##VIDEO ID:95h57tTG_ko## e e welcome to WebEx press one to be connected to your meeting e e e e good evening everyone and welcome I'd like to call the City of Homestead community redevelopment agency meeting to order today is Tuesday December 10th 2024 is five PM Madam perk we call the RO please board member Bailey board member cannibal member Davis here board member ra Vice chairman Fletcher chairman La I'm here um Mr director are there any uh deletions or deferrals tonight no Mr chair thank you all right we have a for tab one new business um which is the approval of the uh the minutes from October 8th which are in our package we have a motion to approve mve by board member Roth second by board member cannibal any questions or comments all in favor any opposed next item is tab two car number 4456 property conveyance for triangle project Mr Pearl yes Mr chair tab two is a resolution of the board of community redevelopment agency to execute an amended and restated County deed attaches exhibit a to extend the deadline set forth in the original deed restrictions for the development of certain properties providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you sir Mr good thank you Mr chair um so as you are all aware uh part of the triangle project assemblage included properties that were conveyed from Miami County to the homestead CRA uh those carry several deed restrictions with them um a few of which relate to timing the original restrictions required the CRA to have a development agreement executed by January 18th of 2025 and have the uh project completed and constructed by January 18th of 2027 uh staff has worked with the county commissioner's office to get those deadlines extended by two years so we would now have until 27 for the agreement and 29 for the construction um this is essentially a precautionary measure to allow us time to um finalize our negotiations and give us flexibility um with that business plan and also address um foreseen delays related to the sanitary sewer moratorium that impacts the project good thank you uh any questions or comments from the board just to clarify Mr good though this is in fact be this is being sponsored and advocated by The District 9 commissioner to go before yes yes that is correct uh commissioner McGee all right very good I'll open the public hearing and ask if there's anyone online or present wishing to speak on this matter seeing none I'll close the public hearing and ask for a motion to approve move by board member countall second by board member Davis all in favor any opposed next item is tab three car number 4457 this is a residential Rehabilitation Grant award for 204 Southwest 15th Place Mr F yes Mr chair tab three is a resolution of the board of community redevelopment agency of the city of home state Florida approving the allocation of residential Improvement grant program funds approving a grant agreement providing for implementation providing for an effective date yeah thank you Mr good thank you Mr chair uh so this is a residential Grant award recommendation for the homeowners Mr and Mrs Jackie and Annie Berger at the home at 204 Southwest 15th Place um they have applied for a scope of work that mitigates uh plumbing and electrical issues in the homes to bathrooms uh we are recommending an award up to the C of $20,000 there are no matching funds required and the um homeowners are present in the audience if you have any questions all right so if the home owners just stand up so we can see if you're here any welcome thanks for coming all right um any questions or comments from the board um being none is there I'll open the public hearing right we'll close the public hearing um do we have motion to approve move by board member Ross seconded by board member Davis all in favor any opposed all right motion carries all right any further reports Mr good um I just want to take this opportunity as you are all aware my last day with the city and the CRA will be this Friday um as I move on to new chapter in my career and I just wanted to take this moment to thank each of you the executive director um Mr eh quaba my colleagues and my staff especially um Leslie bule the assistant director who has really um stepped up to the plate and uh been extremely helpful over these uh past few months and um just wanted to thank all of you for the opportunity and that this will be see you later I'm not changing my phone number oh thank you I guess and I know this because I think I signed a 10e certificate for in recognition of your 10 years um I can't help but reflect as to how much has been accomplished or transpired and the environment we've lived in here for the past 10 years you've seen quite a lot we appreciate it I did by question to you in relation to the last item do we have more interior rehab applications in the pipeline um my understanding is that this is that we do have um if you in the pipeline um these fall more into the uh emergency repairs category and that they're mitigating a a leak or an electrical issue um rather than the uh this enhancement this was just more of a a rehab okay so yeah so with respect to rehab you know I know you got an emergency is so we do have some other rehabs in the in the pipeline yes one two five so uh there's one that includes interior scope and the uh other that's currently in the pipeline is in exterior it's a roof well my my focus my question would be as to Interior nonemergency interior and I don't know if tonight's the time to have that discussion or some point some policy discussion as to whether or not that's really the focus we want to continue with or whether this needs to be more in terms of exterior really focusing on the appearance uh appearances to toward the elimination of Slum and blight conditions versus interior Renovations and maybe for our next CRA meeting uh we might want to have that that policy discussion not to foreclose anything that's that's already been applied for uh I hope that uh you know maybe we can uh I don't know if it discourages the is the correct word but uh kind of think think about you know where our Focus will be from here on out we can certainly uh take a look at that direction as we uh see new applications coming in sure and um Leslie was saying that we have been targeting those that we know have an exterior problem for outreach right um so those will hopefully be the bulk uh going forward yeah and I really think that's where you know boring the emergency situation the the interior really does nothing for the neighborhood or the area at LGE okay anything further from Council or are there any further public comments for the CRA hearing none then I would happily entertain a motion for adjournment move by the Vice Chair seconded by board member Roth all in favor any opposed all right we will uh momentarily open the uh special call meeting okay well again good evening everyone and welcome I'd like to call the a special call meeting of the city council for the City of Homestead to order the day is Tuesday December 10th 2024 and it it is now 512 p.m. have a roll call Madam clerk cman cannibal councilman Davis councilman ra here vice mayor Fletcher here mayor laus here all right our first item tonight is a um second reading tab one car number 4440 fiscal year 2024 final budge budget amendment Mr yes Mr Mayor tab one is the second reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the budgets for each of the several departments within the general fund of an overall Net Zero Effect on the total budget of the general fund of the city for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2023 ending September 30th 2024 providing for a repealer severability and an effective date all right thank you very much Mr manager is this Mr Perez's show yes sir good evening mayor council this is a second reading of the 2024 final budget amendment and again this is just to True up some Department of funds that would need funding for unexpected expenditures a perfect example is the uh City manager's Department we had during the year we had a departure of the previous manager the severance pay was something that was unbudgeted so therefore that was one Department that needed the funding all right very good any questions or comments from Council all right hearing none do we have a motion to approve mooved by Cannibal seconded by councilman Roth um roll call Mam Court councilman cannibal councilman Davis councilman rth vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lar yes the motion carries and next item is tab two and it's also a second reading on car number 4441 fiscal year 2025 budget amendment for purchase order roll over over from fiscal year 2024 Mr Pearl yes Mr Mayor as you noted Tab 2 is the second reading of an ordinance of the city of homestad Florida amending the budgets for each of the several funds and Departments of the city for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 by increasing the total budgeted revenues and expenditures by 17,8 4,569 providing for repealer severability and an effective date thank you is there any opposition to waving the staff report on this second reading all right approval has been moved by the vice mayor seconded by councilman cannibal let's open a public hearing any commentary I'll close the public hearing and I'll ask for a roll call vote councilman Davis councilman cannibal councilman Roth yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor laon yes the motion carried and next moving on to tab three this is a second reading on car number 444 2 fysical year 2025 budget amendment funding for city-wise Enterprise permitting and Licensing solution Mr furl yes Mr Mayor have three is a second reading of an ordinance of the City of Homestead Florida amending the budget for the general fund of the city for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 by increasing the total budgeted revenues and expenditures by 1,324 providing for repealer severability and an effective date thank you sir any objection to waving the staff report didn't think so move by councilman Roth second by councilman cannibal any public comments I'll close the public hearing and ask for a roll call vote please councilman R councilman Davis councilman Canal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries and next is Tab four car number 4477 Mr Pearl yes Mr may have four is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida authorizing the city manager to purchase Furniture fixtures and equipment for the Code Compliance department and the parks recreation Open Spaces Department in accordance with the state of Florida alternative Source contract exempting the transaction from competitive bidding in accordance with Section 2-4 111.1 A5 of the city code providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you sir we discussed this at the Cal this is with respect to Furnishing the new code enforcement uh building the opposition of waving the staff report we have a motion to approve second mooved by councilman Cannibal seconded by vice mayor Fletcher any public comment I'll close the public hearing and ask for a roll call that councilman Davis councilman Rong yes councilman cannibal yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor L yes the motion carries and moving on to tab five which is car number four 4455 call center solution Mr Pearl yes Mr May tab five is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida authorizing the city manager to execute a WRA Services agreement for call center support services and a supplemental Services agreement for providing for additional services with Serita investment Corp DBA answernet exempting the services under the rap Services agreement from competitive bidding in accordance with Section 2-4 111.1 A5 and exempting the services under the supplemental Services agreement from competitive bidding in accordance with city code section 2- 411b providing for implementation and providing for an effective date any objection a waving the staff report all right let me open the public hearing very quickly anyone here wishing to speak on this matter we close the public hearing and uh we have a motion to approve mooved by councilman Davis seconded by councilman cannibal let's have a roll call Madam Court councilwoman AA councilman cannibal councilman Davis yes councilman Roth yes vice mayor Fletcher yes may lner yes the motion carries and Mr manager tab six so Mr Mayor councel tab number six car number 4476 the administration is proposing to defer this item to the first meeting in January which is January 14th at a special call uh this item uh we propose to move this The Entity Related uran Group uh is being apprised to be prepared to come to counc to do a fullblown presentation and also to Aspire to brief each and every one of you prior to that date good thank you sir do we have a motion to defer moved by councilman Cannibal seconded by vice mayor Fletcher are there any questions or comments from Council Council AAL thank you mayor I wanted to um just um add to the rec record that the prop proposer did respectfully request a deferral which I'm happy to do um but this project includes renderings with stories I think over six stories so this is something that I want to uh just make sure my colleagues are aware of when you're reviewing the item with the um with the developer that you keep that in mind because we had Hefty conversations at our last meeting about not wanting to see anything over six stories and this is definitely one of those okay so keep that in mind thank you absolutely appreciate that and welcome all right I think we had a motion in a second to defer all right any public comment a roll call Madam cour councilwoman aula councilman Roth yes councilman Davis councilman cannibal yes vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries again that's for the date certain of January 11th 14th 14th okay uh that concludes the formal agenda for the special call is there anything further from any council member for for this meeting Mr manager anything further none thank you do we have a motion to adjourn the special call moved by Council AA seconded by councilman Davis roll call or no all in favor I any opposed all right this meeting is adjourned and we will move into the uh Committee of the whole meeting in just a moment if you need five or two take it no no cookies no elevator ride for e for e e e e e e e e e for e e okay good evening everyone and welcome I'd like to call the City of Homestead Committee of the whole meeting to order it's still Tuesday December 10th 2024 and it is now 5:29 p.m. let's have a roll call madam work councilwoman aviga here councilman Davis here councilman ra councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher here mayor laen here are there any uh additions deletions or deferrals Mr manager none Mr Mayor thank you sir all right we have before us the minutes of November 12th 2024 for approval we have a motion moved by councilman Davis seconded by councilman cannibal all in favor any opposed tab two is a motion to place car number 4464 on the council agenda um this is a an award of the city hall generator project rebid Mr manager so this project is being funded by a special Hazard mitigation Grant by FEMA up to the total sum of 28,000 uh the current generator we have in City Hall is not appropriately sized for the requirements of this building so we had to look for an additional much more appropriate generator that will service the building and uh this the existing generator is going to be relocated to another city facility preferably the PD building to provide some kind of resilience and uh support for the PD any questions or comments from Council okay I'll open let me open a public hearing anyone wishing to speak on this matter okay I'll close the public hearing do we have a motion to to put this on the council agenda move by Council cannibal second by Council AA um all in favor any opposed next item is tab three this is a motion to place car number 4303 on the council agenda this is City of Homestead Surplus property Mr manager so there is an attached miscellaneous item list uh that list out all [Music] the products and equipment and vehicles that have at leave their usefulness and time that are no longer adquate for their intended purpose so the intention here is to put this out for a public auction and the revenue that recovered is placed back in the source funding source and also perhaps in any restricted funding where they originally came from traditionally the monies will go back into a general fund or any restricted funding source so we asking for permission to put out this for an auction very good thank you any questions for Council it's been a long time since we've seen this there's certainly a voluminous list of things that uh need to leave the uh the back yard so to speak yes we will yes uh thank you mayor council yes I I was mentioning to staff during my briefings and um I would definitely support an item and I think the vice mayor might bring it in the future where we can maybe um earmark the proceeds or a portion of these proceeds into a fund for us to be able to sponsor activities or even year market for Capital Improvement projects but if we can capture these proceeds from the sales and put it to specific use like that I would be able to support an item thank you again certainly this sale these sales will happen after you know consideration of of that certainly and we we have the ability to do that even in the absence of okay is there anyone wishing to speak on this matter let me close the public hearing I think this was moved by councilman cannibal we have a second second by Council wman Avala all in favor any opposed next item is Tab four and this is a motion to place car number 4465 on the council agenda and this is harrisfield Park gymnasium lighting upgrade Mr manager so we currently have about 40 of those lights that have been old aged metal Haight lighting that we want to convert and replace with LED uh the funding is about $55,000 which is being soured from the parking P fees we're asking for per mission to proceed absolutely questions for Council yes Council woman thank you mayor what is the approximate downtime for the gym that this would create if any uh ped while we're waiting for the pass director to give us the down time the total timeline for completion will be 30 3 months 9 days for completion thank you Zer um if this is not something that can be done during off use hours then we really need to make sure we inform the um the interested parties that are utilizing the gym now or that have are on waiting list and hoping to get in in the summertime uh so this would start when more or less if approved tonight well it's not going to be approved tonight this is just for to be placed on the next meeting on the consent agenda then once we call a PO they have three months once we call a PO with a notice to proceed they have three months to complete my recommendation there are only 40 of those we can pH it in don't turn all of them down at the same time do the first 10 that's what I'm saying that they shouldn't take all of them down at the same time do the first 10 second 10 just like maybe over that three Monon period stagger and phas them out so that the impact would be minimal okay yeah I than think your question is are we going to put folks who are using the gym now out of business and the answer is no there will not that will be minimal impact let's face fast there will be minimal impact so I expect that they will be expedited in terms of taking out and replacement but if you limit the number you do in one shot the impact is minimized thank you if we can just be made aware of what the ultimate um you know Logistics on that will be I would I would appreciate it thank you all right thank you did we have a motion yeah we move by Council Al second by Council and cannibal up a public hearing very quickly close a public hearing all in favor any opposed next is tab five this is a motion to place car number 4451 on the council agenda the for Department of Law Enforcement c6n 196 fiscal year 23 is that correct community policing and engagement Mr manager so we are getting about $113,000 from the state FDLE for for law enforcement over time for community policing in order to ensure continuity of uh police services in the city uh I know it might look minimal but it's going to go a long way in terms of assisting us to sustain Service delivery thank you any questions from Council all right go ahead just want to make sure we're meeting the letter of the law does say FY 23 not fy2 no it says a Time no but if you look in the title it says fiscal year 23 community policing and engagement don't know if that's a title or not I would verify that okay all right so we've open and close a public hearing we have a motion to place this on the agenda move by councilman I second by councilman cannibal all in favor any opposed all right next item tab six this is a motion to place car number 4453 on our c Council agender the Miami day county signatory law enforcement agencies Mr manager so this is uh a special programming more or less this is a housekeeping so miate County the whole 34 municipalities and the county itself have what they call a de Chiefs Association so this item is a mutual Aid agreement that you have to sign in give a signature for you to be part of the de Chiefs and participate in all sharing of resources and uh assistance so this item is going to allow our PD Department to become a member of the de Chiefs Association and enjoy all the rights and privileges pertaining there to very good thank you any questions or comments from Council uh we have a motion moved by the vice mayor second by councilman Davis let me open the public hearing there's any public comment appearing none I'll close the public hearing um all in favor any opposed next is tab seven this is a motion Place car number 4443 on the council agenda a mikasuki tribe of Indians Police Department Mutual Aid Mr manager so this is a mutual Aid between the City of Homestead PD and