##VIDEO ID:RhB1-NkzDsA## that's great all right good evening and welcome to the Thursday October 10th 2020 2024 meeting of the school committee uh we are uh live but we're also being recorded by hcam and we do have uh one member Chris Masters who is remote so any votes we do will be done by roll call and I would invite those who are here in the studio to please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right so the first item on our agenda here would be public comment I do not see any members of the public here in the studio to great work on the part of the administration and the police thank you any other recognitions okay all right then we will go into reports saan you are up first uh good evening everyone I hope you all had a great week so far I wanted to start start off by discussing some of the things that have happened in the past few weeks on September 17th and 19th seniors had their seminars during Flex block where we discussed College prepping more specifically for asking for Teacher recommendations and filling out and submitting transcript forms then that Friday September 20th we had our first home football game which had a huge turnout especially from the seniors and the cheer team did a great job on the sidelines and got a lot of crowd participation in the interactive cheers that they had unfortunately this game ended in loss but it really showed a lot of HHS Spirit on September 23rd we had our home opener for our unified basketball team with another unfortunate loss in overtime September 26th the date of the last meeting the counseling department hosted a senior parent night where they discussed postsecondary planning process and financial aid September 27th the principal's cabinet for 11th and 12th grade held their first meeting of the Year whereas the n9th and 10th grade meeting will occur this month Mr Bishop sent out an email ask for volunteers for this cabinet where he received over a 100 applications which shows a huge interest that students have for getting involved on October 3rd there was no school for rashash Shana and moving on to this week the volleyball team won their dig pink breast cancer awareness and fundraiser game on Monday and last Tuesday student council had a meeting where we filmed promotional videos for spirit week which will be occurring next week and NHS and AHS and triam had their induction ceremony that evening the the environmental action Club has set up and placed four nextrex spins around town which have been collecting plastics for over the past two weeks we recently recorded our first collection of 66 pounds disposed of the Plastics behind price dropper and reset the bins Wednesday morning senior student council representatives and senior class officers met with advisor groups for both or for both groups and discussed how work should be divided considering the amount of events that we have going on in the fall which gives a good transition into what we have coming up in the next few weeks which is spirit week as I mentioned earlier will be held next week and with that comes penny wars which is one of my favorite Traditions at HHS and it's a great fundraiser we are already hearing great things about spirit days and we look forward to a lot of participation that week to close off next week we have senior transition day which is a day for seniors to work on college applications or anything they need to prepare for Life post High School this gives students the opportunity to get advice and assistance from teachers and dedicates a solid loock of time to postsecondary prep the second half of that day will be pep rally so grades are getting their class shirts and making teams for the games that will be held that day on the 24th we have our next home football game where a class of 2025 the senior class will be hosting the 5050 raffle as they do for all the home games homecoming will occur on Saturday the 26th for grades 11 and 12 and the theme is fall ball so we are currently collecting donations from parents in order to purchase the decorations finally probably one of the most fun parts of senior year and something that my friends and I have been planning recently is the senior Halloween so seniors get the opportunity to go all out on their costumes and in the morning we fill the athletic center in the atrium and it basically turns into like a gallery for the senior Halloween costumes so that's all I have for you guys today thank you any questions for Savannah you explain penny wars penny wars yeah so I know it like doesn't make any sense when you say that um during all the lunches we have boxes for each or jars more like for each grade and pennies are all the positive points so you get one point for each penny but any other coins or dollars are negative points so grades are competing against each other and you'll see kids on the last day put in like $2 bills into the senior bucket to take away points from the seniors The Freshman normally end up losing but so not enough strategy yet yeah they don't understand it quite Chris how's your audio okay so it I caught some of that but it's the volume is still soft in the studio all right thank you okay thank you question I have what kind of plastics are you guys working to recycle so the Plastics that we we have are for example the um like bread containers that you have like bread wrappers Plastics like that more films were looking for so there are bins at Hiller's pizza and town hall there's one in the atrium and then our last one is in between the Marty and the CVS so that is where we've been collecting the most is between the Marty and the CVS right now oh that's great all right all the questions and we have the next report is the Hopkins report thank you um so what I thought would be helpful to the committee is once a month um give an update on where we are with the construction for the Hopkins school so this is the monthly report that will be put together by the OPM but we're always kind of a a