##VIDEO ID:R524_ft3ng4## um they had opportunities to par participate in our procur process um we had records of them coming to our know meetings and U being older but we never received know response response that we selected um just quickly IND county has not applied for or received any federal or state grants that that were just mentioned so Rec not have any such both the Cs were addressed that was the next question thank you I just wanted be public to hear that if they heard what they heard as we gave Mr the opportunity to speak an opportunity to speak is one that is open to every member of the public however as point out we were not going to engage in something if it's in that good information I just wanted to clarify because people all watch thank you'll ADR matter Madam chair members of the board want to thank the opportunity to provide this update first and foremost I want to extend our our prayers and thoughts to the community especially those hurricane Milton uh the county and our Corp TIR they recover uh I certainly want to acknowledge all of our staff I do meet all because they all played a role and to include I appreciate County Attorney's Office their assistance as we come navigating through the stages of recovery and been proceeding that the state emergency for deoration and then I want to REM to thank each of you for your time attention in terms of update calls as well as me in if there's any issues that are present that may you staff's not aware sobody called you we appreciate that because that certainly it's a team nwor to respond to a community disaster like this and so with that I just want to recap a little bit of what happened and where we are and I share some information I know it's probably important to some people that want to know um as we know Monday Monday morning weekend of four Ryan uh Johnson monitoring the storm you know going to come out but on Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. on October 7th the EOC did activate to level two uh and then we upgraded to level one the next day at 2 p.m. Lely so we could Implement Sheltering PLS because of the potential path of the hurricane the level one activation continued until the post storm which was Friday 11 uh Friday the 11th at 300 p.m. when the Sheltering operation ceased uh uh our EOC uh was staff of emergency uh emergency information line uh and which was staffed by employees that did not work for Emergency Management they were from other department so we appreciate that collaboration and everybody coming together uh they they handled 1210 calls during the time that they were there uh that line is still open for those members of the public that may have something they want to ask or they want to report at 772 226 4000 77222 4,000 uh you know we open shelters we sheltered a total of about 420 um families 20 number of animals and we also have 45 in our special need shelter our fire recipe they continue to respond to calls1 of which about 176 were related to the storm in terms of uh wires water or damaged they obviously as soon as they have the first opportunity they the other agencies Sheriff's Office the cityo beach responded to the beach side to help the where the tornado the ef3 had done most a lot of the damage uh in terms of Damages uh as of most recent update we're still about 50 still $59 million 43.6 which is residential we did have 51 homes destroyed and we have 91 that were D we categorized as major there was total 794 residential structures that incurred some form of damage uh commercially uh we 15.3 billion we three businesses completely destroyed in 26 is the major damage uh public ctive damages in terms of roads and bridges water control facilities public buildings equipment uh we fared well for our County facilities generally but we still did experience or Ur at this moment about $7.3 million of damage um so that's just kind of brief overview there I just want to kind of touch them FEMA has opened as you know and so the public is aware The disasterous Recovery Center they opened a soft opening at 1:00 on Saturday want thank Parks Iraq and others who participated made that happen uh and they rolled in real quick once they got there they rolled in real quick with the logistics set up the team uh small business administration other agencies there the FD for Department management was there so we have other state agencies at the IG and they are open every day 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. till further notice uh and that's the again at the 159 9th Street Southwest uh I would be remiss not to uh the other thing to is to acknowledge United Way United excuse me uh United against poverty Center came together with other agencies and stood up a Mark or a multi- agency Resource Center in the one week that they did that they served over 1750 households in providing assistance and we had 8 Representatives if I recall correctly from FEMA that were there to help with Disaster Assistance as well and our staff also augmented and help make that uh that Center of reality because besides the agencies Manning their their tables and Boots there was a need for some operational assistance and we certainly appreciate all the St from departments from Planning Development utilities we had commissioner assistance that helped out uh it was just wide Community Services it was widespread and we appreciate that because it really was a big Community effort and so we want to thank you know the United Way and the United against poverty uh and do would like to announce the human disaster Survivor assistance team that was a different youth uh achievement Center that that that location closed last night but the uh thank you to the Senior Resource Association because they're going to be uh providing free transportation from the different achievement Center to the IG Center for Disaster Assistance and they FEMA is will be deploying canvasing the neighborhoods you know up into the various areas to make sure that we cover everybody and if somebody I would like to say if somebody believes or that they aware they have damage and they're not certain was or that we're not aware of it they should give us a call again at 77242 64000 we will dispatch our building official or our building staff to do the assessment of that so