mikosi tribe of Indians PD as well it's an agreement in principle why this allows both agencies to tap into each other's resources on need basis so it's a by directional Mutual Aid either party can request for assistance as need arises very good this we have mutual agreement with many many agencies all right moved by the vice mayor seconded by Council and cannibal you open the public hearing no comments up hearing I'll close the public hearing and ask for a roll call vote in favor of the motion all in favor councilman can no we I'm sorry we didn't need a roll call right no all in favor all any opposed sorry about that okay next item is tab8 this is a motion to place car number 4480 on the council agenda and this is the Office of the Attorney General VCA Grant Mr manager so the city's PD is receiving a grant of $110,000 from the state for Voca which is victim uh victim uh of crime assistance uh the essenti what this does is to provide services for victims of crime to receive judicial support relocation assistance such as hotel stays and also to mitigate the traumatic impact of crime that they have that have affected them uh this is going to be done and through SOS at the police department for $110,000 good thank you any questions or comments from Council okay so let me ask you this is this this in part and I understand that it would be in part is this duplicating efforts with what chrisy house does and now they've established a home in Homestead are we really are we are we thinning out the money rather than one agency or another to help with I guess you know chrisy Al is focused on violence against women and children you know and I know that there are other portions of this grant but rather than SOS duplicating efforts of Christy house maybe I I don't know if it's too late for this maybe look at some look they made a huge investment in downtown Homestead so I think there's no restriction in terms of gender of recipients of these grants so this is much more relaxed and reflective of the general population the chrisy house is primarily for female gender women and children and this allows even men that are victims of crime to tap into these resources in addition to providing for accommodation support it also addresses judicial and law enforcement needs litigation assistance and explaining how folks can navigate the legal uh system this is much more comprehens I get that that the scope of this grant is wider than the focus of chrisy house just you know think Thinking Out Loud for future you know to get more bang for our buck rather than having SOS be involved in in all of that if we have a bigger um more beneficial provider start looking at farming some of of that out in the future all right so just just imparing we if you look at the cities current budget we are starting off a human services uh section in the city which ties into all days some of the services rendered through PD should not even be housed there it should be part of the human services department which is what we're trying to start and I think we're having a meeting on Friday with the just retired uh directors from the county and public city of Miami that have handled Human Services homelessness and all type of related services for those that are really vulnerable so this is something that eventually will transition into that uh department for reasons well known to the folks at SOS I'm I'm glad to hear that we're going to bring it into a more transparent and accountable uh under the roof of this building all right so let me open the public hearing and see if there's any public comment hearing none I'll close the public hearing do we have a motion to approve move by councilman Cannibal seconded by Council woman Avala all in favor any opposed all right next item is tab uh 10 correct where motion to place car number nine ni skip number N All Right Turn the Page yes this is tab nine motion to place car number 4445 on the agenda State of Florida emergency management Mr manager so this is a mutual Aid between the city of homestad and the State of Florida Fe as well Emergency Management to provide a template and an agreement for us to request for assistance from FEMA when PD is deployed to other areas uh currently the existing agreement was the 2021 version uh things have changed standards have changed so this is a required update to 2023 standards and this allows us to seek reimbursement once PD gets deployed to other cities or jurisdictions so we're asking Council to allow this to proceed very good Mr vice mayor is also this also includes electric utility employees that are or just PD services this is essentially PD I'm not too sure what is in part of the electric because I know we do send we have a different I'll check the the what we have for the electric that's our crews travel extensively good question thank you vice mayor so let me if there are no further questions or comments from Council let me open a public hearing okay seeing no one wishing to speak on this matter I will close the public hearing and ask for a motion to place this on the agenda it's been moved by councilman cannibal second by councilman Avala all in favor any opposed now Tab 10 motion to place car number 4461 on the council agenda for Department of Transportation public transportation Grant agreement Mr manager so existing contract that we have with the state F do is allowing us to get an additional Grant of approximately $121,000 uh for the expansion of the freeb program so in addition to this free ond demand transportation service being operated by freebie three additional Tesla vehicles will be added to the fleet and we also in addition is trying to look into the transportation master plan that we're providing see how can expand the scope the grant is for 121,000 approximately it requires the city to provide an match of the same amount so we're going to utilize the PTP funds to provide a match for this while we seek to expand the coverage of freebie services in Homestead and perhaps explore additional public transportation options including STS which is the special transportation service that has a much more robust and also so flexible requirement that allows you to go from your home to the doctor's office to the dentist to the grocery store which freebie doesn't allow you to go anywhere other than it must originate or terminate in downturn so we're looking for other additional options as well as this moves forward very good thank you look forward to kind of we talked about this analysis of the number of rides in freebie and and where they're going versus the cost per ride of of the trolley that may very well phase out ultimately all right so let me open the public hearing on this close the public hearing any questions or comments from Council councilwoman thank you mayor yes I just wanted to Echo that during my briefings I did ask if we could maybe have some kind of presentation and maybe public forum here is not what we all want but I will be asking for at least a one-on-one just to get a better idea as to what the writers ship is and and have a better clear understanding to the um pick up and drop offs drop off zones because there is some ambiguity and the app as well is not the best of used so freebie yeah thank you I think staff has reached out to freebie uh tentatively we're looking at a meeting in February for them to do a presentation