##VIDEO ID:_wYekhbOW2Y## e e I would like to call this meeting to order of the how Township Council regular meeting um it is today is September 17 2024 may I have uh opening statement please this meeting is being held in accordance with public law 1975 chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate notice has been provided in the manner prescribed by law this agenda is complete to the extent known and formal action will be taken I'll begin with a roll call councilwoman Fischer here councilman gajer here councilwoman odonnell here Deputy Mayor nadell is absent mayor burer present thank you um Mr Clark is there any reason for us to go into executive session this evening yes mayor we have multiple topics to discuss including property donation property acquisition and litigation okay may I have a motion to go into executive I'll make a motion to go into executive session second thank you councilwoman fiser yes councilman gajer yes councilwoman odonnell yes mayor Burger yes ma'am thank you for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e right right all right good evening it is September 17 2024 and I'd like to open the howl Township meeting I'll begin with a roll call councilwoman Fischer here councilman gazer here councilwoman O'Donnell here Deputy Mayor Nell here mayor Burger present thank you opening statement this meeting is being held in accordance with public law 1975 chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate notice has been provided in the manner prescribed by law this agenda is complete to the extent known and formal action will be taken if we could please stand for the pledge allegiance and then a moment of silence pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you we have a proclamation yes for for ovarian cancer awareness month September 2024 whereas September has been designated and as National ovarian cancer awareness month and whereas turn the town teal is a campaign to create awareness of aarian cancer and its symptoms volunt volunteers tie ribbons throughout Town centers and hand out symptoms cards and whereas ovarian cancer is often referred to as a silent disease as the symptoms are often vague and subtle there is no early detection test for Varian cancer which means it is critical that women become aware of the known symptoms and whereas one in 67 women will develop aarian cancer in their lifetime 2third of those diagnosed will die from the disease and whereas if if detected in the early stages the survival rate for aarian cancer is 90 to 95% and whereas increased public awareness of the disease its risk factors and its subtle symptoms May sa May save lives as women across New Jersey and their doctors learn to recognize the Waring signs of ovarian cancer which are often the only indication of illness and whereas more aing cancer research can help to develop reliable Diagnostics better therapies and prevention strategies thereby offering women in New Jersey the opportunity to win their Battle For Life against this most deadly of all gynecological cancers now therefore I Teresa berer mayor of the township and behalf of the governing body do hereby Proclaim September 2024 as a varying Cancer Awareness Month in Howell Township and support the turn the town steel awareness campaign thank you very much I believe we have a presentation hi my name is Matt Howard I'm the director of Community Development um I wanted to take a minute to just do a Public Presentation um for a grant application that feels like it's been around forever because it has been um it's a mammouth county Grant uh open space Grant um from 2018 um we had applied for funding for a concession stand and building um and restroom building uh we modified that Grant a few years later um to take out the concession stand and to do a restroom building we've worked on engineering since then um and we found a few hardships one being that the sanitary Force main that's located in 547 uh County Road 547 um Mero the the operator of that line is requesting that we don't tap into it the issue is that there are breakages along that line in uh different sections on this roadway and there's questions about its um suitability to be tapped into um and to be used uh we don't want to create any more issues uh unintended consequences there's a potential that this line might get replaced in the future as a capital project through Mera at that time we could definitely revisit um so then we had to Pivot to a septic system for a bathroom um the idea is that uh we we feel like facilities are needed here um the leagues get great use out of this field um Township is starting to use this for our events and we want to make sure that you know we have topnotch facilities um it's getting so much use uh that the engineering behind a septic system you can't just do a simple um system that you would have at your house the largest size septic system would not work it would overflow um we have tournaments for the softball leagues tournaments for the soccer leagues they get hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people coming and it's not feasible so we're looking at a multi-year permit application process to build what's effectively a treatment plant to have some type of septic system and Disposal system um and that's not a great use of funds or efforts um so we're pivoting away um from the bathrooms for temporar temporarily until uh some better Solutions come up um but what we want to do is still utilize the grant it's been around for six years we need to use the money we don't want to lose it um so we're looking at installing several improvements to the park there's a walking trail um throughout we're looking to do pavement on that trail instead of stone dust extended along the perimeter where possible um we're also looking to grade certain areas of the parks uh of the fields they're not able to be used because of um some slope changes and we want to make sure that we maximize the area out there so we're going to do some field grading we're also going to install storage um buildings