##VIDEO ID:ymILn1nh6Vc## I'd like to call this meeting to order welcome to the meeting of the hund Central Regional High School Board of Education please be advised that this and all meetings of the board are open to the public and media consistent with the open public meetings Act njsa 104.6 and the advanced notice and that advanced notice required therein has been provided meeting notice was also posted in the boardroom of the upper school campus sent to The Courier News Star Ledger Express Times and the hunon county Democrat and sent to the clerks of Delaware Township East Amwell Township Flemington burough hundon Township and Readington Township the public will have an opportunity to be heard as shown on the agenda Mrs Spitzer can we have a roll call please mrsi here Mrs dougen here miss gong here Mrs Kellogg here Mrs odonnell here Mrs Peterson here Mr Rymer here and Mrs S Angelo here I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay Mr Rhymer if you'd like to read the mission statement please sure hun and Central is an Innovative educational Community dedicated to the intellectual social and emotional safety and growth of all students while fostering curiosity and promoting Wellness we aspire to create powerful learning experiences establish strong Partnerships and serve as contributing members of society thank you okay um we just had a switch for the august 19 minutes we should be good now so I'd like to make a motion to uh approve the minutes from August 19th second got a motion in a second any discussion um has there been a change or anything yes so Heather just emailed us the minutes as opposed to having them posted just with some different details in there okay the minutes weren't changed I just took you just pulled them off of the post emailed them to the people that okay that's the only difference they were not changed thank you yes thank you okay um any discussion besides that okay so can we have a roll call please mrsfields yes Mrs G yes Mrs Kellog yes Mrs odonnell yes Mrs Peterson obstain both I'm doing the August 19th first okay then just from the exact I'm abstaining I will say yes to the regular meeting Mr Rymer yes Mrs S Angelo yes and Mrs dou yes all yes mtion thank you okay um I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes from the September 5th 2024 meeting Move Motion of the second any discussion okay can we have a roll call please Mrs ffield yes Miss gong yes Mrs Kellogg yes Mrs oon yes Mrs Peterson yes Mr Rymer yes Mrs santangelo yes Mrs dou yes okay okay moving on to board correspondence we have a few um a few things that we have from this past month and we also um Noel we put the board correspondents on there from the last month as well okay great okay moving on to the superintendence report and welcome Jessica oh miss candal oi hay sorry I go by it all so you uh thank you good evening everybody thank you for having me I'm very excited to be here um September is always an exciting time it's always a busy time as we prep for going back to school um I'm very pleased to let you all know and I think I've let you know this but we'll let you know publicly that we had a very smooth start to the school year um a very happy start to the school year good vibe within the school I won't say too much because I know we have more information coming from our students um but I do want to say it's a testament to the hard work of our staff dedication of our staff um our administrators and everybody else who contributed to the strong opening to the school um I wanted to give a special Welcome to our new staff members who joined us this year really exciting um we had a great new staff orientation on August 20th to 22nd so that was really exciting in fact they made me participate in the the team building activity since I was new in my role so um that was exciting as well and I also want to especially welcome our students especially the new students the Hun in central both freshmen and students who transferred in I hope they're having a great starts of the school year as far as we can tell everybody has been really excited to be back um in school and back in the the swing of things with learning and growing and just seeing their friends again so um tonight on the agenda I wanted to highlight just our board and our district goals we do have them on for approval later on but I want to thank you all for your trust and support in in setting these goals for governance for our board as well as for our district goals um the goals are really a second phase of last year's goals you'll see that we're emphasizing students sense of belonging through climate and culture we're continuing our work with instructional priorities and a common instructional model which we'll also utilize with our K to8 sending districts that will help with students Readiness and transition to high school we will continue to look at our opportunities for students to ensure that we're offering the best curricular programs and offer leadership and learning opportunities and lastly we want to ensure we're staying connected with our larger community and our partnership with families local businesses and other organizations will be critical As We Gather to discuss the important work guiding our district I wanted to take a moment to highlight the new voices joining us this year very excited to welcome our student representatives to our Board of Education and I wanted to formally welcome bronwin Downey and Aaron Johnson as our representatives to the board they're sitting right there you will hear from them in a moment that's a rookie mistake I promise the light is green um okay so so bronwin and Aaron are right there so in bronwin and Aaron we have individuals who exemplify leadership curiosity and a passion for making a difference they bring with them the unique perspectives of our students and I know they will be invaluable in helping us better understand the needs concerns and aspirations of the students we serve bronwin and Aaron have shown dedication not only to their academics but also to their communities they have demonstrated their commitment by creating positive change and I'm confident they will contribute meaningfully to our discussions and decisions in the year ahead as we proceed cautiously incorporating our student Representatives into our meetings we kindly ask our board members and the public to refrain from directing questions to them at this time this will allow them time to ease into their roles and participate without added pressures I encourage everyone on the board to actively engage with our student representatives to listen carefully to their input and to consider their insights as we shape the policies and programs that will impact our district so bronwin and Aaron I'd like to ask you to come up and make your first report you everyone good evening my name is bronan Downey um I'm a junior here at 100 Central and I will be your student representative for this board of education this year good evening my my name is Aaron Johnson and I'm a senior here at Hunter Central we are honored to represent our fellow students