##VIDEO ID:-vg1x10tGZ4## [Music] [Music] time 6:03 PM October 1st 20124 call this meeting to Al Township Council to order the open statement please this meeting is being held in accordance with public law 1975 chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate notice has been provided and the Mana prescribed by law this agenda is complete to the extent known and formal action will be taken I'll begin with a roll call Council Fisher here councilman gager here Council oon here Deputy Mayor n here and mayor Burger this evening is there reason to go to ex T yes there is we have a litigation update and the contractual negotiation update motion to go to a second Council Fisher yes Council G yes Council o yes mayor yes time is 7:07 p.m. October 1st 2024 going to reconvene our meeting I'll begin with the roll call councilwoman fer here councilman gager here councilwoman oon here Deputy Mayor n here and may bur stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and a United States of America the Reps nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all start with a proclamation for five prevention Mon it's going to be R to the record by fire chief Brian now the how are you so five prent month five week uh whereas the town of how is committed to ensuring the Safety and Security of all those living and visiting our community and whereas fire is a serious Public Safety concern both locally and nationally and homes are the locations where people are the greatest risk in fire home fir has killed more than 2,700 people in the United States in 2022 according to the National Fire Protection Association and fire departments in in the United States responded to 360,000 Home Fires and whereas roughly three out of five fire Death happen in homes with either no smoke alarms or with no smoke with no working smoke alarms working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying reported Home Fires almost in a half and where smoke alarm start smoke well before you can alerting you to danger in event of a fire which you may have as L as two minutes to Escape seat whereas howage of residents should install smoke alarms in every sleeping room outside each sleeping area and on every level of their home how of residents will make sure their smoke alarms meet the needs of all their family members including those with sensory and physical disabilities and whereas hitach resident should test smoke alarm at least once a month and whereas residents who have planned and practiced a home Fire Escape Plan are more prepared and will therefore be likely to survive a fire and whereas HCI First Responders are dedicated to reducing the occurrence home of Home Fires and home fire injuries to prevention and protection education whereas hot residents are responsive to public education measures and able to take personal steps to increase their safety from fire especially in their homes and whereas the 2024 Fire Prevention Week theme smoke alarms make them work for you serve to remind us of the importance of having working smoke alarms in the home now therefore the governing body of the attachment of how on behalf of du hereby proclaims October 6 through 12 2024 is far preven week in hitach and Ur all residents of hitach to make sure their homes have working smoke alarms and to support the many public safety activities and efforts of how concious fire and emergency services so um once again want to thank you guys for giving me opportunity to to talk a little about fire prevention fire safety um we hear a lot about fire prevention and fire safety just in the month of October specifically the the first week of October during the designated fire convention week um but we know that fire safety you know is an important aspect throughout the entire year and it should be practiced by everyone you know regularly um we hear so many times that smoke alarm save lives and we still continue to see in the news and in the headlines of a tragedy occurring due to the lack of the presence of working smoke alarms um just by having that simple device a lot of people do take for granted not realizing that it can change the through the course of of uh of their life God forbid their experience of fire or another s emergency within their home so um thank you guys for the opportunity to to present this tonight to read this entire record um I thank the administration the council for their efforts and and their support in my staff and my office in promoting fire prevention um throughout the year in all of our community restruction efforts um specifically to our most vulnerable um in our in our young Adolescent and school age children as well as to our seniors uh so it's important that we mes out to them and uh we have references we have resources available to those that may be in need of smoke alarms reach out to my office uh we have programs in place where we can assist you in obtaining uh the smoke alarms if you don't have the needs to get one for certain qualifying uh residents as well programs in place to help you install them um through the division of fire safety as well as the campaign that we're we're working on with the the Red Cross so again thank you guys for the opportunity and uh have a good night thank you Bri I I have a question for you you're the expert we talk about smoke alarms it's smoke alarms now do you also recommend monoxide and dioxide so carbon monoxide detectors should be installed in conjunction with your fire your smoke BB yes absolutely um smoke carbon monoxide detector required for any you know dwelling that has a fuel burning Appliance know um they recommend to be installed in the area sleeping rooms I can tell you right now