##VIDEO ID:0J-7ja1vFzo## [Music] through the chair you're live on hcam TV [Music] I'm just joining [Music] now good evening everyone Aden I I uh heard that the we may have a little mixup with people believing that um 290 is on again for today that's what I've heard I'm not sure you know if how much of that is possible but I heard it may be okay but it's yeah it's not on okay all right I will open the meeting okay do we have five we have everyone we have you um Mike Riley Arnold Mike Heaton Dan Hunt and Sean and James will not be here and John MOA will not be here and the only one that I haven't heard from that's not on yet is Mike deio excellent all right that being okay that being said I'd like to open this meeting of the board of appeals September 11th 2024 um what we call the meeting to order as a preliminary matter um uh as chair I will permit permit me to confirm that members and persons anticipating in the agenda are present and can hear me Members when I call your name please respond the affirmative Miche O'Reilly present Dan Hunt here Mike Eaton here Sean masteron here Arnold Cohen here okay um and staff um ad you're you're pulling you're doing solo yes I'm not sure if Mike saad's going to be here and not he's not on yet but I thought he was but he yeah he sent out he sent a ay a letter from him pretty detailed letter that I'll that I'll read into the uh I'll read into the minutes okay and it looks like we got Mr Shephard here too he's uh doing the Incognito thing though F okay uh anticipated speakers so so we only we have six Commonwealth today correct we have that and we have the continuation for zero East Main Street open Play which is the pickle ball um that we continued from February but they got you know they went through planning board I think we just kept it open to make sure they didn't need a variance for landscaping which they don't because they went through planning board and everything's okay so we have a request to withdraw without prejudice that you just need to approve vote on okay great okay all right so do we have um the people from six Commonwealth here we're here excellent thank you very much okay for this meeting the board of appeals is convening via video conference via Zoom as posted on the town's website identifying how the public may join please note that this meeting is being recorded and it's and we're also on hcam today we're getting famous you guys accordingly Please be aware that others may be able to see you take care not to screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording each vote taken in this meeting will be conducted by a roll call vote all supporting materials have been provided to the members of this body are available on the town's website via the web meeting calendar less otherwise noted the public is encourag to follow along using the posted agenda unless I not it otherwise meeting ground rules we are now tur to first item of the agenda before we do so permit me to cover some ground rules for Effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting minutes I will introduce each speaker on the agenda after they conclude their remarks I will invite board members to provide any comment questions or motions please hold until your name is called further please remember to mute your phone or computer when you're not speaking please remember to speak clearly in a way that helps generate accurate minutes for any response please wait until the till I yield the floor to you and state your name before speaking if members wish to engage in a dialogue with other members please do so through me taking care to identify yourself uh after members have spoken I will forward public comment as follows I will first ask members of the public who wish to speak to identify the names and addresses only once I I get a list of all the public commentators I will call on each by name and afford two minutes for any comments does anybody have any questions before we go to the first item on the agenda so uh Aden do you want to get do you want to dispose of the um zero first just to well yeah okay yeah we can also just we could actually because we don't we can't vote on the minutes if we could um go through and push off the approval of the minutes until our next meeting yeah that's fine that's F we we we we do that when they that when that the drafts done finished um yes so um really that's all the administrative we have was just those minutes and if we're tabling them then the administrative Parts done okay so now let's go to um zero East Main um request to uh withdraw finally without a Prejudice um could I get a motion to accept their filing without prejudice make a motion to accept their motion without prejudice we have a second second okay so we need five let's see so we got Michael um Arnold me there's three um Dan you're on the top row so you get this one Sean you're next you get this one okay all right so uh Mr Riley how do you vote Yes Mr Hunt yes Mr Cohen yes Mr Master say yes okay I vote in the affirmative also okay so we so we accepted the uh filing without prejudice Beau beautiful okay now let me read in the public hearing notice for um six Conwell Avenue the town of Hopton board of appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday September 11th 2024 7M to hear all persons interested in the application for a special permit Andor variance filed by Jennifer and Tim Woodford of sixcom wealth Avenue Hopton Massachusetts the applicant seek relief from the zoning bylaws for in addition to a pre-existing non-conforming home at sixcom wealth Avenue Hoy Massachusetts that does not meet the minimum setback requirements the property is shown in the assessor map u19 block 11 l0o the hearing will be held remotely using the zoom meeting service for additional information please email zba h.gov call the Department of land use planing and permitting at 50849 79745 or check