make sure we can mark it down uh I want to encourage everybody if you hav incur damage to file an insurance claim with your carrier start that process get your documents and start that process uh and then also you're going to we want you to apply for f assistance you can get assistance directly Disaster Recovery Center the IG Center or you can go online at disaster assistance.gov you could use FEMA's app they have one or you can call FEA at 800621 3362 uh if you have issues with your roof and there's TS uh please don't pay for anything I would call the Operation Blue Blue Roof which is being put on by the United States Arm cor engineers and it's 21 days and ends in November 5th so if you if you for your roof you know please contact www.bl roof. goov or call 888 roof blue or 888 766 3258 and you can get your roof covered and we've had several people that have taken advantage of that Rather relyance somebody show up I know a big issue up there right now and then I'll go into some updates briefly is uh what are we doing with the debris our debris contractor uh started yesterday uh the management company came in they did assess you know prior to them starting yesterday the pick up contractor establishing zones as well as uh get an estimation of where we are in debris uh so what we want to make sure they realize is that Sirus enviral Services they started yesterday they started in the South County in the highlands area and if you are a waste management uh subscriber customer you may continue to follow normal protocols for your trash pickup uh dis B is handled on that special agreement gr that we have in advance with cus environmental for the purpose of cing so what do we need to know what we really need to know is that we need everybody to separate their debris and categories and place them you know right outside the right way don't place it in the right way meaning like in the right way to block it but you should have one a pile that's vegetative that leaves mulch plants logs Etc uh building materials Metals bricks you know shingles kind of like construction debris and then other types of like you know Furniture other materials like mattresses drywall pressure treewood anything like that you have those three piles that will facilitate the collection of the debris in in a more orderly manner uh one of the things that we are uh for everybody follow your normal collection schedule for household trash uh but we are asking for people that are doing debris uh do not place it in a bag and I'm going to go back home later today and take mine out bag um or in can you need to just set it out on the side of the your property line and let that get picked up uh claw truck is being used that's why they're not going to be it'll slow the process down I know everybody wants to get R debris it'll slow the process down so they are not stopping to empty cans or bags as it relates to debris so just place it in a pile one of those three piles right outside your on your property line not in the right way though in the right way uh so no bags no bags no cans uh I will add you know the county did uh wave uh the fees at the landfill the first 10 days for you know for everybody uh to try to get a game with two weekends to get you know get stuff in we know that there's long lines there we're hoping that over time that they will it will kind of get become more expeditious uh but right now the commerci commercial tipping feed landfill is $10.30 and then for residential it's free uh we do estimate that it's uh going to be four to six weeks is the early time that's where we believe that we're going to be able to get this done and I know if you've got debris out there like many of us you know you you're probably re tired looking at it they started yesterday we had a followup process because this is something that's subject to Fem reimbursement but uh please be patient we understand it's it's challenging it's difficult but we are doing everything we can to you know get out there and pick up and collect debris I saw people working in the waste management working on Saturday you know collecting debris in you know on 27th uh 27th and also on 20th Avenue our heard's been they're collecting it in Sebastian the city's working on it and the Count's working on it we're doing our level best to try to get this degree collected in the most expeditious and efficient manner as possible but at the same time it is going to take time so we what 540 520 540 sare miles and and there is a lot of debris we had a total of eight hurricane or excuse me eight tornadoes that preceded the actual arrival of hurricane milon an ef3 which was in my lifetime I don't know about anybody else but I've never seen that type of toric activity and when they say it's unprecedented my first hurricane was in 1979 Rane David that I can remember as a child and I've never seen that type of trtic activity so we we appreciate everybody we understand everybody stilling impacts but we are working hard our our solways division our debris contractor our Public Works folks are working hard to respond and and and get rid of this debris as well as other issues I would like to share with the board and members of the public uh we had over 40 staff members after that storm hit uh come out within hours and start damage assessment activities through on zones throughout the entire County we also had uh Representatives uh page GIS helping to lead that way in terms of the leadership of Scott McAdam and and U Erica and cace but so the point is there was a team effort people from building people unlicensed contractors though they weren't out there trying to tiet people like I saw that on Facebook or maybe next door at that wow they're out there trying to TI or give people a violation no they were out there trying to help and help us get further along that recovery process by understanding the damage again I want to knowe if the dam if you have damage you're not certain it's been assessed maybe it was in the back of the yard or maybe it was in the side I think we couldn't see call us at 772 426 4000 and we'll make sure that we get you know get somebody out there uh and it's important to get that documented and I would also like to add that we are waving permit fees related to damage Rel you know to repair