for the league use uh for all the leagues out there as well as uh the township and we're also looking at shade structures benches picnic tables seating um of that variety previously a couple years ago we built an area um and installed electric and room for food trucks um the concession building went away a few years ago because with food trucks coming in it's a better cheaper way of bringing food and and concessions into the park not a burden on the taxpayer because somebody always has to maintain those buildings somebody has to work them or you have to hire a company to do so um and volunteers are hard to come by the leagues have a hard time with volunteers so we listened to what the league said um this is kind of a pivot we made um so we are utilizing already if you saw during the events we had food trucks out at the park um and we felt with how popular those are we didn't necessarily need to to invest into the large concession stand um so this is a public hearing we're accepting public comment um for the revisions of the application again away from the bathroom and Concession building uh to more um spread out improvements including the walking trail storage buildings shade structures seating and benches so if anybody in the audience does have any public comment wants to come up they can feel free to do so now seeing none um that would close the public comment portion of this um that was a requirement for the grant to do the revision um so we're going to take the meeting minutes from um the presentation and the discussion and send that to Mammoth County and start to move forward with improving the park and we would expect construction to be ongoing in the spring uh on these improvements could you give us um maybe at the next meeting a rendition of what it would look like yes so we we haven't prepared any plans yet but we we'll start to do that and we'll we'll come in with something okay thank you um the next is acceptance of the minutes may I have a motion motion to accept minutes from August 20th 2024 second councilwoman fiser yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor burer I'm abstaining I wasn't at the meeting thank you um are there any reports Mr Clark sure I have a I have a few so spoke with our engineer Justin yo and he wanted me to inform everybody that we are scheduled to Mill and repave both Five Points Road from the Colts Neck border to manfree court and Newton's Corner Road from the brick border to coner Street in October both projects will be completed overnight to avoid traffic disruptions concrete work has already started on Five Points Road and will start on Newton's Corner Road tomorrow morning so there's a traffic update um just want to remind everybody that this Saturday is howl day so we encourage everybody to attend it's always a great event looks like the weather is going to hold so should end up being a nice fall day um October 19th we have our Fall Fest and and Optimus Club of Howell annual car show that's going to be at Oaken Park it's going to have live music Eddie Testa band food trucks uh the how PBA will be there with their beer and wine truck um and a number of other things so encourage everybody to participate in that our ever poopular Halloween decorating contest October 22nd through the 27th this year uh come to our website and sign up it's always been uh uh very very well received Thursday October 24th here at Town Hall um New Jersey natural gas will be sponsoring its annual energy assistance day so those in the community who may need help with their bills over the winter are encouraged to come to town hall and meet with New Jersey natural gas and participate in the program is that going to be posted on the website yes absolutely um November 17th our third annual Turkey Trot will take place at Oak Glenn Park um so that's it for the events and then I did want to update everybody on one item that we discussed briefly an exec and obviously you warehouses have been a controversial Topic in this town over the past several years um the professionals were given some some fairly explicit instructions by Council to take a look at every possible opportunity to minimize the impact of the warehouses in town uh we have done that obviously we still have a few moving Parts left so I can't go into great detail but I will update the council in public now as well as the public itself and let everybody know that we are looking to purchase the Victory Road parcel that is currently subject to a warehouse application for development um we have like I said a few more moving parts to get in place but I anticipate having a more uh broad update in October on this so that's where we are right now with it thank you no Kaitlyn no no I no nothing are we good to begin the meeting good okay I'm going to open up for the hearing of citizens and public comment on the consent agenda items and general matters each person shall first give their name and address to the clerk the council should be addressed as a collective body and not as individual members each person shall have one turn to address the council and no comments shall exceed a total of 5 minutes speakers shall be notified when their time has run and no time extensions shall be permitted do we have a there's no names on it so anybody can come up does anybody want to come up to the podium no question mayor yes ma'am is it in reference the agenda meeting or is it just open this is open for public comment we would like it to be about the agenda but if there's a comment that other people have come up and made comments yes absolutely just come up to the microphone I'm Briant I'm Brian cabel my address is protected by Daniel's law and I'm not obligated to give it to you good evening mayor and counsel as a business administrator with Decades of experience in emergency services and a former elected official of a large M municipality I am saddened to stand before you as a father in support of my son Kevin Cabell the egregious practices of how Township Police Department as condoned by their leadership has led me to