hcam right I just put you live awesome thank you of course all right so to start the meeting I will read the um remote meeting script here this is the Tuesday July 16 2024 open meeting of the Hoppington Conservation Commission being conducted remotely consistent with an act extending certain covid-19 measures during the State of Emergency the new law authorizes all members of a public body to continue participating in meetings remotely the open meeting law requires meeting Law's requirement that a quorum of the body and the chair be physically present at the meeting location remain suspended for this meeting the Hoppington Conservation Commission is convening by video conference via Zoom app is posted on the town's web meeting calendar and the Conservation Commission agent identifying how the public may join in additionally the me me may be broadcast by hcam through one or many of its channels or platforms please note that this meeting is being recorded and that some attendees are participating by video conference accordingly Please be aware that others may be able to see you and take care not to screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording sporting materials that have been provided to members of the commission for this meeting are available on the town's website this meeting will feature public comment after commission members and staff have discussed each project application on the agenda the chair will open the discussion to public comment members of the public who wish to speak are asked to identify their names and address three minutes will be afforded for each public comment each vote taken in this meeting will be conducted via roll call of the members so I will now confirm which commission members are present um myself Melissa Ros Jim sorell Pres Ted Barker hook present Janine Leon Janine I don't believe she'll be joining us tonight oh she won't okay Ed Harold present and Jeff Barnes present okay and Matt M I believe is not joining us either um I'll now confirm staff that are present Kim present Anna and Joe all right awesome um all right so tonight let's see on the agenda work session items we don't have any documents for review and um just draft minutes for review if everybody um had a chance to review the minutes from April 9th 2024 um can I get a motion to approve them or any comments from the commission on the minutes I'll make the motion and I'll second all right all in favor uh I'll go through the roll call Jim uh I Ted Ted is an i Ed I and Jeff I all right excellent so those are all set and those are only work yes okay oh did I vote were you asking yes I I didn't think you did but maybe you did I might not have I um am also in favor of approving the minutes thank you Ted um I was I was getting really excited that that was our only work session item so I went too fast um all right so that being said uh we'll move on to the First new hearing of the night um which is 147 Hayden row and I need to [Music] read hold on let me pull up my need to read this so this is a public hearing notice the hopkington Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday July 16th 2024 at 7M virtually online to hear all persons interested in a notice of intent filed by the hopking town of hopkington to construct a new school building including Associated storm water infrastructure recreational fields and site work location zero haen row sessor map U23 Block 33 lot zero zero haen row assessor map U23 block 35 blot a 129 Hayden row sessor map U23 block 28 blot 0 147 haen row assessor map U23 block 32 l0 um C Myrtle AB assessor map U23 block 60 lot zero B to fit a assessor map u22 block 68 l0 this application is subject to the Wetland protection act chapter 131 section 40 as amended of the general laws of Massachusetts the Act and the wetlands protection bylaw of the town of Hoppington the BW um all right so with that um and being that this is a new hearing um who do we have on Deck to present to us tonight on the new Charles River School Charles Wood School hi there uh for the record Claire hone Wetland scientist with LEC environmental Consultants representing the applicant for the noi application this evening welcome thank you um I'm prepared to make a presentation and if you'd like um Kim if I could share my screen so I could go through that thank you can everybody see the screen that would have the lovely rendering of the school yes okay great um so again my name is Claire hogon Wetland scientist with LC environmental Consultants we're representing the applicant for the Nota 710 application to construct the charleswood elementary school um this proposed project involves a three-story building that will serve grades 2 through four uh grades two and three will come from the existing Elmwood Elementary School at 14 Hayden Rose or 14 Elm Street um and it'll also receive grades four from Hopkins Elementary School just located up the road um this project is in an effort to alleviate systemwide overcrowding that is currently occurring within the town Town um and account for uh anticipated growth within the student population as well uh this project has undergone a very thorough analysis to determine the site and project design with consideration to the community needs educational programming and the natural environment as well and this has all been occurring since uh as early as 20120 and unlike typical developments with new construction uh this project is really locating an existing use from the existing Elmwood Elementary School um and will alleviate the systemwide overcrowding and accommodate uh the anticipated growth within the student population um a good portion of that uh analysis included an Alternatives analysis of going over many many sites throughout the town many project design iterations uh partially through the uh Massachusetts uh school board authority or msba process um which is partially um uh not funding I'm losing the word but msba is involved in this project so uh I just wanted to point that out before I get started with the presentation here and just give an overview of this project purpose Claire if I could just jump in it's Tim person from the hington public schools um so the building is help helping us deal with overcrowding the original intent of the building was to replace an end of life building at the Elmwood School um and that's how we partnered up with the msba for funding for this project great thank you Tim and as I'm going uh he chimed in just in time because I was going to go through the uh project team and I realized I missed out on Tim so I'm glad he introduced himself that he's joining in on the call today uh Tim with the town of hopkington so joining LEC tonight we have uh a few folks from the vertex company this the O uh owner's project manager uh we have Chris Eberly and Chris Kenny joining uh we also have I don't believe I saw Dan Collie on the call but Perkins Eastman is the building architect on this project uh we also have Michelle kaserman from Sam od's Consultants the civil engineer on this project and uh Ashley kolon from Traverse Landscape Architects joining as the landscape architect on this project um what I'm going to do is go through a brief overview of the existing site conditions go through the project itself and towards the end I'll pass things off to Michelle to go over the storm water management uh design of the project so just to familiarize everybody I'm sure everyone's aware of where this uh project is in town um but to the left here on this USGS uh topographic map the site is out out lined in this orange yellow polygon we're located to the east of Hayden Rose Street just south generally of sort of the center of town here um where my cursor is here is where the existing uh hopkington High School complexes and all of the athletic fields so we're just a bit south of that uh drawing over to the aerial image on the right of the screen the site is comprised of six Parcels uh commonly own by the town of hopkington the northern portion of the site includes uh the developed Marathon Elementary School and a driveway entrance coming off of Hayden row Street here and the southern portion of the site the southwestern portion has another uh area of Frontage onto Hayden row street that is at 147 Hayden row Street an existing single family unoccupied dwelling currently exists there and will need to be demolished to accommodate uh the secondary entrance from this site that I'll point out when we get to the next slides uh showing the project area as you can see the remainder of the site is generally forested um and we have a few uh Wetland resource areas sort of within the central portion of the site so I just wanted to draw your eye here as I go to the next slide to go over those resource areas very briefly so we have uh bordering vegetated Wetland shown here in green that is just south of the existing Marathon school entrance off of Hayden Rose Street additionally within that central portion of the site identified in purple we have four isolated vegetated Wetlands uh identified as an A B D and F series um we also have a pond located just off site so Bank to Pond is in close proximity to the site and all of these resource areas have a 100 foot buffer zone associated with them um as you can see in the dashed Line work uh the sort of most distance Line work is the 100 foot we also will be showing a 50 foot and a 75 foot buffer zone on all of the plans going forward that you see on the slides here we came to the commission uh in the fall of 2023 to seek confirmation of these resource area boundaries and um we received an oad for that on September 15th of 2023 uh the bvw and the A and Fs series iws were confirmed as such however the B and the D series Wetlands you can see they sort of hug the Southern Property Line during the peer review that uh Joe orzel from Lucas conducted uh we could not gain access to the site um so we could not confirm or we whether or not these actually did border on any streams offsite so we through the oad confirmed the Wetland boundaries but did not necessarily confirm the jurisdictional status or confirm whether they're isolated or bordering uh so the boundaries are approved um but for the purpose of this presentation and just getting through this um filing we are just noting them as isolated vegetated wetlands and um nonetheless in accordance with the hopkington Wetland bylaw regulations all of the resource areas on site have 100 foot buffer zone so the buffer zones remain the same for all of these resource areas so to give a project overview um we're still sort of in that central portion of the site here um where my cursor is over are those two Wetlands I was just speaking of the A and the D series wetlands and in the bottom of the screen here is that off-site pond just to put it all into perspective um we have a paved site entrance coming in uh North South Direction and that is going to be utilizing the existing driveway from the marathon Elementary School and that'll be our primary entrance to the site that's going to meet a rotary here and a secondary entrance is continuing West and that's where it's going to uh intersect with Hayden row Street at that single family dwelling that I pointed out on an earlier slide from this rotary the driveway is going to continue East and uh Loop Road will essentially Encompass the uh School building here and we have paved parking uh majority in the front of the school and another lot here that's a I believe that's about 199 spaces of paved parking um to the north of this driveway we have an athletic field for PE class and to the West in between that and the primary entrance this darker green uh shaded area is a pervious overflow parking lot that affords uh 60 parking spaces so in total we'll have 159 parking spaces 60 of which are uh pervious areas over here to the east of the school we have some outdoor class rooms just immediately uh off of the school building itself this sort of uh yellower green area is where a rain Garden is proposed very close to the school and to the east of the Loop Road behind the school there's a recess field um playgrounds and basketball courts there are a lot of benches and um areas for people to enjoy themselves to the rear of the school as well something you don't see on this plan are the storm water management features so I just want to remind folks for the next couple of sides I'm going to talk about other portions of the project and uh Michelle from samiotes is going to talk in more detail about the storm water um towards the ends of end of this presentation so the start of construction uh will begin with installation of erosion and sedimentation controls along the entire limit of work of this project in magenta uh pink color will be a combination of compost socks and silt fencing and where it turns darker purple at the southern portion of the project area it'll be a combination of the compost socks silt fencing and Co logs these will function as uh a demarcation of the limit of work uh it'll ensure the activities do not extend beyond the project footprint in addition into containing any storm water uh erosion or sedimentation that may occur during construction as well uh we have two construction entrances uh this one's coming from our secondary entrance here that's measuring about 500 feet long and we have a construction entrance coming off of the marathon uh driveway here that's about 300 ft long uh those will be comprised of geotextile and 6 in of 2 to 3 in aggre and that is in an effort to uh reduce the amount of sediment that would leave the site during construction as well so we're using all of these uh best management practices to keep any sediment within our site footprint uh this particular plan or this particular graphic is from the noi plan set this is sheet c-1 of the noi plan which also depicts uh temporary sediment basins and diversion soiles throughout the site we have five in total uh these will be excavated by the contractor to direct and store storm water during construction and the project will require a nip Construction general permit and in turn will require a storm water pollution prevention plan or a Swip uh that will be prepared prior to construction and provided to the Conservation Commission prior to construction as well uh and in accordance with that Swip and any special conditions within the order of conditions uh the contractor will be monitoring uh storm water and the erosion controls during construction to ensure that um the protection of resource areas uh continues to be maintained during work um as you can see here we have the site grading uh shown and the building here in the center or Eastern portion of the site grading generally stays within the limit of work um identified on the previous plan or the previous slide and Grading has been designed to match the existing grades in the surrounding UND undisturbed portions of the site to the extent practicable uh you can see it is pretty tight to any of the paved areas that we have coming into the site uh here my cursor is they are very tight uh due to steep slopes to meet the undisturbed portions of the site uh and up here where it's a little distanced from the Loop Road that is where a Swale is located a part of the storm water design that Michelle will go into a little more detail on later um as you can see here as well I we're sort of giving you a sneak peek of the storm water system here uh where my cursor is to the very east of the project footprint is where uh storm water detention Basin is proposed as well as you can see with the purple and pink in the bottom of the image here those are isolated wetlands and our pond I just highlighted the outer 100t buffer zone here just to indicate what portions of the project are located within buffer zone briefly touching on utility connections for the project uh all utilities will be connected to existing um connections within Hayden row street from the secondary site entrance we have two water lines One 8 in for fire protection and one 14 in line for domestic uh we have an 8 in sewer line connecting to a manhole within Hayden row Street and the electrical and Telecom will uh connect to an existing utility pole within Hayden rast stre at that secondary entrance and all of these utilities will be subsurface once they enter the site uh from their Connection locations in Hayden R Street the project