##VIDEO ID:in2yIv7lKMc## e [Music] okay my audio is on through the chair you're live on hcam TV wonderful thank you very much hkm thanks so much for coming to our meetings for a while there for the last few years I thought we were just the the important group in town that was just uh Anonymous kind of you people only saw us when they needed us and it's good that um people get to see that we really are a friendly group and uh we try and do everything fair and square but anyway let's see what's going on here I want to change this view around a little bit hia hi John Hi D thanks for everything ad thanks for those meeting minutes wow oh wait a minute are we after seven oh shoot seven seven oh do we have enough people no we don't okay Mike thanks for coming we needed you no problem Dan's not GNA be here tonight okay all right there's three of us you really only need one more okay great I know Arnold won't be here and James won't be here so oh shoot and John's sick I said John no we don't need you I think everybody's coming so Mike damasio or um Sean okay let's see if one of those guys shows up now can you get a hold of mure see if he can just yes I'll do that right now realistically you only need three if the applicant's requesting a continuation to accept the continuation but then we can about the we can table those if we have to if you can't get oh we love you even more thank you so much excellent all right so then so then with if I can open the meeting with the three of us okay he's neing okay all right so if I can open the meeting with the three of us I'll I'll do that I would give honestly a couple more minutes only because if people come on and we're off in 5 to 10 minutes from now and they don't know just to give everyone a chance to that's okay I I forgot to pull out my I have to get my script excuse me for and I don't have my zoom script let me see if I can pull it up if you could send it to both of us I could save it also just I'll save it on my computer I just don't like read that stuff that I just have to find it okay I must have it here too up in my phone not sure I have the newer one it's funny whenever you whenever you send me it in an emergent basis it's the old but I know you have the new one there someplace but since we correspond so much there's a million in my older got it did you get it I was just going to send the one I had yes okay okay I'm going to off my phone though okay so I'll open up the U meeting okay the time being 7:05 on the on the 8th of January 2025 I'm John Cino and I'd like to open the U meeting of the board of appeals uh as a preliminary matter um I John Cino the the chair permit me to confirm that all members and persons anticipate on the agenda of present and can hear me members when I call your name please respond the affirmative Mike Mike Heaton affirmative Mike Riley yes affirmative uh Adena yes okay so we've got uh we got the three of us and I'm obviously here and uh anticipated speakers let's see that we have uh uh attorney nean are you here I am here how you doing tonight excellent thanks for coming okay and uh let's see that's all we anticipating all right good evening this meeting of the of the board of appeals is being conducted remotely consistent with the governor Baker's executive V of March 12 2020 due to the current state of emergency in the Commonwealth duut to outbreak covid-19 in order to mitigate the transmission of Co oh my gosh this is the old but anyway um we our meetings are publicly accessible to a physical location members of the public bodies are allowed to encourage to participate remotely the executive order which you find Post in the agenda materials for this meeting allows for public bodies to meet entire remotely along the public party making Provisions through adequate alternative means to ensure interested members of the public provided reasonable access to deltion on meeting ensuring Public Access does not ensure public participation unless such participation is required by law this meeting will feature public comment for this meeting um of the board of appeals is convening by Zoom app as as posted on the town's website identifying how the public may join Additionally the meeting may also be broadcast by hcam through one of its many many channels and platforms please note this meeting is being recorded and some attendees are participating by video conference accordingly Please be aware that others may be able to see you and take care not to screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording all supporting materials have been provided to the members of this body and are available on the to's website via the web meeting calendar calendar unless otherwise noted the public is encouraged to follow along using the posted agenda unless I note it otherwise we are now turn to first item of the agenda before we do so permit me to cover some ground rules for Effective and clear conduct of our business andure accurate meeting minutes I will introduce each speaker through the agenda after they conclude the remarks I will invite board members to provide any comment or questions or motions please hold until your name is called further please remember to mute your phone or computer when you're not speaking please remember to speak clearly in a way that helps generate accurate minutes for any response please wait until I give the flo floor to you and state your name before speaking again for clear clear minutes if members wish to engage with each other please do so through me taking care to identify yourself after members have spoken I will afford public comment as follows I will first ask members of the public who wish to speak to identify the names and addresses only once I have a list of all public commentators I will call on each by name and and afford two minutes for any comments finally each vote will be taken this at this meeting will be conducted by roll call vote okay got the legality out of the way okay because we got a lawyer here music oh mic's here too excellent excellent so we have four of us that makes it a little bit better um all right go this an issue I have to recuse myself oh well that's okay we only need three for for a we're going for a continuance oh okay yes so you really don't have to for this one the continu I think you can still vote on but that's okay we only need three of us for