e e e e e e e e e e e it's it's time the curtain is rising you want to get started the only thing I have hanging only how many bags of halls I got all right we're going to go ahead and call the Tuesday May 7th meeting to order we're going to start with a moment of Silent reflection for our First Responders and members of the Armed Forces followed by an invocation by Deacon Freddy woler of the progressive civic league of gford followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by commissioner Laura Moss if everybody would please rise dear Lord our prayer is clear our pray prayer is serious hear our prayer please oh Lord let thy will be done in every facet and every aspect of Our Lives we can't do it without you we must realize that only through your guidance that we must come humbly as we submit ourselves unto you we ask for your protection of our families our First Responders the government officials at every level whether they serve local state federal or any other position of authority we pray for those individual who are in war torn countries around the world as well as those in the United States who we find themselves in Tomo and unrest on our college and university campuses here we are asking for your guidance in your midst I trust and believe that your will and your way and that those things that we ask for through faith shall be given unto him that believe in the Mas name of Jesus we pray this morning amen um May being military appreciation month I would like to offer a special thanks to our veterans in the audience and our veteran standing here as well as active duty and Goldstar families thank you all I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right let me just get settled here Commissioners are there any additions or deletions to the agenda yes yep everything is on here seeing none motion to approve the agenda as written second have a motion a second all in favor I opposed motion carries and with that we will move on to proclamations and presentations our first is a proclamation recognizing National correctional officers and employees which will be presented by commissioner lore to sheriff flowers commissioner lore take it away thank you madam chairman welcome sheriff and team good morning everybody it is certainly an honor and a pleasure for me to read this Proclamation recognizing the week of May 5th through May 11th 20124 is national correction officers and employees weak whereas in 1984 President Ronald Reagan signed Proclamation 5187 creating National correctional officers week in 1996 United States Sen officially changed the name of the week to National correction officers and employees week the first full week in May is recognized as National correction correction officers and employees weak to honor the work of the correction officers and the correctional Personnel Nationwide whereas in Indian River County the staff of correction officers nurses civilian correction assistants and support staff have served an increasingly complex and demanding professional way where they are called to fill simultaneous ly custodial supervisory and counseling roles whereas the work of Correction Officer is Correctional Personnel comes with a huge responsibility to maintain Public Safety and to help the others excuse now therefore be a proclaimed by the board of County Commission of Indian River County Florida that the week of May 5th through May 11th recognized as National correction officers week signed by all five County Commissioners Eric awesome good morning Sheriff good morning thank you good group absolutely amazing group behind me and I want to take a moment thank you guys for taking time out of your meeting to recognize our Corrections folks but I want to recognize one special Corrections Deputy Deputy Britney Rudolph uh recently won Corrections Deputy of the year for all of the Treasure Coast and Palm Beaches uh we were in attendance at a meeting down in Palm Beach at PGA National and she won a Corrections Deputy of the year for all of those areas think about what happens in Paul meech Martin St Lucy okobe all those areas that she she won and so congratulations to Britney she's absolutely amazing does an incredible job so in front of those folks I got a few minutes to to say some words and the thing that I mentioned is most of the awards that go out in that room are to law enforcement and most of the people in the room are in law enforcement and you know we are very we are very well-loved in this community and when we go out places people say thank you for your service and uh they'll buy us a cup of coffee or a meal or they want to take care of us in some way and these folks behind me are our Corrections deputies who go to work every single day they don't interact with the public in any way every one of us you Sheriff lure commissioner flesher you guys you had it you had that thank you for your service these guys don't get that on a daily basis and so the inmates aren't thanking them the community is not thanking them so thank you guys for in for a moment and thank you for everyone who showed up today to recognize these folks because they truly deserve it they're Heroes they're First Responders they do an amazing job keeping our folks uh our community safe every single day and they deserve the recognition so thank you for taking time to do it Madam J also what I think sometimes the public doesn't recognize it's a 24-hour uh facility I mean there's toilets flushing doors opening uh it's a full-time deal unlike probably any other place in the county yeah it's a small City it is really is I used to say it was the largest gated community in the county Gates nice Gates thank you guys congratulations thank you we're going to funnel up that way and take a [Applause] picture hold on again thank you thank you yep it's the only shot you're G to get at a mshot group mshot you all right our next Proclamation is going to be designating May 2024 as mental health awareness month this will be presented by myself to Dr Phil Cromer and Amy Wagner with the mental health asso assciation as well as Tracy Hernandez with sunos mental health so if you guys want to come on up I'll read the proclamation this is a proclamation recognizing Mental Health Awareness Month May 2024 whereas mental health is key to overall Wellness as mental health influences decision making behavior and consequently physical health and whereas nationally one in four adults suff suffers from a diagnosable mental health disorder in any given year and in Florida 63% of those adults did not receive treatment in the past year and whereas a growing number of Youth in the United States experience feelings of anxiety hopelessness and sadness and in fact about 20% of all teens suffer from depression before they reach adulthood and whereas in 2024 more than 177% of children and adults continue to lack adequate medical insurance coverage for essential Mental Health Services and Florida is ranked 46th out of 50 states with access to mental health care and whereas social stigma Financial barriers and limited awareness are the primary obstacles to getting help and as Community leaders we must prepare for an increase in demand on Services through education Outreach and ever greater access to care to ensure our community's overall health and whereas it is the duty of each and every one of us to provide continued and consistent access to mental health care resources and whereas the commissioners of Indian River County strive to promote a community who supports mental Wellness including greater access to treatment increasing Educational Tools and resources for our citizens and continually supporting those citizens with mental health opportunities now therefore be it proclaimed by the board of County commissioners of Indian River County Florida that the board recognizes May 2024 as mental health awareness month adopted the 7th day of May and signed by all five County Commissioners and I know that you guys have a lot going on in the community and I'd be happy to give you a few minutes to talk about it and then Dr Phil and Amy I want you guys to talk about some of the new fun things that not fun but new resources that was a bad way to that was a bad way to say it but the new resources you're bringing to the community as well well I will start thank you Commissioners it's good to see you again I'm Tracy Hernandez with sunos mental health center a leading mental and Behavioral Health provider offering a holistic approach to Mental Health Care through community- based and family centered services for children adults and families in indiia murer county and throughout the Treasure Coast it's my privilege and pleasure to be here today to accept this Proclamation with other Community Partners for mental health mental health awareness month there's a growing Mental Health crisis in our country and our communities and it's significantly impacting youth with 20% of Children and adolescents experiencing a mental emotional developmental or behavioral disorder at sunos Mental Health Center where 74% of our clients are youth we're seeing an increase in referrals for anxiety and depression as we strive to meet the growing need for mental health services in our community we continue to provide therapeutic counseling targeted case management and psychiatric treatment to more than 1300 clients every month including hundreds of students at more than 80 schools in our four County area here in Indian River County we provide services in 20 local schools and 419 local residents are on a path to mental Wellness thanks to our dedicated team of Professionals for 25 years Sun Coast has been serving the community and promoting mental Wellness offering hope healing and change to all who seek our services we recognize now more than ever the importance of funding and awareness to ensure our commitment to the one in4 adults and one in five youth who may need our services and support in addition to this Proclamation and for our part in advancing advocacy and awareness we just held our second annual Bridges to a brighter future BridgeWalk on May 4th where 150 walkers from across the Treasure Coast joined us in Bridging the way to mental Wellness on behalf of those whose lives we've changed and for those who still need our help sincere thanks to all of you for participating in this community effort to empower individuals engage families and Inspire communities thank you again thank you hello and thank you for the proclamation um you know at the mha we try to to do a lot with a little uh our staff has grown um we have the walk-in Center which is free from 9 to 5: so anyone can come in and get a free mental health screening but as it was just said and I'll reiterate uh the need and demand for services has been growing pretty exponentially last couple of years particularly with kids so we've seized an opportunity and we've opened the mha parent and child center now if you recall UF Psychiatry used to be in our community and that was right next to the MH uh Unfortunately they had to leave uh but we've signed a lease and we've made that a center just for kids it really is um a gap in the community although we do have lots of other um you know nonprofits that kind of do not exactly the same work but we're filling a gap uh in in several ways so we're providing more individual therapeutic services and we're also partnering with Sun Coast and Tykes to make this very unique Center to treat the whole family so we'll be doing therapy uh tyes and teens will be providing in infant mental health so that's infant to like five or six and sunos will be doing a wraparound Case Management Services so not only are we tackling the problem and and the need we want to solve this issue so this is going to do that we're going to do it straight from the beginning we're going to get to the kids uh early and often and that's how we're going to make a healthier uh and happier Indian River County thank you thank you and I appreciate the fact that you guys are collaborating on um the needs and filling that Gap I think that's a great use of resources and we'll really start turning the dial on some of the challeng es that our youth are facing and their families if the families aren't aren't healthy then then the kids aren't going to be so being able to really provide that safety n is fantastic so yeah it's a great