##VIDEO ID:3Lseici59qc## e e e e e e you call the meeting of Tuesday at Silver 15 5:30 P.M to order can we have roll call pleas coun jar here Scott here here here may gr here and we a pledge of first up on the agenda is the consent agenda is there a mo to approve the consent agenda I just had two comments to make uh the St Louis County has a letter in here about the mill and air overlay project for Kennedy Memorial Drive um it says in the letter that the project is currently still scheduled for 2025 construction season and in previous meetings they did say that they would try to have it done or at least driveable or water caral I know that's pretty important to have that street and the other item was I saw some questions about the ARP special Revenue F uh on social media uh wondering what it was this is the American Rescue plan act uh it's federal assistance money for the covid-19 impact um this money was SP had to be spent on certain things um and some of the things that we spent it on were hydrants uh valve for the water system um some of the Midway Renovations and the believe a vehicle um this money had to be spent uh allocated by 2023 and spent by the 1 of 2025 so this it's not really tax dollars it's all federal assistance or state assistance money so hope that answers the questions um than that yeah that's all I have that okay is there any other comments on the agenda items is there a motion to accept them make that motion a motion is there a second all those in favor iOS motion carried next up is the guest citizen forum is there anyone who would like to stand up and address the council if not then we'll move on with the agenda we have reports from staff we have just a public work sooner yeah I just want to let everybody know the uh Campground golf courts are closed for the year uh we've begun winterizing things out there blowing up water lines and winterizing uh as well as the cemetery community garden the baseball field Midway area all those items have been winterized uh either today or will be tomorrow um in the next week or so here we'll be putting up our winter stock by salt sand that we're expected to pay delivery on that early next week um in the past couple weeks we've helped out the snow meile Club a little bit with some uh Trails um I got to get my hats off them they've done a great job this year with the Improvement they made all the tra on the area so we're happy to help we again um also today the work has begun on the back of the Arena the footings and etc for the new building that will the ice plant so if you're a person who goes back behind the arena for any reason frequent frequently just use caution there's a lot of trucks and Equipment back there working so that consideration that's it all right thank you Ken we do have City attorney boelt on Zoom is there anything you have Mitch besides agenda items multitasking so I will assume he does not reports for elected officials ccor c b um things uh the range STV Club is hosting another youth ATD class October 26 I believe that class is full but it's um it's another benefit of having that Clubhouse the new clubhouse that the the land to do the classes they're really getting involved with the youth training and it's good to see the sport growing um the November meeting will be cancelled um not enough of the board will be available for the meeting to hold a quorum so that will be canceled the next meeting will be in December and as far as the trail the Midway Trail is now done that's uh starts near the EMS building around the three Fields uh this city was all the city assistance on that was a lot of help um they were able to get through all that and cut across through all the way through the Midway area um it's top with a a good soil that hopefully will hold up and not be as Dusty uh and we'd like to see Riders staying on the trail there instead of on the field um yeah the bird Lake Trail is done uh this it used to be the bird Lake ski Trail uh it still is in the winter and in the summer it can be used for ATVs now there's still a little bit of clean up that's pending out there and you may notice that the rocks are a little larger that's Bast Rock it's meant to be like that at least for the first year or so um so it's a little bumpier than a brand new Trail maybe would be but we're looking to see how that settles and try to prevent some erosion with the larger rocks that's all for me all right thank you councelor Scott report coun t i attended the EAS Range Community Action or Community advisory meeting with Becky and librarian s and it was an interesting thing to attend apparently a lot of connections have been made but Paul Leland from Minnesota Power spalk and then they had two gentlemen Bruce Richardson and Terry Hill from new Range copper gave a talk and they had an open house I'm sure everybody's probably seen that hat in the paper on Monday October 21st and then K mandale from the Minnesota Power Community giving also spoke on the financial giving that they've done through the area and Mark Skelton who was a citizen member announced his retirement from the community or from the committee and members thanking for his time and work over the years and there was nothing mentioned on what they were going to do forl that was all right thank you um let's have our annual chamber Halloween party The Haunted Trail and the kids gam and food it will be on October Sunday October 27th starting at I believe it's 4:30 