the live meeting calendar and agenda for this meeting at Hopton ma.gov This legal notice is also posted in the Massachusetts newspapers Publishers association mnp website at massu notices [Music] um don't have any engineer lawyer yeah so um we were just uh flying for the special permit to uh to build a a garage and a bonus room uh just for you know our grow family okay else you uh uh yeah normally people that show us and they share their screen and show the drawings do that okay beautiful sorry our first time doing no I I totally understand I remember going through it with with my mom trying to build a uh a handicap ramp in the back of our house and that was okay except we had to put a little flat area on the top so I could stop the wheelchair that was not allowed so I had to come I had to go and uh in front can you allow the uh sharing it's saying we're being blocked from shering Aden can open it thank you did that work all right let's see oh there we go okay let me get the phone okay make sure you don't have anything else up that you don't want anybody else to see oh yep goes out to the entire town let me close all my Works St hold on a second all right so hold on one second my glasses do such a reflection I'm my all right so I'll first show you guys the final house plants okay so let me share my screen share all right can everybody see this okay yes perfect okay so this is the plot plan this is currently our house now and we want to add a two-car garage which of course we're like in order to get two cars in we're very close to the line and then we're going to add some space in the back and I can also show some elevation drawings as well that would be useful so then we've got over here here you can talk to it so then yeah you can see this existing to the right and uh to the left the garage and then uh unfinished uh storage kind of in the basement and uh and then and this is the second floor you see the F there's like a bonus kind of bonus room up top and uh a primary bedroom and a uh another space gym space quick question is the is the next door neighbor What's Next Door be only two feet away from yeah so we've got if you go back to the plot point I don't if it's on there so their house is probably it's would you say it's a good 15 10 feet 15 feet away yeah their their house is probably 15 feet off of the property line and uh we also there we have a they we have a letter from them as well but um you know they're they're in favor of of uh yeah we this to town but we had them actually draw out we did this like neighbor consent form of them just saying that they were okay with it because we're like we need you guys to be okay with this please [Music] sign so um Adena is there any way to make sure that we get that into the records can they read it in yeah they can read it in now and then they can just email it to me tomorrow or to the you know or bring it the town hall tomorrow okay all right so after you finish doing showing everybody everything if you could read that letter just so we can have it uh in in the minutes for today and then then send a followup afterwards sure then also another not another note you can see this existing there was an existing detached single garage this is that that dotted do dash line here um so we're we're going where the new structure would just match what what that existing uh you know detached garage so we're not you know building any closer to what it what's exist what was the old existing detached garage um and I don't know if it builds our case but like we so we came in the house is 1857 so we renovated it ourselves and we put a lot of Blood Sweat and Tears so you know we kind of outgrew our house and we don't want to move so we figured we would just do an addition yeah well we all know what that what what down houses are like and and all that I I had one on roove street so yeah I I get it but yeah that's kind of the gist of the project that we want to do and excellent yeah so keep sharing oh yeah read the letter thank you so the neighbor consent form we Chris am Maran Washington the neighbors adjacent to six Commonwealth a hopkington have no objection with the proposed plan to build up to our property line located at 8 Commonwealth F per the agreed conditions any damage that may occur to our residents during construction will be repaired by the responsible party any drainage will Flow Away from the foundation of our house post construction The Yards will be graded out and reseed backyard and in between houses hedge R plants along a portion of the property line just to further decision can be made here oh yeah sorry that doesn't really count um yeah and then they signed it excellent and then we also included on the letter it's just the actual plan so there's no question about it that's great that's great yeah CU yeah come this that's a yeah that's a really tight area I'm there all the time I'm I'm I'm at Hopton Lumber four times a day so yeah I I don't so were we when we were doing this house you guys can walk there though yeah yeah there nice yeah so that's why that's why was I you I went I went by and saw this uh a couple times last week just as I knew you coming up okay great do do um any keep keep your screen shared do any members um have any questions for the uh for the couple yeah to the chair yes arold um you know it does seem to me that if this neighbor uh objected to it and came to the meeting and did that I mean it's very close to the to the lot line um uh but the neighbor uh in the letter uh conditioned or approval on certain things I mean are we going to consider adding those conditions to our because the way well the way I look at it now is that the the present garage is right on the same lot line yeah this is a lot bigger oh yeah absolutely absolutely but but what you know when we're looking at the uh at previous conditions they were exactly the same so this is it's