to council very good all right so there's nothing further do we have a motion to place this on the agenda move by councilwoman Ava second by by councilman Davis all in favor any opposed next tab 11 this is a motion to place car number 4471 on the council agenda Florida Department of Transportation occupant protection Grant award Mr manager well that's a very fanciful name we are receiving $87,000 in Grant from fot to assist PD with the enforcement of uh seat belts which is a actual what's the real scope of work is for seat Bel enforcement and related uh INF infringements uh even though it says lack of use of occupant protection devices it's essentially about seat bels enforcement it's for $87,000 and it's between now upon execution of the agreement up until the end of the fiscal year September 30th 2025 good thank you this is what at least the third year we've we've had this funding that's correct good questions or comments from Council all right let me open the public hearing okay I'll close the public hearing and ask for a motion to place this on the agenda moved by Council NOA seconded by vice mayor Fletcher all in favor any opposed all right tab 12 is car number 4449 and this is for discussion of the 2025 legislative priorities you'll kick it off Mr manager and we turn to uh that item so the feedback and fer we're getting from the states and from our lobbyist is that the Florida house of reps will and also the Senate will convene the traditional 60-day legislative session on March 4th 2025 in anticipation of this the Administration has prepared the attached uh legislative priorities asking for Council to take a look at it and provide guide guidance in terms of priorities and also this list is not exhaustive it's open for additions if after tonight or maybe after the next meeting when it passes and we transmit it to the lobbyist Council decides and wishes to update the list is always available to update but we need to pass this as soon as and quickly as we can so that our folks can get to work in terms of start uh uh Outreach and sharing the information with the elector officials both at the state and federal level uh We've identified what we consider the main priorities uh which we can share tonight while asking you to either bless amend substitute or perhaps recommend something else so we can move forward if you go through the attachment on the item I believe starting from page four in terms of uh the actual infrastructure Appropriations required W that we are seeking uh we are targeting mainly things that will address and uh support business relocation to Homestead as well as uh what we consider resiliency of existing buildings and residential uh Chrome Avenue gravity sewer upsizing as well as a flag Avenue gravity sewer and the cpart water mains on those two major corridors in the C area we're asking for funding from either the state or the federal depending on where our lobbies can find money and uh in general just like I've said in the past there are a number of areas in the city that has undersized small sized inadequate non-standard water mins and Sewer mins we're asking for money to be able to upgrade those facilities we don't have to wait until there is an emergency before we realize that this is a major challenge in the city those actually the major components of the water and sewer infrastructure priority number one then we go on the transportation side of the right of way infrastructure improvements there are certain bridges in the city that's based on inspections the five yearly required inspections carried by the state they've been deemed to be obsolete so we're asking for funding support from either the state or the federal government to be able to get them resolved and repayed and place back into functional use if you go to there are a whole lot of projects but these the ones I'm mentioning are the ones we consider to be highest priority at this point on page eight is the Homestead regional park because it's a major infrastructure development in the city we've decided to break it down into six phases for construction purposes we did this because we anticipate no one is going to give us the entire amount of money in one shot so we decided to see phase one and phase two will be considered highest priority in that and the scope of work is briefly itemized on that list then on page nine police department and Emergency Management uh I think is kind kind of concerning that Homestead has been a has been on a direct heat of hurricane I've told the county and managing C manager when I invited him over to Homestead that one of the highest priorities the county should have undertaken is to build a an Emergency Operation Center in Homestead because this is Ground Zero of Hurricane Andrew obviously there's none today so we are proposing through the supports and recommendation of councilman Tom Davis to add this as one of our highest priorities while we're seeking to have a sub police substation on the east side of the city to sweeten it and make it palatable for funding we add the emergency Operation Center to that facility perhaps on a city own land we anticipate initial funding request will be up to $15 million if we're able to get this from the federal government we're home free but we have a compelling story to tell that Homestead has been on a direct hit no one has paid any attention to address this we don't have to wait for a second challenge like that for us to realize that we've been missing in action so I ask for Council to consider these priorities and recommendations and feel free to adjust this list I must caution that this list is not exhaustive again we intend to give the entire package to our lobes while you're focusing on the priority items anywhere they find money available for the remainder of the items feel free to move forward with them at least is not EX POS we continue to update it as go by and we wish and we invite Council to update it as well thank you so well this is for the car meeting you move it to the next meeting and approve the list or amend the list we transmit it immediately to to our lobbies and elector officials as well both state and federal yeah vice mayor feter yes thank you and I'm I'm sorry I didn't ask this question early Mr earlier Mr manager but can we get a breakdown of the uh legislative grants that we've received since 2020 to present so we can kind of see where we stood with getting state and federal monies uh this is a lot of money that we're asking for and I get it but we all need to jump on board and make sure we're not missing something that we got previously but still able to go forward and get some of these others this is a an excellent list uh that I have some ideas to add to it as well I'm sure we all do that's all thank you thank you Mr vice mayor thank you mayor um reviewing the list my typ top priorities uh would be the Wastewater collection systems and Distribution Systems the substation on the east side with an emergency center that'd be fantastic um and then also if we could um get some funding to to add a park in my district on the east side I'm not trying to compete with the with our regional park but if there happens to be a discussion and extra funding available I'd love to have it something like a dog park something a little passive uh would be great for the east side thank you appreciate