##VIDEO ID:Tn5agh1oaXU## e e e e e e e e is 5:30 I will call the regil me December 23rd for order roll call here Scott here here GRS here flag States Amer stand indivisible andice first up is the consent agenda is there a motion to approve the items that motion is there a second I'll support motion and support all those in favor I I motion Carri uh next up is the guest and citizens Forum anything would like to bring up no all right we'll go on to reports from staff City administrator I had tonight is I would like to thank City attorney Mitch brunfelt he is sailing off into retire Sunset so thank you for your years of service with this city and with all the cities across the range all right we don't have any who will be hisl Joel City attorney Brunell anything you'd like to report other than agenda items uh nothing to report mayor and counil thank you Becky I appreciate that and uh truly been a pleasure to work with everybody over the years I mean Hoy Lakes is just a wonderful community and served with uh as City attorney with some uh you know obviously great uh very community-minded uh Mayors and City councilors and uh city has a fantastic group of employees and uh really been an honor to serve the city over these years so um appreciate it and wish everybody happy holidays thank you good luck thank you thank you Mitch enjoy and we'll welcome Joel lii as our as our new attorney in the coming year reports from elected officials counc Bor uh nothing big here but uh my last counil meeting I'd like to thank all Ved be on the council two years ago and thank the city staff for being helpful and friendly when I had questions uh I've learned many things about municipal government over the years uh it's been enjoyable to work on solving some of the issues our community faces I encourage others that are interested in uh city government to take the leap and get involved and I'd like to wish the new Council good luck on taking over in January thank you st counc St nothing toight counc Jara nothing and I also was just going to thank Mitch for all his service to us over the years and also welcom in our our new mayor and Council I'll this is my last meeting as mayor but I will continue on as a council member so we'll have some reassignments of seats and duties and welcome the new new people onto our Council and see how 2005 goes the a new year and hopefully we'll get some some progress um one other thing I would like to I know a lot of times um in the public I just want to remind people that our administrator they don't make um the decisions or they don't make the rules and policies that has they just enforced them on behalf of the council prior councils and our current Council we're the ones who make these rules were the ones who um change these ordinances and vote for them so when there is an issue about something it's the council it's all of us you have to come to and um and talk to we just our administrator just enforce the vote on our behalf so that's just something I'd like to remind the public that um let our counselors know if you have issues we certainly would you know we've changed ordinances we''ve reviewed policies and we can continue to do that and work with the people of the town but we need to you need your input and just to know that it's it's our our call that why these ordinances are in place and with that we'll move on to Old business do we have any old business nothing on the agenda new business 11.1 we're on Intertech change order request for the Whit Link's wellness center match for that is this is this on no doesn't need to be on okay well good evening everybody um Matt re um I spoke with our lead architect earlier today uh regarding this change order try to get some background on what was going on there um in nutshell throughout the course of last summer we spent a fairly excessive amount of time trying to get this project through the state review process and we finally got it through um took a lot longer than anybody expected long and the short of it um as the results came through on what the state would like to see as far as special inspections testing um they had we had accounted for what we typically see when I say we BR Intertech had accounted for what they typically see on these types of projects sounds like from what I'm understanding uh there's a lot of additional requirements that we don't typically see why because the state um reviewer wants some additional inspections done on I don't know if they're changing policies changing the way they do things I don't know long in the short of it it wasn't some of these additional Services primarily on the water barrier they weren't included in the original proposal from braon would have been had they would have known that we had to do that just the timing of everything their proposal came in prior to the final State review being there and all of that so it would have it wouldn't have been in there as a change order would have been in there as a regular contracted item have the timing I so fortunately now it shows up as a change it's just to cover those costs that said I know we are working with Max grade the contractor as well as bra Tech to try to coordinate some of this stuff so that we can Li limit the number of site visits they need to make and things like that hopefully not have to spend all of this can't promise that but that a allot depends on the timing of the construction but that's we're trying see if we can make that happen so that's I can try to answer any more questions if anybody has any that that's the explanation of why the change order has been requested at this time so the state you're telling us the state is the one that mandated that this chest not this supposed to be like for blower door pressurize building Check le or what what exactly is going to happen I mean I'm looking at it at $8,000 and it's I I came from the construction industry before and that's a chunk of money to miss and expect the customer to pay it uh I understand how rule Changs can cause something like this but what exactly is this test going to involve that we have to pay $8,000 Fair May can I answer um I don't exactly know all the intricacies of the test um Chad would know better I apologize for that but this