##VIDEO ID:1XF7vvMvuqM## e e e e 530m I will call the regular council meeting ofay August 264 to order roll Jara Scott here Bard here Kramer here GRS here flag States first up we have the consent agenda is there a motion to approve the consent agenda and I will make one note the meeting minutes are not included in that so I will put them on the next consent I'll make a motion motion there a second support all those in favor all right moving on to we have number seven guest and citizens forum is there anyone who' like to get up and say anything before we get started if not we'll move on to reports from staff City administrator l we received one RFP for Golf Course manager it was after the deadline um so the Personnel committee wage and I will meet regarding that application we also received a proclamation of support from St Louis County for our letter of support for the raised grant program that we issued to them they were awarded a $25 million grant for the Rice Lake Road which is Highway 4 Corridor project in addition we received a thank you painting um from the UPN North Quil Guild for their use of the community building which the city of L supports this is what it is so we will find a location and method of panging that that's all today all right thank you Recreation director West um golf season slow Ling down we're getting a couple year end tournaments and uh play's been pretty good since quit rain um other than that uh fall Rec programs are starting up signups are going on going down no they're not it thank you I'll say I've been up there a few times course is in great shape but greens look great mother nature been kind this year all right Public Utilities director B all right I'm sure everyone's aware of the color issues we've had in count um that turned not be a chemistry issue what we found was chlorine was reacting to that Mages that was in suspension so it was pulling that out that's why you can see them videos where people throw chorine in there and would get dark and other stuff going on to combat that we've been on the phone of the canist uh figured out what we need to do going forward moved a chemical feed point that should help sequester more of the babes before the Corine attack it other thing we're doing is Flushing the bad water we just went through and flushed all the hydrants in town we might have to do it a second time but the problem should start to be resolving so I've already noticed a difference at my house so hopefully you guys are noticing at your houses I know not all places in town are experiencing this so other than that um we have switched back to the aquahawk that is a cheaper chemical uh the Cure we were using for main treatment it's 87 cents a pound the the aqu we're getting by tote is 70 cents a pound uh when we can replace our current chemical storage with the tanks that will go down to 4 cents which will be a huge savings for the city I'm hoping to see that next year so and that's all I got so far as far as the chemistry issue was there any health risks at all with the water or uh no health risks with the water so it's just a cosmetic issue stuff that's already there just the chlorine bring making it visible thank you I do notice a difference at my house now that the Hy have been flush is starting to get better already so that continues for everyone City attorney nothing for me there all right parts from elected officials are fam um yeah first I would like to welcome the ad to the council can for to work the collaboratively and questions can um also um the free food cry um it's being heavily used so please continue making donations to it um with that said please remember not to donate expired food also there has been some vandalism in terms of people taking food out there smashing it up on a sidewalk so um I would hope that this could discontinue otherwise we might look at um and alterate Ops what to do that and then lastly um the strange police department does have a um full-time officer position open and it will be open until that gets filled so any commity members know some that they pass on to that's great thank you comt I guess I'd like to Echo there too and welcome Dave U we're all available to help answer questions I know it's a lot to just dump into and get the big back a lot to read so yeah any way we can help get transition in I'm sure you be great and nothing else for me all right thank you Scot yeah the only thing is that the Garden Club had their summer piing barbecue on August 21st there was lot of people there um lots of food that was e so they enjoyed it and it was nice to see that's all like thank you counc J anything well thank you for the welcome um not been sing commissions or anything so thank you um I also was gonna welcome Dave to the table up here if you have any questions yeah certainly reach out looking forward to working with you till the end of the year and we'll see what comes after that uh also we've been talking with the committee about their contract again for the concession stand I will be discussed with them and brought up at meeting upcoming meeting but they will be operating at the concession St again the arena next that's all I have And1 old business there is none so we'll move on to 11.1 which is a public comment SE propos tax abatement pledge for L's Community wellness and Recreation Center which we know as the arena so we're going to move to recess the regular council meeting while we have the public hearing section and then we'll be open the regular meeting so is there a motion to recess the regular Mee is there a second I'll second that all those in favor hi hi so I'd like to call the uh public hearing for the proposed tax abatement pledge for this Comm well Center the financing to order first we'll have staff comments so are there any comments from staff that are here evening mayor members of the council Shannon when with David ground Associates uh some months ago you've initiated a project to do Renovations significant Renovations at the arena facility and once we'd received construction bids and had a number of different grant opportunities in place we set about the process for putting the local financing into place and so we uh engaged the services of a placement agent uh to assist in solic in proposals for the purchase of bonds to finance $2,491 th000 of project costs at the uh that placement agent uh secured proposals and the low uh the lowest overall cost of borrowing was proposed by Security Bank and Trust out of glanco Minnesota uh we've worked with that bank several times and they are an active purchaser of Municipal Bond and at the end of the day they had a proposal that we thought was very representative of market conditions a good competitive proposal that was a lower interest rate than other proposals received at 4.63% uh the bonds are structured over a 20-year term uh that's the maximum duration that we can go under tax abatement Authority as cities are created by Statute statute dictates cities can borrow money and what process they need to go in order to go through in order to do that and for facilities like this uh a common statute that's used for the issuance of General obligation bonds is tax abatement Authority has a fair amount of flexibility with regard to the types of projects that can be financed under that Authority and the Ci's use that Authority in the past for example for our street utility reconstruction project I think was in 2020 and so uh covered the street portion of the project costs at that time as uh we weren't using special assessments so tax abatement Authority is a is an alternative to use of special assessments U the process for authorizing the levy