collaboration thank you fantastic thank you guys thank [Applause] you come on up I got proclamations for everyone all right if you guys want to just there's a line on the floor where the middle is thank you guys [Applause] everything all right our next Proclamation is recognizing the 20 year anniversary of hibiscus Children's Village this will be presented by commissioner Moss um to Tracy savoya I probably butchered that I apologize um to receive so if you guys want to come on up is anybody in hbis say okay uh thank you madam chair I I I'll read the words on the page in a moment um I just want to say uh on a person more personal note that I attended the Blue Ribbon luncheon it's a fundraiser for hibiscus uh last month as I have for many years and during the course of that lunch in a gentleman spoke who hibiscus is for at at risk children I'll say that so he spoke uh he's now a successful business businessman but as a child he it's it's quite a story his father wasn't present his mother was uh addicted to drugs and had abandoned him and his siblings and God help him he found his way to hibiscus and gives gives all the credit for his current success to hibiscus and was speaking in order to pay it forward if you will so so thank you for that now I'll read the words on the page Proclamation recognizing May 2024 as the 20th anniversary of hibiscus Children's Village whereas hibiscus Children's Village is celebrating 20 years of providing life-changing services to youth in May and whereas hibiscus Children's Village provides Safe Haven to 90 abused abandoned and or neglected youth annually in a group home environment and whereas hibiscus Children's Village helps prepare teens for successful adulthood through the career Pathways to Independence program featuring graphic design culinary instruction and an academic achievement Center and whereas May is mental health awareness month 50% of Lifetime mental health problems start in children before the age of 14 and one in six children have a diagnosable mental health disorder equivalent to five in every us classroom and whereas hibiscus Children's Center provides Mental Health Services to over 550 Children and Families annually in the Hibiscus Village Shelter and in the community and whereas hibiscus Mental Health Services focus on helping children overcome trauma and move forward in life and hibiscus therapists are trauma trained Master's level clinician s with a wide range of experience and expertise in child and family therapy and whereas hibiscus children center provides specialized sexual abuse treatment services to victims and their non-offending caregivers ibiscus is the only Department of Health sanctioned sexual abuse treatment program on the Treasure Coast now therefore be it proclaimed by the board of County commissioners of Indian River County Florida that the county recognizes the 20th anniversary of hibiscus Children's Village and their significant accomplishments and impact on the children and residents of Indian River County adopted this 7th day of May 2024 by the board of County Commissioners Indian River County Florida and signed by all five Commissioners thank you thank you so much Commissioners for having us once again this year we truly appreciate all your support I'd like to introduce our CEO Matt Markley to share a few words thank you Tracy uh we flipped a coin and I lost so she got not to speak but good morning thank you thank you for having us and thank you for not making me read the proclamation I appreciate that um hibiscus has been in business as as doc as commissioner Moss said for 20 years now on the Treasure Coast both at here in here in virau beach and also in Jensen Beach hibiscus has a a facility for younger children so we have about 25 kids down there every day every month every 365 days a year hibiscus never closes we're open 247 if a child is removed from his or her home because of abuse or neglect and the State of Florida cannot find a placement for them family or friends they call hibiscus and we answer as commissioner Moss uh mentioned we did have a gentleman come from Chicago a few weeks ago he had been in hibiscus they found he and his siblings um abandoned at a motel in Steward 35 years ago they brought him to hibiscus I can't take we can't take credit for what this gentleman has accomplished in his life but he does give hibiscus a lot of credit for what he's accomplished and commissioner MOS heard him speak but hibiscus has provided 475,000 safe nights for kids on the Treasure Coast since 1985 and this this year is the 20th anniversary of the village we ALS again ALS have a facility called the shelter down in Jensen and uh it was opened a little earlier than the village but hibiscus has been around now nearly 40 years so thank you for the opportunity to be here today and thank you very much for uh recognizing hibiscus Village thank you thank you all right and then our next Proclamation is going to be recognizing May 12th through May 18th 2024 as National Police Week this will be presented by commissioner flesher to sheriff flowers thank you madam chair um do you have a contingent to come with you always Sher I see you have a few of your couple finest here few come can by to see you guys couple few um know we all all sustain losses this is design of life and I wanted to start it out that way because you know a law enforcement officer signs up to sign the check if the check needs to be written and that's the big check and we don't know when it's going to happen if it's going to happen we always figure out why it's going to happen you know at any loss people people look and they show respect to the family 3 to five 7 to n visitation some support we have a wonderful Community but then everybody goes about their lives and in law enforcement that just can't happen because not only do you have a SCA family a changed life you have a scar community a community that respects each and every one of the individuals that work here that provide the element of Safety and Security that they deserve they are the individuals that give you the best in life and then they're affected even more importantly is the individuals that are appearing before us whether an incident happens unfortunate incident happens inside the agency or an agency maybe in a one of the other 67 counties or maybe in another state our law enforcement officers are scarred it's a loss it's internalized it it never leaves us I can ask the individuals if they recall having gone to a ceremony everybody's going to remember that they heard Amazing Grace played by a pipe but that's not where it ends and to all of you we thank you for what you do a few of us know what that feeling is when somebody's lost in the law enforcement community and with that we can't allow anybody to forget at all it's not about about that one week it's about every day so uh again we're going to ask Sheriff to talk about the weat ceremony that is well attended by all law enforcement officers that's well attended by our state attorney civil staff criminal staff uh judges many of us but the community should attend and I want to offer an open invitation to ensure that they're aware that our law enforcement Community has some healing to do and we pay respect to those who have been lost in the line of duty or not in line of duty but unfortunately they're not with us on the team so I'm going to ask the sheriff to to do that I'll proceed with the proclamation recognizing May 12th through the 18th 2024 as National Police Week whereas there are more than 900,000 Law Enforcement Officers serving in communities across the United States including the dedicated members of the Indie River County Sheriff's Office and the Indie River County Municipal police departments and whereas in 1962 President John F Kennedy signed a proclamation which designated May 15th as National police offices Memorial Day and and the week in which it the date falls upon as National Police Week whereas on average one law enforcement officer is killed in the line of duty somewhere in the United States every 54 hours since the first known line of duty death in 1791 more than 26,000 US law enforcement officers have made the ultimate sacrifice and whereas over the past decade in 2013 to 2023 the average annual number of Officer fatalities has been 163 in 2023 136 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty additionally 25 canines died in the line of duty whereas the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial fund honors and remembers those recently Fallen law enforcement officers who have paid the ultimate price and have given their lives to protect and serve now therefore be proclaimed by the board of County commissioners of in River County Florida that May 12th through the 18th 2024 is recognized as National Police Week in honor of the service of law enforcement offices in our community and the communities Across the Nation and May 15th is recognized as peace offices Memorial Day in honor of all the fallen officers and their families and the United States flags shall all be flown at half staff duly adopted this 7th day of May 2024 and it is signed by all five County Commissioners thank you team thank you for all that you do as we sleep and work and recreate in this community in the in the safety that you provide Sheriff commissioner flesher thank you and thank you again commissioner for pausing to recognize our team um as commissioner flesher noted on Monday May 13th we will have our annual wreath placement ceremony on the steps of the courthouse uh I'm confident that all of you guys will be there uh we would hope that some of the public will come out we close down the roadway in front of the courthouse um please come out and join us we have plenty of seats plenty of space for everybody uh I wish we had hundreds of people that come out and join us but unfortunately uh every year it seems as though uh it's mostly elected officials and uh law enforcement that are there so I hope the public that is watching uh and listening will come out and join us this year I had the honor of presenting uh and and unveiling our 1986 patrol car in memory of corporate Richard razowski which we've had on display and to your point commissioner flesher about the wounds that never heal there's not a single person behind me myself included who was working that September Day in 1986 when Corporal Richard razowski was killed but I'll tell you I've spent more time this year reaching out to the governor and the governor's office to ensure that William Reeves who killed corporate Richard C rowski in the line of duty is put to death he was sentenced to death almost 40 years ago he's still on death row so my call this police week is that we as a community rally together and make that call for the governor to finally end this he's exhausted all of his appeals it's time for our community to heal it's the line of duty death that we recognize every year let's put this guy to death and so anybody that's out there that's listening watching you have contacts with the governor's office um that's my call this year let's honor corporate razowski by um finally showing that Florida is a place where people who kill police uh won't be tolerated so thank you guys for pausing thank you for remembering um we really appreciate it thank you Sheriff good job thank you thank you yes L of you weren't working I was but not here good what's that pierce no he wasn't here Pier Pierce wasn't I think he's like [Music] 9 like 89 what start 89 87 hang on one Sheriff once again it's 10: a.m. on Monday 10 a. on Monday thanks hey man good to see you all right with that we're going to move on to approval of the minutes we have two batches uh March 5th and March 19th for approval I have a motion by Comm commissioner lore and a second by commissioner flesher all in favor opposed motion carries um the informational items are attached and with that we'll move on to consent would anybody like to pull anything from consent anybody from the public wishing to pull anything from the consent agenda seeing none Commissioners chair move move to approve we have a motion by commissioner flesher I'll be happy to second that all in favor opposed motion carries and with that we will move on to our public hearing which is the Hope for family centers request for special exception use and major site plan