##VIDEO ID:9egYlUY_VTk## e [Music] [Music] good morning and happy New Year today is January 1st 2025 the time is 10:10 a.m. and my name is Diane festino as Howell Township's municipal clerk I hereby call this reorganization meeting of the Howell Township Council to order this meeting is being held in accordance with public law 1975 chapter 231 open public meeting act adequate notice has been provided by placing the notice of this meeting to the Asbury Park Press and the Star Ledger for December 20th 2024 this agenda is complete to the extent known and formal action will be taken we will now begin with the O of office for our newly elected Mayor John legio the [Applause] office the oath of office will be administered by Thomas [Applause] Russo two you all right John hello raise your right hand repeat to me I John legio I John legio do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all duties of Mayor all duties of May to the best of my ability to the best of my ability and then I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey constitution of the state of New Jersey and I'll will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States the governments established in the United States and in this state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God congratulations mayor thank you [Applause] I can [Applause] oh course [Applause] mayor would you like to say a few words remarks remarks remarks thought was well I'm new at this so I want to just start off start off start off by saying Happy New Year to everyone uh wishing you all health peace and happiness for uh 2025 it's important to have that in your life for balance and and family and uh if I get a little emotional up here uh just bear with me um there's a few people that aren't here today my mother-in-law and my father have passed on and they this would have been a big day for them I think uh my father especially being an immigrant from uh Sicily coming here in 1969 on first generation and my sister and brother born in America so uh and it's uh just a good day for everyone right it's a nice day so I promised my son Vinnie that I wasn't going to do this but it's got to get done I'm going to take a take a take something from our Mr uh trump our fantastic new [Applause] president all right he he deserves that he worked very hard and there's a lot of people in this room who are very very happy about the outcome to uh move this country back to some normaly normal you know normal normal normaly and uh common sense and you know stuff that has been lost under this uh you know left agenda so we don't have to get there um so good morning to the good people of how Township honored guests friends and members of the council and administration um I stand before you today with immense gratitude humility and deep sense of responsibility uh being entrusted with the opportunity to serve as mayor it's uh an honor of my lifetime today works the beginning of a new chapter in how Township having taken his oath I am reminded of the rich history of our community the resilience of our residents and the bright future that lies ahead to the good people of how my promise to you is simple I will leave with honesty and integrity rest assure that every single decision I make will be guided what is is by what is best for our town as a whole uh to our seniors and veterans that I have spoken to countless times um the ones that are struggling down with various issues I I promise you you know I heard your concerns and I will work with my fellow council members uh to ensure the best solutions for your um your your trouble times that lie ahead whether it's taxes or housing or food or just just many issues that's unfortunate for our seniors and Veterans and um I think we could do a better job as a Township and uh at the county level we do a great job at the county level but maybe we could do a little bit better so uh that being said to the members of our Police Department EMS fire thank you for your unwavering dedication and service to this town you are the backbone of this [Applause] community you guys are the backbone of the community and I am committed to providing you with not only my support but the resources necessary to keep Howell safe moving forward to my fellow fellow council members in administration I thank you for your service to our town I look forward to working with you all I invite all of you to be part of this journey share your ideas voice your concerns and hold me accountable leadership is not about one person it's about a collective effort my door will always be open and I will always be ready to listen in closing I would like to thank my wife and my two sons for their unwavering support and of course to the residents of hell for giving me the opportunity um together we will make our community an even better place to live work and raise our families the future of Hell starts today thank [Applause] you thank everyone [Applause] We Ready am I ready ready we will now proceed with the oath of office for reelected councilwoman Evelyn malsbury odonnell the oath of office will be administered by Jack chiarelli [Applause] good morning congratulations thank you Jack on the the type is small here I state your name I Evelyn o do Solly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully impartially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties duties of the office of of the office of councilwoman to the best of my ability to the very best of my ability and then I will support and then I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I'll bear true faith I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the Saint to the Saint and to the governments