personally I have on every level of my home because that's all my Fel burning appliances are the attic in your basement in your in your kitchen areas youring room so um you know the more the marer right so yeah so in conjunction with smoke alarms you should have working to car an outside infection as well and they should be tested regularly once a month we should be testing all our detectors to make sure they're functioning and sounding um because they make different sounds some people aren't familiar with what those sounds mean um a huge campaign during the pandemic was was um learn the sounds of fire safety because when everybody was doing virtual learning in the background of everybody's virtual learning were the churchs and smoke alarms wow so there was another aspect of what do those sounds mean what are they telling us you know little maintenance goes a long way to protect your family um from the events of the fire so it's important yeah we take it for granted um a lot of times you know through annoyance and uh you know it always it never fails it's always 3 in the mornings when they go off never never in the afternoon but again you know little maintenance a little proactiveness will go a long way to to protect everybody so thank you appreciate have a good night the only CHP in Middle uh move on to acceptance am minutes September 17 2024 regular executive session I'll make a motion I'm sorry to accept um September regular and executive session minutes have a second second Council fer yes councilman G yes Council Moon yes Deputy Mayor D yes thank you report of Township officials Mr CLK thank you Deputy Mayor I have a few announcements so H Township recycling center in cooperation with mou County will host a tire drop off for Howell Township residents only tires must be uh 18 in or less and without rims resident ID is requ required and the limit is four car tires program starts today and will run approximately 2 weeks the H Township recycling center is open Tuesday through Sunday 7:30 a.m. through 3 P.M and you can contact our DPW for more information um our Fall Fest and Optimus Club of how annual car show is coming up October 19th at Oak Glenn have live music uh from the Eddie test sand food trucks uh beer and wine from the how PBA uh we have some new fire pets that we've been itching to try out so we'll have them there going to be rides and a pie baking contest so anybody who might want to join the pie baking contest we have the entry form online uh fill it out we have three categories Apple classic pumpkin uh for the fall and just regular fruit High blueberry whatever Cherry um and that will be on the same day as Fall Fest and we will have some of our governing body as judges Halloween decorating contest October 22nd through the 27th uh entry forms are available at town hall or online uh we've had a great turnout the past few years so we're looking forward to that again turkey trots coming up November 17th this is our third year I think now so uh registration or the check in at the race will be at uh 8:00 a.m. the race starts at 9: and if you go to the township website you will see where you can sign up I would read it but it's pretty long but basically it's runsignup.com and then you can kind of search for how in there um and that is it for my updates just one note for landlords in um we've obviously been having a lot of rental issues so one of the ordinances we passed this year was to require an annual Co inspection uh for the rental certificate as opposed to just the change of tency or ownership um the idea is that uh there's a lot of work being done in homes without permits there's a lot of occupancy issues um and there in the interest of public health and safety we're going to start doing inspections every year this is about the season October November is when everyone starts sending in landlord registrations and we have to process 1,400 of those in short order um right now don't submit any of your land registrations my office is going to be reaching out in bunches throughout the year um so ultimately you're going to get a pass this for from dur land registration we're going to get a couple hundred rentals every month in the system then you'll do a combined land registration and Rental C application which will carry the inspection requirement we're going to do it all in one shot but we're doing them in bunches throughout the year um so no need to re-register like you're used to um so just a little PSI for the landlords thanks any legal updates no cl's office uh yes the last day to register to vote is Tuesday October 15th like to open up the floor for hearing of citizens and public comments each person shall first give their name and address to the clerk the council should be addressed as a collective body and not as individual members each person shall have one turn to address the council and comments shall not exceed total of 5 minutes speakers shall be notified when their time has run and no time extensions shall be permitted would anyone like to come up see none have a motion to close public comment motion to close second all fa uh information and comments by elected officials uh I just had one man I have a question for I should have brought up in the back you know recently we had a couple places that you caught doing work I mean serious work without anything uh what happened to with them I know you you shut them down but like what yeah it depends on the nature um each one could be a little different if this is just an owner doing significant work and we either get a complaint or we come across it um building department will go out as well as code enforcement um so building department can issue