for the repayment of the bonds requires a public hearing which is what we've noticed and called tonight to take public comment with regard to that tax levy pledge that will be used to make payments on the bonds um again that Levy pledges for a term of 20 years the same as the term of the bond issue uh it's process authorized under Statute in order to make a pledge for the repayment of bonds which we're intending to do the two action items that will be before the council following the public hearing will be a resolution authorizing the tax abatement and then a resolution awarding sale for the bonds if you choose to proceed with financing the project cost as proposed um so with that I'm happy to answer any questions with regard to the documents that were provided uh fryberger Law Firm prepared uh the award resolution for the bond issue and the reviewed our tax abat documents related to The leing Pledge so happy to answer questions on others questions from the council number assume any additional grants from the bank I think it assume one $250,000 Grant we will pursue a total of 500,000 but we were conservative in our estimate because at that time we weren't sure that we could structure construction like the paid off early if we were to secure other grants and funding February 1st of 2032 is the first app opportunity to prepaid it's common to have uh they call it call Protection or the inability to prepaid for about seven to eight years uh is pretty much a market Standard otherwise we'd pay a little bit higher interest rate what I can tell you is that uh in current market conditions you can reinvest those proceeds at an interest rate that's ultimately higher than what you're paying an interest on the bonds and so it shouldn't cost you at least in current conditions any money to if you have surplus funds that you hold on to until you reach that call that bring the pre payment um but uh happy to answer any more questions on that p as well there AR any other questions from the council and the next item on the agenda would be there's two different public comment sections one would be public comments against the project and the other public comments for the project so if there's any public comments against the project we could hear those now curious did Wade have anything to say of the project no no there's no public comments against we can take the public comments in favor of the project there are none of those other than there's opportunity opportunity for any other agencies I don't believe there's any other agencies present who have any comments on the topic so hearing no other comments um there'll be a motion to adjourn the public hearing and then we will call back to order the regular council meeting to take motions on the bement documents is that right order all right so is there a motion to adjourn the public hearing motion been a motion in a second all those in favor I fin pose right I will now call the resarch regular council meeting back to order and on that agenda the next item would be 12.1 the resolution approving the property tax abatement and the tax levy pledged for the 2024a general obligation Bond any questions on the resolution itself that we provided we have had disc discussion talk about it before then FR put it together if there aren't any sections I would need a motion to approve that resolution I'll make that motion to a resolution is there a second for the tment I'll say I think this does open up the arena to be marketed a lot more when it's restored here uh an ice plant it's reliable we can at getting out of teams here to play tournaments and different things like that I think it'll be good for the city to keep the arena functional all support has been motion and a second all those in favor I motion carried we will move on to 12.2 which is the resolution or in sale of the general obligation tax of bonds so pleas go hand in hand so is there a motion to approve resolution 12.2 I'll make that motion a motion is there a second second motion and second all those in favor iose Right Moving On 12.3 we have sign in Charter ofer Ford for us the greatest public hearing I've ever um so we thought we'd take some time just little bit of an update on what we've been up to and what we're planning over the next year or so uh apologies to those who were at Water Carnival when we I didn't give an update over there I'm assuming there are a couple of people here who might not have been there to hear me BL on all too interested in in seeing the Miss um so over the last year and a half um we have been working on formalizing our merger February last year what was P met um merged with tech resources a couple months later Glen C bought out the remainder of poet and Ur range became a 50-50 joint venture between Tech and Gort so these are two giants in the the mining industry a very different look to to what might look like being a junior um so one of the things we had to do was obviously you know get that urger sorted out you got two pretty big kids on the playground you got to make sure that that everyone's playing nicely together so did some work on that um a couple months later we we did lose our for was revoked that was kind of blow to us and kind of unprecedented move by by the state so you know we took a long hard look at what the project what was proposed what we can do better so that when we take our next step forward um we step forward the best you know in the best possible way so we're going to make sure that this project is is pretty pretty solid that's not to say that we didn't have a solid project before it was the highest rated um eia er at the time of of approval um but we think we can do better and the world has come a long way since we've initially um submitted our our per applications um we've also been pretty busy out there over the last year and we removed so lots of numbers but we're pretty excited about the amounts of work that's happened out there in the in the concentrator 24,000 tons of steel went out of there 19,000 tons of that have already been recycled 65,000 tons of concrete that going to recycle as well 57,000 manh hours Union man hours out there so you know lots of stuff happening in the concentrator our edmin building the old LTV building has been torn AP evated not pretty cool work environments out there um February last year P met had 27 employees we're sitting at 62 at the moment and really what um you know that whole story is around you know our parent companies are are not that it's to to you know generate a better project project and and work on the sustainability side as well you know were concerns raised during uping process to make sure that we're really listening to to any um comments or concerns so we're going to be doing four major studies over the next year um the first one we're going to look at our tailings um down um the current plan is to use an existing the existing lcv tailing down um with the existing um tailing down construction so Upstream construction some concerns were raised around that during formating and and while we do feel pretty confident in the design that we put forward um there's been some some tailing fored issues in the world over the last few years and we really going to make sure that that the next steps on that exam meet you know best possible standards so we're going to look at is a central line possible for those of you um not in the mining industry I'll probably speak to you afterwards because that could probably get a little bit boring but um we're going to look at CER line which is typically a little bit more stable uh we're going to look potential info existing PS out there you know the positive in