and provide Insight throughout this school year we will be giving a student report tonight directly from Central students about the start of this year firstly class meetings have taken place for all students where counselors office staff and administration met with each grade to review rules um go over student resources and also emphasize goals this year to lift up student voice and belonging part of which is our role here the students also had a career and College Planning night for the seniors on September 17th in order to prepare them for the next steps after graduating on June 24th 2025 the senior class has been working closely with our college and career counselor Miss nectarine and we are getting ready to to begin submitting applications to colleges this fall our first back to school night and the second one that will be held on Wednesday will allow students to volunteer and help out parents par when they inevitably get lost in the 600s hallways also students are preparing to take the PSAT in October and SATs alongside getting registered for and taking deep breaths for their advanced placement classes and other courses uh Central student council is currently planning our three Spirit weeks this school year this first one will be featuring our third annual fall activity Fair as well as our homecoming which will be occurring right after the game on October 5th and will be in old Hollywood at theme finally clubs are officially underway with many new members joining after the Freshman social where numerous clubs from the theater Honor Society to marine biology Club advertised the incoming class club events include a rock around the clock 50s night for our thespian Society the cheer teams cheer for the Cure event on October 19th which will raise breast cancer awareness and our us bands competition for our marching band that occurred on Saturday our fall sports are also having a very successful start with a win on the second night night of school um against Monroe for football and our girls volleyball and boys soccer teams our varsity teams remain undefeated so far and we look forward to the rest of the season for All Sports here at Central the students are happy to be back and are excited for many events to come so far we've had three football games with great SCH school spirit and attendance and a fall Sports kickoff party held at stewartfield and Senior senior Sunrise is coming up on this Friday this year Aaron and I will strive to listen to all students with both viral and in-person Outreach in order to ensure that student voices are both heard and appreciated we're looking forward to this upcoming year and sharing with you all the passion that Central students have for this school thank you thank you thank you Bron one and Aon great job um and once again welcome to you both we look forward to working with you and seeing the positive impact that you'll bring on account of all of our students here at H 100 and Central so for the next part of the report I'd like to ask Mr Brandt our principal to come up and he's going to be presenting on our 2023 2024 School climate and culture Sur survey results and I think I will add that and he's going to talk about this but our survey results also helped to guide us in our goal development this year thank you very much uh good evening again my name is Ed brand a principal here and um I'm just going to be sharing just some some of the pieces of all the data and all the information we received both from the climate culture survey back in the spring and some of the work being done with that information along with just like U young ladies mentioned earlier so this slide just kind of reviews over the last six years uh the various types of um tools we had to measure climate and culture here each of the last three years we've used primarily the same um form for uh students staff and parents makes a lot easier to compare uh we had two years there prior to co when we were able to compare and then the co year as you can see um our surveys there were mainly really in the moment to help help students learn in that in that mode if you would and in the last three years we're able to really um take a look at patterns uh gaps uh winds and and areas of of needing of improvement um this past spring we afforded all students staff and family members to complete it it wasn't mandatory um and also families um like any of our surveys have the ability to opt out um if we give them we give them at least two weeks notice um just to for your information was less than 10 families opted out of it um just so you know but in the spring we had 673 three students complete the online questionnaire uh 45 students reported that they were willing to be interviewed we ended up being able to interview 35 of them um of the staff members 138 completed it and of the families 134 uh this slide here I'm not going to go through it all but basically gives you an idea of um all right now we have this data what are we going to do now with it so we had a cohort of Staff members a shout out to Karen Rossy and Nicole deala and Scott Cohen who's here with us as well uh worked with me in helping both facilitate and then taking all the data and getting it into a format that was digestible and usable um for what we've done with it so far and what we plan on doing next um for the student survey again that that cohort um pulled all the information into usable text if you would so that we were able to see you know big themes jumping out but also make more uh detailed comparisons from previous years um as far as the staff survey is concerned uh that cohort as well as the administration also took a deep dive into summer when we had a couple days of retreat here um getting ready to school year and then the plan for this fall is for the home and School Association to take a look at the parent results and basically follow the same process we did identifying any major themes prioritizing and then uh identifying next steps so for the quantitative items the items that were questions that are on a Liker scale this is just a slide to show you an example of two of them but basically for the student surveys and the majority of this is going to be about students right now um they had five different possible outcomes or or responses so you can see uh for example on um how much do do your teachers encourage you to do your best you know the most favorable would be encourage me tremendous amount down to quite a bit to some to a little to they do not carage at all so what I did what we did similar to previous years um is if there were five slices if you would we took the most favorable three and added them up um and I know there was question last year not top two you could do either two or three but for comparison's sake I stuck with three again U we could do two but then it makes it really difficult to compare um of all the students prompts on the quantitative study or the quantitative survey they really broke down to four different major areas one of those areas is an academics um this slide is what I did here what we did here was we took each of those