p.m. so kids are all invited to that and then the older kids can do the Haunted Trail that's um spons helped sponsored by the um archery group so we give them a donation and they help run that trail so it's worked good the last couple years and that is all I have Sher I did forget one thing yeah lenan ranger district is also uh they brought it up that they are doing an open house on October 20 8 from 4: to 6: p.m. at our location in forestry Road all right thank you being no old business we'll go to new business 11.1 resolution to apply for the D grants for the white Lakes Recreation andness Cent that is a $250,000 Grant request for the phase one of the pro project though we'll apply for an additional 250,000 for the 2526 cycle again the wellness center is what we would consider the arena um for the ice plant replacement and the ADA compliance project on be having the is having a meeting the week on October 14th to go over in Pre applications so would like to get that in for the board meeting in November there any other questions on that Grant [Music] application not we need a motion to apply make the motion to apply Grant a motion is there a second all those in favor hopefully we get some of that money coming in for that project 11.2 is the resolution accepting a donation from the white Lakes Chamber of Commerce the membership at our last meeting voted to give $10,000 to help finish resurf resurfacing the pickle ball tennis court and then another 5,000 to do some Cemetery Landscaping pni so it looks like you'll be able to take care of some of those trees some of the members had been Al there and they did agree that they could use some updates will need a motion to accept that 15,00 these were items that were cut from our budget for next year so it's nice to see the chamber step up and fund some of these things that were cut I make the motion to accept the donation there a second all second there all right all those in favor all motion carried 11.3 recommendation to hire casual part-time firefighter for the hiring committee brenon Scott Dan budley Dan Mackie and Johnny Napper and Bruce Carlson and Rob Fox recommended hiring Vince ednet for the Casual part-time firefighter position um with any applican we do like a verbal interview and if does wants to jump in speak a little bit to that um we did that both his answers were were adequate he wants to join and be part of the community and help we needed and then we do like a physical exertion type um piece afterwards which is like um wearing our SCBA um finding a ladder carrying a dummy going across the balance beam um he passed all those um so yeah we just recommend is there any other questions about recommendation I guess how's the department doing this far staff I think we're at 14 members I was going to say 14 15 yeah and I think the full roster is either 20 or 25 are we seeing applicants trickle in or is it he's been the only one for a long time we've had two this year do we post that typically or only when the numbers are so low or I it usually runs on the Facebook page from department and they have it on the city web page too employment yeah okay um and they doing their classes in November correct starts in November yeah um so they should be ready relatively soon Tak a few months to go through that but other than that [Music] make there's been a motion is there a second I'll support right there's been a support all those in favor by motion carried letter four discussion regarding Zoning for R4 which is the mobile home zoning area um if we have the ordinance in front of us you know with the possible it hasn't doesn't look like it's been gone through yet but a new person which is looks like they'll be buying the trailer C so I just wanted to kind of look at our ordinance as it sits and see if we can't you know make sure there's some limitations or rules about what type of trailers that can be brought in um so really at this point it's just for discussion as people I don't if you had a chance to review it or if you have any other comments but um especially with the new owner coming in it'd be nice to actually give them a copy of the current ordinance as it sits or if we make any changes so they can be aware or limitations I know Aurora has revised theirs well which I have not ask for a copy yet but I would like to see auroras I think they have some limitations on the year of the trailer I think they're only allowing double wide trailers brought in not just the you know skinny s ones but just some things to um think about how we want that to look if it's going to be under new ownership I think a big piece with the last one was like maintaining the RO and making sure they well clear we emphasize that there's people living there Le about yeah talked about easement other like water yeah we can put some stipulations in there about keeps CL in a tiny manner um or uh even fixing water Lan braks in a Tim manner possibly even requiring supervision of City staff to to do it they don't necessarily have to City staff ises necessarily have to do it but they should at least be involved and making sure it's done properly unless they wanted to look at giving the eent back to the city to maintain the streets and the and the water lines but that would be a different discussion um I think if anybody that's driven through there is seen that it's it's not what it used to be and it's gone downhill a bit there's a lot of abandoned trailers in there we can