a it's a bigger structure however you know I don't see it well oh actually I should probably you know I I I went ahead I let me just read what the um what what our building inspector said um chairman of Z joho for my review of six calth Avenue I have discovered the following subject property is located in the ra Zone district and relief needed is from section 21019 side yards and section 2101 128 changes to existing Lots uses and structures the applicant is seeking side guard relief because of pre-existing non-conforming lot Dimensions the applicant currently has approximately 78 feet of Road Frontage and the current zone is 100 feet therefore the frontage impacts the applicant from adding to the size of the dwelling by right and staying clear from setbacks in my opinion I think this proposal is reasonable providing the board grants this permit we would recommend the applicant files all applicable permits with the bill buing Department after the appeal period is expired and the decision is recorded within the registry okay so that's um that comes from our building inspector um all right so uh so so arold sorry I I I skipped ahead usually I go right to the building inspector before I ask a questions so please continue well I just maybe this should I should have asked this when uh a after uh after the board is going to consider what to do but it I'm just uh thinking that uh the the conditions that the abutter uh conditioned her letter on or approving it uh seems to be something we we we would need to consider whether to add those conditions if we're going to approve it assuming that we are willing to do that well they seem they seem absolutely reasonable you don't want you know people don't want uh additional water and you know to have to have it graded to the way it you know to to the way it is right now is that those are those are things I think people would should do just by uh being uh being good neighbors but we yeah absolutely H we should well put those conditions into the into the decision if it's approved uh anybody else have anything yeah Sean Masterson for the chair Sean yes I I think we should not put those conditions in any uh any approval that we have uh number one those would be uh building permit issues like drainage and so forth my concern is that setting a precedent that we're going to in essence approve or appear appear to be approving private agreements so we're doing planning bu stuff yeah and also on that before yeah I mean the neighbors were noticed the neighbors had the opportunity to appear again it appears that they're you know reasonable in in approving of the addition but I think the building permit issue will address drainage and and so forth good point good point the only thing through the chair yes the only thing I I I I'm a little concerned I know the the existing garage and I fully understand that it's just the rest of the the building which is so close to the line it would just create in in their the other neighbor's house is so close and um that actually concerns me you know it doesn't concern me where the garage is or the existing garage was but the size of the rest of the structure being so close um have you considered other alternative plans where that other section Beyond was smaller and didn't quite you know that I'm looking at the one where it's said 2.3 feet at the corner of the house um so in here yeah yeah that area there so you know because again it's as your lot line doesn't look like it's even it it squeezes as it goes up yeah that's why we did we did this step back here um and then we you know see here that we we moved it over you know 4T originally we were we had it you know right off the the edge here so we moved it in to kind of bump it over um you know to get that to two two you know two and a half you know 2.3 feet um I mean the drawings look beautiful so don't it but I'm also concerned that it's basically the you know from the side it's it's it's a a pretty impressive What's the total square feet that you're adding what's the square feet that you have existing uh the the existing is I think 1750 and uh the new propose is is under you know uh live live you know usable space is under a thousand or condition space want to call it because we have garage there's a garage how much there it is so it's 30 uh 43 by 20 so it's uh so it's about 900 square feet you have the garage you know the garage oh sorry yes okay yeah so that not cing living space I'm just talking the size of the yeah you know it's roughly 25 2500 square feet yeah what is that 20 20 by 40 yeah uh yeah you know 18 or 800 a floor so 16 you know 1,600 total that's including garage space and all yep had you considered any other plans where that area that goes up towards the 2.3 where it kind of squeezes in was I what did you say there was a gym room in there or something yes that that's on the second floor but yeah there's a our you know currently our our bedroom is over here um and we're adding you know we we're adding our bedroom in the back here um and you know we have the two-car garage here so you know the space so um but the only way yeah the only way would be step it back I guess I guess further here um and I'm not saying we're going to do that I just wanted to because to me it's when you're squee and it's a big impressive building so and it's only 10 or 15 feet away away because I looked at the other thing there that you submitted it's only 10 or 15 feet from the house and it's very nice to them I know if you were doing the next am go can't you back it up all you know like it's just very close yeah well that's oh sorry that's why we so we we spoke to them we showed them that's why they so we're going to plant nice trees in between so that they're not seeing anything yeah so another thing too you know they understand you know we don't really have anywhere else on our our lot really to go as an option