##VIDEO ID:ONd4ZFHZp_I## [Music] all right hello all right good evening welcome to the township of how planning board meeting for Thursday January 2nd 2025 this is a reorganization meeting and regular meeting uh Eileen opening statement please sure I hereby declare this meeting of the how town planning board to be open adequate notice having been given pursuant to the New Jersey open public meeting act in the following manner first on January 5th 2024 a copy of said notice was emailed to the Asbury Park Press and the Star Ledger second on January 5th 2024 a copy of said notice was hand delivered to the clerk of the township of Howell third on January 5th 2024 said notice was posted in the office of the plan planning board and on the bulletin board in the Howell Township Municipal Building 4567 Route 9 Howell Township New Jersey in accordance with the fire prevention code and your safety please be advised that this facility is designed with two emergency exits which are at the front and rear of the meeting room furthermore smoking is not permitted in the municipal building please take note that this meeting is being videotaped for Poss POS future broadcast on how Township TV 77 thank you thank you um we don't have a chairman yet uh because it's our reorganization so I'm just going to sort of but in and and handle that for the until we elect one uh right now what we're going to do is administer the oats of office so anyone who needs to take the oath if you could please stand raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name I do Solly swear orir I will faithfully impartially and justly I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of the office of planning board member all the duties of the office of planning board member to the best of my ability to the best of my ability and that I will support the Constitution of the United States support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith fath and allegiance to the same Fai faith and aliance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people congratulations I just need those forms back but you can give them to me when we go we just take a roll call yes roll Mr Cristiano pres Mr Greenfield's been excused Mr Carbonic pres Mr Mercer here Mr tannous here Mr reel here councilman Nell here mayor leio here Mr B here Mr Withers has been excused and Mr huster here you have a quum he will take stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence pledge algi to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all okay okay I it's my understanding the board wishes to go into executive session uh so if you could just read the resolution into the record whereas title 10 chapter 4 section 13 of the New Jersey revised statutes requires that the public shall not be excluded from any meetings of a public body unless a resolution authorizing such exclusion is adopted at a public meeting and whereas the planning board of the township of Howell has determined that such a closed meeting is required to discuss certain matters which are Exempted from consideration with the public in attendance under New Jersey revised statutes 10 col 4-12 namely Personnel now therefore be it resolved by the planning board of the township of Howell that the public shall be excluded from the next portion of this meeting and the planning board will reconvene in public session thereafter be it further resolved that minutes will be kept of the meeting in closed session and the time and circumstances under which the discussion conducted in closed session can be disclosed to the public cannot be determined at this time okay do we have anyone moving the motion I'll make a motion to go into executive session is there a second a second okay elen Mr Cristiano yes Mr Carbonic yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tanhouse yes Mr Rebel yes councilman Nell yes mayor leio yes Mr B yes and Mr huster yes motion [Applause] carries the planning board will now reconvene our first order of business will be election of the chairman for 2025 is there a I make motion to nominate Nick huzar as chairman second second second I have a motion to Second Mr Cristiano yes Mr Caron yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tan house yes Mr Rebel yes councilman Nell yes mayor leio yes Mr B yes and chairman huster yes motion carries Mee over all right thanks Ron okay next uh do I have a nomination for vice chairman I like to nominate Vice chair Chris Mercer a second okay we have a second motion on a second Mr Christiano yes Mr Carbonic yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tanhouse yes Mr Rebel yes councilman Nell yes mayor leio yes Mr B yes and chairman huster yes motion carries congratulations okay I need a nomination for secretary nominate Eileen for secretary do I have a second second have a motion in a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr Carbonic yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tanous Mr reel yes councilman Nell mayor leio yes Mr V yes and chairman huster yes motion carries thank you do I have a nomination for Consulting attorney I'll make a nomination for the weer Law Group do I have a second second Mo a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr Caron yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tenan House yes Mr re yes councilman Nell mayor Leia yes