established and to the government establish in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God congratulations thank [Applause] you rest thank you just your name want something down again good morning everyone thanks for taking the time to come out and join us uh as we start the new year in Howell uh I'm proud to say that I am starting my third four-year term in Howell and I'm very appreciative of those residents um friends and family that have again uh shown me the support and faith that I can continue to serve you and with the very best intentions I can say that um the council is looking forward to moving on in some of the directions that we've already started we're going to continue uh with some of the issues that have been um brought forward in the last six months we've done an enormous amount of ordinances and the effort to safeguard the health and the value of our lifestyle and and we continue to do so I look at the council as a unit of one we each have one vote uh majority of three makes a decision uh more likely than not and often it's a majority of five that make that decision so it's very nice to know that we're like-minded people in many instances I think the value of the council is best noticed by simply the remark of we need to be a good Steward of Howell and that's what it's all about if we look at the best intentions we set policy management follows through and um everyone in hell has whether you're appointed to a board or a commission uh that's lovely uh means you're voting on some of those things but it doesn't mean that you can't go to those meetings it doesn't mean that your voice isn't heard it doesn't mean that you can't take the time even as a non-member you're always a member of this community and the fabric is woven and how because everyone has an opinion and we all need to share those opinions and respect them so whether or not you are appointed today it's not that it's immaterial but for the value of your value of how you feel on an issue just come to the meetings they're all posted you're certainly welcome you know your input is taken and and it's we still hear it we still hear what you're saying even if you're not a member so whether you're appointed or not you are part of that fabric and you also are a steward of how and I know that everyone in this room only does what they think is best so we appreciate that and with that in mind I say welcome to another year uh a lot of hard work and dedication not just from Administration and from Council who they do work very hard um but for the people that live here because you bring things to us that maybe um you know we don't see you know we don't drive around every day looking for you know specific things happening but we depend on the residents bringing things to our attention that are happening and that are important and I think that uh if nothing else I think that when people come to meetings and they share their concerns um you know everyone is answered at the end of the public commentary there is an opportunity that management can answer the questions and if not um I know the next day or a couple of days go by and they're on the phone so we try very hard to get back to everybody as quickly as possible but my main focus is to make sure everyone understands everybody's responsibility to be a good Steward of this town is the same this year as it's always been and we welcome everything that you say and uh we certainly welcome any time that you spend in committee and as I'm sure every council member has always said I know I've said it and um and I think you're going to continue to hear it as the years go by anything you have to say just bring it forward if you can't come to the meeting you can email us uh our phone numbers are on the website um I know my cell number and my house number is out there and people don't hesitate to call um it's usually dinner time but that's okay because I'm home so that's good but please you know always bring forth whatever the concern is um that's why we're here so please continue to do the great job that you do so that we can continue to uh hopefully do the very best job that we can continue to do again I thank everyone for the support that I received in the past election it was overwhelming um and I know a lot of people work very hard for me and I certainly appreciate that and for those that didn't walk with me or didn't put up a sign I thank you for pulling the lever um I thank you for your anticipated um support in the coming four years because I know we all have the best interest for how at heart so again thank you Happy New Year and uh back to business thank [Applause] you we will continue with the nomination for Deputy Mayor may I have a nomination for Deputy Mayor make a motion to nominate councilman Fred gager I'll second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman Nel yes councilwoman odonnell yes mayor leio yes thank you we will now have the swearing of Deputy Mayor Fred gajer by Sheriff Sean golden [Applause] well I'm waiting for Fred if I just may take a moment and on behalf of commissioner Tom Aron our County government uh wishes you all the best and happy New Year congratulations to our new mayor and Evelyn again um want to thank and uh recognize Chief staro who continues to carry the tradition on with Harvey former Chief our how Township Police Department all our Public Safety who do a tremendous job and thank you to the administrator for all your hard work uh and dedication to H Township so uh on to a new year and uh new Deputy Mayor [Applause] Fred hi Fred gazer hi Fred gazer you Solly swear Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of Deputy Mayor Deputy Mayor