approval for expansion of an existing Residential Treatment Center welcome and this is not quasi judicial so I do not have to swear everybody in correct bill just checking I'm almost done with my coffee so I'm doing better go ahead I'm sorry good morning chairman and members of the board of County Commissioners I'm happy to present to you this next request for special exception use for the hope for family centers which is a a really good nonprofit that provides an extreme need here in the count County and across the state as well as homeless is something that we really need to address um they really do a great job um for the record my name is Patrick Murphy I'm a senior planner with the planning and development services um and the site is located at 7204 Street which is in the vicinity Northeast of the intersection of Fourth Street in Old Dixie Highway facility has been there for a number of years and through the gracious donations of our residents and business owners they've been able to raise the funds in order to expand this facility and provide more service to our community aerial map shows the layout of the existing facility within its surroundings uh you'll see Fourth Street to the north excuse me Fourth Street to the South Fourth Place to the North Old Dixie to the West a little bit to the east is Old Dixie Highway excuse me uh US1 on the site plan we delve a little bit deeper you'll see that the existing buildings on the white it's on the left side is a little grayed out there are two buildings there that are connected they have have uh 23 existing units in the center top is going to be their new Administration office building and then the two darker gray buildings to the east and south are going to house 29 new residential units also to the right there is a new parking area being created which going to have 48 existing spaces which meets the demands of these uh parking requirements on the traffic circulation plan you will see full access driveway to to the north ACC fourth place a full access driving to the South ACC Fourth Street there are sidewalks that interconnect all of the buildings on site and the two parking lots your storm water plan there are two new dry retention areas that are being proposed they're interconnected with storm water pipes and catch basins in terms of heavy Outlaw uh the water will outfall to an existing Canal on the north side of fourth place on your landscape plan they're going to be putting in a 20 foot wide type-c buffer along both roads fourth place and Fourth Street the road buffer will have a 4 foot high opaque feature there's about a half a dozen existing specimen trees in the center of the site that are all being protected they're even maneuvering a sidewalk around a tree in order to keep it so they did a really good job at incorporating existing vegetation and then planting new vegetation to really make this a very attractive site improvements and other conditions this site is located in the other corridors overlay District the building elevations have been approved by staff as far as the colors and the roof design the residential treatment centers in ch zoning district for which this property is zoned must adhere to the specific land use criteria that is found in section 971 286 of the County's Land Development regulations through the site plan review we found that all of these items have been met or even ceded with this design uh the proposed plans are at site plan approval which has allowed them to move forward to public hearings at its meeting the uh March 20 2024 Planning and Zoning commission voted 60 to recommend that the BCC Grant major site plan and special exception use approval with the conditions that we have recommended in our staff report those that brings us to staff recommendation one of the conditions we had because this is a major site plan they're required to put a sidewalk along the road Frontage there's already an existing sidewalk on Fourth Street however rather than put a sidewalk on fourth place because that road dead ends to the east they worked with our Public Works director and decided that there was a better bang for your buck to put that sidewalk along Old Dixie Highway where there isn't one now and it will also allow for an existing bus stop to be able to get sidewalk pedestrian access down to the intersection they are to install all perimeter landscape buffers in sight lighting and construct all other improvements as a condition of the report with that staff's available to answer any questions the board may have I also believe that Marty marero the executive director is in attendance as well thank you Commissioners do you have any questions of Staff no Marty did you want to say anything not to put you on the spot but since you're here tell us what's going on with this this is exciting good morning um thank you so much for having us today this this has been years of a labor of love and I've just been fortunate enough to come in at the tail end and help to um bring it to light and to move forward we know on I actually had the opportunity to attend um the homeless conference in San Francisco this year and I was very shocked at the amount of um shelters that were out there that separated the families um Dad went one way and Mom and the children went another and I saw the trauma that was reported um in the data from that type of model to help homeless families so here in Indian River County with this model and being able to expand we are doing groundbreaking work to keep families together as they combat homelessness and become sustainable I appreciate the support of the community of everyone that has supported us our donors and we are just excited to move forward forward and to continue this work and to continue to keep families together thank you how many families do you serve now and how many will the expansion allow you to serve right now we have um it's cold and flu season um so we're very sick at the shelter um so we have 21 rooms but we keep one room open for I call it Sick Bay um with the expansion it'll have 20 more rooms so we'll be have 41 rooms and then nine transitional apartments and those transition apartments are important because if a family qualifies for Habitat for Humanity they don't really have anywhere to go why they're waiting on that so we're going to work with Habitat to allow them to utilize those apartments or families that have higher barriers such as evictions that they need to get past or health problems those apartments will be available for families in our community to heal or build build a new home or whatever they need to do to become sustainable thank you that's like doubling the your ability to serve which is Fant fantastic yes ma'am proud we're proud to do it yeah the apartments are such a key to that yesability very excited about this project yes Bill did you have something no just reminding you to open the oh I will okay public hearing is open anybody that wishes to speak on this item please come to the podium and state your name and address for the record sorry I always forget what my p's and q's are up here for public hearings um all right anybody else from the public no seeing none I will close the public hearing M yes missioner fleser motion to approve second thank you we have a motion and a second all in favor opposed motion carries congratulations we look forward to the project all right the next item on our our agenda is a request to speak from Curtis paison regarding the Mary Snider golf tournament okay who's first morning good morning Commissioners well it's 10 years hard to believe I remember the first golf tournament we were worried whether or not we get 60 people to even feel the feel the course now you guys with all your help we have two courses over 260 golfers last year raised over $30,000 since the Inception of the golf tournament that I kind of brought with me from the veterans Council we have raised almost $300,000 for our veterans here in Indian River County a lot of people don't realize that because I I keep this tournament very low as far as cost at $80 and it's the community that comes out and supports us and we could not do it without you all and I sincerely mean that and the community between Mike every one of you I've seen at the tournament and know uh that Mr lore I'm sure that you'll be out there this year I know uh I know Joe gols Mr zitto gols and we'd love to see you guys back out there again I'm going to go ahead and turn it over to a couple people that have a lot more information than I have call them the brains and we're going to go ahead and let them talk for a few minutes and I'll finish up thank you Curtis I'll have to tell my husband you called me the brain that's good um so thank you all very much uh for allowing us to come today to spend a few minutes with you uh I know I saw some of you at the golf tournament in the last couple of years and we appreciate that very much um my background is healthc care I've been in healthcare leadership roles for over 50 years I'm now retired um and living in Vero Beach and I love it here um so thank you for all of that because you're making Vero Beach and Indian River County good every day because I have family members who who are veterans who have since passed away uh my grandfather went to Vietnam twice um it's just been tough to think about veterans not getting what they need housing jobs food help with utilities whatever it might be we owe them the Thank You by helping them to get it um since I retired I met Curtis I met his wife Linda uh and Via um VI Vic Diaz and we now are part of that volunteer group to put together the golf tournament um I love seeing the number of players I love seeing the results have a good time there if you haven't been you don't realize how much fun it is my husband plays in it every year my son played in it a couple of years and I'm going to try to get him to play again this year as well uh it has now as you heard from Curtis been 10 years um we've had 200 veterans housed as a result of what has been done here um late they let my glasses with me um there have been a thousand claims for VA benefits that have been pushed through and helped uh as a result of the work because we provide support to multiple veterans groups the proceeds go to all veterans in Indian River County and if you've ever talked to a veteran which I did I was the director of the West Palm Beach V VA uh for four and a half years and spent quite a bit of time talking to them it's heartbreaking to think that individuals who served our country would not have a home would not have a job would not have food for their family so we all have an obligation to help with that and I'm hoping that what we do at this golf tournament will be able to continue so we are happy that you have helped us we hope that you will continue to do that in the future um I can't think of anything more meaningful uh my favorite job out of all the 50 years was at the VA um veterans really understand what you can do can't do and they know that when you're trying to help and they thank you for it so thank you very much it's a meaningful job uh it's meaningful for what you all are doing and we appreciate it thank you thank you I'm sorry I'm sorry my friend I'll just be brief it's Craig Wasco I know many of you and thank you for the opportunity of us being here we um I'm part of a support group to the golf tournament I represent the veterans of Indian River County it we as Donna said our mission is to house veterans to um the facility on Roy Palm Boulevard St Arthur's Court we did all the Furnishings there the building was paid for by a lady anyway our our main mission is to get benefits for veterans and to we hope we're working on a project right now of funding little houses for veterans in a community problem is there we've got to find the land and so forth and so on but anyway it's in the works but that's basically what the golf tournament supports all veterans efforts here in the county so I won't take any more of your time but thank you thank you done okay so um we have renamed a tournament as of five year four and a half five years ago to the Mary Snider veterans golf tournament I think the majority of you all know who Mary Snider was she ran all the libraries and and uh was a Avid Avid vet and support her even though she stayed behind the scenes so uh