##VIDEO ID:76D4n0Lwnr8## [Music] good evening and welcome to the township of how's planning board meeting for Thursday November 7th 2024 ien opening statement please I hereby declare this meeting of the Howell Township planning board to be open adequate notice haven't been given pursuant to the New Jersey open public meeting act in the following manner first first on January 5th 2024 a copy of said notice was emailed to the Asbury Park Press and the Star Ledger second on January 5th 2024 a copy of said notice was hand delivered to the clerk of the township of Howell third on January 5th 2024 said notice was posted in the office of the planning board and on the bulletin board in the Howell Township Municipal Building 4567 Route 9 Howell Township New Jersey in accordance with the fire prevention code and your safety please be advised that this facility is designed with two emergency exits which are at the front and rear of the meeting room furthermore smoking is not permitted in the municipal building please take note that this meeting is being videotaped for possible future broadcast on Howell Township TV 77 thank you thank you roll call please Mr Cristiano present Mr Greenfield is excused Mr leio here Mr Mercer here Mr tannin housee I have not heard from Mr Withers I have not heard from Mr Rebel is excused councilwoman fiser here miss Pike has resigned her position on the planning board so she is not going to be here this evening Mr Carbonic I have not heard from and and chairman huster here you have a quum thank you uh at this time would everybody please rise to their Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for our men and women fighting here and abroad to flag United States of America stand indivisible andice all right thank you okay next approval of minutes for the regular meeting dated April 10th 2024 eligible V voters Mr Cristiano Mr legio Mr Mercer and myself do I have a motion I'll second Mr legio and Mr Cristiano for the second Mr Cristiano yes Mr leio yes Mr Mercer yes and chairman huster yes motion carries than thank you I any correspondence I do have correspondence I have an email from Michael Herbert he's the attorney for SD 3013 bador LLC uh they were not ready for this evening for that application so he asked that this be adjourned until December 19th and he granted an extension of time through December 31st 2024 okay so that let me just make the formal announce uh case number sd- 3013 Ambassador LLC uh will be carried to the board's December 19 2024 meeting it's a live meeting beginning 7 o' here in the main meeting room at Town Hall there will be no further notice to Property Owners I also have a letter from John Jackson he's the attorney for case number sp123 SMC Properties LLC which is on tonight's agenda and he has asked that that also be carried to December 19th with no new notice and granted an extension time for the board through that evening any case number sp-1 one23 SMC Properties LLC board will carry that hearing to the December 19th 2024 meeting as a live meeting here in town hall in the main meeting room beginning at 7:00 there'll be no further notice to property owners great that's all I have thank you all right thanks Eileen thanks Ron um okay resolutions uh actually before we get into resolutions we we this is the only meeting for November because a league right correct our next meeting is December 5th so we have two in December yes December 5th and 19th okay cool thanks all right resolutions for case number SP 10552 28 realy LLC it's a resolution granting extension of time minor site plan approval eligible voters Mr Cristiano Mr legio Mr Mercer and myself do I have a motion I'll make a motion for exion uh it's a motion to memorialize okay second Mr Mercer and Mr Cristiano Mr Cristiano yes Mr leio yes Mr Mercer yes chairman huster yes motion carries resolutions memorialized okay this is resolution for case number SD 2998 f for Wadsworth Development LLC a resolution granting final major subdivision approval eligible voters Mr Cristiano Mr legio Mr Mercer councilwoman Fischer and myself do I have a motion motion Mr M or Mr legio Excuse me second and Mr Cristiano Mr Cristiano yes Mr leio yes Mr Mercer yes councilwoman fiser yes and chairman huster yes motion carries resolutions memorialized okay the next resolution is for case number SD 3015 a weinman Mr chairman oh yes we received a letter late this or this afternoon from the applicant's attorney they had some comments on the resolution so because it came this afternoon I haven't really had an opportunity to speak with the applicants attorney so we're going to carry that resolution understood okay thanks Ron and case last one is case number sp105 a a v rhw property LLC a resolution denying preliminary and final site plan with design wavers eligible voters Mr legio Mr Mercer and myself do I have a motion second thank you Mr leio yes Mr Mercer yes chairman huster yes motion carries resolutions be moralized thank you uh ien any submission waivers no submission waivers okay before we get into the application um I would like to congratulate Our member Mr John legio as mayor elect for Howell town ship so thank you joh [Applause] congratulations and okay let's get into it only application for this evening case number SP 11127 Diversified Acquisitions LLC