to the best of my ability to the best of my ability and that I will support the Constitution and that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith in allegiance to the to the and to the governments established the government established in the United States the unit in this under the authority of the people congratulations [Applause] good it's all good Diane are you GNA start the clock yes okay so I was warned Yesterday by Diane not to speak for too long I I told her three and a half minutes and that's it if she wanted to start the clock that that she could so good morning everyone and happy New Year I'd like to thank all of you for taking the time to come here on New Year's Day today to attend uh the reorganization meeting I'd also like to thank our sheriff and Republican chairman Sean golden for swearing me in I would also like to acknowledge the presence of former assemblyman Jack citelli and our County Commissioner director Tom ornon I thank you all for attending uh the county plays a huge role and is very helpful to Howell with that being said you all have my support an endorsement in your respective upcoming elections uh it would also be remiss if I didn't acknowledge bill spadia after being in the state police for 25 years I know he's a huge supporter of law enforcement and the state police and cola [Applause] also I I would like to congratulate Mayor John Leo and councilwoman EV lonnell and being sworn in to their elected offices I would also like to thank uh Ian nadell councilman Ian nadell former deputy mayor and commend him for his outstanding job that he did as Deputy Mayor did a great job being all right I could stand up here and I could talk about a lot of things I could talk about things that we have done things that need to get done or would like to do in relation to the needs of how but I'm going to go in a little different direction being in a state police of course I want to thank our police fire and EMS they are the backbone of our town but I would also like to thank all of our volunteers who serve on our commissions and Boards they perform a needed difficult and thankless service next I want to thank our administrators and supervisors if it wasn't for all of these people we would not be able to accomplish anything I am refraining from using the words me or I when it comes to council business because everyone needs to know and understand that everything that gets done by us is a Cooperative group effort that involves a lot of teamwork it might be a simple resolution or a complicated ordinance it might involve a problem that requires investigation which leads to recommendations and then a suggested solution there are quite a few parts to the puzzle and those parts culminate with the decisions made by the council and approved by such an idea might start from a resident council member professional board or Committee Member it will be discussed it will be developed in a Cooperative manner before implementation I am am proud to be part of that process because it really does serve the town's best interest we as a council are all individuals we have differing ideas differing values and opinions we work very hard to put those differences aside that may affect our ability to work together we have constant lines of communication open to each other we understand the importance of working together for the betterment of how my goal for the rest of my term is to continue to work with my fellow council members as a team lastly I want to acknowledge and thank my wife Wendy for her ongoing help understanding guidance and especially her tolerance for those 9 10 11:00 text messages and phone calls that I get I thank you all for coming and I want to leave you with one thing there's somebody in here who said something to me once and these words ring true there's campaing and there's governing they don't go together okay they don't go go together campaigning is over the governing starts thank you all for coming thank you [Applause] thank you I will now begin with the official roll call councilwoman fiser here councilman nadell here councilwoman odonnell here Deputy Mayor gajer here mayor legio here thank you now we start presentation of the Colors by Howell Township Police honor guard pledge of allegiance to the FL the Pledge of Allegiance will now be administered by director commissioner Tom arnone please turn to our colors a symbol of freedom and democracy I pledge allegiance to the flag FL of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liem Justice God Bless America National Anthem by Harold High School Rebel Yale see by the we at the Twilight stripes and bright stars fights [Music] [Applause] Rock through night was still there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] star of [Music] the the [Music] [Applause] PE for word I I I invocation by uh Deacon Kevin Smith good morning and happy New Year I'm Deacon k Smith my Parish to St William the Abbott in ramtown my wife Diana and I have lived in Howell for 45 years we raised four children in in this town I want to say what an honor and a privilege and a pleasure it is to be invited by mayor legio today to deliver this invocation and to offer a prayer and a blessing so let us pray Almighty and eternal God who is the source of all wisdom and light you have revealed your glory to All Nations God of power and might and wisdom and Justice through you Authority is rightly administered laws are enacted and judgment is decreed listen now to a reading from the first book of Kings give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people and to distinguish between good and evil for who is able to give judgment for this vast people of