all right and we are live I'd like to call the meeting order at 6:02 PM salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all you can refer to the opening statement according to the agenda can you please call the roll Mr Falcone present Mr Deano present Dr Capello present Mr citr here miss gulan here Mr chaffy Mr Francis yes Miss paa and Miss Falcone Schubert here can I please have a motion to go into executive session Mr Falcone yes Mr Stefano Dr Capello Mr citr yes M gulan yes Mr chaffy Mr Francis Miss paulaa yes and Miss Falcone Scher yes now in EXA e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e was get me can I please have a motion to reconvene moov by Miss gulan second by Miss paa Mr Falcone yes Mr Deano yes Dr Capello yes Mr citr yes Miss gulan yes Mr chaffy Mr Francis Miss Paula chaina yes and Miss Falcone schuber yes and I have a motion to approve the May minutes please make a motion I'll second motion by Mr chaffie second by Dr Dr Capello uh Mr Falcone yes Mr justo yes Dr Capello yes uh Mr citr yes Miss gulan yes Mr chaffy yes Mr Francis yes Miss paa yes and Miss Falcone schart yes okay and we'll move on to the superintendent report and the hip report right so a couple things uh this evening um the first is uh just an overview of our student safety data system uh for period two of the school year uh that is the second half of the school year each uh each half of the year we report on instances of bullying as well as trainings um that have transpired during the course of the year for our staff um along with uh suspensions of students either in school or out of school suspensions um our suspension rate uh continues to Hold Steady um about 3 three and a half% uh uh total instance based on student population over the course of a year uh for the year we had 12 bullying reports five of those reports were confirmed hip according to uh the state statute um so this year from a Hib perspective has been um less than typical years um we continue to see students that struggle with um interpersonal skills social skills um we've seen kind of that uptick uh across the state since the pandemic and and the return from uh from the pandemic so it's an area that we continue to work on with our with our students uh our counselors our teachers we have enlisted um the help and support of numerous resources across the county outside of the school system to provide additional support for our families and our students as well all right so uh you have that information uh for this month we had five total Hib reports um two of those were confirmed the other three were simply code of conduct violations that do not fall under the statute all right so um that concludes the Hib and student safety data system um summary report for the school year we don't have either of our student Representatives here school is out for them um I I made mention of it last week uh I want to thank uh members of the board who were able to make graduation it was greatly appreciated it was hot but it was a wonderful ceremony um I want to thank Miss pichen for her her remarks at graduation as well uh it was a great evening a great opportunity to celebrate with our students and our family very proud um of our students and all of the work they put in and Incredibly proud of our teaching staff and the efforts that they continue to make on an ongoing basis um just very proud to be part of what we all are are are trying to do here in hop pakong so thank you to each and every one of them and our families at home as well and with that uh that'll conclude my superintendent report great thank you can I have a motion to accept please second on the motion by Mr Falcone second by Miss paicha Mr Falcone yes well we have discussion oh sure abolutely question about the student Representatives yes I was told it was two different people what do you mean the names that are listed here Lana and and Thomas you'll get new people starting for next school year so these are the current on these are the current y yep same as last one no worries no worries any other questions all right so on the motion by Mr Falcone second by Miss paa uh let me just make sure I've got the votes Mr Falcone yes Mr DeStefano yes Dr Capello yes Mr citr yes Mr gulan yes Mr chaffy Mr Francis Miss paulaa yes and Miss Falcone schart yes and moving on to acknowledgements and correspondence absolutely so I would certainly like to congratulate our scholar athlete of the month uh for their outstanding performance in May in girls track that is Riley Cobb a junor and in boys track Cayenne Simpson a sophomore congratulations to our two scholar athletes of the month I'd also like to con congratulate our hopak our hopong high school senior award scholarship recipients for the school year uh our Middle School honor rooll and high honor rooll students and our H hak Kong High School honor rooll and high honor rooll students uh for the final marking period of the school year congratulations to each and every one of those individuals as well um is there anyone from parent teacher organizations that wants to speak I could just do a quick update from high school PTO um at the end of the school year uh the ptso arranged for ice cream shop to come to the school um and all the teachers and kids were able to get a sweet treat and um tonight is the eighth grade beach ball bash although it's not a school sponsored event the PTO did donate $400 towards it and the kids are enjoying the um Beach Club regardless of the uh weather they are all swimming heads in um so I want to thank them and it was a great great year for fundraising and it was due in part to the Tricky Tray and everybody's contributions so they just want to say thank you is there a band down there at the there's a DJ no no public comments okay thank you okay moving on to finance let's open to public comment please oh sorry okay we'll open to public comment but there no there's nobody anybody no okay okay the only time yeah just so you know there's well there's other meetings coming up oh yes okay okay um and then we'll move on to finance can I please have a um motion and motion wait what was it let me just I just want to point out um okay go ahead just a couple of donations here that are really really important um we can't do everything that we want to be able to do on a regular basis without the support of our community and donors so uh I want to make note of item K under Finance uh Gerald Salamone $1,000 donation to The Dale salomone Memorial Scholarship um in Dale's memory I want to thank Mr Salamone for that donation um I also want to thank fobio Falcone and Michael fola uh this is an $188,000 donation for a scoreboard um at the high school for the football field as you remember we've had um we've had a lot of issues with that scoreboard over the last couple years years uh it is becoming impossible to find parts and people that can service it um