amount that we talked about though that's premium tax money that's coming from the state that's not I know fact of the matter is that that's illustrative of how expensive it is even when there's been nowhere in the plan for Year from okay General Services Department this is been a resurrected uh Department um and the only thing in there is really a new director but under this Department there's going to be three divisions the three divisions are facilities maintenance seminal theater operations and seum operations and as the manager said these basically were previously all housed under Parks so that's why parks are going to see a each increase and all these costs are predominantly transfers from what was there maybe with some some slight increases in operation but for the most part it's just transfers from what was in the uh um well I'm sorry in the facility maintenance in addition to the division that came over from marks as I mentioned earlier from General Administration the costs that were there for the facilities for New City Hall those are now being housed in here in this division Human Resources basically they have a for a comp compensation and benefit study and they also have the Neil track in uh software which I believe went Council recently that for tracking new applicants keeping track of that so that's going to bring us bring us forward um they also have a slight increase for some of the events that they have for the employees of about $2,000 and small increase for for employee testing and $50,000 for the career source that M be house there that came over from General Administration okay for the police so the police you see a decrease part of it is the transfer of 1 approximately 1.8 million dollar for the need Cod Department that even though it was created during 2024 from a budgetary standpoint everything was left in the police the year that we break it out as a separate component during this budget um the the other biggest increase in the police department by itself is there's going to be an addition of five sworn police officers which is going to be offset by uh a cops Grant there's an addition of three civilians um and then they have the shop spotter which was formerly funded by Grant so that's an impact of about $210,000 that's now shifting over to the general fund and the same thing with the body camera it's an impact of about 236,000 because again the grant for that one ended so the impact is over on the on the general fund then they have a another big increase it's about 152,000 for a pro Phoenix Software not sure what it does but I'm sorry so I think the bottom line is with the transfer out of good compliance out there was a deep of about $1.8 million then it got picked up additional Revenue being put into police to bring it up again so we couldn't it couldn't that's why you have a minor reduction even though mejor reduction so as we were taking money out we are putting money in on those additional initiatives and in addition to that I think we are funding a new position in the place Department to oversee grants I think there's a position for grants in the PD as well as part of this mon so separate from that other Grant position yes separate yeah because we need to have somebody in house there to help them these are cops you don't want Cops to worry about money so they need somebody to sit out in the office and look after the the safe um the next one's Cod compliance again didn't exist at a separate Department uh that transferred from from the police department and it also does include the the new director position and also an upgrade to an existing code officer position um next one's Public Works uh which includes streets and includes project management that one is predominantly funded by the local option gas PX of about 1.4 million um the only thing of interest there is that the position that was there was uh eliminated it's converted to State another position um in public works and then we've put aside $100,000 for consult in which is going to be used like for a CIP manager until the city decides whether we should hire a full-time position for that um Parks and Recreation or I should say parks recreation SP through um basically again this was shows a huge reduction because of the transfer out of the facilities the uh seminal theater and the cybrarian and on top of that they have um they have an increase fight increase to events of about $115,000 an increase in repair cost for $104,000 supplies increase of about 104,000 and utilities incre about 115,000 and also they will be getting um not reflected in this amount but they'll be getting five part- timers which will be added to their budget and then the last three items there was no uh transfer to Solid Waste obviously something that occurred in the previous year didn't Ur here um so we have $400,000 that we do every every year that goes for the uh PT bonds and then the transfer to the CIP fund as we said mostly for the smaller departments when they ask for Capital needs we budget in the capital Improvement fund and then we the transfer from the general fund over to the capital Improvement fund So currently this 79,000 with represent it's to cover some items that were leas equipment Finance there may be a slight increase to that depending on what we finalize with the uh with the CIP projects that's it for the general fund any questions on the general fund before I move into utility very none right on okay so I like electric U ility basically anything they had a reduction and that's predominantly