yours it pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this so God said to him because you asked for this you did not ask for a long life for yourself nor for riches nor for the life of your enemies but you asked for discernment to know what is right I now do as you request I give you a heart so wise and Discerning that there has never been anyone like you until now nor after you will there be anyone to equal you this passage is an excellent reminder that the heart of leadership is to seek wisdom and discernment for the well-being of those being governed we pray today for the governor of our state for the members of our legislature for our judges our mayor our elected civil officials our police and for all others who are entrusted to guard our political welfare may they be enabled by your powerful protection Lord to discharge their duties with honesty and ability bless our mayor and Township council with vision a vision that sees beyond today a vision that dreams boldly and that acts courageously ly for a prosperous and harmonious tomorrow help them to listen intently to speak thoughtfully and to work together tirelessly so that peace and progress May flourish within our Township grant them the wisdom to make decisions rooted in Justice compassion and the common good may they lead with Integrity humility and a genuine desire to serve the community fill their hearts with patience strength and an unwavering commitment to the betterment of all residents fost ing unity and understanding among them Heavenly Father we likewise commend to your unbounded mercy all citizens of Howell Township and of the United States that we may be Sanctified in the knowledge and the observance of your holy law may we be preserved in Union and in that peace which the world cannot give and after enjoying the blessings of this life may we be admitted to those blessings which are Eternal we ask you today to Foster within us a spirit of support collaboration and constructive engagement may we all remember that a thriving Township is born not just from those who govern but of every voice and every hand that contributes to its growth we humbly offer our prayers to you father who live and reign as one God forever and ever amen amen God bless you it I would I would now like to open the floor for the hearing of citizens and public com each person shall first give their name and address to the clerk the council should be addressed as a collective body and not as individual members each person shall have one turn to address the council and comments shall not exceed a total of 5 minutes speakers shall be notified when their time has run and no time extension shall be permitted you can face the other way it's confusing my name is vinzo I live in N Livingston thank you into the microphone thank you ah okay [Applause] uh good afternoon everyone my name is venzo I'm John's oldest son proud um I want to start off by saying thank you to all family some of my friends for being here uh public and honored guests for being here I would also like to say thank you to Tommy Russo for swearing my father in and Deacon Smith for the prayer um when all uh when all this started in May I was like uh uh uh I didn't I always knew my dad had a big mouth but I didn't know it would ever go this far um so you know I I was there I was I was like Wow and countless amounts of hours and dedication went into this election um from sitting at the table doing labels um and maybe just going out at like 9:30 to fix Rover signs is what really determined uh what really pushed my dad and I'd like to say thank you to anybody who did that because that's who that's what really pushed my father to winning this election is people and the hate and the desire for him not to win is what really made him win [Applause] um and lastly I just like to congratulate my dad on an awesome achievement I know he's wanted this for a very long time and I knew that he could do it and I just wanted to say congratulations to uh Fred and Evelyn as [Applause] [Applause] well good morning aial 16 medal Lane lakew New Jersey it's a little bit hard to follow Vin but we'll try my best I just want to wish congratulations to the newly elected mayor the reelected councilwoman it's not simple to be ready and be willing to sacrifice yourselves for public service from one relatively new elected official to another get ready for the ride buckle up it's not going to be simple today is the glory tomorrow everyone gets about this I will relate to you what someone relate to me the day after my sing in I got a phone call from an elderly activist and he said AI I'm calling you to tell you something write it down put it in your pocket and save it because you're not going to hear it again thank you people tend to think that this is a thankless job some people thank us but most don't complaints come in much more but we do this for the right reason I don't believe that anyone puts themselves out there because they want to get a thank you they put themselves out because they want to make change and they want to help people they want to do the right things and that's what you've done I want to make it known that my office is open available ready and able to assist in any which way we can reach out to us and I look forward to collaborating to working together to benefit our sheared constituents the great Township of Howell happy new years's God bless you good luck thank [Applause] you good morning Ed Johnson Brookdale Community College uh I'm here on behalf of our president Dr David Stout to wish you all congratulations Mr Mayor Mr Deputy Mayor councilwoman and the entire Council we look forward to working with you over the