month late if you will so this is the September report based on August activity so um this is a illustration just a reminder of what it is that we're doing the yellow being the existing School the brown you can see is the U addition uh you can see where the geothermal Wells are being dug the infiltration system to take all the water and on the north side of the picture is the new expanded parking lot but some of that parking lot lot has been reserved for student um recess just to orient everybody to what we are doing so for the last month um the project is on schedule uh work in the month of September largely consisted of continued geothermal well drilling uh as of the date of this report approximately 75% of the geothermal Wells have been drilled using two rigs uh the site contractor has completed the infiltration system installation and has backfilled and to that with stone dust with the completion of the infiltration system the fence line has been adjusted and the recess area has been expanded they've also started the excavation subbase prep for the footings and Foundation walls for the addition um margarite concrete recently mobilized to begin the form work in rebar installation and the first concrete pour is scheduled for September 30th uh the GMP Amendment just as a reminder was approved by the town on September 12th fully executed on September 18th with a notice to proceed on September 13th and commodore will be continued to buy out the subres since the issuance of that Amendment so just looking at some visuals uh this is the rig for the geothermal Wells that are being dug this is where the addition uh so you can see they've um sub graded out that subgrade and getting ready for foundations this is the parking lot temporary parking lot that has been completed this is near the bus backup um Lane in the back of the school and this is part of the drainage system um that has also been completed at this time so looking at the dashboard from a safety perspective there have been no safety issues uh from a schedule substantial completion for the summer work uh was completed in August of 20 or will be completed in August of 25 substantial completion for the addition will be completed in February of 26th substantial completion for the renovation and site work will be August 18th in of 26 the final completion with the building temp certificate of occupancy in August of 26th and final completion ready for students on August 21st of 2026 again no quality issues um Furniture fixture and Equipment Technology security there have been no new it items and there are no issues at this time looking at the project uh the budget update the architect expenditures to date has been approximately 62% the OPM expenditures to date have been 21% and the construction Billings less the retainage to date has been 3% so again what has been ongoing the geothermal well drilling is in progress the form work and rebar installs are in progress the construction fence is driven into its permanent location and the recess area has been expanded and stabilized the next month look ahead they will begin to grout the drill holes for the geothermal field install the geothermal Vault and continue forming prepping and pouring the foundations for the building addition and there are no change orders that have happened since the GMP was approved and that is it for an update are there any questions thank you Chris any questions okay all right that then moves us into the superintendent report okay so thank you this is the superintendent report for October 10th 2024 uh I will be talking just very briefly about enrollment um I want to touch upon school safety because of something that's surfaced as a result of the swatting incident um the induction into three honor societies at the high school and then just the long weekend ahead um so our just regular uh enrollment update last time we looked at this we was September 26th we were 53 students from the June 30th Target that June 30th U projection or Target number is 4,290 since the last time we were together we had nine students join the hopkington public school so that number has decreased to 44 so we were about 44 students from where we project we will be in June um I wanted to talk about cell phone use in an emergency because we did have a really nice debrief I think with the police department um this week and we had conversations about kids using cell phones um and uh I've been in conversation also with Lieutenant van Rollin on this topic uh so some of the reasons why we are asking students not to use cell phones during an emergency um there's the potential for the spread of misinformation uh when we had the swatting incident you know most of our kids were in a shelter in place and that's really the protocol for a swatting incident we start with shelter in place and so when we ask kids to shelter in place you're never quite sure why you're in that that setting you know you could be in that setting because a student has or someone in the school has had a medical emergency and they need the Privacy to put that person in an ambulance so we keep people inside the classroom teaching and learning continues when you're in shelter in place um so as people are kind of guessing what's happening that information gets out and um it can lead to um things that would be very undesirable um there's also the worry that if we are putting out information and it tends to be accurate information you could compromise law enforcement's TR tactical advantages so if whoever the Intruder or as salent is is following what's happening on whatever social media channels kids are using then we're giving them information that we would not want to give them um the police are concerned about parental flocking and what that means is when you're texting out or when kids are texting out to parents and parents show up at the school um that could prohibit emergency and rescue vehicles so um our our police force te tends to use backups