##VIDEO ID:cVGvvbUMdkU## e e e e e e 9:30 the meeting of September 9th 2024 order G here Scott here Bard here Kramer here GRS here all right the first order of business is the consent agenda is there any discussion or a motion to approve the consent agenda um regarding the meeting from August 12 um looks like some notes aren't written in full in here explains that was discussed that I supervise EMS director onstead know Council Bo had Express concerns about becking supervising Jordan if he were and then Jordan supervising C directly um so in regards to what C had said um as he pointed out I don't directly supervise director hestad that he does um that he has as a sort of PL for us which St pointed out um be apparently supervises Jordan if you were CH chosen to be on the council to would directly supervised VY there wouldn't be any sort of cover um and that was what kind of where was expressing expressing issue with is that there wouldn't be any sort of off there so after C Bard's paragraph that's what you're saying yeah he says that we discussed that I supervise my mother almost said I don't directly supervis my mother Becky does councel Bo head explained that I don't and that Becky hadex sort of thought and then his issue was that Becky would be supervising Jordan Jordan be supervising her one being s father and then I just noted that there wasn't written down about what legal Cil share the issue just kind of incompatibility to opposite pie things I think that's important to any maybe I have this supervise that would be correct um and additionally the council has told higher Fire Authority over employees I do not have any higher Fire Authority so this board does supervise all of it emploees so we're asking to amend part of that paragraph um and then add the attorney yeah just that exess that there [Music] is yeah we can leave those minutes off they'll be brought to the next meeting okay and technically I need a motion to pull those minutes off the consent agenda and direction to CH that is there a second for that motion motion and a second all those in favor motion carried would be brought up at the next meeting to be approved 23rd meeting make a motion to pass the other y yeah be a motion to pass the other items agenda motion a second all those in favor I motion Carri next up is the guest and to The Forum is there anyone who would like to get up and speak right now MIT Mo 321 Fairfax leaks I would like to be toally why I have to announce my address on the internet um because I checked with other cities and it's usually only cities that are divided into districts I would have to look into that but as far as I know that was just the protocol we use but you can look in to see if there's any legality or not that you have to rather address over the Internet some of it is just to verify that you are a citizen and you're addressing the council the town that you live in but Mitch me get up and speak at there no leg have say I think it's just the way it's people a lot of times if you're talking I think where it probably stems from is when they do assessment hearings and you need know specific location of the Citizen's property then you have to State it but for just general public comments you you can just identify that you're res in city but you would have to be address again it's just the way it's been done doesn't mean it's a right it doesn't mean we have to keep it that way either we can yeah change you're not even under legal obligation do not a legal obligation to change it if that's been the standard protocol but you're also not under a legal obligation to follow really discussion we can't that this meeting but i' Beed next month meeting to possibly have that change go you just say your resident City and not give the address you can discuss that later meeting it's not a legal requirement but on the next anyone else then we'll move on sorry I am Tom Ericson 313 and Road and I've lived in this community since the 60s I've known a lot of you people and I'm here for one thing I would like to ask question of the council and I'd like to see a raising of hands um and my question is do you want and support Mother's Market okay I'm glad to see that at this point mutter's Market has been supported only by one tenth of this community that is very L projection was 40% and that's reasonable and that's 40% despite the dollar storm we can coexist with the dollar storm if this community would support our business and the reason why I say ours it's not really mine but it is my grandson and Son's business and they came to me the other day that's why I'm here today um and said that they are struggling they having a hard time and reasonably so at one one1 of the percent of the public and I really can't answer why we're not being supported by this community um number one there's a young man over there that's managing and running the store and his name is Austin if you've been in the store you can see his smiley face he will greet you he will answer your question questions and he will help you in any way that organization has helped all your other organizations by giving products at cost and low cost at their lost to support the community they have done numerous things they brought in a very um good meat cutter and brought in quality products that meat that second t n and you may not agree with that I don't know but I'm telling I and add a bad cut of me out there in a long time so they cleaned up the store people said we don't want to come in because it sticks and it did when we took it over it snow and we went through and we cleaned out a lot of that stuff and and got it to a point that it's accepted have we long ways to go yes we do the floor doesn't look good we intend on I shouldn't say we but they intend to replace that and make this better the whole shopping center on that end all the way down they have they've been working very hard to be able to get that cleaned out get strict and have it assessed whether it's a viable building or other uh business to come in and they have worked endlessly and made many phone calls to make that happen they have tried to do a lot of things but without the support of the community and you people and the rest of us to support and if you you do that you're going to be surprised what they can do they have a lot of good ideas they they want to bring in a de they want to have a meat cutter that can make sausages that can give you a product that you're going to be happy to come in and buy and I know you're