this is for preliminary and final major site plan with ancillary variants and design waiver relief counselor good evening good evening everyone can you guys hear me yeah good evening everyone my name is Matt mat pada I'm with the law firm SS commus and gross and I represent the applicant Diversified Acquisitions in connection with this application for preliminary and final site plan approval including potential bul variances Andor waivers or any other relief this board would seek for tonight great thank you great yeah Dive Right In Dive Right In fantastic the applicant is here tonight like I said before for a prelim final site plan application with the applicant is here looking to do is they're looking to propose two Flex Bas buildings that would be approximately in total 81,723 square ft the proposed Flex spaces for both buildings are going to be proposed as multi-tenant and they're being designed on spec we don't really know exactly who's going to go in there so therefore we're more generic think of it like that as I'm sure this board is all well to aware of you this Township has contemplated and also entertained and gone through the ins and outs of reexamination multiple times since 2019 and it is because those reexaminations the applicant is here tonight proposing a permitted Flex space Improvement which will include all of those recently approved and heightened conditional uses and meeting their standards as well real quick those conditional uses that we'll be seeking the permission of this board to do and Al obviously sh in the testimony of the record that we comply with all standards will include contractor businesses warehousing and distribution where such use requirements were heightened in 2022 pursuing ordinance 22 hyen 9 and we'll demonstrate how we have adequately satisfied all those conditions and real quick just keeping with that definition itself I just want to read it for everyone just to catch up to speed again although I'm sure you guys are all too familiar uh Flex space is now defined as a building or parts of a building suitable for or capable of being AC of being able to be changed to accommodate a variety of permitted uses and designed to be used on a short or long-term basis a maximum 20% of ended space can be offered now here's the extra language that was added intentionally in 22 hyp 39 ordinance back in 2022 which includes Flex space includes those B businesses listed under the trade contractor business use such as plumbers electricians and other trade occupations and if we were to continue with this application the board seems to be following favorably for this application we will most certainly see guidance from this board as to what other trade businesses do you believe fits into that definition since it's essentially kind of like an umbrella if you will so we do definitely seek uh guidance from this board at a later date or later time uh thus pursuing to the code Flex space itself may be a combination as we interpret it of conditional uses provided all the standards are met as well as those permitted uses such as uh self storage or office um the conditional use permits again that we're looking to see tonight are trade contractor business warehouse space and distribution space um tonight I am going to have two fact Witnesses and one expert testimony for tonight okay the expert testimony will be our engineer uh however our planner our traffic engineer as those architecture will be saved for another date so if I may I'd like to introduce uh our first back witness which will be uh Nick monoa you swear or affirm the testimony about to provide this board is the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do please State and spell your name for the record uh Nick Manoa m i n o i a Nick can you please explain to this board you can sit and that is a microphone if you could make sure you speak into it so we on the record sure thank you Nick if you can can you please advise this board of what your position is with diversity Acquisitions and your familiarity with this proposed project sure thank you so my purpose tonight is uh largely first of all good evening Mr chairman members of the board mayor and uh professionals and staff um as the principal I'm the founding uh partner for Diversified properties which is the parent company of Diversified Acquisitions so I am the sole owner of the company and founded at uh company about 25 years ago um so generally speaking have overseen the entire application process and uh very excited to have been able to go to contract with the saer family and present our application here this evening terrific um do you want to swear him in is that I oh you did yeah all right great why don't you walk us through what the uh use and operations will be for the site sure so so a little background first on our company as far as the type of properties that we develop and own we self-perform our uh developments from a construction standpoint it's a fully integrated company where we do our own construction we do our lease up and we do our own property management so it's more or less Soup To Nuts uh our company is based in Morris County modville U about 2 hours it depends tonight it was about two and a half hours from here um a lot of traffic this evening um our company is largely a multi family