##VIDEO ID:d4nS8t2TMuM## [Music] okay um at this time I would like to call this meeting to order it is December 17 20124 uh regular session today begins at 4 pm. hey this meeting is being held in accordance with public law 1975 chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate notice has been provided in the manner prescribed by law this agenda is complete to the extent known and formal action will be taken I'll begin with a roll call councilwoman Fischer here councilman gajer here Council no Donal is absent this afternoon Deputy Mayor nadell here mayor burer present thank you um I believe it is time to accept the minutes from December 3rd but I will abstain we need to do the Pledge of Allegiance mayor oh I skipped it I'm so sorry would everybody please stand to say the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one na under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you I am sorry I will go back in order Diane you know me it's the last meeting what do you want me to say I I'll make make a motion to accept the minutes of the December 3rd meeting May I have a second second councilwoman fiser yes councilman G yes mayor n yes Burger um I will abstain thank you um Mr Clark are there any reports from the town fish from the township Department officials uh just very briefly we will have the monora lighting uh on December 26th we had good response on the holiday lighting contest um and that's that's about it okay is anyone else around the table I have nothing I nothing nothing from legal okay then I would like to go on to hearing of citizens and public comment on the cons agenda items and on General matters is there a list uh we're going to continue with the hearing of citizens and public comments so I'll read the opening statement each person shall first give their name and address to the clerk the council should be addressed as a collective body and not as individual members each person shall have one turn to address the council and comments shall not exceed a total of five minutes speakers shall be notified when their time has run and no time extension shall be permitted if you want to make a comment to council please just raise your hand and we'll move you into the meeting we have two people with their hands raised so I'm going mo one in now please hi can you hear me yes you have your name and address for the record please uh Ben novic 58 Yellowstone Lane hell New Jersey I just want to wish everybody happy holidays and the best of the New Year and I wish the mayor good luck in her future endeavors thank you sir just a question I got how come we're doing this as a zoom meeting and it's at four o'clock Mr Clark sure typically our last meeting of the year we end up cancelling unless we have some work to do we had a very light schedule so we decided that rather than have the meeting at night we would do it at four o'clock um so that way we could move through it smartly okay since you said you usually canel the Mee and I can understand that so uh now in the newspaper today they said the uh Warehouse on Victory Road is being contested by the people that want to build it where does that leave the township now I believe that all questions will be asked and then we'll be responded to at the end of the session is that correct Mr Clark correct so Mr novic is asking about the the Victory Road Warehouse application and the lawsuit so okay I'll make note of that do you have anything else Mr noic no that's it I appreciate it thank you enjoy thank you sir have a wonderful holiday you too move you back into the uh the audience now hang on one second has been moved out we do have one other hand raised I'm going to move him now good afternoon uh 15 way uh I want to wish everybody happy holidays thank you for your service this year thank you mayor burger for your uh Service uh thank you as mayor for the past eight years um I'm just coming in to object to the structure of this Zoom meeting and it's the same complaints I had when we were on Zoom with the planning board and other things there are ways to arrange this meeting so that all participants in the meeting can be seen and there should be a chat uh available uh for us to be able to make written comments during the meeting I find this particular configuration of Zoom to be restrictive and not very transparent and so I'd appreciate it if everyone who called in would be able to be seen in the meeting and that there would be a CH window available for participants outside of the rooms so thank you for your consideration thank you sir are there any other attendees waiting to come in uh one person has just raised their hand hang on one second okay thank you he really was sitting in a nice looking place I wish I was sitting where he was sitting it oh yes what what was that the person who moved in SC share their screen yeah that was what was on their screen okay then recess motion for recess yes please may I have may I have a motion motion for recess may I have a second second all favor ion we can reconvene motion may I have a motion may I have a motion to open the meeting motion to open may I have a second thank you I I all right we're gonna bring Mr Rooney in uh just Audio Only audio my first time here and uh yes after the previous the second previous gentleman was referring to having a onscreen Zoom a clown like that second come on uh very disturbing open that oh sorry yes my name John Rooney 5 Westbrook Road Howell New Jersey how we help you okay that was very disturbing uh and we agree that everybody goes after that person whoever they needed to go will this meeting be talking about