going to cut me off pretty quick but I just want to say I'm here to ask you to support and as a console talk to our people down there get together with them Reach Out that's what you people are supposed to do is support local business and up until this year you you haven't even welcomed us as business people you haven't said to the public welcome Eric glad to have you let's work together and I'm telling you this community I've known it for many many years and I will tell you they're hardworking people they're honest people they're good people and if all of you can come together we can make that business work and we can make it a success but I tell you what the bottom line is you have to make that decision that's your story that's not the Ericson story that's your story hopefully your your plea Was Heard by those watching and so please reach out help do what you can one last thing I want to thank the board and the city for getting that basketball court over there it's been used since you guys got it done and and they've been there and I thank you and I know lot of kids that have been already down there using that thank thank you for your time yeah thank you and I would looks great in there they've brought in like things that have never been there like Cactus sleaves and you know like for cooking and all that kind of stuff and so yeah I mean I've never been disappointed so yeah I really hope it succeeds because I think it's a wonderful for and please if some of you haven't been in there come in there and look it over if it's not what you like that's fine we don't expect 60% of the community is supports if we can get the 40% we're going to be successful so please do that and the other thing is when we came into business we were able to get a different supplier and dropped our prices by 20% that's a 20% savings to all of you thank you there anyone else would like to speak before we move on if not we'll go to reports from sta City administrator Landing just a reminder of the city council they should submit their questions to me for the Easter water board by Thursday and Fisherman's Point seasonal ations are due next Friday uh if you've applied online we need to receive both your payment and your application by the deadline other it will not considered that's it all right Public Utilities director B all right well it's that time of year we're starting to move sludge so you see our truck driv F across town uh goal is to try and get all of our fall Sledge halling done by the end of October and before the snow flies I got a sit all winter other thing we got going on is you guys should be seeing a dramatic Improvement in your water we made some changes at the water plant um I haven't heard a whole lot so I'm assuming that is the case if it it's not let us know but as far as I've seen in my house and throughout town it's been improving so where Sledge go I don't know much about the go with the bio solids that's all the Organics that we'll just leave it at there so is we store in the tank we heat it up we let the bacteria get at it break it down even further and then we put it into a secondary tank for holding from there we haul it up or move it into our Sledge truck and haul it out to the line sites they have there old waste Fields just waste block that we threw initially when they started it they brass seed in with the sludge and just spread it across the field so what went into bar rock with like a surface of some distant planet turned into a grassy field trees and everything I should bring you guys picture sometimes all right thank you C on no rep reps from elected official tonight here B nothing [Music] tonight got uh we have our last Garden Club meeting tomorrow night um so that'll be happening so last one of the year' been a lot of hard work that's all right thank you Dar no all right I have no business to discuss happy birthday to my mom tonight um all right on to 10 old business 10 one is a proclamation regarding the settlement ofo since was brought with by Jim mully meeting or two ago and so we did um between his notes and Becky's information we made a proclamation to be signed so are there any questions on that it's not on need a motion to make the proclamation of the first families moving into Lakes in September of 1954 so motion is there a second second all those in favor I motion car we get that F all right 111 Eck concession stand agreement looks like there's only a couple changes yeah they've requested the same terms there is no early ice this year so that part of it has been changed and there was also a section about the city maintaining licenses and we do not maintain those licenses they provide their own Department of Health there no technical changes to that contract is there a motion to sign that agreement with them so they can start their with them all those in favor [Music] iOS motion car 112 request to write off utility bill for count11 32301 uh this C moved out of town and we unable to track them down to their bill so we right it up question yes is that normally turns with collections before we write them off or is it just not worth traic we do not turn utility bills into collections we turn accounts receivable and ambulance bills into collections utility bills The Collection method for that is to assess it to the property taxes but we can't assess all bills from former owners to the new owner property taxes so that's why we write them off uh it's usually less than $1,000 a year if even most to that how often do have once a year twice a year it's just the people that sell their houses before caness the taxes so it has to be specific being that we can't track this individual down or can't assess it because he doesn't own the property anymore is there a motion to write off that amount that motion motion is there support I'll support all those in favor all right c not off the 11.3 J LLC doing business at the Havens transfer Li to the arena on September 28th for a wedding this is standard practice they regularly transfer licenses to offsets and they pay a fee that the city yes make [Music] ation a motion is there a second and support all those in favor motion Carri think that that is I did remember my name I just wanted to thank ja and screw there uh they spent a lot of time with the K and trying to figure out what's going out the water so thank you go for all your work getting apprciate it thank you there's no other business on the agenda is there a motion to ad that a second I'll in favor all right car