e e e e e you Jamie on the screen right are we live now we're live excellent Jamie can you hear us okay there was quite a Reverb I hear it I'm just G to get off but then she can't hear us isn't that the issue oh you definitely G to get off yeah okay there we go all right we can't hear her she seems to be talking yep we are you muted Jamie or can you hear us okay we can hear you but the Bob is it possible to turn the volume up because I don't think that'll get heard very easily okay you want to try again Jamie very very faintly okay that's as high as Bob says he can go I don't know what can we do to what I don't think we've had that problem before no we usually find all right so we will use our very best listening ears and if there are things um that don't get picked up by the mic I don't know if there's a mic that is out over the audience area correct Bob yes okay so you can hear her okay through the studio okay maybe just repeat what she says okay so I'll repeat what you cons what you say for the people here at the table it sounds like you're being picked up perfectly fine for the recording um and for the broadcast for people who are not here in the studio all right okay all right so we can go ahead and start good evening and welcome to the hopkington school committee's Thursday June 20th 2024 meeting of the school committee uh the meeting is both live and it is being recorded by H cam so thank you to hcam um we will rise now those who are here in the audience to for the pledge of allegiance alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right so we will Jump Right In I'm just for folks who are following along with the agenda at home we are not going to be needing to have an executive session tonight so we're going to pass over that for now and we can go into public comment I do not see anybody here um for public comment unless there's somebody that wanted to have a dual role and make a public comment as well all right are there any recognitions I'm looking just to make sure Jamie do not say anything okay um just want to recognize all the staff and the the teachers the administrators the students and the families for finishing out strong and on a very warm last day of school so all right that brings us into reports uh Dr kavana we get the superintendent report thank you so this will be a very brief superintendent report I just wanted to make sure people are aware that this summer things will be just a little bit different in the hopkington public schools and the central office um our schools will be open daily from 9:00 a. to 300 p.m. if for some reason you have to go to one of the buildings you really should make an appointment if you want to go there and see someone who is a specific person um and just to make sure that that person will be in on that day you know during the summertime very frequently our administrators or you know a lot of our uh administrative administrative um staff will be off on vacation so just make sure that you call ahead if there's someone that you think you need to see very specifically um at central office uh we are only offering remote access from this point through at least July 8th if you haven't been passed the central office yet you will see that we are undergoing some major exterior Renovations so for example there will be roof replacement all new siding uh parking lot pavement Granite BMS being installed um and Landscaping upgrades and so they have asked us to leave the building through July 8th um if there is someone who needs some inperson service certainly we can meet with you in one of the school buildings so just reach out we are happy to give you the good service we typically do you'll just need to make an appointment to do that because our usual walk-in Services nonexistent right now I thought it would take just a couple of pictures of what it's looking like today so it's only been two days but they are really getting underway you can see that they've already removed a lot of the siding the solar panels have been removed from the roof wow goes fast yeah it's it's going to be uh are they going to keep it the same color I think so they're building the person who owns our building is building a another struct adjacent right next door to us and so I think his goal is to get this to look like the other building will look so they'll look like sort of sister buildings school doesn't own the obviously own the building that's correct yes which then I'm assuming means that we are not paying the cost of the renovation is also correct yes I'm sure that the taxpayers would like to know that um and that's all I'm just wishing everyone a wonderful restful and rejuvenating summer it's been a really great school year I think are there any questions on Dr kavanau report I'm going to start down with Jamie just do you have any questions okay anybody else no okay thank you that brings us then into the school committee chair report uh just briefly uh payroll warrants s24 024 s242 4B and s2425 have been approved Warr 24- 08s and 24- 81s have been approved and have included in your packet um uh the other thing just in terms of communication we did receive uh two emails in support of the uh gun storage uh resolution that we had discussed and had the um very well organized and informative presentation at our last meeting uh just because we haven't divided up the aison reports I'm assuming there are not any unless you have any from outstanding from citizen we have a lot more but the Adaptive playground committee is just going fulfilled which is good when I click on the packet Link in the email it takes me to the agenda okay there should be the if you go in through because I access it different way but if you go in through the into the drive there should be a folder okay that has all the supporting materials gotcha okay I'll I'll I'll find it Chris I think I can see you in the agenda and I think all of those links in there are live but the oh I was going through the link in the in the body of the email so the link in the agenda yes can take me to the pack I got you okay got it but there are sometimes additional things that go into the folder for us that are not in the full packet as well absolutely yes okay so then um do we want to take out of order um since we have is there one more person coming from yes okay then I then we won't take it out of order then uh let's go into the heft grant donation so I think Chris Frederick's is coming okay then just joking about that let's go professional professional all right that sounds good all right so the par professional request is it's pretty simple uh Matt CER who is the principal at the Hopkins school is requesting that he's able to reduce a 1.0a par profession and those are the ones who are general education par professionals not special education par professionals and instead of having an a par professional he would like to take that position and sort of translate it to a b paraprofessional position the differential is about $4,000 and the goal here is so that each one of the moderate learning specialist teachers will have a b par professional that's almost sort of exclusively Theirs to work on a particular um uh plc or or national parks team so that's what he's asking for your permission to do is to eliminate an a par position and assume a BP position it's an upgrade and support it is yes will that a position need to be filled later it will not no okay it's not needed right now correct okay all right Jamie do you have any questions on that okay all right then any there no other questions I would seek a motion on that I move to reduce a 1.0 ftea Prof par professional position and add a 1.0 FTE B PA professional position at Hopkins for fiscal year 25 second motion by Susan second by Chris we'll do a roll call vote since we do have a remote member we'll start with you yes Chris Susan yes I'm a yes Jamie okay and Jamie is also a yes okay so do we want to then move into the Adaptive playground designer board we can do that is that okay um thank you so in May uh the Maytown meeting um approved the use of community preservation funds for the engineering study design and construction bid documents for an inclusive um no doesn't need to be I don't think so I don't think so thank you though um for an inclusive uh playground in the amount of $100,000 so that is the grant that was given to um us for this project so the first step in the process is a procurement of a designer for the project the Adaptive playground committee will select the highest ranked designer on June 17th which has happened um following the designer selection policy uh the school committee needs to request of the select board to delegate that authority to the school committee for projects with an estimated construction cost under 500,000 or the design fee associated with the project is under $50,000 um the design fee probably will be above $50,000 however the cost of construction still has not been established so following this policy I think it is prudent for the school committee to request that delegation of authorization to the school committee um the designer selection board shall be the Adaptive playground committee comprised of the following the assistant superintendent for finance and operations the director of student services a school Committee Member two parent Representatives a CPAC representative a member from the commission of disability the director of Hopkinton Park and wreck the director of Hopkinton Department of Public Works and three student uh Representatives three student Representatives that's great MH and that group has met in some way so the further memo if you would like we can do these together um so the committee has met four times and they have discussed the goals of the Adaptive playground um this covered potential locations of the playground identifying the customers and The Times They are available for use the aspects of an Adaptive playground that serves in the best interest of the playground committee's goals and all this information will be shared with the designer uh an RFP was sent out for the designer services on May 15th