um six prompts and we compared the three years in a row so you can see from three years to two years ago um all six areas saw an increase and then from two years ago to this past year five of the six areas saw an increase yet again um for those who like statistics um we a paired T Test basically what it does is it it matches up you know um prompt to prompt from each year and uh if you have significant difference than that probability value on the right you're looking for anything below a 0.005 05 anything below that tells you there's a statistically significant difference um so I'm happy to say for both of those from year one to two and then also this past uh year we saw a significant difference in those uh one of the ones I wanted to highlight um because I'm going to bring back to it again later on is how much do you do your teachers encourage you to do your best um that that one there really jumped out also how many of your teachers make learning interesting that saw the greatest jump of 8.8 percentage points from two years ago to this past spring uh another cluster if you would is on climate and safety and this is an area here where we saw there were 14 prompts associated with that and we saw an improvement in 12 out of the 14 um which was a significant difference from the year before you can see from year one to year two uh there was not a significant difference in the values but from year two to three uh there was and couple of the areas that I I would like to say make me pleased as principal uh proud to point out that we saw you know significant jumps there on how much respect do students at Central show you uh that had a a jump of four over four percentage points and I feel that students in central help each other out when needed and how much do you feel you matter to others at Central those are areas right there that really jumped out um to me to see that the highest um difference is there and also you can see the 10-point difference on how often you enjoy being at school pleased to report that that's that's a heck of a jump meanwhile though there's one area too that I'll admit uh um the question of how often do you stay home because you do not feel safe at school that's an area that dropped now it didn't drop much um 0.1 percentage points isn't isn't huge but it's still there um I used a compliment by the way that doesn't mean 90% of the students uh wanted to stay home that the favorable is that you want that to be 100% are staying here uh so less than 10% but of course this principal I'm going to tell you right now I wish that was Zero um we wanted to stay home um but again 12 out of 14 areas saw an increase I taught geometry I know that the triangle is the strongest figure if you would um doesn't wobble right that's why you have uh tripods and when the student family and staff work together um that's the strongest our school can be right there I'm proud to say here that we had um you know nine items if you would and eight of the nine uh showed significant increases there the one area that didn't um was how often do your parents and Guardians view your grades and I'm not say knocking that question but um the students might not even just realize uh how often their parents take a look at it but the other areas for example how connected do you feel to the adults at your school an increase of 10% right there really jumped out of me that's excellent it's one of the areas we focused on and I saw positive results and then also how much do your family encourage you to do well look at that number 93% that's fantastic so if that number is high and then also they feel like they have a connection here with the other adults um you know you're in a good direction so again areas of growth definitely there um but proud to say that I think that triangle is strong and then the last area was a sense of belonging um and these varied from um areas in Dei if you would to mental health uh concerns to just overall General how how do you how much do you feel like you belong here at Central and it was happy for me to see that for all the work that we are doing in trying to uh um to incorporate mental health just as much as you would um physical health um is excellent and to show that that increase of 6.1% there percentage points students realize what we are doing here um and also overall how much do you feel like you belong uh the fact that that increased from two three years ago from 72% now it's getting close to 80% um you know is really pleasing this chart here is just basically we took each of those four clusters took the averages of those clusters and then compared them over the three years and you can see there's a nice steady increase um from year one to two and year two to three of this same um tool I mentioned earlier about the students being interviewed so not only were there the uh questionnaire prompts but also staff members interviewed students who within the anonymous survey said that they would be interested in um being interviewed um basically there were three questions what do we do well that we should continue doing what are areas that we can improve and what something that you would want your teacher to know about you so these are the six areas that jumped out um as major themes from the interviews one that jumped out to me was also most most students responded they love their teachers how good is that um and again these are the students through the interviews they really love our electives our clubs the availability of tutorial the availability of seating during lunch and they love this place right here in the IMC areas that jumped out of improvement um Laboratories uh availability of restrooms during the school day and after school and that is something that we heard anecdotally last year and going into um into the summer and then now hopefully we have things in place to that we'll see significant changes there um and superintendent cangelosi hay will test periodically I just check the cameras to see how long are the lines I'll take a snapshot and send it to her be like Yep looks good um because we know that that's one area of feedback we've gotten from students and parents about that um they mentioned that security in the one specific area up here which ironically is an area where we have the highest security but it's also probably our densest area of students as they come out for the buses so I think there's a feeling of um probably unease really um if you're not used to being a big crowd being funneled out there uh so that's right out here at the mid campus area and there's a few other areas um you can see as well to improve and then lastly uh what students wish teachers knew about them um and it's one that we work on one of them there The Balancing Act that students work outside of school and in activities in athletics and trying to balance all their learning with everything else um is tough they appreciate and uh I mentioned earlier about the um engaging learning they appreciate when teachers make classes interesting engaging and the bottom right there is an interesting one too that jumped out in the