uh Flex industrial self- storage retail and some office we have uh several hundred th000 feet of similar Flex space in fact we have about 110,000 Square ft of it under construction in Morris County right now which which is a larger site than what this one is and it's a it's comprised of three buildings and the type of uses there uh they really run the gamut from uh trade contractors to light manufacturing assembly uh some storage um and basically incubator type space for local companies local businesses and the contemplated uses you have for this site here that's before the sport tonight is the trade contractor business the warehousing as well as the distribution the office space we really see a a a big demand for that uh pretty much every municipality where you know some some of the trade contractors have been pushed out of the ability to leas small type space uh these buildings we think are ideally suited for those type of uses perfect I have no further questions for this witness okay thank you thank you very much thank trffic if I may actually like to bring up my next fact witness who is his partner uh John leafer have any questions you swear or affirm the testimony about to provide this board is the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do please State and spell your name for the record Jonathan leer you can adjust that mic so you don't have thank you Al Jonathan lifer last name is spelled l e i f r perfect John why don't you uh explain your position and role with Diversified and then why don't you also walk us through the use and operations of the site how you see it at that of course thank you Matt I'm director of Acquisitions and development for Diversified I oversee all activities of the company preconstruction that would include positioning our Acquisitions positioning our land entitlements generating strategy for presentation and then programming our developments I also happen to be the firm's in-house industrial professional so I oversee all leasing tenant negotiation and deal closing matters so Matt you had asked about operations for the property Nick described a little bit about our Focus as a developer we're active all over New Jersey New York and Connecticut Nick is based up in Morris County himself but I'm a Monmouth County resident so I'm familiar with development patterns here in Monmouth County we've tailored this project proposal to be suited to what we see as corporate citizen occupancy in the area generally speaking here in Monmouth County were underserved for spaces for businesses to occupy that are underneath 40 or 50,000 ft at a time as you can see on the site plan proposed before the board we have two buildings here comprising approximately 80,000 Square ft that are of a size and scale and intensity that are smaller than Warehouse proposals at large format that have come before the board before our expert Witnesses will detail more about traffic associated with the development employment staff Etc but we would expect our Flex tenants in occupancy on site to be there between the hours of generally 6:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. each day in compliance with how noise ordinances not processing hazardous materials on site so in compliance with that aspect of the township ordinance and generally speaking to be of a light industrial employment in nature as you can see from the aial presented and as our uh engineer will walk through this development proposal is in keeping with the urban context of what's already in this area of Route 33 business and as far as it goes for uses itself there's going to be no outside storage right it's going be a clean kept site uh but for maybe those delivery vans that might be parked overnight next to the docks is that correct no outdoor storage is contemplated as part of The Proposal we have provided for several oversized parking spaces that would accommodate trade contractor fleet vehicles or employee parking vehicles that we normally Drive uh there may be overnight parking of vehicles in front of the docks shown in the truck court all those Vehicles though in keeping with house ordinance would be emptied overnight perfect I have no further questions for this witness okay thank you anybody have any questions great all right terrific I'd like to go to my next witness my only expert witness I have here for tonight uh that'll be our engineer Mr multis oh there you are you swear or affirm the testimony about to provide this board is the truth the whole truth of nothing but the truth I do please State and spell your name for the record Anthony Mal m l t e hey Council if you could just qualify Mr malti absolutely Mr M can you please provide your educational background what professional license you still hold what license you hold that are in good standing and just name three boards you've been qualified perform the pass as an expert in engineering sure uh I have a a bachelor's in engineering degree uh at hofire University I have a bachelor's in surveying degree at NJIT um I'm licensed as an engineer in five states I'm licensed as a professional and surveyor in uh four states I'm also professional planner and a certified Municipal engineer I'm also the uh burrow um the burrow engineer for uh Freehold burrow Freehold um I've appeared before how Township