with proposals due on June 5th there were 14 vendors that requested the bid document and we received three proposals one proposal was deemed unresponsive for not meeting the minimum qualifications defined in the RFP uh the committee has evaluated the remaining two proposals and conducted interviews um we are at the point where uh the assistant superintendent for finance and operations will conduct fee negotiations after we are able to establish that um delegation so the upcoming tasks um for tonight is for the school committee to accept the CPC Grant um approved seeking permission from the select board under the designer selection policy July 9th we would bring that request to the select board that is their next meeting and then on July 11th I will provide for the school committee the negotiated fee with that designer for the school committee approval and I have had communication with CPC their next meeting is not until July 25th but the chair of the CPC will accept um the budget which would be the accepted fee from the school committee prior to their July 25th meeting that way we can give the designer a notice to proceed so that's kind of a lot several pieces to that let's break that down I think by motion if that's okay and start with the motion to request the board of select the the select board to delegate authority to the school committee to appoint appropriate individuals to serve on the designer selection board for this project so up motion by Susan second second second by Chris we'll do a roll call starting with You Chris Susan yes I'm a yes Jamie and Jamie is also a yes okay so the second piece is the CPC Grant correct and so is there somebody who would like to make the motion for that I moveed to accept the CPC grant for $100,000 for the inclusive playground engineering study motion by Susan second second by Chris we'll start with You Chris yes Susan yes I'm yes Jamie and Jamie is also yes and so that and those were the two motions right correct okay thank you so the Lo I'm just K the location hasn't been has not been determined okay y curious the project has received a lot of interest I know in the community so I think people will be excited to see good what's been going on good yeah yeah all right so I think we're ready to Circle back to the Hopkins project update you guys want to welcome Jeff had something come up so he is in route but we can certainly cover a good amount of it be with me as I get this do you want us to take something else out of order before we go to you then uh no this should only take a moment um I can cover his content if necessary just getting the uh the slides that we sent the committee for so thank you for having us today um today represent um a big milestone for the project as you know we've been at this for a good period of time now and um the one of the major Milestones that we recently reached was the successful funding vote um at town meeting for the project so today represents the um first step in beginning the Construction contract and really putting shovels in the ground so um for the new members we prepared just a brief overview of sort of the content of the project you may not have followed it as closely as the school committee that had brought us to this point um so in general terms um the project consists of an addition to the Hopkins school and a renovation of the existing Hopkins school so that we can add six General classrooms make Provisions for four future modular classrooms which are being brought over from the Elwood School provide space for two new sped class rooms as it relates to the sixth grade programming that currently exists at the middle school we're going to introduce some stte classrooms and some enhanced science classrooms as well as expand the capacity with us additional art room um that will serve as a digital art room which mimics programs that are now available to the students in the Middle School we're also going to introduce um some new spaces for related arts including and expanded um Bandon chorus room that can support the enrollment numbers that are in those programs we're going to enlarge the cafeteria so it's more consistent with the size appropriate to the number of students that are within the building um create a half gym that will serve as a multi-purpose space for um activities other than say a sports court so it's not a basketball siiz gym it's a space with a high ceiling that can allow for running um linear ball games other activities in there and introduce some new programs activities into gym other than the traditional basketball shaped gym that we're all accustomed to um we're going to enlarge the nurse Suite to make it appropriate for the number of students that are there as well as enlarge the administrative suite and some of the custodial and maintenance needs so that we can um bring materials into the building more efficiently and also enlarge the cafeteria um and survery significantly we're also providing dedicated spaces for esol and renovating some of the spaces that have been chopped up as the school has tried to adapt to the needs of the um the growth um so that they're right sized and appropriate for the ultimately 803 students that Hopkins will um provide for all in all it's about 102,000 Square ft um which includes um 28,000 Square ft that will be added to the building um sorry it's so it's 28,000 squ feet of construction new construction it's about 107,000 ft of Ren or 78,000 ft of re renovation and what's the this may you may beginning so I'm sorry if I'm cutting you up what's the price per square foot on new construction and renovation I don't have that breakdown um it's uh less than it was um at at the um it's less than it was at the funding vote in advance of the funding vote we're down about $700,000 in the or we're trending down about $700,000 from where we were at um of the overall construction cost of the overall construction cost okay but we've never parsed out square foot price new construction verse renovation it's it's a what I would call a fuzzy number because because they're not separable um I can separate it in any number of ways to justify any number of positions okay so I could tell you just the square foot of the addition itself and give you that breakdown and um I have that and could certainly pull it up before we leave tonight um but that won't take into account the site work which is necessary for both scenarios which is where it becomes a gray area Okay um in terms of the overall site we're going to create additional visitor and staff parking north of the building as well as an expanded um student dropof area we're also going to um have a slightly smaller parking but an overall a net parking increase that is um appropriate for the increase in staff that will come with raising this to an 83 student school um we're expanding the Bus drop off and creating an area that will be appropriate for the number of buses we're dealing with and where also um I did want to note the one caveat the budget that was approved at town meeting and the current construction number that we're looking at today does not include the work for the future modular so in the slide here that was in that was distributed to the school committee in advance we have outlined the area that is um would largely be a grassy area while we wait for that modular construction to be delivered a year later so currently the plan is that we would open in 2026 um in February with the addition we'll work with the school at the tail end uh or at the start of the 25 26 school year to figure out how the addition will be used in that February to June period and then further we're going to open the full school as a 45 school for the 26 27 school year a year later when the Charles Wood School comes online at that point we will bring the sixth grade into the Hopkins school and the fourth grade will go into the new charleswood school that will be the point at which we'll um in advance of that plan for the modular which will be taken offline when Elmwood is no longer used to be brought over as um the the hope is that it will be paid for with savings from the two active projects that we're currently looking at between charleswood and the Hopkin budget any questions for you uh I have a more probably kind of global question what's the and again as someone who's new to the school committee this has probably been covered what's the what's the oversight mechanism in place to keep on budget I mean I've been told with you know construction residential commercial schools that it'll cost 50 million it ends up costing 70 million 60 million almost never goes down that's a great question right why don't we discuss that okay once we sort of at the end got it and because it's a it's a big question it's an important question and um I'd like to get through the content before we get into the sort of broader questions it's a very important question to bring up and and I think we have a a great answer for it okay great um so just an overview of the the floor plan you can see the modifications that um or here let me see if I can get my cursor on the screen there we are um so the larger gym um it's uh the same or slightly larger than the existing gym um this is the long narrow multi-purpose space that we have adjacent to the building um each floor has five basic classrooms that are used for a mix of um art general education Science Education as as well as the new intensive room on this level and then upstairs um is a similar layout with similar sized classrooms in the existing building we're modifying a couple of the science classrooms to support the um some of the program programmatic requirements that we're bringing from the middle school as well as reworking a large portion of the center of the building which is one of the spaces that's been slowly chopped up over time we're trying to find the right size for each of the programmatic elements that's going to go there the um gym becomes the cafeteria and supported by a servery that's about three times the size of what's there the as many of you know the school has grown exponentially from what it was