interviews the students themselves said yes the cell phones are distracting and it's an area that um we're looking to address and I think we've made so far uh significant strides but now we got to maintain it throughout the school year so that those are the results of the the interviews with students this is a slide from pre previous but um I want to point out the next few slides um those slides were based on feedback just from the students again that cohort uh took a look at it to see what areas of need and what jumped out and myself included to working on the data analysis because I like statistics um but in the summer we took all that information and shared it with the administrative team um gave him a few days to digest it and we had an activity actually right right here um where uh basically to identify in groups our priorities and then categorize those priorities and this slide will kind of explain it to you whether it's a student focused priority staff families or School community and whether it's an immediate priority let's take care of this now this fall or maybe over the next year and a half or this is a long-term item so these are the these are the um highlights from that share out n work from the administrative team and um when eron bronwin mentioned about in the class meetings how we shared out some of the areas these are the slides that I shared with the um all the students I thought it was important for them to see what the administration here felt or some of the key areas too so shout out to them for recognizing yes they Love interactive activities student L learning and varied teaching modalities and that's something as we already do but to hear the students say yep they really like that um that that adds more meat to it as well and then you can see in the short term one of them also uh right here with our two Board of Ed reps student voice increasing student voice all the different Avenues we have it uh Miss kissi hay and I talked over the past year or so and Mr Cohen as well very key on that we had a lot of bits and pieces of it a lot of I I could share the overall Vibe and temperature of the school but a more systematic way um so that students also knew that they were being heard uh is key as far as staff is concerned some of the immediate areas of need is is for our meetings together to me more focused on student staff in the community a lot of times we can get away with having spending more conversation on nuts and bolts things hey how we're going to handle tomorrow or Wednesday night's back to school night for example that's something that maybe we can do it an email but when we get together let's really focus on those areas right there um also the staff said they really like having voice and also authentic feedback from the staff so as an administrator who supervises staff members I have to take that and realize staff members really welcome genuine conversation on how to improve what's going well how we can support them um and likewise teachers doing that with students and then families and Community right now this is an area this is the next step um we have to take a look at the RO data and then I what I'm proposing is we work with the home and School Association this fall maybe not the first meeting but in the second meeting and give them the opportunity to digest the results as well any of the members there to do basically the same thing the administration did what are the things we need to do now what are the things that are long-term and then the areas that the administration felt touched all three this the whole community School Community issue uh number one was for right now making sure that all three of those areas all three of the components of that triangle are aware of what the code of conduct is not necessarily just the code of conduct but also procedures so they're all on the same page and then also the short term we all recognize that the number of people proportionately still a good number when you have 600 results in a survey from students there's a lot of schools that that's you know like half of their population it's still a significant number but what can we do to incentivize students staff and families to complete the survey and we are looking to in in this school year having the survey a little earlier we had it in um April and May because we coincided it with some of the test State Testing because we felt that was a a window of time for some of the students to have time outside of class to take it but it creates a lag and getting the results so we're looking to push the earlier to say January February so of both us as Administration students with the voice are going to take a look at it and you have some time um to digest it so that we go into the summer um basically shifted a few months if you would and then the one item there that jumped out on all of them consistently communicate celebrate and Report out the progress of the work for all of it um that's a long-term thing uh um we've had anecdotally feedback from staff members and parents saying wow I wish I knew that was all going on oh I wish I knew that there was a committee talking about that and made those decisions um based on that if we can find a a mode that's easy to access and doesn't make the Comm committee work more burdensome um but really to celebrate all the work going on um because there is a lot of good work going on on all those facets um um so that would be the long term right there for the whole community that is a nutshell of at least two of the areas if you would um we can go we can spend hours looking at the data but obviously we have a meeting to get to but um thank you for your time and uh look forward to working with you and students and staff on improving thanks thank you does anyone have any questions and the report is in board dos but if you can't open it we can share it with you thank you Mr rant we appreciate it and uh before I finish my report I do want to mention the Hib and suspension report numbers that are included in that section of the agenda so with that I will conclude the report and hand it back over to you Mrs Dugen thank you okay moving on to can you hear me yeah uh moving on to the organizational part um motion to move the Board of Ed the Board of Ed and District goals for 2024 25 school year as recommended by the super intendent so move second we got a motion at a second any discussion about board goals District goals good okay Mrs Spitzer can we have a roll call please Mrs blutfield yes Miss gong yes Mrs Kellogg yes Mrs odonnell yes Mrs Peterson yes Mr Rymer yes Mrs santangelo yes and Mrs dougen yes all yes motion carries okay now we're moving on to the first residence Forum of the evening this is um the opportunity where the public can comment on any items that are on the agenda so if we have anybody that wants to speak for items on the agenda I am seeing none so we will move on then to Student Life and programs Mr Rymer you g to give the update for that sure thank you tonight we have two items to move the first is for tuition and transportation for special education student $1,850 and the second is for uh a move to approve the attendance of the following students five students from North hund and Vorhees Regional High School uh for the multi- uh lingual program for 20242 school year and that would be for five students each one the estimated tuition is $3,893 so I'd like to move to approve those two items second is there a second second all right motion a second any discussion okay roll call please Mrs bfield yes Miss gong yes Mrs Kellogg yes Mrs odonnell yes Mrs Peterson yes Mr Rymer yes Mrs santangelo yes and Mrs dougen yes all yes motion carries thank you okay I'll give a quick uh I I'll take us through operations in transportation the first three items are for the financial reports invoices and transfers for July actually transfers were none um the the fourth is District state aid we were um awarded $135,000 of Aid that we can use for Capital purposes so we're going to move to accept that we have a local food for school Cooperative agreement lfs fund fing opportunity extension this is um we're getting an increase in the amount of 5,728 there are several routes there's seven routes here for the transportation routes that were negotiated um you can see the information there for that we are going to approve the bus stops and routes for 2024 and 25 we have an ESC Transportation Joiner for um Burlington County you can see the information there and then the last one number nine is professional service provider um substance abuse evaluations at a cost of 425 per evaluation with that I'd like to move ENT items 1 through nine second so move second okay motion a second any discussion okay I would just like to say that the bus routes were 152 Pages um I think it's it's pretty impressive what our transportation staff does um and and the level of detail that was in there was was amazing so thank a huge thanks to them absolutely okay all right um Mrs Spitzer roll call please Mrs blutfield yes Miss gong yes Mrs Kellogg yes Mrs odonnell yes Mrs Peterson yes Mr Rymer yes Mrs santangelo yes and Mrs dougen yes all yes motion carries thank you okay moving on to Personnel Mrs bfield yes we have 28 items on the agenda tonight um the first one we have two resignations then in number two we have two contractual appointments we have another campus security officer and also a new manager of Transportation number three we are appointing a current substitute bus driver to a full-time position and number four we have our hourly appointments which are mostly hctv student workers um five and six have to do with substitute bus driver rates we discussed it and supported it in Personnel however it has since come to my attention that according to our bylaws this will need to go through JTC first so I will continue just going through I'll make a motion for all the items including those and then I will later ask that we table those two items for another time after it's gone through the process of going through JTC um seven eight and N we have our substitute teachers custodians and secretaries number 10 we have our after hours tutorial instruction c s to prep for State Testing and that is Grant funded 11 is our Am Pm supervision 12 our athletic event workers 13 is our chaperon 14 we have curriculum writing for the g&t art curriculum and then 15 we are appointing Dr Jeff Charney as an interim assistant superintendent for curriculum and HR some of you may remember Dr Charney um he was here previously as a board member so he knows our district well and we're um looking forward to welcome him welcomeing welcoming him back to help out the district and help out Dr celosi hay Mrs celosi hay um 16 we have our PM security 17 we have the appointment of Proctors monitors and test coordinators for sat testing 18 we have a sixth block stien to cover for a social studies teacher who is out on leave um 19 we also we have a reappointment of a substitute bus driver um this item will stay on the agenda but I will also need to make an amendment to that um so again I'll I'll make my first motion but then we will need to make a motion to go back to our old rates until that's discussed in JTC 20 and 21 we have their reappointment of substitute teachers and secretaries 22 we have professional development this list is longer than usual because we will now be including all professional development not just the ones that are $150 or more 23 is our schedule C advisors 24 four we have the mechanic ASE certification stiens 25 you'll see a very long list of TCNJ students for internships and student teaching uh mostly clinical practice one which is a precursor to student teaching this list is much longer than usual because another school had pulled out of the program so that's to our benefit um we're excited for the students who will be here and um it's a great opportunity both for them and for the district um from a recruitment perspective in the future 26 we have leaves of leaves of absences 27 Amendments and finally 28 we are approving a job description for an athletic site manager so with that I will make a motion for personnel items 31 through 328 second o Motion in a second any discussion um now I would like to table sorry can I can I ask a question before you table that so um were the the the previously approved bus routes that we just approved were those put through the JTC and and if so why not I think they were yeah please those are just Central bus routes that you're approving okay so there's no they're not fem rare fem rare approves their okay thank you you're welcome and I I just wanted to comment I'm so happy to see Dr Charney on here um I think it's great that the board's going to support Jess in having some relief um in your new role and I'm just I think it's always great when we have someone in in education um on our board or um in this case to to help Jess so I was happy to see that thanks Lori okay so I now like to make a motion to table 35 table 36 and make an amendment to 319 where the rates will now be training $19 an hour trips $24 an hour and home to school $30 an hour second a motion and a second any discussion about it okay can we have a roll call pleasei yes Miss yes Mrs K yes Mrs oon yes Mrs Peterson yes Mr Rymer yes Mrs S Angelo yes and Mrs dou yes all yes motion cares as amended as amended thank you okay um M Peterson do you have a policy updates where are you over there sorry I'm moving around a lot um we do have we had a really productive policy committee this week um actually one of the uh first policies that we talked about abolishing because it was really old and out of date principal Brandt actually said let's see if we can repurpose this one and and turn it into something that we really need for our district which is the cell phone policy and so we have been working with uh the administration and they've been Gathering feedback from teachers and what's been working because obviously the district has been really focused on um implementing a change for cell phone usage for a couple years now so we um really just want to codify what has been working and basically show uh the board's support for that and we are really