Mary plays a big part so we went and changed it the tournament is June 15th I have it the day before Father's Day purposely um so that most of the fathers are here because we have a lot of retired in our community so they're usually here and the kids come and see them well they can come and bring them on the golf course and teach them teach the grandkids how to golf or teach their kids how to golf gol as I said I've keep I keep it very um minimal the cost is $80 I know it's $5 more than last year but we try to keep it very very low without going in the hole um that includes your cart that includes your luncheon and without you we couldn't have a luncheon because with 260 golfers anybody that knows the 19th hole at Sandridge knows that that 19th hole could never support 260 and I think all of you know that you've been working on that uh thing for a while so um it's June 15th um we're going to have a shotgun start um registration is at uh 0700 7 7:00 in the morning uh 8:00 shotgun start and uh it is at Sandridge and uh please please please try to get there as early as possible because with 260 we do have a lot of people working but it's still got to have check-ins um and do it in a timely fashion and I'm going to give you a couple an email address is VV ic.org and with that you can go ahead and press I want to play for the tournament in the tournament I want to sponsor the tournament I want to do this you know and and and read more about the tournament if you like that will get you there and then um a couple phone numbers I have us most of you know probably Kim Pilger so Kim we got at 970 988 988 9125 U my telephone number 772 770 4507 just call and if we don't answer just leave a message say I want to play in the tournament want to sponsor the tournament and we couldn't do it again without you all you guys are a huge help behind the scenes and I think all of you know it Mike and his staff and Bella and everybody and Scott do an incredible job for us and for that all of our veterans in the community thank you any questions already signed up signed up effort that you put into it and once again even with with the car show as well and helping veterans to help veterans um it you make it easy you just make it easy to say welcome we do thanks that's very kind of you and uh a lot of energy into this and I know that all y'all do too and for that we thank you very much commissioner and it's it's very well received and and thank you for that and uh as I said my wife is she's so mad at me for doing again this year as a majority of you know I fought a hell of a a something that almost got me but it didn't get me so uh my biggest fight was with my wife but that's done and over where she's ready to come in make some chocolates have a good time let's make some money for a vet it's supportive well you should listen to Linda but we we thank thank you for not listening to me all right thank you very much any other questions Curtis thanks for all you do it's it's great we appreciate it it's been a great event every year that I've been in it's been many years since I have not missed it but uh like I said M Mr zto and a few others are probably signed up and ready to ready to tee it off Roger that any questions don't hesitate to call me awesome thank you very much for your time [Applause] all right the next item is a public notice item Mr Dew I think that's all you yes meeting coming up on Tuesday May 21st um 2004 in the County Commission Chambers and that will be at 9 A.M to discuss the award of the solid waste and recyclables collection Services RFP I hand it back to the chair thank you so much all right that brings us to 12 E1 anchoring limitation area update welcome good morning Melissa meisenberg natural resources senior Lagoon Environmental Specialist I'm going to give an update on our anchoring limitation area um and hopefully get some board Direction on as we're taking them moving this forward so just a reminder about anchoring limitations this was a statute that was passed in 2021 uh with the state allowing for limited anchoring and specified zones within a county it gives no more than 45 days so it's not an anchoring exclusion Zone but a limitation zone so on day 44 if someone wanted to move a mile away they could move come back on day 46 and start that period over again so it's 45 consecutive days in a six-month period if they stay Within then that over the 45 days there is the risk of a citation from law enforcement failure to comply to move the vessel after that could include impoundment for up to 48 hours and three citations within a 12-month period can actually lead to declaring The Vessel a public nuisance or a derilict vessel um there are some exclusions to that say we have inclement weather a person can remain within the limited area until the weather has passed or if they have any type of mechanical failure they can also stay within that zone for up to 3 days uh while they're working on getting the boat uh repaired so there are some key steps into determining an anchoring limitation area you want to make the county is the only um entity that can actually pursue um the establishment of an ala it needs to be adjacent to an urban area that needs to be residential docking and significant recreational boating traffic can exceed more than 10 % of the delineated navigable in fact waterways and it cannot include any type of moing field or Marina and it has to be less than 100 acres so each zone or ala within the county has to be less than 100 acres so there are some steps that we're developing in the language um and that includes the need or requirement for an interlocal agreement between any town or city that is requesting an ala outside of the County uh County's jurisdiction we have to notify FWC 30 days before the public hearing so that they can publish and the public hearing notice through FWC as well as the county needs to publish one um to change the ordinance language and then hold the public hearing once adopted there are specific requirements for signs and buoys that are set forth by FWC and that's going to require a series of permits from FWC Army Corps D and the Coast Guard meeting all the requirements for Army Corp depending on where those alas are and adjacent to the um icw or the setback which is 100 feet on either side there are requirements for buoys and anchors and we have to establish it so that a Boer knows they're entering or exiting an ala each time they're we're moving into a Zone um and those buoys also have to be anchored with a stiff chain to keep them from Breaking Free or moving an entanglement for marine um mammals so when this reached my desk the first thing I did was start out with with um talking with FWC law enforcement to determine if we had any areas within the county and at that time no um areas were identified within the jurisdiction of the county to include in an ala but we did have the city of Sebastian the town of inie River Shores and the city of Vero Beach request by passing resolutions to establish alas within their own jurisdictions so the city of Sebastian has three zones or areas totaling 291 Acres toy of Indian Shores has 210 Acres once again three zones and then we have the city of Yuro Beach that has three areas but technically it breaks up into six areas because of the the separation in area 2 as well as in area one so going through this there are some Financial estimate um considerations that we we need to look at and that is the fact that we have every sign has to um two one piling has to have two signs on it um one for entering the Ala one for exiting the Ala we have to have regulatory marker buoys anchors and so these estimates were provided to me last fall and I have since been told that they might be on the lower end even my high estimate because I've been told that piling establishment and size are now running about 6,000 and I was originally told 4,000 and that a regulatory buoy along with installation may be up upwards of $3,000 per buoy to be installed we did receive signage from the city of Jacksonville who had their first ala established and so their signs have already been approved by FWC so we have those schematics there that are very helpful to know exactly what FWC is looking for with the signage so the go after talking with FWC and meeting with them signs are going to be required at entry points on each side of an ala and buoys about every 175 yard yards now FWC is the entity that's going to determine exact placement of each sign and buoy so this could be excessive it could also be um there could be more signs or buoys required um this is just the estimate that I received from them so this is for the um city of Sebastian and you can see anywhere from 63,000 to 78,000 for the initial installation we also have Indian River Shores so this is area one much less because this is adjacent directly to the land and so this is going to prevent that need for signs um directly adjacent to those um docks and then this is areas two and three and we have a total of about 443,000 to $50,000 estimated for the signs and buoys for this area then we have the city of Vero Beach which actually has three zones we have um the area that's adjacent to or near the old Power Plant and the community just to the south of it as well as the area that is adjacent to the Zone where town of Indian River Shores had the cut through the um through lost tree we have the area there as well which is a a known area we do receive a lot of boats being left in that zone so it's a a good area to have some anchoring limitation in and in this area in addition to the Riverside Park area where a lot of people also anchor their boats during the winter time we have a total of 107,000 to 126,000 so we're looking at a total of 213,000 to 254,000 based on estimates I was given in the fall so counties with ala ordinances that have already been successful in getting the ordinances passed as well as moving forward with um FWC we have Duval County um who has the Consolidated Government they've been providing us with information of their signs and the requirements they're having to meet through their permits Broward County with the city of Hollywood entered into an interlocal agreement to um have the city to install maintain enforce the Ala within the jurisdiction same for pelis County and the City of Clearwater we have Bard County that's also requiring the city of Melbourne to install maintain signs and buoys and force the Ala and then the city of Venice within Sarasota County has also entered into an interlocal agreement to do the same so we're bringing two options as we're moving forward with interlocal agreement language so the first option is that the county would act as the permittee with FWC which is required by the statute for the signs and buoys but the municipalities would responsible for all other permits as well as the installation and maintenance moving forward with putting in the signs and buoys but the county would help to reimburse the municipalities 50% of the costs associated with that installation of the piling signs and buoys the municipalities would bear the responsibility of the maintenance of the signs and buoys and Associated costs if in the event that they failed to monitor enforce or keep up with those signs or buoys uh the county would reserve the right to remove the Ala from the actual ordinance as well as the Alm map some considerations is that the county will need to work with the municipalities and FWC for sign content as well B piling and buoy placement and the county would be the permit holder for FWC not the municipalities because that is the requirement on the statute the county would also reimburse 50% of the installation costs and that funding would come from the Florida boating um fund Lagoon and other contractual Services account this is just including 4,000 per piling 500 to $1,000 per buoy which I we now know that that has gone up in the new year option two the county would still serve as the permit for the signs and buoys for FWC but we would also be the permit for the Army Corps DP and the Coast Guard um and the county would then invoice the municipalities for all Co costs associated with that effort the county would handle all installation they would handle the installation of the piling signs and buoys within the Ala and the county would invoice the municipalities for