because of reduction in the uh purch Power cost with f coming down there's also a related PCA rate that that was lowered now the reason the budget also um shows the size it does it's still showing a reappropriation of fmpa loan proceeds some those that we had gone for there's still some projects that are yet to be completed um so those funds remain in play so we reappropriate them and include them in their in their budget for next year but overall it's showed a decrease promly because of the uh Pur power cost um the next one that you see on there is uh the next one is The Debt Service aspect of the electric utility and the only reason that loan um that we'll be bringing forward to to Council in the next uh couple weeks will be changed um oh by the way I'm sorry for electric utility one of the things that the budget also includes is it'll include $4.2 million in capital Improvement fund that'll be partially funded with a with a transfer from the uh rni fund of for the water and SE utility basically it's got it reflects the increase as we said the CPI 4.57% to the rate and the TA rate of the 2613 and it will be taking on $879,000 in in CIB storm water utility will be taken on $96,000 in uh projects Pips and the main difference between last year's and this year was the Sixth Avenue drainage project which was basically funded in 24 the project is still Ono but the that'll be that will over if anything will come to you in November if we have any rollover of funds that we on use um and they do have it includes $200,000 for a master plan which will be partially funded from the CRA budget Solid Waste basically has an increase also in the rates from 4.57% based on the PPI and they will be taking on C uh C of 91,8 nothing else major in there for the utilities any questions on the [Applause] utilities okay okay the next one's impact funds um increas 25 24 when we budgeted we weren't anticipating we're going to be getting that much the result is we did get more than we had budgeted for and for 25 the expectation is we're going to get a lot more so that's why that number is so huge most of that is for Parks and Recreation um and we'll talk about it when we look at the uh the CIP what what's going to be Bud um the impact numbers obviously on the current you know as part of some of our other direction to management we've asked for impact study there may be some AB so if I may the preliminary report of the impact F study has been submitted and we are hoping to have a coordination meeting to take a deep dive after see what we can do so I should hope to come to council maybe the next couple of months to finalize for confiscated uh property that's basically forfeitures you can't budget any revenues coming in we can only budget based on funds that are that are in existence funds that funds that are in existence and it's actually divided into like three or four divisions some for treasury some for justice another one for state so it each one has their own limitations um there are some projects and operating costs that are budgeted out of there there may be some money that are set aside in contingency until they determine what else they want to do with those funds um Disaster Relief Fund the manager and I will have a discussion on this further that eventually he'll speak to to to council about we're trying to wrap up the Irma closing out Irma and what what that entails so we're at the stretch we're at the stretch yes exactly um the CRA the manager said that I think we're doing that one but the only thing I want to say is similar to uh PTP which is really the next one those two funds again those are funds that you actually want to spend the money the money that you get you want to spend it so the key is that we want to identify any funds that are unspent in the prior year so we make sure that we can reappropriate it and make can spend it uh in this year um so moving to the people's transport on the C there are some Hefty amounts of money in the budget that have asked the C to funnel towards Capital Improvements within the C area can't just be carrying money over and I understand that commercial Improvement of buildings is great but the infrastructure that Services the business is there is missing you have the waste water system there that is in bad shape the water distribution system is not in top notot within the CR and we are more focused on facade improvements of buildings and stuff so we need to strike a balance do an infrastructure Improvement program just like it done in all cities let the C fund their infrastructure and it will have businesses to come the doctor off is can't open there if there is no se allocation available so these are some of the reprivatization that have taed the C to focus on thank you so again with PTP F it's 10 million budget and currently they they're showing like $3 million in contingency but as you'll see in the CIP plan there's over $2 million in projects that are scheduled so that'll be introduced in uh in place of the contingency that's there uh multimodal fund we spoke about earlier that's been closed out so there the capital Improvement fund the reason that last year was so high is because again we had that $2.8 million count 5.7 that was used to fund $2.8 Million worth of CIP request from the uh general fund Department um in the current year in the proposed what currently there now is predominately the money that the manager mentioned from the savings of the uh some of the projects with parks and W predominantly two roofs that there was significant savings