##VIDEO ID:B5pr8cg0WOA## e e e e the 23 24 oll Scott Boward here Kramer here gr here first we have the consent agenda motion to accept the consent agenda I have one question yeah on the public safety note for the E range Public Safety Board the sheet ends as if there's supposed to be a second sheet there's no motion for a uh ajour thank you brain for there but there there's no motion or anything it's just like it said the last line is advised LS hasn't responded regarding contract negotiations was that the end of the meeting item 5.1 uh there is a second page it just says next meeting will take place Monday September 9th and motion to adjourn motion by go supported by has to adj okay that wasn't in my packet or I didn't seea it must have got cop no big deal just want ver that cleared up is there motion to I think the other second it looked like everything head up what I stated I thank you to accept the agenda motion is there a second five second all votes in favor iOS motion car then we have number seven guest citizens forum is there anyone who would like to talk wanted um yeah come to the podium State your your name and address and we do have a three minute window start do it start now or after hi yeah hi I'm Roger scraa um 1039 East Harvey Street El Minnesota from you I'm the state representative of this area I want to come in touch base with yall um a lot of the things that we've been doing in St Paul were trying to help Northern Minnesota bring these property taxes down um this year a lot of the stuff um that was passed uh because of party polic ICS some of us couldn't vote for it but we were part of the bills know like I was author of these bills but I didn't vote for them you know it's just how it works down there or like the last bill that went through where um we had the 500,000 for a year to tear down on the old school um and everyone knows about that maybe I hope you know it's a big deal because when I was here three years ago door knocking that was one of the big issues what are you going to do with that you know so we did something with it so um hopefully it'll it'll help that area what you guys do after that whatever it Zone however that helps you that's that's great what we can do um help in the ice arena we did a bunch of stuff on that um that's going to be if it's not already done did it get done already you know not yet it starts okay yeah was I know it was on the list and you know a lot of times that money that right away and it's there to be used but it takes a while for everybody to get jelled and bid on and because there's hardly any contractors now I it's getting harder massabi Trail just so you know I used to be on the massabi trail working group when it started in 1994 and any way I can expand it or make it better or do anything the original goal was to hook the massabi trail to the gig gamy guess where it's got to go through in my opinion right right here so if we can get Aurora to here to the gig gami then the biking people and Hiking people can use that whole system um will it happen I don't know we got to finish the get you Gand first and that's that's that's perfectly in in its own sense um the mining's issues that and I think I looked at your website that you have we support mining on it so I think we're all kind of on the same page there you know I'm all for it the um helium that was found uh we did a senator HRA and I did a podcast here a little while ago uh this past week it's really a good podcast you get a chance to see it or here it's on YouTube um I don't know how to find it the guy was from Britain that put it on so it was really um but a lot of information someday it may be if we keep finding that stuff we might be over here with it rather than Mar so it all depends how it all works out um and I I don't know if it affected you guys here at all but nor mining when we extended the the unemployment insurance for last last year 2023 that was a big that was a really big deal for us to do um and the ambulance funding obviously uh the last this year we finally passed something to help um it's not the solution but it's helping um right now Senator H child bigard representative um zelesnikar are in Washington DC trying to impress upon the staff out there to start raising the Medicare rates for Rural ambulance um other than that I just want to let you know I'm again I'm always I want to work with our small communities local government Aid we increase that Becky how much should you guys go up a little bit yes yeah and that and that's something again I'm I'm former mayor of elely I know how much it what the difference is um some people in the party that I represent are like why should we do yeah I got my three minutes how do you get local government Aid how why you want to do that because if your local government Aid goes up that means we're taxing people less so do you guys have any questions for me or any anything for what's coming up for that helium project where is that at with as far as you guys I mean I can watch the podcast I can look that up but we don't talk about that so much where it's at right now is um the DNR is working on writing the bill for regulations uh we don't see anything in the way I mean there's no opposition uh I had the friends of The Boundary Waters in my office before the bill was passed and I asked them if they could endorse this and support reported I is there anything you guys are opposed to the only thing they were opposed to was the gas and oil development you know and I'm like well yes we know we don't have any of that you know but could you support this and they were like well let us think about it so two weeks later in our environment meeting they showed up them um and Minnesota environmental partnership a group of of uh other environmental groups they all get together they all voted testified in support of this so we know there shouldn't be any opposition that we're aware of so whatever the state we're working through the royalties we're trying to figure out how to tax this stuff how to do this so uh the communities get something out of this and is it going to be a production tax when it comes out that goes to the I RB um if it is you know we're trying to get Two Harbors involved in this so that we can be part of the two it's in a TTR now ATT my tax Rel very so it's