this ordinance already says you're not allowed to leave the abandoned Traders there but obviously it hasn't been enforced um so I'd be interested in in updating this we're not considering we're no longer considering buying it um it'd be nice to take at least this approach to try to clean it up and to make it more presentable for the city i' make a motion to have that maybe compare it with the AAS and maybe make some recommendations and bring it back to another council meeting for us to discuss work you mentioned easement for utilities what about on that parcel land that goes through a lead property where the city could not get into repair that water can something be set up where they are required to purchase eement to Elite or from Elite I mean so that the city cannot Ain access for repair like that rather than having a waterline sitting for however long that entire section the section prior is not owned by trailer cours in fact you have to remember that that County Land Explorer is not 100% accurate between the park and the yeah correct yeah so where they're showing some of those mobile homes actually on Elite Property it may or may not be the case yeah I believe where the modering broke was property but again correct the water break that they did have this last year was within the trailer court but you're right the there is a section of Elite Property the road goes across from my what I remember is back when lpv was still operational that was all lpv property when they closed down all non-mining proper property was handed over to a leite so all that property became aite back in the day my understanding is you know L didn't care that we had roads running on their property play the Supple playground for instance is on a property you know it just kind of was a grandfathered in thing um Elite has never brought it to our attention like get off our property or anything like that with our stuff um all the bike trails I run off the on Elite Property I mean like say that's all stuff we have no easements to have any of our stuff there however the all the utility lines and Roads that go that go into the trailer court and are in the trailer court have no us so that's why I'm bringing that up I mean the legalities of you guys going in there and digging something up can come in and say hey wait what to S all if the new owner could make sure that there was a access B right obtained for the city to be able to go through that property and fix or maintain water and or sewer lines right this the city does go in there and do certain things like from my understanding the public utility still goes in there Andes fire you know we still go in and shovel or plow and shovel around the hantes you know for safety saf uh what I was told is we don't plow in there because it's private property and you know we we're not supposed to pay taxpayer funded equipment while private property hence why we don't CL the shopping center anymore or any of the other businesses in town that we used to um from my understanding I was told it's the same thing as like the Kenwood apartments for instance we don't go CL the Kenwood Apartments even though 50 some people live there same thing as the trailer court you know we don't go plow their private property because it is but you know there are certain things from a safety standpoint um when we quit plowing it and they struggle to get it plowed with the equipment they were using to plow it themselves uh from a safety standpoint then we can go in and assist in the like a mutual Aid agreement because of safety we want an ambulance or fire truck or squad car to be able to make it in there if needed we don't want them stuck and that was the one scenario in the past I don't know what it was 2 3 years ago where you know last year obviously we didn't so but one of the previous years you know they weren't plowing it regularly it was getting packed down then we got a a big brainstorm in January and everything softened up turned to slush we had a squad carget stuck and they were worried about an ambulance being able to get in we took our loader in out made a pass made it accessible for emergency servic and that's all I've been as as far as aite goes um there's been at least preliminary discussions I'm trying to secure some of that property again so hopefully that continues and we can get some of those property from City yeah like differently like say that's what I've been advised to do is to not follow private property how ever if you know anybody were to struggle I mean if we got 3 ft of snow and whoever PLS the apartment building get in I'm sure we what assist all right so if we'll yeah have Becky get some more information to compare some of the ordinances and see what our options are as far as pleasement we can on another agenda when we have that information also from my understanding that the previous owner of the trailer court did argue that fact you know he he didn't like the fact that the city quit plowing and you know wouldn't plow based on private property rule um however um we have had a conversation with a new uh tenative owner or whatever the guy who is buying it and he's fully aware that you know as soon as we brought that up he said well I understand so at least he's not in denial that it's his responsibility is he an absentee Tech owner or is he from uh he didn't say you know he never he didn't give a whole lot of information and I don't know at the time if it was because