all costs associated with that effort we would also be responsible for monitoring and maintaining the p in signs and buoys and the county would invoice the cities for the costs associated with that effort as well but each municipality would be the primary enforcement agency within that jurisdictional limit and the municipalities would cover 100% of the costs associated with the installation of the piling signs buoys located within their jurisdiction and the same um Clause applies that if the municipality fails to reimburse the county the county would be able to remove that area from the map and the ordinance some con considerations with option two is that surveys will need to be conducted and easements will need to be granted for the submerged land if the county is the permit holder for Army Corps DP and the Coast Guard um additional funding requirements would be 42,000 to 75,000 for design permitting bid paperwork as well as mobilization and construction oversight through a Consulting agency this does not include the required surveys for the easements if installation and maintenance is the responsibility of the county the county will assume all liability associated with the infrastructure if a buoy or sign is missing and that causes an potential accident so the funding estimate for this is 255,000 to 296,000 which would come from the same Florida um voting fund on Lagoon and contractual Services account and of course this does not include the survey requirements so the costs associated with establishing the Alas and the signs pilings and buoys is substantial so we're seeking guidance from the board of County Commissioners to determine which Ila Provisions we should include um and out of these two options which have been presented thank you is there any questions of staff I do yes why the the survey in the um second option instead of the so we need an easement and DP and the Army Corp of Engineers are going to require surveys for the easement to be completed so that the easement can be granted to the county since this land is with technically submerged land within the jurisdiction of one of the towns or cities we have to have an easement and a survey to accompany it a survey may also be required by Army Corps depending on the location of the channel so Army Corps has told me that if they believe that the Ala might be within the 100 foot setback of the icw they will require a survey of the piling pre- deployment and post- deployment I think that's probably a good idea I was just wondering why why it wasn't an option one or an option two the the only the only really um change I see because each municipality will serve as primary enforcement within their within their area and both options they will be at primary enforcement yes okay and then the U the survey and then it's just uh we're we're kind of responsible for heading up the whole project and their build or we build them for for what we do such as the pilings and stuff like that under option two that's how it would work they would be buil we probably have not to give y'all more to do but we probably have uh more Avail more availability for staff to handle this project than than than the cities do with regards to it um I mean I'm I'm kind of good with either one but I'm I'm just uh lean into to to option two because the the the survey would which probably needs to be done and the fact that that that I think it would be more expeditious for us to probably head it up and work with the cities and then just B them for it and and have it all come out after the Project's done and that's just my opinion but I'm up for further discussion and see what y'all want to do Madam chair so otherwise option one there would not have to be a survey for ease it's because the county uh would be the conduit for the municipalities correct because the they would be the permit holders for Army Corps and d and we would not we would not need those easements as far as the contact with the municipalities and I do see uh councilman here from Sebastian I see representation from the shores um we do have yes and cooperation uh from all of our municipalities uh you've established all of that so the relationship and guidelines are being set now for a receptive group yes this has been shared the the the interlocal agreement one was an option that was presented and then um they came back with interlocal agreement to options a second option and so we're we're discussing this which is why we're bringing it to to you so that a decision can be made about what's best to move forward with the Ala and there has been no uh negative response from the municipalities whatsoever I well no I don't there was one municipality that really doesn't have a our anchoring limitations would be more Marsh based yeah but you know more ditches smaller smaller boats those who have anchoring arenas have all been very supportive so so the the cities have been very supportive and bringing and working with me uh initially we had some issues with some of the maps they've been very helpful in getting me adjusted Maps so that we can continue moving forward with this um I have spoken to other counties that have already established their alas not all of them have their signs and buoys in place that is an extensive process to move forward with Jacksonville was the first municipality to get their um ala passed as well as get their signs approved by FWC so they're in that process now they do have a much smaller area than we do um as they're just doing it in one of the rivers and other municipalities uh and other areas that you're familiar with u they which would have been the preferred Avenue to address this whether it be option one or two are are you talking about the other counties that that have passed it so the other Counties have gone completely different they've gone with a third option which is that not only do the municipalities requesting the Ala um seek their own permits outside of FWC they also are responsible for 100% of the costs installation and maintenance and enforcement of their ala within their jurisdiction and that's not something we're looking at no Madam CH why out of curiosity just so I made that decision and it's because this the anchoring limitation area is one of the items that's noted in our Indian River Lagoon management plan and thought a partnership would be the best way to do this uh I will tell you that my preference is option one one it's less cost two the county doesn't deal with the liability issues then three the timing is driven by each of the municipalities those that are prepared and ready to move forward can do so at their own pace in a more expeditious manner if they need to take time to plan it rather than the county doing it and trying to coordinate all three mun you municipalities maybe one's not ready to move forward for at that immediate and plus I still think there's might be some as we submit this to FWC as it relates to one of the anchoring limitation areas like the city of Sebastian where there's there might be some questions between the the narrow sliver that's between the the three large areas you know to just comply so I think I think they all would run on their own path and it one wouldn't hold up the others okay could a uh could a m municipality opt out uh they don't have to they've all we asked them to adopt a resolution of support for this they all did they provided a map but they would have to enter into Ila in order to do this if the county establishes the fact that we can do an anchoring limitation area and then municipality can or cannot they're not required to but they can and but that's where the county since it's a one of the programs or plan projects that's identified on lagon management plan we're stepping up in you know 50% of the initial costs and then the repair of Maintenance and the enforcement I will also add spoke with the sheriff they would also Aid in enforcement and FWC has the ability to do that as well so I I'm sorry I didn't mean to so once again so orid and Vero and Sebastian and uh the shores are all on board with what whatever is going to travel yes well the town of orchid didn't pass the resolution but Indian River Shores city of Sebastian the city of Y Beach did so they passed the resolutions in 2023 very well um and with that you know Madam chair um remind reminded that uh before he retired uh a uh commissioner O'Brien had spearheaded this um interest and moved it forward and I see he's here today yep I know he wants to a few words okay when we open it up he will be first first at the podium um I just for so for clarification we have we're setting up a process where the cities can take advantage of the anchoring limitation options we as a county do not have any areas in the unincorporated County identified where we would be setting up our own anchoring limitation areas but each of the cities have identified areas that they would like to Avail themselves of this process correct and if we don't set up a program they will not be able to do it on their own correct the county is the only one who can establish an Al so from my perspective and and I understand what you're saying commissioner Amman I think the easiest way to travel down this path is option one it doesn't take up our staff time and it gives the autonomy to the cities to set up those areas in the fashion and time that they need to plus when you're talking about permitting with multiple different agencies if you're kind of a third-party permitter it just adds it adds to the difficulty of working with those agencies because you're you're kind of a pass through where it's not if it's not necessary necessary I think we're just adding an additional layer of difficulty and confusion I do agree with your perspective that we should be cooperating with everybody to address the Lagoon issue so cooperating on the funding I think is completely appropriate because this will turn the dial on on goals that we want to meet as a county and the cities are part of the county so it's a great collaborative project I just think for the expeditiousness of it it option one allows more flexibility and less regulatory oversight plus it puts the people the cities in charge of the city's program s and we can then you know focus on some other stuff that we might need to do um commissioner irman I think you had a question for somebody maybe Melissa John you might answer this it says option two the request or preferences by op while option two is a request to preference by our indal partners you know their additional considerations which is the survey I'm good either way as long as this gets done I'm I'm thinking actually obos from you I think it might be more Expedition expeditiously done by us being the lead agency and then being reimbursed for this because I think the the the survey is an important part of where you establish your your anchoring points I think that's that's that's a I mean I think that's like the whole key because you may not want one here because it's it's not good and you want one here because you have good areas for for anchoring I I I think we'd be missing a a an option there even though there is an increased cost for this but I think it's something needs to be done but it apparently it's the preferred preference by our Municipal Partners so I I don't know I guess I'll ask you I mean I'm am I speaking Chinese here or something no we sent out the options to our Municipal partners and city of Vero Beach responded and they provided an alternative and then you know and I initially said yeah well I think we're fine with that and then it came to Del light the the issues of you know if the county becomes the permit for the individual anchoring limitation areas we would have to have these easements and then the other thing I'd go back to is each municipality would be able to do it at their own pace rather than if the County's trying to do and coordinate collaborate and if one holds up does that impact the others so that's why we're recommend I would recommend one that way that that an option one that's possibly happened that that one of the Cities could get busy and and kind of hold it up and our staff would be seeing this process through a little bit faster and it should go a little bit smoother in my opinion because they could keep asking them you know hey we need this information so we can move