designed for as many of the Hopkins or as the hopkington schools have and so the servery is appropriately sized for the number of students that it's going to serve um we have a um band and chorus room which you can see pictured in the top corner here um um and all of these renderings are available in the packet that we distributed to all of you if you'd like to see sort of a larger version I know it doesn't display that well on this size um that's separated by an acoustical partition that's folding that allows them to split it into two rooms or have a full Ensemble um within that space which is one of the programmatic elements that we wanted to make sure we addressed there's also a separate m music classroom that's part of this and um a storage area um that'll serve the building's facility needs on the second floor the movements in the classrooms are not as extreme but we're still making modifications to some of those rooms and renovating a number of the rooms um or also this is where the digital art room is we have another science classroom and two additional classrooms and a Learning Center at the end of the hall the modular that you see at the end here will just be a blanked off wall um at the end of the initial building construction with the one-year period before the new um building is brought online in terms of the overall schedule it remains largely unchanged um we're at the point now where we're going to make the early construction package so the project is being bid as uh construction manager at risk Ricky and Rob in the audience are the uh project manager and project executive for Commodore Builders they're going to set what we call a guaranteed maximum price and so tonight is the first step in setting that guaranteed maximum price we expect that we'll have 26 months of construction which would have us opening in August of 2026 and then we'll have a period of construction close out where we resolve the remaining contracts uh finish up any open punch list items and um then a period um the following summer where we'll be bringing over the um Elmwood modular once we know that it's taken offline so getting into the cost estimate um just to to set the tone for your question which is a great question um at town meeting we appropriated um for the overall construction budget which included a number of items including an owner's contingency which is more for soft costs additional design fees um FF purchases uh Furniture fixture and Equipment um AV purchases technology as well as a lot of the administrative costs and um designer fees that are associated with it it also as it remains at the end of the job can be used for any purpose that the committee sees fit separate from that we have a change order contingency and that change order contingency is set to address things that come up in the construction process the Massachusetts um public procurement laws don't it don't necessarily set a Level Playing Field for the owners they're really um challenging to work with because in the effort to make them Fair bidding they also create a lot of opportunities for scope gaps between various Subs that are Bid publicly and so we find in an um I believe we're at 7% contingency um we have a 7% contingency which is on top of the construction cost to cover things like change orders that was part of the budget that was voted on and so generally that is intended to cover unforeseen conditions um authorities having jurisdiction um the building inspector the fire department others 7% across all the VAR contingency I believe it's set to the constru the total construction so it be 7% of the 41 41.4 million and so that is 2.9 Million that is managed by the school committee separate from that within the CM at risk procurement that we did with Commodore and you'll see it in some of the um information that we distributed to you they've set a 22% contingency which is is a number that they bid on when we procured with them originally and they'll use that in order to manage to some of the unknowns that relate to the guaranteed maximum price guaranteed maximum price is based on their view of what they see on the drawings now and any implied intent in those drawings to deliver the building based on a set schedule um for a fixed cost and so what we're looking at today is the first step in setting that guaranteed maximum price by releasing um a four I believe it's four and major yeah it's 20% of the contract it's four major Scopes as well as um the amount of money that it takes for a Commodore to get going in the first couple of months so that we can begin those Scopes earlier than when we bid the project at large what's the max price it so it still Reigns to be seen so the budget that we established at town meeting is the 4 1.4 million right and so right now we've bid 24% of the total contract uh and so that's where we are at the moment we're going to bid the balance of 75% this summer and so the guaranteed maximum price will need to come in under the 41.4 million have to come in under that yeah the only option if it came in over that would be to borrow from your change order contingency so amongst the the budget itself that was approved at town meeting there's the 2.9 Million in um in construction change order contingency another 250,000 in owner's contingency so that would other so there's about 43 million that the town is on the hook for do I understand that the the 40 million or 40 in change plus two and a half 2.4 million contingent I'm just I'm just trying to get a no no yeah I wouldn't use on the hook yet on the hook is not the right way to describe it at this point what's the exposure so essentially the town through the appropriation of this town meeting in May and the prior Town meetings that had money set aside for this project was $ 49.4 million and so that's the bucket that we're working in managing too that includes all the contracts you'll see tonight plus the balance of the the the construction GMP and then all other allowances holds and so we have a detailed uh project budget that kind of breaks it down into line items and so we're your proving the bulk of it tonight but there's still lots of little buckets that deal with the issues that come up along the way right and that 49 million that includes all the contingencies that's correct so the total exposure to the town if that's a better word is 49 million which is what has been appropriated yeah I probably still wouldn't use the word exposure but the the the confines that this project has to operate under is coming in under that 49 million anything over that would require getting additional funding and going back through a town meeting motion I have some of the town meeting slides if you want me to okay put them back up I'm just curious what guard rails are in place that um we go above or construction goes above the 49 million and you come back to the town and say well we have this building the school that we need another 5 million another 10 million and the town is sitting here saying well what choice do we have but to spend another 5 or 10 million and I'm just curious what guard rails are in place to protect the town and its money against that I'd like to take a step back if we could and talk about this in a conceptual level if that I think that'll help the discussion okay currently right now your exposure to Commodore Builders the contractor of the building is a little over 140,000 it's I want to say it's 165 158 158 that if if as of today you say you know what I hate all of this of going home that's your exposure of the town right now that's what you've contractually agreed to pay them you've also spent money so far on vertex's fee as well as the designer fee to get the project to this point those that's the only exposure that you have at the moment from the sense that you've committed that money to the project what we're bringing to you today is the first portion of the larger construction project and what that is is it's a defined scope of work that Commodore has gone out to four major subcontractors site work geothermal structural and concrete in order to have them bid the Project based on the scope that's currently shown on the drawings and set both a pro a price based on that bid and what they feel is missing from that bid or undefined from that bid to ensure that they can deliver that scope of work so should the committee vote on that proposal tonight that would be the guard rails of the project that you've set to move forward so that we can begin to procure the concrete we can begin to procure the steel we can begin to procure um the geothermal um sub so that we can have them scheduled and ready to go and so that we can begin moving dirt around so that we can prepare to open the school with the modifications so that we can safely begin construction and operate a school right next to each other so that would be what you would be voting on today and that price is based on the completion of those scopes of work and it has come in um I I'll jump forward just because I think it's helpful to the process um so if you if you look here blow line in the white space um in the white space in the middle there we expected from the construction budget that Jeff described that we would spend $ 41,43 5,000 on the Construction contract and that was set based on our 60% CD construction estimate we have worked with Commodore Builders um they'll they'll ex they'll be happy to share how um intensely we've worked with them to make sure that we come in um within that amount and so we continued to develop the drawings with Perkins Eastman and we continued to develop the project um with Commodore Builders and they estimated that development and they came in at 4,898 311 for that same base scope also in working with the um the school administration and the facilities director we've identified that it makes sense to while we're doing all this other work attempt to upgrade the buildings controls currently it works on an Antiquated pneumatic system and we want to switch the remaining controls that are not already digital to those digital controls because it'll make everything