that's pretty much what's there and it's going to be used for projects that Parks and Recreation has requested in the CIT plan um cium the money that's in there is predominantly the money that's been coming from from the C that's been generated from the library tax so I don't know if you recall but when we first introduced the library tax that was the C was getting a portion of that we wanted to see if we can get it back we were doing is we were putting it back into seminal theater I'm sorry seum operations we were told we couldn't do that so basically we're putting it into Capital has to be for Capital purposes so we're putting it into tyum capital project so it's I think it's about 164,000 for this year so every year we hope to do that we'll build it up and again it can be used towards the some of the improvements that we want to do for the third and fourth Bo um the next three are are Debt Service so again there's really no no change in in those three uh customer service um has an increase predominantly there's a conversion of three positions that they have they have uh uh contract hemp uh the manager we looked at it and we agreed to have three of them converted the full time um in addition to those conversions they have the enko contract which I'm sure you guys I think I went to council it's a significant significant increase I know the city's uh going to be putting out for an RFP to try to see if they can get somebody else but for now we have to go with the contract we have so that's why it's just if can increase customer service um Fleet Maintenance uh Fleet Management uh not much of it the reason that they have a decrease is because they had some capital projects funded last year there's no capital projects funded in this year um Self insurance which is predominantly the property insurance increases we had property insurance premium increases so that's reflected there uh workers comp no change but I do have to give credit to the Baltimore who looked at the rates and restructured and made them more in line with what the currents are and what I mean by the rates is what each position is categorized as far as are you more subject to to having a workers's comp claim the rates that we were using before had the old thinking of solid waste workers that were riding in back of trucks which is no longer the case you have the one on banded so they're no longer qualified as being you know having a heavier rating uh charge to them so we realign that so that change so even though overall the amount of money that we expect to get or need for for workers comp we kept it the same it's it's really a realignment among all the Departments and what those positions are now P into the ERS comp as a result of that um every Department had a saving next one's the health insurance and again that's because the health insurance uh premium went up and the last one is the utility rni last year we had $1.5 million that were flated to go into electric utility if they still needed it for the capital project they didn't use it this year we're we're funding basically $500,000 if they need it that's basically included in their electricity budget that kind of WPS it y so you want to go to the import dates to remember so our first public hearing is going to be on Tuesday September 1st at 5:30 p.m. which is to approve the tentative mil rates and the proposed budget prior to that date just like I said earlier we would love to sit down with each council members because I'm sure you have full op questions and you would love to go back and read documents that we Pro provided and you probably have additional comments to make and we are open and available to consider all recommendations uh I know where your pet ideas are we will be we are open to all challenges and uh so that we can get this to the finish line of September 3rd for the first public hearing and the second public hearing is going to be on September 18th which is the final public hearing at 5:01 p.m. which will adopt the military rates and the budget I believe sometime in October once the county and the state have finalized the military we will come back again to cancel to have another bite on the because of that $2.4 million pin which I keep telling my colleagues they give us a check under the understanding that we should not cash the check we going to make sure that we don't cash the 2.4 million and manager makes a very good point because for budgeting as that money coming in and we also have an expense we want to make sure we come back to counsel that really doesn't exist that's any questions the che C dived by I just want to thank our city manager at his staff this is the most comprehensive understandable Visionary budget that that I've ever seen in my I guess I've been through 10 budget Cycles yeah 10 budget Cycles now um this is tting this process and the future as they say to a whole new level I want to thank everyone in this room who whose hands thus far have uh have been in this budget this is just a whole new only World a whole new level of presentation so that I'd like to open it up to my my elected colleagues with any general comments questions we all may want to consider send staff back preliminary drawing board before we have those one briefs counc mayor um thank you our city manager you did a great job and our team Carlos I wanted to um to share my my content the city parks and Open Spaces being laser focused on our parks and open spaces and that we you know the maintenance of the facilities is going to have that I really like