uh includes a very robust planting plan uh which includes a little over 350 uh deciduous shade trees large evergreen trees small trees shrubs shade trees um and of course a lot of native flowering perennials and include the planting plan includes a lot of plugs um to be planted throughout the site it also includes uh three different types of seed mix um in particular areas within the site um mostly outside of the buffer zones but we have a New England showy wildf flower mix proposed within proximity to the building the New England erosion control and restoration seed mix is proposed within the in the detention Basin to the rear of the site um and all remaining areas sort of similar to where my cursor is um includes a New England conservation Wildlife seed mix um within those areas any graded areas Within These buffer zones uh identified on this plan or this uh slide will be back filled with 6 in of LOM and the 6 in of loom will be placed elsewhere but just focusing on the buffer zones um they will also uh include an application of the restoration seed mix uh which is the new W New England conservation and Wildlife mix uh within the buffer zone to this is our a series isolated Wetland and our B series isolated Wetland Within These buffer zones that sort of overlap each other we have three large diameter saplings proposed along with eight shrubs uh during construction uh plantings will be delivered to the site and inspected to ensure that they match the planting plan and are in good health before they're installed um and then post construction monitoring of buffer zone plantings or uh temporarily Disturbed areas within the buffer zone will occur for two growing Seasons following the completion of the project and and it'll also include an evaluation and recommendations for removal efforts of any invasive species uh that begin to um naturalize within the buffer zone areas and we'll provide reports to the Conservation Commission uh following the end of the growing season of the monitoring years uh while it's not shown on the plan the project team is absolutely interested in putting out uh permanent immovable barriers or pibs within the buffer zones um I understand from a previous project for the Hopkins Elementary School the Conservation Commission has conservation markers that they can provide um so we'd be we'd like to just discuss that with the commission whether you'd want the conservation markers um this site has many Boulders and rocks so uh we could certainly entertain utilizing those as the contractor works on the site and how we can um repurpose any of that for pibs as well um additionally again from the Hopkins Elementary School the commission had a really great request for educational signage um so we intend to incorporate that into this project as well um and very open to input from the Conservation Commission on that signage um something like within the buffer zones or uh within the rain Garden or in proximity to the Rain Garden to educate the students and anybody utilizing the school um would be very great so we're open to input from the commission members on that as well um lastly just to touch on the Regulatory Compliance for the work within the buffer zone um under the wetlands protection act regulations there are no specific performance standards for work within buffer zones uh any work within the buffer zone is permissible however with when the project is designed um such that there are no adverse impacts to the associated Wetland resource areas however uh the hopkington wetlands uh bylaw regulations do have buffer zone performance standards um that are dependent on the activity type so uh we sort of have two activities located within buffer zones for this project one storm water management structures uh which has both a 50ft Nob build and and no disturbance Zone uh this graphic is a highlighted um sheet of the storm water uh design plan and the only portion of storm water management features located within that 50 foot no build or no disturbance Zone um if you can follow my cursor here are two dry Wells at the secondary site entrance that is necessary just due to the um sort of ju to position of the site entrance itself and the grading that is necessary to accommodate the slope of those um additionally uh the other buffer zone standards that we're working under are for um the second bullet here uh and specifically a municipal project um where we have a 75 foot no build Zone and a 50ft no disturbance Zone and that would apply to the pavement assoc assciated with the secondary site entrance here which goes into the buffer zones of our a and our B series wetlands and goes partially into the 100 foot buffer zone um of this D series Wetland grading is only located within that 75 foot no build zone so this small section um does meet those standards however the Loop Road that continues this is the parking lot here the Loop Road that continues around the parking lot into the building does have grading within that 50ft no disturbance Zone and there is uh pavement proposed within the 75 foot no build Zone um our notice of intent application did include a waiver request for these activities um which includes um a description of the activities and an Alternatives analysis providing an explanation as to why um work within these buffer zones is necessary which I'm happy to go into further detail on but I think at this point I'd like to pass things on to Michelle to talk more about the storm water management thank you um so for the storm water management um we are due to the large site as so we are uh the goal of the storm water management is that we are reducing the peak rates uh in the proposed site compared to the existing um and so to do this we are capturing storm water throughout the site and it is going to various uh both uh detention underground detention to hold the water and then infiltration systems uh before Outlet um so if we can go and so in the slide uh the red is highlighting all the piping under the ground um if you can go to the next side CLA that shows the labels of all the the off here we go so perfect so I'm just going to start kind of going around the site so starting with the infiltration system on the left hand side um in Orange so that is capturing runoff um from the wooded area kind of to the north there's a gred kind of a Swale along the road it's also so there's going to be Stone along there and a pipe and so it goes into these infiltration systems um and then Outlets towards the um B series and so these are shallow systems um because of the high groundwater and we are keeping these uh minimum 2 fet of separation um so we are using the dry Wells shallow dry Wells and because uh the the storm water overflows through the rims uh we need to have the rims at an elevation that is lower so that's why we're kind of skirting into that 50 foot buffer area um naturally the site has in the existing conditions a connection just uh to graphical where the a series uh is able to kind of overflow into the B series um so we are adding a pipe under the road uh to keep that kind of natural connection um so that so that infiltration system so we're also treating capturing storm water with catch basins and water quality units so a portion of the drive driveway in that area from the rotary kind of to the left um or to the West is being captured by C Basin treated with water quality units and then also outling to that B series Wetland so if we kind of go now to the north of the site the driveway from the marathon school to the rotary um is being captured by catch basins and it's being treated through water quality units and it's routed to this subsurface detention system number one and so because in some places on the site groundw is kind of high this is a watertight uh system uh so it captures the runoff the water is unable to kind of infiltrate into the ground but it is slowly released um so it's treated for TSS and it's slowly released to reduce the peak rate so some of that water is Outlet it um to dry Wells and then towards uh the D series Wetlands the remainder of that storm water is piped to the uh subsurface detention system number two that's also watertight and subsurface uh that detention system number two also captures uh storm water from the parking lot and so that water is also treated through water quality units catch basins and water quality units and subsurface system number two um also Outlets um in a controlled manner some of it is then released uh toward the Wetland series D the remainder of that storm water is then routed to the infiltration system number four uh so and that system is a leeching system so that water is able to infiltrate into the ground and anything that uh does not infiltrate overflows from that system into the detention Basin um so kind of working back towards the front of the site uh the large parking lot in front of the school um that is made up of three systems uh so we have above that we have a Swale that does capture some run off and that is tied to into subsurface detention system number three um and so then we also have infiltration systems two and three so the subsurface detention system again is watertight because there's no separation to groundwater um and that overflows into the subsurface infiltration system that does have separation to groundwater and is able to recharge um and subsurface system 2 and three the um infiltration systems are also tied together um and all of these um so the storm water captured in the parking lot again is treated with via catch Basin and water quality units before infiltrating um and so that is um so that system outlets and goes towards ties into um it kind of outlets you can see at the bottom there's some dry Wells so again it to have controlled release of the water um and so it's times so it's not just a giant flow um in these various storms it's able to be controlled um for the release so we can reduce the peak rates um compared to the existing conditions um the remainder of the site so the building um and portions of the driveway are captured and they go to that so portion of the building and portion of the driveway go to the subsurface infiltration system number four and number four Outlets to the large detention Basin and that Basin Outlets into the woods um so a portion of the building goes directly into the Basin and so that's clean runoff a portion of the building goes into the uh infiltration system for and then the Bas and and then into the outlets the woods um and so that is pretty much out and then we do have a rain Garden um at that bottom south of the building uh and then we have another Swale kind of at the northeast of the site um and that's captur run off partially from the woods um and just allowing the vegetated Swale um with some like a French drain at the bottom so stone and a pipe and that also Outlets into the large detention B in um so that's pretty much the storm wi for the site thanks Michelle well um I think that essentially completes sort of our presentation um we're happy to pass things back to the commission to start working through questions and any comments great thank you that was a very thorough presentation appreciate that um I guess first off as far as reviews go um from our consultants for storm water have you received any um has any any review been done for the storm water yet that we've received comments on I don't think so or have you no you're correct we have not received any pure review uh comments on the storm water I believe we received a scope for the storm water review um along with the scope from Lucas as well and the chair of the espc has um to my understanding authorized that earlier today um okay so we look forward to yes same here okay great um so with that being said I I guess uh Kim I'll see do you have any um questions at this point in time comments um before I turn it over to board members or Joe give you the first thanks Melissa I'm like um looking for my buttons he sharing my screen um thank you for the really thorough um presentation Claire it seems like this project um there's been a lot of thought and consideration uh put into this project already just to get it to this point so I really appreciate that effort um from from the whole team and and the school department as well um my question is actually for Joe um or zel of Lucas Joe I was wondering maybe Claire you can pitch into um the Wetland areas B and C you had mentioned that the jurisdictional status is not determined by the oad I was just wondering if we were suspicious that these resources were connected offsite or was there a question of if these resources had any physical characteristics which could indicate uh Vernal pool breeding uh Joe I don't know if you want to take lead or if you want me to take lead on that I can I can address it quickly um my recollection is that um it appeared that some Wetland vegetation may have continued um off site um but we uh uh as CLA mentioned we didn't have permission to to go follow that offsite to see if it did um connect to um uh any any stream and rent stream or or water body further down gradient um I don't recall there being any indication of a veral pool habitat but I would have to double check uh my notes on that they're both they're both very shallow um pocket areas it's not so much that they're very distinct depressions um there's a stone wall lining that Southern Property boundary which might exacerbate holding the water in those areas but um there were no indications of um stream channels on site that we could identify and I think Joe's correct in saying you know it was just the Wetland vegetation was really continu and it would have been great to get an augur or two in the soil on the other side of the site but since we didn't have access um we couldn't really confidently or comfortably say um one way or the other awesome that's really helpful at this point um my second question would be for the storm water design what um what precipitation model was used to or what precipitation data was used to model the um 100e storm 10e storm whatnot like are we looking at NOA 14 these are yeah so we use the for the bylaws the updated Noah storms um are you asking the inches per each storm no I just wanted to make sure you're using the updated precipitation data yes okay perfect um that's it for me Melissa for now okay um I know there was a question about pibs um that you were looking to get some feedback on during the presentation um I think speaking for myself The Boulders you know are are things that that we accept and I think are great um as well as the medallions and of course um some signage educ ational signage would be appreciated um I don't know if anyone else in the commission has any thoughts on that but um my thought would be those typical things what you suggested are typical of what we look for and I'd be happy with those through the chair I agree with you Melissa this is Jeff okay and I know Kim has some traditional spacing that we use as far as how far apart those go so you can um talk to Kim about that as far as actual distance between EBS um and then the other question that kind of popped up to me was that Crossing that pipe that connects the two Wetlands at the um secondary access Drive um how large is that connection and how much I guess design went into that pipe and ensuring that water can get from you know we're not we're not creating a dam or um uh issue for water that typically you know moves between those areas or Critters yep so the pipe size is a 12in concrete pipe um and so this is not um something where it's uh like a stream um or a culvert uh because it these are um separate Wetland kind of series but just we noticed that there was kind of the natural topography kind of went from the north to the South so we just wanted to keep a hydrologic connection um at grade okay and the curbing that's used on the roadway is that what type of curbing is proposed thinking uh reptile Crossing or CR Crossings Bally so overall it is um the twoin SPM um and then we have a few sections of granite curbing um but for the most part it [Music] is [Music] between okay um thank you does anyone else on the um commission have any comments at this point in time or questions oh go ahead Ed so chair this is Ed I have a litany well I think yeah I think at this point you know we have a lot on the agenda and this was a great