uniform construction code violations so they'll issue a stop or order violations and penalties depending on if they're doing electrical work Plumbing work building um anything that triggers the fire code as well so all of that will be looked at by the building department um code enforcement will also go out there's any zoning issues or code enforcement if it's if it's being used as a rental immediately there'll be summonses for occupancy without um if if it is being occupied occupancy without rental Co occupancy without landl registration um if it's not a rental and there's still zoning issues maybe uh bedrooms being added or something that triggers the zoning ordinance as well we issue violations for that um then the uccc stock walk order um stands until it's lifted until they come in with submission of plans permits uh are issued uh then they can start work again what happens uh to all the work they did prior to that it'll have to be it'll have to be inspected um and if they've done so much that some of it's enclosed they'll have to take down drywall and show us what was done okay if I may um I just want to congratulate um and thank the township C fetcher DPW for the uh great success that holiday was I mean I might be biased but I feel like it was probably one of the best ones ever the food trucks were busy the lines were long that's a good thing um the kids the children on the rides the the music the live F just the weather was perfect just it was a great day so thank you to all don't forget the fire Bureau for fireworks and fire Bure thank you yes I I will just just very quickly it's everybody has come together on this and I know you know Brian's been busy with the fireworks but I think that's an awesome addition early you know on Stephen was sort of tasked with almost The Impossible um and he really has come through in a big way and you're right DP W the PD everybody has really pitched in and made it great and there's more to come and we are looking to kind of get stepen some help so we'll be talking to you guys behind the scene about that and uh yeah Fall Fest is going to be a fantastic event and just keep your eyes open for one or two things in the winter yeah I mean it's a it's a it's a a coordination but Stephen is just really stepped up all year I mean I also have something um Deputy Mayor um uh Mr Clark I understand that this time of the year at election time uh sometimes things may be in the public that may not be totally correct uh maybe they're misunderstood or they're put on a different websites and so I thought that it might be a good thing to ensure that that all the residents have the accurate information because certainly how Township residents deserve the truth so if you would indulge me in some of the questions that I have if you'd be kind enough to answer them publicly of course so the uh one of the things that uh has come to light that I would like to make sure that we know the you know the actual uh steps and Truth is the victory road so the application the original application on Victory Road uh was for a solar form is that correct that is correct okay so it was brought before the zoning board and it was denied uh they needed a variance and did not get it is that correct that that's correct it was uh correct solar farm was proposed uh needed a variance and it was subsequently di denied by the zoning board okay so then some of the residents including Betty Lou gimbal opposed the solar farm and is that correct that is correct there was opposition to the solar farm um and during the pendency of that application not just the obors but the township and everybody else Happ to be watching that particular application was notified that if the solar farm wasn't put in if it wasn't approved that they would pivot to a permitted use which at the time was a warehouse and they had a fully conforming application ready to present okay so even before that the deal was the uh deal occurred or the den and the deal was occurring um and while the solar application was pending the applicant stated that if the solar field was denied that he would bring forth a fully um conforming application for the warehouse is that correct that's correct that's what was said Okay I want to just be totally clear and accurate so bear with me so the application was deemed by the zoning board um it was correct in the application and then denied correct the solar farm application was that's correct so most recently the planning board sorry so most recently the planning board unanimously deemed that the warehouse application was correct is that now correct so most recently um as promised when the solar farm application was denied the applicant came forward with a fully conforming application for a warehouse on site um the planning board heard a lot of testimony there was obors testimony given and ultimately the application was voted upon recently and unanimously denied correct so the warehouse application was denied so at this point in time would it be your opinion that the applicant is likely um to sue the planning board I would almost guarantee it I mean I I think that that's a almost a foregone conclusion based on the application being denied sure so the law now that law suit will cost the taxpayers money and um I would assume I would be correct in that assumption yeah of course um you know assuming that the planning board is named it's it comes out the planning board budget so yeah it will be taxpayer money being spent on the defense is there a chance that the planning board could um could lose the case if that if that did so go to so so let me see if I I just to make sure I understand that could the if the so the planning