um you know and they have I think they have almost two acres on the other side of their house so they were you know they understand kind of how you know our lot and and you know that one side on the left side you know angles back so it is you know um yeah you get a small lot yeah I I thought I expected Mr Riley to have a little more sympathy he's being one of the lake people but he's on he's on he's on the the the Big Lot side of the I didn't say he didn't have sympathy I'm just asking questions said your family is growing I like to get personal so what's what's going on we have little ones you want to know the honest truth is he's very close to his mother and she decided to winter time I think we're outside the Four Corners Mr Riley no not at all so the mom's coming in okay well she's just gonna need somewhere to stay during winter for like a month so I was like which I love so see that's that's it I appreciate that Jennifer having my mother in my mother law in my home I appreciate it to close so that we just have her in her own space yeah no but you can understand my concern because it's so close I mean in in it's 10 or 15 feet away from this the house is is that their I I'm assuming it's the back it's the front of their is it the front of the house or the back of the house there s there're sad there's only one window small window above their kitchen sink and uh and then one kind of go little like picture window going up the stairs only you know on that one side of the house so that that was another reason you know they have Windows all kind of all on the other side you know and they're inside of the house kind of faces that other direction so I think that was another reason they were um you know didn't have too big of an issue all right my questions was answer thank you very much thank you okay anybody any other board members okay all right so let me um open it up to the uh to the public would any members of the public like to um um time in going going gone okay uh I'd like a motion to motion to close the public hearing we have a second second several seconds excellent okay we have Motion in a second to close any discussion on the motion hearing none a minut uh to the chair uh so um you know I'm not I just don't know what the sentiment of the board is I know I mean the neighbor wrote that letter and we're just going to close now I appreciate you you wed to ask more questions no I'm not asking questions I thought for discussion discuss motion close to public hearing all we're doing is discussing oh the public hearing I'm sorry yeah all right discussing I jump sorry just just a little bit okay all right so Arnold how do you vote uh yes okay Mr masteron yes three and uh Doug will you take this one Mr Hunt danan sorry oh yes affirmative okay and uh and I'll vote in the affirmative also okay so um so Mo the hearing is closed now Arnold you got the floor yeah so the so the neighbor who wrote that letter uh didn't didn't come to the meeting which uh you know if they really felt uh concerned or whatever about those conditions uh they uh uh would come I'm not sure that uh building this is the neighbors we're actually here our baby having meltdown so we're struggling to come off mute a little bit right but but but I but Arnold the problem is already close to public hearing so we can't take we can't take any more input from the can we vot to reopening the whole time no um yeah that that's what happens sometimes when we that's why we wait and that's why I call it a few times but no we can't we can't reopen it and that's that that's happened to us before where we've closed the public hearing and then we just so it's either it's it's either a yay or a nay at this point we can discuss this stuff amongst ourselves how we want to handle that um but you know to Mr Master's Point all of the things that they that the neighbors were concerned about are things that that the uh building inspector will ensure that uh it's required yeah um to the chair are we sure all for everything is something that if they apply for a building permit that you know you know it's not going they don't have to go in front of the planning board they're just going to apply for a building permit uh right that that's something that uh uh the building inspector might ask for yeah well the drainage you know any the drainage the the um uh the the sculpting of the of the uh of the yard to make sure that uh additional water doesn't go in and and everything else that you know it has to be brought back to if they do any damage to to to the adjacent properties it's got to be brought back so yeah the the building inspector does look at that stuff as far as as far as planting additional trees and any of that kind of stuff um no we can't condition that but um but I'm sure that if the if the neighbors did did have the um didn't have the Meltdown that they would have been here and and and asked us and it seems like that they there was detailed letter and uh to me it seems covered um John through the chair yes uh Arnold I like one of the things that I was going to propose because I am concerned about how close it is and it might be on the kitchen wheel things but uh based on whatever that letter of agreement was for plantings um U the folks said they were planning on doing some plantings but we could mandate whether it's arbores or something like that where it's all season instead of trees we could you could recommend or you could make a discussion on that we've done that in the past when places are close to other places so that is something we can do uh where we can say you know every six feet there's at least a six foot Arbor of ID all along that that that type I don't think we Michael I don't Falls underneath John to the chair I think that falls under planning for sure right Michael I I don't think I have we done that in the past joh who the chair yes who's oh yeah Michael