coming year uh Mr Mayor we look forward to reaching out to you to invite you to join our community Advisory Board and to also join us in April when we celebrate Community College month and local government week uh at Brookdale Community College so on behalf of our president and the Brookdale Community congratulations we look forward to a fantastic year and working together for the residents of Amoth County thank [Applause] you mayor and Council first of all mayor I want to congratulate you on your election Evelyn Fred congratulations and the rest of the Council on behalf of the county um how's a vital vital part of the success of the county and we look forward to working with you congratulations on an election I'm glad I'm sure you're glad that time is over and it's time to care about people of how Township which I know each and every one of you will and looking forward to continuing working with you so congratulations and happy New Year to all of H Township thank you [Applause] thank else anyone else all right I call on each council member they excuse me may I have a motion to close public comment close public comment we have one more coming up one I'm sorry good morning my name is Angelique vuli I'm a resident of colck but I do own properties in Howell which I pay taxes for um I just wanted to congratulate you John on your win uh for mayor uh you know the fact that you stood up against the Rhino establishment in this County and I'm completely confident that you are going to do the right thing for Howell and Lead Howell in all the right directions thank you so much for your service thank you thank [Applause] you anyone else than see no so I close public comment motion to close second all in favor I I thank you we will continue with the council's appointments of professionals resolution 25-1 affordable housing administrator may I have a motion for the appointment of affordable housing administrator i' like to make a motion to appoint cgb and H as affordable housing administrator second councilwoman Fisher yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gajer yes mayor leg yes thank you may I have a motion for the appointment of affordable housing attorney make a motion for pesman Stein Walder Hayden second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman Nell yes Council Odon yes Deputy Mayor gajer yes mayor Leia yes thank you may I have a motion for the appointment of an auditor hman Freeman uh and Allison second councilwoman fiser yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gazer yes mayor legio yes thank you may I have a motion for appointment of bond councel I'll make a motion for Dorth Paxton LLP second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gager yes mayor Alleia yes thank you may I have a motion for appointment of conflict SL alternative public defender I'd like to uh make a motion to approve uh Kaplan and bookbinder as our conflict alternate public defender second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman oon yes Deputy Mayor gajer yes mayor leio yes thank you may I have a motion for the appointment of Consulting engineer make a motion for burrow engineering LLC CME Associates van CLE Engineering Associates Colliers engineering and design tnm Associates French and parello Associates second Council Fischer yes councilman Nell yes Council Odon yes Deputy Mayor gager yes mayor legio yes thank you may I have a motion to for the appointment of continuing disclosure compliance I'll make a motion for NF Financial Group second councilwoman fiser yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman Odon yes Deputy Mayor gager yes mayor legio yes thank you may have a motion for the appointment of financial advisory Services motion for Northwest Financial Group Ellisa second Council Fischer yes councilman Nell yes Deputy excuse me Council odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gager yes mayor leio yes thank you may I have a motion for the appointment of Grant Consultants I'll make a motion for Colliers engineering and design second councilman Fisher yes councilman Nell yes Council odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gager yes mayor legio yes thank you I have a motion to appoint a labor attorney make a motion for Dy Murphy McGuckin clear jaob FY Jacobs Rothstein Mandel strum how and ciani a second Council Fisher yes councilman n yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gager yes mayor legio yes thank you may have a motion to appointment of licensed tree expert i' like to make a motion to appoint CME Associates as our licensed tree expert second councilwoman fiser yes councilman Nal yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gajer yes mayor Lego yes thank you may have a motion to for the appointment of municipal prosecutor I'd like to make a motion to approve Sean Kean of Clary jacobe alfery and Jacobs as our municipal prosecutor I'll second councilwoman fiser yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gager yes mayor Leo yes thank you a motion to appoint public defender I'll make a motion to appoint Ray Raya second councilwoman fiser yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy May G yes mayor Leia yes thank you motion to appoint real estate appraiser like to make a motion to approve Saker realy Services Group Sterling D Santo and Associates as our real estate appraiser second councilman fiser yes councilman Nell yes councilman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gajer yes mayor legio yes thank you motion to appoint Risk Management Consultant I move to appoint Brown and Brown second councilman fiser yes councilman Nel yes councilman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gajer