and so if we had all of the Hopkinson police officers there we may need State officials we may need laboring communities like Ashlin Upton Grafton those are the people who would come and help and if you needed an ambulance from another community and they couldn't access the school because of the traffic congestion that would be a huge dire concern and then the final piece is student inattentiveness one of the things that our teachers are trained to do is if a shelter in place became an alril and we said it's time to evacuate we can have kids that are not are in attentive they have to be following because it's really a teacher-led evacuation um so those are some of the big reasons why we don't want kids on their cell phones and I know that is super hard because as a parent myself and as a grandparent um I would be just sick if you knew that your child was in a place where their safety might be compromised and I think that um safety becomes more compromised when we're not attentive or when we have parent blocking um or when an as salent may have information we wouldn't want them to so we just have to be really cautious about cell phones um and I I know that's it's a hard pill to swallow um and I think I would have been in the former camp the camp that said I I have to know what's happening um but now that I know as much as I do having served on a school safety task force for nine years I realized that you know lives could be compromised if if we're not doing what we need to be doing so that's the important takeaway um off to happier news we had our three honor societies um inducted students inducted into those honor societies trium Music National Art Honor Society and then the National Honor Society uh Mr Bishop was good enough to share some of these pictures with me so the kids um process in the evening is amazing because it's really almost entirely student run I mean other than handing out those certificates uh they the kids run everything so all student speakers um the student musicians are there the students choose one faculty member to speak and this year it was English teacher Andy fry who did a magnificent job uh here you can just see the pictures of the kids getting their certificates bottom right after they receive their certificates they all take um their Oaths and I included that picture because I just think it's kind of so Majestic to see them all sitting there and the parents and the bleachers and it's a really lovely picture in our um athletic center all right and the only other thing I have is we are on the brink of a long weekend so I hope that everyone has a really nice long restful um Columbus Day weekend so thank you questions no I just wanted to to ask about it was great um conversation that you just approached us about the use of cell phones during emergency incidents how we can get that information out to parents a little more um or I I know that that could invite also some conversation but there was a lot of conversation in the community about this and people approaching several people you know um approached me to make comments about it and I relayed similar information yes but it would be nice if there was yes for people who are not watching right now I am working on that okay um and you know the other things the police will tell you is that there will be a time for cell phone communication but that um that doesn't come too long after you know even even when we get to reunification where how we get kids reconnected to their families like we still wouldn't want cell phone use there so it it's a really like prolonged time that we're asking people not to have that communication I know how difficult it is so Chris did you have any questions okay did did we have flocking of parents this time because I I know that there was a fair amount on social media while it was going on we did not have parent um show up to the school the beauty was that it was really under an hour's time like 26 minutes um for for the entire sweep but we did have several parents come and pick up their children afterwards so I mean there was a line of people who were picking up but it wasn't like any roadways or the driveways were so congested that you could not get people through so all right that moves us then into the school committee chair report uh Warren's 25 5-25 s 25-26 s uh have been approved and they're included in your folder the other thing was today was the uh first meeting of the budget advisory committee there's no new information that's come out um but the group will continue to meet um every two weeks for now until it's typically we go right into marches yes all right that uh what about liaison reports Chris anything okay thank you I don't know is that is the hcam recording able to pick that up just getting it so it'll be in in the recording just for people to be able to hear at home as well all right there are no other liais on reports that would move us into the fy2 federal entitlement grants Dr Cavo sure um so you know in your packet you have a request from Mrs hanscum to uh simply accept the um idea Part B and part C grants and just so you know uh you will see all of the federal entitlement grants come through you'll see competitive grants come through the school committee just needs to approve all of them so this is fairly perfunctory if you are wondering um how this takes place our assistant superintendent for curriculum instruction and the special education student services director they write a lot of Grants and they go off to desie the majority of them and then the department of Elementary and secondary education reviews them all if there's a problem with a grant they send it back and we have to revise it uh but these two have been approved by desie and so we are looking for you to accept them um I realize that the the amount here is just over a million dollar but we are asking that you approve them with two separate motions please I move to approve the idea Part B Grant in the