ahead again I I'm really I'm good as long as it gets done either way but I just think option two seems to I think it a little bit better with those elements that are included within it even though it is moreone really noted commissioner Moss yes um thank you it it's it's one Lagoon and we we need to protect it I know that on the maps and with regard to Legal boundaries it belongs if you will to different municipalities but it's our Lagoon it affects all of us I don't want to see this falter in any way I think this is really important to do this I think we'll go a long way protecting the Lagoon and also hopefully further the Partnerships with the municipalities to work together all of us on the Lagoon so I'm fine with number two um even though it is more expensive and I I thank the keny administrator uh for working on this and um um after we've heard public comment prepared to make a motion on number two all right at this point anybody from the public I know there's one one we def her to the commissioner Emeritus good morning Madam chair and Commissioners thank you for allowing me to speak this morning I'd like to first off strongly encourage you and I think I'm hearing very good encouraging words from you all to move forward with the U ala ordinance I don't know if you've been on the water lately but there has been a proliferation of boats anchoring everywhere and it's not just in our County I see it down there down there by the Fort Pierce Inlet up at the span Inlet it's just really getting totally out of hand um city of Sebastian I know when I first talked to them two years ago they did not want to be uh engaged at that time but now they are so I think they're seeing that problem going if you drive over the barber bridge going east and look to the South there's always a cluster of boats right there by the fire station and and four or five more in the little Bay there by the Riverside Memorial Island so they're just all over and one of those boats off Vero there is now a deric vessel it's half sunk um it uh one caveat I just say there's no County areas yet okay these things are going to be like roaches once you clean them out of one area they're going to find another area where they are now is the most convenient they're located where they can take their dinghy to Riverside Cafe or the marina um catch the go line to go to Walmart get their supplies things like that so the further away they are the less desirable but it doesn't mean they won't go there someday so I just say no County areas yet and I do want to make sure that we realize and the public understands this is not an anti- booting thing at all it really is helping to um improve the Lagoon and I'm sure you all know that if you have a coast guard type one or two sanitation device aboard Your Vessel you can discharge directly into the waters where you're anchored and that's the big problem because these devices treat for eoli but not for nitrogen and phosphorus which we all know now is the biggest problem in our Lagoon so this really it's not an anti- booting uh ordinance it's trying to keep the lagoon clean and prevent those discharges directly into our Lagoon Waters um I'm not going to speak on the locals I'll let you all decide that that's the that's the tough question but I would like to speak to some of the loopholes in the current statute and ask that you might consider um some amendments and add it to your legislative priorities to work on next coming year because as I mentioned boers will find a way to exploit any loophole if there's a way they can get around it they will and if you're going to spend $2 to $300,000 on the alas I would think you'd want to make sure all the loopholes are closed so the ordinance is effective and the first one is just like I think Melissa mentioned it earlier a boater could be anchored in an ala for 44 days and on day 45 they pull up anchor they motor a mile away drop anchor for the night and they come back in drop anchor and that resets the 45 day clock and they can do that indefinitely on and on and on so they would just keep coming back and back and back they would have to move one night every month and a half which is not a big deal they probably want to run their diesel engine anyway so I would recommend that we change consecutive 45 consecutive days in a six-month period to 45 cumulative days in a six-month period and this way once their 45 days is up they have to move on they can't come back a day later and and reset the clock so I would request that we we Lobby to change consecutive to cumulative secondly the the statute doesn't really specify when the sixth Monon window begins so a boat could be anchored up for 45 days and and we come and tell them hey you need to move on and it be well no my six-month window started four and a half months ago and now tomorrow starts my next six-month window so I can stay another 45 days so the proposed change there would be to say that the um the six-month window starts the first day the boat is identified within the Ala so that be that day their first day they're anchored that's when the six-month window starts not 4 and a half months earlier the 45-day limit should apply to all Anchorage limitation areas within the county you um I think you all have close to 12 different ones proposed was that it nine or 12 okay so with nine or 12 that boater doesn't have to go far to get into a new Ala and start again his 45 day clock he could just go from the from Vero one of veros to one of the shores back to one of veros back to the shores and just Leap Frog all over the place and never really leave the Lagoon and still be discharging daily so the 45-day limit should apply to all Anchorage limitation areas within the county and then I would like to um encourage you all to reach out to fac as Melissa reported there's other counties that are going through this now I think if we get fac to kind of help um that might get all the counties on board and and and make it better for everybody and make it easier for counties to follow in our footsteps um I believe one of the original sponsors of this bill several years ago was from Jacksonville and we might want to reach out as you all know former County attorney Dylan Ringold is now working for the city of Jacksonville again and Dylan might be a good connection to get with that legislator um to speak about amending his original bill for these issues and that's pretty much all I have I just want you all to think about those amendments to the statute and to to work on them and I did have a question if I may for Eric or Melissa a couple years ago D was looking at applying to the EPA for no discharge dones for the two aquatic reserves that make up most of the Lagoon is there is that moving forward are we getting that or do we have a status on it I asked that question and I don't have an update yet okay okay where it is something they were discussing okay great thank you um that's all Commissioners it's good to see you all again um thank you for allowing me to speak and if you have any questions I'll be here but uh thank you and I really urge you to move forward with this I think it's necessary and a very good thing to do thank you commissioner thank you all right anybody else from the public wonderful welcome Madam chair County Commissioners good morning Keith Druid clean water Coalition of in River County first of all a big shout out firstly to commissioner O'Brien for kicking this off I think now two to three years ago and again to Eric and Melissa who've done a terrific job in stewarding shepherding this process through um its various stages so big thanks to all of you and to your staff for moving this forward U Peter Brian said uh some very powerful words about the state of the Lagoon and the state of the da vessels I was on the water last week uh the situation from here to Fort p and Beyond is is severe we have three sunken vessels uh very close to the city marina you can see one from the bridge uh as you go over towards the island on the right hand side been there for many many years and commissioner Brian's comments about the regulation are on Target but I would just say one thing don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good this is a very good piece of legislation we should embrace it think about this as early intervention if a vessel sinks we've got diesel petrol oil hydraulic fluid Marine sanitation device whatever chemicals come out of the the upholstery the foam this gives us a tool if we are diligent with our enforcement to intervene before that happens and Melissa will tell you when she gets the the bids for removing the vessels if the vessel is sunk as opposed to floating floating is just a toe sunk is a barge and a crane and a diver so this is early intervention is good policy and is good economically so thank you again so much for moving forward with this we were and our um large supporters and uh let's get it done as commissioner Herman said Thank you thank you anybody else there we go awesome welcome Madam chair nobody says awesome when I approach a microphone so thank you uh commission mrage Mr braw uh to be brief again I'm glad you're all sitting down when I said I'll be brief um I appreciate Mr T kic's position if I were uh in that chair uh and thankfully I'm not but if I were in that chair I would articulate the same things uh from an administrative standpoint um that being said we do on behalf of the Town town does request uh option two uh and and and really I I would uh take up or amplify um commissioner man's point about uh the expeditious nature of uh of the county doing it I think a single uh Source single point of contact for all of this uh would be better and more expeditious certainly the town has a lot of challenges in that regard just relative to staff and uh potentially needing outside vendors to assist us with some of those some of those items um uh secondly I think from a uh administrative an operational standpoint economy of scale uh will certainly probably benefit us economically I know this isn't an enormous you know uh project but uh the size of the project I think uh I think scale would would would benefit the the bidding and the economic piece of it uh and then finally of course um uh the town uh you know can assure the the commission uh that reimbursement uh is not going to be an issue we don't want uh you know our our our residents our County taxpayers also but we don't want the county VC be the town to be out anything because it's a project that we definitely want to do and uh I do recall having very early meetings with uh uh commissioner O'Brien and and mayor Foley on this on this topic a number of years ago so um with that I will just finally note that the town is fully uh able to do uh enforcement on this uh you know based on uh our you know our vessel and uh you know and our Personnel so uh with that absent any questions uh I just appreciate the time consideration thank you thank you good to see you anybody else welcome good morning danessa Chambers assistant city engineer for the city of Viro Beach I'd first like to say thank you to all of you as well as the staff for this because it's a very important effort and regardless which option is selected today we are very grateful for everybody's effort on this the city would request uh our preference of option two being considered performing the permitting installation and maintenance of the signing and marking for the anchoring limitation areas and billing the municipalities for 100% of the cost it would be similar to how the traffic signals operate now now the county maintains them and any traffic signals that are the responsibility of the municipality they pay for those costs the county spearheading this would produce a more consistent signage project which would be more navigable and easier for boers to understand and use it would prevent all the municipalities from having to hire separate consultants and all have separate permits everything getting installed at different times so that would be our preference we also are able to enforce our area and we fully support paying 100% of our costs if and having the county if possible to kind of oversee for the entire community of Indian River County instead of olart so uh with that I will say thank you again and I really appreciate your consideration we're just grateful either way it