I've appeared for before col snack we we'll accept your credentials thank you great terrific thank you so much uh Mr malti are you familiar with the hd4 Zone yes uh is it property located within that zone yes it is are you also familiar with this municipality zoning code and master plan including the recent reexaminations yes terrific uh is your firm responsible for drafting these proposed site plans and doing the storm water studies yes horrific why don't you walk us through what we're proposing here tonight sure um if we could start with bringing up the existing conditions plan which is sheet two of 17 sorry the existing site is located on the address of 940 Route 33 business it's in zone hd4 uh the site is approximately 7.5 Acres it was subdivided off of a larger parcel uh back in 2020 the site uh existing conditions has several homes on it with a shared driveway um there is bamboo to the rear bamboo to uh the the westle side there there is a residential house to the westle side side and there's several residential homes uh along the Norther Northerly line the site drains um to the north leading to Long Brook which is a stream adjacent to um two lots down to the right there oh I forgot I have my pointer there we go all right so current the high point of the property is here the current flow of of storm water drains to these homes back here and leading to to the brook that comes down this way here uh it also comes down to the Northerly end uh side of the property leading to Route 33 and eventually making its way down the road uh to to drain into that long Brook just for confirmation there are no existing storm water improvements on this site no there are not thank you you can if you don't mind turning to sheet three of 17 the site plan the overall site plan as Mr lifer said uh they are proposing two two buildings we have a building uh here along the southernly southeasterly side of the property which is approximately 48,000 854 Square ft we also have a building uh in the souly portion of the property prop y South Westley portion uh 31,2 186 uh with a total building area of 8,140 overall on the site we have a 30 foot driveway coming in with a 30 foot aisle uh running parallel to the to building number one with several parking stalls to the left fronting the building and we also have uh several parking stalls to the right which are which we've enlarged to 25 ft in in depth to accommodate for Fleet parking um we have loading backs we have loading docks to the rear of this building and coming around to the building number two we also uh maintain parking in the front and across the way um and that drive aisle is actually 25 ft which we are requesting that's one of the design waivers that we were requesting to this y intersection uh we have a turnaround access for larger vehicles uh that the traffic engineer will discuss during his testimony we have additional loading docks to the side of building number two um if you can go to the next sheet the grading plan please actually if you don't mind could you go to the exhibit of um the buffer aerial please was quick we put this ex1 we put this exhibit together to illustrate the requirements of a 50 foot buffer residential buffer from the current homes that are uh adjacent to our lot this this area here represents 50 feet from this house uh that that is situated right here in this corner it's 50 feet off the property line um this buffer here is from across the street it comes from because there's a residence there's a house across the street which is a mixed use it's also a commercial property but we did add that that buffer along the Northerly portion of the property there's a few homes on this prop on this lot and we have a 50-ft residential buffer that's required along the entire stretch of uh of the this side of the property as you can see this is the Route 33 bypass that's uh in the rear of our our lot uh this is one of the variances that we are requesting is a um a front yard setback on the bypass uh the bypass is inaccessible there are no driveways leading off of this bypass in in our area um our property is situated approximately 6 to 10 feet above uh the roadway above um the 33 Pi pass at first when we designed the plans we didn't we consider that a rear yard setback we we never considered a front yard and after uh technical review and going back and forth we we um added this as a as a a variance the only variance on the on the project um as you can see this is all this is also all sakers property here I've recently sold but these are this is there's a lot of flex space in here my office is actually located in this building um the brook runs along here these properties and this is all residential back in this area we have residential in this area and to the left here is commercial this property that goes off to the left that's a landscape company and in a yard for all their equipment and if you don't mind showing the other exhibit that has no aerial just for a little Clarity a20 okay if you don't mind going to the grading and utility plan showing on sheet six of 17 can I ask a quick question sure um I'm very rarely in that neck of the woods but it what why isn't there a uh like an Ingress egress off of the bypass they made that bypass I don't know how many years ago but that bypass was had