Ro will go to court they lose the case and could then there be an approved Warehouse on site yes there could be so one of the Alternatives would be that okay and then um going along with that so if that's being done how do we well then how do we address the warehouse at that point so at that point so if there's a court ordered approval then we're sort of without recourse right because it's so right now what we're trying to do is negotiate a resolution with the developer ahead of time right now everybody's sort of in a state of flocks there's uncertainty surrounding the nature of the application um I can't get into it too much even though I'm not the attorney on this anymore um everybody's kind of doing the behind the scenes scoring what's the likelihood of success what's it look like we have talked to the developer previously about a purchase of the property we're still going to explore that so it's costly and one of the ways we're looking to defay the cost and I will say this now because there was a vote on the application um we're looking to put solar on it and to generate Revenue as a result of that which would help defray the cost of the township purchasing it for the period that the solar installation would be there um we're also exploring other opportunities and terms of financing it so that the taxpayers aren't settled with you a huge burden in terms of that but yeah we're looking to get rid of a warehouse and to get open space for the town and to do it in a way that's fiscally prooved all right so then we come up at that point now I think we're about in 2022 so then we we undertook the uh master plan it was completed and we passed a number of ordinances right so so this I think this goes to so this is sort of what happened with other warehouses previously um you know prior to back when mon with commerce was sort of still a thing we did a master plan reexamination um we had originally tried to ban warehouses in the town um we got to the point where the ordinance had been introduced but not adopted the night of the adoption we had not too many residents show up uh in support of the ban uh I think it was three or four and there was an army of lawyers who did show up uh to oppose the ban so at that point we decided that um you know Discretions probably the better part of valor and we would reexamine the master plan and see if there was was a way that we could deal with the warehouses um without subjecting ourselves to costly litigation that we would again it would be an open issue if we were able to win it so we had our planner do a master plan reexamination from there we passed a suite of ordinances that address things like the proper zones for warehouses uh the types so that we don't have what everybody thinks of as these Amazon type distribution centers where you know cars in Cars out um and the size so that's that's where we are currently in terms of dealing with the warehouses um I can tell you in terms of the warehouse applications that have been approved and that may be the subject of litigation currently we are talking to that developer as well um about developments other than warehouses uh we shared a little bit an executive session tonight we're not ready to discuss it in public but it's a pivot off of the warehouse and onto potentially some other type of development so we're looking to deal with the situation as best we can okay all right then further with Victory Road in 2023 um we looked at the zones again and for Victory Road uh that particular parcel we then changed it to a rv6 is that correct that's correct okay and so that would bring us to the present and as mentioned uh we are seeking to purchase the Victory Road parcel and then exploring you know that uh placement for the SE as you just stated all right um correct so so there's a a fair number of moving Parts with the solar but uh we think we've found a partner on it um you know we've got a couple of other points to negotiate with them and that's G to be Caitlyn's wheelhouse so yeah I can't I can't go into too much detail on that okay so we are in talk with other Developers and we're trying our best to come up with a formula that will uh well we're trying to see what the developers what their opinions are and also what's available other than warehouses so we are trying to deviate to something um that we would feel be substantial to the town as a whole so the talks are moving on and um I anticipate that there's going to be continuing talks and hopefully we will be in a better situation other than simply just the warehouse so another topic that has been um discussed during this season especially which is uh probably expected as it's typically called the Silly Season are the farm ordinances so specifically The Proposal of allowing Farms to hold special events and I'd like to uh clarify some of the issues that have come up along the way sure I'll try and answer as best I can Matt's probably a little more conversent in some of it than I am so we'll pingpong it back and forth depending that's fine I just want to get to the bottom okay um and so then isn't it true that you and the others uh we held several meetings in the past year especially to work on a plan to make um this happened where the Farms could have special events and other events that would be applicable to their properties yeah that's correct we've been in discussion with a few proper property owners looking to do this probably even more than a year I mean we've really started working on ordinances in the past about a year ago now um but master plan talks started you know couple years before that uh in the same round as the warehouse changes that uh manager clerk just