existing pits there's a bunch ofs out there obviously there's there's um cut related implications there's permanen related implications we got to look at all um the next study that we're going to do is around our water treatment uh we committed to meeting the wild R standards we' be the first site in in the region to actually meet those standards and we stand by those commitments and committed you know to construct a$1 million oral treatment facility to to do just that um maybe we can do better the last six years technology has advanced uh we have access to some pretty amazing resources between te and G Technical Resources so we're going to look at that and see if maybe we can come up with an even better um maybe not necessarily to to get significantly better than that standard because it is really hard to meet um but maybe we can do it more efficiently the third area we're going to be looking at is throughput so our operation was pered at 32,000 PS per day um when that application went in that was a pretty good throughput based on the current the technology that was available at the time uh things have progressed again when you've been permiting for 19 20 21 years things do tend to to improve so we're going to look at 40,000 tons per day that just sort of aligns with the current technology um allows us to op optimiz production optimize around sustainable sustainability and Emissions so we're going to look at at what that you know could could look like and the last study is around o transport on site those of you who know the site our pits are about six miles away from the old concentrated plant which we plan to to use again um and we have rail reticulation on site and we're going to use rail PS to to transport the or our paing companies have um clean climate sustainability goals around carbon emissions um diesel locomotives are not necessarily the best option in terms of of emissions so we're going to look at what um installing inor system on site would would look like so implication the impact there is obviously additional footprint we have to construct these comparers and compar are incredibly expensive so we we be looking at that so that's a bunch that are just you in terms of where we've been over the last year and then what we're going to be doing over next year um do you guys have any questions for for us I'm wondering if we have like ative time frame to start start so is that the hardest we know we're g get this question and it's such a hard one to answer I mean if if we could we breakr immediately ouring companies are are ready to do that uh per in in the state is incredibly challenging you know we're looking at a year of of study and then update to to my permits and the four four four per Contex in time um we're hoping to be able to break down in the next three to four years but again this is this is I'm not sure you see it's pretty hard for aent companies to keep put in the bill another 20 years um they have Deep Pockets but that's pretty deep um I don't know if you guys have seen the the um Minnesota Chamber of Commerce study inting in Minnesota if you haven't it's pretty high opening um just how challenging how slow and how costly pering is in Minnesota that compared us to surrounding states um it's a this is a this is a tough state that was a long answer to very simple question we would love to open possible we know the commun been we I don't want to see jobs leave the area but have you guys discussed moving the facility potentially to like North Dakota where there's less rent regulation you know um huge piece of the value for the north met project is the existing infrastructuring site it it really does make that mate project which is a shortterm project I mean it's not a 100y year project which M could potentially be um you know it's it's a shortterm project to construct that amount of infrastructure out state would be pretty cting so we have really consider that know Tam that's their the T Metals that's that is their solution we would hate to move our JS um yeah some pretty amazing facili we also have a Workforce here that has a long history in mining and we can definitely deliver the workforce for that our our whole SL moment is right right place right you know this is place forine like this country needs minerals and the Iron Ranger needs you know project done right actually it's nice to see that you're committed to the area not really looking to leave we've had a lot of facilities decid to leave Minnesota because of per yeah no that's not you know I mean I can't imagine we would ever turn around say oh we're going to M material here sorry you you know processing jobs where that's just that's is not our project you know nor project is 360 CH in construction it's not massive but it's significant for a region like this um at some stage we'll do an updated economic study to to be able to give you numbers what what that will look like but as the project you know economic change will kind got tweak things to see what I look like I would also really encourage if you would like to come up the site St the there to see what we've been up to that those of you been into that concentrator I was out there today and it blows you mind it's truly amazing how it's that that building has been emptied out and ready for all s you f obviously put in a lot of time effort and money into the project um is there anything that people in the public or any like Municipal governments in the area can do to supporting folks or your efforts you know I think um we feel we're supported by these commun that's that's in question for us I mean it really is the question goes the other way I think for us I think it's hard for us to see people's hopes and expectations to get dashed over and over again we understand that you know it takes a lot of patience to support a project like this so please just keep believing in the project you know we're in a pretty good position right now if you look at who is supporting us um the m is there we I think I sent you guys some information 33% of the country's C there there's no way this project is not going to get developed there is no it's just when and sense so there's no Representatives that we should be reaching out to to try to put environmentals or anything you know I think I think the next year if we might go a little bit quieter again I I intend to do a better job of piing you guys up today on what's been happening as we as we progress the studies I'm definitely welcome comments from from you guys and from the community on what you know where we doing um but I think at this stage you know I don't think so just keep keep supporting us yeah and please come out tell tell the story of your but again I do have some business cards here anyone wants to come up to to sh your own I also also and I think you guys have the little one pag here if anything in there or other na happy to come thank youate you trying to keep us public all updated let's come to reality one of these days so waiting all right 12.4 Jacob chisco with Bolton May with a draft of our water system analysis evening everyone so what I'd like to do is kind of give a brief recap of where everything's been at the last several weeks because there's been a few pieces that have developed um so first thing is the first draft of the water study was provided on the 16th and then on the 20th we had the technical meeting so that was uh representatives from the city met with staff and B A make we reviewed in detail the water study uh that meeting took an hour and a half plus so I'll keep it short tonight so we all can uh enjoy evening a little bit more um but ultimately out of that technical meeting