damages caused by the tornadoes or Andor the hurricane uh and we we also will work to excavate that per on as well um and that those efforts also involve Planning Development Services so from a utility standpoint you know we have about approximately 348 lift stations and only about 22% mean still a lot about 78 uh at one point didn't have power we were rotating our staffs or our crews did a phenomenal job uh we didn't really have any major issu issues whether a waste water water treatment plant we did unfortunately we did have a spill at one of our re pump stations at the North Waste Water treatment facility we do estimate it spill of about 32,500 gallons but it was all contained in one of our rapid infiltration bases that joined the S so we're kind we're very fortunate in that sense obviously from a the power standpoint that affected everybody it affected us as well specifically our traffic operations um we have like about 167 signal manage we did have to coordinate with fdot to work with them to get the traffic signals up so we could safely so residents could safely Traverse our roads we had 141 that didn't have any damage so we really went down to like that 20 that 26 that did and then we had deploy stop signs uh to get them out there we had to work with f as well and we know there's damage led to some of the crossing so we appreciate everybody you know taking heed to to the to the warnings and and the by the sheriff and our other staff to our press briefings to to be careful and be to be neighborly uh we thank Bren Bridge obviously we still have a significant issue in County ro2 uh if you recall going back to hering I think it was Ian uh the state was able to temporary fix from Mainland Island one week so we're kind of call a project sville for what we call for the category 52 St John Water Management District working with us you know a the team they're working on get conceptual plans uh St John's is going to provide emergency authorization and exemption we're going to get that repaired and in a very short time frame we estimated two to three weeks still it's two to three weeks so we working to get that done uh just ongo repair some gra that went down I think everybody's aware of that uh and we still have some work orders still out there basically we're prioritizing them the public works department there was 183 183 requests and we still have just over 130 or so that are still open that they are working on uh I already mentioned our facilities County facilities generally faired pretty well other than having to do the very pick up Park our parking lots we have EOC the sheriff's off we did a respond to air conditioning issues uh and then obviously all localized flooding issues 6 10 in of rain during that 2hour period during the tornadoes really impacted I heard the other day that uh that uh it's the canal systems designed I think was 2.3 in per hour and so when you get 6 to 10 in of rain that really impacts the ability and it's my understanding that they did have a why didn't they open the gates the gates were open the locks were open so just want to that out but our public work staff has do a good job out there trying to continue uh just want to note on the parks recreation side we you know all our facilities parks and conservation areas are open with the exception we have tracking station Beach Park uh the Sebastian canoe launch Schuman Park bu Highlands Green Space the hallstrom farm State Conservation Area the oso Riverfront Conservation Area and the Pelican Island National Water life Refuge is closed the US you know uh the US fish and wildlife service can get out there to open it themselves so and then just know IG Center if you're going to go there we still are doing multi The West Wing is a FEA Disaster Center but we still are doing our intergenerational programming on the other meeing rooms and also on the gym court and stuff like that so that still exist just know it's going to be could be pretty packed there and we have comfort stations out and that's one of them in terms of two more things after this um our beaches weic do Retreat uh and lower our beach profiles mainly sector 3 our Dunes remain intact but we have experien and still are experiencing each erosion and our natural resources you know they're monitoring it so we can document it and do what we have to do in the aftermath lastly I really want to thank and highlight and I know there's always opportunities and room for improvement but you know we operate in age and I just want to share some of the Outreach that was done in addition to the the daily calls you know that Ryan Emergency Management Chief held with Bob Seuss that were heard during the morning 8 8 something in the morning and then 6:00 at night we also held daily 1:30 p.m. press conferences uh to kind of update and keep the public informed but one of the main vehicles that we used through the Sheriff's Office through just even our partners they would disseminate whatever we put out there but just on looking at our own site I asked and our our it folks were able to uh get us some information as it relates to what happened you know in terms of our Communications and our stuff uh we saw 151,000 views uh between October 6th and 9th on our website uh in our Facebook we had an increase of over 700% like 1231 th000 uh uh in engagements in our on our website another 35,000 engagements or 25% increase on Emergency Services Facebook page we also use Instagram we saw pretty significant increases again in the 100 percentiles uh in the M Count's Instagram in addition we've reached 61,000 people and the Emergency Services were just under a th000 next to our app we had 61,000 post views so every time we post the next door app it got it was out there and then uh we also if you recall we had the ever everbridge and a wear and prepare they were posting it was there and people saw it and then the one thing I also mentioned is I saw constantly the same things that been posted on next door poed on those that have the ring cameras they have Network as well and they were posting that uh that's just kind of a brief maybe pray for someone I apologize too long but I think what it talks about is you know when we talk about one of our core values being reunited in our to serve the community well that