that's going to do an awful lot to help us um move ourselves forward and so we're we're going to be working on some um some naming rights um and and some things as a way to celebrate and thank um these two very generous individuals for Their donation tonight so I I want to thank them uh for continuing to support us and and student athletes and our community here in hop pacon and I also want to thank Stacy Yano for her donation to The Joanne bsky uh Lang scholarship uh to to even out that scholarship amount so that um we can continue to donate and make that happen so I I want to thank uh her for that I also want to thank all of our community organizations um who helped to donate to our high school student scholarships this year um without you um those scholarships um would not be avail able to help so many great hardworking deserving students in hopak Kong so um I I just want to make that known as well so thank you thank you okay and let's um let's get a motion on 11 and then we'll open it up to discussion and comment please I'll move it a second okay any discussion hearing none item 11 uh moved by Mr Falcone seconded by Miss Paula uh Mr Falcone yes Mr Deano uh yes to all but I vote present 11 I present yes thank you sir uh Dr Capello yes Mr citr yes M gulan yes Mr chaffie yes Mr Francis yes Miss paa yes Miss uh Falcone sh yes moving on to Personnel can I please have a motion any discussion on Personnel item 12 Personnel move by Mr Falcone second by Dr Capello let get to the end of my list here this is uh all of our appointments uh primarily for the upcoming year uh coaches advisers new hires for some staff we may mention earlier um a number of great new staff that are joining us for staff members that have retired um and I'm thankful to be able to bring them on and and add them to the H pakong Chief family so um on that motion Mr Falcone yes Mr DeStefano yes Dr Capello yes Mr citr yes Miss gulan yes Mr chaffie yes Mr Francis yes Miss paulaa yes and Miss Falcone Schubert yes can I please have a motion for item number 13 travel and professional development any discussion move by Mr Falcone second by Dr Capello Mr Falcone yes Mr DeStefano yes Dr Capello yes Mr citr yes M gulan yes Mr chaffy yes Mr Francis Miss paa yes Miss Falcone schuber yes can I please have a motion to move items 14 students and services 15 resolutions and 16 CES County Regional Cooperative to the rest of the agenda a I'll second it any discussion on items 14 through 16 on motion by Mr chaffie seconded by Miss gulan Mr alone yes Mr Deano uh yes to 14 um 15 G I vote present uh and 16 I vote president thank you sir Dr capella yes Mr citr yes Miss gulan yes Mr chaffy yes Mr Francis yes Miss pachena yes and Miss Falcone Scher yes are there any board members who would like to make a comment okay before we wrap up I would just like to say a couple of things um first I wanted to read a thank you note that we received from our student representative to Tomas dear hakam Board of Education I would like to thank you for the opportunity of the scholarship and all of your support it makes me incredibly happy to know that my dream of going to college is becoming a reality with deepest appreciation toas galz one more thing about it he also sent a thank you note to the RO group for the for the SCH scholarship so it's good man um I just wanted to thank uh the mayor and the Town Council for inviting uh me and as a representative for the Board of Education to speak at the Town council meeting last night about our upcoming um budget and a possible referendum um it was uh I thought an education an opportunity to educate the community and um I heard a lot of positive feedback I know my fellow board members also had people reach out to them and there was lot of positivity because once you explain something to someone and they have the right information they can make an educated Choice um I would also um like to thank my parents our parents and our uncle for generously donating the money needed to um purchase the scoreboard it was something in the referendum that was very near and dear to uh them and they are firm Believers that it takes a village which was part of the reason why my brother and I sit on um um the Board of Education we do what we can we volunteer on the sports Fields um just like many of you guys do the same thing whether it be Boy Scouts Girl Scouts cheerleading rotary um it's our way of giving back and um I just want to encourage anybody in town who has a special talent or has the means to help out to consider contributing because that is what builds you know our community and um strengthens us as a group and makes our town you know what it is I you know lived here my whole life and honestly I really wouldn't want to live anywhere else so thanks for that um I want to apologize to the class of 2024 that I was not able to make it to the graduation but I heard it was amazing and thank you for stepping in um and lastly I was able to attend the senior Awards I think you were there too right I felt like it was one of the most special times that I've ever been a part of something and again it was just another opportunity of all these people who whether it's present or past have been a part of the pacon community coming together one night to celebrate all the great things that we do here so um just continue to you know get the word out that wonderful things are happening here and um instead of you know being divisive and um you know looking at kind of the glass half empty type of a situation we are moving forward we're going to work together to get these kids what we need and I appreciate every single one of you up here um helping us do that with that said can I have a motion to adjourn second I was led to believe from the uh mayor and council meeting that the upcoming change of money from before the defeated referendum would be explained after the executive board meeting I didn't hear anything on that the referendum has not gone up to vote yet we have not put the question out vote on the council is that what you're saying we haven't even put together the referendum to formally be presented to the to the well I was disappointed you weren't there in person sorry I was on vacation but I zoomed in well you didn't appoint somebody else you got nine members here to explain okay sir it's not public comment right now there was public comment um at number nine sorry number four in our agenda that would be the time to speak if you had a if you had a concern but I was led to believe that that would be discussed tonight okay so we're going to adjourn the meeting if you'd like we're going to adjourn the meeting if you'd like to stay afterwards I would certainly speak to you um okay yeah that's not a problem okay thank you can I have a motion to adjourn we already did okay yes are all in favor okay meeting is adjourned at 7 18 thank you all have a great evening thank you