mentioned so it's been a topic on our mind for a while okay uh I became familiar mostly because I'm a Farmland preservation so around last October November I became involved that's Hing to expedite or at least um you know carry the information back and forth so I'm really dealing with the time period that I experience mostly so um anyway one of the issues that was discussed as to whether or not the farmers uh I'm sorry would need plan approval uh from the planning board is that correct yeah our position has always been that this is a commercial use um we could tie it to farming and we're we're trying to do that I know that's not always been the view um from the people that want to do it um but it's a commercial use inviting the public onto the property so for the interest of public health and safety we've always deemed that Seline approval was applicable um even o over time that we've established that the regulations call for that and even more so when we talk to some more towns recently that are getting into this a bit more then it's not inconsistent site plan is definitely being pushed um around our area that's the requirment so it it it seemed to me as we went along this process that Administration was trying to make it simple and to specifically fit different Siz farms and to meet the uh opinion that came down originally that preserve Farms could hold special events so do you think that based on what we've done in the past year that we've pressed or put any undue and unnecessary payment suffering or those that were trying to in fact protect and the health and the quality of life and the safety for all residents and Howell I definitely don't think we've done that and I would I don't think any of any of us would be doing our jobs if we did um it's a complex matter land use law doesn't catch up to these Trends there's a lot of Trends out there uh a bunch on farm specifically that isn't necessarily consistent with the farming 20 years ago and our right to farm orance or or the general farming activities that we're used to um Municipal land you saw catches up slow zoning catches up slow ordinances are slow um we've turned out three different versions of ordinances in a year um it's taken a lot of work a lot of input from the public um and we've really made great strides we tried to do it early on with a number of 30 people per guest but it was our idea in the first place to try and do it a of approval to avoid the site plan for the small sites the small parties that we could you know feel comfortable with approving um obviously that was meant with a l of opposition um we wish that maybe we had passed those ordinances so that we could have had a years under our belt years's worth of experience um but here we are we're not there yet um we hope to get there soon enough so uh for and especially the meetings that I've attended so I'm speaking to this on firsthand um the former Representatives that did come to the meetings um including Mrs gimbal had opposed uh nearly every proposal that was set forth and uh especially there was the one proposal that was set forth could have been in place uh last December I believe would have been the second reading for the smaller group Gatherings and that was not um met with open arms uh and the objective against safety Health wellbeing quality for how so it was put down by the representatives and is that correct yeah that's correct um again we had 30 people in our first number we were comfortable with that with outsite plan obviously that number wanted to be higher um we we started with presentations in the St room about the right to farm laws and all the different overlapping regulations and we could never kind of um get on the same page in terms of what the township was willing to accept in terms of liability uh and and our responsibility to oversee um either through site plan or inspections or what have you we were never able to get on the same page we tried to do some general ordinances we didn't want to include things like on Farm direct marketing which is a different B of wax we knew it was we didn't want to kind of get too granular um but we had to after a while um you know instead of trying to you know generally approve something and see how it works we really had to dig in on the details and understand the regulations and none of them are built for what is wanting to be done here um whether it's your preserved soe special occasion event through the state on preserved Farms it still requires Municipal approval Right to Farm doesn't cover these activities Right to Farm covers something totally different but similar um it's just incredibly complex um there's a lot of uh avoidance of responsibility in the regulations and it is all flowing down to the township and like I said before haven't been able to get on the same page to just say how important that is and how we need to stick to our guns in terms of saying site plan approval is needed we need to make sure these are safe so is your opinion that the right to F was never in the crosshairs it was never uh disregarded Right to Farm has always been steadfast in this in this Township absolutely so we have two right to Farms to consider the state right to farm and the township Right to Farm Township Right to Farm chapter 244 in the the ordinance you can it yourself it covers your farming activities protects Farmers from complaints on Dust noise um related to insecticide and pesticide use um and it's everything for your agricultural output of your farm in terms of retail and wholesale that's what it covers um and it kind of goes through a bunch of different uh items in there but it doesn't extend beyond you're retailing the products