preliminary presentation so if we can get your your high level Ed one question my high level one is why is the the PE field located where it is why isn't it not move northwesterly move the driveway and that would get potentially more of the incoming drive out of the Wetland right in front of the school this is um Ashley Cen I'm the landscape architect and Ed that's a great comment um the proximity of the fields to the school is really important it's important for safety concerns but also for the ease of the students to actually access the fields in a reasonable amount of time during the day so this really was a happy medium for us to keep that um proximal to the school where they're going to exit from the gymnasium to get to that location um and you know minimizing um more disturbance as well so kind of twofold that's that's a nice answer but I don't like it thank you by the way m Michelle and Claire and Ashley you've all done great presentations and I mean to take nothing away from your efforts thank you all right Jim did you have something you wanted to ask um yeah this is um pretty substantial project and I would like to uh have a site visit although I don't look forward to in this kind of weather but seems to me that this is um significant enough that we should have a tight bu that seems reasonable um is that something CLA we could set up for the commission yeah absolutely uh I'd be happy to connect with Kim and sort of coordinate that um to get everybody's availability over the next uh couple of weeks and um we could see if other team members can join I assume there will be some other questions for everybody involved um so yeah I'm happy to coordinate that okay great thank you thank you I shall use technology to facilitate a mutually agreeable time to avoid many back in for emails so look out for that if I send up two smoke rings means I'm okay okay pre smoke Wings means we scheduled okay I asked does the commission typically PR prefer weekends or do you try to do something during the weekday typically we do um a Saturday morning okay I is what we've done in the past okay who the chair yes Kim I guess the question is the days are so long still right now would you be open to potentially a weekday or is that something that we should not try to aim for CU I know like at this time you know Tuesdays late Tuesdays usually sometimes we have availability because we have these meetings usually yeah why don't you throw a few weekday into the um the question okay options we'll do all right I think um do anyone from the public have any questions at this point in time see any hands the chair this is Ed do I get another question sure Ed so we have a pipe 12inch pipe connecting two Wetland Crossing two wetlands and I suspect that there's probably Critters that go from one to the other and I would suggest that a Critter friendly Crossing would be much better than a culbert so an open bottom box culbert of some sort thank you it's fine that's it for me I'm done should I respond to that or um I think that's something to think about and I think maybe Joe when he provides his review Joe could you uh take a take a look at that um I was already planning on that y yeah I figured okay great thank you uh through the chair yes if I could just clarify for the site visit um we do not have any Stakes marked or anything that delineates the um location within the what is still a fairly thickly vegetated area which I've walked many times um we do have a pathway that we've made through there to facilitate uh construction related testing is there anything that the commission would look for in advance of that or during that walk um because I can tell you that the several areas of this side are still currently overgrown and um uh bring a healthy amount of um your favorite bug spray yeah I think anything you can do to maybe demarcate where um I don't think there's anything we can do to markate meaningfully um what we do have is we have a pathway that we have identified um Loosely based on GPS coordinates and so we can um do what we can to locate that on um relative to the building so that we can at least speak relative to where we are related to the site would that be appropriate for the commission I think it would I think highlighting where the close proximity areas are to the wetlands you know taking the commission to those locations would be um key and um I just thought of this I know that there are times or it frequently happens that the planning board I don't know if they've been out to the site and done a site walk but we'll often coordinate to do that on the same day if the planning board is interested as well which they might be um and save everybody doing it twice through the chair the planning board pushed us off until August 5th okay um so I my preference as the owner's representative would be to move this process along even if it meant giving up two of my Saturdays as opposed to putting this off until late summer and potentially delaying approvals we're we're doing excuse me we're moving through the uh the meepa process as well during this time so um my preference would be to keep this moving okay understood all right with that um I think we will ask for the applicant to request a continuance um and would you like to continue to the next meeting or a couple meetings out uh if I could Claire um to to Lucas what is the thought on how quickly you could get comments back to us if the comments haven't arrived until a few days before the meeting and we haven't had time to respond I would tend to say let's push at two meetings but we can have the site visit after the comments have come in yeah uh hard to say with any certainty um we certainly try and get it in um a week before the hearing date um and I think that's something we' shoot for if you need more time we can always continue yeah I was going to say I'd suggest let's continue to the next meeting I believe that's on the 30th is that right that is correct yep okay so I'd suggest we uh continue to the 30th and a week ahead of that if uh we still have some things to work out from peer review then we can request another continuance Chris does that work from your perspective Ive yeah I think that makes sense and then if we can schedule a site visit certainly um uh Claire will coordinate for the team in scheduling the site visit and whether it's uh late afternoon um or early morning I think we we should be able to accommodate both um the one thing I will note as someone who had to go deep into those woods and Mark out some stuff the um mosquito population is quite active so a late afternoon may be a challenging sidewalk okay all right thank you all for the um presentation that was great appreciate it very much all your hard work thank you very much looking forward to seeing everybody in the field soon do we need to vote the continuance oh yeah want to miss that step can um would anyone like to make a motion to continue this to July 30th I'd like I'll do that you guys all right and I bet you Ed second okay and I'll second whatever all right all in favor we'll do the roll call um Jeff Barnes hi Ed Harold hi Jim Cella hi Ted Barker hook hi and myself M and I thank you thanks so much for the chair yes uh just point of clarification as a reminder the July 30th meeting is an in-person meeting at the senior center it is not being held on Zoom just for that applicant to be aware of that thank you Anna that's important detail all right um so continuing on we have another new hearing so I need to read um before we get started here public hearing notice the hackington Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday July 16th 2024 at 7 pm virtually online to hear all persons interested in a request for determination of applicability filed by New England Labor Training trust fund to expand an existing porch location 37 East Street co building assessor map R20 block 10 lot zero this application is subject to the Wetland protection act chapter 131 section 40 as amended of the general laws of Massachusetts the Act and the Wetland protection bylaw of the town of Hoppington the bylaw all right um so for this new hearing do we have someone on the call to present I am George Connor representing the laborers this evening hi Mr Connors hi um may I share screen yes I think you should have ability let me know if you don't he should be able to know so we have a uh request to put a uh extension on the deck of the Coya building it's the building that's in the middle of the project it is built back in the 80s um late 80s Bond was constructed in the early 80s it's a man-made Pond and it uh currently is under there some Renovations inside and the uh existing footprint runs right along the edge of a uh Bond and the proposal is to extend the U deck itself out about 5T I have some additional I don't know come why am I having [Music] trouble okay these are these are um some diagrams of the location we have the building here as it exists today W yeah you can see where the deck is this is a further view of it John rine the architect is with us tonight he has created these drawings just today we have a existing rail along the deck and this little red line here is the extension of the proposed deck so essentially it would move out 5T only along the front linear portion of it he has done some shading diagrams here for um sometimes during the year there's July there are some additional shading diagrams uh through April when the growing season begins a picture of the deck as it coming out that would be the existing condition condition this would be the proposed condition uh again some drawingwings in here he has calculated I understand at about 300 square feet of 11,000 no 111,000 square feet of the um Bond surface area this is the section along the pond that we have and that is a area in existing stair are the pond was uh constructed sometime in the early 80s and was to have a rock um Shoreline along at the building it uh currently is that Shoreline we have some photographs of that that I'll bring up in a couple minutes here um but there are some shading diagrams there was a question relative to shading um in an email from the D and also in Mr orel's um report or review uh now this again is the building and it would extend out a bit this shows the distance that it would stick out uh for the most part when the uh water is high than the crush Rock along the B the bank is um covered and when the pond is a little bit low during lesser rainfall events the crush Rock extends out a fair amount hope I have those pictures so this is what it looks like in the existing condition these are the peers that were installed for support of this uh and I'll get to the actual construction of the extension and its support in a second but all along here it's basically a crushed um Stone a gray trap rock that uh has been placed there back in the day there is some more pictures of it this is uh again a picture looking straight down that's all there's some vegetation that comes up along that but it's invasive um more pictures of how it works and um existing deck and these peers appear in this drawing this shaded area would be extension ears will be um attaching to a sport that can't Believers out to support the edge of that uh deck extension uh so there's actually no work on or in the wetlands the original design uh several um months ago was to um Drive cylindrical piles in at this location here we we evaluated that and um found that the structural Integrity of these particular peers would allow that so at several different locations these peers will be um used to support that small section and that would be the construction we anticipate that the workers would be down there uh walking along that bank but it's fairly easy to do and you can keep each try for the most part um and once this is installed then all the work will take place from above um decking will be open joint so that water will be able to flow through it it'll very similar to the existing and um that's kind of what it looks like is the existing decking shown here with uh the locations of those posts and support the existing roof and then we have some and uh from Mr Roselle which we're um able to address very quickly I think although I don't believe the letter has gone out there was uh first of all a question relative to um various wells in the area and the iwpa the project uh in very uh initial aspects of it sought to uh reconstruct all the infrastructure for this campus each individual build had a well and that served as a portable water supp supply that's been replaced by a well way in the back that's the iwpa uh report uh so these are wells for the existing buildings FY building that's the pool for you and up in the back the Maloney building and this location here we've installed a well it feeds the entire campus you may recall we had some pipelines that went through the site orous conditions for those so these are effectively now just irrigation Wells as per the D approval for the uh Community water supply uh some additional questions on the uh Pond would uh basically we did design it in the early days for a um for a crushed rock um surrounding Shoreline especially at the deck and we like to keep that in that particular condition I didn't evaluate the plant growth that comes in in those areas where it does but it's fairly sporadic uh our keep Rock So evaluate that as you may in terms of uh the pond itself it's a groundwater fed Pond it does not connect into all Springs Brook very occasionally the water level would come up in a extreme storm and it may spill over the road but um we have not really seen that other than one or two times in my history out there so I don't uh believe that we have any issues with respect to um the uh water flow into um full Springs book in terms of um some of the uh questions about J matting and things of that nature that Mr Roselle brought up we're we're more than happy to um add that um to the plans so I would really open this now up to any questions or concerns we would like to basically install this without having to go through the uh notice of intent process I think this is a fairly simple um project from its locational standpoints and the actual uh rates under it for great planks so that we don't have to actually touch the ground there so unless John wien has anything to add I'm happy to uh respond to questions and comments this day thank you Mr Connors um Joe is there anything you want to um add or point out from your review memo that Mr Connor's um didn't talk about or that you want to expand on yeah I think uh he addressed several of my uh comments um I just want to note that I did look at the site um delineation previously under another uh RDA that was filed for the uh Coya building and I did go out and look at it again last week and I had no real issues with the delineation um within the area uh of the proposed work or where any of the uh flagging would have um impact buffer zones or the river front area um those all looked appropriate um I did have a question on there were some several um uh pipes uh uh out letting under the existing deck um with the small channels leing down to the pond I was just wondering um what those were um what the source of any um drainage that those are conveying might be roof and Foundation drains ah okay so some of those have um slightly slightly eroded channels through the stone um again it's it's primarily crushed stone down under there so there's not a lot of sediment erosion that is likely occurring but those might want to be just smoothed out a little bit to prevent any deepening of those those little rills or gullies that are uh between the Outlets of the pipe and and the pond um as was noted the uh the bank of the pond and underneath the existing deck is primarily crushed stone there is some vegetation uh growing there um uh I did have a question on the potential impact of the uh extension on the vegetation um but I think you know given the the height of the um proposed extension um uh and and a fairly minimal width I I don't think that it would be a significant impact on the vegetation but um I think some of the shading uh diagrams are helpful uh to take a look at I wasn't so concerned about shading of the the pond water s but primarily uh the bank um as Mr Conor noted the uh Pond was designed apparently to have that Crush Zone Bank all the way around uh there's