happened during the storm I think the leadership of the emergency management team and all of our partners at the EOC is greatly appreciated and they provided what we needed and we will continue to work to help our community to recover and if you again if you have any questions you can go down to the IG Disaster Recovery Center or you can call us at 727 426 4000 or 727 226 4000 sorry about that and we will certainly assist you and again I want to thank the board for the opportunity to this today but it's really on behalf of all the people and the staff and our partners that did all that work out there we do appreciate that Commissioners any [Music] questions John you mentioned the 7.3 million D to County Properties a little more specific on which properties yeah can I just provide the list to each of you deliv today like I know the road at County Road 512 uh it that's about 500,000 $550,000 the water treatment our control facilities was about 785,000 but the ones that I'm probably to get some breakdown on are the public buildings and Equipment about 2.4 million and then as it relates to Parks and Recreation facilities and I believe this includes the beaches but it's at $3.5 million I bet you further breakdown with that I'm sure on the after Action Report which we could probably expect in May December yeah I we're going to circle back with Ryan and chief Johnson to uh to do that we've been asking all the department has you know to make sure they got I me T aad specifically uh for the purposes of doing that yes that's a great opportunity not just to evaluate it's it's better opportunity to evaluate what we can do better in the next time not so much what we did wrong we can be better to improve our resp and Recovery operations and just for the public know that the county is not in charge of that's a good one [Music] thing I appreciate all the social media sometimes when they don't have they can't proce so thank you I agree with you the social media thing for sure of control with some misinformation and stuff like that I'll touch on that for just just a second but one thing I do want to add is that I spoke dform Control District and of course on social media you heard you know the locks when all that sort of stuff I got phone calls that the byard hasn't been flooded in 40 years and now it's all of a sudden decided to flood can tell you that the locks for the water Control District every one of them were open on the Friday morning before the Wednesday they four or five days before the storm they previous lot ground water that theye he said days Friday before Wednesday days and uh his canals like like administrator said the in FS R District canals are rated at at handling 2.3 2.5 in of rain per hour pretty comfortably after that you know it becomes it becomes it becomes an issue because I got calls know neighborhood out where I live flooded my flooded I live on a lake that ends up dumping into the canal system and I had went down by but I would tell you that any any great assist of any River FS water control district is unjust because that guy has done more hurricanes than most of us his knows exactly what's taking place with that these canals were slat full I mean they we received in my house I received almost ten that's unheard of very much so and the canals running out to the 8 Street Canal which runs to the 50th Avenue Canal to the main Canal they were Max Capacity and they did everything everything possible that they could do but I just want to make let everybody know that the locks were open Friday before Wednesday stor with regards to that with regards to blood the other then maybe ask men ask about this was you know we received calls of people wondering why isn't the the landfill free and I said well for your the question that I answered has always been free beated and then just recently we started $103 charge for commercial they were had some of them complain about that too we have a we have an operation run the business to run but fin only question maybe I ask you this is how are we I heard there was a long wait at the landfill obviously there is so if you have these these landscapers that are paying they're stopping to pay is that SL up the operation with regards to everything that's going on out there good morning the record Manor distri um so it was just the timing if you will we we did as of October one as board approved we did a 3% increase on all our Ty Fe and as of October one we did initiate a vehicle waste service charge uh for commercial landscapers that bring in small yard RS toe uh typically they there is no charge for the material they bring is free but we did start instituting $103 charge and then the hurricane happen the ad we red all all all those fees for about 10 days for yard waste and commercial construction materials U we have as of Monday yesterday we have restarted our fees uh the were lines yesterday uh late in the afternoon basically I was out there with help of Public Services we closed down our inbound Lane and basically used both lanes to get everybody out as quickly as we could this as of this morning what I've instituted is we're collecting that $103 on the way in so when commercial customer identifies that they have small yard collecting the 1030 right there then that way they're not having to wait or wa out to pay that so um it's a way and for right before this meeting I found out that we have about three people on the inbound and about three people on the outbound so as of this morning the lines are under control um we do have a lot of material that that private uh you know landscapers are ass commity which is great and so we do have that increase in traffic however I think you know this this fee is we're looking for waste of how to spe things up I think the plan we have now we collect the the fee on the way in uh it's going to we are doing somebody wants to bring their own construction um if I can understand question or or I'll say it this way um we our our facili open 7 days a week 7. 