goes that it's getting to move forward thank you thank you so I have a question if there's nobody else that wants to speak on this for I guess Eric or Melissa one of the issues that the cities are gravitating towards option two is because it there's staffing issues on on their side so honestly do we even have the staff to be able to pull this off and still focus on the rest of our Lagoon plan we are currently hiring an additional Lagoon uh Environmental Specialist but right now you're looking at the only Lagoon Environmental Specialist within the Lagoon Division and of course we have Eric so everybody else within the department is working on other things so even if but even if we hire somebody they would be new coming on board so they'd have to step in doing other other duties uh and learn the Lagoon plan to move forward and I guess that's my that's my concern I understand that I mean if the cities want to take on 100% of the of the reimbursement I mean that's fantastic but we still have we still have staffing issues as well and the this is one portion of the Lagoon plan the Lagoon plan is like 13 chapters long with multiple projects within each chapter yes I would just submit to you that we would work with Eric to probably hire a Consulting engineer and project manager because we don't have the bandwidth with just Melissa on board I mean I I I would assume that's what we would do too and that's what the cities would do but again a consultant has to be provided oversight and have some kind of direction and you don't just turn a consultant loose willy-nilly on the county without it impacting our staff time so I just really I have I don't know if there's a an option somewhere in the middle I get not wanting to do three different projects with three different Consultants from each of the Cities but I also have a lot of concerns about our staff's ability to be able to pull this off without it impacting the other things that we need to do I mean not to put you on the spot but what wouldn't we be able to do if we were how long what would be our time frame for this if we were to start and we have the new person on board just like as a County Administrator had mentioned though we would be seeking an outside consultant to assist us in the process even with or without a new person coming on board uh a new person coming on board would need to be brought up to speed um so initially the the monitoring and the oversight of the contractor um that would the consultant firm would be through Melissa and myself um you know it would take a while to get a new person up to speed um and again this is a large project you know Lagoon wide um so to have a new person assume that kind of responsibility would be ways down the road so the the initial effort would be uh through Melissa and myself uh I know a concern was raised with regards to uniformity of signs um that Melissa had addressed in the presentation that the signs would be something that the county um since we'd have the responsibility for the Zone um would be something that the county would have approved through FWC signage so it would be a uniform sign um but again what we're focused on right now is the way to implement this whether it be done through uh the county you know initiated an effort from the county or whether the individual entities um again um as Melissa had mentioned though there is a liability if the county does put the the markers and the buoys um in those areas with easements it it does become a county asset at that point or liability for the county so so Mr de can you speak to the liability issue is that different from the example that was used on traffic signals or something of that nature um no I don't think so I I think it would still be covered under our sovereign immunity as far as you know the the limits of liability that we would face for something happening and you know as long as the buoys are correctly installed and the signage is correctly installed I don't know what kind of negligence there would be if some other boater would hit one of them and cause it to be submerged or danger I don't know where our liability would come in we wouldn't know about it if somebody tell us about it and then we wouldn't do anything there is some liability aside from that I I don't think that we at Great RIS okay thank you last question so option one cities would do everything basically Under the Umbrella we would permit with FWC for the signage language so it would all be consistent they would do the work we would reimburse them 50% generally option two still we would coordinate on the signage we would do all the work we would require easements and all the other third party agreement agreements to get the permitting done and then the cities would reimburse us 100% yes so even though option two cost more it costs more for us but we will get all of that back from the cities when this is done for the cost of pilings when we would be uh responsible for for handling the installation so they would pay us back 100% yes for the installation the piling and the permitting yes for for all of it for all of it and with option that my understanding with option two we would be paying dollars in well we would pay for option two they would option one I'm sorry yes we would be paying 50% and you guys feel like a consultant would be brought in and that would still allow you to do all the other work that you need to do without great hardship that's a that's a difficult question to answer since on the spot I'm working four or five projects right now so it's very I know I'm putting you on the spot but at the same time if you want us to make a decision that's going to be good for the organization in the county I think we need to know what won't be able to happen or will be able to happen we need to have a realistic expectation sure because because we keep putting projects on and just hiring people and consultants and that's projects that can't be done too and there's a cost associated with that so it would tax the department fer to have me doing consultant oversight while not being able to work on other projects particularly during the construction an installation phase since I would also need to have oversight during that time so I just want everybody to understand the full parameters of the decision I just would like to remind the board right now you're providing the direction for the purposes of drafting the ordinance that would include the Ila Provisions so this would still come back uh we'll update the figures and I gu we could also you know get a at least kind of get a quote from one of our continuing Services providers you know to see what their cost would be you know to manage the project if they if you're going to go to option number uh two okay and I'm sorry last question and then I'll let you commissioner fler how long is the Ila drafting expected to take oh I we have an Ila drafted and and what I did is I just sent the the core Provisions to each of the managers with the respective municipalities so it won't take long to get that done and then they would approve it at they meetings and sign the option two was born out of their their response to my email to them okay thank you oh Mr Madam chair I could see uh us I want this to happen today so that we can get moving and it does have to come back there'll be a little bit of delay a little bit of discussion um and and I understand municipalities about having to hire a consultant as as well we have to hire the consultant will the consultant's uh cost the cost of the consultant be offset by the municipalities and then we have to take the lead and and oversee it all uh I I think in in the larger scope um us having to commit to 50% uh o of the cost will get it going quicker and also be also the opportunity for the municipalities not to have to bear so much of that expense so uh I I agree with um your original thought process um and respecting all of the the input uh where the there may be a preference for option to I can understand and it was said that uh well from your standpoint you know you you're looking at our organization and we have a lot of things to do a ahead of the road with the minimal staff so uh I I would like to uh make motion uh Madam chair for option one at this point okay is there a second Madam chair I I'll second it and the reason being and not only primarily the cost but I believe that having the county as the overseer as as well as uh correlating with our with our Lagoon plan and probably the most important is we have to trust our staff and Eric and Melissa have suggested option one they are the exports experts I certainly am not an expert in this but I do know that uh when you have loyal talent and agency you have to trust their decisions all right I think um come on up I'm sorry I missed you earlier no that's fine that's fine listen um Fred Jones city of Sebastian listen I understand the position that you all are in and for us it's the same thing but the city of sevastian like Vero and in River Shores we support option two and you all can understand our position on that is why we're doing it and we believe that this would provide the best overall project for the county countywide it would provide um uniformity and reduce repeated efforts by all of the municipalities so this is our reason for um supporting option two so again I know what you all are saying we're in that position as well so you got to look at your staff and look at everything and make that decision just telling you what our position is so thank you for listening no problem yes commissioner Moss um I understand what what staff is saying and uh that it will be um a large project that being said I my preference would be that it uh proceed more slowly if if necessary but um I'm still in favor um of of option two I just think um I think that the project as a whole is less likely to falter if we're doing it even if it is done more slowly thank you yes commissioner irman yeah I'm I'm I'm still going to stay with the supporting option two for the reasons that you've heard and also again I wanted tell you how important I feel that the survey is especially if you're going to establish an Ila you need to know where those ilas are going to be and it needs to be mapped out and I think it makes a benefit to the Lagoon where you can do it um I don't think this is going to move at a rapid Pace no matter what it is I think our staff can handle it we're probably you know we're we're getting an additional person I don't think we need to keep pushing with we talk about Lagoon projects all the time and we keep pushing them back a little bit keep we keep we didn't move as fast on the on the initial report as we wanted to if you remember that meeting and we we got it so we need to start moving on these things and I think a central Hub to where you have one agency coordinating with other agencies no matter how slow or fast or what your workload is is important in a project like this so I will say I will tell you I've been supporting I'm strongly supporting option to okay I have a qu I have a question is there um is there a way that we engage the consultant but direct the consultant to work with each City's staff person so it's a hybrid of option two and option one so it's not as taxing on us but there's more of a coordinated effort instead of each City engaging their own contract either way we all have to work together to regardless of the option there has some to be some cross the municipalities as well as the county to work on this together particularly since we have to get um we have to be able to get the proper permits in place FWC will determine signage as well as piling and buoy location so that information has the cross between regardless of whether we're putting installing it or whether the cities are installing it so there has to be uh a work together but what I'm hearing is there's some concern about the permitting process if we are the permitter it would be easier if the cities were the ones applying for the permits it would be easier for them to apply for the Army Corps the DP as well as the Coast Guard permits since the submerged land isin their jurisdiction so I guess my question is is there a happy medium where we engage a consultant the consultant works so it's a CO coordinated project countywide the consultant works with each City individually to apply