yes to answer your question yes this came from the state um there are some additional requirements that they asking for that we don't typically see so um I don't know why would if be who be ask them why we I can ask Chad to ask them they've they've been around and around and around on this whole review to be honest with you it was it was an excessively long review process that we still are not we we did a lot of upfront work with the state last spring to try to expedite the review process for whatever reason it actually Dro no longer so I don't know why it it was just in in in the the particular reviewer that we had or whatever but as I said it it had had had the timing of all this been it wouldn't have been $8,000 extra it would have been $8,000 was included in Braun's original proposal so would still been the same the same amount it just would have been it wouldn't have come through as a change order after the fact well the email curently says that part of this may be able to be covered by the original testing of 8 how much of that would be covered by that original yeah we can that was if we can that's what I was referring to if we can combine some of the trips for them to come up here if we can work around work to have some of the other tests done concurrently so it's they're not coming on site so many times that would reduce I don't know how much it's going to so this includes a trip for how many people from the cities to here one okay I'm assuming I can see yeah probably one yeah let see consultant 4 hours pardon me senior consultant 4 hours yeah yes yes that's the trip up your alone is the charge is four hours for theer one and and there's a principal is hours yeah so what they're saying in that proposal is the mobilization charge which is the trip charge which is for the technician they're anticipating three trips up at a th000 bucks a piece that includes the person coming as well so we're hoping we can at least reduce that down to two that was one of the things that they're trying to do and then we're looking at some of the other test groups some of the other testing that we were planning on having them do as part of the original proposal under the primarily under the pinus and some of the other stuff where we can possibly shave some of that off and reduce some of that oh that make sense if they can cut a turp or two yeah in class is there any way of finding out what exactly this air barrier test entails certainly I mean if you can get that info on send it back y she canate that sure I really I mean it's I'm only one person but you know if I look at something like that and that's somebody either missed something so I think in Chad's response he said well it's state rules I'm saying that that's St happen yeah the planer insisted on having special inspections for the water barrier system um typically in the past it's been one quick inspection on site to make sure the installed product went on thick enough here they want not only that product but the underslab and under roof vapor barriers tested too is there a radon mitigation system in there too I don't know okay so this ash AE is the American Society of eating refrigeration and air conditioning engineers and they develop standards and guidelines to basically seal your make sure you have good quality air inside the building and make sure you're not losing Heat efficiency installation correct so they're requesting this to be part of the new building or the entire facility um building the new building it's the new portion with the new yes and they're talking about barrier so it's more the or is it no it's actually on SLS so potentially have to do with if there's a like one fre on le le that possibly can stay contained within the building I sorry I'm not being much help with that one I have to get more information on that that's not my area extra to I apologize but I'll get you an answer on that and I will try to see if I get exact like what that test entails yep so just kind of for what you're saying this inspection was kind of mandated or required from the state yeah we'll have to submit and they're actually looking for some additional reporting on that as well which will ultimately be submitted to them of course So based on that it's not just something that really needs to be done to require yes correct um if not then do you have to know what the punishments or whatever may be potentially link to our funding that they would give us the funding we wouldn't get7 probably not the so did [Music] find recent change in codes where somebody like I said earlier somebody from the state actually missed this and decided throw back in your La I had to guess just from what I'm hearing this particular inspector just a little more picky than others have been in the past Maybe say that as professionally and nicely as I could I think that's what I'm seeing are you aware of the incident that contamination or anything that they would be more on alert this I'm aware Chad does our architect he does quite a few projects like just with this type of testing usually like message usually doesn't see this extreme need so maybe back to your point what is what is the what is the what is does a test test for is there other parts of it that were not that AR noral guess I'll get that information thank you yes so is the consensus you want to wait for more information or is this something that we have to approve to keep the project going I mean it's required either way sounds and then that can send the information for on is that something you're they getting that information I think we'd be better off waiting I mean we're only we're only a couple weeks away from when do the inspections take I guess in I let me you asked some of the questions I was going to ask as well about what's considered you know what's testing for what's says the cost could be included what was that state of you know visit lessening the visits combining things um but it is require by state you can't get this plan approved we have to do it regardless of why it was missed or why it wasn't missed it's not an optional thing I don't think they're going to roll back if we ask questions other they're just to do any yeah so while I mean I would like to know exactly you