like I'm happy to see the additional police officers of course and of and the um the focus on improving our process with development services so that is um for me c you know reasons to celebrate here um I would just like to take a take some time Dar when we do our driver around if we can take a have a visit at the motor yard take a look at the conditions of the guys working on the uh on the on the trucks and the and the V there I recall years ago and maybe it's improved since then but I recall there being just just the conditions the heat in there can get pretty intense and so I want to make sure that we we check off the uh you know the visit and that if there's anything we need to improve that we do so um and you mentioned in your opening statement that there sidewalks I think that's that's very important that we can connect our community Through improving the sidewalks throughout the district districts uh so I look forward to to that and as well the development of a more Global Multicultural programming um department or or um yeah position that can oversee those uh those programs and special activities in our city so I think uh for now I'll rest and I'm sure I'll have more discuss in thank you Council again thank you for a very uh intent and very and very concise a very complex matter put forward in a very um very well thought out man one thing of particular note I complete agreement with my with my colleague one additional Factor grants are not magic right and by and by having people who specialize in Grants that's how you get grants and so thank you very much to see special emphasis on that that money is out there and uh thank you very much for for looking forward to how we should be years very well done very proud of the the city maner the presentation that he made in the finance department thank you for everything I'll be I'm expecting a special meeting with him probably this coming week thank you so I'm still a little missed at what the county did for us and I'm not quite sure how we can protect ourselves in the future when we set our budget and our millage rates and then we get taxed $2 and5 million dollar you know I don't know how that's even possible when I start thinking about the five police officers that were were proferred it could have been six or seven and when I think about qrt and what what department is qrt fall into it's going to be moved from Parks and Recreation to public walks which is the natural home for that I'll tell you why the very first week I got to Homestead I saw folks who were trying to patch Boles with gold patch I'm like w this is temporary this is something you do to fix the PO hole for only 24 hours but it appears it was a preferred method of repair so I kind of engaged the folks I realized that from part I said wait what are you doing here so based on Charter and law the public right of way is under the perview of the director of Public Works to have somebody from p fixing the roadway if somebody gets into an accident not only that taking branches out of the way and everything so if somebody gets into an accident you're not going toer P to go testify about that because not a subject matter it should be the licensed professional engineer Cairo who should be sitting in the top explaining what happened there and how to fix it so as part of the process Improvement we move qrt back to public works but why we call Parks parks recreation and Open Spaces is that tree triming will reside in Parks so that we don't duplicate efforts buying two sets of equipment one for one for public work we don't have the vision the money which is what one good thing the county did they call it Pros the Open Spaces is for Parks we in charge of parks Tree triming open spaces like the plaza here and along the corridors they're not doing it themselves they are actually overseeing a contract of Bright View so it be it makes more sense to centralize that aspect of it anything that has to do with infrastructure on the street like por H I give it to this guy so if somebody sues me the city KY it's on you you got to explain it and I really like that because our Park he focused on making sure we look beautiful and that when people come to visit play and the team from Up miam and the reason I brought that that up with the county was city starting to look better but I think we need to add qrt or at least another team of qrt to cover more areas in the city I think it needs to focus more on the northwest side and the open communities versus the gay communities on the east side except for the villages which is not a gated community area except for Lake Shore so I just wish in the in the future that we have a provision that the county when they give us the numbers those have to be set in stone because we haven't been able to we're not going to be able to adjust our our millage rate up if we need to I don't think we need to I think what we see here is another good balanced budget again that um is in the works but I think that extra $2 and half million dollars would have benefited the city in a large way and um I don't know why that happens how it happen but um somehow we have to figure out we were all excited we're going to get a little extra money now we're getting it take it away from us so and and Parks too could have been improved right I mean we're still trying to build a huge Park out east a regional park at the old Sports Complex so that money could have gone long way there too so so the county is property appraisal office has volunteer to come to address the city