Mr V yes and chairman huster yes motion carries I thank the board members thank you Ron um do I have a nomination for Consulting engineer make a nomination for CME to be Consulting engineer do I have a second all right a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr Carbonic yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tanous yes Mr reel yes councilman Nell yes mayor leio yes Mr B yes and chairman yes motion carries thank you do I have a nomination for Consulting planner I'll make a nomination for Lon aacan I'll second it I have a motion a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr Carbonic yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tanin House yes Mr Rebel yes councilman Nell yes mayor leio yes Mr B yes and chairman sir yes motion carries thank you very much you're welcome thank you do I have a nomination for licensed tree expert I'll make a a nomination that CME be the licensed tree expert second second or motion sorry Motion in a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr caronic yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tanous yes Mr R yes councilman nadell yes mayor leio yes Mr V yes and chairman huster yes motion carries thank you and we'll do the next two assignment mously a nomination for both administrative officer and recording secretary I'll nominate uh Eileen do I have a second second I have a motion in a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr Carbonic yes Mr Mercer yes Mr Tan yes Mr R yes councilman Nell yes mayor leio yes Mr B yes and chairman huster yes motion Carri thank you very much thank you um do we need to discuss the meeting dates S no just we just need to approve them as we discussed need a motion I'll make a motion to approve the 2025 to 2026 meeting dates as we discussed call second have a motion a second Mr Cristiana yes Mr cabic yes Mr Mercer yes Mr Tan yes Mr reel yes councilman Nell yes mayor leio yes Mr yes and chairman huster yes motion carries thank you thank you uh official newspapers they were determined by the governing body to be the Asbury Park Press and star l yep uh the environmental commission liaison is myself as I sit on the environmental commission uh the site Review Committee um I'll make a n I'll make a motion to nominate there's no motion that's right never mind yeah so I I'm going to appoint myself as the chairman with Dan Carbonic and Brian tanan house as members and the master plan Review Committee um I am uh appointing Mr Rebel as chairman and Mr Mercer Mr Cristiano as members and on to the regular meeting approval of minutes for the regular meeting December 5th 2024 eligible voters Mr Cristiano mayor legio Mr Mercer Mr Rebel Mr carbanak and myself do I have a motion I'll make a motion have a second second have a motion a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr Carbonic yes Mr Mercer yes Mr reel yes mayor leio yes and chairman huster yes motion carries I any vouchers no vouchers any correspondence yes I have three emails the first one is for Matthew pada he is the attorney for SP 11127 Diversified Acquisitions LLC uh they asked if their if the board adopted their date he could have February 20th and if we could please make it with no further notice and announce it tonight he also granted an extension of time through the end of February if that's okay Mr chairman I'll make the announce sure the application of Diversified Acquisitions LLC sp-11 127 the application will be carried to the boards February 26 20th 20th February 20th 2025 meeting it is a live meeting beginning here in the main meeting room in town hall beginning at 7 o' there'll be no further notice to property owners uh the second email is from John Jackson he's the attorney for case number SP 1123 SMC properties he is also asked for February 20th and ask that that could be carried with no further notice okay application of SMC Properties LLC sp-11 123 be carried to the board's February 20th 2025 meeting there a live meeting 7:00 here in the main meeting room in town hall there will be no further notice to property owners and the last email is from Michael Herbert he's the attorney for case number SD 3013 badar LLC he is also asked for February 20th he's still waiting to hear from his engineer but if we could at least carry it to that date if he has a problem they'll have to go to another date these are the application of badar LLC sd-3 13 will be carried to the board's February 20th 2025 meeting it is a live meeting beginning 7:00 here in the main meeting room in town hall there'll be no further notice to property owners and that is all I have for correspondence thank you any resolutions I have no resolutions okay review of submission waivers before the board case number SP 11133 Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox church it's for preliminary and final site plan good evening Mr chair m board Kenneth Pape on behalf of your applicant there are a list of checklist waivers set forth in cme's letter of December 12 2024 I have had the opportunity to review them with Miss Newman and it's my understanding she has recommendations for the board and I will let the board know that her recommendations are acceptable to the applicant you swear or affirm the testimony about provide this board is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth uh yes I do so Mr chair in