we did have a couple revisions and a couple updates that we did have to the study so that was pushed out you guys have in front of you uh version two of the draft at this current point in time also in your packet is included is the presentation um and I would say more of a summary presentation that was provided to the technical commune committee so I'm I'm not planning on going through that entire presentation tonight but I want wanted to provide you guys a few of the slides just to have the details on what we highlighted in the technical meeting so that way afterwards if you want to go back you can kind of see maybe where we spend some time in the meeting but ultimately if you're okay with it what I'd like to do is I'd like to go through a little bit of the presentation findings and then we can have some discussion on the draft report afterwards so in your packet again you have that water system analysis PowerPoint presentation so um overall what I wanted to kind of summarize again is that the study goals with provide a high Lev review of the facility existing conditions and also look at tangible options or alternatives for the city's consideration so the general report format as you guys go through it is ultimately it provides an introduction it gives you design conditions which ultimately look at like the city of Point lakes population usages and other sort of factors to understand how much water the city uses and what really will Su the pipes um after we look at your existing conditions and what that gets into is fundamentally your facil uh your infrastructure's health and condition uh there's a water quality review that looks at where you're appropriating from being fly Lake it looks at the water quality water quality standards in the state of Minnesota and cross references that to what has been coming on the facility along with any proposed water treatment system improvements or Alternatives which is what we'll talk about tonight in the draft study and the report includes an opinion of cost that's for all Alternatives it gives you estimated cost for the projects and lastly we provide some recommendations and discussion on funding so those funding opportunities you guys can look into and like I said as the next several Pages as we kind of move into it provide a lot of information for you guys to kind of look and highlight it gives you the numerics of Hoy lakes and you don't neily need to get into that but in the design conditions that's typically population based so the one thing we wanted to highlight is that uh we looked at your historics um and ultimately Point L was trending negative based off most of the metrics that are out there for today whether that sensus state and everything other information that's available um to that effect the study assumes no change in the population as we want to maintain um the opportunity to serve the population that you have currently so a negative Trend did not make sense so that just simply we maintained it as it was we use your pumping records um and any sort of information we have from the commercial residential our loss breakdown ultimately there's not a lot of metering in Hoy Lakes other than commercial commercial districts so that's where we put most of the information the next slides in your packet provide you the numbers the breakdown of what you use which fundamentally from a 5ye average fo Lakes uses about 156 gallons per capita per day so every individual on a daily basis across an average US 156 gallons uh again there's more breakdown that provide you we looked at some projections um and from a projection standpoint we forecasted out to uh 2035 and 2045 looking at those years uh to determine what you would be needing in the future of that point so in summarizing all that information even though that was a quick uh Quick Glance will we found in the existing conditions is that your water supply infrastructure has some U basically age restrictions that are as it's as its well age has reduced some of the treatment capacity and specifically The Source water in kobby Lake um with some of the intake set up there's some issues that have restricted ultimate capacity through the plant furthermore we saw that with the source water being Lake there is some athetic that's something that Jake talked about today but also that you guys have seen from across the board that pby Lake typically has aesthetic issues that just cannot be taken out from additional treatment fundamentally looking at water storage the water storage is adequate the water distribution system most of it is predominantly original being cast iron um and the city is undergoing repairs it's the Earth basically replacement of infrastructure as it can as it needs the water treatment plant we found is ultimately is original for the most for the most part it provides a high treatment cost of source water uh it's chemical storage and other sort of um a set up in facility in some ways is inadequate and does need to to be updated and if there is a construction project in the future that will be required to be updated um but the bottom line is that the facility will meet the 2035 and 2045 demand projections so under and the bottom line is is well your facility is aged the current state will meet those feuture projections if there's no more deterioration the next several slides go over the Alternatives and I'm going to go through these a little bit quickly but the six Alternatives that were provided and some of this was from City Council meetings talking with public utility staff and then also our own um experience we looked at restoration of the existing water Tri imp plant and still utilize fobby Lake we looked at regionalization with East Range water board establishing an interconnection construction of a new water treatment plant using the same Source fobby Lake restoration of the existing water triming plant moving the source to White Lake White Water Lake construction of a new water treatment plant using white water lake and then construction of a new water treatment plant and then sourcing it from ground so those are the six Alternatives so um overall we do have a bunch of cost breakdown in the next several sets of slides with restoration of the existing water true implant using the same take being roughly 13 to 17 million um advantages and disadvantages ages of using that is it's the lowest IM immediate Capital cost um you're not reliable on the East Ranch Water Board the city is familiar with the city with the with the treatment Technologies some of the disadvantages are going to be that you're not going to from the public perceptive deal with that aesthetic issue and this facility is still aged so at 10 to 15 years out you're going to have additional issues develop as a facility ages even with a restoration alternative two is regionalization with East Ranch Water Board this looks like an interconnect between the city of Aurora's distribution system and White Lake's water tower uh it does require a limit of infrastructure approximately 1,500 ft of water M and a booster station that Capital cost is estimated to be 20 to 27 million advantages and disadvantages are simply going to be you do address that public health concern uh water quality um uh testing and evaluation of thear bar bit where me book from shows it's a higher quality water does not have a lot of the same issues BL does and even though they are in the same Watershed uh actually embar fit PS from a different area that typically is a little bit cleaner and there's some geology there that helps out disadvantages would be that you are reliable in the East Ranch waterport and it is a mid-level cabinet