you produce from your farm so you go to the state um and I sat through agricultural management practice hearings several years ago where they confirmed weddings Milestone events and birthday parties are not right to our activities there's clearly a void there and the void is we're trying to fill it with ordinances instead of just saying forget it you have to go for use variants um and then in terms of the other right to farm activities we're following the guidance that the state puts out and the county in saying that Municipal approvals come first again there's a gap there where it's clear everything's flowing down to the municipality the county and the state wants you to start at the Town get your approval whether you need relief or whether you need something different in that that approval that's when right the Farm is there for you not a lot of people understand that they think if they qualify in their minds that it's an automatic uh approval that it's automatic coverage it doesn't work that way um and we're trying to get that message out so at this point everything that's been proposed in the past year has been totally rejected and at this point we don't have anything that's really standing firm in terms of any of the oran at this point is that correct I think we have some firm ordinances I think they're good ordinances that we can work off of and gain some experience right now those are being challenge for mediation and we can't talk about that publicly right so we haven't passed anything though we're we're working towards that goal um and just to make a broader point about all of this and this sort of goes to what councilwoman fiser had said about the township events they're these are they're great events that we want the Farms to hold the I mean it it brings howl you know it brings people to howl it it helps Elevate the township and the eyes of mmth County so why wouldn't we want them every Farm should be having these events but just like we need to follow certain rules when we hold our own events we have that same expectation on the farms and that's the point that we're trying to get to and so when we're sort of challenging at every turn is either overly Draconian or that we don't understand what we're talking about or that we're just outright wrong when we have consulted with the state and we have consulted with the county and they have confirmed the correctness of our position it gets a little bit frustrating um and we are anxious and in a hurry as I know all of you are and to get these Farms up and running so that people can come to how and see just how great it is here so all right so of all the things that were introduced nothing's bit acceptable and by way of this when we've introduced something um now we have other businesses that are questioning um the purview of what's being asked or not being asked of FS that was asked of them so in a sense now we're looking now we have some uh issue with being unfair to some of the ex existing businesses um CU a larger well do you feel that that's a fair assessment yeah we we've received the one um formal objection to some of the ordinances we put out that they were too overly um permitting in terms of uh too many guests and not enough oversight in the sense that we weren't doing our due diligence and due diligence by that I mean your site planeview um the buffering the storm water management the Landscaping everything that's so important in our ordinance that our boards do not like to Grand variances to we were not giving a fair opportunity for those boards to hear the applications and we weren't giving a fair opportunity to the other businesses that did have to do that there was one formal objection to that but those ordinances didn't go unnoticed in the community in the overall how Community because um other people are starting we starting to see that how LAX we were being on one side um meanwhile all those things are applicable for every other commercial business every other zoning board and plan board application and um trying to carve out such a such a hole didn't go unnoticed okay so after all of this now we've returned back to the drawing board and we're actually practically well we are starting over because we have to now introduce ordinances that uh will will be acceptable uh to meet State Statute federal statute our uh ordinances with business other businesses in town and something that is suitable to the group of farmers that have been involved in this process so right now we have introduced ordinances they've been tabled um all our mediation we're talking with our professionals we had several meetings so far we have some more to go um to address some of the issues that are being brought up in mediation hopefully there won't be a wholesale change to the ordinances but it's too early to tell yeah and just to key off of that so obviously we're the Garden State right farming and Farms hold a special place in New Jersey um and they are given special protections and we're trying to work within the confines of that while also protecting health safety and Welfare um you know obviously we can't let one suffer for the benefit of the other and it's a at balance so at this point we still have now we have the group appealing um I just said now we're in mediation so now we're the appeal went to the state so now we are basically stagnated and going further is that correct yeah we're we're sort of yeah we're we're not moving them forward we haven't been able to get them on the agenda we're working with our professionals um to try and address the concerns that were articulated um so we're really trying we're really trying to avoid litigation on the matter