stand before you tonight recently you and your police dep Department were served the lawsuit regarding discriminat discriminatory practices of how Township police its dispatchers and its leadership our son dedicated nine years of unblemished service to protecting and serving the residents of how Township our son was looking forward to serving as an officer in how Township Police Department for his entire career however that quickly changed when he became a target of ongoing harassment and shaming the leadership failed our son allowing him remain at the hands of ridicule condoning and encouraging the acts taken upon Him K Kevin suffered in silence however sharing what end dir daily for fear of retaliation he was afraid for his own safety my questions tonight will be statements statements that I encourage you to take note of and review so that you can be begin to put the pieces of a dis dysfunctional Police Department together again our lawsuit was filed what were the next steps Chief staro attempted to censor those who were speaking the truth as to what Kevin Cabell experienced and had to endure Chief staro attempts to censor any criticism of his leadership within the police department Chief staro immediately employed the darvo principle and for those who are unaware I will explain what it is the D and darvo means deny the behavior the A is for attack the individual doing the confronting and R means reverse the roles of the victim and offender the perpetrator assumes the victim role and turns the true victim into an alleged offender attacking by trying to undermine their credibility through false accusations a true leader would own the problem and quickly look for a resolution no matter what the the consequences may be you do not have this in Chief starl captain urgle or captain mael Chief starl has referred to my son civil Ser publicly as friendship's gone bad well I'm here to tell you tonight this is leadership gone bad we are here tonight to say that incidences like my son had to endorse should never be minimized nor should nor should a mockery of harassment and violation of law against discrimination especially from a sworn law enforcement officer who serves as the chief officer of the police dep Department furthermore I implore you to take the time to read the mission statement and the and value statement of how Township Police quote how police is committed to protect preserve and Safeguard the Constitution and civil rights they have failed my son they have not pro despite their oow they have violated them the value statement says we value teamwork and cooperation in combining our diverse backgrounds skills and beliefs to achieve a common goal again they failed Kevin despite their oath let's talk about the residents when out Township and those commuting and driving through the town are they safe and free from harassment and hatred will they to or have they already been a target of the same officers that have have an obvious hatred for the lgbtq community Additionally the police department accreditation standards by New Jersey State Association of chiefs of police have a standard that addresses discrimination and harassment I question were these policies that were just recently submitted for their accreditation Pro fraudulent policies I believe so and is very blatant that they do not follow nor enforce their officers when wrongdoing was happening in their own very own Department again our son's diverse background did not fit into the mold of Chief staro and his senior officers act as elected officials each of you set the standards that must be followed if these are the standards set by you the governing body then there's no wonder why Chief star and his leadership team feel that they're Above the Law and kada G with this repens Behavior the change of behavior begins with you as elected officials you are sworn to uphold the constitution of laws of the state of New Jersey which ultimately affects each and every resident within how Township regardless of their diverse background you as the governing body have been made aware of a civil complaint filed by my son you now have personal knowledge that others within your Municipal have failed to comply with the same oath you have taken one must wonder why the comment section on social media has stopped the residents of your community deserve better you deserve better of your appointed officials in your elected capacity remember they reflect you Deputy despite Chief stl's director I will not be silenced or intimidated thank you for your time this evening thank you please come up good evening Madame mayor and a councel your name and address for the record is El thank you give me the chance my name is Elizabeth lightbody Simer I reside at 714 Washington Street Tom's River I stand here as a proud aunt to an amazing C amazingly courageous young man who has been forced to endure what no one should ever have to endure in this life time I as his aunt am proud to say that his name is Kevin cabel Kevin is one of the kindest caring individuals who would go above and beyond for his family and friends he worked hard serving and protecting the how community and his fellow brothers and sisters in law enforcement only to be betrayed by his senior leadership and fellow officers he was bullied tortured and threatened daily I always knew my nephew was putting his life on the line for others never did I imagine that he was that his own life was being threatened daily by officers who wore the same uniform I commend him for Having the courage to go to that place of employment not knowing what torture was behind the door waiting for him that day he became the brunt mockery at the PBA meetings even though he was not there to defend himself he was not able to have the opportunity to tell his story when he was ready in his own words on his own terms it is my hope that you take this opportunity to reflect and educate the how Police Department on equality and the right to live as one would like to live to which no one should be the judge unlike your police Department