cost so alternative three is construction of the new water treatment plant and utilize the same Source uh this project is estimated to be 23 million to 31 million um fundamentally you bringing the new the water treatment plet up your demolishing the water treatment plant and building a new facility um so you're not going to have any longterm let's say any 20 to 30 year maintenance cost on the Water Treatment Facility but you're still using the same source which provides the public opinion of water Aesthetics and you could have additional cost in that intake in the future alternative four is restoration of existing water Tri plant new water supply Source um that cost Capital cost is estim to be 14 to 19 million since that's just a restaurant ation um disadvantages and and advantages being that from an advantage standpoint it is a it does it does address the public concern since you're not using Pon Lake but fundamentally it's a moderate initial sorry moderate Capital cost that can lead to additional work in the future 10 to 15 years this facility this facility deteriorates further you will have to do additional permitting removing the White Water L um an additional raw water infrastructure be required alternative is construction of the new water treatment plant and use a new raw water um Supply source so everything's brand new that costs 24 million to 33 million advantages and disadvantages advantages being you address that public concern perspective of water quality little maintenance in 20 to 30 years um but it's a very high Capital cost that's the highest Capital cost of all the options lastly we have alternative six which is construction of a new water tree and plant and a groundwater puming station so this is would be a technology change from what ho L currently does and does not include relying on the third party that Capital cost is roughly 19 to 27 million that would entail building a new water treatment facility that uses filtration as Focus um and then sourcing groundwater through pump stations so there would have to be a hyd hydrogeologic study completed in the area to determine what sort of rates can be acquired to to uh the F legs uh advantages and disadvantages it's a lower initial Capal cost than compared to all the options there will be low maintenance costs in the next 20 to 30 years as all the infrastructure is brand new some of the disadvantages are you will have to permit that new source um L corporations permit specifically and there is a little bit of uncertainty in whenever you get into groundwater um sourcing and that specifically comes from the fact that well we can estimate as much as we want of the geology once you start to develop the well and use it then you're going to really have a good understanding of what actually is going to canot it so there's a little bit of risk involved with groundwater but ultimately it comes at a lower infrastructure costs so the report provides you an opinion of costs side by side you can kind of take a look through all those Capital costs um between alternative one to Alternative six as we side comparison the last thing we do look at is U your onm cost and that does play a role as you read through the study in like what longterm Point lakes can be expected we can we get some grants and there is some initial Capital ultimately whatever you carry on long term from years to years that also can wait Al that should wait as a decision specifically as ho Lakes has a very high water Enterprise cost just due to treating C Lake um fundamentally it's well ultimately it ranges between 70 to 80% of your own budget goes just to treating producing water so we broke that down to a cost for a th000 gallons and what we found is that your water production cost is roughly $3.9 per th000 gallons of water um your your onm ranges from 450,000 to $530,000 a year comparatively the city of Aurora um we provided here just some context they look at an onm cost of 20 roughly 220,000 a year with a water production cost of $2.70 so there's a lot of savings potential in changing sources um we going to kind of highlight that but also going to give you guys a snapshot of really what you're spending on chemical um any in here just to clarify for everyone we have a chemical budget of $126,000 every year Aurora is $9,000 so if you're looking at costs that is what cost to treat that water absolutely so that that is definitely a big factor as an onm cost and can definitely be reduced um the report provides you some uh context and funding so the primary drinking uh primary funding source recommended is the drinking water revolving fund and that provides market rate loans for loans from two to 3% provide some additional details on the report for you guys to re to re to review earlier this year we did put an application in um even though we didn't have a project selected in previous council meeting you had talked about that just to get you on the docket so in the future um it's easier to to part funding through PFA one thing to not on PFA is it utilizes the edu calculation so what this means is that they look at your average household medium income and it's based on one 1.2% of that so there's going to be an affordability threshold that's discussed in the report a bit more that ultimate o Lees will have to meet prior to receiving full Grant after a certain point um and talking with uh internal Year we're estimating that being rated around 8 to 10 million being the affordability limit um prior and there's a few scenarios the report kind of details out on that and we definitely are open to having some additional discussion there's any questions but depending on whether you have a high onm cost or a lower on cost that can change got a question sure um you offer the cost of Aur which I understand said a little bit less did you do any studies on what it would cost for water treat to take water from White Water Lake that was not that was not included in the study we looked at the water quality but we have not R any analytics on it so what are the actual sources of the water uh the sources water gets a lot of it from Lake detected in there I'm worried about that being a future standard the other thing is that 126 to 130 million gallons we P here from KOB Lake now be sitting in be light which in turn would be transferred into white water so my concern is White Water might be good for a few years but once that water keeps cycling through into white water lake I for see that Lake getting darker and starting to run into color issues just like we're already facing right here with some have said that without M using the verion works the water and white water sped up some but I I I'm concerned about the transfer of water to two just as you're saying okay it's it's a potential because it's not really from what I understood a spring that area there are two Springs that that I yeah there are some Springs the question is where are you where are we going to put the intake on White Water if you go towards that Bay Area you're going to be running into complain of th weight water dumps into people have obvious concerns there and that you pull up closer like by the diversion works now you're closer to that inflow from KOB L because that water's got to go somewhere and it's not going to just sit and so so as we kind of talk through all these Alternatives I'm going to step into the the technical committee review which also da going to answer little maybe of step into your your question as well the focus of the technical technical meeting was to review the Alternatives and evaluates is there additional options or is there which Alternatives would the city like to look into further