council if we wish to explain what happened because we told in point blank this the residents of homad deserve an explanation it's a big number and I think that um over the next couple of years as development comes back online and all the development is going to even increase our general fund even more so um there's going to be opportunities to bring in more police officers there's going to be more opportunity to bring in uh the qrt guys to to continue to help keep you know the city going in the direction it's going in so that was just my my two stents we're gonna have more time to talk about this you you just reminded me something for help with cleaning in Park oh yes so sometimes they don't show sometimes it's not really relable and I don't I just want to make sure we're not being too dependent on that and I used to see them all the time I've never I haven't seen I haven't seen around so I saw last week in our sta that however I believe before where weed the funding for the grou that we used to pay for and we hired two staff at nebor wants to be our pressure teaing group which I'm sure you've seen right now right now it's two girls our pressure teing ladies they here every Monday morning at the class they just finished Pro last week to do all our parts thank you now just take a look at that so we can make sure yeah thank you I too want to thank the the manager and staff for what they've provided us so far I do have some deeper dive questions that I want to get into one being I want to see the details I get the devils in the details I like to look at the numbers that's where I get my data from that allows me to make a more educated decision on what we're doing um also I'd like to know how many new employees are we bringing on again I don't need the answer today but something to think about and I'm G to ask this question again and this would be the fifth time I've asked the question but how much money do we have in our emergency Reserve fund how much what money do we have in our emergency Reserve fund balance has several components I mean if you look at Financial stat that we issued 9323 the total fund Balan is as of September 30th 2023 61 million 202 get excited 30 million of that is nonspendable it has to do with the new market tax credit and the loans between but the rest of it is basically so as that comes if we have some overrun we don't want her like 31 it's 19.1 million unrestricted okay 19 million the rest is dedicated reserves for our our debt would of caution that that really should only be used for like one time things you don't to rely on that relover absolutely understood and there's had a discussion with a manager I don't know if you recall few years back we gave $1.8 million back sewer last uh last few years we gave back close to 3 Millions solid waste the next one in line is electric utility they contributed a lot during 20 2 and 2017 City had didn't want to raise taxes and was using some of the reserves or contributions from those plans so we want to make sure that some of that fund balance is eventually so um Mr finance my my recommendation is for us to prepare that details the fund balance okay vales and what what is unrestricted and what is dedicated for specific uses and share with council members PR before we meet with each other there so that they have a good graphs I can also add that our act book delivered today the printed version so all of you will likely have a copy tomorrow for all of you okay and that very important number is page 28 28 so in the spirit of transparency we play the cards open and up so that everybody knows what's in the city in order to manage expectations and you um bringing up several items and then leading into conversation with futility when we went to the conference with sfm E and Pa and all the other acronyms protecting our grid protecting our grid and our and our stations is really important and I don't know where how much farther we want to be with protecting the grid but something I would like for us to one thing I can add to the councilwoman on this budget and I know might have not got to uh mention that uh but there were conversions by positions that are currently temporary and the proposed bu is being supposed to be fulltime permanent position um those positions are uh the electric substation engineer um administrative assistant and associate customer project the Aon and two journeyman electricians and also just physical hardening hardening correct that was a big cop of conversation and my my last comment is basically uh you know I just I would like to hear what every Department wanted you know everybody's going to get something but what did every Department want when it comes to Manpower it comes to equipment where we where did we fall short or were we able to to make some gains in other areas in order to make that happen so we can have those discussions off okay that's all I have thank you sir all right so yeah this budget time we have competing interest we have the projects and desires of elected officials the actual real world needs that spouses and uh somewhere in there answering to our tax payers in the form of a millage rat I'm looking at start caros I think generally it looks like starting for physical year 22 we've generally had a mill reduction of 1% 1% but 1% last year was 2% I okay but starting in 22 so the 23 well for the 21 Bud discussion now and bearing in mind let's think I mean I think we're all disappointed that we did not have that 19% increase that's 12% increase pretty healthy also and you