I will always be here as his aunt to honor to serve and to protect him from the cruelty that is still ongoing in this world may God have mercy on the souls that contributed to the victimization of my nephew Kevin Cabell thank you thank you please come up your name and address please good evening mayor deputy mayor council your name and address for the record my name is Dr Terry cubel my address is protected by Daniel's law so therefore I will not be stating it for the record I come before you this evening as a mother Seeking Justice for my son Kevin Cel our son proudly wore the uniform of the H Township Police Department as a police officer while protecting and serving the residents of how Township protecting you living a life of service began for Kevin at the young age of 14 when he joined the police explorers with the Toms River Township Police Department he Then followed by volunteering in EMS our son has always recognized the value of serving others in their time of need we are a family of dedication to our community for decades during his time with the how Township Police Department he sadly became a target for his perceived sexual orientation the harassment targeted Act c s and misconduct that my son has endured were perpetrated by his own brothers and sisters in law enforcement law enforcement officers that took a public oath took that public oath to serve and to protect our community faithfully impartially and justly my son has been a victim of your very own office officers and police department and I would appreciate if you could just look in my direction as I speak maybe that's too difficult for you as a business manager you can address the council directly right I understand sir I have more experience than you do it is astonishing to me that presently with the wealth of knowledge that is available and taught in most workplaces regarding bullying diversity and inclusion that this would be a conversation that we would have to have Kevin chose to suffer in silence as that seemed to be the safest option at the time he attempted to cope with the ongoing harassment shaming and threats to his personal safety as the harassment continued to escalate and Kevin no longer felt safe he chose to resign he chose to resign from the career that he so longed for I want you to pose for a moment perhaps as you're driving home tonight think of Kevin imagine him as if he were your own think of his vulnerability the torment the embarrassment the shame and the isolation then think of those in the community that you serve in Your Capacity each and every one of you that are sitting here tonight ask yourself these questions if you would is the behavior and conduct one that you would condone is this Behavior being carried over to the residents served by this Police Department are the residents in the community being targeted because of their perceived sexual orientation are there additional victims whether within the police department or living within your community that have been a victim that are fearful to come forward the leadership the how Township Police Department chief storo all of his breasts should be held accountable for the behavior that existed in the walls of that department and the lack of protection of one of their very own my son in conclusion May our sons courage persevere in the face of adversity may it inspire you to maintain the values that are set forth as a governing body may you stand up for human rights and uphold the oath of the office that each one of you have pledged thank you thank you thank you is there someone else that would like to come up to speak at this time may I have a motion to close the public motion to close public second all in favor I so I would like to address the council and um before we do a response to public comment um matters that were addressed today everybody is welcome to come up and speak their Peace during uh public comment and I'm glad that people did today but I would uh respectfully request Council refrain from commenting because we are in active litigation right now and the township does not comment on ongoing litigation and that is really at the heart of what's going on right now so that would be my request to councel you want to go through um does anybody have anything they want to pull out of the resolutions to have a separate vote no okay may I have a motion resolutions are 24 - 322 to 346b 346b like to make a motion to accept resolutions r24 d322 through r24 D 350 346b B 46b 46b had the old one yeah 46 being I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I'll second that correction councilman Fischer yes councilman gager yes councilman noon yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the consent resolutions passed um resolution 24- 347 appointing member to the Howell Township Lake Restorations and Wildlife Management committee do we have a name that we're opposing Wendy gazer may I have a motion to accept Wendy can we do them all together no these have to be done separately no each need to be voted separately I'll make a motion to insert Wendy gazer into that vacant position second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gager abstained thank you councilman councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nel yes mayor burer yes thank you the resolution passes do you want the next three to be okay resolution 24- 348 providing for the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the 2024 budget chapter 159 p.l. 1948 MTH County Senior Services Grant may I have a motion we also have the national opioid settlement fund and the drunk driving enforcement fund you said to do no I each of them vote separately please oh pardon thank you I'll move that resolution mayor second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the resolution passes resolution r24 349 providing for the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the 20124 budget chapter 159 PL 1948 National opioid settlement funds may I have a motion motion for 24 349 second Council woman Fisher yes councilman gager yes