thank you I didn't see you there yeah you're dark in the car there I'm not saying we need to do it I'm saying you can do we we have done that past in the past okay oh there you go Michael thank you we can absolutely do that okay we can condition this in any way we want yeah I'm I'm not sure there's room for uh is there more power to that okay fact the I I stand corrected I feel like I'm home I am home because they should have come to us to ask for different things instead they asked for them and it was appealed okay all right okay so um all right so we we can we can condition it all right so now that Michael's Michael have you been here for the whole discussion no I wasn't here for the whole discussion but oh okay okay the other thing is that um there's nothing in the building code with regard to uh drain drainage um that that you can't put water on somebody else's land of course is you can't I can't put build a struction and put lot water onto your land because I had that on I had that on Grove Street I was called on it yeah and the building inspector made sure that that the garage that the driveway was pitched away from the adjacent land it's a trespass you can't do it how they did it yeah that's you know so the the grading everything has to be just to to to Sean's Point yeah you can't I can't throw my water onto somebody else's land John Mike chair yes um when that does go in front of the building department they are going to uh they're implementing water uh mitigation systems on all additions um that's a new law that's in place now so everything will have um some way that has to be proved to the building inspector on what they're doing with gutter water any uh impervious areas all have to be calculated now on every job at every permit yeah because you know just think of what happened yeah yeah so that'll all be brought up and has to be brought to the building department yeah because when Grove Street you know because of the the condos that they put up this the houses to the end of Grove Street now uh uh uh have been flooding in the winter and they weren't they weren't for you know 100 years before that so yeah so stuff's got to be looked at all right so uh anybody else I think we beat this that part about beat it up enough all right then would um would somebody like to make a motion you want me to make a motion this Michael this is this is usually where you come in but now you're driving I'm not gonna ask you to oh right you're not even so so so on this one we've got um um Arnold you Mike Heaton Dan Hunt Sean and myself got six so you tell me which one isn't in so so um Mike did you do the last one who who's on the last one who wasn't John I think voting to close the hearing was you Mike Riley Arnold Sean and Dan okay all right that's what we got all right so um Mike you want to come up with Michael Riley do you want to come up with a motion you want me to read read myself I I would like to add to that motion that we absolutely um have some sort of plan things in between the properties we haven't we haven't done know I just I'm before you make a motion I'm just telling you what I would like to see in that motion is some sort of planting is apparently they agreed to some sort of plan things uh that and as long as the neighbors are happy with it um I'm sure Jennifer in in in will what's your husband's name I'm sorry T Tim I'm sure Jennifer and Tim will want to make their neighbors happy and they'll they'll go along with the agreement to do and make it a very nice place so I don't think I'm going to have to add it to the I was thinking about it but I don't think I have to add it to I just will hold you to your agreement with your neighbors and hopefully you both be satisfied so i' like to make a motion that we let me go back and read um I we have to make two motions here U Michael we need we need a motion on 2101 128 and another motion on 21019 21012 21028 that go ahead why don't you do it then I'm I'm I I can't find it on my screen so okay um yes I'd like to make I I'll propose a motion that um we how what's what's the required side side setback is it 15 what's it in 10 10 okay so we're g eight feet you need do the finding first okay okay we find that um that under 21028 that changes to the Lots uses structures is not um more detrimental to the neighborhood um and uh so we do that one first yeah is that etc etc yeah it's not basically um not substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the bylaw okay okay do I somebody make that could somebody uh make that motion or second it I I second it okay okay we have a motion Motion in a second any discussion on the motion anybody want to add or subtract from that one hearing none uh Dan Mr chair should uh somebody make a motion to uh amend you say saying we approve it and then we we F so so Arnold Arnold this is this is there's two here first we're saying that that that they can do it and then we then the second one under 21019 we're gonna grant them the relief of of eight feet so that they can that they can propose it and under that second under that second one we can put all those conditions that you and Michael and and others were talking about all right so so this one is this one is because of the uh of the front set back I mean the front the frontage being 78 and it should be it should be 100 feet that this is the overall one this is part of it what makes it uh not pre-existing nonconforming so all right so that being said we have a we have a motion in a second here any any any further discussion on that motion and the motion only nearing none Dan yes Michael Yes Arnold yes Sean yes and I vote in the affirmative also okay so that's 21028 now I'd like to make a motion that under 21019 that we grant8 feet of relief and um and that they build it build it according according to the plans that they P get get all of the let's see what he want that this