continuance um okay let me introduce this next one second you sent me the you know what John I don't think I sent the notice now that I think about it so I can read it if you want oh thank you that would be great that's what I was looking for it because I just saw the Church Street came up twice it just reminded me um okay the board of appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday January 8th 2025 at 7M to all persons interest interested in the application for special permit and aarian filed by calling Charleston 13 Church Street Hopkin and mass the applicant seeks relief from the zoning bylaws for alterations SL Renovations as well as an attached garage addition to an existing non-conforming single family home at 13 Church Street Hopkin and mass that do not meet the minimum setback requirements the property is shown on accessor map U6 block 200 l0 and is owned by Colleen D Charleston Trustee of the Charleston nominee trust 13 Church Street Hopkin and mass the hearing will be held remotely using the zoom meeting service for additional information please email zba Hopkin ma.gov call the Department of land use planning and permitting at 508 497 9745 or check the online meeting calendar and agenda for the meeting at uh Hopkin and ma.gov excellent thank you so much okay all those all those legalities out of the way Mr nean please how's everybody doing tonight thank you for thank than you for having us in um unfortunately but maybe fortunately so we didn't have to continue it anyway we're going to ask to continue the hearing um we received some feedback from the building inspector um kind of more specific to the building code but it does relate to the footprint of the project so we're actually gonna have to move the this garage and we'll be back on the 22nd but we're gonna have to move the garage in another foot just to meet some building code um requirements so we're gonna get the plan redrawn ramped and then officially submit it so we can hopefully do it all in one or two meetings instead of talking about the project and then not having the correct plan to to sign on on so I you know appreciate everybody's time I know we're the only agenda item minus your administrative item so I appreciate everybody's time but oh we have two we have two very very very long um items afterwards okay I don't feel so B meeting minutes so that's fine I don't feel so bad but what we plan to be back in front of the board on uh on the 22nd and and we'll make sure that we explain the project and and address everybody's questions excellent okay so um there's a request to um continue the meeting to the 22nd could I get a yes Michael we have to ask if there's anyone for public comment no you don't want to take any testimony because if there's no testimony taken anyone can sit on the next hearing okay even if I appreciate the I just want to make sure so make a motion to continue the hearing until the 22nd we have a second second thank you Mike okay we have a motion and a second any discussion on the motion hearing none how do you vote Mr damasio Mike yes oh yeah oh my gosh Mike Mike and Mike Mike and Michael really you guys come on GE okay Mr Riley yes Mr damasio yes and I vote in the affirmative also okay it's 4 Z okay we get that taken care of okay you're all set for the 22nd you have a good night bye bye excellent Matt do you have anything for us no I just own 15 church so I was just coming in to see what was the plan what was going on with 13 Church oh okay okay I guess I'll come back at on the 22nd to learn what's going on with 13 Church okay thank you all right have a good night all right okay thanks thanks for coming Okay so we've got um uh one long minutes and one short minutes um I I looked it over and it and I can't believe Adena I don't know how the heck you do that that must been a pain in the butt thank you thank you wow that was one long one and recording everything those people said too oh it was hard to it was hard to do it the first time then to see it all in writing wow so I I have no changes on either of them I don't I don't know if you guys have have any amendments to the uh to it and and if not if somebody can make a motion to accept them as drafted do we have to do them individually or do we can we do both we could do both I make a motion to accept the minutes as presented we have a second Mike or Mike second second okay I didn't know if I could second because I wasn't at that meeting no you you still can because you can you can read them and then you can also watch the meeting remotely okay and then right if you need if we needed somebody and you and you attested that you watched the meeting remotely you can always come back in on on on a hearing if somebody was missing and we need needed somebody else thank you okay so we have a motion in a second any discussions on the motion to accept the drafted minutes hearing none how do you vote Mr deasio yes Mr Heaton yes Mr yes and I vote the affirmative also thank goodness you guys have different last names okay just was just fun for me when I finally looked and saw Mike Mike and Michael okay 3M excuse me excuse me you need to change your name you know if you want to remain on the board which one isn't like the other ones not like the other ones I have M my middle name but not for my first name okay all right so um so we now we we have another beting on the 22nd and Aden do we have what else do we have on the 22nd anything else is she Frozen I think Adena froze oh my gosh pwn Hall really got to her I knew there had to be a Breaking Point at some point report there yeah I don't know if you can hear us but you're Frozen but anyway that being said like let's let's adjourn and we can always get back to her later yep that motion to motion to adjourn micro mik second okay we got a motion a second any any discussions on the motion to adjourn hearing none Mr deasio yes Mr Heaton yes Mr Riley yes and I vote in the affirmative to uh adjourn the meeting okay the meeting is adjourned great thanks you guys appreciate it thanks for coming I'm glad that we didn't have to do anything tonight because just the four of us that's never really a good thing say hey God bless you guys Happy New Year thanks so much for coming I'll see everybody on the 22nd and I'll be uh I'll be in hopkington for that one thanks so much talk to back by guys bye [Music]