a good picture of basically what I'm talking about um I had inquired as to whether there were uh any thoughts about trying to possibly improve the vegetation on the bank um but Mr con did address that as far as waning to keep that as as Stone I I did note that um um although there's no uh activity proposed uh to the ground surface itself or the soil other than the footwork um of of workers while they're doing some of the work um under the bylaw uh the language for work in buffer zones um it it states uh work in buffer zones and activities in buffer zones and not necessarily and not State uh impacts uh in buffer zones so I think the uh commission we should discuss um whether uh any waiver would be required for work within a no dist uh uh even though there's no direct impact um to the soil surface um as was mentioned I recommended the Juke matting uh be be used wherever there's going to be foot traffic on on the bank just to help prevent any destabilization of that um I was also wondering how uh the existing drainage on the deck is handled and uh what is proposed for the extension if there's just going to be uh uh flow through on the deck or if there's some kind of collection system no it's going to be the same as is which is which is what flow through the uh space between the okay and then there were just a few administrative items on the uh on the on the forums that I had pointed out and as you can see there is some some nesting of barn swallows uh underneath the uh uh the existing deck um I don't know when the timing was proposed on this um but right now there there were no uh no eggs or fledge pledging Birds observed uh in the nest at this time um when I was out last week but uh I think that pretty much concludes my comments thank you thanks Joe George do you have a schedule for when you anticipate this work um or when you would like to complete this work time of year immediately immediately immediately okay got it we're we're in the process of wrapping that entire site up at this point um hope to get occupancy sometime early fall so we out of there almost completely um the sooner the better I think okay Kim do you have any thoughts on um to add to Joe's question comment on the waver um in regards to work in the buffer zone and what that means or if we should be considering that yeah I mean I guess the commission needs to decide if the presumption of significance has been overcome for the no disturbance Zone essentially um do you feel like the work um will or will not result in the impact the resource are um a full of question that I have as well is is this roof being extended as well is here with us on that if you're not speaking you please [Music] mute let see if I can do oh we go on okay yes question on the roof yep I heard it um we are extending just the middle portion of the roof that uh that corresponds with the extension of the deck okay thank you so my final comment to that would be is the deck still impervious or rather perious at that point from horizontal rain Yes wind driven so the deck roof doesn't meet the building completely um it hovers over the deck um so in between the deck roof and the building there's a space all the way around and in between and obviously the front of the uh the front of the deck is is open as well um so I guess is it imper um if it's uh straight down then I would say it collects rain uh but it will eventually make it to the uh make it to the deck and then to the pond which is isolated right okay I don't know if that's helpful or not yep thank you um I have another question for you Kim I think it would go to you while they're working underneath um the deck and in a um in order to maybe fix some of those pipes that are showing erosion um adding some Stone if they were to do that as part of this project um being that the ground surface is seemingly means to be Stone anyway would that be an appropriate thing that we could allow them to do as part of their work but we're happy to do that and that work would simply be done with um mostly filled five gallon buckets which the laborers would carry down and place as needed so there's no Machinery Stills the Small Things happy to do that the chair yes are you referring specifically to within the mechanisms of an RDA yes yeah yeah the the RDA part of the form says that the applicant is requesting that the work activities that the commission determine if the work activities are subject to the byaw and if so if the work activities need to be permitted I know let me pull up the form for you I'm just I'm thinking that if we're going to consider this um as an RDA and vote on it I would want to include that so that if there is erosion um the contractor or they can do that proactively um to prevent erosion being that we're not looking for um vegetation necessarily regrow under there or promoting vegetation [Music] um okay yeah I mean it seems like it's repair of the existing condition yeah okay does anyone else on the commission have any um questions regarding this for Mr Connor or in general me no I'm well set Melissa thanks okay um I think I think I feel like I have enough information and um in my opinion you know expansions of decks in um Disturbed or you know these type of areas I think we've approved under rdas in the past um and I think my only caveat would be like I just said that restoring of that gravel um be allowed as part of the RDA and and construction process um so y did you want to um potentially have a special condition um for the requirement of additional Juke matting to minimize erosion as requested by um recommended by Lucas yes un vegetated areas and then yeah the gravel in other areas where gravel exists that makes sense um I think it I don't know deserves a condition or just I would note diligence in the contractors for cleaning up after themselves in this type of a project um you know sweeping with magnets picking up Nails screws all those things that could very easily you know end up in the water and stay there we have no problem with that condition as well okay um I think with that being said can I get a motion from someone um on this RDA application I'll make that motion and I'll second so I think we need a motion to um approve a negative determination yeah okay I make a motion to approve negative determination on the RDA and you have execute whatever documents and I will second all right um all in favor we'll go through the roll call um Jim all Ted Ted is an i Ed I Jeff hi and myself M and I thank you yeah thank you Mr Connors good luck with the project thank you thank you again okay um moving along we have uh so 28 Lumber Street was continued to August 20th should have mentioned that at the beginning but I forgot if anyone is here for that application um so we will move on to 29 Oakhurst Road notice of intent continuation of replacement of a dock um Kim do you want to give a status update on where we are with this one you bet uh so at the last meeting um we talked about we had a few um high level points so um applicant is proposing a dock essentially on um existing develops um parcel on Lake Masano with a single family home uh so at our last meeting we talked about um Joe had identified some Fringe BBW UPS slope from the intermittent stream Bank um so we're recommending not confirming the the BBW boundaries in this case the commission wanted to know if the dock was temporary or permanent we talked about um land underwater impact calculations which would Encompass just the footings for the dock uh we talked about pibs and we also recommended some plantings adjacent to the bank uh we spoke about Lakeside Landscaping and the need for vegetated buffer strips so the um applicant subsequently provided revised plans and information so our updates are that the dock is temporary AKA seasonal there are I was I thought I saw six Joe reported eight 6 to eight footings you can get clarification on that so between three and four S square feet of impact to land underwater in total uh we decided at the last meeting that due to the exist developed nature of the site that no pibs are necessary the applicant has proposed 11 total mitigation plantings in this location here those are going to consist of low Bush blueberry and mountain laurel um I think those plantings are going to do fine in that location and I'm recommending a um that the commission conditioned the order for receiving a copy of the chapter one approval prior to issuance of the certificate of compliance uh Lucas also provided some comments I think my comments miror Luc Lucas's comments uh Joe do you have anything to add to that no I think you touched on all of my comments okay so with that Alissa I would throw it back to you okay um that's great I think the plan looks great and really appreciate the applicant um paying close attention to our comments in the last meeting and and addressing them so um with that does anyone else on the commission have any questions or comments on this no anyone from the public okay um with that being said I uh would look for someone to make a motion to approve this thanks Jim can I get a second I'll second who the chair yes Kim does that motion include the special conditions that we discussed yes awesome thank you um all right we'll do the roll call um ah I know how I feel too oh sorry about that bares I am muted too quickly hi uh Ed Harrow hi Jim uh I by y Ted Barker hook I and myself M and I all right excellent um next up we have 71 South Street this is Olivia stassen representing the client welcome um are you guys going to pull up the latest civil drawing or dra or do you want to get okay a second wonderful thank you um so since last month um for those who might be new um you know quick recap this is an existing commercial building and site um South Street um the orientation of the document um North is actually the smaller garage portion yeah correct and the um resource area is the Northeast along there correct and then Hayward street is south and South Street is West um and the client is trying to clean it up organize it um and update some of the um damaged and outdated features and we were really um we had stated that we wanted to rehabilitate a sale and then we were kind kind of um asked to investigate and explore um the purpose of the sale um the features around it and how did that relate to some of the drainage on site and so we brought in um Jason from Outback engineering who is on the call and we'll speak to some of his drawings tonight to further investigate and propose um a design Solution that's going to help um the drainage flow of the site and protect um the existing Wetland moving forward so Jason if you are in the call and you are able to unmute um maybe we can zoom in and talk about some of your findings and what we're proposing how you doing I'm Jason yist from Outback engineering um and we did the the site design um for the drainage existing drainage out there there's two catch basins at the rear of the property in the parking lot um those are deep sump hooded um catch basins that were recently cleaned out and uh to get back into correct working order um those discharged to the wetlands um the one in the north corner where we've done our highlighted area is no longer catching the water that comes off the parking lot and that is um it's the Pavements all degraded in that area it's flowing past the catch bacin when the storm runoff and going down down the slope into the into the wetlands and I think that's kind of the Swale people people are talking about it's not part of the drainage design it's just an overflow it's more of a wash out it's it's just a small area it's not something to be concerned about but we do want to block that off and make sure all the runoff is going into the catch Basin as it was originally designed um so we're proposing for that area for the pavement to be know the broken down pavement to be taken out regraded um a curbing U that used to be there be put back in um and go around the corner so any runoff that comes any runoff that goes down into that area will be BL blocked so to say and go to the catch Basin so it's going to flow to the catch Basin as it originally designed you can see in that kind of left side there where it's all been degraded um the pavement it's under there you just can't see it um and where that fence is starting to bend um in the back there yep that's where water is Flowing down in there so that that area needs to be constructed to get back to where where it was originally designed to be and get that water flowing into the catch Basin instead of Overland down into the wetlands um so along with replacing the pavement regrading putting in curbing we'll also U build up the a little burm behind the behind the catch Basin to extend to the property line to make sure no water gets past that catch Basin um and once that's done the drainage system will function as it was originally designed and you can also see Wetland Flag 13 was requested to be moved and that has been uh revised on this plan thank you for mentioning that Jason so I didn't know if the commission had any questions or other concerns that we can discuss um I have a quick question just about what we're talking about right here before I see um what Joe and Kim might have um that catch Bas is there an outlet pipe from that catch Basin there is it goes down towards the wetlands it's kind of overgrown in there but that's where it goes okay and2 where okay um I think one thing that we talked about in the last meeting was just making sure that the existing conditions were reflected on the plan um as far as drainage goes so you know we have a good understanding of what's there um and how to consider this application in regards to that drainage system so I think um one thing I would definitely look for is to have that outlet put on the existing conditions and the pipe um and the connection from the other catch Basin and you said you confirmed there's just these two catch basins on site there's no other drainage infrastructure is that that's correct yes yep okay you can see the other catch basin's down in the southernly corner of the parking lot right there oh okay round yeah I think if we can call that out so what about the catch Bas and over there's one shown in the background by the garage I'm sorry that one ties into the other one yeah okay so three three catch Basin yeah um Joe do you did you get a chance to take a look at this um and do you have any comments to share uh I I did have a chance to to look at the Revis plan um I I'll I'll state that I myself have not been on the site um someone else from from Lucas environment was on the site um so I can't speak real directly to some of the conditions out there other than from what I've discussed and seen the photographs but uh as far as review of the the revised plans um as was mentioned um they're now proposing um rather than uh any kind of a restoration of that uh drainage uh quote unquote sale area uh just putting in a a burm and curving to really prevent um uh any potential water from from going over that slope any potential runoff from going over that slope um which I think is a a positive proposal um the uh narrative stated that uh they were also planning on removing um any debris tree branches or stumps that may have accumulated in the U what they refer to as a previously washed out area which I'm assuming is the the Swale where flow was occurring um uh based on some of the photos I've looked at and and discussion with um Deon Morris at our our company um the uh vegetation there is is uh consists of a lot of uh Virginia creeper and uh or Oriental Bittersweet also and it's fairly well intertwined with a lot of the branches uh that are on the ground so I wouldn't really recommend removing those branches this time because it would probably uh involve removing some of the vegetation that's helping to keep that that SL slope stable um certainly any debris that's out there could be removed by hand and possibly if there are any stumps that are just sitting on on top of vegetation U could possibly be removed um if it's not going to involve uh disturbing the vegetation um there was a comment uh previous comment on on plant substitutions um and whether plants some plants are considered native or not um the the one in question was white spruce um which depends on on which resource reference you you refer to or whether or not it's