amount of 97746 okay motion by Jamie is there a second second by Kyla we'll do a roll call starting with you Kyla yes Jamie yes I'm a yes Chris and Chris is a yes and it's unanimous uh and then I move to approve the idea part C Grant in the amount of $2,117 I'll second it motion by Jamie second by Kyla we'll do a roll call starting with you Kyla Jamie yes I'm a yes Chris it's unanimous as well all right that moves us then into the legendary card Alliance Club at the hopkington middle school okay this is a very interesting name uh so we used to have a club that was magic the Gathering and that's been vacant for a couple of years and now we have kids who are interested really in what is Pokemon cards um however we realize that that will evolve over time card games come into fashion out of fashion different kinds of cards come into fashion out of fashion and so they have decided to name themselves the legendary card Alliance club and they would like for you to approve the stien in 500 the amount of 556 um and that will simply replace a club that hasn't been running was was going to be my question great yeah so I would move to approve the legendary card Alliance Club at slen of $556 motion by Kyla second second by Jamie we'll do a roll call starting with you K Jamie yes I'm a yes Chris Chris is also a yes and that is also unanimous I always appreciate when um they look at the clubs and are able to put something in place that is more um yes sought after by students that are in front of us now yes it really does speak to the fact that our clubs are student generated and it's wonderful great U okay keep going intent to travel of these will look very familiar to um those of you who have been following for several years Mr Scott um every year will take kids to um the building professional business Professionals of America State leadership conference um it is in Norwood Massachusetts they will be going from Saturday the 8th into Sunday the 9th so it's an overnight trip and there are 24 kids who are going and we just need you to approve that overnight trip to the BPA state conference great I move to approve travel for the BPA State Conference in March 8th and 9th 2025 okay motion by Jamie second second by Kyla we'll start with you for roll call yes I'm a yes Chris and Chris is a yes as well so that is unanimous with thanks to Mr Scott and then okay so that was the State leadership conference the next one in your packet is the building Professionals of America National leadership ship conference that will run from May 7th to 11th and it is um in Orlando Florida he is taking 20 students I move to approve trial for the BPA National Conference May 7th to 11th 2025 motion by Jamie second by KY we'll do a roll call starting Kyla Jamie yes I'm a yes Chris Chris is a yes so it is unanimous as well that then moves us into the robotics travel for the worlds okay um so again this is Mr Scott generated but um they were there will be parent chap rooms and so he does not have that name that uh list of names yet um but this is for the high school and they would be going from May 5th until May 8th uh and they go to the Vex worlds it's held in Dallas Texas and they do that every year I move to approve travel for vex World May 5th through 8th 2025 okay motion by Jamie second by Kyla do a roll call starting with you yes yes on a yes Chris Chris is also a yes it is unanimous uh and so passes and that then moves us into policy AC non-discrimination and civil rights notice to students parents and employees this is the first reading Dr kavano yes thank you uh we took a look at policy AC because it relates so closely to policy acab which you have read I think a couple times previously uh there are not major changes to this at the start of the policy we do Define who the school Community is and we say that that is members of the school committee employees Administration faculty staff students visitors Volunteers in the school and parties contracted to perform work for the Hopkins and public schools uh so after we Define that then one of the things that has changed so markedly with policy acab is that we have had to add the um terms sex stereotypes and sex characteristics as um uh things that you know we would have looked at as um uh people who need you know protections under the law so that section in the um Second full paragraph there has just been expanded to include sex stereotypes and sex characteristics and that's something that has happened under Title 9 as well um under Title 9 they have also added pregnancy or pregnancy related conditions but we've always had that in our policy AC um we did remove the language that says the principal of designa be given a title and prominently identified as available to receive reports and complaints because really anyone can rece receive those and the principal or his or their designate also serves as a uh the primary investigator and as a liais on to law enforcement so we um we thought that that was sort of redundant in there otherwise it's pretty much the same policy that had been approved um have to look to see the last time in 2023 I knew it was fairly recently any comments thoughts from policy working group um it was a smooth meeting when we went through this and we were um using some of the masc language that was suggested and integrating it into what was already a strong policy so it was a pretty easy one did that I didn't happen in US did that go out by list serve yes did did yes um I'm guessing did not get we have not heard anything about policy AC or acab so just because this is a first reading I I'm comfortable with the policy itself but I feel like we should just because by unprecedent we should wait until the next meeting at least to to see if there's anything else we want to consider from the if the community comes out with any comments yes all right do you want to move then into acab yes so acab uh we have read it twice here and and then we thought that after we were