no intent of having any driveways located on it and they had Route 33 business say that's where everything is off of I mean I I don't think there's uh any driveways along that bypass okay and in addition we're uh like I said six to8 or 10 feet above that in elevation and we'll also have our traffic engineer further apply on that question it's actually part of their testimony this is limited access pursuing to the do 33 is this exactly it's uh actually right AC you know where the Wawa is on how Road and Five Points Road so if you come out of w and you make a left on Route 33 it's a a couple few properties down maybe a quarter quar mile on the right right there and all that yeah as soon as you pass that business park it's on the right hand side right when you cross over the stream there that's why got know where it is now yeah the back of it is the yeah I get it straight away for the other side 33 so um this s is considered a major development under the storm water uh regulations uh from the DP we implemented three infiltration basins on the pro project we have one situated in the front in the front uh we are not within we are beyond the front yard setback we originally designed this into the front yard not realizing um it was not allowed so uh we did not need a variance on that uh we are within the setbacks we also have a 6ft burm uh that complies with the buffer requirements we on the right hand side we also have a six foot high berm and all these BMS that I'm discussing here with you now uh we have a total of 863 trees that we're planting um within those burm burm areas those buffer areas uh if you don't mind going to sheet seven please of 17 the second detention Basin is located uh across from building number two in the northly corner of the property and the third is a smaller scale infiltration Basin located uh to the to the I say it's the back rear of the property um and we have a we have a buffer this 50 buffer we have a burm that runs adjacent to the residential uh property as well so these storm water improvements they're expected to pick up the runoff is that correct yes and therefore we pick up the runoff which would help alleviate the existing conditions today on those Residential Properties yes thank you we have to meet reductions thank you um there was you want to talk about the technical requirements and letters if you want to ask me that meet I've been here before the board before and I was stopped from going through all the the letter so if you have any questions um I'll continue on let me continue first the utilities um currently the there is no public sewer in Route 33 business it is in the works uh to be extended to our property so we are basing our design that we will be able to connect into public sewer in the near future um we do not intend to have public water there is a p a pump tank a water tank here and in a pump house that will facilitate uh um water I I just I'm going to chime in on that Laura about this the sewer yes what I mean what is the pro I mean how how do you do it with a ejection that it's going to be there cuz we went through this whole issue with a a proposed building with septic and on and on and on the D has guidelines for land use classifications that would be their basis for what they would do um a couple of things that I want to nail down because I have to tell you I heard operationally a couple things different than I expected today so I I thought this was a trade Contractor Yard and now I'm hearing warehouse and distribution and when I look at your plans that's a conditional use as well um but you don't comply with the uh I'm showing it on the screen this additional 25 foot wide residential buffer that that was one of your comments and also uh Mrs beam's comment and we will be removing that note and that 25 foot additional buffer but but like but that's different than the operational testimony you guys came in and told me trade contractor warehouse and distribution both warehouse and distribution require that additional buffer so it was my understanding that this was coming back as a trade contractor business and so I want to understand your use before we get too far because that's how I expected it to come in and yet we opened with trade Contra trade contractor warehouse and distribution I'll have Mr leer shed some light on that thank you Anthony thank you Laura for the clarification so we would like to address use in full when our plan can be available but to answer your question headon we don't anticipate that any use to be located in the flex buildings would be located in a place that does not meet conditional use standards and other than that we'd like to defer that question to our planner okay you say don't anticipate yeah I'd don't anticipate that I'm going to have to put the dishes in the dishwasher tonight maybe a full sink when I get home you know I mean anticipate is not the same as you know we will not we will not I I can say that on the record that as a condition of approval and or restriction we could put on the site that specifically say that the proposed improvements themselves for both buildings if in fact it contemplates and therefore it is has a tenant that does warehousing or distribution all conditional use requirements would have to be satisfied period well but that's not