those of us that are in involved in this like Grant and I and they this is the best story to tell back in the late 1800s the mining Moguls came here and took all the minerals and we got this much that won't happen twice that's all I can say it's not you know if you don't want to pay us what we think this is worth for our state and our communities then it'll sit there thank you I haven't heard much about it it's exciting because it's finally something in northern Minnesota something new happening and we're trying to get that other spot just by [Music] you any questions or anyone I appreciate your time all right then reports from staff administrator we have El here City attorney nothing mayor thank you all right reports from elected officials counc um I just like to say that the um food pantry is uh low again so continue to keep bringing donations down and gets used lot so that's it thank you uh couple things from the ranger Club I don't if they're going to talk about it here on the agenda as well the building if anybody's noticed it's been painted looks a lot better with the painted there's been a new sign put on it down too so that's coming along there U the three ball fields that tril work has started now as well uh try to designate a train so people can navigate the field without going all over the field um so once the equipment's out of there hope people can stay on the trail and hopefully it stays nice and smooth and safe for everybody uh that work will extend down into the Midway area as well to try to keep people again limited to the trail path over that's all for me thank I have nothing to rep tonight we go on to new business 11.1 Roy borgard is the at Club hello Roy borgard for 34 over Road uh I want to have make a brief statement here uh both the ranger club we want to thank the city of ho Lakes for being a great help to our to us the city has agreed to serve as our sponsor and Fiscal Agent for our grant monies a brief description of how the grant system works is that the ranger Club has a team of Grant Riders when the grant is applied for and approved and the work is done on the trail or we purchase equipment we bring the invoices to the city the payment is entered in the agenda for the next city council meeting they pay the bill and turn in the receipt to the grant or the grant to reimburses the city with the grant money so in reality the city does does not pay for our equipment or our building but we couldn't do everything we do without them agreeing to be our missile agent every time the city pays a bill for us they are reimbursed with Grandmother we would also like to thank the city for for providing occasional in-kind services to our club when they can this means that if they have time they've helped us to maintaining the trails around town and has helped us get the building ready we also share our equipment with them and they help and we in turn help with brushing and trails around to why is it important for the city to help our club and we help the city our Cooperative efforts provide trails around town over to Gilbert and over to highway to to the Yukon Trail these Trails bring great economic benefit to our local businesses snow Meers and ATVs users patronize the gas stations restaurants hotels campgrounds and other services in Ho lakes and across the Iron Range our club also conducts snowmobile and ATV training for young people and anyone else wanting it the training includes information and a written test that students take online we have a training session at our building and we have equipment operation training on the grounds outside of our building the club is currently working on improvements to our on-site Training Center the ranger Club is all volunteer and we have monthly meetings on the second Wednesday at the meeting room in the white Lakes VFW at 6:30 we welcome the public to attend our meetings and see what we do and join our club and just once again thank you thank you for the city and all they do for us you guys thank you so much all right 11.2 is the Ranger T stable club leas for their new tractor um so the ranger Club approached me indicating that they would like to buy this tractor and then sell a couple other pieces of equipments we did discuss that the equipments for sale needed to be optioned and so um this will be a temporary lease until such time that they can purchase it and so the club has already paid the lease feet and um signed on for the lease we would just need a to put that on the city's Insurance all right are there any other questions releas it's only yeah shortterm January of questions is there to add that to the insurance no motion is there a second I'll second motion all those in favor OPP motion carried 113 Iron Range today request regarding a canidate forum I received a request from Iron Range today uh to wave the fees for the Rena multi-purpose room they will do set up and tear down for that facility or for the event I have not heard anything about um what type of forum they're going to do how they're going to accept questions anything like that when I do respond to them if their request to W fees was granted or not I will follow up with those questions um the only other thing I can think of about it is um they're primarily looking at dates and times in the evenings they do have a couple Saturdays open they're hoping to be in m to late OCT yeah I did reach out to the chamber to see if they'd be willing to be a moderator and host a forum that the city that can't host its own so I did reach out to them and I hadn't heard anything that so I'm glad someone is willing to do it I would ra wave the today I'm Jerry answer any questions you guys want [Music] yeah I have questions I'll you um just do you are you guys act as the moderator you present opportunity for the public to submit questions and then you guys ask those yes so uh we did one in Virginia in believe August it was July um so we filtered the questions through us uh we had a drop off spot as well as a Survey Monkey form for the public to submit questions that helped give me an idea as I went through them just to see what you know the issues that I really needed to focus in on then I went through the meeting minutes and that sort of stuff to to kind of get a better grasp of it so is that to be like a debate or is it just a