um he he called me at the City Garage requesting information about like zoning um possibly perching additional property adjoining the trailer court and stuff like that possibly rezoning or what the zoning rules were I gave them you know I passed them on to the correct people I tried asking them a couple questions and you know he said I'm not sure yet because I think it was all very new that he had just just acquired it or is in the process of and I think uh Becky ly felt the same way I asked her one time um cuz I I steered in her way and you know I asked about you know what she had same thing he he didn't he didn't say a whole lot as far as what plans were or anything like that I to make a motion motion would there be a second then to have Becky look into this a little more Le give us a draft to discuss I'll second that a second all those in favor that discussion going next up 11.5 discussion regarding danger Dangerous dogs ordinance number 9022 and it seems like the city of Aurora had an incident with the dog the EAS range Police Department requested city of P lakes and Aurora discussed the dog ordinance to match so they can import it the same in both cities so that's what you have in front of you is an example of proposed language it's significantly you know longer I hold ours off the website and supp this long so it does address a lot more information no this is Aurora's ordinance or if it's just a sample one but it's seven pages long and our our current one is it is so I'm sure um we can look through it make comments suggestions if we want um I would assume Becky will talk with Luke over come to a conclusion on what would be the best scenario but yeah if there's any questions or comments that any of us have on it please let Becky know and is it a question right now Jerry yeah um I don't know if it makes much of a difference but on the first page just after segment B they have the wordings under a dangerous dog inflicted substantial bodily harm and then the line below says great bodily har legality wise I don't know if that makes a difference for it and then under the kenel wording they also repeated substantial harm which didn't make sense for that location and there's a term in there in the uh under segment I regarding seizure of the dogs and there's a term that it can be disposed of used for research or destroy it I would like to see that word research removed even a bad dog does not deserve to be put into a research facility for the torture they undergo in those places I I just assum see the dog disposed of euthanized however you want to term it if it if it's got to be seized I mean it's it's actual torture that they undergo in those medical facilities but I just just that one word research could be [Music] removed all right Tammy are you noting the areas for be minutes to yeah and she was if you want to make a motion for her to to direct her and her out to work with the she is so that she can all support dig into it okay so administrator and attorney broomf the three of them can go through it with our comments and see if they can come up with another another draft me the motion all those in favor that motion motion car6 discussion regarding prohibited animals ordinance number 9.21 a letter from Mar in here about allowing laying hands in town um again I pulled up the current statute that we have and kind of read through that um well he makes some good points about food security sustainability environmental benefits mental and emotional well-being you know responsibility um I'm not myself I'm not 100% opposed to people having laying hands but I think there would need to be some discussion on stip populations as far as you know yard size or what areas of town how many I did talk to um Chief Soler and Animal Control J homstead and asked their opinions and what they thought and neither one of them had any strong feelings about it just again you need some regulation you need some you know maximum maybe that you're allowed no roosters obviously they're the ones that make all the noise laying hands aren't noisy um and anim um so there's just certainly have some discussion on it and see if we can come up with a change if we'd like for that ordinance I know they talked about um in 2020 um mayor reand and the current Council then um voted not to have the consensus was not to be able to have chickens in town um some of the notes here safe you know about allowing roosters or not um if you have a permit system who how do you control who has them and how many they have so there is a lot of things to to think about with that I had a discussion with uh some Grand Rapids people in City there and I thought they did a good job about U boxing in some of this their ordinance so they do allow chickens there um I think it's a good starting point um I had her I had that he includes their ordinance in our packet here they talked about how how large the lot needs to be how many chickens you can have there is a permit application there's a fee for the permit um it talks about uh getting at least 75% of adjacent land owners to sign off on it uh which could help ease a lot of the potential issues [Music] or complaint complaints against it um I think it would also prevent maybe um the chicken coops becoming more of a a blight I guess if there's a concern already with the the current homeowner and maybe they don't keep a tidy yard and then they're talking about adding chickens to it the neighbors would