work a little more efficiently we've done retr commissioning with wsp which was a consultant that we brought in for the design and now the construction services which is also before you tonight and they've taken a look at how some of the things we aren't repairing our functioning so that we can have some strategies in ter in place for how we address address those various parts so we're doing this on multiple fronts and the ultimate goal there is to address as many of the unknowns with the documents so that when we get to the next stage after tonight assuming that you vote for the construction amendments and the um designer and OPM amendments the next stage would be to continue that work and we would go to procure What's called the trade biders so the trade biders are um a number of categories that the state has determined have to be bid separately in an open public bid process um I believe two meetings ago you voted on the list of trade biders who went through a pre-qualification process where we made sure that they were qualified to do the work in terms of checking the references in terms of figuring out whether they had the financial capability the bonding capacity to take on work that was equivalent to what we were looking at and to make sure that people who have worked with them in the past would want to work with them again all of that came together to to end up at our 41 m284 283 number that's at the bottom here and that is that base construction scope plus what we estimate the controls to cost there's always risk bidding risk is one of the big risks of construction so far we've been able to mitigate some of that risk by going to um the marketplace as Jeff said with 24% of those biders that has allowed us to come in at $576,500 below that number with the um with the alternate in it so while that does not eliminate all of the risk it gives you certainty of cost with the for the scope of work that we have um with those four trades the process never ends we continue to work directly with Commodore who provides a service to the town that's why we went with a CM at risk for an occupied renovation we're going to continue to work with the designer to ensure that as changes come up that we've addressed them um in an economical manner that we try and get ahead of things before they become a problem and that we generally take a very proactive approach to make sure that a lot of those things that can tumble out of control as you said at the beginning um are mitigated to the greatest extent possible there's always risk in construction and so what we see as the biggest risks associated with construction starts with the bidding risk this is based on accumulated information in a database to set unit costs based on what we're seeing with other construction projects and that's how we come up with an estimate but as soon as you go to the marketplace that's where you're really putting dollars to Donut and so when we go to the marketplace there while we've been successful so far in bringing the construction estimate down $700,000 from where we were at town meeting we may still have some areas where there's been changes over the course of the pandemic especially we saw Wild swings a lot of those wild swings we've seen them calm down in the marketplace so that gives us more certainty and less risk than we would have had if we bid this three years ago but it doesn't eliminate that risk and so we'll come back to you in September after we've B the trade biders publicly and we've um Commodore has bid the rest of the scope and at that time they'll set that guaranteed maximum price they'll have their own contingency for things that they haven't covered in that guaranteed maximum price which is the 2 and a half% or about a million dollar that's going to be part of that buy out savings as they buy out the remainder of that scope at that point uh or beyond that point will also go to that contingency which gives us some leverage to identify things that come up in the course of construction that weren't accounted for and build them against the um the within that guaranteed maximum price we do still in construction because there's always risk see several large areas where change orders happen I can tell you that the most often change order that that I've seen typically is only owner scope changes it's typically the owner gets to the point in construction where they say hey this isn't quite what I wanted my circumstances Chang I want to do this slightly differently and you're not bidding in a in a competitive environment like you are at the beginning and so we have um mechanisms that we've added to the contract for how we handle those change orders we've negotiated um or we've added into there the negotiation of labor rates that will within there so we have restrictions on how big those labor rates can become against the prevailing wage that we're required to pay and so we use a lot of those as cost controls to make sure that we stay within that um a reasonable amount for any of those change orders that come up change orders are typically scope changes unforeseen conditions um ahj changes and I'm blanking on the the fourth major one draw drawing errors and emissions and drawing errors and Emissions the most architects do a pretty good job but we generally see about 2% to 3% as the average for change orders and in some cases we see slightly higher and in renovations we often see slightly higher largely because the unforeseen conditions the things hidden in the walls that you can't otherwise see yeah I get that so if I understand it correctly sorry keep pushing back on this there's going to be several times you'll come to this committee and say you need to approve certain amount of money for next steps is that I do I understand that correctly the main two batches are now and then we'll come back again the end of August early September for the balance of the major contract if the owner comes to you with significant scope changes that are that are changes from what was set in the original set on the onset of the project we would bring those back to you to approve those as well okay so at the end of the summer early fall when we do that next major um approval we will have that Max price correct set and then we will know we a much better clear picture on the exposure to the town where has related to cost absolutely and do I assume that Max prices let's say you come and say hey it's 52 million okay and that's the number and if it cost you 60 million to do it you guys are on the hook for the 8 million is that does that do I understand Max price correctly yeah barring any unforeseen conditions or or changes to to those things as long as nothing changes from the drawings if it was I get if the town says hey we want to change everything and that's going to throw the budget Haywire I understand that but if you guys have the plans we've approved the plans this is what we're going to do uh Max price is 52 million and it comes in at 62 million the town's not on the hook for the extra 10 is that how that works so the there two things so when we're done with the bidding the max price that we set in locking at that point will be the cost of the job to complete everything that's been drawn in the drawings and then the changes that is alluding to is if it is an unfor condition if the school decides to add something if the fire department requires something or there's errors in the drawings those are the four reasons that we use that $2.9 million to fund those additional changes but is that 2.9 part of the max price or that's 2.9 is is a is a budget controlled by the town okay so the max it'll be the max Price Plus the contingency plus the 2.9 is that is that already that's which is the 2.9 is set aside under the control of the the schol school department and not within the contract what if it's all right let's just round numbers it's Max price 50 million and we have the 2.9 in there so call it 53 million but it costs 57 million who who who's paying the 4 million so we would the project wouldn't would pause if you will so if we came back in August and uh with the numbers were not reflecting the Caps that were set aside at town meeting we would pause and understand why there are elements that we can back out of the project such as the controls package such as the site improvements there are things that are not Mission critical to getting the students educated but are part of the overall scope of the project that will complete it so there are items you can peel back in the onion and still have a project to move forward with and so we would have all those conversations with you should those things arise should we come in over the number over the course of the project when you're in construction with the guaranteed price in the beginning the contractor will be very reserved about using that 2 and a half% because they're at the beginning of of the long road and they're not sure about risk either so they're going to protect that number over over the course of the job when we get to the final renovation phase if they haven't used a lot of that that they'll use that within the contract to deal with issues that come up along the way so the earlier you are on the project the more both sides will protect their interests and hold on to those contingencies the deeper you get into the project the more fluid the conversation is when the wish lists come out when you guys feel more comfortable and when the contractor feels more comfortable where their numbers are but when the bid gets set in in September that's the number they're committing to deliver with everything that we can forcefully say they owned on the documents and there will be those little things where they say it's not owned we say it is owned we can direct them under protest to do the work and it could always be fought out at a later date if there's a discrepancy with how they view the documents versus how the designer viewed the documents so the important thing for you to understand is there's lots of layers of checks and balances and there's lots of abilities to Pivot within the overall