know why it's required now it does sound like we it has to be done regardless of the wise or who missed it or why they missed it so I'd like to keep the project going and approve the change order in the meantime time um and like you said hopefully cut down some of these costs as we go by combining their visits still continency in the budg to cover this yeah have discussion I can get it on the next agenda too or email if you still yeah explanation would be would be nice directly from this reviewer but yeah think we should keep it moving while wait for those this is going to hold the work if it get me this will hold it work if it's I would make the motion to approve the chamber that a motion if there support I'll support that um and then if we have that you can share the information with this when you get it right there's been a motion and a second all those in favor question um when will payment out based for that the bill of services R so we're not paying this out now we're not required to pay this now hopefully we'll have the explanation by and and hopefully it'll be less so they'll build Ino us for the work that they there's been a motion all those in favor all any oppos all right thank you for expl some of that follow the information reest point2 golf course poost agreement we received one RSP for the P house AG um and I met with Jenna and she requested this a similar contract to what the previous clubh house manager Dan Baro had $500 more per year she has some really really great ideas I'm really excited to see what she comes up with we did have some conversations about you know we have to have licenses in pre-show movies and that kind of stuff but she sounds like she's willing to work at the library or pay for those licenses and she has some really really great ideas for bringing a more family centered golf experience so that's exciting to see so I would recommend that you approve the clubhouse agreement she has presented so it say you there 1454 that include the EXT added to cover cover employ and the pay payment structure is similar um I don't want she has some really good ideas and she knew she couldn't do everything all at once but she has some things she wants to start um and the pay structure is basically the same you hold the bigger payment till the end just to make sure they you continue the one change is she did re cost of payment in January so she can get her like her license and her insurance and stuff paid prior to the so she's see this schedule everything out of the clubhous kitchen for her to use some some of it is for her to use some of it's owned by the city and some of it's owned by Dan um this is Dan daugh yes I understand she reason I'm asking that is I know he had sold some stuff up with prior retirement he did two years ago and then he ended up buying and been ping off so found out this are there any other questions about her proposal my only question was was this a start M for her she approved it then y see requested yeah the right up excited itce [Music] get yeah there's no other questions there a motion to approve her proposal support there a motion and support all those in favor motion carry excited to see how she starts off there it'll be nice 11.3 League of Minnesota City's liability coverage waiver which is the standard job y right yep every local government unit has to submit this Weaver form we do not wave statutory limits and so I would just give looking for a motion to not wave SMS yeah I both make that motion for many many years in different entities and it's just the standard standard form we have defined so I'd make that motion motion support all those in favor oppos motion Carri 114 utility customer request the say utility request uh for a reimbursement it looks like so you received information via email and then your packet regarding this utility request I believe that there are two main requests the first one is to refund this utility customer and then the second one is to enter into a payment plan of the utility customer I guess I know one thing I noticed was in in her email it said something about just just paying only the water portion of the bill but we don't separate the bill right like if you're behind on one like we can't just say oh just pay the water part and not the garbage and sewer part right okay yeah we enforce water shut offs with the entire B and so when when you you know if you were come going to come down and pay us $100 that would be split evenly among the three services it would you couldn't come in and say I want $100 just for my water service keep that service going to clarify that thought there was a mention that then shutting up water is kind of the city's leverage of getting back P correct so it doesn't just apply to Water app allal I know there was question of legality um shutting off water is not doesn't fall under the cold weather act iting that's Heat and natural gas but it doesn't cutting off water is not a violation of any Minnesota no the the cold weather rle applies to sources which would be electricity and natural gas propane in certain instances but water does not arrive to your properly warm it has to be heated through a second source so water is not considered a heating utility Ste few items in the [Music] email lack of notification look like there's notification sent via mail and August that is correct everyone receives a red delinquency notice when their water is ready to be shut off and they receive that notice and that they have to contact the clerk's office if they'd like to set up a payment plan or contest their bill if something was wrong on their bill typically if you're going to enter into a payment plan it has the date and time you need to contact the clerk's office by to enter into that payment plan and then once you enter into that payment plan I notify the residents who enter into that payment plan that they're required to pay in full prior to the last business day of each month or their water will be shut off without any additional notice and so that is part of the payment plan Arrangement is that if you miss one of those payment plans we are going to shut off that water in ask for the whole p through balance be paid us including fees and so that again is part of