councilwoman Odon yes Deputy Mayor Nel yes mayor burer yes thank you the resolution passes resolution 24350 providing for the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the 2024 budget chapter 159 pl1 1948 drunk driving enforcement fund may I have a motion I'll make a motion I will second that councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonna yes Deputy Mayor Nel yes mayor Burger yes thank you the resolution passes unfinished business ordinance 24-34 ordinance amending chapter 57 animals of the Township Code of the township of Howell to include fines for the running at large of Lifestyle I'm sorry I thought it was I think it's funny I'll make a motion to accept such ordinance uh we have to have public hearing oh I'm sorry sorry so I'll open up for discussion seeing Nal make a motion to close motion to close public second second all in favor I I I'll move to adopt ordinance 24-34 thank you second councilwoman fiser yes councilman gazer yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor burer yes thank you the ordinance is adopted ordinance 24-35 an ordinance amending chapter I would like to open up for public discussion uh mayor I I would like to put something on the record regarding this uh the planning board recently met and uh to discuss this ordinance I believe uh they they thought it was consistent with our our zonings and regulations but they made some comments about us want about us addressing some additional regulations in relation to daycare operations that they'd like to see us put into this order ordance um those regulations that they were addressing are not relevant to family home daycare they are relevant to commercial Child Care operation facilities so what we're looking at today is permitting home dayc carees for families where they have five children or less um so they're not subject to the same kind of standards as a regular commercial operation of daycare centers are subject to so those comments while are completely relevant to your typical daycare they're not relevant to your home daycare situation where you have one mom taking care of a couple of kids so those additional requirements were not looking to add onto this ordinance I just have a question is it if it was me is that me with my five kids or me with our five kids so it what it could be it could be uh up to five children if you have uh a couple kids are related you could have up to eight children um but they don't all have to be related so did that answer your question it did so so so basically what this ordinance does is it allows it because it's already allowed under the ml that family home daycare so somebody operating that kind of business is permitted in all residential districts in the township yeah as a permitted use right so the ml has already put that in there's a few uses they put in as permitted uses some outright the townships have no ability to Zone in and out I personally have no problem as a permitted use right I'm looking at it I'm sorry on a clinical in a clinical way and there are guidelines I believe that should be followed in any daycare AG So a family daycare does have to get licensed and inspected through the state and there's oversight from the state this is not just a permit through Community Development and you're of and running there is a state license the issue we're having now is that either they're unlicensed or they're just not following especially the number of children um as they should and there's far more than even eight so the issue right now is that the ordinance is silent on it the ml permits it but there's no enforcement other than the state and let's be honest the state's not up on that too much so the idea is if I can see something and prove that you don't have a family daycare you're actually running a commercial daycare out of your home then that should be corrected there's a chance you don't have a license and oversight at all that absolutely needs to be corrected we can't do that in a void so for me to go write an ordinate to Municipal Court on a state law it's that's not really going to work that's why we're mirroring this ordinance completely mirrors the state law requires the state license if you're in compliance at the state you're going to be fine with us if you're not though now we have an enforcement mechanism to correct that well can we put something can we put something in place that you know Mammoth County Department of Health it would go in because so so so one of the yeah so one of the regulations in this ordinance matches the license requirements for family home dayc carees I I wasn't clear on the requirements that the planning board were were seeking the requirements that the planning board we're seeking where for you know site remediation and some some very complicated oversight for child daycare centers which are in place for child daycare centers not the your run-of-the-mill family home daycare but your family home daycare still has to meet certain standards and under this ordinance as long as you meet the standards that are set by the state then you meet our standards so we're not making it any harder uh but we're just giving our code dep Department uh an enforcement mechanism so if you're not meeting those standards we can make sure you are meeting those standards so is I'm sorry it's just the the difference I think is between the family home daycare and a commercial Child Care operation I understand the difference believe me that's not my concern my concern is that I want to ensure that the Department of Health local is going to have some oversight on an audit type basis I I believe that oversight is the state it's not the Department of Health that's why I'm asking for the local one to do it so when somebody comes in and says they want to do the home daycare we're not going to issue our simple land use permit unless we see the state permit so they're going to have to prove to us that they're in compliance with the state that they have those regulations and the state does inspections enforce is is a different animal I have