project to make sure that we deliver the end job at the very end of the project on budget because this is a 19 90s building the level of unforeseen conditions inside the building are a lot less than when you're renovating a building in the 50s and 60s that have all the asbest in it or an older building that has more structural issues so there are risks with the renovation and we will hit some of them but they're not at the same level as the 1950s 40s and 70s buildings which really do those types of allowances got it another important point to understand about a guaranteed maximum price is that it's made up of of what I'd call three major components there is what we bid the subs at so what we're going to buy out their contracts at then there's a layer of what we call holds that the CM will add to those numbers and we have some in the numbers that we're presenting tonight and those are the Scopes that aren't clearly defined or that they can't get a bid number from now but they want to make sure that they cover because they saw it on the drawings M and then there's owners allow es that are baked into that same number those are amounts that are set um based on scope ideas where they can't commit to defining the whole scope of them and all of that is negotiated in the numbers that we're bringing to you tonight and that we'll bring to you in September the important difference between a hold and an allowance is that commodore's contract has committed that the hold is a fixed amount to complete that scope of work if it exceeds that they can use the contingency which they have to seek authorization for and they'll use that contingency to cover overages and they'll return underages to that same contingency the allowances because they're undefined are not set risked so a good example of that is we came to you last week for authorization to do the um the Geo probe soil testing if within the number we present to you tonight we have an allowance for if we hit issues in the soil above the the state's minimum standards if we exceed that allowance based on the soil testing we do next week that hits the job as a change order once we exceed that allowance because it's a risk that we're looking at a field we can't just say looking at the field today until we get that data back exactly what the fixed right number is for how much we're going to encounter got it so and maybe I don't know did if we went through this with Marathon um and I'm pushing back on stuff that maybe I don't need to push back on and I'm just trying to get some certainty in in cost to the town because we have a lot of money we have to spend over the next handful of years um I'm hearing that there's Max price there's contingency built in but stuff happens and we may not be able to come in at Price Plus 2.9 Million contingency and there's no real guard rail or or ceiling that the town and its tax basis is on the hook for because it could easily hit the max Price Plus the 2.9 Million and then we'd have to go back to the town and say hey we need more money right it doesn't sound like if I understand that correctly I'm that may be the answer these are all great questions and it's part of the dialogue and we have this on all projects so your questions are are right on right and so it's about understanding the road ahead yeah and I'm sorry to so I understand been involved with some construction not to this level but they're working on a kind of similarish project um so it's why I'm kind of pushing back a little bit um and again I know a lot of construction can be 40 million it cost 60 million and then the town said hey we're on we're good with 40 million or 42 or whatever we I'll say that you know over the history of you know my 22 years like in public bidding projects outside of Co it's very rare that you had to come back to the town to actually ask for money you know Co was an anomaly I I understand that and and was that with marathon and did did we so Marathon went back for there were two Marathon project so the addition went back because the addition went back because you appropriated the money before you bid the project before and that was already hitting some of those spikes in the market and so that one needed to go back because it was a smaller project hits bigger ripples right a bigger project can absorb more of the ripples the original Marathon went back because you actually did an addition to the project and so the original guaranteed maximum price there would have built the entire original Marathon building but because of enrollment you went back and actually went for a million and a half I think it was to fund the addition you actually came in under the original appropriation and they gave back $2 million to the town but at the time to your point we didn't know that right we went back for more money because we were adding scope to the project and we hadn't negotiated all the prices with the subs yet we got the money we completed the project and lo and behold uh we did not use all the contingencies within the guaranteed maximum price the town did not use all the change order buckets and we were able to turn back to the town over $2 million uh and so it was a it was a good story at the end of the day because you had allowances built into there this project is set up the same way with a guaranteed maximum price there were multiple layers as Chris alluded to with the allowances with holds with the contingency all baked within that guaranteed maximum price we have our $2.9 million in change order contingency we have another 250,000 in owner contingency and then there's other line items that we don't necessarily need all of but they were educated guesses at the time we went to town meeting and so we will always calibrate the project throughout it you know vertex is not going to wait till the end of the job and say hey I need the money yeah yeah right Chris is very astute at carrying a wrist register where he'll dial that up over the course of the project and come to you if we see things are trending in the wrong direction we'll talk to the school department what can we live without right we're not going back to the town right there are things that can be Shed from the project and still deliver the core needs of the job we'll always have those conversations we'll always give you guys those options got it sorry I know I no I think that no it's an important conversation and the public always wants to hear that too so no you know what I think we're good all right you should ask those questions you're proving this amount of money important to talk lot of money an Engaged owner is the easiest way to keep a project in control a lot of the stories that you hear we often see that's the result of a disengaged owner because they don't realize the ramifications of the decisions that they're making so the more that you care about the things that you're authorizing the easier it is to understand whether you're making decisions that will help that bottom line or create problems down the road got it thank you right Jamie did you have any questions before we okay so the good overall picture is that so far we on the construction we are trending under obviously we have another 75% or so to bid we could just in the same way that a lot of these have come under some of those could come over but ultimately we um we've seen a positive step in that we've seen all of the um trade or of the biders that we've gone to so far have come in under the budget that we set at the 90% so that's a positive step additionally um in addition to that GMP um or early package GMP that we're talking about tonight um we'll have an amendment for the OPM fees so the OPM contract was set based on design only and so tonight we're bringing you um the OPM contract that will deal with the OPM fees during construction Which con which includes a person on site at the construction site who works directly for the town not for the architect or the contractor who's protecting the town's interests on the course of construction he'll start early um in the project and uh should be consistent throughout and he'll work to identify issues bring things to the table um make sure that he's checking to make sure that we're getting what's in the documents and really ensuring that we're staying on top of the progress and the the life the job so that we we can be proactive in addressing things that's the OPM fee is a flat fee or is it based on hours or construction code it's it'll be a lump sum but it's built on the hours so in the backup of our contract Amendment you'll see that it's the hours so we have I have a dedicated person in the field that is your eyes and ears and then I have some of Crystal time and a project manager underneath them uh working the the overall management of the project and the overall it's based on the schedule that's provided in the right in the documents the architect's fee is also there that's their fee over the course of construction that includes some of their consult or their Consultants fees um for having someone on site uh the geotechnical engineer on site to make sure that the foundations go to good bearing soil the geothermal consultant to make sure that when the well dring drilling is occurring that somebody's monitoring to ensure that it happens the right way um it also includes some of the or the overall construction oversight over the course of construction to make sure the buildings being built in um conformance with the uh drawings and specifications in all three places we took the um budget items that were associated with the contracts amendments that you're discussing tonight and so that we could give you a picture of how that falls versus what we're asking for so for the OPM fees um were also under us as a consultant doing construction testing and inspection and the balance of the um commissioning during the construction period And when we take the budget values that we had set at town meeting compared to what we're asking for tonight that came in at $31,385 under those budget values so what that means is that you still have that money available for things that come