that contract that says if if you're going to enter into this payment plan you you know you're going to have to follow through it would be the same under the cold weather rule um for a heating utility you do have to make payment arrangements and you do have to make them on time otherwise they do shut you up and so I believe that there have been 12 people who have entered into payment arrangements with the city since the council issued Authority for me to do so four of those have been turned off as they did not make those payments all four of those people did come in and pay in full to get their water turned back on seven of them are paid in full and are back on track and then one of them is still current making payments fin yeah so this isn't any it's not a case by case basis this is the same process we take for everyone it's not we don't sure change it exception for one you know everybody else exper oh I want this part I want that part yeah and I know you know when there has been talk of like you know being lead in or changing you know the organizers or the rules you know in certain situations but when you start doing that like you said d the can of worms I mean the best option is to follow the ordinance and the rules as they've been approved for everyone otherwise you're just and they've agreed to that already with the payment plan correct and this has been the same process for a number of years well the only difference is in the last two years the council has given authority to you to create these contracts versus having to come y yep they used to come to the city council and it used to be an act contract document that would lay out the payments um with the new software it allows us to do that on the computer rather than tracking it manually and so um when we came across that feature we requested it so the council issued Authority for me to enter into payment plans for up to 18 months what we were finding with those paper contracts that people had to come down and sign is they would come down and sign them so then they got their water shut off because they did not sign the pap there and so um I've kind of allowed people to enter into them verbally with me or over email uh just making sure that they understand the rules I always note that in their file that we went over the rules of the payment plan but we don't think them sign a contract anymore because so many people were just getting shut off because they never sign contct it's a two we minimum of two we wait time the council has to read on yeah there's also a statement about payment options so the city as a whole accepts cash check and card we accept card payments cash and check here at City Hall we accept cash and check in the Dropbox to the North of city hall we accept um uh debit so like uh you can put in your check number a card on PSN online and they will also accept that over the phone through PSN and so people are issued their utility bill we aim for by the third day of the month and they have until the last business day of pay and so you know last month if it if it was issued the third which I'm pretty sure we ran them on the first but even if it was the third last business day of the month um would be the day before Thanksgiving and that's you know 20 days opportunity p and we are a non-metered city so you know exactly what your bill will be every month and how many month Miss months until you get a notice of shut two so on your third month yeah on the third billing so you miss two payments and then on the third third First Billing first month billing then you get your so you don't be January February on your March bill you get Bill it's not paid by the H it's the third Tuesday depending on holidays so I know even if it falls on a weekend or a holiday you can still set up that payment online y for a specific date I mean can set it up on Friday Saturday or Sunday that was do you would have to come by Friday y yep you can also set up an automatic payment um online or with your bank we do recommend that if you set it up through PSN you set it up for between the 10th and the 20th um if you set it up for the first sometimes we haven't done billing yet so if you set it up so it pulls your current balance due you'll get pulled zero dollars and you'll be late if you set it up for the last day sometimes we don't receive it due to bank processing times until after the first of the next month so we just recommend those 10 days in the middle of the month are pretty safe so I my bank was sending it too late and for two months I got a late charge because my bank was it took so long to get the check yeah I had to adjust that the next point was the need for oversight um just that the ccil given you the ability to VI these contract this is kind of the oversight you can bring it to the council and we can discuss it after the fact or during it or before you the contract is SC you can get on Council fast enough so I mean this is the oversight we're discussing it now and the last part is the cold weather yeah I know um many people struggle I was a single mom for years I struggled I've been in a position to receive help and to give people help um myself so we do understand that things happen and there are you know months or years that you you struggle and that's why we do offer up to an 18mon payment so you can have that time to spread it out so it is an amount you can afford more you can be prea proactive I think the better you know that it's going to be hard month to pay your bill and it's easier to get ahead of it before you end with notices and shut off like that encourage people to have those conversations prior and even though we have a process set up now we I think we're all open to ideas suggestions that anybody in the might have making and then turning off water I don't think it brings anyone joy to shut off water just want to make sure that everyone's treated equally that's that is the city's recompense for non payment and you see a bill of this amount this isn't something that happened in one month this this $1,400 up for utility took time to build that toal this this was not something that happened yeah I like you said there are changes that can be made we did make the change from having to come in and