5m open public uh so any any private contract that wants to Reg construction materials facil what we have done is looking at you know the a tornadoes major damage occurred throughout the county we've been in contact with the city of beach related to that construction what we call class Fe waste so it's construction materials household waste and they they estimated about 5,000 tons of material that they have that they want to Brak to and so the discussions I've had is encouraging them to look for alternative locations for for that material um the reason being is we are at limited capacity at the landfill 5,000 tons is about a month material that we get on AAL basis and so um although we have a new 10ac cell that's close to being ready it's not quite ready yet and um this influx one a month of capacity that will be depleted uh is something that I'm trying to reserve for our Reg customers reg you know day to-day trash um so there some discussions we're having with City Riv Beach and and even our contractor series they're picking up a lot of construction materials we're also encouraging them not to use the landfill uh to to use there a private facility across the street po landfill is also available to accept the material so we're just trying to kind of watch our capacity and make sure that um as we continue to of you know move forward that we always maintain capacity for Day-Day appr does change homeowner in debris no charge they bring in construction debris or Furniture something like that there is that construction debris charge nothing changes that's correct so all it's a chargeable item that can bring in there's a there's a charge for that whether it's residential commercial you bring in construction materials it you cannot bring that to the conv center it must go to the and so there's there's a charge for that for construction materials we do have that 1030 as a minimum so even if you brought in one t you if you brought in we still charge that $103 for construction material but it's typically by weight so whatever the the weight that they leave us we charge for don't know what the problem is but I guess we need to make sure that we let everybody know social media what the operation Bas CH but it's CLE what Char be one out of the way soon soon as they can we usually start advertising in June beginning the Hurrican season to have folks start things up start triing trees and so on and so for but but yeah we've been through this before know two days before the St and then many days after they continue to but we're open open for business yesterday we fromal resources on Thursday and and reassess again the beaches take Beach seems to be take overall [Music] um I just want to think all of our employees not only the but the ones that were out in the field I think a lot of times you know we see the First Responders and they did a fantastic job most definitely see our Public Works guys and our utilities guys that are there making sure infrastructure is safe and making sure um people can get out and get around and and access and you know unlike some of our neighbors our utility system did a fantastic job we didn't have um really any discharges at all I can't say the same for some of our neighbors so to your guys Sean um and AI Ren Bridge those guys I know they worked Seven Day Street over the weekend long hours clearing roads gring them getting everybody back in so I really want to thank um the boots on the ground that were out there doing the work to make sure our community was safe um the only thing I would add and I think um you know commissioner Ro and commissioner both touched on it but social media is a fantastic thing it's a great tool but for the residents that are getting their information from their neighbors on social media versus the official channels on social media or going to um the website where that information is I would just encourage the community to please make sure you're seeking the information from the source um not perhaps from your neighbor that moved here 3 years ago um who was great and they have a lot of great information going on in your neighborhood but but perhaps not the exact information about how to get rid of debris or where to find FEMA assistance and that type of thing so our website has all that information our social media Pages have those that information the municipality social media pages so please make sure that you are um going there for that information and and for some of the um neighborhood pages that are run by people in our Community I really appreciate them helping to share our messages and amplify the proper information um because one of one of the things it's very difficult to combat in emergency situations or disaster situations is the misinformation so we do appreciate our Community Partners helping to share um the proper information with people to go but all in all you know it could have been much worse I'm very thankful that it it turned out to be it was not what it could have been um we're very blessed and I appreciate everybody that helped us get through it it's never easy to get through these things um and and as much as you prepare and you go through trainings and you go through scenarios when you're in it it's just there's always anomalies that pop up and you kind of have to gooll with it so I appreciate everybody that did that I know it's it's stressful and you know we we'll get to where we need to be but it'll be a little bit get all [Music] this Bor again I want to thank all of our employees as well as our partners that came together in response all right with that we will move on to Utility Services 12j one utility accounts receivable B de Department of utility services um I first want to start by saying thank you all for the work you all do and John great summary of everything that transpired during and and following storm um I you know I agree I think there's a lot of un Heroes out there that did a lot of work to protect our community one one thing I did want to clarify um for the breed management collection our contractor is picking up private um HOAs and G communities but only if we have the access signed access so if you're in an HOA or you're in a private community on a private road get on our website please and fill out that access access agreement or we will not be able to pick up that debris from your area so that's critical for all those who are on private roads and and just to follow on what Sean said that information is on our website under our Storm Center resources link click on that and it's right there on that front