a feeling what we're seeing most of is completely unlicensed Child Care Facilities um I don't think they're they're just exceeding the count I think they're just unlicensed and we can start to weed those out uh because we're getting those complaints and right now we don't really have a response for them does that answer your question if you're asking us to in make the County Health Department enforce something that's not in their jurisdiction through a local ordinance we can't do that but if it's a requirement through the state requirements that the county has to come in and do it they have to do it to get their license I understand that I totally understand that I understand the entire process my my issue is that the state will go in once and then maybe go in six years later they're not going to do an annual visit they don't have the staff to do that which is why I'm just asking how are we going to ensure that that these facilities are going to remain healthy if may I my understanding we need to pass this ordinance so then we can start enforcing to some degree when we receive the complaints correct correct I think it might be overreach at this point and it might be up to the parent who's dropping off the child to say you know to the to the homeowner I'd like to see your certification I'd like to see your you know your license and I get what talk about look we we live through Co no I agree so I'm just talking about you know it's all in my mind this is all health related that's all my concerns are think we have that we don't have that power right the the standards that are required by the license are being checked by the state if they I'm not sure I can get back to you on what that cycle is whether it's annual by anual or whatever the state's doing I'm not sure what their inspection process is again the idea was that if we have these operations in town we want to make sure they're licensed properly and and typically these licenses are voluntary licenses and through this ordinance we're making them mandatory in the town so it's kind of an extra step that we're adding here that isn't you know I'm not opposing it I'm just I have other concerns that's all M mayor yes may we use the term Family Care so at what point would grandom have to be concerned that she has six of her grandchildren at her house and she's watching them during the day so this has been for a commercial operation which is that you're getting money to to do this um the law does include related family members and gives you allowance for that um that's not really the intent here um most of these are running as a business upfront operational and um you know we're we're seeing 15 16 kids dropped off at a house and we want to be able to just make sure specifically we're not saying um you know grandchildren we're not talking about money's exchanged we're talking about there is money no money exchanged so if Grandmom's not paid then this is not applicable of course I just think it's important that this is said because I think once we start saying Family Care the these are terms yeah these are terms defined by the state you have a a family home daycare which is five kids or less with the allowance of family members to go up to eight or you have a child care facility which is six children or more it goes into the ages it goes into the grades and all that to lot more to it but those terms are uh in the mlul and the licensing and the laws and generalized acceptable terms but we're not saying yeah I just want to be sure that uh grandparents or aunts or whoever is watching you know the children during the dayag you know are they're not alarmed they know that what they're doing is fine and of course yeah yeah it's just important everybody's clear that's all thanks okay may I have a motion excuse me we need public hearing oh I'm so sorry it's okay I got I got lost I would like to open this up for a public public uh discussion seeing there none I'd like a motion to close motion to close public second all in favor I I I'll move to adopt ordinance 24-35 I'll second that thank you councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gajer yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the ordinance is adopted introduction of ordinances 0 24-36 and ordinance amending chapter 7-14 of the revised General ordinances of the township of to prohibit certain vehicles from parking in public parking lots may I have a motion to introduce motion introduce ordinance 24-36 second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes the ordinance is properly introduced um I'd like to introduce ordinance 2437 an ordinance amending chapter 7 of the revised General ordinances of the township of Hal to prohibit parking of inoperable vehicles on public streets may I have a motion to introduce motion to introduce ordinance 24-37 I'll second that motion Council Fischer yes councilman gajer yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor nadell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced uh ordinance 24-38 an ordinance amending chapter 7-3 of the revised General ordinances of the township of how to prohibit certain vehicles from parking on public streets or Township owned properties may I have a motion to introduce I'll make a motion to introduce that ordinance may have a second second councilwoman Fisher yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced ordinance 24-39 an ordinance amending chapter 20 220 of the revised General ordinances of the township of how to prohibit camping and sleeping in public streets and on public property may I have a motion motion to accept ordinance 2439 introduce introduce I mean I'll second the intro thanks can Council Fisher yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nal yes mayor Burger yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced the next regularly scheduled council meeting is October 1 2024 executive session is at 600 and regular is at 7 um is there any further business that needs to occur I would ask for a motion motion to adjourn second all in favor hi I