yes mayor legio yes thank you motion to appoint special counsel I'd like to make a motion to approve the following as special counsel Dy and stagger Dy Murphy mcgucken weiner Law Group dillworth Paxton pashman Stein Walder and Hayden second Council fiser yeah yes councilman Nel yes councilwoman oon yes Deputy Mayor gajer yes mayor leel yes thank you a motion for the appointment of tax appeal appraisal motion for soccer socer realy Services Group and Sterling desan to Santo and Associates second councilwoman fiser yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gajer yes mayor legio yes thank you motion for the appointment of tax appeal attorney I'll make a motion for clearing jacobe alfier and Jacobs second councilman fiser yes councilman Nell yes councilman odonnell yes deput mayor gayer yes mayor Le you yes thank you motion for appointment of title search services like to make a motion to appoint CW Solutions as our title search Services second councilman Fischer yes councilman Nel yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gager yes mayor Leia yes thank you Mo for appointment of Township planner I'll move to appoint lanakan second Council Fisher yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gazer yes mayor legio yes thank you motion for appointment of utility engineer I'd like to make a motion to approve the following as utility Engineers CME Associates cers engineering and design tnm Associates van CLE Engineering Associates French and parello Associates second councilwoman fiser yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gazer yes mayor leio yes thank you we will continue with the council's liazon appointments may I have a motion to appoint appointment of liberry Lee aison nominate councilwoman Evelyn odonnell second councilwoman fiser yes councilman Nel yes councilwoman Odon yes coun excuse me uh Deputy Mayor G yes mayor Leo yes thank you motion for appointment of Howell Township senior Leon I'll move to appoint councilwoman Evelyn odonnell second councilman fiser yes councilman Nel yes Council noon yes Deputy Mayor gajer yes mayor leio yes thank you we will continue with the council's appointments for boards and committees and commissions motion to appoint members of the Howell Alliance I would like to make a motion to appoint the following to the Howell Alliance Julie Atkins John Aliano patrolman Vincent Bonner Maryann cernac Marne elen Victor Eugenia graty patrolman Jamie Higgins joose Joseph Isola Mary elyn Lawrence Patrol person Moren McBride Kate McCarthy Kenneth picaro Gina Rabon Gianna Marie Rosano Ron sanac volha volha coru tuak Ray Cortez Nicole Jennings gal Jamie Peterson Deputy Mayor Fred gazer council person Evelyn O'Donnell councilman Ian Nell second councilman fiser yes councilman Nell yes Council Odon yes Deputy Mayor gager yes mayor legio yes thank you motion to appoint members to the fmer advisory committee make a motion for David Reid two-year term expiring 1231 of 26 excuse me it's actually three year thank you and we have a second councilwoman fiser yes councilman Nel yes councilwoman odono yes Deputy Mayor gager yes mayor legio yes thank you motion to appoint members to Municipal Green Team I make a motion to appoint the following to the municipal Green Team John legio Ian Nell Joseph Clark Taylor carallo Brian Greenfield Matthew Howard Nick huzar Joe Cristiano Lisa Dow Maryann cernak John Nila Zack Dorner Jennifer Hickey and Lawrence white second Council fiser yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman odonnell yes depy mayor geser yes mayor legio yes thank you motion to appoint sorry uh mobile home rental stabilization and control board excuse me we're going to go back to resolution 25-27 Lake restoration Wildlife Management committee motion to appoint Lake restoration and wild life management committee I'd like to nominate Wendy gazer for the fiveyear term uh Zachary for the alternate uh unexpired term Ray Cortez alternate three your member sorry Rob uh D lanard um to be appointed as chair I'll second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman Nel yes councilwoman odonna yes Deputy Mayor gajer abstain thank you and mayor legio yes thank you motion to appoint members of the mobile home rental uh St stabilization and control board make a motion for for Gabriella KZ councilwoman Evelyn O'Donnell John Henry Jordan and Lara Casper second councilwoman fiser yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman oono yes Deputy Mayor gaser yes mayor Leia yes thank you before I continue um I just need to get something off off my chest okay and just uh please just understand my my uh frustration with this okay I'm holding in my hand here what I have to say today and what or you know the way things are supposed to go but what I am not holding in front of me is what my f fellow council members are holding or which are the people that are getting appointed to all these boards okay I wanted to see this list I was ignored okay and here we are today I want to see before I sat up here okay I just want to see the list to go over the list listen I appreciate everyone being here okay and then we're not going to turn this into a this this political game that you know some people here wanted to get turned into it's just here's not a good start for for 2025 I should have at least been given the opportunity to review the list I'm going along to be a good Republican in the town and saying yes with the appointments okay some of the appointments I do not agree with but because I'm outnumbered it is what it is and we're going to start 225 like this hopefully it's going to change in a couple weeks when we all sit down