up in our contracts or to repurpose for other other things as the job progresses similarly with the architect we identified the various buckets that relate to their fee and the proposals that we got from them for their contract and they came in at 12,375 below um those budget amounts so overall these three amendments together were in a we in a generally a good place versus the budget that was voted on at town meeting got it so I'll turn it over to Jeff to talk through some of the details of each of those that's a lot already Ted that's a lot to digest so um where we are today which is where at the the kickoff of construction and so should we receive your blessing tonight we were looking to approve three contracts and so as Chris alluded it's broken down to the three prime consultants and each of those have subc consultants and so uh Perkins Eastman as Chris noted has the geotechnical uh looking at the foundation as well as the geothermal engineer so they'll have two subs out on site it also includes all of their in-house design elements in terms of having them come out and do monitoring in the field on a weekly or monthly basis as well as Perkins Eastman themselves to attend the weekly meetings and to do physical inspections and then close out that total contract for Perkins Eastman amendment number two is 1,376 625 Perkins came in under the budget they submitted their additional uh proposal we went back and forth with them a few times to make sure we got the right scope with the geothermal and the right scope with the geoanal right now they align with the schedules that the contractor has put out in terms of monitoring there's a chance that we need to come back for additional amount there and depending on when we actually complete all those geothermal things uh but right now we think that's a safe number within those contracts and it was the right number to appropriate there's still a balance within those line M as you see from the 120 to deal with it if we want to release it but we want to release the right amount now and like all contingencies hold on to them in case we need them later the second proposal before you is the vertex companies that's us as your owners project manager it includes our on-site services for that dedicated person uh they're not only managing construction they're also the liaison to Matt the principle right so you know there's going to be tests there's going to be you know uh back to school events there's going to be things where he needs to talk to the contractors uh George McMahon which is our on-site person it will be the mouthpiece uh to the project team on the dayto day and we'll have a huddle with Matt every morning to make he's onsite every day he's onsite every day from the beginning to the end uh so that's a two-year two-year commitment it's 26 months which is the B of our cost uh it's that dedicated person for two and a half years essentially uh is what's driving our overall cost inclusive of that is the uh testing and inspection so there's an allowance in our proposal for 120,000 we're competitively building out uh currently three proposals to do testing and inspection that's a unit price contract so uh we haven't picked which vendor it is yet we received them today um some of them are higher for the concrete or higher for soil or higher for the window testing so we're going to vet those out in a matrix we may choose choose two of the three instead of just a singular firm depending on what's the best benefit for dollars for the town uh but there's an allowance in there set aside to do that they're all firms that we've worked with and the the third consultant under vertex is the commission consultant back in April we competitively bid that against three firms awarded them negotiated both design and construction at that point but only authorized design because we only had the prior town meeting appropriation so now this is bringing forward the pre-negotiated contract for construction Administration and that's under vertex's contract for a total of uh 1,645 6750 the third and biggest contract here is commodor Builders so as I noted we've uh gone through and bid 24% of the overall contract the way it works with these first four trades is their contractors picked by uh Commodore they initially had to submit a list of vendors we talked about whether we like them or not went through a similar pre-qualification process as we did with the public bid contractors release them to perform bidding they got initial numbers back in we've been tracking to make sure how many vendors they went out how many came back both ourselves and Perkins sat through the Des scoping meetings to make sure they fully interpreted the drawings and filled in any gaps because we're only at 90% documents for those so we're really trying to fill in some of the gaps and make sure they fully understood the program Commodore came back with another number we beat them up a little bit uh we've gone back and forth I think four times um we're looking at all the things in the project Chris alluded to allowances and holds right it's natural part in the project where they're trying to protect themselves we're trying to protect you and so that back and forth happens as we squeeze the numbers down to make sure we ring it out and put it back on our side of the fence so that the town can control it versus the contractor we've come to a satisfactory agreement and that's the the contract that's before you tonight uh which is commodo contract amendment number two for a total of uh 8,962 n36 and that represents about 24% as Chris showed you on the slide we're trending 7 and $27,000 below the budget so should you approve those contracts tonight um with the construction management that's the guaranteed maximum price for the early trade package so what we're going to do from here forward is work with Ricky and Bob to allow them to release those contracts so right now within the backup we're not going to give names right now because it's a public meeting but they've included their two subs that they're going back and forth with they initially got three or four or five numbers depending on the sub they're down to the final two so over the next week or week and a half we will work with them and issue what's known as a release to award it's an RTA and that's basically them coming back and saying here's my final final number it's below my budget I want to change a couple of allowances or holds within my number can I do that where your checks and balances we would then release it as long as it fits within the guaranteed maximum price and then PR have them proceed so even after tonight there's still belts and suspenders and checks and balances with the contract and we are your rep um and that's the reason of the the state has an OPM law so that we're only beholding to the town and not the designer or the contractor so those are the three amendments that are uh before you tonight and then there's a separate memo which uh we can talk about now or talk about after go ahead okay so um we've talked a lot about costs and control um so in addition to the release to awards that are part of the guaranteed maximum price uh change orders will happen on a project and so as Chris uh eloquently outlined there's four types of risks with unforeseen scope changes authorities with jurisdiction and errors and Omission if it's a scope change you we're going to come back to you right because you have the right to say to say we need that or we don't it's an optional change yeah things that are not optional are uh unforeseen conditions uh or the authorities with jurisdiction uh and in most cases design errors and omissions sometimes we can work out a design error and Omission where we give a little with the contractor and the architect and tweak a detail but overall those are the three items that will come back for cost changes because of the way public meeting law is structured you have to publicly advertise a meeting make sure you have a quorum hold that it may not happen on weekend because of the 48 hour uh posting uh requirements so it makes management of construction more problematic so what we're proposing here in this memo is to have an ability to have either Susan or Nancy as your Liaisons move the project forward in between those meetings and to allow us to manage the project for you and so I've recommended uh thresholds for those type of items they break into a couple of different buckets so what's called a a CCD is a construction change directive it's we don't have a choice we have to proceed this is a requirement either the authority with jurisdiction at it it's an unforeseen or the error is an error and has to be proceeded with those happen need to happen immediately and so that's one level of change order that we've proposed in here the second is a potential change order where unless it fits one of those three it may be an owner scope change and it's more optional but in the case of the first three it could still be a change that's necessary so we're proposing having Susan have the authority with us as your eyes and ears and the designer and so those three levs of people to sign off on that before we actually release it and then after a $75,000 threshold to then go to Nancy as your liaison in between meeting time to have her be the belt and suspenders in case we need to come back uh before this body to release something that's time sensitive so we're recommending in this memo a kind of detailed breakdown on how we would break up that uh work and divvy it up but always know that in order for Susan to sign off on anything both Perkins and vertex have to give the nod that we agree with it and this is an appropriate value uh Chris alluded to labor rates uh we're going to rake Ricky over the coals with labor rates and he's not doesn't even know what's coming yet um but we do look at the labor rates we dig down there um Mass public bid law you have to do uh prevailing wage which essentially is Union agreements but there's lots of nuances in there they will uh contractors will throw in a lot of extra stuff and we will push out whatever