native in Massachusetts USDA plants database has it native to much of the state but uh which includes Wester County but not middle sex County um uh so it is native nearby uh the U gooty website has it listed as not native in um in Southern New England but native in Northern New England so U it it's certainly a plant that is around um whether it's technically U native here historically um is debatable I guess depending on on your reference um U there was a a question on one of our comments um previously as far as uh the plan not being stamped was just a confusion as far as which plan was being referenced that plan is stamped and that's the current um uh site plan that we're looking at um and I had some question regarding the guard rail that's going to be that's proposed to be replaced and what that might entail as far as whether it's going to require any excavation work um and if so uh what tion control would be proposed for that think that covers my comments thank you yeah and we're happy to discuss plant substitutions um we're we're open to hear what people like we just put forth what um we felt we could get and what we liked for the site um so happy to hear feedback on that um when it comes to the guard rail um it's a pretty easy access to um update the work and the existing guard rail um has the set um spacing and we would use the exact same spacing as is um so it's really um not something that we need to get in and um yes you can see that it's it's very close to the asphalt um we can reach everything um very easily and um the posts are spaced correctly for what we would want to replace so it it is an a pretty oneon-one um replacement just to update it okay and you do have erosion controls out there right now yeah we put it in during construction of the uh interior of the building okay okay we can add more if we need to I mean the guard rail replacement will be fairly simple and yeah for um removal of the plants um the observation is to do less and just to get the debris out we're also happy to clean um based off of that recommendation um as to not disturb um plants that might be helping with uh slope control right okay um Kim do you have any additional comments to add I know well um this kind of came in quick and there's kind of a change of methodology here on what we're doing so I just found Anna helped me find this original this is the original plan from the 1970s mhm and it is showing two additional catch basins um it looks like it did discharge directly into the well and at that time the head wall this is probably the original drainage pipeman head wall that they like if there was another catch Basin here that they connected into so I don't know if those Basin are still online um we're assuming that the entire site drains to those two catch Basin in the back is that correct yes okay we couldn't find any other ones and I don't think those other ones are actually constructed oh okay it's entirely possible yeah and there's separator there's separators in the two ones that are there now okay yeah I mean my my only hesitancy at this point is that we are now um saw cutting and replacing pavement and doing you know more additional work within the 50 Foot um obviously it's an improvement over existing conditions um but I'm also struggling you know with the fact that we have a site that is getting um you know New Life some substantial improvements and we have um a very Antiquated storm water system that's basically just discharging directly to a resource area that's kind of what I'm what I'm struggling with a little bit yep um and the question being whether those two catch Bacons can actually handle what the site produces for storm water in today's conditions and doesn't just overrun the curve and keep eroding right into the Wetland in that corner so there's no I'm sorry go ahead sorry just in on the photos I can it did look like a pretty kind of worn out slow path the old the old owner really didn't take care of the property and let he stored um equipment and materials in that area and kind of beat the area up the south side of the property the uh Curbing and all that is in place with no no water passing over the curbs um basically he's wiped out the curb line and everything in that North Area and we're just trying to rebuild it to capture back where it was um y we've had some pretty substantial range since we've bought the property and um again this this solution here will allow the drains that are there to do their function with the separators in place to do what they're supposed to do and allow us to maintain the property the way it's supposed to be so you said they're they're catch basins with sumps deep sumps oil separators in them and oil separators okay so you get any of your sediments get trapped in the catch Basin and then any your floatables or Oils and gases can't get out either um they were just cleaned out in January um and um Mark will be continuing to clean those out no yearly to make sure all sediments cleaned out so they'll function properly y yeah I was just going to ask if there's any um operation maintenance plan associated with yeah there's we'll have a we have a we'll have a maintenance plan in place I believe there's an overriding condition that has to be maintained anyways when we bought the property so you know again the prior owner let this whole area degrade on the North side and we're just trying to put it back to get it to function the way it's supposed to it was kind of in in our view that there was a a retention Basin or whatever or you know an area to drop off that could get the water but then the drainage is with the drain being properly set and the curbing set everything functions the way it should okay um does anyone else on the commission have any questions or comments on this um I think one of the things that I'd really like to see on that plan is is identifying those structures um and what they are so that going forward there's no confusion as to what's on the site and what needs to be maintained and um what's connected to what we can have those updated and resubmitted that's easy anyone else have any thoughts on this one um this is yeah go ahead Kim would you like to see an operations and maintenance um statement or report for our files I think that would be helpful because I'm sure at this point in time it just says to maintain them or that you know but I think a frequency for the particular structures um a statement is fine or deferring to you know bringing in whatever the manufacturer requirements are but we can put an on andm plan right on right on our plan an onm uh description okay for maintenance I think that would be helpful um okay and this so the request in front of us is for an RDA correct Kim that is correct and in order to vote on that um we need this updated plan first I think typically we ask for that at least we do yes yeah so to the applicant are you okay with bringing um an updated plan to our next meeting or submitting it to Kim prior to our meeting on the 30th so that we can give it a final look and vote at that point in time I mean obviously we're 95% of the way completed on the project we'd like to finish the project so there's I mean the sooner we can get this done the better um we have to wait and submit that's fine but we prefer to try to move as fast as we can now you know it's not going to change the plan or what we're planning on doing it's just going to be a location so it could be something we could submit after just an updated plan so that way you can have it on record with the own implant yeah sometimes we have difficulty chasing people down for things um based on past experience no um obviously we're not we can't start work without getting proper submission we're not we want to be a good partner with the town we've invested a lot of time and effort into the property we're not looking to create issues so uh we run a reputable operation we're not looking to cause a problem yeah I would excuse me Melissa through the chair yep go ahead Jeff yep I would say just to be consistent with what we've required in the past you know it's not just the updated plan with the identification of the structures but also the you know the Eminem or the onm piece of it as well um that'll be included on that so I think we should uh probably wait until the 30th until we approve the da okay yeah I that would make me feel more comfortable um as well and certainly if you get that plan in soon enough Kim could take a look at it and identify anything that might be you know missing or that we might be looking for that would hold up a vote at the next meeting um so if you could get the updated plan to her you know in the next week then we could be pretty confident that we can vote on it on the 30th that's fine okay yeah we could have um plant recommendations in replacement of what we had proposed can we have those prior to who the chair yes Kim I can send some native PL planting list okay we'll get that plan to you right away just um I'm G to be away on the 30th um I could probably oh is it going to be a zoom again it's actually going to be in person but I think that you could submit the plan I don't think you need to be there in person um especially if you get it in advance and Kim you know gives you the thumbs up then we can vote on it without you being here okay I could definitely call I'll be driving to Wisconsin so I can call in but I won't be available to answer too many questions so we get it to you in the next few days hopefully we'll get comments back and we can have it yeah we'll have it cleaned up hopefully before the hearing that'll be the goal okay sounds like a good plan thank you appreciate that who the chair yes um I just wanted to point out to the applicant for future reference that um from what understand from the planning board director um and obviously there's an intersection here with with conservation in the buffer zone but um as you move forward and operate the site and you know as you're um seeing what what needs you may have that that serve your business um I just want you to be aware that should you um have a project that you would like to undertake that increases the impervious surface at the site or otherwise requires um removal and resurfacing of impervious surfaces that is quite likely to trigger updated storm water um requirements modern requirements so um if you had a project like that in the future um you may also want to start thinking about what types of um storm water bmps might be appropriate uh for the site so just a just a heads up for um future projection and planning all right thank you you're welcome all right so Kim we need to vote to continue this correct that is correct can I get a motion to continue this to the 30th I'll make a motion and I'll second all right and we will do the roll call Jeff I um Ed hi Ted I Jim I and myself M and I thank you for time yep thank you all right next we have one Fox Hollow Road um do we have someone on the line or Kim do you want to give an update on this one yeah I can run us through a high level update let me pull up some plans all right so let's get everybody grounded here this is one fox Holo Road this is the last lot in the Fox Hollow um subdivision of Pawn Street I forgot if it was actually called the fox hall subdivision I apologize um so this is the last lot uh the home is constructed it was constructed with a slightly rotated orientation versus what was originally approved by the Conservation Commission which re resulted in a Cascade of other site design changes um so different orientation on the driveway the septic system was moved to the front uh where it was originally proposed in the rear and so um in order to accommodate a number of these changes the applicant uh was required to file an amended order um let me actually pull up one of the last [Music] iterations okay so this was our last iteration that the applicant proposed um they needed to find a way to grade the driveway out and then they needed access in the rear of the property for a reserve area for the septic which was required by the Board of Health and then the construction of a ctech system to accept roof runoff so the applicant had proposed a two-tier retaining wall system and access via um the rear of the property the access that was proposed was going to extend further into the Vernal pole buffer zone than was originally permitted by the commission so the applicant is now has provided revised plans so the plans were revised as follows the retaining wall to support the driveway is now a single retaining wall about 10t in height that single retaining wall eliminates the need to grade out further beyond the limits of work which were already approved by the Conservation Commission that also allows the applicant to tighten the access road in order to get into the rear of the property and the applicant is now proposing that the erosion control barrier on the property line that above the subur valley trustees conservation land is installed approximately 5T interior to their property line and this gives the contractor that little bit of buffer area within their limit of work so that we can ensure that no encroachment onto that adjacent conservation land is going to take place the um Reserve area for the septic system has been moved into the front of the property an additional test pit was completed in the presence of our Board of Health Inspector and approved by the Board of Health so um that's better outcome and obviously if it needs to be used it should be able to be accessed in the future the coltech chamber was broken up into two different um access or two different spots so there's going to be Chambers three and four are going to be be under the driveway Chambers one and two are going to be to plan left the fire department has reviewed these plans as I understand it I've been told by the applicant and they um approve the chamber under the driveway um and believe that the loading there is not going to be a problem the contractor will still need to access the rear of the property in order to kind of smooth out these grades here and um the applicant is opposing the construction of a deck off the back of the property so that they themselves have some type of just foot access off the back uh and then I think we discussed this last time a little bit the applicant is proposing curbing along the driveway so that will direct runoff towards the road um as we understand it the roadway was originally designed to accept run off from the driveway so at this point we have with this proposed plan no work beyond the limits of work which the Conservation Commission originally approved in their order of conditions and the applicant has met all the requirements from the Board of Health and the fire department so I think I think that's the quick and dirty high level summary obviously if the applicant has anything to add to that um I would invite them to do so awesome is the applicant on the line or representative for the applicant ton Esposito professional engineer couple of uh follow directions but the deck that is labeled in the B has been built I don't know exactly when it went up but it already been constructed when I had started to rise this plan I don't they up Rec um the other items that I would like to inform the commission is that we informed uh we believe that we're going to have uh robertt Scott as our contractor to do this work and he only needs he is going to try to enter the rear of the site by using the driveway in that location there'll be some slight grading downhill where the cursor is just so he can get a machine down there so he's proposing to do the grading there with uh uh Stones as it is done similar to the next door made one added feature is there's a proposed deck in steps from a doorway that I missed looked up and there was a doorway with one hell of a first step so I go to I asked my client what are your what is your ambition to that doorway he informed me that he like to access the backyard to door so we're proposing a deck small deck with some steps to go down from that doorway um originally we proposed that Carpenters would be the ones building the deck not really use heavy equipment Mr Scott has volunteered to dig for the uh the foundation part of the deck 8 foot diameter post to support the decking there that'll be part of his work in the rear we've had the we've had