it councilman well let me any any comments on the list councilman Ro uh yeah just one I was looking through the the bridge one for Southwest 152 Avenue we had talked about them actually widening the entire roadway from North Canal to Campbell and I think about 18 months ago they told us it'd be done in 18 months and there has been no progress so is there any updates this reminded me of that project that that widening needs to happen sometime soon and this money might be earmarked for something else if they're already going to do the improvements on that bridge so we are actually speaking with the developer that impact that area to see if we can use the uh TPO money and also the impact fees at the county to see whether that could be part of this funding for this project um we just engaged a transportation engineering expert Miss Alice Bravo about I think about a week and a half ago uh she's the retired my immediate County director of transportation and planning as well as a retired director of transportation for the state to Champion the usage of the county money to see if we can kind of direct it for these projects the transportation projects and while leing with all the developers that impact that whole area in terms of how they can assist and championing the whatever impact field they pay to the county on roadway impart fee designate that for some of these roadway project expansions that we talked about okay so just for clarifications the people that were in the city before that told us this project should be completed in 18 months I think we had this conversation when I got here nearly and it was we found out that there was no project in design at all so that's why we initiated the planning for funding to be properly assessed while we engage a consultant to do the design of those roadway expansions there was a challenge from one of the developer that there was no right of way we demonstrated there was right of way there for expansion of the roadway to four lanes at the last I think one of the TPO meetings we attended we spoke with Eileen Booky and she was of the opinion that the city can actually tap into some of the roadway impa fees that has been paid in the past and that has not been used ever he just sitting there which made us to look for a more Transportation plan as somebody that has reach it's not everything I should say on the rec that can assist us to facilitate the expedite of this Pro process without money you wen't going to be able to pay a consultant to do the design neither can we do the construction part of it sorry so as we look to the Future there's only two roadways that I can think of that aren't for laned on that are south of Campbell Drive 152 Avenue is one of them and then East ma is the other one so with all the development that be that that's planned to come in in that Cor over the next 3 to 5 years we're going to need some relief in that area so I don't know who who has the jurisdiction over 152 Avenue um I'm assuming that the um the bridge is covered by a different agency altogether it's not covered by the county that goes over a Waterway so the bridges are usually the entity having jurisdiction over a street or roadway has jurisdiction over the bridge itself so if one 52 Avenue is a City of Homestead Corridor under our jurisdiction we also have jurisdiction over the bridge however the five yearly inspection of every bridge in the State of Florida is undertaken by fot so they would give you the report which they've already furnished us and some of these bridges are inadequate in functionality which is why the project is live what has happened in the past I cannot speak to because you were represent it was represented to council that there was a design for some of these corridors and the bridges whereas there was none thank you thank you m thank you mayor thank you mayor I just wanted to um ask through the mayor I'm sorry through the manager um on Vice mayor's recommendation to have a list I'd like for that list to go back to 2020 so if we could get the a list of awards from 2020 to 2024 and we didn't change our lobbyists during that time right was the same so and if I could just get a fresh there were a lot of vetos over that time right passed by the legislature not but just the final award the ones that we just had a final check uh received for I'd like to get the list and a updated copy of the uh contacts for our lobbies thank you can I just can I just have one more thing the as I looked through it I didn't really see too many Health Services related asks to and in the past we gotten the bre breast cancer one for like 500,000 to do mammograms and breast cancer testing I don't see it in here at all can we add that back into this because we've been awarded that before and the chances are we'll probably get that one again okay vice mayor Fletcher and then councilman Davis yeah sorry uh quickly I know I kind of something new for all of us I think um there's a lot of different projects each of us asked to be done over the time and we don't seem to have a running list of what those are can we create a list of these ideas that each of us come up with and have a routine update on those so all of us kind of know what's happening that way we're not up here asking questions all the time we have a list that we can refer to more more commonly and I know you're the civil engineer I just want to come back to with all the issues that we have with Bridges and five-year inspections let's look at putting culverts in in Lou of bridges uh I can take you to places three or four different places within five miles of City Hall that they've done that in the last 10 years that allows for heavier roads and you don't have to do those inspections routinely and it's over South Florida water water management canals that they've done this so just something that probably less of a cost impact long term or short term and less of a research impact and uh review impact from fdot long term something to think about thank you thank you sir okay councilman Davis thank you uh Mr Mayor uh I want to thank you and and the city manager for the opportunity to work with the police and the team to get that uh uh police substation on the East End that's a very big deal we we really need that the population is growing out there we're aware of it it's months down the road we know it but you got to start you got to start working in that direction but as we move as we continue to move forward I would leave my colleagues with the notion that what we're doing today with with all of these what is the impact going to be 30 years from now how are we going to entice Spaceport here to Homestead are these things uh working together to reach those major major goals and I think that they're all great these are all great things but what are they doing that we're going to reach that goal of pulling in all those jobs of a Spaceport to our community and I think that's something that we should keep uh mind mindful of as we continue to move forward thank you thank you sir okay so I looked at this kind of with eyes that this was you know for this coming year and and I get that some of this is going to be a rolling list but I think we need to have some resolution on the idea of a cafe and a fountain in laer park I thought we had put that to bed I don't know that there's room I don't know that we should build