I was just going over the agenda of the meeting and I saw that there was def itions as far as boarding and rooming houses or rooms uh has that been adopted that the definitions only have been adopted one and second will we discussing anything on that as far as what the township uh regulations are concerning that uh those definitions uh my concern is you know taking an area that was typically made built and has been for many many years single family dwellings uh and turning them into a um you know a transient place where now all of a sudden property values will start dropping care of houses because uh as we see in other areas what happens thank you you thank you is there anyone else Mr Howard no okay motion to close so at this point I would like a motion to close public comment motion to close public second favor I I um at this time is there anyone that wants to vote on one of the resolutions separately do a response to public comments now you just very very quick go ahead with regard to Mr novik's question about the Victory Road Warehouse we're aware of the lawsuit we received it we intend to defend it vigorously um we can't really talk about much of it other than that but we're aware of it and we will uh will be defending um with regard to Mr Rooney um right now we are defining rooming houses and boarding houses um neither of which are permitted use in any of our zones so we understand where he's coming from with that um you know and it it does give us additional enforcement ability with regard to you know some of the single family residential being converted into those types of dwellings so yeah the ordinance ultimately puts a fine point on the definition of a rooming house where they're not permitted by ordinance um the issues we're having with the rentals are well documented um we have a lot of ordinances that are addressing those this is just another one to kind of close the loop and be able to call spade a spade that when code enforcement goes in and sees certain aspects of a property or how it's being used that we have a name to it um it's not permitted by zoning it's going to stay that way and go off of that as well uh rooming houses are licensed entities by the DCA so if they are licensed and operating a appropriately they have additional allowances in special in zones in the township but we want to make sure if they are not licensed and operating in a way that um is not regulated that it's captured in our ordinances and today it's on the agenda in um the adoption section so we've already had the introduction so today everybody will be voting on if you are um a approving or disapproving adding those definitions to the Township Code um and we'll have a def a separate public comment section so if you have more questions on it um when we go to adopt the ordinance you'll have some opportunity to speak then as well okay and then just very briefly Mr White had brought up a a request with regard to zoom meetings uh we hold them very infrequently L as a council will take it under advisement for the next meeting to the extent we get hold on V Zoom again and the uh the structure is set exactly how the council meeting structure set you have your members on the Das who are and the professionals who are allowed to talk and do business at the time that the public comment is it's time for public comment there public is allowed to come up and discuss the matter um obviously there's a level of control that the webinar featur creates which is create creating an audience and a panelist um and it allows us to mute uh remove and uh control video if everyone's on the screen at the same time well I I don't need to say anything else as to what could happen no so at this time then I would like to ask if any member wants to take out any of the resolution to vote separately if I if no I would like a motion to please uh resolution 24- 430 through 24- 435 excluding 24436 and adding 24437 mayor we're still going to need to vote on 24437 separately so the motion should be oh it doesn't say that oh it does say that excuse me very very excuse me motion to approve problem so the motion should be 4:30 through 4:35 correct motion to approve R 24430 through and including R2 24435 I'll second Council Fisher yes G yes mayor yes burer yes thank you consent resolution is passed may I have a motion may I open do you want me to open no just a motion would be great may I have a motion for resolution 24- 437 cancelling 2024 Grant fund appropriation and general impr Improvement authorization balances motion to accept resolution r24 d437 second Council and Fisher yeser yes yes yes the resolution passes under unfinished business I'd like to open up for public hearing for ordinance 02 24-48 it's an ordinance of the township of how amending part two chapter 188-pound anybody has any public comment please raise your hand I'm not seeing any mayor okay then I will close this portion and I would like a motion for ordinance 24-48 an ordinance of the township of Hell amending part two section [Music] the township of how may I have a motion I'll move to adopt ordinance 24-48 second Council fer yes gager yes mayor n yes fer yes thank you the ordinance is adopted there are no new introduction of ordinances at this time and so I would like to say congratulations to the two members who will be um at the reorg so I wish everybody a happy reorg and it will be held on January 1 2025 Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. at this time I will accept a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I I thank you everyone have a wonderful four years thank you mayor thank you