ctech confirmed for us that the chamers under the driveway will be able to support the largest emergency vehicle that the town has and the chambers to the other side of house needs to be close to that rear right corner to pick up that down spout because that'll be the lowest point there for the down spots the test pit is Now official 41s have been given to the Board of Health there's any need for Reserve septic system it will go in the front that way the original tank can be used if it's a good condition and the only additional work there would be to rotate the electric service around the each but that's something we hope we don't have to do for another 20 or 30 years uh and that's basically it anybody has any questions here I am all right thank you Mr espito um I just want to say I really appreciate uh the time and effort you put into taking our comments and and addressing them and very thoughtfully um you know putting them on paper and accomplishing I think what we were looking for in the last meeting um and not impacting any F farther than we had previously approved [Music] um these changes all look really great to me I don't have a problem with the deck um it's in Disturbed area um so I don't have a problem with that um I don't is anyone else in the commission have any thoughts comments questions concerns on this one uh through the chair I'm good with it Melissa thank you okay all right with that I think we can go ahead and um I can ask for a motion to approve appr this application I'll make the motion no second all right all in favor um Ted hi Jim I Ed I Jeff I and myself M and I so thank you again and good luck with um finishing off this project thank you for your time all right so uh we' like to as a homeowners would like to thank everyone in the commission especially Kim Mana uh so our engineer Tony Esposito Rob Scott and our uh attorney Robert finigan so it was a great team effort I I appreciate everyone time thank you thank you and good luck yeah thank you all all right um so last on our continued hearings but not least we have zero East Main Street good evening commission this is Mitch Mass link with G Consulting representing the applicant yev galper for the project on East Main Street for the open Play pickle ball paddle facility and I believe yev is here as well good evening hello everybody um hi do you want to Kim do you want to go uh with a summary or have the applicant talk about their changes or update us on the current status the application let's have the applicant update us okay sure yep so uh we before the commission a few weeks ago and we got great comments back from you guys during that hearing and we had a couple of comments from previous hearings as well so we just put together a um a response letter addressing those comments and we had uh Matt lner from civil Design Group um the engineer together revised site plans for us to present to the commission tonight uh and we in our response letter address all the the comments that the commission had so part of the response letter also involved the in B of species management plan which was um one of the requests from the commission um I'll just go through my list of responses so we submitted the invasive species management plan uh there was a buffer zone line shown at the plan South that was labeled as 50 foot buffer zone but it was really a 75 foot buffer zone so that has been adjusted um the survey and Landscape plans have been added to um the main plan set for the request of the commission then we had a site in erosion control plan uh that was revised to show locations of our temporary siment basins so stock filing areas and diversion BMS so maybe I'll let Kim scroll to that so you guys can see that yep there we go and then uh we had a project sequencing text added to sheet two of the plan set and that construction sequence was already submitted to the commission and there was no comments it was just added to the plan for you and for the contractors so we had um on the landscape plan we had a 16 white fur trees and those have been revised to a Evergreen species that is native to the county those have been revised to White Pine so I'll let Kim Get Down of that one yep there we go so the the white pines are that row on the left side of the screen there yep right there that's uh those were initially marked out to be um white fur now they're they're white pine so then on another plan if you go up several sheets Kim you'll see we added dibs in the form of Boulders so those are space every 30 to 35 feet which is what the commissioner requested last time those have been added that one perfect yep all along the 50 which is essentially the limit of work there uh We've also some other minor stuff we revised hay to say straw on notes seven and eight on feet two of the plan set then we had a call out on the detail on one of the detail sheets for one of the slope stabilization details uh we indicated that there would be no plastic netting allowed and finally um the site and preparation an erosion control plan uh was revised to show the locations of the the basins and such and um I know Kim had a question about um whether we were going to be allowed to propose the temporary sedimentation Basin in the same location as the infiltration Basin and I spoke with Matt the engineer and he clarified this for us he said um we during construction we would not be allowed to utilize the already constructed infiltration Basin as a temporary siment station Basin but we are allowed to utilize the area during construction as a temporary sedimentation Basin and once we're at a point um in construction we'll be allowed to convert the temporary sedimentation Basin into an infiltration Basin BMP um so he he um he explained that to me and um I think that should satisfy that the commission there that um we're not going to build the infiltration Basin and then utilize it as a sedimentation Basin we'll use it at first as a sedimentation Basin and then construct an infiltration Basin after um this initial um you know clearing grading is all set so and then uh with the invasive species management plan um cam do you have that GIS graphic available by chance perfect so um last time the commission requested that we show where the invasive species are are located on site um so that red section is where we observed invasive species mostly because that's the natural Meadow field area and um within there lots of Oriental Bittersweet Autumn Olive and um and I forget what the Third speci was off the top of my head but uh the goal of showing you guys this was um to show you that that's where our invasive species are we're going to keep all those soils on site um and then Kim had had some additional questions today um saying you know where on site would those soils go and it's in the applicant's best interest to keep those soils in a similar area because we've agreed to manage the work area as an invasive species free zone post sight stabilization for two years until a certificate of compliance is issued so um so ideally we keep those soils in that area if possible but you know we're going to have to be grading and Shifting the Topography of the area so some of those soils may be shifted Elsewhere on site um and then as far as um plants that are discovered post stabilization that are discovered to be too large to hand pull or to mechanically pull with um no tools um herbicide treatment if the commission is willing to allow herbicide treatment you know that'd be great to include in our um our invasive species Management program um as far as you know this the methods for utilizing the heride I figure instead of um coming up with a generalized plan we add a condition into the invasive species management plan saying a um a methodology should be submitted to the hoofington conservation agent um if herbicide is needed for a specific species to be eradicated using that herbicide so you know say Japanese naed eventually comes onto the site we'll send Kim a very specific here's how we're going to treat the jaes now with herbicide because every species is different and you know I wouldn't want to just put in um some general stuff into the ismp that I submitted so ideally we wait see if herbicides even needed and then at that point just submit to Kim you know methodology and a licensed herbicide applicator um that is competent in um utilizing the herbicide to eradicate those species so I believe that sums up all the um comments and revisions that the commission requested so let me know if you guys have any followup questions or comments all right thank you um I guess I want to just ask Joe about the invasive species management plan in particular and any other um thoughts or comments he has on this uh new submission uh yeah unfortunately I missed some of that presentation um I lost all my audio had to log back in um but I thought the inovation species management plan uh was appropriate for the project um I did note that um I did have a concern that only um mechanical removal was proposed and um that if something um if mechanical removal was not uh sufficient for something that might develop that herbicide treatment might be necessary and it appears that Mitch was just addressing that issue as I was able to log back on um with regard to the uh plantings in the buffer zone um it appears that the only uh uh trees proposed are red maple and white pine um so uh uh I don't think there's any issue with non-natives being proposed in the buffer zone and um all of our previous comments um were or have been adequately addressed um um based on the revised information that was submitted okay thanks Joe Kim are you comfortable with that condition about um if herbicides are if it's decided that those are needed to manage that they come to you with a plan okay okay um so the other question or I guess the one thing I just wanted to ask about was the um infiltration system not being used as a temporary construction Basin um I think you know per the storm water RS and our General practices we try and protect the subsoils of you know the proposed Basin and avoid um locating the temporary sediment Basin in the in the same location um did you look at any alternatives alternative locations for temporary sment basins isn't an option on the site to put it somewhere else sorry I was muted um so when I was speaking with Matt Matt said these are the only reasonable locations for the temporary sediment station basins because these are the lowest spots on the site so if we were to propose it somewhere else you know we'd have to divert it to a um a higher location and then you know pump it out somewhere where and he he said this is the you know these are the low spots on the site it makes sense to to put the water there he said you know another option is is not to build the sedimentation basins at all and and let the erosion controls um do their job there but he said that um that this has you know this is an approvable location for a temporary sedimentation Bas and knowing that um after it's utilized as a temporary sedimentation base the area is going to be worked over and and constructed as a infiltration Basin so um I understand that the low point is makes sense because that's where the water is going and it's probably the easiest place for it but um easiest versus only I don't know um we've seen basins not function after they're built you know potentially due to construction saltation um when you construct and I I didn't pull up the detail on it or if you have a detail on the temporary sment Basin um are you digging that essentially to the subsoils of the proposed Basin elevation or close to it anyway I'm not sure right off the top of my head okay um because I think that would be the concern there is yes you're reconstructing the permanent Basin or you're constructing the permanent Basin eventually but um are those subsoils at a similar depth and they could accumulate um sediment from the temporary Basin and compromise your proposed Basin for going forward so the way uh Matt explained it was once the temporary sedimentation basin's finished being used the area will be you know the top soil will be scraped off removing the the sediment in the Basin and then um other soils until they need to get down to their subgrade and then they add in whatever special um soils they need for the infiltration um base and BMS okay and was Weston and Samson um okay with the design on those from the planning boards storm water review yes uh and and Kim I I think you have uh um the updated letter from uh from Tony from Weston Samson confirming that um all their remarks have been addressed regarding the storm water management or S plan especially anything that's potentially could be relevant to Conservation Commission so they definitely were okay with the um everything that's related to storm water management who the chair yes Kim so um um in Weston Samson's July 1 comment they wrote well I wrote this in my notes so it's got to be close to a quote um applicant to provide construction measures required to maintain the infiltration capacity of the soils within the footprints of the infiltration bmps I did receive the email from Tony from Weston and Samson that does say please see attached all site plan related items that would be within Conservation Commission jurisdiction have been addressed um that was this afternoon but um the letter that they attached was still J dated July 1st so I think they were just referencing back to their July 1 letter no I I I think you just forgot to change the date because uh the comments in today's letter are different from the comments in July 1 first oh is that because I open it I it's the same letter just it just um yeah he he forgot to change the date let me scroll down to the infiltration comment uh L a discharge and Kim while you're searching for that I just wanted to share from my conversations with Matt Lightner uh when we were discussing the temporary Basin location he said these were the only ones that not only made sense but probably were the only ones that you could design this side because uh as you see a lot of uh uh the space is occupied by the existing leing field right so we very limited and uh the um uh the elevations as uh mij pointed out as well they are higher uh in the North consistently right so the water does go down and it wants to go into those locations where the temporary uh bases are are designed right now okay so yeah Matt thought that these were the best and the only locations that he could think of where it would make sense yeah of course I can't find it now um I do have I do like yeah I mean I we have the um you know the piece in writing that says everything's addressed from must and Samson um I just know and you know I'm not I'm not a um engineer I just know that doing inspections around town um I have seen that the infiltration capacity of the basins visually seem to be affected by the use of the area during construction and that may be like that's the thing is like I don't know if these two things are directly connected or if that's perhaps due to the intensity of the storms that we're receiving you know what I mean but it does seem like there's a pattern of the infiltration not being at the rate that was originally predicted um so that's why just I have that concern of its use yeah the so there needs to be a Swip plan um created if it's not already for the site correct in the next phase so um potentially there could be a condition Kim maybe that um additional detail is provided through the Swip plan process on what those temporary sediment B look like and you know how much depth of cover we're maintaining before you get to subsoils um things like that um and that I think that might would be in line with Weston and sanson's comment of applicant to provide construction measures required to maintain the infiltration capacity of the soils within the footprints of the Basin so as the contractor gets on site and creates that Swip plan um we can kind of uh condition that additional details be provided um for that temporary sediment Basin to make sure that those measures are in place U those are my only um questions comments does anyone else on the board have anything on this uh I do really quickly I think I hope it'll be quick could you Kim put up the um color-coded vegetation sketch and where is the limit of work line on that is it the dotted line yep