sign the paper contract and track it you know we decided go ahead make that payment plan our right away we don't have to get our approval make that payment plan and get them set up so they don't fall any part of behind that change was made there's certainly talk that we could come up with other ideas or plans if we needed to but I mean so far I think we have seven that successfully did a plan this year you know that seem to be working for the majority of people we can't I don't have any suggestions for any change right now I think the system we have has been working we've cut down a lot on our past two utility bills in the last few years we used to be thousands and thousands in a from people it's gotten a lot better and has help the budget but you know you're not passing this fee on to other people from the ones who don't pay it someone has to pay it so it's going to passed on to the rest of the community by raising rates if it's not paid T of over 8,000 so that's fulltime employee Sal and then we write that off every year H yeah you try to collect it as best you could um we're now down to less than $5,000 when we have a shut off list so it's and all of them pay so it's it's been difficult to get here you know it's been difficult for me to get here but I think that it's truly best for the city to ensure that those payments are made because the services were utilized so unfortunately that's that's where we're at I guess the request for three things first request refund of payment minus that motion to refund that in full as you know for the contract and the payment plan terms I don't see where refunding that is going to all you're going to do is is that Mone going to be Ed back then so right now so why refunded if it's going to be ow back yeah it'll just be an outstanding balance again then the second portion was a pay for that refund balance which we're not recing it then that's a no for that one as well and the last question request was crediting the shut off fees charge $100 for shutting off and $100 for Shing back and this happen during winter months so our shut off Fe is a little bit more expensive than summer months because there's some di involved in Frozen yeah yeah if we're not not giving reimbursements you know on the Fe do I think the other points are kind of negated you know by it's paid and false we don't need to discuss a payment plan which they're free to enter into one it's not like we only get one right I mean people we had every year if you need to yeah so I guess that we're we're looking for we don't have to look for a motion I'd make the motion if it's needed but I guess personally since it came to the council I prefer if you had a motion to deny um just so we have a response rather than you know it was us discussion yeah sorry I was on this back page and see on this page it does say motion to motion to deny so I will entertain if there's a motion to deny the request move I'll make the motion that we Deni the refund of payment and Deni the pay re for the refund the shut off that has no you can do all and we as is suppor that yeah has a motion in support oppos motion carried 11.5 Walker Drew and hone proposal for 2024 audit Services have to be audited every year here's your proposal oh yes seem to do a good job there been a motion is there a second to continue with Walker Drew and little I think a good job they know the process and they help find Solutions they're involved in a lot of cities across the range um they probably seen the problem for they help through it a lot i' encourage the city staff to lean on them as things come up throughout the year um their help and clarification early is far cheaper and easier than letting the problem grow and having to go back and fix it they not yeah they do a good job and and support the there yeah as much as um I don't like going through that long booklet Tom he has there so he condenses it into some great useful information and you can tell they they look into what they they're doing it's not just stamped report I mean he has very specific items for us and I appreciate all the work they do there been a motion and a second all those in favor 116 Dr Howard's agreement with the city of Aurora for public safety third so Lakes budgeted an 8% increase and aora budgeted an 11% increase and so that is reflected in the joint C agreement when the joint C was originally established it was established based on population and so the uh split for revenue for the joint Powers was based on population so white Lakes paid more uh we now have about 10 years of data with them and Aurora more call heavy and so Aurora will work on slowly um budgeting more than Point lakes does and catching up so it's eventually a 5050 split so that's why you see the differences in percentage increase there how long will that take to get those two numbers it'll depend a lot on budgets so they're not planing on 10% of year 11 take like 10 years yeah back up but L should enjoy this stre more split would be beneficial obviously not if they're moving towards the 50/50 um yeah for very similar cities charged equally for the services so we were paying more because we but they seeming have more calls than us now they want to do 5050 SP right so just like if you think about uh your taxes go to play all the in the city even if you don't drive on them you still have the ability to call 911 even if you would never do and so that's that's the idea behind the population split and so everyone in the town still has the ability to call one even though people in a may call a door the other thing that skews those statistics a little bit is the hospital so quit lak's residents enjoy the hospital but that's technically in Aurora so they get called when they get called at the hospitales in Aurora say Ro LS are very close um priming one town affects the other 5050 is e way to split this uh also the the board that overseas the Easter Comm is a 50/50 split so that would be equal pay or equal say and what's going right there any other questions or comments on the public safety agreement not I need a motion to accept that agreement motion a motion is there a second we are on to 11.7 Joint water board joint covers agreement I know that was kind of a a thicker