probably know that and not sign off on it he did include something like that um unless we did something more like just inaras of town which I don't know if that's the best rout to go either um chickens are pretty quiet another thing that they did was they limited it to um they they limited all the animals so a Max of three animals L on any one premise which I think we already have houses that have more dogs and cats than that um so I mean maybe it's just a limit of chickens or something um obviously you don't want to see 30 chickens crammed in a tiny chicken hoop in the back of O's house there has to be some guidance there I think but I think it's a good place to start nice see the ground one says no roosters and one chicken shall be allowed for 2500 square ft of lot size so Kenny what's a typical H Lakes house how many square feet uh Intel yard on average is 67 by 110 so they're you know 67 yeah I mean my one of my initial thoughts was maybe if you know you have the Backlot that you own you actually have an extended yard or so you weren't having them right in town but I like this Grand Rapid how they said you have to have 75% of your neighbors sign off but they don't mind if you have them so then that doesn't eliminate pretty much all the in town houses I wasn't sure a square footage or the acreage of houses but yeah there's a fair amount of places through Minnesota that have this so I think if you kind of synthesize kind of all the rules that they have in there a good orance for and need to be whatever application fee that we decide and the violations who would enforce beol officer just like cats or dogs or parrot running around town on he said he wasn't supposed to the to change in the or so if the chickens did get out there would be simar to l if J is involved and has to capture them and board them then some protective equipment for we're going get he's going to need better defitely so that's theame [Music] do yeah I'd like to see if we can come up with a revamp ordinance on that based on some of these other things discussion that the next meeting again I had seen just looking at the different places around Virginia had something to them and they denied it but they had like a specific group in tone that had came up with like an ordinance it seemed like and presented it to the council I guess I would be kind of interested hear from like all the folks and that on own chickens like they come up with certain I mean but I think if kind of through the different ordinances in place with within different I believe the city of changed rules a while [Music] back yeah I think Grand is pretty similar to what we're dealing with obviously they're a little bigger but they have lots about the same size a lot of them um they also have some roll on on the edge um so I'm not saying that this has to be it but it's definitely a good start um and yeah maybe looking at a couple other cities to see if Becky thinks that there's some things we can incorporate there just to give us something to start to the draft and maybe we can encourage some of the residents that would like chickens to come in and give their input on our draft as well and help guide us on this it's easier to change it before it goes in place do change it after it's in place but it can be changed after as well it just takes one more time I'd make that motion if you're expect me to go ahead and gather some more information and then yeah I would like to maybe after the next meeting when we have a general idea invite people who are interested to come tell us their thoughts too and there is always a comment period on it's like a public hearing section of the meeting where people are discuss ordinances before they go place a motion is there a second I'll support support all those in favor oppos all right 11 11.7 resolution accepting donation from us Steel [Music] us steel has donated fall protection harness and lanyards to the city for use by Hood fire department um we just have to make a motion to accept those still Move Motion is there a second I'll second right Mo in a second all those in favor motion carried 11.8 council meeting rules of procedure and Order I think this is our second draft that we just kind of looking at the way we run meetings and if we want to have any changes we I think last time we kind of struck some of the reference to Robert's Rules of orders because we weren't really following those anyway we were a little more more loose with the meeting not as official as they were um you'll see some of the things updated on page one um Dave was at some of this that you were interested in giving them more of a public forum to speak that you requested from Becky so yeah one of the options was to maybe hold a listening session at 5 o' prior to regular meetings to give people more time for back and forth conversations I guess what's proposed in here is a listening session is still only one way so we would hear from residents we're not really allowed to discuss coming back so I would be more I don't think that's what the commun is looking for I'd be more inclined to do more about the public forum where we can engage with the residents and talk back and forth because yeah how it's written it's just seems like another public comment section before our public comment section yeah and I think just in hearing folks come to City Council meetings they want more of that I open dialogue questions answers types of things during the