hoping to have that ready to roll coming up um hopefully you know very soon but we spent a majority of our meeting really um getting down into the nitty-gritty of of some of the wording and um pulling from other districts and it was a really productive and collaborative process so that should be um on your radar hopefully that'll be coming out soon um and and we're kind of excited about that one so what we do have on our agenda this month uh we have for first read we have 13 different items we have regulation 1581 which is from March 2020 it's domestic violence um mandated regulation and we are adopting this regulation for the first time in response to the passage of njsa 1182 d6a which is a law under the purview of the Civil Service Commission and was effective January 8th 2018 um obviously we uh fall underneath or we have employees that um would fall you know basically within that purview as well so uh we are adopting this regulation uh policy 2361 is from June TW uh 2012 acceptable use of computer network and resources um this was a required update from the FCC in 2012 updating the children's internet protection act uh regulation 24 31.1 is from September 2020 this is a mandated regulation for emergency procedures for sports and other athletic activity um this follows the adoption of njsa 18a 40- 41.1 through 12 and this was um last updated prior to 1998 so this should be great um to to get in line with um all the changes that have been made over the decades um policy 2467 is from August 2021 surrogate parents and foster parents um this basically involves language changes from the administrative code which discontinued the term foster parent and now uses the term re Source family parent so that'll switch over um in the that switches over into the new policy policy 2481 is from June 2014 home or out of school instruction for general education pupils and we actually had um some discussion about this in policy um this was updated to reflect the fact that these are generally temporary short-term situations when you have a home instruction under these um that is not for a long-term health problem uh and so the instruction hours are the same the number of times the students and teachers are required to meet has not changed but some of the specific requirements related to subject grade or special needs area um having specialized um certification in those areas um the state has removed some of that because they were having difficulty basically getting such a strenuous process in place for a short-term placement uh so it everything else though the hours the amount of time is the same policy 2520 is for March 2023 this is instructional supplies and it requires equal distribution of supplies and materials to students throughout our district policy 5612 is from January 2019 is assault on a District Board of Education members or employees um the only change in this is the electronic violence and vandalism reporting system which was evv RS is now called the student safety data system which is the ssds cuz we love acronyms and so um that is really the only change in that nothing else changes policy 56113 from January 2019 removal of students for assault with weapons offenses this also changed the EV vrs to the S SDS um and it allows the superintendent to address the removal of a general education student on a case-by casee basis policy and regulation 6470 1 from September 2020 uh this is electric electronic funds transfer and claimant certification uh this is an initial adoption of both the policy and regulation toour our manual um that our policy vendor believes is should be mandated so we are doing that uh policy 7440 for March 23 School District security um basically we used to require be required to give Blueprints and maps to the local law enforcement now they have um updated the law 18a 41-7 point1 which became effective on May 10th 2019 and this requires the district to provide local law enforcement with a critical incident mapping data which is I guess different than a paper map as they used to do policy 8220 from March 2020 uh school day this requires the board to annually approve the times the school will be in session including the notations for shorten days weather planned early dismissals or emergency delayed openings early dismissals as we see when we have inclement weather um regulation 8467 which is from June 2024 updates firearms and weapons um this regulation was last updated in 1998 so I think it's just being updated to reflect the many changes in the law um in the uh definitions since that time policy 8505 is from May 2017 this is the local wellness policy nutrient standards for meals and other I think I meant meals and other Foods I have it written means and other Foods um we're basically removing the language that relates specifically to the elementary and school middle school students um because we don't have those um it also adds language that requires the superintendent to designate a district wellness policy coordinator who will have the authority and responsibility to ensure we are in compliance with the policy and will provide a wellness policy assessment and maintain appropriate records as related to the same I'm sure this is something that is done whether it has uh those titles and things these are just things we're trying to get our manual up to date with our practices so for uh 13 items that we have there that are updated are going to be on for the first read tonight uh the second read we have the six that we approved last month um I won't go through them all again nothing has changed since I went through them last month with the first read there's no changes to the policies so um those are there and then we have four uh policies to abolish also nothing has changed from last month and if you have any questions on these I encourage you to watch last month's meeting because um or can email us um there's nothing alarming it looks like we're eliminating some really important stuff but we walked it all through last month and um everything is just included elsewhere so with that I will move one two and three second thank you okay Motion in a second any discussion okay hearing none can we have a roll call please Mrs blutfield yes Miss gong yes Mrs Kellogg yes Mrs odonnell yes Mrs Peterson yes Mr Rhymer yes Mrs santangelo yes and Mrs dougen yes all yes motion carries thank you additional board business so this is a chance where we have the other committees to report out on um any recent happenings so I don't know Mrs Kellogg do you have an update for communications okay just a brief one um Mrs magala went through our uh Communications plan so she's put together a plan that is going to have metrics associated with it so that we can track um the effectiveness of the Communications which will be great um and then we also talked a little bit about I guess communicating more with the sending districts regarding um the the the programs and the and the opportunities that we have at 100 Central um and so we're talking about what sort of what that could look like moving forward okay okay great thanks um would you