comfortable with what it said we would send it off to legal council which we have done so you can see uh where our attorney Josh Coleman has made edits or revisions to this document um one of the many of them are you know sort of just I think simple language changes here and there um but one of the places where there's I think a substantial change is is title 7 used to be outlined in this and I think Jamie you might be relieved because I think all of that language was something that when we met you thought it was a lot and apparently our legal council thought so as well so he suggested that we add a simple sentence in there that says in addition to Title Nine the district shall comply with all other applicable state and federal discrimination laws including but not limited to title 7 and then that eliminated including all of that title 7 and mgl in there and other than that I think the changes are are pretty subtle anything else that you want to add from the policy I love making things more concise yeah okay um thoughts on what we'd like to do with this today this is a third reading so and any feedback from the public not any of the times that we have read this I I feel like once our legal council has looked at it I would be nervous making changes that didn't go back to legal counsel again so I would feel comfortable passing this tonight um but if not being prepared that it would have to go back to Legal if any changes down the road yeah I'm comfortable with making a motion did Chris have any questions Chris any questions um I move to approve revisions to policy acab sexual and SE sex based harassment and retaliation motion by Jamie second by Kyla Kyle will start with you again yes Jamie yes I'm yes Chris okay unanimous U thank you to the policy working group for all your attention on that and that moves us into the capital plan I know that um the the northern lights are going on very nicely tonight so I don't think it will be a disappointment that uh we're ahead of schedu here this is this is my backyard oh I just saw that picture no way yeah I didn't know we could see the Northern Lights tonight especially with your phone it's brighter with your three yep okay sounds like something my kids would say to on you should definitely get the updated one okay that's very very funny um so I am presenting the capital plan again this evening you heard it already once on September 26th however there is one small change and I'll talk about that so this is again what we do is we put together a 10-year Capital plan we give you somewhat of a five-year view because 10 years goes way off the screen just to give you an idea of what we're looking at and again the focus for the school committee is for FY 26 but it gives you an idea of the planning that goes on for the future uh the one thing that has changed um what we've talked about is the Adaptive playground and the Adaptive playground committee um so breaking news today at probably 4 o'clock um we did receive an order of magnitude of three draft concepts for the Playground now these Concepts have not been viewed by the playground committee so they also have not seen the costs however um the difficulty is the CPC Grant was due today so I felt it important to update both uh the school committee on the costs that we received and we'll talk about that fully as we go forward the other costs have not changed so just briefly the HVAC districtwide 735,000 the storefront which are entry doors double set of entry doors 200,000 and the sewer cover um uh in the campus driveway 60,000 and the systemwide technology upgrades for 100,000 so looking at what we categorize the end of life replacement is the HVAC districtwide the storefront entry doors the sewer pump cover and the techn ology and enrollment growth is the Adaptive playground with the HVAC District wide uh these re represent replacement units in both the middle school and the high school as where as a feasibility study for a sustainable replacement plan in the high school for the future the high school has 14 units and the middle school has eight units with a replacement cost above the $25,000 threshold to categorize as cap capit and these units have an assumed life expectancy of 30 years the replacement plan is spread out over several years so that we're not hitting that all at once the storefront entry doors these are in the middle school and they are on the water tower side of the building these are two sets of double doors and these um experience heavy use the frames are corroded there's large gaps between the door um that allows weather and other security issues the sewer access cover uh the sewer ejector pump is located in underground chamber behind the high school in the access driveway the cover has been damaged over the years with snow plows and overall traffic and the cover is damaged to a point that replacement is now Necessary Technology for 100,000 the school system needs to update the existing firewall appliances located at the high school these systems need to have larger capacity to help manage heavier Network traffic and to help with the expansion of the new charleswood school and Hopkins Edition the current firewalls have 10 gigabyte links and we will be moving to 25 in the new system in addition we'll be expanding the core switch capacity at the high school to accommod additional growth and updates for AV capacity at the high school auditorium and the Press Box so again the Adaptive playground um town meeting as a reminder in May of 24 approve the use of CPC funds um for the engineering study design and construction bid documents for the Adaptive playground the Adaptive playground committee was formed to guide the Direction in the process hire a designer and seek Community input working with the Design Group beta the committee chose the location of the marathon school after a process that began with 198 town-owned Parcels a survey was sent to the community to seek input on the design and elements