meetings um and I wasn't here for the last council meeting but Mitch had mentioned something about like audience members not shouldn't be like just saying things during the council meeting um but that the the mayor can like call on people or like if they say something something to that effect recognizing someone that you can recognize someone who's asking a question or I think I don't know if this is what everybody would want but something like if someone is wanting to say something during the meeting they could like raise their hand and you could recognize them say something or ask a question during the actual meeting piece things I think that's the piece that people most want it's like like when when they're first coming in for the public comment section they can voice their concerns they don't know exactly kind of what we're talking about when it comes to that pie in the meeting we bring up in questions we CL yeah I'm I'm on board with for more towards things we're going to do a public something before have that [Music] open I'm not sure if it's every meeting or it's every other meeting once a month or whatever it is but um I think it's beneficial to have that back and forth um and then as far as the regular Council meetings it kind of trying to find the line there um there's a lot of laws and guidelines there to to run ccil meetings and and ultimately you got to get through the business so it can't just be a visiting hour or whatever um it's it does have to have some structure to it um so I I appreciate that going through and writing what we've been doing as our as our Rules of Order or whatever you want to call them it isn't Robert's R Rules of Order we have been LAX on on the official CHS which isn't you know it's not a bad thing you know we don't Roberts R ERS is very very strict I don't know that we need to you know be that regimented in the way we run meetings but um yeah I do like the public forum option I don't know like I don't know every meeting maybe every other you know we 12 at 5 and have that half hour where people can just kind of still in an orderly fashion but Converse and just you know go back and forth on some topics um it's always best to get on the agenda if you have a specific item so that we have time to kind of research and find the answers you want because in the public forum we might not have the answers readily available but we can certainly get those I know one of these say that we can you know get their name from them and write their question down and get back to them with answers be expected I know everything the drop of a hat so I mean it's always good to be on the agenda but yeah I think definitely something we could look into I know we talked about doing like a public forum meetings like quarterly like Su did a couple at the library um I think those would even be beneficial to have you know every quarter there's a topic and people can come and hear about you know that topic if they're interested whether it's um you chickens or utilities or you know care of new trees whatever the topic might be I think that'd be you know each concert that take a turn and and one of the forums every quarter think that would be a good idea as well to keep information out there and to try and gr up more involvement with the community as far as we've had a lot of talks about parks and playground updates and it these projects go a lot smoother if you have Community involvement and you're just kind of looking for some guidance from the city aspect um we can obviously help apply for Grants and different things like that but uh to do the leg work and to decide what what changes you want to make you want to put a new slide in what kind of slide how much is it going to cost and then bring that forward or what whatever it may be so to keep we've had conversations like that we've had groups start to take off and then they fizzle out I think if we could keep before them or something like that where they they continue to make contact it could be more successful yeah ball won't get dropped by thinking you know this person's going to do it or this person we can keep the conversation moving and maybe get some get things accomplished so I don't know if we want to approve the the general Rules of Order um how it stands and just change have that change it to a public forum or if we just wait for the next meeting and have redo this front page yeah then we can approve it at the next meeting are you thinking a public forum before the council meetings or something I think as far as if this is directing the um Council meetings I think you know we could add a public forum before I don't know if we want to do everyone or every other one I would think every other are you talking about a 15 minute or 30 minute well this says 30 I mean the council I mean could come at 5:00 and let people you know talk from and if we find that no one's coming and it's only one or two people we can always change the time but the reason I had asked Becky about it I people ask me questions and the term used was they'd like to see the meeting a little more user friendly so people could speak and bring something up the impression I got from coule was as agenda items they brought up they'd like to be able to comment on that and that's kind of an iffy scenario because then you can lose control of your need real quick but you know it's just to allow that public comment for people to speak without just that first three