the restaurant to go into competition that's in here that in competition with private folks doing bricks and mortar um I think we authorize some kind of Mobile water feature a year ago more than a year ago and it has yet to be yet to arrive I mean that was championed by councilwoman uh Fair call staggers so that's been you know right at a year now um but I just don't know that look that Park's become a victim of its success I think Saturday night demonstrates that and I don't know that we really have yeah philosophically I don't support putting any kind of cafe or restaurant in in the park I don't I don't think we should compete with the public the public sector in that regard and you know I don't know that we have room for you know a permanent water feature we have too many other needs I think to go off on a wild goose chase for that so you know I'd like to kind of get a feel from where you all are at least for you know let's let's set that aside and forget about those additions those particular additions to the park that are in this this list and if and if it came from any of you all I'm sorry to hurt your feelings but I've never supported that Council woman thank you no I think that the item is a rollover from prior list um I I do think that we could use some improvement in lner park when it comes to having more swings I would prefer more swings than than taking up space with a water feature um although I would love some water feature if there was room in there but it's not a priority for this list I would I wouldn't mind play area would be more of a priority right exactly like a an interactive water play area um with regards to the cafe the adjacent brick and mortars can support that uh that need I think even with the seminal theater they have a licensed for food and beverage there and so if that could be expanded or just you know utilized to its optim optimal uh use we could serve the need through that um there was also discussion about using one of our buildings across the street of laar Park Old Town Hall right so potentially yeah so I don't necessarily think we should delete it forever more from the list but hide it this year so definitely hiding some of these lower M you know totem full items thank you well and and I'd like to add to that list the homestead live project I mean we have lster Park we have a charette that envisions one bang Up Entertainment venue with stage and and and and entertainment type venues here is that the live you're referring to the homestead live was uh project down the Southwest that I think we've there's been a determination made that there's really not enough space we've been advised by the adjoining private property owner that he is not interested in in selling to the city um so again at least for maybe the next couple years we we set that that aside just for clarity M mayor are you recommending Homestead life as part of the priorities so simply to stay on the list ouch taking it Taking The Fountain and Cafe out of laer park and the um Homestead life and Homestead life just remove remove yeah door not not appearing on the list but not disappearing okay um forever and certainly I've always you know I hope before my remaining three years is up here that we can see undergrounding of utilities far outside the Southwest I don't want to see that that limitation that may be a CRA separate CRA project um a lot of different you know the east side was constructed and they were required to have Underground when I look at the Washington alley for example and and the side streets of chrome Avenue much less the Northwest neighborhoods I I would like our Focus to be more holistic than just in the Southwest I mean certainly as we talk about the shotgun property we talk about the triangle property there'll be a patchwork of of undergrounding there so I'd kind of like us to expand our focus on the uh the undergrounding also and I you talk about the EOC and I'm totally supportive if anybody knows how to do Emergency Operations Homestead does and I know it was kind of under the r are but recall that the county acquired from the feds some significant Department of Labor Surplus acreage adjacent to harb which was the footprint where the unaccompanied miners were housed a few years ago I think it's in excess of 20 acres that was awarded on the basis of establishing Emergency Operations there so I don't want to get tangled up in in duplication of efforts and certainly I I think our our proposal is far better than than the county uh just you know for informational that that's hanging out there vice mayor Fletcher just for note the recent County Commission they approved the purchase of the Old Homestead Job Corp for the urban search and rescue for Mi dat County so that may be part of their start so that that facility has been will be going into the hands of Mi dat fire rescue Urban search and rescue that's the one right next to your old the old bank site out there right well and that I don't know that's not 20 acres no but that same property to the east of that former Bank building was Department of Labor declared Surplus and the county acquired it as well as some across the street to the to the north that they designated as Emergency Operations I came up in the conversation the other day with respect to the uh soccer proposal so just you know for informational purposes now Mr manager are these itemized according to priority or actually they are listed according to categories so that's why we're asking for prioritization uh in the next meeting we can based on what was discussed tonight we can put them according to priorities that has been listed right so I guess if nothing else in the coming days between now and the next meeting folks can individually share their their priorities and and again remember this is going into the hands of both the federal and state lobbyist to uh to pick up rocks and find dollars wherever they they might be able to do so so what what more do you need from us tonight on on this item uh it's simply for direction to place it on the agenda for the council meeting on the 18th okay which is next week so let's have a public hearing real quick okay all right so do we have we close the public hearing do we have a motion to place this on the agenda subject to input from Council between now and the the next meeting uh for adoption is moved by vice mayor Fletcher second yes yeah let's well yeah subject to the comments you've gotten tonight to take out those two two items at least for this year yeah um and and then you know you all in I think so the staff is soliciting some individual comments to insert that we can come back and consider yeah a further discussion so we have a motion in a second subject to those those two deletions up front all in favor any opposed and the next is tab 13 some Council Direction car number 4479 the William J Chrome sculpture plaque tribute language Mr maner is this your baby or we're going to put Mr Hennis in the hot seat Mr Hennis he seems to be the for this staff seeks guidance from the mayor and Council on the proposed tribute language options for the plaque accompanying the William Chrome sculpture within lner park within your agenda materials there are two tribute language options that have been prepared one's a shorter version one's a longer version so we're looking for Council Direction and and