for the permit so we don't have to worry about the easements and us being the permit bring those back and then the consultant coordinates the piling and in you see what I'm saying like is there a medium way to is there a happy medium to do that because it's either the cities or the county but we're trying to put together a coordinated collaborative project and that would take the onus off of Staff but it would be providing a a hub for that information to be coordinated but it would give the autonomy to the cities to do it but we would be providing we would be providing the direct the the driver for the project is that am I making any sense you're talking about hiring basically a firm that's going to handle all of it you know but the county would be the one to retain like the project that the the consultant engineer project manager and I mean it would probably provide economies of scales and there'd be familiarity with the you know the the whole process as Melissa indicated fdwc is going to start off with the you know evaluating the anchoring limitation areas um so I mean that is a possibility I would say that would is a possibility because whether I mean and we could be compensated accordingly obviously the cities have no problem paying for it it's more I just think that would take it would allow for a unified project it would take some of the onus and responsibility off of staff and put it back on the cities which is kind of the concern but it would stitch together the whole County as one project and allow it to move forward with some economies of scale so I know that's not not an option that's being presented it's just a thought trying to figure out how do we get the two I want to be collaborative with the cities the cities have said option two for us the best option is option one but it seems like what they're saying and what we're saying you could kind of do together in an option three throwing it out there absolutely it could it could be done uh they would still need to be the permite though and and they would still have to be because of that the installation would be on the cities themselves which we could help coordinate we would coordinate that with the consultant with the consultant so and potentially also the ultimate contractor that's selected to install the buoys the signs it could carry all the way through where the county serves at the prime and then coordinates with but at the end of the day they the specific jurisdictions would have to provide the requisite information and everything that's required for the permit I mean you could have I mean do a poll real quick if that option the hybrid option is a little bit better how would take us to work that option it's it would be part of the Ila it would be part of the Ila I mean the alternative if you look across the state is the counties just agreed to adopt establish an ala and none of the other counties are participating with their municipalities we're saying we we we think it's right to partner with them because it benefits the Lagoona as a whole this this option is is as appealing yeah and it does give a little bit of latitude U so I option 1.5 yeah it's kind of halfway between uh the thing the matter is that these options have been discussed with the municipalities obviously we have opinions and input um would not we be better served in having some conversation with the municipalities and then bring this back it's not kicking a can no just but it's far more appealing I'm still very strong on option one uh but if this is about cost averaging getting the job done and getting it uniform I think we should give it the opportunity can so since you're the maker of the motion let me make a suggestion how about that we Chang the verbiage now POS I'm just thinking outside the box here um what if we were to approve moving forward with the Ala program and concept and ask staff to go back to the cities with the op with the idea of option 1.5 or whatever you want to call it and um see what their input is and then bring that back to us in the next meeting or two so we're not holding it up but we're giving them the opportunity for input Council legally sufficient there's a motion on the floor are are you open to amending I I think at at this juncture uh um it that is far more appealing than standing standing fast with option one so I would like to make that motion Incorporated so far as I hope the second feels the same way um that we incorporate Madame chair's input to approve the Ila and allow staff the opportunity to work the new suggested hybrid into it and we then we will have an Ila that's fine the second you're amending your second very good yes sir um so we're not voting on an option per se we're voting on the concept is that what you said that's that would yes that um we're voting on the concept I think we all want that yeah the concept of the Ala would move forward we're all on board with that how we figure out to get there um we'll float a a new kind of hybrid option and and see if the cities would be okay with that and then bring it back so it'll come back to us after that okay I would hope that would come back in the next couple meetings just because I don't think it would take that long in fact they're all kind of here so and I I don't think thank you sufficient uh delay in the proc process I don't think it's slow it down we've heard from the cities they all want to do option two I think by doing all this we're making it more bureaucratic and then slowing the process down if we just go ahead and go with option two we get reimbursed for everything the only difference is is that there that really that that we have to pay for a survey which I'm telling you is needed when you survey the bottom so you know where your where your proper uh anchoring limitations can be and and I I think we're again we've heard from the city they want they think option two is the best option I by doing this we're going to do what I said because it does this is not a fast moving process that we're going to slow it down even more let's just go with option two and I I'm sure it'll work out just fine I understand your concerns I just have bigger concerns about staff time and if there's a way we can kind of split that um it it might work out faster in the long run run I would just again remind the board this is just the direction so we could come back after meeting and talking with our Municipal partners with the actual ordinance with the preferred option in terms of the hybrid or you know kind of talk with them further about this concept so I mean we would have an opportunity to have that discussion okay fantastic um anything else any other input thank you all right seeing none we have a motion what's the motion again the motion is to approve the anchoring limitation area program and come back with some amended proposed language for the interlocal agreement so we're moving forward with an anchor limitation area but we are proposing um a coordinated effort that would more evenly share the staff load of establishing it is that that's correct okay motion by commissioner flesher seconded by commissioner lore all in favor opposed motion carries four to one with commissioner Erman dissenting thank you and thank you to the cities for being here and your input we really appreciate the collaboration and commissioner O'Brien thank you for always being a champion for this issue all right with that is everybody okay we only have a few more things you guys want to break real quick or you want to keep going good all right we'll move on to 121 renewal of the effective date for the onetime free property split Andy welcome good morning Commissioners thank you I do have a PowerPoint here for you we have a PowerPoint yes break it's a quick okay then we're going to need a break it's short is it a quick it's quick okay it's three slides yeah it's a quick one all right so this is the renewal of the one-time free property split so on July 23rd of 1983 the county subdivision ordinance took effect uh after that date you could not subdivide land without first filing a plat and also following the provisions of that uh ordinance since that time we've allowed a one-time free split of properties um Residential Properties in the county and to be eligible for this uh you have to meet all of the requirements of the zoning District so minimum size Frontage um and and um widths and such point so I've got a couple examples here of properties that have actually used our one-time free split uh on the left hand side these are Agri urally zon properties um we call that a flag lot and then on the right hand side these are uh this is a residentially zon property um that again was a larger property used the onetime free split in order to create two Parcels so the reason we are looking to revise this date is that since we go back to 1983 almost all of the eligible properties that could use it have already used it uh this is also one of the most common questions we get in the planner of the day office is do I have the onetime free split do and it does add value to the property we hear from a lot of real estate agents as well on this uh so what we're proposing to do is update that date to today so basically even if you've already used your onetime free split you'd get another chance at it uh and we would also provide a 90-day grace period so that let's say you've got one due and you haven't used it we'll give you 90 days to use that initial one and you won't lose your second one as well um following that grace period we would update the Land Development regulations just to codify the this new date and say look May 7th 2024 is the date going forward for the renewed onetime free split uh we're also going to create a GIS layer for these properties because how we do it now and how we've always done it is we've got these old archaic 1970s and 80s paper maps we pull those out we look through them we say all right is this parcel today in the same configuration it was back here if it is you've got the onetime free split if it's differ you don't uh so what we're going to do is with this date renewal uh we will have a GIS layer that actually shows you whether you used it or not uh and ultimately we want to make that a publicly accessible thing so that anybody can go online and just look hey do I have it or do I not have it uh and then we'll also be posting these uh dates on the website so staff's recommendation is that the board of County Commissioners approve the renewal of the onetime free split date uh by updating that date from July 23rd 1983 to May 7th 2024 and also by providing a 90 tog grace period so that folks out there that haven't used have an opportunity to come in and use it before the renewal takes effect fantastic any questions of Staff no I'm very excited that we will be utilizing technology on a mapping level that would probably make everything so much more efficient yes and easy if there are no questions Commissioners Madam chair yes move staff recommendation giving the citizens the opportunity for a second bite at app all right all right we have a motion by commissioner flesher with a second by commissioner irman any further discussion anybody from the public seeing none all in favor opposed motion carries thank you Comm thank you for the Speedy PowerPoint all right moving on to Solid Waste Disposal District we have the minutes of February 20th March 5th and March 19th for approval move approval Madam chair all right I'll second that any discussion all in favor oppose motion carries next item is final pay to Ryan Southern Inc for Phase One Construction of segment 3 cell 3 project I have a motion by commissioner Ean I'll be happy to second that any discussion seeing none all in favor opposed motion carries next is final pay to geocent for work order number one phase 2 segment 3 cell three Construction contract procurement I have a motion by commissioner irman and I will be happy to second that any discussion seeing none all in favor opposed motion carries and then finally we have a final pay to Geo syntech for work order number 18 site preparation segment three cell I'm going to assume three thank you commissioner flesher we have a motion I'll be happy to second that any discussion seeing none all in favor opposed motion carries all right if there's nothing else for the good of the order we stand adjourned