page um with that back to the the item at hand um you know we we have a lot of pass VI accounts that we um you know are working with to try to get payment and often times those end up going perhaps to foreclosure um we do have an ordinance that allows us to reach agreement with rural foreclosure and I know Brian's going to talk a little bit about that um I'm just going to take a minute to ince Brian beavers who was our finance director and he's going to take it from here a little bit about kind of bad de and where we are this year morning I'm Bri the manager and we're here today to request approval to ride off asement that have been completed on our P accounts re do you see this on your screen perfect okay so this morning uh we're we're here to talk about first of all 10 settlement agreements uh that we have signed over the last phal year f24 which Ed September 30th 2024 of those 10 settlement agreements 68,000 we have completed seven completed means that the party has completed all the payments required to finish their settlement agreement the seven completed settlement agreements were for a total of 437,000 of which the customer paid $276,000 of payments and we're here today request right off of 16, 4583 related to those seven agreements we also had three additional agreements that were signed in f24 they are still underway the customer making payments towards those those uh three agreements toal $181,000 uh we're expected to receive $477,000 worth of payments from the customer for those three agreements and we're projecting a Rite off amount of $1 34,9 I will note that as we continue down this road of doing some of agreements we're seeing a shift the amount of write off that we're going to have to do and it's primarily because we feel like it's because the difficulty is growing on the circumstances related to to the pass you amount and it's just requiring additional money to be written off to be able to reach agreement so we have also uh during the year completed two forclosure sales which is new for us this year in utilities um the first one was a a forclosure sale that was sold in third party which means that uh thir buyer bought the property and so the county do not end up with that property we were able to recover all of our B debt uh amounts plus attorney fees Etc so the actual debt that we are able to recover for that particular full closure sale was $2,979 there's no R for to that we had a second foreclosure sale that was completed in FY 24 on that one uh it was a different department that actually foreclosed upon the property and utilities had an outstanding balance for it for that one uh we were required to well let me back up there was um no bidder for that particular property so the county acquired the property and as a result of that we received no proceeds towards the utility bill so we had to write off both service charges of 9,324 plus interest $289 we brought that particular one to to your board in August so that has been resolved then I wanted to just take a minute to highlight kind of the the trend of what we're seeing going forward by looking at our account accounts recal balances that are more than 120 days past du and this is a trend right now we million of 120 plus days P to reable balances in 2020 that number was 3.7 million so we are bringing the number down it is a slow process uh of the 1.7 million do we have 21 accounts that we have referred to a foreclosure attorney to process foreclosure and the balance on those is $891,000 so they're large dollar accounts that we have foreclosure in process then the remainder of that balance of $8 63,9 for 213 additional accounts so they're roughly 10% of the value of the ones that have gone to forclosure so in summary we're here today to ask approval to do the ride off for the bad debt uh that we had to remove R off from 16,4 and it relates to penalties and interest on some pable Bales any questions work in analyzing and assessing and forward even if it is done so very ta and than we have ation second discussion anybody from favor all right well uh speaking closes um I believe all got the memo um Sten Hayes who has performed a very beautiful function on Development Council U we did begin as an owner operator as was the theer Joe as well um he was a fine asset unfortunately come time where he has chosen to make another better time the family so he tend his resignation he's not an owner operate any longer um and we accepted his resignation and in the process to continue I did P all applications uh there was Nico johans which as you know is very involved with County operations she also is the executive director of the fish museum fish well so she's been very much involved in tourism and then the other application is a Diana gel not had the opportunity to meet but she application any in any committee so at this time M chair um I'd like to thank Sten for his Services all the appropriate documentation is done and i' like the opportunity to Appo Hanson the government Council fantas Fant any other comments commission question I think she's a great all right with that Mo second all in [Music] favor all right if there's nothing else for the order please stand --------- ##VIDEO ID:VsiDLmGEVbk## e e e e e e e e e all right we're going to get started and just one moment your one commissioner down and there he is and there he is making his grand entrance on this lovely October [Laughter] 22nd all right we'll go ahead and call the meeting to order we're going to start with a moment of Silent reflection for First Response ERS and members of the Armed Forces that'll be followed by an invocation by Pastor Chris Coleman of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by commissioner Joe irman if everybody would please rise We Begin our meeting this morning in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen let's pray almighty God Heavenly Father we thank you for Gathering us here today uh to do the business of the county we pray that you would uh bless our meeting today we thank you for all who are here in attendance and uh we pray that you would give our County Commissioners wisdom as they continue to lead and guide our County and care for our residence all these things we pray in Jesus name amen amen please join me in honoring the greatest