guidance and whether you would prefer one or the other or options of both so that we can go ahead and order the plaque so that it's all ready to be uh installed when we get to that point after the first of the year thank you sir and I don't know if you've seen them yet but certainly subject to some of the corrections and language usage my preference is one it's more traditional it's shorter it's to the point vice mayor so I agree with you 100% uh I know there are some minor U edits that need to be done but we also had a discussion uh this afternoon with staff in regards to understanding that you know this is a very short read you know for someone maybe putting a QR code on the on the Statue as well that may have some more in-depth history we talked about how we could do that we're not sure yet if you can do it in metal or not uh one of the things I have to find out but uh allows us to give us a little more history in detail if you're able to have that QR code or photos or photos photos in the Q QR code that's all Council mman thank you mayor I would also like to see a rendering of how this would look on the plaque like perhaps that first liner the paner engineer should be larger than the rest of the verbage or just want to have an idea they they do have I believe assistant manager Brown has has a life-size rendering of this plaque uh yes okay showing the font and and what would be the actual size of the PL I I just also want to add that it's that statue is absolutely stunning and I think that it would be a beautiful addition to I think our park is where we ultimately decided and um excellent work for the to the artist our statue looks a lot nicer than some other statues I saw recently So yeah thank you for everybody's hard work on that and that artist what a choice that was I had the opportunity to see many examples of his other work in person from you know this the size of this gavel to uh larger even more Larger than Life than our our Chrome statue any other input from Council so let's have a motion to direct the choice would be option one subject to some of the edits that I know you all have done and I've made some some suggestions to bring back and go ahead and uh get that ordered so I think we're looking for an unveiling sometime in mid-February all right so do we have a motion to adopt option one with the the edits that's moved by councilman Davis second by councilman cannibal any public comment all in favor any opposed right and next is um tab 14 car number 4450 a selection of LED street light type Mr manager going you did Mike to my colleague Barbara konis the director of electric she's done a wonderful job to pick out some of those light fixtures and now I must CAU that what we are asking tonight is about the intensity of the lights not the style so that we focus only on intensity of the light the food candle and how much illumination you want to see on the streets bar thank you Mr manager and good evening mayor and councel hopefully you all are aware we have placed a number of lights over on Washington Avenue on the city plaza side we have five lights there of varying intensities and they range from a a low intensity sort of yellow light to a very bright white light and the recommendation that that we have but of course it's needs to come from from you all but just from our perspective is to use the very bright white light in the areas that need additional illumination we would work with the PD to understand where those areas are and then the standard for the other lights would be the next lower intensity which is the 4,000k light and that is it's currently what we are using in the city as our standard and we would like to continue using that with the exception of the areas that do need more illumination based on the uh the statistics from the PD but it's open for your discussion and you know just which ones uh okay you all feel are the appropriate ones for our city thank you so I know we've all been given the opportunity to drive by walk around look at the intensity and it's my understanding that staff's recommendation now is to adopt the the bright white 5,000 5K uh bulb correct yes yes now just to clarify someday we're going to have a complete renewal of chrome and Washington sooner rather than later are we changing the bulbs in the light fixtures that are going to be replaced or is this for other areas these we we have Grant money and we're going to use that grant money along specific corridors um we're looking at Chrome Lucy Maui and second and fourth streets and so the money will only go so far but we have been replacing the um existing fixtures with LED for several years now and we also have replaced specifically those Acorn heads um with heads that are not allowing the water intrusion because that's a problem so we we have a better fixture now for the the acorn type the teardrop ones are have not been a problem um but so this money will just be used to replace those that are not already LED along those corridors very good Council questions coming from Vice for thater yes thank you and uh I I appreciate you all putting those up there so we could all see them um of course I've always been a fan of more lumens uh wherever we can uh put them because we do have some very dark parking lots and Street ways along through our city I would ask that based off of her recommendation we move forward with approving the the highest Lumin one uh and knowing that we're going to be doing some work on Chrome Avenue in Washington maybe focus our work on maie second and fourth street like you you were talking and maybe hit those last ones later you know where we may not have to touch them at all and use those elsewhere that's my recommendation I hope everybody else can provide with some feedback thank you okay anyone else all right so for form with a motion by the vice mayor second by Council Roman Avala let's have public input didn't think so we'll close the public hearing all in favor any osed Mr manager anything further sir this is a reminder that this Friday at noon the city employees will be having the holiday annual launch on at FICO Williams Community Center Council is invited to join us and um the city city hall offices will be closed during this exercise and employees will be allowed to go home after that event however however there will be maintenance of essential Services I will be back in City Hall the late in the evening as well as some of my colleagues and also I want to inform Council that I will be taking the last two weeks of the year to go on vacation I think in the past eight weeks eight months I've been consistent in showing up here every day so I just want to take some time off I'll be traveling with limited access to phone and emails okay thanks and I and I would add eight months of very long days and to confirm that uh assistant city manager Brown will be uh acting in your stad there will be appropriate notice to that effect Mr Mayor very good thank you any questions from Council all right very good do I have a motion to adjourn yes I just want to remind the public that the deadline to submit gingerbread houses for the competition is on Saturday and Troop 1855 is coming in with some something for competition okay thank you very good that's the idea okay we have a motion to adjourn it's been moved and seconded all in favor I good night thank you everyone