because from the from taking a step back the water study provides a high level review of all the Alternatives that were discussed and that we presented but I did not necessarily go into a lot of detail on determining say say appro ation rates or you know look at hydrology but those are definitely options and so we're at the stage gr right now is we're going to we need to hone in on maybe some those Alternatives that would be the next step to investigate a little bit further so again on August 20th we we met um we review the existing conditions a lot of the information in detail that we talked about tonight that we just kind of moved through quickly uh we talked through the Alternatives in the study presented opinions of cost and funding sources and from that committee um there was two Alternatives that were discussed as an interest to proceed it uh the first was to investigate alternative number two which is regionalization the basis being it um in the next to do work items would be is to prepare a list of questions or concerns to better understand what the relation to the east Ranch Water Board would be and specifically understanding like infrastructure owners ownership along with East Range representation the second alternative that was of interest for the technical uh technical committee meeting was the groundwater Supply um so to proceed with an alternative number six we looking into it the best the best method forward would be is to develop a hydrologic study of the area and better understand what sourcing groundwater would look like specifically water quality along with uh potential appropriation rates so those were the two Alternatives that were presented and discussed and heavy uh heavily throughout that meeting so at this point I don't know if you guys have any additional questions um but what we're at with the study is we can finalize that study I'd recommend and ask that if you guys have any comments on the draft report we're more than happy to answer them and we you should take some time to review the study and then at any point in time feel free to to reach out to us or provide those comments and we can provide some additional answers on that in the same way um to move the study forward it would be good to deter determine which alternates you guys would like to proceed that so and it would be up to the council if you want to make a motion to go forward with the recommended Alternatives or if you wanted to review the study some more and make a determination of the next meeting just as a starting off statement the meeting you talked about on the 20th was myself with mayor GRS Jake and Becky along with Jake Chrisco from B we discussed in detail the current status and what we believe we should move forward with uh there's a lot of questions with the interconnects to Aurora uh I feel just my personal opinion that it's until we know more of that we shouldn't put all of our eggs in that basket um we need to see how that board's going to be reassembled what our representation looks like what our cost looks like uh before we say that that's 100% what we're doing so I would like the recommendation says I felt that we should pursue two options so groundwater is typically a little more stable less Organics to treat um and we really don't know what kind of water we're dealing with until we put a while the ground we could relatively close to the same water or we could have water like dual Minnesota and it's perfectly fine right the ground then excuse me you look at City Ken which is this Clos to they've got some of the worst water on the r to get two CI drawing from similar officers one is fantastic and the other is are they talking about multiple tests what kind of size deps sure so the initial step would be to do a desktop exercise to evaluate um we're kind of lucky because up in this area with all the different mining activity along with other sort of Investigations that were done there is a lot of information available so that would be pulling that information together and then eventually as you're indicating You' be running some analytics on it doing some pump tests to see if we can appropriate at certain rates to feed the city and then looking at water quality again always kind of having some conversation about groundwater is sometimes when you get into a scenario where you start using the well over time it can change um just you know when you develop that well initially you could have a high flow rate lower flow rates um and sometimes the chemistry as it pulls from farther areas in the offer that's going to change a little over time so the first again that first piece is going to be a snapshot what we currently have but ultimately that could change in the future but we do your best to kind of do that initial analysis which is again water quality testing and then just doing pum tests so and you run into the same change as of surface water where you species that come in or and because the thing is as you get into surface water you know if you start appropriating depending on rates you can draw down water bodies as well and sometimes you sol in the lake you can see slight changes so that is that is a risk to Sol there any other questions J I know said we did meet for an hour and a half or so I think the consensus was that you know a new water source would be one of the best you know options and we did like Stuart said chose to look at two of them instead of just throwing all our eggs in one basket but there are some questions to be answered and some action items that are listed there so people want more time to look at the report that was sent out to us the full report you know we don't have to make a determination now but if we're good with looking at a new water source we can have them go ahead with the action items to start a meeting with the water board and um getting a cost estimate to do that hydrogeological study would that interconnect with the is there certain deadline meet minor um so you're going to want to make a firm decision in the next four months because the county needs information as to what size pipe put in the ground when they tear up and so if obviously we joining we want to put in much larger pipe than they were sizing yeah and just kind of qualifi that too we're talking about maybe upsizing a couple inches on diameter which is tens of thousands of dollars versus if it was a reopen up you're talking potentially so there's a little bit of risk there the the regionalization ultimately is your shortest time table for determination and again it's just it's really restrictive to that that County project and and I would say uh making a decision at the next meeting would not be a concern but it we put it out any further than that we got because what we'll do is um since there's work since bolon make is working on that County project anyway you know there's been some discussions and understanding and ultimately um you know that four to four to five month timetable is going to provide that it's just a minor modification and plan set to say go on cple sizes so uh not too much work there if it is the that you want to subsize the pipe um for you risk mitigation but you said well it's SP for bid project so right right and your or your estimate the water production cost is Aurora's current treatment not what it's going to be in the new correct Source correct and it doesn't include the extra maintenance on booster station and 15,000 ft of water I was at the last meeting it spoke to Luke about what he does with other communities it's site they own all the way up to where the booster station would be and we' operate our sh in down so the board would own up