for the playground beta has been taking all the input from the committee and the surveys to develop designs for the playground and this project will be submitted to the CPC for potential funding so again looking at the project schedule we began in July uh with the um bringing on our designer beta the August 24 meeting um was for the site selection September 24 we looked more at the landscape analysis and some early thoughts on the elements in the month of October Where We Are now we are looking at Design Concepts and in November potentially construction documents so again the location that was selected by the playground committee is at the marathon Elementary School and this is the grass area that is behind the elementary school and you can see that in that blue square so what is an Adaptive or inclusive playground it is a playground that is accessible to all designed for children of all abilities to play together a universal design it features ramps accessible paths and ground level play areas it is sensory Rich offers varied sensory experiences like texture sound and movement encourages social play promotes interaction and cooperation among all children and safe and supportive it provides a secure barrier-free environment with quiet spaces for retreat so just uh couple of areas that were very early concept areas for the playground one would be close to the building um over and you can see where they have selected that playground Circle and again the the lawn area is used for other purposes it's used for um PE classes so we need to keep some area of lawn for that uh exclusive of the playground another potential area would be the other side of the lawn area and then another potential would be to create somewhat of a playground all around in the circle um keep again keeping the lawn in the middle all different nodes um potential for stage for play habitat viewing looking out into to the wetlands uh so that was another potential some of the elements uh these would be the physical elements that we have gone through and uh the committee has looked at um different kinds of swings a basket swing adaptive swing a highback swing different kinds of slides a wide slide a Roller Slide an inclusive Loop slide and then different kind of um activities inclusive climbing net Spinners and a spinning Bowl social Play Elements uh there was Playhouse a wooden playhouse a group play space or stage games such as tic-tac-toe sensory games Cooperative puzzles and educational panels some inclusive play elements that are being considered a color sensory path a texture sensory path a nature texture sensory path inclusive seesaw an inclusive spinner chair an inclusive Carousel and again a quiet space and some environmental Play Elements to be considered a nature sensory table exploration log wood climbing area a butterfly Garden a boulder climbing area a bird habitat nature education panel a nature shade area or an archaeological exploration area and that is it for the full Capital plan and again the only change from the last time that was presented is the potential change in cost of the playground a full um package for the CPC has been submitted with those updated costs and that that went to them today thank you questions the cost estimate range was that specifically tied to certain structures that the community already voted on or was that so um unfortunately the the timing for the playground committee and the um Grant don't line up well so the our designer beta has put together three three draft um options elements that the committee has not seen um but they have also put a cost to those three draft um po potentials if you will now some things can change the committee can decide to swap out different elements of things that are within those designs so um they will meet again on October 21st so that's when they'll see what the potentials are and then also what the cost is so the big unveiling on October 21st at 6 o'clock yes that's very exciting it is exciting yeah it's great Chris any questions so October 21st the playground committee will see the the first um the you know first presentation of these options along with the cost um so they will make decisions I think first probably deciding on which of the three they really want to develop more fully um and I do believe that um we'll get some interactions also from the school department and terms of what works best uh for the children that are playing um as well once the playground committee picks what they think is the best of the three and then looking at the price they may start to swap out elements um and make some decisions from there right if there are no other questions on the capital plan as a whole is there somebody who would like to make a motion relative to it I move to approve the FY 26 Capital plan okay motion by Jamie second second by Kyla we'll do a roll call starting with you Kyla yes Jamie yes I'm a yes Chris and Chris is yes and it that makes it unanimous um so and for timing uh now that the committee has approved this this all this documentation will be submitted to the town tomorrow that's great thank you appreciate that that moves us then into the items by consensus okay as superintendent I recommend the school committee approve the items by consensus is outlined in your agenda I move to approve the items by consensus motion by Jamie second by Kyla do roll call yes jimy yes I'm a yes Chris okay it's unanimous and the items by consensus pass and then I would seek a motion to adjourn I move to adjourn the meeting of oober 10th 2024 motion by Jamie second by kylo roll call starting with you yes yes I'm a yes Chris Chris is a yes we are adjourned at 7:49 our next uh regular meeting is at October 24th here at hcam and then another one on November 14th uh thank you all for tuning in have a good night and for those who are interested in catching the Northern Lights I'm hoping there's still uh some good viewing outside yes good I think it's supposed to get