country in the world the United States of America pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy Justice for All [Music] the [Music] [Applause] all [Music] thank you all right Commissioners um we do have one addition to the agenda um under administrators matters 11a would like to add a hurricane update are there any other additions or deletions to the agenda Madam chair move approval as amended second the motion a second all in favor opposed motion carried all right with that we'll move on to proclamations and presentations our first is a presentation of proclamation honoring the 2024 2025 Indian County fire rescue Lieutenant Sergeant engineer fire medic and unit of the year so Chief you guys want to come on down while I read the proclamation all right it's my pleasure to read a proclamation honoring the 2024 2025 Indian River County fire rescue Lieutenant Sergeant engineer fire medic and unit of the Year whereas on December 17th 1923 local volunteers established the first fire department in indianer county and whereas over the course of the past Century the department transitioned from volunteer to career personnel from a department crewed solely by trained firefighters to today's Crews who were dual certified in firefighting and Emergency Medical Response as well as being trained in a multitude of specialized Disaster Response scenarios on both land and sea and whereas in 2021 the leadership of inden over County fire rescue reinstituted the long-standing tradition of annually recognizing those among their ranks who perform their duties in a manner that exemplifies a competency reflecting the highest of Standards supports fellow fire medics in achieving their goals supports the Department's policies and regularly demonstrates the ability to lead or follow based upon the existing circumstances and whereas indan River County fire rescue is proud to announce the award recipients for 2024 2025 fire medic of the Year Chandler light leg lightener I'm sorry rescue sergeant of the Year Marcus Robinson engineer of the Year Joshua Morris Lieutenant of the year Brian gonch unit fire prevention Richard Marini Alex norat Jennifer McKennon Bob Burns Jenna Turpin Tanisha Atkins Nicole Roth and Rose West now therefore be it proclaimed by the board of County commissioners of Indi no County Florida that the board supports the efforts of our fire rescue Department to publicly commend those members whose dedication loyalty productivity and professionalism have been recognized by their Co co-workers be it further proclaimed that the board of County Commissioners is grateful to all our Indian River County First Responders and the valuable Services they provide to the residents of our community adopted this 22nd day of October 2024 and signed by all five County Commissioners I just want to say congratulations before we turn it over to Chief it is an honor to have such cement professionals within our County and and doing the good work every day we really appreciate everything that you guys do chief Commissioners I just want to thank you for taking time to recognize our best of the best so to speak um our men and women in uniform who are out there every day performing the duties that the make sure our county is safe uh whether it's in the field or reviewing plans and inspections they do something every day that gives Creed to the our motto of being out there to protect and provide for the safety and property of their our citizens they go above and beyond each and every day showing the dedication and the Excellence that we like to have as a department and they give our name true it's we are the fire rescue department and they exemplify that every day we have individual plaques we' like to give out to each one of them and see if they want to say something Lieutenant Brian [Applause] gonch so thank you guys thank you for the opportunity Station 14 vshift I'm here because of them so rescue Sergeant Marcus Robinson [Applause] thank you everybody for this honor it's greatly appreciated congratulations engineer Joshua Morris thank you very much congratulations and for the fire prevention staff I'll get assistant chief Rich Marini NE plaque [Music] I want to thank the commission for my team for this award and all the Chiefs here in the department and uh I'm privileged to work with a great guys and girls with the whole fire rescue family so and during his last storm it showed how we work as a family it was great to see that happen and I'm very proud to be part of this team thank you and again thank you again for recognizing these men and women they are our team they're the roots of where we come from we exemplify everything that there is to be in the fire Rue Department thank you fantastic thank you well congratulations to each and every one of you I'm proud of you proud of what you do and carrying on the the Legacy that's been going on for so many years Morris what took you so long working on it gunch better late than ever same way Marcus started pretty much when I left congratulations to you guys and and fire fire prevention you guys are outstanding I mean youve been slammed over the last few years at least since I've been a commissioner with everything that's going on and you you persevered through it uh with with with with our appreciation and the County's appreciation I know it's not easy we can't make everybody happy but y'all done it y'all done an outstanding job also but congratulations to each and every one of you and good job Morris I'd like I I'd like to thank you especially in behalf of my district district 5 um and you did by the way receive accolades at coffee with the mayor last Friday uh the city manager Monty Falls uh chief of police uh Dave Curry on the Mayor John cuno it could just came up in conversation where were giving uh we were giving a report about the effects of the tornadoes um on my district and and it was very well attended it's probably about 100 people and you were recognized Chief Mar because the Operation Center that was set up at engine Company 2 so that it was it was run from there and people were very very grateful for that I mean as you well as you know know better than anyone uh parts of my district were just devastated um you know absolutely devastated so your support uh your hard work um your