black dotted line yep so it just so happens that the limit of work lines up perfectly with the invasive Zone um no I we didn't uh map out where invasives were outside the limit of work oh I see yeah because so I'll explain T So at one of the hearings you requested this GIS graphic showing the cover types of all the stuff and um I just simply on the next round added on to within the limit of work where those in Bas species were so that's all okay and so that helps a little bit um your answer to Kim's question about the soils was we are going to try to keep the soils where they are but maybe they move um clearly they're not going to move further into the Wetland because of the limit of work but they could move North into that Meadow space that like that just seemed like an unsatisfying answer to me when when Kim asks where is the uh for for the soils for where the invasives are where might that go that that we don't want invasive spreading and it seemed like the answer was we'll try but you never know is there a better plan than that um I mean no do do you have any suggestions no I'm a high school teacher I don't do this work I I don't have suggestions for those kind of things it it struck me as unsatisfying if I was a person doing work and this was my expertise I would think yeah we can make sure we drag this soil here and if we need more soil there we'll bring it from offsite rather than spreading invasive soils but again that's not my expertise yeah well I mean we could well so last time we spoke yev had mentioned that we're likely not going to need to remove a lot of soil from the site so most of the soil is going to be retained on site and if that the soil in the invasive species areas um needs to go somewhere you know we to cut down in one specific area in that in that red zone and we're kind of out of room to put that soil back in the red area it's going to have to go elsewhere on site and based on the um based on the L the proposed land cover you know there's going to be a building there's going to be parking spaces there's going to be paddle quarts and whatnot um there's not a whole lot of other land where it could go except for that little triangle area which I think is where you're talking about um and that's going to be maintained as a a vegetated Swale area so that that will be maintained as lawn with a a red maple tree so with that um we'll just that that'll probably be our area of concern during uh project closeout to keep an eye on that we're going to do a two years monitoring to Ure invasive species don't uh take over in that area and it it is part of the storm water management system to have a Swale there to bring water down to that catch Basin right there so um it that area will be maintained in a lawn state so should be relatively easy to keep up on any invasives that happen to move um into that area Okay so uh through the chair I'd like to also respond a little bit that I I think that's that's a good clarifying question um I I really want to reinforce that um a lot of the space here is going to be occupied by the program right by the courts by the building and by the parking area right so the red area uh where the invasive pieces are right now is one of the very very few spots where we could reuse the the U this land so I don't think it will spread or if it spreads like significantly at all in any kind of way okay anybody else have questions or comments in the commission anyone in the audience we have audience I don't know of anymore not anyone that doesn't have to be here maybe um all right so that being said I think I'm comfortable voting on this with that uh condition about the infiltration Set uh temporary siment um Basin could you just clarify that one condition that way we can relay it to um the engineer yeah so the condition would be that we're looking for additional detail in the Swip plan additional design details for the temporary sediment basins and regards to con measures that will be required to maintain the infiltration capacity of the soils in the proposed basins you know specifically we're looking for um a cover that needs to be maintained above the subgrade of the proposed Basin through the chair yes because compaction is an issue right compaction is an issue too yeah there's a whole I think the engineer will know what he's supposed to provide but um I would kind of echo Western and Samson's basically their comment that you know they commented that the applicant needs to provide construction measures required to maintain it the infiltration capacity of the soil so we're just looking for not just telling the contractor they need to provide them but we're looking for a level of detail that directs the contractor from the engineer um as to how to do that supported by you know some concrete numers specifically for that depth that needs to be maintained between the temporary sent Basin and the proposed Basin subsoils want to make sure he has enough to dig out so it'll be more for the contractor to understand yes so it's not left to the contractor to um you know come up with that those measures completely is it possible to um just utilize Wesson and Samson comment as a a condition just to say consistent or um to provide well I think we're specifi because I don't think they were actually provided to the level of detail that makes me feel comfortable says applicant to provide construction measures it doesn't say when or um that like you said they could just put some erosion controls around the edge you know of basins and I yeah I think that what was put on the plan to address Weston and Samson's comment was um what you said actually I don't know if it's in here I don't know if it's on the plans actually so I know he said if we refer to the um one of the plan sheets number three says um something about the proposed infiltration bmps um maybe that one number three there yep yeah proposed infiltration bmps shall not be used as temporary sediment and we kept offline until such time that the a little small I got to zoom in I guess yeah I'll allow you guys to read number three that's that's what he said to refer to as long as the bottom of the temporary Basin is kept above the final floor elevation would that be a sufficient enough note no I I think you need I think you need a protective layer of soil so he's saying that as long as the bottom of the temporary Basin is kept above the final floor elevation I think you need at least a foot or two between the bottom of the temporary Basin and the final floor elevation you have the bottom of your temporary Basin at the floor of your final elevation then all the sediment that's coming into the temporary Basin is just infiltrating right into the final floor elevation so I think if we Revis if you revise that to be um a minimum of two say two feet I don't have the the why he might weigh in on on what depths available but you could say two feet um yeah I I I think we have one of those sheets that has elevations um and it's uh it's quite kind of shallow slope so I'm not sure how much is available there and 2T might be a bit a bit too much um we can there is another I think she feet that has more detailed elevations throughout the site plan yeah that's just kind of I think designing on the Fly is a little difficult go ahead Kim I was going to say something similar perhaps the engineer should take a look at this and yeah so that specific recommendations right that specific number three I I wouldn't be okay with that um it's you know I think you need to have a a a level of separation between the two yeah I I mean I would be hesitant to you know make any changes on the flight with the storm water plan you know with um so I mean that the engineer seemed like it was completely okay to utilize the temporary base in there and you know I have the quote from the bylaw that you know talks about it it's um say bmps to be used for infiltration after construction shall not be used as bmps during construction unless otherwise approved by the board many infiltration Technologies are not designed to handle the high concentrations of sediments typically found in construction runoff and thus must be protected from construction related sediment loadings so I think it's a a big um thing on know not utilizing the constructed infilt ation Basin as the temporary sedimentation Basin not necessarily the other way around where you know we use this temporary sedimentation Basin and then turn it into an infiltration Basin yeah I think that's one in the in the same I think the way that the B that's it's written is yeah I think I think it would be best if you come back with a rision to that [Music] um that note number three and what the intention is there for the temp I guess my question now is did did Weston and Samson they did the full storm water review peer review so would it be possible just to go off of their recommendations and instead of us kind of you know stepping in and doing a secondary review of the storm water related task when lesson and Samson has already reviewed it um the chair yes so Mitch I think in this instance Weston and Samson didn't make a specific recommendation beyond that the applicant should state how the infiltration capacity capacity will be maintained generally the peer reviewers are reviewing not designing um so I think you know for the planning board they had a level of comfort of you know just making that kind of a more General condition of you know the contractor should maintain the infiltration capacity I think what um Melissa and the concom is trying to say is that we require a little bit more information um have that that level of comfort and knowing just because of what we've seen around town and what we know about the soils in this particular area of Legacy Farms and knowing that the contractor is going to understand the specific requirements of what to do when he's actually out there in the field holding and reading and looking at these plans as as their guide gotcha okay yeah that that's fine if if uh if we have to do that I think yeah uh for the chair yes yeah so so may may request to use as a condition um but still go maybe forward with the approval so we do not postpone by another like um couple of weeks and uh um the engineer will revise that note uh with more specific information as um you just requested um yeah I don't know does anyone else have thoughts on that on approving the plan with that condition it's kind of like the other one that we just looked at tonight and did not do that on uh this is Jim Melissa first of all I agree with everything you're asking for and in Kim um I I think that they need to be they need to submit that information before we vote on this and I would Echo Jim's thoughts as is z I agree as well Melissa okay so I think you know similar to the other application tonight if we can make that change and get it submitted over to Kim you know in the next week then we can take a look at it and double check that it's okay and everybody's on board and then our meeting is only two weeks away we can give it hopefully an approval um without any discussion or hardly any discussion um if that works like I I will be uh like completely Frank uh with you I mean two weeks is seems like not a big deal the challenge for me is that um I need kind of to think backwards right and um I need to complete site work and uh um complete the foundation before the frost right so these two weeks might end up costing me nine months uh in case I do not get the building permit in time and start the site work in time and complete the site work for me to build the sh so for me these two weeks um is a potentially a big big deal and opening the club nine months later so that is kind of my big concern so if there is a way for us to have this condition and uh um approve with the condition that you will be satisfied with the revision of that specific note uh that would be a much better way for me because I will be still able to move forward with application for the building permit and uh um which will take 30 days right from the moment when I apply so you will have couple of uh we will have couple of sessions in between for you to review those notes and uh even put the video in the end say like no you know you didn't spec you didn't satisfy that specific condition yeah through through the chair Melissa yes yeah I think there are some things that you can start to do at the site so we're not completely holding up the process um you know this is one condition in the order that needs to be kind of worked out so you can you know obviously it's at risk you know because the order hasn't been officially signed by the commission uh but but you know you can start to think about getting the erosion controls deployed out to the site um getting those set up that that would be my suggestion through the chair yes Ted I wish I had $10 for every time I heard an applicant say please don't delay us for two weeks I'm worried about the weather we have ways we do things and we need to be consistent with those y yes Kim yeah I can Al you know conservation works with the building department all the time so I can speak with um Mike sard our building inspector and um get that you know get that permit moving I feel like we're inevitably headed towards an approval um at this point so you know that's something that we can also I can departments can also start talking to each other in terms of you know additional Town permits and getting those moving thank you Kim I appreciate it okay um so with that can I get a motion to continue to July 30th um for this hearing I'll make that motion can I get a second I'll second all right and I'll go through the roll call Ted hi Jeff hi Ed hi and Jim Hi and um uh and I okay thank you for for working with us on this see you commission thank you have a good night yeah all right so what else do we have Kim public forum we do have a public form request um it is the trails at Heritage Farms development the applicant and developer Mr Vin gatley is requesting that the Conservation Commission consider the release of 10 Foundation permits within phase four of the the development um let me see if I can go through some talking points so um this is a very very basic presentation so I apologize for that um but I figured it would help us walk through some talking points so um here's a quick status the developer is requesting the release of a minimum of 10 and up to 48 foundations there have not been any major sedimentation events to the reservoir since the fall of 2023 the site has not been in active construction really around the fall of 23 to Spring of 24 and during that time Weston and Samson were providing flip reports so um just kind of three bulleted items to touch on um the modifications to Basin one and two in the original three phases the offsite mitigation and the slip reporting so a little sight hit in the spring of 2023 the concom issued an amended order for the project the work activities included installation or really um reconstruction of an area um to create a wetland liid storm water feature modifications to storm water basin one which is kind of the main storm water basin on that portion of the project uh which was RI wrap of including the installation of a rip wrap apron modifications to Basin 2 to convert the feature from infiltration to a constructed Wetland if you recall that Basin never really infiltrated um as designed and then some modifications to Basin 3 which is the Basin and phase four which included installation of a rip W apron within the buffer zone so the commission included a special condition in the amended order of conditions for those modifications that the applicant had to complete those modifications prior to the commission issuing any permits for home construction on phase four of the project the work on the amended order and the Basin modifications was completed about mid June beta reviewed um found two minor discrepancies the top height of the Basin and the outlet control Outlet control structure um beta received additional information as requested from the developer representative on Friday this says awaiting beta's comment I actually got word from beta this afternoon late this afternoon that they are giving the thumbs up to this work in saying that the work was completed in substantial compliance with the proposed plans um the beta is requesting that the crack opening