we can we then set those labor rates per subcontractor through the entirety of the job and so we're always doing that level of review and we'll do that before we bring in change ORD back to State mandates all work as Union on has to be equivalent not Union but equivalent so it's called a prevailing wage so it doesn't exactly match the Union in some cases actually it's above or below but tries to align with you know Union agreements where possible and it varies where you are in terms of uh districts so Boston has a higher prevailing rage rate than 128 than 495 and then western Mass and as part of the procurement of the project we get a schedule of rates that lasts for the first year and that sets what the rates are for all the different trades and it outlines the different parts of that rate that you must pay them and then on top of that just like your paycheck or any one of your paychecks they'll be um f the you know Federal Income um Social Security all that kind of stuff gets layered on there there's some insurance usually some unemployment um typical benefits that you would see and then on top of that depending on the trade they may want to add additional things and um the contract that we developed with the school administration back in November that we used to procure Commodore Builders we have a number of Provisions written into that that we very avidly enforce to ensure that the town is paying Fair labor rates for that labor but given the prevailing rate uh wage rate that we start with those numbers are typically High higher than you may see in your standard uh residential contracts any questions uh Jamie just want to look down to you do you have any questions before we move into the separate motions thank okay are you able to get that that's not uh I've got the motion oh you have copies of them yeah and I got it to put on screen I wonder if oh and you can get up on screen that's great for whatever reason it wasn't working but Bob I am going to need to connect for another have to mhm oh they're up there now Bob okay Jamie can you see those from on the you probably it doesn't okay she will a minute she will in a minute okay so these motions are from the each of the things that were discussed along the way you can take them one at a time but if people have questions on any of them before we start making them I'm good is there somebody that would like to make a motion on the first one motion go ahead go ahead motion to approve the Perkins Eastman architect contract amendment number two dated 6 2124 for 1,376 625 for construction Administration and geotechnical monitoring Services motion by Chris second second by Susan we'll do a roll call starting with you Chris yes Susan yes Amy yes and Jamie j oh the volume is better all of a sudden that's great uh okay so that is unanimous and so moved so is there somebody on the second a motion motion to approve the vertex companies contract amendment number three for dated 6 2024 for 1,645 6750 for construction Administration commissioning and testing and inspection services motion by chis is there a second second second by Susan we'll start with You Chris yes Susan yes Amy yes Jamie yes okay and then the third motion motion to approve the Commodore Builder's contract amendment number two dated 6 2124 for 8 Milli 9629 36 for early guaranteed maximum price GMP number one and for the initial release contractors to begin construction do I include the the 40 the writing in green in the motion okay all right so motion by Chris second by Susan we'll start with You Chris yes Susan yes Amy yes Jamie yes okay so it's unanimous and then the final motion motion to authorize Susan Ro MIT am I saying that right to up to 75,000 and Nancy Kavanaugh up to 125,000 for change order authorization Authority as outlined in the vertex June 17 2024 memorandum okay motion by Chris second second by Susan Chris yes Susan yes I'm a yes Jamie okay so those are unanimous thank you all for coming in appreciate it we've seen a lot of you guys recently which is great well thank you for having us and congratulations this is an exciting chapter to really kick things off uh so Chris said we're going to break around in July and uh we'll be off and running and we'll be busy all summer and back in front of you in September with the the balance of the contract and we'll bring the same rigor to the numbers that we did now grind him down good that's what we like to see Ricky's going to be tired of us by the end of the summer it's going to take that long yeah thank you thank you thank you all right let's move uh into the do you want to do the B smart you can do either one B smart or oh we got grants pulled up let's do Grant and Fs on the agenda thank youate thanks okay so we're moving in new business item a um which is the the heft grant donation and Dr Cav is going to review that thank you um so Chris Fredericks is the person who usually uh guides us through this process um tonight what we're asking you to do is to accept these grants from the Hopkinson Education Foundation they are always so wonderfully genu uh generous with us and what happens is there are some things in our classrooms that just really enhance teaching and learning and so teachers administrators anyone can submit a grant request and and if you are awarded the grant it's it's kind of a nice big deal for us and uh and essentially it really does come right back to kids so the first one is entitled inclusive representation of lgbtq identities and this was submitted by lean mccorvy Kelly Phillips and Carolina Madden who was an intern with us all three of them work at the Hopkins school and this will provide training and resources for Hopkins staff related to LGB btq inclusivity and safe places and the amount of that Grant is $1,267 the second one is entitled turn the tide Integrated Science and reading unit um this was submitted by Michelle corus who is a fifth grade teacher at Hopkins and it involves the creation of an integrated science and reading curriculum on environmental activism and the human impact on the Earth's water sources along with an author visit and that Grant is in the amount of $1,849 74 the third one is very interesting Library read and ride Wendy MacArthur is the librarian at the middle school and Lauren party is the librarian at Hopkins so they are getting two stationary bikes at each one of those libraries and it's going to allow kids to read and ride so combines physical exercise and reading that Grant is in the amount of 1,3 $404 and then the final one I will have to admit I know very little about it's entitled enhancing biology Labs with Innovative to tools um they are going to get digital stereo mic a digital stereo microscope to approved group and classroom teaching and science labs apparently what this allows you to do is uh see the specimen three-dimensionally um this was Michelle odna Andrew Cotto uh Bethany Spinx and Lauren garno um and that is in the amount of $2,295 you know that they had done the anat anatomage table just a couple of years ago I think our high school science teachers really keep you know at the Forefront of you know kind of cutting technology so this is exciting for us so all told it's $675 one. 78 and we just need you to approve that and thank have their amazing generosity what is the hopkington education found so they are yeah they're a volunteer group of people they do all kinds of fundraisers and when they have plenty of money they offer grants to the teachers and to the building principles gotcha yeah it's great it's a great organization right any other questions on the um hopkington Education Foundation grants okay is there somebody that would like to make a motion relative to those I'm moved to accept the H education Foundation grants totaling 6,751 6,000 6,000 6 million would have been nice wouldn't it raise a lot of money yeah really great parties yeah now that I've Lo okay 6751 do. 78 they say it right said it right numbers are never never my strong suit motion by Susan second second by Chris we'll do a roll call starting with you Susan yes Amy yes Jamie yes and Jamie as a yes it's unanimous uh so but many thanks to Hef for all their fundraising efforts and their um time and efforts and funding into the schools all right so this brings us into Old business item a and that is the B smart uh passing the potential passing of a resolution we had a very um thorough and informative presentation uh at our last inperson meeting and we discussed it and I know that um we had received from Carly Grant a link to uh different potential uh resolutions that we could pass I don't know if people had a chance to look at it Dr Kavanagh was able to put through some of the language to make it hopkington specific uh and if you want to sure I can walk you through this Nancy and I had some conversations about you know what kind of felt right for Hopkinson we did look at the information that you had sent from Plymouth I think and Framingham uh so we kind of came up with a suggested resolution and obviously it's a committee decision um one of the things that framy had had they had uh something that that resembled an introduction and I liked that very much and so really we just took their language and and put it on this Slide the hopkington public schools take the responsibility of Education very seriously in addition to providing teaching and learning opportunities with the walls of our schools we also look to create awareness opport unities for our entire Community uh this come the next paragraph which is also part of Framingham comes right from the massg site Massachusetts residents 15 years and older who wish to possess carry and transport Firearms ammunition and feeding devices are required to have a firearms license Firearms licenses are issued by local Municipal police departments and anyone who's interested we can put this up on on our website you can click on that link and it will take you to all kinds of information about gun ownership Massachusetts and one thing it might be important to interject here is that if something is Mass General law it always trumps anything that we