I guess it go to what is it that you're asking us to approve you know so if if you're asking us to approve those uses then you know we'll look at that but if you're saying those are not going to be uses and if they are we'll come back that's you know that's fine but if you're asking for permission for those uses then you know we're going to have to get into that into into some detail and the other thing I think you guys are in between terms you you keep saying Flex Bas while Flex base is permitted and while that could include trade contractor types trade contractor is a conditional use correct so and I understand that you want to punt to your planner but we sat we sat and had a meeting because we felt that this was a jurisdictional issue quite frankly I'm disappointed that we're not sure what what we're proposing so I was my understanding it was a trade contractor pursuant to the conditional use requirements of the ordinance yes that is true true in part but also we're also contemplating for the site to also have warehousing and also distribution where those conditional use requirements would be satisfied specific to the Improvement itself for those what I can tell you Mr chairman is this plan is not compliant because that additional 25 foot wide buffer would be in place and while I know we could defer to our planner and Jen since their planner is also not here but I don't think it's fair that we could say we're going to restrict a portion of the building to not contain that use it's not something especially at a preliminary n fine agreed there there was just one more term that was used Laura um and you know your your team as well uh I think I heard light industrial is that does that fall within the permitted uses uh for for flex No Light industrial was an actual example he gave about the development he was working on uh up north Jersey that was one of the uses in those buildings but light so light industrial is not proposed not proposing light industrial so I guess to look at it kind of like an umbrella if you will right we're proposing Flex space for both buildings pursuing to flex space we're allowed to have contractor businesses we're allowed to have warehousing and we're allowed to have distribution provided we satisfy all conditional uses so Flex Bas trade contractor warehousing and distribution and what we're saying is that so I think though from what Laura is saying is um just for purposes of us making sure that we have jurisdiction um if it's going to be a conditional use that your that may occupy the area I think you need to show where that use would be and that it satisfies the conditions in that particular location can I just like to my client for one second yeah indidual have a moment just my other we we could take a brief recess yeah we'll take a five minute recess thank you so much the board will now take a five minute recess be back at a quarter to eight board's professionals and also the sentiment of the board loud and clear so just for clarification purposes tonight's application will be limited to just Flex space with the conditional use being proposed of trade contractor business neither warehousing or distribution will be considered as part AS application for tonight or if this case gets adjourned for another hearing however with that being said if we do get a tenant who says hey we also want to do distribution we understand we have to come back to the town and shall we satisfy those conditional uses is that acceptable that that's fine but just um I just want to make sure that jurisdiction is not is Laura you said that the trade contractor was a conditional use also correct so then you would just need to show that comply with those conditions yes understood absolutely that sounds fine okay thank you that works okay so as discussed the last we left off was the um the sanitary Public public sewer we're looking to uh hook into public sewer once that's AV aailable and um also we have an on-site water tank with a pump station with a pump house again that was my I'm sorry that we we went into a different different Lane on that one right we were last so say if sewer doesn't come until 2027 2028 you know and you guys want to start developing uh what happens we would be respons responsible and then we would probably want to enter into an agreement with the municipality pursuing to the developers agreement that any other uh tenant or not tenant any other developer and or property owner that would use that sewer connection would have to pay their Prat share for that's kind of construction permit anyway without without that no but that's not my question my question is right now you're proposing sanitary sewer right right sanitary sewer doesn't happen say it doesn't happen all right then you guys have to put a septic on that property right right we would have to redesign right right what what happens then Ron Laura I mean is that I think they come back they have to come back forever because it's not a plan that was presented so if they want to present the plan for sanitary sewer that's fine and if they're confident it's going to happen within the time frame that they want it's fine but if not then I mean they're going to have to come back depict where it is you know the uh the sewer field on the property and provide the uh the