proposal is reasonable that the they file applicable permits with the building department after the appeals period expires and the decisions reported with the registry now um does anybody want to add anything to that uh granting of 8 feet John one quick thing um they're requesting 8.4 on the application so okay I'm sorry you know I'm not looking at the plan yeah usually usually okay in that case okay in that case we usually go to nine feet because as Dan knows and and uh the other builders around here know that uh three or four inches can easily move when you're pouring concrete or something so we we so but I'd like to amend that to be nine feet of relief so that uh we can we can give them the extra uh seven or eight inches just in case something bad happens okay okay so okay no but do do you want are there any amendments to it I remember people were talking about screening people are talking about um and you also I'm sorry but you also need to find on 119 about this lot shape size lot topography yeah yeah well do to yes that that we're granting it due to the to the odd-shaped lot and the Topography of the of the existing uh the existing uh lot lines right because because it would have helped it would have helped if it was a perfect rectangle yes so I have a question that uh this this isn't a variance it's a special permit yes 21019 is a dimensional variance it is a special permit but it needs those f a finding on the so the same type of finding that you would do for Varian under one 19 it will tell you that you do need to find because I'm not sure that what what's the Criterion under the bylaw you want me topography or shape of the lot and do yeah I mean I and the lot just because they don't have enough room I don't think is a has to do with topography or the shape of the lot well the shape of the lot is if the shape of the lot were a perfect rectangle it definitely would have helped them it's it it's a it's a trapezoid really if you look at the where it says 2.3 that would have been wider how much how much wider would it oh okay again but but it's still it's still it's still the it's still the shape of the lot um well so we need that language we need that language in 219 in 119 I'm sorry so it has to say that language that's so okay does anybody else have anything that they want to add to this motion hearing none I'd like to take a vote on this motion are you g to add the conditions apparently nobody's adding any conditions nope okay hearing none uh Michael how do you vote Yes Arnold well you know I wish that the other the neighbor had a chance to talk but you know that's one of the disadvantages I guess of a zoom instead of in person but uh uh given everything you know I'm gonna say yes well actually Arnold Zoom makes it easier for people that that they were that have babysitting problems and stuff like that then then to have to make them come downtown and make it actually easier but anyway I guess I'm just I'm just thinking of the days when there wasn't any Zoom hearings and uh you know I think in this particular hearing I think that that was a factor uh why the uh neighbor didn't uh wasn't able to be heard no we we we opened the meeting at 7 o'clock we open she just she didn't realize that she had to speak up you know she just uh um that's just my my impression that she wanted to talk but it was too late you know not everybody knows knows those rules on that she had to really speak up then and then she tried to speak up and we close the hearing but we yeah I'm that's the way it is yes okay Dan how do you vote Yes uh Sean yes and I vote in the affirmative also okay so um Adina if you could um up our language a little bit and make it uh make it official I'd appreciate it um congratulations you guys you know have fun have fun with the uh construction it's so much as you know it's an experience oh yeah and good luck with their growing family and and uh you know thanks for putting your roots down here in hopkington we we I'm up to 26 years here and ni still love it we love it we're never leaving thank you guys we appreciate this wonderful wonderful congratulations God bless thanks okay so um uh since we're we're we're holding off on the on the minutes um I guess that's it okay um Adina anything anything you want to bring up what do we have coming up in two weeks um on the 25th we have 18 Cedar Street I think that's the only one on that night that's the it's a new application but she's been before us a couple times that's the one that I think she started out with an eight family then came back with a six family and now she's coming back with a four family oh isn't four by right it needs a special permit I haven't I haven't seen the application yet but it's come in Kobe has it um and that's on that next hearing and then the application for 290 West Maine came the new application came in today and that will be on October 9th um at the senior center okay and that's the only one on that night and then we have another one I think for the end of October but we're waiting till the end of October so we don't put it on the same night as 290 West Main yeah thank you I think there's going to be a little bit of discussion on that one a lot of two minutes and a lot of people going to be upset when we call the two minutes that's the way it works all right so um now all that being said uh looking for a motion to close motion to close the meeting second second any discussion on the motion hearing none Mr Riley yes Mr Hunt yes Cohen yes Mr Masterson yes Mr Heat yes and oh oh is uh do we still have Michael no he's he's gone okay and I vote in the affirmative also and the meeting is adjourned thanks everybody for coming that was uh that was that was a good discussion now we got we just got to start sharpening up because the ninth is gonna be a tough one hey God bless everyone thanks so much thanks for coming today thanks John okay have on