courage were especially appreciated um during that storm and that's the time you know those are times and I know you face emergencies every day but that was such a wide spread emergency and uh so I just wanted you to know not only today but there are other days and other places such as coffee with the mayor that you're being publicly uh recognized and thank you again all right you yeah coming up wri I do apologize for this but as you all know September the 24th I lost my grandchild and um fire rescue um man they were out there in numbers and they did a job I was sitting on that little green bench over there watching you guys in action and my family is so appreciative of the work that y'all did for us even though we didn't get the results that we were looking for and I'm not leaving out the shaft department the city uh ver Beach Police Department Shores all the different uh counties that came out to help out but I definitely took notice of the fire rescue and the job that y'all did for us and shamar's going to be missed greatly but you guys just keep doing what you're doing and may God continue to bless you as well thank you thank you all right guys and chief are you going to take the official big clock or congratulations conratulations whoa whoa what what [Music] gotta keep the short ones in front of me don't move the ladies too far mean that nicely ladies thank you thank you you want to be seen the struggle is real thank you s together we got to stick together all right that was a wonderful way to start the meeting um and following up wonderful wonderful things commissioner flesher I think you have a a special thing for us today would would you like me to introduce uh a man I call Maestro the music director from ver Beach High School and he has brought some of his uh well talented individuals to promote thank you to give us a little sample of the red white and blue thank you a very patriotic tradition that has happened in this County for many years and being produced by the virau beach uh High School band and it is while it is a fundraiser it's a fundraiser it is patriotic and it's an experience that I'd like everyone that can to attend not only to help the band not only to help the community but to really just unwind and feel as patriotic as you possibly can because this music is something not to be missed and today we're going to have a small sampling correct as we did before the meeting Mr Shan shrigley thank you thank you CH uh good morning my name is Sean shrigley I'm the associate band director at verer Beach High School along with my colleague paig how uh as commissioner flesher just said um the reason we're here is to promote our red white and blue concert that we put on each year at ver Beach High School so thank you Commissioners and staff for allowing us to be here uh just a little history on the red white and blue concert um I actually played in the first red white and blue concert along with my buddy Chris Hicks that's here um 30 years ago um our band directors Jim and Sheila Salmons they uh we were planning to go to Washington DC to play at the Pentagon as part of the D-Day anniversary remembrance and so they they put on a concert that year um as a preview concert for our community and our our families and uh the year after that became known as the red white and blue concert and we've continued that ever since then uh in the early years uh the red white and blue concert took place in the the wit gym at verb High School uh tickets were sold at bills TV on State Road 60 and because of the enormous popularity of the concert two performance was two performances were added and eventually a third uh a reception took place afterwards uh for the veterans in our cafeteria put on by by our Color Guard each year this year we've moved our concert to November uh to coincide with Veterans Day um we know that the time with our audience has changed over the years and we still include the music from the big band era the World War I in World War II times um but we're looking this year to include uh throw in a Rolling Stones piece to kind of uh connect with our veterans from the Vietnam War era so we're we're trying to adapt as our audience is changing as well this year we also want to recognize our Our First Responders as uh they have such a huge role in our country of of keeping our safe and and our security so we want to recognize all of our veterans and our First Responders this year uh last year as we prepared for this I told the students this is the concert uh that's the most important thing they do this is not for a rating this is not for a trophy uh this is something we do to recognize our our veterans and our First Responders in our community and the pride that you see in our vets when we play the anthems from the different branches of service um the the reverence and respect that you see from our vets when we play the star spingle banner and Taps um that's what it's all about to play for us and uh there's there's no other thing like it so we really appreciate the opportunity to do that um like I said we moved it to November this year it's typically been in the spring um so we have two concerts one Sunday November 10th at 2 pm and then the second one is Tuesday November uh 12th at 7 p.m. at F Beach High School uh tickets are half priced for veterans and First Responders so uh my students gave you some cards feel free to pass those out to family members or vets that you may know and uh we're definitely looking forward to that so with that being said we're going to give you a little snippet one more piece of music for you okay fabulous thank you [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was to red white blue concert and the dates again let's November 10th is the mat 2m and as o' thank you thank you guys fantastic thank you so much that was awesome thank you all right Commissioners with that we will move on um there's no minutes for approval and no informational items is there anything from consent that anybody would like pulled anybody from the public see none Madam chair move approval second I have a motion in a second all in favor I opposed motion carries which brings us to oh item 9A I forgot to um remove that at the beginning of the meeting Sheriff flowers did email and would like to re