to the so we would be driving between LS like what our booster station be at Water Tower at laskan or would it be in most right where it enters because that's where we start servicing there at the energy Park so we'd have to boost chlorine to the distance the pp Roar get the water to Lasting yeah correct so kind will work out as as the systems pressurized pushes it to the booster station the booster station takes over and pushes it to your water tower then your water tower is going to beat through this system how long does it take to complete the hydrogeologic study to determine whether or not Wells would be Ching sure great good question um typically that can be probably two to three months so does that include gr tests uh that would just be the Desktop review um so in the term of test Wells you can do some smaller Wells just to look at um flow capacities But ultimately you're going to want to get into installation of a larger well that you can test that would be put near production well and those time tables are a little bit longer depending on Drillers long too correct but that gives you the that gives you the best look at what you might get into because we have risk management you don't want to get into where you know if you're pulling from a 4inch well or something really small it's not necessar indictive what the larger low would look like um at higher flow rates again it could have a harder a larger change in water quality which you just wouldn't see in a small um are you are you talking 24 in rolls larger uh it would probably be somewhere in the my guess is you know 8 10 12 inch casings uh depending on know it also depends on what we can find if you're pushing at 300 gallon we a full rate versus if we can get up to the 700 600 or something per gallon that's so I mean I feel that it's you know it doesn't hurt to set up a meeting with the water board get our questions answered and then get an estimate on the study to move forward with one the project any input from the other counselors we want to go ahead and get those going or you want to ask questions during the next two weeks I put it on the agenda for the next meeting I think it's better get moving on getting information now motion water to get prac for the study and we can include some some uh details on the hydraulic study just to kind of context of where it's going to be so on I'll second motion and a second to go ahead with the action items of getting our questions answered and a cost estimate all those in favor I any opposed motion Carri thank you next we have 12.5 2025 seasonal fisherman Point P application all right uh so it's that time of year in addition to having paper applications this year I've also put together a Google survey people can fill out if they would like to submit it electronically it's a little easier on people's hands if they're submitting more than one application they would also be required to be sure they call in or drop off payment prior to the deadline for those app online apps be considered the other question out there is the cost for Lake access and non-lake access sites for 2025 you did not raise rates last year and um you are at the lower end as far as nonwater sewer for seasonal sites in the area for the last two years they've been Lake access 2800 and non-lake access 2300 question how are these deter and once paid what is that money use for can City gr so the rates are determined um typically it's there's a percentage that is electricity and a percentage that is the actual rates for utilizing the site they were originally based on a percentage discount from an entire season amount and then they've just increased from there uh because most these sites have stayed on a seasonal list I don't have any data as to how much they'd make if they were on a nightly reservation basis so that's why we just increased the amount every so often the money is utilized um primarily at Fisherman's point but it does go into the general fund and so the fisherman's point is a general fund um Department of the city and so we do have a specific uh assigned fund for Fisherman's point that for examp example we utilize those funds most recently to build a new bath house down there um so it's it is set aside that the council can choose to spend that money elsewhere this as a comparison I look up the b c rates they do have water sewer hook up for all their sites they're premium sites which are the few that have Lake access um they are charging $3,600 so we're quite a bit under that but they do water and SE another discussion on on the the rate structure and I know we didn't raise it last year all costs go up every year it be in favor of R and did a couple hundred dollar for Lake access being that we are on the low end for our area all the seasonal B right yes yep and in the seasonal um so we draw for all the sites and then we draw 20 alternates if we get through the entire alternate list and the sites are still open they get moved to our monthly reservations so they go um where they are opened up for one mon chunks instead but that happened uh it happened not in 23 but in 22 and there was more season sites that year right there were we [Music] draw are we looking at the monthly increas the same that would be after the council when they discuss nightly rates so how the monthly rates are calculated is it's the number of days plus a 10% discount on that um so if you raise nightly rates they would increase how how did the um mon so they did pretty well um especially in the more popular warmer months yeah um they did they did pretty nice and remember we chose the monthly we took um half pretty popular sites and half less popular sites and so we get a good mix of people in there uh depending on what they like some people really like to be close to the HB Trail some people like to be on the lake yeah how many sites total are 94 how many are le 30 so about 30 yeah there they are also working on putting a handicapped site in where the old bathrooms were that they the brown ones by the 2013 B house well 11 it has to have a improved pad and certain slopes to the to the pad that is there plans to put water and sewer throughout the law the council has discussed that in the past um we are out of compliance right now with the Minnesota um Department of Health we are required to have water within 400 feet of each site we do not um so we will be required to install water lines in the near future to meet that requirement um we have discussed it uh so if you think about where the current bath house is and where the new bath house is that much was $120,000 that water line was and so it's comes at a significant cost to is that just extending up in B one no that's just from the bath house that's right there by the office to the new ones we just built so it's so there is a city line up yes it gets blown out win yeah and we' be looking at extending it that same distance get on the SES yeah you have to extend it not only down the point but into the pic resp to meet that requirement pay for that would be using some you'd be building Revenue uh just remember you did just pay for the bath house so your revenues from that are pretty depleted so you you'd have to work to save for it yeah yes do they have water all new portion of the camera uh do you mean like the dirt Loop yes yeah a discuss on raising it the lake access to ,000 any any comments on that is a little too much so did you want to do lake by to 3,000 and non link to 25 raise both $200 do you want to just raise L access the B ones to are those non leg access um they only have six Lake access and do they have a difference in cost 3,600 for the premium what they're calling