um it's expensive for the taxpayer we just talked about litigation just a few minutes ago on another subject there was threats of litigation on these ordinances the different versions and we don't want to do that I we really want to work with um the community and get this right the first time um or the fourth time wherever we are uh but uh we're trying to avoid undu unduly uh taxing the taxpayer further and I do have another uh con or question so when I go to these meetings as a preservation firly preservation Task Force member and we we merg both group I say wait they're meeting both groups together really for the sake of getting the information out quickly and also sometimes one of the Committees hinges upon what the next committee would like to do or the information flows much better when everything body's in the same room but um from the F Farmers uh perspective in the group who would actually be uh leading this charge because I don't see it being the chairperson of the committee on the civilian side not administratively I mean well we have the former advisory committee um so it should be the chairman um and it should be that should be the cond for information to the governing body should be okay I just thought that Mrs gimble was sort of taking a lead on much of this in terms of the ordinances I I mean we've had several residents and several Farmers speak out yes Mrs gim has been one um we have a few members of the farming Community within the mediation session as well um yeah it's because we really need to move I know you agree I know you understand but we need to move all of this forward because now we have things that cannot be done by Farms by way of um the mediation process that's in place and other things so I hope that the next year brings together some more open minds and that um when we bring forth an ordinance as we did last year for one of the group of farmers that could have had a certain amount of people to certain parties um the amount was not what the group as a whole wanted but the farm that was actually this was not designed for but designed around because they were the ones that actually had a certain amount of people that they were looking to do so they were denied any ordinance so in the past year they've been able to do nothing so it's unfair to some of the group groups of people um you know if it's four or five ordinances then it should be dealt with really individually and I don't think that anyone or any one group should be formulating you know one thought process and keeping any one group from getting further ahead so hopefully that mindset uh will change and we'll be able to move forward and I'm hoping that um the information that's given out in the future is accurate and timely and I have I felt that administrative has administration's been uh very forthright and sometimes when things AR unpopular they're met with great resistance but we have to look at the greater the greater good and every ordinance farming any ordinance you know the health the welfare and the quality of life for how it's always in the Forefront so while we have to deal with the state we also have to remember that our main thrust and our responsibility is the entire town so that's very very important um there's also the matter of the uh cosos and the continuing inspections and I know that the deputy mayor has been working with you uh closely on a lot of these meetings so um could you give an update on something or uh what's happened in the most recent past you know so that every body's aware of where where you are well I just going to touch on this uh when you're finished um so ordinance number 41 that's going to be introduced tonight uh this goes back to I think last year that we had a resident speaking during open comment saying how a lot of these rentals with the new homeowners are committing mortgage fraud insurance fraud didn't really know how to go after them especially being a Township we cannot enforce federal law here um recently about a week or two ago another Resident approached me and inform me that these mortgage agreements where residents are buying houses as their primary residents that is all public information they're all legal documents that are posted on the County website most of these when you're buying as your primary residents is there was a requirement that says that you have to live there within 60 days for a minimum period of one year we are having some of these houses that are accessible by public record that are applying for goes long before that period even hits so by so this new ordinance will now require them to give us permission from the mortgage company granting these landlords permission to rent it out during the period that they agreed upon that they would be moving in as residents so we don't want to be complicit any of the fraud because if something happens and the mortgage company says you were renting this out without permission Insurance may not pay out to make a code and say hey the town gave us a rent rental Co you know we're going to be on the hook so moving forward once this is hopefully adopted at our next meeting if a house has a mortgage and you're trying to rent it out you have to provide proof from the mortgage company that that's going to be permitted simple as that so it's it's a legal agreement that these home buyers are signing up for possibly due to better rates better insurance rates investment properties have higher interest rates if they want to buy it for the purpose of a rental so buying it claiming that's your primary residence and you're going to rent that out it's not going to happen anymore here and you're not going to get your rental Co and if