general just a question and answer the way we set it up was you know a couple minutes per question per person if you know it wasn't meant to the any sort of debate where you responding to the other people so we had a set of guidelines as well I is this something that would be live streamed that for people that can't attend or at least recorded so it could be ideally yes yes Foria we had a audio recording and video failed halfway through but technical issue okay yes I'm sure people that can't make it would like to be able to listen to it I have had some questions about you know that not everyone knows the candidates and they'd like to know a little more about them so yeah I think it would be beneficial which candidate so yeah it would be city council and mayor um so we kind of looked around at some of the cities and who was running and Virginia White Lakes had a lot of turnout for people running so we kind of focusing efforts there and possibly the how setup goes we might do some school districts down the road if before so is that for cities all over the range or was this plan just for City this would just be city of white Lakes again that's just because we've had so many people that are interested in running that are on the ball yeah yeah a lot of cities and school districts these days you see very few onest you see very few contested elections anymore so there are some unique cities like L now that are having Els few others but sign times question well thank you is there a motion to wave the arent please for public forum take that motion there's a motion is there a second second all those in favor motion thank you get next we have 11.4 recommendation to higher seasonal part times zon opach the recommendation is we received four applications one is withdrawn so the recommendation is to hire Eric daro Kent Ry and Chris for those positions it looks like two out of three of those are people who have worked for the city before is there a motion to hire the part time that morning operator season so Move Motion is there a second all those in favor motion car 115 recommendation to hire full-time paramedic personel committee along with mems director Olstead um did interviews last Thursday we recommend hiring Matthew bank for the position of fulltime paramedic with the EMS Department contingent on him reporting any change to his background prior to start date he has been background checked and drug tested with us before he was a Cas paramedic and so we would just request that if he's had any changes to his background he reports that to us prior to his start time any questions or a motion to hire the fulltime motion there been a motion is there a second second all in favor motion Carri and the other paramedic is to hire a casual part-time paramedic yes so this would be um hire a casual part-time medic met it would be continued on a Physical Agility Test background track job as this update what kind of hours do the casual time they are limited to 14 hours per week so that's essentially one shift they you were vacation F okay I'll support that there a motion is there a second second all those in favor I motion car will be nice additions for the EMS staff I'm sure um up dated 2024 committee assignment with the addition um councelor Dara we needed to shift committee assignments around a little bit um councilor there several committees he um cannot attend and so he was he was moved around a little bit and then councelor darala was put on uh the EAS Range Community advisory panel which meets during the day and so typically hasn't available B of that so does anyone see anything want to talk about or ask [Music] questions and I assume these will change all again in January now there a motion is there a second second all those in favor motion Carri we have 11.8 city council rules of procedure um we didn't have a typ procedure that correct at the last council meeting um mayor gr requested that we take a look at the rules procedure and Order of the city council uh the council hasn't had anything written down in the past what is typed up is how things are currently done um the one point of clarification would need to be the rules of procedure um historically the city council has Loosely followed Robert's Rules of Order um however many set procedures from robit rules are not currently adhered to by the city council and so the council should determine if they would like to continue with rabit RS of order or if they would like need to report what they do instead that would kind of be up to you as to how you would like to proceed with that if you want um you can take this as informational today and get back to me with your thoughts concerns questions and I can get on the next agenda or if you'd like to discuss and do you have some examples of what we're doing is not Robert Rules of Order uh yes uh as for Robert Rules of Order when you have an agenda item in front of you you do not discuss it until a motion and the second has been made and so um like for example this discussion we're having right now is not following Robert's Rules of Order so typically the chair of the um entity you know introduces the uh the item if there's any staff information the staff gives that and then the council would need to make a motion or the second one way or another to discuss it they can then reive that motion or second um if they don't you know you make a motion to pass this and then you say no we want some changes can extend that motion but that is one another one would be um you need to be recognized by the chair to speak and so you know the members of the council are members of Staff will need to be recognized by mayor grams prior to speaking at any point in time um formalities another one that I often see is motions to table motions to table are not debatable Robert rle motion to table was made there's no discussion there's a motion second it's V table there's not discussion aot so some of those more previously if we have a motion table one you don't um so but we typically discuss it so even if there's you know you you do all the discussion parts of it like like this so you know we're discussing it you say no I want to make these changes and then someone motions to table there shouldn't have been any discussion at all should have just been a motion to table and I can