in Basin 2 should be closed and maintained as closed so that's an import important caveat for the applicant developer and his team to note that that cracked opening in the Basin two needs to be maintained as closed otherwise beta is giving their thumbs up for substantial compliance as of this afternoon so that's great news um did want to note to the commission the offsite mitigation that the applicant has proposed um has not occurred so in April of 2022 the concom issued an order for off-site mitigation work which included reconstruction of an existing drainage soil located on land um owned by the town of Ashland but located in hopkington and then there was also work Associated work in Ashland which was a Culver replacement which Outlets to the reservoir so um the vegetation was cut but not grubbed but the work has not yet taken place and then the Swip reporting um came up at the last meeting the uh Western Samson was providing the commission third party Swip reporting from November of 2023 through June of 2024 the original contract was for about 50k the developer agreed to to contracts but only funded 20K the outstanding balance of 19k was submitted uh last week the west and Samson bill for the month of June just came in I will forward that to the developer as soon as possible it's about $3,000 um per the commission's request at the last meeting I did call Weston Samson off the job site as of July 1st just a quick update on the Swip reporting since our last meeting um the order of conditions for the site does require that a Swip report happens for every half inch rain event the Weston Samson contract only required an inch and the Construction general permit actually requires a quarter of an inch so the applicant should actually be maintaining a binder of ser reports for every quarter of an inch rainfall um so EDC has submitted two super reports since the last meeting um a report inspection which occurred on 7:13 for a storm on 75 and one inspection from July 1st for storms occurring on 626 621 and 627 um so just pointing out that we missed some Swip reports since the last meeting and that the inspections are not taking place within 24 hours of the storm event um so that's kind of where we're at um um at this point the developer has been making strides in terms of working with the commission um the special condition in the amended order that was requiring the order of operations has now been substantially complied with so um my recommendation at this point would would be to ask the commission if they would consider the release of some number of Foundations um I would also recommend that the applicant provide a construction sequence and timing for or construction schle schedule rather um for phase four moving forward and that the commission consider tying the remainder of the foundation to certain Milestones within that sequence um you know specifically related to perhaps is the offsite mitigation actually um proceeding you know our Swip reports being completed and submitted at an adequate Pace um and are there you know continuing to be no violations so uh the commission could come up with you know some type of schedule um for key milestone stones for the release of of additional foundations in that way uh so hopefully that was a helpful overview I will pass it back to you Melissa all right thanks Kim that was helpful um so I think at this point in time as you said with the Basin one and two taken care of and the okay from beta on them with all the information submitted I think um it makes sense to release some of the Lots as you said with conditions that um a schedule be provided I I agree that um the applicant should provide this should be given the freedom to provide the schedule based on you know their construction schedule um and take a stab at it and and submit that and we'll have to look at that and agree on it with the Milestones before any additional get released would be my thought as well as um coming into compliance with the Swip reporting um prior to releasing any more lots and I am open to hearing from the um from Mr Mr gatley on that as well I um guessing that he would be in favor of having specific milestones for foundations being released hopefully um that puts us in a better place that we're not you know bartering at meetings they'd rather have concrete things that if you know things are moving along then the expectation is there on both sides um that foundations could be open for release um does anyone uh have any thoughts on that through theair here yes um that sounds good to me Melissa I guess you know as the applicant or EDC provided us a reason uh you know we in good faith had basically allowed EDC to take over the inspections uh for the Swip reports uh less than a month ago and we're at a point now where you know four four five weeks later um we're running into the same types of issues with the inspections not being conducted within 24 hours and the reports not being submitted to Kim so you know that was kind of a good faith effort um uh in gesture that the commission made to the applicant uh fairly recently and you know once again we're in a situation where you know it's not in compliance so I don't know if if the applicant has provided a reason for that I guess that'd be a question for Kim thank you through the chair uh we do inspect the site every day um so I'm not sure what you mean by the inspections you get a report every two weeks we've documented the days we're there if you're asking me to send it to you within 24 hours of that storm event then we will change the way we've been doing it we've been sending it every two weeks religiously since when when whenever the last time you tasked us for not having submitted them every two weeks uh you you that's been done so they're being documented the days were there every day basically at the site because there's certain Construction Control activities that we're doing but if you want to report on your desk within 24 hours of a rainfall event that's different I didn't realize Suess and Samson was doing that frankly and that's what we'll do we do inspect the site we give you a report every two weeks and we've been doing that okay I think making sure that the requirements of the Swip permit are being followed and I think those reporting requirements are in there so um following those I think is what what's being asked through the chair yes Kim could you go to the slide that dealt with the mitigation for Hopkinson and Ashland and and could you I know you went through the whole thing and thank you could you Briefly summarize that slide again just so I can make sure I think I know what I'm talking about yeah so there was off-site mitigation proposed that straddled kind of the Town Line Between hopkington and Ashland and essentially um in hopkington there was Rehabilitation of a sale and then that Swale drains into a CT which goes under the roadway way and then Outlets to the reservoir and the applicant had proposed to replace that covert as well um because that covert had been undermined by the velocity of the of the flow there and this was requested over two years ago it was the order of conditions was approved in April of 2022 so when we talk about a schedule going forward I put a really high priority on this one because I feel like we owe it to Ashland to put a high priority on this one given all of the stuff from Hopkinson that is then Flo Ashland so when that schedule of these are the things that need to be met for more lots to be released I put a high priority on this particular task especially given that it's over two years in request and all we have is some chop down trees thanks I agree Ted when um does that is that OC expire Kim do you know yeah they age have three years so okay so 20 April 2025 yeah okay so I think the commission would add a minimum um as you said Ted I think it would be tired to to Lots being released but I don't know that I would entertain um an extension on that who the chair yes okay I would also note that um the town of Ashland I know had some uh enforcement um so I guess to the developer um if the commission issues foundations or um building permits or remove rather lifts portions of the feas and assist to that um the applicant should also verify that they are you know in compliance with whatever um requirements the Ashlin Conservation Commission had had as well we're aware of our responsibilities there thank you R the chair yes uh so Melissa I'd be in favor of releasing 10 units you know contingent upon um you know in the inter room the applicant will you know get the Swip information that's uh you know that's missing to us and they put the construction schedule in place so that we can discuss um as a commission um you know what Milestones we'd like to see going forward completed within a certain time frame before additional Foundation permits are issued through the chair yes I would like to propose a smaller number than Jeff respectfully Jeff um I think 10 is close to a quarter of the Lots being approved and that to me is a little much given the difficulties we've had with this site um and the things that are still coming up short I would I had in my head four or five so I throw that out for consideration um Ed or Jim do you have any uh thoughts on numbers of lots and conditions uh I can agree with Jeff pretend well being a great compromiser I could pick a number between five and 10 it's not helpful I I I should report that I did participate in a planning board walk um with Mr beus and Mr gatley um and I'm not quite sure whether that has anything to do with anything we're talking about now um but um as as one who always tries to book on the bright side um I would I would concur with Jeff okay the chair yes I I would just want to make the applicant and Mr beus very clear that you know if things AR moving along as expected by the commission then you know we're just going to continue to withhold the foundations you know we've told them previously that you know we're working with them we don't want to hold the project up we're trying to work with them as a partner in getting this project completed but um you know this is you know again a Goodwill kind of uh gesture by the commission with releasing these foundations the 10 foundations um but you know we expect you know compliance on a go forward basis thank you okay that makes sense CH yes go ahead Kim just a point of clarification my I just had my slide was wrong the order was issued in April of 2023 I want to be clear and fair about that okay okay theia may I speak uh Vin gatley yes you may yeah I just wanted to uh point out that the town of Ashland approved uh release of Foundations last December we had put in a request because we thought we were at a point where we were ready to go we had I think we had done everything uh needed to stabilize the site back in I'm going to say last November we also took on Western Samson to do third party Swip reports and and all that and we had a great we had a you know pretty significant uh rainfall winter um and I think the reports came came through um without any issues at all and so you know seven was what I had asked this commission to approve as Ashlin did and somehow that that didn't happen and now that number is actually it's it's higher than 10 but I'd be uh I'd be satisfied with a minimum of 10 and we can put we can work on conditions to tie things on future foundations there's still 38 of them um I think we you know we' be happy to work with you to come up with some milestones we need to meet for the next round of Foundations but I I we really need these 10 now for for for many reasons and I think we've I think the work we've done we we should this should be approved okay yeah no I agree Jeff I think you know there has been significant work done the two Basin modifications so I think 10 in my mind is appropriate and uh I would encourage that schedule to get submitted you know to work on that as soon as you can and not wait until it's time to request more Lots because it's going to take a little time I think to get that squared away um and what those Milestones are including the offsite in that um is important and like Ted said prioritizing that offsite work because that's something I don't think we've seen any um action on that would be my two cents any other thoughts was someone going to say something no all right so um should we vote on this Kim um I don't I don't think procedurally that we have to but it might be nice just to have a you know a consensus to to know that if we've reached a consensus okay so does anyone want to make a motion um to release the 10 Lots I'll make that motion okay along with the conditions that we've described for future release of lots am to include what you Melissa before we vote may I ask himim for clarification yes Kim you're looking for a consensus not unanimity yeah um yeah okay so we have a motion in a second um that being said I'll do a roll call Jeff hi Ed hi Ed that is a no and myself am an i and what about Jim I'm an i oh Jim sorry you disappeared on my wheel there okay I for Jim so thanks for hanging on this late Mr G Mr beus appreciate it have good evening thank you well worth it thank you very much okay good night okay I think that was it right Kim um I do I have a I have a public forum I have a um staff cative I don't know what to call it it was a cute family picture sorry I know I didn't know there was nothing behind there okay so news good news so here is a map of hopkington 495 whiteall this is our favorite favorite development Longwood Drive and the storm water from long Longwood Drive um flows down this hill and there's it's not shown in here but there's um drainage that comes here and then it outfalls in this location and in this location is a bvw that is actually a mapped PVP and the drainage partial some of the drainage from the subdivision discharges directly to this wellon which is a mapped PVP and then over tops and enters White Hall Reservoir this was a condition that was approved way way way way back when and um it has been a source of great frustration for folks especially Ed so my good news is um I have been um trying and screaming about it as much as possible and uh Harry and the DPW have agreed to fund a feasibility study to um find out if there are any feasible storm water BMP improvements that can be completed to improve the water quality at the site um especially now given that we have some cooperation from DCR so uh Tian bond is contracted and that should be forthcoming so first step in planning to get some improvements in this location that's great Kim thanks that's my exciting news thank you Kim you are welcome and thank Carrie too thank you Harry for those who don't know this has been 40 years in round numbers um it is astounding to me that Kim has pulled this off and she threatened me with something I had no idea what it was um thank you I was pulling up your photos Ed is this this is the spot right yes now I will say to Mr westering credit that I guess maybe two years ago we started hearing peers and this year we had tadp or pows or whatever you wish to call them which is a first in a very very very long time awesome so hopefully you know more good things to come some improvement as soon as we you know get the analysis back from time Bond I obviously will let everybody know and see what they said and we'll try to start getting working on um finding some funding for you know hopefully installing the the improvements I will be very interested if they do water quality studies for fertilizers because the what has happened to the Westerly side of whiteall is entirely tied into in my opinion um the drainage out of White Oak estates it's gone from Open Water like behind our house where we used to have a boat Mard um it is you can almost walk across then now in the vegetation separate issue anyway Kim thank you yeah nice work thank you and now I think we're through the agenda all right oh there it is way to end it on a high note um does anyone make an want to make a motion to close the hearing I'll make motion and I'll second Jeff's motion all right I'm going through the roll call um Jim hi Jeff I Ed I Ted Ted is an i and I am an i good work Melissa nice job well done well done you Melissa see you all see you all in person soon have a good evening everyone next meeting in person yeah see you guys by bye bye good