the absence of going through what I usually state or report date Mr Pape handled me so the only item I request to be provided is item 60 which is the 2000 foot Downstream drainage analysis um the balance of the items I take no exception to um waving at this time does that require a vote of the board yeah okay that's that's acceptable to the applicant thank you thanks Mr any questions if I'll entertain a motion I'll make a motion I'll second Mr tan house motion a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr Carbonic yes Mr Mercer yes pous yes Mr Rebel yes councilman Mell M mayor Leo yes Mr B yes and chairman huster yes motion carries thank you thank you all good night thank Youk you good night Mr and another submission waiver this evening is case number SP 1034a Gutierrez Properties LLC for preliminary and final major site plan with ancillary variance and design wer relief good evening good evening members of the board happy New Year fetta appearing on behalf of GIS properties the applicant um we have not had a chance to speak about any of the submission waivers but we would defer to the board and be guided by whatever they they say yeah thank you okay you swear or affirm the testimony provide this board is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do so Mr chairman members of the board we have a December 4th 24 review letter the submission waivers are specifically outlined in item three and it does appear that there's a lot of submission waivers but the nature of this is really just storage containers that are going to be going at top gravel so there's not a lot of disturbance so as a result of that I take no exception to the granting of these waivers for the purposes of deeming the application complete got it any questions seeing seeing none I'll yeah I'll entertain a motion I'm make Mr Mercer do I have a second I'll second Mr Cristiano Mr Cristiano yes Mr caronic yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tannin housee yes Mr Rebel yes councilman nadell yes M mayor leio yes Mr B yes and chairman huster yes motion carries thank you all thank you good evening happy New Year all right so there's no applications this evening uh Jennifer master plan status report so what we're going to be faced with um this year I almost said next year what um is the housing element and fair share plan the next affordable housing round is kicking off really at the end of this month there's going to be an action taken by the governing body passing a resolution kind of entering us into the pro into the process and we have until June 30th to adopt a housing element meaning we have to be done with the document by the end of May in order to meet the notice requirements to get us on a public hearing ing in June but that's going to be the focus Master planwise at least for the first half of the year and there's no need to budget for it because uh the preparation my time uh Andy Bayer's time gets paid for out of the trust fund so it doesn't come out of the general fund not to put you on the spot yeah but I'm G to put you on spot okay um typically for public is is one meeting usually enough for these it depends um uh our number is a lot is a lot lower than we anticipated coming out of the DCA and we're still looking at it because what I've been finding is the DCA data is not accurate and the number could potentially be lower um you know do I think we're going to get people out probably I mean it's the nature of the beast but I think that you know it's going to be a less impactful scenario as this past round because past round was 25 years you know from 2 to 2025 and so the numbers were significantly higher which necessitated bigger or more projects than we're going to have to face this time so the goal is um and and we're going to know pretty good before we get to a public hearing if it's going to be super controversial or not but I mean I would definitely anticipate people I do I will anticipate people coming who made proposals want to be in the plan didn't get selected by the governing body to be put in the plan I anticipate them coming but um you know the goal is one one meeting which is why I want to be done by the end of May so that we have you know put it on maybe the first meeting in May and then we have the second meeting if we need to um just to make sure we make that deadline now that's the deadline today some of these deadlines that came out of that legislation are a bit suspect let's just say ambitious even better word even better word um and thus far there's been no changes to that schedule I do think that as this process moves some of those deadlines may get pushed because I think for some communities that the numbers are like in the nines uh I don't know that they're going to be able to pull it together in like a couple months so we'll see but that's the goal that's the master plan uh goal for 25 for now what was the number they gave us 338 so in this process is a location picked for this predetermined the governing body basically decides like we have had uh interested individuals come in and present proposals starting kind of in the fall once the numbers started to come out um so the governing body has or or Administration has a running list of everyone who's come in what their proposal is and where the sites are now that we're into 2025 um you know there's going