know I think we we turned the corner starting to turn the corner long way is and caring out waste and finding better efficiency I won put him on the spot now but I know the manager has identified a lot of contracts and monthly payments that were going out to the word that they necessary who were these people what were they providing for those amounts that's been just money's money that was not not an insignificant F so I'm I'm confident with we're going to be able to do that so I say that to say that I think we can strike that balance to providing what we need to provide in the budget and drive toward that rate reduction whether it be one or two or somewhere between zero and two let's let's let's Endeavor to do that because we still have 12% increase to uh to work with um seemingly you know Solid Waste is you know we we come a long way we got a big hole I think when we started charging the solid waste fees on the tax bill so when folks senes bailed out and left us hanging with unpaid utility bills the garbage bills didn't get paid either we have remedied a large portion of that we've adjusted the rates appropriately after decades so let me I'll try to try to make this pass we've all been told time and time again that in terms of Code Enforcement there's constitutional and statutory protection against our enforcement against what we would call excessive occupancies right very yeah 12 cars in the front yard of the duplex not all family members have minimum housing standard is another discussion another day I see our code guy here he go kind put this in our mind our rates are based on I'm assuming an average household output of trash okay yeah my four bedroomroom house probably puts out half of what a four bedroomroom house would be expected to put out there's a lot of little houses mostly outside of hlas that are over occupied and we are subsidizing that extra trash if we can't address the over occupancy and the first thing comes to my mind is maybe a sech charge I don't know how yeah that's C for a solid waste in the attorneys but again none of us here who live or large should be subsidizing usually out of landlords who have excess occupancy in these these unit more trash it fills up trer time you know where I'm going with that with that just got to be some different ways to to SK some CS we had also talked about perhaps excluding some of the new areas from providing solid was service there are thousands of potential new residents who don't have an expectation of that City service that perhaps come from somewhere where it's a private Haller and perhaps we can even collect the franchise feed you know as we're in budget time let's let's think about enacting that kind of legislation that kind of creates a finite um customer pool that we're not going to have to do those costly Acquisitions for additional trucks and additional Crews because contrary to what you read on all these social media posts all these new houses don't produce the millions and millions of dollars that people think they they do and it's uh just let's let's find some solutions to to plug those uh plug those holes I'll beat the drum I beat my entire life on this Council his mayor plus somebody convinces me otherwise it doesn't appear that the SE old theater has been able to become more self- sustaining we've got to ask the hard question inside whether or not we I'm not talking about the operational agreement management agreement I'm talking about our subsidizing of utilities and repairs to the tune of the coming year of $550,000 is is that reasonable what are we going to do I think that's that's a that's a conversation we're going to need to have as to whether you know it got to become more self sustaining I don't know what issue is there but I think that's something we're going to need to look at and I'll just throw this final m ctail out there dur in contract season he coverage has gone up a man half dollars in two years yet none of us are paying one penny more than anybody was paying four years ago five years ago or more just like solid ways just like give back these I have to take you good faith look at that I mean there are a lot of folks in this community pay a lot more for Less coverage or can't afford coverage and uh pretty good plan and uh aren't many people underpaid here and we're going to have to decide make a policy decision as to whether or not we're going to ask so with that I'm I'm confident that each of us are probably going to have a couple hours with his staff and we get back at it September 3rd in public anyway Mr manager so I want to take this opportunity to recognize some of the sacrifices that my staff had made in the last two weeks to put this excellent uh project together starting with my assistant city manager kimar Brown of course the finance director and his team and uh my associate in the city manager office and elsewhere and the directors there was in fact there were lots of sleepless nights folks were in this building till 1 a.m. in the morning even on Saturdays and uh weekends and uh on a weekday getting I was getting emails at 11:00 p.m. some days when I stepped out some days at midnight and somebody comes out of an office thinking he or she was alone in the building or somebody getting coffee so guys my colleagues I called everyone my colleagues oh team you guys have done well I really appreciate it and thank you guys we do better moving forward as a no criticism thank you guys I really thank you thank you very much all right that's all then I'll meeting jour I heard like