do locally uh this I think is the meat of what uh B smart has had conversations with us about and that is safe storage of firearms in Massachusetts all guns must be stored in a locked container or equipped with a tamper resistant mechanical lock or other safety device primitive Firearms are exempt from the store stage requirement it is recommended that you store Firearms unloaded separately from ammunition in locked compartments so after the introduction we talked about something that could be the authentic resolution uh this is a suggestion to support safe firearm storage the Hopkinson School committee resolves to direct the superintendent to work in collaboration with the Hopkinton police chief to send an annual reminder to families about the importance of firearm storage safety last year on July 5th Chief Bennett and I did just that um I reached out to him he said he would be happy to collaborate with me again on on sending something to families um bullet number two acknowledge that deaths and injuries from Firearms pose a substantial risk to Public Health access to a firearm is the common denominator in every firearm related death or injury the third part as we make this resolution we are publicly reminding the community that all guns must be stored in lock container are equipped with a tamper resistant mechanical lock or other safety device in accordance with Massachusetts General law and then this last paragraph is something that we do annually if someone comes to teach or work in the hopkington public schools newly we make sure that they are allice trained in addition the Hopkinson Public Schools will ensure that Intruder Alice training for all persons responsible for the care of children in our schools so we make sure that that that happens could you uh analys is a acronym for um alert lock down inform counter and evacuate and one of the things that's important to know about Alice is you don't go necessarily in that order what happens is uh you make judgments depending upon the nature of the threat there's a lot of information out there now that says that evacuation proves to be perhaps the the safest um one of those letters in the in the acony great question other questions Jamie G look down there okay I appreciate that you reached out to the chief I think it's great to be able to have the hopkington police on board to show publicly the the working together and I know that the schools work closely is part of our our safety protocols yeah I should note that when we do the is training office of Santoro and I do that together with people oh that's great and last year in September we actually took every single one of our employees it did not matter where you worked or in what capacity and we had two different sessions where we had um Sergeant Ben ralton come in and and do another one of those trainings for everyone so it was it was very thorough in resolution that when we make a resolution that would be accessible on the website just so that in addition to um Communications that go out from your office it would also be available for people to be able to see and access from which I appreciated the links that showed how we're able to access it through Framingham schools as well Dr Kev you drafted this right I did yes does it do you guys like this I don't know if that's an appropriate question or I am so appreciative of the time and effort you put this I know as you are especially with all this building stuff going on um ideally we would love more and more times a year but that's something we can if you feel like this is going well that we can work with you and collaborate with you um Framingham actually said that if we work under the sores program they will send you the template of the thing and all you have to do is send it out so they do four times a year um in June for um gun balance Awareness Month um in September for soci awareness um and then there's two other times a year um we find that the more you remind people the more they are prone to follow through right so um but that's something we can talk about at a later time okay yeah I think that would have been my same feedback as just ideally I think just having it be a little bit you know more more often through sort of throughout the year at maybe key times and not just you know once um that would be great ideally but again this could be something that evolves what other that you mind is um the school handbook did you consider whether you would want to um add anything in there in reference to this I think that was a component of the resolution of course you decide what the resolution should be for Hopton and what's appropriate but that's just one thing that was I think included in an example resolution I'm not sure that I saw a handbook in either Plymouth or Framingham the the one reason that you don't see it here is that um our mgl is very specific about what needs to go into student handbooks around student behavior and student conduct and student discipline and um because locking your firearm is something that happens in a private household it doesn't really fit under the purview of you know the disciplinary responses in a in a student handbook like we are typically controlling the behaviors of students and faculty while they are in school on school time under you know say they're on a field trip they are still under the watchful eye of the Hoppington Public Schools but once they Retreat to their own home we really have no control over you know would love to hear if there are things that people kind of hearing feedback from both Dr kavan and from be smart if there are changes that we'd like to make for now or if we would like to use this as a starting point and come back to it or what the committee's will is on this seems very well written to me I that's why I had asked the ladies if outside of Senate more and and that it seems to be a very nicely written resolution and it seems to hit everything is that yeah and I think it also gives the flexibility for how you want to communicate it we've been sharing be smart there are other programs out there you can choose which one feels appropriate and one thing that I like about bart but many of the other ones it's not just to Gun Owners it's also to non-un owners of are they before their child to another house and that so this could be the flexibility to choose which one feels approprate and just off of that today is a very appropriate day to be actually doing this because it's actually National ask day which is when non-un owners send their children to play dates at a new house and we're trying to normalize question um my child has allergies do you have nuts in the house is there a pool in the backyard is it fenc is there a gun in a home and is it lot so yeah I'm happy it's happening today very appropriate U presumably it like the when messages go out might be able to draw from different things at different points in time too that and we are happy to provide all of those resources as well so you guys have been very generous um in providing for us um both the all the stuff you presented last week but over time with different resources as well so much appreciate it on that Jamie did you have anything I app I I also think the opportunity to have this conversation in a public uh setting where it could potentially be picked up by the media and be brought out in other ways is yes thankful for that so thank you is there anybody that would like to make a motion we don't have to read that entire thing we just can motion to accept the resolution as written by Dr Kavanaugh I think just the resolution is written because there there are parts that may or may not have been um adopted been borrowed borrowed borrowed okay from the resources from our B smart friends I move we accept the resolution as written okay motion by Susan second second by Chris or with You Chris yes Amy yes Jamie okay and so it is passed um thank you very very much I appreciate all your dedication to this and persist assistance and making sure it gets throughout the community in different places so we'll be back great we will look forward to it it's always nice to see you guys thanks very much thank you all right and I just want to because we took some things out of order I'm just checking back to make sure we did not skip over anything we didn't Circle back to uh before we go into the items by consensus were people able to find the warrants this week find what the it the in the items by consensus the warrants we had had that um that discussion in the meeting the last time I just want to make sure that they were people were able to find them in the drive I did not are they called warrants they are so I don't have my computer so I can't pull my drive up to do parallel but you have access to the same get off that oh yes what I wanted to [Music] do yeah thank you did you guys get that into the school committee the Google Drive M if you copy and paste the pay warrants from there if you want to look on my agenda here worried those for for you look I'm yeah I'm seeing you okay good yeah oh sorry I didn't know you're waiting for me to confirm it sorry just want to make sure you CL in okay is there somebody um we first go into you can your as superintendent I recommend the school committee approved the items by consensus as outlined in your agenda okay so Mo motion by Susan second second by Chris Chris will start with you yes Susan yes on the yes Jamie yes okay it is unanimous and then that moves us into adjournment is there somebody who would like to make a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion by Chris second second by Susan Chris I'm a yes Jamie and Jamie is yes we are adjourned at 8:34 uh thank you all who were able to tune in and be here in person uh our next regular meeting is on July 11th it will be take place here at hcam at our usual time and then on July 25th uh we have a scheduled meeting that actually will take place on the day thank you all enjoy the beginning of Summer and we will be um reconvening at some point in between potentially now and then but we'll be in touch for um offline for that thank you