details that the ordinance would require and make sure that it doesn't impact uh any of the improvements that that we have already approved got it so you guys are banking on that sewer line we're banking on that sewer line but in fact if it doesn't come to fruition we understand that we would have to come back to the board showing amended site plan limited to just that utility line how we could satisfy it got it thank you okay um if you don't mind going back to the GR plan please uh to sheet number six of 17 So currently we have all three detention basins um discharging to the front of the site uh which is the northly of the site going to uh Route 33 business and we will require we will need to acquire a uh storm water discharge permit through the D um because we're running the discharge uh conveyance system down Route 33 Westerly uh to Long Brook we will also need a DOT access permit um and we will also need a DOT drainage um permit there was a qu we we were waiting an environmental uh or D presence absence we we received that recently and I think it was submitted um other than that there's no other uh permitting we're waiting for or we have to go for the site is servic by um two trash enclosures as well three actually three I'm sorry two for there's there's two near buildings one and two two at the Y intersection sheet number five of 17 one here and one right here and if you go to sheet number four we have a third located right here there's adequate parking we don't we don't uh have a need for parking variants and we satisfy all the other bulk requirements on the project we have no issues at this time with any of the uh technical review and um Miss Newman's uh engineering report or Miss beam's U planning report as it pertains to um engineering so is your testimony tonight that we will comply we will comply thank you so Mr chairman I have a couple followups so we had just asked that you testify about the LOI as to whether or not any Wetlands or transition areas would that in fact encumber your site I didn't hear that I know that you said you obtained it but will they in fact no they will not okay we we actually have a um we currently have an Loi on the property as a whole in 2020 so it's still in effect after the subdivision happened we don't have one we didn't have we we went forward to get a presence absence just for our property but the wetlands are located all the way to the um near the near the Brooke way far away from us okay and parking will be handled by your traffic consultant yes uh one of the waivers and I'm not sure if the board wants to talk about it tonight but is sidewalk along Route 33 again maybe you want to wait to hear from the traffic engineer but that is also a waiver that is being sought um and just I just wanted to hear so are you comfortable that the trash areas are adequately sized for the square footage that's proposed and the number of tenants you could potentially have that's an applicant question and uh when I spoke to him about that it was yes okay so not knowing the users to me that's kind of hard um but again my Our concern was just the screen that's up the trash there isn't so far but when you look at the other page where the trash is again it's not the furthest but tenants are going to have to walk so we just wanted to make sure that that was um clear they they would have to increase the frequency as well if they if if that was not properly sized they would have to increase the frequency of getting getting that unloaded I I'm not worried about getting unloaded I'm worried about dumpsters being in the parking lot because people don't want to walk to it oh okay um and signage are you going to going to testify to signage or is that a different the architect the architect uh I could talk about the front sign we plan on having a monument sign I I I understand our notation on the plan says pylon sign um but the intention is to have a monument sign simple with the address um the name of the industrial park and um each tenant will have their own signage on on the front of their building and it's the intent of applicant for the signage not to require any relief correct correct uh with that Mr chairman that's all I have for this witness okay is there sidewalks in that area now for no there is not nothing right nothing I think their aerial exhibit probably shows it best the the closest sidewalk that was actually just recently installed was around the Wawa that's what I thought okay now the right and the board W you know Jen typically say got to start somewhere but should be looked at on a Case by case right 100% you guys are seriously with the the sewer coming you're betting on that that sewer coming down 33 we're the applicat betting on it and if not they'll have to make uh adjustments to the plan to actually do the extension themselves company that's a highway it's not well I I believe the plans were approved already we have a set of the plans the drawings that we based it off of it wasn't that I'm I'm not sure what the litigation was about but they've already designed that project okay you realiz like like Nick said that you know you had to put septic on this property oh yeah the building has to cut in half right right right we understand build that would be up to the applicant at that point but yeah can you tell us