again code enforcement's been working hard and thank you guys for getting this ordinance on the agenda tonight I know it was very recent that we came up with this so it's good to get this moving if Matt needs more help there uh hopefully we can figure something out we're we're looking at exactly that but I I was this was this is a great one I I think this is going to be really helpful and just like you said nobody's getting the co unless we get permission from the mortgage or telling us that it's okay for it to be rental it's I think it just makes it very easy um for us now to take a look at it and say just exactly like you said we have to deal with the rentals so and again it'll stop the new ones from coming in committing this fraud and we're also going to start going back through our roles and crosschecking all the records all right on that note we'll go on to the consent agenda items uh does anyone want to pull anything to vote separately all right we have a motion to vote for r24 352 through r24 364 I'll make a motion second Council offer yes counc G yes Council yes Deputy Mayor yes thank you consent resolutions passed resolutions to be voted r24 365 I have a motion motion to accept resolution r24 d365 I'll second the motion to accept Council Fisher yes Council G yes Council yes Deputy Mary ell yes thank you the resolution passes resolution r24 366 may have a motion I'll make a motion second Council fer yes councilman G yes Council yes Deputy man yes than the consent excuse me the resolution passes go to unfinished business public hearing adoption of ordinances ordinance 24-36 ordinance amending chapter 7-14 of the revised General ordinances of the township of power to prohibit certain vehicles from parking in public parking lots the public hearing on this ordinance is now open anyone wish to comment please come up seeing none motion to close public motion to close public second all in favor I I motion to adopt ordinance 24-36 I'll make a motion to adopt 2436 second councilman Fisher yes councilman AER yes Council yes mayor Nell yes thank you or is adopted ordinance 24-37 ordinance amending chapter 7 or the revised General ordinances of the township of how to prohibit parking of inoperable vehicles on public streets public hearing is now open anyone wish to comment please come up seeing none have motion to close motion to close second all in favor have a motion to adopt ordinance 2437 I make a motion to adopt ordinance 24-37 second motion councilman Fisher yes Council G yes Council yes Deputy Mayor Mell yes thank you the ordinance is adopted ordinance 24-38 ordinance amending chapter 7-3 of the revised General ordinances of the township of house to prohibit certain vehicles from parking on public streets or Township owned properties public hearing is open any wish to come please come up seeing none have a motion to close public motion to close public second all in favor I motion to adopt ordinance 24-38 I'll make a motion to adopt ordinance uh 243 388 is there a second second Council Fisher yes Council G yes Council yes Deputy May yes thank you the ordinance is adoptable ordinance 24-39 ordinance amending chapter 220 of the revised General ordinances of the township pal to prohibit camping and sleeping in public streets and on public property public hearing is now open anyone wishes to comment please come up seeing none we have a motion to close public motion to close public second all in favor have motion to adopt the ordinance 24-39 a motion to adopt ordinance 2439 second councilman Fisher yes councilman D yes Council yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes thank you the ordinance is adopted introduction of ordinances ordinance 2440 Capital ordinance providing for recreation improvements to Oakland Park and appropriating $330,000 therefore authorized in and by the township of how in the county of month New Jersey I have a motion to introduce motion introduce perance 24-40 I'll second that motion Council offer yes counciler yes Council no yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes the ordinance is properly introduced ordinance 2441 ordinance of the town of Howell County of Monmouth state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 178 of the Township Code entitled housing code rental property may have a motion to introduce the I'll make a motion introduce councilman Fisher yes councilman gusher yes Council M yes Deputy Mayor n yes the ordinance is properly introduced ordinance 24-42 ordinance authorizing traffic enforcement upon real property located at 9 Court in accordance with the request of the property owner we have motion to introduce I'll make a motion to introduce second Council Fisher yes Council gazer yes Council yes yes the ordinance is prly introduced ordinance 2443 ordinance authorizing traffic enforcement upon real poy located at 96 Industrial Court in accordance with the request of the property owner we have a motion to introduce motion to introduce ordinance 24- 43 a second councilman Fisher yes Council Fisher yes Council yes Deputy May yes the ordinance is properly introduced the next regularly scheduled council meeting will take place on October 15 2024 executive session begins at 6 regular session will begin at 7 is there any further business before I ask for a motion to adjourn yes I'd just like to repeat uh to remind everyone that the PBA their October Fest this Saturday at the Girl Scout camp uh location on yellow road so tickets are available and possibly you could buy them at the door as well but I would double check that on their flyer always a great time s any no further business have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I