see why we don't follow some of these because they don't seem to make any sense you like why would you make the motion and then take it back you know so I guess as far as the rules of procedure I'd like to see it listed how we currently do it instead of with the Roberts rule because we don't follow some of them are there any set guidelines by the state that probably yeah I mean I went through these a little bit but if we just want to use this as information and bring any concerns or suggestions to them send them toy to have another draft certainly can unless no one has any real thoughts on I personally like the little more relaxed feel that we have where it's little more back and forth instead of having to wait to be acknowledged one person speaking I think we're all pretty respectful to each other that we give each other time to speak it's not necessary but and then it does seem a little odd to have to make a motion to discuss something before you discuss it I would agree with thatt put that that's but yeah I know we talked about the you know where you have to sayate your name and address we talked about maybe just name the city couple things we all the stuff I think the main thing is you know I think this first all the meetings are run I think that where things can deterior really fast is that if there's unsolicited comments from the audience that's not permitted when I started 30 years ago city government the way it was done there you would never be that public meeting but audience members would just shout out stuff in the audience that is never permitted I think is things have become less civil in the last number of years I think you've seen more and more of that that's how a meeting can really start to deteriorate so number one I think is just the rules of bit for that audience members should not be just triping in on solicited from the audience if the chair of the meeting which is the mayor wants to recognize somebody from the audience to speak you have right to do that as a chair so that's one thing and the other big thing is there can be no personal effects that is just not tolerated he talk to the issue only to the issue uh if somebody makes a person attack the way I've seen Mayors do it you know old school they would give that person one warning if you make another personal attack or you act on order you're going to be and we'll have police come so typically you give one warning it happens the second time dur meeting atically got to enforce those rules but I think I think that's those are the main two big things to really attained an officient quarterly meeting a lot of technal stuff on Robert prob isn't either the other thing as a practicality Rich was saying when people in the audience are talking that's what makes it really really hard to hear on bowel and so I you know if there's a lot of audience talking amongst themselves um Whispering that kind of thing that I will pick up on that that makes it really really hard to reporting them do we want to take this information for tonight to work on or has there been a history of problem sh I've only been doing this for a few months I mean it's very it's much more loosely held than than other meetings as far as yeah like the audience and the talk and and even the chair not enforcing yet and trying to bring things in I mean yeah other meetings that I attend are run much more I mean old being called old school but just yeah much more respectable and efficient and I mean in a sense that I think it's a little more user friendly for the audience because sometimes you can see some of the people whether I've been out there or whatever some were filled with trepidation to get up and speak and you know the one thing I I think is if you ever get a chance representative strong maybe could allude to this if you ever really want to see how meetings are conducted in a representative democracy go watch meeting state they're very very professional no I'm not saying that necessarily a local meeting has to reach that level of formality but that all meetings are supposed to be L when I was mayor would and I was chairman was County Planning Commission um Roberts rules borders just kept border there wasn't so much U I've been to so many different meetings and this relaps atmosphere works that I mean Township meetings chenda you know it's like but but that's how it gets done that's how communication works the only time Robert's Rules really would help you is if it got contentious but you can still do that yourself you don't need those rules like if you guys decide you know like if these get unruly you know hey quiet G anything say we adjourn time specific we're done and then get out of here and let everyone calm down and then recall we need can do those sort of things there's all kinds of tools for you um and and like in the when we're in committee meing I mean it's really confusing you know because everyone wants to talk to the testifier got to go to the chair you know so Madam chair Mr chair um can I ask this person a question yes Mr chair what about this and then the chair yeah goes to the first the person then can answer but I ATT to the chair and then as a testifier you're chair theair and and and the other thing that I that I really breaks me when I see big hearings is when the testifier the person that's trying to convince you that what their cause is so great but they do this you know what I mean we're going to do this it's like no you're talking to the to these people and that's that's the hardest part as chair or as you guys you you need that respect and that respect a lot of times comes from Robert's Rules but again that if we don't know what Robert's Rules is it don't even matter so I if you're comfortable doing what you're doing and put some adjustments in there that's the best way is that how you your folks in this community are used to I think we could all maybe email or that you know whatever we want to address in here and see another at the next meeting the last one is 11.9 reest number one from Max grade Construction in the amount of 9,872 for the white l r and Recreation project this is the first pay application for the arena project so it was exciting to see you come through there tion Mo all those in favor that we adj our regular meeting second motion second all those in favor