how close existing sewer is to the site I believe it's approximately uh 800 to, 1500 ft away yeah what location no it's the opposite location it's it's going east yeah going down eastbound yes um I believe that's Fairfield Road it's on Fairfield yes that's a stret there there's a there's a pump house proposed okay with an easement uh on the neighboring property actually L we like the project it's it's 303 a nice fit over there just a lot of mix use over there it's old it's an old area yes yeah if the sewer was to come would probably invite some more businesses yes that way which I would I would like to see in our I'm sure all of us would like to see that may we'd actually be a little bit further uh uh being Further Along being able to apply about the sewage but unfortunately when the decision was supposed to be made and scheduled this past summer there was actually a bomb threat called then at the free hole Superior Court so got punt it we just haven't been rescheduled yet yeah interesting I have one other followup I know you testified that the storm order is consistent with uh the DP standards and our ordinance but you also have some off-site storm order improvements within the do right away yes we'll be getting we'll be looking for a permit for that to discharge uh into the brook I'll require discharge permit thank you uh anybody else have any questions is anybody from the public here or is it just the team it's a good game just for purposes of the record yeah I would recommend opening it up to the public for questions got it just in case any of these Witnesses can't be at the next meeting sure I will open up questions now okay I will close that we have all right counselor any final no further questions for this witness nor do I have any other expert Witnesses for tonight I do apologize in advance we had some scheduling conflicts no no no thank you so with that being said if it was okay with the board there's no other questions we would request yeah let me just check with the board professionals anything else you guys good good okay so Eileen I guess E I guess we're looking into December we have those our only dates we have left are December 5th and December 19th they both have two applications scheduled okay and what about January we have no dates for January we can carry you to December 19th for sched we've um we did notice for reorg January we did January 2nd is yeah so what we can do is we can schedule you for January 2nd uh just as sort of a time that we can then give you an actual hearing date so then you don't have to re notice you'd be carried for scheduling purposes only no testimony or anything great that's acceptable yes we'd like to be carried to the January 2nd hearing date understanding that notice was satisfied for tonight's hearing and we would be carrying it over to January 2nd with no further notice yeah that's what I'm saying we would also need an extension of time from you January absolutely I presume that saying it on the record would not be satisfactory I'd also have to send in a letter or on the record fine okay great so we'll extend uh uh the decision uh for extra 60 days from January 2nd 60 days janary yes okay so then for purposes of the record uh case number sp-11 127 Diversified Acquisitions LLC be carried to the board's January 2nd 2025 uh meeting it'll be a live meeting 7 o' here in the main meeting room there'll be no further notice to Property Owners terrific thank you so much everyone thank you thank everyone ien if my memory serves me correctly which is not at the reorg meeting last year didn't we we hear applications right didn't foring purposes only right but yes you can okay I thought we heard one last year some sometimes we're up against the wall like time to make a decision got it okay yeah and well that's what I want to make clear to counselor I don't know if he's aware of that the other thing is when you do that that you're never exactly sure what the composition of the board's going to be so not everyone may be eligible to vote because you know they weren't here so it's just you know less unknowns if we just do it for scheduling purposes on the second is that given those concerns we would absolutely rather be Carriage just for scheduling purposes got it okay just want to make sure clear cool the second it's it's got to be the first but we CH me today that happened last year too is that what and the year before it was supposed to be the first and then they had the second but but there's no mayor which well hold on let let's do this then let's carry it to the second meeting in December and we'll get this scheduling worked out so that we can come here with other Witnesses anyway so just keep going right no scheduling purposes yeah yeah all right so what's the second meeting in December December 19th okay so let me just all right so then application SP 11127 Diversified Acquisitions LLC be carried to the boards December 19th 2024 meeting it's a live meeting beginning here May mean Town Hall at 7:00 uh no further notice to property owners that will be for scheduling purposes only terrific thank you everyone thank you I'm assuming there's no Master Plan update okay and Ron any reason for executive session no Mr chairman okay thank you everybody do I have a motion to dismiss or end thank you everybody