like to do yes um the racism Equity diversity committee met and uh pretty much all we discussed was our student reps to the board um because it's wonderful and I think Equity is about access so having access and and being a voice for students is is really just such a gift and I really appreciate Scott and Ed all the work that you did working with students and Jess too um to to make this happen so that's all I have for tonight okay thank you and I can give a quick update on the JTC we met with the JTC last month and um we got a report about the beginning of the school school year with transportation and it was actually quite positive so we heard that um it went better than expected better than it has in previous years the uh transportation office was prepared with a lot of contingency plans just in case there were hiccups and there hiccups and bumps along the way but anything major and you know the planning was just really well done and so again overall they were pleasantly surprised with how well everything's going across of all all the transportation so I just want to take a minute to thank the transportation office and the bus drivers for their commitment in excellence to transporting our students and the other thing that I wanted to mention is that um we spent a lot of time discussing the proposed settlement that we're going to be reviewing later tonight it's on the agenda and if both boards approve the settlement agreement it will resolve our dispute over preschool Transportation so as you guys know this has been a major disagreement between 100 Central and fem rare on how to safely transport the Pre-K students so if this agreement is passed it it's really a product um of a lot of hard work and compromise because I don't think either side is you know skipping and jumping out of there with with uh big smiles on their face but you know we hope that this can pave the way for more productive conversations with fem rare in the future of JTC moving forward as well so that's about that okay any other updates for any other committees okay additional board business we have a residence for uh yeah after next form General board comment okay okay um okay so now we'll open it up to the second residence Forum this is for any uh general public comment if you would like to speak please come to the podium put your name in your municipality on that clipboard I think there's a clipboard there and you'll have five minutes to speak and just so you know I'll set the timer for four so that you have about a minute to wrap up so if anybody wants to come I know good evening Sandra D'Or riton Township at the August Board of Ed meeting the board voted on the ra um I'm sorry in the Delaware Township uh VAC cancy on the board the board members cast their vote and were allowed to provide a reason for voting the way they did Mrs beld and Mrs Kellogg have made a very rude and demeaning comment regarding candidate Mrs Jessica rothel the reason they voted no on Mrs Rafel they said is because she has six children and fears her time commitment this yet again demonstrates the lack of character of these two women I always thought one of the unwritten rules in life is that you do not attack someone's family both women did just that Common Sense would tell you that Mrs rothell having six children makes her even more qualified to be on the board clearly this is someone who deals with many different personalities thoughts and opinions which she uses in order to make the best decisions that will benefit her entire family not just a select few Mrs rothel is very involved not only at 100 in central but within her own Delaware Township community she and her husband are lifelong residents of Delaware Township and 100 in central Alum even as recently as yesterday I ran into someone and they brought up the board meeting from last month and said that they were appalled at the comments of these two women but not surprised Mrs Kellogg is yet another example of her hypocrisy where she sits there with a sticker of the words matter on her computer but then proceeds to make a hurtful comment towards Mrs rothel and the size of her family this of course is not the first time Mrs Kellogg has made disparaging remarks concerning parents and families few years back she made a comment we are expecting more than what parents are capable of basically saying that the parents can not can not make decisions for their own children perhaps the real reason Mrs Cog voted no um on Mrs rothel not being on the board is afraid that perhaps someone with a fresh face and new ideas may actually cause her to have to do the work and can no longer just rubber stamp like she did in the past I also want to call out that after the August meeting the YouTube video that was upload it did not have the entire meeting included it only showed one Delaware Township candidate not both not sure if this was just a glitch or done intentionally I know of a parent that had a similar situation happened to them back in 2021 with their parent was contradicting Jeff Moore another parent actually threatened this person and when the parent went back to review it showed that it had been edited feel um basically saying that it was probably just the hinks of Mr of I'm sorry of Dr Moore but yet here we are again with information missing from the meeting parents and residents use these videos to keep a breast of what is going on within the district the person whose job it is to upload these videos needs to make sure the entire meeting is posted without edits I would advise anyone who is speaking to view the video in in its entirety and if there is anything missing to please reach out to the Board of Ed and have the video taken down until it can be properly uploaded and lastly I'm calling on I'm calling on Mrs blell and Mrs Kellogg to is apology to Mrs Rael and her family for their insulting remarks concerning her being a viable candidate for the Board of Ed because she has six children thank you good evening uh may I be in oh sorry um Jay Hoff lemington burrow I first wanted to congratulate the district with a successful start um it was great to hear from the student representation um very glad that that moving forward will be something that is present on the board I've always been impressed by the students who have come over the past few years to speak their peace um and to be heard and I'm glad that that is officially being Incorporated onto the board board um I also want to congratulate our new superintendent uh I've seen many of your presentations over the years and have also likewise been um impressed by your work here and I'm glad that an educator is um sitting on the board um it was very interesting to hear the comments about the unity of this board to then directly go into two stalemate votes for the open seat um I think it would be disingenuous to not say that we all know where we stand um we say why bring politics into it I think we all know that politics are already here um there's no doubt in my mind at least um that we all know again where we stand um there are candidates who have been endorsed by the New