it access or close to B and the regulars 3,300 but again they wor about fing your water tanks and empty sew [Music] yeah I think the you know that being 3600 if we were 3,000 it doesn't cost $600 to you know fill your T of water and drain your gray and black water a SE them in slight inconvenience knowing from being out there a few years but it doesn't cost $600 to do that yeah if we're going to be required to end piping in water and things like that your future a mandate cor yes we're on compliance right now yeah that yeah I guess I was thinking 200 each access incre 200 that's a motion I said on second yeah I wrote it down so it's official a motion and a second all those in favor any oppos right we'll get that se out and weule um one thing I did want to mention uh for everyone who's going to apply if you do apply online and you have problems please let me know it's the first year we're looking at doing this and um there might be some hiccups or issues that I could fix if issues so there's no you don't get any favorable you apply online it's still do mean you got your guaranteed over the paper form it's just typ okay on to 12.6 resolution 20242 support of the County state highway 100 railroad crossing grade separation project so St Louis County has requested a resolution of support they are looking at building a bridge over the railroad tracks and if you remember earlier in the year this Council passed a letter requesting that St Louis County find an alternate way around the railroad tracks as there's a significant concern for emergency services getting stuck on one side or another of that railroad crossing this bridge would alleviate those issues and concerns and so if the wishes to issue that resolution of support we can get it over to St Louis County so they can approve apply for that and just to clarify this is in no way part of the County Road Project the roundabout parking on Main Street this is a separate isue yeah yeah is ISE what the that bridge uh no they're looking for Resolutions to support right now to apply for funding can I make a comment on this like I told you the other day I myself have been in an ambulance lights and Z when pulled up and we were delayed by ORS I understand that but is it possible they could investigate placing another Crossing somewhere in town that would alleviate that situation for the their [Music] potential for harm or delay or whatever is pretty minimum I understand but I mean you could take from Highway 100 straight over to Lane 55 and cut over they could put a crossing at that point gate it and fence it and have it controled electronically you know through like garage door openers or whatever at a whole lot less cost than what they're planning on spending on replacing something that they took out back in the 60s yeah and so that was the letter that this Council issued is requesting a Crossing on Lane 55 okay I no no no I know um so yeah that's what this Council requested they said uh that's not something they're going to consider as part of this project because it takes significant negotiations with the federal government and the railroad company it's basically impossible to get a new railroad but you over companies I I know people who have been unable to log their property because of lack of temporary CR just to get to 80 acres of fantastic deny access to so it's it's something like that has happened but it just struck me that to spend the money and to do something that they had before and then pull it out for the minuscule champ I shouldn't say miniscule I'm not belittling that but it seems like the awful lot of money to spend when you could spend a whole lot less in now they Crossing available that could be used in the case of an emergency and they they claim that uh their response for our letter was that there is another emergency Crossing about 100 ft west of that used during the construction Last by have a major derailment that will there's no way our train would not extend past that that temporary one is this meant to be in the same project timeline as uh no so um Highway 100 will be 26 and the bridge would be 27 uh that's the most recent update I've heard it might have changed since they're to R yeah I don't know if they're not going to do that section what their I did not and I think that's something any of us as counselors or individuals who have that feeling we could you know contact the County and let them Express their opinion and let them know you know an alternative could be you know to make another proing and see what kind of response um we get from that study too showed that there hadn't been any accidents there in the number of years so a lot of hours of delay but yeah no crashes I get on there they're not asking us for any money for the the project um but I mean I don't mind supporting and looking for funding for the project but again you know as individuals we can now reach out to the county and I don't know what what we think of it Bri any more discussion on it feelings on supporting the motion or not I mean a lot of their statements in here I mean are true it would improve Traffic Safety it would improve elimate the risk of closure and they're they're not f statement improve pedestrian traffic separation there yeah pedestrians I know the schools working on call them safe routes to school where they have a grant they got they're looking at ways to make sure kids can Crossing into highways intersections um just busy parts of the old rail track safely so the school is working um with their Safety Committee on some grant funding to make sure they're safe Els to school for all kids who do walk to school and this would help that cause as well is this affecting like taxes or no they're seing Federal Grands yes ta [Music] there's been a motion is there a second yeah I don't think it's the best route but I'll support is better than what we have guess all right there is a motion and a second all those in favor any opposed one opposed being a majority is a motion has been carried with one um 12.7 agreement to apply three Golf Course guide so company reached out to W to provide those golf course the contract and have them change some terms that we typically have them change such as the both port in Minnesota not in Nevada or wherever they questing um and so this would come at no cost to the city how they are making their money is by selling advertisements to those Dolf course STS and then we just provide them to our customers at the golf course and they can will help people you know more to this so what are these are these like P that you find in a hotel or no they're just they're more little side that will have each hole on it and you can carry it in the pocket to look where to go next it'll it'll have green Contours tell you how far the sand trft is from the that kind of stuff so it's a book that's specific to our course yeah they giant the same yeah being that they're free to us and free to the public and it's a good way to Market and promote our Golf Course I would make a motion to sign this agreement motion and second all those in favor I can you post motion carried 12.8 the final pay application to LY Enterprises and the amount of 44825 for the Midway Shelter project so the punch list is complete and that the shelter itself is done and so this is the final pay application for that project only how many years different mayor four different mayors and finally completed is there a motion to pay the last payment to LY motion a motion second support all those in [Music] favor motion carried the Midway project is done build all right that concludes our meeting is there a motion to all support all those in favor I