to be a point where a decision has to be made on which projects are going to go to meet the number and which are not um I would anticipate the number coming down a little bit more because like I said in most of the communities I found that the DCA data is very inaccurate and a lot of the properties had to come off of their list because they were either like a perfect example I did an analysis in hell and like the art center is on the list for affordable housing the median of the parkway is on the list the hospital is on the list like every Church in town is on the list so we took a lot of those properties out before we you know so in those instances those towns are going to challenge the number um which I you know could could be a possibility here but we have to know sooner than later so I would anticipate knowing that early on maybe end of next week um to give direction to the governing body because they have to have a resolution either accepting or rejecting the number by the end of the month and then that really kicks us into how we're going to how we're going to implement it and is the 338 that is that the number that we required or that's the number that we're proposing that's the number that DCA calculated for us and are we able to take advantage of one for one one and one and a halfs and twos if you have certain types of the town is definitely going to take full advantage of the bonus structure be you know you do get bonuses but the bonus structure has changed so where you used to get two for one credit for a rental unit that is no longer the case got it you get like a half a credit per unit if you're close to mass transportation you get a half a credit per unit if you're in a Redevelopment area but the two for one is over at this point no see no no senior housing benefits uh they did increase the senior cap typically it was a 25% cap on your obligation could be addressed with senior that moved up to 30% it's a modest increase um I will tell you that you know how had successfully extended controls at friendship Gardens which is 100 credits that we already have on the ground and all 100 controls were extended so we're able to take credit for those again so it's not new rooftops so that definitely takes a big chunk of that obligation out um and then it's just a matter of ultimately what the number winds up being what will happen is if we challenge the number in March the program which is like the regulatory body that's overseeing this has a dispute resolution process which in which that kind of is negotiated between the town I'm sure fair share housing center will have a comment any other interested individuals and the and the court and anything for our veterans did they put anything in the regulation so you can satisfy 50% Ron of your obligation through Veterans but you I don't think it I don't think it provides you like any bonus it's just you can do that bonus but it's a preference correct so so once again our for the record once again the state of New Jersey doesn't take priorities so it's going to be interesting because they they've modified the process kind of and now they're kind of going backwards a little bit because now initially it was going to be handled the way it was more in the second round when Co was constituted and you kind of go back and forth but just recently they there was some kind of determination that now a declaratory judgment action is also going to have to be filed so it's still kind of keeping things in the Court's Jurisdiction so we'll see how it goes it' be nice if Trenton just made New Jersey affordable yeah you know I can understand the PNC Bank art center and churches but for the life of me I can't understand how the parkway median well I think that considered like I I've been trying to figure it out cuz some of the other ones in other other towns are just like but like they're Parcels of land right look at Parkway median because the human didn't do it they just threw it into a program that's what it's a lot of a lot of towns have so which I anticipate a lot of our numbers based on when you have let's just say a cluster development right so you cluster down the development and then you deed restrict the common open space so you're going to say like Deerwood Park correct there and so a lot of those are going to have to come out because it looks like a developable parcel and the people that did the analysis don't have any history on how that property came to be so it's Our obligation to show them this should not be included because it's deed restricted as common open space so it's you know it's not ideal but that is going to enable us to take some of the properties out I guess DCA employees don't have access to Google Earth well but it just looks vacant you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah what they're doing in in San Francisco you have a house and then say you have like two lots between your house and the next house that's making you put up they homeless homeless and affordable in between you and the other houses they're forcing you so think about that I don't know if Danny and Uncle Jesse would have done that but understand like that's like in the real blue States the real park that's what they're doing all right anything else folks do I have a motion to adjourn yeah motion yeah make a motion thank you all right guys