[Music] welcome to the township how planning board meeting for Thursday April 4th 2024 open and statement please Eileen I hereby declare this meeting of the Howell Township planning board to be open adequate notice Haven been given pursuant to the New Jersey open public meeting act in the following manner first on January 5th 2024 4 a copy of said notice was emailed to Asbury Park Press and the Star Ledger second on January 5th 2024 a copy of said notice was hand delivered to the clerk of the township of Howell third on January 5th 2024 said notice was posted in the office of the planning board and on the bulletin board in the Howell Township Municipal Building 4567 Route 9 Howell Township New Jersey in accordance with the fire prevention code and your safety please be advised that this facility is designed with two emergency exits which are at the front and rear of the meeting room furthermore smoking is not permitted in the municipal building please take note that this meeting is being videotaped for possible future broadcast on Howell Township TV 77 thank you thank you roll call please Mr Cristiano's been excused Mr Greenfield I have not heard from uh Mr leio here Mr Mercer here Mr tanhouse has been excused Mr Rebel has been excused councilwoman fiser here miss Pike here Mr Carbonic I have not heard from and chairman bavay has resigned so we'll come back to that and chairman huster here you have a quum thank you okay thank you would everybody please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for the men and women who have served our country here and abroad to the flag and the United States of America and to the repic which it stand One Nation God indivisible and justice for all thank you okay do we have any minutes I have no minutes okay any vouchers I have no vouchers any correspondence uh I have no real correspondence but just uh we had two applications on the agenda and both of them had issues with their notices okay so the application for Mark chikano Case SD 2991 a will be rescheduled with notice and the application for 96 Industrial Court SP 1104 F will also be rescheduled with notice okay and then the only other item is as I mentioned during the roll call Mr pava has resigned his position on the board so we'll be uh taking motions for a new chair at the next hearing so um Mr chairman at the next hearing just so you have some Advanced you know notice of it we will be electing a new chairman uh for everyone's knowledge only the class more members are eligible to become chairman so class one two and three uh they can nominate someone they can vote they just can't serve in that in that capacity okay and then uh we may also need to elect a vice chair at that time also and again only the class Fort members are eligible okay thanks and that's it all right so on to resolutions uh the first is case number SP 11124 Howell Township Board of Education and Howell Township Police Athletic League for a capital plan review do I have a motion to memorialize motion Mr legio do I have a second second Mr Mercer roll call Mr leio yes Mr Mercer yes and chairman huster yes you uh thank you resolutions memorialized okay and the second is for case number sp117 Dr Horton Inc NJ a resolution granting preliminary and final site plan approval and preliminary and final major subdivision approval with ancillary variance and design waiver relief motion Mr leio and a second I'll second Mr Mercer Mr Mercer oh Mr Mercer you cannot second I I'm sorry you can second I can I'll second that was Miss Pike Miss Pike yes thank you um Mr leio yes councilwoman Fisher yes Miss Pike yes and chairman huster yes motion carries thank you okay uh any submission waivers no no and on to our only application this evening it's for case number SD 30009 Augustine Kim for a minor subdivision with ancillary variance and design waiver relief evening good evening chairman board members Vince howerin from Freehold I that's a microphone there's a microphone on the desk this one this one here okay this thing yep yep okay Vince hin from Freehold on behalf of the applicant I want to apologize to the board I'm going for my hearing aid tomorrow but I can't hear out of my right ear so do the best you can like I'm trying to do to talk into the microphone absolutely okay thank you you're welcome Mr Kim is not here tonight he believes I can present his case to him Mr chair I might be able to cut this quick right sure so this is like a bowling alley lot on Casino Drive Right super narrow super deep and it is about 10 acres a little shy of 10 acres correct correct so there's an existing house fronting like close to Casino Drive they're looking to subdivide two acres in the front which is a compliant lot area the house is what it is there are existing conditions that that are they are what they are regardless of whether we subdivide or not the subdivision cuts off almost a little shy of eight acres in the back the concern is this there's a third they're proposing a 30 foot wide access easement from casino to the back lot totally fine we would like to see that be constructed with landscape havers so that in the event regardless I understand you're not proposing anything back there but God forbid the the trees catch on fire or there's a a problem in the back if there if that easan is constructed of landscape papers which will look like grass but can maintain the weight of a fire truck an ambulance whatever they can get to the back to do whatever they need to do that is our only concern Mr chairman is I'm sorry just on on that issue also the one of the Lots will not have Frontage on a uh on a public road so that does require relief from the ordinance it also requires what's known as a planning variance under the municipal land law section 35 and 36 when you're making your proofs under the ml uh for a lot that does not have Frontage essentially what you're seeking to prove or what your burden is to prove is that it's accessible to emergency vehicles and and can be serviced so in that regard we did receive a report from the fire Bureau uh dated uh July 24th 2023 largely the fire Bureau does not have any objections however they did say that um the fire apparatus Access Road shall have an unobstructed width of no less than 20 ft and an unobstructed vertical distance of not less than 13t 6 in so my recommendation would be uh in order to satisfy the proofs under the ml that the board require compliance with the fire Bureau report okay thanks Ron my question Jen that will require removing of some of the trees presently I believe well I agree but that's where the 30 foot easen is proposed so there needs to be unobstructed easement to that back lot so those trees are going to have to be removed and the landscape havers should be installed and the provisions of the fire Bureau should be adhered to other than that I have no issue with the relief that they they're requested thank you for that but but my my point is and maybe this is something you're concerned about the situation is there now I mean if we didn't do the subdivision I mean you still have those trees and you couldn't get to the back and there's nothing there I understand your concern I really do I understand that but as as little as as possible I mean he's not going to do anything with it yeah but my point is this you're asking for a subdivision you're creating a lot that's not fronting on a public Street and you're providing this easement the easement doesn't do us any good if it's full of trees so is that easement or that area you're talking about that's the area that the fire Bureau said has to be unobstructed 100% so it's the trees are going to have to come down landscape papers are going to have to be put in there to Grant access to the back lot it just seems other than that there's nothing to to this right the house is there I thought I didn't even realize it was a problem with the trees I understand what you're saying now but I thought if it was it something built back there well there could be a fire without any structure back there understand I for so that's what I would recommend so that being said Mr howerin are you acceptable to satisfying the fire bureaus if that's what the board I'm assuming you're following Jen's recommendation and and the law if that's what it is that's what it is that's acceptable yes okay any questions just well just on the you recommended the the landscape ties landscape pavers pavers are they are they so they're like open cell pavers so they're like concrete open cell pavers under the ground okay so it looks like grass but they're structurally strong enough to support a truck yep I've I've seen them before okay that'll also support a driveway if they put another 100% yep excellent yeah I think they're like 4 in I'll open it to the massive amounts of people in the public I saw that one obor out there you never know when the door swings open yeah that obor I see anybody peeking in at the door so I'll close the public session and um I will entertain a motion with everything that we've put on the record and discussed make motion okay Miss fiser oh sorry Miss Pike sorry sorry and that's a motion to approve yeah okay second Mr Leia right second yeah we have a motion in a second yep Mr leio yes Mr Mercer yes councilwoman Fischer yes Miss Pike yes and chairman huster yes motion carries thank you all very much and thank for talking to the microphone so I could hear you thank you thank you all right that was the only application this evening um a Master Plan update no sir Okie do um Ron is there any reason for executive session I no Mr chairman okay at this time I will entertain a motion to adjourn in record time I believe Nick you should be the chairman all the time clearly we're out of here in like 10 minutes you're welcome motion to adjourn motion to adjourn thank you I good night thank you very much bu