together okay and I I apologize I just had to get that off my my chest folks thank thank you I'm happy to offer uh a 5 minute recess 20 minute recess whatever it takes for the mayor to acclimate himself to the rest of the list um too too little too late Mrs M thank you let's go back to let's go back to the meeting I don't want I don't want to recess I don't want to recess everyone is here everyone is here it's New Year's Day let's get this done so everyone can go home and enjoy their time with their family and uh let's move forward if there's bit a motion for recess let's just vote on it for procedures yeah I need a second now I just want to ask our manager and our attorney if they have any response to that so in terms of the appointments we've met and I've met with John with the list of the professionals that submitted rfps I've met with him with a packet of applications for everybody who submitted for boards and committees we've gone over all of them with him does he have the list that you guys have no but he was very clear that he didn't want to be associated with anything that any of the other four people on the de were doing so this was a choice that was made early on and had he wanted the list he could have asked for it he didn't and so at this point I don't know what to say to that other than he had the same opportunity to speak with me and meet with me as everybody else did Mr Clark we did sit down together Ian was with us okay the initial list I'm talking about the final list that is sitting up here with the with the rest at that point in time I advised you to speak with your fellow council members you told me that you not speaking with any speak to one council member because that's the only one that that speak to me so that's a self-inflicted choice you're up there on the Das with four other people you have an obligation to speak to them if you want if you don't and you don't have the same documentation that they do and you don't have the same information they do that's a product of a choice that you made so we're we are getting off to a pretty bad start and so we can try and get back on track if you want well I just said to you let's get back on track I just wanted I just wanted to say what I had to say so at no point in time prior to like a moment ago did you say anything about any of this that's false sir yes I I said something to Mrs fatino when I first got here early so it's okay let's just get through the meeting I don't need to be you know mansplained by you you know that's a good term around here I to understand everything so I don't think it's mansplaining to point out truthful facts so you may not wa to hear it think but this is how it's going to be it's not going to be like this it's not no I absolutely think it is going to be like this what would you like to continue the meeting what would you like to continue the meeting now let continue the meeting continue Mr Clark we'll continue the meeting call this me everyone sitting here can we just maintain order for the meeting no shouting from the audience please the audience are the people so you need to listen to them you can talk to us after the meeting thank you we're going to continue with resolution 25-29 planning board motion to appoint members to the planning board I'd like to move to appoint councilman Ian Nell to represent the council Nick huzar Brian tanhouse Dan karik Dylan Bato and Matthew Withers second councilwoman fiser yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman Odon yes Deputy Mayor gajer yes mayor leio yes thank you motion to appoint members of preservation task force make a motion for Ray Cortez and Nicole Jennings gal second Council Fischer yes Council yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor gager yes and mayor legio yes thank you motion to appoint members to the Zoning Board of adjustment like a motion to appoint the following to the zoning board Michael Ryan Glenn Cantor an Marie scotson and John Carabas second Council fiser yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor geser yes mayor legio yes thank you continue with the township manager appointments public agency compliance officer Taylor carallo environmental commission member three-year term 1125 through 12312 7 Ray Cortez member planning board member three-year term 11125 through 12 3127 Nick husar member unexpired three-year term that expires 12312 Christopher kuram member unexpired term unexpired three-year term expiring 12 3125 Jennifer Hickey alternate two member 2-year term 1125 through 12 3126 Lawrence white chair will be Lisa Dow shade tree commission member 5year term 1125 through 12312 9 Jennifer Hickey member 5year term 1125 through 12 3129 Christopher kuram planning board class two member official of the township one-year term Brian Greenfield next we will vote on consent agenda items I'd like to make a motion to approve the following uh consent agendum items resolution are 25-36 through R 25-49 second councilman Fisher yes councilman Nell yes councilwoman Odon yes Deputy Mayor gager yes mayor legia yes thank you unfinished business yes unfinished unfinished business is there any unfinished business there is none introduction of ordinances are there any or introduction of ordinances there is none the next the next regular uh scheduled council meeting will take place on Tuesday January 21st 2025 executive session begins at 6 pm and a regular meeting will begin at 7 p.m. um please join us in the kitchen for light Refreshments uh and once again thank you everyone for coming out today we really appreciate the support and uh Happy New Year and to a great [Applause] 2025 I can make a motion to a chair all favor [Applause]