packet and I'm G to read it all so buckle in that I did get out my highlighter and a bunch of notes which as requested I will email you I won't S you all them now but um so this is the Easter range joint Waters board joint Powers agreement and so this is the agreement that Aurora and the township signed the joint Water Services I am requesting it's on in front of you today so everyone can make comments on it please email them to me I have to have them Consolidated and to the uh bman prior to the next meeting between white lakes and the joint Powers board and so um there you you can provide like how you would like to see it you know you obviously the example I gave is that the first page would need to be changed to Aurora Po and the to White um so you can provide examp if you'd like or if you just want to say uh we need to negotiate you know Clause 3.1 for whatever reason and whatever agreement comes before the board you'd be okay so you can provide me with your thoughts you can just say this is an area I think we need to negotiate whichever you're most comfortable if you want to sit down with me and go over the contract that's totally fine too just go ahead and let me know not expecting a motion on this or anything tonight so just informational if you have any questions we can let me know it has that next meeting been scheduled yet I know you say you want this prior to January 10th yeah it's the same day as the their joint Waters board which is the Wednesday after that I think for right comments should sent by January 10th so we can all get that updated how that would look 11.8 clal P agreement for 2025 so this is the agreement for Joel to be the City attorney for 2025 it is a slight increase in cost and I would recommend you do it and as we said Joel the wi will now be the to be attorney for otherwise it look pretty standard I didn't see any questions or concerns does anyone else have anything' been doing oh yes Mike Mike P was the attorney for many many years they seem to do a good job there's been a motion is there a second all those in favor motion won't be the same with thought M here but I'm sure we'll get Joel in there I appreciate that mayor but Joel do a good job he's got a he's got a much better sense of humor than I do we'll see we'll see all right 11.9 proper of agreement with St Louis County for County Ro 665 so this is the project for 665 you did engage with an engineer for Utilities in the roadway and this is outlining that St Louis County will bid out that project and we will pay for it essentially um uh I don't have an engineers's estimate yet at this time for you on what that cost will be but we as we discussed uh they're to re REO the road there's no sense that not also doing the utilities underneath it that's pretty close to where we have the storm GL yes yep and so so your construction projects next year will be the arena lot will be repaved the uh 110 Corridor will be stripped and the sidebox curbing butter will be taken out and that'll be overlaid West over Road from kennyon Memorial to 6 65 will be torn out uh completely so curb to curb because the storms are 16 ft deep and so that storm will be replaced and 665 will be torn up so it'll be fun down get Town yes so that's the um West overs by Brian's Body Shop bring by the liquor store and bonds that whole section yes how much of Memorial I don't know I do know they they are well aware of water approval and what exactly our expectations are around that uh they didn't anticipate that they would close the road they anticipated the flag um so Kennedy memorials in m one overlay and so it's the reconstruct is the concrete and the sidewalks um so the the street itself is a relatively noral traff yes part of this is reconstruction of the water um if we up at the I guess from discussion we J those are things that need to be done some pretty big yeah yeah yeah there's um the last thing you want to do is if they repl the road for you have bre and to dig the brand new Ro up um and and as long as they're in there you know it's there's a cost savings too because if we were to redo the utilities in there we would then have to replace the droveway and so if they already have the droveway open and we can just pay replace the utilities there's PR significant cost sittings for the city there and I see in the agreement it does say that you know the county will pay for all the r work roadway reconstruction the city pays water made and sanitary SE so I mean yeah that cost avoided you're plan for a sidewalk at all I don't believe so I uh because it's a FEA project they don't allow for improvements without as pay for it and so we would we would look at being restoring to 665 where they with the lob better we' about it I can't remember for sure what the plan is um I do know that they're making improvements to the sidewalk on Kennedy Memorial they received a pretty significant um safe roadways type Grant and we we talked about that last time with the last agreement to will they disturb the walking trail at all along 665 across field there will that get I I'm not entirely sure we did talk about um we were in a meeting where we talked about them resurfacing the senior center and that parking lot there at the same time when their pist contractor was in town so we did have that conversation I'm not entirely sure about what keep on our [Music] radar yes yeah so if you remember they did this project in phases they replaced the bridges and then they tore up its gravel now um and then this is the second pH the and the gravel is much better than the wow better than the road here we've got a couple of oh probably the elevations were that's all the discussion is there a motion to enter into the agreement with St Louis County I make that motion second motion and support all those in favor I car you some new roadways next summer and parking L be next the next meeting this 27th one 5 talk meeting for the public forum yes um I did not have the public forum set for next year I do have it on the reorganization resolution but I wasn't entirely sure if the new Council want to adjust anything about them so it's just a draft right now there motion to Mee I'll second that motion all those in favor I None opposed meeting is adjourned