Jersey project who are currently on this board or who are running one of them happens to be Miss uh Ral I believe that is her name um she is on the New Jersey website New Jersey project website um under their official Endor ments um the New Jersey project is a designated hate group according to the Southern Poverty Law Center um we can make the argument that perhaps these people did not request this endorsement my question then becomes what are you doing that a hate group thinks that you agree with them what actions of yours have led them to saying we think this a person might agree with us and we want to endorse them um my second question is if you've been endorsed by this group and you would like to not be endorsed by them say so um make a stand let us know what you think if that is not what you agree with um you know I really have hopes um moving forward that politics do not get in the way of the education of our students um but I think that we would be kidding ourselves if we didn't recognize where we are thank you anybody else we're good okay thank you okay so um with that we're going to close public commentary and we will move into board comments um okay I just wanted to thank thank um Jay for your comments tonight because I think we had a speaker at the last meeting who asked uh the same question of the board who who spoke about um New Jersey project I think they were booted off of Facebook and it changed no it was fresh face schools um and then it was taken down for a Content warning and then became New Jersey schools I can't keep up um but the point is is that it was designated as a hate Group by the Southern Poverty Law Center Center an anti-government hate group it's also been linked with moms for Liberty and moms for Liberty is linked to project 2025 which wants to eliminate the department of public education so I appreciate the public being aware and paying attention and and being engaged thank you I don't normally respond to public comments but if somebody's going to call me out I'm going to call them out for spreading misinformation and M dor what you said I said is not at all what I said so I'm not sure where you came up with that um what I did is I gave my rationale of the the reasons I felt Ms Divine was a stronger candidate I actually even said they were both strong candidates um I felt that M Divine had some skills that I thought would be a more benefit to the board and I felt that she had more time to devote and being being a board member is very timec consuming I never said a word about uh how many kids anybody had it had to do more with uh job and activities that people are involved in I couldn't care less how many how many kids um how somebody wants to manage their time so I'd appreciate if you're going to call people out get your facts straight okay anybody else we're good good okay I just have one question um are are we allowed to is the public allowed to address board members directly or or call us out directly for Behavior no on the board okay no yeah so maybe we can also like let the public know that yeah we can do that yeah it's done is yes yeah so when you're talking um with public commentary all the comments should be made directly to me on behalf of the board so that's for future reference thank you okay um executive session uh dou and I do have com oh please um One I appreciate your summary of our JTC because it is difficult complicated and you've done Yan's work on trying to uh bring us to some conclusion so I appreciate it but I do want to address some of the things that were said um by community members last at our last meeting where they said that we made a decision um not with facts but with emotion I'm probably one of the most practical people and uh I don't make decisions easily I don't make decisions like that representing the community with emotion I had facts to back up my vote the business administrators from both districts work hard at providing us information so I just felt that I needed to say that the other thing is that I've been on JTC for nine months just as the other members spoke and it is hard to say that the relationship between the two districts was fine up until January 2024 it was not thank you okay anybody else all right and we're going to close this out and we're going to move into executive session to talk about hip cases litigation negotiations and Personnel it's going to be a lot of fun so with that I would like to make a motion for us to convene into executive session with action potentially action after the meeting second okay I'll say all in favor actually I okay anybody opposed all right thank you very much for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e We need hea oh hold on that was we do but need almost Jerry you have the right one because the other one's on though right the JTC settlement is on what is that number I think she put it as a separate motion for itself because so it wouldn't because sometimes it gets lost you don't yes o so do you want to make that element o p oh okay I do you see what I'm I'm just o1 and then we need O2 potentially because I think o12 one we just discussed you got it do you have your laptop language we're almost there don't worry I'll text truck I hope you're asleep I'm that's why I de thought I'm not even bringing it anymore it takes so long to load it off going to be a couple minutes cuz I'll go to the bathroom now or are we going I used to think these chairs were comfortable who's going I could I could have gone and back by now but I mean not that I can't wait you're welcome Jerry as hell who we um we reconvened but now you're gonna yes now you're going to bring us all together hopefully that would be great we're ready what motion yes you're g a motion to move the following two motions correct yeah we we at 10:43 we reconvened so we're pretty much reconvened so now we don't okay sorry for the long delay um we have two items that I would like to move um the first item is the settlement 01 which is move to approve the attached settlement agreement regarding preschool Transportation as recommended by the superintendent and um actually do I have to move those separately okay and then uh settlement oh okay good point thank you okay so I would like to make a motion to move 01 so moved okay a motion in a second any conversation was a second I'm sorry I missed thank any conversation we've had enough okay can we have a roll call please m o m Mrs blood Fields yes Miss gong yes Mrs Kellogg yes Mrs odonnell yes Mrs Peterson yes oh I forgot thank you Mr Rymer yes Mrs santangelo yes and Mrs dougen yes okay thank you for that okay the second one for O2 is move to approve the attached settlement agreement with employee 2034 9205 second a motion a second and is there any discussion okay um can we do a roll call please Mrs blut Fields yes Miss gong yes Mrs Kellogg yes Mrs odonnell yes Mrs Peterson obstain Mr Rhymer yes Mrs santangelo yes and Mrs dougen yes all motion oh yes motion carries thank you okay and with that I would like to adjourn the meeting all in favor any opposed okay thank you very much have a good night guys