minutes once things are brought up I don't know if you do it before the meeting and have them rely on the agenda put out ahead of time or what you do to inform of what's going to be brought up yeah I think theya item or something other their own choosing if you know they have their own question or if they see something on the agenda and they want to come early and talk about it and get a better understanding of what it is um yeah I me going back and forth during this is a meeting of the council you know the people you know to listen in on our meeting and we do want to keep it you know running in an orderly fashion so to have comic period you know as we're going through just doesn't doesn't seem to be the the way to run the meeting efficiently but I do like giving them a chance beforehand to ask questions so that they're better you know understanding of what's going on I would be open to like Brandon said putting something in here maybe of on the mayor's discretion they can recognize somebody on the floor during discussion and hear a question on the floor and answer it but yeah because we did talk about about that and I know that has happened with myself and past mayors where you do you know give someone a little extra time or you address you know something that they're commenting on um so I don't know if there's a problem with doing that from time to time you don't want to do it for every comment you hear in the audience but if they ask it's not I didn't notice it specifically I Rec with the every other is like they look at a gender and like with with this meeting there something want to talk about chicken for example and we didn't have like a thing beforehand we ask question to um that's the only Cas I wonder but yeah it's hard to know what your agenda is going to be for the following week sure what you comment on that month but something like this ordinance it doesn't happen in night it has to be posted for 10 days or whatever has be a public commentary so some of that is addressable at the next for meeting but um I think it's definitely a step in the direction of what community is asking for which is more involvement more question answer from the council yeah then you could still you know run meeting in a regular fashion but have a chance beforehand to so as far as what Becky's produced here I would her recommendations here one through eight um my comment would be to change it instead of from a listening session at 5:00 it would be a forum and remove the last sentence of 8 where members of the council and staff will not answer questions or address comments during the listening session I don't know if that runs up against open meeting law or as long as the Forum is posted it counts as a meeting or how how that works but Becky can provide some guidance on that yeah it's like the meeting begins at 5:00 pm with a you know open Forum you know if that covers the open meeting forun of us all being in one room before meeting starts so I guess I'm not really ready for motions yet want Becky to make some changes on that and then maybe give her guidance on some of those questions that maybe they are against the law of some sort or okay would it be possible to have that televised if it's if we start our meetings at 5:00 pm as a regular council meeting that was when the recording would be started um yeah I'll have to ask I don't know if there's any I don't know why there' be any legality of not televising you know the question and answer of public forum yeah I know some televis are special meetings too but we don't discuss or ask as well I think there shouldn't be much of a deal to put it on YouTube YouTu at least but I don't know what the contract is like public TV airing yeah we don't use them any longer for the public TV but post it don't they they don't post it anymore I don't believe it used to be so I don't know if we still pay for that or how much it costs but I know them coming here to record it was quite expensive yeah okay yeah things we can add so table [Music] itates before we make a motion to approve that one so were you still just every week before [Music] the if we can some incorporated as part of the meeting it would be best I think because then if there is no comments then we can roll meeting but yeah I would say with every council meeting and I don't know if we need a full half hour or we just need the 15 minutes um we'll have to see how it goes how long do the East Range Public Safety Board me start at 40 sometimes I 43 little concerned they have a Mee right brand if that goes WR two two trans be I don't know just something to think about I guess yeah all right we'll have draft that and so any input you have gotten from there I had one question for Kenny um the golf course is closed now those with golf carts in the storage over there can they stay time if they paid their their uh yearly leaps or whatever and then when is the gate blows so they can no longer whatever cover them or take batteries out or whatever they want to do uh I'm not sure if W had it closed y today or not he told me this morning that he closed it on Saturday we went there and blew the water line and system out today I do believe dandar is still out there collecting some things so I don't know if they still have more work to do as far as I'm if somebody needed to get out there to get we can get okay thank you no more business I'll take a motion to adjourn supp support all those in favor opposed meing